#i'm doing alright by the way! Signed a lease for the house I'm in and i got a new roommate
glitches-and-bugs · 5 months
Has anyone taken up the Glitch/bug/error mantle in my (mostly) absence? Was that niche filled in the 'CU since I didn't really get involved? Let me see my son/daughter, I need to pay you child support, kiddo. Let's go play catch.
9 notes · View notes
something-tofightfor · 11 months
Liminality: Part 4
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Female Reader
Word Count: 8,989
Rating: M: violent themes, talk of previous deaths and crime, mention of wolves being violent, some language ... this one's actually pretty tame. Tom is in this chapter, though... so be warned.
Summary: As you continue to settle into Tampa, more falls into place ... until you're hit with a bombshell of a revelation from the last place you expect it.
Author’s note:
Here we are, well into November and it's still spooky season over here. Thank you for sticking with this one, and for being so kind about the first few parts. I'm having a blast writing it - and hope that you continue to enjoy reading it.
If you have any questions or comments or just want to talk about Frankie, please feel free to reach out. I'm SO INTERESTED in any theories you may have about where this is going, too.
Masterlist (for the journal entries and all of the other 'extras' + previous chapters)
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“So if you’ll just sign here, and there, and here…” Tom pointed to different places on the paper, his other hand flat on the tabletop. “And then initial these three…” He sighed, waiting. “And then one more on this final page. That’s it. You’re all set.” 
Wednesday hadn’t worked out for Tom, but on the first Thursday you spent in Tampa, you were sitting in his office, signing your lease. It felt like a step in the right direction, and as you scanned the page before sliding it back toward him, you grinned. “That’s it?” 
“Yeah. You already gave me the cashier’s check, and the owners will forward over the utility bills to you every month as they come in.” He shrugged. “All I need to do is hand you the keys, and you can get out of here.” He rubbed at his chin, eyeing you. “Got someone to help you move in?”
“I have three suitcases and a duffle bag, Tom. I don’t exactly travel with a lot.” He chuckled, holding one of his hands out toward you. 
“Alright. I’ll go get the key, be right back.” He left you at the desk, giving you a few seconds to stare through the partially opened blinds and into the parking lot. It was early enough in the day that you’d be able to take care of your errands and still have time to get out and visit one of the places on your list if you chose to, which made you happy. Because I’m on a roll, especially after the last two days. “Here you go.” 
Tom dropped a set of three keys on front of you, continuing to circle around to the other side of the desk. “Thank you. I -”
“And this is for you, too.” He slid a bottle of wine toward you, a big red bow tied around the neck of the bottle. “Usually I save these for people that close on houses, but since you’re looking for local things to write about …” 
At the sight of the label, you froze, breath catching. How does he know? There’s no way that he … “Thank you, Tom.” You pulled the bottle closer, fingers wrapped around the neck. This can’t be a coincidence, can it? “The winery’s local?”
“Kind of. It’s about an hour away.” He leaned back in his chair, smiling. “My wife’s a big fan. She and her friends go every couple months, and she brings me back a a case or two, so I can hand them out.” He pointed. “That’s one of her favorites.” 
“Howl At The Moon?” You arched a brow, shaking your head. “Interesting name.”
“All of their wines have names like that, and labels to match.” Tom shrugged. “Look the winery up, and you’ll see.” You believed him, letting out the breath that you hadn’t realized you were holding. “I think I’ve got a bottle or two of their white wines back there, if -”
“No. This is perfect, Tom.” Standing, you picked the bottle up by the neck, looking down at the label. More perfect than you know. “Thank you. And now I’m going to go and buy groceries and fill up that refrigerator because let me tell you … living out of that mini fridge in the hotel was a nightmare.” 
Tom’s smile widened, the man clasping his hands together on the desktop. “I’m sure it was. And I hope it goes well for you. Maybe I’ll see you around?” 
“Maybe.” Tucking the wine bottle under one arm, you reached for the keys. “Still waiting to hear back from Frankie about the helicopter, but now that I’m going to be further south, heading back to Ironhead’s is definitely an option.” 
He opened his mouth to speak, but the phone on his desk rang before he could, Tom averting his eyes to look at it. Waving, you backed slowly out of the office, listening as the man answered the call just before you closed the door behind you. 
You did plan on going to the store and buying what you needed for the apartment, but more than that, you were looking forward to unpacking all of your research. You needed to see everything laid out - pictures and charts and maps, the lists you’d made in your journals and on loose sheets of paper. It helped you think, and after the discoveries you’d made in the previous few days, you needed every advantage that you could get. 
“Groceries first.” Mumbling the words as you set the bottle of wine down in the back seat, your eyes lingered on the silhouette of the wolf on the label. “And then work.”
Three hours later, you were chewing on the last bites of a sandwich and staring down at the mess on your floor. It was chaotic - papers overlapping, pictures in small stacks, post it notes stuck to everything - but as you eyed each piece, things came together .
You were convinced that what was happening in Florida was what you were looking for. You’d visited two of the murder sites in the previous two days, images from the crime scene photos helping you to find the exact locations where the bodies had been found. It surprised you that the locations were so close to the trails and roads that led through the park spaces. But that had worked in your favor, because it meant that you poking around with your camera wasn’t suspicious. 
The first thing you’d noticed were the gouges in trees nearby. To anyone that wasn’t looking, they didn’t stand out - the marred surfaces of the tree trunks simply looked like breaks in the bark or the marks of bear or big cat claws. But you’d seen the same marks at roughly the same height in both Cypress Creek and Hillsborough River - the marks matching photos that had been passed down from other relatives in other locations throughout the years. 
The second thing was your biggest clue, and you’d dropped to your knees with a gasp at the sight of it, one hand covering your mouth. It was a pawprint, half-hidden beneath a stack of rocks, and you’d only seen it because you were taking a short break, resting on a downed tree stump. 
But when you’d cleared the rocks away - carefully - so that you could see the whole thing, you knew. It was larger than a dog’s paw, and shaped differently than a bear or a panther’s would have been. The toes were elongated, almost like fingers, and the impression of the nail was deep and wide - entirely different from any other animal print than you’d ever seen. 
You’d taken photos - multiple photos, and then printed them up as soon as you were back in the hotel, comparing them to ones that your grandfather had taken … and they matched. 
The print told you a wolf was in the area, but the marks on the trees told you it was the Chaos line … and that meant that finally, you were in the right place. 
Seeing everything together was overwhelming. You’d never been so close before, and even though you knew that you still had a long way to go, it was encouraging. Because I still have weeks before the full moon, and that means I have time. 
You contemplated opening the bottle of wine that Tom had given you, marking the discovery and confirmation with some celebration, but before you could decide one way or the other, your phone rang - and it was Frankie’s name on the screen. 
Grabbing for the device, you took it to the couch and sunk onto it, answering. “Hello?”
“Hey. It’s Frankie, what’s up?”
“Not much. Just …” You looked around. “Just relaxing in my new apartment.” There was a pause and then you heard him swear, a quick laugh reaching your ear moments later. “You?”
“So we’re neighbors now?” He didn’t give you a chance to answer, the man continuing. “Nice. I just finished my last flight for the day, and wanted to let you know that I got approval for a couple of the routes I mapped out. I’ll need to file ‘em the day before we go to finalize everything, but I was wonderin’ if you wanted to meet up to pick the ones you like best so we can figure out some dates.” 
“Yes.” Grinning, you leaned forward. “Yes, Frankie. When and where?”
“If you’re in Tampa Heights, you’re on my way home. I’ve got my laptop, so I can bring it there and we can go over … shit, are you even unpacked? I don’t want to - “
“I live out of suitcases, Frankie. I’m unpacked.” Eyeing the mess on the floor, you wrinkled your nose. I will need to put that away though. “How long would it take you to get here?” 
“Donno. I have a couple things to do here before I head out, so maybe a half hour? Forty five minutes?” That was plenty of time - and you told him as much, letting him know that  you’d send over the address as soon as you hung up the phone. “Alright. Sounds good. I’ll see you in a little while.” 
He hung up first and then you texted him the address, telling him he could park behind your car. You got a thumbs up response a few seconds later, and at his confirmation, you started to clean up your research. 
You’d done it so often that packing it away was second nature to you, everything stuffed back into binders and then put into one of your suitcases. You scanned the room one final time to make sure you hadn’t missed anything before replacing the padlock on the zipper tabs, and then you headed out onto the living room again, taking a seat on the couch and chewing on your lower lip. 
You didn’t know how you’d feel seeing Frankie again, but you hoped that you wouldn’t overreact. He’d texted you twice in the previous days - once to ask a question about a list of sites you’d mentioned wanting to see via email, and again to confirm that he’d gotten the reply, but aside from that, there’d been nothing. 
And there shouldn’t have been. We don’t even know each other, and … But part of you had been disappointed, even though he’d warned you that it might be a little while before you heard from him. And that meant that you needed to be careful when he knocked, keeping your expression even and not acting like seeing him was a big deal. Even though it is, because … I want to see him. 
“Get your shit together and keep it there,” you grumbled as you put your head in your hands, taking a deep breath. “He’s just a guy. He’s just a -”
A sharp knock at the door distracted you, and without pause, you were on your feat and heading to answer it. Frankie stood on the front step with a laptop bag slung over one shoulder, a dark green polo shirt covering the upper half of his body and snug-fitting khakis on the bottom. I’m fucked. Look at him. “Welcome to the neighborhood.” He grinned at you, eyes glittering from beneath the pushed-back brim of his hat. “I brought you a housewarming present.” 
“You didn’t have to -” But you laughed when you saw what he was holding, his fingers tightly wrapped around the handle of a travel coffee mug similar to the one you’d taken from his house. Oh, that’s perfect. Reaching out, you took it from his hand. “Thank you, Frankie. Now I don’t have to pretend I forgot where yours is so that I can keep it.” 
“I knew it.” He shook his head. “Thief.” Snorting, you stepped to the side and motioned for him to come in. He busied himself with removing his boots and then entered the room fully, turning around in a circle. “This place is a rental? Nice.” 
“Yeah, it was my favorite of the three.” Gesturing for him to sit, you inhaled. “Can I get you anything to drink? I have a six pack, or some Coke, and there’s bottled water, too. Tom also gave me a bottle of wine, but I’m not sure if there’s a corkscrew in here.”
“Oh, you got one of those?” He leaned back against the cushions, hands resting on his lap. “Which one’d you get? He’s real partial to the chardonnay, but -”
“No, it’s a red.” Reaching for the bottle, you picked it up and held it out to him. “I didn’t look it up or anything, but -” Frankie’s jaw twitched at the sight of the bottle, and you watched his fingers curl, the man making a quick fist before he relaxed. Over a bottle of wine? “It looks like it might be good, so I thought I’d ask.” 
He took the bottle from you, casting his gaze down at the label as he spun it between his fingers. “He picked this for you?” Frankie glanced up, waiting for your nod before he spoke again. “His wife drinks this one. He usually doesn’t hand bottles of this out so I’m kinda surprised.” 
“Well that must mean it’s good.” Reaching out, you took the bottle back from him, eyeing the label. “Did you want me to see if -”
“I’m not really a wine guy.” He wrinkled his nose, clearing his throat. “But thanks. I’ll take a Coke if you don’t mind. Could use the caffeine.” Telling him to give you a minute, you went back and into the kitchen, pulling two cups from the stack in the cupboard, and then turning to the refrigerator. “I’ll drink it from the can, don’t need anything fancy.” 
Of course you don’t. Grabbing both cans, you headed for where he sat, eyeing the man’s open laptop. “Oh, is that Carmen?” He nodded, looking over at you when you sat down, though you kept your eyes on the screen - a picture of Frankie sitting on a beach with a little girl in his lap taking up the whole thing. “She looks just like you, Frankie. Has your eyes and your nose and -”
“And her mother’s attitude.” He bumped you with his shoulder, laughing. “That was this summer. She loves the beach.” 
“I don’t blame her.” You kept your eyes on him, watching as Frankie opened a spreadsheet and what looked like a flight planning software. “You look like you love it, too.”
“I do.” He smiled then, nodding. “So, if you take a look at these …” 
For the next twenty minutes, you and Frankie talked over different options for flights, both along the coast and inland. He explained what each would allow you to see, and when you compared his explanation to your notes, you realized that if you went on two or three of the tours, you’d be able to see most of the places you wanted to, even in the short amount of time you’d be in the air. And anything else, I could always circle back to.
“What are you thinking?” He leaned back, reaching up to resituate his hat, and you couldn’t take your eyes off of his arm, the inked skin pulled taut over the muscle beneath it. “Any of these look good?” 
“They all do.” You pressed your lips together, nodding. “You took my lists, and just …” Gesturing at the screen, you shrugged. “You made it work. I’m impressed.” 
“It’s what I do for a living.” He shrugged. “Just tryin’ to make sure my clients get what they want.” Because that’s what I am, just another client, so … of course. “Where do you want to start?”
“What are we looking at cost wise, Frankie? I’ve got a decent budget, but since these are custom flight plans, I -”
“I think I can give you the friends and family discount.” He smiled, shifting so that he could look at you. “And instead of booking things separately, we can do a multi-flight package, either based on the number of flights or overall minutes.” He waved his hand in the air. “Cost isn’t the important thing right now. We’ll make it work.” We will? 
“Are we friends, Frankie?” You sipped your drink, never looking away from him. “I didn’t want to assu-”
“Friends and Family Discount looks much better on the invoice sheet than the ‘We Fucked On The Rug In Front of My Fireplace The First Night We Met Discount’ would, right?” He took a breath, opening his mouth to speak again, but you beat him to it, laughter tumbling from your lips. “What? What did I say?” 
“You know exactly what you said, Catfish.” Briefly lowering your head, you took a deep breath. “But yeah, I guess I agree that one of those memo lines is going to raise a lot fewer eyebrows.”  
It surprised you that he’d been the one to bring the previous night up first, but Frankie had seemed direct - so it wasn’t a shock. “I want to pay you fairly, Frankie. This is your job and I’m basically a stranger, so you tell me what you think is fair, and we’ll go from there.” 
He watched you for a little while, the man’s eyes searching your face, but he stayed quiet. 
In a different situation, you would have leaned in, winding a hand around the back of his head and pulling him closer to kiss him before moving even closer to him on the couch. He would have reached out, fingers running along your throat and then tilting your chin to find just the right angle, the laptop and flight plans forgotten as you utilized the comfort of the cushions beneath you. But that’s not happening. 
Frankie looked away first, releasing a deep sigh and returning his gaze to his computer. “Uh, alright. Yeah. I think we can make that happen.” He closed his eyes, reaching up to remove the hat and set it on the table next to his computer. “Let’s open my schedule and see what I’ve got free.” 
It took another half hour, but you scheduled the first three flights with Frankie - one for that Saturday, one for the following Thursday and then another the following Wednesday - both of you entering them into your calendars so that you didn’t forget. By the time you set your phone down, you were almost giddy with excitement at the prospect of going up in the air with him. 
“Do I need to bring anything? Does it get cold? Should I eat before, or -” 
He laughed - and that time he was laughing at you, but it wasn’t unkind. You liked the way his face looked when he was amused - a dimple on one cheek, the lines at the corners of his eyes deepening with the rise of his cheeks, teeth bared in a grin. He’s handsome. And he’s sitting on my couch and … shit. “Bring yourself. I’ll send over a list of stuff that you can and can’t bring with you - and what you should wear, but rule of thumb is just be comfortable.” He wet his lips, his smile turning into a more subdued one. “We’ll do a doors on flight for your first one.” 
“You do flights without the doors?” Leaning in, you widened your eyes. “Well that’s terrifying.” He reached over then, settling his hand on top of yours and squeezing. You dropped your gaze at his touch, mouth opening in shock at the heat and weight of his hand - and how much you’d been wanting to feel it. 
“You’re strapped in real tight.” He said your name, pausing until you’d looked up again. “I check the belts before every takeoff.” That’s something to think about another time, because right now, I … I can’t. “If after 3 trips, you want to schedule more, we can. But it’s harder to plan for weather and all that so far out, especially in hurricane season.” He squeezed your hand again and then released it, glancing down at the watch he wore. “Shit. It’s already late. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to stay so long.”
“Are you hungry, Frankie?” You spoke without giving yourself a chance to second guess it, pulling your hands back into your lap. “Because I am. And I’m sure there are some great places to eat around here. I’m also sure you know all about them.” 
“You asking me to dinner?” Tilting his head to the side, he arched a brow, smiling at you. “Because if you are, the answer’s yes, and I know the perfect place, as long as you’re looking for cold beer and good pizza.” 
“Sounds perfect.”
“So Benny was in the ring with this guy for a big fight, and we were all terrified he was going to get his ass handed to him.” Frankie picked up his glass, head shaking back and forth as he sipped from it. “Not because he was bigger or anything, but because the guy’s eyes were wild. He was ready to beat the shit out of Ben just because he’d have the opportunity, and all we could do was sit and watch.” 
He’d been regaling you with stories about himself and his friends while you ordered, waited for and then started eating your pizza, and if there was one thing you were learning about Frankie, it was that he liked talking them up. More them than himself, but … still. You liked hearing him talk - liked the way he’d pushed the professional aspect of your connection to the side in order to treat you like a friend, and you wondered if the admission from earlier had sped things along. Seems like it. 
“Did he?” You leaned in, a piece of pizza held in one hand while you eyed him. “Get his ass -”
“No. The power surged and went out, and it threw the other guy way off, so when they finally fought that night, Benny knocked him out before the end of the first round.” Frankie grinned, shrugging. “He used that prize money as part of the bar’s startup with Will, and hasn’t stepped foot into the octagon again since.” Frankie took another drink, his gaze locked on your face. “Took him a couple years to start earnin’ anything, and then when he finally did… he got the fuck outta there while his face still looked pretty enough.” 
“It is a very pretty face.” Arching a brow, you shrugged. “Can’t say I blame him for wanting to keep it that way.” Frankie laughed at that, finally looking away and down at his plate, a few small pieces of crust left there. “What about yours?” He looked back up, frowning. “There’s a scar on your cheek, but aside from that, nothing. I noticed it the other night. Did you get that the same day as your arm?”
“Yeah.” He nodded, his expression clearing. “Deep cut.” Reaching up, he ran his fingertips over the thin line on his cheekbone. “It also didn’t heal right, but it’s a little harder to hide that one. Can’t exactly tattoo over it.” 
“I didn’t mean to call attention to it, Frankie. I just -” You idiot. “You mentioned punching, and… we were talking about facial injuries and … I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to apologize.” He reached out, laying a hand over yours and squeezing. “You can see it, it’s fair game.” 
“It shouldn’t be -”
“Stop it.” He squeezed again and then let go, leaning back in the booth and swiping a hand through the unruly curls on the top of his head. “There’s nothing to apologize for. I mean it.” He winked at you, clearing his throat. “I’ve heard scars are sexy, anyway. So maybe I’ve got that goin’ for me.”
“Definitely.” Nodding as you schooled your expression into a serious one, you winked back at him, “Very sexy, Frankie.” 
That broke the slight tension that you’d created, and for the next ten minutes, conversation drifted back to the easy banter you’d established throughout the rest of the meal. But it’s getting late, and he’s got flights tomorrow… so I need to cut this short. “I know you’re going to have to head out soon, but I do have a question for you.” 
Frankie nodded, finishing his beer and leaning back in, lacing his fingers together on the tabletop. “Shoot.” 
“I need to do a couple hikes and some exploring the area, but I like to do that at different times of the day.” Spinning the straw in your water cup, you paused, taking a deep breath. “I know that realistically I’m not going to get eaten by an alligator as long as I stay on the hiking trails and don’t try to swim in random lakes and rivers, but …” You have to do it. Just do it now. “Frankie, I’ve seen the articles. I know it happens, but there’s been pretty consistent animal attacks in this general vicinity for the last couple month, and I need to do my job, but -”
“But you want to know if it’s safe.” He sighed, the sound heavy, and for the first time, you saw actual concern in his eyes. “I’m glad you’re taking it seriously, to be honest. A lot of people don’t, and they think they can just wander around and it’ll be fine.” Well in most cases it is. But most places don’t have werewolves running around, either. “If you’re hiking during the day, there’s really nothin’ to worry about. The gators are around, but you can see them. And the big cats stay pretty well hidden.” 
“What about at night? Or close to -”
“I wouldn’t do anything alone at night if you’re not familiar with the area.” His tone was even, though the intensity in his eyes was anything but. “Walking around the neighborhood is one thing, but not trails. I wouldn’t camp by myself. I wouldn’t go near any water at night.” He wet his lips, sighing. “Unless you were with someone.” 
“Well unluckily for me, I only know about five people in Tampa, so -”
“Pope’s not workin’ right now. And even Will and Benny take time off.” His smile returned, Frankie’s eyes warming, too. “And I know that I’d personally love to hang out with you more. So if you ever need a buddy, you can ask one of us, and I’m sure we’ll be around.” 
“You don’t even know me, Frankie. Neither do they. It -”
“Bullshit.” He narrowed his eyes briefly, his eyes moving up and down over your face. “I know enough. And if I vouch for you … it’s good enough for them.” Frankie’s declaration made you feel warm, your heartbeat thumping against the inside of your ribcage as you wordlessly stared at him. That would solve a lot of my problems, but it seems to good to be true. I just stumble on a group of guys that are ready and willing to help me out? “No pressure. I’d just hate thinking of you wandering around alone in a place you don’t know when we’re all right here.” 
“Do you think I could convince Pope or Benny to camp with me?” Closing your eyes, you winced. “Probably not Pope because he’s got a girlfriend and that would be weird, but -”
“What about me?” He took a deep breath and held it, staring at you. “We’ve already spent the night together once, so you know there’s no other woman for you to worry about.” Does that mean he wants to spend the night together again? Is he hinting at it? Does he - “Unless you want to get to know Benny better.” 
“No. That’s not it.” You looked away from him, taking a few seconds to scan the crowd before you spoke again. “You have to get up so early for your flights, and I didn’t think a night of sleeping on the ground would be good for your back.” Go for it. Flirt back. Hint. “Even though it didn’t seem to bother you when we were on your floor.” 
You watched his expression change, his eyes darkening at the same time his lips curved upward and into a sly smile. But there was nothing alarming about it - it was just desire written on his features, the man looking at you like he had the other night. Like he wants me. Like that was the right thing to say. “Can I tell you something?” The smile softened, and Frankie reached up, scratching at the side of his head. “We’ve got a camper. None of us use it enough to own one outright but …” He nodded, head cocked to the right. “The bed’s pretty damn comfortable and I think you’d agree.” 
You knew in that moment that you and Frankie would end up in bed together again - and likely not just in a way that meant only sleeping next to each other. And I’m alright with that. I’m very alright with that. “Well that changes things.”  You paused, still eyeing him. “I might have to take you up on that.” 
“Good. That’s why I suggested it.” He glanced down, checking his watch. “I hate to cut this short, but I need to get home.” Frankie chewed on the inside of his cheek for a few moments and then grinned, flattening his hands on the table. “I have to get up early for my flights tomorrow.” Both of you laughed, Frankie reaching for the check that had been folded and set on the edge of your table. “Dinner’s on me.” 
