#i'm jumping off this ship before it crashes into the rocks
yan-maid-cafe · 1 day
Yandere Monster Fucker Concepts
Not a yandere monster. A yandere monster fucker with a darling monster.
Yandere Royal that gets kidnapped by the big snarling dragon. Only to become obsessed with you and not wanting to be saved. Anytime the hero comes, they alert their big dragon love. Watching as you burn the royal's armies to a crisp. They just want a happy little future between them, you, and your children. Don't question them, they will find a way.
Yandere Cult Leader and their eldritch god. They found you when they were at their lowest and viewed you as their saviour. They know that you're not a "good god", it's hard to hold that belief after sacrificing human life to you, but they don't care. They'll sacrifice countless cultists to you if it means that they can be in your good graces. They can't wait for you to finally arrive into their world, you'll destroy everything in your path and create your paradise. And maybe if they pray enough you'll make them your spouse. Or your pet. They'll take either at this point.
Yandere Pirate that unknowingly enters siren territory while sailing with his crew. Crashing into the rocks, leaving them stranded on the damaged ship. Despite trying to fight off the alluring melody, one by one his men begin to jump off the side into the water to be ripped apart by the monsters. Until finally the captain falls victim too, jumping into the water and feeling themself submerge. Only to be met face to face with the siren that had led them here, but they're beautiful, more beautiful then anyone the captain had seen. Their arms outstretched as if to embrace them. But at that moment, the captain was pulled out of the water by another ship of men. They crew quickly covering his ears before he could hear the song again. Able to read the men's lips as they explained that they were headed back to land. But all the captain could focus on was the beast he had just seen, and just how badly he wanted to jump in again.
Yandere Villain that works alongside a vast array of monsters, but only one catches their eye. One of the small kobolds that they had recruited. From the looks of it, they appeared to be the leader of their little group. They were actually starting to think that those kobolds didn't even listen to them, just their little leader. Which was less then ideal, that disloyalty would just make a coup easier to perform. So the villain needed to get closer to the reptilian leader, if they could get closer to them, than maybe they could redirect that loyalty towards themself. But they were cought off guard by the scrappy little thing, they weren't the brightest but they were very cunning. Having set traps all over the villain's lair in case any wannabe heros showed up. And they seemed to have memorized the villain's plans and were already getting their army in on it. Before they even knew it, the villain finally understood why the other Kobolds picked this one to be their leader. And suddenly the little reptiles didn't seem to dispossable.
I have a lot of yandere ideas but I'm too lazy to write them all. So I'm thinking of posting more concepts like this so I can post more often. It was much easier to write for me.
Also I tried to keep both the yandere and the reader gender nuetral. Which was easier said then done. So if this makes no sense, I'm sorry. I tried to make it work.
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Note to Elwood:
This is not how you talk about someone when they're not present when you have "feelings" for them:
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What about that scene above is him being a gentleman?
And more importantly...
Beau has feelings for Jenny?
Girl, WHERE?
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We've only ever seen Jenny's side of things.
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Full disclosure, I haven't seen season 2, but Jenny is funny and very charismatic? That's what she and Beau have in common besides their confidence? I don't remember Jenny cracking any jokes in season 1 or season 3 thus far.
"But he doesn’t let Jenny in emotionally because he doesn’t want to be vulnerable to her." - what??? So him telling her in 2x18 that he followed his daughter and ex-wife to Montana wasn't him letting her in. Or him telling her and Cassie how he felt about missing out on Emily's life in 3x01 wasn't letting her in? Or even when he talks to her alone in 3x09 again about Emily?
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LOL!!! Jenny isn't jealous of Cassie and Beau's friendship in a romantic way? Seriously? Then why the whole consistent teasing of Beau about Cassie, asking if he's jealous? Even in 3x09 when they're having their supposed big emotionally intimate convo without Cassie being there or having anything to do with it? Elwood, you lie like a rug.
"Beau’s been very, very guarded around Jenny about any emotional stuff in his life regarding his marriage." - yet again, I ask, how has he been guarded when in the very first episode he meets her, he talks about it? He may not have told her the reason why the marriage failed but he had no problem basically admitting that he was still in love with Carla in that first car ride. Not to mention Jenny is the first one to meet Carla and witness what happened there.
"When Jenny got to interview Carla, that was a real chess match, and what was being discussed was trying to figure out what makes Beau tick and what kind of woman would be with this guy Avery, who Jenny and Beau know is up to some dirt." - so you ADMIT that Jenny was doing that in this scene when just an episode later you have Jenny telling Cassie that she's going to respect his boundaries, give him some space, and let him tell her when he's ready? When she said the very same thing in 3x01 when Cassie tells her she can ask Beau? So she goes behind his back and gets the scoop from his ex-wife instead? Not a true romance does this make.
"Those are the cards we’ve been playing with in this relationship. I think it all goes towards earning those looks, earning any kind of physicality that may occur in the back half of the season, really earning it," - you may want to stick to playing checkers instead because your chess matches and card playing aren't working out; they're horrific. Because Beau suddenly doing a 180 in the mid-season finale doesn't feel earned, it feels extremely out of character, abrupt, and not making sense.
"and making the audience want to be there for it." - AH, his true goal, gotta get those numbers up and keep viewers for the ratings. My bad, I thought Elwood was a story teller, not a salesman.
So basically, he knows he fucked up, the show doesn't actually show this supposed build-up of a true romance of Beau and Jenny, so that's why we get:
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A whole sales pitch in combination with a full explanation because it wasn't apparent how Beau felt during the entire season so far, and the interviewer even had to check that Jenny knew she was interested. Imagine, that had to be asked.
And once again, he's not doing this because it's right for the story or either character (it's not), he's doing it to give "the audience what they want". Fanservice, that's all it is. And while a lot of shows tend to swing this way in order to keep viewers (since streaming/COVID changed the game irrevocably), the writers do their best to try to make it make some sense in the story. We've seen both good and bad examples of both. This is definitely the latter.
Had they done some organic build-up between Beau and Jenny, and not had Jenny acting so out of character and being full on cocky to boot (I mean, "Jenny always gets her man"? Really?), then maybe I could see this making sense as far as the fanservice goes. But Jensen and Katheryn don't have romantic chemistry. This is what genuine chemistry looks like:
He has way more chemistry with Angelique, Kylie, and Dedee. And for Beau to get into a romantic relationship with either Carla or Cassie makes way more sense for his story as well as theirs. With Denise not so much, but again, chemistry and it's cute.
So for this sudden Beau-has-been-returning-Jenny's-feelings-the-whole-time-he's-just-been-guarded-around-her to come out of nowhere is just beyond bad writing. Especially considering that Jenny already dealt with this issue (guy who isn't truly over his ex and she has to deal with it in the relationship) last season. With Travis, the very same guy Beau helped her to deal with in the very same episode she met him and says goodbye to her boyfriend, and lets him go to find his ex. The very SAME episode. That's. BAD. WRITING. And not good at all for Jenny's character development, because there is NO development. Here she is again, dealing with this same bullshit. And to top it all off, she's been acting like a teenager in some weird one-sided high school romance, being jealous (yes, Elwood, that's right, ROMANTICALLY jealous) of her best friend, trying to call dibs on a man that has shown NO interest in her whatsoever, to the point where even his ex-wife is noticing, and basically waiting him out because she's so confident she's going to get her man. (Yes, you wrote that, Elwood. YOU) Something the Jenny from Season 1 (and the few flashes I've seen of season 2) Jenny wouldn't have done, especially after having gone through this SAME thing last season.
So you have both female leads (and one hell of a strong female side character aka Carla) being reduced to devices to tell the romance story for fanservice, all revolving around a man...great job, Elwood. Great job.
And here's the thing, Jensen is doing his best to make the story work. And that's not speaking through an AA-haze, that's just speaking truth. It's most apparent in that 3x10 scene. While that moment came out of nowhere and felt extremely awkward, especially with Jenny's reaction, it only worked slightly because of him. He and Katheryn don't have romantic chemistry, not in these roles and in this story. So I think it's hilarious that fanboy Elwood who is clinging to Jensen and Reba like a crab with its claws, texts Jensen from the editing room (by Jensen's own admission from this most recent con), asking Jensen if he meant to play a take a certain way, then telling him it's brilliant and they're going to use it, and yet we still get:
This scene (and ANOTHER Cassie mention) & this scene (where Beau is NOT jealous nor does he give a shit that Jenny is being hit on)
Where Beau very clearly isn't into Jenny or thinking of anything romantic happening between them. NO. ORGANIC. BUILD-UP.
Elwood had the opportunity to use different takes (for example, look at the 3x09 movie night scene again - Katheryn's coverage has Jensen looking at her; Jensen's coverage has him barely looking at her) to tell this story between them seamlessly and do a genuine build-up to have this payoff in 3x10. He didn't because his ego is telling him that he doesn't need to. And why? Because he believes his own hype and his goal isn't to tell a great story but to maintain ratings. That's it. So it's beyond hilarious to me that fanboy Elwood even texts Jensen from the editing room. Like dude, you have no excuse. This isn't on the editors or the writers or the actors; this is on you. Just you.
And the only time we get some genuine possibly romantic chemistry with Jensen and Katheryn? This scene - and why? Because they're not playing their roles. (which is a testament to their acting abilities btw)
Congratulations, Elwood. You sacrificed Cassie and Jenny, your two female leads, for ratings for this shit. Are you proud of yourself? (most likely you are but you shouldn't be)
I've seen some shitty showrunners in my time but wow, Elwood, you take the cake. I can see why there's talk about this season being this show's last. This is truly terrible writing. You may want to go back to just being on a writing team or to short novels, buddy. I feel like that's where your strength is, and leave the showrunning to the pros.
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steveshairychest · 1 year
It's mermay so I'm having so many thoughts about siren Eddie trying to lure captain Steve off his ship, but he doesn't realise that Steve is deaf.
Steve knows about Eddie; he's had to stop quite a few of his men from jumping overboard to be with the beautiful siren. He spends so many days just leaning on the railing of his ship, gazing down at Eddie with a triumphant smile because he knows Eddie can't affect him, well, with his singing that is. He definitely affects Steve in other ways. Steve nearly toppled overboard just last week because he was too busy watching Eddie twirl a sword he no doubt stole while lounging on a rock, his gorgeous black tail glinting in the sun.
Eddie gives up trying to lure the captain into the sea after a month, but that doesn't mean he stops visiting the ship. He starts getting bolder. He throws stones in the captain's general direction to get his attention before proudly showing off the big fish he caught, only to get a confused sort of laugh from the man. He expected at least a clap or a thumbs up.
One morning, he spies the small boat that is usually hoisted up high on the side of the ship, in the water and he climbs inside, his tail too long so it hangs off the side while he waits. He nearly gives the captain and crew a heart attack when they finally pull it back up and find him lounging in the small boat with a rather large knife and lazy smile.
"I think you dropped this." Eddie grins at the captain, his sharp teeth causing several crew members to step back. He holds out the knife that he saw the man clumsily drop into his waters months ago. He is feeling generous. He'd normally keep treasures like that for himself.
"Thank you." Steve says with a soft smile. The warmth of his fingers shocks Eddie when he gently grabs the knife from his hand.
Eddie watches curiously as Steve turns to one of his crew mates, hands her the knife and then starts talking with his hands, well, that's what Eddie assumes is happening because the girl nods in understanding and rushes off to do whatever the captain said. He turns back to Eddie with a bright smile but Eddie can't stop staring at his hands. What was that?
"My name is Steve. What's your name?" Steve says the words out loud and with his hands, it both confuses and intrigues Eddie.
"Teach me that." He rushes out and points at Steve's hands, completely ignoring the captain's question.
Steve tilts his head in confusion, his brows furrowed and his eyes focused on Eddie's lips. His stare makes Eddie feel squirmy and he curls his lip to reveal sharp teeth to show Steve he doesn't like the attention. The captain doesn't get the memo and just stares harder.
"Talk slower. I can't hear you." He points to his ear and suddenly everything makes sense. Why Steve wasn’t affected by his song, why he didn't hear the crew screaming in the night when they were attacked last week. Eddie had almost been ready to climb aboard to wake the sleeping captain but the girl with the short hair had gone to fetch him just in time.
Eddie grabbed the edge of the small boat he was in and leaned closer to Steve, he was very aware that if the crew let go of the rope he'd go crashing back down to the sea but none of them moved. All their eyes watched the strange exchange between their captain and the siren that had been following them like a shadow.
"Teach me how to talk to you. I want to learn." And he does. Something about this human intrigues him. Why else would he follow him across the sea? If he were anyone else, Eddie would have slit his throat and dragged him down to the depths by now, but this captain is special.
He's decided that Steve will be his and his alone. Eddie always gets what he wants and what he wants is to learn Steve inside and out. Which includes learning this new language.
"OK, I'll teach you." Steve says with a nod.
Eddie smiles triumphantly, his sharp teeth on full display. "Great. Lessons start now." He looks pointedly at the space across from him in the small boat and Steve only hesitates for a moment before awkwardly climbing in.
"Tie it off and get back to work." He yells out to his crew without taking his eyes off Eddie, whose long tail is curled behind Steve. They sit in tense silence, Eddie's long nails tap tap tapping on the side of the boat before Steve sighs and says, "We'll start with the basics."
"Whatever you say, Captain."
The language is hard and Steve often laughs at Eddie when he angrily shakes his hands when he doesn't get the sign right.
But Eddie's determined to get it right because he's now one step closer to getting what he wants, and what he wants is Steve all to himself.
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melishade · 2 months
Attack on Prime New Age Anthology: Optimus Prime
Main Story
The Message
Gabi Braun
Optimus Prime (Right now)
The Autobots finally see Optimus Prime.
"We're in the next town!" Bumblebee declared as he and Bulkhead drove through the spacebridge as fast as they could, trying to search for both Optimus and Megatron in the chaos of the Rumbling. They both witnessed the sight of the Colossal Titans demolishing the buildings of the city with each step.
"Hurry up and search the place!" Ratchet ordered them.
Bulkhead noticed the humans that were desperately fleeing for their lives and couldn't bare the thought of leaving them all behind. "Bee, continue looking for Optimus! I'm gonna try to save those humans!"
"Got it!" Bumblebee and Bulkhead quickly split off as Bumblebee headed towards the Colossal Titans.
"C'mon, Bee, please, I hope you're able to find him," Rafael whispered.
Bumblebee dodged the debris and rocks raining down on him from the Colossal Titans. As he continued to dodge those attacks, he noticed a familiar aircraft flying above the Colossal Titans, firing purple beams of energy at the Colossal Titans. He remembered that aircraft. He remembered seeing it leave Cybertron all those years ago! It was Megatron! Megatron was actually here! So if those humans were telling the truth about that, then-!
Bumblebee heard screaming and turned his attention dead ahead to see a familiar red and blue titan shielding something that was on the ground. Optimus! It was Optimus! By the Allspark!
"I found him!" Bumblebee shouted, "I found Optimus!"
Bumblebee noticed a Colossal Titan ready to step on the Prime, and kicked it into high gear before transforming and jumping high into the air. He pulled out his new weapons: two electric stingers, and sliced through the foot of the Colossal Titan, paralyzing the foot of the Colossal Titan. Bumblebee skidded across the ground into the fray of the Colossal Titans, immediately feeling the stinging heat seeping into his armor. Still, he turned around and bolted towards Optimus.
“Bumblebee?!” Bumblebee almost broke at the sound of Optimus' voice but still pressed on.
“Bridge! Bridge! NOW!” Bumblebee called out as he grabbed onto Optimus.
"Move your asses!" Rafael shouted at the humans on the ship before pressing a button. A spacebridge opened right above them, and everyone immediately jumped out of the way as Optimus and Bumblebee immediately fell through and crashed into the ship. Bumblebee gasped with relief and fear as he rolled off of Optimus and stared up at the ceiling.
"Holy shit!" Connie exclaimed.
"Bumblebee!" Ratchet cried out to him.
"Don't touch me! I'm too hot! Check on Optimus!" Bumblebee told him. Bumblebee then noticed the way Optimus stretched his arms out and released two small children from his servos. realizing that's what Optimus was protecting.
"Hey, come here." Onyankopon grabbed them and quickly pulled them away as Ratchet kneeled down and began to scan Optimus.
“Ratchet?” Ratchet almost lost focus as the Prime spoke his name, but he ignored it as he recalibrated Optimus’ vitals to his systems. Ratchet saw that Optimus’ vitals were beginning to stabilize, showing actual signs of life, before staring at the Prime.
“You’re alive,” Ratchet could only say, “You’re actually alive?”
All this time, Optimus was alive. Optimus was alive for four years, protecting another world of humans. And...and carelessly putting himself in danger once again!
“Ra-!” Ratchet didn't know what came over him, but he immediately slapped Optimus in the face.
“What in the Allspark were you thinking?!” Ratchet demanded, cutting Bumblebee off.
“Believe me, he wasn’t!” Levi shouted, causing Optimus to snap his helm towards the humans they had just picked up. The Prime looked so surprised to see them all here. He was at a loss for words, but there was also a mix of relief in his optics.
