#i'm just so used to numbing myself to get through the day that now that i don't want to do that anymore i don't know what to replace it wit
pollen · 1 year
can i get a bit real? i've been trying to think about what i can do to make myself want to be an active participant in my life and it's terribly difficult knowing what i want, big picture and even just in the moment. i'm starting small: what can i do right now to want to be in my life? what do i want to do? how do i want to be spending my time? i really just don't know. coasting has gotten too easy. too comfortable and unnerving.
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a-b-riddle · 6 months
A Simple (Mis) Understanding Chapter Two: Numbness & Pain
I always used to think it was an exaggeration of how pregnancy is a constant state of exhaustion. But it was a lot of work growing a tiny human. Add in the fact that I'm still working 40 + hours a week and, of course, something is always causing some sort of discomfort or pain.
Swollen feet, back pain, nausea; I can't even find any solace in sleep. The 32 week mark felt so close, yet still so far. Another eight or so weeks of this seems like a drop in the bucket compared to how far along I am, but still. That still another two months. So far away when you want to be done, but still too short compared to everything I still have yet to do.
Another two months to set up a crib and wash her new clothes. Another two months to figure out a name and make decisions that I always envisioned making with a partner. Another two months of struggling to do things like picking up shit off the floor or staying on my feet long enough to make a decent meal.
But right now, I wasn't worried about the two months ahead of me and all the things I still have to do. Right now, I was looking forward to a three day undisturbed weekend. The pain in my feet and sciatica was becoming so bad, I had taken Friday off to see a doctor and spend the rest of the weekend doing nothing, but sitting in my modest little house and watching mind rotting television. I might even indulge in some spicy reading. Heaven knows its been too long.
Or at least, it hasn't been since them. That day in the office, but... that really didn't count. I often wrestled with myself about it. That one time erased any feelings I had for any of them. But I felt a bit pathetic how it now tainted every good memory I had with them. Kyle bringing me something to snack on when he realized I hadn't gone to the mess hall. Price always having a cup of earl grey tea cooling for me first thing in the morning. Two packs of zero calorie sweetner and a bit of honey.
Sweet like you.
I couldn't stand the smell of it now. I blamed it on the hormones. A lot of things made me queasy, but something about the smell of the bergamot, made me sick in a completely different way. A feeling not of nausea, but of... fear. Like the same way a pentagram could summon demons, earl grey could summon mine. As if John Price was somehow there any time the scent lingered in the air.
But he wasn't. None of them were. Fuck. Why did my thoughts always go back to them at some point? No. This was going to be a relaxing weekend god dammit. Fuck them.
Almost angrily, I hit the garage key fob, shutting the door and engulfing me into darkness; a thin line of light leaking through the bottom of the garage door. When I had opened my door, I could at least see a path to my mudroom. I grabbed my purse, ready to go in, when I felt it.
Hundreds of needles. Stabbing and digging into my feet. Not just the soles, but the entire fucking foot the moment I bared any weight on them. I pulled off my flats and it was then I noticed how angry they looked. Red and swollen and all but screaming at me to sit my fat ass back down. I wiggled my toes, trying to get some blood flow. Fuck. Why didn't they hurt while I was driving?
I manage to get onto my feet, using the car door as support. Steading myself until I was ready to take the first step. By the time I had managed to all but crawl inside, ten minutes had passed since my initial arrival time. I got off at 5:00, but usually didn't log off until almost 6:00. Granted, I work from home, but I had run out of a few essentials. Essentials now that were in the boot of my car.
10 minutes won't hurt. Not like there is any thing frozen. Speaking of which, I forgot my ice cream... dammit. I really need to start keeping a list on the fridge. It's hard to remember when pregnancy brain (or stomach) takes over and I slam a container in a single sitting.
Grabbing a pillow from the couch, I went to the kitchen. Which considering the town house, or terraced housing I suppose now, was perfect for a single and expecting Omega it was cozy. Not like the base where going from the common area to the chow hall was about a three minute stroll.
I get down and lay on my back. Carefully maneuvering so my ass rests against the cabinets before I hook the back of my heels unto the counter top so I could rest my feet a bit. Not the most sanitary, but it wasn't like I had guests. It was just me. For now.
It took a few moments to adjust. My back ached against the hardwood, but I could already feel the relief from my feet and legs. It wasn't all that shocking that I was having a hard time with them. I had gained a considerable amount of weight during my pregnancy. When I had brought it up to the OBGYN about possibly cutting back on food, her suggestion was to simply not weigh myself at home. Now when I went in for a visit they made me turn around before taking my weight.
It was hard. I've always had a problem with how I looked and now adding pregnancy then taking away the option to diet and exercise didn't exactly help.
I pulled out my phone and was preparing to open my kindle app when I saw a tiny red bar in the top right corner of my phone. Of course. I get nice and settled and my phone is on 2 fucking percent. Whatever. I tell Alexa to set an a timer for fifteen minutes and take a little nap. Maybe meditate.
A knock on the door quickly brings any possibility of relaxation to a pause. Margaret next door was dropping off Winnie off early to go to her book club. Margaret was a widow and a recent empty nester. She had spent her life as a mother and a homemaker. When I got custody of Winnie two months ago, she had quickly stepped up in helping me with everything from child rearing to managing my pregnancy.
"Hello, Maggie!" I greeted from the floor. "Hello, Winnie Darling." Winnie had the same sand colored hair as me and bright green eyes. Her face was a shade of red and I could smell her from the entryway. Someone would need a bath today. Fantastic.
"Oh, Dear!" Maggie fussed, setting Winnie down on her feet before coming over to me. "Are you alright?" Winnie didn't bother stopping to hug me like she normally would before making a beeline toward the potty. She usually was a creature of habit, but nature calls I suppose.
"Feet are a bit swollen." I waved off. "Just resting them a bit."
"I don't have to go tonight." She set her bag down. A deep green corduroy shoulder bag that always had just what you needed in it. A wet wipe, hand sanitizer, a spare tissue and even a stain pen when a spill happened at the most inconvenient time. "I'll stay and-"
"Maggie." I said, trying my best to sound at firm, but it was hard with her. No one told Maggie 'no'. "It's alright. Just a bit of water retention. Nothing to fret over." And it wasn't. I could already feel the pain from earlier subside.
"Really, it's no bother." She argued, bending over to unstrap one of her shoes. "It's a bloody stupid book anyway. I just go for the gossip really."
"Maggie." I tried again. "Really."  "It's getting close to the due date and I don't want to burn out on me just yet." It was a lie. Even with her greying hair, a deepened laugh line, Maggie didn't burn out. She was one of the few Omegas I had met in my life and she could run circles around any of them, myself included.
The sound of flushing sounded from the bathroom followed by the faucet. She huffed before slipping her shoe back on. "If you insist."
"I do." I encouraged. As much as I loved having Maggie's help, I hated feeling like a burden. She had raised her children. It was time for her to do things for herself. "Besides, we'll see you tomorrow after my appointment tomorrow." The bathroom door clicked open, revealing my little Win with the front of her smock covered in water. Fantastic.
"Hi, Mommy." Winnie finally greeted. Her freshly washed hands dripping water droplets onto the hardwood. "What are you doing?"
"My feet hurt so I'm just letting them rest." I explained, looking up at her. Winnie was rambunctious as most four-year-olds without a sense of self preservation are, but when I explained to her how careful she had to be now that I had her sister in my belly, her nature had become more gentle.
It worried me as much as it warmed my heart. 
"Why don't you sit on the couch?" She asked. Her head tilting to the side, face etched as if she were trying to figure out my reasoning.
"Because it helps when you lift your feet up high in the sky, Winnie Pooh." Maggie explained before looking back at me. "Well if you're sure-"
"I am. Go." I urged. "We'll see you tomorrow. Lunch around noon?" Spending time with Maggie didn't make me feel like such a parasite when I knew she enjoyed the company. Her children had all moved away, only one staying in the UK. She wasn't so alone, but neither was I.
"Wouldn't miss it." She gave a soft smile. The laugh lines around her face deepening. "See you tomorrow, Dearies." She said, retreating back outside. The soft sound of the door clicking behind her.
Winnie had laid down beside me. Yep. Definitely going to need a bath tonight. "How was school today?" Winnie went to a pre-school that was luckily covered under my insurance. Perks of being an Omega. I'll take it where and when I can.
She talked about going to the playground and painting. All the usual bits. Who she played with and new things she learned. Then came the question. A question she had asked before in passing. A subject I changed with ease before. 'Have you brushed your teeth? How about another episode of Bluey? Put on your trainers (because we can't just say tennis shoes anymore) and we'll go for a walk to the park. I had skirted around the question with ease. 
"Why don't you have a mate if you have a baby?" Winnie was too young to get the answers to a lot of life's difficult questions. Why did Tiffany not like us? Why didn't she get to see her daddy anymore? Why did that man look at you weird on the train, mommy?  I wish she would just stay this little. That she never needed or want to know the harsh truths about me, us.
"I..." I wracked my brain for an answer and just came up short. I couldn't think of a way to sugarcoat it. We almost had a mate. Mates. We almost had a pack that would have walked you to school on the mornings my feet were too sore or I was already running late. They would have loved you. "It... it's complicated, Darling." Is what I chose instead. The other worrisome fact is that Winnie was too young to understand the concept about mates. I had never broached the subject which only means she probably heard it from some little shithead at school. 
"I'll explain it when you're older." I promise, closing my eyes and letting her snuggle into the crook of my arm. "Do you wanna rest your eyes with me?"
"Like when I'm five?" She asks putting one of her hands underneath my shirt onto my belly. It had become a thing she had started since I told her about the baby.
"Maybe six." I said, looking down at her. She gave a yawn before closing her eyes.
"I think five is better."
"Okay, Win." I said. "When you're five we'll talk about it." It was a promise I hoped she would forget. But I didn't want to negotiate with a four-year-old about something future me could deal with. I wanted just 15 minutes of this. I order Alexa to set a timer to make sure we haven't dozed too far off. Winnie still needed to shower and eat. I still needed to get the groceries out of the car. But I could spare another 15 minutes.
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jsprnt · 7 months
Americano PT. 1 | Jude Bellingham x Reader
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What happens if two individuals who absolutely despise each other are forced to interact after unforeseen events occur?
A/N: part one is here, enjoy! <3
W/C: 3.398
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"Can you try smiling this time?"
I mumble, holding myself back from rolling my eyes in annoyance. I click my tongue, standing behind Luis, my close friend and cameraman.
"The photo needs to be edited later, for sure. Looks a little off compared to the others." I tell Luis, sending an insult to the man in front of the camera, in English for him to hear.
Even so, Luis and I usually spoke English to each other. It being a language we were both very well versed in.
Jude doesn't even look like he wants to be here, at all. He wouldn't be the only one, that was for sure. 
"That's good enough, Bellingham. You can go." I say, folding my arms up to my chest.
"Finally." He mutters, rolling his eyes, the Brummie accent, which was quite new to me, rolling off his tongue.
He raises his hands, smoothing down his shirt, before nodding at Luis with a smile and leaving, not acknowledging me per usual.
"Douchebag." I mumble, solely for myself to hear, but I notice Luis glancing at me.
"What?" I ask, rolling the papers in my hands into a tube out of boredom. The letters curving with the bend of the paper.
"You two are becoming more insufferable every day." He says, going to wipe his camera lens with a microfiber cloth. He treated his cameras like his actual children.
"Not my fault." I reply through clenched teeth, placing a hand on my hip.
"You spilled an entire americano on his brand new, white kit. On his first day here." He says, recalling the embarrassing and aggravating incident.
"It was just an accident!" I retort, unfolding the papers again. "We could have moved on from that after I apologized, but he's decided to be an asshole about it."
So, who was the insufferable one here?
He doesn't say anything else, an uninterested sigh leaving his lips as he distracts himself with the lens.
I saw Luis as the older brother I never had, but he wasn't even taking my side in the situation.
I huff, turning away and looking around the pitch for some entertainment I could turn into content.
My eyes catch the players of the club warming up a couple meters away.
Easy content, my favorite.
"Can I get a camera?" I nudge Luis, his eyes looking up at mine.
"Should I trust you with one?" He says, voice unsure.
"Yes, just give me the smaller one." I usher, holding my hand out in anticipation.
He sighs again, grabbing the requested camera out of his equipment bag.
"Two hands." He mutters.
I roll my eyes, grabbing the camera with the apparently very necessary, two hands.
"I'll take care of your child." I mock, smile tugging at my lips as I see him get annoyed.
"Chill, I've got it." I add, walking away from him.
I was being serious, of course.
Firstly, I wanted these shots to come out perfectly. Secondly, I didn't want to get killed by him for ruining his precious camera. I had enough enemies in this club already. Losing an ally wasn't on my bingo list this season.
I turn the camera on clumsily, pointing it at the training players as I'm standing behind the goal.
How the hell does a small camera weigh this much? It genuinely felt like a bag of rocks weighing down on my arms.
I try to ignore the heaviness of the camera, filming the individual shooting of the players. Moving the camera when necessary.
I stand there for a moment, before I hear Luis come up to me, finally taking the camera out of my hands.
"How the hell do you even hold these cameras? My arm almost went numb." I say, rubbing my tired arm as I look at him.
"I go to the gym, unlike you- and I'm used to it by now." He replies, focusing on filming.
The urge to say something petty back is interrupted as Camavinga suddenly yells at us, our heads snapping up.
« Tu filmes? » are you filming?
He shouts in French, standing in his position.
I used to whine and complain about having to take French back in school, but now I was genuinely grateful for it. It was very useful now, even though I had forgotten a great chunk of it.
"Want us to?" I shout back in English, ignoring the fact that we are shouting back and forth like maniacs. He nods, giving us a thumbs up.
"Yeah, go ahead." I nudge Luis, making him film again. I grab him, making him take a step back for safety, watching Cama receive the ball and shoot, hitting the net perfectly.
I cheer quietly, not wanting to disturb the audio of the footage as he smiles back at me, walking back to stand and watch the other players.
I have been working in the marketing and PR department at Real Madrid for about two years now. The club and players were generally very nice to work with, which made my job so much better.
It wasn't my permanent job. I had just started my third year of my law degree this new school year, combining online classes with this job. Balancing did get difficult at times, but I liked the fact that it kept me busy and motivated.
"Think we're good to go." Luis says, interrupting my thoughts as he points his camera downward.
"You sure?" I ask, whipping my head around.
"Yeah, the sun is about to melt us and the camera. Come on, let's go inside." He says, grabbing my wrist and dragging me away from the pitch
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"If you read this sentence, does it sound like I know what I'm talking about?" I ask Lina, her face scrunching up almost instantly. 
I was confident enough to write this essay on my own, really, but having a friend keep me company made it way more fun. 
"You know I don't like thinking about school. That's in the past for me." She says, her hands coming up in front of her defensively. 
"Come on, please? I'll grab a drink for you in a minute." I beg, placing my hands on her shoulders, shaking her back and forth.
