#i'm gonna wake up tomorrow and regret the second tag i KNOW it
sweethome-thoughts · 2 years
Ji-Su : Guys, I have a crush !
Eun-Hyeok : It's always a crush and never a job.
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lunamadhatter99 · 2 years
The Lady and the Lord
Part 4
I'm so happy for the love my series if getting! Thank you so much! ❤️❤️❤️
As always, let me know what you think and if you want to me added to the tag list 🥰
Chapter summary: some plans are made, the reader goes check on Eddie and, unfortunately, it seems to be Max's time
Chapter warnings: ⚠️ season 4 spoiler ⚠️ mention os harassing
Tag list: @deafeningempathfishcowboy
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Soon after Robin and Nancy arrived and Max got out of.. trance.
She told us about hearing a voice calling her name and seeing a grandfather clock.
"It was here. RIght here" She says pointing her torch to a wall in the hallway.
"A grandfather clock?" Robin asks.
"It was so real. And then when I got closer, suddenly I just.. I woke up." She explains.
"It was like she was in a trance or something" Dustin adds.
"Just like Eddie said" I say.
Max turns to look at us. Scared.
"That's not even the bad part"
With that she lead us back to Ms Kelly's office showing us Chrissy's and Fred's file.
"Fred and Chrissy, they both came to Ms Kelly for help. They both were having headaches, bad headaches that wouldn't go away. And then..then the nightmares. Trouble sleeping. They'd wake up in a cold sweat. Then they started seeing things. Bad things. From their past. These visions... they just, they kept on getting worse and worse, until eventually...everything ended" Max explains, fear dominating his voice.
I don't like where this is going..
"Vecna's curse" Robin says.
Yeah... I don't like where this is going.
"Chrissy's headaches started a week ago. Fred's, six days ago. I've been having them for five days."
Fuck... I feel my stomach turning, this can't be happening.
"I don't know how long I have. All I know is that, for Fred and Chrissy, they both died less than 24 hours after their first vision. And I just saw that goddamn clock, so..." She's breaths shakily, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "Looks like I'm gonna die tomorrow."
Before any of us could say something, a loud noise catches our attention.
We all look at each other and Steve take charges.
"Stay here" he tells us walking to the door, grabbing what I think is a long lamp and head out of the office.
We obviously follow him out, carefully walking behind him.
We hear nother noise, like doors opening or something, then footsteps approaching, quickly.
Steve get ready to attack when from the corner a very agitated Lucas appears and they all yell.
"It's me" Lucas exclaims.
"Jesus! What's wrong with you Sinclair?" Steve yells back, catching his breath.
"I'm sorry"
"I could've taken you out with this lamp!"
"Sorry guys, sorry" He pants. "I was... I was biking for eight miles... just.. give me a second.. shit"
We all look at him confused.
"We've got a code red." He finally say, still panting.
Lucas then walks to Dustin.
"Dustin, I've been with Jason, Patrick and Andy, and they've gone totally off the rails." He starts talking, fast "They're trying to capture Eddie, and they think you know where he is. You're in terrible danger"
"Fucking dickheads" I mutter.
"Yeah" Robin agrees.
"All right. Yeah, that definitely sucks, but we've got bigger problems than Jason right now" Dustin tells him, then turns to look at Max, Lucas does the same worried and confused at the same time.
We decided it's better to just go to Nancy's house and think of something to do.
I offered to go check on Eddie before heading to Nancy's... now I'm kinda regretting it.. on one hand I'm nervous to be alone again with Eddie, even if we get along, on the other hand I'm worried about Max and I don't want to leave her, but I can't back away now.
"Eddie?" I whisper, hoping he can hear me and won't be scared someone actually caught him.
"Eddie? It's Y/n." I open the boathouse door. "I brought you something"
I scan the room and I see him slowly emerging from under the tarp, the sight makes me giggle.
"Is that comfortable enough for you, my lord?" I ask with a giggle.
"Oh? That? Oh yeah, 5 starts out of 5, definitely" he says, a smile slowly appears on his face.
"Here" I walk closer to him handing him my Walkman and some cassettes. "To... keep your mind busy."
He looks at me smiling, genuinely.
"It helps me to distract myself.. if you want.." I shyly say.
He reach out and grabs the Walkman from my hand. Our hands slightly touching for only a moment, but it was enough... just enough.
"Thanks" he says checking my cassettes, with a grin. "Let's see what m'lady listens to"
"Are you going to judge me?" I joke.
"Oh, definitely" he says sitting down.
"Don't be too mean" I sit down with him.
All my nervousness thrown out of the window, completely disappeared.
"Aahh.. look at this. The Beatles, nice! you're into the classics.. that's good" he says impressed.
"My grandmother left her old vinyls at home so.. " I shrug.
"Bowie... not my favourite, but still a good one" he keeps looking.
"Mhmm" I hold back a chuckle.
"Oh...but... look..at..these..." he says, a smirk on his face. "We got: Metallica, oh! Mötley Crüe, Iron Maiden! Judas Priest and... Dio. Quite loud bands for someone as quiet"
"Yeah.. I guess"
"Hey, I'm not judging... far from it" he chuckles.
"Well.. you're not the only freak in town" I smile at him.
"But you're the only beautiful one" he winks.
He said that last part in a whispers.
"I.. you... you need to stop doing that" I stutter out looking away from him.
"Why? It gets you all flustered and cute.. I can't help myself" he says simply.
I'm glad he's smiling, though, even if it is at my expense.
I playfully roll my eyes.
"You're terrible"
"I've been called worse, you need to improve your game, m'lady" he teases, fully turning to look at me.
"Gotta need to teach me then, my lord" I tease back.
"Anything for you" he smiles wickedly.
"Anything? Careful, I just might take advantage of that." I say.
"Fine by me" he shrugs. "Are... are we flirting right now?" That smirk back on his lips.
I widen my eyes, biting my lips instinctively.
"I... I... I don't know.." I let out a nervous chuckle looking away.
He just smiles, probably enjoying my flustered face, but then he change the subject.
"Can I ask you something?" He asks me.
"Sure.." I say, still a bit flustered.
"Why.. why are you helping me?" He asks, all of a sudden looking away, feeling not so confident anymore.
"Well, we just-"
"Not them.. why are you helping me?" He asks again.
That catches off guard.
I look at him, he's fidgeting with his hands, nervously.
"Do you remember when we got paired up for history? Last year.. more or less."
He nods. "How could I forget?"
"Remember when we were at the library and Jessica Perry basically threw her orange juice, or whatever shut she was drinking, on me?" I ask him.
"She thought you had slept with her boyfriend for some reason.." he laughs at the absurdity of that situation.
"Yeah" I laugh too "I simply had to deliver his graded paper from math, that was it... the professor forced me since I was the last one in class when she remembered.." I roll my eyes.
"That's why I always run right out of class as soon as the bell rings"
"Oh I know" I say "anyway... I was soaked and you offered your leather jacket to shield me from the rain outside, even if it was the only thing you had to protect yourself, and even if it would mean having your jacket all sticky"
He just looks at me, not saying anything.
"My point is... you offered your jacket and you offered to drive me home, even if we live on the opposite side of town. Someone as kind as you doesn't deserve... this shit"
He smiled embarrassed and lets out a nervous laugh.
"You really think that? But... I might've changed and gone crazy" he suggests.
"Well, if you don't believe me.. here's my second reason: Dustin just doesn't become attached to evil souls.." I smile at him and he looks surprised, relieved.
"Thank you, m'lady" he says.
"You're welcome, my lord"
We just look at each other, he looks at me with affection and gratitude. He reach out to grab my hand but Dustin's voice stops him.
"Y/n do you copy?"
"Sorry" I tell Eddie, who just sighs.
"What a timing, Henderson" I hear him mutter.
"Yeah, I copy. What's up?" I ask grabbing the radio Dustin gave me before leaving.
"Are you coming back?"
"Steve... you know I'm a grown-up? Right?" I chuckle.
"I don't care, honey, it's dangerous and.. and" he starts.
"Stevie, Stevie.. I'm coming back soon, I promise. Calm down... jesus, you're worse than any mother" I tell him "I'm coming, bye"
And I put away the radio not waiting for an answer.
"Mommy wants you home, uh?" Eddie says.
"Apparently.." I roll my eyes.
"Okay" he says, a disappointed smile on his face.
