#i'm going to bed now. goodnight
spidertroupeart · 11 months
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Undertale elemental monster headcanons I messily put together because I couldn't sleep with them in my head but I like them a lot
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anothermonikan · 1 year
Hate having to go and brush my teeth at 4AM when all I want to do is sleep for a few fucking hours before having to wake back up, but I know that if I don't, Things Will Get Worse.
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lizardkingeliot · 2 months
my favorite thing in the world is when everyone calls sam and jacob out, actually
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somegrumpynerd · 6 months
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Thinking about how Nightmare has 4 mortals and 3 of them are so so bad at taking care of themselves
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bloody-peach · 6 months
Anything For a Friend Part 1: A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed (Hazbin Hotel: Alastor x F!Reader smut fic)
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(gif made by me)
Now Playing: Closer x Beautiful is Boring, Animal, Blood (please listen to these while reading this, you will not regret it)
Goodie bag: vaginal sex, anal sex, oral sex, cock rubbing, tentacles, mating season, monster sex, monster fucking, rough sex, cursing, creampie, wall sex, somewhat of a slow burn at first [let me know if i miss anything]
A/N: Okay, so before I continue, I feel the need to say something. I know Alastor is aroace. I know it, you know it, we all know it. In the show's canon, I completely respect that. I have a friend that's aroace, and I have a deep respect for them and the community. However, this story is outside of canon, where anything goes. Plus, in this, Alastor still doesn't normally feel sexual attraction towards anyone, except when he's in his rut. But he is not aromantic in this. You can say he's demi-romantic; there needs to be a very deep connection between him and the target of the affection in order for romance to occur, hence why it happens here due to him and Y/N being so close. So yeah, no disrespect is intended here. I just want to give the people what they want. Besides, I'm clearly not the only one who is guilty of putting Al in sexual situations. I'm just aware of the implications this could bring and tried to give it some respect to the character. So if you're offended by even the idea of Alastor being romantic or him having sex at all, feel free to skip this. I won't blame you one bit. Anyways, enjoy!
Taglist: @omniuravity @fatgumsurpremacy-remastered @neonvehk @moths-and-mantids
It was the beginning of October. Something was going on at the hotel. Alastor was staying away from everyone, holing himself in his room. You knew this wasn’t like him. Today, when you first confronted him about his odd behavior, he pushed you away and ran to his room. He had a panicked look in his eyes, which was an expression you never saw from him before. That’s how you knew something was wrong. You asked around the hotel to find out what happened, but they just told you that they didn’t know and to just let him be. But you refused, you knew you had to help him somehow, regardless of what everyone else said. That night, you walked up to his door and knocked on it.
Alastor softly groaned, turning his head slightly to glare at the door. As he walked to the door and prepared his speech in his mind, he heard your voice. “Alastor...? It’s me, Y/N. Are you okay?” He opened the door and was surprised to see you standing there, a worried expression marring your normally cheerful features. He sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair before letting out a sigh as he tried to control himself. “Y/N...” He muttered, his voice laced with a mixture of disappointment and frustration. Despite his efforts to push you away to keep you safe, here you were, like a loyal little puppy. He avoided eye contact and said, “I said I don’t want any company. Please, just go.”
You noticed how disheveled he looked, his suit in disarray and partially open, exposing the scar on his chest from his fight with Adam. His breathing was heavy, like he had done something strenuous inside his room. You focused on the task at hand, saying, “You’ve been avoiding everyone all day and been so distant towards me. You’ve never acted like that before. Did something happen?” Alastor’s eyes narrowed as he stared at you, his heart beating faster as he looked at you. He knew that he should maintain distance, but seeing you so concerned about him made it even harder to resist the primal urges inside him. With a deep breath, he tried to gather his thoughts and come up with an explanation that wouldn’t reveal what was really going on. “It’s nothing important,” he muttered, attempting to sound dismissive. But the worry in your eyes made him rethink his response. “Just a minor issue, really. Now please, go back to your room.” He took a step forward, trying to usher you away from his room. His tentacles were starting to emerge from his back, twitching slightly, antsy to just grab you and pull you in.