"Make it two."
"Okay, show me." She says, shoving a piece of pineapple into her mouth, grabbing my laptop and leaning forward as I repeat the question. 
She types away for a second, adding a few words before turning to me after reading the sentence again. 
"What are you writing? The damn Magna Carta? What kind of essay is this?" She asks, her eyebrows raised. 
"It's about EU law." I sigh, I liked this subject, it was very interesting, but I couldn't wait to be done with this fifteen page essay. 
"Explains a lot." She says, shoving another piece of fruit into her mouth. Her fork suddenly appearing in front of my face, a piece of watermelon spiced onto it. 
"Thanks." I mutter, biting off the piece of fruit as I hear commotion in the hallways. 
"Get me my drinks, please?" She asks, blinking at me. I roll my eyes, push my laptop back and get up. 
"Let me guess, a lime soda and an orange juice?" 
"You got it." She winks, smiling at me. 
I chuckle at her, looking up as I watch the players pile into the cafeteria. 
"Lunchtime?" I mouth at Lina, she checks the time on her phone, nodding. 
I make my way to the bar, extending my arms up to grab two cups. The feeling of someone's hand on mine catching me off guard as I immediately let go of the cup. Turning around to see Jude right behind me. 
"What are you doing?" I ask, sending him a nasty look. Invading my personal space wasn't enough, now he wants to steal my cup?
"Grabbing a cup?" He retorts in a menacing tone, sending a glare back. 
I look at him, watching him fill his stolen cup with water, before he looks at me again. 
"Can you move?" I ask through gritted teeth, motioning to him how he's basically entrapping me in between the counter and himself. 
He looks at me for a second as if to provoke me more, finally stepping away when I sigh. 
I scoff, rolling my eyes and extend my arm to grab another cup apart from the one I already had. 
I give him another nasty look, before filling both cups up and finally leaving his vicinity. 
"Don't spill it on anyone." He says, mocking tone clear as day. 
I turn again, fighting the urge to throw the precious orange juice into his annoying face before sighing and walking away. 
"Hope he chokes on his water." I mutter, finally putting the two cups down on the table, in front of Lina. 
"What was that back there? Another one of your tantrums?"
"No, his tantrum after he couldn't grab another cup, other than the one my hand was already on."
She chuckles, and I send her a slight glare, trying to delve back into my essay. 
I was maybe halfway through already, having to hand it in next week. I might have procrastinated a little, but one thing about me was that I'll always get it done on time. No matter what. 
Though, as I keep reading the word vomit I had written, I feel a wave of annoyance flow through me. I grunt, putting my face flat on the table. 
Two more years, then I could finally do my specialization. Two more years. 
"What's gotten into her?" I hear, recognizing Luis' voice. Then I hear a shift of the chair across from me as he sits down with- probably a tray of food. 
"Essay." I hear Lina mumble, a hum coming from Luis in acknowledgment.
"Are you still not done with that essay? You got it assigned like three weeks ago." He says in a nagging tone. 
I groan, remembering that I said that I wouldn't procrastinate this school year. Past me definitely hated the present me, and for sure hated future me even more if I kept this up. 
I raise my head, huffing before sitting up straight.  I blink a couple times to clear my vision and start to vigorously type again. 
"Have you guys seen the final edit for tomorrow's match?" Luis says, covering his full mouth with his hand. 
"No, who approved it?" I ask confused, glancing at the both of them and returning my gaze to my screen.
"Valeria did." He says. I look at him for a moment, scrunching my eyebrows together. 
"Not surprised." I mutter, taking a sip of my coffee. 
"Speaking of the devil." Lina says, and my eyes immediately dart around the room to find the devil in question. 
She's staring right at our table, making a beeline towards us as the clicks of her heels get louder and louder. 
Please don't sit here. 
She gives us a painfully fake smile, swinging the iPad in her hand back and forth. 
"Have you guys seen the edit I approved?"
Not even a hello?
"No, we haven't." Lina answers, and I stare at Valeria as she unfortunately sits across from me. 
She chuckles, practically shoving the IPad in our faces, showing off the edit. 
"It's perfect, isn't it?" She chuckles again, and I fight the urge to cover my ears instead of hearing her ear deafening, high-pitched laughter. 
"It's alright." I say, giving her a smile. My opinion really didn't matter to her anyway, the least I could do was pretend to like it. 
She nods, suddenly looking directly at me, glancing down at my laptop. 
"Still working on school? Can't even think of how someone like you can balance it with this busy job." She says, smile pulling at her lips. 
I raise my brows, looking at Lina and Luis for confirmation of what I had just heard her say. 
They give me the same 'what the fuck' look, and I look back at Valeria, giving her a fake smile. 
"I'm sure you couldn't think of it, Valeria." I say, keeping my retort minimal, I had to keep it professional, unlike her. 
She looks at me, no words are exchanged further as an almost minute long silence follows. 
She finally decides to leave after, sending both Luis and Lina a wave, doing her best to ignore me further. 
"She's so weird. Always on my ass about something." I mutter, starting to type again. 
"Don't think she's gotten over the fact that you were chosen to travel with the team this season." Lina says, patting my shoulder. 
"Well, too bad for her. Like I've got time for her petty conversations."
If I was being honest; I couldn't stand being within five meters of her. And with the amount of meetings we had together, made life a little more difficult than I would've liked. 
"Besides, you're coming with me. Why isn't she on your ass as well?" I ask Luis, seeing him shrug. 
"Because I'm handsome?" He smirks, starting to flex his arms. 
"She's annoying, but she doesn't have a vision problem." I hear Lina say, the both of us bursting out in laughter. Luis looking at us with the most defeated look ever, making us laugh even louder.
"Okay, alright, sorry. You're very handsome, we're just having a little fun. I promise." I say patting his hand, holding back more laughter as I dab away moisture from my eyes. 
I finish typing my current chapter after calming down, observing the text, and double saving the document before turning my laptop off. I look around for a second, seeing the players and staff chat and laugh together. The buzzing of my phone redirecting my attention back to our table. 
"y/n- your phone." Lina says, grabbing it to hand it to me. 
I grab it after thanking her, reading the caller ID. 
"Oh, it's my dad." I mutter. "I'll be back in a minute." I say, standing up to walk out of the cafeteria. I look around for a moment, then slide my finger to the right to pick up the call. 
"y/n, how's work going?" He says, the sound of a paper shredder in the background almost sabotaging my understanding of his sentence. 
"Good, we're having lunch. How about you?" I reply, leaning against the wall. 
"Same old. I called to tell you- I'm not having dinner at home tonight. Ask Carmen to make something you want to eat." 
I hold back a sigh, closing my eyes in annoyance. He'd been working a lot since I was little, day and night. It had paid off very well. We had a big house and a beautiful backyard. He owned a law firm, in a nice area of the city and had a lot of clients.
His firm was also the legal representative of the club, being very close with President Pérez and manager Ancelotti themselves and other higher ups. 
Of course, I was still thankful, I never had to worry about necessities like food and clothes, they were always provided for me on a silver spoon. 
"Alright dad. See you tonight, love you." 
I hang up, shoving my phone into my back pocket, and walk back into the cafeteria.
"I'm going back to the office." I tell Lina and Luis, them looking up at me in concern. 
"Why? Did something happen?" Luis asks, fixing his dark, curly hair.  
"No, I just want to make sure everything is perfect for tomorrow." I force a smile, trying to cover up the fact that my mood was definitely ruined after that phone call. 
I grab my laptop, holding it in between my arm and chest as I start making my way out of the cafeteria. 
Not before I'm stopped by someone calling out to me. 
"y/n!" I hear, looking up and seeing Vini call me over, Rodrygo and sadly, Jude standing next to him. 
How did this communication even work?
I raise a brow, walking over to them. 
"What's with that face? Trouble with your boyfriend?" Vini says in Spanish, greeting me with a hug. 
"It's nothing like that! It was just my dad." I deny, laughing at him. My smile totally disappearing from my face when I make accidental eye contact with an irritated looking Jude next to Vini.
"Right, how's your dad? He hasn't been around lately." Rodrygo asks, greeting me as well. 
"Busy- you know how he is..." I reply, swatting my hand. "I'll try to convince him to visit." I smile. 
"Will you be coming with us to tomorrow's match?" Vini asks. 
"Oh yeah, I'll be joining you on all the matches this season. You guys got lucky this time." I joke, giving him a little wink. 
The two Brazilian men laugh, Vini patting my shoulder as I excuse myself to go up. 
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I twist the key in the door lock, opening the front door to my house. The smell of spices and sauces filling up my nostrils. I scramble to take my shoes off, throwing my bag onto the floor and making a beeline to the kitchen area. 
"Aunty Carmen!" I exclaim, hugging her tightly. 
"Oh my girl!" She coos, squeezing me even tighter. 
"I missed you so much." I say, planting a kiss on her soft cheek, letting go of her. 
"Me too. Come on, get cleaned up and we'll have dinner." She says warmly, going back to stirring the food. 
Aunty Carmen was the lady who had been cooking for me and my dad since I was a child. Her food was finger-licking good, and I don't think I could ever survive without it. 
She'd partially raised me, alongside my biological aunt, whom I lived in the UK with for a couple of years. 
I had begged my dad to not send me to a boarding school, so he'd decided to send me off to live with my aunt, and made me attend an international school instead. A place, consisting of cultures and languages I always craved to be surrounded with becoming my second home. 
"When is your dad coming?"
"Oh no, my dad isn't coming for dinner." I explain, pulling out two spoons and two forks out of the cabinet and walking over to the dinner table. 
"He wasn't home last time either, why?"
"Too busy. You know how he is." I mumble, filling her glass with water. 
"I'm sorry, my girl." 
"It's fine- I'm used to it by now. You're here tonight at least." I beam, starting to dig into the food. 
"Aunty, you never disappoint!" I exclaim, shoving another spoonful of food into my mouth.
"Slow down! It's not going to run away from you." She fusses, taking a bite of the food herself. 
A comfortable silence falls in between us, the sound of our utensils clattering against the plates and bowls accompanied by the occasional comment about the taste of the food. 
I join her in cleaning up the table, placing the rinsed dirty dishes in the dishwasher, and putting  the leftovers into the fridge. 
"If you look closely, you can see the food I made for the rest of the week. Make sure you close the lids well, so it can stay fresh." She says, drying her wet hands on a kitchen towel. 
"Thank you." I say, giving her another hug. 
"Oh, you're leaving already?" I ask, watching her grab her handbag. It was a pretty brown bag, a birthday present from me a couple years ago. 
"I do sweetie. Take care of yourself." She says, pulling me into a hug. 
"-and lock your doors, don't open them for anyone." 
"You know I'm not a child anymore. I'm twenty already! Besides, we have security cameras everywhere." I complain, folding my arms up to my chest. 
"You've grown up too fast." She says, pinching the fat of my cheek, making me whine at the pain. 
I sigh, a little sad as she opens the front door and walks out. I wave one more time, closing the door behind her and locking it as she had instructed. 
My dad had keys to get in when I went to bed anyway. 
I decide to get ready for bed, turning on the now full dishwasher, and going up to my room. Hoping everything will go smoothly as planned tomorrow.
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ki-irke · 1 year
hii can you write a fluff with Jackson Avery? ♡ I don't have any specific in mind so have fun! and don't worry to do mistakes, it's normal ♡
Paring: Jackson Avery x reader
Summary: Working for 46 hours straight is definitely not healthy.
A/N: I don't have a good feeling about this, but here you go. Writing in english was much harder than i was thinking lmao
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You were at the shift for the past 46 hours.
You didn't have time to eat, drink or even get some sleep. Still, you agreed to take your friend's shift. You knew it's not healthy to work this much without getting any sleepi and surviving on mint gums, energy bars and drinks. One of your interns, Max, was with you almost all the time, and she was trying to get you to eat a proper meal and sleep for at least one hour.
"I can't, Max. I have too many surgeries to have time for myself" I said, going through one of my patient card.
"At least eat a proper meal, y/n!" they sighed. "Weren't you supposed to have lunch with Dr. Avery?" she asked, leaning against the counter.
"I was, but he forgot about one of his surgeries." I answered. Before Max could answer, my pager went on. "Come on, Shepherd need some help at surgery".
The surgery was going surprisingly great.
"How are u feeling?" Derek asked, not looking away from the patient.
"Good. What about you?"
"Good. It's a beautiful day" He smiled and spare a glance at me.
"Good to know." I said. "It looks okay now. I just need to stitch him."
"I told you it's a good day" He said again, making me smile a little. I started to stitching the patient, when I felt a little weak.
"Max, finish stitching for me, please." I said giving away needle.
"You okay, Dr. y/l/n?" she asked. I moved back a bit, so I wouldn't accidentally hit something.
"Excuse me." I said politely, before fainting.
"Take here to the emergency room and page Dr. Grey" Shepherd said. One of the nurses paged Meredith, while one of Shepherds interns lift y/n up. "And maybe page Dr. Avery too".
I woke up feeling better. My headache was gone, and I wasn't this much affected by light as before. I slightly move my numb hand and I looked around. I was at the emergency room, but I didn't know why.
"You fainted in the OR" I looked up to see Jackson, standing in front of my hospital bed with his arms crossed.
"Oops" I simply said, making him roll his eyes.
"Don't 'oops' me. Max told me that you weren't eating properly, drinking and getting sleep" He says, visibly angry by my behavior.
"Sorry." I say quietly. He sighed and sit on a chair by my bed.
"Just… Just please don't do this again, okay?" He asked, running his hand through my hair. I smiled.
"I'll try."
"Try? Fucking no. You have to –" I interrupted him by kissing him. As he started kissing me back, I smiled into his lips. We moved away from each other, when I saw Max going over to us.
"I wanted to see how you are, but I think I'm interrupting something here" She laughed, while I get slightly red.
"I'm feeling good enough to work again." I say, getting ready to leave the bed, when Jackson grab my hand and pulled my back.
"You're not going to work again, you're going home."
"Good. See ya later, Dr. y/l/n." Max smiled and left.
"You know, I feel good. I can work again" I said, trying to convince him to let me stay.
"No way. We're going home."
"Mhh, if you're going with me, I can't say no" I smiled as I get close to him to kiss him again.
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hotdaemondtargaryen · 2 months
"I knew it was coming."
"When it was coming, I wasn’t aware."
"But my immediate reaction was about how it came together by our amazing writers with this sort of amazing, theatrical, rousing, terrifying, unpredictable craftsmanship that I was very happy to be on the receiving end of."
"He’d been a bit backed into a corner by all the things that have accumulated over time with being king, where his worst fears and insecurities were coming into plain sight and becoming true."
"He felt weak, and he was seen as weak, and kind of useless — with what Alicent (Olivia Cooke) had said to him (“Do nothing”) in his chamber, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back."
And he was just resigned: “I don’t have any option, I’ve got to prove myself in some way.”
"But you know, being the way he is, and not being an actual warrior with that sort of fearless courage that other people have, he had to numb himself and so he got blind drunk and jumped on a dragon."