"I'm.. I'm sorry." I look at him "I really am"
"It's cool, really, it's Harrington being a pain in the ass" he tries to laugh it off.
"Yeah" I laugh. "I'll come back as soon as I can.. I promise"
"You promise?" He asks, regaining that playful smile.
"Of course...you got my Walkman there" I say playfully, pointing at my Walkman.
"Right, gotta have to give it back at some point I guess" he chuckles.
"Definitely" I give him a smile before heading to the door.
"Wait" he says walking up to me. "Be careful out there."
He's looking at me with the sweetest smile and eyes I've ever seen. I could literally melt on the spot.
"Sure" I smile back.
I turn, open the door and walk out, before I can close the door behind me, he stops me once more.
"And.. by the way.. we were definitely flirting" he winks and closes the door.
"Oh my god" I mutter, feeling completely speechless.
"How's Eddie?" Dustin asks as soon as I enter the Wheeler's basement.
"He's... he's fine, I cheered him up and gave him my Walkman so he'll... uh.. keep his mind busy somehow" I tell him.
"You... cheered him up?" Steve looks at me surprised.
"Yeah.. I mean he was laughing at some point so.. I guess" I say looking everywhere but them.
"What did I miss? You guys are together or something?" Lucas asks, visibly confused.
"No.. no" I answer.
"We're sure Eddie has a thing for her, but she doesn't want to believe us" Dustin points out.
I just roll my eyes sitting beside Lucas and looking at what seems some old papers.
"What's this?" I ask starting to reading the titles.
"Robin and Nancy's found these articles about Victor Creel" Dustin answers.
"Okay, be honest. Uh..you guys understand any of this?" Steve questions, he was already reading one when I came in.
"Pretty straightforward" Dustin states.
"Oh straightforward, really?" Steve raises his eyebrows at him.
"What's confusing to you?" Dustin's being a know-it-all and Steve being irritated by it is my favourite thing in the world, but I try to hold back a giggle.
"So far, everyone Vecna has cursed died, except for this old Victor Creel dude Nancy found. He's the only known survivor. If anyone knows how to beat this creature, it's him" Dustin keeps explaining.
"Well... that makes sense... the killing mode is the same, according to what's written here" I comment pointing at the papers.
"Yeah, but that's assuming he was cursed, Henderson, which we don't even know. How can Vecna have existed in the '50s? It doesn't make sense" He talks to himself more than to us at this point.
"As far as we know, Eleven didn't create the Upside Down. She opened a gate to it. The Upside Down has probably been around for thousands of years. Millions. I wouldn't be surprised if it predated the dinosaurs." Dustin responds.
"Dinosaurs? What are we-"
"Okay" Lucas chimed in "but if a gate didn't exist in the '50s, how did Vecna get through?"
"And how's getting through... now?" I ask.
"And why now?" Lucas adds.
"And why then? He just pops out in the '50s, kills one family, and he's like, 'Oh I'm good'. And poof, he just disappears. Just...gone? Only to return 30 years later and start killing some random teens? No, I don't buy it." Steve rambles then exhales deeply. "Straightforward, my ass. You know, honestly, Henderson, a little humility every now and then, it wouldn't hurt you"
"Ooh mommy's mad" I mutter to Lucas, but Steve apparently heard me because he glares at me but he eventually sits down too.
I just notice.. Max sitting at a desk writing something. I don't think I could even imagine what she's thinking.
"Any idea what she's writing?" Dustin asks.
"I don't know" I whisper and Lucas only shrugs.
"Did she sleep?" I ask.
"I mean, would you?" Lucas questions back at me.
We're gonna find a way.. I know. We have to.
My thoughts are interrupted by a door violently opening and the arrival of Nancy and Robin.
"Okay so.." Nancy starts" We have a plan"
"So, thanks to Nancy's minions, we are now rock-star psychology students at the University of Notre Dame." Robin explains.
"I'm now Ruth"
"And I'm Rose"
"Nice GPA" Dustin comments looking at 'Ruth' file.
"So we called Pennhurst Asylum, told them we'd like to speak with Victor Creel for a thesis we're co-writing on paranoid schizophrenics-" Nancy explains.
"To which they said no" Robin quickly adds.
"But we landed a three o'clock with the director" Nancy continues.
"Now all we have to do is charm him and convince him to let us talk to Victor" Robin states, simply as breathing.
"Then maybe we can rid Max of this curse"
"Sounds like a plan" I say.
"About that. We've been doing our Victor Creel homework, and uh... we got some questions" Steve speaks.
"Lots of questions" Lucas adds.
"So do we. Hopefully, Victor has the answers" Nancy says with a sigh.
"Wait.. wait... wait.. wait a second. Uh... Where's mine?" Steve asks with a nervous chuckle looking around.
"Me and Nancy are going." Robin informs him.
"What? Why?" Steve is...unsurprisingly surprised he wasn't included in the plan.
"Because being three would definitely make them suspicious" Nancy say standing up and heading upstairs.
"Also, me and Nancy found out about him so.. it's fair" Robin basically mocks him.
"Wha-? C'mon.. Nance!" He starts to run upstairs to catch up on Nancy.
"What's up with him?" Robin asks me, looking at me with an amused smile.
"He has... like.. the protector syndrome.. or-" I start.
"He still has a thing for her" Dustin chimes in and I nod.
"Ooh" She realises. "Also.. How's Eddie?" She asks.
"Oh he's good, he-" I interrupt myself when I see her teasing smile. "What are you smiling at?"
"Robin!" Nancy calls for her from upstairs.
"Gotta go" and she runs upstairs too.
"Wait.. Robi-... fuck" I sigh and close my eyes in frustration.
When I feel observed, I open my eyes seeing Lucas and Dustin looking at me.
"What?" I ask them, rather annoyed.
"Oh nothing... just... I'm right" Dustin states proudly.
"What about humility?" I ask him, rhetorically.
"Well even I know Eddie has a thing for you" Lucas chimes in.
"He does not"I groan. "Guys, c'mon it's a way to distract himself. No big deal"
"You gotta start to believe someone could actually like you. You're cool, you're a badass, Y/n. You fight monsters." Dustin tries to convince me.
"Yeah but I can't say fuck off to a dickhead who's groping me" I blurt out without thinking.
Lucas looks at me apologetically, while Dustin is speechless.
"What?" He almost shouts, his jaw clenching.
"Don't worry about it, it's... it's nothing" I shake my head trying to dismiss the thing, but Dustin is not one to let something like this go this easily.
"Who was it?" He asks.
"No o-"
"Andy, from the team" Lucas cuts me off answering Dustin.
"Does Steve know?"
I shake my head.
"He just saw him insisting on taking me to a party.. and stopped him right away" I tell him.
"You didn't tell Steve what happened in the gym?" Lucas asks.
"What about the gym?"
Fuck. I didn't hear Steve coming back in the basement. Nancy and Robin must've left.
"Weren't you begging Nancy to take you with them?" I joke, trying to change the subject.
"What about the gym?" He repeats his question, more sternly and crossing his arms.
I deeply sigh, looking at Lucas giving him permission to tell Steve what happened.
"Well... there were basketball practice and she-" Lucas starts, but is cut off by Steve.
"I didn't ask you." He looks at me "what. About. The gym?"
I look down at my rings playing with them, nervously.
"Fuck.." I mutter.
"I'm listening" he says cupping his ear towards me to show me that he was, indeed, listening.
"I had to take some pictures of the team practicing, for the paper. It was going all good, I was taking the photos and all. When I was preparing the camera for the next shots... this guy approached me.. he started by asking me about the pictures, he.. uh.. he got closer, to look at the camera and he suddenly whispered some.. some.. things. When I tried to get away, he... uh.." my feel my voice breaking a little.
"He grabbed her waist holding her, he wasn't letting her go until the bell rang" Lucas finishes for me, thankfully.
"Why didn't you tell me? Is he the same guy who invited you to the party?" He asks and I nod "I thought he was just insisting the other night... I'm so sorry, honey" Steve apologies.
"Stevie, you have nothing to be sorry for" I let out a little chuckle.
"It's Andy who should apologise" Dustin says and Steve nods.
"Yeah... I know.. can we please change subject.. we got bigger shit to worry about" I look at all of them "please?" I repeat.
"Fine.. but this is not over" Steve sweetly tells me, sitting beside me.
