#i'm feeling sentimental about them can you tell 😂
Shout out to Vyvyan, Rick, Neil, and Mike because those bastards literally own my soul and I love them so much. Reblog if you agree.
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zeroducks-2 · 1 year
so like. i'm very conflicted about bruce wayne. when i see superbat stuff i'm all 🥰🥰🥰 but then i think of him with his kids and the way he's treated them and and and i very much want to curb stomp him until he resembles wet cat food. what's up with that?
That's totally normal 😂 I am often feeling a very strong desire to beat that horrible old man with a spiked club, but I also love him to bits!
Contrary to popular belief(?) I don't hate Bruce. I'm pissed with the tendency to pretend he's never done anything wrong. "But I can pick what's canon and what's not!" some people say, and like... I don't really agree with that sentiment but if you want to pretend that Bruce never abused his kids I cannot stop you. Go ahead and live your favorite version of reality, it's still all fiction anyway so who cares. But stop telling people that Bruce abusing people is out of character. IT'S NOT OOC IF IT'S IN THE TEXT GODDAMMIT IDC IF IT DOESN'T FIT YOUR PERSONAL IDEA OF CANON STFU
In general, I would love it if we as the human race stopped acting like DC comics are this wholesome PG13 family friendly thing where everyone is nice and they love each other and nothing bad ever happens, and Bruce would never hurt the people he loves UwU He's such a fantastic dad omg I want to be adopted by him.
That being said. Bruce is my little meow meow. I am SO TRIGGERED by the way he abuses his kids especially Dick and Jason, especially when the writers know what they're doing and employ real existing abuse tactics that are present in toxic families. God it gives me the hives, and I am THERE for it, it's so cathartic. I also love it when he's a fucking hypocrite and treats criminals like shit, and when he's an absolute bitch who will lord over other heroes for no reason and be generally insufferable, because NEWSFLASH, loving a flawed character who does BAD THINGS is normal!
Also, he and Clark are very cute.
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alltimefail-sims · 6 months
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Okay friends I need to talk about this little girl for a second because Shereé is so!!!!! freaking!!! cute!!!!! I can't stand it!!!
I didn't want to take the spotlight off of Terrance in my main submission post, but let's talk about Shereé a little bit!
Fun headcanons about the Chapman family below the cut! ❤️❤️❤️
When I was dressing her up and adding little details to each outfit category I wanted the baubles in her hair to be different colors to reflect my vision of Shereé sitting cross-legged on the living room floor while Terrance sits on the sofa behind her, swapping each one out to match her outfit for the day. 🥺💕
Also you can't really see them super well in the screenshots but she is wearing diamond studs in the shape of her favorite cartoon character, Hello Kitty! I imagine they were her first "big girl" earrings - the first ones she got to switch the standard piercing studs out with - and they were a birthday present from her dad!!
Speaking of ear piercings: when the Claire's associate pulled out the piercing guns Terrance was more scared than Shereé was lmao. He might have shed a tear or two because (1) when she initially flinched at the pain he nearly died and (2) he was hit with the overwhelming feeling that his baby girl is growing up waaaaaay too fast!
Shereé is kind of a picky (and bougie) eater and that's what got Terrance into cooking in the first place!! He was a chronic doordasher before she came around! When Shereé tries something at a restaraunt and likes it, Terrance enjoys the challenge of making the dish at home "but better." He's successful about 45% of the time 😒 (lol).
I said in the OG post that Shereé wants to be "a superstar" when she grows up and that's because she loooooooves to sing, dance, and play her piano! I imagine she would be a drama club and choir girly, but if ballet was a thing in game she would do that as well! I also imagine she goes to weekly private piano lessons. She's just super damn talented and Terrance will tell anyone and everyone in the vicinity about it!
Terrance lets Shereé try out her new nail polish colors on him and sometimes they will even play spa, dress-up, makeover, fashion show, etc. Terrance does not GAF about boy game this girl game that he's just gonna play and make his daughter happy!
Like her peers she was not immune to the TikTok influencer Stanley cup madness unfortunately, but she is "Way too mature" to bully anyone! But tbh if Terrance found out she was being a bully over a damn cup he would toss that shit in the trash with a quickness anyway 😂
Shereé can be heard saying "You're too grown for that daddy" at least once a day. He will never escape the childish allegations, not even from his own daughter lmao.
When I went into their household in game the first autonomous thing Shereé did was complain about the heat... so I guess she doesn't like summer very much and especially doesn't like hot weather 😂
Also I got an ask about how to pronounce Shereé and I would pronounce is SHER-RAY as opposed to SHER-REE, if that makes sense. (I couldn't find a video with this specific pronunciation but if you've ever seen The Real Housewives of Atlanta I believe Shereé Whitfield pronounces it like this as well!!!)
Okay I'm gonna shut up - I've gotten the oversharing about these characters out of my system (for now). I'll end this with the cute popups they got about each other in the literal miniscule 5 mins I spent in their household:
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Obsessed with them, genuinely and truly. My heart can't take it
***Please ignore that her accented 'e' is missing from the whims. I was just testing the household. Her name is correct now <3 These sentiments were too cute not to share though
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good-beanswrites · 8 months
I DM'd you a passage from the tarot cards fic. Director's commentary, please? ^_^
Ahh this was so fun, thank you so much!! Overexplaining details in a scene my beloved >:3
I wrote all my headcanons and assumptions as if they're facts to save myself from adding "I like to think" to the beginning of every sentence, but just know that I'm aware they don't have canon backing lol. Also my commentary mentions Fuuta and Mikoto's relationship, but the whole fic is pretty vague with it. I love keeping things at the stage of comfortable kindness, where it's easy for the reader to take things both platonically and romantically depending on what headcanons they're bringing to it. It's not necessarily catering to readers since I enjoy both interpretations -- I wrote it with both in mind, and I'll reread it differently depending on the day.
(From What's that Yugioh quote about cards)
“I'm doing this to show you how these readings are just crap. Now. First card.” [Fuuta] flipped it without any of the theatrics Mikoto had enjoyed. “Hm.” He squinted at the strange picture and read the title. “We’ve got a Four of Cups.” 
Fuuta kind of did want to cheer Mikoto up, but doesn’t like how sentimental it sounds to think of it like that. Even if he did admit to himself that’s what he was doing, he wouldn’t know how to comfort him in a nice way, so he’s just picking a distracting activity and hoping it works. Also this spread was actually drawn by me irl! I had to modify one card in Fuuta’s (not telling which one though, hehe). I did consider having Mikoto draw the Hanged Man as his last card, but that felt too forced and cheesy lol
“Reversed Four of Cups,” Mikoto said before turning his gaze to the ceiling. 
“Reversed? It’s right side up to you.”
“You’re doing a reading for me?”
It might seem obvious that Fuuta was doing a reading for him given the setup/dialogue, but from Mikoto’s pov, no one’s ever done that before. In all the years he’s been doing tarot, people really just focus on their own future and how to learn tarot for their own activities. No one’s thought to do a reading for him. He’s more surprised than touched right now, though, because of how tired he is. It’ll really hit him later that night, when he realizes that this was the first time someone did that for him. 
