#i'm just blabbing
rroshbby · 2 years
When Simon buries his face in The Orange Jumper the SECOND time it's soooo different to the first time. Like the first time says yearning sadness mixed feelings. Grief and longing... Suppressing pain... The second time says Jesus fucking CHRIST I'm in LOVE I'm in LOVE I know what I want and I want it SO MUCH wanna bury my LIFE in the smell of him
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hopefully this post flops like literally all of my other posts and doesn't land on the wrong side of the fandom (aka those who've only watched the movies)
but people claiming that the movies are better because they "actually make sad things sad" while the book "waters everything down", really worry me like. are we talking about the same book. no because. i pinky promise you that we didn't need tauriel nor legolas and that the characters could've kept their book characterization just fine. really i promise. the book was already sad. "kíli and fíli and thorin's deaths were a mere throwaway line!" my love dearest do you really need a whole ass gruesome dramatic detailed description to empathize or just understand what happened. just because they don't straight up tell you "those two kids went on an apparently cool and heroic mission with their uncle who they loved very much and fucking died through atrocious suffering to claim an alleged home they've never known and will never know" it doesn't mean that isn't what happened. it doesn't make it any less sad.
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glaucouscherubim · 6 months
The concept of what could have is a nice way to make a romantic plotline/shipping trope more interesting (in needed specific places ofc. This is just my opinion.) the moment you a "What could have been." Detail, it just becomes angst. Ex. The pure become sinful. The concept of two people, known for virtue and devotion to their own deities fall in love despite it all. Once adding the detail, it simply becomes: The one that regrets and the one that attaches. One that is overwhelmed at what they have done, one that wants a requited love back. A sense of dramatics. What the noble and loyal servant could have been. Lovers, friends, but the servant knows they are just a small side quest or bump along the way when the noble will eventually leave them to marry another noble to have a more just and socially accepting relationship. Just a thought.
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ashestoshadows · 8 months
I have never wondered more if i've wanted to the world to just implode (or explode) on itself. We're probably the reason why aliens will likely never invade; they likely get close to and then realise we're fucking nutters and fuck off back to space realising there no hope here and look elsewhere.
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kingofthewilderwest · 1 month
Gosh the amount of talent on this site is unbelievable. Breathtaking. Dumbfounding. Overwhelming. Every day you log on and see thousands of exquisite artists. Like, people say, "Oh I'm not that good," but that's because you're walking into a living art studio every time you open tumblr. You're good. You're great! You're all great. Look at all the drawers and painters. Look at all the writers. Look at all the writing. Look at the gif makers and the analysts and enthusiastic fans with fantastic recall for what they love. Look at the music. Voice acting. Video editing. Animation. Comedy. Look at the shitposting, a talent of joy if there ever was one. Look at the kindness to compliment each other's stuff. You think you're mediocre? Wrong! Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong! Each person here is a star in the sky and together we make constellations.
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gotchibam · 1 month
Does anyone here draw in both desktop & mobile? I'm planning to get a galaxy tab at some point and since I don't really have any experience drawing on a (mobile) tablet, I'm curious abt how it feels to draw on one vs. drawing on pc w/ a graphic tablet 🤔
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happi-tree · 7 months
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⚔️👑 shield and scepter 👑⚔️
Howdy, y'all! So my wonderful mutual @raemeh did this really cool fanart of my royalty Swiftli au (the fic for which can be found here), and I had some little design ideas about them in my wips, so I thought I'd post the two of them here! Thank you so much to everyone who's enjoyed it <333
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raticalshoez · 7 months
I love Ren presumably using "we" and "us" because he's acting as if both his and Tango's souls are still present as he is possessing Tango, but also like lore-wise. Just considering it in lore is like.
I'm reading this whole thing as Ren taking over Tango when his character didn't really need to have a sub. In Pearl's case during Limited Life, she was taken out because she didn't have enough time to recover from how much Double Life affected her and Cleo just. Idk needed a break from their messy family drama or something. However with Tango and Ren, Ren was acknowledging Tango kore than Lizzie or Gem addressed Pearl and Cleo. Ren even explicitly says that he feels like something inside him (as much as that sounded. Horrible in the moment. Goddammit he can't escape the innuendoes, can he?).
Idk I've just been....thinking about. I'm not the smartest when it comes to this #Lore stuff, and idek if this is coherent but MAN. The idea of Tango vaguely knowing something is up, but not really being able to do anything about it is just.
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junkdyke · 5 months
things i wanna do this year that could be fun inspo if you're looking for things to do outside of the house
go to jazz lounges for live music and vibes, looking all cute and classy sipping wine with my friends
take classes and workshops! Ceramics, woodworking, my friend said he wants to take a voiceacting class, glasswork, welding, etc
go cruising around on my longboard, mainly at the beach along the bike path, looking at the ocean, listening to music, vibing
volunteer now that i have the time post-grad!! I'm hoping to give time to the LGBT center, women's shelter, and a general unhoused center or group
join a knitting/crochet group, go sit at the park and crochet
have more art-making days with my friends, painting or sewing or w/e together
join in on a mural painting
more live music in general, concerts, small local shows
go to some orchestras all fancy with my friends
go crystal hunting and collecting rocks in the desert
go camping, like proper camping
go fishing (on a boat!!!)
find some random, niche conventions to attend
i'm going to a metal show that's in a museum lmao
more community meetups, going to a black queer bonfire this month
start playing guitar again
my friend said he'd learn how to surf with me if i let him teach me how to snowboard
tabling and vending at more markets and conventions
keep an eye out for more small art galleries and popups
just music and vibes and checking out different kinds of events that aren't exactly the usual go-to clubs and events, maybe helping to organize more creative group outings :)
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pencilofawesomeness · 2 months
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I was so caught up in the euphoria of making shit up, I forgot I wasn't uncontested. Wild that canon exists and is ongoing. Wild.
