#i'm not doing this for notes or getting famous being aesthetic
tue, aug 1st (day 2)
I finally did a successful workout today (only 20 minutes but it was more intense than the workouts I used to do before I got a trial on a workout app (The subscription is way too high so I'm just using it to try something new and collect new exercises)) and made oatmeal with honey and strawberries and some coffee because I was still feeling hot from the workout. I didn't use to drink coffee almost at all until this summer when I needed something to cool down so I tried to make something that was basically a spoonful of coffee with sugar mixed in a glass of milk, added ice and have been making a better (and iceless) version of that since even when it's colder. But I still prefer tea in the morning and can't wait for autumn.
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Anyways. Spent most of the morning turning a thrifted shirt into a pillowcase while rewatching a whole season of The Good Place and then ate a whole pack of paprika-flavoured crisps instead of the pre-made pasta for lunch (they were delicious. and left some marks on the fabric.)
And because I was so excited about it and really wanted to finish it, I kind of strayed from my routine only the second day in, and arrived at the library almost two hours later than I was supposed to. Which is kind of a point I'd like to talk about for a little bit.
It took me literal years to find a balance between perfectionism and complete chaos. I kept putting everything into stupid school presentations just to make them tip-top, getting migraines from the stress and then had a long period in the past half-year when I was just letting myself do anything I wanted and eventually started having slight breakdowns when something wasn't going according to my expectations. It's rooted in deeper psychological issues that one has to work on, therapy is recommended, and you might need to sever ties with some toxic people in your life.
What I'm trying to say is, I still got a lot done today, I still arrived at the library and took more notes on rabbits. I used my time well, even though not perfectly according to the schedule.
There will come a time (maybe when you lose your daily schedule completely) when you realize that it's all made up and you need time off just as much as you need some time spent working and accomplishing something. You do need both. Burnout is hard to recover from. But if you play all day, every day and bend to your own every whim, you'll eventually start feeling like shit.
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I'll be posting something about my own new (temporary) daily schedule soon, about putting it together and how I manage it in practice. For now, have some evening reading aesthetics and my new cosy pillow, and enjoy your day :)
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AI art has no anti-cooption immune system
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TONIGHT (July 20), I'm appearing in CHICAGO at Exile in Bookville.
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One thing Myspace had going for it: it was exuberantly ugly. The decision to let users with no design training loose on a highly customizable user-interface led to a proliferation of Myspace pages that vibrated with personality.
The ugliness of Myspace wasn't just exciting in a kind of outsider/folk-art way (though it was that). Myspace's ugliness was an anti-cooption force-field, because corporate designers and art-directors would, by and large, rather break their fingers and gouge out their eyes than produce pages that looked like that.
In this regard, Myspace was the heir to successive generations of "design democratization" that gave amateur communities, especially countercultural ones, a space to operate in where authentic community members could be easily distinguished between parasitic commercializers.
The immediate predecessors to Myspace's ugliness-as-a-feature were the web, and desktop publishing. Between the img tag, imagemaps, the blink tag, animated GIFs, and the million ways that you could weird a page with tables and padding, the early web was positively bursting with individual personality. The early web balanced in an equilibrium between the plunder-friendliness of "view source" and the topsy-turvy design imperatives of web-based layout, which confounded both print designers (no fixed fonts! RGB colorspaces! dithering!) and even multimedia designers who'd cut their teeth on Hypercard and CD ROMs (no fixed layout!).
Before the web came desktop publishing, the million tractor-feed ransom notes combining Broderbund Print Shop fonts, joystick-edited pixel-art, and a cohort of enthusiasts ranging from punk zinesters to community newsletter publishers. As this work proliferated on coffee-shop counters and telephone poles, it was visibly, obviously distinct from the work produced by "real" designers – that is, designers who'd been a) trained and b) paid by a corporation to employ that training.
All of this matters, and not just for aesthetic reasons. Communities – especially countercultural ones – are where our society's creative ferment starts. Getting your start in the trenches of the counterculture wars is no proof against being co-opted later (indeed, many of the designers who cut their teeth desktop publishing weird zines went on to pull their hair and roll their eyes at the incredible fuggliness of the web). But without that zone of noncommercial, antiestablishment, communitarian low weirdness, design and culture would stagnate.
I started thinking about this 25 years ago, the first time I met William Gibson. I'd been assigned by the Globe and Mail to interview him for the launch of All Tomorrow's Parties:
One of the questions I asked was about his famous aphorism, "The street finds its own use for things." Given how quickly each post-punk tendency had been absorbed by commercial culture, couldn't we say that "Madison Avenue finds its own use for the street"? His answer started me down a quarter-century of thinking and writing about this subject:
I worry about what we'll do in the future, [about the instantaneous co-opting of pop culture]. Where is our new stuff going to come from? What we're doing pop culturally is like burning the rain forest. The biodiversity of pop culture is really, really in danger. I didn't see it coming until a few years ago, but looking back it's very apparent.
I watch a sort of primitive form of the recommodification machine around my friends and myself in sixties, and it took about two years for this clumsy mechanism to get and try to sell us The Monkees.
In 1977, it took about eight months for a slightly faster more refined mechanism to put punk in the window of Holt Renfrew. It's gotten faster ever since. The scene in Seattle that Nirvana came from: as soon as it had a label, it was on the runways of Paris.
Ugliness, transgressiveness and shock all represent an incoherent, grasping attempt to keep the world out of your demimonde – not just normies and squares, but also and especially enthusiastic marketers who want to figure out how to sell stuff to you, and use you to sell stuff to normies and squares.
I think this is what drove a lot of people to 4chan (remember, before 4chan was famous for incubating neofascism, it was the birthplace of Anonymous): its shock culture, combined with a strong cultural norm of anonymity, made for a difficult-to-digest, thoroughly spiky morsel that resisted recommodification (for a while).
All of this brings me to AI art (or AI "art"). In his essay on the "eerieness" of AI art, Henry Farrell quotes Mark Fisher's "The Weird and the Eerie":
"Eeriness" here is defined as "when there is something present where there should be nothing, or is there is nothing present when there should be something." AI is eerie because it produces the seeming of intent, without any intender:
When we contemplate "authentic" countercultural work – ransom-note DTP, the weird old web, seizure-inducing Myspace GIFs – it is arresting because the personality of the human entity responsible for it shines through. We might be able to recognize where that person ganked their source-viewed HTML or pixel-optimized GIF, but we can also make inferences about the emotional meaning of those choices. To see that work is to connect to a mind. That mind might not necessarily belong to someone you want to be friends with or ever meet in person, but it is unmistakably another person, and you can't help but learn something about yourself from the way that their work makes you feel.
This is why corporate work is so often called "soulless." The point of corporate art is to dress the artificial person of the corporation in the stolen skins of the humans it uses as its substrate. Corporations are potentially immortal, artificial colony organisms. They maintain the pretense of personality, but they have no mind, only action that is the crescendo of an orchestra of improvised instruments played by hundreds or thousands of employees and a handful of executives who are often working directly against one another:
The corporation is – as Charlie Stross has it – the "slow AI" that is slowly converting our planet to the long-prophesied grey goo (or, more prosaically, wildfire ashes and boiled oceans). The real thing that is signified by CEOs' professed fears of runaway AI is runaway corporations. As Ted Chiang says, the experience of being nominally in charge of a corporation that refuses to do what you tell it to is the kind of thing that will give you nightmares about autonomous AI turning on its masters:
The job of corporate designers is to find the signifiers of authenticity and dress up the corporate entity's robotic imperatives in this stolen flesh. Everything about AI is done in service to this goal: the chatbots that replace customer service reps are meant to both perfectly mimic a real, competent corporate representative while also hewing perfectly to corporate policy, without ever betraying the real human frailties that none of us can escape.
In the same way, the shillbots that pretend to be corporate superfans online are supposed to perfectly amplify the corporate message, the slow AI's conception of its own virtues, without injecting their own off-script, potentially cringey enthusiasms.
The Hollywood writers' strike was, at root, about the studio execs' dream that they could convert the "insights" of focus groups and audience research into a perfect script, without having to go through a phalanx of lippy screenwriters who insisted on explaining why they think your idea is stupid. "Hey, nerd, make me another ET, except make the hero a dog, and set it on Mars" is exactly how you prompt an AI:
Corporate design's job is to produce the seeming of intention without any intender. The "personality" we're meant to sense when we encounter corporate design isn't the designer's, nor the art director's, nor even the CEO's. The "personality" is meant to be the slow AI's, but a corporation doesn't have a personality.
In his 2018 short story "Noon in the antilibrary," Karl Schroeder describes an "antilibrary" as an endlessly deep anaerobic lagoon of generative botshit:
The antilibrary is a generative AI system that can produce entire librarys’-worth of fake books with fake authors, fake citations by other fake experts with their own fake books and biographies and fake social media accounts, on-demand and instantly. It was speculation in 2018; it’s possible now. Creating an antilibrary is just a matter of investing in a sufficient number of graphics cards and electricity.
Reading Karl's reflections on the antilibrary crystallized something for me that I've been thinking about for a quarter-century, since I interviewed Gibson at the Penguin offices in north Toronto. It snapped something into place that I've trying to fit since encountering Henry's thoughts on the "eeriness" of AI work and the intent without an intender.
It made me realize why I dislike AI art so much, on a deep, aesthetic level. The point of an image generator is to buffer the intention of the prompter (which might be genuinely creative and bursting with personality) in layers of automated decision-making that flense the final product of any hint of the mind that caused its creation.
The most febrile, deeply weird and authentic prompts of the most excluded outsiders produce images that feel the same as the corporate AI illustrations that project the illusion of personality from the immortal, transhuman colony organism that is the limited liability corporation.
AI art is born coopted. Even the 4chan equivalent of AI – the deeply transgressive and immoral nonconsensual pornography – feels no different from the "official" AI porn churned out by "real" pornographers. "Shrimp Jesus" and other SEO-optimized Facebook slop is so uncanny because it is simultaneously "weird" ("that which does not belong") and yet it belongs in the same aesthetic bucket of the most anodyne Corporate Memphis ephemera:
We call it "generative" but AI art can't generate the kind of turnover that aerates the aesthetic soil. An artform that can't be transgressive is sterile, stillborn, a dead end.
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Support me this summer on the Clarion Write-A-Thon and help raise money for the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Cryteria (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HAL9000.svg
CC BY 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/deed.en
Jake (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:1970s_fanzines_(21224199545).jpg
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
671 notes · View notes
msallurea · 1 year
Things I'm manifesting
-Everything from my notes/Dream life (this just basically everything😭)
-Dream face
-Dream body
-Lighter prettier eyes
-Caramel brown skin (think goldenbih)
-Being 5'1 in a half + weighing 110lbs
-Smaller prettier feet, hands, toes, nails
-3b curls/perfect hair
-Lighter hair with caramel highlights
-Freckles + Beauty marks
-Natural makeup appearance
-Dream wardrobe/Fashion/Aesthetic
-Dream mansion + living in luxury city
-Being famous/celebrity/superstar/popstar
-Desired talents/talented at everything
-Being an it girl + sex symbol + muse + vixen (yall get it 😭)
-Being master manifestor + perfect pretty self concept (even tho technically I already am this its just like why not? Ya know😭)
-Dream parents/family + Being an only child (I'm sick of this sibling shit 😒) + radiate and embody hot older sister energy (just cuz I don't wanna be a older sister no more doesn't mean i dont still want the energy😭)
-Prettier handwriting +top notch writing skills/communication skills/over the top intelligence/stupidly high IQ(basically just the brainsy gyal)
-perfect 50/50 HD eye sight + looking hot asf in any pair of glasses (I wanna not be blind but still be fine)
-Prettier whiter teeth and pinker tongue and gums and just dental/mouth in general + OP top notch hygiene skills (I feel people who have bipolar depression understand this part)
-better mental health + no mental health issues + no anxiety/fearful etc
- balanced hormones + increased estrogen(as a girl I have wayy too much testosterone n I've been insecure about it for years)
-perfect coochani + OP coochanini skills (ummm so this is just self explanatory but honestly if yk yk 😭)
-Naturally smell like my desired scent (which is basically like a bakery n just so deliciously annoyingly sweet and seductive; but remember how I said I have too much testosterone gor my body to handle yea..ifykyk😭)
-No more sweating (I don't sweat excessive I just hate it period)
-top notch crystal clean health + no more constipation + no longer pooping n its healthy (ik somebody gon question me but those who suffer from severe constipation especially for me its been my whole life u understand where I'm coming from)
- desired voice + accent + unique lingo n slang etc
-Desired personality + persona + aura + vibe etc etc
-super flexibility skills
-unbearably photogenic videogenic audiogenic + always looking perfect naturally
-Desired school, friends, lover, etc + school it girl
-Speak/know already desired languages
-drivets license, car, motorcycle, etc etc
-Be intimidatingly wealthy (when I say wealthy I mean WEALTHYYYYY) + come from a family of aristocrats + wealthy generational family in general (yall know what I'm tryna say) + luxury etc etc
-Revised life and childhood
-Dream singing + rapping skills + song writing etc
-Good in all sports like frfr just good at everything (basically the perfect it girl)
-Be a Gazillion times better then Kokomi teruhashi (not tryna be self centered i promise🥲)
-Perfect life + graduation + live teenage fever dream
-Bald, completely hairless body and face (but keeping my brows, lashes and scalp hair)
It's more I just can't think of it rn but this is all I will be manifesting
How will I manifest all this?