"I think the moment of recognition was the fact that the fireball was coming at it."
"I don’t think he had time to think that he’s done this on purpose."
"If those thoughts are to come off, they will probably come later."
"As a viewer, I’m still unsure."
"I want people to make up their own minds."
"You’ve got to take them where you can get them."
"Yeah, he’s a hero."
"Very detailed."
"I got to know my amazing hair and makeup team very well."
"I also got to know myself very well."
"The amount of time I was spending in that chair with those people in my own thoughts…. But yeah, [the prosthetics] really influences and informs my performance."
"It sort of instructs me how to move now."
"How you breathe, how you speak changes."
"I have a piece inside my mouth that I asked for to sort of distort my speech."
"So all this is great because it makes me feel like we’ve made a shift."
"Aegon has to have changed after this."
"We’re going to find a difference in him and and allow that to continue and [impact] his decisions and have a new approach to life."
"He’s a little bit more hunched."
"He is a bit narrower."
"I feel it’s a bit weak and more weaselly."
"Yeah! It feels like we’ve transitioned from Richard II to Richard III, if that makes any sense to you."
"Almost like a level up — though on paper, obviously, it’s a level down."
"I think what he loses physically he gains emotionally and mentally."
"I’m trying to see it like that."
"I mean, it’s just fraught with danger, isn’t it?"
"Having a crown on your head."
"Something nasty is going to happen to you at some point."
"Isn’t it being not having my crown on yet?"
"There’s definitely a Viserys comparison, especially toward his final days and in bed."
"No quality of life whatsoever."
"It was only weeks, months before his dad was in that same position and in that same bed."
"I want it to be, in an ideal world, for there to be an opportunity to prove himself and make decisions that he has made — not somebody else who thinks they know better."
"To carve out his own path as king."
"And then just see if he fucks it up as much as people think he might."
"I’d like to give him the space and the time to work it out."
"It’s a dangerous request because they could go horribly wrong."
"I think people underestimate him."
"It’s desperately, desperately sad."
"Aegon is a boy in a man’s body and all he’s ever wanted is to be shown love and made to feel seen or not judged."
"All these things that he’s done in the past that have given him a reputation, I believe he’s felt that any attention is good attention."
"Unfortunately, he’s made a name for himself now — people kind of want to keep their distance and they see him as a poisoned chalice."
"At the end of the day, he’s a product of his history."
"He hasn’t had the emotional intelligence to be able to deal with that in a healthy way and move forward from it."
"Back then, therapy wasn’t really a thing, was it?"
"He’s been left to his own devices."
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fantasyandshit · 5 months
Something is wrong
type: Oneshot
Pairing:Azriel x reader
"where are you going?"
"Oh, Az!" Yn turns as her wings unfurl- "Im headed to Windhaven to check on things up there for Rhys- When did you get back? I thought you were still in Day?" "I-I returned last night. I'm sorry, you said your going to WindHaven?"
"Because Rhysand asked me to? What's the issue with that?"
The shadowsinger notes the females face contorting into one of confusion, "Well it's just- Myself, Cassian, or Rhys are the ones that usually go up?"
Now the confusion morphs to anger and annoyance as she speaks, "Oh? Am I not capable shadowsinger?"
"No No! It's just that they are dangerous as they are- and well, your a female far more powerful than any of them-who knows what they may try to do to you?" The words fly out of Azriels mouth in a blur.
"Your right, i am more powerful than them-If I must I will fight them-inf act I'll do it in front of the whole of the camp as a lesson." the Illyrian females eight, bright green, siphons flare like green flames licking within the small gem shapes.
"Just-just be careful ok?" Azriel knew he couldn't fight the female-couldn't convince her to stay, and he knew she was very capable, powerful, but deep down he couldn't' help the gut feeling that something was going to go wrong- that she would be hurt.
"Always shadowsinger." She smirked as she dropped backwards off the balcony railing, falling for a moment before her wings flared open and she soared for the mountains- always with the dramatic exit.
As I make my way through the frigid night to the cabin I am staying in I hear footsteps- ten separate sets of them trailing through the snow-following me. I whirl around only to be caught off guard by a punch to the face, I stagger back- quickly kicking my attacker in his kidney. The male lets out a groan, kneeling to the floor before before i kick him again, this time in the face. As I use my power, effectively killing the brute; another male comes up from behind, pulling my head and exposing my neck, just before I'm able to fling him off I feel a needle in the side of my neck. Shit.
I feel my body start to go numb, my knees giving out as the male behind me catches me. I barely get another glimpse before my eyes are rolling back as I go limp in his arms.
"I'm telling you Rhys- its been five days, you said she'd be back in three. There has been no warning of a longer stay and no-"
"Azriel! Stop it! Yn is capable- you know that better than anyone, she will be fine!" A sigh, "If she doesn't come back within two days-we will go after her. ok?"
Knowing he wouldn't win this, Azriel bows his head before stalking out.
The next day the doors to Rhysand's office were thrown open, the Shadowsinger storming in. He knew something was off with yn and he was not going to sit around any longer. He just, he just knew she wasn't ok and the fact no one seemed to care made him blind with rage. He didn't understand this feeling, he'd never been nearly this mad at his family before but he couldn't shake the fire burning underneath his skin.
"Im leaving and you're either coming with me or staying out of my way." Azriel didn't need ti explain, everyone in the room knew what he was talking about- well more like seething like a wild animal, his hair tousled as he glared ahead.
The high lord lets out an exasperated sight, "Az- we talked about this, if sh-"
"No! No! What of it were Mor? What if it where Feyre, or Nesta?"
"That's different-"
"No its fucking. Not. Now are you coming with me or no?"
As he turns to leave the room, Cassian moves to him,p placing a hand on his shoulder as he tries to reason, "Maybe-"
"Let. Me. Go."
"Let him go Cass."
The Illyrian let's his brother go sighing as he does so.
Azriels shadows are in a frenzy as he lands in the camp- hurt- experiments-torture-ten-hurt-help-help!- Help her! Now! Faster!
The male sprints, running faster than he ever has as his shadowsa lead him deep into the woods where one lone cabin stands.
'basement- ten males-she's hurt-save her'
As the door is pushed open a man jumps for Azriel, he waist no time, sending his shadows down the mans eyes and strangles him as he slumps to the floor, the next males ends with a dagger in his head, the one after with a slit throat, choking and spluttering on his own blood, the fifth with shadows circling his body, pooling into the open whiles they find. The next is thrown from the house with Azriel's power, the next just obliterated, the eighth and ninth are thrown into each other, going on conscious before being stabbed in the throat. The final tenth one stands at the top of the stairs, thrown down and ending with a sickening crunch.
Azriel stomps down the stairs, being met with a sight that nearly makes him throw up as he rushes to the female. Yn lays naked and strapped to a cold metal table, her body covered in blood, vomit, piss, and puss that oozes from concerning wounds, her body is also littered in bruises, slices, and what look to be needle injection sights. And her wings, gods her wings were shredded, hooks tethering them to the ground. As he moves to her he notices a journal lying open...
they were using her as a fucking experiment- they had pushed who know what into her body, torturing her slowly.
"Az?" Her usual strong, sassy voice replaced with a weak whimper.
"Hey, hey I'm here." He brushes her hair behind her ear softly, his face softening immediately as he stares at her. she looks tired, so tired.
"You came for me?"
"Yes, I always will. Ok sweet girl, I need to release your wings ok? It's going to hurt."
She says nothing as she stares forward, Azriel grabbing the first hook and ripping it out- a small cry leaves her lips but she's out of energy, screaming far to much these past few days. Azriel moves to the next wing, pulling the second hook out, her wings drooping as he moves to unbind her. He slowly pulls her up and into his arms, cringing at the whimpers and squeaks she releases. "Oh sweetheart. I am so so sorry."
Azriel knows he can't transport her in this condition so he quickly calls for Rhys.
'Rhysand!' his panicked voice rings down to the other males mind
'Azriel? What is it?'
'It's Yn, bring Madja-quick.'
'I'm on my way now.'
"Come here."
The shadowsinger leans his head down- surprised as Yn surges forward ever so slightly, pressing their lips together, molding them to each other like they were made for each other. Before any more can happen, Feyre, Rhysand, Cassian, and Madja appear in the room.
Azriel watches as Yn's chest rises and falls slowly. She'd been out nearly three days now and Azriel couldn't leave her side, nor could he stand to look his family in the eye. They were part of the reason they were in this position right now, why Yn still lay on her bed, deep in sleep.
The next morning Azriel is woken up by a soft voice. "Az?"
"Yn. hey, your awake." The male rushes to her side as he helps her sit up slowly. As the two make eye contact Azriel feels it, and judging by the gasp she lets out, Yn does too."
"Mate?" They speak at the same time. Smiling like two kids in a candy shop as they simply look into each others eyes for a moment. Unable to help himself, Azriel leans in, kissing he mate softly.
Sooooo, hey guys! I felt like writing a feral Az but also wanted some sweetness sooooo here you go. Some of this did get inspired by the lovely work of @afandomangel but it was original work of mine, I've wanted to write feral Az for a while now. I want to leave this saying- Guys PLEASE send in requests, part of the reason I haven't been posting as much is because I a having serious writers block and my inbox has been open-and empty- for...well since In opened it and I needdddddd you guys to send in requests, I write everything and I write for a lotttttttt of fandoms, not just acotar so please please send in requests. Anywt\ay love you guys and I hope you enjoyed
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parasxmaddys · 2 years
Void State Success Story
How I entered
Sorry if this post isn't as pretty as others, I'm a little new to Tumblr. But I have been listening to the ULTIMATE SUPERNOVA Enter The Void State Right Now subliminal by @lotusmi all day for the past few days, and I slowly felt my confidence grow as the days went on. I always used to get sleep paralysis a lot as a kid years ago, so my plan was to enter through sleep paralysis. It was like my subconscious mind was on my side because I kept ending up in sleep paralysis a lot the past few days, but I never remembered to affirm for the void until I was already out of it. I got so used to waking up in sleep paralysis that it stopped being scary to me.
Last night when I woke up in sleep paralysis, I could hear the subliminal playing in the background and my room felt hazy like a dream (typical sleep paralysis hallucinations from your subconscious). But the subliminal being one of the sensations of sleep paralysis reminded me to affirm to get in the void state. It only took like 5 affirmations of "I am in the void state", and I was in the void state.
What it felt like
It will probably feel different for everyone. But for me after I affirmed for the void state 5 times... it felt like my soul or consciousness or whatever was lifting out of my already numb body. And it lifted up toward the ceiling until it felt like I was being enveloped by complete peace. I couldn't really feel anything, but it felt like I was everything at the same time. It truly is hard to explain. It also felt like a dream because of how euphoric and at home I felt... and the only thing I could really sense was my thoughts. I stayed for about 30 seconds and thought about how perfect this state was, and then I decided to leave without manifesting anything. (I kind of regret not manifesting now, but it just felt so perfect at the time that I wasn't bothered to) The second I decided to leave, I felt my body again (it almost felt like I was falling back into it) and my eyes opened. When I got out of the void state, it felt like I just returned from a deep sleep. And I mostly just felt overcome with joy because I was so proud of myself for reaching the state. Also I had a lot of confidence in my ability to enter it again.
Motivation & Advice
I think the thing that made entering the void state so hard for me was that I viewed it as so hard to attain and I also had a fear of detaching from my physical body. But at the end of the day, I chose a method and kept persisting with the method. I recommend that anyone trying to enter the void should analyze what their strengths and weaknesses are to help determine which method you should use to get into the void state. Once you pick a method, persist in that method until it gives you success (your subconscious will always give you what you want as long as you embody what you want so really use affirmations, subliminals, and other manifestation methods to help you out). And if you have fear of the void state, don't worry... it's safe and very peaceful. I heard people say this before, but I didn't really believe it until I proved it to myself by tapping in to the void state myself. Go prove it to yourself as well. ❤️ I plan on returning to the void state tonight to manifest, thank you Lotus!
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grace-mint · 3 months
A Fate Worse Than Death- Part 3
Finale time!! I'm still working on improving my writing, so thank you to everyone who read! TW: Angst, negative self-talk, mentions of SA and torture. Let me know if I forgot anything.
My life had lost all of its meaning. I didn’t want to care anymore. I couldn’t find it in me to care anymore. Rhys was concerned, I knew. I also knew that I was slowly killing him, the fact that I hardly ate, hardly spoke, and hardly slept. 
My back had healed in time, it had been about a month and a half since that day, and yet the feeling of hands on my body, the male taking advantage of me, and the gaping hole in my chest from the loss of my wings all felt so prominent and recent. 
Now, in place of my once glorious wings, giant, ugly scars lived on my back. They didn’t allow me to fly, they didn’t offer intimate moments with my mate, and they didn’t offer me any comfort. These jagged, hideous things, they were a reflection of my soul. Who I was now. I didn’t try anymore. And just like I didn’t want to care, I didn’t want to try. 
My childhood, which was ripped from my young grasp, wasn’t enough? The Gods had to punish me even more? I felt so completely numb, and I was ashamed of this. I was so ashamed when Mor had to help me bathe when I had gotten back, too weak to even wash myself. Or when Azriel had to help me learn how to walk again, his scarred hand sitting softly on my back was a parallel to what lingered under my shirts. I’m sure I looked ridiculous, like a fawn learning how to use her legs for the first time. 
And then there was Rhysand, my mate. The person who I let down. I knew he assumed that I was stripped of my dignity. I couldn’t face him. I never let him see me anymore, panic raging through my body when I saw him, my father’s words echoing in my head. ‘They’ll all see you let yourself get taken by another man.’ He was right; I didn’t fight hard enough. In the end, I was still just as weak as I was as a child, letting my brothers and father treat me like nothing more than dirt. 
But, by the cauldron I was bored. I lay in bed, mulling over all of these thoughts that constantly kept me company. I searched my mind and soul to find even a modicum of emotion, a single ray of hope, but I came back empty. So, I just lay there, wallowing. 
3 days later, Cassian burst into my room. His face was one of empathy, yet he was determined. This was the General of the Night Court, still a much softer one, but he was in that mind set. He meant business.
“Get up,” he said, “get up out of that bed. You have hardly eaten, I know you don’t sleep well, and we are all worried.”
I rolled over onto my side, my back to him. “You want me to get up, and I want you to get out.” I spit back.
“No.” He plopped himself on the bed, next to my legs. “We don’t have to talk, but I’m not leaving. Cauldron y/n, we don't know what to do anymore.”
I hummed, not deigning to answer. I knew he would stay there, and again, that feeling, that thing in my chest struggled to get out. I smothered it. 
I don’t know how long he sat there, or how long I lay there. I wish he would say something, anything to silence the racing thoughts in my mind. In conversation, I wanted silence, yet in silence, I wanted conversation. I was so pathetic. 