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dorothygale · 11 days
madonna voice we are living in a cereal world and i am a cereal girl
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riddlerosehearts · 11 days
i very strongly headcanon idia as nonbinary and my reasoning--not that i need a reason for a silly little headcanon, but in this case i do have one--is that in EN, lilia literally switches between they/them and he/him pronouns for gloomurai in his suitor suit vignette:
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and i guess you could say he just isn't sure of his online friend's pronouns--but then in book 6 of the main story we learn that they've been chatting and gaming together for the past 2 years (and i'm pretty sure idia only ever uses he/him for muscle red). and in book 7 lilia once again uses they/them while clearly talking about gloomurai!
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so yeah, i'm sure this is just a weird translation choice that EN made for some reason, but in my mind idia is a nonbinary guy who likes using he/they. i imagine that he generally doesn't bother telling people about his gender or pronouns because he's comfortable enough with he/him and doesn't wanna go through the annoying social interaction of explaining it, but one day he decided to silently put he/they on his discord bio or whatever equivalent he and muscle red chat through and lilia eventually noticed and started using both sets of pronouns!
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hajihiko · 1 year
I interpret Kaz's relationship with his dad a little differently from that one convo. He says something like 'he knew better than anyone that we didn't have the money' and I took that as his dad wanted him to go and have fun like a normal kid and not worry about the money. Of course, I don't justify physical discipline and it is abuse, even if the parent is well intentioned. I think that Kaz does love his dad and they're relationship might be more complicated. But you know that's just one of the many things he needs to work out in therapy.
(Again this is just my interpretation and I'm not saying yours is wrong. I do love the art.)
Just gonna use this as a little jumping point to talk about this bc why not, warnings for obviously sensitive topics
I dont think you're wrong, I actually probably agree, but one thing;
It's not uncommon for public perception to weigh more than actual actions or intent. In the example given, I see it like so; yeah, Souda sr. wanted his son to go on a field trip that they couldn't really afford. Yeah, Kaz wanted to help the household by not going on the trip and saving the money. Both have good intent here. It's not about that, though, because in Souda sr.'s eyes, refusing to go on the trip is like admitting that they're poor, which is like saying the father can't provide for his family, which is like public humiliation- in his eyes. In a fit of rage (and insecurity, if it's something that's already weighing on his mind, as these things often go) the assumption isnt that his son was trying to help, just that he did something that makes the father look bad. Which is a bigger trigger than most things, often, for patriarchal authority figures.
And it not an excuse for physical harm, no, nothing is. Probably, Souda sr. knows that, and didn't mean to snap- doesnt think he committed an act of child abuse- but he's been under a lot of stress, and his son was talking back, and, well.
I think they do usually get along alright, and Souda sr. does his best to provide for himself and his son and keep their relationship good, and Kazuichi is genuinely grateful for everything his dad's done for him? But in the end, it's another person Kazuichi trusted teaching him the lesson that people will let him down and hurt him, in some way at some point. If your parent whom you trust has made you genuinely afraid of them, it's hard to come back from it, and someone as anxious and emotionally sensitive as Kazuichi will hold onto that forever, probably, even as he might internalized some of it as his own fault.
It's a lot more complicated than just "bad father, sad son" (but again, not excusable, you don't hit your kids period). It's father and son who love each other and might be the only family they both have, but they clash horribly on occasion, make up (or don't talk about it at all), things die down, stay good for a while, then there's another clash- so it goes, even if the bad times are only occasional. The biggest Thing about these kind of relationships, to me, is that it's so easy to fall into a routine and let things stagnate, and before you know it, it's just How Things Are and it's easier to just deal than start rocking the boat.
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blind0raven · 2 months
Hey um... this is kinda a personal post
Currently something happened in my personal life, my father was taken to the hospital and I'm here with him waiting to learn what happened.
He's fine thankfully, he has a bruise from the fall and his arms are slowly waking up. But he's fine thankfully...
Currently I'm just feeling scared, my eyes hurt from crying but I just have the habit of surpressing it. My coworkers helped take me to the hospital and reassuring me but its just still scary.
I'll try to talk and interact with people so that I'm not hold up, I still have stuff I want to post, but er yeah... I might not be available much to talk and stuff.
Sorry to bother you guys, I just figured you're owed an explanation if I take too long to respond or I'm not kinda in the right space.
All I can say is just please hold those you love and care for deeply close to you, cause you really don't know what will happen any second...
I was just lucky to call and get my answers or I would have gone the whole day without knowing what happened to my dad.
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themasterdisaster · 6 months
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a chronological yet contextless look at my bg3 journey
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kingofthewilderwest · 23 days
Respectful engagement of material includes constructive dialogue. Critical commentary doesn't necessitate a negative tone. Evaluating where something can be improved can represent a positive and happy perspective toward source material.
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