#i'm here for it doubly so!
terrence-silver · 2 years
"Sooner or later, you'll understand. I had to do this. This is for your own good, okay? Let me take care of you."
I love this for Terry. As terrifying and restrictive and authoritarian as he most definitely is, under the surface, I feel like there's a little ember of well-meaning there. Because his way is obviously the best and only way.
Terry is good.
Terry Silver is good.
He's done so good.
Sure, the room to your chambers is locked, and you had carved iron bars on all of your windows installed as a precaution, but that was the way it has to be because it is an extreme measure in a likewise extreme situation. Because you're acting extreme, so he counters you in extreme ways, his hand extremely pushed. Don't you know that the energy you put out into the world is the energy you'll inadvertently get back? The glass you pour into is the glass you drink from? Especially where he was concerned? That if you bite him he'll simply neuter you? De-claw and skin you singlehandedly so you can't do that shit anymore, keeping your hide and teeth as trophies? All these things; plush, velvet gold-embroidered thread pillows. Egyptian cotton covers. Heavy brocade drapes. Antiques. Persian carpets. Original Majolica lamps. Cobalt decorations drawn out in silver ornaments. A window overlooking the skyline of Los Angeles from The Hills for your abode - all of it at the palm of your hand. He's done so well. For you. Terry could and would do even better, if you only let him. There's a pool on the ground-floor. An army of staff, waiting to serve you. A wardrobe he's compiled for you that you haven't even had a chance to check. Twenty eight cars in just one the garages alone. Artwork and jewelry. A private plane, willing to take you anywhere. And him, just a corridor away from your room. What kind of idiot says no to heaven? One in need of being taught a lesson, clearly. And since you were Terry Silver's idiot, the task and the right was his and his alone.
-"Sooner or later, you'll understand. I had to do this. This is for your own good, okay? Let me take care of you."-
He reasons with you, from the other side of the locked door, caressing its edges, like a lover does. Not because he's afraid of you or your tiny, downright amusing fists banging on the hard, massive wooden surface --- far from it --- it entertained him almost, and aggrieved him just as much; this lack of appreciation on your part; Terry could easily subdue you in one swift move and avoiding physical confrontation was not why this door was placed between you and him --- but because you did't deserve to see him. You've been ungrateful. You've lacked discipline. You weren't ready to receive. And he'd teach you to how to receive, in due time. Taught you would be. If you simply smashed up the whole chamber you were kept in and all the beautiful things in it, you'd sleep in a messy, sad wreckage, and that would serve no one but your own discomfort. If you rejected all the fine food you were brought, you'd merely go hungry and torment yourself. If you spat at him he'd wipe it off with his finger placed into his mouth and smile at you, tasting it. But, you wouldn't leave. You wouldn't. Because if an animal could be made to understand --- if an animal that bites could be tamed, have its claws cut, if it could be trained, collared, taught to sit, stand to attention, to expect its bowl when fed, to accept pets, to allow itself be bathed and taught tricks, why should people be any different? Thing is, they weren't. An owner didn't hate their pet when they'd come to the decision to give their animal a time-out by ushering them into their fenced off pen.
It was discipline, and discipline was love. It could be, yes.
Because it taught a higher, more polished form of self.
Got rid of all the weakness, limitations, grime and unnecessary chaos --- all doubt --- took a loved form of rough, rugged clay and made it greater than it ever thought it could become, leaving the doors open for growth and opportunity, and once you were ready to receive, your doors, both figurative and literal, would open too --- and Terry would be patient and wait on the other side, because Terry was good. He could be so good if you only let him.
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cerullos · 2 months
not sure how exactly to articulate this but i do find it interesting that there are so many posts about how it shouldn't register as weird that claudia and madeleine are romantically involved because claudia is fully and completely an adult, and at points yes, i do get the sense that S2 of the show wants you to believe this but i would argue that, at the very least from rice's perspective, the tragedy of claudia is more complicated than this concept of an adult in a child's body. like, the reality is that we can't fully understand the extent to which claudia will or can develop toward "adulthood" (itself a malleable and culturally dependent concept) and that's the true horror of it, that's what makes siring a child vampire taboo among so many vampires, that's what louis so selfishly took from her!
and it does feel like S2 overextends itself in its desperation to convince the viewer claudia is in fact 100% developmentally matured and simply & only frustrated with her appearance and the limitations of her body. like...she is permanently pubescent!
not necessarily suggesting one approach or the other is "wrong" and obviously the show can reinterpret the text in any way it chooses, but i think the latter not only makes for a more compelling claudia arc but also asks some more interesting questions about the nature of human development, which is something rice has always been heavily concerned with.
the similarities between lestat and claudia are always a huge topic of discussion on here, and i think you do also feel that loss in light of the fully and "successfully" matured claudia of S2, who lacks the childish impulses, temper tantrums and mercurial nature of S1 claudia almost entirely. she endures louis's neglect and abuse with a level of grace that makes it kind of hard to suspend disbelief at points imo!