I really hope Nancy and Robin find some answers, we need them. Now more than ever.
I really can't even think about losing Max, she's literally the sister I never had.. and I'd punch myself so hard for realising it now.
"Stop staring" I whisper at the boys.
I know they're worried sick, but staring at her won't help.
"I already know they're staring" Max all of sudden answers me.
"What, sorry?"
"You said you needed something?"
"Just hanging out"
They all try to act casual, failing miserably. I chuckle at them.
"How you think your eyes boring into the back of my head is protecting me from Vecna, I don't know" she says gathering something and standing up to walk to us.
He stops before us, the boys keep pretending to do anything else, so I playfully roll of my eye looking at her.
"You can look at me now" she tells them.
"Thank you, sorry"
"Sorry" They all say.
Max looks at the envelopes she has in her hands, and after letting out a small sigh she hends them to us.
"For you" she hands one to Dustin. "For you" one to Steve. "For you" one to me. "And, uh... For you" she hands the last one to Lucas.
"Oh, and, uh... give these to Mike, El and Will. If you can ever get a hold of them again."
Steve and Dustin start to open the letter, but Max quickly stops them.
"What are you doing. No, don't. That's not for now. Don't open it now."
"No? Okay" Dustin mutters. "I'm sorry, what is this?"
"It's, uh...it's a fail-safe. For after. If things don't work out." She says, defeat in her voice.
"Wait, whoa. Max, things are gonna work out" Lucas tries to reassure her.
"No!" She stops him "no, I don't need you to reassure me and tell me it's all gonna work out. People have been telling me that my entire life and it's almost never true. It's never true. I mean, of course this asshole curses me. Should've seen that one coming"
I can see the anger, the sadness... the fear in his voice. It breaks my heart... fuck, if we ever find this Vecna I'm gonna kill him myself.
She then goes grab the radio from the table.
"If we go to east Hawkins, will this reach Pennhurst?" She asks.
"Of course" Dustin softly says.
"Why are we talking about East Hawkins?" Steve asks alarmed.
We all share a look that Steve's ready to stop
"No, no no no no"
We all convinced Steve to drive, obviously, he can't say no to us, especially after Max's threat of suing him.
We drove to Max's trailer so she could leave her letters to her mother, but when she cane back she was scared, terrified..
She's now by Billy's grave, reading her letter to him probably. We're waiting for her by the car.
"She better hurry" Steve says, annoyed only to hide how actually worried he is.
"C'mon Steve, it's the least we could do. Help her, support her as much as we can until we find a way to save her" I tell him.
"Hopefully soon" Lucas adds.
"Hopefully soon" I nod.
My leg is bouncing, I'm biting my nails as my eyes are fixed on Max.
"All right, it's been long enough" Steve gets out of the car, walking to Max.
"Steve, just give her some time." Lucas tries to hold him back.
"I have, all right, Sinclair? I'm calling it. If she wants to get a lawyer, she can" Steve replies.
"Steve!" I call him. I look at Dustin and Lucas and go to follow Steve.
"Max! Time to giddy up. Yeah? Max?.." he says.
I catch up with him and I see him shaking Max and calling her name, but I hear no answer from her.
"What's happening?" I ask, kneeling in front of her right away. "Max!"
"It's like yesterday.. in ms Kelly's office..." I tell him, I widen my eyes. "Vecna"
"Wake up" Steve keeps trying clapping his hands to somehow catch her attention, no use.
"Fuck!" I swear. "GUYS!" I call them.
"Max, wake up! Wake up" Steve keeps repeating those words over and over hoping they might work anytime soon.
Lucas and Dustin arrive too and they too start to call Max, tell her to wake up.
Nothing works.. Nothing.
"Call Nancy and Robin! Go get them! Call Nancy and Robin! Go!" Steve screams at Dustin, who runs to the car ready to call the girls.
Let's hope they found an answer... let's Fucking hope.
"Max, Max c'mon, wake up. Wake up, please"
I feel my eyes tearing up, I can't lose her, we can't lose her.
I look over Dustin, standing on top of the car, probably to find a better signal or something.
Shit... they're not answering.
"Max! Get outta there" they keep shouting.
I can only stare at her eyes... her empty eyes.
"Max please.."
All of a sudden Dustin's back, with... Max's Walkman and cassettes...? What?
"What is this?" Lucas asks.
"What's her favourite song?" Dustin asks.
"Robin says if she liste ... it's too much to explain right now. What's her favourite song?" He shouts
I start to think of what's her favourite song.. I know I know it.
"Oh shit shit shit... I know I know... fuck" I mutter and everyone looks at me.
"I am thinking... fuck... Kate Bush...one Kate Bush song...fuck"
We look at her cassettes trying to find some of Kate Bush's songs.
I look at the list of songs.
"Cloudbusting... no.. the big sky... no shit...the morning fog... no.. Here! This one!" I hand Dustin the cassette and he immediately put it in the Walkman and put the headphones on Max.
We keep calling her name anyway, to wake her up somehow.
It seems like nothing's happening... then she starts to levitate.
Oh shit, Eddie said that is what happened to Chrissy right before... dying.
I instinctively hold Steve's hand, we don't stop calling her name, not once.
"C'mon Max" I whisper, this better fucking work.
Suddenly we hear her gasp and soon after she falls on the ground.
We all gather around her to check on her.
She's breathless, like she just stopped running. Lucas is hugging her tightly to him.
I let out a big sob and finally my tears fall down my cheeks.
"I thought we lost you" Lucas says to Max, still holding her close.
"I'm still...I'm still here" she tells him, grabbing onto him just as tightly.
"Shit" I mutter and Steve hugs me to him, rubbing my back.
"You're fine.. oh fuck you're fine" I say... well, more to make me realise that than anything.
We all stay there to catch our breath.
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marvel-sluts · 4 years
its just a nightmare
request: Peter Parker x non avenger reader where reader was taken advantage of sexually and don't know who she can turn to or open up to and wants to reach out to Peter as she secretly likes him but is afraid he won't accept her, till Peter finds out?
7. he did what to you!?
37. telling them that you love them.
- @leniram1890 (it won't let me tag you again, sorry)
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pairing: Peter Parker x reader
warnings: talk of sexual assult, nightmares, flashbacks, PTSD, swearing.
summary: you had been harbouring a crush on your best friend for a while now, but there was one thing he didn't know about you.
a/n: this one's kinda dark so you've been warned. you can always message me if you need to talk to someone about anything. hope you like it, enjoy lovlies!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
"hey y/n, do you want to stay over at mine tomorrow night?" your best friend of two years asked, snapping you out of your daze.
"what? oh yeah sure." you replied, regretting your answer as soon as the words left your lips. ever since your now ex boyfriend Jamie took advantage of you, you would have nightmares of what happened. ever since you have been coming up with excuses not to go to sleepovers, in hopes to keep what happened a secret.
its not that you don't want to tell Peter, it's that your too scared of how he will react. especially since you have a crush on him. you didn't want him to leave you.
"great! I was starting to think you were avoiding sleepovers." Peter said laughing, just as the two of you reached his locker.
"I'm not Pete, I've just been busy." you said, maybe it wasn't so bad that you accidentally said yes. you didn't want him to think you were avoiding him.
"oh okay, tomorrow at 5?" he asked, slamming his locker shut and turning to look at you.
"yep, that's fine with me." you said, plastering a fake smile on your face.
"great" Peter said, just as the bell rang. signalling the start of first lesson. "see ya at lunch y/n." Peter said, shooting you a quick smile before rushing down the corridor.
you let out a small groan before heading to class, not wanting to be late.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
you sighed softly before knocking on Peters door. normally you would be ecstatic to stay at his for the night, having pillowfights and eating as many sweets as possible. but this time you were terrified that you would wake up screaming. not to mention the fact that the last time you went over to someone's house they made you things you didn't want to do.
Peter opened the door, frowning slightly when he saw you. "damn, I thought you were the pizza guy." he said, giving you a shit eating grin.
"oh haha, very funny." you said, rolling your eyes and grinning back at him. "what pizza did you get?"
" pepperoni and your favourite." he said, standing aside to let you in.
"you know me too well." you said, setting your bag next to the door and flopping onto the sofa.
"is that y/n Pete?" May called from the kitchen.
"yeah." he called back.
"hi y/n, how are you?" May asked, appearing at the doorway.
