#i'm not even halfway done but i've been having too much fun so lmao
keeps-ache · 10 months
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Eward and Bella ~+~ !
[Credit to Flameteeth for Eward's Design !]
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canmom · 5 months
so hades 2 huh
it's fun! i am more convinced after actually playing it than i was in the runup to it. the green colour palette looked a little drab in the videos but it works better for me fullscreen in game, and I really like the second zone's design. the major aesthetic change does go a little way towards making this feel like 'new Supergiant game' instead of just a rehash of the first game.
the difficulty floor is higher than the first game. i think it's well-tuned to go into if you've beaten that one. so far i've played 6 runs, seen the first boss in 5, and and beaten her in 2 of them; yet to get more than about halfway through the second zone after that tho!
the new mana mechanic is kinda interesting, lots of tradeoffs to make. it's a bit more granular than the cast in the first game; you use it to do powered up versions of your attacks, and spending it also charges up the Call-equivalent.
i'm increasingly intrigued by the setting, and i really like some of the side characters like arachne. i think the time skip was a good decision - the story of Zagreus et al. was definitely done. the epilogue ending of the first game was way too neat.
still, starting a revenge plot in media res is curious. especially when Nemesis lampshades the lack of personal motivation. compared to Zagreus's very pressing and relatable motivation (run away from my abusive dad), Melinoë's motivation is a little more abstract - this seems to be deliberate. but it does a fair bit to sell the sort of 'desperate resistance base' setting. it definitely seems rather like they're setting up a twist down the line. but it lacks the immediate emotional hook of the overbearing patriarch in the first game. curious to see how it will work once I've seen more of the story.
as far as the new gods, I'm fascinated by the decision to make Hephaestus and Hestia both be Northern - probably Yorkshire. it's always fun hearing regional UK accents in games. they do also both feel like responses to the criticism that Jen Z never designs fat characters lmao. still, they are good designs. both have satisfying mechanics. Selene also has a really good design I think.
the other gods' mechanics have naturally been redesigned to fit the new game. still broadly the same themes, e.g. Zeus will still be lightning based, but different interpretations of what that means, so for example you have 'hitting an enemy produces a lightning blast behind them' as the primary Zeus mechanic instead of chain lightning. which definitely keeps things fresh. Melinoë's kit has a lot of directional attacks and, with the Cast now being an AOE which slows/freezes enemies, there's a lot more emphasis now on positioning enemies to set up AOE attacks which is interesting.
the witch stuff is quite fun in an admittedly slightly cheesy way. it's definitely pull on aesthetic currents which aren't at all Ancient Greek, like the pointed hats. but hey! I can get into it, it's not like the game's aesthetic has ever been all that strictly historical. even if I am still scratching my head at 'so mote it be'. apparently it's an archaic word meaning 'may', i.e. 'may it be so'.
of course the main thing is, the actual moment to moment gameplay is fun. it flows just as the first game did, and it's just as addictive with the way it spreads out story breadcrumbs. the vfx and such look great, the movement is already super tightly tuned (tbf it's basically the same as the first game with the addition of a new 'hold dash to sprint'), and there's a already good variety of enemy mechanics.
there's some obvious placeholders for some of the UI art and character portraits (notably none of the keepsakes have been drawn yet), but overall it's surprisingly polished for an early-access build. all the voice acting is already there - it's fun seeing the Supergiant voice cast return in new roles.
the meta progression element... there's some neat ideas, like an upgrade system with a limited set of slots that very much calls to mind NieR Automata's chip system. so there are some stronger tradeoffs to make; it's not as simple as 'spend resource, get better' as it was in the first game. and it's clearly possible to advance quite far even without a lot of meta resource investment. so far it definitely feels like my main limit is skill, and I'll progress further once I learn more of the enemy patterns and figure out what builds I like to play.
(though I guess the idea with this kind of game is that the power ups quietly boost you and make it feel like you're getting better a lot faster than you are just learning the game lmao)
overall, it's just really fun to have another Supergiant game to sink my teeth into haha. I still wish they'd continued their streak of coming up with new IPs each time, because they'd come up with fantastic settings, but there's plenty of interest here still.
also the more I work in game dev the more I can appreciate just what a ludicrous amount of polish there is in Supergiant's games. I can only imagine the amount of work it must have taken to tune the feel of everything this tight.
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scrunglepaws · 2 months
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Tried to fit all my fic ideas on one page, but I still forgot some because they're like... scrawled on random pieces of paper all over my house/in different notebooks/ect. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I tried!
The little branchy-offy things are prequels/sequels of that particular series. Bleeped out things I thought might be spoiler-y to ongoing series. Things with * are super WIP-y titles because I dunno what to call them.
More ramblings under the cut! (Nothing spoilery for the ongoing series; just vague things!)
