#i'm heavily on this brainrot right now and i really want to get all my pieces in order to write the DN bonding and intimacy properly lol
monbon-sidedish · 2 years
Danero and their family baggage
I’m trying to plan out a fic where Dante and Nero get around to talking about some personal stuff and on that note, the way each of them would feel about their families would be interesting to look at. 
And here’s the main conflict. Dante has biological family he knew and loved and lost so early in life and never got to knew them. Now he has Vergil again, but undoubtedly, it’s not that seamless for the twins to cohabitate, especially at this age where Dante has lived through so much and Vergil has spent nearly his entire life in survival mode. Nero is a little different in the sense that he's also lost his adoptive parents early on, but he got to grow up with Credo and Kyrie. And through his own losses, I think he'd be able to lend Dante a lot of sympathy.
On one hand, everyone knows Dante and Vergil are sort of obsessed with each other. But see, they’ve spent more years of their lives apart than being together. Which surely is a massive deal once all the fighting is done and the dust has settled. Just in this sense of ‘who are we, as people, really’. Vergil is a little simpler to get, just because he’s very straighforward and one-track-minded. He’d probably end up feeling a little lost, but he hasn’t spent the past 20 years of his life grieving a family member whom he’d thought he killed. By virtue of being in a sort of ‘crumbling existence coma’ or whatever, Vergil never has to stew in the consequences of his actions. 
But Dante does. Dante has spent his entire youth torn up about losing Eva and Vergil, has spent his early adolescense finding and fighting with Vergil on and off, going their own way in a rather unpleasant way, he loses him, has another ten years of grieving thinking Vergil is dead, only to find him and realize he’s basically become a zombie, has to kill him, again, then has to live with that feeling for another decade or more.
After all of this, they’re reunited and presumably will just live together under the same roof (i mean, i ship DV too so, you know, more than just living together too lol). But with all said and done, do they even know each other as people. Funnily enough, Vergil hasn’t changed that much between 3 and 5 (because he was in a coma or something I persume), but Dante has gone through so much living, there has to be a massive difference between the Dante Vergil has known and sees in his head, and the one sitting next to him on the couch. They’re not total strangers, of course, they have their rapport and chemistry. But while at first it might feel to them as if nothing’s changed in 30 years and they can act as if they were still 8-9 just yesterday, the reality would hit them fast. 
Nero's deal, meanwhile, is that his family was chipped away from him a little at a time. He has memories of his adoptive parents that definitely result in that same grief and regret Dante has about not being able to save them. He got to live with Credo a lot longer, and in a way they were closer than the twins ever were, which in turn makes their falling out all the worse.
So with that in mind, I want Dante in this scenario to be confused about Vergil in his life, because it's almost like he doesn't know him at all, and Vergil knows him even less. Still, whule he has no idea how to approach the situation, he dreads to think of being separated again. And an ugly part of him probably thinks it was easier when he believed Vergil to be dead because it was final, easy to process by himself, and didn't involve working through two people's poor communication skills. It’s a great way for Dante to harbour even more guilt, which is always very fun.
Quite frankly, Nero handling this sort of thing well is a bit of a stretch because he’s also a massive disaster. He mostly sees Dante as someone who should have it more together than him. And, in a way, this sort of confession from Dante could just piss him off. But I want to imagine this moment as an olive branch between them, Nero realizing him and Dante have a lot in common emotionally, way beyond just being physically related. I don’t think Nero would be able to give good advice on grief and loss, but he’d end up feeling for Dante, if anything. 
I think both of them being able to say they’re having a hard time with personal loss, so maybe, possibly, it might be good for them in they relied on each other more than Dante avoiding Nero and only ever sending him a neon sign in the mail one time (totally not personally salty about that). 
I just love the idea of them figuring out they have common ground, looking beyond their pride, and finding a little comfort together.
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lastoneout · 7 months
New Pinned/Intro Post!
Hi, I'm Loo(or Alex), I'm a disabled queer artist and writer as well as a furry vtuber who streams four days a week on twitch(mostly Minecraft but also Soulsborne games and a variety of other stuff).
You may know me from The Tuna Post, in which several thousand of you came together to "force" me to buy damn near 30 American Dollars worth of imported fancy canned tuna to eat and review live on stream. If you're here for it, said live review can be found on twitch and on my youtube channel. TL;DR: 10/10 would recommend.
I currently can't work, so if you like what I've got going on here and want to help me out, I take donations over on my ko-fi <3 Aside from that, follows on twitch help a lot, even if you never end up watching!
(Also, I sell my twitch emotes as stickers on redbubble!)
I don't have a proper BYF, but as a heads up I'm heavily introverted and have ADHD, and between those and my disabilities eating up my energy I often take a while to respond to messages/tags/reblogs/DMs and sometimes forget entirely. This isn't anything against you, and it's something I'm working on, but just something to keep in mind if you plan on interacting with me a lot.
Do you take commissions?
Not at the moment, but hopefully in the future!
What do you use for art?
Wacom Intuos tablet + Clip Studio Paint on the PC, though these days I mostly use CSP on a Samsung Galaxy Tab s6 since I can use it in bed on my low spoons days.
What do you want to go to school for?
Digital Art and American Sign Language!
You talk about being sick all the time/having health problems, what's wrong with you?
Too many things to list <3 but the most notable ones are chronic migraines, hEDS, and ADHD.
I'm ace, bisexual, bigender, and butch. I'm also polyam but currently in a very happy monogamous relationship and don't have plans to change that. My pronouns are she/they, and while I would prefer to not have people use he/him with me you are highly encouraged to use masculine forms of address(sir, guy, dude, king, man, my guy, grandpa, dad, etc.) whenever appropriate. My assigned sex/gender at birth is none of your business.
Who's Yotsuba?
Yotsuba is an adorable little gremlin and the main character of my favorite manga, Yotsuba &!, and you should go read it right now seriously it's amazing go read it go read it GO READ IT-
What's "ask to tag"?
The tumblr equivalent of "author chose not to use archive warnings", I put it on anything that seems like it could use a trigger warning but where no one has specifically asked me to tag for that trigger yet. Things I currently (try to) tag for: flashing lights/eyestrain, insects, suicide, fatphobia/diet culture/disordered eating, my hero academia, gore/body horror, current events, us politics, politics, covid, cats, and anything nsfw goes under nsft.
I can't promise to be 100% consistent with these tho, between the ADHD and the migraines I am very forgetful, so slip ups are bound to happen.
Loo? Like the bathroom??
LOO is short for LastOneOut, I'm american and forgot people call it that, you can write it as Lou or just call me Alex if it makes you feel better.
LookingForLoo?? Like looking for the bathroom??
On websites where LastOneOut is taken I'm LookingForLoo because I'm literally looking for LOO, LastOneOut. I thought it was clever T_T
I have a nsfw alt @looafterdark (18+ only I swear to god I keep a loaded gun pointed at the follow list) and a writing inspo blog @last-scrapbook. I also once ran a couple of character ask blogs, though I don't plan on starting them up again, and I was the mod behind @pokeprofshowdown.
Who's Eugene/Ophelia/Sasha?
My ocs from an original story I'm working on. I get brainrot and post about them a lot. You are ALWAYS allowed to ask me about them!
What's your fursona/can I make art of you?
I'm a dog, kinda like a papillion but not really, and yes you may. My ref sheet is here.
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Can I repost your funny text posts to twitter/insta/reddit?
Sure, all I ask is that you include the entire post and leave my username visible. You can also tag me if you want, I'm lookingforloo on twitter, insta, and reddit <3
Can I repost your art/writing?
Absolutely not.
Can I plug your art or writing into an AI program?
Absolutely not under any fucking circumstances.
Can I use your art in an amv/fandom board/as a cover for my playlist or fic/ect.?
Depends, DM me first.
Can I write fic/make fanart based on your fics/art/HCs/AUs?
Absolutely <3
Can I write fic/make fanart based on your OCs?
Art yes, fics no.
What's your stance on the discourse?
There is no amount of posting online about contentious topics that could ever match the sheer power of simply going out into your community and finding a project that helps other people that you can dedicate your time and energy to. Also wear a mask, vote(if you can), and listen to marginalized people when they speak about their experiences.
How old are you?
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I'm in a fandom with a lot of virulent antis (surprise surprise, it's heavily dark source material and I don't know why they're here at all) and a lot of the pairings that aren't the main badwrong ship on ao3 now have DNI tags on them for shippers of the badwrong ship. I guess not enough to break the TOS (no direct threats?), but still full of stuff like "x shippers DNI", "get help you freaks", "You're disgusting" etc etc.
Its just... so frustrating. Like that's a pretty red flag for me that a fic probably is going to be in an immature writing style so I probably won't read it anyway, but every time I see it I just.... heave a big sigh. Why these people are in this fandom or on Ao3 at all I'll never know. Its not even helpful - the tags are there to help describe the fic, if I didn't want to see that kind of content I could just... avoid content that's tagged that way. Why even add that to a fic that's not even about those characters at all?
Honestly, my real question is.... Olderthannetfic, how do you do it?
