#i'm a little sissy
tulipic · 1 year
tarot for my distant love (teruhashi kokomi x fem. reader)
(unrequited angst for the sad sapphic nation )
"Um, excuse me, but does this say maiming?"
Teruhashi squints. "And miscellaneous torture acts? And seafood allergies?" The fortuneteller grins in delight and gestures to the rest of the contract Teruhashi's holding.
"It sure does, young lady, though I've had to cut back a little due to... legal technicalities because of," the fortuneteller pauses and shakes her head. "But, I believe you're seeking a love-related prediction." Teruhashi blushes a little at the emphasis of "love".
"Yes, ma'am," Teruhashi says, brushing her sweaty palms off on her skirt. When she saw the mysterious, deep blue tent from the road, the heart-shaped sign caught her attention. It gave her margin of hope that her angelic-like luck was telling her something. But now...
She's considering asking for a refund. "Place your palm on the card that appeal to you the most." Teruhashi looks down at the two cards placed in front of her.
Each embellished with shiny foil and translucent paper, one card is purple and the other is pink. She hovers an uneasy hand between both. The fortuneteller taps her nails against the wooden surface of her desk. Tap! Teruhashi shuts her eyes tight. Tap! She lands her palm firmly down a card. Tap!
She chooses the purple one.
Somewhere, far away, a girl heavily sighs and lays her tired head to rest on a pillow.
You rummage through your cluttered wardrobe. The one event you managed to care about and you're going to be late. But, if you've successfully spent enough time in the closet, you should be well-dressed. That counts for something, right?
A light pink cardigan catches your eye. You feel the thick, cotton fabric between your fingers. Memories of carnival music and the sweet smell of funnel cakes pass through your head. She got this for you. When you ate too much cotton candy and sat in the corner of the mirror house crying, she draped it over your shoulders and said:
"I know it's the color of what got you sick, but it's a pretty color," She showed off that angelic smile. "Kinda like you!" Woah.
What really got you? What pulled you in and killed your pathetic crying ass? When her angelic, little smile melted into a humorous, big grin; you couldn't help but stop crying. She was trying way too hard to be the nice girl. It was all saccharine and overplayed.
Then, why did you look up at her face and let your heart grow a little fonder?
You grumble and pull the cardigan off the hanger. You button it up while gathering your things. A small giftbox, wrapped in ribbon stares at you from the kitchen island. "It's just a thank-you gift," you rationalize, picking it up.
"That's all." You feel yourself become less affirmed, but you walk out the door anyway.
Aiura meets you by the ice cream cart. She holding wrapped popsicles and tosses one at you. "How's the love business treating you?"
You unwrap your ice cream. "Read my mind." You're about to walk off, but she holds your arm.
She grins at you, unfazed. "Come on, let me show you something." You're dragged across the pavement against your will. Eh, you've been in worse.
Loud brass instruments from the marching band drown out any thoughts you could manage. Like: where is she taking me? Will I get to finish my ice cream? How- Wait is that her?
You pull away from Aiura and stand in place, feeling a sudden chill. Suddenly, the sleeves of your jacket feel uncomfortable; the coziness of the soft threads withers away. You cast your eyes to the ground, feeling small.
Teruhashi softly laughs while squeezing Saiki's arm. Her eyes reflect... pure infatuation, wonder, and even desperation. Because while she's so enamoured with him: he's looking the opposite way. She's relentless, though, asking him questions and looking up at him with those shining eyes. It's easy to tell she got all dressed up for him, careful attention put towards her hair and makeup.
You turn around, take a deep breath, and go off to find Aiura.
"I didn't encounter anything like you said, no 'charm of purple', no 'great sadness', just nothing..."
"Perhaps you should be more patient. Especially since I don't do reimbursement." Teruhashi held her head in her hands, elbows propped up on the desk. She'd spent all of this week's allowance on this place. Were she and Saiki really so Yin and Yang?
So different that their opposites couldn't attract?
"What if I bought the boy I like a purple shirt? Could that work?" Teruhashi mused, smiling sadly at the table. The fortune teller clicked her tongue. She reshuffled her cards and laid them out again.
She lightly touched Teruhashi's hand. "That's not how divination comes about, you know. It's all about fate and auras," the fortuneteller says, trying to be comforting.
Teruhashi sinks further into her chair. Maybe tonight she'd be able to dream her troubles away, get lost in a world of whimsical romantic fantasy. One where she'd never get it wrong. She'd have someone realer than fanboys and more tangible than Saiki to hold.
The only question was: Who?
Somewhere, far away, a girl wipes her eyes and slowly unwraps a giftbox. Inside, there's a little flower keychain. A cute, albeit plain, purple flower. She opens her desk drawer and lays the item there, spending a moment to stare at it. She heavily sighs and lays her tired head to rest on a pillow.
It seems it's for the best.
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iamfitzwilliamdarcy · 1 month
people are really annoying about "siblings don't call each other bro/sis" dialogue stuff like it can work when done well but also just the simple fact that "bro" is the number one thing any boy calls literally anyone else in the world
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starpros-sunshine · 2 years
All of fine meets up in the yuzutori dorm room on christmas to watch sappy christmas movies btw.
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transsexualutopia · 6 months
Like when I say I am ~any pronouns~ that immediately gets revoked when I can tell someone is trying to be purposely malicious, don't refer to me
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nibimatatabi · 2 years
My Spotify kicked up a Sleeping With Sirens song and I was jumped to being 16 on IMVU in a heartbeat
I sure hope the boys have survived and done okay in life
Sissy and I are killing it
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vicsnook · 2 months
Out of Oklahoma | Tyler Owens x Reader
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word count: 3326
warnings: Tornadoes, Loss, Implied smut
notes: Hey y’all 🤠 I am back with some more content! When I tell y’all I was sat at that theater. Even my boyfriend was thirsting over Glen (specifically in the rain scene, iykyk). Anyways, hope y’all enjoy this one and please don’t forget to like and reblog 🫶🏼.
I crawl out of the hotel bed at 5, hitting the snooze button on the way to the bathroom. My reflection looks back at me less than thrilled for what’s to come today.
Apparently the world hates me because there is no coffee to brew when I check the kitchenette, so now my day’s gone from bad to worse. I check my phone and sure enough I have a million messages from my dumba-sweet brother Boone about how he can’t wait for me to meet his friends.
I'm not ready for that. But nevertheless I carry on and make my way to the airport to board a flight to take me home, to Oklahoma. It’s fine, I think to myself. It’s all going to be okay. But I know it’s a lie. Still I get on the plane and pretend I’m going somewhere tropical instead of the one place I swore I wouldn’t return to.
The wheels touch down roughly on the strip, startling me awake. Here goes nothing. The airport is packed but thankfully all I have is my carry on which holds what little I left to California with six months ago. So much for making a life for myself.
The old Ram is parked just outside the doors and I know I can’t put this off any longer. After what happened last year, I want to turn around and get the hell out of dodge but I can’t avoid him forever. Not when my family needs me, well what’s left of it. “Well, well, well, look at what the cat drug in.”
I sigh and look up, locking eyes with the one person I didn’t want to see ever again. Tyler Owens. My ex-fiancée.
“Tyler. Nice to see you didn’t get blown away by a Tornado,” I force out with the fakest smile I can muster. God knows I’d love to wipe that stupid smirk off his face, amongst other things, I shake my head dismissing the stupid thought.
“Y/N, good to see you haven’t lost your sense of humor. That all your luggage?” he asks, grabbing my carry on from me and placing it in the bed of the truck before I can even answer. “Yep,” I mumble, getting into the truck.
“So, where’s Boone?” I ask, trying to ease the tension.
Tyler glances over at me and I feel my stomach do a stupid flip. Stop it!
“He’s at your Nana’s house dealing with some of the insurance people. I’m really sorry about what happened, Y/N.” he says. “We tried to warn them.”
“I know,” I say. “It’s not your fault, Tyler. You didn’t know it would turn and hit them directly.” I start to reach for his arm to comfort him but pull it back, the gesture feeling inappropriate after all that happened between us.
He nods and continues to drive on. Him and Boone blame themselves but I know there’s nothing they could’ve done. I just wish they’d see it that way.
The ruins of the home we grew up in come into view and my heart shatters all over again. The anger bubbling in my stomach as I see all the tornado took from us. Why!? Why us!? I want to scream at the sky as I walk up to my brother who I can tell is barely holding it together.
“Hey Boonie,” I whisper, hugging his back. His breathing shakes as he turns and pulls me into a hug, nearly suffocating me. “I tried sissy, I really did but they’re gone.” he says, “I was too late.”
I hold him as he finally breaks down and I try whispering reassurances in his ear but I know he’s not listening. My eyes make contact with Tyler’s as he heads towards the rubble and begins to sort things out.
“It’s not your fault, Boonie.” I say, holding his face so he looks at me. “There’s nothing you could’ve done.”
He nods quietly, pulling me in for another hug as the guilt consumes me for having left him behind. I should’ve never gone to California.
I follow Tyler to the entrance of the dingy motel on the edge of town, still holding on to Boone’s hand. “Thank you for coming, Y/N.” Boone says, handing me the key to my room. “Always,” I respond. Squeezing his hand one last time as he turns to go to his room.
“Where’s the rest of your crew? I haven’t seen them.” I ask Tyler as we head up the stairs since our rooms are on the second floor. “They’re helping some people downtown that got hit too. They asked me to give you their condolences.” He answers, stopping in front of my door.
“Um, thanks and thank you for all you’ve been doing for Boone. I hate that I couldn’t get here sooner.” I say. “California wasn’t all I thought it’d be.”
“Tried to tell ya.”
“I know. I'm sorry, Tyler.”
He moves a step forward and drops his mouth beside my ear, the distance between us almost non-existent. “Nothing to be sorry about, darling.” He drawls, pulling back, then turning around and walking into his room, leaving me in the hallway.
This man will be the death of me.
The weeks go by slowly as we deal with the insurance but somewhere along the way we finally get Nana’s ashes back. Boone and I take them out to the river, spreading them at the one place she loved most.
“So how are things between Kate and Tyler?” I ask Boone as we head back to the motel from the pizza parlor.
My stomach clenches, waiting for his answer.
He looks at me and grins. “Why you want to know Sissy? Any interest in getting back in that saddle?”
“Ew! No! I was just curious, Boone.” I say, glaring at him while he laughs.
“They never really were anything serious. She ran off to New York City the second she got her research. Oklahoma held too many painful memories for her or something.”
I nod. Pulling into the motel parking lot that we now call home. That is until the money from the insurance comes through and we can get to rebuilding Nana’s place.