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doku-no-bi · 1 year
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A fugly haircut
I'm not wrong. I'm sure Rook sent you a picture of this person's haircut already, but it must be seen again
(It is ugly and I wanna torment Vill knowing this exists)
...Who would even think that this is a good idea?
And more than his hair, his eyes look like he hasn't slept in months. Every person needs their rest - and clearly, he is not getting it.
I do believe Rook sent me a picture, yes. I can't quite remember what it was he was going on about at that moment, though.
I would appreciate it if you did not torment me, though.
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oculusxcaro · 13 days
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"I'm not gonna do... that for just anyone. Just... look, just forget I said anything, okay? Can we change the subject?"
Tagged by: @twcfaces (mwah ♡♡) Tagging: If you haven't done this yet, YOU!
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beforewecame · 3 months
fucking. 62% of hrpf on ao3 is archive locked..
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moe-broey · 4 months
Like I have a sick and fucked up combo of my Mom telling me point blank "If you get married to a woman I can't go to your wedding" when I tried to get her to understand bisexuality naively as a teen and then I transed my gender and I got broken up with because sudden incompatibility. My partner was kind and more understanding and validating than anyone has ever been to me outside of my sisters. But it did come down to a compatibility issue. I fully internalized that I'm undesirable and I still think I'm right, to a degree. Statistically speaking there are just less queer people, and you would have to be queer to like a weird little faggot like me in the first place. I say this with pride but also acknowledging like. People flinch at me. Try not to look at me. Which is just as well, because that way nobody fucks w me. Somewhere along the way my old friend gets a girlfriend and I straight up ghost him. He's been my best friend since I was 14. SAD! Well it happens to the best of us. My brother has a shit ass marriage and I'm not giving details, but man if you're gonna be Just Like Your Father, at very least go all the fucking way. Get a divorce. Get several divorces. For the love of god. You are not doing your kids any favors. Somewhere along the way I start using the demisexual label again and it feels like coming home, and then I find out about the demiromantic label and I'm like damn! Okay! Because I always really related to a lot of aromantic art/posts, but also felt it didn't apply to me since I've literally been in love before. But my "being in love" looks like having a best friend. A trusted partner. I have been obsessed with Alfonse Fire Emblem for a number of years now. I fully accept my fate as someone who has way too much going on for anyone to actually love me ever again. I have been obsessed with Alfonse Fire Emblem for a number of years now. When I was a child and when I was a teenager I thought I'd get married in the church I grew up in. That I would bring a nice young man to church with me on Sunday and everyone would be so happy for me. So proud of me. When I was 12 my mom had me try on her wedding dress just for fun, and I felt the weight of it. A sacredness, a wistfulness. It was in the living room where she married my step father in a sun dress. I still have that wedding dress, for some stupid reason. She tells me it's okay, I can get rid of it. For some reason, I can't let go. I can never let go.
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okay but I feel like shang-chi would not have passed the progenitor's judgement. right? he's taken over the five weapons society from his father and he's trying to make it better and he's just not succeeding.
takeshi, his brother, was imprisoned for stealing a cosmic cube. his fault? absolutely. but shang-chi was more loyal to his ideals of justice and making a Good Society than his brother's freedom. again, fine. but he promised takeshi that he wanted to be nothing like his father. and then he put his ideals, noble as they were, above his family just like his father did.
shi hua, his twin sister. his twin he failed to protect. he values his strength so highly and he didn't ever use it to protect her from their father. not even after he knew what was really going on, not even after he returned as the leader of the society. he ran away and he left her.
zhilan, his mutant sister, hunted by their father. shang-chi swore to her, he swore that he was going to change the society, that they would never go back to their father's ways. and now there are ten rings on his arms, the same ten rings that corrupted their father into the man that hurt him and tried to kill her. and she can't help but wonder when that idealism becomes zealotry.
and then there's esme. little esme, who is only thirteen, who has never gotten to be a child. who he treats as if she is as much of a soldier as her siblings. she is. she is not. she is thirteen years old and she's been trained to be a deadly warrior her whole life. she should be able to be so much more. he has a responsibility to this youngest of his sisters. here is his chance to undo everything his father ever stood for, to give this child the chance to do normal child things. to be treated like a thirteen-year-old girl instead of a deadly weapon. and he doesn't. he treats her as just as much of a warrior as the other adults. he sends her off to run the house of the deadly dagger on her own. he expects the same things of her as their father.