You look into his eyes and knew he was lying. “I know you’re lying, Alastor. Your eyes give away so much. Right now, they’re saying, ‘Help me’.” His gaze flickered briefly before returning to its normal coldness, masking the conflict within him. “No, really, I’m fine,” he lied, forcing a chuckle. “You shouldn’t worry about me.” However, despite his words, he couldn’t shake off the desire burning brightly inside him. With a pleading glance and then a defeated sigh, he reluctantly stepped aside, allowing you entrance into his room. “Come in. Please, sit down.” He pointed towards the antique couch in the corner, trying to distract himself with tidying up some papers strewn across his desk as you sat down. You noticed that his room was a total mess, things flung all over the floor, scratches on the walls and furniture. Even the couch you were sitting in had some claw marks embedded on it. As you looked around, he busied himself with picking up random items and placing them back neatly, hoping the movement would help calm his racing thoughts. But you noticed something. “Alastor...? You’re not okay. You’re shaking.”
Alastor froze mid-movement, his hands trembling slightly as he held onto a stack of papers. “Fuck...” He cursed under his breath, his eyes soon meeting yours. “I..I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to involve you in this. I promise that everything is under control.” He quickly set down the papers and attempted to regain his posture, fixing his suit and tying his bow tie nervously. “Perhaps we can chat in the morning when things have settled down?” He suggested, offering his signature smile. Deep down, he knew he needed help, but admitting weakness wasn’t easy for someone like him. For now, he could only hope that time would ease his torment. You got up and walked over to him, gently taking his hand and looking at him. You spoke in a concerned yet soothing voice, “Please...tell me what’s going on. I want to help you, Alastor. I don’t care what it is, I’ll help you no matter what.” Alastor hesitated for a moment, his mind battling between acceptance and denial. Finally, he let out a resigned sigh and gently gripped your hand, feeling a wave of warmth emanating from your touch. Despite his fear right now, Alastor found solace in your presence, knowing that you were willing to stand by him no matter what. Your unwavering support was both comforting and overwhelming; it reminded him how much he truly cared for you.
You and him were like two peas in a pod, the closest of friends. You two were so close, you were the only one permitted to touch him without any consequences. Even Rosie was surprised when she saw you two hug at one point. It was clear you both cared for each other deeply, but Alastor, being himself, was always one to deny it when others brought it up. But deep down, Alastor admired your compassion and putting others before yourself. He didn’t know why, it was something about you that drew him to you. If there was one person he could trust with his life, it was you.
“It...It’s my rut season again,” he confessed softly, averting his gaze from yours. “I’m usually able to handle this just fine, but...lately, I’ve been struggling to control myself, especially around you.” He gripped your hand tighter, his voice barely audible. “If I lose control, I know I’ll end up hurting you or worse - change into something...most unpleasant.” You smiled and cupped his cheek, turning his head to face you. “Is that what this was all about? Alastor, you had me worried sick.” Alastor looked at you, his eyes filled with gratitude and relief as he met your gentle gaze. Your reassuring words eased some of his anxiety, but the fear still lingered in the back of his mind. “Thank you for understanding. I promise I won’t let anything happen to you,” he said as he leaned into your touch. His heart pounded against his chest, the scent of your perfume wafting through the air. Though he appeared calmer, the tension in his body remained, a testament to the struggle he faced internally. You concern brought him comfort, but it also heightened his awareness of his inner turmoil.
In that moment, you made a decision. You looked him straight in the eye and said, “Alastor...if it really is that troublesome for you...I’ll help you through it.”
Alastor’s eyes shot wide and a small blush appeared on his cheeks, a look very unlike Alastor. He shook his head vigorously, pulling away slightly. “No, no, it’s fine. Really, I appreciate your offer, but--.” That’s when you hugged him before he could finish his sentence. Surprised yet pleased by your bold move, Alastor hesitated for a moment before slowly wrapping his arms around you, returning the hug. The warmth of your body against his calmed him somewhat, and he leaned his head against yours, closing his eyes. You spoke gently, “Alastor...I care about you. Deeper than just friends. I’ll do whatever it takes to help you through anything. Please...let me help you here.”