You opened your mouth to tell him that he didn’t need to worry about it, but decided against it, watching as he opened his wallet and pulled out cash. He wouldn’t have offered if he didn’t want to. “Thank you.” You finished your water, following his lead when he stood up. “I’m sorry I didn’t drive myself, now you have to take me back before you can go home.” 
“It’s a couple extra minutes. No big deal.” You started walking toward the exit, Frankie a half step behind you. “And I’m the one that suggested me driving.” I know, but … He reached past you to open the door, and when you walked by, thanking him, you felt the press of his hand against your back, the touch sending a shockwave through you. 
You hadn’t previously had the kind of reaction to anyone that you were having to Frankie, and even though it alarmed you, it felt right. Remember that this is temporary. If everything went well, you’d be done with your hunt within a few weeks - and able to leave Florida immediately after. But I could stay, and finish the research for the book here. Frowning as you crossed the parking lot, you tried to think ahead. 
If you found the wolf in Florida, it would allow you to close another link between the lower-level wolves and the ones at the head of the Chaos line. But just because I get rid of this one, that doesn’t mean the problem is solved. It was a never ending quest, and you realistically knew that your search for the end of the line would never be realized. But what I do now will help people in the future. Alec, too. And - 
“You alright?” Frankie’s hand was still on you, the man standing much closer than he had been as you approached the truck. “You look like you’re spacing out.” I am. 
“Yeah. Just thinking.” You stopped next to the passenger door, turning back to face Frankie. “I’ve only been here a week, and it feels like everything’s falling into place a little too easily, Frankie.” He nodded, his silhouette backlit by the overhead lampposts. “It’s a lot of work, and I’m a little overwhelmed, but it shouldn’t be anything new to me, because …” Because this has been my life since I turned eighteen, but this is the first time there’s been a you involved. “I don’t want to trust it.” 
“Take it one day at a time.” He moved closer, his arms crossed over his chest. “That’s all you can do, right?” I guess. “You’ve got time. You’re renting that apartment for what, three months?” You nodded in agreement, and Frankie mirrored the movement. “Now that you’ve got a place to stay, you can settle. Get comfortable.” He was right - and you knew it, nodding again as you raised a hand to cover your face. 
“Frankie Morales, the voice of reason.” He snorted, stifling a laugh. 
“Don’t let any of my friends hear you say that.” He reached up, pulling the hat from his head and tucking it into the back pocket of his jeans before rubbing at his eyes. “I could stand here talking to you all night, but …” Shit. Right. 
You winced, reaching behind you for the door handle, but froze when you saw the look on Frankie’s face. He was watching you intently, eyes locked with yours - and for a brief second, you thought he was going to lean in and kiss you. And I want him to. I really want him to. It had been simmering between you the entire night - thinly veiled innuendos, flirtatious comments, the casual touching - and in some ways, you thought that maybe breaking the ice with a kiss in the parking lot would have made things easier. Especially if he does it this time. 
But Frankie didn’t lean in.
Instead, you watched as his jaw tightened before he stepped away, circling around to the other side of the truck and leaving you next to the passenger side, your eyes wide and your lips parted in surprise. Well, alright then. 
You climbed into the cab of the truck and settled in, fastening your seatbelt and then closing your eyes. The two of you had established a boundary and he was only sticking to it - you couldn’t blame him. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t still hurt. 
“What’ve you got going on tomorrow?” He spoke as he pulled onto the main road, eyes on the windshield. “Anything important?” 
“I might actually go to the beach.” You hummed, staring out the passenger window for a few seconds. “Clearwater, I think. The weather’s supposed to be good, so I might as well take advantage of it.” 
“You should.” He nodded, the movement catching your attention. “It’s nice. I really like St. Pete Beach, too, but Clearwater’s a good place to start.” 
“Well then maybe when I go to St. Pete, you should come with me.” You froze even as you were speaking, closing your eyes and wrinkling your nose. Shit. Shit, that sounds … 
“Alright.” He turned his head to look at you, a small smile on his lips. “I’m gonna hold you to that.” Murmuring an agreement, you didn’t say anything else until he was pulling into your driveway, his headlights sweeping over the front of your apartment.
“Thanks for tonight. Nothing like a couple beers and some pizza with adequate company.” 
“Adequate? That all I am?” He nudged you with his elbow, laughter apparent in his voice. “I’m wounded.” 
“You know what I mean.” Shifting in your seat to unbuckle your seatbelt, you laughed. “Seriously, though. Thank you. I think one of the worst parts of this job is how temporary everything feels. Doesn’t matter how much I like a place, I know it’s not going to be forever and I have no real connection to it. This … you are helping it not feel like that this time.” 
“You’re welcome.” He nodded, still watching you. “Anytime.” Do you mean that? “I’ll send over that list for your flight prep tomorrow morning. Look for it when you wake up.” 
“Will do. Goodnight, Frankie.” You paused, taking a breath. “Fly safe tomorrow.” 
“Always do.” His smile widened - and then to your surprise, he leaned in, wrapping one arm around you in a hug. It surprised you but you welcomed it, one of your hands settling against his side as you inhaled again, the scent of his cologne filling your nostrils. God he smells good. “Have fun at the beach.” He backed away, straightening up, though his hand trailed slowly down your arm, the tips of his fingers dragging over your knuckles. “See you Saturday afternoon.” 
Assuring him that you’d be there, you tore yourself away from him and opened the door, heading for the apartment and putting your hand on the doorknob before you looked back. Frankie was watching you, the light in the cab on so that you could see him clearly. Fuck he’s handsome. Raising your free hand in a quick wave, you waited for his nod before turning back to the front door and pushing the key into the lock and twisting. 
The interior space was dark and quiet, but the scent of Frankie lingered. No, maybe that’s wishful thinking. Rolling your eyes, you locked the door and then headed for the bedroom, deciding that there was no point in pulling your research out again that night, even though it was before 10. I won’t get anything done. 
Instead, you changed into pajamas and got a beach bag ready for the next day, dropping it next to the front door and then climbing into bed. 
You turned the TV on, counting on the glow to help you wind down … but not even fifteen minutes later, you were sound asleep. 
By the time you were shaking the sand off and packing your stuff back into the car the following day, you’d put things into perspective - not only in terms of Frankie, but in terms of the time you were spending in Florida, too. 
The sun and sand had been exactly what you needed to relax and get your thoughts together. It hadn’t been too crowded on the beach, and you’d found a place to stretch out without difficulty, spreading an oversized towel on the sand and sinking onto it. 
You’d drifted off more than a few times, the sound of the waves and gulf breeze lulling you to sleep. But when you were awake you were thinking, your mind working overtime to organize everything going on inside of it. 
Frankie keeping things professional was smart. You’d had your fun with him, and he was easy to flirt with - but it couldn’t be more than that. You still thought that at some point, you’d end up in bed with him again, but it didn’t need to be immediately. There was a physical connection as well as an emotional one - at least on some level - but you were more than capable of keeping things professional, especially if it got you the information and access you needed. 
You’d also considered the locations of the first three cases in Florida, and decided that you needed to focus on alternate choices. You didn’t think the wolf would return to a former site, even though to you, that would have made sense - a single territorial animal defending its habitat was less likely to raise eyebrows than seemingly random attacks throughout the area. But he wouldn’t change the pattern of behavior now. And there are so many other places to choose from. 
It narrowed things down and expanded the list of sites you needed to consider at the same time - but you were confident in your assessment. And once you had the maps in front of you again, you could start to formulate your plan of attack. 
You had a little under 3 weeks to figure things out, and wanted to use as much of the time as possible without working yourself too hard. Because it won’t do me any good to exhaust myself before the full moon. 
Stuffing your bag and the towel into the backseat and giving your legs one final brush off with the palm of your hand, you turned back toward the water, smiling. The sun was beginning set, and you decided to stop somewhere and grab dinner on your way home, leaving one less thing between you and more research. It’s going to be a late night. My flight tomorrow isn’t until the afternoon, so … 
The list from Frankie had been no-nonsense, and you could tell that it was a standard one that he sent out to all clients. But it had still made you smile as you read it, the instructions making it clear that Frankie had rules you needed to follow if you wanted the ride to go smoothly. And I do. 
Before you could get any deeper in thought, you felt your phone vibrating in your back pocket, one hand reaching for it while you opened the car door with the other. The name on the screen shocked you, though - both eyes widening as you scrambled to answer it. “Alec? Hey! It’s been so long, how are you?” 
“I know. I’m sorry.“ He paused, the familiar voice filled with amusement. “And I’m great, how are you?” 
“Busy.” Closing the door, you put the key into the ignition so you could open the window, letting the salt air in. “But good. This is a real … I feel sure about this one, Alec.” 
“Seems like it from the pictures.” He cleared his throat, saying your name. “Are you being careful? I worry about you, y’know?”
“I am. I made a couple friends here and they think I’m just working on the book, but …” You smiled as you thought of the group at the bar, tapping your fingers on the steering wheel. “But it’s nice to have company. I got an apartment, too. So I’m not in a hotel anymore and that’s great.” He hummed in agreement, but didn’t say anything else. Weird. “Where are you? You should come here. Work this with me. I know we haven’t been in the same place in a while, but it would -”
“I’m actually going to see my mom in the next couple days.” He paused, taking a breath. “I’m in Texas right now. Odessa.” 
“Is there something going on in Texas?” You chewed on your lip, eyes narrowed. “I can’t think of anything that -”
“There’s something going on, but it has nothing to do with …” He trailed off and then sighed. “Nothing to do with what you think it does.” It wasn’t like Alec to be so cagey, and it immediately put you on edge, but you didn’t want to push if he had no interest in telling you what was going on. “I wanted to do this in person, but I don’t think there’s time. Fuck.” 
“Alec? Is everything alright?” Your fingers curled around the wheel, heart rate increasing. “You sound -” 
“I’ve been lying to you. And I hate it, but …” Lying? What - “I’m not working on instinct or just using the information we already have.” He paused again, and you could picture the expression on his face, brow furrowed and his lips pressed into a thin line. “I’m… I’m working with a wolf, the same way our relatives used to. I have been for almost two years.” 
It didn’t surprise you as much as you thought it would, but you still felt a slight sting of betrayal at his lie, your grip on the device tightening. “Just one, or -”
“A pack.” Closing your eyes, you let out a breath. “They’re spread out over western Texas and Mexico and New Mexico, but yeah, they’ve been pretty helpful. They know who I am and what I’m… we’re doing and … they understand.” Of course they do. 
“Good. I’m glad, Alec. I’m glad you have -”
“One of them, Ashley … she’s been with me on a few of my more recent stakeouts. She’s come to different locations with me and has … helped.” 
“Some of them can turn at will, depending on the control they have over themselves. She’s one of them. And she… wanted to come. She wanted to help, because she can cover more ground.” It hit you then. The hesitation in his voice wasn’t because he was afraid to tell you about Ashley and the wolves he was working with - it was because there was something else he wasn’t saying. Wait a minute. 
“Are you sleeping with her, Alec? You -”
“I’m marrying her.” You froze, the sound that was coming through the open car window fading as you tried to process his words. Marrying her? He … that … “She’s pregnant. Due at the end of December. And I need to be there with her when she has the baby, because ….”
“Because it might be a wolf.” He agreed, but didn’t say anything else, and for a few long seconds, both of you were entirely silent. I was not expecting that. “Was she … was she born into it, or -”
“She was. So there’s a good chance that the baby will be, too. I think …” He repeated your name, giving you a few moments to think. “I think I might be out after this.” 
It would leave you alone - continuing to look for the source of the Chaos line without any backup, Alec giving up the nomad lifestyle to stick with his family. I can’t blame him. It makes sense. “Congratulations, Alec.” You meant it - your tone only wavering slightly. “You must be excited. Does your mom know?” 
“She knows I’m with Ashley. And mom knows Ashley’s family history, but we’re …. Going to tell her about the baby when we’re home.” 
“So you’re going to Nevada now, and then?”
“She’s going to have the baby in Texas. It makes sense just in case. Mom’s… they’ve already said she can be here with us. I don’t know how it works, but there’s been a couple full moons since we found out, and everything looks good. We had to find a doctor that understands, but …” 
It put things into perspective for you - the fact that there were medical professionals that not only knew of the existence of wolves, but actively treated them, too - and that gave you something else to consider as you moved forward. “If you don’t want me to meet either of them, I understand, Alec.” Swallowing hard, you closed your eyes and gripped the steering wheel with one hand. “Once you’re out of this, it’ll be harder, and you’ll need to focus on them and not on -”
“Of course I want you to meet them.” He laughed, the tension easing slightly. “And if your leads play out in Florida, maybe you’ll have some time free afterward.” 
“Maybe.” You watched as a man and a woman walked in front of your car, their fingers linked tightly together. “Maybe you’re right.” There was silence for a few seconds and then Alec cleared his throat before speaking again. 
“Maybe after we see my mom, maybe … maybe we’ll come to Florida. Ashley might be able to make some connections, and if I can help you close this one out, it’ll…. It’ll be a good way to end my involvement, you know? One more before the kid comes? And you can meet Ash, and …”
“I’ll be here.” You knew that telling him it was unnecessarily dangerous wouldn’t accomplish anything. Alec made his own decisions, and from the sound of it, so did Ashley. “I only have one bedroom in my place, though. Might be a tight fit, even for a couple days.” 
“We’ll let you know.” You heard someone talking in the background on his end, and then Alec sighed again, the sound turning into a quiet laugh. “And that means we’ll probably see you in a couple weeks, just before the full moon.” 
“Keep me updated, alright?” He assured you he would, but before you could begin to say goodbye, your phone vibrated in your hand. Who could that be? Pulling the device away from your ear, you thumbed at the screen, blinking in shock at the sight of Frankie’s name and a new text. “Take care of yourselves, though. We both know how your mom gets when she’s blindsided by news.” 
Alec laughed again and told you he would, the man saying goodbye and hanging up before you did. And then you opened Frankie’s text, chewing on the inside of your lip as you read it. 
We still on for tomorrow? 
“You bet your ass we are, Morales.” You mumbled the words out loud as you typed, assuring him that you wouldn’t miss it. It only took a few seconds for the bubbles to appear as he answered you, his message short and to the point. 
Good. I’m looking forward 
The text was followed by another one moments later, and at the correction - “looking forward to it***”, you actually laughed out loud, leaning forward and resting your forehead on the steering wheel. Oh, Frankie. 
You had a lot to think about, and Alec’s news, though exciting for him, didn’t solve any problems. In fact, it created new ones for you, and meant that for the first time in your adult life, you’d be alone in your search. But he’s not abandoning me. He’s doing it for his family. There’s a difference. 
Eyeing Frankie’s messages one final time, you darkened the screen and then set the navigation to take you back to your new apartment. I don’t need to worry about that now. All I have to worry about is tomorrow. 
When you showed up at Peter O. Knight airport the following afternoon, your mood was less than great. 
It had nothing to do with Frankie and everything to do with the sudden change in the status quo with Alec. You’d lain awake for hours the previous night, running through scenarios in your head and come to only one conclusion: once your cousin left the search, you’d be more alone - and in more danger - than you’d ever been in before. 
Throughout the history of your family’s search, there’d never only been one person looking at a time. Your relatives had started out in pairs, and then as communication opportunities improved, solo searches had become less uncommon, though there was always someone waiting in the wings to back them up if necessary. 
You and Alec had been that for each other since you’d turned eighteen, and the fact that everything would be changing almost overnight was troubling. It was one thing for someone to take a step back because of a relationship or a family - that had happened plenty of times before, but always with adequate warning. And he blindsided me. He blindsided me with a marriage and a pregnancy. 
It wasn’t even that Ashley was a wolf. That fact surprised you, sure, but you knew that if they’d been working together for years, he knew the woman and her family well enough to make an educated decision. She’s not part of the line we’re looking for. Sighing, you shook your head back and forth, eyes landing on Frankie’s truck, which was parked off to the side of a small office-like building. But that doesn’t mean we can stop looking entirely, because they’re out there. 
Taking two deep breaths, you grabbed your bag and then got out of the car, heading for the building. As you got closer, you smiled at the sight of the lettering on the door’s glass, Fly With Fish affixed in big, bold font. 
He was waiting for you inside, the man’s face breaking into a grin as he stood up behind a small wooden desk, extending a hand. “Hey! You’re early, it’s -” But he paused mid-sentence, the smile turning into a frown. “Everything alright?”
You could have lied to him - brushed it off as something that happened in traffic on the way over, or something that had gone wrong with your book research. What came out of your mouth instead surprised even you. 
“Family bullshit, Frankie. My cousin called me last night and broke some news, and it’s just … the more I think about it, the more it sucks.” He rounded the desk without saying anything, and before you knew what was happening, his arms were around you and pulling you closer so that your cheek was pressed to his chest. Oh, he… 
There was no hesitation on his part that day - no attempt to keep himself from being close to you, and Frankie’s hug lingered, both of his hands pressed flat against your back, and yours settled low on his hips. “I’m sorry.” He spoke quietly, but you heard them nonetheless, his hold on you tightening. “Family shit sucks.” 
“It does.” More than you know. Squeezing your eyes shut, you took a deep breath and savored the scent of him - some sort of woodsy cologne with a little bit of spiciness to it - and then you backed away enough to meet his eyes, forcing a smile. “But knowing I had something to look forward to today helped.” 
The man’s lips twitched into a small smile, and you had to fight with yourself not to reach up and tuck a wayward curl behind his ear. But when he winked at you, you couldn’t stop your own grin, your fingers curling briefly before you dropped your hands, Frankie’s following soon after when he released you. 
“Well then, let’s get you up in the air, hmm?” He nodded when you did, holding eye contact for a little longer and letting you watch as the excitement crept into his, the brown warming to a beautiful golden hue as his pupils dilated. “I can’t promise to make everything better, but I can promise you the best damn view of Tampa from above that you could ask for.” 
You were thrilled at the thought of seeing the city - and the coastline - from above, but a larger part of you was much more excited to spend the time with Frankie, getting a better idea of how he looked at everything. And being stuck right next to him for half an hour will make things a hell of a lot better, too.
tag list coming soon!
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heartfullofleeches · 2 years
Anon Asked: [Rookie cop and Spencer during his gang leader days- I need Spencer getting "caught" by rookie and flirting while getting handcuffed for the 10th time. I'm split whether I want an exasperated or oblivious thembo reader.]
(Reader is a bit of both. Brief blood mentions)
A disturbance call comes in.
It isn't from dispatch. It's not even from your radio. The call comes in directly from your phone from a number you know well by now. You could write a detailed map to the location right on the napkin carelessly cascaded on the top of your food. The mall on the otherside of town.
If you hurried, maybe you could finish your lunch on the way to the subject's house.
Pulling up to the scene, the subject sits on the curb outside the mall with his hands folded and eyes scanning the parking lot. He fixes his collar and scrapes specks of dried blood off his face as your patrol car rolls over the speed bump leading into the lot and rolls up to the curb. The security guard watching over him gives him the side eye, which only makes him smile more.
"This is the last time I'm doing this for you."
"You always say that, but I'm feelin a little lucky today."
You step out of the vehicle and approach the two. Spencer lights up like a Christmas tree despite the swelling on his left cheek.
"Well look who it is. The officer who sent in applications to the wrong place, when that pretty face could be on posters. What brings you to our part of town?"
You turn your focus to the guard. "What happened this time?"
"Same as usual. Fight broke out, other guys got away. This moron sat down in the food court and ordered a corndog before we pieced two and two together."
"Got you one too, but they wouldn't let me bring it with me. How about a movie this weekend to make up for it?"
"Got it. I assume the cameras are still out and there were few witnesses?"
"Like I said."
"Alright. I'll just take him home for now then. Next time would you just ban him or something?" You snag your cuffs from your belt and look over to Spencer. "Gonna make a run for it this time?"
He holds out his wrists. "Nah. I want spend as much time with you as I can, plus you have good taste in jewelry."
You help him to his feet and cuff his hands behind his back. As he stands, Spencer makes sure to slide up close to you as he can, damn near stealing each breath you exhale as his chest collided with your vest. You pay no mind as his head fall on your shoulder while you work on the restraints, having some difficulty due to not making him turn around. Why you did things that way is beyond you.
You walk him over to your car and put him in the back. Spencer's jovial expression tumbles as you head up front. "I can't join you up there?"
"Quiet." You pull out of the parking lot and back onto the main road, signal lights kept off as you head in the direction of his father's house. Hearing movement across the leather seats, you can feel his eyes drilling holes in the back of your head. That was his favorite thing to do with you. Stare. The first time you met he studied you for what felt like days, likely deciding on whether he'd throw the brick in his hand at you, or unbeknownst to you - if he had just fallen in love.
It makes you wonder how many slaps on the wrist you had given him. His sob stories about home and the good he was capable of always lead you to listening to your moral code rather than law's.Sure you were close in age, but you had so much more responsibility than him and he was still under your protection despite the trouble he's caused.
"I got a new address you can drop me off for next time. Just signed a lease for an apartment near dad's place. You looking to move anytime soon?"
You look at his bloody close from the mirror. "Are you hurt?"
Spencer's heartrate increases. Finally. "Didn't hear you properly, officer."
"Are. You. Hurt."
He bites the wall of his cheek. "Definitely."
You take a detour on a side road and reach into the glove compartment. Retrieving the first aid kit stashed away, you round to the back of the car and kneel to take care of Spencer's wounds as you open the door and he slides forward. His lip is split, mouth bloody, and the bruise on his cheek purplish. You dab some alchohol on some swabs and take his chin your head. The blood rushes to his head and other extremities.
"You're so reckless.." You gently pat his broken lip with the cotton. Spencer doesn't flinch from the burn. In fact, the sting makes the experience more thrilling. A small jolt of electricity to the already electrified hunger in his chest. Seeing his own blood on the swabs and the bloody fluid rolling onto your fingers has him fantasizing about just about gorgeous you'd look covered head to toe in it. Clean his wounds with your tongue and show off that stunning smile with red stained teeth. Settle down - common sense warns. He can't be getting so excited and you haven't had your first date yet.
You patch up his outer injuries with bandages and restart the commune to his house. You uncuff him and wait for him to walk up to the porch, but his lingering eyes tell you that he wants you to come with. Spencer wants to spend you off with a hug, a kiss - the keys to his heart and all his mortal possessions, but he settles for a handshake to be polite.
"Its been a pleasure, Y/n. I'd said I hope we could see each other in different situations and maybe in each others bedroom, but that's more of a promise."
"Right. I suppose be nice to see you anywhere other than the back of my car." Bye, Spencer."
You return to your car and turn on the radio as you climb behind the wheel, but something in your back pocket keeps you from sitting comfortably. It's a golden watch, a bee engraved on its frame. The horrible realization weights on you as a real call phones in. The fight wasn't just an excuse to see you -
It was only a distraction.