"good thanks, you?"
"I'm alright thanks, you two are gonna have the house to yourself tonight. I'm going out with some of my girlfriends. try not to burn the building down while I'm gone." May said, smiling warmly at you.
"we won't, have fun." you said, as May began to put her coat on. she kissed Peter on the cheek and said a quick goodbye to you before rushing out into the cool spring air.
"so, what do you wanna do?" Peter asked, coming to sit on the sofa next to you.
"I dunno, we could watch star wars?" you suggested, making Peters face light up.
"okay! I'll get it set up." he said, grinning from ear to ear.
a few seconds later the door rang, you jumped up to answer and came back with armfuls of pizza. "which one are we watching?" you asked, placing the pizza on the table carefully before turning to Peter with a smile on your face.
"empire strikes back." Peter said, grinning back at you.
"the really old one with the walky things?" you asked, rolling your eyes at how many times Peter had made you sit through that movie.
"yeah, that's the one." Peter replied, pressing play on the movie and moving over slightly to make room for you to sit on the sofa next to him.
two empty pizza boxes and a couple of hours later the titles started rolling. you could feel your eyes slowly drooping shut, normally you wouldn't be so tired but because of the nightmares you've been having recently you haven't slept well in the last few weeks.
"you awake y/n?" Peter asks softly, nudging your motionless figure with his arm gently.
"just about." you respond, sitting up from where your head was resting on the arm of the sofa.
"do u want to go to bed?" Peter asked.
"no, I'm awake." you said, snapping up. you didn't want to go to bed, not if those dreams would plague your sleep, not if there was any chance Peter could find out what happened to you.
"you sure?" Peter said.
"I'm fine, I just didn't sleep well last night." you said, suddenly a pillow came flying towards you, hitting you square in the face.
"that wake you up?" Peter asked, a shit eating grin gracing his features.
"oh your on." you say, grabbing the pillow closest to you and hitting him over the head with it.
within seconds there were pillows flying everywhere. you and Peter were gasping for breath, him slumped on the sofa and you laying on the floor.
"you look like your going to pass out. come on, let's get you to bed." Peter said, getting up from his spot on the sofa and grabbing your arm, helping you up.
"okay." you said tiredly, stifling a yawn and getting to your feet with Peters help.
you quickly got changed into your pyjamas and collapsed into Peters bed, exhausted.
"move over y/n, your taking over the entire bed." Peter said, coming out of the bathroom. you groaned slightly before rolling onto your side and curling up into a ball. you really didn't want to go to sleep but you were so tired. maybe you wouldn't have the dreams tonight you thought as you drifted off to sleep.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
"y/n, y/n wake up." a voice came, ripping you from the torment that was sleep. you sat up quickly, looking around for possible dangers. "hey, your okay. I'm here." the voice came again, you whipped your head to the side, eyes blown wide. you relaxed a little upon seeing the concerned face of your best friend.
"it's just a nightmare." Peter whispered, tucking a loose strand of your hair behind your ear.
"yeah, just a nightmare." you repeated, trying trying convince yourself.
"would it help if you talked about it?" Peter asked.
"I don't think so, go back to sleep Peter." you said, sighing softly.
"do you get nightmares often?" he asked, not wanting to sleep with you still upset.
"sometimes, now please, go to sleep." you said, annoyed now.
"I'm not going to sleep without knowing that your okay." he said, reaching a hand up to rub your back, making you flinch. "y/n, are you scared of me?" Peter asked carefully, slightly hurt that you would flinch because of him.
"no, it's not you." you replied quickly, now wanting to make him feel guilty.
"has someone hurt you?" he asked "you don't have to answer." he added, not wanting to push you.
"yeah." you whispered softly, just loud enough for him to hear.
"who?" he asked, angry beyond belief that someone would even think about hurting you.
"Jamie." you mumbled.
"your dipshit of an ex? the one you dumped a few weeks ago? was that the reason you dumped him?" Peter questioned.
"yeah, thats him." you said, looking down at the sheets, tears dripping from your face. you were too scared to look at Peter, you didn't want to see the disappointment on his face.
"hey, look at me." Peter said, tilting your head up to look at him. he wiped your tears away gently. "what did he do to you."
"he, erm, he sexually assaulted me." you whispered, tears streaming down your face.
"he did what to you!?" Peter said, anger dripping from his voice.
"I'm sorry, please don't be mad at me." you said, looking down again.
"what? I'm not mad at you, why would I be mad over something someone else did?" he asked, confusion etched on his face.
"I dunno, I thought you might be." you said, still not daring to look at him.
"I'd never be mad at you for anything like that. I love you y/n." he said, before he could stop himself.
"you love me?" you said softly, looking at him with a small smile on your face.
"yeah, I love you so much. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but I will always be here for you and I will try to help you in the future." he said, a light blush coating his cheeks as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
"I love you too Pete." you whisper softly, feeling a lot better after talking to him. you knew that whatever happened you would always have Peter by your side and you would get through it together.
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
"the perfect excuse"
Summary: After Fred's death, George and Y/n lean on each other to carry on. This wasn't the most brilliant idea, though; George was pretty much in love with the girl, and Y/n— well, she had been dating Fred prior to the Battle of Hogwarts.
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Genre: angst mostly
Suggested by: @crispykittywitch
Things never go as planned: @sarcasticallywitty15 @beautyschoo1dropout @s1ut4georgeweasley @sunshineandshadowss @missmulti @weasleywh0r3s @andreaareynoso @georgeweasley19 @dianarte
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa
Warnings: language, drinking, makeout getting spicy
A/N: idk what happened here, this was not planned I'm just horny ig??? Anyway have this part that was definitely not meant to unfold like this but hey, I'm not mad, so enjoy <3
Prologue: the aftermath
Part I: sleepless nights
Part II: candy floss
Part III: shock therapy
Part IV: wrong name
Part VI: the downfall
Part VII: apart
Epilogue: I still love you
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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I checked myself in the mirror one last time before heading to the kitchen. There was no actual need of dressing up nicely, since we both would be spending New Year's Eve at the flat, but since Ginny, Ron, Harry and Hermione were coming, we decided to clean up for our guests.
"Hmm, smells good." I leaned on the doorframe, observing George finishing cooking.
"These past five months' messes paid off." He joked, grabbing a kitchen rag to clean his hands. "Can you keep an eye on it while I go get read..." He trailed off automatically when his gaze landed on me. "Woah— okay." He cleared his throat, eyes slightly widened at my outfit, and I couldn't help but enjoy a bit too much his attention. "You look really good— is that the new blouse?"
"Yup." I replied, a coy smile dancing on my lips as I stepped to him and picked the kitchen rag myself. "C'mon, go clean up nice for our guests."
It only took him a couple of minutes, since he might have had his suit ready.
"Mind lending a hand with the tie, love?" He requested, stepping into the kitchen with his attention on the shirt's cuffs which he was buttoning up.
Damn, he looked so good; it wasn't even fair.
"Y/n?" He chuckled, finally looking up.
"Uh— yeah! Sure." I threw the rag over the counter and led my hands to the tie, taking my time to make the knot; maybe I wanted an excuse to have my hands on him.
We stayed in silence until I was finished; it wasn't an awkward silence, but it wasn't comfortable either— it was, in fact, stifling.
"There you go." I more like whispered instead of talking, sliding my hands down his chest briefly. His eyebrows were knitted, trying to decipher my demeanor; his hands caught one of mines before they fell limply on my sides, and for a second, I thought he was about to do something really stupid —something I had wanted to do for the last three months—, but then the bell rang and we stepped away from each other, going to receive Ron and Hermione as if that moment hadn't happened at all.
I took a sip of my brandy as we laughed at Ron's joke, my eyes drifting to Hermione and then to Y/n's lap, where Teddy rested, giggling and blabbering nonsense at George's hand movements and funny faces.
George had confided me quite ashamed that he fancied Y/n about two years ago, but I knew the looks he gave her were of something more than a little crush, if you may.
Had I not known Y/n, I would be worried she was projecting Fred onto the younger twin, but the girl knew better than that, so when we got to experience how their domestic life unfolded during New Year's Eve, I felt nothing but happiness at the way Y/n laughed at my brother's jokes, or how she stared at him in pure adoration as he played with Tonks's and Lupin's baby.
"You're getting him waaay too exited, mate." Harry chuckled, extending his arms for Y/n to hand him the toddler. "He needs to go to sleep."