“He has run himself rampant with worry, you know.” I didn’t want to hear about Rhysand right now, but I wouldn’t stop him. “He spent time in the camps, strictly and personally enforcing the wing laws, seeing to it the males treat the females like actual people, not objects.” Anger entered his voice while talking about the barbaric males in those camps. 
“Y/n, he’s so broken without you. My brother has been the strongest male I’ve ever known. He went through hell with Amarantha, his father, and even now, the prejudice he faces from the other courts, it weighs on him. But, when you two were together, no matter what, I have never seen him more joyful. I had never seen him so stress-free, not caring what others had to say.” He brought his hand up to my head, gently stroking my hair. My heart ached, Cassian, the brother I never had, calmed me. Not as much as Rhys could, obviously, but he calmed me just the same. My thoughts slowed down, becoming less and less rapid. “Just see him, once. He needs to see you, and you need to see him. You two have been through so much together, he would never abandon you. You know that right?” 
I didn’t answer, staying silent. At one point of my life, I would have answered this question without a single doubt in my mind, but now I couldn’t. That feeling in my chest tugged again, telling me I was being an idiot. My mate would never leave me, but everyone leaves eventually. 
Cassian sighed, finally standing up and placing a kiss to my head. “Just think about what I said, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want.”
“I will.” The first words I had spoken since I’d tried to kick him out. I still couldn’t see him, but I heard him pause. I understood why, I had been so adamant about Rhysand not seeing me. I just gave him the worst possible thing. I gave him hope. 
Rhysand had spent this past month in misery. He hadn’t seen her since a few days after she woke up. He always kept his side of the bond open, hoping she would feel he was there, no matter what. 
“She said she’d think about seeing you.” A voice broke through his thoughts. He was sitting in his office, nursing a glass of bourbon. 
Hope, the damned thing, sparked in his chest. “You think she will actually go through with it?” Rhysand asked Cassian, not wanting to show his disbelief that y/n would actually go through with it.
“She might.” Rhysand’s face fell at his words. He was going to die without his mate another day more. The numbness from the bond made his chest ache constantly. His heart felt as though it was being stabbed over and over. 
“What do I do?” Sorrow dripped from Rhysand’s words. 
“Go to her. You two can’t keep avoiding each other, brother. It is killing you both.”
He knew Cassian was right, as much as he hated to admit it, instead he just nodded my head in dismissal, mulling over his words. 
Rhysand was going to get his mate back. 
I slept fitfully. Nightmares plagued the darkness, hands, whips, screaming. It was all the same, every night. I woke up, not even phased anymore, yet still shaken. It was normal now, this is what I had been degraded down to. On nights like these, which had been every one, I missed Rhys the most. 
A knock on my door woke me from my pity party and in walked Madja, the sweetest woman to grace this court. 
She was so grandmotherly and gentle. She truly cared about her patients, treating them more like her own children than simply clients.
“How’s the back?” As kind as she was, she was also a straight to the point, no-nonsense type of grandmotherly. 
“Fine.” My usual answer. I wouldn’t burden her with how sometimes it felt like I could feel the steel of the blade ripping into my skin, the crack of the whip against my wings.
She simply nodded, understanding in her eyes. “Lay on your stomach, I want to get a look at it, make sure it is healing well enough.”
I do as she says. I had been wearing Rhys’ clothes, the sole comfort of him I offered myself. They were large enough to not put too much pressure on my healed, but tender back. It also allowed easy access for Madja’s appointments. She unbuttoned the back of the shirt, pulling it away. 
“Child, you are stronger than you give yourself credit for. You punish yourself, thinking you failed yourself. You are plain wrong.” Her voice was stern but not unkind. “You have healed physically, you are almost out of remission, but the mental has still yet to be touched upon. Why has your mate not been here? Does he not care?” Madja loved her High Lord like he was her own son, but that would not excuse these actions if they were true.
“No. I don’t want to see him.” My words were flat and left room for no argument.
She sighed, “Dear child, I know what happened, all of it. While others may not, you know that you are still here, despite everything. You cannot let those who hurt you win that war that rages in your head. You are our High Lady, or did you forget. You have fought for so much, do not let these demons be the ones who take you down.” 
“Thank you, Madja. Your words mean more than you know.” And I meant it. 
She begins to button up the shirt for me, hardly getting more than a few buttons as the door slammed open. 
And there stood my mate, eyes wild and raging.
Panic flared in my chest, he would hate me. He would see my back and hate me and he wouldn’t want me anymore. 
But as he just stood there, his gaze on my ruined back, I saw his gaze darken with an emotion that wasn’t disgust. He looked murderous. 
“I’m so sorry, I should have knocked.” The words come out of Rhysand’s mouth, dripping with anger and melancholy. 
“Actually, High Lord, if you wouldn’t mind helping her finish up, I fear I am running late for my next appointment.” Madja said, packing her stuff up. She rushed out of the room before either of us could say anything.
Rhys and just stayed there, staring at each other. He finally moved, “Can I help you button these? Is that okay?”
I nodded, relinquishing eye contact and staring out the window instead. He carefully began to button the shirt up, with the gentlest touch I could imagine. He made sure to not touch a single part of my skin, but I could feel his unwavering gaze on my back. 
“Beautiful,” he murmured under his breath, and I felt myself stiffen at his words, not the finger running gently down the scars lingering where my wings should be. 
“You’re delusional,” I hear myself say, my breath quickening at his presence. It wasn’t fear or panic I felt anymore, but longing. Cauldron, I’ve missed him. 
Rhys stood sharply, helping me up and turning me to face him. He put his fingers under my chin firmly pulling it up to meet his gaze.
“Why would you say that about something that’s a part of you. You are the most gorgeous creature I’ve ever had the blessing to set my eyes upon, and these scars do not take away from that. I will make it my life’s mission to let you never forget that.”
I felt a shudder go through my body at his words. Emotions I had kept under lock and key flooded through me. 
“You don’t know what you are talking about, I am ugly. I am disgusting. I am a failure. I don’t deserve someone like you, who still wants me after what I allowed them to do.” And with those words, the dam broke. The emotions escaped the carefully crafted safe, and I cried for the first time since I saw myself in that mirror, facing who I was now. 
“Oh y/n darling,” Rhys placed his forehead to mine, “you are not a failure. You are the most stunning thing I have ever laid eyes on. Nothing can possibly compare to your beauty, not the brightest star on Starfall, nor the most awing beaches of the Summer Court. And you are not a failure. What could ever possess you to believe that.” 
“Rhys, I failed you. I let them touch me, use me. And I didn’t stop it. I ruined what we had.” 
Rhys stilled, his suspicions confirmed. “Your father is going to die an even more painful death than planned.” “He’s still alive?” Fear enters my words. I can hear the shake in my voice.
My mate’s eyes filled with even more anger. “Not for long. He hasn’t been sitting uninjured though, believe me. I would gladly take care of it today, unless you’d like the honor.” He was still in front of me, staring at me. 
I shake my head, “I never want to see him or my brothers again.” He nodded in understanding. 
“It is done then.” He sighed, and took a few steps back, dropping to his knees in front of me. “My mate, my beautiful, strong mate. You are not a failure, you did not fail me. It could never be possible.” 
He gently held my hands, placing a kiss to the back of them. “Those scars you have gained are proof of your strength. Proof that you survived. And I will never, ever allow another male to touch you without your permission.” His words had a dangerous edge to them, one that I knew was speaking nothing but the truth.
“And my love, I am the one who failed you. I wasn’t there to stop them; I let you go on that mission. I am not worthy of your forgiveness.” 
My heart leapt at his words, he thought he was the one who let me down. I tugged my hands from his grasp and placed them on either side of his face, sliding off the bed until I was knee to knee with him. Tears began pouring from my eyes. “Rhysand, you are good. You have been nothing less than perfect to me all these years.” His eyes filled with emotions of his own, and I felt his sorrow on the other end of the bond. The Bond. My mate, I could feel him again. I tugged on it, and felt Rhysand inhale. 
“Y/N, I can feel you again.” His voice cracked, and I felt myself lunging into his arms. Rhysand’s arms, my mate’s arms tugging me impossibly closer. 
“I’m so so sorry, Rhys. I missed you so much; I thought you’d hate me.” 
“How could I ever hate you, darling.” His hand ran down the back of my head in comforting strokes. “I love you so much, I am still healing, and it will take time. But the thing I had felt like I was missing for so long was you.” 
“You could throw me out and take another 6 years, and I would stand at that door waiting for you.” I knew he was telling the truth, a bit exaggerated, but I knew he would be there. I leaned back, pulling my head from his chest. We just gazed at each other for a while, before I slowly leaned up, placing a gentle kiss to his mouth. His arms tightened around me, as if afraid I might be pulled away. 
“I was afraid I would never be able to taste your lips again, feel your embrace, or hear the soft lull of your voice.” My heart broke at his voice, the vulnerability in it. 
“Never again, we will never be separated again.” I placed my head on his shoulder leaning into him. 
“Never again,” He echoed. 
For the next week, Rhysand was attached to me at the hip, not to say I didn't enjoy it. I missed his presence more than anything. I still couldn’t deal with him sleeping in the bed with me, waking up feeling like I was back in that basement, so he slept in the chair. I felt bad, knowing it couldn’t be comfortable, but he wouldn’t complain. He’d just say he was happy to sleep in the same room as me. 
The day after everything happened between him and I, he walked into the room, hands behind his back. When I’d asked what was wrong, he had simply said he took care of an errand. I knew that meant my father and brothers were no longer living, so I simply just took him into the washroom, helping him wash the blood from his hands. 
Tonight was the first family dinner I would be attending in nearly two months. Rhysand had helped me with my hair, bought me a new beautiful dress to wear, and now stood by my side, holding my hand as we stood on the roof of the townhouse. 
“We don’t have to go, say the word and we can go back down stairs.” His words were soft and gentle. The last time we flew together, I was flying on my own. He would have to carry me now.
I offer a small smile, “I miss my family, Rhys. I have to do this sometime, so why not now.”
With strong arms, he picks me up, hooking one arm under my knees and the other under my shoulders. I wrapped my arms around his neck, with a quick kiss to his cheek. “I’ll be ok.”
He merely nods, stretching out his powerful wings, and I felt a pang go through my chest at the sight. His eyes snap to mine, feeling what I was feeling through the bond. “Darling?”
“Let’s go.” I say, my chin up and determined. I was ready to do this. He shot off the roof with a powerful flap of his wings. I felt the familiar, comforting feeling of my stomach dropping at the movement. My arms tightened around his neck, and I forced myself to look out over our city. It would take time, but I would force myself to be okay with this.
I brought my head up to see my mate staring at me. “You’re the most gorgeous being I’ve ever sat my eyes upon.” I felt my cheeks flush at his words.
“You and your flattery.” I grin at him, looking out over Velaris again. “Our city is gorgeous, Rhys.” 
“That it is,” His words were soft, but his gaze never left my face. “The most gorgeous.”
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ddoxhan · 5 months
stay by my side
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if there is no one next to you I’ll just be behind you, just stay by my side
word count : 0.9k words
genre : classic angst; giselle x gn! reader; days were never the same anymore but your feelings for aeri will always be unchanging for as long time exists
t/w : nothing :) this is just some good ol' angst
a/n : not much plot to it but ! it's the feels of not being able to forget someone and maybe, you're better off longing for them than try pressing down your feelings. anyone out there longing for their special someone, I just wanna say it's okay to feel that way :3 it may not be the healthiest choice, but allow yourself to long for that person until you feel it's time to actually let them go <3 enjoy !
things were just never the same anymore, it couldn't. I'd keep having dreams about you, about us. those sweet, spring memories we shared now embedded in my head like a broken record. those days when we spent our mornings showering each other with kisses, when we would take night walks in the park, when we talked about spending the rest of our lives together. those days, when we loved each other like there was no tomorrow. we did, but it just didn't last forever just like what we had wished under that shooting star.
I admit, that I still love you, the same or maybe even more than I did back then. I truly believed that we were meant to be, and no one can tell me otherwise as I've seen those eyes of yours bear the same endearment for me as I do for you. it sounds cheesy, but I am willing to be if it's you. however, as much as I want to let go of you, I don't think I'd ever come to terms with the fact that you did. we were so beautiful, don't you think so? it was as if the world revolved around us. I know we will never be able to go back to those days, to love each other again.
every night that came and went in the same repertoire. staring straight at the ceiling, reminiscing the times I still had you in my arms, crying myself to sleep, jolting awake from the same nightmare, hugging myself back to sleep. the pain was almost unbearable when it gets to the nightmare. it was my regrets for not doing my best for you, and the mistakes that I wished I hadn't made. I could never stand to see tears in your eyes, especially if it was because of me. on the day you left, you looked me in the eye, with tears threatening to roll down your crimson cheeks. that moment broke my heart to pieces, noticing the burning sensation of the wind against my skin.
it seems I have already lost you, with no chance to turn back time.
when I'm sober, everything I did numbed me to the core. when I wake up to your side of the bed empty, seeing that the once lively space all dull with silence, the fridge slowly emptying, leaving nothing but water and some alcohol. it's like I stopped functioning properly when you're not with me. the flowers that you loved so much don't look as lively, the warm breeze that greeted us daily slowly getting chilly, the stars that we spent hours looking at don't sparkle as much. you brought so much color to my world, and it returned back to being monochromatic, like those times before I met you.
you brought so much joy to my life, and I have never felt so grateful for being alive. it was the first time I felt so euphoric, fortunate to see that very smile of yours when you look at me with such affection. that smile was for me, because of me, only me. you made me feel like the luckiest person on earth to love someone as wonderful as you are. I can only hope you felt the same way as I did.
all the things in my life took a turn, not a good one at that, after you left. you took a part of me with you when you told me that things weren't working out. what did that mean? was I not doing good enough? did your feelings for me change? there were so many questions I want to ask, but sometimes, they were better left unanswered. these daggers piercing through my heart are more than enough to leave me bleeding profusely till I can't feel love anymore.
as I spent each day, yearning for your warmth and affection, there's something that I've come to realize as I take a step back to look at things. there will be no one else who would be able to fill your spot, not even with time. it's been months, almost a year that I've been standing here, not knowing what is wrong with me. that's because, nothing is wrong. everything made so much sense.
I love you and nothing can ever change that fact. even if you don't love me anymore, that's okay. all I will do is just stand here right behind you, protecting you from the shadows. although there might not be someone who would be by your side all the time, I will be right here behind you. until the day I get the chance to stand next to you, be the one you can rely on, I will be here for you.
there will be a day where we meet again, whether it be by chance or fate. and when that day comes, I want to be stronger than I am now, to give you that smile you loved so much when we were us. until then, I will take this role as your dark knight. looking over you from somewhere you wouldn't notice, offering you a hand when you struggle, finding solace right here. I know you would be able to tell that I am here, but please, leave me be. for the day I am able to let you go, will hopefully come.
so let me stay by your side for now, aeri.