Mikoto bit back a comment that he should have gotten to touch the cards, if that were the case. He didn’t feel like getting into it with Fuuta right now, no matter how playful a matter it may be.
Mikoto (and Yuno) are the type who don’t take Fuuta's attitude personally. They can enjoy the back-and-forth of bickering for hours without it exhausting them. Even though Mikoto didn’t experience much during the interrogation, he’d be emotionally tired out in general. Plus, I picture the process of extracting videos to be physically taxing. Something that invades and activates your neurons would definitely leave you pretty wiped afterwards. (<- girl who has too many thoughts about how the mv machine works but will spare you the explanation)
“So… it looks like in the past… you had a lot of cups… and got a weird one from the sky. Are you religious?”
“Huh? Not really.”
“Not God then. I don’t fucking know where it came from. Maybe it’s a ‘life gives you lemons’ thing. You got too much on your plate?”
Mikoto stayed silent.
I messed myself up in this upcoming section because I was too excited about figuring out the card meanings in relation to Mikoto. I should have just looked at them as they were and guessed the meanings the way that Fuuta might. It was difficult having just read this card’s specific meaning and then trying to put myself in the shoes as someone who didn’t know it😂 I left and came back to this section a lot, I wrote the fic over a few months in between other things. It helped dull my memory on the actual meaning and get into Fuuta's character more.
Also I’m adding “life gives you lemons” to the list of phrases I use in my fics knowing it’s an English phrase/idiom they definitely wouldn't use, but I liked its exact connotation so I kept it in. It's cliche and informal and someone like Fuuta would be sick of hearing it from adults. He'd know Mikoto feels the same. I debated on giving Fuuta more lines about religion here – I do think he’s starting to consider it more at this point in time – but decided it brought the fic too off-course from where I wanted it.
“Whatever. Next card… the present. This one’s upside down to you. A knight – hey, I got a knight, too, remember?”
Fuuta actually does know that the specific term is “reversed,” Mikoto just said it, but doesn’t want to seem like he cares so he doesn't use the term. Still, he doesn’t really know how being reversed changes the meaning, so he interprets the picture normally. 
Mikoto blinked. He did remember – he was shocked that Fuuta did. That reading had ended on such a sour note all those months ago. He didn’t think the other had given it another moment of thought. There came the tiniest surge of pride that Fuuta had committed it to memory.
I wanted to play around more with memory here but could never get it to work!!! Fuuta doesn’t really have any themes around memory so it wasn’t that notable that he remembered. Mikoto’s memory has holes specifically around stressful events, so it’s not impressive he remembered, either. So… despite having the perfect opportunity to talk about cool insights/emotions, it simply wasn’t a big deal -_- It still works to reveal that they both care a lot about each other, which is why I left it as is. It was a brief moment months ago, but both held onto the memory all this time.
“Damn, another cup. Well, if it does mean life keeps throwing stupid shit at you, then yeah, this prison has been the stupidest shit of them all.”
Fuuta picked up the final card. He let out a laugh. It was something mocking, but it tickled Mikoto. “Heh, you sure are a fool. That’s some outfit. Still better than yours right now.” He flicked the card at Mikoto’s chest, where it bounced off his mangled uniform. 
As someone who is completely endeared by Fuuta’s awful laugh, I think Mikoto wouldn’t mind either if it sounded teasing/cruel. Especially after all the pain Fuuta’s been through T2, Mikoto probably didn’t hear him laugh in a very long time, and the sound can be contagious. I always wonder about Mikoto's uniform... was like that from his fight with Kotoko, or just from John wrecking his room? Is it like that all of T2, or does Es gives him a replacement? I felt like he would be cleaned up by the time his interrogation rolled around, but his album art is just as much of a mess, so I guess ratty uniform it is...
Mikoto retrieved the card. He sat up as he returned it to the spread. He studied them. 
Mikoto was enjoying Fuuta’s version of the cards, but didn’t have the energy to read them along with him. This is the first time he taps into his own knowledge of the tarot meanings and realizes what a good spread it actually is. I wanted to linger here in this moment more, but everything I wrote became too “telling.” As the fic was from Mikoto’s pov, I felt like I’d need to take the reader through what he was thinking about in the silence. That ended up defeating the purpose of the peaceful moment lol
He allowed himself a small smile. “So,” he asked, “what’s it all mean?”
Fuuta scowled. “I just told you what it meant.”
“No, now you look at the big picture.” Mikoto shook his head. “You left before I could finish your reading, but you’re supposed to look at everything together and make a plan for the future. I… I still remember yours. I was going to tell you to mind your emotions, and prepare for a big change coming quickly. But uh…” he rubbed the back of his neck. “Guess it’s a little late for that, huh?”
“A little.”
Once again wishing I could do more with memory given that Mikoto still remembers Fuuta’s exact reading after so many months, and once again leaving it as a testament to his relationship with Fuuta. I can only hope it speaks for itself when looking at the fic normally ;--; I still haven’t decided if that last line from Fuuta should be read as an angry snap or a disappointed whisper. He’s still very bitter about his situation, and the fact that Mikoto is telling him to ‘mind his emotions’ and reminding him of his pain are enough to make him lash out. At the same time, maybe bringing it all up makes him recognize that his hot temper did caused him harm, several times. He can hear how genuinely Mikoto speaks, and feels guilty for treating him so harshly then. I go back and forth depending on my own mood…
“So, to finish off my reading, what advice do you give me based on these?” 
Fuuta made a show of rolling his eyes and huffing, as if this hadn’t been his idea to begin with.
My favorite way to write Fuuta is having him do something nice, and then immediately get mad at the other person because suddenly he’s embarrassed about it.
 “This is so lame. My advice…?” He jabbed a finger at The Fool. “Don’t do anything fucking stupid in the future.”
I originally wrote out a bit of a longer speech of advice, with Fuuta mentioning how he knows school/work can be overwhelming, and this prison is overwhelming, and not to do anything in the future because there are people relying on him. Fuuta was relying on him. It was a bit vulnerable and finally explicitly mentioned his feelings towards Mikoto. I read it back, heaved a sigh, said “he wouldn’t fucking say that,” and cut it down to just this line 👍I'm not too disappointed, though, since Mikoto can see right through Fuuta (both with his people skills and the fact that Fuuta is very obvious about his emotions). Anything he would have confessed, Mikoto already knows.  
Mikoto looked from him to the cards, then back again.
“...That’s it?”
“What more do you want?” Fuuta raised his voice, and Mikoto found it in him to laugh. 
Mikoto also hasn’t laughed (genuinely) all of T2 :( This one starts off kind of forced – he had to “find it in him” to play along with the way a conversation is supposed to go. But it feels natural once he does, and the next time I mention his attitude he feels “back to his old self.” In this moment he’s considering antagonizing Fuuta by teasing his advice, asking for more, or just poking at his temper. He chooses not to. Instead of avoiding their bickering because he’s tired, he cuts Fuuta a break because he’s really grateful for the kind gesture.
“Alright, alright, I’ll take it.”