No Heroes Zone // - I have a lot more generalized worldbuilding, character notes, ect than actual stories. The story ideas are mostly vague/short... Though, I suppose I could stand to write some super short fics. - The exception is an angsty sonighty fic that's basically done, but I just have to fill in all the inbetween, connecty bits. And decide how sonighty-y I really want to go with it. That ship came outta nowhere, I tell ya. - NHZ is really mostly Tails (and Metal) angst, tho. The other day I was thinking about how he tries to latch onto Shadow and even Metal in the absence of having Sonic and was like "Wow, Tails, clingy much? What are you, Nine???" then I felt really bad. T-T; He just misses his brother...!
Kaleidoscope // - The name of this fic is based on an art piece I've been wanting to do for forever: A kaleidoscope of Tails/Nine/Mangey, looking at each other and seeing them each from their own perspective. Because that's the theme of the whole story, funky scifi weirdness aside. But uh, 1) didn't have a decent digital art program for a bit and 2) I'm not good enough at drawing the subtle differences in their appearances to really make it hit how I wanted. Also 3) Tails looks basically the same to all three of them, lmao. - "Mangey Remembers" is Mangey's backstory and "Loneliness*" is... Less of a backstory for Nine, more of a brief showcase of his character in general. Because we already know Nine's whole deal from canon. Same reason Tails doesn't have a backstory- he's supposed to be canon Tails. - "Starless Sky" and "Ruination*" are both poteeeential sequels, but I'm not set on doing them. Ruination would just be a short, noncanon "what if?" bad ending for the heck of it.
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Someplace AU (Aquarius) // - Also halfway calling it Aquarius for now because I ended up continuing the first part of the story under that fic name.
- It was originally more focused on Sails, hence Someplace being a play on No Place. But now it's about equally Kit and Sails. I ended up getting SO MANY effing ideas for these dudes, man. ;w;
- "Hollow Existence*" isn't a specific story, but just a sprinkling of scenes/backstory bits that detail why Kit is the way he is. Mostly his relationship with Surge growing up.
- "Sails' Tales" is likewise a collection of random Sails backstory bits. I have a lot more specific/fleshed out things for him, though. BUDDY, did I have fun with the No Place lore. Also, his relationships with Catfish and Black Rose are so cute... ;A;
- The bits to the right are basically going to be chapters in Aquarius. They're vague enough not to be spoilery (other than the blipped ones...)
- "=D?" is a sequel that I'm very excited about. Probably shouldn't say much beyond that.
Everything Else // - CaveTails is a Journey to the Center of the Earth-esque silly, silly thing. That could maybe become a bit more serious? BAsically, I was thinking "Huh, kind of weird that my main kittails fic is with Sails. That'd be funny if I did ones with Nine and Mangey, too. Just for the lulz. Especially the Mangey one." This is the Mangey one. xD Except he's sort of like... Tails AND Mangey at the same time, character-wise? So? :? Also, potentially some wholesome Sonic+Tails moments because I weirdly haven't written any of those yet.
- "Kids" is just a continuation of that goofy Tails Doll+Cream oneshot. Just small ideas for another chapter or two. Cute friendship, fluff, and lots of comfort to make up for the hurt in the first chapter. :3;;
- "Alien*" is what it says on the tin. I have a couple different ideas for how it could go. One of them boots out Silver entirely and had Metal in his place. xD But I might have enough material to write an alien Silver AND alien Metal fic. We'll see whenever I get around to it. :3
- "Nine's Shadow*" is something I've wanted to write ever since I made that joke oc, Stales the Fox aka Zombie Tails variant from the Grim. Probably just a oneshot (or a few short chapters) fic that mostly focuses on Nine being "all alone" after the ending of Sonic Prime.
- "Why is Babies?*" is the second idea I had for a fic. It's just Shadow being awkward and not knowing how to look after a chunk of the main cast that are suddenly tots for unknown reasons. It's very lighthearted, comedic, and cute. Originally a Shadow+Metal fic until I learned more about Eclipse and just HAD to include him. Dude is literally a struggling single parent in canon, how could I not include him in a story about his brother going through something similar? xD Also, I might call this fic "Rascals" as a reference to that one Star Trek episode with a similar premise. Because! Star Trek. 8D
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- "The Fifth Element" ... I have put off posting anything about this fic idea for so long because I'm EMBARRASSED IT'S SO STUPID AND CORNY DON'T LOOK AT ME,,, In case you're totally lost, the 1997 film of the same name is my. Favorite movie. So naturally, this was my first idea for a fic. It's so all-over-the-place tonally, though. Obviously, got a LOT of silly, especially the parts that follow the movie almost exactly. But I also added a lot of original bits that help flesh out the characters' relationships. The protag is Shadow, who is very, very soft and introspective in it. Which, like, how did that happen??? But I love it. Metal is his co-lead and is mostly goofy because he's a fish out of water. Sonic is VERY, VERY goofy like goddamn (he's Ruby Rod- if you know, you know). Then there's just the silliest shit ever like Silver. Silver is Shadow's cat. It's stupid, but it's also fun, and maybe even matters to the plot. You don't know. Blaze is the president. Dr. Starline, Surge, Eggman, and The End are in it. Tails has the smallest part of any of my fics, but I think I cast him well. I need to stop now or I never will. Don't look at me. xDD
But yeah, as I said, I forgot a lot of other ideas. A few more (still forgetting some, I'm sure): - "Creature from the Black Lagoon" ft. kittails - Steam Powered Giraffe-vibes 50's thing w/ Tails, Cream, and automatons of Kit, Surge, Metal, Belle, Gemerl, ect - Tails Doll trying to be a Real Boy(tm) - Kittails-focused folklore AU with Kit as a kelpie and Tails as a normal mobian. Bunch of other people as fae creatures and villagers, including Starline as the main villain. - Maybe a whispangle oneshot from the above au (Tangle is a mobian, Whisper is. basically a magic wolf? xD) - Knuckles/Tails role-swap
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thisdivorce · 9 months
Fic Writer Interview
thank you sweet and lovely jessie @metalheadmickey for the tag!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?  14, how did that happen?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? reckoner, conflict of interest, the sleepover, change like shifting shadows, strangers on a train
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? yes, but lately it takes me a month or two lol. i love comments
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? i don't think i've written anything with a particular angsty ending!