Teddy, who we had put to sleep in Y/n's room shortly after dinner, had woken up right before the New Year came to us, and, since he refused to go back to sleep, Y/n took on the task of entertaining him. George joined as soon as he witnessed Teddy's hair going rainbow-like at Y/n's actions.
"Actually, I think we all need to go to sleep." I said, leaving the glass on the table.
"Boo, you're supposed to be the youngest!" Y/n whined, earning a laughter from the rest.
"Ginny's right, though." Ron stood up and all of us followed his lead. "It's really late and I don't want mum to see us drunk when she wakes up."
"Not a good impression to make on your future mother-in-law, oi, Granger?" George's tease made Hermione's cheeks flush, murmuring an 'idiot' before giving him a hug. "Take care, all of you." He added after he and Y/n had hugged everyone goodbye.
The five of us exited the flat and apparated in the Burrow's yard in silence until Harry asked, "are they together now?"
"We don't know." I confessed with a grimace.
"Well, together or not, they're definitely fucking."
"Ronald!" Hermione exclaimed, slapping her boyfriend's arm.
"I just said what everyone else's thinking." He defended himself, and none of us could deny it.
We began to pick up the dirty plates, glasses and cutlery in order to take them to the sink and leave them there to wash them tomorrow.
"Oi, look what I found." George wiggled a firewhiskey bottle at me from the living room.
Without thinking twice, I grabbed the half empty ice cream tub I had just left over the counter, a couple of clean glasses, and I made my way to George.
"—and that was only in our... Third- no- fourth! year?" He finished the story, joining me in the giggling; I didn't doubt the story was funny, but I was sure it seemed ten times funnier because of the alcohol. "Wait- where were you back then?" He knitted his brows in confusion.
"A year below you." I laughed.
He snorted. "Below me," he took a look at his empty glass before reaching for the bottle with a laugh "hell, I wish."
I couldn't help but laugh too. "Sure you do." I wouldn't have laughed if I were sober, but then again I highly doubted he would have said that if he were sober. "Y'know- you can have me below you anytime you want, Georgie." I replied between lazy giggles, leaning on him so he would pour more firewhiskey into my glass too.
A loud snort left George, triggering one of my own. "Sure, darling." He loosened his tie and tossed it to the floor. "Why's it so hot in here?"
"Mmm... Must be 'cause of you." I threw my head back to stare at the ceiling. "Or... maybe's just the alcohol." I groaned at the feeling of my head spinning, and sat upright again to chunk the now full glass in one go. "I'm hot too."
"Oh darling... You can't even imagine how much— I mean... Every day— but tonight you look partic... particular...ly? Dashing." George was leaning back against the armchair's feet, his eyes closed, his cheeks flushed and an amused smile dancing on his lips. "Why must you be so bloody perfect?" I found myself staring a bit too much at the ginger. "There's still a conscious part of my brain that knows I shouldn't be saying this shit." An idle chuckle left his chest and one of his eyes peeked open. "I'm gonna blame the alcohol, aight?"
Right, the alcohol —The perfect excuse.
I laid my glass on the floor and got up, stumbling towards him. "Oi, careful— you don't wanna trip and fall." He laughed, steadying me with his hands as I plopped down on my knees besides him. "We won't make it to St. Mungo—" With one hand on his shoulder and one on his cheek, I went for it, cutting him mid-sentece in the process.
It was one hell of a sloppy kiss, and I was so concentrated on doing it right that I didn't even hear the moan I sent into his mouth.
What the hell are you doing?, My mind screamed.
I attempted to pull away, but I felt George's hands on my sides, clutching my clothes in his fists to tug me flush against him. I took the cue and did my best to climb onto his lap and straddle his legs without losing balance.
What we were doing felt terribly wrong, and, the morning after, we would regret this little slip so much, but in that exact moment I could only think that his lips tasted like fire whiskey, strawberry and chocolate, and that the quiet moans slipping through them between the kisses were loud enough to quiet down everything in my head.
I stopped to take a breath, resting my forehead against his; our eyes locked, pupils blown out.
Heavy pants left our lungs, as if we had just run a marathon. It felt like the kiss had made a bomb go off, one that we had unconsciously been building up those past months.
It took an instant of looking at each other to know we thought the same; we wouldn't get this opportunity ever again, so at that point, we might as well carry on and pray for it not to be too bad in the morning.
This time it was George who smashed his lips against mines, teeth clashing and tongues going in each other's mouths. The situation was escalating quick; a tad too quick, I daresay.
He cursed and mumbled something about too many clothes, proceeding to pull his shirt over his head with my help, given that he could only do so much with that amount of alcohol in his sistem.
I could do even less, though. It was proven when I first attempted to get rid of my blouse.
I struggled to unbutton it, an awkward, dizzy silence falling among us before his hands travelled to mines "Wait... Lemme..." He frowned, finding that simple task as frustratingly difficult as I did. "Bloody..." A browned off grunt left his swollen lips.
"Tear it." I mumbled, letting my hands roam over his chest.
"You sure?"
I hummed, somehow impatient. "We'll fix it tomorrow." I captured his lips once more.
We'd fix it tomorrow.
I felt his hands fisting my shirt by the cleavage before giving it a firm tug, making my gasp; I wasn't expecting all the buttons to come off in one go, given his drunken state.
I didn't even have time to discard the piece of clothing before his lips attacked my neck, shutting my brain off instantly due to the sensation.
"You want this?" He whispered in my ear, his hands going up from my thighs to my back until they reached the clasp of my bra.
Not trusting my voice, I nodded vigorously, making the world shake around me so hard that I had to shut my eyes.
I felt a feather kiss on my shoulder and his fingers unfastening the bra; he was doing his best to be smooth, which wasn't a lot, but I could tell he was trying hard.
"You're so sweet." I blurted out as his fingertips ghosted over my skin while he removed the top from my body.
He tried to reply something, but articulating kept getting harder and harder as we went deeper into it, so he gave up on words and so did I; at least until his fingers slid between my legs and started to tease me through the fabric of my remaining clothes.
"Bed." I whimpered, unconsciously rocking my hips against George's hand whilst my own travelled to his crotch, feeling his erection and consequently earning a moan from him.
"D'you think we'll make it?" He inquired, already retreating his hand briefly so we could stand up.
Soon enough we were stumbling to my room, hands all over each other, bumping against the furniture and walls due to not being able to stand upright.
When we fell on the bed and tossed the rest of our clothes to the floor, it began to dawn on me how bad this was going to be.
My head was pounding violently in my skull; that's most likely the reason why I woke up. It took a moment for the blurry memories of the previous night to flash into my mind.
"You feel... so good..."
"Fuck- George— faster, please..."
"Y/n— I'm-"
"No." I shoot up, not acknowledging that Y/n was still asleep by my side. "Fuck no. Nononono." I ignored the terrible headache caused by the hungover and, grabbing my clothes, I exited the room. "No fucking way." I kept mumbling to myself, stalking to my dorm to throw on some fresh clothes.
I sat on my bed, my hands running through my locks, bringing back the memories of Y/n's tugs on them in the process.
"What the fuck did I do." I almost choked on the sentence.
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lunarflux · 3 years
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han jisung x reader / femme o/c
genre — fluff
cafe!au pt 2
suggested background music: x
Like clockwork, Jisung switched off the lights to The Rose Room. The quaint little cafe he owned with a friend seemed to have the most solemn atmosphere just before closing, and tonight was no exception. The red glow from the streetlights danced along the freshly polished floor like a night light. It was time to lock up and head home.
Jisung polished off the last of his coffee, forever regretting how much caffeine he continuously consumed just before he had to sleep. All the part-timers had gone home for the night, and the only company left in his coffee house was the sound of flickering lights and a symphony of car horns from down the road.
Jisung had his key in the door, but in his head, he was counting down.
Ten seconds.
With a deep breath, he heard the gears click together, and right on time, there she was.
Hyacinth & Holly - that was the name of the flower shop across the way. Jisung had his routine locked down that by the time the doors had shut, you were about to walk out.
Always carrying a fresh bouquet of blue hydrangeas, there you were. Locking up your own little kingdom of hues and aromas, you turned and gave him a small wave.
This was the routine that Jisung always looked forward to at the end of the day - seeing you even if for a moment. You both always walked in opposite directions, but that simple five seconds of eye contact were enough to make him forget his fatigue.