Normally, he would be repulsed at the idea of having sex. He never felt any sexual attraction to anyone, not even when he was a human. But even asexuals have their bodily urges, whether they want to or not. And since he became a demon, these urges became stronger, much stronger. He had thought about coming to you for this, but he was afraid of chasing you away. He cared for you as deeply as you did for him, and he didn’t want to ruin that. Finding a friend like you in Hell is like finding a diamond in a vast desert, and he certainly wasn’t going to go and throw that away. But seeing you being so supportive and seeing your want to help him, he started to second guess his choices. Maybe it was okay to let you help him. It was just a friend wanting to help another one out with something they were dealing with, and they were pretty close already. Plus, this could help him deal with the month much easier if there was someone to help him release the constant urges, and it was a way for them to make their bond stronger than anything.
“Alright, Y/N,” he murmured softly, his voice breaking slightly. “If that’s what you truly want, then I’ll accept your help.” In that instant, he felt a sudden surge of strength coursing through him, as if some invisible weight had lifted off from his shoulders. “Thank you...thank you,” he repeated, his eyes brimming with unshed tears. You smiled and wiped a tear away from his eye before you leaned in and kissed him softly and tenderly. Alastor’s lips parted involuntarily at your touch, his tongue tentatively seeking entry into your mouth. The taste of your lips against his own sent waves of pleasure coursing through his veins, making it difficult for him to think straight. However, he forced himself to pull away after a brief moment. “I...I can’t...I..I...We’re in public...” You were confused for a moment until you realized that the door was left wide open, anyone could walk by and see the current scene. You walked over and closed the door, locking it. You turned back to Alastor and said, “Now we’re in private.” Alastor blinked for a moment and then he let a low growl escape him, his eyes gleaming dangerously as he walked towards you. “Private or not..We need to focus on the conversation first.” Despite his words, he couldn’t ignore the animalistic urge gnawing at him, demanding release. You were a bit confused. “What conversation is there to have? Boundaries?” Alastor chuckled softly, tilting his head. “I suppose there is that, isn’t there?” Fed up by his attempts at avoiding the inevitable, you decided to lay it on him. You looked him in the eye and said, “I’ll just give it to you straight, since it’s easier that way. I’m open for making this friendship deeper. I’m willing to give myself to you if it’ll help you though this rut. I’m not worried about you hurting me, I can handle a lot more than you think. All I want to do is to help you, and there’s only one way to do it. I don’t know how you feel about it, but that’s how I feel.”
Alastor stared at you, his eyes widened and his heart pounding in his chest as he processed your words. This revelation was more than what he expected, but despite his confusion and apprehension, Alastor couldn’t deny the swelling desire within him. Slowly, he reached up and brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, his touch gentle yet firm. “Y/N...” He breathed out your name, his voice laced with emotion. “You’re offering yourself...to help me..? Are you sure about this?” His eyes searched yours, looking for any signs of doubt or hesitation. The thought of having you so close was almost too much to bear, but he knew he had to be careful not to push you beyond your limits. You nodded, with zero hesitation. “I am. I’m more sure of this than anything,” you said as you cupped his cheek.
Alastor’s breath hitched at your determination, his eyes never leaving yours. Your touch sent electric shocks throughout his body, making it impossible to resist the urge any longer. He leaned in, capturing your lips in a fierce kiss, his tongue delving deeply into your mouth. You kissed him back deeply, wrapping your arms around him, softly moaning in his mouth. His tentacles stirred restlessly, eager for more than just physical contact. But he focused on the present, savoring the taste of your lips and the feel of your body pressed against his own. In this moment, all other worries seemed trivial compared to the connection you both shared. Alastor groaned into the kiss, his hands sliding down your back to grip your hips firmly as he pinned you to the wall. The sensation of your body against his, coupled with the sound of your moans, drove him wild. Breaking the kiss, he said softly yet seductively, “God, you taste divine...” His voice was raged, his eyes half-closed in lust. “Let’s...let’s get you undressed, shall we?”
With that, he began unbuttoning your shirt, his movements hurried yet precise, his mind fixated solely on satisfying his primal desires. He pulled open your shirt and the tentacles remove it along with your bra. You moaned softly as you felt the tentacles brush along your skin. Alastor’s eyes widened slightly at the sight of your bare breasts, his breath catching in his throat. With deft precision, two of his tentacles wrapped around each of your breasts, gently pinching and stroking your nipples simultaneously. Hearing your moans made his smile widen and his eyes close half-way. “How beautiful,” he murmured, his voice thick with desire. The rest of this tentacles danced around you, exploring every inch of exposed skin, their movements slow and deliberate. Despite his best efforts, as he watched the tentacles remove the rest of your clothes, he couldn’t shake off the feeling that this was more than just a conquest - it felt like something sacred, something meaningful. Maybe it was.