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? i think most of my fics have happy endings (heh)
7. Do you write crossovers? no and i probably won't. there isn't a show i'm obsessed with enough to write a crossover with
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? yeah quite a few. i'm a misogynist, a racist, a bored digital housewife. lmao. i turned off anon comments because i got tired of it and writing fic should not be a negative experience!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? yes, all kinds. loving smut, dirty smut, kinky smut, a/b/o. it's not solely what i write, i enjoy smut and plot!
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? i also hope not
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? no
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? yes! with @breedxblemickey and our strangers on a train series. it's so fun to write with bree!
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship? guess!
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? i really want to finish all of my WIPs, even if it will take me years (literally). i'd like to finish nightwatch but realistically i'm not sure if i ever will because i'm focused on other projects.
15. What are your writing strengths? depends on the fic. in reckoner, for example, i think it's plot, suspense, and bipolar disorder. in change like shifting shadows, it's all about inner turmoil. i like writing dialogue and saying things without saying them, if that makes sense.
16. What are your writing weaknesses? exposition - big same jessie! i write in the exposition after haha
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? i don't speak any other languages so i won't personally but i don't mind it in other fics.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? queer as folk! i was so mad b/j didn't end up together i wrote a reunion fic (now i'm like, wtf justin was a baby haha)
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to? none at the moment!
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? reckoner! it's fun, reckless, feral, suspenseful, complex, and i have so many more plans for it. it's not everyone's cup of tea but obviously it has all the tropes i love packed into one very long fic. i'm a little more than halfway through. i just wrote a little bit today!
sorry if you're done it, i haven't been on tumblr too much over the holidays! tagging @gallawitchxx @palepinkgoat @captainjowl @juliakayyy @ianandmickeygallavich @howlinchickhowl @crossmydna @mmmichyyy
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
Playing It Cool But She's Lying
Opie Winston x OFC (Chris Teller)
Inspired by the song Kilby Girl by The Backseat Lovers
Warnings: language, alcohol, pre-canon AU, Young Opie who isn't completely dead inside
Word Count: 6.2k
A/N: I've had this fic pictured vividly in my head for what feels like the longest time and it still fought me every step of the way as I tried to put it down on paper. But it's done! It's here! I'm so relieved lmao. I have such a Big Fic planned for Opie and Chris but writing this in the meantime was just so fun. Idk, I love the idea of Opie in his super early 20's and not being so sullen all the time. Let the man have some fun. 🥰 Also, shout-out to @garbinge for listening to me ramble for hours about this fic and these two in general. They wouldn't be here without you. 💖
SOA Taglist: @littlekittymeow @chibsytelford @i-just-read-stuff @fuckyeahopie @justreblogginfics @buckybarneshairpullingkink @paintballkid711 @jitterbugs927 @fanfic-n-tabulous @mijagif @frattsparty @winchestershiresauce @beardburnsupersoldiers @choochoo284 @artemiseamoon @nessamc (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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Chris was rooting around the cupboards of Gemma’s kitchen, looking for something to snack on while she figured out what to do with the rest of her night. Her usual avenues for Friday night plans were all out of the question. The club took off earlier in the evening which meant that she didn’t have Jax and Opie to bother the way that she normally would. A handful of her friends from school had left town a few weeks before when college was back in session, and Opie’s sister Veronica was out of town for the weekend visiting Mary’s family. Charming wasn’t exactly a town known for being busy, but it had been a long time since Chris felt like it was such a boring spot to be.
The only upshot of it all was that with the club being out on business, Gemma would be staying at T-M and the clubhouse longer than usual to make sure everything was alright. On more than one occasion Chris tried to tell Gemma that things were much more likely to go wrong when all of the guys were on the compound, but the message never seemed to go over well. Either way, Chris had the house to herself for the night and she figured that if there was nothing else to do, she might as well take advantage of it.