One day, he'll talk to you.
One day.
But this is not that day.
Jisung turned his heel, knowing you'd easily turn yours away from him. The walk back to his apartment was always quiet, but lately, it was even more solemn.
Hyunjin, your last-minute roommate had moved out last week to live with his girlfriend. It was just one less person he interacted with during the day, and it was only then that he realized, he didn't really talk to that many people.
In his head, he would imagine you walking through the doors of the Rose Room.
Strawberry latte? Iced rose tea? - He would guess your favorite drinks in the hopes that one day, you'd walk in, and he could surprise you.
Hyunjin used to tease him.
"Just go over there on your break. You're never gonna know her name unless you just talk to her."
Jisung scoffed at the thought of that conversation, remembering how it took over a month for Hyunjin to confess his own feelings. Then again, the flower shop opened up a few months ago, and still he hasn't spoken to you.
One day.
Jisung walked into the Rose Room at 2:00pm.
An unfamiliar vase with two massive sunflowers sat on the bar top.
"What's this?" He picked up one of the yellow stalks and prodded it with a small smile on his face.
Jeongin continued to work on his Americano. "The girl from the shop across the street dropped it off this morning. She said someone canceled their order, and she'd already clipped the stems so it'd be a waste not to put them out."
Jisung felt the lump in his throat expand. She had been in here.
"I was gonna bring her a drink to say thanks, but I didn't ask what she liked." Jeongin slipped off his apron. "I figured an Americano would be okay -"
"I'll do it." Jisung interrupted. "But give that to the next customer, I'll make something."
Carrying a small plastic lunch bag, Jisung steadied himself. The strawberries in the sandwich he made had to stay pristine. Paired with the rose tea, he made his way over to the storefront, ready to be either rejected or welcomed.
"Hello!" A part-timer greeted, the name 'Yeji' scribbled on her name tag. "Can I help you?"
"Um -" The familiar lump in his throat was back. "Th-The girl who brought the sunflowers. Is she here?"
Yeji tilted her head, looking over to the sunflowers behind Jisung, not realizing the amount had been altered. "That might have been my boss? But she isn't here."
"Oh." Jisung was almost relieved.
"Is that for her?" Yeji motioned towards the lunch bag.
"No - I mean, yes, but -"
"She'll be back later. She only came in to help prepare an order, but she closes usually." Yeji said with a smile. "Do you want me to leave that in the back -"
"No!" Jisung nearly screamed. "I mean, no, no, I'll come back. If... that's okay?"
The surprised girl nodded quietly.
The strawberries in the sandwich got soggy and the rose tea watered down. Jisung slumped his head over the counter, still cringing from today's interaction with the girl who very well knows his crush and could easily ruin his chances.
Why am I so awkward?
Taking a deep breath, he leaned forward, peering out into the street. He didn't know if you were there. He didn't even know if he could muster up the same courage to go back.
Jisung reached for the door, tempted to just run over if only to catch you before you closed up, but before he could, you emerged.
Holding his breath, he watched as you walked outside - but not alone.
You were with someone. A guy. He patted your head, and you smiled back.
Jisung's grip on the door handle pushed the blood from his knuckles. It was too good to be true. He waited too long.
And just like that, he felt his heart drop into his stomach. He didn't even know you, yet he already felt that familiar pang of sadness and disappointment. It wasn't as if he was craving a relationship, and perhaps, he had built you up too much in his head. He didn't know your name or your favorite color. He didn't know the music you liked to listen to on your way to work or the sound of your laugh. He really didn't know anything, and seeing this solidified that thought.
You were a stranger after all.
Hyunjin and his girlfriend, the day manager left together today, but not before trying to talk Jisung out of his mood.
"You know that might not be her boyfriend," she shook her head. "Don't jump to conclusions."
"What other guy would meet up with her that late at night?" Hyunjin rolled his eyes. "If you were the closing manager, you know I'd show up to walk you home."
Jisung cringed, seeing the couple exchange loving glances.
"We're just saying not to give up. You can't wait forever."
They weren't wrong. It seemed better to try now and get rejected than to wait and wonder.
It seemed automatic now. The counting. Only now, he didn't really know what he was counting down to.
Jisung heaved a heavy sigh as he inserted his key.
"Are you closed?"
Jisung nearly stumbled down from the small ledge of the door.
There you were. Apron and purse in one hand a fresh bouquet of blue hydrangeas in the other.
"Yeah, we closed -" He cleared his throat. "We closed - I mean, we close at 9:30."
"Oh." You almost looked upset. "I'm sorry, I'm just so used to seeing you leave after ten, so I wasn't sure. I always wake up too late to come here before my shift, and you guys are always so busy.
Jisung put his key back in the lock without thinking. Opening the door, he held his breath.
"I can make you something."
You swung your legs under the seat. Jisung quietly steeped the same kind of rose tea he wanted to give to you before. Glancing over, he could see one of the last strawberry sandwiches of the day as if it had been waiting for him to reenter.
"Do you always work late?"
He heard your small voice over the counter. Walking up, you joined him so that the only thing between you was marble. Jisung nodded, setting the glass of tea and sandwich in front of you.
"Yeji told me you stopped by yesterday. I'm sorry, I missed you."
"It's fine." He could feel the cold sweat on the back of his neck. "I would have brought it later, but your boyfriend was there."
"Ex." You smiled, quietly sipping your tea with a blissful sigh he'd never seen before. "Dropping off my spare work key. I'd forgotten it when I moved out last month."
Ex. Her ex boyfriend. Of course.
"Why did you break up?"
Picking at the edges of the sandwich, you shrugged. "You know how it is. Working adults not working the same schedule. I like working the night shifts. I like closing the store. And he hated how many hydrangeas I brought home. Said it made the apartment smell too much."
"I think they're pretty. The blue ones."
As if you'd forgotten the color already, you giggled. "They're my favorite."
"Mine, too." Jisung could feel the air lessen.
"I can bring you some tomorrow if you'd like."
"That'd be nice." He smiled, genuinely for the first time in what seemed like a long time. "If you want, I could -" He caught himself.
You nodded towards him, midway through your sandwich.
Punching his leg, Jisung quietly scolded himself. "If you want... I could walk you to work. I'd like to see you - the flowers, I mean, and everything tomorrow. Y'know. Before it gets dark."
"You'd wake up early for flowers?"
"W-Well, yes, and I need to wake up earlier anyway - I drink too much caffeine at work, and I need to stop sleeping so late, and -"
"I'd like that," you beamed.
Jisung almost choked. "I'm sorry, it's just. Well. I don't even know your name."
"y/n." You poked his cheek. "All you had to do was ask."
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kiwichaeng · 3 years
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#me knowing i wont be able to read it tonight because i have two of the most important exams tomorrow 😭
My Top Posts in 2021
Kieran? Oh you mean cutter of tiny sandwiches
70 notes • Posted 2021-10-08 17:18:27 GMT
Magnus bane went from avoiding the shadowhunters to being married to the counsul and having a shadowhunter son and that's beautiful ❤️
71 notes • Posted 2021-05-28 09:55:02 GMT
My friend who is reading TMI for the first time told me Hodge is their favorite character...
They called him "lil owl man"
They told me nothing can change their mind...
I'm gonna let them find out-
90 notes • Posted 2021-07-01 15:05:39 GMT
wait a sec wait a sec wait a sec
i had a thought
so belial can't control james or y'know do all the shit (it's been a while since i read the books bear with me) if james is dead...
and if cordelia dies she won't be lilith's paladin anymore...
imagine them dying in each others' arms for a second. thank you.
91 notes • Posted 2021-09-09 00:00:41 GMT
Study sessions and Coffee Intoxications
Pairing: Malec
You can find it here on AO3
“Do you think I should have decided to take up arson instead?” Alec questioned, idly twirling his pencil. “Setting buildings on fire would be more entertaining.”
Magnus looked up from the papers spread out on his bed, alarmed. “Alec, what-”
“Think about it, I mean-”
“How much coffee have you had?” Magnus eyed the empty cups scattered on the floor and desk.
Alec blinked and looked around. “More than a little?”
Magnus sighed. They had finals in two days which meant endless nights of cramming and all-nighters for Alec, and meticulously planned schedules for Magnus.