So for me I'm not really tryna overcomplicate any more I'm just gonna go straight back to the basics n apply what I know which is choose what I desire, affirm/assume its done and persist. I already overconsumed so much and at this point it's a waste of time. I'm not really tryna do no challenges I'm just gonna focus strictly on trusting and having faith not just in myself but my imagination and subconscious thats its done n taken care of, I'll give yall updates on anything that happens soon! I love you guyssss💗💗💗
Affirmations I'll be using
-I have all of my desires from my notes
-I am living my dream life
-it is done
-I choose to live my new story, my old story no longer exist
299 notes · View notes
raointean · 2 months
Alright! Time to dissect the season 2 trailer!
Under a cut due to speculative maybe-spoilers, and because this is going to get loooong! Enjoy! (Please. I spent way too long making this)
I apologize for the quality of the pictures. I did my best to clean them up, but that trailer was very blurry, and I'm not exactly a tech wizard 🙃
So, we start off with a shot of Halbrand on a horse through a metal gate/drawbridge thing granting him entry into a city (Probably Ost-in-Edhil, based on the color of the guards' armor and the direction of the plot this season). In the background, we hear Galadriel's voice saying, "Sauron sees himself as master of all Middle Earth." Great establishing shot, no notes.
We quickly cut to a shot of two of the elven rings (Nenya and Nilya) falling to the ground in the tree courtyard in Lindon. Notably, we do not see the ruby ring, Narya. In canon, that one was given to Círdan who later gave it to Gandalf, so maybe he's already accepted his by now?
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After that, is a shot of Sauron's iconic stabby crown being carried on a platter by an orc, presumably to him in some kind of coronation ceremony. Galadriel continues, saying, "He seeks to rule it, not only through conquest..."
Then we cut to several half-second long shots. Nenya (which will become Galadriel's ring) tumbling down the stairs (seemingly a continuation of the falling rings scene, but from a different angle), Durin III looking up holding an ax in a hand that is also wearing a GIANT blue ring, the new Adar staring at someone or something with a horde of orcs behind him, and Nenya still tumbling down the stairs and finally coming to rest at Galadriel's feet. Through all this, Galadriel is saying, "But by bending the minds of all its people to his own."
We cut to a view of the tree of Lindon surrounded by elves seen through a stone archway, probably still part of the falling Nenya scene. I definitely see Galadriel and Gil-Galad there (and I think Elrond's back) but I don't recognize anyone else.
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Then, Galadriel stoops down to pick up the ring and Elrond steps forward and shouts, "No!" Galadriel ignores him and slowly, as if entranced, places the ring on her finger. Throughout all of this, the voiceover continues with, "And for that, he needs not armies, (Elrond: *No!*), but rings."
The logo fades out and we see a shot of the tree of Lindon again (this time in bloom, where before, it was half dead (maybe winter, maybe before they start using the rings?)). I see two guards, five handmaidens, Galadriel, Gil-Galad, and a mysterious silver haired or white-blond elf. It's POSSIBLE that this elf has their hair falling in front of their face, but it looks more like a beard to me (*chanting* Círdan, Círdan, Círdan) I think it's the distribution of the rings.
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It then cuts to the famous shot of the three of them in a circle with the rings on their middle fingers, ready to flip Sauron off. Elrond says via voiceover, "In choosing to wear those rings, you have all become his (presumably Sauron's) collaborators."
Then we see that shot of Elrond and Galadriel riding through the forest/plain place on horseback. Then we see two figures (presumably still them) riding up a mountain ridge, and then standing on the edge of a broken bridge on a cliff.
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I really still think this is the two of them riding to and discovering the Hidden Valley. Throughout all of these shots, Galadriel is saying, "I know you believe this ring is deceiving me, but I believe... it is guiding me."
Next, there's a brief shot of a snarling orc and then a shot of Halbrand. The Halbrand one is kind of interesting. He's standing in a city at night next to a pitch black horse (because what kind of Dark Lord would he be if he didn't live and die by the ✨️aesthetic✨️), but the interesting part is- I can't tell what city he's in. Given the direction of the plot, I think it's Ost-in-Edhil, but it COULD be Armenelos in Númenor... Through this bit, Elrond is saying, "All this may be by his design."
Next is a shot of someone in a greyish robe/tunic and sandals, wearing a ruby ring, dipping his hand in a pond or a tidepool. Next to him is what I think is a shoe and a dress matching the exact shade that Galadriel wears. The man HAS to be Círdan (I can't think of anyone else it could be) and I think Galadriel is kneeling beside him to talk.
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Círdan dips his hand in the water to play with a fish and a man (possibly Círdan himself) says, "These rings may be how he will gain power."
Then there's a bright light surrounded by a circle of people and the light explodes. I... have zero idea what that is.
That cuts to a scene of Galadriel, Elrond, and Gil-Galad alone with two guards having some kind of council. Elrond says "They must be destroyed." (I believe that's in-scene)
Then there's a wider shot of that same scene and Gil-Galad says to Galadriel, "We will discuss the rings once you have answered the question."
Next, it cuts to a scene of Halbrand (Halbrand, mind you. Not Annatar) and Celebrimbor at night during a rainstorm. Halbrand is kneeling and Celebrimbor is hastily shutting the doors behind them. Is Celebrimbor questioning him? Imprisoning him? Hiding him from someone else? Honestly, given Celebrimbor's outfit, I think the Annatar reveal actually comes later on in this scene!
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Then we cut back to The Council of Not-Elrond (because no one ever listens to him) where Gil-Galad poses his question. "Who. Is. This. Man?" Galadriel looks up at him looking terrified, resigned, and on the edge of tears, and says "He is no man." *side-eyes Eowyn*
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Next we cut to the circle-around badass fighty scene we saw in the teaser (and now we know who two more of those characters are!) and see a glimpse of the Barrow-whights. (Don't know how that's going to work, but whatever, I can roll with it)
Then we see Celebrimbor looking disturbed and confused as the room is lit up by a blaze of fire from the fireplace(?) Galadriel says in a voiceover, "He deceived me. He is Sauron." and we get our first look at smoking hot Annatar, straight out of the furnace!
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Seriously, the man is SHOOKETH!
Celebrimbor asks "What am I to call you?" and Annatar replies, "A sharer of gifts." (Y'all, the NOISE I made when he said that-)
Next we cut to a Gwaith-i-mirdan bellowing the furnace (not Mirdania, notably. This lady is brunette, not blonde) and then the workshop during the day with an anvil lowering from the ceiling. Annatar says in the background, "Our work begins now."
Now, onto Rhûn! We see the sunrise/sunset in a desert full of mound-like rock formations and a solitary rider on horseback carrying a tattered flag. Great establishing shot, though I have no idea who the horserider is.
Next, we see two figures (almost certainly Nori and The Stranger) alone in a rocky part of the desert, but what's really interesting about that is that we see them through a blurry, fractured lens. It then cuts to a group of masked horseriders (maybe the earlier one was some kind of scout or messenger?) one of which removes a telescope from their eye (their clothes are super layered, so I can't tell male or female). Nori speaks, saying "I have walked across mountains and desserts."
Then there's a shot of The Stranger moving gravel with magic. I don't know about you, but I don't remember Gandalf of any iteration doing that, so it COULD be pointing to the blue wizard theory.
Next is a face shot of Nori finishing her sentence with, "to help my friend find his destiny." She looks older and less plant-y, which makes sense, given that she's in a desert. She also seems to be in a village and I can see AT LEAST two people in the background so- Yay! Rhûnic culture worldbuilding!
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Then we see one of the priestesses with a swarm of moths in some kind of temple. The moth symbolism connected to the witches that connect to The Stranger is also really interesting because I've also always associated moths with Gandalf. I think they're going to do another, much smaller scale, mystery box plot with the "which wizard is it?" game. Nori is also speaking during this scene, and she says, "One the fate of the world may depend on."
Next, we see The Stranger slam a walking stick into the ground and seemingly cause a tornado that nearly blows Nori away. During this he's saying (quite eloquently, now) "Is it my task to stop the fire?"
Then, we see him in a candlelit stone home, presumably Bombadil's, asking, "Is it my task to face Sauron!?" We get a glimpse of Bombadil before the screen cuts away, but it looks like he's taken The Stranger in and he's started interrogating Bombadil.
Then, we get a brief glimpse of Pharazón using the Palantír (probably after he completes his coup) and it shows him fire. That's probably prophesying the Fall of Númenor.
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We see a quick glimpse of Annatar staring at something burning (seriously, not even a full half second), before cutting to the balrog going on a rampage. It flies up, creates a flame sword, and takes out a rock thing, though I don't see any definite signs of civilization, so it could be an uninhabited area. Durin IV says "To try and cheat death might lead to an even greater catastrophe."
I think it's FASCINATING that it's Durin IV saying this. Last season, it was his father talking about cheating death, which Durin IV had a very strong reaction to.
Next, we see a close up of Durin III's hand with the massive blue ring and another hand holding it (his own? his son's?). We pull out to see the Durins talking in the throne room and Durin IV says, "Father, take off the ring." If the last bit of dialogue was from the same scene, maybe Durin's using his father's own words to remind him who he is? Anyway, immediately after that request, Durin III backhands his son across the room (*chanwills0 voice* ah! abuse!). I think this could also be showing us that one of the powers of that ring is super strength?
Next, we see a dive-down overhead view of the palace of Armenelos (built JUST like Minas Tirith) with the words "ON AUGUST 29" in gold lettering. Then we see a quick series of images; two gwaith-i-mirdan pouring hot metal into a mold and a giant boulder falling in Khazad-Dûm (probably during a balrog attack).
Then we see Disa speaking to Durin. It looks like it's either in the throne room (unlikely) or their dining room (much more likely) due to a very ornate chair in the background. Disa says, "I'm afraid, Durin." I have no idea what specifically she's talking about because there are SO MANY possible reasons. There's the political tension between Durin III and Durin IV, there's the corrupting effect of the ring, there's the balrog, AND there's the siege of Eregion right outside their doorstep (we'll get to that in a minute).
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Next up is a shot of the shore of Nmenor with the words "DARKNESS WILL BIND THEM" in gold lettering. It then zooms in on Miriel walking into the ocean (maybe to commune with that sea monster we saw in the teaser)
Then, we get a view of The Stranger and Bombadil talking in the desert (I'm starting to think he and Nori get separated at some point). Bombadil says, "Every soul in Middle Earth is in peril, will you abandon them to their doom?" Notice! The repeat of the word "Peril"! That was pretty important last season! Also, it looks like they're going with a more serious Tom Bombadil, which I don't love, but maybe he just became more cheerful after meeting Goldberry (or maybe he's on a long journey and is sad because he misses his wife)
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They cut to a troll smashing something in a battle (maybe in Ost-in-Edhil) and then we see one of the mirror lights in Khazad-Dûm.
Then, we see a furious (and almost... underfed) Celebrimbor slam something on his desk and whirl around shouting, "No (Oh?), what have you done to me!?" I think we're going to get some DELECTABLE Celebrimbor whump this season, no matter what else happens. Given his fury, what I know of Sauron, and the exact wording of his question, I think there might be some kind of mind control maybe...? Please...?
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Immediately after that (and I think that order is important) we get a shot of Ost-in-Edhil on fire and then a shot of Sauron walking through the burning city and only barely being missed by a flaming missile. But who's attacking? Celebrimbor doesn't really have any major enemies... but Sauron does. It's HIGHLY unlikely that Adar is attacking Ost-in-Edhil, so I think it's Lindon and that's the conflict we're getting all those smoking hot Elrond stills from.