"What..." Ratchet was stunned when that relief, turned into anger, "What are you all doing here?! You were supposed to remain on the island!”
"What the fuck?" Rafael mouthed to Jack.
“Hey! If it wasn’t for our quick thinking and us being here, you’d be dead right now!” Hanji shouted at him, “You just run off into certain death without a proper goodbye and you expect us to stay put?!”
 “Optimus! Answer your fragging communicator! Status!” Megatron yelled at him through the comm. link system.
“I am fine!” Optimus told Megatron, “I am on the Iron Will!”
“I can see that!” Ultra Magnus' mouth dropped at the sight of Megatron's alt mode flying past his ship. He quickly regained his composure once he was out of view. “Rafael, connect Megatron to our communication systems!”
“Great,” Rafael drawled out before typing a few things on the keyboard. When he was done, Megatron’s face ended up showing up on the screen next to Miko and Smokescreen. “Can you hear us Buckethead? If you can, fuck you for trying to destroy Earth five times!”
“Raf!” Jack shouted.
“Hate me all you want; I need help now! There are still humans here on the ground!” Megatron called out.
Jack was flabbergasted while Ratchet’s mouth dropped. Bumblebee managed to finally sit up and stare at the screen. Megatron…asked for help?! For humans?!
“I’m opening up a spacebridge to the other side of the planet!” Ultra Magnus informed as he accessed the coordinates on one of his screens.
Ratchet wanted to ask questions. So did Bumblebee. They wanted to know what happened. How Optimus got here! What had he been doing here?! But Ratchet noticed Megatron flying past the Iron Will and heading left. “Hey! Where do you think you’re going?!” 
“Eren is controlling the Founding Titan and the Rumbling! If he’s dead then the Rumbling will stop!” Megatron answered, “Why haven’t any of you Autobots targeted the Founder yet?!”
“Miko and Smokescreen are currently engaging the Founder as we speak,” Ultra Magnus informed.
“You let Miko and Smokescreen do what?!” Optimus demanded.
“IT’S A BEAUTIFUL DAY TO DIE!” Miko cackled through the comm. link system before slashing a Jaws Titan in the face.
“…you let the humans keep the Apex Armor,” Megatron concluded.
“Smokescreen also has the phase shifter,” Jack added.
“What about the humans on the ground?!” Bulkhead asked through the comm. link system, “I got a few of them clinging to me for dear life wanting to get away from this thing! I need a bridge to get them someplace safe!”
“On it!” Rafael informed as he opened a spacebridge for Bulkhead.
“Optimus, what do we do?!” Bumblebee turned to the Prime, “How do we approach this?!”
Ratchet noticed the way that Optimus' optics were full of confliction and fear. He looked uncomfortable with all eyes and optics on him, but then his gaze fell to the children civilians. All of them still crying and begging for help. Ratchet watched Optimus' expression of confliction fall away, his optics were full of determination. And he barked his first command.
(The rest of this you can go to chapter 93 to see how the rest of Guren No Yumiya plays out.)
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songbookff · 5 months
Ooh for the touch prompts, how about #49 for Picard/Crusher:
holding onto the other’s shoulders for support
My loves. Thank you for sending this one. One of my first true OTPs.
"Keep still!"
"I am staying still!"
"Well I can't do this if you are moving!"
"I'm not moving!"
The ship lurched again and Jean Luc had to steady himself, one hand against the wall, the other firmly gripping the calf of Beverly's leg. He heard her grumble above him and he rolled his eyes instead of responding.
Her heels were digging into his shoulders as she stood perched, reaching up into the vent above, trying desperately to reset the electrical circuit so they could get out of this corridor.
How this happened to the Captain and the Chief Medical Officer of the ship, he still didn't know. No comms and they were losing life support by the minute. He knew that Will had the rest of the ship under control. Right now he was more concerned about getting himself and Beverly out alive.
So far, it seemed their plan was working. It was quickly established that Beverly wasn't going to be able to hold Jean Luc's weight, so he had been walking her through the circuit from memory. And either it had been too many years since he had taken electrical engineering or Beverly was terrible at taking direction.
Probably a bit of both...
The ship rocked again and this time Jean Luc couldn't keep his footing. He lurched backwards, trying to catch Beverly as she fell. They crashed into the wall, trying to remain upright. He heard Beverly cry out in pain as she landed.
Then the power went out completely. Darkness greeted him, unable to make out her face. But he held onto her waist and could feel the tension in her body.
"I think I broke my ankle," she groaned. She squirmed around where he had her pinned to the wall so they were facing each other, if they could see. Beverly gripped his shoulders, painfully digging in her fingertips where her feet had been just moments before.
"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I believe we have bigger problems to worry about." If the power was out, so was life support. They had minutes left, if that. He felt her lean her forehead slowly towards his and let out a gentle sigh once they touched.
"Always so negative," she jested, sliding one of hands across the back of his shoulders and then removing her head from his, jumped around to his side in the dark. He did his best to wrap his arm around her supportively. "Get us to the door, Captain."
They awkwardly moved to the door and he heard her blindly feel around for the door panel.
"Beverly," he murmured. Time was running out. There was no way to get the door open now.
"Any last words?" she asked.
"I don't think I could come up with the proper way to tell you how much I love you." Acting on impulse alone, he turned his head to press a kiss into the softness of her hair, still unable to see anything.
"Do you know what I love most?" she asked. He wasn't sure he wanted to use up his last breath talking with her. He would rather kiss her as his last action in the galaxy. He made a non-committal noise as her arm started to slip off his shoulders. "That I am still able to surprise you."
The door between pending death and the remainder of the ship slid open and the bright shining light of the Enterprise burst through. Klaxons blared and he could hear the shouting of the crew. He glanced over and Beverly was smirking at him.
"You reset the circuit."
"Yes, but I had to bypass the life support. That's why we lost power."
"You really thought we were going to die," she teased, but he bumped her hip playfully and she clung to him, wincing as she accidentally put weight on her ankle. Served her right.
"I will say this, Doctor, if I was going to spend my last moments with someone, I was happy to spend it with you."
"Flatterer." She placed a kiss to his cheek. "Now, Captain, let's go save your ship."
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lousypotatoes · 4 months
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Tumbling Dice - The Rolling Stones
"I'm all sixes and sevens and nines
Say now, baby, I'm the rank outsider
You can be my partner in crime~"
Set Fire To The Rain - Adele
"Sometimes I wake up by the door 
That heart you caught must be waiting for you
Even now when we're already over
I can't help myself from looking for you~"
Mary On A Cross - Ghost
"We were scanning the city, rocking to pay their dues
But besides all the glamour, all we got was bruised
But through all the sorrow, we've been riding high
And the truth of the matter is I never let you go, let you go~"
Dirty Laundry - Don Henley
"We got the bubble-headed beach blonde, comes on at five
She can tell you about the plane crash with a gleam in her eye
It's interesting when people die
Give us dirty laundry~"
I Hate It Here - Taylor Swift 
"I'm lonely but I'm good
I'm bitter, but I swear I'm fine 
I'll save my romanticism for my inner life and I'll get lost on purpose
This place makes me feel worthless~" 
Valentino - Years & Years, MNEK
"I should have known not to trust Valentino 
I should of known not to trust Valentino
Tonight I'm saying goodbye Valentino
We know just what you're doing~"
Lose Control - Teddy Swims
"The problem is when I'm with you, I'm an addict
And I need some relief, my skin and your teeth
Can't see the forest through the trees
Got me down on my knees, darlin' please, oh~"
HONEY (ARE U COMING?) - Maneskin
"Before I found this place I was feeling so blue 
But then it turned me out let it do it to you
It's not a one night if it turns into two
Oh, I like it~"
Daylight - David Kushner
"This lust is a burden that we both share 
Two sinners can't atone from a lone prayer
Souls tied, intertwined by guilt~"
Lights Down Low - MAX
"You're dancing in your bare feet 
Just like we're in a movie
Grab my hand and we're chasing the train 
Catch you looking back at me 
Running through a cloud of steam~"
Feeling Good - Micheal Bublé
"Oh freedom is mine
And I know how I feel 
It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life~"
older - Isabel LaRosa
"Think I need someone older
Just a little bit colder
Takes the weight off your shoulders
Think I need someone older~"
Stereo Hearts - Gym Class Heroes, Adam Levine
"Furthermore, I apologize for any skipping cracks
It's just the last girl to play me left a couple cracks
I used to, used to, used to, used to, now I'm over that
'Cause holding grudges over love is ancient artifacts~"
I Love You Like An Alcoholic - The Taxpayers
"Seven blocks in, my fingers brushed your hand
I blushed and you laughed, but you seemed a little sad
I ain't one to jump ship, but I absolutely knew
I was six steps in when I fell into you~"
Friends On The Other Side - Keith David
"I can read your future
I can change it 'round some, too
I'll look deep into your heart and soul 
Make your wildest dreams come true~"
Drunk (And I Don't Wanna Go Home) - Elle King, Miranda Lambert
You like my gin and tonic kisses 'cause you know they taste so sweet
And I know you got your missus, but there ain't no one like me~"
I Want To Hold Your Hand - The Beatles
"And when I touch you, I feel happy inside
It's such a feelin' my love
I can't hide, I can't hide, I can't hide~"
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bigdvmnhero · 2 years
The Kraang invasion changes our merry crew: Leo hardens into the resistance's no-fun, de facto leader; Raph builds an alliance; Donnie navigates a tenuous relationship with the EPF; and Mikey—
Mikey cooks.
He’ll keep this family together. If it's the last thing he does.
(Not even an apocalypse could scour being the unofficial family cook for sixteen years; Mikey wouldn't let it.)
chapter 1:
Blame Kondescending Kitchen's ramen special episode, if anything.
Donnie certainly was—even before the kraangified nightmare lurched from the shadows to chew on his mystic-enforced pauldron, before the claw marks he'd discover later on his favorite battle shell, and those were never fun; before today's shell-aching weather, dry with a chance of murder.
"Anyway—are you sure all these toppings are necessary?" Donnie shrugged off his assailant savagely, shooting it between the eyes—twice for good measure—and watched it screech the twenty-foot drop distance into the valley below. A holographic ladder pulled him into the cockpit of his ship. "I'm aware there are five critical elements, but bean sprouts? What did the recipe say?"
Truthfully, Mikey did not know what the recipe said. Up until now, the recipe did not exist. Mikey eyeballed the whole thing from a memory as hazy as old glass. Easier to say it came from a cooking show. If Donnie knew Mikey was winging it, he never would've agreed to this side project.
Worse—he'd tell Leo.
And then they'd never get to leave the base, all of them pulled into the walking black hole that was their big brother, who enjoyed very little in life lately except for dooming them to practice their kata in the dojo for days and then some.
Half a desert apart, both their blood curdled at the thought.
"Just trust me," came the crackle of Mikey's voice from Donnie's communicators. Above all things, Mikey trusted the pull of his own gut—things he felt his older brother would never understand. "You, uhhh, here soon?"
Donnie sighed. "One getaway ride, coming in hot."
Not long after, Donnie was tilting the ship over the cluster of geodesic domes. Then he waited for the crash. Seconds later, Mikey's head was breaching the cockpit. Chains fading out like sparklers, he slammed into the passenger seat, gasping, eyes shot and arms tight around a heaving black bag.
"Took you long enough," Donnie said.
"Yeah," Mikey croaked.
“Everything alright?”
No time to stall; they lifted into the troposphere. Only a stretch of infinite desert for miles. While they drifted in silence, a shroud began falling over the ship, settling over them like a black cloud. "Oh, Angelo," Donnie called, in his cheeriest customer service voice, "why is the entire earth protection force after us?"
Mikey was still gaping at his hoard. He'd loosened the tether to stare at its contents like they were some sort of miracle. Soil stained his fingers, and he smelled like the market, like wet living earth, things that should not exist.
Donnie's silence turned fatal.
"Well, what're you waiting for?" Mikey cried when it hit him. "BOOK IT, SON."
So: murder then. Donnie was going to murder him.
He would, that was—if they didn't get murdered first.
Static jumped into the ship's comms, and then the Secretary of Earth Protection Force was speaking, her voice ringing crisp around the cockpit like a gunshot. "We wanted to give our trespassers the benefit of the doubt, but we'd know that unique mystic signature anywhere—"
"Aw, you think?" Mikey turned to Donnie. "Told you, Barry said the same thing!"
"Not the time," Donnie hissed.
"Is that Michaelangelo?"
Donnie pinched his nose. The landscape ahead was so searingly hot the air prismed the rock pillars into tilted shapes, and the squadron above their ship splintered their harsh shadows everywhere. Donnie cleared his throat: "Greetings, agent! Did not realize it was already time for our bi-monthly roundtable. To what do I owe the gift of your, ah, legendary presence?"
"Sweet talk me all you want, Hamato. You know I'm not here for a catch-up." Chipper, despite the occasion. Hopefully not a smokescreen. Both boys were grateful, at least, that it wasn't Bishop on the line; small miracles. "We've just had a classification level four security breach on a Sunday afternoon, and surprise surprise—it's your recon ship outside our territory. The tale gets stranger."
"Oh, do tell," Donnie said, looking right at Mikey.
"You'd think there'd be significant losses, but it seems none of our top assets have been compromised." A pause. "That we know of..."
Mikey shrugged as if to say, I don't know what that woman is talking about.
The agent continued, "—nothing out of place. Except for a few... interesting choices. Our root crops, for one, are missing. Among other things."
"Ah," Donnie said intelligently. He glanced sideways at Mikey, who was now hugging his potatoes. Dirty, pockmarked, unmodified potatoes.
Set a course, the dash map suggested in front of him. Exit routes blinked. Mikey made a bright happy sound. Leo would not be happy about this detour.
"Now, I'm sure you'd like to spend your afternoon elsewhere—like eliminating our alien colonizers, for one—but first, tell me, Donatello," the EPF agent said, "what vegetable could be so important for our top allies to be attempting unauthorized entry into one of the world's most highly guarded facilities—and in broad daylight?"
The look Donnie pitched at Mikey was a double-edged blade, equal parts betrayed and impressed, and when Mikey howled, "Well, PURE FLAVOR, BABY," Donnie could only lean back in his seat as the weeks finally caught up with him, he was so, so, terribly tired, and Mikey, unfortunately, still had enough faith for both of them.
If Mikey fished a miracle out of this, Donnie would take it.
So: "What he said," Donnie deadpanned, and hoped like hell by now his family knew how much he loved them; the things he put up with—
read more
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jedi-lothwolf · 2 months
Augusnippets Day 6: Ship Wreck
Fandom: Percy Jackson
Summary: The Princess Andromeda crashes on the coast of Oregon. Now Luke must find a way off of the ship before it sinks.
    Luke wasn't sure what had happened. Maybe Poseidon had finally gotten ahold of The Princesses Andromeda or maybe it had just been an accident. That didn't matter right now. The ship was sinking.
    Running out of his quarters, he looked down the hallway. Water was already starting to trickle in. As a wave hit the ship, Luke slammed into the wall. He felt the jolt of the ship, as if it had hit something.
They had been on the coast of Oregon the last he knew. More then likely they still were. There are places on the west coast that the ocean meets cliffs. Standing, Luke made his way up to the deck of the ship. When he opened the door he found that he was right.
They had crashed into the side of a cliff.
The man knew he needed to make sure others could escape. Losing his whole army would be detrimental, at least that's what he told himself as he ran below deck. Knocking on doors, Luke quickly but calmly, tried to make sure everyone was aware of the situation. He paused before Chris's door before just opening it. That man could sleep through a hurricane.
Shaking him awake, Luke informed him of what was going on. "Shit okay." He said as he pulled his shoes on.
"Get above deck. See if any of the ledges can hold people."
Running back to his room, Luke grabbed his shoes and Backbiter. He shoved the sword into his belt and closed the door when he left. The water had already made its way through most of the hall, the carpet being soaked.
Luke could smell the fire. Most of the time the smell of smoke did not bother him. That night, it attacked his lungs in a way it never had before. It burned. Still there was one more door to check. Letting his shoes get soaked, he forced the last door open. Inside a young half-blood was trying to stand. The water had made the door hard to open.
"Come on." Luke offered her his hand. She took it and they ran out of the hall. The water was up to his knees now. As the ship shook, it took the man's feet out from under him. He fell into the water. "I'll be right there!" He yelled after the girl.
"Okay!" She yelled back.
Steadying himself against the wall, Luke used it to get up. With the water at his knees, it was difficult to run. Still, he pulled himself to the door to go above deck. Slamming it behind him, a wave crashed into the sinking Princess Andromeda. The wave sent him to the ground once more. This time the ship started to shift. The deck was no longer even.
Looking around, Like tired to find a way out. Most of the rock ledges looked to smooth. All but one.
All he had to do was make it to the ledge. Using a wall to stand, the demigod tried to climb his way to the cliff. It felt impossible. The weight of the ship was pulling the vessel into the water faster and faster.
"Come on!" Luke heard a voice yell. It was Chris. "Luke come on!"
"I'm trying!" He yelled back, frustrated with the way things were going. Looking around again, he found a rope that have been tied to the side of the ship. He could use that to climb his way to the side and jump to the ledge.