“There’s the man of the hour.” Says Boone pointing at Tyler who’s getting out of his truck. The white shirt clinging to his chiseled chest because of the rain.
He really does look good in a cowboy hat. I think, quickly shaking my head trying to erase the thought. “Close your mouth Sissy, you’re gonna get drool all over yourself.” Boone teases and I playfully smack him, tearing my eyes off Tyler.
“You know Sissy, I don’t get it.”
“Get what?” I ask, turning off the ignition.
“How y’all girls run away from that man. I mean I ain’t blind and I may be biased because he’s my best friend but his personality doesn’t suck either.” I sigh, knowing he’s not wrong.
“It’s complicated.” I finally say, and get out of the car. Heading for my room before Boone can add anything else.
“Where are we going?” I ask again for the millionth time. Letting Tyler and Boone blindfold me was starting to seem like a mistake the longer we were in the truck.
It also didn’t help that Tyler was playing the cd I burned for him back in high school.
“Almost there, Sissy.” Boone assures me, as the truck left the paved road and headed down a dirt road. Please Lord don’t let this be another one of Boone’s pranks.
Tyler helps me out the truck and leads me down a rocky path. My nerves increasing by the second and wondering where my brother had ran off to.
“Tada!” yells Boone, the bandana falling off my eyes as Tyler pulls off the knot.
“I know it ain't much Sissy but I couldn’t let you keep living in that Motel much longer.” Boone says, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the tiny home that now sits behind where Nana’s new house will be. “So, you hate it?”
“No! Thank you so much!” I yell, pulling him into a hug. “You really didn’t have to do this Boonie.” Tears stream down my face as my brother squeezes me. Thank you God for such a good brother.
“I can’t take all the credit, it was Tyler’s idea after all.” Boone whispers to me. I nod, pulling away and wiping the tears off my cheeks.
Lord knows if things were different I’d be running to Tyler and giving him a big ol’ kiss right now. But they aren’t. I remind myself so I settled for just saying “Thank you, Ty.”
“Not a problem.” He says, turning to follow my brother to my now little home.
“Please work, come on!” I yell at the shower. My little home was nothing but perfect, well except for the water which always seemed to go out at the most inconvenient times.
I try calling Boone but I’m greeted by his voicemail which only leaves one other person to call. Sighing I pull up his contact and dial. Ignoring the contact picture that I never bothered to change.
“Hey, um sorry to bother but I can’t reach Boone and my water went out again while I was washing my hair,” I say, already regretting calling him.
“I’ll be there in a minute.” He replies, hanging up before I can say anything else. I pull on a bathrobe and tidy up before he gets here. I wince when I see my hair in the mirror, suds still in it but oh well. Tyler’s seen me how the lord made me so I doubt a little bit of suds will make me ugly.
I’m pulled out of my thoughts by his knocking and I think as I open the door that maybe I should’ve thrown some clothes on. “Hey,” I say, stepping aside as he makes his way to the water heater closet to check there first.
The minutes pass and the silence is eating me alive. The temptation to say that I was wrong for ending things the way I did consumes me. So much so that I don’t realize he’s talking to me until he comes to stand in front of me.
“Earth to Y/N? It’s fixed. You shouldn’t have any more issues.”
“Thanks Ty. I don’t know what I’d have done without you.” I reply, his eyes meeting mine.
“Live your life without fear of me dying everyday because of what I do,” he says, it's clear to me then that the wound is still very much open.
He starts to head for the door but I’m quick to get up and grab his arm, stopping him dead in his tracks. “Ty, I’m sorry. I was wrong, okay? All I did was trade tornadoes for earthquakes. Happiness for misery. I was wrong and I shouldn’t have left the way I did.” I say, my eyes searching for his.
“You left me, Y/N. You packed your bags and left without saying a word, leaving all of us behind. So, no, sorry doesn’t cut it here. I’m sorry about your Nana but you made your mistakes. Live with them.” He replies, the anger in his eyes sending chills down my spine. I swallow the lump in my throat long enough for him to walk out and slam the door on his way out. What the fuck did I do and how can I even fix it?
** 6 months later **
Nana’s house is finished. It looks similar to the one the tornado tore from the ground but me and Boone know it couldn’t be more different.
We bring in what we could salvage slowly and try to make it look as closely as possible to the original one. Lastly, placing a picture of Nana, Boone, and I, that Lily recovered from the wreckage on the mantel.
“Close enough,” Boone whispers, sitting on the couches that Dani and Dexter got us.
“Yeah, I just wish she was still here.” I reply, sitting across from him. “You going chasing again today?”
“Yeah, but I promise we’re being safe sissy. We don’t do that driving into tornadoes and shooting off fireworks anymore after Nana,” He answers, sadness filling his features.
“Just be safe,” I mutter, taking a seat next to him and letting him pull me into a hug. “Always.”
“For what it’s worth, he’s not really mad at you. He’s mad at himself for not realizing sooner how far gone you were until it was too late.”
A sigh escapes me as he gets up, giving me a faint smile before walking out the door. Off to chase the very thing that took the last bit of family we had.
The rain came in buckets. All day it’d been so pretty but as soon as I stepped outside the grocery store, I saw how much the sky had changed. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as lightning struck.
Rushing to my car, I threw the groceries in the back seat but before I could throw the car in reverse I heard it.
The tornado sirens.
I threw open the car door and started sprinting back into the grocery store but a cry for help stopped me before I could make it in. Lord please protect them. I prayed quickly.
Debris was already flying all around me when I turned to look for the source of the pleas and then I spotted her. A girl who looked no more than 15 was on the ground in the parking lot, her leg in a cast and her crutches nowhere to be seen. “Please help me!”
I ran towards her. My body going into overdrive as the wind threatened to push me over too. “Please don’t let me die,” she begged as I threw her arm around me and hurried back for the door.
The wind picked up even more and the rain turned into hail as I trekked through the lot trying to make it back inside. The short distance seemed infinite.
I felt it before I could even turn. It was there. The loud roar filled my ears as I pulled the girl in front of me and with the last of my strength I had, I pushed her to where the door was.
Then my feet left the ground as the tornado sucked me in and I felt the world go black.
“Bo-one?” I rasp, my throat on fire and my entire body feeling like it’d been run over. The events leading up to this moment slowly coming back to me as I struggle to open my eyes.
“Hey, he’s just outside talking to the doctor, let me get him,” replies Tyler softly. My eyes adjust to the harsh hospital lights as he steps out the door and taps Boone on the shoulder.
My head pounds as I take in my surroundings. Scratches cover up both my arms. If I looked into a mirror right now I’d probably collapse.
“Sissy! Thank God you’re okay!” Hollers Boone as he comes to my bedside, careful not to hurt me when pulling me to him. “I thought I lost you.”
His tears wetting my hospital gown as I hug him back as best I could. “I’m okay, Boonie.” I whisper in his ear as he sobs.
“Is the girl okay?” I ask, worry filling me up at the thought that she didn’t make it.
“Yes, she made it inside just in time, Sissy. You saved her life.” Boone says, taking my head in his hands and pressing our foreheads together like we did when we were kids.
I close my eyes, nodding and thanking God that we were all okay.
“I need to go sign some paperwork but if you’re feeling up to it, we can take you home today. You got lucky,” Boone tells me while getting up from my hospital bed.
“I’d love nothing more than my bed.” I reply, shooting him a smile as he steps out.
I turn to Tyler who’s been quietly standing in the corner this whole time and I notice his swollen eyes. My heart squeezing at the thought of having worried him and Boone.
“Hey,” I mutter, and his eyes finally meet mine.
“Guess Boone isn’t the only tornado chaser in the family huh,” he jokes, still standing in the corner.
“Guess not,” I reply, chuckling but my throat is so dry that it turns into a cough and he’s rushing to my bedside with a glass of water in hand.
“Thank you,” I manage to say as I chug the water. Instant relief filling my throat. “So, can you fill me in on what happened after I got sucked into the tornado?”
“Uh, well witness accounts are that you pushed the girl inside and then got sucked in. Me and Boone had been chasing the tornado and pulled into the lot as it dissipated.” He stops, taking a seat on the bed and grabbing my hand. “The people in the supermarket started pouring out and screaming that you got sucked in, of course at the time we didn’t know it’d been you. Nevertheless we all started searching and found you passed out on top of a tarp in the baseball field.”
“Oh wow, that’s quite the distance. Saved myself some gas for sure,” I joke, but he doesn’t laugh. “Y/N, you could’ve died. You got out with scratches and a story but you could’ve died,” he says, a somber look on his face.
“Hey, I’m okay. I didn’t die. Nana protected me,” I tell him, tipping his face so his eyes meet mine. “I got a second chance to start over and,” but he cuts me off.
“I love you,” he says, then his lips crash into mine. The kiss knocks the air out of my lungs but as he pulls away, I recover and pull him back to my lips.
When he finally draws back, his eyes are teary but there is no sadness in them anymore. “I’m sorry for walking out on you, if you had died, I don’t know how I could live with myself, knowing how I left things,” he says, his words piercing my heart.
“Hey,” I say softly, “I’m here and I’m okay. I know there’s a lot we need to talk about but I can promise you this, I’m not leaving Oklahoma. Ever.”
“Promise,” I whisper, leaning in to meet his lips.
But before we can finish our moment with a kiss Boone is bursting through the door.
** One month later **
“Ty! Dinner’s ready!” I holler, and I hear the sound of the shower turning off. Making my way to the living room I stop and pick up my Nana’s picture, thank you for saving me. I think to myself and put it back down.
“Ty! Come on!” I yell, quietly sneaking up the stairs to our room. Glad that Boone’s off with Lily at the fair.
“Coming!” I hear him yell from the bathroom. The towel is wrapped around his waist and drops of water make their way down his abs. Man, I’d sure love to be that towel. I think to myself as I watch from the door crack but am greeted with a smirk when I make my way up to his face.
“Hey darlin’, coming to see the view?” he asks cheekily, turning to me. Busted.
“Well you’re the one who says “if you feel it, chase it,” and I sure am feeling a lot of things right now,” I reply, letting my eyes trail down his chest.
“Oh, yeah?” he replies, coming closer. “Well you better start running.”
I giggle and turn to run but don’t even make it out the room before he’s tackling me to the bed. Dinner is gonna be real cold when we’re done here.
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vidavalor · 1 year
When the Zombie Nazis are explaining how they got to Hell to Furfur, Glozier describes Aziraphale as "a sissy type, a real fagelah", which is a slur calling Aziraphale a homosexual and meaning that in a derogatory way as, you know, Glozier is a Nazi... What is funny about it in the context of the scene is that the word is Yiddish, so the scene amounts to a British Nazi using Jewish words to slur homosexuals, in truly stupid fascist form lol. But that's not why I'm mentioning it. There's a Crowley & Aziraphale reason, as you'll see below.
