#i'm gonna tag my girl at least
abluescarfonwaston · 2 years
Does Miles purr much during his bat form or is it only for certain people?
If you'd asked Gregory he'd say his son had a little motor built into his chest that rumbled softly all the time. That his son - more than thrice his size in batform - purred as easy as he drew breath.
Larry would say that Miles did not purr. That he chirped and squeeked and flapped his wings when Larry was particularly 'annoying' or would just Huff and fold his wings. But he knew, from that day where Edgey and Nicky fought and he found Edgey tucked up in the corner of the supply shed before pulling him down and holding Edgey's fragile form with paper thin wings to his chest- that fruit bats, like little boys, could cry. But he didn't ever share that fact.
Phoenix would say that Miles could purr, if you wrapped him up just right during a Signal Samurai marathon and pet ever so softly on his head. That you could feel the gentle purr in Miles chest if you held him to you just right. Later in life that you could tuck him in the crook of your arm while you laid on the couch to just rest your eyes and be treated to that soft motor lulling you to sleep.
Gumshoe wouldn't know what you meant by purring. I don't think they do that pal. That's cats. I think you're thinking about Cats. Easy mistake pal. But he could tell you about the happy chuffing noises- and fail to recreate them when Prosecutor Edgeworth got a fruit basket as a thank you from one of his cases. From the times Edgeworth stuffed his cheeks with fruit in his passenger seat, starved for a meal.
Franziska would smack you for even suggesting that they purred. That even if they could it would be Unprofessional. Repulsive. That they do not. That she did not spend that year tucking her tiny form too close to old rattly radiators, wrapping her wings around herself and pretending that the warmth and rumbling purr that blocked out everything else with its volume was him. Holding her in his wings, as he'd done before.
And Kay wouldn't know either way, if Fruit Vampires shared that ability with their mammalian brethren. But she could tell you about the time she was locked up in a basement, perhaps left for dead - although she was trying very hard to be brave and not think that. That his wings made no sound on the night air and his frequency was too high to hear. But his chest when he held her to it was warm and that if you listened real close a heart still beat, slow and soft, deep inside.
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mbirnsings-71 · 5 months
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@pup-pee I know you have notifications on now but like hands you Magical girl Kyle!!!! He's done!! :D!!!
Magical Girl Guy can be found here!
(Transparent version under the cut because I like using that feature!!)
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flying-cat · 2 months
Anyway on another note I cannot explain to you just how Severely disappointed I will be if bnha ends with a confession ending. I hate confession endings outside of romance manga 😀
+big ass rant in the tags
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cuteniaarts · 1 month
Mirror, mirror, on the wall...
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Who's the fairest of them all?
#lowkey cringy caption but I thought it was fitting given the context#my art#artists on tumblr#the legend of korra#original character#who I still haven't figured out a tag system for lmao#Kat and Nia and their multiverse of madness#alternative title: what a difference half a lifetime can make#summiya at 18/19 vs summiya at 34/35 is like night and day. she barely even looks like herself anymore#or maybe.. she looks more like herself than she ever did? what came before wasn't her. it was an empty porcelain doll devoid of personality#hiding the rotten nature underneath that's been steadily seeping through#and now that she has been thoroughly destroyed her outward appearance finally reflects what she was like inside all along#but just as she manages to convince herself of it. she looks in the mirror and refuses to accept that this is who she really is#where did that gorgeous girl who was so excited for her wedding day go? or the one who lit up upon being showered with compliments?#what happened to them? to her? how did she sink so low?#she was supposed to be better than this... better than her siblings. she was always better than Zaheer and Aiza#but now she's easily the worst of the free. their betrayal doesn't even compare#she deserves death for what she did. she looks at the bruising on her throat and wonders why it wasn't enough#why he didn't press just a little harder. then at least she wouldn't have to live with the shame#how awful of her to wish for that. she is getting what was coming to her. she did all of that for the shame. it is her punishment#she doesn't get the mercy of dying and escaping the consequences of her actions#she is by no means innocent. what's happening now is simply justice being enacted. she's sure of it#she's alone and ruined and miserable. having driven away everyone who could have possibly cared for her. not that anyone did#perhaps it's better that way. maybe then no one else will look at her and realise just how different she looks from her younger self#she wasn't happy back then either but she was content. she was taking the first step towarcs the perfect life she was promised#now that very save perfect life is crashing and burning all around her. perhaps it was inevitable. it was always going to end this way#(sleepy tags so I apologise if they make no sense whatsoever or are just rehashes of stuff I've said before. I'm tired. gonna go to bed now)#oh. before I forget though:#injury tw#bruises tw
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samstinysymphony · 2 months
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greenscreen-dress · 11 months
I wish all Precure seasons that attempt to force a reciprocated romance between young teen magical girls and animal-fairy mascots that turn into Ambiguously Adult Hot Guys™ a very Stop That Immediately Dear Gourd Why. 🫠
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bisexualfbiagents · 7 months
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THE X FILES | Rush (7.05)
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lucyvaleheart · 6 months
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thefallenangelsgang · 5 months
15 Lines Challenge
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture their character/personality/vibe. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you’re free to include those as well. @fablewritesnonsense strikes again! As always, no pressure, I just really admire these lovely folk's work: @helena-bug @just-another-wasteland-merc @roystory4 @druidgroves @heylittleriotact
(I'm going to be completely honest, I'm working of off 5 incomplete scenes if I just do BG3, so I'm also going to throw in some By Any Other Name quotes. It's technically the same character from a different story. The backstories vary a little but I'm confident the character is still there. By Any Other Name quotes are marked with an asterisk * at the end)
Wynleth Reiden
“Lathander isn’t going to strike me down if I don’t stop and kneel."