I feel like I do it "right", in fandom, or at least I try. I always just block and move on. I don't follow the discourse where I can help it and block a lot of the relevant tags. I keep to a small circle of folks that have the same fun brainrot I do and have fun, generally. But this kind of stuff still slips through the cracks in a way that's unavoidable if you're ever online at all. To be honest, it still hurts a lot to see each time, and be reminded that some people seem to literally want me dead over reading a story. And I can't help the doubt and the self-flagellation that creeps in. Despite my best efforts, and all my research, and living to the ripe rip van winkle tumblr fandom spinster age of 27... I sometimes have a moment where I think, maybe I really am a freak or a degenerate, or an evil predator waiting to bloom.
Do you ever experience this? Does this feeling ever go away, or at least dull to a more bearable exasperated eye roll? Do you ever see these anti idiots grow up or grow out of this mindset? Is it just a matter of time, age or experience? Is there a point at which you felt like it affected you less, or perhaps it didn't affect you like that at all? Is there a secret to navigating it calmly and with confidence? Do you have any advice to give in the, er, art of not giving a fuck?
Why would I quail at a stupid child on the internet after coming out as queer when I was 14 in the 90s?
I grew up with very open-minded, supportive family aside from my mother's conviction that BDSM was something people were into because they'd been abused. Even then, I remember privately snickering because I was super kinky, and wouldn't that upset her given this silly world view?
I had it easy compared to most in the 90s, but I still saw a lot of nonsense, like good old Mom on the topic of kink or murders in the media. But I also spent a lot of time reading educational sexuality books that debunked myths about fantasies and kinkiness.
Maybe a firmer grounding in sexuality stuff would help you? Nancy Friday's work on women's fantasies is a common starting point. I'm partial to The Topping Book, which is full of "it's great to be a top, actually" and not "you only do it for the sub".
Getting older does usually help though. Most 20-somethings are insecure in their sense of self. Middle age is when people's fucks generally run out, and that only continues to grow. Watch a stupid child go after some 60-something zine writer lady. She's going to laugh in their faces. Some people remain insecure forever, I suppose, but not anybody who had to woman up to be in fandom in the first place.
It's not just that these little idiots are wrong about us being predators: it's that they are the morally degenerate ones for spreading the psychological equivalent of "vaccines cause autism" or "Jews want to steal your Christian babies".
This idea that The Bad People are infiltrating our minds with their propaganda overlaps heavily with anti-semitic conspiracy theory right wing fundie nutjob ideas, and yet these young fools claim to be pro-queer and pro-civil rights. They're an embarrassment to any progressive movement and it disgusts me.
When someone goes "You're not a Christian, so you're going to hell", do you have a moment when you wonder?
Because that's the level of absurdity here.
Even if they don't bully, even if they don't include threats in their DNIs, the fact that they're spreading myths about sexuality that have been thoroughly debunked many times means they're doing something unethical, anti-intellectual, and anti-science.
I'm not afraid or guilty. I'm embarrassed for them.
Do antis grow out of it? Yes, frequently.
They are—either literally or functionally—victims of right wing Christian cults. They have the same trajectory of realizing they've been had and slowly trying to work through the raging guilt and religious trauma.
I have limited patience but some sympathy. Like other victims who were indoctrinated to hurt people, escaping the cult is hard. It means not only giving up your false sense of safety and all of your friends but facing what you've done.
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Cyno passing out from illness situations that got me goin brrrrr
he’s been sick for only a day or so, but I’m imagining it’s horrific food poisoning. Maybe his go too restaurant has finally failed him. Regardless Both ends, and both ends a lot. It’s a wonder he still has so much in him kinda wonder like how is he still getting sick?? So he’s dealing with that, and per his and Tighnaries agreement when it hits late at night he wakes nari up. Tells him he feels like death, can hardly talk around the nausea. And while he knows he isn’t bout to puke he does know he doesn’t have long till he needs the bathroom anyways. He rushes off and the cycle begins. Now, I’m imagining later, after a few rounds of illness if your choice, nari is up trying to find something he can take to help calm his stomach. Cyno then comes *wobbling* out of the bathroom and in a full daze seems nari out in the kitchen. Hunched over, and shivering. Maybe Cyno mumbles something to him and as nari turns around he sees Cyno- his brown skin gone practically grey- and sees him DROP to the floor.
tighnari is fast, he does to grab him but not before dropping the tea or whatever he was holding, and maybe Tighnari gets hurt too. A cut or a burn or something that requires attention later 100% plus his anxiety is through the roof cuz holy hell normally he can catch it when cyno is looking pale.. but it’s late at night and the sickness came on sooo fast, and neither of them are awake enough to navigate this normally. And now Tighnari has a passed out boyfriend, a broken mug and an injury to deal with. What does he address first? How does Cyno end up coming around and how does he deal with knowing how much chaos nari had to deal with all on his own? I feel like in the end Cyno would try hard to reassure and calm nari down despite being sick, because frankly Tighnari was * scared *
also I think cyno trying to comfort Tighnari while still in the recovery position and still feeling wretched is both really endearing and kinda funny
This actually feeds heavily into my brainrot, because even though I'm in more of Lyney mood right now, I have been brainstorming for the next Cynonari fic on my list 👀
Okay I'm absolutely in love with this. First of all, yes to that scenario, I'm really craving a severe sickfic. Like give me a character that borderline has to consider the ER because they're that sick. And of course poor Cyno is a brilliant candidate, because he always is! (I'm so sorry Cyno, I really enjoy making you miserable in my writing)
I've also been thinking a lot more about the whole "Cyno gets light-headed when he throws up" thing, so your timing is brilliant with this ask.
I'm envisioning this already.
Cyno is approaching, his legs like jelly beneath him. Tighnari hears his footsteps and hears him say something, and he's opening his mouth to tell Cyno he shouldn't have come looking for him, he would have been right back- only before he can make a sound he locks eyes with Cyno and sees just how horrific he looks. And it's like everything goes into slow motion because suddenly Cyno's knees are buckling and Tighnari sees his eyes start to roll back, and he just throws down whatever he's holding and sprints to catch Cyno. He catches Cyno in time but his own balance is thrown off and he basically goes down with Cyno, but it's okay, he stopped Cyno from getting hurt or knocking his head on anything.
I can see Tighnari remaining calm on the outside, but on the inside he's panicking. When all is said and done later and he finally gets to breath, I imagine him just sliding down to the floor somewhere with his back against the wall and breaking down into silent tears because he can't remember the last time he was this stressed out and worried over Cyno.
Also that image of Cyno trying to comfort Tighnari while he's still in the recovery position pale as a ghost,,, I can't decide if I want to cry or laugh at that 😭 That is really sweet and loving and wholesome, but Cyno you really are in no state to be doing the comforting
Damn I love this idea, I might need to work it into the last Cynonari Novemetober fic??
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G-witch AU Infodump
Enabled by @werewolfcoochie @marchdancer @sharpdistances @germanpillow @kallista-dragonsoul and @iwantthatdickgrayson here is me infodumping about random shit in my G-witch AU:
After being rescued by Ellyus, El4n takes on a new name and identity— one he would choose for himself— though Shin Sei doesn't quite have the means necessary to turn his face into something else, nor does he remember what his original face is supposed to look like anyways.
Anyways, his new name is Nary, bc “nary” means “nothing, none” and he's basically someone who has nothing, starting from scratch with a clean slate and even before that he had nothing. Also it's a reference to @stil-lindigo 's fantastic poem-comic here and @telamont 's fic may the little garden where you smile, last forever since I read both of them at roughly within the same timeframe and they double-teamed up on me in terms of brainrot. I am not sorry for this.
I'm still struggling over his new surname however, though Frey is a temporary placeholder— as a reference to the goddess Frigg whose divine domains included clairvoyance and prophecy, and though Nary himself is no prophet his love interest is so hmmm. Does Ellyus count as an Odin figure? I'm not well-versed with Norse mythology. (what El definitely is is a trickster/prophet/fey type character)
Shin Sei in this AU is comprised of the friends and families of the slaughtered Vanadis researchers who want justice/vengeance for their fallen loved ones— and so support Prospera in her schemes. There's also mercurian folk in there but yeah.
Ellyus gets his mother and Shin Sei to fake/develop a new identity and backstory for Nary/El4n. It's up to him whether he comes back to Asticassia but I like to think he does.
He dyes his hair the same colour as the woman who's presumably his mother, the lady with the birthday cake? Yeah? The same brown.
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He still wears soft earrings bc this analysis of El4n's gender thing lives in my head rent-free. He also wears a lot more feminine clothing because he can. (EDIT: added the link that I forgot to add bc fucking hell I knew I was forgetting smth)
He has a new hairstyle. I actually have a design in mind but since I can't draw right now... lemme dig up my gallery in hopes that there's something that looks like it—
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(I'm not sure if I could share these, as far as I could track these were drawn by the original artist of the comic this character is from, I eventually seek to replace these w my own drawings when I can.)
He probably ends up taking the surname of some Shin Sei employee, though argh, it fucking pains me that we know practically nothing about Shin Sei!! Who's Godoy and what does he even do?!