Furfur's dialogue in the scene then also adds more humor when he tells them to be quiet for a second by telling them to "schtum"-- a British English slang word for "being quiet/keeping quiet" that is Yiddish and comes from the German word "stumm" aka "silence". It's telling Nazis to shut up using a word that has been taken into its own meaning by groups the Nazis have been attacking.
But the reason why I bring it up to you all is because the word "fagelah" means "little bird" and "schtum" means "silence" so the Yiddish in the 'Furfur meets the Zombie Nazis' scene translates to...
Silent little birds. Or, as we know it in Good Omens...
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be4chywritez · 3 months
uh oh | luke hughes
luke hughes x lazar!reader
you're trying to sneak out your boyfriend but their is one thing standing in your way, Curtis.
beachy’s notes: reader is adopted🫡
my masterlist!
my wattpad!
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You're not sure how all of this happened, but all you know is that you were trying to get your boyfriend out of your brother's house before morning skate.
You tiptoe through the dimly lit hallway, every creak in the floorboard causing your heart to race. The morning sun filters through the curtains, you glance back at Luke who’s following your lead, trying to make as little noise as possible.
You grab Luke's hand, tugging him down the stairs, his hair messy and wearing last night's clothing that was scattered around your bedroom floor. You hear Curtis's bedroom door shutting. You turn to Luke, whose eyes are wide. He motions for you to go upstairs. You and he quickly and quietly make your way back upstairs.
You shut your bedroom door behind you, closing your eyes in relief. When you open them, you find Luke staring at you, a sly boyish grin on his face. "I feel like I'm 16 again," he jokes, pressing himself against you and placing soft kisses all over your face and neck.
You push him away playfully. "You didn't get any play when you were 16," you tease.
He lets out a huff, pulling you in for a kiss. It's sweet, his hands dancing around your back, but it becomes more needy. Then you hear a knock. "Hey, sissy, I'm gonna get going," Curtis calls out.
Your voice is hoarse as you reply, "Okay, Curt, see you later." You feel Luke's breath fanning against your cheek as he presses harder into you, trying to stay hidden.
"Hey, are you okay?" Curtis asks, and you see the door handle beginning to twist.
Luke slams you against the door, pressing harder into you if possible. "Curt, I'm changing, give me a second," you call out, and the door handle stops twisting.
Luke stands in the middle of your room awkwardly. You push him into your closet, giving him one last peck on the lips before closing the door.
You grab your robe, wrapping it around your body, and open the door. Curtis steps in, his expression concerned. "You feeling alright? You sounded a little nasally," he says, placing a hand on your forehead to check your temperature.
"And your lips are looking pinker than usual," he presses on, his eyes narrowing slightly. Your cheeks flush, flashes of the night before still in your memory.
You can almost see the face Luke is making inside the closet, trying to stay quiet and unseen.
"I'm fine, Curtis," you say, trying to sound nonchalant. "Just a bit tired."
Curtis frowns, still not entirely convinced. "Alright, if you say so. Just make sure you get some rest. And drink plenty of water."
"I will, thanks," you reply, ushering him out of the room as quickly as you can without seeming too eager.
Once Curtis is finally gone, you open the closet door. Luke stumbles out, looking both amused and relieved. "That was close," he whispers.
"Too close," you agree, shaking your head. "We need to be more careful."
Luke nods, pulling you into a hug. "Definitely. But it was kind of fun, sneaking around like that."
You laugh softly, leaning into his embrace. "Yeah, it was. But next time, let's avoid getting rocked by my brother."
"Deal," Luke says with a grin, kissing the top of your head.
The two of you quickly get dressed, fixing his wrinkled shirt you say, "Alright, you should get going before Curtis gets suspicious. Where did you park?" you ask, giving Luke a quick peck on the lips.
Luke pulls his keys out of his pocket. "Around back. Why?"
Your eyes widen. "Curtis takes the trash out today," you remind him. Luke's jaw drops slightly, and his gaze shifts to your window. Without hesitation, he opens it. "It's not that far down," he reassures you.
You stare at him bewildered. "So, are you just gonna stand there and not kiss me goodbye if I die?" he asks with a smirk.
You roll your eyes playfully and give him a chaste kiss. Closing the window behind him, Luke gives you a wink before climbing out and jumping down. You watch as he tumbles through the grass but quickly gets up, giving you a thumbs up.
"Dork," you giggle, shaking your head fondly.
Luke dusts himself off and heads around the house to where he parked. You stay by the window for a moment, watching him disappear from view before letting out a sigh of relief.
At morning skate, Luke is in the locker room changing into his gear. The room is filled with the usual chatter and chirps, but it doesn't take long for his sharp-eyed teammates to notice a few things.
"Hey, Lukey," Jack calls out, smirking. "What happened to your neck? Looks like you've been attacked by a vampire."
He knew Luke was sneaking out to meet someone, he just didn't know it was you, yet.
Luke tries to play it cool, tugging at his collar to hide the faint love bites scattered around his neck and chest. "Oh, you know, just an overly enthusiastic mosquito," he jokes, but his attempt at nonchalance only draws more attention.
"Yeah, right," Timo chirps. "Must be some mosquito."
As Luke continues to change, pulling on his practice jersey, Dawson, points out something else. "Hey, man, nice socks. Didn't know you were into... strawberries?"
Luke looks down, realizing too late that he's wearing your themed strawberry socks. He quickly tugs his hockey socks over them, but the damage is done. The locker room erupts in laughter and playful teasing.
"Nice touch, Luke," Jack adds, nudging Curtis. "You see those socks? They look like something your sister would wear."
Curtis, who had been lacing up his skates, glances over at Luke's feet. His eyes narrow slightly as he takes in the strawberry socks peeking out from under Luke's gear. A moment of realization crosses his face.
"Wait a minute," Curtis says slowly, his gaze shifting from the socks to Luke's face. "Are those... my sister's socks?"
The locker room falls silent, all eyes on Luke. He freezes, unsure of how to respond. His mind races for an excuse, but nothing comes to mind.
Curtis stands up, his expression a mix of confusion and dawning comprehension. "Luke," he says, his voice low and dangerous. "Why are you wearing my sister's socks? And why do you have those marks on your neck?"
Luke swallows hard, realizing there's no easy way out of this. "Curtis, I can explain," he starts, but Curtis holds up a hand to stop him.
"Save it," Curtis snaps. "I think I just figured it out."
The room is tense, everyone waiting to see what Curtis will do next. He takes a step closer to Luke, his eyes hard. "You and my sister? Really?"
Luke nods, his voice barely above a whisper. "Yeah, we've been seeing each other."
Curtis's jaw clenches, but then he surprises everyone by letting out a long sigh. "Out of everyone on this team, she chose you," Curtis says, unable to resist a teasing jab at his teammate. "You gotta be kidding me. I gotta deal with you at home now too. You better take care of her, man, or else you're gonna go flying into a wall."
Luke nods earnestly. "I promise, Curtis. I care about her a lot."
Curtis studies him for a moment longer before finally stepping back. "Alright. But I'm watching you."
The tension in the room eases, other teammates exchanging relieved glances. Practice goes on, but the dynamics have shifted. Luke feels the weight of Curtis's gaze on him, but he also feels a sense of relief. The secret is out, and now, you guys can move on without sneaking around.
As they pile into the locker room, Luke walks over to Curtis. "Thanks for understanding," he says sincerely.
Curtis nods, his expression softening slightly. "Just remember what I said. And maybe next time, don't wear her socks."
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russo-woso · 2 months
Like mother, like daughter || Leah Williamson
Request | Masterlist | Prompt List
Part of the Mini Williamson universe
Summary Leah takes Amelia to training so you can have a well needed break.
You were approaching the final weeks of your pregnancy.
Your body was aching. You were tired all the time. You were in a constant bad mood. You were over being pregnant.
At this point, you just wanted to meet your baby girl more than anything.
Amelia, although she was a relatively good child, was going through her terrible twos stage.
Throwing temper tantrums, sulking when you say no, everything a child going through the terrible twos would do.
To make matters worse, Leah was at training every single day apart from one day a week, meaning that she wasn't there to help.
Leah felt so bad. She was leaving her very pregnant wife to look after a two year old, but Leah couldn't do anything.
But one day, she'd gotten home from training to find you sobbing.
"Oh, baby, what's wrong?" Leah asked as she walked into the living room, her arms wrapping round your shaking body.
"I don't know what to do, Le. She's just not listening to me, and I'm so done being pregnant. My whole body hurts. And little miss won't stop kicking because she's your daughter and I just.." You sobbed, Leah rubbing her hand up and down your arm.
“Love, you should have rang me. I would have come home.” Leah told you and you nodded
“You were training though.”
“I know I was training, but you always come first. You and Ami always come first, you need to understand that. Call me next time, okay?” Leah questioned and you nodded against her chest. “Now, where’s Ami?”
After that incident, the very next morning, Leah rang Jonas, asking if she could take Amelia to training.
Jonas happily said yes, knowing Amelia was very loved by the whole team.
Before you could wake up, Leah had gotten herself and Ami all ready, having some spare time left over so she made you some breakfast.
“Mama, mama, wake up.” Amelia whispered, trying to fight the big maternity pillow so she could get over it to hug you.
“Hi, baby girl.” You greeted her, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“made you breakfast.” She told you, and your heart melted.
“Did you? Aw, thank you.” You sat up, slowly due to your bump, resting your back against the headboard. “Thank you, love.” You whispered in Leah’s ear as she kissed you.
Leah then bent down to kiss your bump.
“Look after mama for me.” Leah whispered against it, before pressing another kiss.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got Ami and little miss to keep me safe.” You joked, laughing softly.
“It’s just little miss today. Ami’s coming with me. You get a break okay, get some sleep, just a full day of rest.” Leah explained, and at that point you felt like crying.
“Really? Thank you, Le.” You hugged her tightly. Leah suddenly realised just how much you’d been struggling with Amelia.
You loved Ami so so much, but she was such a handful, especially when you were at one of your weakest points in your pregnancy.
“Right, we best get going, Mini Williamson.” Leah told Amelia, who was dressed in an Arsenal kit.
“Okay, mummy. Goodbye mama, bye bye sissy. Love you.” Ami babbled, kissing your bump before running downstairs.
You and Leah’s shared a sentimental laugh before Leah pecked your lips, saying goodbye.
“You get some sleep.”
“Mini Williamson!” Katie shouted, holding her arms out as Ami ran towards her. “How you doing, mini Williamson?”