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showmey0urfangs · 1 year
I'm the previous anon and would like to clarify because I feel like some people have been misinterpreting what I said completely (not you however so thanks for that), obviously there is commentary about patriarchy and gender in the show. The issue becomes, again, when people insistently refer to a gay male character as "basically" a woman to the extent that some members of this fandom do. I have quite literally seen far more people talk about the supposed misogyny faced by Louis (a man who profited of the exploitation of women!) than Claudia, an actual female character.
The other issue I have with large swaths of fandom when it comes to this topic is how many people seem incapable of acknowledging that one person can have both masculine and feminine traits, which manifest in different ways, and that two gender nonconforming men could be attracted to each other. It's really frustrating because iwtv is genuinely one of the only pieces of media I can name, at least in the mainstream, that features two gender nonconforming male protagonists who are in a relationship with each other and whose narratives and experiences are taken seriously instead of treated like a joke. The attempt to downplay Lestat's feminine qualities by some people also becomes very weird if you know how bisexual men are stereotyped as only ever being "straight-acting," it's like people don't even know this is something bi men face at all, or that Lestat is one of the few bi male characters to represent gnc bi men. It comes off very ignorant. But then, I've also seen numerous people claim that the show isn't "for" gay men anyway (despite being about them?), a sentiment that is not unique to this fandom in the slightest. It's the same shit as basically every other slash fandom ever.
I understand why a lot of people retaliated against all the omg lestat mother shit especially when it IS absolutely true that he acts like a patriarchial maniac but how is the solution to just swap it? or refer to this fact uncritically? people are out here acting like louis WANTS to be treated like lestat's subjugated housewife when in reality he was always uncomfortable with lestat's disrespect and humiliation of him. it's equally cringe to act like louis is basically The Woman and lestat is The Man and refuse to acknowledge the nuance in both their gender presentations. as you said, it also feels misogynistic and the fact that a lot of people seem to inherently associate womanhood and victimhood is genuinely concerning, especially with how common that line of thinking is among TERFs and SWERFs. as if, what, gay men can't be victims of abuse? as if abuse is somehow feminizing? (another a real sentiment I have seen in this fandom.)
if I seem heated it's because I kind of am at this point, because this shit is pretty much ruining my fandom experience if I'm honest. you so much as point out that maybe certain sentiments can be taken too far or expressed in ways that are problematic or that one extreme isn't better than another and people just twist your words. the fact that so many people would rather double down on their homophobia instead of simply own up to and dial it down even slightly is very telling. it's so disappointing, because i feel represented by this show but i guess not even canonical, nuanced portrayls of queer characters are safe from your average fandom bullshit
Hi there, thank you for clarifying and I totally understand your frustration. There is a tendency in fandom to wanna break down characters into archetypes or tropes even if the source material doesn't fit into it; Grumpy vs Sunshine, Aggressive top vs innocent virginal bottom (I've seen fans try to fit Louis into this even though the guy used to own and run several brothels 😂), Clueless cinnamon roll vs Life-hardened tough guy, high school quarterback vs loner loser etc. And this feminine vs masculine is just another trope that can often veer into fetishization, especially when it comes to M/M pairings.
I'd say Louis and Lestat both exhibit some of these traits, but they don't fit neatly into any defined category and that's what makes them interesting. They don't conform to heteronormative gender presentations because newsflash—most people don't actually, real humans are a lot more nuanced than that and well-written characters should/will reflect that complexity.
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Hello, how are you? I hope that everything is doing ok and life is treating you well.
I saw the reading that you did on Felix and Chan’s relationship and thought it was actually really accurate (despite how quickly it escalated towards the end). Both Felix and Chan, but especially Chan, have always given me the vibe of people who work really hard and play really hard too. Anyway, I was wondering if you could do the same friendship reading for Minho and Jisung , who are also in skz? I feel like their dynamic would either be really similar to Chan and Felix’s or wildly different lol.
Thank you for saying that :)! I actually got curious the other day wondering if that type of dynamic was going on with the other members and I heard Han say "Eww" first, so he might not be into that sort of thing but we can see LOL 😂!
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What does Lee Know think of Han?:
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I heard "I don't think about him. Why would I think of him? Ask me about what I think of myself instead 😏😌🙄." (💀) Minho doesn't like to get all sentimental about his friends. He finds it embarrassing, but if he had to be honest. Minho thinks Jisung is someone who is prosperous and emotionally abundant. "He has a lot of love to give." Minho believes that Jisung shows great care to his friends but could neglect to do it for himself. Jisung could also push Minho towards his limits. He could find him annoying and pushes his buttons sometimes. I also think Minho is grateful for Jisung for providing him with financial wealth and the strength to keep going when working. (Clarified by Princess of Swords). Minho thinks Jisung is a chatterbox and it's too much for him to deal with on a daily basis 💀. He could tell him to go away when he doesn't feel like talking but when they do talk they are the most talkative people in the room.
What does Han think of Lee Know?:
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"MY WIFE :D!" So if anyone had a work wife or work husband, it'd be these two lol. Jisung considers Minho like family. They could have had similar upbringings as well or like to bring each other around their own families. Jisung thinks Minho is a tsundere. He is affectionate with him sometimes and other times he hates him 😂. Jisung likes to annoy him and pretend he's gonna give him kisses but when Minho matches his energy he gets grossed out 😭. (Clarified by Temperance) I think Han finds Lee Know's patience and kindness admirable. Despite his sarcasm and witty sense of humor, Minho can be a softie deep down. Jisung finds Minho someone he can look up to and is appreciative of his wisdom. He also thinks he's very forgiving? Perhaps, Han did something to hurt his feelings or his behavior stresses him and the other members out? Minho gave him the chance to prove himself to become a better person and Jisung is glad he did that because he wouldn't know where he'd better today without it.
What's the dynamic between Han & Lee Know?:
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I heard them both say "ewwww 🤢" so the answer to your question on if they like to "share" is no, anon lol. Although... There is is something else going on... They do not wish me to disclose it, so out of respect I'm not gonna say anything and let you guys speculate on what it could be 😂.
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Anyways, they are both risk takers and like to travel together. They could like try new restaurants together or watch a movie no one really talks about. They like to explore their options and see what the world has to offer them. They could also enjoy being at home together and just watching TV.
Overall, in their dynamic, quality time seems to be a big theme in here in their friendship. I think the company pushes them into doing fanservice and it makes things awkward for them? So that could explain the push and pull between them.
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Im so excited prompts are back open! I've been thinking about this alot lately!
Basically, Peter 1 and 3 are watching a movie and Peter 1 doesn't like the movie! He just keeps sighing and asking to watch something else and Peter 3 just gets fed up and is like "okay, lets do something else"! Then the tickles ensue!
This came to me watching TASM when Peter kept sighing everytime aunt may suggested something and he would always respond "you serious"?😂
Tickle Comfort
Summary: See prompt above ❤️
(I loved this prompt so much Anon ❤️ Thank you for sending it in :))
Peter 3 clutched his pillow tighter as he watched the action unfold on screen. A good old fashioned horror movie always made for a great Friday night in his book. After all of his adventures as Spiderman, the movies were kind of funny based on what they perceived as scary or intense. However, his movie companion didn't share his his sentiment.
A tug on his shirt pulled Three from the movie to his younger brother. "Yes?"