Then, we see the new Adar (who doesn't look half-bad, by the way! And, more importantly, he sounds great!) sitting in a throne and saying, "Leave Sauron to me." and it cuts to a shot of him with Sauron's crown, teeth down, in his hands. He stabs it into a redheaded person kneeling before him. A lot of people are saying this is Sauron, but if he is, why is he kneeling? That being said, I have no idea who else it could be.
Next is a quick shot of an elf backlit by an explosion. Several beings in the background are on fire and there are at least five dead bodies in the shot. The elf is shot through with several arrows and, at first glance, I got really excited, thinking we were getting Celebrimbanner. Then I noticed the long hair (definitely not Celebrimbor) and the bow the elf is holding, so I think this is our new OC, Rían.
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Then we get a shot of of curly-haired Elrond (yay!) and Galadriel. I think Galadriel says "Caress me, Elrond." and he reaches out to touch her face which I just- Whaaaat? They've been really good about keeping that relationship clearly platonic so far, so I'm going to trust them, but they better not mess that up. Brings "Stacy's Mom" to a whole 'nother level.
Then we get an epic wide battle shot of trebuchets and a charging army, but I can't tell if they're orcs or elves.
Next, we get peak wet-cat Elrond, blood streaming down his face and a thousand-yard-stare to match. I think I also see Aeglos to the side, so maybe Gil-Galad is fighting too? In the background, Galadriel says, "He will not stop until he is destroyed."
Then we cut to a charging horde of orcs and a shot of Adar running at the front of his forces.
After that, we see Bombadil settling his hat on his head.
Next, we see Arondir with his bow half drawn talking to an ent-wyf (YES! WE'RE GETTING ENT-WYVES!!!) who says "Forgiveness takes an age."
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Let me pause and repeat that. Forgiveness. Takes. An AGE!!! This is the end of the Second Age, around where the ent-wyves disappeared. We meet Treebeard at the end of the Third Age. Forgiveness! Takes! An! AGE! DO YOU SEE WHAT THEY'RE SAYING HERE!? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, freakout over now. Anyway-
Next shot is of Elrond speaking to Durin saying, "I need your ax, old friend." Guys! I think the dwarves are going to fight in the siege of Ost-in-Edhil! That would also be a good facilitation of Celebrimbor meeting Narvi. Maybe he's ousted from Ost-in-Edhil for a while, lives as a refugee in Moria, makes the doors of Moria with Narvi, and is recaptured trying to retake his city (and then we get Celebrimbanner... please.)
Then there's a shot of Númenor's harbor, which then cuts to Elendil walking the streets of Armenelos. Interestingly, there are several youngish people behind them holding folded up sea-guard uniforms. I don't know if they're turning them in or receiving them, but both of those options have FASCINATING implications.
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Next we see Disa and Narvi side-by-side holding hefty weapons as Durin IV says, "Fight with me!" I think they're trying to raise an army to fight with them at Ost-in-Edhil and Disa and Narvi are there to look intimidating.
Then we get a quick shot of Isildur battling a spider. I think he's going to go through Cirith Ungol trying to escape Mordor and run into Shelob and maybe some of her kids.
Next we get a continuation of the last clip and see Durin giving his rousing speech. "FIGHT! With our friends!" Then it cuts to the crowd listening and it is... very enthusiastically received!
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Then, we see the ent-wyf again attacking what is rumored to be Isildur's future bride. (By attack, I mean it looks like she's going to backhand her into oblivion and beyond)
That shot transitions into Galadriel on horseback shooting a bow and making something explode in midair. This is probably also during the siege of Ost-in-Edhil (I have a feeling that's going to take up a major chunk of the season)
Then we see Arondir fighting orcs (maybe near Ithilien?). Notably, he's alone. Bronwyn's not with him (probably because she's super dead) and Theo isn't there either. Did they go their separate ways after Bronwyn's death? Did Arondir try to look after Theo, but you're-not-my-real-dad syndrome got in the way? Either way, Arondir's voicing over in the background, "When the darkness falls, there are always some who rise [inaudible] (forth? for it?)... and shine".
Next, we see Disa watching giant bat-like creatures fly over her head. I... have no clue what that is. Sorry.
Then we get our second-favorite blorbo, Celebrimbor. Very dirty, very disheveled, still looks underfed, and he's dropping some of the rings into the forge fire. I'm not sure, but I think these are the Nine.
Next we see a giant eagle land at the palace in Armenelos and Pharazón approaching it. I don't know what EXACTLY is happening here, but I know that Eagles=Manwë and Manwë does NOT end up liking Pharazón, so it's definitely important.
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Next, we see some flaming misiles being launched at Ost-in-Edhil. I wonder what the ethics are here? There are still good people trapped inside the city with Sauron, including it's ruler! You don't want to hurt them on accident!
Again, we see miserable, disheveled looking Celebrimbor holding up a ring and it cuts to Annatar, who says, "You will give me the Nine." This leads me to believe that the ring he's holding is one of the Nine.
Then we see a troll, more fighting, Galadriel ducking under a sword, and then running into a forest attacking orcs, it looks like. Maybe Adar's forces did make it there, maybe Galadriel is somewhere else entirely, or maybe Sauron brought them along with him.
Next, we get our hot Elrond shot of him pulling out his sword dramatically and yelling, "Death to our foes!" in Sindarin(? I think... they've been using a lot of Quenya in the show, so I'm not sure).
Finally, the trailer ends with this screen.
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jessaerys · 6 months
your fav mello/near fics??? thank yeww (also love your drawings!)
oohh this reminds me i should pick up my ff.net archival reclist project up again...
it is of note that it's been a looooong while since i've combed the archives and there's a couple of common tropes i don't usually read due to personal taste, so i'm sure there's a lot of good fic i'm unaware of and/or forgetting about! this has totally renewed my interest in making a comprehensive personal reclist >:) perhaps i'll come back and edit this post every now and then.
i owe comments to nearly everyone mentioned here i am SO sorry. it's a lost skill that i am working on developing again. at the very least i've got everyone in one place so i can go down the list this year. i encourage everyone reading from this reclist to leave a comment too!
i wrote "off the top of my head" but this got VERY long so under the readmore it goes
obligatory classics
• the famous @tierfal 's sidetracked (2010) and full of surprises (2009). rated e and m respectively. these are like the allegorical little black dress in the wardrobe of the platonic ideal of the mellonear oneshot. seem to be pretty well known across the ship fandom • stripped (2009) by blueberryash/@tka-trashfire on tumblr. explicit. i haven't read this in a while but i remember it capturing the delicate gossamer tension of the ship in a way that was sooo bittersweet and nostalgic. • to speak of rules and privilege (2008) also by blueberryash/@tka-trashfire, gen, a manifesto on tenderness, soooooooooo soft, changed the game, near being afraid of thunderstorms was immediately adopted into personal canon. big time influence for the way i write near and mello's pre-canon relationship re: big brother, little brother. • an understanding (2008) by blueberryash/@tka-trashfire, rated T, short and sweet, razor sharp prose, the aesthetics of the little piece live rent free in my head. • dual(2011) by ramasi, @ramasi here i believe. rated m. historians say this might be one of the first examples of mellonear choking kink ever recorded,
•scarification (2012) by gacrux11 on fanfiction.net, rated m, big time dead dove do not eat. sorry this one leans early 2010s era grimdark melodrama but i love it sjkdfkjfd. not enough dead dove fics about the boys if u ask me. • salt in the wound (2007) •tempus fugit (2007), and • white out (2006) by vaudevillain king on fanfiction. net. a beloved rare find. all of them are rather grimdark edgy products of their era, but some of the best the era had to offer. they make me so nostalgic for my teenagehood on fanfiction.net. i get the impression these might've been written even before death note was finished? • birthday smut (2009) by kleine_aster on livejournal. explicit. this one is SO funny to me because it is both really, really good, very in character, but unfortunately it suffers from almost satirical misogyny that afflicted fujoshis back in the day. near literally is like oh that bitch... like. he would not fucking think that but i can edit quickly in my brain as i read. bisexual mello rights! otherwise really sexy imo. i might be writing something that's kind of in conversation with this fic.
RARE finds
(please tell me if you enjoy any of these, i want to feel like an explorer that's brought back treasures from far away lands)
contemporary favorites:
• you've heard about it before and you will hear about it again: the archer ensnared (2023) by jabbernatty, rated e. a jessaerys obligatory syllabus read, the fic that made me go fulltime yaoi disease. i owe so much to jabbernatty they are my white whale my friend my enemy the writer i've psychically imprinted on from the beginning. honestly too scared to even leave a comment given the jessarys archer ensnared lore. may one day may contact and pray i don't come across as insane • postmortem (2023) by the_hemlock true gen, a favorite of ALL time. it's only tangentially mn really, it is 99% about near trying to piece together the mystery of lawlight post-canon, but the characterization and prose are some of if not the best i've ever come across. reads like it could be a piece of canon material. if you only read one fic on this list i'd pick postmortem. • it's friday i'm in love by neallo/@neallo rated m. possibly my all time fave in the neallo cinematic universe. something about the after-hours longing and the standing in the kitchen by the refrigerator lights, as the poets say. i love when stories feel like you're cutting out a window to peer into a larger universe that is just out of reach. perfectly captures what it is like to have a maddening crush • i want to hold you (hostage)(2023) by neallo/@neallo rated e. thee defining fic of this current modern mellonear era. manages to walk the line of kinky/sexy/sweet/fluffy all at once. plot twist of the century in the last chapter. near is properly as bananas insane as mello is in this fic, which is the marker of a good mellonear dynamic. really everything by morgan neallo is a safe bet for a great read • there's nothing i want but you (2023) by neallo/@neallo rated t. wammy's era mellonear obsessiveness that is soooo teenagery and yet a portent of just how codependent they might one day get. cute and ominous. • armageddon/kill game (2024) by bolide/@bolide-archive came out of nowhere a couple of months ago and ascended to the top of the game like a dark horse. rated m, chess au. one of my favorite interior mello narrations and one of the most similar to my own interpretation. such naturally talented prose. i rotate lines from this in my head all the time. still in progress but i have faith that it will be completed :') • how to burn down the sacred loom (2023) by dornishviper/@vriskarlmarx a contemporary CLASSIC. the less you know going in the better. beautiful prose, beautiful structure. they don't make fic like this anymore • the house always wins (2023) by mer_curia/@vivi-scera. screaming with my mouth closed. holds a special place in my heart given that it is my posting that convinced vi to give the ship a try, and i was rewarded with a fic that is so catered to my tastes i honestly had to read it through my fingers. SO good, the manifesto on wammyscest, so rather controversial. heed the warnings. • moonlight (2023) by tsukinousagi/@quicktimeeventfull rated t. an austere, cold little glimpse into a vampire au. it's giving let the right one in. so melancholic. one of the saddest near examinations out there. •proximity tells (2018) by abysmallypresent, rated m. truly lives up to death note's second-by-second minutia while managing to keep up the tension the entire time. great characterization. •silhouettes (2015) by bad blood/eroticcodependence, @wxmmyshouse on tumblr. unrated, post-canon compliant. made me CRY! elegantly short and simple, bittersweet and so so wistful. •arsonist's lullabye (2023) by tzviaariella/@tzviaariella. rated t. this one has a heart-wrenching air of realism to it that exists outside the chaotic universe of death note, one of those examinations of picking up the pieces after the titans have all gone away. very bittersweet.
honorary mentions
• let's die somewhere prettier (2020) by firesafinething also one of my absolute favorites, unfortunately it is discontinued and it is likely it will never be completed. sad! the premise seemed SO promising. in my mind i file it right next to postmortem mentioned above. the exploration of the tragedy of 27 year old near we could have had in a better timeline. one day i will leave a comment so good maybe it will bring back the fic from the land of the dead • august underground by me & @firebuggg rated e, in progress. >:) (shamless self promo)
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freezing-kaiju · 4 months
Beautiful show it is, Kamen Rider Blade must come to an end soon. I will cry. But the world must move on.
And I decided to make this one an anime poll, since some of the legacy options from the very first poll ended up being much longer than the rest. SO! This is all shows between 20-50 episodes, around the same length as a Rider show!
You must choose at least one; if u want more, leave it in the comments or tags or replies pls and i'll count your additional votes at the end!
