#i'm just saying that maybe instead of joking about how these events were caused by some wide reaching elite conspiracy
i've seen a few posts floating around about harry and meghan's near-fatal car accident joking about its similarities to princess diana's death and how "the royal family have done it again/are getting sloppy/are reusing their assassination models", and since i don't really give two shits about the royal family i couldn't quite figure out why these comments were rubbing me the wrong way, but i just figured it out.
because despite what these bullshit conspiracy theories might lead you to believe, both the crash today and that which killed princess diana had an actual verifiable cause: the paparazzi. that is, the media culture which sees itself as entitled to every detail about a person's life at all costs.
and even if you don't care about/hate the monarchy, this is still something we should be angry about!! i think every one of you i see reblogging posts about how you're scared to go outside in case someone films you and puts it on tiktok should care about this, because it's really just an extension of that same issue. and while, sure, it's funny to imagine the queen saying "one wishes it to look like an accident" while stroking a corgi in a darkened room, those kinds of conspiracy theories only serve to obscure the true issues at play here and are therefore serious misinformation
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Alternate Reminder
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x F!reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Content: Miguel has trouble trying to treat you fairly when you remind him too much of what he had lost. Angst, misunderstanding.
A/N: I havent truly proofread this so I'm sorry. This took super long.
Part 2
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   Miguel thought you were special. He thought it was maybe the universe giving him a second chance when he saw you. His first love and his beautiful wife, standing in front of him while wearing a Spiderman suit. Maybe, he was destined to be with you, after all, a universe where you could understand him. A universe where he could finally be happy with you and Gabriella, a universe that he actually belonged to and he didn’t have to worry about destroying a whole universe just to be with you. 
   The only problem? This version of you had zero ideas of who Miguel O’Hara is. Miguel thought it was a canon event, for the both of you to fall in love. In most universes he had been to, you were with Miguel. In most, you were happy and had a family with him. In the more unfortunate universes, things didn’t work out between the two of you. The only thing that was unchanged was that Miguel and you were bound to find and fall in love with each other at one point. 
  However, Miguel hated your guts. His amor was sweet, responsible, and well-organized. You were the complete opposite of that. You were rude, irresponsible, and very messy as a person. He dared say that you were the messiest person he had ever met. There was no sign of organisation at your workstation. Papers were messily stacked on top of each other or swept across the desk. The mini shelf you had beside your desk was filled with books that were all falling to one side, some had completely collapsed. More files were squeezed on top of the books. Miguel’s greatest pet peeve was seeing the bent and folded pages being shoved into a file. The urge to help you reorganize was almost too big for him to handle causing the frustration to build up and was let out onto you instead. Miguel groaned as he met eye contact with you while he was buying his morning coffee. It was almost insulting to him how you had the same exact face as her, the woman he falls for in every universe. 
   On the opposite side of the same coin, you loathed Miguel O’Hara. He was bossy, pompous, and couldn’t take a single joke. Any conversation you have had with him ended up in the both of you arguing. Sarcasm was something everyone around you had gotten used to, except for Miguel of course who never seemed to catch on. He would simply give you a judgemental stare before giving a literal answer which you would roll your eyes at. At that point, Miguel would think that you’re being rude, and depending on his mood that day, he would either scold you or scoff at you. 
   “Just get over it, you’re always mad at Miguel anyways. I thought you would get used to it by now.” Gwen sighed, giving you the same response every time you ranted about Miguel. “It’s not like you don’t know the big guy,” Hobie said nonchalantly, having long gotten used to your rants about Miguel. “You hate him, we get it.” Pavitr groaned, complaining for the umpteenth time about how you always seemed to be talking about Miguel. Gwen chuckled, “If you didn’t point out every single flaw of his so heartlessly every time you rant about him, I would think you have a crush on Miguel  or something.” Gwen said. “Hell no. I’m not fucking blind.” you defended, offended she would even think this way. “You gotta admit, big boss is quite the looker, too bad he’s a prick.” Hobie pointed out. “Speak of the devil,” Pavitr warned, straightening up as he stared at Miguel who was walking to your table’s direction. 
    You merely glared in his direction. Gwen was right, you should be used to him by now. He shouldn’t be getting under your skin so easily. So why can’t you just ignore him? Why does your mind always drift to him when you’re alone, why do you realise when he was due for a haircut? How his hair curls at the end when he lets his hair grow, how he reaches 10 minutes early to any appointment, and how he would get his coffee at exactly 9am in the morning. You shook your head, riding yourself off those thoughts. There was no way you actually had some sort of attraction to him right? Your mind drifted to the fight you had with him 5 days ago, his words still causing a dull ache in your heart. The both of you always fought but you were sure Miguel was going to kick you off the team until he called your friends the next day and gave you a mission through them while also completely disregarding your presence if he saw you around after. 
   “Mind your own business!” Miguel exclaimed, you flinched at his harsh tone. “I was just-” “Who said you could touch my property?” Anger was practically the only emotion in his voice as he pushed you to the side. “Lyla told me you were having some troubles, that your screens had some kind of issue-” You gritted out, closing your eyes to calm yourself too. You only had good intentions to fix the issues he was fixing and now you were being accused of invading his privacy. You couldn't even remember any of the files that appeared on the screen while you were fixing his terrible code. Too focused on solving the technical errors to be poking your nose into his business. “I don’t need your help,” He seethed. “She was going to help you, Miguel. You have been complaining about it and even I can’t help you, you very well know she’s the only one equipped with the knowledge to fix this.” Lyla defended you. The fury in Miguel’s eyes scared you as well, “You need to mind your own business as well.” He snarled to Lyla before turning to you, switching off the orange screens completely. “I would rather let everything burn to hell than trust you to fix anything. You’re a fucking mess if you didn’t realize. ” Miguel spat. 
  It was your last straw. You had more self-respect than let anyone speak to you like that. “Kick me off, fucking kick me off already. You hate me anyways, right? So why do you bother keeping me around?” 
   “Get out!” Miguel bellowed and you didn’t need him to repeat himself. You took off the watch on your wrist and threw it to the floor, letting it break into pieces. In that moment, his words hurt you more than glitching ever would. 
   Peter found you at a bar in your universe that day. You downed another glass of whiskey at the sight of Peter, you were in too bad of a mood to talk to anyone now and you know you would regret it if you lashed out at him.
  Peter didn’t say anything, simply sitting beside you and staring as you downed one glass after another. 
 Peter ordered a drink, taking sips of his drink as he decided on the best approach to talk to you. Your anger was practically radiating off you, making everyone else stir clear of you. 
   “He’s all bark no bite.” Peter started. You scoffed lightly, letting the silence fall between the both of you. You turned to peter, feeling bad for putting him in an uncomfortable situation. “You heard already huh.” Peter simply shrugged, “Word travels fast. Practically the whole society knows.” You downed another glass at that, you wondered how much the story had changed as it was passed from one person to another. It was probably a field day at headquarters. 
   “There is barely anyone at headquarters, Miguel has been bringing hell to anyone he even makes eye contact with,” Peter answered as though he could read your thoughts. You had to bite back your words, to tell Peter that you really couldn’t care less about Miguel now nor did you need the company. Silence fell between the both of you, Peter lightly bobs his head to the music that was playing in the bar to relieve the tension that was building up. He was never one for tense situations. “You know, you’re not really that different from Miguel.” Peter immediately put his hands up in defense when you practically growled at his comment. “Well, it’s just that both of you would rather die than talk about your emotions. Thankfully, I managed to crack Miguel so I think I can do it for you too.” Peter confidently stated. You remained silent, swirling the whiskey in your hand. You didn’t trust yourself to not lash out at Peter, especially when he’s practically comparing you to Miguel. The man you hated in all of the multiverse 
  “Hm, silence. Miguel screamed at me when we reached this point.” Peter observed, laughing nervously at the memory of his talk with Miguel. “I guess I’ll just go on first then.” Peter wrung his hands nervously. “I’m sure Miguel didn’t mean anything. You just hit a sore spot.” You scoffed again, “What? By trying to fix his stupid system?” 
Peter took another swig, he definitely needed the alcohol. “Do you not know about what is on those screens? One that probably popped up while you were fixing it.” “Contrary to popular belief, I wasn’t snooping on him. I was focused on the system itself.” You defended. Peter cringed ever so slightly at your response. “There is this girl on the screen, the one with a happier, better-looking Miguel.” Peter took another swig, this really wasn’t his story to tell. You pursed your lips, you did remember seeing the footage that Peter mentioned. You had to force yourself to look away, that you were invading his privacy. 
   “That’s his daughter.” Peter finished, trying to gauge your reaction. You simply preserved a blank look and Peter groaned slightly, he detested how stubborn you were. “Miguel found a universe where he had a family and was happy, but him in that universe had an accident so he replaced himself. Some butterfly effect happened and the whole universe collapsed on itself and he lost everything.” Peter explained. You finished your drink, everyone has lost someone. You understood why it was a sore spot but it doesn’t justify being a total asshole. 
“Miguel didn’t mean anything he said to you. It was just- tough.” Peter finished. “I didn’t even do shit Peter, just decided to fix his system and he accused me of invading his fucking privacy. It’s not like he’s the only one who lost someone. We all did.” Peter shuffled uncomfortably in his seat. “He just fucking hates my guts and I don’t know why? He literally told most people about my past when he explains about anomalies so why is he so mad when I know about it?” 
    “Because you have the same name and face as his wife, the woman who he falls for in every universe.” Your jaw dropped at the information. You couldn’t ever fathom the thought of you and Miguel even being in love. The anger in you simmered ever so slightly. It would explain how his features softened when he sees you sometimes, the vulnerable look in his eyes when he stares at you for too long. A stranger with memories, that is what you are to Miguel. Miguel tries his best to treat you like others. It was exceptionally tough when you shared the same name and face as the woman he had spent his happiest moments with. “He never told me,” you told Peter. Peter shook his head, “No one was allowed to tell you. Not like many people knew anyways. He didn’t want to stir up any unnecessary trouble. You know how he is, he doesn’t like it when people try to share his burdens.” You pursed your lips, cursing out your alcohol tolerance. It was times like this you wished you could just forget everything. “It doesn’t matter. Miguel probably wants me out of his life.” Peter threw his hands up frustratedly. “If he wants you out he wouldn’t send me here to tell you about everything.” Peter admitted. Peter was worried when he heard the news of you and Miguel having a fight which is what brought him to talk to Miguel. Peter wouldn’t be able to find you by himself, only Miguel could. You closed your eyes, you had enough of everyone. You were so exhausted, everything has been so draining. 
      “Just leave me alone alright?” You said, stumbling out of your seat slightly before leaving the bar and Peter behind. 
   “The anomaly was caught. We ensured there were no loose ends. Everything should be fine.” You reported to Miguel. Your hands were behind your back, there was a blank look on your face. Miguel bit his lip slightly at your cold demeanor toward him. He used to complain about you taking things too lightly. When you would stroll into his office with a grin, confidently telling him all the details of the mission even if it was insignificant. Now, you told him the bare minimum with a professional tone and stand. 
    Miguel used to complain and bluntly tell you that he didn't care for some of the details you told him after. Details like you and Gwen dropped by a Mcdonald's to grab some fries or that you also managed to finish a recent show. Now he wishes you would tell him, instead of you acting like this., all quiet and serious.   Miguel took a deep breath, staring at you as the platform descended. He looked away slightly, knowing things were still tense between the two of you. “Sorry about that the other day. I was not in the right place.” He apologised, forcing himself to meet your eye. Your expression was still blank, “It’s fine.” You brushed it off like you hadn’t been thinking about it ever since. “If that’s everything, I’ll take my leave now.” You told him, bowing slightly as you turned. Miguel flinched at the tone. “Wait.” He wanted to stop you from leaving. Then his head turned to the orange screens behind him that glitched every so often. “Would you-” Miguel hesitated, thinking if this was the best move.”
   “I- can you help me fix the screens?” Your eyebrows raised in surprise. “I promise I won’t lash out at you.” Miguel weakly joked. You simply nodded, stepping up onto his platform. Miguel stared at you, you were so unlike yourself. There were no teasing comments, no laughter, not even a hint of a smile. You stood in front of his screens, diligently and skillfully opening and typing away a new code. Miguel shifted and fidgeted behind you, he was wrecking his mind for a conversation topic. You were the one who usually initiated or continued the conversations. His mind replaying all the conversations he had with you. A smile tugged on his lips, music was your common ground with him. He remembered how your eyes twinkled when you talked about your favorite songs. 