The Plant Quetta attack does not happen. There will be another attack to replace it, alright, but it's been moved down the timeline. I don't know when it'll be or by whom, but it happens on Earth, while Ellyus is there. Why is he there? Dunno, probably some GUND-ARM related reason. He's one of the main mechanics of Aerial after all, and someone who's heavily involved in the production of GUND-prosthetics.
Speaking of Ellyus' engineering work, Shin Sei did develop the drone technology Prospera mentions in the witch trial— it's just that Ellyus is the one who created it. Maybe he could also be present in the trial room? His presence wouldn't really help against Delling but hey, it's the thought that counts. Besides, he (and we the audience) already knows Miorine will come to save the day.
Delling is fucking dead. No mercy for the fucker, he probably dies in the same attack that lethally wounded Ellyus? Or perhaps after that, in another incident. Vim Jeturk is accused of the murder, and subsequently silenced by Prospera and/or Shaddiq.
Shaddiq takes the presidency. Ellyus left behind pre-recorded video messages tailored to each recipient, he sat down and recorded them before he died, set to automatically be sent to the ppl he wants in the Know after his funeral, and Shaddiq and El4n's messages include the entire backstory, basically, and so Shaddiq knows about Quiet Zero and who it's for. He seeks out Prospera and basically proposes an alliance— much of their goals align, he can use QZ's might to strong-arm favorable negotiations for Earth, he knows who QZ's for and realizes that Ellyus can be “alive/free” again like Ericht since he's deduced that the night Ellyus went missing from his hospital room and came back dead was actually him being uploaded into a GUND-bit.
(It's part of Ellyus' machinations, to protect Miorine from Prospera, to bridge Shaddiq to a strong ally who shares a lot of his goals, and... yeah. Fuck Spacians, this alliance is gon be a bulldozer.)
Shaddiq does not ally with Peil.
Peil will meet a karmic end. I don't know how yet, but El4n and El5n are involved. Anyways, that'll probably happen during or after the struggle for the Benerit Group presidency.
Guel actually learns something beyond “daddy good”, dammit.
Miorine and Prospera have a... complex, shall we say, relationship. Prospera holds back from roping her into revenge unlike in canon— mostly because of Ellyus' pleas to not let GUND-ARM be ruined/soaked in blood, partly because Miorine is the one who resurrected and kept true to GUND's ideals of medical research and stuff. Prospera hates her bc well, Delling's daughter, but on the other hand... a successor of sorts to carrying the GUND research torch. Miorine doesn't trust her, no, buuuut she still can't deny that together w Shaddiq they're... actually doing decent work. (Again, unlike in canon LOL)
Suletta's off to the side having her own Identity Journey. The video message to her also explains her origins and everything, so she now knows she's a repli-child. I don't know what I'll do with the journey proper but I want the eventual outcome to be: “I am not Ericht, I was never a Samaya and that's just fine. I'm Suletta, and the name Mercury is mine in a way it isn't for mom. I still love you, mom, Aerial/Eri too, but I am a Mercury and I'm proud of that. I still love you but I'm me and you're not my entire world.” kinda deal. Basically, independence, loving her family on her own terms.
No Plant Quetta means no tomato paste and no divorce! Huzzah! (I mean, another attack still happens but due to Ellyus' and Miorine + Earth House's influence Suletta focuses more on disaster relief and evacuation and stuff.)
Adding a new layer to Ellyus' non-linear time thing (I've posted about it, I've linked to it before in another post, it can be found in his character tag), he's allowed to make phone calls to One (1) person in the past. That person happens to be Jeru Ogul, aka Shaddiq's child self, way before he's learnt to put up barriers around his heart.
(Ellyus was never meant to be human. If the G-witch cast proper is comprised of 3D beings and us the audience 4D, he'd be like, 3.5D. That's why he's allowed time shenanigans by me. Only as far as I allow it, though. He's a plot device, a robot w its guts exposed. I have also posted about this before. I won't link to it here bc well, I already have before and ppl didn't seem all too interested in the makings and structure of his character. Meta-narrative fuckery ftw.)
The calls are sporadic, but kid Jeru comes to hold this mysterious friend person in the phone very dear to his heart. Their non-judegmental and gentle encouragement was one of the things that kept him going in those days.
He's buried the memory now, in the deepest layers of his heart, under twenty vaults, along with the tender hurt and angry child self that was Jeru Ogul and everything that it represents. It fuels him, it's his impetus, but it's hidden, carefully so.
It's a surprise to the both of them when they find out.
(basically, Doylist reason was that I needed a narrative tool strong enough to break through his walls and allow him to be changed for the better, to stop having tunnel-vision, and Ellyus became the narrative device responsible for that task)
This development allowed for Shaddiq to be more proactive and open. To the point he might actually ask for Miorine's support/help during the competition for the presidency. I'm still contemplating it.
I don't know what I'll do with Dawn of Fold yet.
Not the Space Assembly League, really.
Somebody help.
Well, that's it for this episode of info-dumping! Thank you for enabling me, I was afraid to do it bc it's disheartening to scream your heart out into the void and have no response.
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umemiyan · 6 months
Hiii robin! If you're cool with it, I wanted to ask, is there a certain moment with your selfships when you realize you ship with them, or is it a slow process that just kinda happens?
hi romy!!!! ❤️
tbh it kinda depends and i'm not always totally sure LMAO i'm a little all over the place with it. like a lot of the time i have a hard time deciding and i'm trying to create a classification system in my head akfjofijwe tho it probably shouldn't be that deep my brain just loves to cling to systematization and gets frustrated when it can't properly execute it lmfao. but anyways i shall try my best collect my thoughts and describe how i perceive my tendencies!!
i'll put it below the cut bc i always ramble lolol
there are definitely some ships where it was more of a slow progression and i had to eventually be like "yeah okay this is what it is" because it was getting to the point where they weren't going to leave. i could easily envision more in-depth scenarios between them and myself and/or lore that just seemed to naturally spring up and i just kept thinking about them all the time.
i'd say megumi is a good example of the slow-burn. he honestly wasn't the kind of character that heavily struck me when i first watched the anime and started reading the manga; in fact, i recall being like "oh great, another little hateful emo boy" LOL (historically they're not usually the type i'm drawn to). but i got to know his character better over time and realized that like. damn. i have rather intense feelings about this guy adjewoijfwof
toji and jean were a bit more on the "slower" side of development as well i suppose. and not "slow" in the sense it took several months or years or anything (i've only been self-shipping for about a year) but it was something i had to ease into a bit more i guess.
i actually hated toji at first but then the daddy issues kicked into overdrive and i eventually started catching feelings LMFAO and jean was my first self-ship ever. he's the first one where i felt comfortable enough to imagine myself with someone like that <3 i hadn't really truly done anything like that in years, but i loved his character so much that i was starting to actually insert myself in reader stuff rather than completely detaching like i used to. i could see myself with him.
suga, on the other hand, was the kind that hit me like a freight train. maybe it's because i'm more comfortable with self-shipping now, but it was easier for me to realize it and take it to self-ship level pretty quickly. not only was i obsessed with him from pretty much the first fucking moment, but the subsequent relationship daydreams have been insane LOL i mean i gave it a little bit of time because i hate the idea of being overly impulsive and irrational due to infatuation but uh. i fucking love him lmao
katsuki is..... *sigh* idk. he also kind of hit me like a freight train, at least with the daydream scenarios and whatnot, and i was hoping and praying it was just a phase (still kind of am) but i guess i've sort of accepted that it's not. or it's at least a longer-lasting phase than most lol idk. but i can't stop thinking about him and i'd rather just go ahead and call it a self-ship instead of continuing to try and wait it out or deny it. the brainrot is bad
ANYWAYS sorry for being unable to shut the fuck up as per usual lmfao but yeah!!! i tried to give some examples of how this shit works in my mind. right now i guess i'm sort of organizing things by how regularly/consistently i think about a character over time and with what degree of ease i imagine myself with them in several scenarios, but this is by no means the sort of parameters i think everyone should use when it comes to this. people should do whatever the fuck they want i just take shit too seriously sometimes and wish i could be more chill actually instead of trying to create a classification system for everything in my brain 😃 but here we are
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cruscribbles · 8 months
okay so, there are a few brainrot ideas of a jjk × hp crossover that are currently occupying my head so i'll just dump right here before i forget (just in case i either want to actually write this myself or if someone wants to write it— please go ahead!)
for now, these are all gojo-centric because he's a little shit and i love him for it <33
[ p. s. as you can see, i am too lazy and demotivated to cook my own food /hj ]
1. gojo (ends up in the hp world and) goes to hogwarts :
a. as a student - okay, this is probably going to be a bit hard to pull off, considering the man is literally almost 30, but hear me out
i could see him in either the hp generation or the marauders generation (but mostly the former)
could be an age regression thing where he gets bombarded with a curse that propels him into the hp world and for some reason he's back to his younger self (child or teen, who knows, just as long as he's around the same age as the protagonists of that era)
or maybe an exchange student program (au where jjk sorcerers and hp wizards both coexist in the same world) so maybe when he's 15-16 he's a "spy" trying to learn things from the wizard side of things?