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elulsdr · 1 year
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hey guys, it's my first pac ever so i would love to have your feedback. this pac also has random messages too rather than what do people think about you.
it's mainly about the messages i got. i hope it resonates⭐️ (i swear i'm better at personal readings LMAO)
people think you're very self oriented and love to have the power over them. maybe you have leader qualities and they can see that. i'd say they think you're more likely to choose logic over emotions. they think you're def the overthinker one. they know you know you're worth and know when and what to say something. they can feel that you like to be seen as cold hearted and powerful. in your head being numb equals having power. people think you're very materalistic as in, whatever you wear you make it seem expensive. people think you're very soft inside but don't let a lot people in. sometimes they can sense that deep down you're really insecure and they can see the other side of you. where you're not sure of anything you do, you don't trust yourself enough. sometimes you come off as really complex and a lot. you seem to be stuck on something. you want to let it go but can't really do it cause you get used to it. so that's why people can sense your imbalance energy. you could be indecisive or air headed these days. still, people know you have the strength to get over it. you could intimidate people at first but when they see the real you -which you dont show it to many they love it. maybe you got hurt on the past, that's why you put a mask like that. you could be very obsessive, and passionate about the things you love. you come off as competitive too.
oooh my broken heart pile.. if you recently gone through a breakup, doesnt matter if it's romantic or friends. people see youve been thru ALOT. you show it to everyone whether youre aware of it or not. people can sense the broken energy. you keep trying to explain your feelings? or what happened between you and the other person and they're like, can she move on already?? but it's cruel to think like that. cause i feel like this relationship somehow connected to your inner child. maybe the relationship helped you with healing your inner child that's why you felt those emotions that hard. people think you're sensitive and a romantic. everything i said was in the past, your energy now seems very refreshing and stepping ahead. also i have a really bad headache rn, are u ok? take care of your health and make sure you sleep enough. you have many sleepless nights. anyways, people see your steps to a better life. although you might got addicted to the new me concept and ignore everyone who tries to help you or tries to talk to you. you're like, i don't want your help i've been by myself all this long i can take care of myself from now on. they are a bit annoyed by this. they think you're a bit stubborn. DEF a hopeless romantic. don't try to burden everything and try to move on with your life asap. take your time to heal. and take people's help -only the ones who really care tho. aww i just got the 3 of swords. pls keep your precious heart safe bby. your love is enough and you will find someone that loves you as much as you love them. (wow pile 2's photo says the exact same thing, i didnt mean to do that lol)
hey pile 3, why do you feel so alone even if you're out with your friends? you like to ask people for advice but somehow you don't trust them as much as you trust yourself. i mean good for you but people -maybe your friends can tell that you're faking your feelings sometimes? maybe you feel the need to be happy around everyone even if you feel like shit. they can tell that. there's this person you are stuck on. it seems like you arent able to let them go. people really wonder about you guys. you could be a heartbreaker too. you and your friends are sarcastic people. people could get annoyed by the fact that you guys have fun lol. people think you have it all and you will have it all. they dont like the fact that they cant get a piece of you, your space, your time. it's like, there are people who want you but you got someone else on your mind who you seem to cant have. you like to learn more and more. you're very smart and people like that. but there's just this unknown people love about you. you have the friends, you have the grades, you have the face but what is it that makes you sad(?) and broken? people wonder the shit out of this lmao and you don't give them a chance to understand it. you tend to zone out a lot during the day and your thoughts makes you go nuts. people just seem to curious about you. they don't know enough. the more you don't give them the chance the more they wonder. people feel that you have tons of other shit to do than answer their questions. they know they don't deserve to steal your time like that.
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itskattkm · 1 year
New York New Rules Pt. 3
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Warnings: Violence, Trauma, Fluff, maybe Smut, mental health, blood
Summary: Y/N meets the survivors of the last events in Woodsborrow and gets on Ghostface's list. But there is also a darkness in Y/N wich path is she going to choose
Female Y/N x Tara Carpenter
Sorry for bad writing. I'm using a translator and hope you guys can enjoy it. Also, this is going to be a long story
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
My body began to vibrate, or rather my head when I leaned it against the window of the taxi. So let's start reflecting on the day as it went so far.
Missed therapy hour because my therapist was brutally murdered. Check.
Shit... it would take me months until I find a new one.
What happened next? I closed my eyes and played the pictures in my head through like a movie.
Been accused for murder? Check.
Have been exposed and embarrassed In front of your girl crush and her sister? Check.
Surprising meeting with Kirby? Check.
Pursued by paparazzis and "interviewed" by Gale weathers? Check.
Witness to Tara punching Gale Weathers? Check.
Was I slightly turned on by it? Double Check.
"Y/N you're good?" A soft voice brought me back. I opened my eyes and had to blink slightly because of the unexpected brightness around me. I nodded silently and looked for the eyes of the taxi driver in the rear-view mirror. I put my hand on the passenger seat and pulled slightly forward, which is why Tara who sat between me and Sam pushed herself closer to Sam to give me the place I needed. "Hey you can let me out at Pompeii Pizza" he nodded to me but now Sam bent down in front "Y/N you can't go now you have to come with us" there was that shy me I knew so good. I probably would have done anything she said, but right now? Now I felt numb. Not present. And I didn't care.
No matter what happened yesterday. No matter what happened today. I just had to go home and hide in my room. It was one thing to become suspicious for several murders but to be exposed in front of almost complete strangers and to be claimed as a crazy woman with mental problems? And on top of that in front of your crush. That was too much for me.
Although Detective Bailey had exposed me to the two and they knew now more about me than I would have liked to let them know, I asked myself the question
Why do you want me to come with you?
"Why?" I asked confused
"Apart from the fact that you are a suspect, we have to talk to the others about it. Mindy wants us all to meet at the Blackmoore," she said and her eyes darkened. Although they didn't seem particularly inviting at the moment, I recognized something soothing in them.
"So you believe what Bailey said?" I asked and did not seem as strong as I had hoped. My voice was getting quieter and quieter. Maybe we didn't know each other so well, and I was just a friend of Mindy but did they really believe that I was behind it?
"Where were you during the bodega attack?" Said Tara cautions.
Confused, my gaze met hers. No, I wasn't confused. I was hurt. Her look was cold. Anger could be seen in her dark eyes, but the way she pulled her eyebrows together told me that there was something else, but what?
"Pompeii Pizza" said the driver and stopped.
Exhausted, I took a look and sighed. I shook my head when I opened the door of the taxi and got out.
I ignored it. Did Tara really think I was behind it? I didn't like the way she looked at me. As if I were a monster... the cars on the street were getting louder and louder for me. The measurements of people who were on the streets. Confused, I looked at the floor as I slowly went to the pizzeria.
And there they were at once. A few minutes before, I felt numb and now. Now there were too many feelings. I tried to arrange it in my head like a riddle. But I couldn't see anything. Too many letters. No words. I clenched my hands into fists to feel something I could describe. Then there was this sting. A continuous stitch. I had pressed my nails firmly into my palms so tightly that my knuckles turned white. Now I asked myself. What does that feel like?
After resensood.
Pressure a pressure that did not want to disappear.
And then the letters in my head came together and the word pain appeared before my eyes.
"Y/N wait!" I was grabbed by my shoulder and expected to be abruptly turned over. However, I was surprised and that of Sam. She sighed and slowly stood in front of me, so that I was forced to look at her. I was forced not to go any further.
"I was also a patient at Dr. Stone"
With widened eyes, I looked at her and a short smile escaped her lips when she agreed to my expression with a nodding head. "Believe me when I tell you that I can imagine how you feel. But you also have to understand-"
She looked over my shoulder to see Tara. However, I did not follow her gaze. As Tara had looked at me earlier... I never wanted to see these eyes again. That look in them. It made me feel so vulnerable and anxious. I already had it so hard to keep in touch with the people around me, but I tried to stand by. And with Tara, well it won't be difficult for me to ignore her in the near future.
At least that's what I thought
"After what we've been through, it's difficult for us with new people... and how fucked that sounds, but that's what Bailey said are very violent coincidences Y/N and if we should trust you... then you have to prove it to us"
Now I felt a different feeling.
"Why should I do that?"
Surprised, Sam looked at me and straightened up. She probably didn't expect this answer.
"Sam, I am not part of your group. I'm just a friend of Mindy's"
I looked at the pizzeria and looked into the eyes of my own reflection Why do I looked so sad?
"As much as I wish it would be different, but even for Mindy I am just an acquaintance from the courses we have in common. And we both know Mindy, she is also very careful when it comes to new people. After she told me about Ghostface because it was a short topic in our course and not because she told me as a friend, I knew, okay. This friendship is nothing more than an an acquaintance, so why should I care Sam?" My legs were moving. I lightly bumped Sam on her shoulder to go past her but she grabbed me tightly by my arm and moved us so that I had to meet her eyes and my back faced the pizzeria.
"Because you care," she said bright. Confused, I looked at her. Her look was gentler than before and there was this glow.
"You may feel alone. And maybe you are... but you care. No matter how bad you are feeling. How the people around you are doing... you are someone who can feel how others are doing. And as much as you sometimes have to struggle with the darkness... you still care. Even if it hurts"
Why did it feel like a description of herself?
Were we both more similar than knew? I mean, we both went to the same therapist, maybe there was something to it. But what was Sam's problem? Also aggression? Mindy had never told me in detail what happened to all of them back then. She just said that the stab movies are based on true events and the murders of last year? Well she and her friends were involved.
Of course, I had watched all the stab films afterwards, but I couldn't imagine what must have happened to them.
"Go home. Take your time. But I hope that you come to the Blackmoore and try to find an answer for all this, together with us. You don't want to be a suspect, do you? So why not find out who is really behind it?"
She gave me a slight smile and left. Even after the taxi drove away, I was still starring on the same spot. Where did I get in there?
Damn Samantha Carpenter...
These feelings which you and your sister leave me behind are too much for me.
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yukidragon · 8 months
Sunny Day Jack - Songs to Listen to While Descending into Madness
Hey, remember when I found Ian's perfect theme song for Sunshine in Hell? Well, I found one that fits Joseph's descent into madness and embracing the personality of Jack. Maybe I should make a playlist specifically for Sunshine in Hell sometime...
Not only does it have this manic energy that switches to disturbing and somber, a lot of the lyrics really give me the vibe of the suffering Joseph went through as he tore away at his very identity to become someone and something else.
When did I become afraid of the dark? Are my eyeballs just yet to adjust to seeing the light? The room I'm in is still the same, the shadows have not rearranged it No, the only thing that's changed is how I see at night I fumble for the switch and strap on infrareds and wish For sunshine when the morning's somewhere else But I can't change what time it is or dilate my irises Only what I look at, and I'm looking at myself I am not the sunshine, I am not the moon at night Well, who else could I be when I can hardly see? I am not the sunshine, I am not the moon at night I'm no one if I'm nowhere in between When did I become afraid of the dark? Was it when I left the cave and swore I'd never go back? If we can't see each other, then there's no more use for hiding I've decided I'll abide it; why deny the color black? I'm not a flower, not a solar-powered calculator Damn my eyes for seeing what's not there I'll trade in vision for a practiced intuition 'Til my fears come to fruition, I'm not scared I am not the sunshine, I am not the moon at night Well, who else could I be when I can hardly see? I am not the sunshine, I am not the moon at night I'm no one if I'm nowhere in between The future must know where you've been The past predicts the state you're in The present did and will not last Is, isn't, was, have, hasn't, has All that I ask is, keep those empty frames If nobody's in them, then no one is to blame For your self-portraits, sign another name Well, who should I be then, if I'll never be the same? I will be my sunshine, I will be my moon at night Who else could I be, when I can't fucking see? I will be my sunshine, I will be my moon at night I'm nowhere now, here's no one now to be And if dreams can come true, what does that say about nightmares? I'll stay awake tonight
It really gives me vibes of the animatic Sauce made where Jack antagonizes Joseph, particularly that high energy of Jack strutting around, being cheerfully scary and threatening. It also reminds me this classic picture of a cheerful Jack and a traumatized dead(?) Joseph.
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It even has a sketch updated version you can check out here!
Credit as always goes to the awesome Sauce for their awesome art, characters, and stories. They and the rest of the crew of SnaccPop Studios are a wealth of endless inspiration. Consider joining their patreon, won't you? Just remember - don't repost anything privately posted there!
There's so many lyrics that make me think of Jack's broken mind and the effects of hell had on him. I have to really break it down to show all the different feelings/images that it conjures up, since there is so much here virtually every line.
"When did I become afraid of the dark?" When you were trapped in hell, Joseph. His loneliness was bad while he was alive, but his death made it so, so, so much worse. He's terrified of being alone and forgotten. He can't stand the cold numbness only broken up by pain. It's a night he can never sleep through or wake up from.
"The room I'm in is still the same, the shadows have not rearranged it. No, the only thing that's changed is how I see at night." It didn't get better. Nothing changed in that hell. It just repeated his death and the delusions of his decaying mind. The only thing that changed was himself into someone else, someone who could better handle the madness.
"I fumble for the switch and strap on infrareds and wish, For sunshine when the morning's somewhere else." Joseph struggles desperately somehow, someway to find some sort of light, some hope in hell. Unfortunately, his sunshine Mary is somewhere else, reborn as Alice. All he can do is wish for a miracle.
His sunshine was always like a miracle to him. She found him twice. He prays she'll find him again.
"But I can't change what time it is or dilate my irises, Only what I look at, and I'm looking at myself." Joseph can't change his circumstances. He can't feel anything but cold and pain, no matter how much he struggles. He's helpless.
The only thing Joseph can do is relive his death and look inward into an ever growing abyss that stares back at him. That abyss, that hell is changing him because he can't do anything but stare inward.
Joseph only has himself in this hell, and the longer he stares at himself, the more he hates what he sees.
"I am not the sunshine, I am not the moon at night." Joseph isn't as good as his sunshine was, in his opinion. He's not even as good as a fraction of her, like the sunlight is reflected on the moon. He doesn't even have a glimmer of her light either.
"I'm no one if I'm nowhere in between." In a way, he is nowhere, trapped between life and death. Joseph/Jack was erased. He became no one.
"When did I become afraid of the dark? Was it when I left the cave and swore I'd never go back?" Jack swore never to go back into the tape, never to be Joseph ever again. He's terrified of being alone, and he refuses to ever be alone and forgotten ever again.
"I've decided I'll abide it; why deny the color black?" Joseph gives into his darker impulses, his madness, his yandere side. He'll do anything to be free of this hell, to have his sunshine back.
Even if that means staining his soul irreparably with sin by torturing and killing others to do it.
He'll be damned to hell either way. He knows that from experience.
"Damn my eyes for seeing what's not there." When someone is put through sensory deprivation, they hallucinate, make up alternate personas, and the like. Jack himself was confused at first when the tape was played, asking if MC/Alice really was real, that he wasn't just dreaming.
How many times did Jack imagine someone was really there to save him, only to be disappointed by a cruel reality that he was still trapped in hell?