   “I recently got into classical music.” Miguel shared. Miguel was half-convinced that he wouldn’t get a reply when you let his words hang in the air while you focused on the task at hand. “Oh? Mahler?’ You finally replied. His eyes widened. “How did you know?” He was greeted with silence again and only then did he appreciate how quick your responses used to be. “I just want to know, because you seemed really confident about it. Did I tell you?” Miguel filled the silence himself. “I just saw it.” You gestured to the screens. He nodded, letting the tense silence take over again. You were never so quiet, he never had to deal with this uncomfortable silence when he was with you. 
    “You changed.” Miguel blurted out. There was no response from you as you continued working on the screens. You didn’t know how to respond either. The news about you being an alternate version of his wife, it was rather overwhelming. You used to spite him and annoy him just for the fun of it, but after everything, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it anymore.  His gaze made you self-conscious now, of what he thought of you, and nor did you want a repeat of what happened that day. You did a lot of thinking the past few days and you had to come to terms with the fact that you didn’t hate Miguel O’Hara. You couldn’t hate him. The thought of him hating you, it was terrifying. 
     “What?” You muttered, Miguel barely caught onto your response. He placed his hands on his hips, looking down. “Look, I’m really sorry for that day and I know I can’t take back anything but I really hope you don’t distance yourself from me because of that.” Miguel swallowed, it was publicly known that the both of you never seemed to get along but the thought of you becoming cold to him made him shiver to his core. “You’re overthinking things.” You stated plainly, forcing out a laugh. Miguel sighed, “You just seem, very different. Let’s not even talk about our interactions. You have just been more distant with everyone, you’re taking things way too seriously and well, you’re a lot more well organised now. The biggest shame was losing the constant smile, boosted many of their morale even in the most difficult of times.” you swallowed bitterly, debating internally if you should snap at Miguel right now while you stared at the screens before you. “I had to work on not being a mess right?” You answered, quoting his exact words. Miguel’s eyes flashed with a hint of pain and you knew it was a low blow. He had already apologised, you’re the one who keeps bringing it up. But those words haunted you even till now. 
    “You really changed huh?” Miguel continued. He didn’t expect you to use his words against him. When you know that he regrets it, it was a low move even for you. “It’s done.” You announced, ignoring his comment towards you. Your patience was thinning again. He merely glanced towards the screens before looking at you again. “You’re not the person I knew,” Miguel stated plainly. You turned your head to him. 
   “I’m not the woman you had in mind, Miguel! I’m not your fucking wife and I’m sorry you had to go through that.” You looked away, running your hands through your hair in distress. “I never was. I’m sorry I remind you of her but I’m not her.” You snapped at him. Walking out of his office.   Everything made sense now. Miguel would be annoyed and frustrated with you most times, but there were times that he acted differently towards you. The times when he had carried you to a more comfortable place when you had fallen asleep on your table, the jackets that he had given to you to keep you warm still hung in your closet. The late-night conversations where he was more vulnerable towards you and had conversations with you about your interests while you hung from the ceiling, claiming that it helped you stay awake while you sift through the paperwork with him. You found it weird how he could hate your guts one second but be even sweet to you when it was just the two of you. At one point, you even thought you had fallen for Miguel O’Hara. 
   You shook your head, ignoring Miguel behind you as you rid the thought of even entertaining a possibility with Miguel. He never treated you as you are, he never liked you for who you are. 
  You simply shared a face and name with the woman he was destined to fall for. 
   You chuckle at how foolish you were while you stepped on the watch that Peter had given to you as replacement for your old one. 
   “I fucking quit.” You announced to a surveillance camera in the hallway, knowing fully well that he is monitoring the camera for your whereabouts now. 
Miguel angrily swept the files off his table, growling out in frustration. He buried his face in his hands, he never saw you as the woman who he had fallen for and had Gabriella with. Sure, there were a few times your identical looks made his heart pace with what could have been. However, Miguel had started spending more time with you and getting to know you as a person. In those times, he reckoned he enjoyed it too much.
There was no way he was falling for you right?
Was there a point even if he did? You had already left him.
Miguel O'Hara always messes up his own happiness. That seems more like his canon event than falling in love with you.
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d6volution · 1 month
you, a little mime, just trying to keep quiet and stay out the way in this new and strange world, but the ringmaster doesn't seem to be too fond of your silence.
tags: afab reader x caine, dubious consent, fingering, creepy caine.
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Caine hummed, straighting his tie in the mirror as he prepared himself to look his utmost best before introducing today's new adventure!
"Now, you see Bubble, as ringmaster I have to look absolutely prepared for any situation. That includes—" He turned to face bubble, squeezing his tie as it squirted water from it directly into the bubbles face. "Perfectly prepared to put a potential fire!~" He laughed at his own wacky joke, slapping knee in the process. "I don't see how that would really—"
"Quiet bubble!" Caine hushed his friend simply by scooping him into his hat. "Don't you hear that?"
Absolute silence.
"Exactly, I'm 2 minutes late for the introduction today!" He appeared in front of the digital circus crew in the blink of an eye.
What he didn't notice was the lonely mime hiding away in the corner.
So without a moments delay the ringmaster began yapping away until pomni awkward raised her hand.
"Uh.. Caine?"
"Yes, my colorful friend how can I help you!?" He pointed his Caine at the jester.
"Uh.. well— weee... sorta have a new member." Pomni pointed at the corner where you were hiding out.
"OH! Oh, dear! How rude of me! Why don't you come out, my dear, we don't bite!" Just then bubble suddenly popped from his hat without warning to quietly add, "Heh.. I do.." Caine rolled his eyes, "Come now, don't be shy!"
"Maybe you're just being too loud Caine, they seem a bit.. overwhelmed." Ragatha added with a reassuring chuckle, attempting to ease the uneasiness you were feeling.
With all eyes on you, it seemed like you had no choice but to stand up, gloomy as ever, and finally walked towards the crowd.. your colors seemed washed out compared to everyone else's, which in turn made you stand out a lot.
"Well then, what's your name? Or perhaps you need a new one!" Caine's voice seemed to drown out , you weren't listening to a word he was saying nor did were you planning on replying.
"Ah.. a quiet one then? No matter! I'm sure you'll open up in no time!" With his usual gleeful act he spun into the air.
"Now then! Where was I!?"
Caine did his usual spiel about the adventure, keeping his eye on you most of the time. You could feel his eyes on you, and it only causes you to curl in on yourself even more, attempting to make yourself less noticeable.
"Alright then! Off with you lot!~"
Just then, Jax popped up next to you comically , draping an arm around your shoulder as if you were old pals. "Get all that new kid?" You blinked a few times. "Yeah, yeah.." He seemed to fill in the spots where you'd normally be expected to reply. "Caine's a riot .....but, hey.. I'm sure you'll do juuusst fine.. heh." He was getting a kick from your expressions. They succeeded in doing all the talking for you.
You looked up, expecting the charismatic leader to still be floating in the air but he vanished.. you felt relief flood your body, the way he was eying you early made you feel.. uneasy.
The day was.. eventful to say the least.
You're relieved that no one really forced you to speak, opting for nodding yes and no instead.
See, you can speak.. you can you just haven't felt inclined to ever since you arrived here. It was strange, staying silent.. selectively mute almost. Right? Perhaps it had something to do with your new body. You looked like a sad little mime, after all.
"Hey , mime person— thing watch out!" Pomni rushed past you, and you failed to notice until now that all of the props in the circus came to life and chased everyone around. It was utter chaos, and you did beneath a table until someone finally found the solution to getting them back to normal.
Thanks, Ragatha.
All in all, it was an exceptionally draining day.
You followed behind the crowd at a distance, and gangle tried to close the gap a bit to make you feel more welcome in her own .. introverted way. Silently, you appreciated it..
To your left, there was a stray floating eyeball watching closely as you walked by. Not the crowd ahead of you.. just you.
A shiver went up your spine.. surely it was just ! ... one of the props from earlier you all forgot to tame , yeah.. had to be.
You all had the infamous digital dinner, and headed back to your quarters.
So this is what life would be like now?
No— no, you can't give into that idea so easily it has to be a dream— "Oof! Eyes up here dear! Wouldn't want to get hurt now do we?"
Two large gloved hands rested on your shoulders and steadied you. Blinking away the dizziness you looked up, .. Caine!
Immediately you stumbled back and out of his grip before falling onto your ass, you winced quietly but not quietly enough that Caine didn't notice.
"Ahh, so you can make noise! Here I thought your vocal cords were— well who knows! Glad to see their working my dear! Now, I think it's best we get to know each other a little better."
He yanked you back up unceremoniously and you sucked in a breath at the suddenness of it all. But.. still you didn't respond.
"Oh, don't be modest my dear you can speak to your hearts content little one!" It was starting to sound more like a command if anything but you shook your head and attempted to walk past him to get to the safety to your room instead.
You don't know why you expected this to work, he appeared right in front of you causing you to plant into his chest face first.
"Ah, of course ! You must be excited to show off your new room hmm?" He opened up the door and moved aside causing you to stumble in, losing your footing you planted face first on the carpet. Caine's eyes lingered on your rear end for a moment too long before you finally gathered your bearings.
He cleared his throat. "Hm."
How awkward. Your eyes tried to look everywhere but him, the wall the floor the little knick knacks that adorned your dresser.
Without warning the ring master gripped your waist with both hands, sending a shiver up your spine and another pathetic sound left your lips.
"My, my I think I MAY have cracked the code~!" He grinned and allowed his hands to pull you in closer, hands snaking up your waist just along the swell of your clothed breast. You made another sound.
The prick was toying with you just to get some noise out of you.
"Humans are sensitive here arent they? What silly little creatures you are!" Another beat and his gloved hands cupped your breasts squeezing them without holding back.
"S.. Stop..." You finally spoke up, bit it was hardly a whisper.
"Hmm? I couldn't quite hear you dear!" His pupils were blown wide, and for a moment you felt relief as his hands trailed away from your breast and down to the hem of your shirt instead.
You thought it was over, until a cool breeze hit your now bare breast. The bastard yanked your top upwards and immediately started tweaking and pinching your nipples, causing them to harden. You whimpered and shook your head, scrambling in his grip which only seemed to tighten.
You could feel hot his breath hitting your neck.
" ...please.."
"What a darling voice you have dear, what a shame you want to keep it from everyone! ... why don't you let me hear a bit more, hmm?" He asked, voice laced with desperation now. He'd lost the original reasoning of why he was doing this, right now he just wanted to hear more of your pretty voice.
Yes, the voice that made his slacks tighten and his breathing to become heavy.
He needed more, and you'd have no choice but to give the ring master what he wanted.
"How about here?" He inquired , removing one hand from your chest and cupped your sex instead. Fingers rubbing along your clothed folds.
"Nh...!" Your eyebrows furrowed, it was so hard not to give in. Not to make noise, you didn't know how long you'd be able to last.
Your knees were getting weak , buckling in on themselves. He held your body close to his as you both slid to the floor unceremoniously. Caine used this to his advantage and hunched overtop of you, your face pressed to the floor and ass in the air now.
Your head felt dizzy and your legs trembled.
His gloved hand ran along your ass before it giving it a slap, and you yelped. Causing him to shudder in delight. "Oh dear me! My hand seems to have a mind of its own." He looked at his hand accusingly, before it rested on your behind just for a moment.
He lingered in silence , debating his next move. His thoughts so were jumbled right now, but he couldn't help himself. After this.. he'd stop, yes just this last thing.
He yanked your bottoms down and you immediately scrambled and tried to sit up , but he pushed a gloved hand on your back to keep you still. "Now, now none of that. You've been very stubborn up until now my dear. It's only fair you receive a little more punishment, yes?" He sounded amused, desperate and absolutely delighted all at once.
"N.. No.. no.." You whined, but your body was hot and secretly wanting more. Release.. something.
"SEE! Look how far you've come, speaking more words now then you have all day!" He chuckled before plunging a finger into your wet sex. You gasped, back arching and your gummy walls tightening around his finger. "Hmn.. there we are
..." He hummed and thrusted his finger in and out, your soft pants were enough to keep him satiated at the moment.