“Good!” Ami cheered, throwing her arms in the air.
“Being a cheeky monkey to mama, aren’t you?” Leah told Katie, Katie tickling Amelia’s sides in response.
“Why are you being a cheeky monkey to your mama? Your mama is doing a really big job by carrying your sister so you’ve got to be nice to her.” Katie explained to Ami, and she nodded along to Katie’s words.
“Is that a certain Amelia I see there?” A voice asked from across the room.
“Auntie Lessi!” Amelia laughed, running to Alessia who picked her up.
“Have you been naughty for mama? Is that why mummy brought you here?” Alessia questioned as Amelia’s lowly nodded, hiding her face in Alessia’s neck.
“You have to be good for mama, munchkin.” Alessia said, pressing a kiss to Ami cheek before putting her down.
Alessia walked over to Leah, hugging her as Leah sighed.
“She just… it’s hard, she doesn’t understand that Y/N’s pregnant. She gets she’s going to be an older sister, but she doesn’t get the fact that Y/N’s already tired and achy, and her messing around doesn’t make it easier.” Leah explained to Alessia, who nodded along, as they both watched Ami talking to Beth and Steph about her new boots.
“I’m always here to take her.” Alessia offered. “She’s like a niece to me. She’s my mini best friend, aren’t you?” Alessia asked Ami as she walked back over to Leah and Alessia.
“Yes, auntie lessi! Best friend.” Amelia said, hugging Alessia’s leg.
“Thanks, less. Anyway, how is Y/N? How’s little miss doing?”
They fell into light conversation as they got ready for training, Kyra and Ami already running round causing chaos.
It was safe to say that Ami would definitely be having an afternoon nap.
Waking up cuddled into your maternity pillow, you rubbed your eyes to steady them.
You reached to pick your phone up, looking at the time, 13:21 looking back at you.
Just as you were about to rest your head on the pillow, Leah’s head popped through the door.
“Hi, love. You slept for a while.” Leah laughed lightly as she came to lay down next to you, her arm wrapping round your bump.
You hummed in agreement as Leah pressed a kiss to your head.
“Where’s Ami?” You asked, noticing the silence in the house.
“Having a nap. Training tired her out.” Leah explained as you nodded against her chest.
“Did she have fun?” You mumbled, half asleep.
“Lots. Her, lessi and Kyra were crazy. Running round everywhere.” Leah said but when she didn’t get a response, she looked down to see you asleep.
She smiled to herself, seeing your face so light and gentle as you slept.
She leant down to your jump, gently caressing it before pressing a kiss on it.
“You need to stop making your mama so tired.” Leah whispered, earning a kick from little miss. “My little football player.”
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euniexenoblade · 5 months
I'm like, absolutely fascinated at how transfems get to have fun and subvert the weird misogyny of forcefem. Like, in cishet forcefem it absolutely is a misogynistic thing* that's predicated on "degrading a man by making him a woman," but with transfems it's given this fun new theme of forcing you to do something youre afraid to do yourself. It's less about degradation** around being a woman and more about forcing you to transition or to make you dress more feminine despite how scared you are to do so, the idea that choice is revoked you just have to do it. It's not degrading that you're a woman, it's degrading you don't have a choice. It's about forcing you to do the thing you're scared to do in this transmisogynist culture.
*since I can't make dumb little rant posts without a billion notes and weirdos on my post mad I don't cover every single thing ever. No, it's not bad to get off to wearing certain clothes. No, it's not bad for dudes to be into forcefem. Yes, a lot of transfems find themselves through forcefem and sissy kinks, no they're not bad for it. I am not calling for the death of all cishet people who do forcefem, and do not care if they do forcefem, but maybe think about how to oust the more misogynistic ideals from your play, you'll find it fun. Whatever else I didn't note I probably didn't imply it.
**no it's not bad if transfems pair this up with degradation. But I have never heard a transfem preface their forcefem as "degrading to be a woman."
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alvojake · 3 months
Until Forever | P.JS
↳ this is an add on to this fic here!! you do not have to read it to read this one, but it would make more sense if you do!!
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「pairing」 : fiance!jay x fem!reader 「word count」 : 5k
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「synopsis」 : it's father's day and you and your daughter make a secret plan to surprise jay with a nice dinner to come home; however, neither of you had expected him to return home early, but it doesn't change much. jay is just happy to have his little family together for a special day.
「genre」 : fluff... like tooth-rotting fluff, dad!jay
「warnings」 : kissing, mentions of pregnancy, petnames (baby, babe, princess, love, baby girl, bug, sweets...), down bad jay, minor cussing, lmk if I missed anything!
「notes」 : this is something I wanted to write for a while, and well, I couldn't think of a better time than fathers day! I loved writing my first dad Jay fic, so making an add-on to it actually makes me really happy, but I hope you enjoy it. happy father's day to those who celebrate and to those who don't well... I'm your daddy now hehe
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The warm summer sun was shining through the small kitchen window above the sink as you and Minji stood at the counter with mixed cake batter. The young girl was standing on her little stool next to you, trying to crack an egg, but she couldn't, which caused her to start getting frustrated. She just wanted to help you bake a cake for Jay for Father’s Day, but she had been struggling to crack the same egg for a few minutes, and you didn’t want to interrupt her. However, when Minji goes to throw it down, you intervene and take the egg from her little hands.
“You can’t throw the egg, love,” You laugh softly, cracking the egg and dumping the inside contents into the bowl with the other ingredients.
Minji pouts as she watches you mix the batter, her hands holding onto the countertop. She is amazed by how easy it was for you to crack the other egg before putting it into the bowl as well.
“Why is it so hard for me to crack the egg, mama?” She asked, eyes tearing away from the bowl to look up at you as a smile tugged on the corner of your lips. Even after two years of her calling you that it never ceased to make you smile, loving to hear the words fall from her lips.
You dusted your hands off with a rag before turning to face the little girl. Starting to bend down, you realized that you couldn’t go down as far as you once used to with the baby bump that had formed on your stomach. Getting comfortable with one hand gripping the countertop edge, you opened your mouth to speak to the little girl, but she was quick to interrupt, panic on her face.
“No, mama, stand up. You’re going to squish, sissy!” She exclaimed, her eyes moving from your face down to your swollen belly. You couldn’t help but laugh at how worried she was.
“Min, the baby is okay, I promise.” You smile at her softly before dusting some of the flour off of her shirt. Now, how about I finish up with the cake so we can get it in the oven? Then we can decorate it while I start dinner, okay?” A smile grew on the little girl’s face as she nodded her head, excited to make the cake look pretty for her daddy.
Patting her head softly, you pull yourself back to your feet with a huff, grab the bowl, and whisk to finish mixing. Minji watched with intrigued eyes, not saying much as you made sure there weren’t any clumps left in the batter before grabbing the cake pan.
Spray the pan with cooking spray to make sure the cake won’t stick to the sides when you try to get it out. Then grab the bowl and start pouring the batter inside. Once all of the batter was scraped out of the bowl, reach over Minji and sit it inside the sink, then grab the cake pan.
“Stay right here, Min, I don’t want you to get burnt.” You instruct the young girl, and she tilts her head quizzically before muttering a small ‘Okay, mama.’ After making sure that she was going to stay in her spot, you walk over to the preheated oven and open the door before sliding the pan in. When it was fully inside, you closed the door and set the timer. Dusting your hands off once more you looked back at Minji who was still watching you with curious eyes, you looked at the clock. 
Jay shouldn’t be home until later in the evening, so the two of you should have more than enough time to decorate the cake and finish cooking dinner before he returns.
After the cake was done baking in the oven and fully cooled off you and Minji started to decorate it. You covered the entirety of the cake in frosting before grabbing a variety of sprinkles, decorative icing, and edible flowers to lay them before Minji so she could decorate.
“Alright, sweets, figure out what you wanna use while I finish off the frosting.” You pat down a few strands of her hair before turning back to the cake and grabbing the spatula.
Minji leans down until her chin rests on the counter, watching as you smooth out the frosting. Her eyes then fall onto your belly, and a small pout forms on her lips.
“How much longer is sissy going to be in there?” Minji asks as she lightly pokes your belly, resulting in a soft kick from the baby that was growing inside of your womb. You smile softly, setting the spatula down to cup the small girl’s face, brushing some stray frosting off of her face with your thumb.
“She still has a few more months until she gets here, Min,” you tell her with a smile, moving your hand from her face but not looking away.
Minji’s bottom lip jutted out, “Why can’t she come sooner?”
“Well, if she were to come now, she would be really sick, and we wouldn’t want that now, would we?” You watched with a fond gleam in your eyes as the little girl shook her head violently, slight panic forming in her eyes.
“No! I want her to be healthy, so I can play with her.” She exclaims, causing you to laugh softly, shaking your head. You then tell her that she will have to wait just a little bit longer after she’s born to play, which results in the young child sighing before yet another pout forms on her lips.
The both of you then go back to decorating the cake, talking about anything the girl could think of or humming a tune that has been stuck in your head.
However, after a few moments of not hearing a peep from Minji you looked over at her, seeing a troubled look on her face. Stopping what you were doing so you could turn all of your attention to her, “What’s wrong, bug?”
The moment that Minji turned her head, allowing her teary eyes to meet yours. Seeing the tears that were pooling along her waterline made your heart lurch. You reach out to cup her small cheek in your palm, thumb wiping a stray tear that had broken free.
“Are you and Daddy going to forget about me when sissy gets here?” Her voice shook as her bottom lip trembled, making your heart hurt. The last thing you wanted was for her to feel like you or Jay would forget about her when the baby got here.
“Aww baby,” You cooed softly, crouching down once more despite the discomfort so you were at eye level with her. Reaching out, you tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear, looking at her with such fondness, “We’re not going to forget about you, even after the baby gets here.” You offer her a small smile, tilting your head slightly. “She’s going to need a lot of attention, but your dad and I will never forget about you, no matter what.”
Minji sniffles and wipes her face with the back of her hand before holding out her other hand, her tiny pinky sticking up. " You promise?” she asks.
You couldn’t help but laugh softly as you wrapped your own pinky around her’s, “I promise.” The both of you seal the word as the pads of your thumbs meet.
Unbeknownst to the both of you Jay stood in the doorway of the kitchen, arms crossed loosely over his chest as he watched the two of you go back to decorating the cake. His eyes gleamed with adoration that if anyone had been looking in from the outside they would say that he quite literally had stars shining in his eyes. One would say that he was lovesick, the other would say he was a fool, but Jay didn’t care. If loving his fiance and children made him a love-sick fool, then so be it.