"Three, the movie's so boring."
"No it's not."
You know exactly what's going to happen."
"Yeah, and it's hysterical. As if what they're showing us is actually terrifying."
"Can we switch it?" One fidgeted. "Since you know what's going to happen?"
"No way!"
"But Three---."
"Come on One, it's still such a good movie!"
"It's boring though."
"Look, if you don't like it, you can go. But I want to finish this movie."
One huffed as he flooped against the back of the couch. "Are you serious?"
"Yes, now shush please."
Things became quiet once again and Three returned his attention to the movie.
And felt another tug to his sleeve five minutes later. "Three."
The older brother groaned as he turned back to the youngest. "What?"
"If you don't want to change it, can we do something different?"
"What do you mean?"
"I'll play any game you want. Or we could build with legos or something like that."
"If you want to build with legos, you can build with legos."
"I don't mind if you want to bring them in here and build on the floor Bug, but I'm finishing this movie."
The youngest let out another groan as he flopped back into his position on the couch. "Forget it."
Peter 3 gave the youngest a look. "What about your legos?"
"I said just forget it." One looked back at the screen. "It's not important any way."
Three gave One another look before turning back to the screen. He couldn't understand why One was so insistent on turning off a movie he was clearly enjoying just to do something else. It just didn't seem like him.
However, the older brother chose to let it be and actually enjoy the rest of his movie. "It's getting to the good part."
Less than five minutes later, there was another urgent tug on Three's sleeve. "Three."
Peter 3 sighed, he wasn't going to let this go. So Three scooped him into his lap. "What is it One? Do you need attention or something?"
"What do you need then?"
The youngest fiddled with his fingers. This was going to be difficult.
"I'm not mad Uno." Three held him close. "I'm just trying to figure out what's going on."
The youngest cuddled into Three's chest without giving an answer.
"Come on Tickle Bug. I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong."
Peter 1 didn't respond.
"Alright fine." Three paused his movie. "You want to do something else, let's do something else."
The youngest Peter peeped out from his hiding spot.
Three smirked. "Oh Peter. A friend of yours wanted to come for a visit."
Peter One's eyes widened.
The older brother lifted his hand up then wiggled his fingers closer to the stubborn teen in his lap. "A special monster who wants all of your attention."
Peter 1 buried his face back in Three's chest, but the older brother could feel his smile starting to form.
"And he's gonna . . ." Three sing-songed as he continued his descent before digging into his brother's tummy, "Get you!"
The youngest jumped and let out a stream of light giggles.
"Not going to show your face hm?"
A head shake was his response.
Three grinned. "Alright little Tickle Bug, you need to show the tickle monster your face before he reaches your armpits, or he's going to tickle them."
The grin on Peter 3's face grew even more as he slowly spidered across One's side before moving toward his ribs. "I'm a little pitty bug."
One giggled.
Then Three spidered up higher. "Pitty bug! Pitty bug!"
When the older brother's fingers started tickling along his ribs, One squeaked.
Then Peter started spidering even higher until he was just under his armpits. "I'm a little pitty bug and I love . . ."
One stayed firmly in place.
So Peter 3 wiggled his fingers into One's armpit. "Pitties!"
The youngest squealed and finally came out of hiding, curling into a ball of giggles in the process. "IHIM HEHERE!"
"There hehe is." Three spidered around One's armpits. "However, the bet was before I get to your armpits. Now I have to tickle them."
"Well, the tickle monster might be willing to give you you mercy." Peter 3 paused. "In exchange for your tummy."
Peter 1 wrapped his arms around his middle. "Nohoho!"
"Yohou're goihing to blohow raspberrihies!"
Peter 3 put a hand on his hip. "So you think hiding him is going to stop you from getting them?"
"Tsk, tsk, tsk." The older brother readjusted his hold. "You underestimate my range."
A moment later, Three nuzzled his face into the youngest's neck and blew some raspberries there instead.
The way the youngest had himself curled up made him look even younger. He genuinely looked and sounded like a little kid giggling himself silly in his older brother's lap.
After a moment longer, Three switched to the other side of One's neck. "Can't leave out your good side."
The older Peter nuzzled, nibbled, and berried all over Peter One's neck including the sides, front, and back. He only meant to go from side to side, but the youngest looked so carefree laughing so he prolonged the tickles a little longer to hear those sweet giggles.
By the time he was done, the youngest was a blushy pile of residual giggles who cuddled into his arms.
Three pulled him close. "There we go. Is that what you needed?"
Peter 1 shrugged. "Aha littlehel."
Three raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Really?"
The youngest buried his face in Three's chest.
"Hey now." Three nudged One out of hiding. "What's going on with you Bug?"
"N-nothing . . ."
Peter 3 shook his head. "I don't believe that for a second. This isn't like you."
Peter 1 fiddled with his sleeves. "You would---would---."
"I would what little Pete?"
". . . Make fun of me."
Three's eyes widened. "What?"
One didn't respond.
Peter 3 gently lifted his chin up. "Why would I make fun of you?"
The youngest Peter looked away. "Cause you like it."
"Like wha--?" A light clicked on in Three's head. "Is it something to do with the movie?"
The tiniest nod was his response.
"Do you not like it?"
"I--It's just . . ."
The youngest Peter turtled into his shoulders. "I'm sorry."
"I'm not mad at you Pete." Three rubbed One's back. "You tried to tell me you didn't like it and I didn't listen."
"You gave me the option to leave."
"Why didn't you?"
Peter 1 glanced up the stairs and Three followed his eyes. Three had turned off all of the lights before setting up the movie. It was pitch black up the stairs.
"I'd--I'd go if---Two was there . . ."
"But he won't be back until tomorrow."
The youngest nodded.
"How about this?" Three shut off the movie, sending the living room into pitch blackness for a couple minutes.
Peter 1 took in a sharp breath and his heart beat escalated.
"It's okay." Three switched over to the app he needed. "I just had to switch over to a different app."
Immediately, the room filled back up with light that allowed One to relax.
Once Three had the app he needed, he pulled up a different movie. "Whenever I need to relax after an intense scary movie, I watch one of the movies I loved when I was kid. It helps get your mind off of it."
"Have you ever seen it?"
Peter 1 nodded. "This one and Iron Giant were my Uncle Ben's favorite to watch with me."
"That's another classic!" Three readjusted the youngest in his lap. "I love that one too."
Peter hesitantly looked up at his older brother. "Thank you, but don't you want to finish your movie."
"I can finish it later."
After a moment of stunned silence, One settled back into Three's chest. "Thank you Three."
"Of course." Peter 3 wrapped One in a hug and playfully shook the youngest. "I love you so much Tickle Bug."
The youngest giggled. "Love yohou tohoo Giraffe."
"Come on." The older brother held the youngest close. "Let's watch."