After a few moments, he slipped in another finger, and you reached back, grabbing his wrist, trying to push him away, shaking your head.
But he wouldn't let up, his fingers were slamming into your sex , the room filling with the wet sounds your sloppy cunt was producing.
This was wrong.. right? But it felt so good, too good. Your body was on fire. You couldn't think about anything besides the fingers pummeling in and out of you, secretly wishing it was something bigger.
"Please— g-gonna.. hhaa.." Your body locked up, tightening around his fingers and spasming like crazy. He seemed amused at how fast the coil inside of you seemed to snap. Still his fingers moved , his other hand gently caressing your back as you yelped and pleaded because of the overstimulation.
He watched you tremble and whine for a few seconds more before finally removing his fingers, licking them clean with his oversized tongue.
Your breathing was returning to normal, but your body still felt tingly buzzing with the aftershock of pleasure.
"See? I knew you could do it! perhaps more exercises like this would be helpful, don't you think?" It was a rhetorical question, not like you'd answer anyways. Caine pulled your pants back up, leaving you in your sticky clothes, but at least not naked for all the world to see.
"OH DEAR! Would you look at the time!? You'd better get some rest dear , wouldn't want to be late to tomorrow's adventure, would you?" He winked, and just like that, he was gone.
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the-great-empress · 16 days
After seeing last post I have to agree. How did Crowley lost to lilith?
Crowley despite being called incompetent, managed to run (and maybe even create) magic school that is one of the famous ones in entire world. He also might not be the best in terms of providing roof for Yuu, but he didn't kicked them out. Instead offered job and later let them be student until they find way to get back home. We are talking about elite school here, there is set number of students. But Crowley made exeption for someone with no magic and no money, who landed in unfamiliar world. Yuu might not survive long without it.
Meanwhile Lilith's actions were reason for all bad things that happened to brothers. She took fruit and gave it to human to cure them. She knew it was not allowed and it will have consequences. And don't try to explain it by she was in love. Loving someone also means to let them go. Instead she tried to cheat death and hurt her family in process. She didn't took her punishment and didn't stoped brothers from starting rebelion. After they fell Lucifer sacrificed his freedom so she could have her selfish dream and lived few years as human. Then used her descendant to fix mess she left. Pink Diamond behavior. Michael was right to throw her into void.
To say that Crowley is truly worse than Lilith is going into the absurd, not to say the stupid, I want to think that they do it as a joke. How are you going to say that a person who is the reason for all misfortunes, especially yours, is it better than someone who is letting you stay for free while you look for a way to get home?
I agree that despite being called incompetent, he managed to keep NRC a great reputation, I mean Crowley sometimes behaves in a questionable way and ok, laughing at that is not bad, at least I like the satire, but the man knows how to do his job as a director, I omitted things from both Crowley and Lilith because he didn't want to extend my time and I was already going to get to work.
I'm the type of person who puts myself in the protagonist's shoes and the truth is...
I am glad that Yuu had met Crowley because if it were someone else or in another fixed place that he would be thrown out without hesitation or taken by the authorities for “trespassing” private property, from the beginning of the prologue I RISK the reputation of the prestigious NRC so that Yuu and later Grim will stay, again, Grim is a monster who caused a FIRE at the entrance ceremony and the mirror of darkness pointed out that Yuu was a “void” all of this IN FRONT of students, even Kalim came out with part of your robe burned, the scandal that could shake the news and Crowley would easily receive a lawsuit for allowing Grim to stay, but he made the decision to leave Grim and have him attend classes at Yuu's request as well as for FREE.
If I were Yuu and Crowley gave me free accommodation, even if it was Ramshackle, I would be eternally grateful, I would go ahead and offer to help him with anything he asked for without complaining, I would be ashamed if he didn’t, especially if he accepted that Grim stayed and let it pass all problems mainly caused by Grim and Yuu.
Others would not even give him rewards for doing the jobs he accepted in principle or they would look for excuses and there is Crowley, letting them play magifht ON OPEN TELEVISION, organizing a big banquet for them, giving him a phone to communicate with, giving him tickets so he can invite friends to the VDC which is a very important event so tickets won’t be cheap DAMN! HE TRUSTED HIM WITH THE GHOST CAMERA! YOU JUST NEED TO GIVE THEM THE KEYS TO THE ACADEMY! 🙄 HE TOOK THE TROUBLE ON THE FIRST NIGHT TO BRING HIM SOMETHING TO EAT! 🥺 AND THEY SAY CROWLEY IS WORSE THAN LILITH?!😡 WHAT’S WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!
Look, in the other publication I had planned to talk about Lilith also as a sister, but I was going to leave Lilith in a worse position, but whatever, let's talk about her also as a sister and angel FRIENDS! The more I go through the first season of the game, the more I am convinced that Lilith is the Antichrist or God made her defective and gave her a certain charm similar to Asmodeus but more powerful, because she got her way and yet, even the characters in the game They paint her as the victim or that she had a mistake. EXCUSE ME?! ARE WE TALKING ABOUT THE SAME ANGEL WHO KNOWING IT WAS TABOO TO GIVE THAT FRUIT TO A HUMAN, GAVE IT TO HIM ANYWAY?!?!? THE SAME ANGEL WHO KNEW THAT'S WHY THEY WOULD KILL HER?! THE SAME ANGEL WHO BET YOU KNEW HER BROTHERS WOULD RISE UP TO PROTECT HER?!
Many say that Lucifer was the one who started the war or that he would not last long and would rise. Well, I'm sorry but I don't buy that story! We are talking about the man who, if bowing his head meant that his brothers were safe, would bow his head without tiring, we are talking about the demon who swore loyalty to DIAVOLO and had his BALLS and PANTS on tight to hide Belphegor from DIAVOLO at the same time EARN THE HATE OF HIS BROTHER WILLING TO ACCEPT THAT HATE! WHEN IN REALITY SHE IS SAVEING HIM FROM THE PRINCE, if Lilith had not committed that CRIME Lucifer would not have reacted, Lucifer was the bullet and Lilith who pulled the trigger.
It was Lilith who started the war out of SELFISHNESS in committing TABOO and a WAR for a human, I wouldn't be surprised if the angels held a grudge against humans for that, and I say selfish because if she loved that human so much she had to let him go in peace I know that love makes one commit stupid things, but there are stupid things and then what he did. Didn't he think that they could also hunt and kill the human for agreeing to eat the fruit? In the end she got her way because she was able to have a happy life while her brothers were in a war, fell and were discriminated against even by demons.
Her soul stayed in the house of lamentations after recovering the memories of her past as an angel, she had millennia to manifest himself and solve the problems of her brothers, but instead she waited during those millennia pretending not to be hanging around the house. of lamentations until a descendant of hers appears, the one she chose to go to the Devildom, and the worst thing is that she manifests herself to only free Belphegor only to have her descendant die by STRANGULATION and revive her to demand that she save her brothers. 😡, it's obvious that he doesn't give a shit about Mc and just wants her to help her brothers. THAT'S THE KIND OF PERSON THEY SAY IS BETTER THAN CROWLEY?! Mc because she is good and an idiot pays attention only to see how she dies in Mammon's arms while Belphegor celebrates. How did Mc not suffer a fucking mental breakdown after that?!
Mc was saved because she shares blood with Lilith, but oh... how the brothers begin to treat her, especially Belphegor, being Mc at least, I begged Diavolo to get me out of that crazy house and if not he would stay away from the brothers, except Satan, for the rest of the stay. At no time did Lilith care about Mc or apologize for her, the only time she helped her was to free Belphegor and he would kill her.
Do you want to use the Lilith is dead card?! PERFECT! I can play that game too
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WHB SOLOMON is better than Lilith
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And it is only in its first appearance
What did it cost Lilith to say that? NOTHING
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mera-k1 · 5 days
Drunk confession from M!reader to Iori after months of pinning for the pride event?~
yesyes, ofc!! enjoy~
Pride Event - June 11th
Iori Suiseki x male!reader
-fluff, drunk!reader being jealous & a little insecure.. (woops this was supposed to be fluffy)
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you could say you were practically drowning your sorrows on the champagne that a waitress had brought to you when you got to club candy. iori had invited you out on a whim and had left you to go talk with some hostess! you had pondered the thought that he possibly wasn't into guys and seeing him chat with one of the pretty hostesses like that wasn't helping you forget about that possibility.
letting out a long groan, you rested your head on the table, hand still holding onto the champagne glass that was in obstructing part of your vision from iori and the hostess across the club.
"ah.. sir...? are you alright?" the waitress who had brought you champagne when you arrived slid into your view.
"mhm. i'm fine," you mumbled, drunkly. "can youu... get me another bottle of this?"
"certainly! just one moment." she took the empty bottle and hurried off out of your view leaving you to stare silently at iori and the hostess who had faded into the crowd. you squinted, trying to find the charismatic man within the crowd of men and women alike but you couldn't seem to find him. you lifted your head from the table, swaying as you sat up and took a sip of champagne. where could he have even gone? maybe he really did forget about you over here. man, i must look like a loser over here...
the waitress came back as you finished your champagne in the glass while you still stared off at the spot you last saw iori at.
"here's your bottle of champagne, sir- oh! ah.. i didn't notice you over there..." your drunk mind couldn't hear the rest of her statement as you reached for the champagne bottle only for a blinged out hand to grab it before you instead.
"nah, this bottles good, thanks!" the familiar voice let out a laugh as you turned to look at him with a shocked expression. "what's that face for? didja think i forgot about ya over here? phew, you're real drunk, aren't ya!"
you swayed, your mouth still agape. it was like your brain couldn't grasp the situation that iori had in fact come back to hang out with you. "ye-yeah.. real drunk cause you took too- hic long after chattin' up that pretty.. hostess?"
"why're you sayin' it like it's a question? i was talkin' to anne about how the nights been and got wrapped up, that's all," he wrapped an around around your shoulders, pulling you in towards him. "i wouldn't forget about ya over here and you've already gotten drunk without me!"
you let out a groan as he pulled you in, the sudden motion making your head spin. "hella drunk..." your head slumped onto his shoulder as he leaned to grab the champagne bottle.
"whaddya say? got enough in ya to do one more?" he looked over at you, a wide smile on his face as he was already pouring himself a glass.
"nah.." you declined, staying slumped on his shoulder as he started sipping on his champagne he poured, the liquid seeming to sparkle to your drunk eyes in the bright club. you groaned, lifting yourself off his shoulder while his arm kept you put next to him. "..can i tell ya something?"
"might have to wait till you're sober for that, yeah?" he joked, taking another sip of champagne before setting it down and turning his attention towards you, his expression turning more serious. "but seriously, what's up?"
"kinda like you is all," you mumbled, the alcohol suddenly not giving you the courage you had hoped for when you spoke before without thinking. "was just wonderin' if you'd like to go on a date maybe... but if you're not into guys or something then you don't- don't gotta worry about it..." you drunkly rambled on as he iori took a sip of his champagne from his glass on the table.
"how 'bout you ask me when you're sober, alright? i'll give you my answer when you can remember it~" the arm around your shoulder reached up and poked at your flushed cheeks as a teasing smile danced onto his lips. "i promise ya that it'll be worth the wait, (name)~"
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that-ari-blogger · 3 months
A Throne Of Ash And Dust (Echoes Of The Past)
How do you characterise a joke character?
Perhaps they have specific idiosyncrasies that drive them to making silly decisions. Maybe they have repeated blindspots that cause them to take the complicated rout when the simple would have been safer.
My favourite way is this: The character repeatedly cold guesses plot beats of the story, and nobody, not even the character, realises the significance of this. TV Tropes calls this the "Joke and Recieve", and it is almost entirely built on dramatic irony.
But dramatic irony isn't always funny. It's a tool that can be used to create some truly agonising stories, including Echoes Of The Past.
Let me explain.
SPOILERS AHEAD: (The Owl House, One Piece: Enies Lobby, Romeo And Juliet, Four Weddings and a Funeral)
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Throughout season one of The Owl House, King was written as the comedic side character. This is partly why I rarely mentioned him in these posts, his antics were usually thematically relevant, but not the main event of an episode, and there is little I can analyse from well made jokes.