“Are you stupid?”
“Of course I’m not going to kill you!”
“And I’m still not sure you are actually what I think you are or just some freak with filed teeth and a biting kink!”
“My faith is entirely a different matter.”
“I am going to drown myself in the Chionthar.”
“It is precisely because you are a depraved beast that you get the juiciest gossip.”
“Yes, good sex!”
“I was married, he died… fifty-four years ago come Mirtul?”
“I- I think I need to be alone for a bit. I need to pray. I need to do something or I’m going to fall apart.”
“Is that why I took up the role of a garden water feature when I tried to dominate it?"
“Becoming a Paladin, beginning a life in politics, was how I could take control back. I never had a connection to Lathander like you did. I didn’t find him when I lost. He was never there for me in my darkest moments. He was forced upon me because it was expected . He inundates every single one of the worst moments in my life. Because of them .” *
"Here, every second of every day is focused on the words and what they mean and it's been like that for centuries. We are like an ouroboros. The dogma is causing us to consume ourselves.” *
"You are a soldier with faith, I am a priest sent to war. They are entirely different things.” *
"I have Saints, Martyrs, Prophets, all manner of Holy Persons in my family line. I was supposed to follow in their footsteps. But I didn’t. Not totally.” *
If you would like to see more of my writing (or some of the incomplete scenes these are pulled from) check out my tag on my account #Jericho Writes
If you are a Legends of Avantris and Edge of Midnight fan, By Any Other Name is a published oneshot about the Chapter 17 memory ritual you can find on my Ao3!
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greenerteacups · 1 year
miss ma’am gtc!!! may we pick your brain about:
- your five favorite harry potter characters
- your five least favorite harry potter characters
- five scenes from the harry potter books that altered your brain chemistry
- five scenes from the harry potter movies that altered your brain chemistry
thank you, i love u so much!!!
oh SO fun thank you for the question!!
(1) top five blorbos (in no particular order): 1. Hermione Granger (I lied about the order. She's first). She's SO. She exists at the perfect spot on the smart/stupid friendly/mean optimistic/pessimistic continuum, she's so rich. She changed me as a person when i was 11 years old and I would not be here without her, probably. The others, actually in no particular order, are: Draco Malfoy (sad little rich boy doomed by narrative but also the Narrative is social conditioning and he had free will the whole time, fucking gut-punch, mwah, the best of both kinds of tragedy) and Sirius Black (tasty, complex, brilliant rendering of a grown-up antihero who worked through his problems but still has Issues, arguably JKR's best character work in any book comes in Sirius in OOTP where he keeps comparing Harry to James, it's fucking heartbreaking). Also Remus and Ginny. (What if you forced yourself to get over your celebrity crush despite him Living With You basically 24/7 and then you became a popular confident athlete loved by all for being ferocious in defense of the vulnerable, then your celebrity crush fell head over heels for you anyway. what then?)