“You picked forensic science because, and I quote, ‘if I can’t become a serial killer I might as well help the police catch them,’” Magnus said, eyeing the document open on his boyfriend’s laptop and all the books laying around. “Now you want to suddenly become an arsonist?” “I changed career paths,” Alec recited in a monotone voice making Magnus smile.
“I regret introducing you to TikTok,” He mumbled under his breath and turned back to his notes.
Five minutes passed in quite mumbling and the click-clack of Alec’s keyboard before Alec spoke up again.
“Do you think we should adopt a cat?” Alec looked at Magnus hopefully.
“Alexander honey I love you but what the fuck does that have to do with dead bodies or whatever you learn in forensics?” Magnus was started to question if they should both go outside and touch some grass even though it was freezing.
Alec glared, “You stupid English majors and your stupid essays. At least we know how to kill a man with a spoon.” After a moment of consideration, he added, “I love you too.”
“First of all, why don’t you try to write this essay instead? Second of all, you are not drinking any more coffee.” Magnus had never liked coffee much himself but his boyfriend was a different story altogether, drinking multiple cups a day, only got worse during nights like these.
Alec immediately spun around in his chair and looked at him like Magnus had just told him their hypothetical cat had just died. “But then how am I supposed to stay awake-”
Magnus sighed and got up, walking over to stand in front of Alec. His hands gently cupped Alec’s face, tracing his cheekbones. Alec looked up, his blue eyes bloodshot and tired. Magnus tilted his face up and kissed his forehead and Alec visibly relaxed, some of the tension leaving his body.
“You’re tired,” he mumbled into Alec’s hair. “Sleep, love. Just for a few hours and I promise I’ll wake you up. Then you can plan on burning all the buildings you want.”
Alec leaned forward resting his head against Magnus’ torso and hummed. They stayed like that for a few moments, one of Magnus’ hands stroking his hair and the other wrapped around Alec.
The peaceful silence was broken when Alec groaned. “Shit my stomach hurts.”
Magnus, being the good boyfriend he is, did not say ‘I told you so’ like he very much wanted to. He pulled Alec to his feet gently despite his protests.
“Alright time to get you to an actual bed before you get caffeine poisoning-” Magnus abruptly stopped and after a moment added, “Wait is that a thing?”
Alec chuckled and leaned up, his lips ghosting Magnus’.
“I’m pretty sure it is,” he said and pressed their lips together, his hands traveling up to Magnus’ face,
Magnus pulled away gently, “You’re shaking.” He took Alec’s hands in his and held them tightly. “Too much coffee is not good for you. How many times have I lectured you on that?”
“More times than I can count,” Alec laughed. He looked tired, his hair more of a mess than usual. Magnus doubted he looked any better.
He hates seeing Alec like this, going nights without sleep, depending on a drug to keep him going.
Magnus believed in a proper sleep schedule, especially during exams. Many students chose to ignore their health in favor of a grade but how can you possibly achieve a good score when your mental and physical health is at a compromise?
He had lost count of the times he had told this to Alec, but in his defense, the other boy had tried.
Magnus cleared all the books and notes off of Alec’s bed and sat him down at one corner.
“Stay here,” Magnus kissed his forehead and went to grab a water bottle and some herbal tea. Alec wouldn’t be able to go to sleep right now with all the coffee jitters. The first thing was to get rid of them. The second was to throw the coffee machine out of the window without Alec noticing
When Magnus returned, Alec was pacing and wringing his hands. His head snapped up the moment Magnus entered.
“Why is it too cold outside for a walk?”
Magnus blinked. “Because it’s...December? Now sit.” He pointed at Alec’s earlier spot. Alec did
“Here, drink this.” He handed Alec the bottle of water and watched Alec take a sip.
He narrowed his eyes. “All of it”
Alec grumbled something unintelligible and emptied the bottle.
“I’m throwing that wretched coffee machine out,” Magnus grumbled, voicing his earlier thought.
Alec’s looked at him sharply. “No you’re not-” He winced. “Head hurts.”
Magnus sighed. Coffee intoxicated Lightwoods were not the most uncommon occurrence, although Isabelle was relatively better at handling her caffeine. And the blonde kid—Mace?—preferred energy drinks. Magnus did not know if he knew how much caffeine was in them.
Magnus handed the herbal tea to Alec. “Drink.”
Alec made a face but obliged when Magnus glared at him. “You’re so mean to me.”
Magnus snorted. “I’m not the one who did this to you, darling.”
Alec finished his tea and put the cup aside. “I’m sorry. I know you have an essay to work on. I shouldn’t be keeping you fr-”
Magnus placed his lips on the other’s before he could say another word, this one longer than the first. He felt Alec sigh into the kiss, hands going to his shoulders.
“Ok get up we’re gonna get that extremely harmful drug out of your system, then you will go to sleep and I will work on my essay. Is that clear?” Magnus’ voice left no room for argument. “And no more coffee.”
Alec’s eyes widened at that. “But how am I going to-”
“We’re going to use other healthier options of staying up but only if you have to be awake ok?” Magnus looked into Alec’s blue eyes seeing himself reflected. Those eyes he loved so much dropping with exhaustion, showing just as much affection for Magnus
“Ok,” Alec whispered. “Do you promise to hold me till I fall asleep?”
Magnus smiled and kissed him again. “I promise.”
A beat passed before, “So after I wake up, which place should we start with?”
tag list (lemme know if you wanna be added/removed): @khaleesiofalicante @gayforcarstairsgirls @fandom-101 @noah-herondale-lightwood @beclynn-herondale @magnus-the-maqnificent @queenlilith43 @clumsyowl-in-a-fandom @daughter-of-night @pjo-tsc-trc-otherthingstoo @bookswitchcraftandcats @kitherondalesfreckles @elettrahere
93 notes • Posted 2021-10-22 22:18:10 GMT
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"call them and tell them you never want to see them again" from one of the prompt lists a while back (I'm sorry I forgot the title of it) with unsympathetic Patton sympathetic dark sides? If it's not to much of a bother? And you aren't swamped? Your mental health is important!!!
TW: sympathetic deceit and Remus, mentioned sympathetic Logan and Roman, abusive Patton, abusive relationship, choking, implied past abuse, implied past whipping, whip mention, pills mention (in a way that helps him), past drugging mention(not in a way that helps him), being forced to cut communication, rape, implied past rape, bruises mention, manipulation, crying, being forced to take a shower with someone, food mentions, throwing things.
AN: double speak is in italics and bold, the rape isn't explicit but you definitely know that it happened, Deceit and Remus are good pure beans and I want to protect them from everything but what else is new, also I did get the other ask you sent I just didn’t respond since I didn’t want to give anything away also, I ran out of tags so I’m sorry
"Pat. Please. I don't want to." Patton hummed quietly as he wrapped his hands around Virgil's waist. He took Virgil's hand and slipped his phone in it. The phone was cracked from getting thrown too many times and Deceit's contact was already pulled up.
Patton moved his head right next to Virgil's ear, "Call them and tell them you never want to see them again, now. This isn't a discussion Veve." He hated when he used that nickname. That was Deceit's nickname for him.
Virgil whimpered quietly as the hands around him wrapped tighter, "Patton they're my friends. I'm not gonna-"
"Right. Now. Virgil. You love me right? And you wanna stay a light side, right?" Virgil nodded his head vigorously.
"Of course Pat, but-"
"Then you can't be friends with the dark sides. They only want you to hurt Thomas, you don't want to hurt Thommy. Do you?" Patton ran his a hand through Virgil's hair. Virgil shook his head again, "then you've got to stay away from the dark sides, and that starts with a phone call. If you do it I'll give you a reward. If you don't, Hmm, well we haven't used the whip in a while," Virgil whimpered quietly and shakily clicked the call button, it took two rings for him to pick up. Patton put it on speaker
"Hey Veve, What's up?" His voice was so soft. Like he was talking to a scared child. Virgil let out a shaky breath, "Are you ok?"
"Deceit, I need to talk to you."
"It's not like we're talking right-
"I don't want to talk to you anymore, Deceit. You or Remus," he knew Deceit could feel the lie, hell he could feel it, but he had to get it out now or he was never going to, and he couldn't take another punishment this week, especially not with the whip.
"I-what- V-" his voice was so confused. God he sounded so hurt.
"I don't want to talk to you two. Ever," he could hear his voice breaking. No. He had to get through this call. He needed to get it out, he couldn't hurt Thomas.