But comedy is difficult to write, and even more difficult to act. So, when comedians get to act dramatically, they usually make that part of the job look easy. Essentially, Alex Hirsch is really good at his job, and to prove that, I'm going to dive straight in and talk about the revelation scene.
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"You're all just making fun of me, like usual, right?"
This line read is phenomenal. You don't have to understand the words he is saying to understand the inner turmoil that this character is experiencing, and the hyperventilating is a genius touch.
The framing of King in this shot is fascinating. Luz is knelt down like she is reaching for a scared child, or a wild animal. Fitting for addressing a character who's entire sense of self has just been eviscerated. King meanwhile is small and frail, with his arms and tail squeezed in to make his silhouette tiny within the frame.
Meanwhile, a Dutch Angle of the shot (the horizon line is slanted) gives an unsteady vibe the scene, while simultaneously cramping Luz in to make her look bigger by comparison and doing the reverse with King to continue his isolation.
Between them, in the foreground, there is the broken piece of his horn, pulling double duty for two different themes. First, it separates King from Luz. Second, it highlights the injury that King's psyche has just suffered.
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Finally, King is clinging to his self image. He is desperate to believe that he is both a king and a little guy. He is the underdog who people make fun of, but who is right in the end. But he can't believe that anymore.
The foundation of King's character and comedy was that he was either right and everyone else's misunderstanding produced the dramatic irony that makes it funny, or he was delusional, and the irony was instead derived from that.
In this season, we get two revelations about this dichotomy, and the first is the gut punch. King abruptly realises that he has been wrong all this time, and that hurts him, and by proxy, it hurts the audience.
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How do you characterize a tragic character?
Perhaps they have specific idiosyncrasies that drive them to making silly decisions. Maybe they have repeated blindspots that cause them to take the complicated rout when the simple would have been safer.
My favourite way is this: The character repeatedly cold guesses plot beats of the story, and nobody, not even the character, realises the significance of this.
If you don't understand my point here, please go and read the introduction of this post again.
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The line between comedy and tragedy is razor thin. If a character is funny, their idiosyncrasies are called comedic traits, or blindspots, or jokes. If a character isn't funny, those same traits become tragic flaws, hamartia, and foreshadowing for their doom.
Both types of story work in similar ways, they feature a long build up, and then a turning point in which every plot thread comes crashing down in either a display of humour, or an agonising train wreck. Often it is difficult to know what you are watching until that peripetia (the punchline) hits.
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Case and point, Romeo and Juliet is a romantic comedy until Act Three. Romeo is an idiot who makes ridiculously stupid decisions in the first moments of the play, something that is called out in story. He is a starstruck lover who can't bring himself to look at the world around him, leading to him meeting Juliet and marrying her in quick succession, which causes antics. He's the type of character who Hugh Grant was born to play.
But then that same impulsivity causes him to get Mercutio killed, and kill Tybalt, Paris, and then himself. All of the tragic events of the story could have been avoided if Romeo had thought with his head and not his... I'm not going to finish that sentence.
This isn't a bug in the story at all, its the entire point. The idea of a tragedy is that the flaws cause the story. Those folks who complain into the ether about why characters making illogical discissions is a plot hole are, in my most humble of opinions, wrong about how stories work.
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I don't believe in genre.
Well, that's not entirely true. A more nuanced explanation would be that I don't believe writing for a specific genre is worth it. Genre is a means of categorisation, for agents and libraries to arbitrarily seperate stories to allow for ease of access.
A genre exists so that a reader who likes specific stories can better explain what they are looking for. Instead of saying "I like books with the falling in love stuff and the will they won't they drama", a person can say "I like romance books" and leave it at that. Ease of access at the behest of accuracy.
But at what point does a romcom become just a regular romance story? How many explosions are needed to make something into a thriller?
My point is that trying to write within a specific genre isn't worth the struggle, and some of the best stories out there bend genre conventions entirely.
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I mentioned Hugh Grant, though, and that's not just for the obvious reason. Four Weddings and a Funeral, a film that Grant starred in in 1994, makes my point for me.
Four Weddings and a Funeral is a comedy (kinda) about a collective of friends going to a series of weddings and seeing people they really don't want to see. They talk about how none of them have found their own love in the end, and comedy is derived from the obliviousness of Charles (Hugh Grant's character), and the over extroverted nature of Gareth (Played by Simon Callow).
Unfortunately, when Gareth's antics cause him overextend himself and he suffers a heart attack, that obliviousness turns tragic as Charles finally realises the true nature of the relationship Gareth had with Mathew (Played by John Hannah).
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"Yes, it's odd, isn't it? All these years we've been single and proud of it and never noticed that two of us were, in effect, married all this time."
But then the film pivots back into being funny with the final wedding, which goes about as chaotically as the rest of the film. It's a story about enjoying the moment you are in and taking what life gives you with the understanding that it won't last forever. One of the film's theses is that something being short lived makes it more precious, and having elements of both tragedy and comedy in there really heightens that message.
As a side note, if you haven't seen this film, please do. There is a reason that Stop All The Clocks is so iconic, and it is this film. Please watch it, it's good.
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King's arc had me worried when I first heard about it. I was late to The Owl House, starting watching when season two was already out. And so, the friends that I had who had already seen the series spoke really highly of "what the show does with King".
The problem came from my preconceptions. In my experience, when a piece of media tries to do something with a comedic character to give them more plot significance, that character gets murked about halfway through the process. I have seen this happen enough times for it to get stale.
But, you will notice, they don't do this with King. Instead, they give him context, and they reframe his character. All they do is make him matter.
That there is the key to how to make a comedic character heartfelt. All you have to do is take them seriously, and you can keep the comedy while fully embracing the emotional depth of the story.
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In One Piece, Usopp is easily one of the most human of the main characters. He isn't a great swordsman or a devil fruit wielder, he's human, and he knows it.
Usopp is also the single most insecure character in the entire cast, and that is what I want to link to King, because the way in which Usopp is given depth is really interesting. At all times, he is taken fully seriously.
Usopp's comedy comes from a place of fear. He is a liar who specialises in the Joke and Recieve style of storytelling to the point where it has become a running meme in the One Piece fanbase. But that was rarely explored until Enies' Lobby, when the straw hat's ship was wrecked and going to be left behind.
Suddenly, all of those jokes, all of those incongruities, find a reason. Usopp is afraid of everything but is most afraid of being left behind, something that I am willing to bet money will come up again when the Straw Hats finally meet back up with the Red Hair Pirates.
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King gets this too, his comedy comes from a place of ambition, and a genuine belief in his own past. This episode rips that out from underneath him, and so he needs to redefine himself in relation to the world around him, and so his comedy needs to rebuild itself too.
From the moment the characters set foot on the island, this episode takes itself entirely seriously. There is no laughing at characters, no wasted space at all. This episode knows what it is doing.
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This episodes' use of light is phenomenal as well. Light illuminates, and combined with the motif of an obscuring fog, the thematic of revealed secrets could not be more obvious. They also, however, create a style that reminds me of the luminism of baroque paintings, which leans into the historical nature of this episode.
You will notice in later episodes that King makes fewer jokes than usual, and that difference is part of the emotional core of this season.
Now that I think about it, this season of The Owl House has a lot of characters trying to redefine themselves. Eda with her lack of powers, Lilith with her new allegiances, The Golden Guard with his storyline, and King.
We will see how that goes.
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Final Thoughts
I am finally getting back into the swing of things with these posts. I took a break to go to a family wedding overseas, and then got back and had a few mental health complications. But I'm all better now, and ready to go.
King's story is a key part of season two of The Owl House, and this episode is pretty much the reason for him being a fan favourite character. Up until now he was funny, but with a hint of quirkiness. But from now on, this is a fully dramatic role, and Alex Hirsch nails it completely.
Also, I have to get this out of my system because I am way too proud of this joke. The title of this post is a reference to a generic book title (a _ of _ and _), as well as a song by Imagine Dragons, because King is the King of Demons. Admittedly, its a reference to Radioactive, but it still counts, right?
Next week, I will be taking a look at Keeping Up Afearances, an episode that I have mixed feelings about. So, stick around if that interests you.
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queen-dahlia · 2 years
𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭
Gilbert von Obsidian
I was so restless since they drop the event, and it's been a while since I got his bonus story. Our villain finally made a move on his Belle 🖤🖤🖤
Translation is not 100% accurate. Expect some grammatical errors as well.
I tried to do a summary but meh... I translate every line of the story instead.
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It's not an exaggeration to say that Halloween is a celebration of sweets and mischief in the Land of Roses.
It's a coveted event for gluttons and scoundrels, and this year's first thing comes to mind.
(And yet...)
(... Strange.)
Today, when the court is busy with Halloween festivities, Gilbert-sama is nowhere to be found.
Despite the fact that the woven basket I was carrying was packed with a large amount of sweets.
(Even though I made five times as many sweets as usual for Gilbert-sama, who is a big eater.)
If you meet him, you will definitely be forced to choose between sweets and play tricks.
I didn't think the mischief caused by the 'World's Disaster' was a joke, so I took all possible measures.
(I'm sure Gilbert-sama likes Halloween.)
(… It's a waste to have leftover sweets, so I'll find him at all costs.)
My footsteps make a thumping noise that disturbs the silent room.
Stepping inside the courtroom, into the chapel that no one usually visits unless there is a special event,
I found a black figure in front of the sacred altar.
Emma: "So you were here."
(I've seen Gilbert-sama several times in the chapel, so maybe...)
Gilbert: "Fufu, you're an idiot, Bunny-san."
(I wonder what.)
There is no sign of anyone other than Gilbert-sama in the chapel.
When I approached him with some sense of caution, I was greeted with a refreshing smile as usual.
Gilbert: "You knew that if you came to a place like this, you'd be alone with me, right?"
Emma: "Are you planning something bad?"
Gilbert: "What do you think? It's up to Bunny-san."
Gilbert: "More importantly, thank you."
Emma: "Huh..."
Gilbert-sama made a troubled expression as he glanced at the sweets I was holding.
Gilbert: "But I'm sorry. I'm not in the mood today." *
Emma: "Eh…"
Gilbert: "I wonder how long the sweets will last."
(...That Gilbert-sama... Gilbert-sama who continues to stuff his cheeks endlessly with sweets when he starts eating...)
(He refused the sweets!?)
Emma: "Is there something wrong?"
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Gilbert: ". . . . ."
Gilbert-sama just smiled at the moonlight and said nothing.
(He doesn't like lying, so no way...)
Emma: "I'm very sorry… Excuse me."
I timidly reached out my hand and lightly touched Gilbert-sama's forehead, *
His skin, which should be cold, felt slightly warm.
(It's not really hot. But Gilbert-sama's body temperature is originally low...)
Emma: "You should see a doctor right now."
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Gilbert: "... Baby Rabbit."
(. . . . .)
The air around Gilbert-sama becomes sharp, like icicles formed in the terribly cold country.
Breathing became shallow due to the oppressive air that seemed to be pouring black evil into a sacred place.
(Suddenly, the atmosphere changed.)
Gilbert: "Hey, it's Halloween today."
Gilbert-sama shortened the distance with me while maintaining his smile.
The handle of his cane caught my chin, and I found myself unable to move as though my body had frozen.
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Gilbert: "Sweet pranks or cruel pranks... Which do you prefer?"
Emma: "Why... I gave you sweets, didn't I?"
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Gilbert: "Trick or treat, if you don't eat sweets*, you have no choice but to play tricks, right?"
Emma: "It's Gilbert-sama's will that I won't eat..."
Gilbert: "Yes, even if you go against my will?" *
(I never thought it would be so unreasonable!)
Even now, I regret having searched for Gilbert-sama.
But now that it happened, there's nothing I can do about it.
(Are you trying to cover up that you're not feeling well?)
Thinking that it might be a topic that shouldn't be discussed, I put my worries away for now.
(I don't think Gilbert-sama's "terrible" is a joke, so at least...)
Emma: "... Please play a sweet prank."
I muttered like I was praying, and Gilbert-sama smiled kindly and circled behind me.
I was embraced from behind like a lover, and my body tensed.
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Gilbert: "Then, I'll be as kind as possible."
(I don't know why... I have a really bad feeling...)
Gilbert-sama gently parted the hair that was covering my neck.