"I'll trade in vision for a practiced intuition. 'Til my fears come to fruition, I'm not scared." These lines sum up the whole Jack persona. He'll bury himself in that cheerful façade in order to deny his own fears that he'll be trapped in hell forever. He'll lose himself in a dream of his own making since he can never sleep again.
The only way to avoid being scared of an eternity in hell is denial, denial, denial.
"Well, who else could I be when I can hardly see?" He's Jack. He can't see himself as Joseph anymore. His mind can't handle it. He's blinded himself to his real identity by burying memories of anything else.
"The future must know where you've been." This feels like the video tape. The few traces left of what happened in the incident of 1984.
"The past predicts the state you're in." All the mistakes Joseph made and the few things that made him happy with himself are the reasons why he became Jack.
"The present did and will not last." Time is cruel, constantly marching forward and erasing the past. Jack lost everything so many times. He lost his identity, his dreams, his sunshine, and his life. Everything was lost so easily... how can he not dread losing it all again?
"All that I ask is, keep those empty frames." If nothing else, Jack is desperate to be remembered. Even if the person in the picture isn't himself anymore, he's desperate for at least some trace of him is remembered, even if it's this caricature of the character he played.
"If nobody's in them, then no one is to blame." A reference to LambsWork Productions covering up the part they played in Jack's death or the scandal the 1984 incident created. They can't have their reputation ruined if no one remembers the SunnyTime Crew Show after all.
"For your self-portraits, sign another name." This makes me think of all the autographs Joseph had to sign as "Sunny Day Jack." The character had his face, his voice... but it was a different name. He couldn't break character, because the character was what people loved. It's another reason why he's Jack now instead of Joseph.
"Well, who should I be then, if I'll never be the same?" Joseph Cullman is missing. [Redacted] Haberdae is dead and erased. He can't go back to being either. Who should he be? What name or persona should he use that will give him peace?
"Who else could I be, when I can't fucking see?" What is left for him but to be Sunny Day Jack? He has nothing else but that persona in this hell.
"I'm nowhere now, here's no one now to be." This line sums up Jack's state in the tape. He's nowhere, and he doesn't know how to be himself anymore. He is nothing... so he'll be the character he played.
He doesn't know how to be Joseph anymore because he can no longer see the good qualities he had as Joseph. Everything good was attributed to Jack in his mind, even his sunshine's love.
"I will be my sunshine, I will be my moon at night." He will be Sunny Day Jack. He will be his own hope, his sunshine. Losing himself to this alternate persona was the only thing he had to cling to in that cold and lonely hell. He clung to it like a piece of driftwood until the splinters dug into his hands and made him bleed madness.
"And if dreams can come true, what does that say about nightmares?" Now this shift makes me think of after Jack is freed and the lingering trauma from being in the tape. It's fitting because it comes after a drastic shift in the song to something somber, slowly building into something almost... hopeful?
His dream of being saved came true... but the nightmare of that hell still haunts him.
What if he goes back?
Jack could, just as easily, be sent away if Alice doesn't want him there. He needs to make sure that never happens.
Can Jack really dare to cling to this hope that he's been given, that this actually is reality?
Was he really saved, or is this just another delusion?
So even though Jack finally can sleep, he's finally safe... his fears still haunt him. He can't truly rest until he's sure, absolutely sure, that he won't lose his sunshine ever again. It's the hope he's desperate to hold onto.
"I'll stay awake tonight." The hell of the tape robbed Jack of his ability to sleep, both in the past and in the present. His trauma and mental scars run deep.
No doubt there were many nights where Jack just laid in bed and watched Alice sleep. He focused on her warmth, her steady breathing. Her heartbeat, her soft skin, her smell...
Alice is real. This sunshine is real. Jack knows that. He knows that deep down in his soul, but...
What if?
Just one minute longer. One second more to reassure himself.
This beautiful person Jack holds close in his arms is his salvation. Alice chose to save him. She promised to never forget him. She promised him forever.
Jack feared that the tape would be his forever.
So even though he's tired, Jack just needs a little bit more, just that extra moment more to drink in Alice with all of his senses so that he can truly believe that she delivered him from damnation.
Joseph is dead. The good parts of him, the light and hope he found in himself as that redacted identity are gone from even his memory. Jack is the only one there now.
Alice is the only sunshine Jack can see now, and he'll do whatever it takes to make sure he never loses that light, his hope, his love ever again.
Of course, during these moments of insecurity, Alice would stir, just a little, and cling to Jack tighter. Sometimes she even murmurs his name softly. She can feel that he needs her love through their connected souls.
The thoughts and feelings flow both ways. Sometimes Alice can pick up what Jack is thinking too, especially when his soul cries out to be seen, heard, felt, and loved.
Even though Jack didn't say a word, Alice heard his thoughts, his deepest need, and answered in a sleepy mumble, "Don't worry... I've got you. 'm not going anywhere..."
The soft words, slurred by a haze of sleep, sent a jolt through Jack, and all the love and gratitude he felt for her washed over him. Even in her dreams she would reach out to him, reassure him that she won't let him go. Even when in moments when his fear made their connection feel so tenuous, so fragile, all it took was a soft squeeze of her delicate hand always holding so gently onto his to quiet his fears.
Alice won't remember what she said in the morning, or anything else she mutters in a half-asleep haze, but she'll always remember Jack. She'll remember this man, no matter what name he uses, no matter what the fractured picture of his sanity looks like now. Their love is forever.
Even if Jack can't find the light in the man he used to be, even if the light of the good parts of Joseph are dead, buried, and forgotten in his mind... Jack can always believe in Alice, his sunshine. As long as he has her, he doesn't have to fear the dark or that he'll be banished back to hell.
Jack has the light of hope. It's in his sunshine Alice, and in the persona he wears. Most of all, it's in their love that lived on even after death.
Fortunately, over time, Alice will help him see that the light was always there even when he went any other name. With her help, he'll be able to finally find true peace and rest his weary soul in the gentle sunshine of their love. He'll finally be able to heal and truly shine in spite of the darkness.
Yeah, I know the song ends on a more somber note, but I'm all about happy endings and fluffy vanilla goodness. I couldn't help but add on a bit of a sweet reprise of sorts, even if not in so many lyrics. Sunshine in Hell is all about these wounded soulmates helping each other heal after all.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur @kurokrisps
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lucy90712 · 7 months
I’ll be there for you- Pablo Gavi
A/n: this is a long one- 4.1k
Warnings: pregnancy; mentions of birth 
I don't quite know how it happened as it all happened so quickly but my life just fell apart right in front of my eyes. Today has been such a rollercoaster of emotions I've gone from anxious to crying to angry then back to crying and now I just feel absolutely nothing. I've heard of people saying that you can just feel numb but I've never experienced it until today and what they say couldn't be more true I just feel nothing it's like I don't have the energy to feel anymore. 
For the last week or so I haven't been feeling great and I could just tell something wasn't right but my fears were confirmed when my period was a few days late. I really didn't want to take a test as then it would become real but I knew I had to so this morning I went and got one without telling anyone. Of course when I had the courage to take the test it showed two clear lines meaning I really am pregnant. There was nothing I could do to stop the tears flowing down my face as there was so many thoughts flooding through my mind like what will my boyfriend think, how will this affect my studying and how am I going to cope with a baby. Growing up an only child means I've not had much experience with babies and I don't know much past the basics about pregnancy which makes all of this a whole lot scarier. 
For the next few hours I was so in my own world that I didn't even realise the time until my boyfriend came home and I knew I had to tell him straight away just to get that out of my head. We have been together for a few years and have talked about having kids in the future but not yet so I know he won't be overly happy but hopefully he will see that something out there believes this is the right time for us. I wanted a minute to think of the right thing to say to him but he noticed that there was something up straight away. I tried to brush it off for a second but he was persistent in trying to get the truth out of me. 
"I'm pregnant" I eventually said 
"What?" He questioned 
"I'm pregnant" I repeated
"Oh" he said bluntly 
"I don't think I can do this I'm not ready for a family and I feel like I haven't been as into this relationship recently anyway" he said 
"Wait so you're leaving me?" I asked 
"Yeah I'm sorry I just can't do it I don't care what you do but I don't want to be part of all this like at all" he said before just walking out 
With that everything got a whole lot worse. As if things weren't challenging enough I now have to do it all alone. In that moment I began cursing my decision to move to Barcelona away from my family and friends to follow my boyfriend and start school as now I have no support system and I definitely don't have the money to move back home. Most of my friends out here are from my boyfriends friend group as he introduced me to them when I moved here so even those people probably won't be here for me. Even thinking about having to do this all alone had me balling as not only is this a tough situation I also have a lot of hormones raging through my body making me even more emotional than usual. 
As I was nearly drowning in my own tears my phone began to ring so I grabbed it hoping it would be my now ex boyfriend telling me he regrets his decision and actually wants to stay together. That wasn't the case though it was actually my one friend who isn't associated with my ex, Gavi. He doesn't usually phone me at all let alone at this time so I felt like I had to answer just in case he needed something or something was wrong as despite my disastrous situation other people's lives still go on. I tried to sound like I hadn't been crying and asked him if everything was alright but he noticed something was wrong straight away and told me he was coming over before hanging up. 
It wasn't long before Pablo arrived and came straight into my apartment calling for me but I couldn't bring myself to get up from my position on the floor by the sofa. Once Pablo saw me he practically ran over and sat down next to me putting his arm around me to try and provide some comfort. For some reason having him by my side made me even more emotional and the tears began to flow again. Pablo then held me closer allowing me to cry into his chest which was just what I needed, he was there for me, he wasn't saying much he just provided some comfort which is all I want. He rubbed my back gently until I managed to gain control of my emotions enough to finally look at Pablo whose eyes were full of worry. 
"Whenever you're ready please tell me what's going on" Pablo said 
"It's a lot" I said 
"That doesn't matter clearly you need to get whatever this is off your chest and I'm here to listen" he said 
"I'm pregnant and y/bf/n left me saying he wants nothing to do with the baby" I finally admitted 
"Wow what an asshole" Pablo whispered under his breath 
"Are you ok how are you feeling?" He asked 
"Right now I just feel numb I don't know what to do it's all just a lot to think about" I ranted 
"Its ok I'm here for you why don't we just talk everything through" he said 
After that I took a deep breath and Pablo who is usually always messing around and having fun was actually serious for once and ready to help me. He allowed me to say everything that was on my mind and bit by bit we began to figure things out. Pablo promised me that he would do everything he could to help me and even insisted that I move in with him as this apartment isn't mine. I didn't want to have to move in with Pablo but he keep insisting that I need support and to have someone around and eventually I gave in and agreed with him. 
A few months later 
It's been a long hard few months. For pretty much my entire first trimester I spent the majority of my time laying on the sofa feeling exhausted and incredibly sick. However now that I'm approaching the halfway mark I have finally started to feel better and have been able to do a bit more. Pablo has been a godsend during all of this he's taken me to all of my appointments and done everything he possibly can to make me feel even a little bit better. On my really bad days he will spend as long as necessary sat holding my hair and rubbing my back as I throw up and when I'm tired during the day he will let me rest my head on his shoulder so I can nap. As much as those things have been nice the thing I appreciate the most is how he's been there for me mentally. When I moved in with Pablo I completely cut off my ex and anyone to do with him which was hard as it left me feeling pretty lonely but Pablo has been my rock as he's been able to help me see the positives of the situation and the right way to move forward.
Today is my 20 week scan where I should be able to find out the gender of the baby. Pablo begged me to make the scan for after his training as really wanted to be there. He's been to as many scans and appointments as he possible can but he missed the last few due to being away but he really wanted to find out the gender with me. Of course I had to oblige and make the appointment at a later time so Pablo is coming back straight after training to pick me up. Having Pablo at appointments has been nice as it makes everything slightly less daunting plus while I'm stressing he's able to actually listen to what the doctors and nurses are saying. The only downside is that all of the staff think Pablo is my boyfriend and the father of the baby and neither of us are brave enough to correct them as we don't want to have to explain the situation plus I would rather not have the judgment. 
There are worse things than having people believe that Pablo's my boyfriend but it has certainly messed with my head. Since everything happened I've started to see Pablo in a new light and my feelings have drifted to beyond just friends. It's all very complicated as I can't tell whether my hormones have anything to do with my feelings plus I can't risk telling Pablo how I feel in case he doesn't feel the same and kicks me out as then I'd be truly alone. Day by day it's getting harder to keep my feelings to myself especially on days like today where Pablo is so excited to go with me to the appointment even though the baby isn't his. Pablo has treated me and the baby as though we are his the entire time which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I so badly wish that that was true but he's not mine no matter how much I think about it nothing will happen as Pablo doesn't need anything else on his plate right now. 
Just as I was starting to spiral into my little dreamworld Pablo came home and helped me up as I'm starting to struggle a bit so we could head to the doctors together. Recently my bump has really started to grow making it a lot more obvious that I'm pregnant which has made me a bit insecure as I always think people are judging me when I'm in the streets. As we got in the car like always the baby started kicking like crazy so before we left I grabbed Pablo's hand and placed it on my stomach so he could feel the kicks as he mentioned how weird it must feel the other day so I wanted him to experience it. 
"Wow that's so cool can you feel that all the time?" He asked 
"Not all the time but it's been getting stronger recently and baby's always really active in the car and when I want to sleep" I said 
"Aww so you like to keep your mama up at night already do you little one" he said to my stomach and I think I nearly exploded from the cuteness 
"Oh yeah getting me ready for the months of no sleep soon" I laughed 
Pablo laughed too as he started to drive towards the hospital but he kept his hand on my bump rubbing it gently which made the baby go crazy and had me feeling all sorts of things. I could tell that my cheeks were bright red and my heart was beating at a million miles an hour just because he had his hand on me. Having his hand on me made the car ride feel a million times longer but eventually we arrived at the hospital and I could begin to calm myself down so that the nurses didn't think I was dying or something. 
The wait for my appointment wasn't too long so before I knew it I had the freezing cold gel on my stomach and the nurse was checking the babies development to make sure they are growing as they should be. Once the nurse had done all of the important checks she asked if I wanted to know the gender to which I obviously said yes. As I responded Pablo grabbed my hand which made me look over to see that he had the biggest smile on his face as he was so excited to find out what I was having. Looking at him only made me smile as his smile was that infectious and it made all the nerves I was feeling about being able to be a good mother disappear in an instant. Right after that the nurse happily told us that I was having a girl and we were both super happy but confused as we were sure it was a boy but clearly we were both wrong. 