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birchlane · 1 year
friday, oct. 6
8:00PM - alright i am trying something new today. i decided to start a journal/write about my day. even if it's small entry, i think it will be good for me to write, wind down, and reflect on my day. my true intentions for this is not to get noticed haha, but more so to distract myself from bad habits, and also just to have something to do other than doom scroll. hoping this helps with my bad habits. ( i'm jer^ing off too much is what i really mean lol)
tbh i don't even know where to begin. i'd like to start off by mentioning that i have been so stressed these days. i started a new job because i quit my other one so suddenly bc it was a SHIt job. could not stand working there anymore. i you've ever worked in food YOU KNOW how shit it is. no breaks ever and constantly on ur feet all day. my manager was a c^nt (sorry) (not rlly, she was a bitch) god forbid i take a fucking break bc "cUstOmeRs coMe FiRsT" i just walked out, out of frustration. then it sucked bc i realized later it might've been a bad decision but there was nooooooo way i was going back. my pride is way to high. haha i managed to pull thru for like a month tho. been like DIRT poor and started selling my shit to be able to make it by and pay rent.
school has also been another stress, iv'e been kind of lacking and im finding myself procrastinating a lot. which is really bad bc my school has been so patient with me haha i can't afford to fail. on top of that i'm dealing with an ex bf that i had signed a lease with. my life is sooooo shit right now and i really don't know how i'm pulling thru. also forgot to mention that when i moved out, i signed a lease for student housing in august, which my other lease w/ my ex doesn't end until oct. so i'm paying rent for 2 apartments, all because my ex is a pain in the ass and doesn't care. but y'all have no idea how urgently i needed to get out. which i don't have time to get into ATM bc that's a whole shit show in it's self.
ALSOOOOOOO i started dating a new guy who i am so happy to be with, (call me a slut idc, but maybe i'll get more into details when i have time...i'll have to talk about my feelings about it and if this is even right) but it has been so hard for me to find a balance with all this shit that has been going on. i'm trying my best but i really want to cry and SCREAM. love this new guy i'm dating but damn this man is sooooooo clingy. anyways i'm just rambling haha. iv'e got to cut this entry short because i have plans to see my new mans today. didn't even get to do homework. feeling totally unproductive. whyyyyyy am i like this.
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ihateeverything101 · 1 year
i do think of you. it makes me sad when i'm not here but i need to take care of myself! not in a mad at you way, like i really have been struggling with sleeping, eating, hygiene. so it's hard to do much else even if i want to. things will get better soon or less stressful i imagine
me and steff moved out of that place together, we had toyed places monday, applied to one spot, got approved, signed the lease the next day, then got the keys the next day 9/15. i work saturdays so 9/16; 8-4ish; originally only steff was going to move all of her things over this day but i decided to as well. we we're moving things or up until like 4am. i wanted to relax sunday but there was still a lot to be done and i feel like i can't rest. got some basic things from goodwill and grocery store as char is being possessive over everything in the house (even though he barely pays for anything and steff covered him financially for 10+ years) a lot has changed. idk i am angry at him. and doing everything i can to be an asshole, in the nicest way. he went into my room at the old house the other day and so i bought a doorknob and replaced the one there and lock it from the outside!! hah i know it pisses him off but he is so entitled and aggravating.
we got most things from the OG house except my desk as we didn't have time / energy to take ir apart and it isn't essential, i only work remotely on saturday. but because of that i have to be set up for this saturday the 23rd. monday i went to OG house by mysefl to grab things, grabbed my desk so pretty much the rest of my stuff is out of that house. anyways. things looking up but i am so exhausted. barely taking care of myself so i feel like i'm taking this week to recoup my energy. whew.
i hope you've been alright. i have missed you and thought about you but also just been overwhelmed with my own life things. rawr rawr rawr!! i remember you talking about the fight maybe a week ago and you were upset about it, i enjoyed reading how you felt
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breastmaster64 · 3 years
> month-long roommate
grgbr // 2.5k words
fluff + angst
not beta read or grammar checked. i gave up lolz
"Dear George Lore,
As your Landlord, I serve you this letter as notice to you that the lease agreement dated [February X, 2021] for [Address Redacted] will terminate at the end of the lease term on [February X, 2022]. You have not renewed the lease and as such, you and any others still in possession of the premises must vacate the premises by [XX:XX AM/PM] on such date."
George sighs, pursing his lips at the letter.
He didn't want to renew the lease, considering that he was gonna be gone for half a year (or for good, if things go well) to stay in Florida. But his flight is in March, and he still had a month of waiting around in the UK.
This sucks.
Groaning, he walks back up the stairs to place the letter on his living room coffee table. He re-checks everything before heading out of his flat; while walking to the station, he tries to brainstorm ideas.
His friends from uni would probably be fine with offering him a place to stay for a month, but it's been a while since they've talked, and he doesn't wanna bother them.
The house his parents owned in London was being rented out itself — and he would have to go all the way to Edinburgh to stay where they were actually living in, which would be a pain in the ass since he has to keep travelling to and from Brighton for Tommy's vlogs.
A hotel would be alright, but hotels are expensive; despite his job and how much he earns, he hates the idea of spending so much money for the dumb extra fees hotels inevitably have.
So lost in thought, he almost missed his stop. He stepped off the train and looked around for Wilbur, who was supposed to pick him up as Tommy was still being driven to wherever they were going that day.
"Hey Wil", he greets. Before he could think about how they were close enough to be on nickname basis, the tall man looks up from his phone, grinning.
"Gogs, how've you been?"
"Like we weren't talking just last night?"
Wilbur laughs, and George feels proud of himself for it. He places a hand on Wilbur's back and shoves the man.
"Let's get going before Tommy starts spamming our phones again."
The taller of the two grins, wrapping his arm around him and guiding both of them out of the station. George is embarrassed to admit it, but he's gotten accustomed (comfortable, even) with Wilbur just manhandling him at times.
George inevitably adopts his Persona once the cameras turn on. Even when Tommy said he was just doing another chill vlog, he still couldn't help but make exaggerated facial expressions and point out little things and call it "content".
When they got to the restaurant Tommy wanted to check out, however, the persona dropped. He gets distracted thinking about his apartment situation again, letting out a soft sigh.
"You good?", Wilbur asks, lightly bumping their feet together.
He retaliates, and despite feeling silly for playing footsies with his friend, he doesn't stop.
"Yeah, it's just… the lease to my flat just ended, and I didn't want to renew it since I'm gonna fly to Dream soon anyways. But now I only have until tomorrow to find a new place to stay in", he looks up; Wilbur nods, and he takes it as a sign to continue.
"My parents' house is all the way up in Edinburgh, I'm not particularly close to anyone in London, and I don't want to stay in a hotel."
Wilbur lets out a small "ah" in understanding, and George rests his head and arms on the table, dramatically groaning. The former pats the latter's head in a half-joking attempt of comforting him.
"I don't know what to do, Vilbah."
"Well… it's not London but I could offer my place?"
George looks up at Wilbur, looking for any signs of the suggestion being a joke.
"Really, you'd do that?"
"Yeah man! And you could stream in my office too, you'd just have to explain to people what's going on if you're gonna do that."
"Or… I could use a green screen?"
Wilbur grins, nodding in excitement.
"Got the flat to myself for a month or so too, so it all works out — I mean that is, only if you want to stay, of course."
George purses his lips, thinking about the deal. In all honesty, it makes a lot of sense if he says yes to the deal — there were little to no cons, apart from maybe the fans freaking out and Dream flirting with him more to "settle it out".
He makes eye contact with Wilbur who gives him a patient smile. George takes a chip and slowly places it on his lip;
"I mean… why not?", he asks with a smile, biting the chip.
Wilbur's smile gets brighter (because his smile emits light, sure, Gogy), and George feels himself get a bit warmer.
"Oh, this is lovely! You could stay the night so we could arrange stuff and then just get your things tomorrow?"
"Yeah, I mean most of my stuff's already packed anyway. I just need to get my clothes and my setup."
Before George knows it, tomorrow comes after a night of watching movies and being competitive over a bad game they found on Steam and he's on a Lyft back to London. George wonders if his flat was presentable enough for his friend (considering it was Wilbur's first and last time coming over), but shrugs it off under the realization that the man with an incredibly dirty keyboard probably wouldn't care if his flat was a bit messy.
They get off the Lyft and walk back to his flat. He tells Wilbur that he can just sit on the sofa and wait until he's done packing, but the man offers to help anyway. The moment he opens the door, he hears a loud meow and his cat trots down the stairs gracefully. While waiting for the cat to come to them, George takes his coat off and Wilbur steps forward.
"Aww, George, I forgot you had a cat!"
"Yeah, it's because she's mostly asleep whenever I stream. Plus I never found the need to post about her."
Wilbur coos at the cat and she (surprisingly) allows herself to be picked up. George has to stop himself from laughing, letting the other babytalk his cat as they walk up the stairs. As they reach his living room, Wilbur puts the cat down and takes his own coat off.
They work pretty quickly, with George packing his clothes while on a call with UPS to pick up his boxes and Wilbur packing up his setup. From his room, he faintly hears Wilbur hum; he ignores the way he smiles at the soft singing the man would occasionally let out.
He wasn't done packing his clothes yet when the UPS man arrived. George signs some papers he gets handed whilst Wilbur helps carry boxes downstairs. At some point, the UPS man and Wilbur must've struck conversation, because he hears Wilbur explaining something.
"Yeah man, there's a nice café a couple blocks down."
"It'd be nice if we get some coffee together then, yeah?"
George sees Wilbur freeze a bit, and he steps in before either of them could talk again.
"Oh, hey, can you be super gentle with this? It's really fragile.", he asks, grabbing a random box from the sofa.
"Uh… yeah, sure mate. Just write “fragile” on top there so we can put a sticker on it later."
"Wilbur, can you grab my… stuff… from the bedroom?"
The tall brunet blinks in confusion, but nods and does what he's told anyways. Nevermind the fact that he didn't know if Wilbur knew where his room was.
He rushed to get his boxes out and soon enough, his flat was 40% empty. All that remained were his half-packed setup, a couple knick-knacks like blankets and pillows, and furniture.
"Wil, should I bring pillows and blankets?", he asks, heading to his bedroom to find Wilbur.
The man sits on his bed, only smiling at him softly.
"Did you get all protective of me?"
George immediately feels himself blush, as he scoffs. He grabs a pillow from his bed, making sure he hits Wilbur as he pulls it closer to himself.
"No, why would I do that?"
Wilbur only laughs, letting out a small "aww, Gogs!". George only rolls his eyes, kicking the other out and telling him to finish packing the setup.
They finish up and George calls a Lyft for them. In retaliation to Wilbur making him feel all embarrassed earlier, he wordlessly makes the man carry most of the stuff he was gonna bring. He doesn't know if the "punishment" worked, because Wilbur didn't complain at all.
"Welcome home", Wilbur greets, opening the door. George only chuckles, gently setting Cat down and removing her harness and leash.
He gets directed to the guest room, and he settles down on the bed. It wasn't the best, but it wasn't the worst either. He notices that Wilbur was still standing by the door, and George simply smiles at him; neither of them acknowledge the way their cheeks are a bit rosier than normal.
It's scary, really. It was incredibly easy to live with Wilbur.
Despite having their own rooms, they find themselves falling asleep on the sofa together more often. Sure, they may wake up with quite the back pain, but George finds that he wouldn't want to stop the routine anytime soon.
The fanbase took the news pretty alright — it was nothing that he didn't expect. A couple of people replaced Wilbur with Dream in their interactions, some just sad about him not being able to go to Florida immediately, whilst some were excited at the prospect of more content.
Days would bleed into each other far too much than George expected. Before he could even say anything about it, Cat was attached to Wilbur, there was a spot in Wilbur's room for his stuff, and he's grown much closer to the other man.
Quackity teased him about it when he found out, but George had been more comfortable with Wilbur touching him. Occasional flinches slowly turned into him leaning into the touch. And neither of them talk about it, but he knows that he accidentally leans on Wilbur when he gets sleepy while watching a film.
It's all peaches and cream, but it does make George hesitate. He's always had a secret sweet tooth, and he doesn't want to get attached to these saccharine moments with Wilbur that he'll ultimately be leaving behind.
George really thought he was being subtle, so it definitely surprises him when Dream brings something up on call post-stream.
He sways on Wilbur's swivel chair, feeling himself slowly get lulled into sleeping. Faintly, he hears Wilbur in the living room singing something he doesn't recognize but definitely adores.
"... Hey, George. Can I ask something?"
Feeling the sleepiness slip away from him, he sits up and runs his fingers through his hair.
"You like Wilbur, right?"
George blinks, stopping himself from shivering. He eyes himself from Discord,
"I mean… he's a good friend", he chuckles out awkwardly.
He hears Dream hum in thought.
"I don't really care if you like him but you know how it is, George. You're gonna be coming to Florida and he's not. And your flight's like, next week already."
He's unable to stop himself from shivering this time. Looking to his side, he notices that Wilbur was waiting for him. George mouths "wait" to the man, who only smiles softly and nods.
"I know, Dream. Don't worry… I have to go help with dinner. I'll talk to you later."
The call ends before the American could even say anything else.
George knows that he's making the air a bit tense, he would say something if Wilbur did, but the man seemed to be ignoring the atmosphere.
When they settle down on the sofa to watch a film and Wilbur asks him what he wants, George has to stare at his hands before figuring out what to say.
"I- I don't know what I want… to watch…"
"Right… I'd tell you to go with whatever your heart says but it's not that easy, is it?"
He looks up at Wilbur who was looking at him with a sad smile. In a burst of want, he lets his resolve melt and hugs the tall man.
"Moving to America's been part of the plan for years now. Living in Florida with Dream is what I'm supposed to do… Ah, fuck you and Tommy for getting me attached now.", George blurts, laughing in the end. He finds comfort in the way Wilbur tightens his hold and laughs along at his joke.
"I'm planning to move to L.A. anyways. Well, it's not gonna be for a while since I'm probably gonna have to wait for Tommy. We can still meet up in America."
"Yeah but… It's so far."
"It is… so let's just savour the time we have together here, yeah?"
George looks up at Wilbur, who was looking at him with the softest expression. The man gives him a kiss on the forehead, and he retaliates by kissing the man on the lips.
It was quick, barely there, but it was still a kiss. He adores Wilbur's partially chapped lips; adores the lingering taste of coffee and smoke. He can't say that it was magical — it was like any other kiss he's had before — but it was Wilbur, and Wilbur was looking at him with so much adoration in his eyes. George wonders if he'll experience the same thing with Dream.
So, in the last few days George gets to stay in Wilbur's place, things change drastically but stay the same at the same time. The guest room rully gets abandoned, and the nightly film sessions get moved to Wilbur's bedroom. They've danced in the kitchen so much that he instinctively hums some of Wilbur's favourite songs when he's helping clean up.
He appreciates the way the smell of coffee, cigarettes and sea salt has stuck to him. He's definitely not ignorant to the way Wilbur had started to smell like his own mint shampoo.
Soon enough, George is on another Lyft to an airport. Wilbur sits beside him, playing with Cat who sat patiently in her crate.
"I'm sorry", George mumbles, keeping his gaze out the window. Snow covered buildings pass by him and he hears Wilbur clear his throat.
"No need to apologize, baby. As long as you're doing what makes you happy."
When they get out of the car, Wilbur helps with dragging George's luggage. They stop when they reach the point where only people with flights could enter, and he watches as the taller man gives Cat one last pet.
"Thanks, Wil."
Thanks for letting me stay in your flat.
Thanks for being my friend.
Thanks for staying.
Thanks for loving me.
"Anything for you, George."
For one last time, Wilbur gives George a hug. George squeezes his eyes shut in hopes that the tears don't fall. He pulls away a bit, giving the man a final kiss.
He tries to ignore the salty tears tainting the sweetness.
"Call me when you land?"
"... They'll probably be recording the moment I step foot in Florida. But I'll try."
This sucks.
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jackyjango · 3 years
Part 1- Mouth to Mouth Combat
Pairing: cherik
Written for this prompt
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Erik's empty stomach grumbles in protest. The digital clock on his monitor displays it's 2:30 PM, but he hasn't had a bite to eat since that morning. An ache has been steadily building in his head that throbs with every pump of blood through his jugular. Three ounces of coffee somehow hasn’t seemed to tame it. He needs something stronger. Something like nicotine.
He's mulling over how he wants to torture Sean for screwing up the third blueprint in a row when his phone begins to ring. Though he's set the ringing volume to the minimum, it draws the attention of his interns. Angel gets up from her seat with an excuse of locating a fallen pen while Sean leans back in his chair pretending to stretch his legs. Even though Alex’s eyes are stuck to the monitor, Erik knows that his ears are pointed in his direction. Utter bastards. At least Darwin is the only one in their lot who has the decency to pretend that he’s minding his own business. Pretend, being the key here.
Erik glares at all of them until they pretend to shrink back to work before picking up the call.
'Hello, aunt Ruth.’ He tries to keep his voice to a whisper, but it comes out as a growl. ‘No aunty, I'm not angry with you for calling. That's absurd- No aunty, I'm just at work. Yes, yes…. - yes aunty. You know I will. Of course, I will. Yes- I'm eating. He knows it too. What? This Saturday? Alright, I'll ask him if he's free. Yes, I'll bring him if he's free. Of course, I will.’
On the other end, aunt Ruth goes on berating Erik’s unhealthy eating habits without giving him a breathing pause while Erik nods and aquices to whatever she says. He’s just about to reassure her the third time that he’s been eating his meals on time when Azazel bursts into life in front of him with a hiss of air which overlaps with whatever Aunt Ruth says next.
Tapping on his watch, Azazel mouths the words: ‘Let's go.’
'Alright, aunt Ruth, I have to go now,’ Erik says, half getting up from his desk. 'Yes, yes. I'll check with him and text you. Love you, too… Bye.’
Pocketing his phone, he turns to glare at his sad-excuse of team members. Like a flock of birds dispersing at a pelted stone, they lung back to staring at the screen and tapping idle keys.
Azazel chuckles beside him as they head out into the roaring Genoshan sun.
The chicken roll they both take from the street vendor manages to vaguely quieten Erik’s stomach. He lights a cigarette after walking a short distance to the smoking zone in front of their office building. Floating the lighter to AZ, Erik sends out a text to Charles.
Hey, Aunt Ruth’s invited us to dinner on Saturday. You free?
The reply comes immediately, which means that Charles is on his free hour.
When am I not free for her cooking? Count me in! :)
While Erik sends aunt Ruth a text to confirm that both he and Charles would be coming for dinner, a second text comes from Charles.
Speaking of dinners, how does pasta sound for today?
Smirking, Erik takes another puff of his cigarette.
Are you cooking? Really?
Hey, my cooking isn’t all that bad. I’m decent. Well… mostly.
They both know that Charles’ cooking doesn’t come anywhere near the decent territory, so Erik doesn’t comment on the decency of Charles’ cooking or bring up the fact that he almost burnt the kitchen on three different occasions. Instead Erik sends out: In that case, A okay for pasta.
Stomaching substandard pasta is a small price to pay for being Charles’ roommate.
I assure you, my friend. You won’t be disappointed, comes Charles’ text followed by a grinning emoji.
The devil that he is, Az peeks into his phone and smirks. 'Taking to your boyfriend, huh?'
Erik rolls his eyes. 'Charles is not my boyfriend, Az. He's my friend, just like you are.'
Az shudders and blows out a cloud of smoke through his nose, the image rendering as the incarnation of Satan himself. 'Please, don't compare me with him.'
Erik supposes Az is right. It'd be grossly unfair to compare someone like Az with someone like Charles.
‘Hey,’ Az says, inhaling another puff of smoke into his lungs, ‘A friend of mine is playing at the pub downtown this Saturday. I’m going out with the boys. Wanna join?’
‘No, I’m going to aunt Ruth’s for dinner. You carry on.’
‘And is Charles going with you?’ Az asks way too innocently for Erik’s liking.
‘Yes.’ Erik agrees begrudgingly.
Az pins him with a look that spells out crystal clearly, see what I mean by boyfriends?
Erik barely restrains the urge to smack Az on the head. ‘He’s a friend and a roommate, Az. Nothing more.’
‘Really?’ Az asks leaning on a pillar, his movements gracefully feline; almost akin to a bored cat toying with a ball of yarn aware of the level of destruction it’s capable of. ‘Is that why you refuse to move out or is it because you prefer to travel twenty five kilometres to work?’
Okay. Erik will agree that travelling almost an hour to work is a bit of a hindrance. But it wasn’t a hindrance two years ago when Erik was looking for a place near the engineering firm he was interning at the time. He’d seen an ad on a communal mutant app asking for someone to share a two bedroom flat with. The man who had posted the ad, Charles Francis Xavier, at the time had been a freshly minted post graduate eyeing the position of a junior lecturer in the Genoshan university with a lease amount to a nice house too hefty to bear on his own.
The house itself was more agreeable to Erik and More importantly to Erik’s meagre stipend.
Charles had declared that he’s gay and a telepath the day they’d met, and that Erik should look elsewhere if he had a problem with either of those. In response, Erik had plucked the pen tucked into Charles’ breast pocket with his powers and had signed his half of the lease agreement.
Erik’s not an easy person to live with (and Az will enthusiastically attest to it). He’s weird and particular and controlling and territorial (And that’s just the first four entries on AZ’s list). He doesn’t know what to attribute it to, but living with Charles for a roommate is …. easy.
His living arrangement with Charles is comfortable. Charles doesn’t have any irritating habits. He isn’t stingy with money or particular with the groceries. He carries out his fair share of cooking and cleaning around the house. They take their turns doing the laundry and the dishes. What talent Charles lacks in cooking, Charles makes up for it in baking (And that’s coming from a man who hates anything with more than two spoons of sugar in it). He isn’t overly dirty or messy. Charles picks up after himself (except when he has finals or is in the middle of a research. The house is a dump zone for his tea mugs and their dining table is a disaster zone for papers during such bouts).
More importantly, Charles respects Erik’s boundaries. He doesn’t poke his nose into Erik’s business or needle Erik for anything he isn't willing to share. It helps that they keep their personal lives separate, too. Whatever flings he has, Charles keeps it outside of their shared home and Erik returns the favour. The only things they argue on are which show to watch on TV or which place to order in from. And all the times they’ve come very close to fighting are nights spent over a chessboard pitching points to and fro, for or against human-mutant relationships and ideologies. Erik would be lying if he said that he didn’t live for such nights.
In little over two years, Charles has become Erik’s best friend. And apart from Az (who’s more of a brother Erik can’t get rid of no matter how hard he tries), Erik doesn’t have many of them. So he doesn’t see why he should give up all of that for a few hours saved in commute to work.
Voicing any or all of it will only encourage Az to needle him more, so Erik shrugs and squashes his spent cigarette with the heel of his boot. ‘Come on, it’s getting late. I still have two blueprints to review before seven.’
Az groans at the mention of blueprints. ‘I have three to finish. God, Shaw will bite my head off my shoulders if I don’t complete it by today.’
With that, they move into the blessed cool of the air conditioned building.
Just before Erik turns on his monitor, a text alerts Erik (and by proxy all of his interns he shares his cubicle with). It’s from Charles and says: Got to get to my classes now. See you at home Erik! :)
See you at home, Erik sends and smiles to himself.
He just hopes Az doesn’t see it.
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lightsaberupmybutt · 4 years
Three’s a Crowd - Reader/Ben Solo/Poe Damerson (Modern AU)
alright so Ben/Kylo is a big ego kid in this, because of course. Also, Rey is ACTUALLY Lukes daughter in this, making them cousins. Ive fiddled with the plot okay sue me. 