(2) least favorite blorbos. I think about these in the "opposite of love is indifference" type of way, because I love a character that I can hate. Like, Umbridge is awful, but I could, in theory, explain any given action that she takes by referencing her motivations and context. But I struggle with characters I don't understand, or worse, that I don't believe. Namely, Peter Pettigrew, whose betrayal kicks off the whole story to happen and is never explained. So you get all these Marauders fics where this cool, era-defining foursome is actually just The Marauder Trio Plus This Guy I Guess, but his betrayal would not have hurt these people like it did if he wasn't a dearly beloved friend. I don't like Peter because I don't believe in him, as a character. His past and his present don't match.
Same for Bellatrix, unfortunately, because although she's a cool concept, I have no idea what's under the hood in her cranium. How did the same family produce her and Andromeda? Who knows. Really sucks because she's the kind of girl who would my favorite in a different kind of story — love an evil bitch, my God — but she doesn't have the texture to get me there. Also, hot take, but Molly kind of bugs me: starting with Book 5, she gets pretty hard on Sirius (fairly! she is a parent trying to watch out for Harry, and Sirius is very much not!) but she's super unkind about it, and doesn't really try to sympathize with him at all. Plus she nags Remus about getting with Tonks, which I think is kind of out of bounds and also unrealistic for a woman who is the mother of a person Tonks's age to want, so it's just like, JKR wanted a Moral Authority to tell Remus to fuck a twenty-three year old, cool, sorry Molly, sucks that it had to be you.
Dumbledore frustrates me for similar reasons, there's just not enough flavor; the Grindelwald thing from the movies would have been great if it were handled better and also officially written into canon, because it turns Dumbledore's life into a magnificently cool You Must Become Evil To Defeat It arc. how wild would that be? Dumbledore steps out of public life in the 30's to deny himself the temptations of power but the War forces his hand, three times, first with Grindelwald and then twice with Voldemort and so — gradually, gradually, but surely — Dumbledore is made to take the power he so feared, made to accept honors and give advice to Ministers and eventually he's grooming children as soldiers and thinking this is fine, I can handle this, and then he's keeping secrets from his closest lieutenants and lying to the Ministry about his plans and he's still thinking I'm the only one who can handle this, and then by the time he realizes Harry has to die, maybe he doesn't hesitate. And maybe he's still technically morally in the right, and it's necessary, but — hey, anyone think about what Dumbledore was planning to do if Harry hadn't volunteered to die? But listen: it's for the greater good.
Because maybe he never really stopped thinking that way. Maybe you need a Greater Good Guy on your team, if you're not gonna get your ass beat, but that doesn't mean you should necessarily crown him. And maybe you're not the hero the wizarding world deserves, but you're the one it needs right now, and all his life Albus Dumbledore desperately wanted to be the hero but destiny made him the anti-villain. Anyway that was some cool fanfiction I just wrote. In the books he's an old dude who's never wrong and he likes socks.
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bpdamandayoung · 11 months
my father told me i'm like him i'm gonna rip my hair out pull out my teeth rip out my internal organs and throw them against the wall to see what sticks
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rotisseries · 11 months
just remembered in march how I scrounged through the entire ellabs ao3 tag on some sort of feverish mission after binging playthroughs of both tlou games in the span of about 3 days. who else here remembers that
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foofygoldfish · 2 years
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popping in with a suzy update for anyone who remembers her
i went to say goodbye to her today - my grandma made the decision to say goodbye to her this coming wednesday
i'm gonna miss her so much but i know she won't be in pain anymore which is what matters
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dailyhermit · 2 years
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SO SORRY EVERYONE!!!! Here's a bonus two-pack for missing a few days!!!