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kpopbestie96 · 3 months
Chapter 33 ⚾🔥💖
Hi lovelies! I feel as if there is so much to talk about! First, I woke up to seeing the Stray Kids mv trailer thing. It was so cool to seem them go through all the old mv's. Felt so emotional watching it all. Proud of how much they have grown and the line when Lee Know sings, "there is no last step out," made me 😭😭😭
Also, who got to watch Chan's Instagram live? It was so great to see him again, love the room tour that he did! It was just fun and cute to see him all flustered from Stay's flirting with him. His ears got so red -- adorable honestly. Did I wake up early before work to watch it? Yes. Was I hella tired at work...also yes. Do I regret hell no! 😂
But really quick just wanted to release the results from the poll that I put up last week. Out of 82 votes - July got 32.9%, August 47.6% and another month 19.5%. So the winner of when will Stray Kids release tour dates is August. I'm hoping it towards the end so I can save more.
Before we jump into today's summary, I wanted to remind everyone this is the second to last chapter. I'm so emotional about it, I can't believe I'm already ending it. It's been so much fun to write but I'll save all of the sentimental words for next week. Plus this story is now ranked number one in Seo!!!!!!🥳🥳🥳 So, thank you everyone for making it number one! I'm crying tears of joy!!! I love you all so much! Let's jump into today's summary! Let's go!
Summary: There's a bit of a time jump when Seungmin and the Mariners are out of town playing in a playoff game when Changbin ask if he could hang out with Min, Lee Know and Han so he could tell them the news about Min's fiancée. It's news that makes him so happy that he comes up with a plan when they arrive back to Seattle. I don't want to spoil anything else, so I hope you enjoy this chapter! 😘
Also, enjoy the photo of Seungmin at Chanel pop up store! 😍😍😍
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daylander1000 · 1 year
A fic where finally Baela and Rhaena are the main focus??? Ma'am you fed us so well.
As a POC, it didn't go well with me to see Laena getting a faux girlpower death and no attention for my girlies Baela and Rhaena.
Really tells you how much the world values you.
Seeing you write this fic is sparking off so many AU ideas for me.
As another anon said, it was cathartic to see them have feelings about how awful their parent and guardians are. I am sure the girlies can count and calculate that their brother was conceived on the night of their mother's funeral.
Seeing those letters by Laena aksjdjfkkfkf, I want to support all the sad rage feels that Baela is feeling.
The amount of times Rhaena and Aemond talk about killing Luke made me cackle. Such a well-suited pair bonding over murder.
Young Baela holding out hope that her father is planning something to dismiss how hurtful his actions were made me just want to squeeze my girlie with a big hug.
All those Targs dismissing Rhaena for not claiming a dragon like deadass forgot Valyrian supremacist and power in their blood believer No.1 Daemon's egg didn't hatch either? He claimed his own dragon at 15 and Rhaenys and Viserys egg also didn't hatch. I can't believe Daemon didn't at least try to defend her on this??
Anyways Aemond and Rhaena are so cute with their plans. I hope Rhaena gets to publically shame the Blacks or the sisters gets to distance themselves from the Blacks when they start falling from the sky.
I really hope Rhaenys doesn't die for these thankless idiots.
I absolutely enjoyed your fic so much. I can't wait for more chapters.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Eat, my darling. 😂
May the ideas spark and bloom into a thousand stories.
I had to give them some main character energy. Had to. I mean, the writers started it with Rhaena. They present her as this girl who's ~8 who puts on a happy face when there are guests but is secretly contemplating being kicked out from the home because she's so painfully aware that the people in her family and social circle only value dragonriders. Like, this is a complex character and I'm invested.
And then she goes to her mother who doesn't exactly reassure her with unconditional love but instead sort of says "Well, them's the breaks. I only became important at 15 when I got Vhagar, you have time to work on it," and then she also says that Daemon's 'doing his best,' as if to say 'he's doing his best, finding your place is up to you.' Like, the onus is on Rhaena to step up. It's nothing to do with Daemon being a shit dad. That's what they present to the audience, that Rhaena has to step up.
Then Laena kills herself, and Rhaena's apparently all set to use her mother's brutal, traumatic body horror death as an opportunity to secure her position in her family as a dragonrider.
Is there a tradition of dragons being passed down from parent to child? Have any dragons ever killed their own riders? It is bizarre to me that she'd want the dragon who burnt her mother to death, but that's what they put on her. Like, it's either that she's clueless as to how dragons work and genuinely believes she had dibs on Vhagar, or she's totally distraught and being sentimental and angry because she's grieving her mother. Both ways plausible. She's 8. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Instead of the strong boys attacking Aemond because they're bullies as was already established in a harmless scenario, when it comes to the actual maiming, they choose to include Rhaena in that. They give her and Baela enough agency and personality to have them be so angry that they go and wake up the strong boys to go confront Aemond. They don't go to their father or grandfather or any guardians or a septa or anything. They just lead the charge on Aemond because they're upset.
Like, I've rewatched that "it's him" call out and it doesn't even make sense to me. They don't know him. Did they spend the day of their mother's funeral getting updated on the cool kids clique system by Jace and Luke? Are we assuming Daemon and Laena were all the way in Pentos talking about Aemond and warning the girls to look out for him because he's a known ruffian? That should have been Jace, if anyone. "It's him, this boy whose mother hates my mother." "It's him, this boy we've been laughing at for not having a dragon."
What exactly do the girls know about him to start off the confrontation on a hostile note? "It's him. The quiet boy from earlier who was standing with his family and didn't say anything to anyone."
But anyway, the writers just insert them into the green/black drama on the premise that they're grieving and angry. Cool. Aemond is less than polite about their mother, violence ensues...
And then 6 years later, like magic, Rhaena and Baela just have none of that take charge main character energy anymore?They're just stepford smilers?
Not cool. What???
That's my biggest post time skip source of frustration. These writers sat down and said, "Let's involve these two black girls in the maiming of Aemond. Yeah. They don't know Aemond and they don't know Jace or Luke either, but they're throwing hands because they're emotional. Yeah, this has nothing to do with them in the book but let's make them the instigators. Baby Luke barely knows what's going on, he's being led astray by the older ones. Poor child would be in his bed sleeping if it wasn't for Rhaena and Baela..."
They did not have to be the face of that fight.
"A dragon is not a slave" didn't need to become an hotd tagline. We didn't need 10,000 articles saying "Well, actually, no, Rhaena doesn't know how dragons work."
And even so, I'd have been okay with it if they kept the same energy.
If you're going to get into a 4 on 1 beat down on Aemond for claiming your mother's dragon, then I want to see you being seriously pissed off about Rhaenyra claiming your mother's husband. You need to be on Driftmark saying "No, Rhaenyra, this is my mother's favorite beach. Put your clothes back on." "No, Luke, you can't sit on the Driftwood Throne, this would have been my mother's throne."
If I could draw, I'd be doing a whole comic strip with Rhaena and Baela just beating people. Probably with the assistance of the Fight Club Orphans™.
Laenor being sent into exile? "This is my mother's brother and my mother's brother's boyfriend!" Stealthily trying to murder Vaemond from behind? "This is my mother's uncle!"
I don't want to see Rhaena doing a 180, growing up to be a doormat happily serving wine.
I also do not want scenes with Baela eagerly wanting to go risk her life fighting to defend Rhaenyra and Jace because that's what her mother would have wanted for her.
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Don't give them main character energy when you want to use them to deflect blame from the strong boys, only to take back that energy when you want to use them as decorative props for the same strong boys.