Agatha Christie’s Great Detectives Poirot and Marple - A young detective related to famous detective Miss Marple joins other famous detective Hercule Poirot as his assistant and learns from these two legendry mentors to solve murders. I love detective shows but I'm not too familiar with Poirot and Miss Marple so maybe the show could serve as an introduction to them. It seems cozy but compelling! The lead writer worked on a bunch of the big popular serieses (Pokemon Sun & Moon, Fairy Tail, Death Note, and Anpanman). This one's a legacy inclusion!
Blue Gender - A man from the modern day with a strange illness goes into cryosleep and wakes up in a destroed earth where mechs and aliens fight and there is a cool tall woman who has a mech. It has gore, mechs which I do need to see more of, but it's a military series. Space's also listed in the genre stuff which...is that a spoiler, do they go to space? 26 episodes, so it's on the longer side, less diligence may apply. This one's a legacy inclusion!
Dirty Pair - 80s anime, two Hotted Boobhaving space agents fight and bicker their way through the galaxy in a distinctly 'two bi women constantly getting divorced' vibe. I don't remember if this one is a legacy inclusion, but it's a famous show!
Scrapped Princess - Fantasy setting, A local white girl doomed to destroy the world and her adoptive siblings travel the world to avoid her devastating fate. also... There's mechs?? Wikipedia tells me it’s a lighthearted but mournful show that uses Clarke’s third law to bridge the gap between scifi and high fantasy. This one was handpicked by a dear friend!
Texhnolyze - by the creators of Serial Experiments Lain, it’s a show that seems similarly angsty and cerebral but much grimier. A boxer gets dismembered, cyborgized, and possibly radicalized deep in the bowels of a city that never sees the sun. ALSO GACKT IS THERE?
R.O.D. READ OR DIE -THE TV- - a potentially jojoish, gay little show about a novelist with a heady mix of hubris and self-loathing and three bibliophile sisters with Paper Abilities fighting various goons and also Britain. It seems like a romp!
Captain Earth - In the vein of Super Sentai (sadly without the precious masks), a color coded group of teens that seems to include a Yaoibait Kaworu fight aliens on behalf of NASA, with a robot that has a REALLY big hat. Supposedly it’s got a lot of intellectual depth!
RahXephon - the second name on everyone’s lips when someone says Evangelion Rip-off, after Darling in the Franxx. Mechs that are blatantly angels, a JSDF, and blue-blooded men in black. I tried a bit, and it’s got a great capture of humanity in times of crisis and such a beautifully 2000s aesthetic.
Devilman Lady - what if you were Devilman and a Lady??? What if there was a blond woman and you were a beast and there was all this blood and violence. Psychological, grungy, and gorgeously 90s. And it's a yuri!!!
Chrno Crusade - Cisgender Bridget and a devilboy (no relation to devilman or devilmanlady) do exorcisms for an order of nuns in 1929 New Yawk Citay. It's a het romance, full of bumbling and comedy and period era ghostbustiness. Also for some reason in a lot of the art (like this one) Chrno is whitewashed?
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A Precure - I've seen Kamen Riders, Super Sentais, an Ultraman, but I've not seen the sister show to them all; Pretty Cure! SO clearly I need to, and if this one doesn't win it'll flood the poll to replace Ryuki. These options are suggestions; might be others.
[original image sources: agatha's is from the op but can be found screencapped here, gender, dirty, scrapped, texhnolyze, die, earth, rahxephon, lady, crusade (official magazine art findable here), pre tty cure (official posters findable in those places). i replaced them with trailers tho lol. but check the ones that are oroginal anime wallpapers out theyre very nice]
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don't you forget about me
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๑ Summary : will you be true to your word that you won't forget about Eddie when both of you stood on your ground with your hopes and dreams succeeded?
๑ Word Count : idk if y'all like longer fics, but I'm just eyeballing it on the right amount, I'm so excited for this one hehe
๑ Warnings : 18+ Songwriter!Eddie Munson x Popstar!FEM!reader, cursing, use of y/n, highschool classmates, set in modern era (but with 80's aesthetics) Eddie is (21), reader is (20), Eddie is also very shy doesn't know how to express he feels but he cares, reader is jittery and rambles when she's nervous! VERY CUTE! I promise :))
๑ What to Expect : friends to lovers, unrequited feelings, FLUFF! this can be slightly awkward but I am a woman of my word it would be absolutely adorable!
๑ Note To Reader : I just had this idea that Eddie and reader while reunite after so many years later and they both can't handle that their friendship has never changed! it's still pretty rock solid! 😭🫶🏻✨
๑ Author Note : I worship John Hughes films, so, you know the drill! 😉 and um- sorry if I'm bringing myself some of my fics in this but the beginning happened to me in real life, so, yes, I miss that specific person (yeah the same guy that had a crush on for 10 fucking years 😃👍🏻) I haven't seen him since 2018 👀
"Stop- what are you doing?!" you said to him while having a breathy laugh
He smirks as he looks at you within his eyelashes as he tries to hold you still while writing something down on the back of your hand
"Eddie, this is ridiculous" you say to him as you shook your head sideways but a fond smile is sitting on your lips as you glanced at your back a bunch of students are hollering in excitement for the school year end because knowing damn well that whatever he is written down on your hand it will not stay, it would be easily removed once you took a bath when you get home
But, you don't mind it anyways, you smile at him as you watch him curiously as you can see his lips muttering different words under his breath as he writes
"You're the one who is being ridiculous" he says to you not looking at your eyes yet
You chuckle at his reply as you playfully roll your eyes at him
"There" he says as he brings back the cap of his blue ballpen, you heard it with a click
You bring your hand close to your face as you read what it says
"Don't let anyone else stop you for following your dream"
you lightly giggle when some of the words are not aligned as it goes wonky down on the back of your hand but still it's nice and you liked it
"Don't forget about me when you get famous with your singing career" he leans forward to get close to you, so, you could hear him clearly
The hallways are filled with whooping and screaming in excitement of students that are cheering for the school year end, Eddie chortled at the sight of it
You missed the way he looks at you
You raised your head as you flash him a sweet adoring smile as you nod
You shyly taken a back from his words of encouragement that really meant true as you judge by his tone
You snort "Okay, Eddie"
A smile tugs to his lips as he leans his back on the railing as he spoke again "I mean it, Y/N"
You look back at him and you directly look into his eyes
"Just don't ever forget about me, okay?"
It's very heartwarming to you that he is so kind "Of course, I will never forget about you, Eddie"
How would you ever forget Eddie Munson?
When he's the only one guy in your school campus who is so respectful towards you?
That was 2016, nine years ago
You've been classmates since 7th grade and even though you don't both have the same section from 8th grade and 9th grade
You still see each other and interacted a little
You kinda wish that he was still your classmates all those years
Sometimes, though, you winced at the memories when you're with him, you cringe at it at how you make things weird and awkward
You hate it when you get all so jumpy and nervous around him, I mean- it's just Eddie but the problem is that he doesn't know that you just realized it back in 8th grade that you finally figured it out that you developed feelings for him
You both weren't exactly close
Yeah, both of you tease each other and make fun and silly jokes sometimes
Yes, you both have a few conversations and slightly deeper talks about both of your families when your teacher on P.E class partnered the both of you together for the dance project
That's the only time that you ever both talked real to each other
That little moment, until now is still vivid to you
But still, you're not that close to him
He was just a good friend or maybe just a good classmate that you had
You encountered him again back in 2018 when both of your paths crossed while being on the escalators
You noticed him first but before you call out to him, you made sure that it was him because you moved on to another school after 9th grade, so, pretty much something's have changed but him?
He never did, he is still stylish as ever and so are you
But of course, both of you grew up
You're now already looking at him and you expect him to notice you, so, you didn't do anything at first and when you both finally met in the middle of the escalator and he is still doesn't saw you on the other side and he is mere inches close to you and you're too fucking shy to call his name out, you tried to tap on the handles to make a sound but no to avail, as you had no choice but to say his name
He whipped his head around the second you call him
He smiles and leans back forward as the both of you stare at each other
You shyly wave at him as you duck your head down to look at where you're going
From the corner of your eye, you saw him reached at the end of the escalator, his eyes still locked on you
But goddamn, it's 2024, you're 20 and he's 21
Both of you are college students now
Your feelings for him remained the same way and all of the crushes that you had from elementary to highschool
He's the only one ever to take over your heart this long
So long that sometimes, you wonder, if you try to confess it, so, it will be all over
But isn't that embarrassing? since well....
You haven't seen him since what?!? 2018???
2018 was the last time you ever saw him
You also haven't talked to him for years
Besides, seeing him on his Instagram profile but that doesn't count
But you did some risky stuff and you made such a big deal out of it because you're too overreacting with your giddy feelings for him
Like for instance
You complimented him on his Instagram stories in 2021 and he only heart reacted on it
You greeted him on his birthday for the first time ever in 2022 (you're wishing that he won't find it weird that you know his birthday and you hoped that he still remembers that he also wrote on your slambook back in 7th grade, that's why you knew) you also send your pictures with him from the field trip that you both had in 8th grade
And that right there, you received a message
A message that is so short but so endearing and it really means a lot to you
He says that he is sorry for not reaching out to you after all of those years passed and he is glad that you hadn't changed ever since then and he appreciates and he is so grateful for the highschool memories that you both had together
Even it's just a short amount of period at that time
2023, you greeted him again on his birthday but he only said thank you
You kinda hoped that he'll message you
But, girl- thank god that you aware of the term called "reality check" because why would he message you all of the sudden since that you both didn't knew very well
You sigh in hopelessly romantic manner wishing that he'll talk to you someday
Yeah, a smile grows on your lips all the time when you always receive a notification that he likes your posts
Damn, only a notification from him already lightens up your day
How fucking great, that's how pathetic it is
"5 minutes then you're good to go!"
Okay, fast forward from your train of thoughts, right- you got a show to run
You're a popstar now and you made it like you always wanted to be
Despite, everyone from your school bullies tries to pull you down
Eddie is the only one who believed in you and supported you all the way even both of your lives are different now than before
While in the autograph signing table
"You're such an inspiration!" A young girl said as she beams up as she watches you sign up of your portraits photograph
"Thank you so much, sweetie! I'm very happy to hear that, did you had fun?"
She aggressively nods as she starts bopping up and down on her heels in excitement, you chuckled at that and you gave back the signed picture of yours to her as she gives you huge smile as she takes her leave
You didn't noticed the next person as you start signing
"As you walk on by, will you call my name?"
The sound of the person's voice is too unreal for you to hear and to register of what you just heard as you paused on what you're doing as you slowly raise your head up at the person who is standing in front of the table across from you as you gasp that you thought you're not going to see him again after 2018
But, now, here, he is finally once again
You've always dreamed about this
You've always wanted this to happen
It's unbelievable
You know that face and voice and that iconic smirk on him as you take him in
"Eddie?" You're still gasping in shock as you cupped your mouth in surprise as you look around you and your eyes are twinkling as he looks down on you in adoration and now the other fans that are waiting in line are getting curious and they flash you a smile as they relished and witness the reunion of the both of you
He grins as he nods as he shoved his hands onto his pockets "Ah- she remembers me!" You giggled to his classic antics
He hasn't changed
You could hear everyone who is asking, the buzzing "who is he?" "omg- they knew each other?!?" "wait- maybe he is the guy from her songs!"
You're too overwhelmed from all of this that you almost forget that you have to sign all of the pictures
You motion for him to lean down as you say "Can you wait for me backstage?"
He smiles "Yeah, sweetheart- I'll meet you there"
You sheepishly smile at him again as you gave him access that made everyone eyes goes wild, the crowd seems to go nuts over it
And by that the following question had been like this
"Who is the lucky guy?"
"Why is he getting the special treatment?"
"Is he your boyfriend?"
You don't give them all the personal information from your life and all the details but you confirmed that he is the guy from your songs and you love how your fans squealed and get thrilled from this
After an hour, the show is over and you bid goodbye to your fans and thank them for attending, you stretch your arms out and massage your neck as you exhale as you headed into the backstage
"Y/N's a star now" he leans his back on the wall as he smiles at you
He says the moment you moved the curtains on the side as you snort at his comment
You went into the small comfort room as you change your clothes into much more relaxing attire
"Hey, Eddie, I hope you didn't get bored for waiting"
"Nah, I don't mind it- sweets"
Once you get dressed, you open the door, so, you can talk to each other as you start to remove your makeup with a cotton pad as you double cleanse with rinsing it thoroughly
He watches you put a tinted lip balm on your lips, he swallows as he hangs his head low for a while
You groan at the hairstyle that you had earlier but you absolutely loved it getting all glammed up but you're just so tired and wanting to get this everything off so you can get to rest
Both of you kept talking but you didn't notice how he looks at you and watches your every move from removing the pins and hair ties from your hair from brushing it and you let your hair down as you grab your shoulder bag
He is so entranced by you like as you do too
Only if he knew
And only if you knew
His daze has cut off the time when you're literally now in front of him, he snapped out of it when he tries to recall of what you just asked him
"Do you want to walk outside?"