He watched the two of you discuss where to put the small edible flowers on the cake for a few more moments until he finally pushed himself off of the door frame. Walking further into the room, he watched his footsteps so the floorboards wouldn’t make too much noise.
“How are my favorite girls?” His voice filled the room, causing both you and Minji to jump. Turning around quickly, with your hand over your heart, you looked at Jay with wide eyes. He wasn’t supposed to be home until later.
Minji looks over at her dad with a huge smile on her lips before jumping from the stool, almost tripping, scaring the life out of you and Jay. However, she catches herself before making a beeline for Jay.
“Daddy!” She screamed as she ran into Jay’s awaiting arms, wrapping her arms tightly around Jay’s neck as he wrapped his around her smaller body. When he picked her up, Minji started to giggle, burying her face in Jay’s neck.
“How was your day princess?” Jay asked the small girl as she pulled away to look at him with wide, twinkling eyes. She starts to tell him about all of the stuff that you and her had been doing all day causing a smile to spread on your lips, watching the two of them. “Have you been listening to your mama?” Jay pokes her belly causing Minji to burst out in a fit of giggles before nodding her head and looking over at you just as you started to walk towards them.
A silly smile spread on Jay’s lips as he watched you waddle over to the two of them, your hand lying softly on the top of your baby bump. It still baffles him to this day that you have given him a second chance, even if it has been three years since then. Now he’ll get to call you his wife soon and you’re carrying his child. He will probably forever wonder whether or not this was all some dream, but if it was, he hoped it was one that he would never wake up from.
“She’s been good, she’s always good, Jay.” You smile softly as he wraps his arm around your waist the moment you’re within arm's reach.
“I’m just worried about leaving her alone with you right now,” He tells you, pressing a soft kiss to the side of your head as you wrap your arm around his torso. You rolled your eyes playfully before looking up to meet his gaze.
“I’m seven months pregnant, Jay, not handicapped.” 
“I know, but I’m still gonna worry regardless.” He stared down at you, taking in your features. The way your hair that was pulled back into a messy bun was starting to come undone resulting in a few stray pieces falling and framing your face. The small specks of frosting that somehow got onto your cheeks, then your pretty pink lips that were coated in a thin layer of lip gloss. Noticing his gaze, you reached up to move a strand of hair that had fallen out of place, snapping him out of his little trance. Smiling softly, he leans down to kiss the top of your head once more.
Minji started poking his shoulder, trying to gain his attention, “Daddy, guess what?” Jay turned his attention back to his daughter as she smiled widely at him, her small body shaking in excitement. “We made a cake for you!” She exclaimed, pointing over at the unfinished cake that still sat on the counter.
Smiling, you looked over at her before moving to meet Jay’s gaze once more as he looked over. “It’s not done yet; we weren’t expecting you to be back so soon.”
“Ah well,” Jay chuckled, tightening his hold on the both of you, “I managed to get boss to let me off early so I could spend the rest of the day with my favorite girls.”
His words made your heart twist. Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones, but just hearing how he would much rather spend every waking second of the day with you and Minji made you realize that you truly had picked the best man alive.
Minji wiggles her way out of Jay’s arms before grabbing his hand and dragging him over to where the cake was, leaving you to stand there and watch with a fond smile. The young girl went on to explain everything about what the cake looked like and how she wanted to decorate it for him. She then looked up at him, her face as bright as the sun saying that she hopes that he likes it when she finishes it.
“I love it already, Min.” He promised, patting the top of her head before she climbed back onto her stool to finish decorating.
You watch for a moment long before turning and walking over to the stove to finish cooking dinner. Noticing movement from the corner of his eye Jay looks over at you, seeing you pick up the ladle, your other hand propped on your hip. 
With one last pat to his daughter's head, he makes his way over to you, grabbing the ladle from your hand, causing you to look up at him.
“I’ve got it, bug; you should help Min finish the cake.” He looked at you with a soft smile, but you knew that arguing with him would just be useless, so you just shook your head, a smile pulling on the corner of your lips. Moving out of the way you allow him to take your previous stance, but you don’t move very far, eyes still on Jay, watching as he gets back into his element.
Seeing that you hadn’t gone anywhere and still stood in the same place Jay turned his head slightly before reaching a hand out to lay his palm flat on your swollen belly. His thumb rubs your skin soothingly through the fabric of your shirt as you move your hand to lay it on top of his, the light gleaming off of the diamond that laid on your ring finger.
Pulling your attention away from your hands, you let your eyes trail up until they met his, searching his orbs as the light reflected off of them. You had always loved his eyes. They always seemed dark at first glance, but upon closer inspection, they were a shade of your favorite chocolate, a beautiful color in your eyes.
“Thank you.” Jay breaks the silence; however, his words just leave you staring at him confused. You open your lips, asking what he meant and he just smiles sweetly, his gaze full of such love that it leaves you weak in the knees. “I am beyond thankful for you, bug; you’re always there for Minji and me. Thankful for everything that you have done for us. And I will forever be thankful that you gave me another chance because now I have the family that I’ve always thought about.”
You bit the inside of your cheek, hoping to keep the tears that had pooled in your eyes at bay. His words made your heart flutter, beating against your ribs in such a manner that you were sure that your face was red. Your hand moved faster than your brain, smacking his chest softly with a playful glare adorning your face.
“Stop trying to make me cry, asshole.” You grumbled lowly, not wanting Minji to hear you.
Jay couldn’t help but laugh before laying the ladle down so he could turn and engulf your smaller body in his arm, pulling you as close as he could with your pregnant belly in the way.
He presses a kiss to your forehead with a smile, “I’m sorry, love.”
Just then, a loud crash was heard throughout the whole kitchen, causing you to jump in Jay’s arms. Small curses left your lips, causing him to chuckle. Before the two of you looked over at the little girl, who was looking down at the fallen bowl with wide eyes, the spatula not too far from it. There were small specks of frosting all over her face and a few bigger splotches around her mouth and chin.
“Whoops.” As soon as the word fell from Minji’s lips, both you and Jay burst out laughing, the little girl not too far behind you.
The two of you then separated, moving towards Minji to help clean her up. “I’ve got her,” you told Jay. He was quick to grab your upper arm, ready to protest, but you turned and pressed the pads of your fingers to his lips, shushing him. "You just cook dinner; I’ve got her.”
Jay grabbed your wrist, pulling your fingers away from his mouth before placing a gentle kiss on the skin of your palm, muttering a small ‘okay’ before releasing his hold.
He watches as you walk over to the sink to grab a clean rag from the drawer next to it before wetting it with warm water. You then turn to the little girl as she tilts her face towards you, already knowing what was coming.
“So, did you like the frosting?” You teased her, gently wiping the leftover frosting from her cheeks. 
Minji giggled but nodded her head nonetheless, “I did! It was really sweet, though.” The girl exclaimed with a tight-lipped smile as you wiped down her chin.
Once her face was completely wiped off, you moved to pick up the bowl off the ground, but Minji was quick to hop off the stool, shouting that she’d got it. A sweet, wide smile spread on your lips as you watched her scoop up the bowl and spatula in her arms before turning and handing them to you.
Jay watched from the side with an adoring gleam in his eyes, knowing that Minji was already going to be a great big sister despite the almost six year difference.
“Thank you, love.” You thanked the child as you took the dishes from her outstretched arms and placed them in the sink to wash later.
The two of you then go back to decorating the cake—well, more like Minji is decorating it, and you’re just there to supervise so she doesn't make too big of a mess while Jay finishes dinner. The only sound filling the comfortable space around the three of you was the soft tunes that Jay was humming.
After dinner was done Jay gathered all of the dishes, ignoring your protests for him to let you do it. Realizing you weren’t going to win this fight, you just opted to help him clean them, which even took a bit of convincing. Finally giving in, Jay allowed you to dry the dishes off before placing them back in the cabinet. Even Minji found a way to help by standing next to Jay and pointing out all of the spots that he missed on some of the dishes, causing you to laugh softly as Jay faked a shocked expression every time.
He’d do anything if it meant that a smile would fall on either of his girls' faces.
Once the dishes were finally done, Minji started to hop around the dining table with a huge smile on her face. She then came to a halt in front of you, grabbing your hand and looking up to meet your awaiting eyes.
“Can we get the cake and presents out now?” she asked hurriedly, gently swinging your arm, causing you to chuckle and nod. However, Jay looked at you with wide, shocked eyes.
“You didn’t have to get me anything; being with the three of you is more than enough.”
You roll your eyes softly, “No, I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. Plus, Min has been excited to get you something.” You tell him, and the little girl by your side starts to nod her head violently, causing you to let out a small laugh. " Plus, it is your special day after all.”
Jay relented with a sigh, knowing that he wouldn’t be winning this fight, definitely not with the excited look that adorned his little girl’s face. So he sat down at the table, watching as the two of you walked out of the room, returning a few minutes later with the gifts in hand.
Coming back to the table, you took Minji's gift and set them both down on the table in front of Jay. Minji then clung to your side, her head resting on the side of your tummy, eyes on her dad as he thanked both of you.
Jay grabs the gift from Minji first, pulling out the stuffing paper and reaching inside. A wide smile pulls on his lips as he pulls out a cute coffee mug that was littered with little doodles that Minji had scribbled on them. Jay took a few moments to inspect every drawing on the cup, seeing butterflies, puppies, her name, as well as both yours and Jay’s names, as well as a bunch of other random doodles. With a stupid smile on his lips, he sat the cup down before grabbing the homemade card that she had made for him. He once again took his time reading it, relishing in the way that despite Minji being only five her spelling and handwriting were amazing.
When he was done reading the card, he sat it down next to the cup before turning to look over at Minji, who still had a hold of your hand, eyes on him. Jay held a hand out for the small child, and she rushed over to him without an ounce of hesitation, wrapping her arms around him.
“Happy Father’s Day, Daddy!” She exclaimed, resting her chin on his chest and looking up at him with a toothy grin.
“Thank you, baby girl.” He returned her goofy smile before pressing a kiss on her forehead, causing her eyes to flutter close, but the smile never left her lips. 
Once Jay pulled away from her, Minji climbed onto his lap, quickly getting comfortable before looking over at you. Walking over, you place your hand on the back of Jay’s chair, watching as Jay reaches forward, grabbing the other small gift bag. 
Jay throws a quick glance at you when he pulls a small ring box out, his eyebrows furrowed. He has a small feeling that he already knows what it is, or, well, more along the lines of what it could be. Your lips curl inward, trying to fight off the smile as you usher him to open it.