clashes heads with harry AND draco from time to time; harry because of their different morals and draco because he probably pokes fun at him
come to think of it, who WOULDN'T gojo beef with actually
the student teachers think is gonna fail because he looks so uncaring and aloof and then proceeds to be one of (if not) the top scorers on the board
probably bothers snape constantly in his office (and probably also gets detention from time to time for being so annoying to him)
minerva also being irritated on the outside but also heartwrench on the inside because he lowkey reminds her of the old marauders in a way
every time he comes across voldemort face-to-face, he will not hesitate to make fun of him (like he did with jogo)
gojo : haha you're such a loser. voldemort? really? that's your name? you couldn't have picked anything better? *freaking fortnite dances or some shit like that*
voldemort officially has an extra child added to his hitlist after that
b. as a teacher - some of the earlier points of him as a student also apply here, except he's obviously more mature and wise in this instance
possible mentor of harry? like i said, would bond over being the chosen ones
the teacher that is either well-loved or hated (both teachers and students alike)
always the one popping in and out of the faculty with new tea and gossip to dish out
tries to hold back a little bit on the hogwarts students because they're not his students but is still absolutely relentless to them (displaying powerful demonstrations and also teasing them a bunch)
mcgonagall and snape being his favorite staff members because they remind him of utahime and nanami (idk would be close in personality to shoko tbh, then again she has the same type of dead air energy as snape but feel free to correct me woohoo)
ironically probably beefs with albus bc they are kind of similar in a sense but idk hmmm (they could also have some tea on the weekends too)
gojo : i once had a person i loved dearly that turned out to be heavily racist towards the normal human race for something they can't help and we had a messy breakup to boot
albus :
2. gojo is reincarnated as/ends up in the body of harry potter - not gonna lie, i'm more of a fan of this idea because you could do so much with this + it would be funny as HELL
harry grows up "cocky" and "prideful" (obviously still with some trauma and kindness attached because it's gojo) and correlates to the next points :
dumbledore thinking that since the boy grew up in a muggle household that he'll learn to be humble and sweet and lo and behold, he was wrong
snape getting vivid flashbacks of james from gojo!harry because of how cocky he is (gojo doing this unintentionally by being his authentic self)
even better if gojo!harry ends up in slytherin LMAO
dumbledore also getting flashbacks but of a different person : he doesn't want another tom riddle to happen (esp if gojo!harry vocalizes his want to change the world) so he keeps a very watchful eye on him
from the earlier point : gojo!harry not missing a fucking beat trying to make fun of tom "tommy boy, voldymoldy the oldie" riddle every time they meet (and not hesitating to name drop him in almost every conversation out of spite)
okay obviously he'll have some form of self-control over it but i have a feeling he'll do it just to test him and his patience
i feel like he would be SO CLOSE to triggering the underage magic alarm (or maybe he does and that's a drama for a whole chapter)
i feel like he would absolutely have a habit of disappearing and reappearing (even without magic) and he does that alot at the dursleys (especially when he's older)
gojo realizing he could talk to snakes, and he gossips to them whenever he can
moreover, it would be interesting if he sometimes has conversations with the horcrux inside his forehead (back-to-back mockery)
gojo knows somewhat quickly maybe because the signature is likely the same as sukuna in yuji's body
a really crack idea where gojo solves (one of) the horcrux problems by just hollow purpling the darn thing (wouldn't push it pass him to do it in the battle in the ministry of magic tbh)
either never gets fooled by the quidditch cup or immediately rectifies it by being able to teleport back (a good idea for a crack fic, but maybe for a more serious one he could either be serious or really dazed/overstimulated from the previous events to even think of doing so)
3. gojo ends up in the same body as harry potter and acts as a co-resident — ngl i am warming up to this VERY idea because i know it would become HELLA chaotic
i composed the original draft of this post ages ago but what gave me this idea is this amazing jjk!/bnha crossover fic titled "a hero without limits" by anonymous567 (if you haven't already, please read it because it's absolutely AMAZING)
idk how this would happen considering the shard of voldemort in harry's head (third participant forced to watch maybe) but shhh
basically gojo popping in harry's head either from the start or a from an event that happens to him later on (like the inspo)
he also makes commentary from time to time in his head and harry's like "shut uppp" — and sometimes people look at him and go "yo what's up with him""boy who lived shenanigans maybe"
it sounds stupid but i like the idea of gojo manifesting either on harry's body like sukuna or his image and his spirit manifesting on reflective surfaces like mirrors (his friends going "WHO'S THAT" while they point at the mysterious man in the mirror)
harry's magic "retaliating" and defending him when he's near death which is just a shadowy, smokey manifestation of gojo with the brightest most piercing lights as his eyes
very curious about the chamber of secrets section bc now harry probably doesn't even have look at the darn thing ("don't worry harry, sensei's got it covered!" or smth like that idk)
harry automatically deciphering the sussiness of almost every sus character because, like i said, live gojo commentary (probably would have solved the pettigrew problem faster tbh)
any adult that was around during the marauder's era straight up being reminded of james from time to time, especially the times when gojo is in control
i can imagine gojo knowing the jig is up with the horcrux in harry's head, and maybe as part of a crack idea, "seals the soul" from time to time which is the magical equivalent of taping the webcam lens with a piece of paper
gojo and the hat duking it out with rebuttals during the sorting ceremony and harry slowly going insane because of it
commentary of the black family being similar to the zenin's in influence, attitude and power (feel free to correct me); in short, gojo noting down funny coincidences and similarities to his old world
anytime someone tries to use legillimens on harry, gojo goes "uh uh uh *wags fingers*" and promptly kicks them out, promptly leaving the caster confused (gojo being harry's built in occlumency security guard <333)
idk if i want him to still have six eyes and/or limitless when he's reincarnated as harry (because it doesn't feel like gojo without them, but also he'd be so op— then again he already is by default so why not)
i think i would keep them since they're both the core ability aspects of his character but obviously in this instance, he doesn't have the hang of six eyes yet (major sensory overload as a drawback if he doesn't cover his eyes with a blindfold or a pair of dark sunglasses) and he doesn't unlock limitless until he's a teen (maybe during the gof or ootp plotline)
either way, i'm sorry if this plotline is too ooc, and please pitch in your own ideas in the comments or if you want to correct me!!
+ a little sketch of #3 because i've grown really attached to the idea JENDJEJDJ
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chiyoso · 1 year
hira hira hira !!! hello !!! i wanted to greet once again a happy birthday (if it's still september first) and i hope you had fun when you were outside! i hope you spent your day happily and filled with gifts and love by the people who adore you <3
*rubs hands and clears throat* i now shall state my purpose of being back here again. please be warned about my idea, i think it's kind of triggering
i just wanna see a brainrot of mine be known by other people, and by that i mean [name] being pathetically in love with scaramouche that she lets herself be trampled over, be ridiculed, be the second choice, be out casted, be hated, be used as a mere plaything, be willingly manipulated, be the one always taking the blame until they just break down in tears, wondering what they did wrong that scaramouche wouldn't even look their way (inspired by what i feel what the song is about — i know you by faye webster)
yes, hira, i am perfectly fine, no need to worry about me :3 yes, hira, i don't mind with this mail not being posted !!! and yes, hira, i won't mind that you'll delete this if this made you uncomfy !! i hope you have a nice day, and always stay safe and happy !!!! mwa :3
JIJI — lovely, what a warm welcome (i just got home a few mins ago)
honestly, you've come to the right place, i love reading and writing dark content — and it may be hard to believe, but the things you mentioned in your idea? my little 15-17 years old self experienced it, not to mentio- i'll give you a small little rant about my ex in the past, perhaps to give you ideas in the process as well! (and yes, you can absolutely discuss things like this with me, i told you lovely, i'm absolutely open minded with anything and i tend to have a level headed/calm and open response, even with a taboo subject) without further ado
here, my naive 15 year old idled about in life with suicidal and depressed tendencies. dull, overworked and exhausted, in result of having to perform in plenty of stages that involved my skills as a musician. don't get me wrong, performing itself was great, taking the center stage with my other young performers, receiving gifts after — all was good in that aspect. but the negative began to seed, based off my desires to love or be enticed with the ideas of love, being cared for, being cherished. a busy life became dull, and the bullying i received from my classmates, teachers standing by — my world had dulled, causing me to drop out ultimately. i wanted to be cared for, a voice kept repeating inside my head. familial love in my eyes heavily differed to the love i craved subconsciously.
unfortunately for me, i was too observant, too keen, too aware. aware of my negative surroundings, growing negativity, my growing desire for love, but the world had continued to fail me continuously at the time, until i had enough, until i grew exhausted to the point where i wanted to — well, dying isnt really the best word, but i just wanted to live another life, i wanted to rest, i wanted to sleep endlessly.
and then.
three days. three days before i took action to cease my life, a game piqued my interest (knights chronicle) i was honestly in total auto mode, decisions weren't 100%, you could say i was mindlessly making decisions, my subconscious protecting me in its own way by distracting me with this "game" i impulsively downloaded.
skipping, i met him.