and lin lie (don't even get me started on lin lie) who is dead. (at least as far as he knows.) shang-chi was supposed to look after him and he's dead. he trained the kid, he taught him to use his sword and how to fight without it and patience and strategy and he loved lin lie like a little brother. and lin lie died alone in korea, falling from a cliff, saving their teammate. and shang-chi wasn't there. he could have saved them both if he was. he wanted to use his skills to be a hero, right? but instead he was with the society. trying to fix it, sure, to make it into something better, but he still prioritized it over his team. his friends.
and ultimately he's not a good enough son either. he's not a good supreme commander. the society is fracturing, his men are betraying him, his ancestral home is destroyed and he's forced to start over again in new york. he's not reforming his father's society, he's running it into the ground. he's not melting it down and molding it into something new, he's just building sandcastles out of the ashes.
no one would pass shang-chi. not even himself.
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thesearchforbluejello · 6 months
I fundamentally do not understand this show. The Dominion War was RIGHT THERE. Like, RIGHT. THERE. Why did we need some whack Romulus-blew-up backstory when the federation was already decimated by the war?? A follow up on the fallout of that and how the ceding of territory, the betrayal by allies, and the xenophobia of threats from both within and outside would have been SO much more interesting to me.
And they're so busy pulling half developed plotlines out of thin air that they're not even pounding in their anchor points for it all. Like, case in point, Jay looking for Icheb's cortical node. SEVEN HAS IT. IT IS LITERALLY IN SEVEN'S FUCKING HEAD. Like, okay fine easter egg? Maybe? But a major plot point isn't exactly an Easter egg?? Like obviously Beyer knows a shitload about Voyager, so at least one of them must be aware of that, so I assume it's implied... but not everyone has seen every Trek and that is from one specific Voyager episode, and Seven had the perfect opportunity to rub that in Jay's face... And are we not going to talk about Seven becoming a Ranger which is HUGELY antithetical to where she was at in Voyager? Because the fact that she became an individual on a ship that was what, 1/3 Maquis? Um, that's a super fucking important fact? Love that for her, but Christ alive nail. these. plot points. home.
idk I guess these two are nitpicks, but I have so many more and just don't feel like writing a novel expounding upon what I perceive as their many (MANY) failures in writing this show. But this show is just full of those moments and I don't understand their choices. Easter eggs only work when there's actually something semi coherent to hide them in (hence why most of M*rvel's fail nowadays, just saying). This feels almost as incoherent as Renegades, and I am SOOOOO very sorry to be actually saying that because woooooof that is not a compliment. Like... it's the Romulans, it's the androids, it's the Borg. It feels like whatever unholy combination is happening with Applebee's and iHop right now. Like... Okay I guess? But it's just a weird combination and very unnecessary. Just fucking pick one and go from there.
I do however need like a lot more ex-Borg bonding that was such a good moment okay thanks bye
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sysig · 7 months
What are some rare characters you love that you think people don’t draw or write about enough
Do Max and Dex count I love them and I feel like I'm approximately 80% of the Helix fandom rn lol
Doug Peterson and Russ Frushtick from Law Abiding Citizen - the fandom has gotten real quiet over time but I still love them so much ♥ There's a lot you can read into or leave silly with their dynamic, I still wholeheartedly recommend the emerge, transformed series as one of my favourite interpretations of Russ especially 💕
The Editor from Jazzpunk - he's just a silly little guy! It's honestly such a shame that he's only really in the last chapter, I would love to see him explored more, he's the worst ♪
Tatsumi Souichi from Koisuru Boukun - genuinely one of my all-time favourite characters, and The Only Good Tsundere as far as I'm concerned lol. I'm gonna write about him! I've got my fanfic and video essay sitting in my drafts, but like agh!! He's so interesting!!! So beautifully flawed - he's internally consistent which is my Favourite - and watching him grow and change while still being himself over literal years has been a truly unparalleled experience as a reader 💖
Luke Wigglebig and Florette from Pajama Sam: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet - I joked before about being the only person on the internet who ships them but like, I'm pretty sure that's actually true lol. Even just more fanart of them by themselves would make me happy, they're so cute!! Especially Luke, his design is adorable
And then probably a more well-known one but I haven't been following his fandom popularity lately haha, Fai D. Flowrite from Tsubasa - him, Nova, and Watanuki move in and out of being my CLAMP faves, though Fai is probably the most complex of the three of them. And he's a trash man! A garbage fire of a wizard ♥ I love him