My hate of hotd is at that level where I hate the writers. That probably sounds unhinged to hate people over fictional characters but that's just me rn.
Like, it's 2023, black women are still dying in childbirth irl and you're going to sit down and write a scene where one of the handful of non-white female characters in fantasy not only dies in childbirth but you manage to combine "died in childbirth" with "burned alive" and "suicide"? Like, define overkill.
99 percent of the fandom was like "So brave and strong and independent and pro-choice! We love to see it!" while I'm hard pressed to think of a black female character in any series or book or movie who was treated worse than Laena. (Not even exaggerating. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any.)
Like, hotd haunts me, honestly. When people were talking about boycotting because of the diversity, the showrunners should have just put out a disclaimer that said "Don't worry, you're gonna like how we treat them. We're gonna burn them and behead them and there's gonna be one liners and beach sex and you're gonna love it. Trust us. We got this."
Like, it disturbs me to think that not only was there no one in the entire production crew who could spotlight how bad the writing for house Velaryon was, but also that they've somehow managed to spin a narrative where they're all progressive pioneers of epic fantasy.
God, I'm ranting again. 😖
So yeah, I couldn't write a version of Laena who genuinely thinks Daemon is doing his best. I had to write a Laena who's like "Actually, nope. This guy is the worst."
I kinda had to throw Rhaenys under the bus a little but I didn't know where else to put her. 😅 I'm not going with "Rhaenys wanted to do the right thing but she was betrayed by Baela who was Team Rachel Dolezal all along."
I have to thank you guys for reading 😊 Like, this little micro-sector of the fandom managed to take something I absolutely 1000% hated and helped me see the fun carefree part of it. The fanart and headcanons and memes...
My whole 2020 plan was to stop ranting and be a carefree fangirl. 😅😭
It's fun to write. I'm seriously ND when it comes to writing and it takes me ages to edit properly. Ages, but this made me think "Hey, just try. It won't be the worst thing ever (because that's canon and you'll be better than that at the very least) and maybe somebody gets a laugh out of it."
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reverieblondie · 3 months
I'M FREE TO COMMENT!!! My headcanons for Raphael, and Haarlep with touch starved gn s/o request is so good! Don't worry about it! It's worth the wait 👍 I'm glad you find it fun to write headcanons for a specific reader 🤭 I love it especially they chose to hide it as it's a weakness to them but Haarlep found it easily 😏, they found it amusing at how they're trying not to melt 🫠, it might be why they decided to play with them instead 😁, they decided to make sure they're never touch starved again (⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠), they couldn't go to them so they transformed to make them feel it knowing their most sensitive areas (⁠゜⁠o⁠゜⁠; they're desperate to feed on them almost every night 🤤, how it started as a mutual benefit to them holding them close in bed 🛏️, how sweet Haarlep's words especially your pleasure is their pleasure 😳, they want to know their preferences as much as they appreciate the sentiment 🤭, it's to thank them for what they have done for them 🥹, they touched them every where until they found it ☺️, they definitely enjoyed it & silently begged for more 🤭, they made sure to include it in their nightly cuddle 👍, Haarlep won't even try to hide how needy they are 😁, they won't get tired of their affections like me 🤭 unlike most people, Haarlep changed their mind about never worshipping anyone because of them 😳, they couldn't help but crave for them as they love everything 🤤, they could ravish them for years without ever getting tired but they're aware that they're only mortal so they don't push them to the limits 👍, their idea though 😏, Raphael could see the signs in their body language 🥺, he couldn't help but think of touching them as he craves for someone like that too 🥺, he offered them many things but they're not sure if he would offer what they really want 🥺, he asked them what they want for being a good mouse 🐭, he knew exactly when he got them 😈, he didn't expect to crave them too though 🤭, it started as a reward for them but it changed to a need that's foreign yet intimate to both of them 🥹, he can tell they have the same desire but he wonders if they can tell from his touch than his words 🥹, he's well aware of how handsome he is & even his arrogance is part of it 😏, he thought it was something else that's their favourite so he was surprised that it's his shoulders (⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠), their reasons though 😳, he has warned them before so they're about to suffer the consequences... Which they're going to enjoy 😁, he likes to think his neediness is subtle but it's not 🤣, just how needy he is with them 😂, they can't help but wonder but they stayed cautious 👍, he loves their wit & he's still a devil 😈, they realised his love is real as he dances with them while singing poetic words of love ❤️, they pushed him down forcefully & they're rough with his clothes after he pushed them to their breaking point by toying with them ⁄⁠(⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠-⁠⁄⁠•⁠⁄⁠ ⁠⁄⁠)⁠⁄, he absolutely loves how needy they are 💕, they called him an arrogant ass even as they ravish themselves on him like I would XD, he was genuinely speechless 😶, and he looked up at them to see their lovesick eyes made him feel love in this moment 😍 Thank you so much for doing my request because I love it so much :) Sorry if you already have this because I'm too paranoid that Tumblr ate it 🤣
Your all good I am so happy you enjoyed it! It was really fun to write!
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"Pretty successful rave, I think I did a good job." Miles is so self centered. 😂 I do love that about him.
Johnny don't encourage him!!! 😂
Miles talking around the fact that he trusts Arabella because she fucked him.
I really want Joey to be a real boy again, but I'm nervous, I don't trust it. I feel like so far nothing that is smth good and wholesome that they tried to do has worked out.
Of course Britta would be part of this ritual. Can this girl not catch a break???
Neil being too embarrassed to tell the coterie he got kidnapped again lol.
Wowowowowo what? Johnny what the heck is happening? Are they doing this NOW
"the two of you are broken" NEIL!!! you can't just say people are broken! Also Britta's quiet, hurt what do you mean?
Johnny is so eager.
Neil there's always crises, when will you learn that?
Miles wanting to implant suggestions.
Johnny!!! What the hell??? Him just wanting Miles to dominate him. That is crazy. But also hello 😏😏
Hopefully these extra dice will help them stick to the plan better lol.
Aww Britta that's a really nice sentiment, that's so sweet.
Miles is right, they never leave each other in danger. They got each other's back.
Awww Johnny!! They're all making the loveliest statements. Nothing like killing a fucking evil asshole for some team building.
Don't you, though Neil? You want to kill that fucker!