The problem is getting to the rope. As the ship sank, the deck became more and more steep. It felt like rock climbing and Luke wasn't even on the ledge yet.
Still, he found his way to the rope. Wrapping it around his right arm, he started to pull himself towards the side railing. As another wave hit the ship, Luke slipped some. He yelped as the rope cut into his arm. The light yellow color that the rope normally was started to be covered in red.
Despite his injury, the demigod continued to climb the rope. He found himself at the side railing ready to jump within a minute or so.
The jump was a lot further than Luke had anticipated. From further away, the distance looked shorter. However, it was his only way out. Sighing, the man moved as far back as he possibly could. He readied himself for the jump. Looking to make sure the next big wave was as far away as it could be, Luke decided he had to jump now.
As his feet left the ship, the ship started to sink faster. Missing the ledge with his feet, Luke caught the rocks. His hands felt like they were on fire. Blood dripped from the rocks as he pulled himself onto the ledge.
Sitting down, Luke rested his back against the wet rocks. They felt cool against this body. Looking at his hands and arm, he realized just how much they hurt.
After a moment Luke Castellan and looked around. Everyone he cared about was on a ledge against the coast of Oregon. A brief wave of relief washed over him. Now they just had to figure out how to get off of the rocks and back on solid ground.
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snakegorl212006 · 24 days
Chapter 11 final part
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 It lowers her head ,hot breath stemmed at my face as it snarled "Angela" Lloyd called making me turn around but as soon as that happened the ground below me shook "RUN" i yelled as i slithered as fast as I could as the Devourer followed behind us,after devouring wu and pythor in the process. We made it to the bounty where we escaped to scattered canyons only to be surprised attack by her making us crash land away from the bounty as we witnessed it's destruction. We sought refugees underneath a rock "there's no time to rest. We need to warn people before it gets bigger" zane said "Bigger?BIGGER!? That thing in one whole bite crushed our entire ship!we need to save as many as we can. Uh we'll find sime kind of refuge, somewhere safe to hide. Ooh the Serpentine tombs. Yeah , they're underground. We'll be without sunlight but they're perfect" jay said "it can dig. And we shouldn't just give up" I replied "But you know as well as I do, we have no chance at stopping that thing" Jay replied "there is a way. Call me delusional but there is we just need a plan" i replied then kai had an idea and instructs us to follow then the Devourer followed. The ninja did the tornado of creation making a machine which helped repel the Devourer but then she destroyed it and ran off. Kai informed of a weak spot on the forehead "umm. Guys… it's heading to the city" i said interrupting Jay's ranting "if it consumes the biggest city of ninjago there's nothing that can stop it" kai committed "lets go" i concluded. We used the mech and the vehicle to travel to ninjago where i help lured the people out of the area then from above i saw a dragon with four heads using the element to stun the snake then getting sneak attack by the dragon. I knew i had to do something "HEY OVER HERE" i yelled at the Devourer. I ran around "guys we need for it to say in one place" i called "way ahead of you" cole replied "go meet Garmadon on the tower" kai instructs "why" i asked "she's your mom right. You should be the one to finished it" he answered as he ran ahead. I nod and head to the building without a second thought. Managed to get on top where I had a direct view of the snake. It struggled as it bit its own tail. "You must make a choice it's now or never" Garmadon said.  I sighed and jumped pulling out a sword i got from the bounty as Garmadon followed. When we stabbed her, she exploded and his fluids got everywhere. Everything was black. Then a golden light brightened my vision. "Angela " a voice spoke as I was shaken awake. I gasped only to be laying in the Devourer's fluids "is everything..  ok now" i asked "yep were all good" Lloyd answered. I just gave him a hug which was returned "wait. the golden weapon! didn't you say tha-" i was cut off "ah yes that's true but the ability tl better oneself is limitless " a voice spoke from behind  "wu!? I thought you were eating and got digested by now. I'm glad that you're ok" i replied as Lloyd helped me up. At the end we celebrated our victory over the Devourer but a new day awaits and the destiny continues
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queen-rainy-love · 9 months
The Revenge of the Captain Part 12
Let's go!
*The scene picks up with Bubble Pearl still dodging Braised Abalone and his crew's nets. Even with her extended family attacking, Bubble Pearl didn't know if this would be enough. She didn't know how far her father and his crew were or where Peppermint's whale friend was. She wasn't sure how long she could do this.*
Braised Abalone: There!
*Before Bubble Pearl could process what was going on, a net engulfed her. She was pulled out of the water, in between the tentacles, and was slammed onto the deck. Her tail morphed back into legs. Braised Abalone walked over to her, smirking.*
Braised Abalone: Well, well, well. Looks like I'll be having my bait after all. *picks Bubble Pearl up and holds a knife to her throat.* Let's see if we can get the Duskgloom beast closer.
*Black Pearl sees Braised Abalone holding Bubble Pearl with a knife. She growls and starts swimming closer to the ship.*
Bubble Pearl: No! Get away!
*Just as Black Pearl got closer, a crewmember fired a canon. The cannonball had just grazed her shoulder. The giant screamed in pain and dived right into the water. Bubble Pearl tried to escape but Braised Abalone kept her close.*
Braised Abalone: No ya don't! We're not done with ya!
*Underneath the water, Black Pearl is looking at her shoulder where a small dent was carved.*
Abyss Monarch: *voice distorted while holding the ship* My Love!!!
Black Pearl: I'm fine! Just hold that ship in place! Where is that dumb son-in-law of ours?! *dodges a cannonball fired underwater.* Argh!
Squid Ink: *flinches* Ow!
Abyss Monarch: *flinches* Ow! What the?!
*Back to the surface, Braised Abalone is ordering his crew to fire at the water and attack the tentacles while still holding Bubble Pearl in place.*
Braised Abalone: Keep firing at the sea!!! The beast is somewhere here! And get those tentacles off of us!!
Bubble Pearl: (I need to get out of here and help my family!) *She steps on Braised Abalone's foot. He let go just enough for her to escape.*
Braised Abalone: Argh! Get her!
*The spare crewmates started chasing her. Bubble Pearl darted around them and some of the canons.*
Bubble Pearl: (Come on! For Divine Light, let something good happen!)
*Just as a crewmember was about to grab her, the ship was roughly rocked to the left. Everyone nearly lost their footing as the ship tried to stable itself.*
Braised Abalone: What the hell was that?!
Peppermint: L-let's try again my friend!
Peppermint Whale: Ooooooo!
Bubble Pearl: Peppermint!
*The peppermint whale slammed itself into the ship again. It rocked again, everyone nearly losing their footing again. The canons started jiggling out of their spots, the metal supporting them creaking.*
Crewmate 2: Captain! The canons-!
Braised Abalone: Keep firing! Don't let up! Hit whatever is in the way!
*Fearing for the young child, Bubble Pearl set her sights on one of the canons. She ran straight toward it, leaped, and landed on its side. This was enough to push the canon's aim toward another canon. It fired and landed right on the other canon. The supporting metal exploded and the canon became loose.*
Bubble Pearl: Hit the ship Peppermint!!!
*The Peppermint Whale hit the ship a third time, causing the loose canon to slide to the other side of the ship. It crashed against the wooden railing and fell straight through, narrowly missing another canon. It did hit that supporting metal and caused it to become loose too. The moment the ship tilted right, that canon broke out of the metal support and slid to the other side, doing the same thing. It had narrowly missed Peppermint and their whale friend. Braised Abalone growled.*
Braised Abalone: For the love of Witches! Get her!!
*Bubble Pearl jumped off the canon and started to run again, ignoring the pain in her foot. She had reached the ship mast when she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. She grabbed the rope that was wrapped around the mast.*
Braised Abalone: Done running? What a smart-
*Before he could finish that sentence, the Salty Shark slammed into the Abalone ship. This caused the ships to rock on the water, making everyone (except Bubble Pearl) lose their footing one more time. Before they could stand back up, the Salty Shark crew hopped on the rouge ship. They started overwhelming the larger crew. They kicked them away from the canons and knocked them away from the tentacles. During this, Bubble Pearl noticed Captain Caviar and Cream Wolf fighting ten Abalone crewmates. She was about to run over to him when Braised Abalone stood in front of her with a knife in hand.*
Braised Abalone: *raising his knife* I'm not done with ya yet!
Bubble Pearl: Braised Abalone. It's over. We don't need to keep this going. We can talk this out-
Braised Abalone: After what yer grandpops did to my family, there is nothing you can say that will ever change my mind!
Bubble Pearl: What our grandfathers did to each other has nothing to do with us. We don't need to follow this path. We can figure something out without crumbling each other.
Braised Abalone: Those silver words won't work on me! You siren! *charges at Bubble Pearl*
*Bubble Pearl quickly dodged his attack and tried to run over to Captain Caviar and Cream Wolf. However, Braised Abalone lunged at her and was about to grab her when-*
???: No you don't! *body slams into Braised Abalone*
Braised Abalone: Ugh! *stumbles back*
*Bubble Pearl looked behind her to see Crunchy Chip standing between her and Braised Abalone. The short captain was holding a sword that he gave to the heiress. His eyes quickly fell on her necklace.*
Crunchy Chip: Another gift for you, my lady.
Bubble Pearl: *takes the sword* My, my dear captain. Keep this up and you might have to have a talk with father.
Crunchy Chip: Fun. For now, let us deal with this wannabe captain.
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queen-of-the-avengers · 10 months
Captain Marvel: Part Five
Pairing: Carol Danvers x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Warnings: canon violence and angst
Author’s Note: For the sake of the rewrite, Howard and Maria Stark dies on December 16, 1997 instead of 1991. Tony is 23 when they die.
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Yon-Rogg pilots the spacecraft toward the horizon and straight for a jump point. Jump points are spots in the sky that allow for fast travel around the universe. It takes five of these to reach Torfa. Only you, Minn-Erva, Att-Lass, Yon-Rogg, and Vers are touching down on the face of the planet while the rest stays aboard the ship to wait for further instruction. The pods you are cramped in crash land into the ocean, so you have to swim to shore on your own
"Vers and Y/N, track Soh-Larr's beacon. Att-Lass and Minn-Erva find elevation," Yon-Rogg orders when you breach the surface.
The entire planet is covered with large rocks and pillars made by the locals. If a fight breaks out, you can do a lot with the foundation using your powers. The further you go inland with Vers, the less you can hear over your ear comms. Minn-Erva says something but there is too much interference to understand what she's saying. You and Vers make it to the spot where Soh-Larr's beacon is coming from. There is a large cave in front of you but the Kree soldier is nowhere to be found.
He must be inside.
"We tracked his location to a cave. He must be inside. Let's move," Vers takes charge.
"No, stay where you are. It's a perfect spot for an ambush," Yon-Rogg says over comms.
"Yon-Rogg, there's no one but locals around. He has to be inside."
"It's too risky. Wait for backup."
By the time he gets down here, Soh-Larr could be dead or have moved somewhere else. You turn off your comms with an annoyed eye roll.
"Come on, let's just go inside. I'm not waiting for him," you say and begin walking into the cave.
The cave is dark since it's too far for natural light to reach from the entrance, but there are cracks in the foundation to help light the way. The further you go, the more the path narrows to the point where the only way through is a small opening between two large slabs of rocks, and Vers touches the side of it in thought.
"Isn't one of your powers to manipulate rock?"
"Show me?"
You put both hands on the slab of rocks at the same time as your eyes shine bright green, the kind of green that you'd find in a dense forest filled with vibrant colors. Your eyes only change colors when you're using an immense amount of power like you are now. Geokinesis changes your eyes to green, pyrokinesis changes them to red like the gates of Hell, hydrokinesis is an icy blue like the Arctic, and aerokinesis is a silky white like the clouds.
The rocks in front of you start to shake and move as you transform them to move out of your way. Bits and pieces of rock break off and fall but turn to dust before they have a chance to hit you or Vers. You're scared if you move the foundation too much, the entire cave will collapse on itself, trapping you two inside. To prevent that from happening, you make the hole just big enough for you and Vers to fit through.
When you're done using your power, your eyes dim back to their natural color.
"That has to be the coolest thing I've ever seen," Vers grins.
"Babe, you've seen nothing yet."
You two pass through into the next section of the cave, and you see someone in the corner of the room.
"Verify your code."
Skrulls may be able to shapeshift into people, but they can only access recent memories. Kree was given a code when they were born so that if they ever fell victim to a Skrull, then the shapeshifter wouldn't be able to access that code. You don't have one since you were never Kree.
"TRT79-VVX6," Soh-Larr says.
That's enough to convince Vers to trust this man. You've never met him in all the time you've been with the Kree, so he must have been undercover for a long time.
"Are you okay?" you ask.
"Yeah," he sighs and rests against a rock, clearly exhausted.
"Vers? Y/N?" Yon-Rogg says through the comms. Vers touches her ear where her comm is, so you turn yours back on to hear what he has to say. "I told you two to wait for backup! There are Skrulls here! It's an ambush!"
If there is a Skrull ambush outside, then Soh-Larr might not be who he says he is. The only way Skrulls would know Kree codes is if the Kree soldier gave it out. You and Vers are about to attack Soh-Larr but he sticks something in the side of your neck that sends volts of electricity through your bodies.
Soh-Larr's skin begins to melt back into the skin of a Skrull, and General Talos grins down at the both of you who are still struggling to fight through the pain. You know he's General Talos because Yon-Rogg put his picture up for everyone to see.
"How did you know the code?" Vers gasps.
"How about I tell you my secret when you both tell me yours," he grins and tasers you two one more time.
This time, the shock waves are enough to knock you out.
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"Here you go," you smiled and set down the coffee your mother requested thirty minutes ago.
"Thank you, darling. Could you bring this file to the archives? I really need to get this done," she handed you a file.
"Yeah, of course. I'll be right back."
You plug your headphones into your phone and walked to the elevator. You knew this building like the back of your hand. You practically grew up here because both your parents worked in the same building and often brought you to work. The archives are located in the basement of the building, so you rode the elevator all the way down there.
After placing the file where it needed to go, you begin walking back to the elevator. Two shadows passed on the wall, and you took out your headphones to hear who might be down here with you.
"I don't care what needs to be done. Markus isn't going to be happy with the news," a man whispered. 
Whatever he was talking about clearly wasn't meant to be overheard by anyone. You snuck closer to where the two men were and you peeked around the corner to get a better look. One of the men was Bailey Moore, Markus' right-hand man, and you didn't know who the other one was.
"There are a lot of people in this building, Bailey. I'm doing what I can to not get caught. I don't see you doing anything to help."
"If word gets out about this project, we are all going to be toast. I am just trying to prevent everyone from sticking their noses where shit doesn't belong," Bailey hissed. "This serum that Markus wants to create is very powerful, very deadly, and very special. It has the power to wipe out planets with just a thought. So, please, keep your mouth shut and do the job he hired you to do."
"This can't be right," General Talos says. He and two other Skrulls are looking at a big screen that has your memories displayed for everyone to see. "This can't be right. I think you went back too far. Advance some years."
The golden castle is much bigger in person than you thought it was going to be. It makes all Asgardians feel small when you looked out the window. You haven't left this room since the big prize fight because you're scared Markus was going to come back for you. Markus has the Tesseract so he can continue his experiments, but you have the serum he created still in your body.
He's going to come after you sooner or later.
"Are you okay?"
You jumped at the sudden voice coming from behind you. You turned and see Loki, one of Asgardian's princes at the door.
"No. I'm scared he's going to come after me again." Loki closed the door and walked closer to you. "I can't go back to him." Loki pulled you into him and you wrapped your arms around his waist. "I won't."
"Don't worry, darling. I won't let him hurt you."
"No, you need to go later. You're doing this wrong," Talos groans in frustration. "Am I the only one who's confused here?"
"Hang on," another Skrull says and messes with your memories once again.
"Markus, please stop," you begged. 
Your whole body was weak from the drugs he injected into you as some sort of assurance that you weren't going to go anywhere. It's not like you could; he has you strapped down pretty tightly on the operating table. Markus was on the other side of the room with a glowing blue box in his hands.
"You're a part of something bigger, Y/N. You don't know it yet, but your planet thanks you."
"What is that?" you mumbled.
"It's called the Tesseract. It's what's going to perfect the serum I had you test out."
"More powers? You're so egotistical. Always have to be the best, don't you?" you sighed.
He clearly didn't know what he was doing, but he was going to try until he got exactly what he needed. With the machine he created, he was able to absorb some of the Tesseract's power into the serum he had already created. If things went wrong, then he had an exact replica of the serum that he could use. 
Just in case this was to kill you or anything.
"Markus, think about this," you begged when he came closer with the glowing blue serum.
"You're going to make a lot of people happy, specifically me. Now, this might pinch."
He grabbed your arm and jammed the needle into your body without taking the time to find a vein. A burning sensation started from the injection site before traveling up your arm. Screams poured out of your mouth when the burning began to get unbearable. Markus watched with a smile as your skin started to glow a bright blue as the Tesseract worked in unison with the already-created serum.
This was either going to kill you or make you wish that it did.
"Remarkable," Talos whispers. Your eyes flutter open when you've regained consciousness. "The energy signature is quite literally in her body. They both have the same energy running through their veins. They'll be able to help lead us to it."