You moaned as the tentacles wrap around you, they felt so warm against your skin. Alastor’s eyes roamed greedily over your naked form, drinking in every curve and contour of your body. His cock throbbed in his pants, straining against the fabric, begging for release. “You’re perfect,” he whispered. “Just perfect.” Without further ado, he took his jacket and shirt off and then pushed his pants down, freeing his massive member from its confines. It stood erect and ready, dripping with pre-cum, as he went up to you. He leaned so his lips were to your ear and purred, “Tell me, my lovely Y/N. Do you want this? Do you want me to claim you fully?” His tentacles continued to explore your body, teasingly brushing against your sensitive spots, driving you wild. You looked at him, your eyes and voice full of desire, “Yeah..I..I do..” You then reached out and stroked his cock while licking his neck. Alastor hissed at your touch, his entire body tensing in response. You stroked him gently, your hand warm and soft, sending waves of pleasure cascading through him. He looked at you, his eyes glowing red. “You’re killing me, sweetheart.” He grasped your waist, pulling you closer, aligning his erection to your pussy. “Are you ready for this?” He asked, his voice heavy with desire. “This is going to be rough, my dear. I can’t promise to hold back completely.” He paused, waiting for your answer, knowing full well that despite your willingness, you deserved to make an informed decision. You cupped his cheek again and smiled as you nodded. You spoke in a voice full of need and desperation, “Please...put it in...” You didn’t have to tell him twice.
His hips bucked forward, pushing his length inside you with one swift motion, causing him to groan in pleasure. The sound of your moan was muffled against his neck as he buried himself to the hilt, his member stretching you wide. His tentacles wrapped around you tightly, supporting your weight as he started moving rhythmically, thrusting in and out of you. You wrapped your arms around his neck, moaning at each thrust. Each powerful thrust send waves of pleasure coursing through the both of you, growing your arousals. Sweat trickled down his forehead as he lost control of himself. “Oh sweet Satan, you’re tight!” He growled, his voice hoarse with lust. “You feel amazing, so fucking good...” His pace quickened, becoming faster and harder, matching the intensity of your mutual desire. You couldn’t help but let out your moans, “Ohh fuck...so good..!” Seeing your eyes roll back in pure ecstasy and hearing your words spurred him on. His thrusts grew frantic, his hips slamming against yours relentlessly. “That’s it, take it,” he panted, his voice barely above a whisper. “Take everything I have.” The room echoed with the sounds of your passion, filled with gasps and moans. His tentacles brushed against your skin delicately, adding another layer of stimulation to the already intense experience.
As he kept thrusting, you saw him start to change. He let out a animalistic growl as his transformation accelerated, his body shifting under the influence of his primal urges. His antlers grew much larger, their points almost scraping the ceiling, while his muscles bulged with power. His eyes changed, the sclera turning black and his irises glowing red, drool dripping from his mouth that showed his sharp teeth. “Fuck, Y/N...” His voice was deep and guttural now, his full demon form now on display. “You’re mine, aren’t you? Mine to possess and devour?” Each thrust became more violent, his movements brutal yet tender, driven by an insatiable hunger only you could satiate. His tentacles pulsed erratically, eager to join in the frenzy, but bode their time to let Alastor be the star of the show. You moaned even louder, losing your mind over the pleasure. “Ahh..A..Alastor...! Y..Yes..! I’m yours..! I..I belong to you...!” Alastor’s eyes glowed crimson, his face contorted in a mix of pleasure and agony. “Yes!” He roared, his voice echoing through the room. “You’re mine, Y/N! My sweet, sweet Y/N!” With a final thrust, he came inside you, his seed spilling out in hot waves, causing you to cum so hard, your mind was gone. His final few thrusts caused a second orgasm to rock your body. His body shook violently and once he left his high, he slowly transformed back to his normal form.