The moment the night air touched my bare skin and I caught my breath, I was bitten into my exposed neck.
Emma: "Ah... Gilbert-sama!?"
Although there is no pain, as the phrase "gentle prank" implies, the skin starts to tingle.
The bite on my neck, which is specifically linked to my life, caused my heart to beat so fast that it hurts.
Emma: "Stop it!"
Gilbert: "Haha. Bunny-san, did you know my secret?"
Emma: "Secret?"
Gilbert: "Yes. Actually..."
Gilbert: "I was a vampire."
<Gil... I wanna know what type of crack you are smoking...>
Emma: ". . . . ."
(... Huh, you're kidding, aren't you?)
I get bitten on the neck again.
The sensation of sucking on my skin… I was told that drinking blood feels like being intoxicated, and I certainly felt that way.
(No way… But…)
The sound vampire seemed strangely convincing in the chapel sanctuary.
(Gilbert-sama... Doesn't lie.)
I have a feeling that blood is about to drip, so I drop the basket I was holding.
Gilbert finally took the basket and bent down to put it back in my hands.
Gilbert: "... Haha."
(Oh, you're laughing so hard.)
(Could it be… I was deceived!?)
Gilbert: "Really, you're an idiot. Rather than being honest, you don't know how to doubt people..."
Emma: "It's the result of Gilbert-sama's acting ability! I don't believe it either!?"
Emma: "Basically, Gilbert-sama hates lies…"
Gilbert: "Just now, it's not a lie, it's a joke."
Gilbert: "I was going to play a prank on you, but I can't stop laughing…"
(I understand well that Gilbert-sama is unexpectedly laughing!)
I keep my distance, but the heat of embarrassment doesn't seem to go away.
(I know it's Gilbert-sama, but it's really frustrating.)
I clench my fist at Gilbert-sama, whose body trembles with laughter.
Emma: "Gilbert-sama... Trick or treat."
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Gilbert: "Hmm, are you going to play a trick on me too? I'm looking forward to it."
(He doesn't seem to want to give me sweets from the beginning.)
(If that's the case, so am I…)
Emma: "I'll borrow this for a minute."
I took the cane from Gilbert-sama's hand, and pointed it at him. *
Emma: "I've never told anyone before…"
Emma: "Actually, I'm a witch."
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Gilbert: "Eh? So, what kind of magic can you use?"
Emma: "... Don't be surprised, okay?"
(I'll definitely you believe.)
With a cane that is heavier than I thought, I draw a circle as if I'm casting a spell—
Emma: "I hope Gilbert-sama gets well soon."
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Gilbert: ". . . . ."
Emma: "I've cast a spell on you, Gilbert-sama, so tomorrow you'll be back to the original gluttonous person."
The lively laughter disappeared, and the silence of the chapel weighed on my body.
(. . . . .)
(I wish I didn't do things I'm not used to.)
Gilbert-sama, who looked stunned,
His body shook once again when came to his senses, and my face fell.
Gilbert: "Ahaha... Hahaha... Bunny-san, are you going to kill me with laughter?
Emma: "I didn't mean to, and you're laughing too much!"
(I'm getting embarrassed.)
Emma: "The sweets will last until tomorrow, so please eat them if you don't mind!"
When I put his cane and basket on a nearby bench and tried to leave, Gilbert-sama grabbed my hand and stopped me.
Gilbert: "Wait."
Emma: "What 一"
Before I could finish my words, his lips brushed against my cheek.
I blinked. For a moment I don't know what happened after that surprise kiss.
Emma: "一now..."
Gilbert: "Thank you."
Emma: "You're welcome..."
(I wonder if it's just a sweet prank…)
(After all, Gilbert-sama's mischief was outrageous.)
My heart began to race in a different way than previously, and I left the place to run away.
Gilbert, who was left alone, sat down beside the bench as if he had lost all his strength.
However, as though something came to his mind, he reached out for the sweets,
A pleasant chewing sound echoed through the chapel.
Gilbert: "Hmm... Delicious."
Gilbert: "Magic really exists."
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alittlextrathatway · 6 months
Line: "Could end in burning flames or paradise." Location: backyard
Let's go AU again. This time a REAL departure.
A magazine is thrown down on the bar top next to Matt. He skims it just enough to read the cover. It's a tabloid. One of those that claims to have inside sources but never does.
"Looks like you're out, old man."
He rolls his eyes and slides the magazine away, a dry grin on his face as he stares down at his whiskey. "We're the exact same age. If I'm retiring so are you, Severide."
"Yeah, but I'm not the face of the franchise," Kelly says, grabbing Matt's chin and smushing his cheeks. "I mean look at this face. They're all obsessed with it."
Matt shoves his best friend and teammate away. "Get off me, jackass."
"Oh, come on, we won! Why are you sitting at the bar brooding like a sad sack of shit?"
He glances over at the rest of his team, celebrating their win with their partners and spouses. Even Kelly's wife is here, partying with them in their coach's backyard, and she's a professional soccer player with her own team to lead.
"I'm trying not to be a downer. You all have people to share our success with, you should enjoy it."
"Whatever, man," Kelly says with a scoff as he grabs Matt's whiskey glass and holds it away from him. "You have us. We're not just a team. We're a family. Come on. Donna invited the new Team Doc. She's commanded you show your face and be polite."
"I'm always polite. It's you Donna needs to worry about. Will you gimme my damn drink back?"
Severide laughs in his Captain's face and hands him back the glass. "You're polite unless you're in a mood like the one you're in tonight."
Donna Boden spots them and waves them over. "Boys, come and say hi."
They cross the yard, toward their head coach and his wife. This backyard is more a special event space than a backyard. Donna had it landscaped specially for team gatherings and it includes a pool, a bar, and an outdoor kitchen. They're invited over a lot.
The closer they get, the better a look Matt gets at the new Assistant Team Doctor. His feet hesitate, causing Severide to bump into his back. "Maybe I should take that whiskey back," Kelly snipes with a crooked smirk. "You alright?"
When Boden said they were getting a new team doctor Matt just assumed the organization would hire another older guy full of dad jokes and football trivia. But no. That's not who he finds waiting to meet them. Instead, it's a woman. A young blonde woman in a blue wrap dress and matching heels. Her smile and laughing blue eyes stun him, keeping his feet glued to the ground.
"Casey?" Kelly asks, shoving him lightly. "You gonna walk or am I leaving you here?"
He shakes himself, forcing his eyes away from the woman’s face. “I’m walking. Just gimme a second.”
He knocks back the rest of his whiskey, leaving the glass on a nearby table. With that out of the way, he shoves his hands in his pockets and finally continues forward. He has no idea what to do with his hands so best to just hide them away. It’s a good plan until Donna goes in for a hug and he can’t refuse without being rude.
“How’s my favorite quarterback in the league?” Donna asks.
He chuckles as he steps out of the hug. “I’m good. Working hard, staying focused.”
“Well, it’s working. Keep it up,” she encourages before passing him to hug Kelly as well. They nod at Boden instead of going in to hug him or shake his hand. “Guys,” Donna starts, walking over to the new doctor and putting an arm around her shoulders. “Have you met Sylvie Brett? She’s our new Assistant Team Medical Doctor.”
“No,” Severide says, reaching forward to shake her hand. “Not yet. Welcome to the team.”
“Thank you,” she tells him, smiling politely. “I’m officially a traitor to my family but I’m happy to be here.”
Kelly laughs. “Not a Chicago fan?”
“I’m from Indiana, so…”
“Yeah, say no more. I understand.” Kelly pats Matt on the back, hard enough to send him jolting forward. That’s what happens when one of the toughest tight ends in football, claps a hand against you with no warning. “And this guy is our Quarterback and captain, Matt Casey.”
She holds her hand out to him as well. Matt stares at it for a long series of seconds, knowing full well his hand is clammy. Why the hell does this woman make him so clumsy and nervous? He discretely tries to wipe his hand on his pants before putting his hand in hers. The minute their fingers touch, tingles shoot up and down his arm. What the fuck is happening?
“Nice to meet you,” Sylvie says before nervously biting the inside of her bottom lip, drawing his stare toward her mouth.
For a moment he pictures biting that bottom lip for himself, but then he realizes he looks like a creep -- continuing to squeeze her hand while staring at her lips. “Yeah, you too. We’re glad to have you.” He lets go of her hand, even if everything in him rebels against the action, and steps back.
“It’ll be nice to have someone with more of a bedside manner than Abrams,” Kelly jokes, referencing Sylvie’s boss and their Head Physician.
“Oh, him?” Sylvie says, waving a hand dismissively. “He’s all bark, no bite. We’ve worked together before. I can handle him.”
“Well, now that we’ve made introductions,” Donna says. “We need to go see to our other guests and check in on the caterers.” She turns to Sylvie with a concerned glance. “Are you okay here?”
“Yes, I’ll be fine. Please do what you need to do,” Sylvie assures her. “I’m sure these guys won’t mind showing me around.”
Boden and Donna leave, hand in hand. Just as they leave, Stella shouts for Kelly from her seat by the fire pit. “Sorry,” he says, shaking Sylvie’s hand one more time. “When the wife calls, I go. If I stand her up then I’m in deep shit.”
Sylvie chuckles and nods. “I understand. Casey and I can manage.”
Can they? He asks himself. He hasn’t managed to pull himself together long enough to say more than a couple of sentences. “Uh, yeah, we’re good. Go spend time with Kidd. She flies out tomorrow.” They watch Severide walk away in silence before Matt motions ahead of him, allowing Sylvie to walk first. “How about we start with a tour? Donna’s really worked hard to make this place feel like a family space for us.”
“I can tell,” she says, looking over toward the small garden and outdoor eating area. “It’s beautiful.”
Not nearly as beautiful as she is, not that he can tell her that.
“So, what brings you to Chicago if you’re an Indiana girl?” He asks.
She blushes and looks down on the ground, suddenly interested in their feet as they walk. “Well, it was either move or let my ex make my professional life a nightmare. I chose to move.” She pauses, eyes wide in shock. “I don’t know why I told you that.”
“Your ex sounds like a class act,” Matt comments sarcastically.
“Yeah, Harrison was a real winner,” she scoffs with a roll of her eyes. “But I’m here now, thanks to Dr. Abrams recommendation, and I can’t wait to get started. I’m excited for new challenges.” There’s a beat where her eyes scan over the length of him and then intentionally look away. “New people, places.”
“You’re gonna love Chicago,” he promises. “It’s my favorite city.”
“Favorite of all time?” She asks, grinning teasingly.
“Of all time in the whole world.”
“Wow, well, my expectations are officially high.”
“If you want,” he offers, shoving his hands in his pockets again. “I could show you around. Give you the official Matt Casey approved tour. I gotta make sure we clear those expectations I set, after all.”
“That sounds wonderful,” she agrees, demurely tucking her hair behind her ears. “We should make it happen.”
“Yes, for sure.”
The smile at each other and twin flirtatious gazes meet.
He can’t help but admire the way the color in her cheeks extends down her neck, turning her creamy fair skin a pretty shade of pink. He wants to trail kisses over that path of pink and see where it leads.
Damn, it’s been a long time since he’s had it this bad so fast. He went from depressed and moping in his loneliness to giddy and smitten. The whiplash has his head spinning. Or maybe that’s just Sylvie sending his head spinning.
Something big is starting tonight. He can feel it.
He doesn’t know how it will all end up, but he reckons there’s two options.
Burning flames or happily committed paradise.
He’s willing to roll the dice. He hopes Sylvie is too.
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Helloooo lovely!! Your new event sounds so fun I can’t believe you’re gonna write so much that’s so amazing. 😭💖 may I please get #27, modern AU, first date vibes with F or GN reader and Whitebeard or Marco? Thanks so much!!٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
Hello Bee love! Aww thank you so much 🥺💜 Still going strong! I'm surprising myself still lol!! Aww of course!! So I spun the wheel to decide who will it be for and it was Whitebeard!! I hope you enjoy babes!