Summary: Poe, Finn and their roommate have been living in a harmonious tenancy, but when Finn decides to move out for a year of travelling, the two are left with no option but to look elsewhere for their third body. Rey Skywalker, a friend of the group, proposes her cousin for the role. He's in a band, wears all black and all in all is somewhat of a social reject - but he's also all theyve got.  
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“I think that one was actually somehow worse than last weeks” You tell Poe, as he pours himself a juice and settles down next to you on the sofa. You'd just finished showing around another possible roommate and you felt exhausted in every sense of the word. 
“How can he be worse than the neo nazi?” Poe shot you an unbelieving look and rolled his eyes, kicking his feet up onto the coffee table and knocking some of your papers in his wake. 
“Alex was a she, and they asked if they could hang their deer head in the front room” you grimaced even thinking about it, weren't all artsy college students supposed to be vegetarians anyway? why did you have to get saddled with the only blood thirsty one on campus. 
“Thats not so bad”
“Poe she showed me a picture of her taxidermied cat”
You had tried to find a polite way to stop her from passing you her phone, but you were too nice to make her feel uncomfortable, and now the image of the long dead tabby would remain behind your eyes for god knows how long. 
“was she hot?” You shook your head, causing Poe to sigh wistfully. 
“Not hot enough to cancel out her obsession with dead bodies anyway” you informed him, the hopeful look from his eyes gone. 
“Face it Poe, were doomed” You let your head fall into your hands, Poe letting out a laugh before wrapping his arm around your shoulder. 
“Hey we’ll get someone! who wouldn't want to live here?” You knew his question was rhetorical but when looking around the cleaner than usual flat, you had to admit it was missing something. Bare spaces on the walls from where Finn had taken down his pictures, the empty side of the kitchen counter that had once houses his overpriced coffees. You even missed picking up his empty cups after him, the room feeling like it had less character without them. It truly hadn't felt the same in the flat since Finn had left, and although Poe concealed it well, you could see it was getting to him too. Poe had, after all, known Finn first; Finn managing to get a very drunk and outspoken Poe out of a sticky situation he had found himself in when running across a local gang in a dive bar. The ‘first order’ as they so called themselves, had an infamous reputation around campus for being trouble makers and general doers of bad deeds. Ever since that night they had been an unstoppable duo, until they met you of course, and their duo became three. 
You loved Finn, and you knew told miss him like hell, but you also knew that Poe must be feeling that ten times over. 
“You wanna do something tonight?” You asked, changing the subject before his mind  drifted to where yours had. 
“what kind of something?” he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively, 
“hey I'm serious!”
“what about Razor Crest, they are open late, we could grab some drinks and meet up with some people” 
Razor crest was the only worth while bar in town; it was certainly nothing to write home about, but it played fairly decent music and it had a marginally less sticky floor than others. Additionally, your other friends lived just over from the humble saloon, making it the perfect watering hole for you guys. 
It didn't take much convincing before you had Poe out the door and ready to socialise. Upon arrival, he headed to the bar while you were waved over by Rey, who had already found a booth and was already at least a few drinks in. 
“Look, i think i have a solution to your roomie problemo” She told you, peeking over her straw, a gleam in her eye that made you feel not all too confident in her yet to be spoken plan. 
“Go on” you told her, cautiously. 
“My cousins back in town” She told you between gulps. 
“The weird one?” You asked, 
“Hes not weird, just ...eccentric” the last word was more of a question, but you could tell she was on a roll, 
“He's just joined one of the college bands and Auntie Leia says him and Uncle Han are butting heads” 
“ah cool, weve always wanted  live music in our own flat at 2 am” Poe injected, rejoining the table and placing a drink in front of you before taking a sip of his own. 
“hes not BAD at it, he just plays loud i think” She corrected him, “anyway, he's not a total twat, I'm sure he would be considerate of your sleep schedules” 
“didn't he try and stab you with a stick when you were five” you asked her, you'd heard stories of this cousin before and none of them were quite savoury, 
“that was ages ago! he's like way old now” she was starting to slur her words, but you had a feeling this was something Rey was quite set on. Rey was stubborn, and when she got something in mind she would move hell to make it happen; she was also your best friend, and someone you trusted the judgment off. Had she gotten you into some weird shit in the past? sure. 
Did you have any other options; nay on that. 
“Fine, get Han or Leia to bring him round at some point next week and one of us will give him a tour” You tell her, and she lets out a little happy shrill at her own personal win. Poe, not so much. 
“Speak for yourself, weirdo cousin can see himself around” he crosses his arms and pouts, you give him a little nudge. 
“Hey, maybe you'll be best mates” you offer, but when he shoots you a death stare you go back to your drink.
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The family turmoil must have been more vicious than Rey had let in on; It was barely the next morning before you had a tall, intimidating male knocking on your door. 
“Hey!” you offered him, in as cheery a voice as your hung over self would allow.
He looked down at you from his towering height, but gave no verbal response. 
“You must be Ben?...”  He offered you the slightest nod you'd had ever seen in response. Okay so, not much of a talker, noted. 
You waved him in, shutting the door behind him. God, he looked even bigger inside? is that possible? Rey had failed to mention the sheer height on the boy. You'd seen pictures of her and her aunt and uncle, it seemed like Ben was a scientific and biological mystery. Like how did he get clothes to fit? did he have to shop somewhere special or
you were snapped out of your thoughts by a clearing of a throat. 
“So, how much is the rent” so he DID have a voice, 
You informed him automatically, still part dazed. 
“Ill be in by the weekend” he told you, and with a nod he moved past you, making his way back to the door.
“But wait .. y .. you haven't even seen your room yet?” You stumbled, dumbfound by the lack of foreplay. The previous people you had shown around were full of questions; they wanted to know the ins and outs of the place. Ben had seen all of the door way and the front room and he was already signing the lease. 
“See you then” he didn't stop, hand on the door knob as if you hadn't spoken.
“But i don't have your phone number” you don't know why that came to you first, but it was true. At no point had Rey offered you direct contact with Ben, probably assuming he would. It seemed reasonable, that you'd need his number before he moved in, didn't it? Poe was always texting you about random shit in the flat, arguably too much, but it seemed like the norm for people coexisting in such a small space. 
He turned back at you and gave you a confused look, 
“why would you need my number?”
“erm... to talk to you” your condescending tone not completely masked, 
“but ill be living here” he stated, which, he had you there. 
Before you could even think of a response  he was out the door.
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True to his word, Ben had his things over by that very same weekend. Although it was unsurprising considering just how light he packed. In fact, other than his bass and musical equipment, you couldn't really think of anything he had actually brought with him to the flat. You got to meet his parents when they dropped him off, both of whom seemed leaps and bounds more conversational than their son. Ironically, you got Leia’s phone number before her sons; her telling you to message if you ever needed anything. It felt like an indirect jab at Ben, a ‘if he fucks up let me know’, but you digress. The tension between Ben and his dad was blatantly obvious, them sharing no words before he got back into the car and Ben into the house. He did give his mum a small hug goodbye though, and you thought you saw a small tear in her eye before she managed to wipe it away. 
Since his move in, Ben had kept painfully to himself. You barely saw him at all in those first days, just heard him through the walls the odd time he dropped something - or saw a plate or cup gone from their places in the kitchen. To be honest , it felt more like a paranormal haunting than a new roommate. Poe was vocal of his apprehension to the situation, sharing glances with you when you would both be in the living room and you'd see ben scurry by or passive aggressively texting you when his favourite cup had been used by someone who wasn't him. it was a relatively small issue, but Poe had blown it so out of proportion that you had ordered a new set of cups from Amazon and sent him the link, shutting him up for a while before he found something else to complain about.
it was the fifth day before you actually bumped into ben again. He was on the sofa with his base set up, twiddling with his amp. The sight surprised you so much you physically jumped back, causing him to look up. crap. act cool. act cool. 
“hey” you offered him
“hi” hi replied back, looking back down at his amp. 
right, yer. his space, give him his space. Just get your stuff and go back to your room. don't speak to him, leave him alone. he clearly wants to be left alone. 
“nice day isn't it” you wanted to cover your mouth, the words coming out against your will. Truthfully, you had no clue why you said it. You hadn't even looked at the weather this morning. Its just what people say right? 
“Erm” his eyes shot to the window and then back to yours,”no”
sure enough, it was pissing it down outside. The sky was actually comically grey and you'd have laughed if you werent so angry at yourself. You were unsure of what to do, and he was still looking at you, almost assessing you. His eyes were so serious and dark they felt like they were burning tiny holes into your skin. shit, you had to speak now right?
While regretting every single life decision that had brought you into this kitchen at this time, Poe sauntered into the room like your night in shining armour, ignoring Ben all together and coming straight over to you, placing a big arm around your shoulders. You saw Ben drop his head back down to this bass, and you used all your might to not let out a sigh of relief.
“Tonight, I'm taking you out” He offered, a cheeky gleam in his eye. 
“Are you now” 
“Razor crest, drinks and dancing, be there or be square” He lists off as if he's a paid promoter, causing you to let out a giggle. 
“Whos invited?” 
“just the gang” he said, causing you to shoot him an eye roll, knowing full well you ‘gang’ consisted of all of three people, yourself and Poe included in that number. 
but then you remembered, there was another person now, whether they liked it or not. Poe’s eyes followed yours to Ben and then back to meet yours again, you saw the realisation change to disgust, as he shook his head silently at you. 
you knew this look, the ‘don't you dare’ look, the ‘not in 1000 years’ look. But you couldn't help it, your lips were moving before you could stop them for the second time this morning. 
“Are you free tonight, Ben?’
The look of sheer betrayal on Poe's face made you wince, surely he'd understand right? he knew you well enough to know your verbal diarrhoea  problem. 
Ben didn't even look up, but he did let out a small laugh that felt quite antagonistic. 
“i dont go to Razor Crest” 
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“i don't go to razor crest ugh” Poe mocked, causing Rey to let out a hysterical giggle, and you a sigh. 
You'd been out for all of three hours and you were all already feeling the effects of the alcohol. It was late and the bar was jam packed with students all raring to go. Poe had been making eyes at one particular red head  almost all night and you were half surprised he hadn't already made his move. Poe put out, it was a fact. You and Finn had at one time made a fridge chart for him, a gold star awarded every time he brought  girl home. Whether the goal was to make him feel proud of his conquests or embarrassed, you still weren't 100% sure, but after a month or so you had both lost count and given up. You told yourself it didn't bother you, that he was just a friend, and that he owed you nothing, but every time he left you at the bar for another girl something stung inside; something you pushed deep down but regrettably was still there none the less. 
Sure enough, as the night progressed, you and Rey ended up fending for it alone, and instead of feeling sorry for yourself you decided to do the responsible thing and drink more. 
After the third round of shots, Rey calls it in. 
“I think I'm gonna be sick” she tells you sheepishly, and you can't help but belly laugh in response. She starts to shuffle towards the door and you go to follow.
“Hey don't leave on my behalf” she tells you earnestly, but you wave her off. 
“Nah I've had my fill, I'm starting to forget which flat number i live at” you tell her, causing her to giggle this time. 
You both stumble out the bar, past the smokers and up the cobbled road towards her flat. She unlocks her door and lets herself in, not before giving you a drunken hug and a sloppy kiss on the cheek. 
As you ready yourself to make your way back to your own flat, you come back past the bar entrance; a particularly prominent cobble causes you to trip ever so slightly and gain a whoop from a group of boys who were passing round a box of marlboro straights. 
You suddenly realised just how dark it was and just how alone you were. Most nights you wouldn't stay out this late, and if you did, then you'd normally be walking back with finn. You let out a shiver, a mix of both the cold night air finally breaking through your drunken daze and a smidge of fear. The Razor Crests entrance lights were getting progressively further away, and although you know that you only had a maximum of a half mile walk back to your home, it felt like ample distance to get kidnapped or murdered in, most probably both. 
How many true crime stories started with a young drunk girl, scantily clad and out alone at night? You could hear the police reports now, which photo would they use? you prayed it would be a hot one, at the very least one after your thin brow phase. 
Being literally bumped back into reality, in almost a cruel humorous way, you felt yourself walk head first into a figure, their arms coming out to catch you as the sheer momentum bounced you back. 
Oh god, I'm dead. I'm literally going to die.  
“Hey, chill out” The voice made your heart beat both slow and race again, 
“Ben?!” you shrieked, voice hoarse through pure anticipation of your thought to be demise 
“Are you okay” he asked, and only then did you realise you were shaking like a leaf. 
“Im fine” you let out in a small voice, looking down at your shoes. You could feel the redness in your cheeks through pure embarrassment alone. This was not an ideal situation for him to see you in, and you kind of started to with that he had been a murderer, at least then you wouldn't have to deal with the second hand embarrassment in the morning. 
“What are you doing out here”
“why are you out alone” 
you both asked simultaneously,
“I was coming out for a smoke” He told you, flashing his tobacco pouch at you from inside his coat. His very warm looking coat, might you add. Another shiver ran down your body. 
“Im coming home from Razor Crest” you tell him, trying to be matter of fact but slurring your words just enough to spoil the show. 
“Yes obviously, but why are you alone” he shoots back in some what of a patronising tone, it wouldn't sit well with sober you and it definitely doesn't go down well with drunk you. 
“Im a big girl” 
“clearly” he makes, making extra sure to look you up and down from his towering distance above you, causing you to huff. 
“well i can take care of myself” 
“you shouldn't be out alone around here, its not safe” he ignores your response, looking you dead in the eye. 
You feel something inside you flutter, a warmth that you can't quite control. Okay, ben might be weird and a bit annoying it would seem, but he was handsome, thats for sure. The limited light danced off his strong features and dark shaggy mop of hair, making him look both dangerous and appealing. 
As if you were standing here mentally flirting with the idea of being with Res cousin; you made a mental note to punish yourself for the ludicrous thoughts in the morning. 
“Okay well I'm going home now” you tell him, attempting to push past him, but his large hand finds its way to your forearm and pulls you back,
“yes, you are, come on” If what he said before was patronising, he was now speaking to you like you were a dog he was walking. 
“go have your nicotine, ive got this one covered” you tell him with a mock salute, causing him to roll his eyes. He lets go of your arm and you take your win, trying to step confidently away without falling. You're proud of yourself for handling the situation when you realise he's following all  of 10 steps behind you, rolling a cigarette in his hands while holding a filter between his teeth. 
when he catches you looking, he nods down to his hands, 
“want one?” he mumbles between his lips, still holding the filter pride of place. 
“no thanks” you snap, picking up pace. 
Ben smirks at you, but you miss it, too focused on not embarrassing yourself and keeping your feet in line. 
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laurasimonsdaughter · 4 years
A selkie (her/she) and a fairy (they/them) are roommates who’ve just moved in together and don’t know each other very well. Prompt 9
One “explaining some essential information about themself” coming right up!
“This ready-made bake-at-home bread is a fantastic loophole,” Lowri declared, adding the slightly stumpy baguettes to the spread on the table. They looked around with decided pride and grinned at their new roommate. “Well, since we both signed the lease and this technically isn't my house, we're just renting it, this is probably safe.”
Elín chuckled, gleefully inhaling the scent of fried fish. “I don't think even fae magic can keep a selkie away from the sea, fae-cooked food or not,” she said confidently. “So I'm not worried.”
“Well good,” Lowri laughed. They sat down across from Elín and leaned over to heap her plate with food before serving themself. “I meant to ask that, is it bad if I know where you keep your pelt?”
“Mm?” Elín hummed, a bit too preoccupied with trying not to start eating already. “Thanks for cooking by the way.”
“Oh no problem, don't mention it.” Lowri sat back again and took up their cutlery, brimming with pride at the way Elín fell upon the fish. “And I was just wondering if the hiding place of your pelt should be a secret. Cause I sort of stumbled across it when you asked me to fetch the laundry basket from your room.”
“Oh!” Elín shook her head. “No not really, the point is that I know where it is. The rest doesn't matter really. This is really good.”
Lowri preened. “Thank you. And that's alright then. I didn't touch it or anything. But I know it's important.”
Elín's dark eyes shone with friendly appreciation. “It is, but it's fine like this. Actually, once I've found a good place to store it, I'd like it if you do know where it is. If something ever happens to the house while I'm not here, that'd be-”
“Oh, yeah.” Lowri gave her an reassuring nod. “I'll add your pelt to my evacuation plan.”
Elín shook off her temporary anxiety with a loud, barking laugh. “I still can't believe you have an evacuation plan.”
“Not my fault my parents were traditionalists that brought me up underground! Besides, you have that weather alert on your phone.”
“That's purely for recreational reasons.”
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alloftheimaginess · 4 years
Little Morgan Pt.2
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Part 1
"Last box" my dad says setting it down on the ground.
"Thank you" I say setting it on top of the box he just set down.
"I'm going to ask you again" he says and I laugh.
"Don't, it's kind of too late now. I signed a one year lease. I'm super sure I want this, a year off to spend with you, Savannah and Hank and my younger brother or sister that's going to be born soon" I say.
"How do you know?" He asks and I laugh.
"I'm not dumb. I seen you drinking her wine all night after she drank her very small first glass and I put it together because Savannah not drinking wine is like me not finishing a book" I say and he laughs.
"I guess we should have been more subtle" he says.
"You were, I was just watching you guys" I say and he smiles at me.
"Do you need help unpacking?" He asks and his phone rings and I shake my head.
"No, I kind of don't want to rush through it because I've never actually settled anywhere on my own before so I'm excited to slowly put everything away" I say and he laughs shaking his head.
"You are so weird" he says.
"I know. I get it from my dad" I say and he kisses my head.
"I have to go get Savannah to the doctors, here are your keys and you can give me the u-haul keys so I can take it back and get my car" he says and I go into the kitchen grabbing them and I hand them to him.
"See you tomorrow?" He asks and I nod.
"Only if you're cooking something good" I say laughing.
"I'll let Savannah know" he says walking out and I lock the door behind him.
A week later
"Get back here Gatsby" I yell as he slips out the apartment door when I try to bring my groceries in and I sigh in frustration as I go inside quickly putting my groceries on the cabinet and I go to the door to pick up the other ones.
"Excuse me ma'am, we stopped your cat. We heard you yelling after him when we were headed out" he says and I look up to see Spencer.
"Spencer, hi" I say.
"Yn? You live here?" he asks and I nod smiling at him.
"Yeah, I moved in last week" I say.
"I wonder why my dad didn't tell me you lived in the building" I say.
"Oh no one knows, I just recently moved and no ones been around yet" he says.
"Makes sense" I say and the little boy with him smiles at me and I smile at him.
"What's your name?" I ask.
"I'm Henry" he says.
"Well Henry it's nice to meet you, I'm Yn" I say.
"Nice to meet you too" he says.
"Thanks for saving my cat by the way, I would have been lost without him" I say and he smiles at me.
"No problem" he says.
"Uncle Spencer has your cat so I can help you with your groceries" he says and I smile at him.
"If he says it's okay" I say and he looks up at him, pulling a face.
"Of course you can help" he says.
"Be careful, there's boxes everywhere" I say and he grabs some bags going into the house and I go in behind him and Spencer follows me in.
"I can take Gatsby" I tell Spencer and he hands him over.
"That's his name?" Henry asks and I nod.
"After my favorite book" I say and Henry runs out to grab the other bags.
"So Uncle Spencer?" I ask and he nods smiling at me.
"He's JJ and Will's son" he says.
"I can see that. They have two boys right?" I ask and he nods.
"Henry and Michael" he says and I nod.
“Yes, that’s it" I say.
"I'm still trying to learn everyone and about them but it's a lot at once" I say laughing.
"How long are you out here?" He asks.
"I'm leasing for a year. Taking some much needed time off. But hey thank you for saving my cat, you should let me cook you dinner" I say.
"You don't have to, it's no problem" he says and I shake my head.
"I insist. Could I possibly guilt you into joining me if I tell you I need the human interaction because I'm talking to Gatsby like he's a human" I say giggling.
"You can definitely guilt me into joining you for dinner" he says laughing and I smile at him.
"We can use this dinner as an opportunity to exchange stories because Spencer Reid there's something about you that I can't get enough of" I say smiling and Henry runs back into the room.
"Okay I'm ready to go home now" he says.
"Thank you for your help Henry" I say going to my wallet.
"I'm giving you this as a thank you" I say handing him a ten.
"Thank you. The next time you need help with groceries let me know" he says and I laugh.
"You'll be the first person I call" I say and he grabs Spencer's hand.
"Six tomorrow?" I ask.
"Works for me" he says and I nod showing them to the door.
Seven rolls by and I sit at the table still not having heard from Spencer and I sigh knowing that he probably just got busy and I pull out my phone
Hey just checking in making sure you're alright. Haven't heard from you all day
I wait and it just says delivered so I click my phone off and I stand up because I know what this is, growing up with my dad I know there were a lot of things planned that never came to fruition, promises broken, hearts broken and I don't know if I want to put myself through that willingly if I don't have to.
I pour the wine back into the bottle and I put the cork back in and I grab the plates and I empty them into a Tupperware container and I put the garlic bread on the side and I put the lid on and put the plates in the sink and I go finish cleaning off the table and someone urgently knocks on my door and I go over and I open it and it's Spencer "hey I'm so sorry" he says moving his hair out of his face.
"The case ran over and my phone was dead and I couldn't text you to let you know" he says.
"It's okay" I say nodding at him.
"I'll see you around" I say going to shut the door but he stops it.
"I know I probably screwed up the chance of getting to know you but I wanted you to know that I was really excited" he says.
"I'm sure you can understand my hesitation here Spencer. I grew up with my dad working the job you're working and I was hurt and let down a lot more times than I can count and if it's going to be like that I'm going to stop this before I get too involved and end up with my heartbroken because I have to be with someone who isn't all work" I say.
"I understand and you deserve someone who can be there when you need them. Have a good night" he says stepping back.
"Goodnight Spence" I say shutting the door and I go get in the bed, completely upset.
I go to take the neighbors some food at the same time Spencer comes out of his apartment "hey" he says.
"Hi" I say smiling at him.
"It's been a while. How are you?" I ask finally speaking after avoiding him for two weeks.
"I'm good. You?" He asks and I nod at him.
"Where are you headed?" I ask.
"Just to grab a coffee" he says.
"Mind if I join?" I ask and he quickly shakes his head.
"I don't mind at all" he says.
"Give me a second and let me grab my coat" I say and he nods and I run into my apartment and I come back out.
"Hey I want to apologize" I say sighing when I meet back up with him.
"For what?" He asks.
"The night we were supposed to be having dinner" I say.
"I was in my feelings and that's not how I really felt but I was too prideful to talk to you and fix things and I want to go again, to restart and see where this could take us" I say and he smiles at me.
"You have no reason to be sorry, it was on me. But if you want to go again. Will you grab some coffee with me?" He asks and I nod.
"I'd love too" I say and I grab his hand intertwining our fingers, leading us to the coffee shop down the street.
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namjooningelsewhere · 3 years
Hello Leah, I hope your work is going well and that you are taking cae of yourself 🥰
I didn't know you posted #a and #b on the same day, so this is almost like a double update for me! I was so excited to see two chapters instead of one 🤩
Ah, so they broke up because they lost their fathers and Jack had to move with his mother to Paris and he didn't want to make any sour memories with yn, only happy ones.. hence, he broke up with her?