"Y-Yeah sure, come on, let's go"
You told your crew that you'll be back and you look out for them and always saying thank you for getting the job done
The walk was.....pleasing....but too quiet for you
It seems like Eddie can read your thoughts as he finally spoke up
"How many years had passed?"
A knowing smile is showing onto your features as you glanced at him
"9 years"
He raises both of his eyebrows "Damn" as he chuckles in disbelief
"Yeah" the smile still lingers on your lips
"Did you get to do it?"
"Do what?"
"Your band? Corroded Coffin?"
There's a glint on his eyes as he stops to his tracks as he stares at you for a moment
"What?" You ask him in confusion
"Nothing, it's just- you still remember that?" He tilts his head at you as he squints his eyes
"Well, of course! you told me not to forget about you, right?"
"You're always true to your word, sweetheart, I like that for you"
You both sat down on the bench in front of the fountain as you watch random kids playing
He sighs but he notices that you're awaiting for his answer as you quirk an eyebrow at him as he snorts
"Uh, no- Jeff, Gareth and Me, played for 4 to 5 years, I think? We had a blast but I realized that being a rockstar, it's not for me permanently"
"But, I thought you always wanted to be rockstar"
"Yeah, well, we got a record deal for a while-"
"What?!? Really?!?"
He chuckles to your excitement as you turn your whole body facing to him
"Yup, and we- uh- did a little tour here and there but, it just felt like that's not what I was looking for" he shrugs as he looks down as he starts to fidget his rings
You notice that, you always do, it's his nervous habit, you smile at him sadly
"How about Jeff and Gareth?"
"They got all their own ambitions and all of us took the same thing and we agree to not totally disband but, maybe, someday I don't know in the future, we'll get back to where we started"
You nod at him in understanding "I still feel superior to be one of the very first audience" you smirk
He whips his around at you at that and he blinks slowly like he just had a flashback
Yeah, if he's supportive to you and so do you
"the most loud cheerier ever, I gotta say" he laughs as you facepalmed as you can remember all of it
"So, what do you do now?"
"Uh, I'm a songwriter"
You react in delightful way and he chuckles at your face that you make
Both of you reminiscence your highschool memories as both of you look back at it
"Y/N, you-"
He hesitates for a few seconds as he chuckles as he dismissive his hand at you
"It's getting late" he says as he clears his throat
Your smile slightly falls as you glanced on your watch
It's been 2 in half hours
"I guess, we better get going then"
You both stand up as he walk you through the parking lot
You dig your nails through your palms as you think twice if you should tell him right away how you really feel about him
You can't chicken out now
You're not a kid anymore, you can take the rejection and well....
At least you tried, so, it will bring you peace
You've been fighting for your whole life not to ask him before, it's plaguing every year passed
Only a few more steps, you can sight your van
You took a deep breath, you know you'll make a rambling mess out of a speech but you don't care
"Eddie" you say as you turn around to look at him
He raises his head the moment you call his name
You walked closer to him as he looks at you as he waits for you to speak
"I know this is going to sound so out of place but uh- I have feelings for you since we we're 7th grade, I didn't know that I had it since I just suddenly realized it when we we're in 8th grade and ever since then and now I still have it for almost 10 years and it's okay, you don't have to-"
"I know"
You're stunned, you can't function to speak anymore
"I-I'm sorry?"
"I know and I'm aware of it"
He can't just say that to you like it was nothing
You're definitely screaming inside to this mind-blowing revelation
Your cheeks starts to glowing red as you feel all bashful to his gaze
Your eyes suddenly can't manage the hold to look in his anymore
"Even before?" You whisper as you wrap your arms to yourself
He's now the one who moves towards you
You're appalled and you didn't even noticed that your mouth is hanging agape as you shut it and swallow
"How did you find out?" You ask without looking at his eyes
He runs his tongue over his lips "from Gareth, and you know him he's got a big mouth and all that"
You close your eyes in humiliation as you bite down your lip
You shouldn't have been talking to him or giving a clue
But, sometimes though, you give hints when you're having a conversation with him
Gareth, somehow, finds the missing puzzles and figures it all out
You couldn't stand here and you feel ashamed of what you just did, my god, what are you thinking?
"Listen, uh- it's good to see you, I gotta go" you say as your drag your heels to walk away from him as fast as your feet can take you
But, he reaches out and holds your wrist making you stop
"Y/N, don't go"
"Because-" he sighs as he runs his fingers through his hair
"I'm no expert in showcasing my feelings, okay? I-I'm shy"
Your entire discomfort of being flustered has completely washed away
You find it amusing, well, Eddie has always been shy but really???
There's nothing to be mousy about when he's with you
"You're shy?" You echoed what he just said as you pursed your lips together
He scratches the back of his neck as he clicks his tongue as he nods his head slowly
You exhale "Well, fuck- Eddie, I'm shy too! I can't even blurt it out loud of what I've been carrying for what?!? 10 years?!?"
You start pacing back and forth in front of him as he breathes through his nose
"See, Eddie, I've always liked you, okay? or maybe I took your kindness way out of line" you throw hands up
He gave you that doe eye look and you avoid looking at it as you continue rambling at him
"I can't even comprehend why? Why am I still clinging onto you for all these years? I hate that you still made me swoon over you and make me feel things!"
His mouth starts to slowly hanging open to your subtle confession
"You know what's unbelievable to me? Is that you don't know me and I don't know anything about you but still it feels like I knew you even though we don't talk a lot back then and it hurts, it hurts that you're so big-hearted and it pains me that you're just so mellow person" your voice cracks and that's where the time the water works starts to fill up in your eyes
You sniffle as you quickly wipe your tears from your cheeks "You're the only guy that has ever been so nice to me, the only who cared, the only one who hasn't changed towards me since highschool, I don't even know what's the reason why"
He is still remains silent, probably still processing every information that you just told him
His eyes softens and his heart is begging to leap forward outside of his chest
"Y/N" he holds your forearm softly as he runs his thumbs over it, you shivered from his touch
"Have you ever wondered why I still don't have a girl beside me?"
He is still single?!? What?!?
You gulped as you look at him with hopeful eyes and tear-stained cheeks
He smiles down at you as you scrunch up your face in a shameful way that you don't like him to see you crying like this
That's right
You haven't seen anyone with him since elementary or highschool
He had a couple of silly crushes that you heard from your classmates before but still
You don't saw anyone else with him
And that alone made you think a lot since Eddie is not an asshole, it's mind-boggling
You're still in denial that you might think he has the same feelings for you
As if
"Eddie- I think you're a great human being, anyone is lucky to have you"
He chuckles slightly as you dodged his point
"I didn't date because why?"
You take all the courage that's left inside of you as you look at him
"You already have my heart, darling"
Your eyes flutters to his admission, your heartbeats faster that it might burst any second
He likes you?!?
"A-Are you sure? I don't u-understand- why didn't you m-make a move before?" You stuttered, your voice sounds so small and it makes his heartache
"I was a coward" he pulls you closer to him your eyes widen but you melt to his touch
"W-What about the messages that I sent you? Does that mean anything to you?" A sprinkle of insecurity is showing through your tone and he catches it, he reassures you that it means a lot to him
He grins at the birthday wishes that you make before
"I appreciate them all, I-I just didn't know how to express it in there, so, when I found out that you're have a show in here, maybe it's time to take it to the next level, it feels it's the right thing to do in person"
He embraces you for the first time and the only time that you ever became this much closer to him, you feel his warmth enveloping you his arms surrounding you in the most cozy way possible, you sigh in content as you squeeze him
"Feel better?" He asks as he still holds you tightly
"Yes" you whisper softly as you smile against his chest inhaling on his scent, it's intoxicating
The moment you pushed yourself away from him, you slipped on the thin ice as his reflexes are fast enough to catch you before you can hit the icy cold ground
You gasp as your eyes goes everywhere to his face as you held on him to stabilize you to get back up on your feet
He's so mere inches close, his eyes sparkle as he stares at you
He slowly lifts you back on, both of you didn't break eye contact
He can't help himself as his hand crawls at your waist to flush your body against his, you fight for your breath for the idea that he's about to do
His eyes flits through your eyes and to your lips, he goes for it as you close your eyes as you kissed him back
"Is it too late?" The smugness is radiating off of him when you chase his lips to peck on it
"I think we both waited on the right time" you say as you kissed his cheek
His cheeks blooms red as he dramatically freaked out as you let out a fit of giggles
"I'm relieved that you're patient to finally let me get out of my shell"
"Oh, be thankful that I have a wide patience or else I'll fucking lose it"
He laughs as he rest his forehead against yours
"You're the most perfect girl ever"
You smile brightly "And you're the most perfect boy ever"
Your crew call out to you saying that you have interview tomorrow morning
"Be with me?"
You snort as you elbowed him as he catches you off guard pressing another kiss to your lips
"I love you, Y/N- you have absolutely no idea"
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marksbear · 2 years
hi papa bear! i want you to take your time answering this request giving whats been happening recently, i just don’t want you to feel rushed, so please have a speedy recovery. joe has been consuming my brain recently, so could i request a joe goldberg x male reader where the reader is like this super sweet guy (on the outside, so maybe he works as a florist or something) and joe is infatuated with him. and when joe tries to break into his house, he ends up getting caught and tied up, which he then sees a whole ‘nother side of reader (so like, really dominate). but he isn’t really complaining, and reader starts to take interest in joe. and i’ll just leave it to you to let your imagination go wild, you can or can’t do smut, i’m just desperate for joe content. have a good day! and thank you if you end up doing this request!
I love Joe to my core! But sadly I don't have the chance to watch season 4, so this would take place in season 3!
Warnings! Breaking in, pervert Joe, LIME, teasing, stalker, killing mentioning, slight voice kink
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How did I let myself get dragged here?
Joe thinks to himself as he follows closely behind the group of neighbors inside Madre Linda.
Including himself and his wife Love, Carry and Sherry, Matthew and his son Theo, Andre and Jackson.
He didn't know where the hell Sherry was taking the group. Everybody besides him and Love seemed to know this route through the neighborhood very well. Everybody was in a happier mood. Not the usual fake happy mood that everybody in this place shows. No. An actual happy mood.
Even Matthew seemed in a little happier mood knowing the place they were going to.
Love already tried to ask the group hundreds of times about where they are going, but they didn't budge her answer.
"I don't want to be here. I should be with my real true love Marienne. I'm just wasting my time here rather than being with her. God. Why the hell did Love drag me here with her. I swear if we take one more left----"
Joe's train of thoughts gets cut off.
"Were here!!" Sherry squeals in happiness as her husband opens the door welcoming everybody inside.
Joe stays outside a little looking at the sign. The sign read "Wildflowers!" with bright colored lights.
"You gotta be kidding me." Joe thinks to himself looking at the decorated outside with all types of flowers and colors. Joe was already thinking about the people who was mostly likely inside the shop already judging everything about it.
After a while of scanning Joe walks inside with Sherry announcing quite loudly.
"Goldberg's! Meet the most beautiful and calmest place in Madre Linda!" Sherry exclaims.
Joe looks inside the flower shop looking for anything to pick up his interest.
"Sherry! You guys are here to welcome back!" A pre-teen voice says happily welcoming the group inside. The boy looked around ten to twelve he had green eyes almost matching the whole aesthetic of this place.
"Here you go~" The boy hands Sherry a white rose with a wink causing her husband to laugh.
"Caleb my man! Where are your parents? Specifically your dad." Cary says emphasizing the word dad. "He's----" The boy gets cut off by a pair of gloves on his shoulders holding him tight startling the boy.
"His dad. Is right here."
Joe's eyes look up from the boy's face and to his "father's."
"Well, hello there... You're not my usual type, but i'll make exceptions. You sound way too young and sweet to even be any kind of father. You obviously don't care about being dirty taking note of the little dirt smudges on your face. Your hair is a bit messy, but still well put together. You take off your gloves and aprons maybe to look better than you already do. You look at everyone with a smile before slowly you lock eyes with me."