#This also made me realize I didn't have a Jazzpunk link in my taglist over on Drabbles lol - fixed now!#And also that I apparently have a fairly wide margin for ''Characters who I want to see more of'' and ''Characters I want to make more of''#How rare are we talking here 'cause uhhh#If you wanna get into fancharacters/OCs/etc. I have perhaps Too Many of those as well lol#That's literally the only reason Max and Dex are a strikethrough because otherwise 10000%#And y'already know about my big feelings towards many others - I wouldn't have a whole Vargas blog if not lol#I have other OC faves as well :D Cheerybot jumps out to me haha#As well as when smol shares her characters with me <3#There was this one story that I was told by an artist as context for a commission and I was enthralled but never followed up on - a shame!#I ended up making a little extra art out of inspiration haha ♪#Anyway lol - these are just the ones that immediately spring to mind since I've drawn them :D#I almost certainly have more who just haven't made it to my paper yet lol#Not enough girls in this list - tossing in Wendy (and Jennifer) from Rule of Rose as well ♥#I could probably talk about several of these at even further length lol - I already have for some!#There's also specific dynamics I rarely see - my favourite rarepairs are probably Krillin/Vegeta(/Bulma/18) and Thranduil/Bilbo lol#There is too little appreciation for polyships!! So many of my faves have two hands!!#And to be fair Nova is probably rarer than Fai - there's definitely not enough fanfic about her dynamic with Hikaru!#I kept almost including other faves but I was like No Wait this about rare characters lol#I'm delighted to see all of my faves! But I would doubly so to see these get the love they deserve hehe <3#Can you tell that I really enjoy ahem Interesting Personalities lol#All my faves are disasters I love them <3
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daz4i · 7 months
it is my hope that if i ever do manage to recover and get better and perhaps even stable and hopefully have some reach and effect on other people, i will never be as annoying as self help bloggers or other shitty dismissive recovery personnel god bless 🖤
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chickie-birdies · 1 year
Hello, it's been a while!
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Today I accidentally acquired two baby Wyandottes
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winter-doggo · 1 year
Something I am curious about
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watatsumiis · 2 years
I have. So so many cool awesome followers. It's a little intimidating actually ?
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only americans are real people. a not american picked foods that, yes are historically black and historically poor people food, that has been modified into comfort food, but, I need to point out, ARE STILL WEIRD if you haven't grown up with them, same as LITERALLY ALL OTHER COUNTRIES AND FOOD TRADITIONS ON EARTH. americans are having a fucking shitfit about it, as if americans don't immediately reach for poor people food and ethnic minority foods when making fun of other people's food traditions. it's fine when you fuckers replicate classism at people living in a society where class is real and tangible in ways you guys don't even understand that's just a joke bro calm down, but god forbid anyone do it back at you. get over youselves, if you gonna dish you gotta take it.
I'm well aware of classism in England, since it's one of the primary reasons my dad moved to the US and had me, a dual citizen who is uniquely positioned to see through your complete and utter bullshit.
Classism and racism exist in both countries. Stop acting like Americans, who live under greater wealth inequality than Brits do and in the country with the most billionaires, don't know what classism is. Stop acting like Brits don't know what anti-Black racism is when Black people are the third-most impoverished ethnic group in the UK and are so marginalised the UN filed a report on it in January.
Making fun of beans on toast is not the same as making fun of grits. Both sustain people through poverty, but only one sustained enslaved people through being bought and sold like livestock.
I did not expect the OP to know that when they made the post because I do not expect people to know everything about American culture or history. But you (and the OP) should have backed off once people tried to educate you about the importance of many of the foods on the list. My 80-year-old English grandmother would tell you the same.
Sending me a pissy ask like this tells me everything I need to know about you. Your behavior has nothing to do with your country of origin.
You're just a racist twat.
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mayonakano-archive · 2 years
love when my dad talks to me about Adult Things and Uni like yeah i know nothing about my senior shit nor the colleges i'm applying to, nor have i done anything we discussed when i turned 18 a month ago. peace and love <3
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executiveibex · 2 years
finished part 1 of 3 of “The Miracle of the Mirage” and
ONE. “Is Grand Magnificent my darling? Or is my, like, obsession with tragedy my darling?” oh okay my attachment to Art’s characters makes complete sense now because we approach our TTRPG character narratives the same way
TWO. glad i’m making a slight detour to this week’s Road to PALISADE before finishing this arc! because even though i know from checking the wiki to set up the tag list for this blog that nobody’s (probably) dying in this season until the very end, those last fifteen minutes were still really fucking tense
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