Opening the small box, Jay’s eyes go wide as he sees a ring sitting inside. However, it wasn’t just any ring. No, it was the right that he had been contemplating getting a few months back but decided not to. He was sure that you didn’t know about it, knowing how you are when he refuses to buy anything for himself, so how did you find out?
“What? How-”
You let out a laugh, hand moving to his shoulder, “Babe, you have a bad habit of not closing tabs when you’re done with them.”
Jay just chuckles with a small chuckle, “Yeah, you’re right.” He agreed before looking back down at the ring when he noticed how antsy Minji was in his lap. Asking if something was the matter she just shook her head before pointing to the piece of jewelry and telling him to look at the inside. 
Confused, he takes the piece of jewelry out of the case before inspecting it. His eyes then go wide when he realizes that there are names inscribed on the inside of the band. Minji and Joonhee. Both of his little girls’ names.
“I knew how much you wanted something with the girls’ names on it, so when I saw the ring, I found a perfect solution.” You smiled sweetly at him as he looked up at you with literal stars shining in his eyes, making your heart flutter.
“Thank you, baby.” He spoke softly, biting back tears, but then he realized that he hadn’t seen your name with the girls’. “But where’s your name?”
You shook your head, telling him that you weren’t sure about adding your name, so you decided not to. Jay waved it off before saying that he’d go within the next few days to add your name.
“I want all of my girls’ names on there. Especially my wife and mother of my children.” His voice was sweet along with his words which easily brought tears to your eyes. You had wondered what you had done in your past life for you to deserve such a caring man like Jay.
You weren’t able to hold your tears this time resulting in them starting to fall down your cheeks.
“God dammit, Jay, I told you not to make me cry.” You curse him, trying to wipe the tears from your face, but it proves pointless as more just replaced the ones you had wiped away.
Jay chuckles softly before laying the ring back inside the box and grabbing Minji to pick her up once more. Hoisting the little girl on his hip as he stood, he wrapped his other arm around you, pulling your body into his, creating a small group hug.
“I love you both so so much.” He whispered, inhaling through his nose to keep his own tears at bay before pressing a kiss to Minji’s forehead. The little girl squealed with giggles, smiling at Jay when he pulled before leaning forward and pressing a kiss of her own on his cheek.
“I love you too, Jay, so much.” You responded to him as his eyes fell back on yours.
He leaned down, sealing your lips with his in a soft, gentle kiss, his hand on your jaw, angling your face for better access. After a few moments, the both of you pulled away with smiles adorning both of your faces.
Then you remembered the cake, quickly wiped the remaining tears from your cheeks, and smiled brightly at both Jay and Minji.
“Alright, who wants cake?” As soon as those words fell from your lips, Minji exclaimed loudly that she did, wiggling in Jay’s arms, causing you both to burst out laughing once more.
When the three of you were done with the cake, you all settled in the living room. You were lying between Jay’s legs, your back pressed against his chest, while Minji was curled up in your lap, using your baby bump as a pillow while the three of you watched movies.
It wasn’t too long before Minji fell asleep on your lap, her arms hanging loosely at her side while her face was smooshed against your belly. You cooed softly, brushed the hair out of her face watching her sleep for a few moments until a yawn tore through your lips.
“I think it’s time to call it a night; what do you say, bug?” Jay asked softly, his lips pressed against the back of your head.
Before you could even speak, you were cut off by a yawn answering Jay’s question. Laughing softly he maneuvered his way out from behind you so he could pick the sleeping child up.
“Noooo…” Minji whined sleepily as Jay pulled her from your lap, but as soon as her head laid on Jay’s shoulder, she was out once more.
Both of you laughed quietly before you moved to get off the couch, but Jay was quick to hold his hand out. Smiling up at him, you placed your smaller hand in him, allowing him to hoist you to your feet with little to no struggle.
You thanked him before the three of you made your way to Minji’s room to settle her before making it back to your room.
Settling down in bed, Jay reaches over to lay his hand on top of your baby bump once more. However, this time, the baby kicks, causing the both of you to laugh softly. He then leans over, capturing your lips in a soft, lingering kiss. Your hand finds his cheek, thumb brushing his skin gently, realizing his warmth.
Pulling away, he lays his forehead against yours, breathing softly through his nose, “Thank you, again, for everything.” He thanked you for the nth time that night causing you to giggle softly before reaching forward to cup his face in both hands, kissing him once more.
“I would do anything and everything for you Jay,” You smiled as he sealed your lips in yet another kiss, all of his love and adoration seeping out as he kissed you deeply this time.
Pulling away, he moved down to your belly, fingers caressing the skin that was peeking out from the bottom of your, well, his shirt. You watched with soft eyes as he placed gentle kisses on the curve of your stomach.
“Don’t keep your mom up all night, alright.” He whispered against your skin, causing a silly smile to spread on your lips as you ran your fingers through his hair.
The two of you lay down after turning the lights off. Jay’s arm wrapped around your waist, pulling your back flush against his chest. He then kissed your shoulder, trailing his lips up until he got to your ear.
“I don’t know how I became the luckiest man on earth, but I will never take it for granted.” He whispered softly, his warm breath sending a shiver down your spine. “I promise that I will do whatever it takes to make sure you and our daughters are taken care of.” He then kissed the top of your head, “I love you so much, baby,”
You mumbled a soft ‘I love you too,’ sleep already consuming your mind as you were encased in Jay’s warmth.
“Good night, my love.” He whispered as you closed your eyes, falling asleep with your hand lying over his.
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@alvojake | Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, or repost any of my work
𝖉𝖎𝖘𝖈𝖑𝖆𝖎𝖒𝖊𝖗 : ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ɴᴏ ᴡᴀʏ ᴀ ᴛʀᴜᴇ ʀᴇᴘʀᴇꜱᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ᴏꜰ ᴀɴʏ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀꜱ. ᴛʜɪꜱ ɪꜱ ᴘᴜʀᴇʟʏ ꜰɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ ᴀɴᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇɴᴊᴏʏᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴛᴀᴋᴇɴ ꜱᴇʀɪᴏᴜꜱʟʏ.
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icarusredwings · 3 months
The thing about Thoschei that's so funny is that these are literally all the same people, meaning technically these are all the same ship.
We have these two. Yes? We know twissy. We love twissy.
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We have spy doc, yeah? We love spydoc.
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We have our beloved/beloathed Simmten. Everyone loves simmten.
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We even have whatever these two weirdos had going on.
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BUT - Have you ever ever thought about what would happen if you mixed them up? It feels illegal (as in, 'These two specifically are a bonded pair, do not separate' joking matter), but think about the chaos implications.
Can you fucking imagine if you shoved THIS man (6) with Simm! Master? Someone's gonna regenerate. Im not sure who yet. Mel's definitely gonna scream at him, though.
"Ello dear friend do you mind coming along and-"
"Why the fuck do you look like that?"
"Like what??"
"Like a unicorn stomped on you, ate you and puked you back up!"
"You don't like it? What's wrong with it? Is it the hair?"
"Is it the?- NO YOU MORON!"
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Or Missy with 9? The amount of arguments and pouting- A lot of sarcastic banter. Maybe a hissy fit. A sissy slap fight if you will because deep down he would care if she got hurt so wouldn't actually ever hit her but would say some pretty mean things.
"Fine! Then go to your room!"
"I'll do no such thing! And you can't make me!"
"Then die! See if I care!"
"Only if you let me kill you first!!"
"Try! See what happens!"
"You dare hit a lady??"
"Pft- I'd hardly call you a lady..."
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Yana! Master and 13? Tinker buddies! (They're basically in a love triangle with Chantho)
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Roberts! Master with 15? I have a feeling this would kinda slap. Idk why, but I just do.
"So. What so you think?"
"Oh! Sister yes!!"
"... I am neither your sibiling.. nor a woman..?"
"Its an expression babes."
"Why are you calling me such affections??"
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I feel in my gut that these two would get along decently well, except this time 12 is the bad influence, not him. If anything, it would consist of 12 showing him earthling things.
"...So.. Uno.."
"I have to have one card left..?"
"...why don't I just throw away my other cards?"
"That's against the rules I think."
"Says who?"
"Says... well... says.. the rules." 💁
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Dhawan! Master and 10? 10 could fix him within an episode. I'm sure of it. Hell 14 could fix him. Might take a little longer, though. Dhawan would make tea for him after they go to therapy together. Their therapist says they should work on their co-dependency, but they think she just "doesn't get their dynamic"
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I think it would be really funny if we shoved 4 with missy too. Sarah Jane and her would have so much beef. It would be unreal. I do think that Dhawan would be fond of K9 the most though, and Simm would probably be the type to get jealous of a robotic dog...
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multi-fandom-imagine · 7 months
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A/n: I apologize that this took me so long
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"Let's get daddy some ducks!" Edna exclaimed in excitement as she clung to her older sister.
Charlie let out a soft laugh as she adjusted her hold on Edna. "It could be a cute way to tell dad you're gonna have another baby! I'm so excited!"
Letting out a weak laugh you rubbed the back of your neck, warmth creeped up your neck. "I suppose so and it would be a nice addition to his collection."
Taking a deep breath you placed your hand on your stomach. "Let's go find some ducks."
"Happy Valentine's Day to my favorite girls!" Lucifer happily.
"Daddy! Look what we got you!" Edna held a duck in her fingers. "Sissy Charlie has one! And mommy has two! I picked out yours!"
Lucifer's eyes went wide seeing the little plush ducks Charlie, Edna and you were holding. Sniffling he held them all to his chest as tears rolled down his cheeks though it took a moment to realize that he was holding onto five duck plushies instead the normal four. "What?" Carefully looking at each duck, it was easy to see which was which. All but one, one with a blue and pink ribbon wrapped around its neck.
"Are you?"
Lucifer's eyes went wide when realization hit him when he realized what it meant. "You...you're pregnant?" He whispered. Letting out a laugh he stepped over to you placing his hand on your belly blinking back a few tears. "I love you...I love you all so much."
Grinning, he then shook his head as he pulled Charlie and Edna into the hug. "I love my girls so much! I'm so happy our family is growing."
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firewasabeast · 9 days
prompt: those pictures of buck make me think he's going to be endlessly harassed by Gerrard. I'd like to see something where it builds up until he kinda has a breakdown. maybe at home, with tommy?
It'd been a bad month. Possibly the worst of his life, and that was saying a lot. Twenty-four hour shifts were usually simple for him, but nothing was simple when Gerrard was in charge.
He was two hours into his fourth shift with the new captain when Gerrard found out that Buck was dating a man. Not just any man. A man that Gerrard seemed to particularly despise.
And maybe he should have thought better before blurting out that Tommy was his boyfriend, but he hated Gerrard and a part of him thought it might be fun to play with the man's mind a little.