my ex. i had a persona on of course, to hide my abyss. i was a flirt, i was confident, i was who i write today on my fictions. this sudden persona? i have analyzed myself back then, and i've come to a conclusion that it was a persona manifested by desperation, absolute desperation to — yup, that's right, my rooted, inner desires, to love.
oh, i endeared ppl in that public chat — but i dont genuinely know what the fuck compelled me to my ex, but it was a force even i was unaware of why i felt a pull towards him, i still cant answer that myself. i flirted nonstop towards him specifically, relentless i was, desperate i was, but then it happened, i jokingly plugged in my instagram handle in chat — but he, he fucking remembered it, MESSAGED me, causing to stir hidden, brewing emotions, unaware that this simple, yet impactful act, would be my demise until feb-march of 2023.
oh it was lovely at first, i fell "in love" immediately. (nnh im cringing) and i let him know it, but it was one sided at first. i was heartstruck, lovestruck — no, lovesick. and this feeling dissipated any intention of suiciding. he was my savior, he was a savior in my eyes. shit, i was hopelessly... hopeless. shunning my family out, everyone, even my friends, fuck, and it was still one sided after a few months of friendship with him.
but since he voiced out ever so clearly, that he wasn't ready yet
my feelings wavered of course, and this carnal desire to be loved was immense, so, naturally, the husk of me sought out other attention, and i met someone online (imvu), he was sweet, a connection established, things were good — or... so i thought as i was blocked the next day. i was so desperate, so fucking naive and desperate that i went through his friends list and messaged a random friend. oh i was hopeless, so damn hopeless. but the guy unblocked me momentarily, i sought out closure, he reassured, and then just when i thought things were good again, he blocked me, once more. and our last messages together were "goodnight" to each other.
but this encounter with him?
i voiced this whole thing to my ex, and
at that day, at the same time, he confessed his feelings.
quite the coincidence, is it not?
so in my desperate state of self, i grew to love him as intensely, more than before. and things were good, at least for a few months.
relationships, of course, we had to show our "comfortable sides" eventually, no? and that we did. we were... different, too different, the opposite, fuck i cannot- i do not know where to begin. views, political views, the world, our interests, all was different, he was more difficult than i thought, more different, opening a world of new negativity within me, but guess what, i was still hopelessly and naively in love.
all would come crashing down, one topic led to another, then another, until it became an argument, and he would later reveal that he merely saw this relationship — as a companionship. a companionship. not even a relationship. oh! oh! he stated that he viewed me as a puppy, a dog, and he was a master, CARING for the dog. a "conpanionship." by the way, in later, much later events, we would have multiple arguments about me expressing about the past, and if i bring this shit up, he would go
"not again, grace. i thought we were already done with the past, the past is done and i've already apologized"
"not again..."
"can you.... not bring the word (companionship) up? it traumatizes me grace..."
something along those lines. anyhow.
oh, ill indulge you, the moment he tried to leave me the first time — i begged, begged endlessly, crying, choking sobs, worrying my family. he stayed... because... i don't know? did he want us to work? did he pity me? did he love me? did he- yeah i dont know and ive long forgotten.
much, much later, we would have the worse arguments ever, until the rainbows, the sunshines and the good times were buried with our impactful arguments. i will admit, if we werent arguing, all was... fine. not dull. fine.
but shit, our arguments, i would be like this;
H: "PLEASE please... please... please don't leave me, dont leave me dont leave me dont leave me... please... i just- i just need reassurance... reassurance, its all i need, please...."
two ways, he complies because i need to fucking guide him since he cant come up or initiate his own, or he fucking goes away and gets burnt out and needs to leave the "argument"
i was BEGGING for the bare minimum. just- just if you've seen nat's recent scaramouche fic, our relationship was like that, but much more heavier, much more... i dont know.
we broke up many times, and got back together many times. it was a cycle, a cycle of hell that i endured for 5 years. not to mention, HE was the one who brought up not having feelinge for him anymore, HE was the one who said he will change, he will end this cycle.
(i also could send ss in your asks if you wish, i dont really mind)
"grace, you're a hypocrite for wanting revenge!"
"this is so toxic..." (him referring to my expressing and begging for the bare minimum)
"please dont tell me im doing the bare minimum" - him, again
i believe im being biased, but nothing can quell the hidden hatred and anger i've developed from being with him lmao
oh when i initiated the breakup talk (again) this year, he beat me first to it, to utter the words. and you wanna know what he said blatantly?
"yeah i... im just scared of it coming from you"
and yes, i do not deny the hardwork, the good times, but it is all buried underneath the fucking trauma he induced lmao, the shitty arguments, the emotional trauma, he was so emotionally unintelligent.
and guess. fucking. what.
he started to do the shit ive begged for AFTER i was finally done with him, which was just a few months ago of our officially, official breakup. playing valorant after expressing not wanting to play it, calling it a trash game, playing genshin now but before he found it so utterly boring, and SO FUCKING ON.
ahem. this is just 12% of the contents in my relationship previously, im just shortcutting things because this reply is getting longer than i thought...
genuinely sorry for the vent lore 😭 but i hope this experience of mine helps you in your writing and especially dolly 🫶
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psychewritesbs · 7 months
Okay so chapter 248 has fuelled my delusional brainrot and I have something I want to share...
Be prepared on some megum-centric delusions cause my head is just full of him right now-
Gege is cooking something with Megumi and I think it could be leading to a potential connection with Tengen.
Is this an orchestrated development or fate? Could be both? But Kenjaku's will being passed onto Fushiguro Megumi specifically is an intriguing choice for Gege.
I know it's technically Sukuna that Kenjaku was banking on, and this development have slightly closed the door for my suspicions regarding Kenjaku particularly targeting Megumi. But what if I was accusing the wrong person the whole time?
I'm still not convinced that Tsumiki being possessed is just a lucky stroke of luck for Sukuna. I fully believe that someone was orchestrating for a 10 shadows user to be involved in the Culling Games. And I think this certain someone has managed to trick even the mastermind, Kenjaku, as well. And that someone is none other than... GRANNY TENGEN!
Now Tengen has always been a suspicious entity to me. And though she's long been absorbed by Kenjaku I think she's still pretty much actively playing the game. Like don't you think it's suspicious that Toji was hired by the Time Vessel Association and that his involvement broke the chains of destiny and that the consequences have led to the current events?
Whether everything was premeditated or just coincidence we cannot deny that with Toji's interference, Megumi's fate got indirectly tied with the Six Eyes who is connected by fate to Tengen as well. And maybe that was the goal all along.
Toji clashing with Gojo was a ploy to tie Megumi's fate with the 6 eyes and Tengen
What if Toji was hired, to pit him against Gojo knowing full well he'd lose? And his loss would affect the future of his son as well (seems a bit of a reach but I wouldn't call this delusional brainrot when I'm not reaching far into a bottom of a barrel). After all, Tengen seems to be an all-seeing and all-knowing entity. One of the long-standing theories is that she uses cursed energy to gain insight to anything and everything so it's natural she would be privy of Megumi's existence. This also brings to mind the narrator's words back in Shibuya saying Megumi is one of those who cannot escape the curse of the Zenin clan whereas Toji is the one who broke away from that 'curse'. The curse, in this new context, would be that anyone born with cursed energy is bound to Tengen's whims. And someone like Toji who is unbound by that curse is an anomaly while his son is not.
Megumi being given the finger-retrieval mission was a ploy to tie his fate with Sukuna
Megumi met Yuji because of this mission. Him eventually choosing to save Yuji despite the dangers arguably led to all this disaster. But the most suspicious thing about this is that both of them just so happens to have the strength and capability to be a vessel. Yuji's involvement with Sukuna is orchestrated by Kenjaku. But what about Megumi? Is it really coincidence or is it planned as well? (of course this point is banking on the idea that the mission came from the higher ups and not from Gojo).
Yorozu possessing Tsumiki was a ploy to tie Megumi's fate to Kenjaku's plan which involves Tengen
It's undeniable that it was Tsumiki's loss that gave Sukuna the opportune moment to take over Megumi. It was her loss that kickstarted Megumi's downward spiral and Sukuna fully taking over his body. And what did that lead to?
Kenjaku has now passed on his will to Sukuna who is inhabiting Megumi's body. And Tengen's soul is inside Megumi's body. Now I'm just blindly reaching in the dark, but I wonder if Tengen's plan was to get close (I mean inhabiting the same body is as close as you get) to someone possessing the 10 shadows and merge with the user's soul?
For what reason? I don't know but I suspect it has something to do with the cursed realm. Cause I'm a believer that the 10S is heavily related to the cursed realm. Not to mention, Megumi in the Culling Games has expressed his distrust of Tengen and I don't think Reggie, who warned him about Tengen and seems to know stuff about her, being Megumi's opponent is just a random matchup. And there is Reggie's words to "let fate toy with you", well Tengen is often times related to fate and if she's really behind all of this then she's basically toying with Megumi here.
Also I'm quite curious what effect does having 3 conscious souls (heavy assumption on Tengen being conscious) inhabiting one body will have? Add Kenjaku's will into the list and Megumi's inner space must be hell of a sight. Here's to hoping we'll get some pov from him soon and that we'll see some interactions between him and Tengen inside.