He grabbed you and collapsed on the bed with you in his arms, panting heavily. He pulled you close, gently grabbing your chin, and whispering, “You’re mine, forever and always.” His tentacles finally joined the fray, caressing your skin gently, soothing the ache left behind by your passion. You held him, your hands gently rubbing his back. Once you looked at him, you saw that he was grinning mischievously. You were wondering why until you felt the tentacles grab you, wrapping around you. “You know I couldn’t hold them back forever.” Each tentacle danced across your skin, exploring every inch of your body, sending shivers down your spine. They slid into you and into your ass, mimicking his previous thrusts, stretching you wide and filling you up, going deeper than he ever could. You felt one tentacle slip over to your lips and when you let out a moan, it slipped into your mouth, going deep down your throat. You couldn’t help but suck on the appendage invading your mouth and filling your stomach with its essence. Despite the fullness, you couldn’t help but moan at the sensations, your body still craving more. “You’re such a precious little thing, darling,” he murmured, his voice thick with satisfaction. “So sweet, so perfect.” His tentacles continued their rhythmic dance, keeping you on the edge of pleasure. Despite his exhaustion, his eyes gleamed with desire, promising many more nights like this to come.
“You thought it was just one time, sweetheart? Come on now, you know better than that. Oh, this is just the beginning, my dear. We’re in for one wild night...”
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tezzbot · 1 year
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Tried out a new painterly colouring style while watching / listening to Team Z.I.T. hermit hardcore + I ended up having a lot of fun with it and really like how they turned out ^_^ Subtle but it has a nice effect imo!!
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teatitty · 3 months
One of the more interesting things about Iruka is that he's one of our only adult characters who saw the fox attack up close. We're shown in chapter... 500 something that Kurenai, Gai, Kakashi and Asuma were already locked outside the barrier when the attack happened and were protesting this fact, trying to get in to help but Kurenai's dad told them that they weren't allowed to because they are the future of the village, confirming he [and everyone else helping out] knew he was likely going to die when he went back in
But Iruka wasn't outside of the barrier when the attack happened. He was inside, with his parents, and saw the destruction up close and personal. He was standing there with them when they were bruised and bloodied and only got away because they had a fellow shinobi yoink him off to safety
Most fics tend to have Kakashi in his ANBU gear involved with this attack but canonically he was just as helpless as everyone else and wasn't anywhere near the centre of all that death and destruction. Iruka knows Kurama in a way that Kakashi just doesn't -- it's like when you watch a Godzilla movie and there's people who see Godzilla's wrath from a distance but they don't have nearly the same level of trauma, PTSD or fear as the one's who were there up close when he went nuts
And yet. And yet! Iruka bears no ill feelings towards Naruto at all. Sure yeah the anime has a flashback scene where he initially struggles and gets advice from Kakashi but that's only in the anime - in the manga, there was no such scene at all and he got over any and all struggles largely by himself which is why him and Mizuki being this sort of parallel to one another is so interesting to me!
Iruka was willing to move past it to help Naruto but Mizuki could never fully let go of his anger and hatred towards the thing that killed his family
I have no real point for this post outside of the fact that I wish this angle of Iruka was explored more in fics, instead of 9/10 changing the canon to have Kakashi as his ANBU saviour. Those are cool and I like them but there is just something so juicy about how much their experiences of that event differ just for the fact that Kakashi and company were outside the barrier from the start and Iruka was not
He would have crazy PTSD fuelled nightmares I think :)
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wispurring-moss · 4 months
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i am so normal about him I Am So Normal About Him I AM SO NORMAL ABOUT HIM—!!!!!!;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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knightwhoisni · 1 month
*drifter seeing the protoframe they'll romance for the first time voice* i think i hauve the infestation
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bigdumbbambieyes · 1 year
Day 6 of @harringrovekinktober: Your Choice (I picked Hair Pulling bc I missed yesterday and this fits it lol)
this is heavily inspired by @harringroveera's post!
It’s October, which means they watch a horror movie pretty much every single day. 
It’s kind of become a tradition; they take turns picking out which movie they want to watch, grab a snack and a beer, and curl up together on the couch.
It’s been three Octobers since they started this and Steve’s honestly surprised that they haven’t run out of movies to watch yet - although, to be fair, some of them can be a little…lacklustre, to put it nicely.