#daily hermit#impulse#tango#gtws#zcleo#It's fighting me on posting this one 🧍‍♂️ tumblr please chill#PLEASE POST ITS BEEN SIX TIMES!!!!!!!!#seven now. Please girl help#eight..... :exhaustion:#nine for this torment is neverending#t... ten..... wooooo halfhearted cheering.... double digits....#tumblr is so awful girl what's going on why has this failed to post eleven (11) times.....#gonna try disconnecting from wifi and seeing if it works on data. this sucks#data did not work we are officially in the teens!!!! and it won't let me save as a draft either this is such an L#HELLOOOOOOO CAN ANYONE HEAR ME. PLEASE POST!!!!!!!!!#it's saving my tags every time which is nice but I would prefer it would just post. and then I would not have so many tags to add.#SIXTEEN!!!!!! this post has been attempted so many times that its now old enough to drive. and I can't make any other post until I'm able#to at least save this as a draft or smth. girl help#oh this is Struggling. let me ask if anyone else is experiencing this#is it 18 or 19 now? not sure. this sucks balls bro let me post block men!!!!!!#if the draft is auto saved but there's nothing in my drafts is it really saved?#I'm assuming I'm at 20 attempts now. approaching the number of hermits. girl helpppppppp I'm trapped in purgatory and can't post anything#else until this one saves somewhere!!!!!!#I'm a creep.... I'm a weirdo......... what the hell am I doing here..... I don't belong here............#._. bro just let me post#._.#.__.#.___.#GIRL LET ME POST!!!!!!#fuck it restarting the app if I lose the draft I lose the draft and then no one will know the struggles I've seen. auh but I can't and i
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dear-kumari · 2 years
Looking at some of the post drafts I wrote at the height of my fever and feeling very relieved that I did not finish or publish any, bc the last thing I needed to do when I already felt like shit was take a big ol’ swing at a hornet’s nest
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#girl why did you TAG IT#(also didn't finish a more vitriolic but far less interesting 'anyone who thinks this show is as good as AtLA has serious brain worms' post)#anyway I still feel bad but now it's just bc my seasonal bronchitis has been reactivated#Guess who's gonna be coughing up mucus for the rest of the fall. yaaaaay#Kumari comments#Kumari procrastinates irl#ngl this was on my mind bc I spent most of my time in bed watching cartoons‚ TeeDeePee included#I revisited a couple episodes from the first and third seasons and I was reminded how much weight was put on 'destroying the egg'#and Harrow being like 'it's horrific' over Viren's choice was just. weird#at least considering all the stuff he /didn't/ take a moral stance on before that point#You could be like 'well some guy destroying a fertilized egg unprompted is very different from someone making a choice about their own body'#but an actual pro-lifer wouldn't make that distinction! any narrative about an innocent unborn life is useful to them#in fact it's /very/ useful that Zym and his mother are completely separate bc then you have to leave the issue of autonomy at the door#that way the story can focus wholly on the importance and beauty and wonder of the egg#and how only evil people would want to destroy it#and just bc it wasn't intentional doesn't mean it's not there (I'm sure the writers didn't intend to write ethnic cleansing apologia either)#idk if I missed someone pointing this out when the show first aired but it is a subject I'm genuinely interested in now#just … maybe not a subject to bring up with the fandom at large#Kumari abuses the tagging system#(Also I revisited that Twitter post and the number of reactionaries in the replies was. significant#not overwhelming but it was clear that some of them weren't random keyword-seeking trolls and actually did watch the show)
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neverendingford · 8 months
#tag talk#I feel so fucking great today. ironically I'm having trouble getting anything done because I keep just lying down to sigh contentedly#idk. I just feel so genuinely happy.#maybe it has something to do with the smell bout of random depression disappearing at least for now. no longer shitting out my guts either#and also I get to see the cute girl who also likes me back today so that's super pogchamp.#ugh do y'all have any idea how absolutely down bad I am for her??? like. seriously.#I know this won't be a long term thing but damn if I'm not gonna appreciate it for the two years I'm still living in this city.#like. I knew things would get better eventually. I was seventeen and telling myself things would one day be better#sure it's taken eight years but like... fuckin hell I'm self actualizing for real now.#mood stabilizers. adhd meds. hrt. I'm finally able to address the problems I've been battling my whole life.#and moving out from my parents has given me the freedom to figure shit out apart from the situation that's been fucking me up all my life#I just. fucking hell this is so nice.#YOOO I HAVE JIGGLY CALF MUSCLES AGAIN HELL YEAH#I've been a little wasted away for the past year but I've started working out again since since got adhd meds and damn#I don't like being so awfully skinny so it's nice to have curves and slight jiggles on my body again#calf muscles my beloved#I'm learning to love my arm muscles but I've always loved my leg muscles. partially I think cause leg muscles are associated with feminine#whereas arm muscles are culturally seen as masculine. so that kind of got embedded in my brain growing up. but I'm learning to love both#I also just love my body working like it's supposed to. the joy of a well oiled machine doing what it should.#ofc it's not always consistent. but it's nice when it's working as it should#also I bought a wireless charger for my phone since the charging port got even more fucked up and now barely works at all#so honestly that lifted a pretty big stressor off my mind since phone dying is a huge problem and a new phone is expensive#so I'm feeling more carefree with that at least temporarily fixed. won't have to worry about my phone again for prolly at least another year
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