She was halfway to climbing up onto the counter to reach the top shelf when she heard a motorcycle pulling into the driveway. More confused than anything else, she went and peeked out the front window to see who it could be. Last she heard, only the prospect for left behind and it wasn’t as though he would have any reason to be stopping by.
Her confusion only intensified when she saw that it was Opie rolling into the driveway. When she heard the door shut and the sound of his boots on the floor, she beat him to the punch and called something out into the house before he could.
“I thought you were supposed to be long gone,” she said with a laugh from the kitchen.
She heard Opie chuckling as he made his way to where she was. When he walked into the kitchen, Chris was perched comfortably up on the counter with a can of soda in her hand. Opie shook his head, not commenting on the fact that she was choosing to sit on the counter rather than the multitude of chairs around Gemma’s table.
Opening the fridge, he grabbed his own can of soda. “I thought I was supposed to be, too.”
She laughed. “What’d they do? Downgrade you back to prospect?”
“Might as well have,” he said as he popped the top on his soda can. “I’m ‘on probation’.” He threw air quotes around it to emphasize his sarcasm.
Chris nodded, not even trying to hide how funny she found the whole idea of it all. She didn’t even know what probation would really mean in the context of the MC. Apparently it meant Opie wouldn’t be going on runs with them or any of the fun stuff for a little bit. She sort of felt bad because she knew it mattered to him, but she also knew that it wasn’t as though it was going to last forever. They’d need him again in no time.
Without a word, she hopped down from the counter and started walking towards her room. Opie watched her for a moment, and when he realized that she wasn’t actually going to extend him an invitation, he started to follow her down the hallway regardless.
Just as he crossed the threshold of her room, Chris was flopping down onto the beanbag chair that she had tucked in the corner opposite of her bed. Opie couldn’t believe that she hadn’t broken or gotten rid of the thing yet—she’d had it for years and it showed with how worn out it was. He’d called her out on it once and her immediate response was, “Just because it’s ugly, doesn’t make me like it any less—kinda like you,” and then he never brought it up again.
Rather than going and sitting on her bed, Opie walked over to the small desk she had pushed against the wall by her bedroom window, the same window that she had definitely climbed out of on more than one occasion to sneak off with Opie and his sister, and sat down in the spinning chair that went with it. It was a miracle that he fit in it, but he managed. He stretched his legs out and swayed the chair back and forth as they both sat there.
“Finally got the house to yourself and you’re not even gonna throw a party?” Opie asked with a chuckle.
Chris rolled her eyes. “Gemma isn’t gonna be gone that long.”
“So you’re just gonna sit around and do nothing?”
“Hey, listen, you’re the one who came to see me. So if I’m doing nothing, you’re dong even less than that.” She paused. “Why didn’t you go with V to visit Mary and everyone?”
“Oh, uh, because I didn’t want to.”
She laughed and shook her head. “You’re such an asshole.”
He shot her a small smirk and shrugged his shoulders. “It’s in the genes. Besides,” he took a sip of his soda, “V’s always been Mary’s favorite anyway.”
“Yea, mine too, but we all gotta settle sometimes, you know?” she joked.
“Alright,” he said as he rolled his eyes, trying to look annoyed and failing.
“It’s unfortunate for you and Jax that both of you have younger sisters who are objectively cooler and better than you in every possible way. I’m,” she laughed, “I’m truly sorry for your loss.”
Opie was only able to keep a straight face for a moment before he broke and started laughing. “You don’t sound very sorry.”
The two of them moved onto other things. They talked a little about the club, but he never stayed on that topic with her for long. He’d known her his whole life and yet he never really felt like he was in the position to just sit down with her and ask her point-blank what her actual problem with it was. Even if he wanted to, it wasn’t like it was the right kind of night for that anyway. He listened to her rant about Gemma, the two of them talked about Jax, and they ran the whole gamut of their usual conversation topics before they finally hit a lull in the conversation.
When things had been quiet for a couple minutes, Chris looked over at Opie, who was still parked in her tiny desk chair, toying with the now-empty soda can in his hands. She watched him for a moment before saying, “We should go out.”
He choked on the breath he had been taking. “What?”
“Yea! We should go out tonight! I don’t wanna spend my entire Friday night sitting here with you.”
He chuckled, sitting himself upright in the chair. “Thanks.”
She rolled her eyes. “You know what I mean.” She stood up from the beanbag chair and stretched. “Come on—I know a place.”
“You know a place?” he asked, doubt written on his face.
“Oh fuck off, like you know any places that aren’t the clubhouse.” She paused and waited for him to either argue or agree with the plan. “It’ll be fun! I promise.”
Opie looked her up and down, wondering where exactly they could be going that could be that much fun if she was planning on going there in one of Jax’s old hoodies and a pair of cutoff shorts. Still, he knew that it wasn’t as though he had much else to do. He could either do whatever it was that Chris was scheming up in her head, or he could go sit at home and do a whole lot of nothing by himself.