You're unable to move much and when you looked down, you realize why. Talos has suspended you upside down with your ankles shackled to the ceiling and your hands in some sort of metal restraints. You look to the right and see Vers is set up the same way. A purple electrical current runs from a machine at your temples into the big computer they are looking at. On the screen is you on the metal table while Markus injects the new serum into your body. The computer next to yours is showing Vers and her memories, and you notice what's on screen is coming from Earth. You'd recognize that Air Force Base any day.
You were considered for the Air Force before you went into the Army, and that was one of the bases you visited. Was Vers from Earth? Was she taken just like you? Did she know? Vers' eyes are wide when she sees her memories, and based on how shocked she looks, she didn't know.
The restraints on Vers' hands start to glow bright orange as she uses her powers to try and get out of this without alerting the three Skrulls. If she can get out of her restraints using her powers, then so can you. Fire heats up along your legs all the way to your feet where hot fire starts to melt the metal. The same thing happens to your hands, and the metal cracks at the pressure.
All three Skrulls turn to see you break free, and you flip down to the ground and turn to them with bright red eyes. Vers restraints break at her feet but the ones on her hands are still on. She can move about with two chunky metal handcuffs engulfing her hands. All three Skrulls back away in fear but you're done playing. You want answers, and Talos is the only one who will give them to you.
Talos orders the other two to attack you and Vers, but you're way ahead of him. You blast the Skrull back with a fireball, and he goes flying into the computer display. The other Skrull runs at Vers but she smacks him with the metal thing still attached to her hand.
Nothing is standing in the way of you and Vers and Talos. She runs at him and pushes him against the computer with her fist back by her head.
"What did you do to us?!" she demands.
"We're just after a little information."
"What did you put in my head?"
"Nothing that wasn't already there."
"Those aren't my memories."
"Yeah, it's like a bad trip in there. I'm not surprised you can't keep it straight. They really did a number on you. You more so than the other one."
"Enough of your mind games! What do you want?" you ask.
"We're looking for the location of Doctor Lawson and her light-speed engine."
"I don't know any Doctor Lawson."
"Then why is she in your head?"
All three doors to the room open and more Skrulls come rushing in with weapons.
"Vers, we have to go." Vers grabs Talos and throws him into two Skrulls. The more they come, the more you blast them away with your fire. Some of them pass out from hitting blunt objects while others run away so they won't get burned by you. "Don't worry, I'll protect you while you figure out a way to get those off."
"Let's go."
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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researchercase · 3 months
Found a statement on my desk today. I gave it a read and it relates to that storm a few days ago. don't know why it was on my desk since it was given yesterday but I'll post it anyways
Statement of Morgan Hayes, regarding the unusual storm that sunk a ship she was on. Statement given June 29th, 2024
I never thought I'd be back here, making another statement. But here we are.
As you probably know, I'm a reporter for the BBC, sometimes for on site weather reports, or gathering information for someone else's article cause they cashed in a favour, i.e. that article on the man who jumped into a river.
That's exactly what I was doing when I ended up on the boat. With the floods that happened a few days before, James was making an article about how it would affect fishing businesses in the local London area, since deliveries would be hard to make. He should've done it himself, then he'd probably be the one making this statement, but he cashed in a favour I owed him from a few years back, so I had to go interview in his place. The prick.
I drove down to London's Royal Docks, on June 26th, and asked any fisherman around if I could interview them about how the flood was affecting their business, with the promise that it'd appear on the BBC news. I didn't specify that it would just be an article and not on air, but one fisher group didn't seem to mind. They were however about to leave for Wales, so I hopped on. That way James would then owe me a favour after it. Certainly wasn't worth it though.
The crew looked like those you'd pass on the street and pay no notice, but there was one on the ship that didn't seem like she was apart of the crew.
A woman, around her mid 20s it seemed, with brown curly hair, grey eyes and glasses. She had a long raincoat on which made sense considering the weather the past few days, and she seemed pretty normal but there were three things about her that stood out to me. An almost white streak in her hair, odd scars that seemed to creep up on her jawline from her neck, and her glasses. They were cracked, in a line that I wasn't sure what it looked like. I asked the captain and he said that she was just a passenger who needed a boat ride to a nearby dock on the way to Wales, so I decided to pay her no mind and continue my job.
I interviewed the crew on that fishing ship, of course asking what they did, how the floods affected the business and their lives, and what they think would happen if the floods continued, etc etc. Only took two to three hours to interview the whole crew, and once I was done, I asked that they drop me off at a dock close to London, which they were happy to oblige.
I stepped out onto the deck, looking out onto the sea, when I felt it began to rain. I wouldn't have been surprised considering the days before, but this felt different. The other rain was still, not moving, no wind, no lighting. With this rain however, the wind picked up, it started as a gentle breeze then changed drastically to a force that almost knocked me over.
I clung to the railing of the boat as this happened, the rain began to pour faster and harder. The crew members that weren't on the deck came out to see what was happening, while those of us that were already out there were holding onto anything so we wouldn't get blown away by the wind. Then the waves got rough and began to crash against the boat, rocking it more and more with every crash.
We went to try go inside but that's when a big wave hit the boat, the water crashing onto the deck. Those of us who hadn't been able to grab onto something, were dragged into the water off the boat, and I don't mean that the wave was big enough to bring them under, no. It was like the water grappled them and then dragged them down. They screamed as they went.
The wind picked up again, I looked up and could see the storm clouds swirling around us. Then, those who had let their guard down even for a second of a moment, where lifted off, into the air, picked up by the howling wind, up and up into those swirling dark clouds where you could hear the thunder rolling in them, and see the occasional lightning strikes that lit them up. They screamed too.
The rest of us where able to get back inside, and I was about to follow suit, but then I noticed her. The passenger. Throughout all of this chaos, this tragedy, she wasn't affected by it. She wasn't dragged underneath by the waves, she wasn't lifted off into the clouds by the wind, no, it full seemed like she wasn't being affected, or targeted by the storm. In fact, she didn't look scared at all like the rest of us.
Something about her changed as well. The first time I saw her, she looked almost exhausted, weak. Now, in that moment, she looked healthy, energised, alive. Like she was fuelled by the Storm. Was she the one who caused this?
I called out to her despite the overbearing noise around us. I called out and asked her "Why are you doing this?", as loud as I could. She turned to me, and in that moment I realised that the crack on her glasses was looked more like a lightning strike. She spoke to me, and do you know what she said?
"I was hungry"
Before I could question her more, the others pulled me inside with them and closed the door, and we thought that maybe we were safe. Then a wave hit the boat again, a big one, and it finally capsized.
For the moments we where under the water in the boat, you could see out into it through the windows, and there was nothing but endless blue.
We escaped the boat, I remember, we managed to get a dingy boat, swam up as best we could, then did our best against the storm. I passed out however though. When I woke up, it was maybe an hour or so later, and I remember a coast guard boat driving up to save us.
Once we were one dry land, we were questioned about what happened. Since I was the one of the few who were out on the deck when it started, the one of the few who survived, I was able to give them the best recollection. The cost guard questioning me had a look on his face but I couldn't be bothered to ask what was wrong. I just wanted to go home.
Of course I was admitted to hospital but not for long. When I went back to work, 1. I found out that Finn was the one write the article about the incident and not me, and 2. I was called into my boss' office immediately.
My boss, and her higher up were there, along another I didn't recognise. They asked me about the incident and I once again gave my best recollection about it. I was given no response and instead was handed some papers. An NDA of sorts. They described it as "Section 31 but for the News".
It felt like a joke. I didn't want to sign it, I wanted others to know what had happened, but I was given no choice. Either I signed it, or I was fired. So I did. Now I'm stuck doing private reports on the strange and supernatural. It still feels like a joke. Like a sick joke against me.
Even though it's only been a few days, I still think about the storm. I think I'll always think about it. When my mind wanders to that incident, a quote from an excerpt of the Great Storm of 1703 comes to mind, when I looked at the storm, the swirling dark clouds, the rolling thunder, the lightning strikes, pouring rain and crashing waves, I think of the letter by Miles Nobcliffe.
"We are all left here in a dismal condition, expecting every moment to be all drowned: for here is a great storm."
There was nothing we could do against it. A part of me wonders, where us three survivors left alive because of The Passenger's moment of benevolence? Perhaps.
But I think, If I ever encountered her again. I would not go home.
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elm-writes-stories · 1 year
Cuphead: Isle of Shadows (Rewrite)
*Hey guys! I'm back with another chapter/episode of Cuphead: Isle of Shadows Rewrite! This is a bit of a filler episode with a lot of fluff. No angst till the next episode. This episode is published on August 3, 2023. If you guys like this episode, don't be afraid to heart, reblog, and comment! That would be wonderful and appreciated! I'm so sorry for the long episode. Enjoy!*
Episode Eight: Love In The Air
In the rough storm, the ship rocked side to side from the waves hitting them continuously. Captain Brineybeard steered the wheel of the ship, clenching his jaw in fear.
“This ship is going to sink!” the captain cried. “Furl the sails!”
The crew that consisted of Elder Kettle, Cuphead, Chalice, Canteen, Aurora, and Natalie did as they were told to keep the ship steady throughout the storm.
“There’s one coming for us!” Cuphead shouted while pointing at the rogue wave coming toward them.
“Where’s me first mate?!” Captain Brineybeard shouted. “Mugbeard! We need yer help!”
The little pirate mug with the tiny mustache and beard swung in beside the captain. “Aye, captain?!”
“Lower the boats! This ship be goin’ t’ sink!” Captain Brineybeard ordered urgently.
“Aye, Aye, Captain!” Mugbeard shouted as he jumped onto the desk and hurried over to the side of the ship, urging the other crew members to get inside the row boats. The crew hurried onto the boats as Mugbeard looked back to see Captain Brineybeard still steering the ship.
“Captain! The crew is in the row boats! You gotta join them!”
“Nay! I’ll face this storm alone, mate! Get in with the others!”
Mugbeard hurried over to the steering wheel by his captain, pushing the captain aside while the boat tumbled. The captain fell onto the other rowboat by accident. The boats fell from the ship, landing in the water and floating away from the ship. Mugbeard tried to control the ship until the final wave crashed into the ship.
“MUGBEARD!!!” his captain and his crew cried out in fear.
The waters flipped the wood off the ship and tore through the deck, ripping it from the inside out. Mugbeard was knocked into the water, blacking out from the impact. He drifted into the deep blue sea with the debris falling with him. There seemed to be a lack of hope that he will ever reach back to the surface. It was then, he felt someone lifting him up through the water. Was it an angel?
The next morning, he could’ve sworn he heard someone talking, caressing his porcelain cheek. He fought to open his eyelids. In his blurry vision, he could see a silhouette of a beautiful sea creature. Before he could get a good look at her, she heard the men shouting and jumped back away from him.
“Mugbeard!” The familiar voice shouted. Mugbeard was helped up to his feet by Captain Brineybeard and his crew. “Are ye alright? Wha’ happened?”
Mugbeard rubbed his head. “Aye, I’m fine. I, uh--” He looked onward to find the sea creature that saved his life. He saw it though, way out into the open ocean and on the rock near the shore, there was the creature. He stood in awe of her beauty.
The moment he saw her, he felt his heart skip a beat. This sea creature had cat-like ears, her fur as red as his blushing face. Her raven hair gleamed in the sunlight. Her tail had no scales and her ray-fin flashed a burgundy color in the light. Her whiskers flinched when she smiled at him.
“Wha’ are ye lookin’ at, lad?” Brineybeard asked and looked to where Mugbeard was looking. Once the captain looked, the mer-cat disappeared without a trace.
It was at this moment, Mugbeard fell in love with the sea creature. Every night, Mugbeard would venture out of the village and to the shore. Normally, he’ll let his crew come with him on his rendezvous, but on this trip, this was something that he knew, they will never understand.
Mugbeard snuck through the village and towards the wooden port. He sat at the edge and looked around, waiting for her to make her appearance. The bubbles surfaced and the mer-cat popped out of the water with a bright smile.
“Wow,” Mugbeard uttered while she brushed the water droplets out of her black short hair. She perched on the edge of the port, looking at him with sparkling eyes. “Oh, sea creature, your eyes are like starlight. Your voice is a symphony. Your fur and hair soft as a pillow.”
The mer-cat giggled at the pirate. “I have a name, silly. You can call me Cassi.”
“Cassi~” Mugbeard repeated with a lovesick smile. “Beautiful~.” They leaned in to share a kiss until--
Mugman jumped when he heard his name being called.
He realized that he was just reading the book…but he wasn’t really reading it. Instead, he went off on his own little world and forgot where he left off. He also realized that he was in the kitchen in the Ruth Mansion with Elder Kettle and Cuphead staring at him in confusion.
“You were reading your book upside down,” Cuphead pointed out.
Cuphead was right, Mugman was reading the book upside down.
Mugman turned it right side up. “There…heh…I don’t know what came over me.”
Cuphead and Elder Kettle exchanged glances at each other and then back at Mugman.
“You would never read a book upside down before,” Cuphead said suspiciously.
“I’m just having an off-day, alright?” Mugman said while trying to read the book.
“You’ve been acting weird since last night,” Elder Kettle replied. “We’re just concern is all. No need to get defensive.”
Cuphead arched a brow. “I mean, you and Cassi were alone for a while…” He looked at his brother with a smirk to find Mugman was blushing. “Oooooh….”
“Y-Yeah, we were, but we didn’t do anything,” Mugman said nervously, his face in the book.
Elder Kettle smirked at Mugman. “Aww, Mugman, you don’t have to keep hiding your feelings anymore. We know you like Cassidy as more than a friend.”
Mugman raised his head up with his face red. “What?! No…No, it’s not…”
Cuphead and Elder Kettle arched their brows higher with smirks.
Finally, Mugman groaned. “Fine. I like Cassidy more than a friend.”
“Finally!” Cuphead blurted out.
“Don’t say it out loud!” Mugman scolded his brother.
“Finally, you admitted to liking Cassi. It took you long enough,” Cuphead said with his fists on his hips.
“Soooo….what are you going to do with those feelings?” Elder Kettle asked Mugman.
“Uh…stuff it down?” Mugman answered.
Elder Kettle shook his head. “Don’t do that. Tell her how you feel.”
“How? I mean…I don’t know…what if she regrets kissing me on the cheek last night and says that she never meant it?”
“Wait, what?!” Cuphead gasped in shock.
Mugman glanced at them. “Oh…yeah…she did that last night.”
“Oooh~” Cuphead said with a smirk. “She likes you back.”
“Well…what happened after she kissed your cheek?” Elder Kettle questioned in curiosity.
Mugman covered his face in embarrassment. “I almost kissed her in the lips.”
“WHAT?!?” Cuphead and Elder Kettle shouted simultaneously.
The mug’s face turned brighter red with a groan.
“I knew I should’ve told Natalie to be quiet,” Cuphead replied with a groan.
“Wait, wait, wait, did she almost kissed you back on the lips?” Elder Kettle inquired.
“Uh…yeah…” Mugman answered shyly.
Both Elder Kettle and Cuphead gasped.
“She likes you back!” Cuphead replied happily.
“Nah…it might not be—”
“Mugman, how could it not be the fact that she likes you back?” Elder Kettle said with his fists on his hips. “When she consented to kissing you back, that means she likes you back.”
Mugman rubbed his arm nervously. “Eh…maybe…”
“Just ask her out on the date,” Cuphead encouraged.
“But…how?” Mugman uttered. “I’m going to mess it up.”
“Nonsense,” Elder Kettle said with a reassuring smile. “The worst she can say is no.”
Mugman’s lips trembled a bit.
“Hey, it’s better to ask than not ask at all,” Elder Kettle encouraged.
“O-Okay. But if she were to say yes…where would the date be and when? I’m not sure we can do it during the Night Stalker situation. What if they come in today or tonight and try to kill us?”
“Well, I can’t see why not do it before they get here. We are wasting time by waiting for the Night Stalkers to show up and kill us. So…why not make time to do things before we get found by them? I mean, maybe they died down and hadn’t done much killing in the city. So, why not ask her out on the date? Better now than never, right?” Elder Kettle encouraged.
“Yeah…I guess,” Mugman uttered.
Cassidy was groaning and covering her face in utter embarrassment, concerning both Jerry and Porkrind in the bedroom.
Porkrind was the first to approach his daughter by sitting next to her on the bed. “What’s going on, hun?”
“Yeah, what’s wrong?” Jerry asked while sitting next to Porkrind.
Cassidy uncovered her face to reveal that she had been blushing. “I did something stupid last night.”
“What kind of stupid?” Porkrind uttered.
“I-I don’t know…I, um, I can’t believe I did it last night. Now he’s going to think I’m a burden.”
“Who’s going to think you’re a burden?” Jerry questioned.
“Mugman?” Porkrind repeated. “What did you do that would make Mugman think you’re a burden…?”
“I-I—” Cassidy took a deep breath and looked up at Porkrind and Jerry. “I kissed his cheek.”
“You did what?” Porkrind asked with a brow raised.