"Oh~ Is this the oh so famous Goldberg's I've been hearing about?" The florists ask with a sweet smile before reaching his hand out to Joe and love.
"Y/n L/n nice to meet the both of you."
Joe reaches out his hand as well letting Y/n grasp it and shaking it before sadly letting go and shaking Love's.
"You and Lara are still doing that fake dad and mom thing?" Matthew questions with an eyebrow raised.
"Well last week was supposed to be the last time, but I couldn't bare the thought of Caleb being taken away. And plus his mom asked us to only for a bit longer. I just couldn't say no." Y/n answers with a smile.
"Now I gotta get back to work feel free to chill." Y/n says before leaving.
"Y/n L/n..." Joe thinks to himself one last time as the man leaves.
Joe stalked and learned about Y/n. He learned his work hours, his friends and groups, how he always likes to help others before him. And so on.
So now Joe was outside Y/n's house looking around making sure the close was clear. Y/n's car wasn't in the driveway signalling to Joe that he was out. Joe knew that Y/n had dinner plans with one of his many friend groups. And Joe knew that the "sweet" Y/n wouldn't bail on anything.
Joe stalked up to the house carefully before walking around the outside of the house looking for a open window or unlocked window.
"Finally an unlocked one. Y/n were you hoping that I would break in how sweet of you." Joe thinks as he opens it and steps inside.
Joe shuts it after him before taking a look at his soundings.
"Beautiful house you got Y/n. You even got books here! Just perfect place for the both us."
Joe walks around the house picking things that Y/n owns that were left around. Like jackets, Polaroid photos, rings and even shirts laying around before stuffing it inside his backpack. Joe begins to walk up stairs looking through rooms and areas looking for a specific place.
"Found it." Joe thinks to himself as he looks around Y/n's bedroom.
Before Joe could fully go inside his bedroom something smashes against the back of his head knocking him out cold.
Y/n stood over Joe with broken pieces of a plant pot in his hands. Y/n tosses the pieces to the side before staring down at Joe's body. Y/n picks up Joe's arms before dragging him back downstairs and into the living room laying him down on the floor.
After a while Y/n comes back with a chair and rope.
Y/n sits Joe's body on the chair before tying up his arms and legs to the chair. Once Y/n made sure everything was nice and tight on Joe, he used extra rope to gag Joe's mouth. Y/n begins to walk around his house making sure there's nothing valuable stolen.
Couple minutes later Y/n goes back in the living room checking up on Joe.
Y/n watches from behind as Joe slowly lifts up his head regaining consciousness. Y/n could hear muffled and quiet noises from Joe. Some of the noises sounded like his name.
Y/n slowly stalks up closer to Joe before walking in front of him standind in front of him with arms crossed.
"I knew you were a bit creepy, but never took you as a robber Joe. If you're gonna at least break in someone's house at least double check no ones here! Now when I take this rope out of your mouth you better not scream or any bullshit got it?"
Joe's POV
When were you so dominant? And god why is it making--- No not the time for this. How come you'd never show me this side of you? Were you hiding it on purpose... Y/n you tease.
As you take the rope off of me I get to get a good look of your face.
You still look so good. Even though your hair looked a bit like a mess and your clothes were wrinkly you still looked so fucking good.
"Now that you can talk. Tell me why the hell you're here." You say with venom laced in your tone.
Y/n... What are you doing to me?
"What? Are you just gonna keep staring at me? Now answer the damn question Joe."
"I was- Uhm I was doing Love a favor. She thought she left her purse here and she kept nagging me to come to your house and get it That's all I swear!" The lie falls out of my mouth.
"Then why are some of my clothes in your bag?" You ask tossing my bag in front of me with some of your clothes falling out of it.
I was left speechless. I didn't mean to not say anything, but the words just got stuck in my throat.
"So, Joe i'm gonna ask you one last time why'd you break into my house?" Your questions keep leaving me speechless. It felt like my body was paralyzed under your dominant eyes.
You sit on the couch across from me arms still crossed with your legs spread. You began to tap your foot impatiently.
"Because of you." I say barley above a whisper. I see you cock your eyebrow signalling to me you didn't hear me. "I said because of you."
"Really. Because of me. You broke into my house for me?" Your tone made me feel even more stupid.
Stupid in love of course.
We stare at each other for a long time making eye contact without a word. Your eyes look and study me. If only I could hear your thoughts Y/n.
“So I’m guessing you like me. What about your wife and son?”
I think about my answer for a second before saying. “Yes of course I like you. I’ll do anything for you and I mean anything!” “Anything Goldberg?” “Yes I’ll do anything!”
“We’ll then, you caught my interest Joe. Now it’s just your job to keep my eyes on you.” Once those words fall from your lips my heart burns with excitement.
You walk up to me untying me from the tight ropes before helping me up.
Then my body acts on its own.
Joe wraps his arms around Y/n’s shoulders bring him close in a tight hug.
As if Joe lost all control of his body he grinds and rut into Y/n clearly wanting something. Joe kiss and nibble on Y/n’s neck.
“Ah ah. Not yet Joe~ I just don’t fuck anybody’s married husband. I’m to sweet for that.” Y/n says lightly pushing the eager man away from him.
“And especially when that man’s wife is coming over for dinner.”
“Huh?! W-Why is she coming?”
“Unlike you she actually knows how to interact with people before breaking inside their house. And plus it’s good that she’s coming here.
Y/n takes a hidden knife off the table giving it to Joe.
“It’s for own benefit Joe. We can be with each other if you just kill her! We can raise Henry fine. We just need her out the picture first before anything.”
“So Joe. Are you still willing to do anything for me?”
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cookiesupplier · 10 months
Every Rose Has It's Thorns - Part Two
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pairing: Ricky Olson x ofc (Talia)
warnings/tropes: slow burn, soulmates, strangers to enemies to lovers, betrayal, angst, fluff, smut, language.
summary: In a world where soulmates inexplicably receive a tattoo that will match that of their soulmate the moment they turn eighteen years old, being famous and covered in very visible tattoos can make finding your true soulmate a questionable fate. Not that it is any easier for the soulmate in question. Thus is the fate for Ricky and Talia. Sooner or later, however, life is bound to collide, but what will happen when it does?
author’s note: Unbeta'd, this story might actually be complete chaos in my head right now, I'm sorry for this. Also, never done VIP, so, pure guess/made up anything to do with it.
tags: @tearfallpixie @cncohshit @jordynyingling0219 @faceless-mirror @nyxthedestroyerofworlds
Ricky had never had a problem with his soulmate tattoo until he joined the band. He’d loved his tattoo from the moment it had appeared on his skin, he’d actually gotten a matching tattoo on the opposite side of neck to complete the piece. It finished it. While some people had soulmate marks that stood out like sore thumbs against their real tattoos, he liked to think his soulmate tattoo blended in with his pretty well. Not that that was why he did it. 
Also hadn’t stopped randoms from trying to fake soulmate tattoos over the years.
When he first joined the band, the whole black paint while performing had been great for aesthetics really, but also for keeping the whole soulmate element at bay. Sure, there was always going to be the questions. They knew that, from the years before he joined the band, Chris and the others had warned him about it. Whether anyone knew what his mark was or not, there were always going to be questions. If he’d found his soulmate, who she, or he, or they were.. Were they involved, were they going to get married, was he going to stay in the band and keep touring. 
Oh yes. Apparently more than a few people just assumed that they found their soulmate that life of a big touring musician would be too much for their normal soulmate and they’d just throw in the towel and call it a day. Ricky had no intention of doing that. Thank fuck for Gracie. His soulmate. 
Okay, so, yes, like predicted, the fan sites had found out what his soulmate tattoo was and plastered it all over the internet. Sure enough, like predicted, out of the woodwork came people trying to fake soulmate tattoos, which they were always laughable. Dating back then had been a pain in the ass, which was why he’d gone all in with the band, and the music. Over the years he’d dated a few times, and it had been up and down, here and there, admittedly, sometimes a right insanity when you include the whole soulmate element issues, but he tried to avoid it mostly. 
Then he met Grace.
She was something else. He’d met her on an off day on tour, hungover and grabbing coffee for the guys with Vinny. They’d all gone out after the show last night knowing they’d have the day to relax, and might have gone a little harder than they should have, so his head had taken a hit. His sunglasses were heavy over his eyes as he walked into the cafe, Vinny jabbering away, Ricky was adjusting his jacket as they moved into line and about to wait so they could put in their order for everyone, when the next thing he knew, he was covered in sticky, brown liquid.
Thankfully, not the scalding hot coffee kind, but instead the icey cold coffee kind, but still, sticky coffee, with whipped cream on top. It had dripped down the front of his jacket as the other person, Grace as it were, apologised profusely about the accident, helping him clean up all the mess.
She insisted on paying for their drinks despite the fact he kept telling her it wasn’t just his drink and it was too much. Went so far as to help Vinny and him carry them back to the hotel. It was as she was saying goodbye that Ricky saw it, handing over the trays of coffee to him, laughing at something Vinny said as she pulled a hair tie from her wrist and went to pull her long hair from her neck.. The tattoo on her neck.
The rose.
Just like his soulmate tattoo.
She had his soulmate mark. She was his soulmate. Glancing at Vinny, he’d known that he’d seen it too. That day had changed everything for Rick. She’d seemed so genuine, and what was even better, she didn’t seem like some obsessed fan meeting him at a concert. A random encounter on the street. It had given him hope that it could work out for them.
Yes, hope.
Not all soulmates were together. Not everyone stayed with their soulmates. There were so many people in the world that never even met their soulmates, so why would everyone stay with theirs? Okay, sure, everyone he knew that had met their soulmates ended up staying with them, but fuck that, Ricky refused to give into that fucked up peer pressure, not when he’d seen some of the things that had happened between soulmates in the world. You saw a lot of things from behind a lens. He was lucky though, Grace, his Gracie, she was amazing.
“Vin, Vinny, wake up.”
Hitting the side of his bunk on the bus, they were on tour again and years later, and Rick needed to talk to him. It was admittedly earlier than he’d usually get up in the morning so dragging Vinny up now was going to be a task and a half but he was determined.
“Get up!”
Hissing at him, not wanting to wake anyone else on the bus, let alone Grace. She didn’t always travel with them, but this tour he’d made up an excuse that she should take a vacation from work and spend a few weeks with them from work. Rick, of course, had an ulterior motive, not one he’d talked about with anyone, yet, but that was the point of waking up Vinny early this morning. When Vinny swatted him away, Rick sighed rolling his eyes, glancing back to the bunk that Gracie was sleeping peacefully in a few spaces down, they weren’t sharing exactly, the bunks were too small for that comfortably, sure they shared here and there, but they had separate bunks technically. Last night he’d slept in his own below Vinny.
Alright, time for the big guns. Rick stole Vin’s blanket, slinging up over his shoulder and just walked away with the mug of coffee in his hand. If he’d gotten up willingly, he’d have given it to him peacefully, but nope, now the shit was going to have to come after him for it. Once Rick got to the living area of the bus where the coffee machine was, dropping his blanket to the side and setting down the coffee by the machine that he’d made for Vin while he sat down holding his own, taking a sip from the mug, and waited. The muffled groan from a pillow along the way that followed made him smirk. Took him long enough. 
Sure enough, not too long later, shuffling of feet sounded and along came Vin, glaring at him, before he grabbed at the mug, and then his blanket, wrapping it back around him, and dropping to sit and glaring at him.
“Why, for the love of all that is holy, am I up at the ass-crack of dawn?”
Ricky grinned wide,
“Because you can’t keep a secret worth a damn, and if I’d told you any sooner what I was planning, Gracie would have known before we even left for tour, now, you going to help me propose to my girlfriend or not?”
Talia was panicking. She couldn’t believe that her friends had done this to her. On her birthday. Actually no, no she could. She really could believe it, of all the people she knew would do it, they would. They never thought that she should give up on her soulmate because they knew that for years, how had Jordan put it, that weird long hair emo boy always made you smile like the sun could shine out of you. No, Jordan was not a fan of the music Motionless made, and she wouldn’t hold that against him, she loved him, and forgave him his horrible taste in music. When he came to a concert, and he had come to a concert with her, he chose to wear earplugs, the blighter.
Like he would tonight, she was sure.
Of all nights that Motionless In White were playing in HER hometown on their latest tour, it had to be on her birthday. She had wanted to ignore it. Talia’s original plan was to finish work, stop and buy a pint of ice cream on the way home, maybe a bottle of wine, watch Netflix and pass out on the couch. It wasn’t even like it was a special birthday for her or anything, so why bother right?