"Thats so exciting a little mini you" Pablo said once the nurse left 
"I know I'm surprised I was sure it was a boy" I said 
"Me too but you know now we have to go and buy loads of cute clothes and decorations for the nursery" Pablo said 
"I'd love to but I don't have the money to buy loads of things" I admitted 
"Don't you worry about that I'm happy to pay for everything and before you say anything I want to do this" he said as we were now getting back in the car 
"I can't let you do that Pablo as much as I appreciate it you shouldn't spend your money on a baby that's not yours" I said 
"But I want to plus I can't help but feel an attachment to the baby even if she's not genetically mine I already can't wait to meet her when she's born" Pablo admitted 
"Thats so cute your going to make me cry" I choked out
"Please don't cry I love you and your little baby" Pablo was quick to say
"Wait I don't mean I love you oh who am I kidding I definitely love you and I get that nows probably not the best time to admit that but it's time I told you how I really feel" he said 
"I love you too Pablo but if we are going to try this we need to take it slow" I said 
"We can do whatever you want I just want to give this a go" he said 
Another few months later 
The second half of my pregnancy has been so much better than my first Pablo and I started dating taking things slowly of course but I've never been happier in my entire life than I have been the last few months. Pablo has been so good to me I thought he was super sweet before but now he is an angel he literally waits on me hand and foot and does anything he can for me to make my life easier. Everyday when he comes home he takes over and does the chores even though I tell him I'm fine to do it and then every night he gives me a massage as I'm at the stage of pregnancy where everything hurts. He has also single-handedly put together the nursery, we picked out the colour and furniture together and then Pablo put it all together and even decorated the room which turned out perfectly. I honestly couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend than Pablo I thought things would be difficult at some points as I still have a very obvious tie to my ex even if we don't speak but that hasn't bothered him at all and at this point he might as well be my daughters father. 
Yesterday was my due date so I have officially reached the point of pregnancy where I could go into labour any minute. Luckily Pablo has a few days off so I'm kind of hoping that I go into labour soon so that he can be with me because I really don't want to give birth alone. This morning my back has been hurting more than usual which I have been told is signs of early labour but that could last a hours or even days before turning into active labour. I want to be done with being pregnant so badly that since we woke up I've been getting Pablo to help me do things that induce labour. I have gone up and down the stairs about a million times and we went on a walk so that I could walk with one foot in the road and one on the pavement as that supposedly helps too. 
Someone recommended eating spicy foods so I sent Pablo out to get anything spicy for me to eat but once he'd left the back pain I had started turning into more like cramps all over which was a bit more painful. When I have pain I have been bouncing on a yoga ball so I got up from the sofa and all of a sudden felt liquid rush down my legs which I knew straight away was my waters breaking. Until that moment I'd been feeling quite calm about giving birth but now that it's actually happening I'm starting to freak out as so far it hurts more than I thought it would and my waters have only just broken. Once I calmed down a bit I grabbed my phone and called Pablo straight away as right now I just want him home so we are ready to go when things get more intense plus I need some support. 
"Hey love is everything ok I'm just getting to the store" Pablo answered completely clueless 
"Forget that I need you home like right now my waters have just broken" I said 
"What?" He questioned 
"I'm going into labour you idiot please just come home" I yelled 
"Oh god I'm on my way I'll be as quick as I can" he said 
"Thank you and I'm sorry for yelling I'm just a overwhelmed" I apologised feeling bad 
"It's ok love I'll be there soon to help" Pablo said before hanging up 
It felt like forever before Pablo was home but in reality it was only about 15 minutes until he burst through the door and ran over to be by my side. Just as he got to me I had another contraction so I instinctively grabbed Pablo's hand and squeezed it to help with the pain. As the pain began to fade away I loosened my grip until I was letting go of Pablo's hand who was looking at me with fear in his eyes clearly worrying about me. He helped me sit down as I'd been standing up walking around and got me some water because he didn't know what else to do. I was trying to keep myself calm as I know that's the best thing to do but seeing how worried Pablo was was making me feel bad. 
"What do you need me to do amor?" he asked 
"Everything is already in the car right" I said 
"Yes everything is in the car and the car seat is installed too" he said 
"Ok then I just need you to be here and time my contractions as when they reach five minutes apart we need to go to the hospital" I explained 
"I can do that but please tell me if there's anything else you want" he said 
My contractions stayed quite far apart for a long time but eventually things started to progress and my contractions became more painful and were getting closer together. By the time they were consistently 5 minutes apart it had been nearly 9 hours and it was pitch black outside. Usually at this time Pablo and I would be sleeping but instead we are both wide awake and he's helping me to the car so we can go to the hospital. It really started to feel real once we got in the car as the next time we're home there will be a baby with us in the backseat. There was no time for me to panic though as a contraction hit just as I was beginning to spiral which took my mind off everything but the pain I was feeling. I needed to hold Pablo's hand as for some reason being able to squeeze it makes me feel better and of course he obliged but he looked a bit nervous about having to drive one handed. He drove with a mixture of extreme care and speed as he wanted to be careful and I wanted him to get to the hospital before I have the baby in the car. 
Once we arrived at the hospital everything happened so quickly we were given a room and then what felt like millions of people came in and out to check on me. I was hooked up to all sorts of monitors one to measure baby's heartbeat and another to show when I was having contractions which felt like a cruel joke as now not only could I feel them I got to see a visual representation too. Pablo was trying to be as helpful as possible but there wasn't much he could do other than let me squeeze his hand and rant at him about how much pain I was in. He was such a sweetheart no matter how much I was yelling as he was putting a cold flannel on my forehead and giving me ice chips which were weirdly nice to eat all while giving me encouraging words. 
We were there for another few hours before I was fully dilated and ready to begin pushing. By this point I'd been in labour for over 12 hours and was completely exhausted so when I was told to push I wasn't sure I could manage it with the very little amount of energy I had left. Luckily I had a minute while the nurses were getting themselves ready so I looked up at Pablo hoping to gain some motivation and I was met with his beautiful smile which really did give me a boost. 
"Come on amor I know you can do it, you're so strong, it will all be worth it when she's here in just a few minutes" Pablo encouraged as I was pushing 
"It hurts so much and I'm so tired I don't think I can do it anymore" I panted trying to catch my breath 
"I know carino it will all be over soon but you have to keep going for a bit longer I know you can do it" he said 
"Thats it you're doing so well" Pablo continued 
A few seconds later cries began to fill the room which was the best thing I've ever heard as it meant my baby was here and ok. The nurses then placed her on my chest and I got to see her beautiful face for the first time which was a truly magical moment and something I'll never forget. Tears begin falling down my face as I was so overwhelmed with happiness but they were quickly wiped away by Pablo who when I looked at him also had tears in his eyes which only made me more emotional. It truly felt like this was our little family however unorthodox this was our family and blood relation is never going to make a difference in that. Pablo was allowed to cut the umbilical cord and then the baby was taken from me so she could be weighed and have all the other tests they need to do done. 
"I'm so proud of you you did amazing" Pablo said softly 
"Thank you but I couldn't have done it without you" I said 
"Don't say that I did nothing I just stood here, literally" he laughed 
"Well that's exactly what I needed" I said 
"Pablo I know this might seem a lot and you can definitely take some time to think about it but how would you feel about me putting you on the birth certificate and giving her your last name because she's more yous than that dickhead who provided his dna" I said 
"I don't even need to think about that I would love her to be mine" he smiled 
Suddenly I felt so at ease knowing that I had Pablo to support me and that he was happy to raise my little girl as if she were his own as that had been on my mind for the last 9 months. Pablo truly meant it when that night he told me he'd be here for me and despite everything I couldn't be happier with how it all turned out. 
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d1onysusw1n3 · 2 months
★ Lirium - Clarisse LaRue
┌────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┐
𝐋𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐦 𝐦𝐚𝐱 - 𝐃𝐢𝐚𝐳
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ 1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47
"𝓘 𝓱𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓶𝔂 𝓱𝓮𝓪𝓭"
" 𝐼 𝒹𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝓌𝒽𝓎, 𝐼'𝓂 𝓈𝑜 𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓋𝑒"
└────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──────┘
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"You're a forbidden child of a god, one who is very powerful."
My mother, the women who birthed me. Says with a straight face while she accelerates our car, trying to get away from the giant bat lady with a fiery whip that just tried to kill us.
Funny story actually, we were in Mc Donald's eating peacefully at a table when an old lady walks up to us and transforms into a giant bat, yanks out a fiery whip that looks like it was forged in Satan's anus, and slices our table in half. To be frank that wasn't the saddest part, actually, the saddest part was watching my Big Mac collect dust on the floor, due to that stupid bat woman thingy.
Okay so maybe the story wasn't  that funny, it's actually sad. My Big Mac :(
"Are you on crack!?" I scream holding the side of my car door and the dash board in front of me while the women I call my mother whips a bitch and drifts to the left in order to lose the giant bat out for blood.
She glares at me through the review mirror.
"I'm being serious, you're going to be hunted down because of this. Please take care of yourself." She murmurs the last part quietly.
"Hold it. Elaborate on the last part, what do you mean by ' take care of yourself?' " I say with raised eyebrows and a scrunched nose.
Oh she definitely is fucking tweaking.
"I'm taking you to camp half blood where you will be safe, I'm sorry it had to be this way." She frowns.
"Mom are you being dead serious right now." I look at her with a skeptical expression. This was starting to become less and less amusing.
"Listen lirium, when you get into camp tell Chiron everything that happened, he will understand and take you in." She says hurriedly as she skids the car to a stop, ripping me out my seat with my packed backpack and essentials in hand.
She grips the back of My arm leading me to the front of the camp, or at least I think it is?
She turns me around looking me dead in the eyes.
"Listen lirium, I love you so much don't ever doubt that, I need you to be strong for me oka-"
And it felt as if my heart dropped out of my mouth. My blood ran cold and my legs went numb, only left with a tingly sensation and a loud ringing in my ears competing with that heavy rain drops that hit the pavement.
"Mom" I mumble.
That was the only thing that was able to slip past my lips that day. As I watched my mom with a sword through her heart.
It felt as if it Pierced mine.
When I drop to my knees with my mother and I stroke her hair the one last time, she mumbles something incoherent.
It felt like I was dying.
I sat on the infirmary table in the camps nurses office. Apparently I passed out from being in shock.
And I wish it had stayed that way. Nobody could know how much I wished the sword killed me and not her.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚
A rough shoulder shoves into mine forcing me down to the ground. My already messy black hair somehow got even more messy as my back hits the grass.
"Watch it-" the girls words were cutoff as she makes eye contact with me.
My mother always said that my eyes were unique, with blues and greens swirling around my iris as if it were a hypnotic spell.
"Uh okay I think I get it, watch where I'm going or something." I get up looking at her weirdly.
She just stands there almost in awe of me. It was weird.
She didn't snap out of it until one of her siblings shook her shoulder.
And if I'm being honest, if it wasn't for her siblings, I think she'd still be staring at me.
"Okayyy I'm going to go now." I say turning on my heel. What the fuck was that. On my first day, not only have I managed to embarrass myself, I managed to run into a super hot girl and freeze up.
I walk into the office where I see some dude with a printed button up almost surfer looking shirt. He had on glasses and a can of Diet Coke?
"And who are you?" He asks while putting his feet up on the table in front of him, pulling down his shades with a slight tilt in his head as if he was trying to get a better look at me.
Well I'm a Emo fuck with my side part bangs and black hair with various ear and nose piercings, I was wearing low waisted light black ripped jeans with my black faded skull shirt and a white long sleeve under that reaches just to the top of my navel.
And If they think I'm wearing that fugly bright orange shirt, they got me fucked up.
(Yall this is a joke, I love the camp half blood shirts😔)
"You're her."
I turn around at the aged voice behind me. His voice reminded me of the smell of a bond fire and camp wood. It was warm and cozy even.
"That's not really answering my question."
The other guy says sarcastically.
"I'm lirium Diaz." I say to sunglasses over there.
"Uhh yeah, anyways I'm looking for a guy named Chiron?" I say with squinted eyes.
"That would be me, here follow me and fill me in." the horse says with a comforting smile.
He leads me out back to a beautiful garden with plenty of kids practicing their archery skills.
I tell him everything that happened that night, but not everything, I kept my personal chick flick moments to myself and pushed it away.
"Yes, your mother was a very kind lady. She was lucky to have you." He says with sympathy.
I hate sympathy.
"Yeah it's whatever." I say coldly.
I just want this conversation to end. He gladly gets the memmo, clearing his throat turning his attention onto a tree.
"So made any friends yet? Many kids here are friendly!" he smiles at me after walking around and pointing to important things like cabins and different activities to do on the camp.
"No not rea-" I cut myself off.
That one girl.
"Actually yeah, she isn't a friend but I met a girl." I say to Chiron staring at her and her sibilants laughing while walking out of their cabin.
"Oh deer, you're talking about Clarisse aren't you? Did she hurt you, if so I will have to talk to her about it." Chiron says concerned.
"No, no, no" I say quickly waving my hand at him.
"We bumped into each other, she was gonna say something but she never did, then I walked away." I say confused on why he was so worried.
"Oh gods, that's good, but if she gives u any trouble please don't hesitate to contact me." He says with a frown.
"Got it bullseye" I smirk at the nickname I gave him.
"Did- Did you just call me a cotton stuffed horse from Toy Story." He murmurs with a somehow even deeper frown.
"Yes. Yes I did." I nod proud
At the cunning nickname I made up on the spot.
A giant bell signaling dinner rang, I wasn't gonna go, but due to the look on bullseyes face he wanted to question me about my antics, or give me a lecture...  anyways both are bad.
"Anyways I gotta go, dinner." I say shrugging while walking away.
"Diaz wait!" He yells behind me, I turn around walking backwards.
"Nope gotta go, run like the wind bullseye." I smirk as I turn on my heels walking into the cafeteria.
My dumbass forgot to ask him were he placed my stuff and where I sit.
That's my karma for being a dick.
"Hey. New girl."
I hear a smooth sharp voice behind me, turning around it's that girl, Clarisse.
"Yeah.." I say standing there like a mannequin.
"Come sit with me." She says taking my wrist and dragging me to sit next to her.
"Oh uh thanks" I smile softly. Dunno wether I should be concerned or thankful, considering the circumstances I'm gonna stay thankful.
"Yeah whatever, I'm Clarisse." She says as we sit down.
I realized I didn't even get food. Idiot. I guess she realized that too because she slides half a burger and some fries down my way.
"Here." She says blushing looking the other way. I don't push it, I just smile and eat the food.
"Hey you know you're supposed to be with the Hermes kids right?"
I look over and see a very hot curly brunette boy with a long pink scar on his cheek. Did I mention he was hot.
"Chiron didn't tell me that." I raise my eyebrow.
"Scatter castellan, she's fine right here." Clarisse says coldly while slinging her arm around my shoulder.
"Oh my bad I come in peace" he chuckles throwing his hands up as a joke. He nudges one of Clarisse's siblings and scoots down on a Bench in front of us.
"So have you been claimed yet?"
"Claimed?" I said while raising my eyebrow at him.
"Yeah, you're a demigod every demigod had a godly parent, we just have to find out what yours is." He smiles sweetly at me.
"How do I find out?"
He purses his lips to the sides and scrunches his nose.
"You have to find what your good at, in here glory means everything, they call it kleos, it's like currency for demigods." He says almost conflicted about something.
This man definitely had some demons in his closet.
"Yeah we get it castellan, move along." Clarisse pulls me closer by my waist. Hot.