“I kissed his cheek…I don’t know what came over me. I…I thought he was such a loveable goofball and kissed him on the cheek without even thinking about it. I-I—I can’t believe I did that—”
“Hey, hey, calm down,” Jerry soothed the red feline. “I’m sure he didn’t think anything of it.”
“Do you know what’s worse? He almost kissed me on the lips last night and I almost kissed him back,” Cassidy said with a groan.
“I’m sorry, he did what now?” Porkrind said with a growl.
“Wait, he almost kissed you on the lips last night?” Jerry questioned. “And you almost kissed him back?”
“Yes!” Cassidy cried while covering her face. “I have feelings for him and I don’t want him to hate me for that.”
“Aww, Cassi, it’s okay. Knowing Mugman so far, I doubt he would hate you for it. I mean, if he was the first to initiate kissing…well, it means that he has feelings for you too. Ain’t that right, Porkrind—? Porkrind, put down the knife!”
Porkrind was seen holding up a knife slowly while breathing heavily in anger until Jerry told him to put down the knife. “What? I’m using it on Mugman.”
“What? No! Put it down! She has feelings for him too,” Jerry explained while lowering Porkrind’s hand that held the knife.
Porkrind grumbled and lowered the knife. With a sigh, he looked at his daughter. “Honey, I’m not criticizing your taste in guys, but…what do you even see in Mugman?”
Cassidy uncovered her face and rubbed her arm shyly. “He makes me laugh.”
There was a brief silence as Porkrind nodded his head.
“I guess that’s valid—”
“And he’s just so adorable and sweet and kind and goofy and protective over me. Like, he nearly attacked a couple of kids when they said that I shouldn’t even be born,” Cassidy replied sheepishly.
“I would’ve nearly attack a couple of kids too if I was there,” Jerry said with a growl.
“Same,” Porkrind agreed with Jerry. “Although, with Tremaine inside of him, he oughta be more careful with it.”
“Yeah…” Cassidy uttered and looked away. “Should I ask him out?”
Jerry and Porkrind exchanged glances at each other.
“What do you mean no?” Jerry questioned Porkrind.
“What do you mean yes?” Porkrind argued back.
“I’m asking you first,” Jerry replied.
“I meant what I said. No.”
“Why not?”
“Because I said so.”
“Not a good enough answer.”
Cassidy sighed and cuddled her father’s side with a purr, getting Porkrind’s attention.
Porkrind rubbed his daughter’s shoulder with a sigh. “Honey, I want you well and happy…I just…don’t know…I guess I’m a little worried about ya.”
“I know, Dad. I know,” Cassidy replied.
Mugman paced back and forth in front of Elder Kettle and Cuphead, who were joined in watching Mugman pacing by Natalie, Canteen, Chalice, and Aurora.
“C’mon, Mugsy, asking her out ain’t gonna be that hard,” Chalice reassured her friend.
“I’m trying to think of something cool to say to her,” Mugman uttered, pacing back and forth.
“Don’t overthink it,” Elder Kettle advised. “Just practice. As I always say, practice and you’ll get good. But don’t practice, and you won’t.”
“You don’t always say that,” Mugman said.
Chalice rolled her eyes and pushed Cuphead towards his brother. “Here, just pretend Cuphead is Cassidy.”
“But that’s my brother!” Mugman replied disgusted.
“Ew, no, you’re not asking your brother out. You’re asking Cassi out,” Chalice said while gesturing to Cuphead. “Cuphead, try your best to imitate Cassidy.”
“Okay, okay,” Cuphead said while taking a deep breath. When he was about to imitate Cassidy by rubbing his arm, he suddenly shape-shifted into Cassidy without even realizing it.
“Sooo, you wanna ask me somethin’, Mugsy?” Cuphead’s voice changed into Cassidy’s voice, much to the shock of everyone around him. “What are you weirdos lookin’ at?” Cassidy looked at her paws and gasped excitedly, the disguise disappeared and revealed to be Cuphead looking at his own hands. “Holy cow! I didn’t think I can do that!”
“I didn’t think the potion can give you the ability to shape-shift,” Elder Kettle muttered to himself in shock.
Cuphead turned to Mugman and smirked. Once he started to imitate Cassidy rubbing her shoulder, Cuphead soon transformed into Cassidy, earning a blush from his brother.
“Soooo, you wanna ask me something, Mugsy?” the fake Cassidy said with a cheeky grin.
Mugman groaned and rubbed his face. “Uh…okay…um…Cassidy Cat, would you—uh—like to go out on a date with me?”
“Uuuuuuuhhhh…no,” the fake Cassidy said with a smirk.
Mugman gave the fake Cassidy a deadpan stare. “You know, you’re not helping.”
“He’s just preparing you for the worse case scenario, I guess,” Canteen answered while scratching the back of his head.
“Ask again,” Chalice suggested.
Mugman sighed and looked his brother disguised as Cassidy. “Okay.” He tried to do a cool stance by leaning on his elbow on the table and do the suave voice. “Hey, baby, how about you and I go on a date?”
“Hm, let me think about it. Uuuuuhhh, no,” Cuphead as Cassidy answered with mischievous smile.
Natalie tried not to laugh at what was happening.
“Yeah, you kind of deserve that no,” Natalie said.
Mugman stopped acting cool and rubbed his arm. “Okay. Uh, Cassi, um, I know that we are in a sticky situation with the Night Stalkers and all, but I couldn’t help but have feelings for you—”
The gang looked to the side and gasped in shock at what they saw, even Cassidy’s doppelganger.
Mugman rambled on. “—I mean, I know that maybe you might not feel the same and it’s totally fine if you don’t. I just can’t hold them in any longer. You’re smart, beautiful, cute, adorable, and you are an awesome fighter. I mean…I know it sounds weird to say…but you’re like an angel. The most beautiful cat angel I’ve ever met—”
Cassidy blushed at his words.
“—so I wanna ask now because it may be never if I keep putting off, but, um, uh…would you like to go on a date with me? Not like a friend date but maybe…like a more-than-a-friend date?” Mugman asked nervously.
Cassidy giggled. “Sure.”
“Oh…just like that, Cuphead?”
Cassidy arched a brow. “I’m not Cuphead.”
“Wait, what?!” Mugman gasped in shock and looked over her shoulder to see Cuphead shape-shifting back to his old self with a smirk behind the real Cassidy.
“I guess Cuphead…um, switched places with me while you were talking,” Cassidy said nervously.
“Oh…uh…date?” Mugman asked with a nervous sweat and a smile.
She giggled. “Y-Yeah. I was actually just about to ask you the same question.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah. I, um, also have feelings for you too.”
He blushed. “O-Oh? Uh…well, I guess, um…I guess we have a date then…uh, tonight?”
“Sure. What time?”
“I, uh, honestly, I didn’t think I was going to get this far,” he said, earning a giggle from her. “Um…maybe 6:30?”
“Sounds good,” she responded with a giddy smile.
“I’ll find us a place to, uh…eat at,” he replied, relaxing his body a bit more but his face was still red.
“Yeah,” she said. “I’ll see you tonight.”
“I’ll see ya tonight,” he repeated with a smile.
She walked away with Chalice, Aurora, and Natalie following Cassidy.
“Do you have any dresses?” Chalice asked Cassidy.
“Um…no,” Cassidy uttered nervously.
“Ooh! I got a bunch of dresses to try on!” Natalie exclaimed excitedly to her best friend.
Canteen, Cuphead, and Elder Kettle stayed behind with Mugman.
Elder Kettle noticed a love-sick smile on Mugman’s face. The old tea kettle sighed wistfully. “Ah, young love. Anyways, might need to find a place for your date.”
“Right, right,” Mugman snapped out of his thoughts. He hurried out the door.
“Mugsy, wait up!” Cuphead shouted while Canteen followed after Cuphead.
Elder Kettle glanced to the side to find Porkrind and Jerry standing in the shadows, watching the entire scene unfold.
“You know, that’s kind of creepy for you guys to be standing in the shadows like that,” Elder Kettle pointed out.
“So?” Porkrind asked with his arms crossed.
“Nevermind,” Elder Kettle said with a sigh and walked out of the house to find the boys.
“Maybe we should keep the girls safe,” Jerry suggested to Porkrind.
There was silence until Porkrind nodded his head in agreement.
“We should.” With that said, Porkrind and Jerry kept an eye on the girls in the mansion. 
Mugman’s hands fidgeted together, sweating nervously while trying to find a place to eat at in the coastal a few blocks from Natalie’s house. Cuphead and Canteen side by side with Mugman.
“Relax, Mugsy, the date is going to be fine,” Cuphead reassured Mugman.
“What if it doesn’t go well? What if—I didn’t even think about this—Tremaine? Tremaine is still inside of me. What if the potion wore off tonight and I become a monster? What if I end up hurtin’ Cassidy?” Mugman started to sob a bit. “I don’t wanna hurt Cassidy.”
“The potion is a lot stronger than what I give it credit for,” Elder Kettle spoke behind them. “Maybe it won’t wear off tonight.”
“Just don’t get angry,” Canteen responded with clenched teeth.
“Yeah, don’t do that,” Cuphead added.
“Yeah, yeah, won’t do it,” Mugman said while taking a deep breath. “We just need to find a place where both Cassi and I can eat.”
Elder Kettle looked at the restaurant that had salmon as its sign. “How about this place?”
Mugman gasped happily. “Perfect! Cassi loves salmon!”
Before they could go inside and get reservations, they noticed sign that had a drawing of a red cat and red circle around it. The red slash was over the red cat’s drawing as if to say that red cats were not allowed.
“Wait, why have the sign up? The red cats were extinct,” Elder Kettle said more to the sign than to the kids.
“Except for Cassi,” Mugman uttered sadly.
Canteen peeked through the windows to find more cats dining, but they weren’t all red cats. “I can see the cats dining in there. Waaaait! Why are the red cats the only cat kind that is getting hated? Like I get that they ‘caused’ some Tremaine outbreak all of those years ago, but…shouldn’t they get over that kind of hate or…?”
“Honestly, I have no idea,” Elder Kettle said sadly. “I thought Tremaine was extinct along with the red cats and—you know what, let’s not focus on that. This is about a date between Mugman and Cassidy. We can talk about that later.”
Cuphead turned his head and gasped in shock. “Wait, is that what I think it is?!”
Mugman, Canteen, and Elder Kettle glanced at what Cuphead was looking at and gasped to see a familiar ferry boat docked by the shore with two familiar frogs standing in front of it.
“Step right on in, folks!” Ribby, the shorter frog in a green suit, encouraged the passengers into the boat. “The boat will be leaving tonight for a little cruise.”
Elder Kettle, Cuphead, Mugman, and Canteen approached Ribby and his taller brother in a blue suit, Croaks.
Ribby noticed them and nudged Croak’s chest. “Hey, hey, look who shows up!”
Croaks grinned. “Well if it ain’t the cup brothers!”
Cuphead and Mugman waved nervously.
“Uh…h-hi…wait, you ain’t mad at us?” Cuphead questioned the frogs.
“Mad at you for what?” Ribby inquired.
“For destroying the ferry boat,” Mugman clarified.
“What?! Psst! Youse two didn’t do any damage,” Ribby responded. “Ain’t that right, Croaks?”
“Right! That was our own doing,” Croaks replied. “Not once have we blame youse two for it.”
“Oh?” Mugman uttered.
“Yeah, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again,” Ribby replied. “It’s all water under the bridge.”
“Oh!” both Cuphead and Mugman exclaimed.
“We didn’t hear that part since we were sinking,” Mugman stated.
“Oh, right,” Ribby replied. “Well, youse two got a beautiful brotherly love that Croaks and I were trying to model it to the best we can.”
“Doesn’t mean that we got it perfect though.”
“All it matters is we keep trying. By the way, we got the ferry boat repaired and everything.”
“Just don’t go in without paying to get inside,” Croaks answered.
Elder Kettle smiled softly. “Well, I’m glad you all got along in the end. But I don’t see any signs that says that red cats are not allowed.”
“Yeah, businesses put those signs everywhere,” Ribby explained while pointing at the other businesses.
“So, you can let us in!” Mugman said excitedly.
Ribby arched a brow. “What are we letting you in for?”
The group turned to Mugman, who blushed.
“U-Uh, a date,” Mugman uttered shyly.
“Ooh, hear that, Croaks? A date,” Ribby said with a sly smirk.
“With who?” Croaks asked with a grin.
“Her name is Cassidy. She’s a red cat and—”
“Wait, Cassi?!” Ribby exclaimed with a bright grin.
“Y-Yeah, wait, do you know her?”
“Yeah, since she’s a little kitten,” Croaks explained.
“Yeah, she’s like a little sister to us,” Ribby replied happily. “Hey, she should come visit us sometime when we ain’t so busy. It’s been a while since we’ve seen her.”
“Like two weeks ago?” Croaks questioned.
“Yeah, that’s about right,” Ribby responded. “Normally, though, we don’t let her in the Fly Trap. Nothing against her at all, but it’s bad for business to punch people that say mean things about her. On top of that, we don’t want her to get hurt by people who had more of a, uh, violent tendencies against her kind if you know what I’m saying. But, since this is a fancy date for her, we can squeeze in the reservation in a secluded area in the VIPs.”
“Ooh, that would be wonderful!” Mugman exclaimed excitedly.
“Wait, Mugman,” Elder Kettle said while taking out his wallet. “How much?”
Ribby shook his head. “Oh, it’s free.”
“Usually we charge sixty dollars for eating at the VIPs,” Croaks replied. “But since it’s Cassi’s first date, we can make it free.”
“Oh, okay…I didn’t have that kind of money anyway,” Elder Kettle responded bashfully.
“This is only one time though,” Ribby reassured them and turned to Mugman. “We can squeeze in youse two in about 6:45 tonight. How does that sound?”
“Sounds wonderful!” Mugman replied with a smile.
“Oh, and Mugman,” Croaks added while drawing his brows together and showing his boxer gloves. “Break Cassi’s heart in any way and we’ll pound ya!”
“Easy there, Croaks,” Ribby replied. “He’s a good kid. I’m sure tonight will go along just fine.” Then he turned to Mugman with a threatening stare. “But if you dare break her heart, we’ll both pound ya in yer sleep. Got it?”
Mugman, terrified, nodded his head rapidly.
“Good,” Ribby replied, losing his threatening stare. “We’ll get it all set up for tonight. You need to find something nice to wear.”
“That’s right,” Elder Kettle said while watching Ribby and Croaks entering the ferry boat. “Thank you!”
Cuphead wrapped his arm around Mugman. “Well, Mugsy, looks like we oughta find something nice for ya to wear for your date.”
Mugman blushed at the thought of the date. “Right. Right.”
“Hey, I think we walked past a place where there were suits for the dates. We can check there,” Canteen suggested.
“That’s a great idea,” Elder Kettle replied. “Let’s do it.” 
The jazzy music played in the streets of the coastal town while Elder Kettle looked through the tailor shop for suits that would fit Mugman. Cuphead and Canteen helped picked the suits from the racks.
Mugman had tried on a few of the suits, which Mugman didn’t like so far. Elder Kettle picked out a few suits that included turquoise, blue, and purple. The only suit Mugman liked so far was the dark blue suit. Elder Kettle paid for the suit with a smile on his face when Mugman decided to go with the blue suit for the date.
Canteen and Cuphead planned on watching over Mugman’s date with Cassidy and looked for suits themselves with Canteen mostly wearing a bowtie and Cuphead liking the bright red suit. Elder Kettle decided to not to wear any suits, but he did pay for both Cuphead and Canteen despite Canteen saying that he got it covered.
Once they went out a tailor shop, Mugman wanted to look through the shops to get something for Cassidy on the date. Elder Kettle suggested jewelry like a pearl necklace or something along those lines. Cuphead and Canteen wanted to help Mugman pick a gift for Cassidy, hoping that whatever Mugman will get for Cassidy will be great. However, Canteen decided to get a gift on his own, but he was too embarrassed to say who it was for. Cuphead thought of getting a gift, and did get it with Elder Kettle paying for both of the brothers’ gifts and Canteen buying his gift with his own money.
Meanwhile, back at Natalie’s house, Porkrind and Jerry watched over the girls to find Cassidy trying out Natalie’s dresses. Porkrind smiled at Cassidy’s excitement to try on the dresses. Natalie wasn’t wearing them as much anymore, so Natalie offered them to Cassidy to keep if she was going to go on future dates with Mugman.
After Cassidy was offered dresses, Chalice decided to show her how to dance with a jazzy music turned on. Cassidy was a bit clumsy at it at first until she started to get the steps Chalice taught her.
To join in the fun, Aurora wanted to dance with Natalie. Natalie smiled and giggled while dancing with her little sister by holding her little sister’s hands. Chalice and Cassidy were having fun dancing with each other until she passed Cassidy off to dance on her own. Jerry caught Cassidy and danced with her with a bright grin behind his scarf.
Porkrind huffed up a laugh watching his daughter dance with Jerry. Jerry noticed Porkrind sitting out and gestured for him to dance with Cassidy. Cassidy gave a pleading look in her eyes to her father, who sighed with a smile and got up from his seat. Porkrind danced with Cassidy, although he was just as clumsy as Cassidy was. However, once he got the hang of it, he started to watch his daughter laugh in joy, which was something that he hadn’t seen in a while.