Oh and a brainrot regarding the Merger:
Remember the theories about Taira no Masakado's daughter, Takiyasha-hime, being the first 10 shadows user/is the reference for the 10S? She's known for her shadow familiars with the 2 main ones being a toad and a giant skeleton called the Gashadokuro. All along theories suggested that the Gashadokuro might have been the 9th or an extra shikigami but the Gojo vs Sukuna fight proved it invalid now. Some others theorized that Megumi's domain might develop into a Gashadokuro after seeing that vertebrae-looking thing during his fight with Reggie. But recent developments could be hinting that the merger monster (that looks like a skeletal centipede) is going to eventually be Megumi's Gashadokuro. And y'know what I quite like the idea of Megumi, a blessing, becoming the master of humanity's curse.
OOOOOH ANON. I'm loving the brain rot. Thanks for sharing. I was screaming in my head while reading lol.
Recently I caught onto the fact that the skeleton growing in Megumi's domain resembles the one in Sukuna's. Like what is going on sir?
And Granny Tenny? Yeah she's defo sus. Why does she look like Sukuna too?
Thanks for sending the fun brain rot! I am looking to getting answers and seeing how these ideas unfold because you said some good stuff here.
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elibean · 11 months
Thanks for answering my ask. Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
of course, thank you for asking! :D oooooh sure!! i'm not sure I have 10, actually ^^; let's see...
yukine!!!! my darling sweet baby boy. ha i bet y'all thought it was tsuyu, huh? most people do. i fell in love with yukine after reading ahead in the manga when the anime was airing (and i do believe this bit was untranslated at the time?) and learning that he takes the hit from yato. this baby bratty child doing something so brave and selfless when just chapters before he was hurting yato....good good stuff. and he's only gotten better from there. and he gets to keep his brattiness! he's a tsundere lil baby but he loves fiercely and would do anything for yato and hiyori and... and after learning his backstory and everything else and GOD I LOVE HIM
tsuyu. i don't have nearly as compelling a reason for loving her as much as i do as i did for yukine. she's....she's a cute frog girl.....idk what you want from me. she is a good character in her own right, she's strong and human (like when she broke down bc she felt bad for telling them they shouldn't save bakugou) but as her nature as a very very side character, she doesn't have a whole lot of development or much to work with. i like her and she's cute. the end!
dazai. he's alllmost tied with tsuyu. actually i thought about reordering those two. i'm not really sure. i just have way more tsuyu merch than dazai merch (though that doesn't mean a whole lot bc i hardly have any yukine merch at all BECAUSE IT DOESN'T FUCKING EXIST anyway). i love how morally grey he is...well, almost morally black lol. like dude has murdered and tortured people but is still on the side of the "good guys". his backstory with oda is great, the idea that he's on the side of the good guys not because he WANTS to but because it's what his friend wanted; and also that he doesn't even really care either way, that it's not like he had some deep change of heart or anything but just. was that devoted to his friend is just. mwah, good stuff. i don't like how he's written sometimes as like, he knows EVERYTHING and is ALWAYS 5 steps ahead of everyone else; gets kind of annoying, sometimes, but i still love him.
- the rest// yeah ok now is when we're starting to falter. from here on down i don't really have a solid order. i adore amajiki (and i love how hori made a joke about him being...well, a stand-in for hori in some ways lol), i love kirishima, i love deku (i ADORE deku as a protag i think he's great). i love rin from yuru camp. a recent fave is lu guang; love how he's willing to risk EVERYTHING for cxs and is a total hypocrite, but for him to properly make this list is gonna depend heavily on how the show writes his background, his motivations, and the resulting fallout and how that's handled. oh i love tanuma from natsume yuujinchou too! he's wonderful. oh big fan of atsushi too!! and poe....ok i'll shut up now hehe, these are all "characters i like a lot" but like, not characters i actively think about often (with the exception of lg bc of current brainrot...again, we'll have to see if that holds up and he can get properly added to this list)
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invisiblegarters · 1 year
Be Mine Superstar Ep 8
(Fair Warning the first four paragraphs of this are actually about Only Friends. It's what I do now, apparently. Feel free to skip to past the gif if you don't care)
Much later than usual, but the truth is aside from having responsibilities that unfortunately kept me away from dramas a lot so far this week, the Only Friends brainrot is real. Pretty much the entire time I'm *not* doing things that I need to do I'm thinking about Boston and his motivations and how he could easily be just a two dimensional fuckboy villain but there's too much going on with his face for me to buy it (Neo Trai is a gem guys, it's true. I've known it but now I really know it, you know?) and pondering how heavily Ray's issues with alcohol are going to factor in (my guess is very), how bad it's gonna get (also very), how many relationships he's going to destroy (all, probably), and who he's gonna hurt (physically as well as emotionally - look, drunk driving is a whole theme, we've had two (2) episodes and Sand and Ray and dangerous driving have been mentioned no less than three (3) times - call it Chekov's Gun, call it the Sword of Damocles (I've done both because I'm dramatic af) or be normal and simply call it foreshadowing, I just can't believe they've mentioned it this many times not to have it rear it's head in a really nasty way).
And that's not even counting the stuff that just amuses me, like counting how many times Mew looks sus in one episode (a lot), or building my SandTop exes agenda (also a MewSand agenda and a NickSand agenda...look I just think Sand should get around, okay?) and cackling over the idea that we're going to get everything in the trailer so far by episode 5.
Do you see? the brainrot is so real that I just spent paragraphs talking about OF and not the show I'm ostensibly here for. It's been a long time since a drama took over my brain to this extent. I'd say send help but I'm actually having way too much fun.
So I do apologize for the person I've become. For anyone that's not here for me to go on about OF at literally any opportunity, I really am sorry. I don't think any post will be free of it until October.
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That said, let's actually talk about this show now, eh?
Sigh. So we're gonna do another outing plot here hey. That's wonderful I so love these (I really, really don't). But I guess there has to be some sort of drama happening since everything's been fairly adorable so far. Yippee?
Can I just say that the Muang/Doctor plot feels weirdly rushed and disjointed? I was so looking forward to them after the first ep and now I barely care, and that is sad.
Punn and Ashi are really cute though.
Are we also still doing the Title crushing on Ashi thing? I felt like that was there and then it got dropped, but now they're picking it up again. He's not gonna be happy with those pics. Oh but hey if it leads to him begging his asshole manager not to be an asshole then sure.
"It's not that hard to win Ashi's heart." Especially when you'll be in Japan with him and Punn won't. Just saying. Although I just incredibly doubt it'll work - this really does not strike me as that type of BL. But hey, a little angst never hurt anyone, right?
Just once I would like one of these places to look lived in. They did a little better with Punn's house but man, it depresses me how spotless everything is all the time. It's like when they order food and don't eat it. Or sleep with the lights on.
I love that the Daddy Muang thing hasn't been dropped even though now Punn has Ashi as he wants and there's really no need for it.
The brothers remain very good. I like this sibling relationship. Feels real in a lot of ways.
Oooh I like that shot with all of them in the car park.
I find I have to keep reminding myself that Punn is only 20. But frankly, I am cringing hard at this jealousy plot. I just wanna grab him and tell him he's being too transparent, aaaah. Me, I have a pride issue. I would never. I could never.
Punn is the cutest though - I do like how he just lets every feeling show on his face, even if I could never.
"No one is taking Ashi away from you." Maybe not, but they're certainly trying lol.
Although...maybe trust in your boyfriend just a little more. It's not like you're in a show where he has one foot out the door anyway.
I wonder now if Muang has figured out Title is definitely making moves, lol. He's not stupid, even if Ashi is, a little (genuinely, I think he's just focused on his job. This is his big international break, right? Of course he just wants to do the thing right. And he has no reason to suspect that Title's trying to split him up from the boyfriend no one is even supposed to know about).
Anyway this kind of angst is my jam so I'm not even a little mad. Poor sad Punn with his poor sad Punn face, though. It just doesn't feel right to watch him be unhappy.
I love those dogs.
Hahahaha okay Punn manipulating Muang and co into helping him separate Title and Ashi is funny. I have to admit that. Yes, childish, but again, twenty. And not exactly a hugely mature twenty, either. :D
Damn, Muang. That was kinda harsh. I love it. Be meaner!! Make someone cry!
Sorry. Feeling a little vicious today, apparently.
Well at least Punn acknowledges he was being kind of immature. Yes, yes, Title is being a deliberate butt, but Punn doesn't really know that he just sort of suspects, and he was already being a little ridiculous before that.
Twenty. He's twenty. Remember he's twenty.
Ooh I did like that hop and carry though. Very nice.
And now off to Japan we go! Well. Half of us. The other half is still hanging out in Thailand.
Pfft and now there's yet another man after Ashi's pretty self. He's a hot commodity.
Beep boop time for the blackmail. Although to be fair this is going in a direction that I didn't quite expect. So props for that, I guess.
Oh hey, everyone's in Japan next week. Nice.
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incarnadinedreams · 2 years
Getting to Know You - Tag Game
Oh yay, got tagged in a thingy!!! Exciting!!! Thanks @twilightarc-gm
Answer these questions and then tag nine people you want to get to know better.