"Got it. Just trying to show the ropes. See you around?" He says getting up while stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"Yeah see ya." I say with a half smile.
"So uh, you wanna go someone cool." Clarisse says softly. I think that's the nicest tone I've ever heard her use before.
"As long as you're there I'll go anywhere." I smile at her.
Natural flirt what can I say? Might even be an Aphrodite kid.
Clarisse smiles brightly snatching me off in the opposite direction of the lunch tables. Instead leading me down
A dirt path deep in the woods, eventually we arrive at her destination.
"Wow..it's beautiful" I say breathlessly.
"I know. I'm the only one who goes here, rat and I'll kill u." She smiles down at me while taking a seat in this breath taking flower field, filled with loads of various flowers and close by is the strawberry Field as well.
"How did u find this place?" I say sitting next to her, shoulder to shoulder.
"I've always had a knack for finding the unknown."
"Oooh cryptic." I say and we both chuckle.
I lay back enjoying the view of the starts as night began engulfing the sky, Apollo riding the suns horizon in his golden chariot as we speak.
"Can I tell you something." Clarisse whispers to me, almost as if she was afraid someone was watching and would catch her.
"Yes anything." I whisper back for fun.
"I've never felt like this with anyone
Before. You're different and it's scary." She whispers at the sky avoiding eye contact with me.
I perch up on my elbows leaning above her head so all she could look
Into were my eyes.
"Can I tell you something even scarier?" I whisper.
She nods.
"I agree with you."
She leans up with a smile.
"Well then lirium, let's make it official, a bet." She takes my hand into hers intertwining them.
"Whoever falls first, loses, and the other can choose a consequence."
I smirk at her devilish thoughts.
"Well clare, you've got yourself one
Hell of a deal." I say with a really shitty cowboy accent tilting my invisible hat at her.
She laughing carelessly, not a thought in the world. If only she knew how beautifully she looked in this moment, how I wish to capture this Imagine in my mind and play it on loop.
"You're so beautiful." I whisper, definitely on accident, to caught up in my mind.
All she does is blush and look away.
It's been a couple weeks at camp and I've been trying to aimlessly throw myself at Clarisse to win her over.
At this point fuck the deal. I want her more than anything.
I need her.
Instead she's showing off her new sword to the Aphrodite girl with the pretty strawberry blond hair. Even though it was fake, a couple a weeks ago I could see her brown roots.
She looked The complete opposite of me.
Giggling, exchanging looks, touching, smiling, is she leaning on Clarisse?
"I've had enough." I whisper under my breath. You see in any cliche moment a woman such as I would go off make her jealous, or get revenge by throwing herself at a hot male.
But that's just not me.
Stomping over to Clarisse I feel the fire flicker a bit, rage heaping off me in waves.
"Well who's ur new lady friend clare." I state my arms crossed, feet planted. Unlike everyone else I'm not so scared of her. She's not really a threat. Not to me at least.
"This is Emma, Emma this is-"
"Lirium, very unpleased to meet you. Can I borrow Clarisse for a sec?" I ask sarcastically.
"No were having a conversation right no-"
"Right rhetorical question, I could give fuck less about what you're doing." I say venom coating my tongue as I snatch Clarisse's arm and drag her away slightly.
"Hey bitch I said no." She calles to my back.
Making every one stop and stare. She wants a show, oh I'll give her one.
"And I said I don't give a flying FUCK!? Did that all that bleach you use soak into your brain? Or did that not go through Your head?" I say waving my arms around.
"Who the fuck do you think you are? Oh I know! Some unclaimed sob story. You won't come into my life and ruin my date." She says pushing my shoulder.
To be honest.
Punching her in the face was enough but me? I craved more. Couldn't stop.
I tackle her to the ground, we kept going at it unil Mr.D pulls me off of her and pushes me back telling me to walk away. It pissed me off to the point the red fire all around us turned blue and was shot up in the air.
I guess it was daddy dearests best time to show himself.
"Daughter of hades.." some people
Whispered and murmured, but I didn't care.
I sweep my arm around Clarisse dragging her off to the place we made our bet to. The place I'm going to loose to.
"Okay dude you good?"
I sigh at the stupid question collapsing to the floor in a dramatic manner.
"No. I'm not good, she was  pushing my fucking buttons Clarisse, DATE? REALLY?"
"Uh no not really she asked how I got my swords and I answered." She says trying to calm me.
Seems kind of backwards huh.
"Oh." I shake my head.
"I'm so sorry that was your friend and I-"
"I barely even knew the bitch" she shrugged yawning taking my body into hers holding me close to her heartbeat.
I chuckle at her stupid demeanor.
"I love you." I whisper.
"I don't want anyone but me to have you."
"I love you to lirie." She says looking down at me.
Suddenly she twists us and pins me to
The floor. Leaning down she whispers in my ear.
"But unfortunately you lost pretty girl. Your punishment will be all day all night, who knows."
She whispers in my ear kissing down my neck.
I moan silently arching my back as my thighs clench to Synge the tingle erupting in flames from my stomach.
"Your mine princess, nobody can save you now." She whispers softly.
"Been about a week since the whole Clarisse thingy turns out I am severely in trouble with zero sweet privileges. Who cares. I got a banging hot chick as my girlfriend, a stupid curly brunette with daddy issues as my best friend and an annoying horse following me around during my cool monologue-" I turn around to Chiron.
"Hey can you actually stop that please."
"Stop what?-"
"That, following, brooding in my super awesome monologue video please?" I whisper yell holding the camera down at an angle.
I pick it back up.
"Whatever I'm too cool for dessert later losers." I end the video.
"How.. interesting."
"Well not anymore since your stalking me, I did all my chores Chiron what is it now?"
"Nothing just-... nothing" he sighs while trotting away.
I hum.
I walk over to ares cabin wrapping myself in Clarisse's sheets. It's nap time. All she does is hum while wrapping her arms around my waist.
Who knew, best years of my life would be in a, or so I thought would be a miserable Camp, turned out to be a dream.
As of my mother's message was clear.
"Please don't give up, you deserve happiness."
And now I finally have it.
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whumpshaped · 11 months
Concept: beck becoming anemic after being fed on for a while and helle being thrown because huh, that had never happened before? Saw it as a side effect in your guide and was like OOH
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not terribly long after this
tw vampire whumper, sickfic i guess, blood transfusion, hospital setting, needles
Tired, tired, tired, always so fucking tired. Beck thought he was going to go mad with this constant, mind-numbing exhaustion. At first, he really assumed it was just the monotonity of his dire situation. He'd heard of people getting used to bad situations, then eventually their bodies shutting down 'out of nowhere'. It was never out of nowhere, of course. Prolonged abuse like that would've taken a toll on anyone's body.
But he tried to push through it, given he had no solution or end in sight. More sleep, as much as he could get away with while working during the day and entertaining a vampire during the night. More coffee, as much as he could drink without his anxiety skyrocketing and sabotaging his work. More fresh air even, something he had been stubbornly disregarding for the first 25 years of his life.
It didn't work. His skin continued to get paler, if that was even possible, his heart continued to act up, which he'd chalked up to the coffee, and he kept getting winded from the three flights of stairs leading up to his apartment. Even Helle's mild annoyance was slowly turning into proper concern.
"You will go to the doctor tomorrow," they announced one night. Beck groaned, but didn't argue.
"And I am not feeding from you tonight."
Well... that was good news, at least. "Do I really look that bad?" Helle sighed, almost exasperated, as though Beck should've known how heavy this had been weighing on their unbeating heart or whatever. Maybe he did look that bad, from the outside. "S-sorry. Thank you for, um... caring," he finished quietly, unsure of the wording.
They scoffed. "I am not condemning myself to drinking from some sick human." They grabbed his phone from the table and shoved it into his hands. "You should actually look up your symptoms. Now."
"Helle, I don't know how to explain this... online medical stuff is not the best source of–"
"That is why you are going to the doctor tomorrow. But until then–" They nodded towards the phone, still looking at him expectantly. "I want to know, too. What I can potentially expect. Is it deadly? Do I need to be looking for a new human? These are important things, you know."
Beck unlocked his phone and started typing in the name of the most trustworthy page in this realm of the internet that he could think of. He wondered whether Helle had ever had to deal with a long-term bloodbag getting a little too sick. Or had they always been a one-off kinda vampire? Surely, they should've been aware that this sort of thing could have severe health complications.
"So?" God, they sounded so impatient.
"Whatever it is, I'm not gonna die from it tonight. I swear."
Helle rolled their eyes and continued pacing. Why were they anxious about this? He should've been the one pacing and fearing for his life! And if he had been able to muster up the energy for it, he would've been.
"Anaemia," he said after a few more minutes. "That's the most likely, and um... it... it would make sense, I suppose. I probably should've thought about that..."
"Anaemia," Helle repeated, lost in thought. They didn't say anything for a long moment, and Beck didn't know whether that was a good or a bad sign. "I am not waiting until tomorrow. Get dressed."
"Wh– what?"
"I said get dressed."
It wasn't often that Helle sounded so serious. Whenever they did, Beck always got this sense of impending doom, like something utterly terrible was going to happen. What else could make an immortal, aloof vampire act so... weird?
He silently got up from the sofa and went to his bedroom, putting on some random clothes and a mask as quickly as he could. Was this thing deadlier than he realised? Had Helle lost many bloodbags to severe anaemia before? He didn't know, he was too afraid to ask, and he chose to believe it was simply an out of touch vampire's buyer's remorse.
"Are we going to a hospital?" he asked timidly as he stepped out of the bedroom, and Helle nodded. "In the middle of the night?"
"Are there no emergency care facilities in the whole of the city?" they snapped, and Beck decided to just let them do whatever they wanted. The worst that could happen to him in an ER was a bit of a scolding for wasting time. The worst Helle could do? Well. He knew which one he was going to choose.
He just hoped Helle wasn't about to threaten any nurses in the name of his... health.
Severe anaemia. Blood transfusion.
Beck stared at the nurse as they brought out the needle to take a sample of his blood, still in a daze when it pierced his skin. If Helle hadn't trained him better, he might've jerked his arm away.
What was going on?
The charmed employees gave no reaction to Helle's little joke about his blood being 'A plus, I mean, positive', just as they gave none to their presence in general. They moved through protocol as though everything was normal, giving Beck a rundown on what was about to take place and how.
"It could take up to four hours, but we might help it along a little. It's a wonder you were walking around like this without... well, dropping dead."
Beck gave a nervous chuckle. "Um, yeah, I guess... I don't know, I thought I was just not getting enough sleep."
The nurse gave him a look. "Of course. I assume the vampire bite scars on your wrist have nothing to do with the anaemia."
Right. He forgot that she could just... see that. "Uh..."
"I'm not here to judge, you're neither the first nor the last victim I treat. But it's good to be honest with healthcare professionals, yeah? I know there's a bit of a stigma around it in certain places, but the emergency room is not one of them."
Beck nodded mutely. He didn't dare look at Helle. Despite them causing the anaemia in the first place, he had to admit that he was grateful to them for forcing him to come in. Who knew how long he would've continued walking around like that? Maybe he would've dropped dead.
Once he was left alone in the room, Helle cleared their throat. "Well..."
"Thank you," he said without much prompting, knowing perfectly well that was what the vampire wanted to hear. It was easier to say now, when he actually felt grateful, as opposed to all the times when they wrung the words from him through sheer terror. "I wouldn't have come in without you. Definitely not to the emergency room, but... not even to my GP."
Helle leaned against the wall with a smile on their face. They seemed pleased. "Oh, do continue. I love praise like that."
"Will you stay? For the... the entirety of the four hours?" He nodded towards the needle, shifting uncomfortably. "I, um... I could use the distraction. Please."
"Are you afraid of needles?"
"Could you sound a little less excited about it?"
Helle shook their head, the amusement never leaving their face. "You do know you will get transfusions a lot, yes? I mean, most likely. Bloodbags and thralls get them a lot."
"Could you not remind me?" he asked, even whinier.
They laughed, then walked over and sat in the other comfortable chair next to his. "Would you still like me to stay?"
"If you're just gonna make it worse, then, then maybe not," he muttered. "No, wait– I changed my mind, I don't care. You can make it worse. I just don't– I don't wanna be alone."
"Oh, I have full permission?" They leaned over and poked the tube a little, and Beck almost yanked his arm away. Again.
"D-don't mess with the needle!" God, he was so trapped. He couldn't just run away with an IV in his arm. "I meant– I don't care what you say, but don't– don't do that! Please!"
"But it looks so tasty. I could rip it out and use it as a straw."
"Okay, maybe I do want you to leave."
Helle grinned, very satisfied with their own performance. "I am quite good at making others uncomfortable, am I not? It is a skill I have perfected over three hundred years."
Beck could only nod, miserable and exhausted. "Can you... not put all that experience to use for just two minutes? Respectfully."
"Two minutes? My darling, darling Beck. You want me to sit here and chat away for four hours." They sighed dramatically. "But yes, I suppose I could dial it back a little. Just for you."
taglist: @whumpsday @the-scrapegoat @hidden-dreamland @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night @delicateprincepaper @whumppmuhw @florissimps @nicolepascaline @oliversrarebooks @the-cyrulik @pirefyrelight @there-will-always-be-blood @pigeonwhumps @echo-goes-mmm @whumpycries @morning-star-whump
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levmemes2 · 3 months
the front bottoms sentence starters
sentence starters from the album you are who you hang out with, as well as various singles, by the front bottoms. feel free to change wording, pronouns, etc. as desired.
"this whole thing feels like a fraud."
"and we're both trying, you gotta give us that."
"this is not what i would do, but this is not about me."
"you know that i would go anywhere for you."
"get some of this rage out you have deep inside of you."
"you seem to see through whatever it is about me that's trying to be tough."
"this is the life that almost killed me."
"life moves in circles."
"i'm always afraid of knowing what to do."
"you don't know me, not how you used to."
"if we keep it simple, then we'll get it right."
"it may or may not be always on my mind."
"one day you'll be proud of us."
"i couldn't get it to look this good with all the editing in the world."
"i have always been sort of an embarrassment."
"you are who you hang out."
"i want be good to the people that i love."
"i want them to think of me as someone that they can trust."
"one crisis averted, now on to the next."
"behind your anguish pools a passionate rage."
"i will love you until my hair falls out or all turns gray."
"Everything i do negatively affects my brain."
"now is not the time to get numb."
"i need to lie about the things that make me who i am."
"how rich are your parents?"
"maybe i could be one of those things that you hate at first but eventually learn to love."
"you're pretty, but you hate yourself."
"how was i supposed to know i'd need it so bad?"
"take it easy, everyone already knows."
"i've never felt so brave and strong and sexy at the same time."
"i've never felt so cold or scared or lonely at the same time."
"it’s not such a bad thing, it’s just not what it used to be."
"the things i thought were dead in me are coming to life."
"i could see myself dying for you."
"we could both stay up and try to watch the sun rise."
"we both got smart, you in your head and me in my heart."
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