Although, once he let go of his daughter’s paws, he saw her twirling around towards her friends. However, Cassidy tripped and fell on Chalice. They both laughed at the predicament while Porkrind watched with a fond smile at Cassidy. But there was something else. Something that felt soft and familiar. Porkrind didn’t need to turn around to know whose presence was right beside him.
The instant tear fell from his eye. He didn’t know why he was crying or what the tears were for. He couldn’t help, but smile until he heard the voice.
“Thank you, Po.”
Porkrind nodded his head, clenching his jaw. “I miss you, Shay.”
“Huh?” Jerry said while turning around to see Porkrind. He noticed Porkrind wiping tears away from his face. With a softened gaze, Jerry placed a hand on the pig’s shoulder to comfort him while watching the girls laughing and having a good time.
 It was reaching towards night past six o’clock.
The guys went back to the mansion with Elder Kettle helping dress Mugman up for his date. Mugman tried to calm himself since he was sweating nervously.
“Take deep breaths, Mugsy,” Cuphead reassured his brother, putting on his red suit and slacks. “It’ll be fine.”
“Man, I feel like I’m going to mess this date up,” Mugman said nervously.
“Now, Mugman,” Elder Kettle replied, straightening Mugman’s tie. “You’re not going to mess it up. Just be yourself.”
“Be myself? Since when has that ever worked?” Mugman questioned.
“Well, Cassidy wanted to go out with you and you’re yourself,” Elder Kettle answered. “Just don’t get too crazy when going out on the date. You and Cassi might get this bubbly feeling and…well, let’s just say that you both might end up with consequences if taken too far.”
“Take what too far?” Mugman asked with a brow raised.
“I’ll tell you later,” Elder Kettle responded. “And there! Now, you’re ready for your date.”
Mugman picked up the bundle of red roses, clutching the stems tightly with a deep breath. “Okay…I think I’m ready.”
Cuphead smiled while stuffing his gift he got from the gift shop in his suit pocket. Canteen straightened his bowtie for the last time and they both followed Mugman out of the bedroom door.
Mugman walked to the living room and waited for the girls.
Meanwhile, Cuphead knocked on the door the girls were at.
The door opened to reveal Natalie in a dark pink feathery dress and white gloves on.
“You’re going to have a little while longer, Mug—oh, Cups,” Natalie said with a surprised tone when she noticed Cuphead standing outside.
“Cups? No shorty or peasant?” Cuphead asked with a raised brow.
“Well, you’re still a shorty and a peasant, but since you’re part of the friend group, I figured I picked another nickname for ya,” she said with a shy smile.
He smirked. “Not for any other reason?”
“Well, other than the fact that you’re more than just a shorty and a peasant, there ain’t other reason.”
“Sissy wikes Cuppy!” Aurora replied with a happy grin from in the room.
She blushed. “As a friend.”
“Of course,” he said with a blush as well. “Well…uh…I went by a gift shop earlier and I thought of you when I got this.” the cup took out a small box and opened it to show a pearl necklace.
She looked at it, puzzled.
“I know it ain’t that fancy, but it’s a bit cheaper…I probably shouldn’t have said that,” he uttered bashfully. “I’ve never seen you wear a necklace before…so I thought I would get you one.”
She received the box and examined it.
“Yeah, I know it’s simple. You can give it to Aurora when she gets older if you don’t like it,” he replied.
“Hm? Oh, um, Aurora doesn’t like jewelry. Mom tried to put jewelry on Aurora and she threw a hissy fit one time,” she stated. “I’ll be honest that the necklace isn’t as fancy as the ones Mom forced me to wear, but…I actually like it.”
He widened his eyes. “You do?”
“Yeah…you don’t mind if I keep this, right?”
“Well, I got it for you…”
She smiled softly and put it on. Once she successfully put it on, she showed it. “Um…do I look okay?”
He tilted his head. “I’m not exactly an expert on fashion, but you do look nice.”
She smiled. “Thanks. Well…it’ll be another five minutes till we put on make-up on Cassidy. Once Mugs sees Cassi, she will knock his socks off.”
“Oh, I’m countin’ on it,” he said with a grin.
She gave him one last smile before closing the door. Cuphead felt the warmth on his cheeks while he couldn’t stop smiling from interacting with Natalie. He walked away and waited in the living room with Mugman, Canteen, and Elder Kettle with nothing but a warm smile.
Five minutes later, Chalice, Natalie, and Aurora came out with Jerry and Porkrind behind them.
“Alright, Mugsy! Your date is ready!” Chalice said with a wink at the mug.
Before Mugman could go and see Cassidy, Cassidy came out nervously towards him. Cassidy’s ebony hair was shiny and silky, glistening under the light. She had a light pink blush on her red furry cheeks and her eyelashes darkened from the mascara. She had a bright red dress without shoulder straps and white gloves that went up to her elbows.
“I am not sure if I picked the wrong dress or—”
“Beautiful,” Mugman uttered without hesitation.
She looked up and noticed his stare at her. His face soon turned red and pulled up a red roses.
“U-Uh, here ya go. Um…I found this while going out, uh, today and I thought of you,” Mugman stuttered.
She smiled at him and sniffed the red roses with a purr. “Thanks.”
His heart fluttered when she received the roses and placed in an empty vase next to her. He couldn’t stop staring at her no matter how hard he tried not to. When she looked back at him with innocent looking eyes, his hands felt sweaty in his gloves.
“Mugman,” Elder Kettle’s voice snapped Mugman out of his trance.
“Uh, right! Ahem…shall we?” Mugman said while holding his arm out for her.
She blushed and nodded her head. She wrapped her arm around his and they both walked out of the door.
The other kids soon followed with Elder Kettle standing by Porkrind and Jerry in the shadows.
“Ah…the kids are growing up so fast,” Elder Kettle said with a soft grin.
“Yeah,” Porkrind agreed, his voice cracked.
“Maybe we should spy on them,” Jerry suggested.
“Great idea,” Elder Kettle said.
“Yep,” Porkrind responded.
The adults went out of the house to make sure the kids were alright. 
Mugman and Cassidy arrived at the Fly Trap at 6:45 pm with the other kids not far behind them.
Ribby and Croaks waited outside for them and smiled once they saw Cassidy coming towards the frogs.
“Cassi!” Ribby and Croaks called while running towards them.
“Ribby! Croaks!” Cassidy recognized with a bright smile.
Ribby and Croaks lifted Cassidy up in their arms as she giggled.
“Aw! We miss you so much!” Ribby explained.
“I was hoping you guys made it out of the city alive!” Cassidy replied happily.
“We did. We did,” Croaks confirmed.
“Darn lucky too. Those Night Stalkers would’ve set our ferry on fire if we hadn’t escaped with the people just in time,” Ribby added while the frog brothers put Cassidy down next to Mugman. “Well, since your ‘boyfriend’ made reservations, we’ve made a perfect secluded spot for youse two in the VIPs.”
“Oh, really?” Cassidy said with a blush.
“Of course. We want ya to have a good time,” Ribby reassured Cassidy.
“Ugh, what a burden.”
Ribby and Croaks looked at one of the fancy rich lady with a sneer.
“Say it again and I’ll pound ya!” Croaks growled, scaring the rich lady away from the ferry boat.
Ribby nervously smiled at Cassidy and Mugman. “That’s why we made the spot secluded. I’ll show ya!”
Ribby showed Cassidy and Mugman a secluded spot in the VIPs the frogs mentioned while the other kids were following them in until Croaks stopped them.
“No! You didn’t get a reservation!” Croaks said with his arms crossed.
“Oh come on, we’re with them! You know, just to make sure everything went smoothly,” Cuphead explained.
“Well, you ain’t gettin’ in the ferry without paying sixty dollars for each pair—”
Croaks suddenly noticed hundred and twenty dollars given to him by Natalie, who had a small pink purse. Croaks picked up the money and sighed. “Alright, you can get in.”
The kids brightly smiled and walked into the ferry with Cuphead being a little more impressed with Natalie.
Once the kids were inside, Ribby and Croaks closed the doors to the ferry boat restaurant and let the ferry cruised off the shore. Elder Kettle, Porkrind, and Jerry arrived too late to find the ferry boat cruising out into the gentle waters.
“Great, we’re too late,” Porkrind grumbled.
“Well, at least the kids are safe now,” Elder Kettle said with a shrug.
Jerry nodded his head. “Yeah. Hopefully.”
Back to the Fly Trap, Ribby didn’t lie when he said that he had prepared a secluded place for Cassidy and Mugman away from everyone. It was outside with the small stage fit for two frogs only. The night was cool while Cassidy and Mugman sat across from each other awkwardly.
“Uh…so,” Mugman began. “What do you want to talk about?”
“Um…well, I’m not sure. I guess I’m still processing that we’re dating right now.”
“Me too.” Mugman rubbed his shoulder nervously. “So…what’s your favorite color?”
Cassidy smiled at him. “Green. What about you?”
“Red,” Mugman blurted out.
“Red, huh? Is it because it’s your brother’s color?”
“Well, red used to not be my favorite color till I met you…soooo….yeah.”
Meanwhile, Cuphead, Natalie, Chalice, Aurora, and Canteen spied on Mugman and Cassidy.
“It seems to be going well,” Canteen said with a proud smile at Mugman.
“You don’t say,” Cuphead replied happily. “I’m happy for ‘em.”
Chalice looked to the side to see someone enter the deck with her brow raised. “Who are they?”
The group looked and saw two dogs walking into the deck, one a golden retriever and the other a labrador. They were both laughing and joking, making Cassidy hide behind her menu. Mugman looked at them in confusion while the others tilted their heads in curiosity.
“Oh no,” Natalie groaned.
“Big bad doggies,” Aurora said with her brows furrowed.
“What?” Cuphead questioned both Natalie and Aurora.
“Jimmy and Jamie. They’re the worse bullies that Cassidy had,” Natalie said with a growl.
“Worse bullies? But…would not allowing her into restaurants, saying that she should never be born, and making sneer comments considered worse bullying?” Canteen asked with a brow raised.
“Of course. But it’s not as merely as bad as, you know, throwing Cassidy into the lake, locking her in a closet, riling students up to bully her, throwing her into the hollow tree, and almost throwing her into the fire pit,” Natalie listed with a growl.
“Did they do all that?” Cuphead asked with his eyes widened in shock.
Natalie nodded her head. “Cassidy only swiped at Jimmy one time when he was about to throw her into the fire pit and the teachers punished her instead of them.”
The group had their eyes broadened in horror and looked at the two dogs, who noticed Cassidy trying to hide herself behind the menu.
“Oh look here, Jamie,” Jimmy, the golden retriever, snickered while going up to the couple on a date. “It’s the piece of burden cat on a date with…whoever he is.”
“It’s Mugman,” Mugman said with his brows drawn.
Cuphead could tell his brother was about to become angry. “I’m debating on whether I should let Mugsy attack them with Tremaine inside of him or we should do something about it.”
“I wouldn’t blame you if you did let Mugsy attack them,” Canteen responded. “After hearing all of that, who knows what they’re going to do to her next.”
“But then Tremaine will break through sooner than later,” Chalice replied to Canteen.
“I wanna kick them,” Natalie said with a growl. “But I’m too small to do it.”
“Ooh, Mugman. What a stupid name,” Jimmy cackled at Mugman.
Cassidy started to snarl at Jimmy when he was bullying her date.
“Oh, there she is, the aggressor. The cause of all of our problems,” Jamie pointed out to Cassidy. He leaned in to show Cassidy his face, which had claw marks. “Remember what you did, piece of burden? You clawed me up. It’s a good thing that the teacher punish you. You deserve it.”
“Say that again,” Mugman growled, his eyes turning yellow with red irises and his teeth sharpening.
Cuphead gasped. “Wait, Jimmy? He’s the guy who stole my lunch money when I was little. Jamie also beat me up for my lunch money too.”
“They stole your lunch money?” Chalice gasped. She glared at the dogs. “That’s it. They’re going down.”
Before Chalice could turn into a ghost and possess them, Cuphead stopped her.
“Wait, I have a better idea,” Cuphead replied and looked at Natalie. “You said you wanna kick them, right?”
“Yeah…? Why?”
Cuphead whispered something to Natalie, with her gasping in shock.
“Can you do that?” Natalie asked.
“Let’s see,” Cuphead responded. 
Mugman glared at Jimmy and Jamie, trying to resist every urge to let Tremaine take over and attack them. Once Cassidy was cornered by the two dogs, Mugman put down his menu and was getting ready to attack them until—
The dogs turned to see Ribby and Croaks standing there with their fists clenched. With relief, Mugman’s yellow eyes went away and his teeth were no longer sharpened.
“Youse two didn’t pay your way in here,” Ribby pointed out to Jimmy and Jamie.
“Yeah!” Croaks agreed with a growl.
Jimmy and Jamie instantly became terrified.
“W-We did pay our way in. D-Don’t you remember?” Jimmy stuttered.
“Your money is fake money!” Croaks growled.
“Yeah,” Ribby agreed. “Youse two better have a good explanation for sneaking into the ferry boat.”
Jamie looked at Cassidy. “She’s not supposed to be here, right? Businesses usually have no red cats allowed. She’s a burden to our society and you should throw her out!”
“Nice try, buddy,” Ribby said with a snarl. “Unlucky for you, we don’t have that sign that said red cats are not allowed.”
“But what we don’t allow in our boat is bullying and harassment. And youse two just broke those rules,” Croaks growled.
“Do you know what bullying and harassment could get ya?”
Croaks picked up Jimmy and Ribby picked up Jamie by the scruffs of their necks and walked over to the edge of the ferry boat.
“A kick in your pants!” Croaks answered.
Both of the frogs kicked the dogs out of the ferry boat, letting them fly into the water. Luckily, they were near the shore.
Ribby and Croaks smiled until Croaks looked at his hands.
“OOOH! I’VE BEEN WANTIN’ DO THAT IN FOREVER!!!” Croaks shouted. With a poof, they were transformed into Natalie and Cuphead, indicating that Cuphead shape-shifted both himself and other people.
“Whoa, what happened?” Natalie questioned.
“I think it stopped workin’ once we get out of character,” Cuphead said. “Neat! I can shape-shift and shape-shift other people! That’s cool!”
They looked to see Mugman and Cassidy widened their eyes in shock. And they turned to see the real Ribby and Croaks standing by the doorway with the sizzling hot meals for the date. They might have seen the whole thing.
“What in the heck?” Ribby uttered with his brow raised.
Cuphead nervously laughed.
“Hey, you paid for your tables,” Croaks stated.
“Yeah, hows about you all take a seat at the other tables. Ya know, as dates!” Ribby suggested.
The kids in the group blushed except for Aurora, who giggled at Ribby’s suggestion.
“Sissy wikes Cuppy!” Aurora said with a giggle.
“Shh, no one needs to know that,” Natalie whispered to her little sister.
“Yeah, you paid to be here. Why not?” Croaks responded.
Mugman couldn’t help but trying to hold in a chuckle at his friends since they had been teasing him about his crush on Cassidy.
“It’ll only be a friend date though,” Cuphead replied nervously with a blush cheek.
“Yeah,” Natalie agreed.
Chalice and Canteen nodded their heads with ‘yep’.
Ribby showed Natalie and Cuphead their seats with Aurora sticking with her big sister. Croaks showed Chalice and Canteen to their seats.
“While you folks are settled down, why don’t we sing a little song?” Ribby responded with a bright smile. Ribby and Croaks looked at the small band up on the small stage and Ribby snapped his fingers for them to start to play.
Ribby and Croaks stood up on stage, looking at everyone once the jazzy music began softly.
Ribby was the first one to sing.
“Here you are, standing under the limelight.
No words can describe this kind of night.
No one can ever take away this euphoric moment.
How could they ever judge the love in the air?”
Cassidy blushed at Ribby and Croaks singing along with Mugman.
“I’m not expecting this,” Cassidy whispered to Mugman.
“Me neither,” Mugman said with a shrug.
Ribby continued to sing while the music began to pick up a bit.
“You are here now,
Laughing in the tragedy.
A good time that will end soon.
You know what to do next!”
Natalie glanced over at Cuphead, who just shrugged his shoulders.
That was when the music started to pick up at the chorus and Croaks joined Ribby in singing. Both of the frog brothers danced on stage with bright smiles on their faces.
“Make a move!
You know you love each other.
Let this night last forever.
Make a move!
You know you love each other.
Let this night last forever.
Let this love flow in the air!”
Chalice brightly smiled at the frog brothers while tapping her foot to the beat of the music, drawing Canteen’s attention. She got up to dance and grabbed Canteen by the hand.
“Care to dance?” Chalice said with a smirk on her face.
Canteen blushed madly. “O-Oh no, not at all.”
“Good.” Chalice pulled him onto the dance floor, dancing with Canteen. Canteen was a bit clumsy on his steps, but once he started to follow Chalice’s lead, he started to get the steps down.
Mugman grinned at Chalice and Canteen and got up from his seat. He held his hand out for Cassidy. “Wanna dance with me?”
Cassidy smiled and nodded her head. She took his hand as he pulled her off of her seat and danced with her. She was a bit clumsy, but was so Mugman. So…they were both clumsy together, exchanging small laughter and whispers.