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avocado-writing · 7 months
My headcanons for Astarion, Gale, Wyll, Halsin, Dammon, Rolan, and Zevlor react to his gn crush telling him that they're glad they had a chance to meet him despite everything they have went through request is so good! I love it especially Astarion couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculous situation 🤣, he would hold their hands while looking at them sweetly 😍, he told them that he felt the same... although he doesn't wished that he didn't need to sleep on the ground so much 😂, they were about to bicker but he was fast enough to kiss them 😚 & rest his forehead against his after he's done, they're aware he's glad too ☺️, they whispered this to Gale when they're cuddling with him at his bedroll, he pulled back to see if their expression is sincere, he gently moved their hair out of their face while he spoke as if he's saying his vows, he said that he would go through everything again if it meant meeting them 🥹, he kissed them deeply 😚 as there's no more words are needed for now, Wyll took their hand & placed it where they can feel his heart beats, he admitted that he wished they didn't need to suffer & to court them properly in peace, he's glad he got to meet them since no one can't change the past,he kissed them sweetly, they know he meant every word he said 🥹, Halsin held them tightly, he said nothing nature has created can compare to them 🥰, he told how he wished he could spare them from their path they chose but he would never gave up the chance to meet them 🥹, he would bury his lips at their hair as he whispers adorations to them 💚, he would tell them that they're the most treasured thing on his heart & he would not change his path if it meant his encounter with them 🥹, Dammon would put down his forge hammer first & turn to look at them softly 🥺, he wiped his hands first before holding their hands, he said he doesn't regret it as he's glad that he met them although the path was terrible 🥹, he kissed them sweetly 😚, they know how he would protect them too, they can clearly see Rolan smiling even though he's pretending they're being overly sentimental 😂, he said he's not sure about going through all that again but he's glad they would 🤣, they're not amused like me XD but he pulled them into his arms to kiss them 😚, he did tell them honestly that he's glad he met them 🥹, his nickname for them is heartwarming ☺️, Zevlor took a moment to process what they told him, he couldn't help but kiss them deeply as he caresses their face 😚, how emotional he was when he told them they're the best thing that happened to him 🥹, and both of them were just happy to revel in each other's loves! Thank you so much for doing my request because I love it so much :) Sorry if you already have this because I'm too paranoid that Tumblr ate it 🤣
aaaa I’m so pleased you liked it my darling!! I think I did receive the first message but I’ve been so busy this weekend I’ve not had time to reply to asks 😭 BIG kisses for you though!!! 💗💞💘💓🩷
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diabolicalvixen · 1 year
hello, i just want you to know that you were one of the few artists my 11-year-old ayayui-rotted brain clung to!!!
now, 8 years later, i'm back in tumblr and i checked out the ayayui tag AND I SQUEALED WITH JOY when i saw you!!!
thank you so much for the wonderful art. (to this day i cannot get that seggsy ayayui basketball art you drew lol)
I wish I can tell you how much your message means to me, this made me a little teary eyed
trigger warning: depression talk below
8 years ago was just about 1 year before my depression peaked, and also the last time I heavily pushed out art before I stopped almost completely. I can tell you exactly because I started therapy at the end of 2020, and before that it took me almost 3 years to admit to myself that I need help. I wasn't ever in danger of unaliving myself but those were still some dark times. My diary from those years is so sad, that I can't bear to read it. But I still vividly remember one very personal entry that I want to share with you to convey to you what you did for me (and past me) today with that message
(this is paraphrased + translated)
December 2019
I haven't picked up a pen or a brush in what feels like forever and I don't know if I ever will again. I feel like a failure. My art looks like crap compared to others. It's messy and simple and you can tell i just wanted to get it finally done at one point. I bet no one uses that much references as I am. I want to delete it all. I don't even want to call myself an artist when I look at my stuff, that's just embarrassing. It looks so much better in my head, but my hand can't replicate what my mind sees.
Maybe it's a good thing Mom and Dad talked me out of studying art. My portfolio is cringe. I don't even know if this current degree is going anywhere, I haven't studied in a while either, I'll probably fail my exams. Whatever, I'll try next semester again.
I told people online that "I'm back" like a 100 times already, but no one cares anymore. That's the internet, if you stop pushing out content, you'll become irrelevant. Can't blame them. That's life I guess. I want to draw but I can't, it's not fun anymore. I'm not creative anymore. Where did it all go? Why do I feel so tired all the time? Maybe I'm just lazy. Even this entry almost took up all of my energy for today.
I slept 12 hours and I'm still tired.
A bit melodramatic but that's how I essentially felt like all the time, thinking about my art just made me spiral even more. I did receive some supportive and loving messages during those years and I have every one of them screenshotted and saved on my computer, but back then they were only able to pull me out for a very short time before I slipped into my black hole again. I had little bursts of creativity here and there but nothing compared to how it was before. Most of it I didn't even post because I ended up hating it.
I had my very last therapy appointment about three months ago and even though I'm in a much better place now, I'm still coming to terms with closing that chapter from my life. Something about your message made me very sentimental today - in a good way.
Thank you for liking my art 8 years ago. Thank you so much for still recognizing and remembering me 8 years later (!!!) and thank you for taking some time out of your day to message me! This truly made my whole month already, and we only have 2nd of July!
(about that seggsy basketball art, I reposted it a while ago - even though every fiber of my being cringed so hard 😂)
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siriuslysatorusimping · 9 months
To the sweet Anon
Who asked about Rinko's shaving habits: So, I apologize for taking so long to answer you. I've gone back and forth with myself about whether I felt comfortable answering the ask at all because the explanation you gave for the question was a bit TMI since you included information that I wouldn't feel right sharing. But I don't want you to feel bad for asking your question because I don't see a real problem with it. Which is why I'm going to answer your question, just not the ask itself!
The answer to your question, along with a Kiko rant about body functions in media, is below the cut lol 😂
Q: Does Rinko shave her pubes? And what does Gojo think of whether she does/doesn't?
OOF. Okay.
I left certain things ambiguous because I felt it added more to the story to allow readers to fill in some gaps on their own. This is one reason I purposefully didn't include whether Rinko's, uhhhhhhhhhhh (I was trying so hard to think of a funny word to use for this, but I am a failure, and I cannot), pussy is smooth or hairy. If you think she would shave, then she would. If you think she wouldn't, then she wouldn't. You know?
I also didn't find those details to be necessary, especially in the context of Another Level. Most of the time, when they're included - in my opinion - it usually feels forced, and it rips me out of the story.
I understand that there's a big sentiment about including periods and other body functions in media because it's more realistic that way, but I'm of the opinion that if it doesn't contribute to the story itself, it's not needed. It's useless additions that are there simply to fill space or to make a point, which I feel subtracts from a story.
I think people have asked about Rinko's periods in the past since Another Level never showed her on her period. She has them. But it really didn't add to the story to include showing her on her period. It's a part of life, and I don't think all of those mundane things like that should have to be explicitly called out in order for us to know they exist. I also never included her peeing after sex (WHICH YOU ALWAYS SHOULD. UTIs ARE LITERALLY THE WORST) because I just didn't feel the need to include that detail.
The only note I will give on whether she 'actually' would or wouldn't is that according to some of the research I've done (because I'm oddly obsessed with being accurate about weird things when it comes to my writing as evidenced by the fact that I looked up what the Yen-USD conversation rate was in 2018...), it doesn't seem like it's common for women in Japan to shave their pubic hair, but they do trim it sometimes. So, if we're going by that standard, then Rinko likely wouldn't shave.
As for what Gojo's thoughts on it are? He's not exactly one to tell Rinko what to do with her body, so as long as she's hygienic, I honestly don't think he cares. Obviously, throughout the series, he teases her about needing to shower because she 'stinks' after training and sweating a lot. But he's clearly teasing her, and he also clearly still has no problem having sex with her lol. So, to answer that question, Gojo doesn't really care.