Her friends hadn’t agreed and talked her into going out drinking, bugged her about it until she’d given in, and she had. Of course, how could she not. They were the most persistent thorns in her side if she ever had them. She loved them, but they could be frustrating sometimes. She loved them, she did, but there were days when she just wanted to take a baseball bat to their heads because they all thought they knew better than she did. Time and time again she’d told them, she was done with her soulmate crap.
Did they listen, no? They pretended to. Jordan and Kyle had each other. Ava hadn’t given up on hers. Her soulmate was still out there, with her cute pink bow soulmate tattoo that had a cartoon skull head for the knot in the middle, it was an interesting image, one that she surely would know easily when she found her soulmate, hands down. 
Only, instead of going out drinking like they’d promised her, when they’d picked her up after work, they were off to somewhere else entirely… a concert. 
The very concert she was avoiding. They’d bought VIP tickets to the Motionless in White concert playing, here, tonight, and kept it from her knowing how she’d react to it leading up to today the whole time that she knew. No, they’d waited until the very last moment to tell her, and drove her all the way here keeping her in the dark so she couldn’t talk them out of it. So here they were, waiting in line for VIP, waiting to meet Motionless in White, and she wanted to be anywhere else.
Sighing as they were at the end of the line though, last of the VIP tickets, and they came up to the guys and Talia did her best to hang back, feeling awkward while the other three pulled her along,
“Hi hi! Photo time!”
Ava clapped happily as she bounced over, her arm hooked with Talia's and dragging her with her, pointedly pushing her towards the space between Ricky and Vinny, holding her there with her, smiling to Vinny beside her, and making sure to keep Talia beside Ricky. Talia looked at Ricky, she wished that she could have met him properly so long ago, before his girlfriend, before she’d lost her chance to be happy with him. Now, now it would just feel like she’d ruined something for him, something that made him happy. 
As they were all positioning themselves for the VIP photo, Talia tried to deny the tingle of skin that she felt with the way Ricky’s arm wrapped around her shoulders, her neck felt so warm for a moment as they all got closer.
“Oh my god, is that my soulmate tattoo?”
Shit… wait… that wasn’t Ricky. Talia looked over to her other side, and of course, she saw Vinny making eyes at the back of Ava’s shoulder blade where the pink skull bow was.. For the love of.. Someone just put her out of her misery now please. Ricky however was smiling at his best friend, just like that, Vinny had found his soulmate. None of the fansites had properly nailed down Vinny's tattoo outside of obscure smudges thanks to the makeup and performance gear he wore on stage. Finally Vinny could stop bagging on him with Grace. Finally he would know what it feels like too.
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300iqprower · 1 year
Ya know SMTIV, what this is actually perfect. Remember what I said about how Nasu could never be asked to show even a modicum of respect to Tezctalipoca as a figure, and how the "Tezcatlipoca" in FGO in no way has the spirit of their alleged origins?
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Well I don't care much for this design either.
In fact I don't like SMT's (or more specifically Soejima's, who is still very much talented as I'll make clear) Tezcatlipoca design at all. I personally find it ugly and having an aesthetic I'm not that fond of, particularly the sort of "Bigfoot sighting" pose he has going on.
But i don't hate it, and I certainly am not morally opposed to it like FGO's, because even if I personally dislike it, ya know what it is? It's still undeniably based on Tezcatlipoca and keeps that spirit in several ways evident through design alone, let alone the way he's implemented into the game itself. It's a design that feels like it respects the culture it's taking its name from, and I'd much rather it do that than have an aesthetic I'm more fond of but lack any representation of its source material.
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Just on a surface level you can see the ways in which this is meant to be Tez.
Holding a human heart with one arm, which were sacrificed to him in Aztec rituals
His body is visibly black and navy blue and made of a stony substance, which is a reference to the association many aztec gods but especially Tez had with obsidian rock, and the main symbol of Tez is an obsidian mirror.
Despite this, his other arm and legs are dissolving into smoke at the end, which is a reference to his main title of Smoking Mirror.
His skull-like head is pretty clearly meant to invokes a Calavera, which even if you didnt know the name of you've probably seen if you've ever witnessed a Day of the Dead festival.
That's all just the surface level stuff. There's plenty more if you know to look for it.
While one of his arms is visible, neither of his legs are, which fits with how Tezcatlipoca lost at least one of his legs to the giant crocodile Cipactli when the world was created
While blue isn't the primary color Tez is associated with, the use of teal/navy blue specifically fits with how he was often depicted with an almost interchangeable combination of grey-ish dark blue and black.
Despite my "bigfoot posture" remark, it very much fits Tezcatlipoca, whose spirit animal was the Jaguar, an animal well known for stalking and ambushing prey (rather than chasing it down like African big cats are known to do).
the way the smoke curls around as if forming an extremely distorted prosthetic foot matches how Tez's missing foot is specifically portrayed in the Codex Yohualli Ehécatl (AKA, the source of the image on Tez's wikipedia page), particularly with how the coloring shifts to orange-yellow at the end.
The most shaky but still worth noting claim: The emphasis on the blood flowing from the heart, combined with the gems embedded in Tez's head, could even be a reference to the Ezpitzal, which while looking very different in mesoamerican art still is no doubt connected, given how the key traits are flowing blood and embedding precious stone in [a crown above] the head.
So....do I like this design? No, personally, not really. I'm way too much of an edgelord to settle for such a toned down and subtle design for a figure like Tezcatlipoca.
Do I respect this design? Absolutely, zero question. It's the kind of design you could never get if they didn't at least TRY to research Tezcatlipoca, let alone do so well (at least i can only assume well based on the result). That's the difference between this design and "some white guy from the GAP who likes guns". You can tell they gave a shit, not just in general but specifically in regards to the culture being referenced.
(Oh, and also unlike FGO Tezcatlipoca, I don't need to be told "someone famous drew it" to be able to figure out someone talented drew it. )
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quietbluejay · 2 months
Mortarion Cosplay Notes
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How it started
Quoth Past Bluejay:
this froufrou concoction is the opposite of his personality which is why it's funny to contemplate
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(tea-dye plus thread ribbon through the broderie anglaise)
Then I came to this as a concept for the base
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(but like, not using brown)
What I want is like to dye it a mottled green (maybe with some light brown) for the base. Hilariously I actually have a dress with the perfect fabric, but, obviously, I do not actually have this fabric.
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This is not my dress, I don't actually know where it is right now (lol) but it's an example of the kind of thing I mean. My dress has more of the white/off-white/undyed original colour visible.
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Another example of the kind of effect I mean, this is hand dyed fabric for embroidery.
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This is a lot closer to the fabric my dress is made from.
Anyways you get the range of stuff that's possible for me to do at home and with the benefit of it being hard to mess up since it's supposed to kind of look like a mess lol.
The steampunk elements really came in for his mask thing since I have having trouble figuring out how to adapt that if you want something that's SOMEWHAT historically accurate so I went "okay what about steampunk?" I don't really have a clear picture, here's an example of really roughly what I was thinking though I'm not a big fan of the colour scheme here, this was just the first somewhat acceptable result in search lol.
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Also, gloves of some kind. And at least one pocket watch. Maybe some other clock related things because of his whole deal with clocks.
Unfortunately, I can't find any more of my notes!
So forging onwards, can't have Edwardian inspired design without a picture hat!
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These guys. Except instead of the usual feathers and flowers of course it has to have fungi and moth(s),
And I'm going to have to let things percolate (heh, percolate, steam) a bit more. The problem being that. I don't. I don't really like steampunk as an aesthetic, okay? It's not my thing.
Now I could throw this out the window and go for like a shirt/vest/bloomers combo instead. I'd still want to keep the hat especially if the straw was dyed in the same kind of mottled pattern I had in mind for the dress. Though really that's more of a hobbit kind of look lol...steampunk moth hobbit
And that brings me to the moth wings!
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This is something that would be really difficult for me to make, to be honest, so unless I come up with something I probably would have to buy it, so I'd want a design I like that I could maybe use for other purposes since I'm looking at 150$ probably.
Though, there is also Bibian Blue who makes the famous butterfly dresses but they also make some cheaper options like scarves, cardigans and cinchers.
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Luna moth one!
This is the cardigan, which doesn't quite fit the style of this cosplay design, but, it's still cool.
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Also I still need to figure out how to add in scythe element. Earrings??? chatelaine hanging from belt???
I do feel like overall this would be a lot more easily identifiable as Mortarion than the Horus one is as Horus but to be fair that's mainly because Horus shares way too many design elements in common with Sauron (wolves, red eyes with black slit pupil, black and gold, general air of villain which includes spikes)
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saintmeghanmarkle · 5 months
Guerrilla advertising for the in-crowd? by u/Economy-Alfalfa-2241
Guerrilla advertising for the in-crowd? So our Chip-pan Ghost has finally materialised into her true form, which is going to take over the world via boiled vegetable products. The Jam Empress rises like a phoenix, casting her beatific glow upon us, her adoring subjects. Granted, we've mostly said "woddaf? Mentalist" but whilst sending someone a plant pot with a couple of lemons, a jar of botulism and a HAndWriTtEn NoTe in notigraphy is absolutely hilariously funny, I did wonder...I assumed the lemons were just because. I'm a GhastlyPoor, we don't have Aesthetics to worry about, but didn't the nobby posh pips just do the whole declutter thing? Thanks, we needed more random crap and this is a bucket of prime random (honestly, this is all so bizarrely funny it writes itself) from who? What? Eh? Oh god, not that ghastly thirsty woman again...note to self; get restraining order. But strawberry jam and lemons are connected - iirc, pectin is needed for strorbs and the original source is lemons. No idea why I know that or how I know that. Obviously Education worked for that day.But I suddenly remembered Lemonada. Are these actually fifty desperate "please come into my podcast with this barely-there company so we can talk about me and how I'm not a friendless loser married to a comedy merkin who has been banished to the chicken coop so many times the chickens are evicting him for nuisance" offerings? Poor Clotface, all he wants is a nice quiet space for him and his bong so they can be happy being miserable, but she's got him up trees picking those yellow blobs and it's probably Willy's fault.She didn't get ANY big names after the first two of the ArchSwill tripe, and those two were on the downhill trajectory, their glory years behind them. I'm not up on slebs, but I didn't even recognise any of the others or only in a famous-for-being-famous-thirty-years-ago way, though I don't know if some of the others are names in the US? But if that was for Spotify, THE podcast company providing professionally sourced, recorded and produced material and with loud trumpets farting the Miraculous Arrival, then who is going to do the honours over an iPhone in the shed? The cleaning lady?Is this her touting for new victims to have impactful, authentic voices to lend to the conversation we need to have as seen through the dustbin lid of whatever? Are the stakes now so big - and I just rolled my eyes so hard I'm looking up my own fundament - she's out drumming up business? And if it IS Lemonada, are we just supposed to join the dots ourselves? It could be wryly clever, but bandit advertising relies on random thing going viral. I don't do the whole "influencer" (barf) thing but isn't 600k really just micro-influencer? I don't know how that compares, but I'm guessing in the ballpark of various tragic reality telly stars? But that's kind of the level you need, the types who *are* influenced, except they tend to have short attention spans and lower disposable income and the market is beyond saturated. I think I'm too stupid for this. We're not the "in" club, sinners, we're not supposed to unlock the secrets. Sorreeeee. post link: https://ift.tt/N7dRZGL author: Economy-Alfalfa-2241 submitted: April 18, 2024 at 07:56PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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alright hi :))
this is a continuation of the one that didn't get finished cause of glitches 😒😒 idk what i typed 🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏽‍♀️ so here's what i THINK i typed and then some.
• im a girl gemini (diabolically cursed x5) with curly hair that's black at the roots (and then some) and dark purple at the bottom. i have dark brown eyes and im about 5'6 and i have brown skin ! im latina so im just a smidge lighter than johnny :))
• i don't have a personality because i have too many interests and different views with everything. id like to think i'm a combination of everyone and everything i find cool and interesting. which of course means i have a WIDE variety of topics in my head. i love to see the point of view from multiple people and i don't stick to just one overall opinion with things. i'm pretty indecisive but once i have a firm stance on something (like absolutely NO pineapple or mushrooms on pizza) then it's pretty hard to sway me.
• I LOVE MUSIC 🗣️🗣️🗣️🫦🗣️ i want to inject it into my soul and become one with the sound waves....but i seriously love music 💿 i have tons of cds and i caved and got spotify premium because i can't live with the ads 💔💔 i also LOVE to read and write, it's been an outlet since i was a kid so.