“Alright, fine,” he finally conceded.
Her whole face lit up. “Amazing.” She pulled him up out of the chair and started shooing him towards the door. “Now get out so I can change.”
Opie allowed himself to be pushed out of the room, shaking his head with a small smile as Chris all but slammed the door shut behind him. He waited in the hallway, leaned back against the wall opposite of her bedroom door, curious to see what he was about to get himself into.
When Chris opened the door back up a couple minutes later, she had completely changed. Her hair was down, long dirty blonde waves falling over her shoulders. She had traded in Jax’s hoodie for a snug black tank top, and her cutoffs for a pair of ripped skinny jeans. She was pulling her boots on as she braced herself against the door. Despite the fact that she was completely off-kilter as she got her shoes on, she still looked over at Opie with a smile.
“Alright. You ready?”
He chuckled, shrugging as he watched her finally get herself back upright again. “Are you?”
“Pfft,” she waved him off as she stepped out and started going down the hallway, “I was born ready, Ope.”
“Right,” he said, sarcasm dripping from the word.
He watched as Chris grabbed the jacket that she always wore anytime she was on the back of someone’s bike. It was usually his of Jax’s, but every now and then if things got chaotic last-minute she’d have to catch a ride with Tig or Chibs. Despite not having her own, she was no stranger to motorcycles.
Opie went to grab his kutte off the back of one of the chairs around the dining room table when Chris spoke up. “You can leave that.”
He looked back over at her, clearly perplexed. “What?”
“Your kutte,” she said as she grabbed her helmet, “you can leave it.”
He looked back and forth between her face and the helmet in her hand. ���Sorry, did you get a bike of your own that I don’t know about?”
She laughed and shook her head. “No, but you won’t need your kutte where we’re going.” She saw the apprehension on his face. “Come on, Opie, just be a normal guy with a motorcycle for once. The girls will be all over you.”
“Oh, well, you didn’t mention there was gonna be girls,” he joked as he reluctantly left his kutte on the chair and headed for the door behind Chris.
He trailed behind her as they both walked out of the house and down the driveway towards his bike. It had been a long time since it was just the two of them doing something together. It was the nature of the club, and also having siblings, that there was rarely any alone time to be had. Everything was always done in groups. Chris had plenty of solo time with Jax, and so did Opie, but it wasn’t often anymore that the two of them ever really spent time together without Jax or someone else around.
“You’re really committed to the full-face helmet, huh?” Opie asked her with a knowing grin as he swung his leg over his bike.
“Um, yea,” she said as she climbed on behind him, “because one of these days I just fuckin’ know you or Jax is gonna wipe out while I’m on the back of this thing and I don’t wanna mess up my whole face because you guys don’t know how to ride.”
“Big talk coming from someone who actually doesn’t know how to ride,” he retorted as he clipped the strap of his helmet underneath his chin.
“I know how to ride!” she said, clearly offended as she pulled her helmet on.
“You rode once like three years ago,” he told her with a laugh. “Doesn’t count.”
Even though he couldn’t see it, Chris rolled her eyes at him. “Whatever.” She wrapped her arms around him. “Are you ready?”
“Yea,” he said, letting the bike roar to life, “just tell me which way to go.”
Opie followed Chris’s instructions with a blind faith that he wouldn’t have had in many other people in the same position. There was no hesitation in her directions, though. Wherever they were going, she clearly knew the way there. There was a moment, about ten minutes into their ride, that had Opie wondering if she was just going to have him going in circles. He thought maybe she was just looking for a good excuse to climb onto the back of his bike. But then they crossed the border out of Charming and he realized that she definitely had a destination in mind, but he had no idea what it was.
“Take this right up here,” Chris pointed down the street to the next stoplight, “and then you’ll see it.”
“See what?” Opie said as he rolled up to the stoplight, leaning into the turn with ease.
She laughed, squeezing herself a little tighter to him when she felt the tension in his body. “Relax, Ope. We’re not rolling up to fight club or anything.”
When he rolled a few yards down the street, he saw the place that Chris must’ve been talking about. He let out a laugh that was more sarcastic than anything else. “I think,” he said as he pulled into the parking lot of the club, “I’d prefer fight club.”
She lightly slapped the back of his shoulder. “Oh shut up. It’s gonna be fun!”
Opie parked the bike, allowing Chris to hop off before he did. He watched as she took her helmet off and shook out her hair. He hung his helmet on the handlebar, looking back and forth between Chris and the neon signs that were lighting up the dark windows of the club.
“Can you even get in here?” he asked, a smug smirk on his face.
“Fuck you, first of all,” she said with a laugh. “Second of all,” she reached into her pocket and pulled out a driver’s license that had her face but definitely not any of her real information on it, “I have a fake.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Opie said with a quiet laugh as he snatched the card from her hand to inspect it. He looked up at her, an amused look on his face. “Really? Rose?”
She burst out laughing as she took it back. “Thought it would be a funny little fuck you to Gemma,” she started walking towards the club, “not that she’ll ever know about it.”