1. Three ships: Ships that I consistently read in 2022-23
Gosh this one's hard because I still tend to revisit older/slowed down fandoms from time to time... and also am definitely a multishipper for most characters I like.
Since I've been wholly consumed by MDZS/Jiang Cheng brainrot right now it's mostly some flavor of Jiang Cheng/Happiness. I'm definitely an 'AllCheng, AnyCheng, NoCheng, WhateverCheng' enjoyer.
By volume (by availability on Ao3) that means ChengQing, Xicheng, Sangcheng, ChengXian but I'm down for others like ChengSu and ChengNing and various other configurations too! Somewhat limited by being mostly a novel fan so pairings that tend to be heavily based in CQL canon don't always resonate with me as much.
For non-JC ships I've recently gotten way more interested in Xiyao
Outside MDZS I've been occasionally hitting up some old favorites in less active fandoms like HakYona from Akatsuki no Yona, RoyAi & LingFan & AlMei (FMA), Reylo (Star Wars), Shadolin ot3 (Stormlight Archive), NejiTen (rip lol - Naruto... this is again a remnant of long ago, from the manga-is-still-being-published days... but if I stumble across one of them these days I'll still have a go)
2. First ship: probably Ling/Lan Fan or Roy Mustang/Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist)? Orrrr maybe Kyouraku Shunsui/Ise Nanao in Bleach (with the caveat that I was really into it when the manga was just the Soul Society arc (because I'm old) and not. Uh. Later. When uh. Yeah. Information from much much later in the manga killed that ship for me but you know. Thems the breaks. I'd already dropped the manga ages before that info was released so it was a bit of a shock when something stumbled across my path about it!)
3. Last song listened: "Woodbine" by Windhand playing currently!
4. Last movie watched: This was surprisingly hard to answer - I couldn't remember! I usually end up watching shows/miniseries or documentaries rather than regular movies.
5. Currently watching: I've been catching up the most recent season of the Great British Baking Show!
6. Currently reading: Oooh this is a loaded question... my 'currently reading' pile is too big... currently working my way through what volumes I have of the TGCF and 2HA official translations. Also rereading MDZS slowly and taking notes, just started that recently even though I'd planned to read all this over the holidays... and here we are, almost the end of January...
For non-danmei, 'The Goblin Emperor' by Katherine Addison which I'm struggling to get into/stick with which is surprising given the outstanding reviews/raving I see for it. I'm also somewhere in the middle of 'House of Chains' in the Malazan Book of the Fallen series but that's been lingering for a while now... not sure if that's a currently reading or an oopsie at this point...
7. Currently consuming: Mint tea while thinking about what I want for lunch! It's 2:40pm but I'm also lazy so I'll probably still be thinking about it an hour from now...
8. Currently craving: Honestly I have the biggest craving for some good bbq ribs, baked beans and potato salad but am also way too lazy to go grocery shopping + crank up the smoker (especially because it's just above freezing and rainy today!)...
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paterklatter · 26 days
Do you have any video game opinions/hot takes?
ok so i ended up writing like an entire essay so i'm gonna put this under a cut
-hades is not that amazing of a game, while it's fun it hardly qualifies as a roguelike and the gameplay lacks depth. the only reason it's so loved is its absolutely amazing character design. it's not bad just the definition of a 7/10 game (which i need 7/10 brainrot games in my life. that's why i've played shit like hades or steamworld quest to completion as their lack of gameplay depth made them easy to play with my brain in the wash)
-"cozy" games have quickly grown repetitive and i genuinely question the need for 500 "stardew valley but fantasy games" or otherwise generic farm sims with one catchy steam page gimick
-the direction of the yakuza franchise is actually such a fucking mess right now. the change of the name to "like a dragon" after the series has already established itself as yakuza is such a stupid fucking move. no one calls it "like a dragon." some fans may call it rgg (including me), but no one calls it like a dragon. the annual release model also just isn't working. these extremely long story based games are a huge time sink and require anyone who wants to play 8 to play all of them, so new fans are going to get burnt out quick. even people who has played all the games are gonna get burnt out fast, especially considering you HAVE to play the new to understand the one coming out later that year. i think 7 was a really good way to sidestep that without leaving fans of the other games hanging as you can go into it having played none of the games and still understand it perfectly well. i'm not the craziest about the turn based combat but i definitely prefer it to whatever the hell the other dragon engine games were cooking because the ragdoll physics of kiwami 2 actually almost made me drop it (one of the reasons i think it's the worst game in the franchise behind 5). i think dropping that to do ANOTHER kiryu send off is stupid. some people didn't like the ending of 6, but changing your mind after switching to ichiban (who has the potential to be a better protagonist than kiryu) is actually so fucking cheap. i'm sure i would make this paragraph even longer if i had played gaiden or 8 but i'm actually so fed up with this franchise. also doing a ground up remake for ishin instead of just a translation with maybe some quality of life improvements or updated characters was stupid and also the combat was bad.
-totk sucked ass nintendo didn't cook. there was NO reason for it to have taken longer to make than botw. the main gimick is cool but i personally didn't like it (though i'm in the minority on that) and while its impressive how bug free it is it doesn't feel play tested. like yeah sure the physics are consistent but it feels like there isn't as many fun ways to use it. after 5 hours you realize what same 7 things work and use them in every situation. also it has some major ux problems (HOLY SHIT JUST LET US PRE-FUSE ARROWS I DON'T WANNA GO TROUGH A DROP DOWN 3 TIMES MID-AIR). the exploration is completely gone for anyone who has played botw as well. the depths and sky just don't have enough going on and again this game took longer than botw to come out despite have absolutely not map change and don't even get me started on the train wreck of a story
-people who have watched playthroughs fundamentally had a different experience to people who actually played the game and that gap can sometimes make them just not able to engage in discussion in the same way. it depends on the game definitely but something like disco elysium relies so heavily on individual experiences that watching someone play it isn't even the same game. even like fnaf which is THE let's play game, you don't truly feel any of the stress from doing mental management by watching someone else play it
-overwatch 2's characters have been such a step down from the first games it's insane. not even as kits but in actual personality and story. with the exception of ramattra who i think is one of the strongest overwatch characters overall (who also has been definitely cooking since mid-ow 1), ow2's characters have been like. not even bland just straight obnoxious. kiriko, venture, lifeweaver, and juno have the same stock "snarky" personality that makes them really obnoxious. kiriko is the worst of that though, her design is also ugly and her entire existence genuinely makes no sense and why is she blizzards golden child what are they cooking. sojourn is just like. boring. junker queen is really fucking annoying and it's a shame as in the cinematic she seems like a much more fun character than someone screaming in my ear. mauga was such a waste of potential because he's also been cooking since before bap's release but he lacks any personality and is again. obnoxious
-fortnite needs to put the collab skins DOWN. the shop has anywhere from 2-8 different collab pages on any given day. and while i'm sure they sell, it just looks so obnoxious and honestly the original skins are just better and more interesting. having to dig to find the signature style page is so annoying. also they need more skins in the rotation because it's the same 5 fucking skins i swear. lego fortnite has absolutely trashed the shop, fall guys will make this problem even worse i imagine
-no more souls likes pleaseeeeee i never fucked with the genre in all honesty but this oversaturation has to be bothering even avid fans of the genre
-nintendo's current re-releases make no sense because why is metroid prime's remaster $40 but fucking luigi's mansion 2 hd $60. also why have they been holding wind waker and twilight princess hd hostage those are easy ports that would sell. i've been wanting to replay twilight princess as i remember it fondly and want to tell if i'm tripping or not but don't have a wii u and you got me fucked up if you think i'm digging up my dead old wii to play it
-on that. twilight princess gets too much shit. of course some of this could be wrong as i'm going off very biased memory as it was my first zelda title and one of the first i 100%ed, but it's so much better than everyone says it is. the aesthetic is very edgy for sure but it also has some of the weirdest character designs and personalities in the franchise and they work so well with the gritty visuals somehow. midna is the best companion as she has an actual personality and isn't BUZZING IM MY FUCKING EAR THE ENTIRE GAME HOLY SHIT FI YOU ARE MY OPP. zant is an amazing villian as well. some people hate on the game's slow opening but i love it because it gives link so much more character and makes you connected to the villagers so you actually care when shit goes down. tp has one of the best stories in the franchise and THE best link and i truly believe that. tp link has so much personality and his connections to characters feel real. it also has some of the best dungeons in the franchise, this is a take many people share at least so i know i'm not tripping on that one
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therevray · 3 months
I've been kinda busy working on my own short rn, but I also know if I rant about that new Hellboy trailer on my IG or somewhere no one's gomna see it so... enjoy this brief interlude where I defend the shit out of the new Hellboy (WHICH IS NOT OUT AT THE TIME I'M WRITING THIS IF IT ACTUALLY SUCKS I WILL GLADLY ADMIT IT)
When I first heard this was happening, I got so excited. Folk horror Hellboy period piece set in rural Appalachia? Are you fucking kidding me? How can anyone hate on that? And the obvious answer is nostalgia. The less obvious answer is the trailer. Let's talk about it.