He was wrong.
Tommy had dropped him off for work after he and Buck had accidentally fallen asleep after a particularly eventful night. Thankfully, Buck kept a change of clothes in his locker, so it really hadn't been much of a problem. He had forgotten his house keys and wallet at Tommy's though, so he was pleasantly surprised to get a visit from him a couple hours later.
Tommy had approached cautiously, but once Eddie informed him that Gerrard left to run an errand, he relaxed and let Buck pull him in for a brief kiss.
Tommy talked to the team for a bit, getting filled in on the endless cleaning they now had to do. How they had to fake bathroom breaks to get a moment to text or make a phone call.
In less than ten minutes, Tommy was heading back out the door. “See you guys soon,” he said, giving them a wave before pointing to Buck and smiling, “and see you tomorrow night.”
Just as Tommy had rounded the corner out the side door, Gerrard was walking in the front. “Was that Kinard?” he asked, disgust evident in his voice.
“Yes, Sir,” Eddie replied.
“Hm. What was he doing here?”
“Had to drop off something,” Chimney answered before Buck could even open his mouth. “Had a delivery meant for here that got sent to Harbor instead.”
“Can't even trust the postal service to do their job right these days,” he grunted out.
The group started back on their cleaning, but Gerrard blocked Buck's way. “Thought I heard you got plans with Kinard tomorrow, Buckley. That right?”
“Y- Yeah, it is. I mean, I do... have plans.”
“Huh. You didn't strike me as the type to hang out with a guy like that.”
“What do you mean?” Buck asked, face scrunched up in confusion. “A guy like what?”
“You know,” Gerrard shrugged. “Soft. Weird. Sissy-like.”
Buck could feel his face heating up. “I'm not sure those are the words I'd use to describe him.”
“You gotta watch yourself around people like him, Buckley. Men like us,” he said, making his hands into fists to flex his muscles, “we've got a reputation to withhold. Show the world real, manly strength still exists.”
Buck wasn't exactly sure what to say. He had known Gerrard was a terrible captain, had heard the stories from Hen, Chim, and Tommy, but this was so far out there he briefly wondered if he'd been transported back to the 1950's.
“I- I'm still not following.”
Gerrard rolled his eyes. “You're not stupid, kid. Kinard is... I'd say it right out, but you can't say anything these days without offending someone.” He nudged his head in Hen's direction.
So Buck said the words for him. “He's gay?”
Looking back at this moment, maybe he should have paid attention when Eddie came up behind Gerrard and motioned for him to cut it out.
Gerrard raised his hands up in surrender. “You said it, not me.”
“Yeah, I did,” Buck replied with a nod. The rage building inside him made him feel like he was left with no choice but say the next words that fell out of his mouth. “He's also my boyfriend.”
He could see Eddie in his peripheral, closing his eyes and shaking his head.
Watched as Gerrard's face turned from pale white to tomato red. A rage coming over him like Buck had never seen on a human before.
And that's what started the shifts from hell.
Gerrard, in those first shifts before knowing Buck's sexuality, had been rough. He was a grumpy, old man who demanded respect and attention that he didn't deserve. But he didn't pick on any specific person. They were all equal targets.
Until they weren't.
It was almost as though Gerrard felt like he'd been betrayed by Buck. Like Buck was supposed to be the one person at the station that was on his side, and finding out this single piece of information destroyed any and all possibility of that happening.
He had an endless string of one liners at his disposal, specifically for Buck, to use at any given time. And he used them every opportunity he got.
Buck could never do anything right. Nothing was ever cleaned properly and the equipment wasn't put away the way it should be. Gerrard didn't hesitate to reprimand him during calls. In fact, that seemed to be what he enjoyed the most. Anytime Buck tried to speak up he'd be brushed off or told his ideas were ridiculous.
When they had to line up at the start of their shifts, there would always be something wrong with Buck's uniform, or his hair, or the way he was standing.
He'd been put on cooking duty too. But it wasn't fun the way it was when Bobby was in charge.
Being on cooking duty with Gerrard was it's own special punishment. He decided all the meals, regardless of what anyone else wanted. He expected a full breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and he wanted them all at very specific times.
It was all food that Buck knew how to cook, but to Gerrard it was never done right.
“Too salty.”
“Too sweet.”
“Why'd you cook the meat so long? It's like leather.”
“Why's the meat still red in the center? You trying to kill me?”
“I hate cilantro.”
“You cook like this for Kinard? Must not be many options left for him.”
That was another problem. Gerrard brought up Tommy every chance he got.
“You kids today are so sensitive. Kinard used to laugh at all my jokes.”
“You keep your home this messy? Huh. Can't believe your boy toy puts up with that. He really has gone soft.”
“Kinard used to be my right hand man. Hate to think of what he's doing with that hand now... You probably know all about that though, don't ya, Buckley?”
Buck had just gotten off a twelve hour shift when he headed home to start dinner. It was six o'clock by the time he entered the loft and Tommy would be over in an hour.
He was still shaky from all the things Gerrard had said to him today. Comments about Tommy, comments about him. Buck had tried to not let his words get to him, but that was proving more and more difficult each day. There were only so many different ways you could hear how worthless you were before you started to believe it.
He took a shower to try and help calm himself down before heading into the kitchen to get started on dinner.
Seared lamb chops, mashed potatoes, and glazed carrots were on the menu for tonight. Then a pre-made sweet wine cake for dessert.
Things fell apart pretty quickly.
He was deep in an internal conversation (fight) with Gerrard as he peeled the potatoes, causing him to slice right across his finger. Once he'd cleaned up the blood and gotten a bandaid, he remembered that he hadn't turned the oven on to preheat for the carrots.
While the oven preheated, he got the potatoes boiling and got the carrots laid out on a pan.
Then he started looking around the counter for the lamb chops, which he was supposed to let sit out for twenty minutes before he started to cook them.
He could have sworn he took them out before he got his shower but, lo and behold, there they were in the fridge.
He shoved the carrots into the oven and got started on the lamb. He didn't have enough time to let them sit out now.
By the time Tommy knocked on the door twenty minutes later, Buck felt like a big ball of nervous and panicked energy.
“Come in!” he yelled, not bothering to turn away from the lamb.
“Hey you,” Tommy said casually as he entered the loft. The overall calmness of his voice somehow stressed Buck even more.
“It smells amazing in here.” Tommy came up behind Buck, set a bottle of something down on the counter, then wrapped his arms around his waist. He pressed a kiss to Buck's neck. “Missed you.”
Usually, Buck wanted nothing more than to be wrapped up in Tommy's arms. Tonight, it just felt too hot.
“Yeah, y- you too,” Buck replied, trying to sound as normal as possible.
Either it didn't work, or Tommy could sense how tense he was, because the next words out of his mouth were, “You okay?”
Somehow, Buck managed to turn toward him and fake a smile. “Yeah, I'm good. Just don't want the lamb to burn.”
Tommy gave Buck a peck on the lips before letting him return his attention to the lamb. “I brought wine,” he said, picking up the bottle again.
“Oh, good. You can put it in the fridge, or leave it out on the table if you want, or-” he whipped around, “God, I forgot to set the table!”
“I can set it,” Tommy offered.
“I wanted to have it all done before you got here.” Buck moved toward the drawers that held his good napkins, pulling them out before slamming the drawer shut. The noise caused Tommy to jump a little. Buck headed for the silverware next, tossing each utensil on top of the napkins and once again slamming the drawer. “I don't even have the wine glasses out or anything.”
Before he could pick up the napkins and silverware, Tommy placed his hand over it. “Really, Evan. I've got it. Are you sure you're okay?”
Buck sighed, letting Tommy take control of setting the table. “Yes, I'm okay.”
There was a heavy silence in the air while Tommy got the table ready.
Finally, Buck broke it. “You like your meat medium, right?”
“Yeah, that'd be perfect.”
Tommy paused on his way to get the glasses. That great did not sound very good.
“What's wrong?” he asked.
“Well, they're already passed medium. They're medium well.”
“That's fine. I'm not really picky.”
Buck huffed. “You just said medium was perfect for you.” The words came out harsher than he intended, but he couldn't find it in him to care. He'd ruined the most important part of the meal already, and the fact Tommy had been so nonchalant since he stepped into the apartment was only making things worse.
“Medium well is perfect too. I really don't care how my meat is cooked, Evan.”
Buck turned off the stove and moved the lamb to a different eye so they would stop cooking. He grabbed an oven mitt and pulled the carrots out of the oven.
The second he saw them, he felt enraged.
“Damn it!” he exclaimed, practically throwing the pan onto the counter. “I forgot to put the glaze on them.”
Tommy eyed him for a second before moving closer. “It's fine, Evan,” he said, placing a hand on Buck's arm. “They look really good.”
Buck shrugged him off. “No. They'd be really good if I put the glaze on them, but I forgot it. Damn it!”
“Oh my God!” Buck hurried back to the stove and turned off the potatoes. “I overcooked them! They're gonna be too mushy now!” He wasn't sure what it was, but his eyes were now both blurring and burning.
Tommy was trying his best to keep up with each dilemma that was happening. “We're having mashed potatoes, honey, I don't think it matters how mushy they are.”
“Yes, it does, Tommy! God, you don't get it!” He dumped the entire pot of potatoes into the sink, making it the disposal's problem now.
“Okay, that's enough,” Tommy said, his voice soft yet commanding. “Come here.” He came up behind Buck, who had his hands gripped on the countertop and his head hanging low. Tommy placed an arm around Buck's waist and guided him around until he was wrapped in Tommy's arms. He buried his face into Tommy's neck as he started to sob. His whole body shook with the force of his cries, tears pouring out and running down onto Tommy's shirt.
Just something else to add to the list of things Buck had ruined tonight.
Tommy only held him tighter. One arm around his back, keeping Buck steady. The other on his head, rubbing gently against his scalp.
They stood there for a few minutes, until Buck calmed enough to speak. “I'm sorry,” he whimpered out against Tommy's neck.
“You have nothing to be sorry for,” Tommy assured him. He ran his hand up and down Buck's back. “Let's go sit down, okay?”
Tommy led them to the couch, cradling Buck in his arms as soon as they sat down. Buck closed his eyes as he rested against Tommy's chest, letting himself be soothed by the way Tommy's hand ran up and down his back. He provided just enough pressure to relieve the tension in his muscles.
They were quiet for a while. And although he'd calmed down quite a bit, tears still escaped out of his eyes and down his face. He couldn't remember the last time he'd cried like this.
“It's Gerrard, isn't it?” Tommy asked.