Opie fell into stride beside her. “How do you even know about this place?”
Chris shot him a disbelieving look. “What? Did you think that all those nights me, and V, and all our friends didn’t go to the clubhouse with you guys we just sat at home feeling sorry for ourselves?”
“I mean…yea, kinda.” He laughed as she shoved him and he hardly stumbled half a step. “Guess I never thought about it.”
“Sometimes,” she told him as they walked up the few steps to the club door, “it’s nice to be out of Charming where everyone knows everything about you.”
Opie was about to try and come back with something smart when the bouncer at the door greeted them. The burly man made Opie seem small, and he was sitting on a stool just outside the door. Still, the man flashed a warm smile at Chris as she handed over her ID.
“Hey, Rose.”
“Hey, Benny,” she said as she beamed at him.
He looked Opie up and down as he handed over his ID, one that didn’t have to be fake. “Brought a friend, huh?” he asked as he looked over the card in his hands.
“Yea,” Chris said with a laugh. “Finally got him out of the house.”
He handed the card back to Opie, only looking at him for a second before diverting his attention back to Chris. “Have a good time.”
“Always do!” she said, a little more pep in her voice than usual as she took Opie’s hand in her own and dragged him through the doorway.
As soon as the door shut behind them, Opie leaned down so he could speak quietly enough just for Chris to hear. “They know you here?”
She was practically cackling as they made their way towards the bar. “How’s it feel to not be the famous one?”
She couldn’t see the look on his face as he allowed himself to be pulled through the clusters of people in the club. He was thankful for that, though, because he could feel the stupid grin that was on his face and he couldn’t quite manage to wipe it off. It was ridiculous, and he knew that it was, but he couldn’t help it.
“Man,” Chris said with a laugh as they got right up to the bar so that they could order their drinks, “I should’ve brought you a long time ago.” She turned and looked up at him. “Getting up here has never been so easy.”
“Being a foot taller than almost everyone in here helps,” he joked.
The two of them ordered their first round of drinks, and Opie finally took a moment to look around while they waited for the bartender to make them. The club wasn’t an overly large spot. It was comparable in size to the clubhouse only instead of being set up for five different things, the entire space other than the bar was dedicated to a dancefloor with the exception of a few tables on the perimeter of it all. The music was loud, the lighting low for the most part except for the scattered colored lights everywhere. It certainly wasn’t anything like the clubhouse. However, as he looked down at Chris and watched her watching everything unfolding around them, he realized it was exactly the type of place that she liked to be.
“I hope you know,” she said, pausing for a moment as she took a sip of her drink through the small straw that was in it, “that you’re going to have to dance with me.”
He raised his eyebrows, unable to stop himself from laughing. “I don’t think so.”
“Oh,” she laughed, leaning back so that she was propped up against the bar, “I definitely think so.” She saw the look on his face and argued before he could say anything else. “You can’t come to a club and not dance!”
“I didn’t know we were going to a club!” he said with a laugh.
“But here we are!” She gestured around like she was showing him the most lovely thing in the world. “So now you gotta dance with me.”
“Opie…” she mocked his tone back to him. She finished off her drink and set the glass on top of the bar before stepping in closer to Opie. “Come on. You don’t know anyone here! I promise I won’t tell anyone in Charming if you’re a terrible dancer.”
He shook his head. “Not gonna happen.”
“I’ll make a scene,” she said immediately with a laugh. “Trust me, I’ll get Benny over here, tell him you broke my heart.”
He rolled his eyes. “You really are Gemma’s fuckin’ kid,” he said with a shake of his head. With a deep sigh, he finished off his drink as well. “Fine. Let’s go.” He saw the look of excitement on her face and cut it short before she could get too carried away. He held up his pointer finger, “One dance. That’s it.”
She laughed as she grabbed his hands in her own, walking backwards as she pulled him towards the dancefloor. “We’ll see!”
It wasn’t Opie’s scene at all. He knew it, Chris knew it, hell pretty much anyone who looked at him probably knew it. But it almost didn’t matter. He couldn’t remember the last time that he saw Chris having such a good time. He wondered briefly if this was what she was always like when she was away from the club and all the chaos that came with her family. She wasn’t quite a different person, per se, but she definitely seemed more at ease with herself. He wished that he could say that he felt the same.
Chris saw the apprehension all over his face and she had to laugh. She knew for a fact that some of the things that he had to do to get into and keep his place in the MC were much more daunting than dancing with her in a club full of people, and yet he was practically frozen to his spot.
Taking his hands again, she pulled him close so that his arms wrapped around her waist. He almost stumbled, not ready for the sudden closeness. No one would’ve been able to hear Chris’s laughter above the sound of the music, but with her body pressed right up against his, he could feel her laughter without having to hear it.
They both knew that Opie wasn’t a good dancer. Opie had a lot of things going for him, but rhythm wasn’t one of them. He’d only ever used all that height and muscle for fighting, for whatever brute force tasks needed to be done at T-M and for the MC. He never really had to be graceful, or any approximation of that.