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 It’s been a few years since this man has been on a date. He didn’t feel he had time to do anything other than work and spend time with his sons. His sons decided their father needed to meet someone and truly build a connection. They all decided to put his photo on a few websites, specific websites…. dating websites, describing their father's hobbies, a picture of their father, and even describing him. Of course, when he found out he wasn’t really happy about it but pondered more and some of his sons were talking to him, maybe he should. He pondered on the idea before he felt he was ready.  After countless profiles, he looked through and there was one that caught his eye.  After the first hello in your inbox from the rather large man you both began to chat, then finally decided to meet on a little coffee date.
You were excited yet nervous. It has also been a while since you went on a date. Fixing your hair in your bathroom mirror. You were ready to go grabbing your keys and heading to the coffee shop you both planned to meet at. Taking a few deep breaths in your car, you gathered as much courage as you could, and began to walk into the coffee shop. The smell of freshly ground coffee, with a hint of pumpkin spice, filled your nostrils. Looking around you spotted them mad as they were two coffee cups. You began to approach the table “Hello Edward.” walking up to the man and giving him a smile.
He stood up from his chair and there was a size difference “Hello ______, nice to finally meet you.” pulling out your seats for you and you thanked him. “I remember you telling me you enjoy the pumpkin spice latte during this time of season. I ordered that for you.” he took a seat in his chair.
“Thank you,” a dust of pink hitting your cheeks, just the small details you mention to Edward made you really happy. “Sorry it has been a while since I’ve been on a date.” you're nervously chuckled.
Hearing a low chuckle “Same.”  Edward looked at you and saw the same smile that was on your profile. “You must get this a lot but you are very beautiful.” Covering your face with your hands knowing that your face would be completely red as a tomato. The cute reaction you were doing caused the man to laugh “Guararara didn’t know compliments would make you turn that red. I will have to keep that in mind when we go out again.”
After composing yourself you both began to talk getting to know each other more. He told you  about parts of his life and just how big his heart really was especially, when it came to talking about his sons.  It felt like you were searching for so long and yet the person you had been looking for was right here in front of you. Edward enjoyed that you really paid attention to the conversation and when making small jokes you would laugh. “You know it's been a while since someone made me feel so comfortable like you did, Edward.”  your hand reached over the placing it on top of his. “Thank you.” softly smiling at the man.
“I could say the same thing. Listen instead of coffee, maybe we can try dinner tomorrow?”  he asked.  Your heart began to race to know you were going on a second date with the charming man. You nodded, giving him a smile.
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simonalkenmayer · 1 year
Excuse me, I don't mean to come off as rude when I say this:
Your existence is very interesting to me. I came upon your blog when I was experiencing extreme anxiety and needed something to distract myself.
And yet, at the same time, it's like my brain doesn't really... process this? Doesn't really register this all as reality, even though I believe you as a real entity. I've shown your blog to my close friends, both are people I know would take my ramblings seriously, and the most curious thing happened.
Then I found you and your blog. On the same day, I ended up purchasing your book. It amazes me a bit, how easily I accepted your existence. The way you spoke and answered and described things simply solidified your "realness" in my mind.
Mind that I sent them your blog all the while I was talking about the thing that was causing my anxiety.
They saw the posts, read what I said about you and your experiences. They saw the quotes from your books.
And I guess we're similar, because they didn't immediately dismiss you as fiction or called me silly for engaging in your content. But something even more interesting happened.
They unconsciously ignored the knowledge that you exist. They clearly didn't do it on purpose, but the moment there was another topic available they just... stopped thinking about you. Or maybe tried to. Maybe our brains really aren't sure how to process such a... radical change in perspective, specially since all we have as proof of your existence are your posts and books.
I just thought this was very interesting and decided to share this with you, as you might find this interesting too.
ps: Your book is very enjoyable, as are your posts. You have a lovely way of describing events that makes me picture them very clearly, gruesome as they may be sometimes.
pps: when reading one of your recipes, one that used brains, in the book, i laughed when you wrote that we could use veal instead, but that you preferred "smart". Then I remembered that earlier on you said you rarely joked about these things and thought that. hm. Well, even though you probably didn't mean it as a joke, I still find it a bit funny.
sorry for rambling I'm still a bit anxious and tend to overexplain when I'm like this.
It is ticklish, determining if I am being literal or sardonic. Could be neither or a mix. Honestly who cares?
Your friends were humoring you out of friendship. They changed the topic because they don’t believe I’m real and wished to move on from what they took to be a strange interest of yours. It’s a perfectly reasonable reaction.
The truth is, you shouldn’t ever believe anything said on the internet until you can independently confirm it. Then again that’s true of every interaction, and yet for some reason the human brain actively attempts to dissuade itself from facts in preference to information supplied by others. No really. Humans don’t believe facts. They believe what comports with what they want. You don’t process data. You process associations. Your absorption of information is entirely dependent upon how well you like the source of it, and pardon me for saying…no one likes a people eater.
Seems obvious.
You shouldn’t put any stock in me. I’m utterly without merit as many have said. Thank you for purchasing the book. I’m happy you enjoy it. There may be something wrong with you.
Please be responsible with the recipes and substitute proteins. I shall not be accountable for any…unpleasantness that ensues if you don’t.
One comforting aspect to all life on this rock is the remarkable consistency with which everything is bullshit and nothing means anything.
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
i guess i kinda went over it in my last fic, but i think when it comes to the belt and its curse, it's not gonna leave easy. like, no. not happening. losing isn't a "get out of being cursed free" card. it gave them fame, power, prestige. it tried to eliminate every possible distraction to ensure complete focus on retaining the title. if someone were to lose the title, there has to be repercussions.
so when one loses the title, i think at first, they need to appear okay. like back to normal, everything's fine, the belt's gone and they lower their guard enough to think that they can finally move on from this nightmare. but then after that false sense of freedom, that's when the real effects kick in. like the hallucinations, which i've been tying to their fears and reasons for wanting the belt. so like for oc, wanting to be taken seriously, afraid that maybe he just got lucky in his career and he is more of a joke, the orange punch failing him because of his arm injury etc. for kip, i know he's talked about that injury and other health issues being a dark time in his life, so incorporating this fear of never really recovering and wasting away, being outcasted for his "weirdness" in the company, wanting validation for his efforts in overcoming all of that.
and of course the more graphic ones where these events are perceived by oc and kip as someone else doing something to them, whether it's enemies, friends, or even themselves or something not even of this world. but from an outsider's perspective, it always looks like they're doing it to themselves (and i tried to be clear on this in my fic but they don't actually want to hurt themselves or anyone else. it's the damn curse of the belt doing this because if you're gonna lose it, it is going to make you suffer for as long as it can, even if that means destroying friendships/relationships).
and then the senses thing. i like to think that the belt sort of dulls things while holding it to make it easier to focus or fight through the pain, so without it, it just turns everything up to 11. sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, everything. it all just goes through the roof and makes even the buzzing of lights sound like a fireworks show. it was probably already enough of an adjustment to go back to normal those first few weeks, but it only gets worse instead of better.
i like to think after they acknowledge that this was the belt's doing and they're not crazy or sick or anything, the hallucinations die down as the message got through, but everything else just comes and goes and it's a matter of adapting to it. like kip says, time doesn't heal you. it changes you. and it's going to change them with how they interact with people, how they interact with each other now knowing what happened to them and that no one else gets it, getting back in the ring and whether they accept opportunities to go after gold again or not (like, could you imagine oc and the best friends getting a chance at the trios titles and oc being the only one hesitant because god. what could those belts do to him or his friends? life isn't the same anymore). it's just a journey to learn how to cope at this point. it's not going away. that belt will forever be around haunting them in one way or another, but they learn to live with it together, helping each other out to keep living as much as they can.
... yeah, this was really unhinged. i'm sorry lol
IM SO LATE TO THIS (and right now probably not in the best condition to reply to this but i finally remembered it existed cause theres so many things in my inbox OH GOD) BUT
first of all. absolutely yes to the normal period after losing the title before the real repercussions, cause ive been thinking about that too. there needs to be a false sense of normalcy for a while, as if its because the belt is gone - the adjust period, but its more or less framed under the sense of them just not being a champion anymore, and not actually the true meaning of losing the belt, which is being free from the curse and corruption. i really love the added layer of it directly targeting the corrupteds fears tho (especially through ones self, seeing the one doing the damage being someone they love), that is a really good touch and tbh im just gonna steal that one for the canon of this au now lol
YEAH YEAH YEAH THE SENSES THO!! ive always thought about the dulling pain part tbh, how it makes sure the host fights through everything no matter what, cause holding the belt is what keeps the curse alive and as the challenges get tougher and the champion more worn out, the stronger the curse needs to be and that means feeling less about the punishment you are going through. so it would absolutely make sense to have it be the opposite after its all gone, and especially during the adjust period that would just be. absolute hell. god yes i love this
also i had absolutely not thought about the part about how going after other belts afterwards would feel like oof. but that would be so true tho. for both of them, single and in teams, that would be such a hard task to undertake and i love the added drama of that tbh. even tho no other belt is cursed (as far as we are aware of? idk house of black is holding the trios titles rn and we know what happened with the elite before), thats such an interesting take to it and absolutely something both of them would think about really hard before going for the titles, or letting their friends go for them. absolutely love this one OOF
i wanted to touch the 'time doesnt heal it changes you' part last cause this is an important topic to me personally, but like. thats so true for this tho. how time wont heal their wounds, physical or mental, about this and what they had to go through, it WILL change them. and it does over the course of the time/story too, as they do both learn to cope with the aftermath of this, both together and separately. they do understand each other better now, they can hold each other up and survive on their own. but its a positive change, they cant stop to dwell on healing wounds that will always be there, but they can move on, learn how to change things. and thats just. thats just what this is about in the end, i think. i just hope they, too, realize this on the way
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amateur-madder · 2 years
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I posted 319 times in 2022
That's 41 more posts than 2021!
33 posts created (10%)
286 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 116 of my posts in 2022
#maladaptive daydreaming - 74 posts
#immersive daydreaming - 41 posts
#actuallymadd - 39 posts
#immersive dayadreaming - 20 posts
#actually madd - 15 posts
#madd - 12 posts
#paraportal - 10 posts
#paracosm - 9 posts
#madd memes - 7 posts
#maladapting daydreaming disorder - 6 posts
Longest Tag: 125 characters
#and by random i mean i'm forcing my friend to help me chose which paracosm i daydream with but without explaining i have madd
My Top Posts in 2022:
So like I started writing about my paracosms and I think I finally cracked the code on how one goes about that. There's that huge meme going around the community about how if you tell someone about your madd good chances are they're gonna tell you to write about the plot but like how???? How plots often time are so confusing and massive with AUs out every crevice and if you were like me and wanted to write about your paras but also had a confusing plot of was kinda of frustrating. And then I had an epiphany while thinking of a new thing to write.
If you wanna write about your paras instead of writing down your plot and all that stuff why not instead write about the stuff that rarely gets mentioned. Like maybe it's how 2 paras met/started dating, maybe it's the backstory of a para that you don't think about much. If it's an action packed paracosm write about what they do when things are calm, if it's a calm paracosm right about them dealing with something more exciting.
I don't know if this makes sense or helps anybody but I figured I'd share what I figured out with everyone else, also maybe writing about the stuff you don't think about might help you come up with new daydream plots
TLDR; if you wanna write about your paras but your overarching plot makes too little sense to write down write about the smaller events you haven't fleshed out yet
61 notes - Posted February 4, 2022
I just realized something... It doesn't matter if someone out there is reading your mind (even if you're having sexual/violent daydreams) because what are they gonna do???? Out you? Tell someone about it? That would require them to not only tell people that they're a mind reader but also have to say out loud whatever it was you were thinking. So like who cares if someone is reading your mind while you're having weird daydreams, in fact make them even weirder, make sure that mind reader is terrified to repeat anything from your mind out loud
89 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
Explain your paracosms but badly, go!
119 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
I saw a post talking about how losing MADD would suck because it's sort of become apart of their identity and that even though it's "maladaptive" it feels like it would genuinely suck to lose it and like I totally agree.