Like tonight. He can’t really give a shit about whatever’s on their TV, not when Billy’s fresh out of the shower. He smells like Irish Spring body wash, his skin is still warm, he’s wearing a white tank top and gray sweatpants, and judging from the eyeful he got earlier, Billy's not wearing underwear.
How’s he supposed to focus when his boyfriend’s sitting right next to him like that?
The answer: he doesn’t.
He shifts even closer to Billy and lifts an arm up, setting it behind Billy’s head so he can tangle his fingers in those soft curls, which are so much softer without the usual hairspray in it. He twirls his fingers around them as his other hand slides across Billy’s stomach, giving it a gentle and slow rub, smiling to himself as Billy hums his approval.
It’s not uncommon for Steve to do this – to seek out Billy just to touch him, playing with his hair or holding his hand, tracing his freckles and muscles, just…touching. They like the closeness it brings, so Billy usually always lets him. 
Flicking his eyes to his boyfriend, who’s sharp jaw and the slope of his nose are highlighted by the light from the TV, Steve murmurs, “You scared?”
Clearing his throat gently, Billy shakes his head and mutters back without even sparing him a glance, “Not yet.” Billy doesn’t get scared from horror movies, he could watch a marathon of them and still sleep like a baby.
And Steve’s seen enough shit that he doesn’t get very scared of them, either, but he does get jumpy. So, he welcomes the distraction that is his boyfriend and shifts even closer, letting his lips find the smooth-shaven jaw mere inches from him.
Billy hums again, and his hand finds Steve’s thigh to grip it firmly, resting it there comfortably, like he usually does during their movie nights.
Assured by that comforting and familiar hold, Steve peppers a few kisses across Billy’s warm cheek and up to his cheekbone, kissing him lightly, just brushing his lips over his boyfriend’s face until he gets to Billy’s ear and the blond mutters playfully, “You’re not watching.”
“I know,” Steve whispers, his words melting into Billy's ear, “Just wanna touch you a bit, that’s all.”
He feels the way Billy’s stomach tenses under his hand, hears the little breath he inhales as he shifts in his seat, spreading his legs in silent invitation.
And that’s what Steve wants to see.
He keeps touching gently, sliding his palm up from Billy’s clothed stomach and higher to his chest, thumbing over his nipples while his other hands keeps playing in those curls, his mouth kissing down and down until he’s at Billy’s neck, licking across his pulse and smiling as he feels how quick it’s become.
Sliding his hand back down Billy’s stomach, he cups the front of his boyfriend’s sweats and makes a soft, pleased noise at the firmness he feels there, Billy already more than chubbed up from the heavy petting. 
Steve slips his hand under the waistband of those sweatpants and confirms his earlier suspicions – no underwear, just hot skin and a patch of neatly trimmed hair. He immediately wants to rub his face against it, feel it on his lips and chin, but shoves the thought away for the time being as his fingers wrap around Billy’s dick. Just touching, feeling the weight of it, thumbing over the tip just to hear the hitch in his boyfriend’s breath.
His voice a little guttural, Billy mutters teasingly, “Didn’t realize horror movies get you going, princess…”
As if this is their first time fooling around during a scary movie at home. 
“Must be the adrenaline or something,” Steve murmurs absently into Billy’s neck, gives it a little bite and licks over it to soothe the pinch, loving the quiet groan Billy gives him. 
“You like that?” Steve murmurs, sliding his fingers into Billy’s hair, down to the root, grabbing a fistful and tugging, just to hear the actual moan Billy makes as his jaw drops, his dick jumping in Steve’s hand. “‘Course you like it.”
“Shut up.” Billy sighs, his voice already so breathless with want, and when Steve lifts his head to look at him, he can see the desire swimming in those blue eyes as they meet his own.
Pulling his hand from Billy’s sweats, he keeps those eyes on his as he licks up the palm of his hand and reaches back in, smooths his palm across the tip of Billy’s cock, feeling the slick of precum there as he does. 
Leaning in, he stares down at Billy’s lips and mutters his boyfriend’s words back to him, “You’re not watching.”