He didn't need Buck to answer. The shaky intake of breath told him all he needed to know.
“This is so stupid,” Buck said, wiping tears from his cheeks. “I- I'm acting like a child.”
Tommy shook his head. “It's not stupid, Evan.” He tugged lightly on Buck until he was sitting up enough for them to look at one another. He brought his hand to Evan's, keeping them intertwined as they talked. “Talk to me. What's going on?”
And that's when the dam broke. Once Buck got started, he couldn't stop. He told Tommy about all the ways he'd been picked on, the comments Gerrard had made, the things he'd said about Tommy. He talked about the way Gerrard spoke of their relationship, and made it seem like Buck was one mistake away from Tommy walking out the door.
Buck told him that even though he knew it wasn't true, it still messed with his head to hear it during every shift, over and over again.
“So he's been harassing you for a while now. Does the rest of the team know about all of this?”
Buck sniffed. “Some of it. Not everything. They couldn't do anything about it anyway. Hen and Chimney have to walk the line right now, because of Mara.”
“And Eddie?”
“He's got his... own stuff going on.”
“Hm.” Tommy wasn't too impressed by that answer, but that was a problem for another time. “You know you could have told me, right? I don't want you to think you have to hide this stuff from me.”
“Didn't want you to h- have to relive it. You already dealt with him, and I felt kinda dumb for it bothering me so much.”
“Evan, it's different. Gerrard didn't do any of that stuff to me. I wasn't out then, and I told you he didn't make me a better person. You shouldn't be having to deal with this every time you go in for a shift. It's not dumb that this bothers you. I don't know anyone that it wouldn't bother.”
“I just... I thought about filing a complaint, ya know? But,” a stray tear fell down his cheek, “I don't think I'd have anyone to back me up,” he admitted. “And even though it's anonymous, he'd know it was me.”
Tommy nodded. He understood how tricky filing complaints could be. It was what started the rift between him and Gerrard. Wheels were already turning in his head on what he could possibly do. He'd need to speak with his own captain, maybe Bobby, definitely Eddie, and possibly get a word in with the chief. But, if something could be done, he would do it to make sure he never had to see Evan this upset ever again.
“We'll figure something out,” he said, determined.
“Yeah. Yeah, o- okay.”
“And Evan,” Tommy scooted even closer to him, gently cupping Evan's face in his hands. He wiped away the remaining wetness from Buck's cheeks, staring deeply into his eyes as he spoke. “You are the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm not just saying that, I mean it. None of what that man said is true, but even if it was, I wouldn't care. I don't care if every meal you ever cooked was wrong, I don't care if your house wasn't perfectly clean, I don't care about any of it. Only you. Got it?”
Buck nodded, allowing himself to fall forward into Tommy's chest and be cradled by him again. “Yeah,” he replied, closing his eyes as Tommy comforted him. “Yeah, I got it.”
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pixiesfz · 7 months
100% yes to a steph catley x child!reader series please!
only because you asked so nicely!
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steph catley x child! series
plot: when Steph met sunshine
warnings: mentions of death, cancer, Steph isn't with dean atm and a sad beth mead
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Steph wasn't planning on having children, at least not yet.
She was planning on finding a partner and then maybe have kids from then on like her childhood friends had done.
But one day she got a call from her agent from Arsenal to go see some of the sick kids at a local hospital with other teammates and that's when she met your sister.
Her room was the only room without hundreds of cards and only a small amount of toys she was way too old for now in her basket.
"Her parents might've cleaned it out" Beth shrugged as Steph, Viv, Stina and herself walked towards the room with a nurse who turned around at her statement.
"Just to warn you" she whispered, her smile she had dropping at the information she knew "This is Lara, her parent's died in a car accident when she was much younger, she's 16 now and suffers from brain cancer"
Steph's heart dropped at the woman's words as she looked up, catching eyes with Lara through the window that separated her room from the hallways.
"How long does she have left?" Beth asked as Viv wrapped her arm around her girlfriend, knowing this could be a soft subject for her.
"It's not looking good and with her only visitor being her sister-" "She has a sister?" Stina asked, her hands playing with her necklace "she’s a little ray of sunshine" the nurse smiled "She's gorgeous and is always putting smiles on everybody's faces when she visits"
The group started walking to Lara's room when Steph heard a childlike laugh through the doors as a little Brunette, just younger than four years old skipped through with a smile and an adult behind her.
"Nurse Cara!" she sang out, her small British accent making Steph smile before she entered Lara's room.
Compared to the other rooms she had been in it was bare but Lara seemed content as she waved to the cameraman who was shooting little things throughout the day.
"Hi Lara these are some of the players from-" "Arsenal I know" she smiled, her dimples appearing "I'm a bit of a fan" Steph laughed "Good I thought you were about to say you were a blue"
Beth sat on the end of the girl's bed "Did you watch the latest game?" she asked and Lara nodded "Congrats on your come back" she smiled and Steph thought she could see Beth's tears water.
But the room was interrupted by a knock "Sorry to interrupt" a small voice called and Steph recognized it as the little girl who had run in before.
"Hey sunshine" Lara smiled and you ran to her bed, trying to climb up before you gave up and turned to the woman who was sitting next to Lara's bed.
"Can you help me?"
Your voice soft and not at all nervous as Steph looked at you "me?" she asked and you nodded, lifting your arms up for the woman to lift you up onto your sisters bed.
"Sissy!" you squealed, crawling to your older sister who was inside her bed.
At the sight Beth got up, quickly excusing herself from the sight before her tears fell down her face, Viv and Stina following as it left Steph alone with the two girls.
"This is Steph she plays for Arsenal" Lara smiled and you looked at the TV where you would usually watch the football your sister loved so much.
"I like Chelsea" you shrugged and your sister gasped "What?" Steph exaggerated and you giggled, hiding your self into your sister's neck "Has pretty girl name" you continued to giggle.
Steph smiled sadly as she watched the two sisters get along, knowing that you didn't know how much time your sister had left, but Steph did leave with one positive thought that night.
She became a regular at the hospital, sometimes you were there and sometimes she would sit and chat with Lara, bringing her signed jerseys and telling little inside stories, Steph found some comfort in the girl and some of her younger self, especially whenever you came in.
"Lara's the best big sister ever!" you exclaim one night as Lara falls asleep "She's been sleeping a lot lately," you say after with a frown and Steph nods "She just needs some rest," she tells you as you yawned "do you need a rest too?" she asked and you nodded, climbing onto Steph's chair and getting comfortable in her lap, cuddling into her neck as she smiled.
Lara woke up to the sight of Steph holding you, a smile finding it's way to her face as she did.
She knew she didn't have much time left.
"She really likes you" Lara spoke up softly as Steph jolted, thankfully not waking you up "I didn't mean to scare you" Lara smiled and Steph laughed softly
"I remember you telling me she never met your parents properly" Steph said and Lara nodded "she was about two weeks old, my pa's dad was looking after us and they got into an accident on their way to pick us up" Lara told Steph as she nodded
"I'm all she has left" a tear escaped Lara's eye, Steph leaning over to wipe it away "I've been fighting for her but it's so exhausting I'm not sure I can anymore" Lara cried.
And that's when Steph made her first ever promise
"She'll have me."
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anangelwhodidntfall · 2 years
Thought I Lost You: Dad!Jake Sully
Avatar Masterlist 
word count: 683
request: Hi! I loved your Good Enough story and the way you wrote dad jake...I was wondering if your requests are open.. can you do something with Jake and his daughter??? Where it's based on the battle scene on the boat, and everyone is gathering together to reunite only you his daughter is still missing because you got trapped while making sure your little sister Tuk made it out safely, so he goes back and tries to find you?
A/N: Girl dad jake is my favorite thing to write right now <3
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"Tuk Tuk I need you to go first." You said to your little sister who looked at you nervously.
"It's okay Tuk, your smaller and I gotta be able to close this behind us. Please go ahead." You said nervously watching the water coming towards you two.
She made her way through the hole and scooted back so you would have room to get through only a gush of water came rushing over you and shutting the door leaving you two separated.
"Y/N!" She screamed pulling on the bars.
"Tuk Tuk listen to me...I need you to find dad, mom, or someone and bring them back to me. Can you do that?" You asked her.
"But I don't want to leave you!" She said crying as you laced your hand with hers through the bars.
"I know you don't but I'm trapped here, Tuk...please I need you to be strong and find someone, I'll be okay." You said even though you knew you probably weren't.
"Okay, I'll be back!" She said before disappearing as you prayed to Ewya that she got to someone before it was too late.
Jake sat on the rock with your brothers around him watching as Neytiri and Kiri swam over to him he let out a sigh of relief until he realized that you and Tuk were still missing. He hugged his wife and Kiri praying that you two made it out.
"Where's Tuk and Y/N?" Neytiri asked Jake noticing her two girls were missing.
'Mama! Daddy!" Tuk shouted as they swam over to her and helped her to the rock where everyone was.
"No! Sissy is trapped! We need to go save her." Tuk said as her parents looked at each other wide-eyed.
"Okay, we're gonna get her." Jake said slightly even more worried about you.
"I'm gonna take Neteyam and Tuk with me, so she can show me where she her, I'll send them back." Jake said to Neytiri who nodded her.
"Be safe and bring our daughter back." She said to him as he nodded his head before following Tuk and Neteyam back into the almost sunken ship.
"Help! Someone please." Jake heard you say.
"Babygirl?" He called back out as they continued swimming towards you.
"Dad!" You called out worriedly as the water continued to rise by the second, you could barely keep your head above water.
"Dad!" You said smiling once you saw him.
"Alright you two go back to your brother, we'll be right behind you." He said to your siblings who nodded their heads and headed back.
"It's alright, I'm here baby girl." He said as he tried to pull on the bars that divided you two.
"Daddy please.." You said as the water rose even more as he worked frantically, your cries making his heart hurt.
"I'll be right back." He said swimming off to see if he could something to break the bars with.
"Daddy please don't....You said as the water submerged you under it, and you tried to hold your breath as long as you could before you drifted.
Jake came back and saw you were gone making him even more determined to get you, using what he found as a lever, he was able to use it enough to make a big enough hole for you guys to get through. He swam down and began searching for you, he found still falling downward and was able to grab your hand and found an easier exit out of the snuck ship. He swam to the nearest rock and placed you on it, and began doing CPR, and eventually you came back to coughing out some water.
"Thought I lost you there baby girl." He said smiling at you.
"Thank you for coming back for me." You said wrapping your arms around him as he held you close to him.
"I always will." He said as he saw the rest of your family swimming over to where you guys were.
Your mother and siblings all joined in on the group hug, glad that you all made it out alive.
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