Would I love to see GDT's Hellboy 3? OF FUCKING COURSE. I adore GDT, I love all the cast members individually, and I do really like those movies. However, as far as I can tell the rights have changed hands, which makes that exponentially more difficult. Additionally, it's 2024. Unfortunately, MCU brainrot has killed any chance of a real dark superhero film getting a blockbuster budget. Maybe a miniseries at best. More importantly, as he's become more influential in the horror community and more adverserial about the "bastards with money," GDT also isn't getting a blockbuster budget anytime soon. And to get all those people on board, and make another film on the scale of the first two, you'd need a strong budget. And to be completely honest, I think it would bomb. I think it's slightly too niche of an audience. Do I care about that? Obviously not. I just directed my first short film and I'm out $250 easily. I'll never see a penny of that. Many of my favorite feature films were made the same way. Unfortunately, studios care just a little bit about that. And especially with massive failure of Hellboy 2019 we should consider ourselves lucky anyone wants to touch the property right now. Also I mean... Ron Perlman's old. Sorry. That's a lot of makeup and a fair amount of action. Not saying he *can't* do it obviously, just saying it'll be harder.
Now that the trailer's out, I also wanna discuss it. It sucks. I hate the editing so deeply. It's the most generic horror shit imaginable. However, I pretty much liked what I saw in the trailer. If it nails the tone I think it's gonna be good. And for what it's worth I also strongly disliked the marketing for I Saw the TV Glow which is easily my favorite film of the year. Also I'm really glad Jack Kesy isn't just doing Ron Perlman again. David Harbour relied way too heavily on that performance. I'm also glad he has more normal proportions, and his voice isn't so deep and gravelly. Obviously Hellboy has some muscle, but nothing about Mignola's art style ever indicated to me that he'd be fuckin huge and I don't think the Perlman/Harbour voice would really suit the lankier Hellboy.
Listen, I'm willing to be wrong. If it actually sucks as bad as everyone thinks it's going to, I'll own up. But some of y'all are in serious denial about what Hellboy's options are in the current climate. I'll take a million of these over an insufferable fucking Deadpool rip-off because no one else knows how/wants to make a different R rated superhero film. Unfortunately, that'd probably be what would make money and maybe even shut up some of the whiny fanboys. "Oh man I really wish GDT did Hellboy 3 but this one felt like a Rick & Morty episode woah epic!" At the risk of continuing to argue with a guy I just invented, I'm gonna stop now. Point made.
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helloiamadrawer · 3 months
HEYY! IT'S ✨ ANON! >:33 (I am BACK with MORE Aoyama brainrot :> muehehe...)
Aoyama is a lovely partner, but he definitely is... teasing.
He is touchy, a handsy boyfriend (but he's only like that if you verbally and physically consent, he needs to make sure you're okay with everything he does with and to you <3)
He lovesss PDA. Hand-holding, quick kisses, a swift side hug or a full one- y'know, you get it, right?
It doesn't matter if it's out in the full-blown public setting, or a more secluded and reclusive area, he will show his adoration for you whenever and wherever.
But, who can blame him? Have they even seen how beautiful and breath-taking you are? I think most people would agree with how he acts when he's around someone so magnificent. (which is you)
He just wants to show and prove how much he loves you! Even if it leaves you breathless and panting afterwards- oh, but who cares?
He didn't and neither did you.
You loved watching movies in your shared apartment, always dragging Aoyama by the arm to watch a newly released movie you'd been waiting for forever- to come out.
He didn't mind obviously, loving your enthusiasm and excitement. Following you to a nearby couch or bed to sit down together and start watching.
Turning the TV on and swiftly skimming through the many channels to try and find the movie you wanted to watch that night.
There had been this "tradition" per say, where whenever you'd be relaxing together, you'd usually sit on Aoyama's lap - and so, that was the same case for the situation at hand.
Crawling into his lap, his hands rested against your hips to settle you comfortably in between his legs, giving you a small smooch on the corner of your lips - watching you pout when he didn't give you a proper kiss on the lips.
But with enough begging, he finally gave in with a soft laugh and gave you the kiss you wanted.
Well- maybe it's safe to say, things escalated...
and fast.
Sitting on his lap would be normally a chill thing, normally is taken seriously there.
Something is different tonight though- I mean, you didn't really expect to be stripped bare-naked and seated on his clothed thigh facing him, now did you?
Probably not.
But- that was the circumstance that you were in currently at the very moment, not that you were complaining.
Half of the movie had gone by but you couldn't care less, instead focusing on the slow grind Aoyama's hands had been forcing your hips to move against his thigh.
You wanted to cry at him and tell him it was 'torture' or whine that it felt too much and that it was unfair you were fully undressed and that he still had all his clothes on.
However, you couldn't. Your brain melting at the friction provided his slow grinds and the material of his pants creating a building pressure between your shaking thighs.
Hushed whispers of praise left his mouth and rang in your ears, the smooth words causing the heat in your stomach to build and build until you felt overly-sensitive, your eyes fluttering shut.
It felt like he could read your mind, because almost immediately when you started to feel the heat get close to tipping over, you felt his hands grind you faster and harder against his thigh, a loud gasp leaving your reddened lips.
It took a few seconds before you finally finished, waves of release washing over your twitching body and you slumped against his frame, breathing heavily.
It's safe to say you both didn't finish the movie.
have a lovely day, mwah mwah mwah! :3
Wow, I LOVED this one!!! AHHHH 😍 and I have a very important question to ask you if that's okay (cause u r a great writer) how old are you?
I just need to know for my blogs' sake please and thank you! I will return the kisses 😘😘
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pearlneow · 2 years
Hi hi hii!
How hard it is to find a good nsfw writing blog wrote by minor damn(im 17 now btw lmao)
I came here with brainrot and kinda request!
Imagine Zhongli and Ayato(separately) with Reader who have hand and voice kink 👀
they would have no mercy on reader damn-
୨୧ ꒰ could you say it again .. ?! ♡ ꒱
written by a minor!! please dni if that makes you uncomfy!!
summary : ayato nd zhongli (separately) x reader w a hand + voice kink!!
word count : ~500 words
content / warnings : sub!gn!reader, hand and voice kink, teasing, some praise w zhongli (reader receiving), pet names w zhongli (darling) degradation w ayato (reader receiving), name-calling w ayato (brat, whore), i think that's all?
note : THE TEASING FOR SURE!!!?? i love you and ur ideas sm holy shit,,,,, i've honestly never considered voice kinks before so i may have written it v badly but!! i had a lot of fun with this nevertheless thank you for the brainrot nd the compliments mwah mwah :]]
additionally if ur looking for good nsfw minor writing blogs..... i recommend @/millyboo nd @/qingxiin! i'm a little bit biased bc i've talked to both a few times but they're both super sweet from my experience and write v well!! ^^
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okay so while i do think he'd totally tease you... he's a little bit more of a gentleman in bed than ayato!!
his teasing is typically on the gentle side, but really really persistent!! you absolutely can't get a break
if you'd asked him to repeat anything he said, he'd chuckle lightly and feign ignorance as to what ur referring to, asking you to be more specific whilst slowing down his movements, causing you to squirm under him in impatience-
zhongli'd let you suck on his fingers whilst pounding into you at a steady pace, slowly swirling them around in ur mouth. maybe even instructing you as to how he wanted it done as he went <3
"darling, be patient, won't you?" you shivered as his coarse hands ran over you and down your waist. "b-but, zhongli..! please, i- i really can't take it anymore.." zhongli hummed lowly and reached up to hold your jaw. "open." he said. you complied, but before you could question him, his fingers were thrust into your mouth and you let out a whimper.
you tried your best to swirl your tongue around them, not missing a spot while he whispered praises in your ear. that god damn deep, rich voice of his </33
ayato is an absolute menace okay. like wtf
he's always having to maintain a good image as the head of the kamisato clan and the yashiro commissioner, so ur kind of his stress relief yk!! <3
ayato's reeally touchy, even more so when he knows how much you love his hands. he loves to run his fingers up and down ur body, circling ur more sensitive areas, nd he's always watching ur face to see the way you react!!
as for his voice,, i strongly believe in moderately sadistic ayato he loves loves loves calling you terrible things right next to ur ear to see you go red, only to tease you moments after about how dirty you are for enjoying it <333 he's so mean and i'm here for it
the head of the kamisato clan had you, completely stripped of your clothes, pinned to his bed and was observing you with an amused look on his face as you shifted around, looking anywhere but his face.
suddenly, you felt a hand cupping the side of your head and gasped, jumping slightly. ayato laughed and you let out a breath you'd been holding in, chewing on your lip out of nervousness. "my, my. someone's not paying attention today." he mused as his smooth hand lightly trailed down, running down your neck and to your chest, stopping to rub small circles over them.
you panted heavily as ayato began to grope them slowly and lean to beside your ear. "what a brat you are, refusing to look at me. i'm doing all this for you and you can't even spare me one glance, hm, you whore?" a small moan made its way out of you as he squeezed your chest to prompt a response.
"you even enjoy it when i call you a whore? hah, you sure are one."
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