Billy moans a quiet fuck and forces his eyes back to the TV, keeping still and gripping Steve’s thigh tighter as the lewd, wet sounds of his cock fill the room and Steve stares at him, watching every flicker of pleasure across his face and hearing every little breath and sound he makes.
“So cute like this,” Steve whispers, leans into his ear again, pressing his lips to the shell of it as his voice rumbles, “Love how you let me play with you like this, baby, letting me do whatever I want…you like that, too, yeah?”
“Yeah.” Billy breathes.
“Because this is mine, right?” Steve whispers, possessive, as he grips the base of Billy’s dick and gives it a little shake.
“Fuck yeah,” Billy groans, “All yours, Stevie.”
“Promise?” He tugs on Billy’s hair again, hard, as he strokes up his boyfriend’s dick, playing with the tip.
“Promise,” Billy whimpers, his hips bucking a little desperately, “Fuck, ‘m gonna cum, baby, please…”
“You don’t gotta ask for permission, babe,” Steve coos into that red-tipped ear, “You can cum in your sweatpants like a desperate little slut all you want, I’m not gonna stop you.”
A soft little gasp and whine of his name is the last warning Steve gets from his boyfriend before he feels the warmth of Billy’s cum across his fingers as he strokes him through it, groaning into Billy’s ear in approval as he watches the way Billy tenses and gasps, his eyes falling shut as he rides it out, enjoys it.
“Mm, good boy,” Steve praises him sweetly, kissing his cheek as he keeps slowly stroking his hand up and down that velvet flesh, feeling Billy begin to soften in his hand but the way he twitches gently speaks of how sensitive he is.
After a moment, while he’s limp in Steve’s hold, Billy grunts and nudges at his hand, a silent ‘enough’. So, Steve pulls his hand out of Billy’s sweatpants and gives a little pleased hum at the wet spot he sees at the front of them. 
And just to be annoying, he wipes his hand clean on the outside of them, too, with a grin.
“Fucking brat,” Billy growls with a frown, giving his boyfriend a glare for half a second before he’s suddenly smirking and Steve feels his stomach drop, his heart skipping as Billy grabs a fistful of his dark hair and pushes Steve’s head down to his crotch, demanding with a taunt, “Clean. It. Up.”
And, well. Steve did want to bury his face here, so.
He sucks the cum out of Billy’s sweatpants and lets the blond bend him over the couch right after.
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copia · 3 months
he is such a man who squirts cream directly into his mouth
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mariorabbidsquotes · 3 months
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golyadkin · 1 year
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The ghosts and co. as images I have saved on my computer
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zhongrin · 5 months
aine's temporary girlfriend froze my letter, so i'm gonna share the joke here with my fellow zhongli appreciators before i go to sleep.
*taps mic* ahem, ahem.
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what do you get when you feed a lāžward to a dinosaur?
rex lapis.
did you. did you get it? t-rex, which is a type of a dinosaur, and lapis lazuli, which is a type of a gem; you add those two things together ppap style andー /smacked
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somegrumpynerd · 27 days
I love ur artstyle they all look so squishy and cute <3
Ahksbjdbkjbdkjbdkj thank you!! ;-; I do want everyone to look kinda round and squishy and plush and I'm really glad you like it ^^
Also, because I actually had time for once and I wanted to do a doodle, attempted squishery:
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
PSA ! I shouldn't have to be making this post, but please DO NOT come into my inbox just to start drama or snitch on other indie devs for my sake. Mind your business and leave me out of it.
This is the 5th anon in 3 months that's come into my inbox just to complain about the devs I'm associated with, and to be frank; I'm getting tired of it. If I didn't respond to you the first 4 times: take the hint and move on.
I couldn't care less about what those devs say about me in a private group chat. That's their business if they wanna talk badly about me, and if they had a real issue, they can handle it like grown adults and come talk to me privately. I don't need anonymous faces telling me absurd things just to start drama — and even if what they're saying was true, then they're disgusting for betraying their supposed friend's trust like that.
Mind your own business and leave me alone. Don't white knight for me while simultaneously partaking in those discussions. Don't "infiltrate" a friend group for my sake because that's just a really horrible thing to do. Don't instigate online drama because you're bored and want to ruin friendships. Grow up and find a better way to waste your free time.
You know who you are.
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