Once he realized that Chris wasn’t just playing some elaborate prank, that she wasn’t going to throw him into the wolves and leave him alone, he tried his best to relax and ease into it. He was only partially successful. He tried to relax into the fact that his hands were on Chris’s hips, that hers were resting right in the crook of where his neck met his shoulders. With the heat of the club, Opie thought that the last thing he would want was to be so close to another person, but there was something surprisingly comfortable about having Chris’s body pressed so closely to his.
They’d only been on the dancefloor for a couple minutes when Chris interlocked her hands behind Opie’s neck and pulled her down so that she could talk to him and he would actually hear it. She had one hand rested on the back of his neck, one on his shoulder as she brought her lips closer to his ear.
There was laughter in her voice as she said, “You can loosen up, Ope.”
He chuckled and shook his head, trying not to think about how suddenly her being so close felt so different than any other time the two of them had been in tight quarters together. “This is as loose as I’m gonna get.”
She laughed, leaning her forehead against his shoulder for a moment while she did.  When she finally lifted her head, tilting her chin so she could look up at Opie, she said, “It’s okay if you’re actually having fun, you know.”
He tensed up for a second, opening his mouth to argue, but then he realized that there was no point. The serious expression faded from his face and he allowed himself a small smile. “I know.”
She beamed up at him. “Good.”
She finally let him stand back completely upright. After that, he was still a little tense, and still extremely awkward on the dancefloor, but he was at least smiling and following Chris’s lead. Both of them were laughing as she moved her hands from his shoulders down to hips and tried to guide him into having some rhythm. It wasn’t successful but it certainly was funny. The sound of their laughter got lost in the music and the vibration of the bass throughout the club, but they still felt it.
While Chris had told Opie that he only owed her one dance, it was more than clear to Opie as soon as they got out onto the floor that it was going to be much more than that. It was a daunting thought at the start, but after a few songs and a few more drinks, he couldn’t deny that he was actually having a good time. Gun to his head, he’d never admit it to Jax or any of the other guys in the club. But when it was just him and Chris and a bunch of people who had no idea who he was, he allowed himself to enjoy it.
They were both standing by the bar, finishing off what Opie was assuming were their last drinks. Chris was practically glowing, a sheen of sweat across her forehead and a warmth to her face that was either caused by the heat of the club, the alcohol, or maybe both. The smile on her face as she set her empty glass down on the bar stretched from one side of the face to the other.
She gestured back to the dancefloor. “One more?”
Opie chuckled and shook his head. “I think I’m way past my limit.” He saw the exaggerated look of disappointment on her face and gave a good-natured roll of his eyes. “You said just one anyway. So, really—”
“Alright, alright,” she cut him off with a laugh as she waved her hand dismissively. “Fine. You win.”
“I don’t know if that’s what I’d call it.”
“What’s more of a win than spending your whole night with me, hm?” She leaned against him, batting her eyelashes for extra dramatic effect.
“Mhm,” he hummed as he shook his head at her. Resting his hands on her shoulders, he turned her around so that she was facing the direction that would take them both to the door of the club. “Let’s get you home.”
The two of them made their way through the clusters of people who were still on the dance floor, the stragglers who were just getting to the club. Opie was walking behind Chris, but she was still reaching back, keeping one of her hands tucked in his so that they didn’t get separated by any of the pushy people who’d had far too much to drink.
The same bouncer who had been there on their way in was still there on their way out, but he was too busy getting into it with someone who had gotten far more drunk than either Opie or Chris for her to be able to say any kind of goodbye on their way out. Chris hardly noticed the whole scene that was unfolding just outside the door of the club, but Opie watched as they walked by, unable to wipe the amused expression off of his face. It was nice to go somewhere and not be the person getting in trouble, or being the best friend of the person getting in trouble.
It felt eerily quiet in the parking lot after spending the last few hours in the deafening noise of the club. When Chris laughed as they walked towards Opie’s bike, it sounded so much louder than it actually was with the absence of all the background noise that they’d previously been drowning in. He noticed that she let go of his hand once her feet hit the blacktop of the parking lot. He couldn’t stop the frown that appeared on his face the second her hand fell back to her own side.
When she got over to his bike, Chris stopped and turned around so that she was facing Opie. There was still a warm glow to her cheeks as she stood there waiting for Opie. He left a bit of a gap between them, more than he’d been able to in the club because of all the people. Needing some breathing space after being packed like sardines inside would’ve been the reason that he gave if anyone had asked him why he was standing farther away than normal. The real reason, though, was that despite having all the room in the world to put between them, there was something in his head that was telling him to stay that close to her, a part of his brain that hadn’t ever spoken up in the past. He didn’t have the time to try and figure out why things felt so different now.
Despite the effort to leave a gap between them, Chris closed the distance so that she was right in front of Opie, head tilted back so she could look up at him. “Where to next?”
“What, you don’t have more planned?” he replied with a chuckle.