To continue my rant, I also despise when writers try to make it seem misogynistic for a woman to be more emotional when they're pregnant. Hormones fucking suck. And they're insanely volatile, especially when you're pregnant. While I have never been pregnant, my sister-in-laws have many times, and one of them was an OBGYN nurse for a while, too. My best friend is also pregnant right now, and let me tell you, your body fucking changes when you're growing a literal human inside you. And so sometimes, your emotions get a lil wonky because of it!
Now, what is fucked up is when people try to invalidate someone's reactions or emotions just because someone is hormonal. Emotions exist. Hormones exist. They can fuck us over and make us angry and sad and make us cry and want to eat nothing but ice cream. But that does not give anyone an excuse to invalidate someone's feelings.
Okay, that's Kiko's rant for the day lol
Thank you again, sweet Anon, for your question and I hope my answer sufficed!
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hollyhomburg · 2 years
I'm the moodboard anon from yesterday and firstly I would like to say that I will tolerate zero slander about this chapter. I had 4 favorite bily chapters and it has now grown to five.
I think that the mc is one of those people that you can just tell are vulnerable and easily manipulated and Moonbyul could smell it a mile away just like geumjae. It has always seemed like she was trying to take advantage of her in one way or the other but I definitely didn't think she was being used like that.
I love her relationship with Tae, its the sweetest and tbh I'm extremely jealous. I too wish I had a girlfriend to cuddle and do make up with and help pick out my outfits ☹️
I completely melted on the floor for alpha Joonie, he's the absolute cutest thing ever. Their date was so sweet and he's so attentive and their first kiss 🥴🥺😳 He was really about to end the poor clerk for looking at her and Noodle the wrong way 😂 ugh pack alpha Joonie makes me feel so small and swoony 🥰🥰🥰
Noodle had me cracking up i absolutely love gremlin cats (also i may or may not have been a little weepy when she was describing her fear and compared herself to noodle)
The surprise smut at the end took me out.
“Just because we can’t- breed” Namjoon stumbles over the inarticulate language, too preoccupied with kissing you. The stuttering in your pulse under his lips. “-Doesn’t mean we can make each other feel good pup.” 
LISTEN I swear on everything I love that this one paragraph had me dizzy, like my vision was a little blury and everything. You, my friend, can really drag me from reality right into your stories.
I know it's not always easy to be okay and you're not always going to feel confident in your writing but it made me really happy that you communicated that to us. I hope things feel better for you soon ❤
But seriously 10/10 this chapter was amazing 😁😁😁
Ahhh I’ll stop slandering the chapter then 🥺 you guys have convinced me <3
Honestly you 🤝 me (wanting a girlrelationship like bily Tae and m/c) I think it’s just a question of how sapphic I can make them at this point. The idea of the m/c cuddling into Tae’s chest, her wearing a silk little dressing gown and a embroidered silk robe, the m/c in her softest little matching pj’s set, all close and warm and pretty, like I have so much love in my heart and until I can give it to someone else I’m gonna write every ounce of it into bily Tae and the m/c 😭
Ahhhh bily joonie 🥰 I’m so in love with him as well, I hope that comes across in the writing, I think he’s attentive in a different way from the others, he puts real thought and effort into creating a period of time for the m/c where she can experience something new but safely. He’s a very sentimental pup.
BUT THE SMUTT, I swear you guys aren’t ready for when the m/c finally takes his knot. I’m glad that line impressed you though <3 and here I am just realizing that I’ve forgotten to tag it for breeding kink 😅 lol that’s sloppy work. I don’t think it will surprise anyone that the smut wasn’t originally slated for this chapter but I a weak slut for alpha joonie <3
Thank you for your lovely comment, for some reason my computer crashed the first time that I was trying to respond to this but T-T  
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zablife · 1 year
I'm thinking about how Tommy, Jack, Alfie, and Luca would differ in writing love letters.
01. I think that Tommy's would be awkward and perhaps seem unromantic at first. He has a hard time expressing true emotion so I think he'd find it hard until his s/o cracks into his shell...and then it all comes tumbling out. He'll use poetry too, choosing perhaps to express himself through someone else's eloquence. He addresses them to 'Sweetheart'. John caught him writing one once and Tommy chased him around the arrow house with a cocked and loaded revolver.
02. I think Alfie would start and crumple and start and crumple each of his letters. He'll swear a lot, he always does. He'll use some Russian sentences and perhaps write to his beloved in Hebrew also. And he'll address the letter to 'Petal' or 'Treacle' or 'Sunshine'... and he can express himself so much easier than Tommy that it just all comes out...in no particular order... his letters are so chaotic it's adorable. His letters smell like half a bakery and half a distillery. His s/o comments that she sometimes sniffs the pages....and he's confused at first; 'why would ya do that, treacle, smells like shit in 'ere'?'. Alfie doesn't really she can smell him through the pages, her fingers tracing over where his giant bear hands have smudged some of the ink-written words.
03. Luca's would be half in English and half in Italian. He starts the letters in English and then he becomes so lost in his affections that he just starts rambling on in Italian before he can stop himself. It's why his s/o starts to learn Italian. so she can read his letters. They are quite conservative and suave and they're the type of love letters young innocent girls would swoon and set their romantic expectations over because they're just so charming. His letters smell like the sunshine, he's written them in a garden and they might be floral scented.
04. Jack is....something else. He's got to be really careful at first. His s/o isn't a whore or his mistress. It has to be a slow seduction I think. His letters are more controlled. I think he's closer to Luca in how he expresses himself in his earlier love letters... but perhaps he has to research or look for gentler phrasing like Tommy might...and he'll have to watch his language (at least at first). He'll use pet names at first. 'Sweetling', 'Doll', 'Princess' at first....and as the relationship becomes more serious his letters might become a little bit more him and a little bit more spicy....until you have two types of letters. The first half is addressed to 'sweetling' and it's filled with tenderness, attentiveness, and gentleness as he showers his s/o with sweet nothings and tells her of his days....and the other half is addressed to 'Pussycat' or something a little more vulgar and it's filthy. Filled with everything he wants to do to them. Such a heated love letter makes her blush. Perhaps his language slips and he begins to swear, and maybe his accent slips through onto the pages. His cologne, gunpowder, and whiskey scent the pages.
Hi darl, ty for your thoughts on this! What an interesting idea on our fave men and their letter writing habits 💌 I love all the detail you've included! I'd never considered Tommy writing letters besides the war years and then I imagine he would have kept his sentiments quite brief out of necessity, letters splattered with mud and smelling of earth. However, I think he would have allowed himself to say exactly what he was feeling, not knowing when or if he were coming home.
I adore the idea of Alfie's letters being messy bc he's so chaotic! His big bear paws smudging the ink is perfect 😂 I'm sure his letters are quite long as well bc he can't seem to shorten his stories, even on paper!
Luca is the one I imagine being the most romantic. I think you're so right about him slipping in and out of Italian to express himself bc he'd be swept up in the passion of his writing 😍 Def swoon worthy!!
As for Jack, I can only picture him writing dirty letters for some reason 🙈 That's just my image of him. He'd use the term "doll" or "pussycat" for sure! He has no shame in admitting what he wants, but there's something about his boldness that endears him to his partner. Gotta love a man with confidence! Ty for getting me thinking about this. It was fun!
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