Great decision, Mr. Impulsive 🙄
I have to be honest, I wasn't expecting this to happen, alright?
I was expecting Jack to be a little more showy, sneaky and a little unlikeable, so that I can peacefully live knowing yn ultimately goes to the boys but this show of honesty and respecting her choice is such a green flag that I already feel bad for what he's going to go through...
I mean, he will probably respect her choice if yn chooses them over him, but a small part of jack will resent yn, no?
I hope he can move on happily too, but that's for the later chapters, for now, I need him adding fuel to the fire in the boys' life!
I f-ing love Dan though, like that's a bestfriend I want to have! We all know she truly meant her threat, though I wish it was directed (low-key implemented) at the boys but it's good to know someone has yn's back.
She is right in saying that Jack is challenging or going against something that doesn't exist (#3B says hi) and it only serves to hurt yn. She is also right to point out that the boys moved on (#3B says no) and yn never processed the break-up, so she really can't move on with anyone.
Too much is happening in yn's professional life that she's barely thought about her personal struggles and I feel like we'll get a deeper insight into it when she reached Seoul and signs those lease papers!
Again, Jack is a great person for acknowledging that his actions were impulsive and fuelled by excessive jealousy. We all know admitting you messed up because of your feelings is pretty hard and he did it like a champ! I'm proud.
The show would've been a shit show for yn, but I'd have loved the drama and bubbling jealousy 😂😂 A photoshoot instead of a rampwalk is a smart move because the hostility if they did a full-on show would be too much for baby yn.
Also, just an observation, I didn't realise you wrote reader insert differently until I was re-reading to rant in your asks! Don't get me wrong, I'm not criticising, it's just an observation. I haven't read many stories where the reader insert characters are written in third-person pov. Usually it's in second-person or sometimes in first-person, so it was different to read -in a good way, of course.
Now about #3B... Haeun thinks endorsing house of jade's collection is a guilt trip? Why? Why is your boyfriends' endorsement of a luxury brand, a guilt trip to you? What are you ashamed of, Miss? You want your boyfriends to appreciate the best thing that happened to them but someone else can't appreciate the best thing that happened to them? Why? Are you maybe.. insecure? Do you not trust your boyfriends enough? Or are you jealous?
They knew about Jack, huh?
That must've been an interesting conversation 😂
Not Jimin asking why she didn't tell them 🙄 You kept a wholeass-relationship-in-the-works/flirtationship away from her and basically cheated on her, but she's supposed to share her ex's zodiac sign and work accomplishments with you, right?
And Yoongi, Jack designed a whole collection for her memories.. and you couldn't even handle her emotions after your shitty break-up text.. 🙄
Jimin asking if she went back to him already?! I didn't see you complaining when your girlfriend moved in with you within a month, right after yn left? Again, you were seeing her when you were with yn? How can you even act shocked when you cheated on yn? She can go back to anyone if she wants to, just look after your girlfriend dude! Don't meddle in your ex's business, she isn't yours anymore!
Why do they already sound jealous though? You haven't even seen her once after your break-up, one mention of her ex, him designing an entire collection off of their memories for her and your own speculations on yn and Jack's relationship is enough to rile all of you up this much, imagine what will happen if you actually saw them together being friendly or even if they got back together! What will happen to you? Will you suddenly get enlightened and realize your wrongdoings?
On a happier note, Mr. Min Whipped Yoongi told his baby Haeun to shut up.. I thought I wouldn't live to see this day. It's about time someone told her to shut up!
And Hobi, the only one that I have a little sympathy for, what a perceptive darling!
Yes, boys, think about it, look deep in your hearts and think about it. what is this about? yn or a meaningless campaign?
Anyways, hobi-darling, what you are feeling is this really exquisite bitter concoction of regret, jealousy, resentment and similar emotions. You can't stop it now, It's too late, baby.
Another great chapter, Leah! I can't wait for Thursday! Do you think we'll have another teaser for Chapter 4? It's okay if you don't, I understand you are busy and I hope you can take a little bit of time for yourself and rest!
Take care, bye-bye🥰
Thankyou so much for this wonderful ask. Thankyou:)
Hey there.. I'm doing fine and hope you are too.
Yes there will be a two part update for every chapter because I just can't keep the texts short or posts limited...
Yes a lot went down right! A lot of it is still to go down, Y/N has just been avoiding dealing with the pain and the shit. But it's all going to blow up when she will get to see it first hand.
As for the boys, they're plain bitter... Hobi is being confused right now...and as for Ha-eun that bitch isn't going to stop at just this and she's about to caught in her own lies!!!
The guys knew about Jack, but they didn't know about him much in detail. They knew the back story but didn't know much about Jack! What he did and everything else.
They're just being bitter and jealous. And Ha-eun is being insecure AF!!
About the teaser, yes I will drop it shortly:)
I hope you enjoy the rest of the parts as well..
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lefaystrent · 5 years
Everyone's talking about Virgil Angst but meanwhile I'm sitting here thinking about Roman because like?? Presumably he's on Broadway right? And to wake up finding you're a known broadway star has to be a dream come true even if it's jarring that suddenly finding yourself so much older. But like Roman has no memories of the years between hs and now. He wakes up, finds he's performing in a show that very day. bUT NOT ONLY THAT, it's a new show, one he's never heard of so he has no lines 1/?
no lyrics, noblocking memorized. And he's expected to perform. So a thespian's nightmareright there. Maybe for extra Angst points the understudy is out sick. Or hejust forces himself to perform, not wanting to disappoint or miss this"chance" to be on Broadway. Either way it doesn't go well and Romanis left with his spirits crushed and still completely lost as to how he endedup in the future. 2/2
Back to theFuture, part II
Fandom: Thomas Sanders,Sanders Sides
Pairings: platonic LAMP
Word Count: 2620
Masterlist Link
Roman wakes up with a pillow beingthrown at his face.
“Chop, chop! Time to go.”
Roman groans, “Is it time forschool already?”
The person laughs.
It’s then that Roman realizes thatit’s neither of his parents, nor one of his friends who would sometimes sleepover.
Roman sits up, shirtless but that’susual. What’s not usual is the man fixing his hair in the mirror of a largevanity table.
“Who are you?” Roman asks,instantly suspicious. He snatches up a hair brush that’s lying on the bedsidetable, wielding it like a sword. “Where am I? What do you want with me?”
The man meets his eyes in themirror, sees something funny, and rolls his eyes with a laugh. “Alright, Mr.Big Shot. Save the acting for the stage. We’re gonna be late if you don’t hurryup and get dressed. And Dot will have both of our asses if we’re late foropening night.”
Opening night?
Cute guy?
Oh, this had to be a dream.
Roman was good at dreams.
“Very well then. Wouldn’t want todisappoint all of my adoring fans, would I darling?” Roman boasts, to which theguy snorts and tells him to hurry up again.
Roman slips away and finds thebathroom. He’s debating whether or not to snap his fingers and conjure up amagnificent outfit. That is, until he catches a glimpse of himself in themirror.
He screams like he’s in a horrormovie, which maybe he is.
“What—what’s wrong?” the no-nameguy from earlier yells, banging on the bathroom door but Roman had locked it.
“I’M OLD!!!”
He’s over thirty now, and to a guywho was just seventeen yesterday, that’s pretty old my dude.
Frantic, Roman throws open thebathroom door and demands, “What magic did you cast on me?”
“My face! Look at it!” Roman screeches,looking into the mirror once again and rubbing at his face as if the signs ofaging would disappear. “I mean, I’m still gorgeous, BUT I’M OLD!!!”
The guy looks at him like he’scrazy, which maybe he is but wow, no need to judge. “Uhhhh, are you going througha mid-life crisis right now? Because can you do that later? When, ya know, wedon’t have somewhere to be?”
“I was just seventeen yesterday,”Roman tells his reflection mournfully.
“Okay, if this is the kind ofbaggage Roman Prince has, remind me not to sleep with him again.”
Roman chokes at that.
“E-excuse me? We did what?!”
“Just cut the crap already,” theguy grunts and leaves. “I’ll be waiting outside,” he calls before a door slamsclosed.
Roman is left alone with hisreflection.
He snaps his fingers, but nothinghappens.
He gives a grin anyway. “Just gottaget into the swing of things is all.”
Roman meets the guy outside. Hedoesn’t bother asking for his name, since it’s not important to the dreamanyway. And really, this isn’t unlike a lot of Roman’s other dreams. Waking upto a cute guy? Check. Performing in a Broadway musical? Check.
Being the headlining actor for saidBroadway musical?
Super big check.
They’re in the theater now, andRoman is smiling and greeting a bunch of people who seem to know him. He goesalong with whatever they’re saying. He runs into the director Dot that theno-name guy mentioned earlier. And somewhat confusingly, he finds his dressingroom. It’s amazing and wonderful and in such detail, and sitting on the chair bythe dressing table is the script they’re performing tonight. Roman picks it upwith a wide grin.
He nearly drops it.
He’s the headlining actor for aplay he’s never even heard of.
Okay. Okay, okay okay.
Roman is in his dressing room—HISDRESSING ROOM ON BROADWAY. This whole place is designed by him to work how hepleases. If he just looks away and looks back again it’ll change—
Nope, that didn’t work. He squintsdown at the font, hoping to place the title.
“A New Lease on Life.”
From a skim through it’s somethingabout a parasitic demon trapped in the body of a magically gifted human?Roman’s character is the parasite.
“I know musicals are weird, butwhat in the name of Julie Andrews,” Roman says to himself.
But this is a dream. It’s okay. Hecan just…get up on stage and have the time of his life!
That’s not how it happens though.They do last minute run throughs. Roman is not magically landing the lines.Hell, he doesn’t even know them! The director yells at him to stop messingaround, and Roman is honestly hurt and disoriented enough to start crying rightthen.
But this is supposed to be hisdream! He can’t cry. He’s a Broadway actor! He’s got this!
Remember when he said ‘he’s gotthis’?
Yeeaaah . . .
The evening is upon them, theaudience files in, and Roman is standing on stage with no clue as to what he’sdoing.
He skimmed the script earlier,curious because usually he couldn’t read things in his dreams. He says thelines he remembers, but he misses a cue, and then the actor who’s playing therole of the character he’s possessing hisses under their breath what his lineis. It’s appreciated, but Roman can’t hear it over the thundering roar in hisears. The audience is waiting for something incredible to happen and Roman . ..
Roman’s waiting too.
This isn’t one of Roman’s dreams.
This is a nightmare.
Roman is a deer caught in theheadlights. He’s sweating and breathing so loudly that surely the audience musthear it. The lights are too bright and he’s standing on the edge of the stagein the middle of what’s supposed to be this sinister monologue.
This isn’t working. He just needsto take a breath, take a step back, listen more carefully to his costar’s constanthissing, and maybe things will get back on track.
Roman’s leg buckles when he triesto move it. He’s too close to the edge of the stage. He thinks for a momentthat he can catch himself, but his palms are slick with sweat and he slipsright over. He lands on his back, the wind knocked out of him, and he doesn’tremember much after that.
He wakes up, not in his bedroom athome but in his Broadway dressing room. Someone’s there, someone that Romandoesn’t recognize.
“Sloan picked up where you leftoff,” she says. She’s looking at Roman with pity.
“Sloan?” he questions. In thedistance, he can hear the muffled noises of the show going on.
She looks pissed off now. “Youknow, your understudy? Maybe if your head wasn’t shoved up your ass all thetime, you’d remember the names of us little people.”
She storms out of the room.
Roman lets his head thump back downon the bench someone laid him on.
He could wallow in his misery. Hecould let this nightmare beat him down. He could curl up and have himself anice cry. Princes are made for bawls after all.
“Sorry, but this prince has toleave before midnight,” he says.
He hops up to his feet. His headhurts and there’s a painful twinge in his leg and arm from where he must havefallen on them. But he can still move. He has to.
Roman turns his back on Broadway togo search for answers.
As he’s walking down the sidewalk,he ignores the busy city life. He pulls out his phone, immediately searchingfor his emo sidekick’s number.
He doesn’t find it.
What he does find though areseveral missed calls from Patton.
“Curiouser and curiouser,” hequotes. He calls Patton up.
“Roman?!” Patton answers after thefirst ring.
“Hey Padré! I hope you’ve got sometime to chat because you will not believe where I am right now!”
Roman was all the way in New York.
That’s a little more than a carride from Florida.
Logan had known that Roman became aBroadway star. He’d even told Roman that he would one day become one, but thatwas back in high school when Roman was an upset seventeen-year-old and Loganwas an eleven-year-old kid who knew too much. The news might have given Romansome form of comfort when he was figuratively down, but he certainly hadn’tbelieved it as Logan foretelling the future.
When Logan woke up as twenty-nineagain—after the initial freaking out period—he decided to contact his friendsto test a hypothesis. He needed to encounter someone who he’d never been affiliatedwith before in his future time, people like Roman, Virgil, and Patton.
Roman was too far off however. Notto mention it’d prove difficult to request a celebrity’s time, one that wasn’tsupposed to know you.
And Logan did doubt that any ofthem knew him. He suspected that he hadn’t been pushed forward through time butreplaced back into his own time, a timeline separate from the past one he’dbeen in. Nothing in his house had changed, no signs of his friends. No texts orcontacts on his phone to match.
So Logan searched for the othertwo. Virgil proved to be all but nonexistent upon his initial online researching.Patton immediately garnered results.
“An advice columnist,” Logan hadsaid to himself, unable to smother down the smile that tugged up his lips.Patton had made quite a name for himself in northern Florida. He’d been hostedseveral times on talk shows and was working on promoting his second self-helpbook that had recently released.
Logan had set off to find Patton,and find him he did.
And Patton . . . Patton had rememberedhim.
And even though Logan felt trulysorry that this disorienting situation caused his friend a great deal ofdistress, he couldn’t help but feel a wash of relief knock into him at the factthat his friend was still his friend. That those memories weren’t worthless ora vivid dream.
And then, once they had workedthrough establishing the existence of time travel, Patton suggests that theothers might be in the same boat.
“What boat? We’re not in a boat.”
“Figure of speech, Lo,” Pattonsmiles a little, despite himself.
If he and Patton are here afterjumping through time, it’s not impossible that Roman and Virgil could be thesame.
“They might not be here,” Logansuggests, swallowing down a sharp feeling of disappointment. “Whatever happenedto us, they may not have been a part of it.”
“Or they might have,” Patton pushesstubbornly. He can see the same hope welling in him, the same selfish desire tonot be alone. “We’re always hanging out together. They might have . . . gottencaught up in it? Whatever it is.”
“. . . and you already tried callingRoman?”
Patton tries all day. Logan wandersthe house a lot, investigating what kind of person Patton grew up to be. It’s .. . interesting to say the least, seeing his friend who had previously been ateenager suddenly as a grown adult, older than himself at that. Logan pondersover whether Patton feels the same amount of puzzlement. Although, Patton doesn’tseem to be interested in much that requires moving from the couch.
Ever since Logan theorized them notbeing friends in this timeline, Patton has become lethargic. Logan is ill-preparedto deal with this kind of Patton.
That night, Logan hears Patton’sphone ring. Logan doesn’t pay it much mind. The phone had been ringing off andon ever since Patton had run away from work that morning. Logan continues to pokearound the kitchen, relishing his normal body and the height that allows him toeasily reach into the tall cabinets.
“Roman?!” Patton screams from theliving room.
Logan immediately abandons any notionof dinner.
“Did he call you?” Logan blurtsout, racing into the room. It’s an unnecessary question, because what elsecould have happened? Patton waves his hand at him to shush him.
“Where are you kiddo? Are you okay?”Patton asks. He clutches the phone to his ear with both hands as if he couldhold Roman there.
Impatient, Logan sits right besidePatton and leans in to eavesdrop.
“Where else would a star like me beother than Broadway?”
Yes, that’s Roman’s proud voicefiltering through.
“Broadway?” Patton repeats, lookingat Logan questioningly.
“He’s in New York,” Logan affirms.
“What is he doing there?” Pattonasks.
“Is someone else there?” Roman interrupts.“You’re talking to someone else when you have me on the phone?”
“Sorry, Ro. I was just talking to—um . . .”
“To, um . . . Logan.”
“Oh, well tell that nerd that I’mon Broadway and I’m fabulous, even if I am old now.”
Patton and Logan share a look.
Logan pries the phone out of Patton’shold and puts it on speaker. “You remember who I am?”
“Who? Wait, who’s that?”
“That’s Logey, kiddo.”
“That doesn’t sound like the littletwerp I know. Wait, is he super old now too? Are we all old geezers? Man, thisis a really weird dream.”
“Yes, it’s me. Yes, we’re older,”Logan answers. At least Roman is understanding the situation they’ve beendropped in. “Roman, I need you to answer a couple of questions for me please.”
“If I’m older now, why do I have toput up with more study sessions from you?”
“This isn’t school-related, Roman.”
“Please, Ro. It’s important,”Patton urges.
“Fiiine, if you must.”
“Did you wake up today in anunfamiliar setting with no memory of how you got there?”
“Yeah? Nothing too unusual.”
“How—how is that not unusual foryou?”
“Happens all the time in dreams,duh. Use that big brain of yours, Jimmy Neutron—wait, you’re not a kid geniusanymore. I’m going to have to come up with new nicknames. Not to worry, I’mgreat at improvising!”
Great at ignoring reality as wellit seems.
“Um, Roman?” Patton prompts. “Whatdo you mean by dreams?”
“This isn’t a dream,” Loganpresses.
“What else could it be?” Romanlaughs, and it doesn’t matter that the sound is slightly distorted through thephone. Both Logan and Patton can tell that there’s something off about it.
“Roman, that’s not—” Patton starts,but Logan cuts him off.
“Roman, do you have Virgil’scontact saved perhaps?”
“No, I don’t actually. Weird,right? Oh, I know! He must be hidden away from us in a tall tower in amonster-filled forest. Never fear, we shall rescue our emo in distress!”
Patton bites his lip, staring atLogan. “He doesn’t have his number either? What does it mean, Logan?”
“It could mean that Virgil doesn’thave a phone,” Logan tries, but neither of them buys it.
“Virge . . .” Patton whispers, eyeswelling up.
Logan focuses back on the phone.Roman keeps asking if they’re still there. “Yes, we’re here. And that soundslike an excellent idea, Roman. Why don’t you meet up with us here in Floridaand we’ll brainstorm a plan of action in order to locate Virgil.”
“Can do!”
Later, after Logan has helped Romango over how to book a plane ticket (“No Roman, you can’t just teleport here.Think of this as a . . . side quest, like in the video games you like.”), heends the call and turns to Patton. Patton’s sitting there, arms wrapped aroundhis legs and face buried in his knees.
“We’ll find out what happened tohim,” Logan tells him.
Patton doesn’t respond.