Natalie watched Cassidy smiling and couldn’t help but smiled for her best friend. However, she frowned a bit. She wished she could find someone to love like that.
“Wanna dance?”
Natalie glanced up at Cuphead, who softly smiled at her.
“Pwease, sissy?” Aurora begged.
Natalie rolled her eyes playfully at her little sister. “Fine. I’ll embarrass myself for this one night.”
Cuphead chuckled and watched her take his hand.
“If I step on your toes, I’m sorry in advance,” Natalie said while including Aurora in the dance.
“I ain’t too worried about it,” Cuphead replied softly.
Natalie smiled at him while they started to dance.
Croaks started the second verse with glee.
“Here you are, dancing to the jazz.
Your hearts synced together.
The world fades from all around you.
Don’t let other’s judgments scare you.
Tonight might be the last night
That you’ll ever have peace.
So, why not focus on tonight?
You know what to do next.”
Ribby and Croaks crooned together in the chorus.
“Make a move!
You know you love each other.
Let this night last forever.
Make a move!
You know you love each other.
Let this night last forever.
Let this love flow in the air!”
The band approached the bridge while the kids were dancing and laughing together as if it was their final night of being at peace and joy.
Ribby and Croaks sang together in a harmonizing melody with passion on the bridge with Ribby singing his first part.
“Now’s your chance.
Now’s your chance, whoa!
Sweep her off her feet!
Dance with him under the moonlight!”
Croaks sang his part with his eyes closed.
“The daylight is comin’, don’t waste time now.
Tonight might be the last night
We will live without the Night Stalkers.”
Both Ribby and Croaks repeated the bridge together.
“Now’s your chance.
Now’s your chance, whoa!
Sweep her off her feet!
Dance with him under the moonlight!
The daylight is comin’, don’t waste time now.
Tonight might be the last night
We will live without the Night Stalkers.”
Natalie stepped on Cuphead’s toes by accident, who didn’t feel it strangely…although it wasn’t like he cared whether he felt it or not. Chalice and Canteen were having a great time dancing while Mugman held Cassidy close to him.
Ribby and Croaks sang the final verse.
“Make a move!
You know you love each other.
Let this night last forever.
Make a move!
You know you love each other.
Let this night last forever.
Let this love flow in the air!”
As the music was dying down while Ribby and Croaks continued the chorus until the jazz softened. Chalice and Canteen were chatting to each other about how fun the dance was. Natalie and Cuphead tried not to look at each other while blushing around each other, which earned a giggle from Aurora.
Meanwhile, Mugman held Cassidy close to where he could whisper in her ears.
“How was that for our first date?” Mugman whispered to her.
“It was perfect,” Cassidy said while leaning away from him.
Cassidy and Mugman stared at each other, the world around them fading around them. The moonlight shined down on them while the stars twinkled and reflected on the water. Cassidy smiled at him warmly and kissed his big blue nose. Mugman shivered from the kiss, feeling his heart racing from her kissing his nose. He giggled when she pressed her head against his forehead with a purr.
Mugman blushed and hugged Cassidy close to him, swearing to himself silently that he would never let her go.
The ferry boat arrived back on shore with Elder Kettle, Porkrind, and Jerry waiting by the shoreline to pick up the kids.
The kids got out of the ferry boat after the passengers left already, bidding Ribby and Croaks farewell and thanking them for a wonderful night. The ferry boat took off to park at the shore near the dark forest between the big city and the coastal town.
Cassidy and Mugman held hands and their shoulders were more closer than before.
Natalie, Cuphead, Canteen, and Chalice walked out of the ferry boat with blushes around each other while Aurora was holding Natalie’s hand.
“Sooo, how did you guys like your date?” Elder Kettle asked.
Mugman and Cassidy sighed dreamily with a love-sick smiles.
“I guess it went well,” Jerry responded. “You can put down the knife now, Porkrind.”
Porkrind lowered his knife with a grumble. “He’s lucky that the date went well.”
Jerry patted the pig’s shoulder. “I know. I know.”
“Let’s go home,” Elder Kettle suggested.
The kids nodded their heads in agreement and walked with the adults back to the mansion with their hearts warm and their smiles never-ending.
Unbeknownst to them, Ribby and Croaks were knocked out and carried out of the ferry boat by a couple of hooded assassins. 
To Be Continued...
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villxinoux · 2 years
𝐭𝐨𝐩  𝟓  𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠  𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬,       share  the  top  songs  in  your  playlist  that  most  inspire / represent  your  muses  the  most.    bonus  points  if  you  include  lyrics  to  go  along  with  it.  
tagged by: @heincus the mvp tagging: @nexarerum @tewwor @hiisfire
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rich kids - new medicine .
i coulda went to college like rich kids do // buying weed with the money that your mom sent you // but I don't give a damn about no higher degree // cause you know in rock & roll, i got a phd, bitch // we got all that we need, packed it up in the van // put the pedal to the floor, gave the finger to the man // i'm not a rich kid, maybe that's a good thing // ain't got shit, but i got this far // keepin it real & rhymin & stealin // doing what i want
the whole attitude in this song is peak ciaran energy. ciaran has never had money, his family never had money, he never cared for money & especially people who have money. he has a strong loyalty to the lower & working class because he grew up with them, the struggles but also the solidarity. fighting for the rights of the lower & working class is a big deal to his punk heritage & he will carry it with him to the grave.
i love you like an alcoholic - the taxpayers .
i was getting off the late shift attempting to recover // crumpled up the bus pass, tossed it into the gutter // some handsome dark stranger, you were standing there on the corner // you had those compelling magnetized eyes // you must have lost when you got older // seven blocks in, my fingers brushed your hand // i blushed & you laughed, but you seemed a little sad // i ain't one to jump a ship, but i absolutely knew // i was six steps in when I fell into you // one last kiss // i love you like a broken pot // one last kiss // i love you like a pack of dogs // one last kiss // i need you like I need a gaping head wound
this song doesn't only fit ciaran due to his high functioning alcoholism, but it also encapsulate his relationship with his exes a great deal. the way he is attracted to things that are toxic for him is very well described through the lyrics of this song.
that's so gay - pansy division . i heard what you said, i'm not stupid, you know // what do you take me for? hetero? // the next time you say it, make sure i can't hear // 'cause you're pissing me off, is that clear? // heard what you said; just a figure of speech? // if you meant nothing by it, practice what you preach // the next time you say it, you better think twice // some pissed off f*ggot may not take it too nice // what'd he say? he said "that's so gay" // what'd he say? he said "that's so gay" // & if you say it again, there'll be hell to pay // i'll show you what it's like to be gay
this song is such a ciaran song from the voice, the execution & the lyrics. ciaran had to learn very young that the only way he would survive in this world as an openly gay man would be to challenge those who bullied him. he immediately learned to fight for himself, throw a mean punch & get to them before they can get to him. this song is exactly what i hear when i imagine ciaran getting in brawls with bigots in bars.
losemyhead - littledeath .
we could go and find ourselves a car to crash // or we could go and toss bottles off the overpass // if we tear apart the cushions for a little cash // we could buy a couple papers and a tank of gas // if we bargain with the devil, make the night our day // there ain't a single thing we wouldn't sign away // so we could grab ourselves a baggie, never leave the haze // light em', up light em' up 'til we don't know our names // oh, rock bottom // oh, rock bottom // oh rock bottom never looked so good
this song of course had to be in here. this song was the first song that i dubed "ciaran & mal's song" & i was obsessed with it after max sent it to me, so much it became my third most listened to through the whole year. the song is a great example to show ciaran's free spirit, his need for adventure, adrenaline & freedom. it also shows why he & mal work together so well; they are equally as crazy.
sorry about your car - savannah saturn .
the lot was empty // late at night // no one could see me // reach for my bag // & pull out a key // so baby, i'll meet you in hell // i could never tell // if this was just a dream // now I'll just sit for myself // wondering when // the cops will come for me // i'm sorry, i'm sorry // i shouldn't let it get this far // & now i just feel // sorry for your car // should i have cut the brakes // or is that too far? this is mostly a joke, but also... not really. it's a nod to how ciaran famously put his ex's car on fire after he cheated. ciaran is not forgiving; he is petty, & is not scared of committing arson, so stay on his good side.
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arcade-writing · 2 years
A Sirens Call
🍋 fanfic
Pairing: Siren! Silco X reader
Gender neutral reader
Warning: Creampie, monster fucking, duel gentitialia, minor blood kink, bondage
In this Silco is a siren based off the ones in Greek mythology instead of the usual idea of them. But there are still elements of what is known
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You heard from above, you grasped the steering wheel with a new found determination.
"BRACE YOURSELF, MEN!" With all your strength you spun the wheel, gritting your teeth.
The chip shook as it hit the harsh waters. Rocks skidding along the side as you cried out. Everyone was gripping onto something for their dear life. Some dangling dangerously by one hand as your boat crashed into the sandy shore ahead.
"EVERYONE ALIVE?!" you screamed, panting as you adjusted your head.
You heard a chrous of "alive" until one scream ripped through. A crew member popping his head through the gate with a panicked expression.
"ANYONE HURT?!" You pushed yourself off the wheel, jogging over to him.
"A few, Captain, but nothing serious - we'll need to repair the ship."
You nodded. Dusting off your hands as you ordered everyone off the boat. You counted them in your head as you watched them line up on the sand. Smiling when everyone was accounted for. You slid down the ladder, meeting your crew on the shore.
"We'll have to see what we can find, I need our strongest to divide between two groups - one to protect the ship and the other to hunt for wood, understood?"
"AYE CAPTAIN!" They all yelled, already aware of each others skills and strengths - easily dividing into groups. You waved off your brave men who went further onto the island.
A growing paranoia chewed at your gut. Fearing you'd all be stranded or worse, found by the wrong kind of company. This whole venture was already a risk and now your ship was ripped open! Every pirate knew it was dangerous to stay in one area for too long. It was only due time before a nation ship found or the horrors of the sea. You didn't even want to think of the dangers of the sky coming down to feast.
There was too many risks. You needed your ship back on its journey as soon as possible.
"You alright, captain?"
A hand came down on your shoulder. You jumped as you instinctively went to swing for whoever touched you. You stopped yourself seconds before you punched your trusted second hand. Sighing out a breath of relief.
"Grills, sorry, I was deep in thought."
"Exactly, that's why I'm worried."
A scoff mixed with a laugh escaped you. Turning to your second hand with hands on your hips.
"I just hope we can fix the ship soon, we can't stay here." You admitted, crossing your arms as you scanned the surrounding area.
"We'll get through this, we've been lucky so far."
"Let's hope this isn't the day it ends."
"Focus on the positives, captain, we can actually eat something other scraps."
He nudged your tense arm, grinning. You perked up at his words. Stomach growling at the mere thought of a proper meal. How long has it been since you and your crew have actually gotten to hunt and cook for actual food? Stopped by a newby city or town for supplies?
You've completely lost count of the days. It's been far too long.
"Oh? Did you find a fishing spot already?"
"Of course, I've found a nice cave around here with plenty of fish swimming through." He pointed over to it with his thumb.
"You're a life saver, Grills." You smiled.
It was a few hours since the search party, some of your men came back with sacks of fruits and coconuts. One dancing as he showed off the fairly large crab in his hand.
When you asked about wood, they said they've found the perfect spot but they'll need more time. Better supplies will be needed and it it'll take longer than expected to get enough. You frowned at the news but thanked them regardless. They ventured into the unknown and did not come back empty handed. Literally.
You were always thankful for your crews hard work.
The fire roared to life as you all sat around it. You devoured the fish in your makeshift bowl. Using half of a coconut as one. You were all starving. It became easy to ignore when you knew it was the only choice you had. But now? You were laughing as you had plenty to go around.
This island was a luxury rare to find. It made you feel slightly more at ease knowing you'll be spending longer here. But there was an annoying voice in the back of your head, fearing that there were others also enjoying it's luxuries. People will not be happy to see others taking part.
You needed to clear your head.
"Give this to Skipper, hes still young, he'll need plenty of food to grow." You nudged Grills, he looked up at you in confusion.
"You've finished, captian?"
"I've had my fill, I need to clear my head."
He handed you your gun, giving you a nod. Silently pleading you to stay safe. You tippped your hat as you kept a tight grip on your gun. Walking away from your crew and into the trees, the nearby cave calling for you.
You took in a deep breath, scanning the area before stopping. The beautiful waters below whispered promises of tranquility. You couldn't deny it. It was such a stunning blue. Like sparkling sapphires was melted down mixed in with crystals. You could see a few fish swim through but soon they swam away noticing your presence.
You began to strip. Folding your clothes near the edge until you were left bare. Only a necklace remained. It was a trophy; or atleast, you believed it to be. A shiny gold nugget you wrapped in fishing wire and kept tied around your neck with a leather rope. You found the nugget placed among other trinkets in your office. Slowly being given gifts by someone unknown.
You had your theories but you kept shaking them from your head. It would be impossible. Ridiculous. Unheard of.
But apart of you hoped they were from him.
You could remember it all so clearly. As you sank deeper into the pool, it cleared your mind. Let you focus on one striking memory. Your ship was more gorgeous around this time; still early in your career as a captain. A different crew other than a few you've still kept to this day. Your relationship with the sea was one of ignorance and pride.
You were young and stupid and allowed even dumber people on your ship. Which caused more issues than you wanted.
They shot down a poor siren. Probably only around 8 years old in human years. With chubby cheeks and a naive attitude towards the world. You missed her. They carelessly captured her without your word or knowing, wishing to surprise you. You, obviously, placed the girl in your cabin before shooting the bastard's.
You wouldn't tolerate such behaviour on your ship. Many grew to understand that over time. Even when you were younger, not fully aware of you respect you needed for the sea, you knew this was too much. She was only a child and they took delight in hurting her. It was revolting.
She was fearful of all of you. Whenever you tried to take care of her damaged wing she would claw and kick. Screeching like a mad man as she sobbed. It broke your heart. You decided it was best you gain her trust. After all, she was now stuck on a ship full of pirates. The same pirates that didn't stop those bastard's from hurting her. She had every right to be scared.
It took a few days but you were able to get her trust. She was looking after her wing herself when you were getting her use to you. It wasn't a bad job. Messy and unsure but did the job regardless. You nursed her until she demanded to go home, you were unsure as she wasn't fully healed. But she was desperate to get back to her family.
You learned her name was Jinx. She lived on an island with her father. It was a remarkable discovery to find Sirens could talk - we all knew they could sing but most siren calls were no more than noises toned into a melody. No words at all.
It was when you were sailing back to her island it where you met him. As soon as he saw jinx by your side he swooped down from the skies and put a claw to your throat. Jinx pleaded him not to hurt you, explaining what happened. He didn't trust you but listened to his daughter. He wouldn't hurt you but he wouldn't make your life easier.
He put scratches all over your ship and ripped a sail. It was a warning. If anyone ever did that again, he would do more than inconvince you. A sail could be repaired even if you were all rushed incase of harsh winds. And scratches were nothing. It didn't break your ship but this was your baby. Your first ship and she was already marked with hatred.
You only just caught his name. Jinx muttering an upset "silco stop" when he went to scoop her up. She could just give you a wave as he went flying off. You waved back but you weren't sure if she saw you.
Ever since that day he's been trailing your boat. That's when the gifts started appearing. You thought it was just your crew trying to please you. Knowing they'd get shot down and thrown overboard if they ever pulled a stunt like that.
But apart of you hoped it was that Siren. There was something about him that latched to your brain. He was.... beautiful but in a strange way.
You pulled yourself underwater. Hoping to get rid of your thoughts. You were an odd person to think a siren was beautiful. A sirens song could charm and turn your mind to mush. Causing you to be tricked and see your deepest desires but when that charm wasn't there? Most if not all agreed sirens were a hideous group of creatures.
Yet here you were, wishing one was after your affections.
When you let out a gasp. Bursting out of the water you screamed. Rope tightened around your body as you went upwards. You looked up to see you were caught in a broken fish net. It tangled around you awkwardly. Your hands tied above your head, legs dangling at different heights and spread apart and your torso had it twist around you.
This was beyond humiliating.
Suddenly, a deep rumble came from further into the cave. A voice you've never heard of tingling at your senses. You immediately recognized what was happening - of course. OF COURSE! you think of the damn things and now they appear!
You tried to focus on releasing yourself from the knots but it was futile. The more you twisted the tighter it became. The voice grew louder and louder until it engulfed your mind. Turning it into a fuzzy mess as you went limp.
Two eyes appeared from the darkness. The creature stalked closer to you, revealing himself in the light.
The singing trailed. He jumped towards you, propping one leg on your thigh and the other in the net, leaning down to look at your face better.
It was him. It was the siren you've been thinking about.
"It's you." Was all you said. The singing stopped and your mind immediately became clear.
And there he was. Towering over you with a confused expression. "How?" He spat.
"I---" oh lord, how were you going to explain this? The last time he was up this close to you, he had to intent on killing you. How do you explain the way your heart skipped a beat whenever you remember those burning eyes?