Like personally I wouldn't be bored if I stopped daydreaming (mostly cause I've been using madd to avoid my responsibilities and hobbies) but I would feel like I've lost a part of me. Thinking about not daydreaming feels scary cause like I'd be opening a hole that madd was filling and by getting rid of my daydreams I'd never be able to close it
I'm like honestly frightened about losing my paras. At this point they are a permanent part of me and who I am and to lose them feels like losing me
170 notes - Posted May 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I hope that wearing masks is still normalized if the pandemic does end because I can't stop myself from laughing at my paras jokes but I don't want people to notice me busting out laughing randomly
216 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ducknotinarow · 4 months
🎶 for all your Raph muses tbe music meme give me all the songs bich you can delete the post but that ain’t gonna stop meeeeeeeeeeed
| Send me "🎶🎶🎶" and I will share with you 1-3 music tracks that I associate my muse(s) with!
*Considering I have playlists for them all I just had to pick three songs XD Keep in mind a lot of these choices are solely based on events in rp on the blog at least stuff that has enough development for me to comment on in terms of songs. Or goes into my protryal of Raphael over all.
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We didn't start the fire
Is this love that i'm feeling
Beat It
*When it comes to all my 80's playlists I try so hard to keep the songs in that time frame but I have broken that over time XD but mainly it is still a good 80's mix. Anyway when picking his songs I tried to stick to his time frame. Can't say i'll be as dedicated on the others pft. Anyway time for my pop tart boy.
We didn't start the fire: I picked because it seems like a song reference he would make when it comes to how often him and his brothers wind up roped into situations he doesn't fully believe are their problem to deal with. But end up being their problem anyway. Like don't get him wrong when he feels it is their issue Raph's attitude is different like in the first season when it came to Splinter.
Is this love that im feeling: yes course this gonna be about Casey. Raphael just thought he had no real interest in romance why would he after all? He is a mutant turtle? maybe if there was a female mutant turtle? But even then he had doubts. The only time he kind of liked a girl was when he was hit with a love potion after all. He didn't seem to like girls so he wondered if he liked well men instead? based off his own comments he thought were just jokes. Then in came Casey Jones. Who he fell for pretty quick sure at first he found them nuts but he was attacking his brothers. And it didn't stop him from fighting Casey again later. But didn't keep Raph once they had a more friendship going on to wonder what was there. Turns out it was love its why he changed his tune to like Casey clearly. I also just like it for when he and Casey date. Sure loving someone is enough to date them but dating is how you see if you continue to love them. And that what Raph figured out. Also I like to think this is a song Raph would sign towards Casey uwu
Beat it: I find it funny and clear proof others don't watch the 87's series. Cause they have this weird outlook of Raph not lighting ti fight or being a fighter. And I agree he isn't looking to pick a fight but he is fucking petty and will start a fight. Raph is a very "I didn't start it but i'll finish" it type of fighter in this series. So a good song about throwing down to fight seems fitting for Raph's rude behavior.
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*Normally I put 03/07 together but I feel some songs will fit better for some themes in 07 story plots.
1. Hercules
2. Brother
3. I'll be good
+4. Bonus song My best friends Ex
Hercules: Generally I love this song because it really works to dip into Raph's need to protect. It's not just in a physical way either Raph despite calling himself a lone wolf is someone who really just looks out and cares for others. He comes off selfish and uncaring but then you see how he is quick to put others before himself. Down plays anything going on with him but will put more worry into it for others. He loves to have space but is quick to try and reach out to someone else if he feels they need it. His stubborn ass is what makes him so loyal he has so much faith in others. He really will shield others from harm when they can't themself.
Brother: I love this song for TMNT in generally because a brotherhood is just such a strong theming for the series. BUT I'm directing this to his brothers. Raph's heart is one of four, his brothers are his whole world. Anything happens to one of them? and best look out he will die if it meat protecting his brother or getting revenge for them. Raph can seem harsh and distract but in the moments that matter most? he is the one by his brothers sides first. When need be he will step up into leader role so to make sure the rest are safe if Leo isn't around like when Leo left to see the Ancient one and they got attacked by Karai. One thing you don't get between is Raph and his brothers even when Raph distances himself them he knows they have him and he knows they know he has them. Why they count on him and will call out for him when needed especially Donnie.
I'll be good: It's not secret that Raph is his own worst critic. It's why I feel Splinter never got on Raph's case as much as he dose Leo during Leo's emo arc. Splinter will step in if Raph's going to far and offer advice but he knows no amount of scolding is anywhere as bad or deep hitting as what. It's hard for Raph to understand where his anger comes from. He wants to protect his family and it scares him to see how big the world is out there if they stayed in a much smaller area easier to maintain it be easier to protect them. Raphael just feels like he can't do right he fears being the one to hurt his brothers why he has nightmares of him being the shredder. He regrets any fight he has with Leo, the times he went to far with Mikey hell he got regrets with Donnie too. He wants to be good he wants to be more positive like Mikey can be but he just can't he feels something wrong he feels if he could cut into himself deep enough maybe just maybe he can find what it is and take it out.
My best friends ex: I couldn't give up the last three for this song but didn't wanna leave it out XD. Raph and Von's friendship in 03 verse is just so damn good to me I love it I love them being besties so much. It's funny cause I feel you wouldn't see these two being so close. But I think Von just not caring to fall for the image Raph sets up allowed her to get close to Raph. Maybe cause of her background who knows. Just in my mind if Von ever dated anyone outside Donnie they knew/or knew about Raph that friend thats hates them funnier if Raph don't know them he hates them uwu.
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Danger to myself
Killing me
Danger to myself: For sure where Raph was at just after Leo had taken off. There was just a lot going on. Raphael hated that they were told they couldn't basically go on with their lives with Leo gone. Raph lost a good source of his distractions because of that and struggled with things going on with himself. Slowly he started to make things worse shut out his family, and pushing away those who he needed most. Donnie someone who always makes him feel a bit more grounded. But Raph lost his footing. Casey someone who always made him feel loved and needed. But Raph didn't love himself or feel he was needed. Night Watcher was so easy for him to hide anyway into. If he was the Night Watcher he didn't need to be anything more.
wannabe: Why this song? how do a spice girl song fit Raph. I feel like each of the adults have had moments where they are watch both Summer and Ariel on their own. Raph's soft for the two on their own as is. When they are together? He might as well be a floor mat for them. Just image them in a classic moment of the girls finding a way to rope Raph into thier antic and feel one is singing along to songs well messing around. Raph can act like he dont wanna be part of thier sleep over antics but I feel Casey walked in and found Raph singing along to the Spice girls with his daughters. XD basically it more a song that just makes me think of Raph in a parental route.
Killing me: May seem a bit misleading on how Im gonna be using this song but this is more meant for when Casey is going though his mid life crisis. You think Summer felt her dad just left? Oh trust Raphael felt the same way. But where Summer can speak on that and express how she feels Raphael will not. No different from how with his own family Raph seeing Casey going through what he was he in part knew that Casey needed to be allowed to. Raph had to go through his own stupid shit for a time. He saw Leo have to as well and even Donnie. But it wasn't easy, Raph had to keep things in home well in order. Had to make sure Summer was taken care of. Seeing Casey not in the right state. In truth I feel Raph reached out to April A LOT during this time. If he could swing it with disguises he of course takes Summer to practice himself. Raph didn't really have a support when he fell apart (he pushed them away that why) so he wanna try and give Casey the room to fall apart too and show Raph is there to help pull him back together like Casey has for him. But even Raph dose feel Casey's absence and it's killing him uwu
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Lost: Some of my favorite scenes dealing with Raph are when they see Splinter get thrown down into the sewers. And in his fit of rage Mikey hugs him to snap him out of it. And again during the space arc when one the angry planet Raph once more snaps and Leo hugs him. What snapped him out of it? Love uwu. Raphael is someone seen as uncaring he is quick to say he don't like ti deal with certain emotions. He is meant to be big bad tough Raphael. Yet, he is full of pain and a feeling of being just lost. Where he should be aware he is loved and needed sometimes he needs that assurance because Raph sees the worst in himself. Raph is hurting deep down and it come out in his anger and he wishes he knew better how to handle it to even understand why it's there so sometimes a bit of affection paid his way helps. Raph isn't bad a kid hes just very unheard. It shows that he can be heard by some and it should make Raph look weak that he dose need that at times. But to him dose. He just lost in the storm always in his mind. Sometimes he just needs to grab on to someone a moment.
Sharks: It's funny how often you can mirror Raph with some of the villains. You got of course his often foil in 2012 Fish face, the more obvious Slash before he was redeemed even being shown like a worse case for what Raph could become. And of course, there is the fact he and Leo are like a new generation of Yoshi and Saki. Often I feel why Splinter is how he can when it comes to Raph's anger and complaints on Raph likes to think he is better because hes good so he should be better he wouldn't sink to their levels. But he has he can even Slash alone showed what would happen if Raph let his anger consume him too much the beast he could become if he didn't have his brothers around? Raph would become so much worse. If he didn't have family he loves and looks out for than what would he have to keep him grounded?
Fine: Raph is the stereotypical character who talks shit about love and romance. Act like he so above his brothers who more open to showing they would like to fall in love. Raph very much that person who just can't understand someone loving him because of his own self hate. And he sort of projects that on the him and his brothers Who would love them. And yet? He wants it he wants to be stupid over someone, he and try and deny how he felt for hockey playing idiots all he wants but he don't want that he wants to also turn and say he's an idiot and he feels those things too. Cause deep down Raph is just a sappy romantic. He wanna just embrace those things too given the chance. So why not go ahead and show he might have intrest in his best friend just a bit uwu
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Can't take me down
I like it heavey
Can't take me Down: This is just a feel good song for Raph in general he is very much got this I can't be stopped mind set (boy do I look forward to him getting humbled or shown other wise that he isn't strong enough >:3) This is very much a how I carry myself kind of song. Despite how clearly everyone around him seems to look at him and see him needing some help professional level even or any time someone remarks on him going a bit too far? Raph will either defend it with a look of 'what do you mean?" or blow it off. He goes in loud with out a second thought. You can't take him down and much as they all hoped he thinks that's what will get people to love him uwu
Chills: I just like this for our rasey for mm with your take on MM casey uwu Since we always tend to give Casey the theming of ice. But it also just fits because Raph never been in love before not really something he thought of only to make fun of Leo over. The. Comes Casey someone who gives him litteralt chills uwu
l like it heavey: someone thar is a mutant? Yeah, this start of the song dots alone as is. But Raph himself? Someone who dose have a bit a different taste in well everything from his more violent tendencies to his love for wrestling even to point if hiw he wants to present considering he uses protine powders to help muscle growth. Even his sens of style? Some like it pretty, but Raph likes it heavey. Slightly to play into the sing above this jsut plays into why Raph himself don't think he goes to far or maybe even need help (he dose u_u) he just himself and wants someone who gets that who he is.
1. Hot n' cold
2. Chateu
3. The phoenix
Hot n' Cold: I'm sorry but not sorry hot n' cold os just Raoh generally over all. He can really just shift through his moods swings fast enough to give someone whiplash. Raoh has his moments where he can be sweet and caring and those moments should really speak the loudest to others. But other times? He's a oranry bitch. And he's pretty up front about it.
Chateu: since Raphs known casey the longest in this verse, i feel these two have had a lot of time to be all fuck this place mind set over time. Between Raphs family drama and Casey own. Raph has had Casey in his corner from day one. This is just a very nice song for Casey and Raph in general I feel ;3; they need each other, they make eachnothers hearts bear. Course, there's a reason it took them time to get together, but they been able to give up on some things thiwr hangs up and such cause they got the other ;3;
The phoenix: in truth this song I played on repeat often well playing the game it self xD It just fits!!! Anyway in universe I would say it's because Raphael is pretty goal set in the game. He feel long as they stay together as brothers they will get Splinter back because well he needs to or he will get hopless himself. So he talks uo loving the fights and such and enjoys when they get to certien maps in the game. Honestly the most break in this is when they are looking for Casey he gose from. But he picks himself back up after every loss or miss chance to get thier Dad back. Raphael isn't someone to get knocked down too easily like his fiery rage this turtle will rise back up like. Phoenix
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fairydust-stuff · 8 months
Heathers 2018 thoughts on episode one
The show starts with JD's mom committing suicide and I remember. That she blew herself up in previous versions. But, I guess they had to censor it. So they had her gunshot to the head. I don't really get it myself.
It does take away from JD because I thought his mom blowing herself up was why he wanted to bomb the school.
Veronica realizes she doesn't know who she is. As she sits with the guidance counselor. Falling on platitudes of" I'm a good person."