At least that's what he told himself. Not that he'd ever admit that Patton's grip was getting too tight to breathe in, or that he was scared of him, and he would definitely never tell anyone about the bruises that were forming that almost completely covered his left side from the shoulder down. No. That wasn't it. Patton cared. Patton loved him. As long as he listened Patton wouldn't get upset again, wouldn't hurt him again.
"Vir-" whatever Deceit was saying got cut off by Virgil hitting the end button and his sobs finally breaking through. Patton pulled him towards the bed and sat Virgil in his lap just before his legs gave out. Patton was petting him, whispering in his ear, telling him how good he was like he hadn't just cut off communication with the people he'd known since he formed.
"Shhh. It's alright Veve, you have me. You have me and you're helping Thomas and," the words faded out as Virgil curled in on himself. Had he really done that? No. No. This was all a nightmare, he'd wake up tomorrow and Patton would give him a kiss on the cheek, and Deceit would pop up in random times, and Virgil would pretend to be annoyed, and Remus would-
His thoughts were knocked out of place by Patton's mouth on his neck. It felt gross and was so unwelcome, but he couldn't stop him. Virgil could feel his hands creeping around and hear Patton telling him it was time for his reward but his brain was going fuzzy and he couldn't breathe-
When Virgil's mind finally came back to the point of realizing his surroundings hours later the first thing he noticed was his lack of pants. That wasn't really a surprise given what had just happened, but at least he had been able to keep his hoodie this time. He could hear Patton's gentle snores from beside him. He closed his eyes and pushed back the tears as much as he could so he could out of bed. He crawled towards the bathroom and closed the door.
Everything hurt so, so much. He leaned his head on the bathroom door and cried. When he finally stopped he pulled himself up towards the shower and crawled in. He turned the water up as high as he could handle and just sat with his eyes closed. He was only in the shower for a few minutes before he heard the door creak open and a quiet yawn.
"Veve? Are you in here?" A few more tears slipped down his face and he was quiet for a second before he responded.
"Yes, Patton. I'm-" sharp breath. That hurt far more than it should have. Was his voice really that bad now, "I'm in the shower." Stupid, that was obvious. Where else would he be? He heard Patton move around and hum for a minute before the shower curtain opened and he felt Patton step in behind him.
"What are you doing on the floor silly? All of the stuff is up here," how do you respond to that? 'Oh yeah I'm not sure if I could hold my own weight because it hurts to move and it was a struggle to get into the tub, let alone stand to clean myself up.' No, idiots would say that.
"I'm- I'm a little sore. It hurts to stand," that was so stupid. Little? He felt like he'd been hit by a truck. "I just- I needed to get my strength up a little bit is all."
"Oh Veve. I wish you would've woken me up. I could've helped. Here, I'll clean you up now and then I'll go make some breakfast and bring you some, alright?" Virgil nodded despite wishing he could be alone instead. Patton wasn't paying attention anyway, already getting the shampoo and conditioner and body wash. He set it all behind Virgil and moved him up a little so he could sit down behind him.
When Patton had finally finished and come back with clothes for Virgil to get into and helped him get back into bed, he went downstairs. Virgil had curled into a ball and decided to try and sleep until Patton came back, which was probably going to be awhile since the others were probably awake now and dealing with the mess he had made yesterday.
Virgil woke up to the sound of the door slamming into the frame and a fuming Patton starting to throw stuff around the room. He could make out a few mumbled words coming from him, but it wasn't much, vague mentions of Deceit and Remus, the phone call, very few details could actually be made out. When Patton turned his attention to Virgil he felt his blood run cold.
He looked like he was going to kill him. His eyes were filled with fire and he started to walk towards Virgil. Virgil didn't know what he did, he didn't know what to do to fix the situation and since he is fight or flight he decided to opt for the latter and ran. He ran past Patton to the door and tried to open it, he could hear others on the other side of the door though. He pounded on it in an attempt to get their attention. He couldn't stay with Patton right now, he was far too upset and Virgil didn't know how to fix it.
He felt a hand pull him back from the door and himself slamming into the wall. He could feel a hand around his neck, but strangely enough he couldn't see who it connected to. He couldn't see anything. He couldn't see and now he couldn't breathe and now he was going to die for something he doesn't know he did and trying to keep Patton happy was a waste and he could hear the others pounding on the door but he couldn't get to them and-
Virgil's head hurt. It was dark now, when had he fallen asleep? Hadn't he just been with Patton? Certainly he hadn't fallen asleep while Patton was still awake, because he could distinctly remember talking to Patton, and Patton throwing things... and Patton putting his hands around Virgil's neck.
Virgil shot up as what happened hit him, immediately regretting it when the pain hit him just as quickly. He let out a groan and looked around. This definitely wasn't Patton's room. This was the living room. When did he get to the dark sides living room?
"Virgil? You're not ok!" Deceit? When did Deceit get here? Hadn't he cut contact for Patton? Where was Patton? He was going to be upset, wasn't he? Virgil was trying so hard and then everyone else had to ruin it by taking him away! "Virgil? Virgil, hey, I don't need you to breathe for me. Please don't match my breathing. Don't breathe in for four and don't hold for seven and don't breathe out for eight. Don't do any of that for me." Virgil was listening, of course he was, he didn't want to make Deceit mad like he had Patton. He was the reason Patton was upset right? Of course he was, why else would Patt punish him? He could feel deceit wrapping his arms around him just like Patton had...
Virgil shoved him away at the association. No, Deceit wasn't like that! He wouldn't do that! "Virgil! Virgil! Hey! It's not ok, i will touch you. I don't want you to be comfortable." He held his hands up and moved off the couch. He sat on the ground and continued to hold his hands up. "Please just don't keep the breathing pattern. You can pass out again. It is healthy. It won't hurt you more," Virgil saw movement out of the corner of his eye.
He turned around and found half of creativity watching from the side of the room. Deceit obviously hadn't noticed him until Virgil had either because he started to try to calm Virgil down in case he panicked again. "It's not ok, it's not just Remus. Can he come over here?" Why was he asking? Couldn't he just come over?
Remus looked about as scared as being to sudden as Deceit. He felt the same too. He didn't want to scare Virgil. Once Virgil nodded he slowly stepped over so he had time to change his mind and held his hands up in the same way. He sat down in front of him and for a minute they all just stared at each other. When someone finally spoke it was, surprisingly, Virgil.
"What happened? Why am I down here? Where's Patton?"
Remus was the one to respond, in a surprisingly gentle way, "Patton," he definitely didn't miss the obvious cringe Virgil made at his name, "was hurting you when we got there. We could hear yelling and banging, so we all went up to investigate. We could hear you screaming and we had to break his door to get in. He had- had his hand around your neck and you were unconscious. You're down here because you heal faster and Roman and Logan thought it would be best if you woke up somewhere you didn't associate with him. The devil himself is currently locked in the subconscious. We weren't completely sure what to do so we put him in there to get him away from you."
Deceit and Remus were looking at Virgil before deceit summoned a plate. It had some food on it, but not too much. "Please don't eat this, you haven't been out for nearly a day." He set it next to Virgil who eyed it nervously. He didn't want to upset them by not eating it, but what if they put something in it like Patton does? "There is something in it. We won't both try it if that will get you to eat it." Virgil sighed and picked it up. He took a bite.
He finished the food as quickly as he could, which wasn't very fast, it couldn't be when every movement felt like something was stabbing you. When he finished Deceit got some pills that Logan had given him for the pain. The pills also happened to make him drowsy, but he had been warned about that.
When deceit asked him if he wanted to sleep in his old room Virgil was surprised to find that it was still in the same condition as when he left it nearly three years ago. The only difference he could tell was that the bed had clearly been used recently, but that wasn't a cause for concern really, they used to fall asleep together plenty while watching movies, it only seemed fitting they still would. Deceit had to carry him since the second he stood he would have hit the ground if Remus hadn't caught him. Deceit asked if they could stay to watch over him and make sure that Patton hadn't found a way here. Virgil agreed and fell asleep after about an hour of staring at the ceiling. It was strange not having Patton there.
///2200 words. So this ending was bad, but I liked the way the rest came out. What did you think? I hope you liked it! Also, if I do get swamped with asks I will probably turn them off. I promise you that you won’t bother me with asks. And thank you for caring about my mental health
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