General Tag list: @spectralheartt @a-pastel-pan @notalwaysthevillian @rose-gold-roman @ijustrealizedhowdumbmynamewas @katie-the-noble-fangirl @yourroyalydramaticanxiousness @aroundofapplesauce @merlybird500 @beach-fan @jemthebookworm @whats-going-on-kiddos @randomsandersides @gamerfreddie @unring-this-bell @analogicallythinking @lilygold23 @punsterterry @levy-the-b00kw0rm @tacohippy56900 @accio-hufflepuff-power1 @just-another-rainbowblog @georganabanana @grey-says-heck @crookedlyoptimisticdestiny @thesynysterunknown @idont-know-what-im-doing @idioticsky @fadingglowcloud @whizzie72 @theinvisiblespoon @greyyy523 @opaque-puppet @just-fic-me-up @wowimsogoddamnoriginal @sos-fandoms @loganeatsbooks @trust-is-overrated @theitalianalchemist @im-crunchie @mourning--star @4amanxiety @hogwarts-my-love @enby-phoenix @justanotherpurplebutterfly @internet-or-sleep @absolutesandersidestrash @seaspider10 @nonasficcollection @small-words-to-say @satanblessi @an-absolute-failure @analogical-mess @noisyeggpizzapatrol @hamilsandersfam @cefinitely-rolo @thgjclw @knight-shives @no-no-no-no-6 @savingshae @rabbitsartcorner @buddypallady @midnight-tragedyy
Kid Logan AU list: @under-the-blue-moonlight @broadwaytheanimatedseries @joyful-milkshake-observation @absolutesandersidestrash @midnightmagi @justcallmepancake @nerd-in-space @thestrangedino @deathshadowrules @entitydark @vintage-squid @max-is-tired @deceitfullyanxiousprince  @shai-uwu @teacupfulofstarshine @the5thcoy @occasionally-pauciloquent @oakskull @teepee-honesty @mrtacothethird @fandomobsessed-nerd @mychemicalcheezwhiz @that-smol-tired-gay @skittlesun @caterpiller-tea @sanders-sides-rebloger @penguinkool @its-the-cat-queen @liz-a-bell @theresneverenoughfandoms @i-know-im-smart @ever-after-aaa @007ardra @starbucks-remy @lovebug5151 @yyeeeeeeeeett @adoratato @theobsessor1 @soijusthavetoask @ab-artist @always-in-a-fandom @iris-sanders-athena @doing-my-demibest @connors-writing-sux @lizziepopanime @charakitcat @dall-off-weekes @wowimsogoddamnoriginal @sign-from-god-complex @pumpkinminette @cosmic-melodies @sullycreatesstuff @lovesupportandcookies @som3thing-cr3ativ3 @unicornlogansanders @rainysharkfreaklover @potato--justpotato @ghostscantdie @virgilneedsahug @thatonenerdphotographer @the-cactus-lord @cocobearthe4th @neverasherpoetry @midnight--fox @falsehoodx @crazy-rat-man @lokinas @rosiepupper @insert--self--hatred @dorkoverse @herestheanxietea @spirits-in-my-thoughts
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Janis & Jimmy
Janis: I need a favour Jimmy: And the scale is what? Like a kidney or a 🚬? Janis: don't need anything off you but a lie Janis: so standard, yeah Jimmy: go on Janis: if any of my family ask, and it'll probably be Grace Janis: can you tell 'em I'm at yours, yeah Janis: they won't come over or anything cringe Jimmy: Alright Janis: sure? Janis: cool Janis: I owe you Jimmy: Standard, you said it Jimmy: meant to be with me #always Janis: you get I mean like, until further notice, right Janis: if I'm gone too long and they get aggro, just tell 'em I've gone but yeah, long as you can Jimmy: I weren't reckoning you were nipping out to get a coffee at one of my rival's Jimmy: even Gracie ain't that on one Janis: not that loyal either, sorry to report Jimmy: 💔 Janis: tell her how devvo you are, make her life Jimmy: gonna have to if you leave the fans in a content draught Jimmy: how would I ever cope with becoming #irrelevant Janis: despite the fact that's exactly what you're after, supposedly Janis: and I'm there, remember, content as usually Janis: use your artiste imagination Jimmy: Now I've gotta do all the faking myself Jimmy: what kind of girlfriend Janis: I said I owed you Janis: now you get it Jimmy: You'll more than owe me when I have to seriously draft your sister in as your stand in Janis: don't Jimmy: Too many white redheads in this town Janis: I'm serious dickhead Janis: don't get with my sister Jimmy: It weren't a serious consideration Jimmy: literally no point to this if I were gonna Janis: yeah well I don't ask your reasons you don't ask mine Janis: might've changed Jimmy: not that fucking hard they won't have Jimmy: you got the lobotomy not me Janis: alright alright Janis: 😏 Janis: just can't stand to see her happy, yeah Jimmy: can't stand to see her, tah Janis: my sentiments exactly Jimmy: Better come back in a bit then Jimmy: so you won't have to see me with her Janis: 😑 stop it Jimmy: What? Janis: putting that mental image in my head Jimmy: I mean, dickhead, are you alright or what? Janis: ain't gonna off myself Janis: not that cunt, I wouldn't put that on you Jimmy: not what I asked Janis: idk how to answer that Janis: don't see the point in lying but not asking this favour of ya as no cry for help Janis: alright, nothing I can't handle Jimmy: very comforting that Janis: you shouldn't of asked Janis: nothing you can do either, don't worry Jimmy: bollocks Jimmy: 'course there is Janis: fake boyfriend chivalry is cute and all Jimmy: I know but stop flirting with me and you can be here instead of just saying you are Janis: 1. no one is flirting with you Janis: 2. can't sleep in your shed Jimmy: don't be a twat Jimmy: [tells her where there is a front door key] Janis: what will your dad reckon Janis: don't you need to ask Jimmy: He ain't in Janis: yeah but I told you I need more than a coffee break Jimmy: Yeah, so you can have my room Janis: alright Janis: just 'til you get back tonight Jimmy: Til whenever Jimmy: I'll go in my brother's Janis: nah, I ain't gonna put you out Janis: I appreciate it though Jimmy: You ain't Jimmy: but alright Janis: come off it Jimmy: you Janis: what? Jimmy: I get that you scare easy, rich girl, but I'm the only 👻 round my house Janis: I ain't scared Janis: least of all of your gaff Jimmy: stick around then Janis: they been in today? Jimmy: what do you reckon? Janis: they clearly don't give a fuck Janis: idk what would it take for them to piss off, that's the truth Janis: if I knew well Jimmy: sure I could do it Janis: like the optimism Jimmy: full of it, me Jimmy: 🌞 Janis: don't make me laugh Janis: 🌚 me Jimmy: there's no universe we ain't starcrossed 💔🎻 Janis: actually a tragedy Janis: I'll put it in my note Janis: f u god Jimmy: I'll post it for you, babe Janis: that's real romance Janis: 😩🤤😍 Janis: makes a girl wanna stick around Jimmy: and I ain't even said how much I'd miss you yet Janis: do I get a preview or have I gotta die for the 💕 Jimmy: Depends Janis: on? Jimmy: Do you want me or do you wanna die? Janis: that's a big question Jimmy: I've got a big 💕 Janis: baby Jimmy: 😘 Janis: give me a night Janis: yeah Janis: then I can work out what next Jimmy: Take a night Jimmy: It's alright, I said Janis: don't wanna owe you too much Jimmy: So scared, you Janis: 😠 Jimmy: well cute Janis: I may owe ya Janis: but I will punch you Jimmy: I ain't scared, only you Janis: should be Janis: I have your keys Jimmy: I don't have a car for you to fuck up with them Jimmy: and there ain't fuck all for you to steal Jimmy: just a 🐕 Janis: you reckon I'm such a 🐰boiler Janis: should be worried for that poor pup Jimmy: that's your sister Janis: see, not a good replacement Jimmy: never said she were Janis: hmm Jimmy: Less need for a filter, like Jimmy: that's what I said Janis: you see her in person ain't ya Janis: every need for the filter, thanks Jimmy: 👩🏽 🤳🏽 Jimmy: what I'm bothered about Janis: we ain't identical Janis: 🤢 Jimmy: Stop misunderstanding me, dickhead Janis: stop comparing me to her Janis: bad idea Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: 😏 Jimmy: such hard work, you Janis: you signed up for it Janis: and invited me over Janis: you must be cracked Jimmy: Do you wanna be uninvited or what? Janis: 🤐 Jimmy: believe that when I don't hear it Janis: bollocks Janis: I never speak Janis: complained as much before Jimmy: I change my mind, you've complained before about that, mate Janis: just so unpredictable, babe Jimmy: 😎🚬 Janis: stop flirting with me Jimmy: you signed up for it Janis: true Janis: that's my answer Jimmy: [does some extra post about how much he misses her] Janis: pretty good, mate Jimmy: 🏆💪 Janis: you want me to walk this dog Jimmy: such an athlete 💕 Janis: you know it Janis: counts towards my IOU? Janis: like 25% maybe? Jimmy: Piss off Janis: worth a shot Jimmy: next time hit the 🎯 Janis: damn Janis: tough love Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt baby Janis: so hot Jimmy: I know Janis: that's how your shifts going then Jimmy: when don't it? Jimmy: 😎🚬☕💰💰💰 Janis: new bio Jimmy: it'll be a big hit on tinder Janis: probably just do the last 3 Jimmy: can't rip off your bio, bit rude Janis: feel free Janis: goals! Jimmy: We that type of couple, yeah? Janis: #lookingforathird Jimmy: don't tell 💀👑 though Janis: I'm not going to jail if she pegs it in the sack, fuck that Jimmy: I'd break you out, baby 💕 Janis: why are YOU not going to jail too Janis: admitting you ain't pulling your weight 😏 Jimmy: They'll deport me back to Manchester #duh Janis: ugh, can't fake ldr Jimmy: you'll have to come with when I rescue you then Janis: works for me Janis: get out of here after-all Jimmy: 👍 Janis: have to let me tag-along 'til I learn the language tho Jimmy: fuck that, I'll crack on teaching you when I get back in a bit Janis: challenge accepted Jimmy: [okay but hear me out, what if she lowkey just stayed at his on and off the whole time] Jimmy: shouldn't be no challenge for a 🧠 or 👅 like yours, Judith Janis: [legit for her running away vibe that she would so I buy it tbh] Janis: I didn't wanna disrespect your culture Janis: being polite, like Jimmy: What culture and what decent manners? 😏 Janis: I'm catching on Janis: get me a flatcap wearing pipe smoking man in no time Jimmy: Ian is bound to show his face eventually, being my dad and the one on the lease an' all Jimmy: crack on Janis: assuming he don't wanna head back north though Janis: unless he's on the run Jimmy: he don't Jimmy: 💔 for you Janis: population ain't that low Jimmy: your chances ain't that high Jimmy: grim up there, ain't you heard? Janis: and I ain't Janis: queen of the north, bitch, watch me Jimmy: won't be there to 👀 you binned me off Janis: you Janis: teaching me northern now so you can ditch me then Jimmy: you Jimmy: 'cause you wanna chain a pipe with some 👴💕 Janis: your type, first of all Janis: so welcome for me being so accomodating about the type of third we want Jimmy: hot's hot, babe Jimmy: can't fight it Janis: 😂 Janis: then don't Jimmy: Alright Janis: good Janis: sorted Jimmy: all in a day's work Janis: mhmm Janis: tip you later Jimmy: if anyone else said that they'd be out on their ear, you know Janis: I'm special, you know Jimmy: Me and everyone who follows me 💕 Janis: I get it Janis: you want a post too Janis: hold up Janis: [some post about waiting for him to come back and a selfie on his bed like hey] Jimmy: well done for finding the right bed Janis: tnat could've been awkward Janis: where does your da sleep, actually Jimmy: garage Janis: ahh Jimmy: not in a car, like Janis: 💔 shame Jimmy: for his birds, yeah Jimmy: can't drive themselves away now Janis: 😬 Janis: who am i meant to be Janis: btw Janis: if I bump into the man Jimmy: What kind of question is that? Janis: idk, a valid one? Jimmy: Why ain't you who you always are? Jimmy: a more valid one that Janis: I meant more like, do you have your fam or your socials or no Janis: am I your fake girlfriend to them or just a mate, like Jimmy: can't keep them off Jimmy: must be my 🥇 content Janis: who could resist Jimmy: exactly Jimmy: [sends a 🔥 sext cos #mood after what she posted] Jimmy: treat your followers, mate Janis: 😏 Janis: too kind Jimmy: it's been said Janis: should run a hotline in your spare time Janis: 💰💰💰 Jimmy: How do you know I don't? Jimmy: other than the state of my room Janis: yeah aside from that Janis: literally that special, obvs mate Jimmy: Gotta keep you in 🚬 Jimmy: might bankrupt a lesser lad Janis: psh, I ain't the one with the habit Janis: and why I picked you, babe 😘 Jimmy: of all the bollocks to fake, Jasmine Janis: what Jimmy: I've 👀 yous and 👂 about the pipe you crave Jimmy: can't fool me Janis: 1. filth Janis: 2. very in to be a social smoker, just playing along with what they'd do Jimmy: 1. you better not be filthy in my bed Jimmy: 2. I'll pick you up a vape pen on my way home, yeah? Janis: 1. I'm not gonna hot box your room, better house guest than that, just Janis: 2. if you want me to peg you, just ask Jimmy: 1. Free house law, wouldn't be nowt I could do Jimmy: 2. sure that'd be very #goals but you're alright Janis: 1. see, you want me to really, perv Janis: 2. leave it at the smoke shack then, boy Jimmy: 1. you wanna really Jimmy: 2. what kind of boyfriend if I don't bring you 🎁 Janis: 1. even if I did, get what you said about this dog, won't leave me alone, what's it called? Janis: 2. bring me a ☕ Jimmy: 1. Too late to call her Mia or? Jimmy: 2. What do you actually want then? Janis: 1. 😂 no the 🐶 is too cute for that don't be mean Janis: 2. idk, what kind of smoothies do you do, something like that Jimmy: 1. You're right, she ain't half starved Jimmy: 2. 👍 Janis: 1. have to call RSPCA on you, not #goals Janis: 2. tah Jimmy: Be a quality break up story that Janis: shelf it for later Janis: no dogs actually harmed though, tah Janis: not co-signing that Jimmy: 🙄 Jimmy: fine Janis: you got a brother and a sister, right? Jimmy: You had a nose around my house or my 📷 IG? Janis: found the right bed on my 2nd attempt Janis: and pretty sure you've mentioned them Janis: but yeah, what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't stalk all your socials Jimmy: A sane one Jimmy: yet to have one of them so crack on Janis: if I was sane they'd call me a nun Janis: gotta play to the audience Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Janis: for you Janis: find one one day Jimmy: 🤞 Janis: cute Jimmy: I am, yeah Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: convincing denial, babe Janis: get it, you want me to tell you how cute you ain't, that's your kink Janis: busy though Jimmy: I don't want you to tell me what you're busy with in my bed though, tah Janis: walking this dog Janis: or getting it ready to Janis: idiot Jimmy: Don't bother, it's alright Janis: may as well, no Jimmy: If you want a 🥇 over my sister whose job it is Janis: oh will she be pissed off Janis: can always have 2 walks Jimmy: cute Jimmy: scared of her an' all? Janis: yeah obvs Janis: just trying not to be a dick to your fam and all Janis: they ain't done nothing to me Jimmy: Yet Jimmy: she could take you in a scrap, mate Janis: alright doubt that Janis: not gonna fight a child either you dick Jimmy: 🙀 you Janis: ain't you got hipsters and basic white girls to serve Jimmy: but my 1st priority is always you, girl 💕 Janis: thrilled about that, obvs Jimmy: I know Janis: feel the love Jimmy: 😘 Janis: you sure you wanna give up your bed Janis: I got places I can go Jimmy: I get it, it don't have a princess canopy Jimmy: you'll live Janis: but will I sleep Jimmy: alright you can borrow my 😎 Jimmy: stop begging Janis: 😂 Janis: and I ain't begging, let's get that clear Janis: told you, got options Jimmy: and I told you, alright Jimmy: you can calm down now, my dear Jimmy: the better option is you 📷🐕💕 Janis: just saying, don't make me feel more like a cunt than I already do Janis: but obvs Janis: suckers for cuteness every time Jimmy: Leave it, I'll live too Jimmy: just don't lose the 🔑 that's our Cass' job an' all Janis: 🤞 Jimmy: #whenshedon'twantyouto💀💀💀 Janis: 💕 Janis: wait 'til I've worked on your old man so I've got an in, like Jimmy: he'll give you an alibi for 🔪🔪💀💀 long as it's only me Janis: that's the lowdown on them then Janis: what about your brother, he gonna come for me too? Jimmy: Depends, you got it in you to piss off a 6 year old or not? Janis: don't really do kids Janis: can't be as annoying as the ones I know though, not related to me for a start Jimmy: Related to me though 😏 Jimmy: just admit you 💕 me, babe Janis: shut up Janis: I'm related to my siblings and I'm great Janis: poor kid stands a chance Jimmy: He's related to Ian, no he don't Janis: bummer Janis: take him with when you get deported? Jimmy: quickest way to get arrested again that Jimmy: use your big head Janis: pretend he's yours Janis: who'd know Jimmy: Piss off I'm northern not a paddy Janis: alright and your ex ain't got a kid nah Jimmy: that's a 👶 not a kid Janis: true Janis: yeah 9 might be insane Janis: can you grow bum fluff, age yourself up before the 🚬 do Jimmy: I dunno Janis: tell him he's like 4 Janis: buy you as 18, sorted Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: that your way of telling me you wanna go pub in a bit then? Janis: duh Janis: i am part paddy Jimmy: How big's the % Jimmy: might be a dealbreaker Janis: 50% Janis: 25% scouse 25% brazilian Jimmy: Made you do maths in the holidays 😏 Janis: 🤓 Jimmy: *😎 Jimmy: *👻 an all Jimmy: any chance you can say you're 💀💀💀 so I can leave? Janis: well my irish fam ain't even from this part of ireland but keep that to yourself 🤐 already got the ropes out, like Janis: only so many funerals I can have but sure Jimmy: I'll keep your real kinks to myself too Jimmy: put the ropes away though you'll wind up the 🐕 Janis: 💕 Janis: boo, no fun Jimmy: 🤐 Jimmy: Best fake boyfriend you've ever had, sweetheart Janis: competition of one but 🏆 Janis: there you are Jimmy: tah Janis: fake win for a fake boy Janis: only right Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: about to pull a fake sickie, me Janis: that is actual smart though so Jimmy: and you owe me some fake nursing Jimmy: might as well cash in Janis: yeah? Jimmy: send me one of the nudes 💀👑 has sent you so I can 🤢 Janis: 😂 Janis: just don't leak 'em Janis: for my eyes only, obvs 🙄 Jimmy: I promise Janis: [sends her the latest god knows what Mia has been sending for the lols] Jimmy: she's Janis: in love with me? Janis: yeah Janis: don't be threatened Jimmy: but my fragile masculinity though! 😱😱😱 Janis: I'll nurse it better baby Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: put the outfit on, I'll be there in a bit Janis: 😏 Janis: alright Jimmy: 😘 Jimmy: [is there when she gets back from walking Twix because it was a long walk and he's a sneaky speedy mofo] Janis: ['fancy seeing you here' 🤓] Jimmy: [hands her the smoothie he's made specially] Janis: [is doing a #skeptical face but changes it to a 'not bad' when she tries it] Jimmy: [gives her a look like go on then, tell me what's wrong with it but goes to put kettle on for his self #northern] Janis: ['ain't just resident eye candy then, good to know'] Jimmy: [does a bow cos nerd] Janis: [just giving Twix love whilst he makes tea, shouts through 'so you gonna show me where it hurts or am I guessing?' like you don't need to play nurse yet eager bitch] Jimmy: [you know he's making her one even though she's literally got a smoothie so who else is eager, comes through with said tea after a bit and puts the mugs down so he can put a hand over his heart like an even bigger nerd] Janis: [make pouty poor boy face 'might be incurable, that'] Jimmy: ['if you can't do it, you can't' shrugs] Janis: ['making it a challenge?'] Jimmy: [sips tea with an eyebrow raised like a sassy bitch] Janis: [lols, 'okay, so your face muscles are working fine, I get it' casually squishing his face 'cos cheeky too] Jimmy: [when you give her a little smooch but it's FINE cos you've got your phone out okay] Janis: [#allforthegramsureboys how many people really wanna see you making out erryday like some yeah you fine but still] Jimmy: [we know you ain't even holding that phone properly boy and then you won't post it cos you'll say it's too blurry or whatever] Janis: [one of these days you gon just drop it and the pretense but not yet] Jimmy: [soon kids, just hold on] Janis: ['how's the heart now? just challenging to go further oh lads] Jimmy: [puts her hand over said heart like that's nbd and not at all dangerous, with a shrug like I ain't dead yet so] Janis: [we all know it'd be beating pretty fast so bold Jimothy, just looking at her hand on his chest 'cos 'real question is, do you want it to be better or do you wanna..' when you trail off but we get it] Jimmy: ['more goals if I die for you, Juliet'] Janis: [when you're taking that as a yes #bothproblematic and you just kick it up to an actual make out sec again phone is out but who cares] Jimmy: [both of you just going for it like this isn't a dangerous game, impressed that you ain't dropped that phone tbh] Janis: [also your teas going cold, jussayin, when you just straddle his lap but don't sit] Jimmy: [OMG THE TEA] Janis: [my boo like nooooo stop rn and finish that brew] Jimmy: [gonna have to microwave that in a bit] Janis: [least Twix can bark 'cos jealous and they'll think someone's about to run up in so even if they ain't it then breaks the moment] Jimmy: [Good 🐕 yeah let's not have Cass descend yet cos she can always cockblock another moment should we need] Jimmy: [just drinking that tea casually now like nothing happened okay] Janis: [my thoughts exactly, at least Janis can love said cockblocking dog now 'cos awkward] Jimmy: [#true love] Janis: [doing that post about how he's poorly/playing nurse etc gotcha covered boy] Jimmy: [doing flirty replies so you can safely flirt lol] Janis: [so blatant lads] Janis: you seen that lot today? Jimmy: [nods] Janis: shoulda messaged us Janis: final fuck you to 'em before I go, like Jimmy: soz there were a rush on Janis: no worries, got a day now Janis: drop in tomorrow, undoubtedly be there Jimmy: 👍 Janis: [just picked up his lighter and are playing with it Jimmy: brb Janis: 👌 Jimmy: [comes back in a bit with art hoe supplies so he can draw her] Janis: ['homework?'] Jimmy: [shows her what he's doing] Janis: [when you try to be casual and 😏 about it but are immediately like oh and self-conscious of how you look rn 'am I meant to pose or what?'] Jimmy: [just shrugs because he's helpful like that lol 'Do you want it to turn out decent or not?' because challenge always like be my muse bitch] Janis: [🙄 'if you wanna be goals you'll draw me pretty no matter what' but is her usual effortless model self 'cos 'course she can] Jimmy: [🙄 back 'By now I've had plenty of practice at faking I reckon you are, no challenge or owt'] Janis: [sighs 'must be nice having good taste, even if it's pretend, welcome' 😘] Jimmy: [sighs back dramatically without looking up from the page 'be nicer if you stopped moving your lips, dickhead'] Janis: ['mr serious artiste needs to concretrate, okay, okay' mimes zipping 'em] Jimmy: [makes a scoff news but in the next second you know he's doing a cute lil concentration face] Jimmy: [*noise] Janis: [stealth taking a picture of that 'cos is cute] Jimmy: [chewing on that pen like a cute mofo also how confident not to use pencil boy] Janis: [like you've drawn her before lol Jimmy: [giving yourself well away] Janis: [what does one even do when getting drawn, just getting so comfy on that couch, so confident bitch] Jimmy: [at least his doodle style wouldn't take an age] Janis: [trulyfe] Jimmy: [lowkey shoving it at her like well I'm done and soooo not bothered haha] Janis: [when you can't be like I LOVE IT 'cos 1. a picture of yourself 2. you're not meant to be bothered either but you do love so you're like 'you're actually good then' like fairplay] Jimmy: [when you can't deal with even such a lowkey compliment so you have to leave the room and pretend like it's cause the dog is being so annoying like fuck off to the kitchen Twix you slag but also the awks is radiating off you so she's gotta be aware] Janis: [just pocketing that drawing, like] Janis: wanna 🚬? Jimmy: [when you don't answer you just head out there] Janis: [leaves it a hot sec like well am I invited or nah but then decides to go out regardless] Jimmy: [sit on that trampoline kids] Jimmy: [when you light up for her even though you feel awks cos habit] Janis: [takes it and lies back on the trampoline looking up at the sky and smoking] Jimmy: [shamelessly looking at her while she can't see him do it as if he didn't spend however long doing that when he was drawing, okay boy] Janis: ['s'comfy' and closing her eyes 'cos in my mind she's probably had a couple nights out in town already 'cos usually how she'd do before running] Jimmy: [takes off his jacket or hoodie or whatever and spreads it over her like a blanket cos nerd] Janis: [when you just allow that] Jimmy: [Twix just jumping on her because can't get a moment gdi] Janis: [at least she can get her