Veronica trying struggling to know who she is isn't a bad move. It kinda makes sense the girl who joined a clique, doesn't know that kind of thing.
Um, I don't remember Veronica being basic though she was more of a cool rebel wannabe type. I thought that was why she was drawn to JD. Then again Heather C's opinion on Veronica is automadically not valid.
But Veronica feels basic and unimportant " How about this Veronica Sawyer is nothing."
Then in the next scene Betty shows up and it establishes Veronica & Betty are friends who are drifting apart. " You always had to be blue" Betty says with a laugh.
A nod to the movie's color scheme where Veronica is associated visually with blue. The scene ends after Veronica walks away with Betty declareing she always wanted to be blue. This suggests Veronica might be more domineering then she lets on.
Speaking of which, the Heathers are introduced in the next scene. They stroll into the cafateria and the slow mo scene is stirking and estblishes power.
But I got to agree with the internet on the costuming. Why couldn't the department just give every character a full wordrobe with their color? Its especally annoying because they make jokes about the characters color. " You always did think yellow was your color Heather." Then have her wear yellow for more then one scene. And Duke's gay villian wardrobe could still work in all greens. Maybe the make up department could of color coded their eye liner even.
Its also a little jarring once they start speaking. With Macnara being given the shut up Heather line from Chandler. I know on the surface having Duke and Macnara which roles doesn't seem like a big deal. However there was a reason Duke was the buttmonkey of the group in the movie. Duke was almost a nerd, they were bearly a Heather.
Even in this mordern Heathers take nerds are still uncool. So yeah makeing Duke the smart one. They should be at the gay nerd table but have landed a spot at the top of the hiarchy. That however is completely ignored in terms of motivation. Also the fact they have a quote " Gay nerd table" speaks a kind of underlying intolerance.
Furthermore even in 2010 and even today many social justice platforms still aren't big on trans & non binary people. So I still think Duke should of logically been the buttmonkey from the start.
(Also they have Chandler start abuseing them horribly anyway two episodes in even worse then in the movie. So why not just start with that dynamic?")
Also if Heather C builds her platform on social justice shouldn't Macnara still be the one she treats the best? Since it makes her look good to be seen being close with the Black lesbian? Furthermore later in the show Heather is shown being rather affectionate with Lizzy treating her like a kind of prodegee. So it comes off like a weird choice and due to later events plot device.
Anyway moving on so Heather shames Ram for wearing a redskin team T-shirt finding it racially insensative.
I know a lot of people complain about this. but I actually do like the highlighting of how bullies can use social causes as justification to humilate others.
Its not that Heather wants to have a dialog which would be within her rights. But instead she makes him strip, drags him in public and forces him to ask a girl to do a sex act, so he gets slapped. Its bullying disguised as social concern. (Which is something people who care about social justice should call out!)
But I do understand the complaints about how no wearing the collage T-shirt from the collage Ram wants to attend. Is not going to get him banned from said collage. And that really wouldn't care cause its their logo, so its in fact, not life ruining.
So the exacution is kinda crap which ruines the point they were trying to make.
Enter JD in the next scene. I have very mixed feelings about 2018 Heathers JD. Him coming off as so weird kinda doesn't work. Because JD's character kinda hinges on him being charming enough for others to overlook the red flags.
Here, he's just too red flag and utterly annoying in a pertencious way. Also, he doesn't do anything actually dark like fire a gun at some jocks. So I don't see why Veronica is interested in him. All he does is spout shit about how nothing matters.
The next scene involves Heather Duke and Veronica talking and transitions to them with slushies. Heather Duke offers to buy Veronica a slushie before hand. (Honestly I forgot they were friends before rewatching the movie due to the musical).
Where they see Macnara screwing their English teacher and realize she's fakeing being gay and???? Ok, I cann't pretend this plot point isn't stupid, because it is so dumb. Also the non binary person doesn't know bisexuals exist? If they wanted Macnara to piss off Chandler their were half a dozen ways they could do this better.
Also, they made Duke mean for no reason as they take a picture of this and seem gleefully ready as imuniation. Movie/ Musical Duke I could see doing this due to jealousy/ desire to see Macnara taken down a peg since she was a bystander to their abuse. But what is Duke's motivation for this? Their already Chandler's favorite here.
(I have further problems with this which i'll take about in later episodes.)
Next we have Veronica & Chandler at a party. And yeah rewatching this its not great. Veronica is a straight up ass for no reason. I know Chandler is toxic, but she's still trying to make an impression in front of important people. Veronica is openly being unsupportive and then blows off Chandler to have sex with a guy in the car. Wow what a great friend! I know Veronica isn't meant to be a good person but in this scene she's meant to be at the end of her rope with Heather C.
So yeah Chandler being pissed at her comes off as, understandable. Even if her responses are still nasty. Heather blows up at Veronica who accident or not did spill paint on her skirt. And then Veronica just calls her "fattie" which, ok in that instance is just straight up rude.
So they just both come off as straight up assholes. Even though its supposed to be Chandler pushed Veronica too far moment. I don't want to keep nit picking every movie change.
But the forced sexual favors from the movie was a way better move then this. Especially since the show reflects that 2010 Ohio, dismisses sexual assault towards women about as much as the 1980's.
If they didn't want to get into the nitty gritty of that fine, but should of replaced it with Chandler decideing to flat out humilate Veronica.
Here we can see the show starting to get rid of the aspects of Chandler's character that might make her too controversal to modern audiences. Which we'll come back to that later.
So Veronica is freaking out when JD comes into her room with the offer of " Lets snort aderall, make out and get slushies." Which ok terrible line but Veronica is sold somehow.
Also we're introduced to the fact Kurt is gay now which. Also get back to that later.
So JD and Veronica flirt and JD brings Nazi shit that was his dads to Heather Chandlers house. Also poisen pills get mentioned he grabbed by mistake.
They take a pic of her wearing a Nazi hat and wake her up. JD offers to give her the pic if she downs a bag of corn nuts which they laced and you know how this goes. Chandler dies because the prank stuff got swaped with the deadly stuff.
Fake suicide note, now a video yada yada.
And i'll do a part 2 because this was really long.
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razzzbear · 11 months
My hot take on The Joker's psyche
Disclaimer that I'm not a licensed psychology professional. I'm just here cooking up some character studies at three a.m for a fic I'm working on. So I'm not trying to diagnose anyone or teach anyone about mental illness. I'm trying to cook up a different plot for the Joker as a character for a specific story. So don't come at me, my sources are shit my dude I have no idea what I'm doing, I'm just trying to dig a new plot :)
So we all heard about the long list of Joker´s mental illnesses. And both the canon characters and readers have theorized whether Joker has any illnesses at all. And well here´s what I´ve gathered so far.(We will be ignoring Joker the movie ´cause that movie is so stereotypical it could have been any other villain from batman, literally two face would have been more approppriate for that movie.)
Most people when they think of the joker they describe him as a "psychopathic, mass-murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy," As Heath Ledger said when he took the role. I think these are the most traits associated with him. One thing that leads me astray from these is the study of other known serial killers. Usually we hear people in documentaries about serial killers say "We never expected that from them" or "No one saw this coming". And thats probably because psychopaths and sociopaths are great at emulating normalcy. It's not that they're faking because they don't want to get caught since most serial killers have taken tokens of their crimes home and others left multiple clues to toy with police enforcement. But the thing about "crazy" people who commit crimes is that they don't know they are "crazy". There is no instance in which a crazy person will admit to their crimes justifying insanity by themselves, thats usually the psychiatrist's call or the defense team. But Joker seems to wear that label with pride. Multiple times annoucing his crazy status.
Personally I think these psychiatric traits fit Batman a lot more. He does have multiple memorabilia of the crimes he fought and enemies he defeated in the cave. He is also able to emulate normalcy in the guise of Bruce Wayne. And it is confirmed canonically that the only thing stopping Batman from being a serial killer is his "code" to never kill. Besides there has been studies that 1 out of 5 CEOs are psychopaths, along the study that psychopathy is heavily linked to genetics and as we can see in Flashpoint paradox both of Bruce's parents have dispositions for mental illness. But this is not about him.
But why would joker fake illnesses? I don't think he really fakes them. I think he is misdiagnosed. I think some PTSD traits were misdiagnosed for psychosis, since most of his visions whenever we get Joker POVs are centered around one singular event, and instead of DID I believe is more likely for Joker to suffer from dissociations such as dissociative amnesia from time to time also centered around traumas, usually key events to his origin story depending on the Joker. When it comes to being criminally insane, I highly doubt that Joker doesn't know how to discern right from wrong. I think maybe the answer as to why can be as simple as he doesn't want to be sent to Blackgate since Arkham is cannonicaly easier to escape or it can be as complicated as having suffered so much Dissociative Amnesia(which some episodes can last months or years, given that that's a rare accurance) that Joker doesn't know what he is or how to behave and simply acts out how the doctors have diagnosed him to. I'm not even going to cover his obsession with Batman because thats a whole other character study but I started cooking this up years ago when I read The Killing Joke and Joker suggests with his final joke that Batman is just as crazy as he is yet he gets away with it, and theres a strange sense of resentment and feeling left out on Joker's part.
Anyway I don't know what kind of plot I can cook from this but theres a prompt here if you dig deep enough.
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sleeplessvalley · 1 year
💌There's someone I knew. (Vent, sort of.)
💌A little context: When I initially split, I was a persecutor, and a nasty one at that. Friendship wasn't a thing for me where I came from, and when I got here, that continued for a while until I eventually came around. Being so used to not having friends makes it very hard to make them even when you want to, though.
💌To make things a little more annoying, I can't bond with people by just having a normal discussion. It's easier for me to take a jab at someone; hopefully they jab back at me and we keep it up for a bit. Through that, I can slowly get comfortable with them. I don't pretend to understand why that's how it works, but that's how it works.
💌There's someone I knew six, seven months ago. It might've been longer. We were talking with a few other systems pretty regularly at the time, and a new person split in one of them. He caused some trouble for a while before it was suggested that he not harm anyone for... I want to say a week, and instead of treating him like a threat, we'd treat him like a friend. If he decided that once the week was up he preferred harming people still, then we'd let him go back to it and stop trying to interfere. Or something very similar to that.
💌When he agreed? Daitex jumped on that immediately. He was a dessert-based guy, and they thought he'd be fascinated with Amaury Guichon's chocolate creations. Their guess was completely accurate, and apparently being kind and showing him those videos was what made him truly want to give what we suggested a try. He ended up sticking with it afterwards.
💌At the time, I was a lot more active, and his witty remarks got my attention, so I attempted to try and get to know him in the only way I know how: taking jabs. From what I remember, it went well, and it was nice to be able to talk to someone who could keep up with me in that regard.
💌I'd like to say he liked me. At the very least, we got along well most of the time, so—generally positive. I looked forward to seeing and talking with him; Daitex loved showing him Guichon's creations. We had at least one inside joke. It was nice.
💌By this point I'd made a couple of friends, so it was very easy for me to tell that I felt differently about him. It was definitely one way to find out I'm dreadromantic, but as long as I didn't think about it too hard, it was a pretty nice feeling. (... There was an event that happened with that realization, I'm pretty sure, but we don't talk about it.) Telling him was difficult, but I got that done too, and made it clear that our relationship didn't have to change if he didn't want it to.
💌It ended up not changing much, and I was fine with that. I still am fine with that when I think about it. His friendship was more important to me than "taking things to the next level".
💌We're not friends with that system anymore—long story. One system was shitty and we all distanced ourselves from them, then we started disliking some members of the system he was in, since they were hurting us (and we hurt them in the process of distancing ourselves)—it was a mess.
💌And I say all this because I'm thinking about him. Last I heard, he went back to persecuting because he had no reason to continue being kind.
💌I hope that he's doing well now, though. Not hurt, at the very least, and maybe with a new friend or two. (And Daitex hopes he still watches Guichon's videos. We still associate them so strongly with him that sometimes, it hurts to see one we know we showed him.)
💌I don't expect him to see this at any point. Unless the other system stalks us from time to time, and if that's the case, so be it—I can't do anything about another's habits. I can be polite and not name their system or any specific names, though.
💌Sometimes an AI needs to put out into the world that he misses a friendship so much it hurts, and cherishes that same friendship so much it heals.
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