Explain to him you've been crushing on him like you were a love stricken fool back in school. That you spent countless nights thinking about him in ways that would declare you insane. Touching yourself as you imagined his sharp teeth on your flesh.
And now here you are. Naked and tied up and faced with your oddest fantasy.
"You desire me." He spoke bluntly. Feeling no need to toy with you. Though, it seems he was talking more to himself than you.
That was the best you could give. Far too embarrassed to speak the truth. You moved your head back, looking away from him as you shifted your head. His eyes snapped towards your now exposed throat. Your breath caught in your throat as he leaned further down, trailing his tongue along your neck.
You squirmed as one hand grabbed the ropes keeping your hands bound whilst the other trailed down your body. Watching your back arch into his touch when his slender fingers brushed over your nipple. He added pressure, pinching and rolling it causing you to let out a moan. He went back to assaulting your neck as he gently bit down.
"Fuck-!" You hissed out as he adjusted his position, now able to bite down from your collar bone to your chest.
A warm liquid dripped from his love bites. You felt your heart clench as a small pit in your stomach began to churn. He lapped up your blood, with a moan.
His hand caressed your side as he finally lifted himself up. "Excited, are we?"
You were trembling already. Trying to spread your legs further in hopes he'll finally give it the attention it needs. He jumped down from your body, becaming eye height to your crotch. Grabbing your hips and pressed your sex to his lips.
"You taste sweeter than I expected."
Than expected?! "You-- you thought about me?"
A dumb question but your mind was turning to putty. Silco chuckled, licking his sharp teeth.
"I've done more than think about you, my sweet."
You gasped at the idea. Moaning as he licked up your arousal, sucking and kissing where he could. Finding every spot that made you scream. Your legs wrapped around his head as much as you could, keeping him close as he devoured you.
This couldn't be real. This had to be a dream. But if dreams could feel this good - you didn't want to wake up.
Your eyes rolled back as he put all his attention on your most sensitive part. His tongue felt so long and warm against you. Your body jerking as you felt something prod at you. Your head was thrown back as he began to thrust a finger inside you. Working you open until he could fit two.
He hummed against you. Only moving away enough so you could hear him. "I don't think two fingers will be enough."
There was a smug pride in his voice. Your cheeks went red as you tried to imagine how big he could be. After all, it's not like he had his parts swinging about. Most believed Sirens were sexless.
He added a third finger, you bit back the pain. Even if your craziness nights of pleasure, you've never added more than two. He kissed and licked at your sex again. Refocusing your mind as you clenched around him. Your climax crashing upon you as you screamed out his name.
"Silco- please - I'm ready." You moaned out.
The siren moved away much to your delight and dismay. His eyes trailed to the ropes keeping you suspended. He let out a disapproving hum. Before you knew it, you could falling into his arms. You threw off the rope and clung to him.
Finally, you could touch him. His breath hitches as you ran your palm along his skin. He nuzzled against your cheek as you kissed his jaw. You made sure to avoid his gills as you kissed and nibbled. Leaving your own hickies.
He laid you down on a mat of leaves, dried seaweed and fabric. You smiled up at him as he towered over you. Taking in view of his own work. Trailing his one functioning eye down your body. It was a crystal blue like the waters you was caught in. Meanwhile his other eye was a raging storm of red and orange melted into a pit of black.
He was breath taking.
His black feathers were ruffled as he stared you down. You trailed your hands around his body. feeling the scales reaching down from his elbows to the tip of his fingers. Two fins on his side's and one on his back. Just like a shark.
That's when your hand stopped at his crotch. There was a slit now visible to you. You looked up at him with a hesitant touch.
"Go on, no need to be shy." He chuckled. Guiding your hand as your fingers pressed against his folds. Cheeks glowing when you felt how warm and wet he was.
"Excited, are we?" You mocked his earlier words.
He just scoffed. His gaze gentle as he shivered under your touch. You jumped back slightly when two cocks peeked out from his folds. HE HAD TWO?! You didn't stop your rubbing, kissing the head of one of them. He panted as they finally came out. they were vaguly humaniod, the structure was the same but his tip was had a rounded point. Below it was pudgy and thick with small rounded spikes on the bottom. They curved to make a slight V shape.
He was BIG.
"Whoa..." you couldn't stop staring. You felt as if you shouldn't be staring so much. Was it rude to stare? Oh god what if he thinks you're not interested anymore?
"They look.... delightful."
You cringed at yourself. Screaming internally as you saw him shift above you.
"Are you going to pleasure me or will you keep laying there like a dying fish."
You nodded. Scrambling up as you laid him on his back. Laughing to yourself as you found a nice spot between his legs, resting on your stomach. You slowly run your hands along his shafts. Getting a sense for them as you tried to figure out how this was going to work.
You wrapped your lips around one, taking in as much as you could whilst you grasped the other one. Trying to sync your hand movements with your head. You bopped your head up and down as you clumsily jerked him off. Despite it all, he was squirming beneath you, biting back his noises as he tried not to move. His hips were tense from trying not to jerk.
You moved off his dick with a wet pop. Slowing down your hand. He made a strangled noise of protest.
"Do as you please, you don't need to hold back." Was all you said before you went back to work.
He slowly became less tense underneath you. Letting his body move as he fucked into your mouth. He let out a groan as he grabbed your head, pushing you further down on his cock.
"That's it- you can do it." He breathed out, watching you.
You did your best to swallow around it as you sucked, moving your hand faster as you finally got into a steady rythm. Picking up your pace until you gagged. You took a deep breath before going back down, nose in the soft tuff of feathers he had as a happy trail.
Silco let out another strangled noise as he gripped the floor beneath him.
"You're doing so well-" he hissed out. Panting as he tried to keep up with your eager speed.
He saw white before he could even realize what was happening. Gasping as he went limb. You choked as you swallowed greedily, going to his other leaking cock to suck it. Milking him dry as you placed both of his tips in your mouth, sucking and licking until he was cumming again.
He pulled you off, sitting up as he grabbed at you. Yanking you up onto his lap. You squealed as you felt his cocks rub against you.
"You-" he took in one deep breath as a grin began to crack on his lips. "You are a minx."
"Thank you." You smiled, placing a kiss on his lips.
He shook his head. "I'm not done with you yet."
Before you could even ask he had you on the floor again, his lips crashing against yours as he groaned. You yelped as you felt something push through your entrance. You looked down to see his cock slipping into you.
"I can take both." You said without thought. Your lips trembling as you looked down at them.
"Oh? Can you, now? Do you really want to test that?"
Whilst his voice was mocking, he was waiting for you. There was a genuine question to it - you thought more about it. You could feel yourself clench around him at the mere idea of it, whimpering as you nodded.
"Words, captain, I need you to speak."
"I can take both - please fuck me with your cocks."
He let out a deep purr. Pulling out before he lined himself back up. Taking hold of both as he slowly pushed them into you. You shook and hissed as you clawed at his arms and back. Trying to steady your breath as you felt yourself be completely stretched.
Silco was gentle. Slowing down and keeping still when he noticed you struggling. He waited on your words to move. Doing small thrusts to ease you further along.
"So warm-" he muttered to himself. In his own world as he focused on his thrusts.
You moaned as you finally felt his hips meet yours. You were so full. Completely stuffed with his cocks. You've never felt his full in your life. No lover has ever made you feel this way. You always had an itch for more but no one could fulfill it, no matter their attempts.
But silco. He completed you.
Once you gave him the 'okay' he began thrusting. Holding your hips up as he pounded into you. His breathing became shaky, feeling you clench around him.
"You're perfect - you take me so well - my perfect mate."
His words was stumbling out of him now. Mindlessly rambling as he fucked you. You wrapped your legs around his waist and grabbed his shoulders. Keeping yourself grounded as your head became dizzy. You couldn't focus on anything other than how good you feel. The wet squealching coming between you only heightened your feelings.
Your eyes were completely rolled back as he picked up the pace. A brutal and merciless speed as he buried his head into your neck.
His name was the only thing you could remember. It rolled off your tongue with every moan.
"Mine." He growled in your ear, moving your legs from his waist to your chest. The new angle making him reach much deeper inside you.
"I'm yours-!" You moaned back, feeling your second orgasm build up.
His thrusts became more sloppy as he kissed you once again. Both of your moans being muffled and engulfed by each others mouths. Your back arched as you came. HARD. breathless as you was left staring at the ceiling as your legs twitched and shook.
It wasn't long before he was cumming. You didn't think you get feel more full yet here you were. He shivered as he leaned against you. Slowly pulling out until you were left empty. You could feel his cum drip down from your hole as you laid there.
"That- that was.... amazing" you panted.
Before silco could respond there were screams from outside. Not too far from the cave. "CAPTAIN!! CAPTAIN?!!"
"Seems my crew miss me." You chuckled. Still trying to catch your breath.
Silco helped you stand, as your legs trembled. Leading you back to the pool of water. Washing you as he pressed kisses down your body. You put your clothes back on, cursing at all the buckles and layers.
"Come with me." You said, looking at him.
"They'll shoot me."
"I won't let them."
He knew you were telling the truth. Its what drew him to you in the first place, the fact you killed your own men without hesitant to save his daughter. Your compassion and ruthlessness. It made him fall for you.
And so, he stalked behind you as you waved to your crew. They all rushed towards you with panicked yells.
"Captain-! The girl! She's with the other men!"
The girl? Wait - if Silco is here then that means- you ran forward with the siren quick behind you. You stumbled back to your camp as you threw your arms open.
"JINX!" you cried out.
She whipped her head, sprinting towards you. Flapping her wings as she leapt into your arms.
"CAPTAIN!" she beamed. You squeezed her tight, making sure to avoid her wings as she nuzzled your cheek.
Silco stood by you, placing one hand on his daughters hair. Rigid in his movements. You all sat by the fire. Your crew questioning where you were. Your cheeks flushed as you scratched the back of your neck.
"Just sight seeing- I ran into him whilst in the cave."
Jinx was sitting in your lap but leaned against her father. Chewing on a fish that was left over from your crews dinner.
"Why are you here?" She asked, innocently.
"We were sailing further out before we got ship wrecked "
"How did they find you?" Silco asked to the little girl. His glare fierce as he looked at your men.
"When they were chopping down trees, I fell out and Grills recognized me."
She pointed to your second hand with a smile. He waved back at her. You turned to silco, sheepishly smiling.
"Sorry for cutting down your territory, we didn't know, we just need some wood and we'll be able to fix the ship."
"Then you'll leave." He muttered, venom in his voice.
"Yes.... we'll leave."
He didn't seem happy with your response. Jinx noticed his expression and immediately perked up.
"Let us come with you! I want to be a pirate!"
You chuckled, ruffling her hair. "you can but only if your dad says so." You both looked at him with a large smile.
He looked between you two and then at your crew. Sighing he nodded his head. Jinx immediately jumped up and began ordering people around.
You laughed as you leaned against silcos shoulder. This was the beginning of a very aventful journey.
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bellarkeselection · 3 years
Beautiful Rock
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Jaime decides to bring his wife Y/n Tyrell to the Rock after he helped Tyrion escape his execution. Freeing his innocent love from the horror that is his twin sister.
Jaime made a choice.
One that would have his sister furious when he'll no longer be living in Kings Landing with her.
Or at least that's what he told me as we reach the ship docks of Casterly Rock. His family's home. The truth of the Rock towers before me. Lannister armies larger than anything. Armed with over a thousand arrows and swords. Yet the castle remains a fortress, sitting ontop a ginormous rock surrounded by the crashing waves. Terrifying to outsiders. But to me it's my beautiful home. Tyrion spoke of a secret entrance in the sewers that his father gave him control over. The ungrounded is where he'd sneak in woman from the city, mostly whores. Jaime has also spoken about his favorite places inside the castle. Ones to the eyes of a child would seem like another world. Specifically for our daughter, Joanna his mother's name. Dismounting my horse I hold our four year old daughter in my arms staring at the castle just before I squeal feeling Jaime pick me up bridal style as the guards open the main castle door. "Jaime! What are you doing?" He chuckles kicking open our chamber door sitting me on my feet. "Carrying my wife over the threshold obviously." I lay our daughter on the golden silk covers as she's still sleeping from the long travel from Kings Landing.
Scanning the room before me I see the gold and red decorating the room. Going to the window I creak it open feeling the wind and smell of the sea fill my nose. My hair softly blows with some of it pulled back with a golden hair pin. Leaning out the window I watch the waves crash against the rock as Jaime gently rests his hands around my middle humming in my ear. "So what do you think?" Laying my head back against his chest I sigh in relief. "We're far away from the snake pit that is Kings Landing. Jo is protected here...so it's perfect." He kisses my hair as we hear our daughter steering under the covers making us turn our heads.
Joanna has her father's green eyes. A combination of my brown curly Tyrell locks with the blonde hair of the Lannisters. She yawns as I move her to my lap. "Mama, are we finally home?" I nod my head yes smiling when Jaime ruffles her hair. "Yes we are baby. How about you go explore uncle Tyrion's old chambers." She jumped off my lap her hair and dress flying in the air as she rushed off to go explore. Jaime removes his golden hand putting it on the table, laying on his back beside me. Resting myself on my right elbow I gently run my hand through his short blonde locks. My sister Margaery was married to Joffrey but my grandmother poisoned the little murderer. Now she's to marry his younger brother Tommen and become queen.
Jaime and I weren't forced to marry each other. We simply fell in love and made Joanna. His father Tywin had us marry immediately to secure the future of his family. Tyrion, Jaime's brother was put on trial. Accused for killing the king yet Jaime helped him escape death right after...Tyrion killed his father with a crossbow. Tyrion and I got along well during my stay in Kings Landing. It was the queen that didn’t like me. Jaime and his brother both spoke that she didn’t like anyone, except her twin brother. I was no fool knowing the rumors like everyone else. But when Jaime and I started hanging out in secret I got to see the real eldest lion. The one that has a heart of gold, who’s kind and gentle when he’s not with his sister. "I'm happy we're here my darling rose." Jaime's voice breaks me from my train of thought. Seeing his green eyes locked on my brown ones.
"As am I, my lion. You're sister would've never stopped trying to kill anyone who tried to take you from her." Leaning down I softly kissed his lips. He kisses back but rolls me onto my back deepening the kiss slowly. "She doesn't compare to you, Y/n. She never can now that I know real love with you." He broke the kiss admiring me lovingly before I wrap my arms around his neck wanting to kiss him once more. He catches on quickly deepening the kiss running his left hand up my waist with me tugging gently at his locks. Sadly I have to break for air grinning up at my husband. "Let's try for a boy, Jaime." He smiled with a smirk. "Tis tempting. But we have to start-" I cut him off with a kiss. "We deserve a day off before we go on the hunt to find your brother and bring him home."
Finally Jaime gives in passionately kissing me and I replicate the same desire. For awhile we keep kissing until our chamber door is flung open by Jo who tackles us in the covers giggling excitedly. "Mama , dada the horses are ready. Let's go ride, pleaseee!" Jaime snorts at her putting his golden hand back on. "Definitely little Joanna." Climbing from the bed I quickly change into a red leather tunic and trousers with riding boots, my hair slightly braided as I carrying her on my shoulders. The wind blows our hair as I sit her ontop the saddle eyeing Jaime as he climbs on his horse holding the reigns in his left hand. I've seen him still struggle with certain things from time to time and he's accepted my help with them.
Climbing on behind my daughter I take the reins in my right hand holding her on with my left. Jaime clicks his tongue and both our horses run beside each other down the paths to the edge of the rock where the sea washes up sometimes. Joanna jumps from the horse to see a bottle floating towards her. "Dada message in a bottle." She runs over to her father giving him the scroll to read aloud. "Dear, Jaime, Y/n and my niece Joanna. I'm not sure how or if this message will find you, but I hope it does find you regardless. I am very much alive thanks to your help. I'm across the sea in service as Hand of the Queen to Daenerys of House Taragaryn, first of her name, breaker of chains and mother of dragons. I believe she is the ruler Westeros has been looking for. We plan to sail across the sea, I hope to see you both very soon. Along with my young niece and help bring our land peace. - Tyrion."
Jaime has an even bigger grin on his face then the day he got to hold our daughter in his arms for the first time, knowing his brother is alive and safe. Dismounting my horse I take the letter rereading it to myself quietly as he gets down from his horse. He picks up Jo spinning around in laughter. “You’re gonna meet your uncle Tyrion Joanna.” Rolling it close I put it inside the saddle bag on his horse smiling at my husband and daughter, hugging the pair happily. Jaime puts Joanna on her feet allowing us to watch her kick off her boots splashing in the water giggling with innocence that I pray will stay with her as she grows up.
“She’s everything I never knew I wanted after I met you, Y/n Tyrell. I thought - the Kingsguard and by my sisters side is where I belonged. But that’s not true, I belong with you.” Jaime spoke softly pulling me into his comfortable embrace. I intertwine my right hand with his left, grinning up at him. “I love you, Jaime Lannister.”
Leaning up on my tippy toes I kiss him gently. His arms go around my waist kissing me back until we need air. “I love you too, Y/n Lannister and our sweet daughter. Now and always.” Joanna runs up hugging our legs making us both chuckle.
Ceresi can no longer hurt our family here.
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