• i also don't have a style. like i said, i have a lot of interests and i tend to always try to let everyone know that at all times (im insufferable and pretentious unfortunately) so i'm constantly mixing it up. downtown girl meets david bowie new wave ??? check. whimsical gothic witch that listens to stevie nicks ???? check. 70's almost famous, dazed and confused wannabe ??? check. twee eternal sunshine jessica day meets juno and romana flowers ??? check. I DOMT HAVE ONE AESTHETIC 🗣️🗣️ I JUST DRESS LIKE ME AND HOPE FOR THE BEST 🗣️🗣️🗣️
• i'm not sure what my love language is ??? id assume in a healthy relationship you'd have a generous balance between all of them but idk 🤷‍♀️ leaning more into some though id def say words of affirmation and physical touch but ONLY with a romantic partner. idk why but any other kind of physical intimacy with another person just feels very weird to me and i don't like it. i always do find myself daydreaming though and wishing for affection like that from a partner so yeah 🤷‍♀️
• i slip up sometimes and call people terms of endearment 😞 i try not to cause ik some people don't like that but i always say "baby, honey, and sweetheart". sometimes i use them jokingly but i also just say them as filler tbh
• i'm not the kinda of person to go up to you and strike a conversation but if someone came up to me i wouldn't turn them away immediately. i tend to have a pretty good understanding of peoples vibes so i'd like to think i can tell when someone's being disingenuous. i'm shy at times but that's not my whole trait cause once i get comfortable you are in for JOKES AND JOKES AND JOKES 🐺🐺 i don't take myself seriously very often and i like to try and make other people comfortable around me and what better why to do that than humor :) !!! i'm don't think i'm insanely funny, i just laugh at my own jokes and hope for the best 😞 i laugh a lot and i have a loud laugh 🤬 i try to tone it down though cause i get started at a lot and my overthinking ass can NOT handle that PLEASE DONT PERCEIVE ME
• once we're locked in 🤞as friends or whatever i'm LOYAL😍 someone talking bs ??? not round me partner. not. around. me. 🐺🐺 im not the confrontational type at ALL but i am fiercely defensive over people i care about so if duty calls, i must attend. (im literally batman.)
• one of my go to signature scents is lavender honey and wild fig. do with that what you will 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
(note: the format might be weird cause it is NOT letting me type in peace 😭)
Oh buddy, I think Johnny would be obsessed with you. He loves your never changing style, he can't wait to see what you've got going whenever you guys are together. He offers to help touch up your hair too, if that's something you're interested in- your terms of endearment are more than alright with Johnnycake, everytime you call him one, the butterflies in his stomach go bonkahs
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 4 months
Prescription: Murder
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Yeah so here's something different. Very directly as a consequence of me mostly watching anime I don't enjoy recently, but then neither wanting to rewatch anything and being apprehensive about starting something new for a variety of reasons, I felt I needed a change of pace. Just launch myself into something completely different, that I could hopefully be invested in. And Columbo is what I ended up with. It's been implanted into my mind with its somewhat recent resurgance on tumblr, randomly getting recommended the blog Columbophile, seeing the very nice looking DVD boxset for sale in hmv, and the final nail in the coffin being some even more recent twitter memes regarding the series. "Let's watch Columbo" I decided. And here we are.
So, this is my first introduction to Columbo, with its pilot episode. And I liked it! Quite a bit! This is a very different type of media in general for me, so I don't know how much I'll have to say about any given episodes just because they're completely not what I'm used to, but certainly I like where we're at right now.
There's a lot of time well spent on merely setting up the murder - I believe this is what's famous about the series anyway but it's entirely not a whodunnit - we see exactly how the murder happens, exactly who does it, pretty much every part of why they did it, and even a lot of time spent on clean-up. Honestly at the beginning of the episode, Flemming is so meticulous that you begin to wonder how he's even gonna be caught. And throughout the episode they answer that very well, and very very gradually.
It turns into this clash of personalities really, two bright minds up against one another, one intentionally demeaning himself and the other so prideful that he basically admits to everything. But the pair have a read on one another as well - Columbo knows Flemming did it and Flemming basically explains Columbo's entire shtick to us anyway. Undermine himself, present as small, unkempt, distracting, downright annoying most of the time. Flemming gets the read on him but even then Columbo is so persistent and annoying that the man cracks.
Although per the episode's own calling attention to it, Joan was the real weak link in the entire ordeal - frankly she was just less invested than Flemming was, tripped him up because of it. I do think the final scene that plays out to get the confession was maybe a little contrived - wasn't really a conclusion to the bouncing pride and intelligence of Columbo and Flemming, rather just a scenario that came up to end the story, but like, eh. I appreciate that Joan... doesn't quite get off scot-free or anything but she could've had it worse, I think Flemming would rather she had it worse. This ending ends up working the best narratively for pretty much everyone involved. Like if she died it'd be unfair that she had the worst fate even though she was hesitant, you know? This was good.
That's pretty much the main things I've got to say about the episode. Fascinating as a more general statement to go back to a live action show from this long ago - honestly there are devices I don't even recognise, an aesthetic so far removed from my life but recent enough to feel real, or something. It's neat. I don't usually watch anything this old or anything live action to begin with, so like, yeah.
As two other quick little notes - I don't actually know if every episode has a neat title card like this one does, but I would like the format for these posts to be the episode title as the tumblr post title, followed by the episode title card. I hope the show lets me keep to that. Also, I've not got a schedule for this or anything. I've got 68 episodes still to watch which would be a lot even if they were 24 minutes long a la the anime I spend all my time watching. Instead, they're all 70-90 minutes long. I cannot even pretend to promise a consistent "yeah I'll watch it this week" or something. Next post on Columbo will be when I watch the next episode. I will watch the next episode whenever I watch it. You know how it is. But yeah, swag.
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nitrateglow · 5 months
Scattered thoughts on the West Side Story remake
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In general, I really enjoyed the film, largely on the strength of the performances. Everyone ranged from pretty good to amazing, with Rachel Ziegler and Ariana DeBose being the standouts. And Rita Moreno's supporting part was brilliant-- I like how she was given a substantial role and not just a lame ass cameo.
The music and dancing were great too. Ziegler's voice is just gorgeous. One trend I don't like in some modern musicals is casting famous people who cannot sing (Russell Crowe in Les Mis and Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan in Mamma Mia still haunt my nightmares). While not everyone here is a 100% unknown, I like that everyone seems to have been hired because they can actually hit the notes.
I thought the beefed up backstories for some of the characters were really interesting. (Chino's buffed up personality and background were my favorite of these new touches. He goes from being a breathing plot device to a truly tragic figure in this version.) I know some people don't like how Tony was made into an ex-con, but I appreciate that this time around they wanted to make him feel more like a credible ex-gang member. That's something I never bought in the 1961 film.
Speaking of the 1961 version, I haven't seen it in a few years, so I can't compare the two in more detail, though I do remember enough to where I can say I preferred the staging and direction in certain scenes in the older film. A lot of it has to do with my personal aesthetic preferences though.
Like, I'm not as crazy about Spielberg's staging of Tony and Maria's first encounter at the dance. The dancing between the rival groups is spectacular, but there's so much going on that the lovers get overwhelmed by it. The blocking of the scene has them retreat behind the bleachers to have their first dance (a parallel to showing Romeo and Juliet's instant chemistry through a conversation in sonnet form). However, I much prefer the 1961 film's dreamy approach, where time slows and only the lovers remain in focus. I get not wanting to repeat such an iconic moment or it coming off as corny in the 2020s, but I don't think it was replaced by anything of equal inspiration.
Actually, this brings me to a general issue I had with the remake's more pronounced "gritty and realistic" approach. One on hand, it makes sense-- the original show and 1961 film were noted for their realism, or at least, their very expressionist-tinged realism. It's meant to contrast with the romanticism of the lovers, who like Romeo and Juliet, want to go "Somewhere" their love won't be poisoned by divided loyalties and violence.
However, the more pronounced sense of unvarnished reality has two drawbacks in Spielberg's version. One, it makes the "falling in honestly and truly love in less than 48 hours" thing a bit harder to swallow. I can buy love at first sight in heightened, operatic reality-- less so in a setting that wants to resemble everyday reality.
Second, there are a hell of a lot of moments where characters break into song and the extras around them give them "wtf" looks. It's like the gag in Enchanted where Giselle starts singing in the park and Robert's like, "what now," only that movie's a meta-parody of animated musicals and WSS wants me to invest in this world and these characters. Having other people go "0_0" when someone sings takes me out the movie. You can't have your old-fashioned musical and your 21st century "lol irony take nothing seriously" schtick in the same film.
But overall, I really enjoyed this one. It's a remake that isn't just a rehash of a beloved film and it makes decisions that distinguish it completely. I plan on rewatching the 60s version, actually, just to reintroduce myself to it, since it has been over half a decade now.
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fractualized · 6 months
what's your favorite form of batman? meaning, do you prefer the comics, the movies, etc? i'm really curious to know if you like any of the cheesy stuff, like batman and robin... famous nipple costumes... or if you like more of the serious stuff, like the original source material... i know you really like comics but when it comes to the ideal flavor of batman, what kind of story do you most enjoy?
For my favorite, I always go with Batman: the Animated Series, which feels inevitable for anyone who grew up watching it as appointment TV with obligatory commercials, but I've never done a poll. lol Even watching it now and noting its imperfections, it's the gold standard for me. The art deco aesthetic, the storytelling, the characterizations, you can really see how much care went into it and the respect for the lore. Not that I knew much more than the lore basics at that age— but I didn't need to, because it was a well-done show that drew me in on its own. And in terms of serious vs cheesy, it had a good balance.
And really that's my preference! I don't need Batman to be dark and dour all the time, but I also don't want it to be nothing but goofs. I like a story that has stakes and knows when to be serious and also knows when to lighten up. Bruce's costume shouldn't be the only signal of how he was affected by his trauma, but when his behavior turns shitty, it shouldn't amount to him just being a rageaholic. Joker should be a dangerous villain but he should perform and make jokes because he's a friggin' clown, like come on.
Not that I'm against takes that lean harder on comedy. Er, nowadays. Back in the day, I thought going too funny with Batman just didn't fit, and it should be avoided unless it was parody or fanfic. So I enjoyed Batman Forever, but Batman & Robin veered too campy for me, and I wasn't interested in the '66 series. I guess eventually I got a better sense of humor, or maybe it was batmedia as a whole seeming to get too gritty after the Nolan movies, but now I'm all for being silly with it. You can't ignore that you're watching a bat fight a clown forever.
Though I still want a comedic version to be, like, good. I've seen many episodes of Batman '66 now and I think they're great. Hopefully one day I can get around to watching the whole thing. I saw Lego Batman in the theater and was thrilled.
Batman & Robin… I still think is bad. Less because of the camp and more because of the plot and the takes on the characters. Another example is the Harley Quinn animated series. I enjoyed much of it for the first three seasons, but ultimately I had to stop watching because the serious/comedy balance was off for me. Too often it had these serious moments that would affect character growth, and then it would throw them away for a sake of a joke later on rather than… just making a different joke that fits with your plot, I dunno.
It feels hard to say that I "like comics" since they're such a mixed bag by the nature of an 80-year-old franchise. I am certainly not having much of a good time right now. 😂 And as a consequence of Batman being represented so many ways over the decades, if I said I prefer the comics over other iterations, would that really mean anything? … Well, I guess by saying that, it could mean appreciating the fact that there's been so many takes over the years and that the medium allows that flexibility, that it is like fanfic (or exactly fanfic) and lets someone new come in and say, "But what if it happened like this?" That is a conflict I've felt when enjoying and not enjoying comics. It allows for change… but that can lead to a frustrating lack of continuity, change that comes not from where you understood the character to be from previous runs but almost from wholecloth. Which is all to say, my appreciation for comic Batman is in constant flux.
I can't close out without mentioning Telltale Batman, of course. Enemy Within is the game that brought me back into fandom and writing. A fresh new universe with a lot of room for reinterpretation, not as weighed down by the source material as the comics. (And a heartbreaking batjokes relationship that I still haven't gotten over.) Obviously with the choice system, the tenor depends on how you play, but once again it's a story with stakes that takes the time to add some silliness, so it works for me! (And I let BTAS Bruce guide my primary playthroughs. Except for my first go at the end of Enemy Within. I know Bruce would let Alfred leave but I couldn't do it gaaaahhhhhhh)
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