to settle next to her like shh] Jimmy: [just texting Cass like where are you btw because can't join in with the snuggle] Janis: [a fair point also gotta tell her dis bitch staying over like] Jimmy: [really lingering over this convo because what to say or what to do, god bless him] Janis: [she's just oblivious soz lol] Jimmy: [after a while just poking her like 'You hungry or what?'] Janis: ['oi' but getting up, leaning on her elbows 'yeah, I could eat, want me go get something?'] Jimmy: [pushes her back down but gently cos he's gonna go and does] Janis: charming Janis: wanna go twos at least Jimmy: Obviously not, 'cause yeah I am such a 👑 charming, like Jimmy: I gotta pick my brother up anyway Janis: don't be stealing my shoes Janis: know they'd probably fit you but still, not even fake like that Janis: 👍 Jimmy: Piss off Jimmy: I've touched your feet and I wouldn't be caught 💀💀💀 Janis: nothing wrong with my feet Jimmy: If you want sell pics to pervs, crack on Jimmy: #notmykink Janis: make a lot off that Janis: I don't need it Janis: 👑💰 Jimmy: hand it over my way then Janis: called being a pimp, that Jimmy: alright so if anyone asks, this convo's fake Janis: alright, rebrand to manager and you get 20% Janis: all in the details, boy Jimmy: Am I signing in 🩸 or that only the 💀💌? Janis: what you so hesitant for Janis: my fucking feet Janis: 🗡 least you can do is suffer Jimmy: I were wondering how much of my bodily fluids you're gonna want over the course of this bollocks Janis: don't be so crude Janis: talking about making softcore fetish porn here, not your emissions, thanks very much Janis: be professional Jimmy: become a nun after you 💔 me not before Janis: you can't 💔 Janis: become a priest if you want access to that untapped source of 😻 Jimmy: You, dickhead Janis: not gay Jimmy: No shit Janis: shut up Jimmy: you Janis: you, dickhead Jimmy: You're a bigger dickhead Janis: awh, it's mm if at all, don't worry 💕 Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: how long you reckon you'll be Jimmy: Depends Janis: yeah but Janis: rough estimate Jimmy: Yeah but are you gonna tell me what you wanna eat or have I gotta guess? Janis: get whatever you lot want Janis: I'll eat anything Jimmy: Then I'll be a bit longer than it takes 💀👑 to slide in your DMs whenever you post but not as long as it takes her to take no for an answer Jimmy: alright? Janis: 👍 Janis: gonna go for a run then Jimmy: I won't let the 🐕 know 💔 Janis: can't keep friends, me Janis: soz babe Jimmy: my fault, should've warned her what you're like Janis: you'd have to know for that Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: at it again, you Janis: what, we mates now Jimmy: who's asking? Janis: who do you think Janis: 🐕 hasn't mastered the phone Jimmy: I don't reckon you have any need to ask, Jennifer Jimmy: there's your answer Janis: alright Jimmy: 👍 Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: Stop trying to friendzone me, babe Jimmy: It ain't #goals Janis: you're ridiculous Jimmy: I ain't the one asking questions I know the answers to Jimmy: such a girl, you Janis: and I'm the know-it-all Janis: ok bighead Jimmy: I get it, you don't wanna share the 🏆 Janis: you who don't wanna share Jimmy: What you on about? Jimmy: I love sharing, me Janis: nah Janis: ain't that bad a roomie, like Janis: don't ask gracie though Jimmy: don't ask her round, don't ask her questions, you don't want much, you Janis: shut up Janis: how often you have to see her, welcome the break Janis: I would Jimmy: I do Janis: exactly, don't complain, boy Jimmy: Or what? Janis: plenty of ways to shut you up Jimmy: Go on then Janis: 🔇 Janis: feel that mute Jimmy: 🎻🎻still playing on Janis: sorry what was that? Jimmy: come here, grub is Janis: okay, be right there Jimmy: 😘 Janis: don't make me 🤢 into it like Jimmy: but that sounds so hot 💕 Jimmy: bit rude of you to take the spotlight though Jimmy: it were my sickie Janis: oh yeah, soz Janis: be a better patient and I'll be a better nurse Jimmy: be 🥇 and it wouldn't matter Janis: weren't me, was the dog Janis: but okay, round 2 Jimmy: ain't even fed me 🍇 or nowt Jimmy: 💔🎻💔 Janis: 😂 you aren't a roman emperor Jimmy: I'm on my fake deathbed here Janis: so I've gotta spoil you, yeah Jimmy: do something Janis: been trying Janis: saying, have your bed back, I'll take the floor Jimmy: I don't want my bed back Janis: tell me what you want Jimmy: I have done Janis: get the grapes then shall I Janis: brb, detour Jimmy: come and eat, dickhead Janis: well alright Janis: later then Jimmy: I don't even like 🍇 alright Janis: see, how can I win Janis: honestly, setting me up, shame 😏 Jimmy: I'll spit them out off 📷 Jimmy: we can make it work Janis: you baby Janis: you can swallow Jimmy: alright, I'll do it for you 💕 Janis: true love Janis: [show up for this dinner moment] Jimmy: [Bobby and Twix casually cockblocking but not cos he made the kid sit up the table #smart while they can stay on the sofa where they make all their mems but Cass not because we may need her to actually in a bit] Janis: [good thinking boy, also Janis casually breathing a sigh of relief 'cos feels weird meeting his fam whilst it's fake tbh, not Ian fuck Ian but rude on the kids, like] Jimmy: [can you remember his house layout like was it open plan or what was the situation?] Janis: [nah we did a more closed off moment 'cos a rented house, like they had a lil hall, the garage off to one side, then the lounge then the kitchen with a table Jimmy: [okay yeah I do vaguely remember the sims house now] Janis: [so tuck in lads] Jimmy: [when it should be more awks than it is #foreverthemood] Janis: [moves so fast 'cos you so extraaaa] Jimmy: [so comfortable with each other even with all your #issues lads, love it] Janis: [#fated] Jimmy: [when you go get her a drink so you can check Twix ain't stole all Bobby's food and generally be a good big brother on the low] Janis: [yes, tis important, can't be allowed to just chill like you ain't got responsibilities] Jimmy: [she can just hear them being cute in that kitchen like] Janis: [a moment, good thing Bobby likes her when the time comes because she's not so extra with kids and in his face] Jimmy: [not always a 😒 sod, are you Jimothy? lol it's my fave when they are such a cute lil fam unit bye Ian] Janis: [we know you soft boy, and yas casually kick him out of his own home #notsoz] Jimmy: [he's back and he's raided his shit dad's stash cos never too early #fuckyouIan] Janis: [raising your brow but doing a golf clap #approved] Jimmy: [doing a cheers at her] Janis: ['you slipped the kid a nightcap, yeah?'] Jimmy: ['You wish' 😏] Janis: [😳😒] Janis: ['I meant, what passes as parenting 'round here, dickhead'] Jimmy: [to answer her question he goes to clear the table cos the little bab wants to 🎨] Janis: [get your art on babby] Jimmy: [such an unspoken I do, dickhead if there ever was one] Janis: [so domestic] Jimmy: [comes back to drink that drink and put some bollocks on the TV that neither of them care about] Janis: [standard, when you've basically downed yours 'cos nervous energy] Jimmy: [gives her a look but doesn't say anything] Janis: [a 'what?' look] Jimmy: [one back but we know he means what's wrong] Janis: [shakes head like don't worry, I'm good] Jimmy: ['Do you wanna go to my room?' Oh the MANY layers of meaning in that] Janis: [when you shrug 'if you like' but you clearly do 'cos you're halfway up] Jimmy: [when you bring more drinks as a shameless excuse to follow her cos you don't know if she meant she wants to be alone or she wants to be alone with you and you can't ask] Janis: ['purely medicinal, yeah?'] Jimmy: [a nod] Janis: [shrugs 'better than grapes' then puts out her hand 'do I get one?'] Jimmy: ['do you want one?' but in such a flirty manner that there is no need for] Janis: ['you know I do' matching tone 'cos obvs] Jimmy: ['take it then' boy you better stop] Janis: [does, sipping maintaining that eye contact honey] Jimmy: [likewise because gotta] Janis: ['stay' when you gotta add, quickly after a pause 'or I'll feel bad'] Jimmy: [when you make yourself comfortable cos you can make a big song and dance of doing it and hide how much you're dying rn 'can't have that, meant to be me' does the fakest cough of all time and 😏] Janis: ['oh right, yeah get in then' making a thing of getting your phone out and ready to give yourselves some time 'cos ultimately you're gonna hop on that bed and straight up put his head in your lap so you can take a pic stroking his hair] Jimmy: [when you pretend like she's got something on her face and you've gotta get it before any pics are taken but we know there isn't anything there and the boy is just being extra] Janis: ['better?' is she referring to her face or how he feels, we'll never know] Jimmy: [responds by taking her hair down #for the aesthetic bitch we all 👀 you just wanting to run your fingers through it bye] Janis: [still just stroking his hair but pulls it (gently calm down) when he takes hers down 'this is about you, not me'] Jimmy: ['it's about you an' all' when you gotta pause cos calm down with sounding like you care and also how much you wanna make that true in a sexy way 'whoever's story it ends up on'] Janis: [nods like alright and also what can she trust herself to say] Jimmy: [casually taking his top off like oh we should redo all of that as if anyone cares that much about the details #shameless] Janis: [when you're like true though and pull down whatever bottoms you have on like, gotta have that skin to skin moment bye] Jimmy: [trying not to die or look at her too shamelessly and failing at both lbr] Janis: [when you do an instagram story purely so you can kiss his forehead] Jimmy: [kill me tbh and I ain't even there] Janis: [how you gonna slow this down lads hohum] Jimmy: [literally cos we all know how he wants this his head in her lap situation to end and it isn't with a picture] Jimmy: [at least we have the kids and dog to cockblock] Janis: [true facts, gotta keep it family friendly] Jimmy: [me just forever being like how far can we push this before it's too far haha] Janis: [s'the point baby] Jimmy: [I'm thinking] Jimmy: [we need something #intimate to happen and bonus points if it's the first time too but idk] Jimmy: [not the #cute moment I was trying to think of but #duh while we've got them here we should do the ultimate playfight cliche since on a bed it's BLATANT and like she could poke him as a trampoline throwback cos they're still just lying there together #casual and be all I thought you'd fallen asleep cos pisstake at how tired he always is and of course like I said playfight ensues and we've got all that good shit like him tickling her and her squirming way more than necessary 👀 you both so of course he pins her down but not really cos we all know you could escape easily if you wanted to 👀 you still and SO much good eye contact and he pulls her hair and she bites her lip and he stares at it but OBVS before they can kiss Cass storms back through with a front door slam that puts Grace's school trip one to shame and has Twix wilding] Jimmy: [which leaves him nothing to do but say fuck's sake with more feeling than anyone has ever for all the reasons and go downstairs to talk to her aka have a row cos she's always in the mood and so's he now] Janis: [A+ idea boo] Janis: [whichever door they ain't at, she goes out] Jimmy: [don't blame you remotely girl] Janis: [lets some time pass] Janis: if you want anything bringing back, lmk Jimmy: ? Janis: ? Janis: what does that mean, easy enough question, ain't it Jimmy: What do you mean? Janis: that I've gone out, and if you need some milk or some shit, I'll bring some back later Janis: not offering to do a drugs run for you, soz Jimmy: and I've been out so what the fuck else would I need Janis: alright, simple no would suffice Jimmy: Would it? Janis: try it and find out Jimmy: You wish Janis: 🙄 Janis: not that arsed Jimmy: 🙄 Jimmy: sounds like it Janis: your lack of manners ain't my concern Janis: didn't ask you to say thanks or anything Jimmy: You can have it anyway Jimmy: tah for doing one when I'm up to my eyes here Janis: yeah, you're welcome, sarcasm ignored Janis: nothing I could do Jimmy: try it and find out Janis: like what, read your brother a bedtime story whilst you bollock your sister Jimmy: like not take the 1st chance you can to fuck off Janis: was giving you space to sort it out in private, actually Jimmy: bollocks Janis: how is that bollocks Jimmy: how ain't it? Janis: did I look ready to go out to you or what Janis: not got anything else to do in this town tonight Jimmy: Wouldn't know, didn't get a goodbye in Janis: fuck's sake Jimmy: You pissed off 'cause it got too real for you, owt else is bollocks Janis: you reckon that all you want Jimmy: Deny it all you want Jimmy: you can be full of chat about 'how this will only work if...' and how we need each other but you ain't standing by it Jimmy: gotta keep me in my box and that ain't the 4 walls of this house, yeah? Jimmy: Like I said, too real Janis: Stop being dramatic and chatting shite Janis: if that were it, I wouldn't offer to come back, would I Janis: I'd go, as planned Jimmy: Then what? Janis: what I said, dickhead Janis: I know what it is when everyone knows your family's shit Janis: I was getting out the way Jimmy: That were nowt Jimmy: you're gonna need a thicker fake skin, girl Janis: shut up Jimmy: Funny how you don't get in my way when there's washing up to be done, rich girl Janis: yeah, you caught me Jimmy: dry handed Jimmy: I know, like Janis: you're so unfunny it's unreal Jimmy: unreal is right Jimmy: you reckon you're getting my best material Janis: please, save it Jimmy: please, give me your permission again Jimmy: desperate for it, me Janis: no shit Janis: total gimp, you, s'obvious Jimmy: I get it, you want the mental pictures Jimmy: gotta do something with the alone time you've given yourself by doing one Janis: Means I've got 'em Janis: you owe me another lobotomy, or an acid deep clean Jimmy: put it on my tab, babe Janis: take it off mine and we're quits Janis: better idea Jimmy: Piss off Janis: I get it, you want me forever in your debt Jimmy: 'course I do Janis: mhmm Janis: like I said, transparent 👻 boy Jimmy: buy us 🚬 and I might let you back in 🧛 girl Jimmy: how's that for clear? Janis: pretend I don't know how much you want me back, crystal 👌 Jimmy: that's the 🐕 sweetheart, it ain't me Janis: whatever, the washing up moan was more convincing, babe Jimmy: done my convincing for the night, haven't I? Janis: part-timer Jimmy: keep it to yourself Janis: you ain't the only lad Janis: sure they'll find it very #relatable Jimmy: shut up Janis: 😂 Jimmy: such a dickhead Janis: you love being the best boyfriend in town, don't you Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt Jimmy: you know the drill Janis: sure do Jimmy: You not pulling your weight only makes me look better Jimmy: so understanding and 💕 all that bollocks Janis: fuck off Janis: I do well more than you, boys just get sucked off for doing the literal bare minimum in any scenario, especially not being a total twat to girls Janis: don't get it twisted, dickhead Jimmy: you can have a 🏆 for the dance floor, that's about it Janis: bullshit Janis: you've got the easy job Janis: I've turned every bitch from saying I'm gay as a diss to being scared I'll steal their lad in no time Jimmy: You had one rumour about you 💔 I've got loads Jimmy: gotta keep up with them and prove them wrong Jimmy: 😎🚬 Janis: you don't listen as well as you reckon Janis: 💩 Jimmy: might be 'cause you had my 👂s off Janis: get over it Janis: how you ever cope with having a real girlfriend Jimmy: never baby 💕 Janis: idiot Jimmy: stop flirting with me for 1 sec OMG Jimmy: proper sweet talker, you Janis: about as delusional as her Janis: and as much chat Jimmy: actually 💔 now Janis: ikr Janis: imagine actually being her Janis: gutting Jimmy: you're alright, tah, I won't Janis: but you love the pain Janis: what's up? Jimmy: Better ways to get a dose of it, like inviting you down the pub Jimmy: coming or what? Janis: cute 💕 Janis: guess so Janis: have to disappoint some lads but that's just how it is when you're so in demand Jimmy: so much enthusiasm be still my 💘 Jimmy: one on the corner, I'll be the mug getting them in Janis: 👍 Janis: not been gone that long Janis: remember what you look like Jimmy: #unforgettable Jimmy: send tweet Janis: 😂 Janis: I'll sign off on that Janis: pretty odd looking, it sticks with you Jimmy: You can do better Jimmy: with insults and lads obvs Janis: 🤷 I mean Janis: I'm sure you can get lads too, mate Jimmy: 👴💕 Janis: 😂 that's why you wanna go pub Janis: how rude to invite me Jimmy: you wanted a third, babe Janis: well we gotta agree Jimmy: do owt to please you, you know that Janis: 🤤 Jimmy: 😍 Janis: cute Janis: don't reckon there's any fitting another person in your bed though Janis: have to wait Jimmy: the lounge has got loads of floor space, be alright Janis: oh right, lock the dog in the kitchen and the kids in their rooms Janis: it's a party Jimmy: 🤞 Ian's in here having an after work #sesh so I can whip his 🔑 off him an' all Janis: oh, a good point Janis: no one needs that Jimmy: Our 🎉 been pissed on 'cause I don't 👀 him Jimmy: @iantaylor8 do one, mate 👍 Janis: put a DND on the door Janis: old school Jimmy: DNR on the 👴💕 Janis: standard practice when you're 😈 Jimmy: you stopped blagging you're 😇 now then? Janis: can do both, multi-talented Jimmy: Good Jimmy: dunno how I feel about the end of an era Janis: you like good girls, huh Janis: don't be spreading that about me, tah Jimmy: don't get #badder than my ex so from now on, yeah Jimmy: but alright, your secret halo is safe Janis: 🍻 drown those sorrows, I'm nearly there Jimmy: had loads of 🍺 and 👴💕 already tah Jimmy: you'll have to go some to keep up Janis: slag 😏 Jimmy: don't be spreading that about me Jimmy: fighting lasses off every day as is Janis: you poor thing Janis: did you not think about just going gay Janis: fake gay, that is Jimmy: I know 🎻🎻 things I do for you, Jules Jimmy: just ain't believable that Janis: what, you're SO straight 😂 Jimmy: I mean, this lad at work is a right stunner but getting him to be my fake boyfriend would be a bit harder than it were getting you to make 😍 at me Jimmy: he's proper busy with the ☕ Janis: piss off Jimmy: needed a rich girl with nowt to do Janis: don't need to repeat myself, thanks, see above Jimmy: 😏 Janis: don't smirk at me cunt Jimmy: 🤤🤤🤤 then Janis: go away Janis: was a school trip, no one had anything better to do Jimmy: come here Janis: outside Janis: got your cigarettes Jimmy: [appears like oh hey just casually sticking his head out the door and looking around dramatically like ?? cos nerd] Janis: [🙄 'you really are a shit actor, you know'] Jimmy: [shrugs 'got everyone I need to fooled'] Janis: [a shrug 'if you say so' and holding out the pack, which she's already taken one from] Jimmy: ['you just heard me' takes one obvs] Janis: ['what's that count for' when you've bought your own lighter so you've lit your own #ultimateshade] Jimmy: [🙄 how weird it'd feel to just light his own at this point like] Janis: [awkward] Jimmy: [awkward silent moody smoking ftw] Janis: [always] Jimmy: [leaning against the wall to show how #overit you are, oh life] Janis: 😎 Jimmy: *😎🚬 Janis: thanks to me Jimmy: and what? Jimmy: 👏 Janis: begins with a t Jimmy: you are being a twat, yeah Jimmy: 👍 Janis: very clever Jimmy: 🏆🧠 Janis: go celebrate then, dickhead Jimmy: gimme chance to finish my 🚬 damn girl Janis: [walks further away to finish hers] Jimmy: [walks up to her cos that dickhead] Janis: ['What part of this aren't you getting?'] Jimmy: [just giving her a look like what] Janis: ['I said, go away, remember'] Jimmy: ['what's that count for, you said that an' all, remember'] Janis: ['you're so fucking- annoying'] Jimmy: ['Is coming here gonna make me any less annoying?'] Janis: ['what?'] Jimmy: [gestures for her to come in the pub and have a drink with him] Janis: [when you're just looking at him exasperated af but then stomp in before him] Jimmy: [gets drinks and puts hers down in front of her like there you go without asking what she wanted, bit rude] Janis: [doesn't say thanks, obvs] Jimmy: [when you've swapped awkward silent moody 🚬 for awkward silent moody 🍺] Janis: [#goals lmao] Jimmy: [truly] Jimmy: You're Jimmy: [when you deliberately are vague af] Janis: go on Janis: say what you wanna say Jimmy: You're just Jimmy: [when you shake your head like NOPE abort mission] Janis: fine Janis: [🙄 and getting up to get more drinks] Jimmy: [forever not realising drinks aren't a good idea you two, god bless] Janis: [when you're probably chatting more to the bartender than you are to the person you're with rn oh lads] Jimmy: [when seeing that'd put you in an even better mood which is great Jimothy thanks so much] Janis: [coming back, putting the drinks down, then going straight to the bogs like brb] Jimmy: [you know he'll have probably downed that by the time she gets back #suchfun] Janis: [back like okay] Janis: how many you had? Jimmy: [shrugs because not enough clearly] Janis: cheat Jimmy: 1. didn't accept no challenge Jimmy: 2. rebel with only one cause, remember Jimmy: 3. you famously don't play by the rules, why should I? Janis: 1. you said catch up Janis: 2. how can i Janis: 3. dickhead Jimmy: I said you'd have to be going some Jimmy: and you will Janis: Oh, will I? Jimmy: you heard Jimmy: crack on Janis: wow love it when you get all demanding Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: Missed you too Janis: 'course Janis: 💘 Jimmy: [just on his phone like a rude bitch, I'm like LORD let that booze kick in soon please] Janis: [lol like boy you asked her here, twice] Jimmy: [HONESTLY give it up bitch you're ridiculous] Janis: 💬 Jimmy: 🍻 Janis: your turn Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: [goes] Janis: third? Jimmy: Why you trying to make me do maths in the holidays? Janis: the maths is would you bang the barman or nah Jimmy: would you? Janis: [shamelessly staring like 🤔 at this poor man who's probably 30 odd and not cute enough to go there like soz] Janis: not by first choice, nah Jimmy: There's your answer then Janis: considerate as ever, darling Jimmy: owt to please you, I said Janis: I know Janis: but we know what I said and all Jimmy: weren't listening me Janis: 👍 Jimmy: [puts drink in front of her with a look like you alright then?] Janis: [look back like are you? but nods too] Jimmy: [drinking instead of answering] Janis: ['I can go, if you've got shit to sort'] Jimmy: [shaking his head so casually but the 👀 are like DON'T] Janis: ['good, break my heart if you sent me back to that lot' smiles weakly like joking but not really] Jimmy: ['What kind of dickhead would take the only job you've ever had and turn it round on you, rich girl'] Janis: [🙄 'imagine'] Jimmy: ['don't wanna, it's bloody tragic'] Janis: [kicks him under the table, but not full pelt lol] Jimmy: [throws a beer mat at her with an oi but also not that hard obvs] Janis: [just ripping it up casually] Jimmy: 🎊👰💕 Janis: [😏] Janis: lemme know when you meet her and I'll practice my overarm Jimmy: throw it over whoever you wanna bring back, gimme the warning Jimmy: 🤞👴 Janis: [lols] Janis: [takes a big look around and shakes head like nah, not feeling it] Jimmy: I get it, Ian still ain't showed 💔 Jimmy: I'll get some 🎻🎻 on the box for you, mate Janis: ha 🖕 Janis: after careful consideration, I can't hack being your step mum, thanks but no thanks Jimmy: take the 🐕 leave the rest, I know Janis: nah, your sibs seem fine too, sure Ian is the daddy I've dreamed him to be too Janis: it's all you 💔 Jimmy: 😭😭😭 Janis: Poor baby Janis: want comforting again yeah Jimmy: Depends Janis: yes, it will be me doing the comforting Janis: can't guarantee anyone else at such short notice Jimmy: but are you gonna do what you did before or have you got new tricks? Janis: Depends Jimmy: On how much time you can blag for yourself by borrowing mine? Not much, girl Jimmy: not if you're using that one any road Janis: no Jimmy: Go on then Jimmy: what? Janis: on what angle you're hitting 📸 Janis: only so much the Instagram guidelines allow for Jimmy: that'll be every 💕 Janis: then what do you expect Jimmy: 🥇 Janis: 🥇 for the 'gram and 🥇 comforting ain't the same thing Janis: shocking, I know Jimmy: I said nowt about the 'gram that were you Janis: Why ever else would we do it? Janis: [a LOOK] Jimmy: [gives one back] Jimmy: might fancy snapchat Janis: only if they pay Janis: 60/40 me Jimmy: Piss off Jimmy: you don't need the 💰💰 Janis: don't mean I work for free Jimmy: send me a bill then, babe Janis: after Jimmy: 👍 Janis: What were you gonna say Jimmy: When? Janis: Earlier Janis: you never said what I was Jimmy: nowt Janis: bollocks Janis: you can say it Janis: heard it all before Jimmy: I dunno Jimmy: leave it out Janis: fine Janis: drink up Janis: [goes bar] Jimmy: just Janis: don't bother, why'd you tell the truth anyway, yeah Jimmy: take whatever you said about me and replay it in a northern accent Jimmy: that'll do Janis: non-committal enough Janis: idek what I said so 👍 Jimmy: sorted, like Janis: sure Jimmy: I actually dunno though, alright Jimmy: what you are Janis: racist Janis: after you made me break down my heritage too Janis: plain rude Jimmy: bit rude to say I made you, Jill Janis: well, you to a T that Jimmy: you reckon you've got me to a T, yeah? Janis: want me to say I can't work you out and all? Jimmy: Do you want me to chat bollocks or leave it for you to do? Janis: chat something Jimmy: Why? Janis: 'cos why am I here otherwise Jimmy: you wanted a drink, you've got a drink Janis: when did I ask for a drink Jimmy: no need Jimmy: I dunno how to describe you in one word that don't mean I know nowt Jimmy: could've said pisshead for a start Janis: yeah you reckoned I smoked as well Janis: nice one columbo Jimmy: and as I'm so wrong you won't want one Jimmy: [struts out] Janis: I'm gonna drink yours, twat Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: well convincing it's only social, that Janis: what do you want me to say, I'll piss in it Janis: not that committed to fucking you up Jimmy: can't ever just leave it, can you? Jimmy: goes for nowt Janis: you started it Jimmy: you Janis: you you you Jimmy: how did I? Janis: you wouldn't tell me what you said Janis: now you've pissed off Jimmy: I fucking Jimmy: I went for a smoke 'cause I can admit it's a habit Janis: Well I'm not gonna lie 'cos you wanna hear I got a drinking problem or some shit Jimmy: fuck's sake Janis: I've got other ways I deal with my shit, alright Jimmy: and I'm not trying to get an invite on a run, alright Janis: What you saying Janis: smoking isn't your thing, you don't own it Jimmy: it ain't yours either, you said Janis: I can do it as and when I want Jimmy: 👏🏆 Janis: oh, fuck off Jimmy: make up your mind Jimmy: you were trying to kick off at me for leaving your side a bit ago Janis: I'm fucking tired Janis: I'm going Jimmy: Let me finish my drink that you better not have touched and we'll go Janis: You can stay Jimmy: I don't want to Janis: okay Jimmy: [reappears to down that drink like come on then] Janis: [when you go to grab his hand instinctively 'cos ages of people watching you but then drop it like it's hot like shit] Jimmy: [when you just take her hand again anyway like you gotta drag her away from here kicking and screaming lol instead of the fact you know she wants to leave so badly that you didn't even sit down to neck that pint] Janis: ['when you get up in the night, don't stand on me, like'] Jimmy: [It ain't me with the freakishly long legs, girl. How do you reckon I'm gonna make that happen from the next room?'] Janis: [pouts] Jimmy: [gives her a look like ?? but less dickhead-ish than he's been doing it] Janis: [shakes head like nevermind] Jimmy: [cups her face because he can pretend he's being fake with it if he needs to even if the genuine soft tones of his voice could give him away if he knew how much of a #softboy he is 'what, babe?'] Janis: [acts like she's gonna bite his hand literal but just pushes it away hastily 'nothing, I thought you were staying'] Jimmy: ['I'll have the floor then'] Janis: [shakes head 'don't be stupid'] Jimmy: ['You'] Janis: ['s'your bed, dickhead'] Jimmy: [You're tired, dickhead. Just take it off me'] Janis: ['can sleep anywhere, like'] Jimmy: ['my bed'll suit you alright then'] Janis: [shakes head like no point arguing on this anymore] Jimmy: [gives her a look like too right there isn't cos you're having my bed, end of discussion] Janis: ['don't sleep on the floor' what does that mean what are you wondering what do you know] Jimmy: [nods which is about as cryptic, oh lads] Janis: ['your sister beat you in a fight then too?'] Jimmy: ['you saying you fancy your chances?' it's really hard to make everything a question omg] Janis: [😏 'only heard her so I ain't making any bets with you, tah'] Jimmy: [😏 'spoilsport'] Janis: ['cheat' tuts like honestly] Jimmy: ['don't be throwing words like that about out loud, tah'] Janis: [looks around dramatically 's'fine, don't reckon they're tailing us'] Jimmy: [takes her hand again and like swings it how you do to a kid while he also looks around dramatically] Janis: ['left your brother at home, mate' but not pulling away or stopping him ok] Jimmy: [when you'd normally have some #bants about that but you're tired too so you're just walking and handholding nbd] Janis: [a nice lil moment] Jimmy: [I feel like the pub ain't that far from his house so may as well enjoy that while it lasts kids] Janis: [exactly dr phil] Jimmy: [getting back and not knowing if your dad is home or not #joys (we know he isn't but Jimmy don't have that luxury) so you immediately get tense af] Janis: [awkward, get you up in the room girl] Jimmy: [when you have to go check your siblings and tell them you're back cos you all have separation anxiety but lowkey so your fake girlfriend don't think you're weird] Jimmy: need owt? Janis: nah, I'm good Janis: thanks Jimmy: [bringing her water anyway cos you don't want the night to be over yet in case she's gone in the AM #blatant] Janis: [just smiling like 'I'll give you 5 stars'] Jimmy: ['hang on, it ain't vodka, like'] Janis: ['lucky I don't throw it in your face then' 🙄😏] Jimmy: ['least I'd impress you by catching it in my mouth if it were'] Janis: ['right little optimist, you'] Jimmy: [😏] Janis: ['what other tricks you got then, boy?'] Jimmy: [Shrugs 'Don't have a dog to perform myself'] Janis: [yawns half shade/half actual] Jimmy: [when you're just leaving like okay then] Janis: ['oi'] Jimmy: [when you've basically got a hand on the door to go but you still turn around because of course you do] Janis: ['...night then' like that weren't all bitch we all know it] Jimmy: [You gonna be cold? It's april boy I doubt it but he's taking off his hoodie or jumper or whatever soft thing he's got on and putting it on her because just he just wants touch her without making that obvious but also CARES bitch] Janis: [nods all the same 'tuck us in then'] Jimmy: [does obvs, picking her up and carrying her there first if he needs to because idk if she's stood up like him by this door or wut] Janis: [allowing it 'cos I wanna] Jimmy: [when you open your mouth to say about 40000 things but you can't so you just close it again like nothing to see] Janis: ['yeah' 'cos same boy, same] Jimmy: ['I were just wondering if I should take your breakfast order but depends if I pull another sickie or bother to go in' boy you were not such a lie but that is a good question of what to do with tomorrow I'll give you that] Janis: ['make a thing of it and they might send you a fruit basket, or a search party, risk you could take, like' shrugs] Jimmy: ['if the search party's headed up by my best customers that's a massive risk, management not as much' shrugs back and once again attempts his exit] Janis: [turning over like okay night 'smoothie was good' re. if he does go in] Jimmy: [stopping like this is a mansion instead of a box room 'we can make a thing of it either way, if you want'] Janis: ['that'll be alright, yeah' when you're saying that into your pillow like hope you can hear] Jimmy: [when you nod but she can't see you] Janis: [let him go hoe] Jimmy: [I'm gonna say he does but do a little time skip to later because he can't sleep obvs and I have no chill] Jimmy: Hey Janis: what's up? Janis: beside you Jimmy: you an' all Jimmy: why ain't you asleep? Janis: sleeps for the weak, like Jimmy: gimme my bed back then Janis: I said you could have it from the off Jimmy: Go to sleep, dickhead Janis: why Jimmy: 😴💤 Janis: I know you didn't start a convo just to see if I was asleep or nah Jimmy: might've done Janis: could've popped your head 'round the door Janis: or made a shit joke about snoring keeping you up Jimmy: bit rude Jimmy: 🐕 snores louder than anyone and she's in here anyway Janis: cosy Jimmy: I'll chuck her in with you if you're 💔 Jimmy: and awake Janis: if you like Janis: thought you were coming to get your bed anyway Jimmy: Got your name on it tonight, mate Janis: come on, I don't need it Janis: I'll crash on your sofa 'til it's light Janis: gone before any of 'em wake up, easy Jimmy: I don't need it either Jimmy: but if I have to tie owt round the door to keep you in, challenge accepted Janis: 😏 Janis: really Jimmy: I mean, 🤞 I tucked you in and you'll stay in, but alright Jimmy: 🏆💪 Janis: cute Janis: say you underestimate me but it's that optimism, yeah? Jimmy: I know how much you love it, babe Janis: hmm we'll be nice and say it's refreshing Jimmy: be nice and stay put instead of me having to rig a trip wire or some bollocks Janis: alright, alright Janis: no need to go home alone Janis: how long are you keeping me captive though Janis: things to do Jimmy: least if we were I might be able to sleep Jimmy: comes to something when you're the least annoying person I've shared a bed with Jimmy: let you out when it goes from #goals to #weird Janis: charming Janis: is he asleep or Jimmy: 👑 me Jimmy: he ain't 💀💀💀 Jimmy: that'll be me tomorrow if I go work Janis: well, if you let me go Janis: can rock up at opening time and tell them how sick you still are Jimmy: if I let you go, won't see you for dust Jimmy: such an athlete, like Janis: well yeah, I will go to the gym after Janis: just hoping it's the fit one opening obvs Jimmy: get your own fit colleagues, I 😍 him first Janis: 💔 I'm faster Jimmy: that'll be why I were 🥇 in a race against you Janis: 1. you cheat Janis: 2. sure he will if you beg hard enough, don't cry Jimmy: 1. shut up I can't hear the 🎻 over you being a massive 😭 loser Jimmy: 2. piss off Janis: oh please, your one good lung would collapse before you could even eat my dust in an actual race Jimmy: long as it holds out for me to go have a 🚬 Janis: 🙄 Janis: yay or nay to the actual plan though, idiot Jimmy: Well on board for a race to my 💀💀💀 death obvs 🎊 Janis: DO YOU WANT ME TO CALL IN SICK FOR YOU OR NO Jimmy: You can calm down, your boyfriend ain't opening up, no need to shout Jimmy: nowt in it for you either Janis: not an answer Jimmy: I don't have a smoothie maker here and I ain't cashing in an IOU on that bollocks Jimmy: there you go Janis: don't need one that bad Janis: but alright Janis: go sleep then Jimmy: not out here, it's freezing Jimmy: 🤞 when I get back in Janis: all that talk of 🚬 got you excited Jimmy: keep that 💕 between us though Janis: everyone's seen you Janis: clearly your 😎 appeal is so great, they'll deal with the bad breath Jimmy: but if they ask you're my 🥇 Janis: not forgot what we're doing here Janis: don't worry Jimmy: 👍 Janis: why'd you move here Jimmy: Why are you asking me? Jimmy: @iantaylor8 Janis: why not Janis: reasonable question Jimmy: reasonable that you've said you don't need or wanna know owt about me an' all Jimmy: What's changed? Janis: got time to kill, ain't we Jimmy: and that's what you wanna do with it? Janis: not my first choice Jimmy: do whatever is then Janis: just don't answer Jimmy: 🙀 is you, Judith Janis: then Janis: ? Janis: hardly a probing question, calm down Jimmy: he got a job here, I didn't fancy being homeless so I came with Jimmy: alright? Janis: why wouldn't it be Jimmy: I dunno the answer you want Janis: erm, the one that's real Janis: not asking for a bedtime story here Jimmy: force of habit Jimmy: our kid has to have 6 Janis: one for every year Janis: classic Janis: gets a bit out of hand when 10 of you try it though so Jimmy: thank fuck Ian ain't that fertile then Janis: 🤢 don't Janis: it's fucking grim Jimmy: 💔 my face fits Jimmy: can't say I ain't his Jimmy: can't knock yours that hard if most of your lot looks like you do Janis: diversitys lacking but he ain't the only black man about Janis: 🤷 Jimmy: yeah but 10 kids looking like that would get you all the 👶🏆 regardless Jimmy: well 9 'cause there's Grace Janis: shut up 🙄 Janis: beautiful baby competitions aren't that lucrative Jimmy: sure my ex is 💔💔💔 Janis: cute then? Janis: that's something Janis: most babies are ugly Jimmy: nah she'd have to rig it Jimmy: cheating comes natural though Janis: ouch Jimmy: 🤷 Jimmy: there's your bedtime story Janis: not meant to be sad Janis: no wonder he's after 6 Janis: happily ever after, dickhead Jimmy: I ain't still with her 💍👶👰 so it were Jimmy: and far as he knows we're 💕 Janis: well I won't get pregnant to end this so Janis: still coming off favourably Jimmy: Ian will be chuffed Jimmy: and what greater seal of approval is there? Janis: idk Janis: starting to question his existense tbh Janis: 😎 runs in the genes too, yeah Jimmy: 👻 does Janis: same Janis: definitely not related Jimmy: don't worry I ain't gonna come round yours with a white sheet thrown on Jimmy: bit controversial Jimmy: stick to the burning ✞ Janis: come on Janis: be a laugh Janis: call it performance art Jimmy: til I get lynched myself Jimmy: proper outnumbered Janis: nah Janis: they're all pussies Janis: nothing like me, I told you Jimmy: you don't know I ain't Jimmy: never seen me fight Janis: protect you, go on Jimmy: lend us your lighter and I'll think about it Jimmy: mine's 💀👻 Janis: trace the burning ✞ back to me and all Janis: no idiot Janis: but whatever, one sec Jimmy: chuck it out the window, Juliet Jimmy: no need to run Janis: may as well have one myself Jimmy: I get it, you don't reckon I can catch it Janis: I know you can't Janis: also know you won't give it back Jimmy: I'll give it you back tomorrow Janis: fucking hell, if you don't wanna even sit with me, I'll go out front, like Jimmy: Shut up Jimmy: can't do tricks out front Janis: [comes out in his hoodie obvs 'cos you said it was freezing but we know she ain't taken it off, like] Jimmy: [is visibly cold af cos been out here ages and gave her his clothes] Janis: ['you idiot' coming at him with said hoodie] Jimmy: [is so much no because bitch you're keeping that] Janis: [🙄 like come here then and wrapping it round them both] Jimmy: [letting that happen because we all wanna] Janis: [rubbing his arms to warmth them 'can get the duvet if you want'] Jimmy: ['be going back in in a bit, it's alright'] Janis: [nods but pulls it tighter/him closer] Jimmy: [again letting that happen shamelessly lol] Janis: [they'd be like so face to face rn it'd be ridiculous 'cos same height, the only way you're avoiding that tension is if you put your head on his shoulder and that's not intimate at all nah] Jimmy: [when you're just playing with her hair like it's in your way and you gotta stop it from harassing you but 👀 you really boy] Janis: [scary grace impression 'don't mess up my hair!'] Jimmy: [lols 'don't do that, it's proper accurate'] Janis: [😏 'spent an unfortunate amount of time with her, least she can give me is a decent impression'] Jimmy: ['I don't want her here or the PTSD tah'] Janis: ['yeah, yeah, you want the lighter I ain't forgot' but not giving it him 'cos vital he be warmthed first obvs] Jimmy: ['I do but-' not finishing that sentence because #danger] Janis: [no escaping how hard she can look at you from this distance though] Jimmy: ['I don't wanna wake him up and the fucking dog will longer I leave going back in, so don't fight me on the floor thing when we do, alright?'] Janis: ['course', I'm not as arsehole' pauses 'I just don't see why you won't take the bed and I'll go on the sofa-' when you say this last bit faster than the rest '-or just share with me it's not like we haven't before'] Jimmy: [nods and tries not to breathe too much 'Really committed to warming me back up, you. Fine then.'] Janis: ['something like that' hands him the lighter] Jimmy: [we know the drill here, ladies first lol] Janis: [when you should really separate to smoke but you just turn so he's behind you 🥄🚬 moment ] Jimmy: [take your chance to shamelessly stare at her boy] Jimmy: [and he should blatantly take a pic because imagine how beautiful she'd look rn and the lighting would be so interesting] Janis: [do it for your 🎨 and 😍 boy] Jimmy: [honestly and it'll stop you saying or doing anything else that you shouldn't] Janis: ['do you reckon I could do it properly..model, like?'] Jimmy: ['Yeah' OMG he answered a question] Janis: [when she's surprised he don't shade her like oh but does best to hide that 'my sister is. Good way out, since I'm not getting deported'] Jimmy: ['I'll look forward to seeing your face on a billboard or whatever and saying I didn't know you' because don't you just hate when peeps pretend to be your bestie when you die/are famous, yep me and Jimmy too] Janis: ['tah, glad it meant so much to ya, mate'] Jimmy: ['It obvs meant everything to me, that's why I've gotta repress all those perfect memories, babe. Tah for that.'] Janis: [turns and 😘 with some smoke coming with] Jimmy: ['see, can't do better than you'] Janis: ['I know, I feel really bad for you, actually. Tragedy.'] Jimmy: [does the violin mime 'get in line, girl, let you jump it a bit 'cause I like you'] Janis: ['yeah?'] Jimmy: [😘 back at her because getting too real there] Janis: [catches it and turns back] Jimmy: [🚬 in silence for a bit because close call] Janis: 'what's your mate called, then?'] Jimmy: [gives her a look like he has no idea who she means] Janis: ['Barista boy'] Jimmy: ['He ain't my mate then, is he'] Janis: ['Your mans, I'm sorry'] Jimmy: [😏] Janis: [nudges back like tell me then] Jimmy: ['Do your own homework, it's the holidays'] Janis: ['such a cockblock, you'] Jimmy: [😒 but trying not to let it show and doing the 💔 with his hands so she'll look there instead] Janis: ['yeah right' and pushing his hands down] Jimmy: [usual Oi and scuffle moment as standard] Janis: [just playfighting always] Jimmy: [when you're just like come on because can't stay out here forever] Janis: ['you finally done?'] Jimmy: [CLEARLY still in his jealousy and thinking about her fucking Pete so walking away] Janis: [just like um excuse me but going too 'cos not gonna stay outside to be awkward] Jimmy: [getting ready for bed moodily lol lol lol] Janis: [when you don't even know what's changed the vibe but what you gonna say, just taking the hoodie and whatever you put on your bottom off] Jimmy: [deliberately not looking at her cos you're in a sulk and can't trust yourself not to say something] Janis: [this won't be awkward at all, lads, time to cram into this bed like there's any option but to snuggle] Jimmy: [who is big 🥄 and who's little?] Janis: [if she's little he can be 'mad' about her hair in his face] Jimmy: [true just #fuming] Janis: ['night'] Jimmy: [when you don't say it back, we know you ain't asleep yet boy] Janis: ['dick'] Jimmy: [a very unamused sound in response like it's her fault you're a jealous dickhead okay then] Janis: [turning 'round in this bed which is treacherous tbh and poking him like what is your problem] Jimmy: [shaking his head because literally what can he say and don't even start me on the position of them both in this tiny bed] Janis: [such a grumpy face] Jimmy: [when she looks so CUTE that it changes your face to 😏 to hide your genuine 😍😊] Janis: ['I'd push you if I wouldn't fall too, and your brother wasn't asleep, lucky' pokes him in the chest again for emphasis on the lucky] Jimmy: ['Nah, you're well anti me being on the floor, said it loads'] Janis: ['plans change, it happens'] Jimmy: [shrugs 'ain't like it'd be the first bruise I'd had off you, least this one'd be real'] Janis: ['can be arranged] Jimmy: ['go on'] Janis: ['later'] Jimmy: ['You ain't gotta be scared or owt, do it'] Janis: ['you're too loud'] Jimmy: [does a 🤐 gesture] Janis: [just LOOKing like are we on the same page I don't think so] Jimmy: [giving her such a look back, kill me tbh] Janis: [we all know she's gonna lovebite him, like] Jimmy: [forever letting shit happen because I want to] Janis: [going hard like the time you nearly took my nip off 'cos challenged and the levels of frustration] Jimmy: [and has anyone ever bit their own lip as hard as he'd have to in this moment jfc because likewise challenged not to be a loud bitch but we know he is and wants to be] Janis: [just keeps looking up to see that struggle like 😏 but also going back in more times than is necessary like] Jimmy: [holding onto her hair not in a soft way because damn people have died struggling less than he is rn] Janis: [the struggle is shared lbr, pulling away, SOMEHOW, 'satisfied?' 😏 you know damn well neither of you are] Jimmy: [just gesturing to his closed mouth with a shrug like I'm not allowed to talk so and we all know he'd need more than a minute if he was gonna] Janis: [just, ( and not very gently), touching all the bruises she just did like 🤔 hmm] Jimmy: [dying but not stopping her because this is all so NBD of course yep] Janis: [shaking her head 'don't worry, did 'em where no one will see, can't let work know how much fun you were having in your sick bed, like'] Jimmy: I reckon the manager's a fan Jimmy: seen him scrolling Janis: well, don't let him take advantage of you, like Janis: more dubious than 🤤 Jimmy: don't do work romances me Janis: 💔 Jimmy: sure that's how my dad reckons all his feel Jimmy: probably more celebratory in reality though Jimmy: based on what they wrote in his 'glad you're fucking off' cards Janis: I get you Janis: watch out for Ian from accounts vibes Janis: not #goals Jimmy: he ain't, soz to piss on your 💍 goals Janis: oh well Janis: think of something, like Jimmy: 🏆🧠 you, like Janis: Obviously Janis: he ain't gonna be pissed off at you that I'm here, is he Janis: probably doesn't know, like Janis: can use my ninja skills Jimmy: he'd have to come home to find out Jimmy: fuck all chance of that Janis: didn't know if he had Janis: his office wifey(s), I guess? Jimmy: Why would he? I'm here, means he don't have to be Janis: yeah, who wants to spend time with their offspring Jimmy: let you know when I meet someone who does Janis: s'shit Janis: why bother reproducing Jimmy: we were all accidents, he just put his name to us Janis: I guess Janis: once is an accident, three times getting dangerously close to a habit Jimmy: full of bad habits him Janis: and not even 😎 with it Janis: actually tragic Jimmy: 🎻🎻🎻 Janis: oh well Janis: won't sleep with my shoes on, then Jimmy: not if you're gonna kick me Jimmy: alright for injuries, tah Janis: shut up, you wanted them Jimmy: You planning to get into the habit of giving me what I want? Janis: depends Jimmy: don't it always Janis: you tell me Jimmy: Tell you what, that it's a bad idea to go with a worse habit? Janis: worse than what Jimmy: owt I've got Jimmy: so don't do nowt for me Janis: whatever Jimmy: 👍 Janis: don't flatter yourself Jimmy: weren't Jimmy: I were flattering you Janis: sure you were Janis: you ain't more deadly than 🚬 😎boy, calm down Jimmy: you can do better, I've already said, don't have to sound like a 🚭 campaign about it, mate but if that's what gets through your 👂 to that 🧠 Janis: oh please Jimmy: begging ain't a mind changer but crack on Janis: I ain't begging no one but don't patronize me Jimmy: 👌 Janis: 🙄 Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: [turns and gets as much space between as is physically possible] Jimmy: [finally says 'night' to her] Jimmy: [breaking that silence for it lol] Janis: [makes a similar noise of disgust] Jimmy: [then he's just moving and fussing for an age, soz about it] Janis: [doing a big sigh and getting up and out] Jimmy: ['hang on' before you can stop yourself or she can go] Janis: [looks back like what] Jimmy: [just looking at her like he did at the party when he dragged her away from Harry and was like DON'T] Janis: [when you can't just get back in 'cos you'll look stupid but you do change your plan 'where's your loo?'] Jimmy: [he tells her because idk the layout as usual] Janis: [👍] Jimmy: [just having a sad soft boy moment hoping she'll brb] Janis: [does and silently gets back in] Jimmy: [swap 🥄s kids, when you actually breathe a sigh of relief though that your bae is back #same] Janis: [should probably let them go to sleep lol] Jimmy: [just gotta have him whisper that he's sorry when he reckons she is but yeah sleep and snuggle guys]
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