“I mean,” she laughed with a roll of her eyes, “I’m sure I could some up with something.” She took a small step back towards his bike. “Or you could just bring me home.”
“You’re gonna try to sneak past Gemma when you’re like this?”
“Oh, fuck no,” Chris said, shaking her head and laughing. She pointed at him. “I’m crashing at your place.”
He sighed. “Chris.”
“Come on, don’t make me face Gemma like this. Because then,” she leaned back against his bike, “I’m gonna have to throw you under the bus too.”
Reaching past her, Opie grabbed her helmet off the bike and set it into her hands. “Put your damn helmet on.” He tried to sound annoyed as he said it, but Chris knew better, as evidenced by the grin on her face as she pulled her helmet on and climbed onto the back of the bike behind him.
Chris’s arms were looped tight around Opie’s waist as they peeled out of the parking lot and onto the street. She was giving him directions to get back home as she kept herself velcroed to him. Despite the fact that the air had cooled considerably in the time that they’d been inside, and that the wind was whipping past them while they rode, Opie couldn’t help but feel all of the warmth that was seeping from Chris’s body into his. His entire back and where her arms were looped snugly around his torso all felt warm even with the chill around them. He fought to stay focused on the road and her directions as his mind tried to wander.
Soon enough, they were back in familiar territory and Opie was bringing them back to the apartment that he shared with Jax. Chris didn’t come over and visit often, mostly because things seemed to be better with her and Jax if they were only around each other in small doses. But he wasn’t going to be back with the club until late the next day, if not the day after that, so it wasn’t like he’d be able to give Chris or Opie any grief about her staying there.
As soon as Opie unlocked and opened the door, Chris strode into the apartment, looking around as Opie flipped on the lights. Nothing had really changed since the last time she’d visited—it wasn’t as though Opie and Jax were all that into decorating and interior design. Still, even though nothing had changed, now it was just Chris and Opie, and Chris was just drunk enough to be in the mood to make fun of their place.
“The infamous Bachelor Pad,” Chris said with a laugh as she kicked off her shoes. She turned to look at Opie as she shrugged off her coat. “Surprised I didn’t burst into flames when I walked through the door.”
Opie rolled his eyes. “Don’t talk like you’ve never been here before.”
“Yea, but,” she laughed as she flopped back onto the sofa in their living room, “I don’t know, it’s different.”
He walked over so he was standing beside the couch looking down at her. “It’s really not.” He held out his hand. “Come on.”
She allowed him to pull her up off the couch, managing not to topple into him once she was upright. Without another word, he started to walk towards his room and even though he didn’t tell her to, she followed him. He walked into his bedroom before her, turning on the light as he did.
Chris lingered in the doorway for a moment and looked around at the mostly-empty space. He had a dresser, and a bed, and a beat-up nightstand she was fairly certain he must’ve picked up for free on the side of the road at some point. The top of the nightstand was cluttered with almost-empty water bottles and empty bags of chips. The walls had a few different motorcycle posters tacked to them, but not much else. It was exactly what Chris pictured his room looking like—a slightly nicer version of the dorms at the clubhouse.
She walked in and sat down on the edge of Opie’s bed, watching him as he went over and opened the drawer of his dresser. He pawed around in it for a few seconds before pulling out an old t-shirt of his and tossing it to her without warning. He laughed as she floundered to catch it at the last second.
“You can crash in here,” he said as he grabbed a change of clothes for himself. “I’ll sleep on the couch.”
She shook her head as she stood back up. “No, stop. Come on, you can sleep in your own bed, Ope. It’s fine.”
“Gonna go wreck Jax’s room?” he asked with a laugh.
She smiled and shook her head. “That does sound like a good idea. But no.” She turned and looked at his bed. “This shit is big enough for two.”
“Yea, but—”
“Don’t be weird,” was all she said to him as she walked out of the room and to the bathroom to change.
When she came back into the room, Opie had changed and was sitting on one side of the bed. He glanced over the second he heard her in the doorway. A small, warm smile crossed over his face as he looked at her. She was wearing his t-shirt and had clearly gone into Jax’s room and stolen a pair of his shorts. Nothing fit her quite right and her hair was a mess but Opie suddenly couldn’t stop watching her with a smile on his face.
Walking over to the side of the bed that Opie wasn’t sitting on, Chris peeled the covers back and laid down on the mattress, immediately pulling the blanket up to her chin. She rolled onto her side so that she was looking at Opie. There was a tiredness in her eyes that hadn’t been there all night, but she was still smiling.
“Thank you for tonight, by the way,” she said quietly as she tried to fight back a yawn.
Opie nodded, watching as she fought the urge to close her eyes. “No problem.”
“I promise,” she rolled so that she was facing away from him as she got more comfortable, “I won’t tell the guys that you actually had a good time dancing.”
He let out a quiet laugh. “Appreciate it.”
It was only a matter of a couple minutes until Chris was fast asleep, the sound of her breathing unmistakably soft and even. