#i'm chewing my arm off
radioactive-cloud · 7 months
why is he so
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source: x
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uuninsane · 7 months
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i long to hear your voice, but still i make the choice to bury my love (to bury my love.) w/ @jezebelrisen
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xjustakay · 9 months
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The silence doesn’t last long as James lifts his opposite arm, pointing up toward the sky at a star that Regulus knows better than any others. “There’s you,” James murmurs. There’s a fondness in the lowered volume of his tone, a present tenderness that even though Regulus hasn’t done anything to deserve it right this moment, it’s still there, looking at his star.
screaming and crying over this commission i was lucky to have done by @cuckooboo for chapter 3 of baby, all i wanna do is coast (with you). it turned out perfect and i can't thank her enough for being so wonderful with it<33
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i feel very normal and not at all insane about them. trust.
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magicaldreamfox1 · 1 year
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#the feminine urge to sit on his lap and put my hands on his stomach just because
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da-proti-toku-grem · 5 months
I'm normal I'm normal I'm normal I'm normal I'm normal I'm normal I'm normal I'm normal I'm -
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ex0rin · 9 months
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Jack Quaid | Schön! Magazine - 2020
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raayllum · 10 months
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So is this the place? No. Well, it's a place that'll take us to another place, and from that place we'll find a way to the place we're going.
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formulaonedirection · 2 years
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Making each other crack up in Singapore (2019 vs 2022)
Dando Parallels 6/?
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katebeckets · 2 months
please Please consider... feelings and thoughts are not facts. they are meant to guide and protect and teach you, and they do their best, but sometimes they get it wrong. we are notoriously unreliable narrators. someone's feelings and experiences are theirs and theirs alone. they have a right to remember and process and respond to those things, but that doesn't mean you take it at face value as The definitive narrative. it's also their responsibility to accept that their experiences can be true even when it directly conflicts with someone else's experiences of the same things. you can take people's feelings and experiences at face value, acknowledge and validate and empathize with them, without accepting it as the truth. Because feelings are so often not true.
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barkingbarghest · 3 months
okay okay the promised lark post now that s3 ep4 is out now. Under the read more because spoilers GO LISTEN TO MIDST look at me look at me ~~listen to midst podcast~~ ~~maybe look up a list of possible triggers and ask if you want to know if it's right for you~~ ~~but then if everything is gucci go listen to midst podcast~~ I am beaming directly into your brain. ok? ALSO SHOUT-OUT TO @ionomycin for the art this episode it FUCKS verily!!!! You do SUCH a fantastic job of creating atmosphere in your works I'm losing my mind in the faded tones and neon hues. Phineas' apartment is much more garbage in my head so thank you for upgrading his living space for him. The color blue.... is good.
Lark is iirc in her 60s or 70s? And she said that 12-year old Tzila is right around the age she was when she went on the run. That's like... 50-60 years always watching her back always running never being able to put down roots never letting herself make connections. When we get that look into her head at the end of season 2 and we're told how afraid she is?? Hello??????????? We're told right off the bat, right from the jump, how Lark is gruff and that "any given Clint Eastwood western film character but a wrinkly old sun-darkened woman with dreadlocks" vibe but it's not just because "that's how she is" there's a girl in there who wants to have friends - she finally admits it to herself that she was willing to kill Fuze* just to be able to have her life on Midst for just a little bit longer - she just hasn't let herself. And now that she does know she wants it, she doesn't know how to behave about it! The scene where she is lashing out at Tzila slapping on that sandpaper mask and pretending she doesn't care when she cares so so so bad she cares so much. *FUZE. FUZE!! Who was maybe one of the ONLY people left ALIVE who KNEW Lark who KNEW Clara Mire who not only knew what she did but maybe WHY she did it. There's no way the other workers at the factory didn't know something of what was going on with Max Lox and Lark's mom. Lark SAYS that she liked Fuze, that he was nice, she remembered that. But she still killed him. Just to avoid having to flee Midst like she's had to flee so many lives before. GOD she's SO heartbreaking.
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radioactive-cloud · 8 months
hello???????? i'm sorry????????
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bibuddie · 1 year
holter monitors monitor your heart rate and rhythm constantly looking for any irregularities...looking for any changes...a stutter or a pause or a moment of uncertainty in the rhythm...what if they...don't find anything on buck's because...because he's finally sure...because his heart's finally sure...
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landsofnayir · 10 months
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*runs you over cutely*
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transgender-catboy · 12 days
can I just message one of my friends with
HEY GORGEOUS!!! I missed ya, haven't talked to you in a hot second, hope you're well!
or is that too much?
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lifemod17 · 15 days
How to get me in my feels with one photo:
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Wasteland, Baby! rain over Raleigh video you are so very dear to me!!!
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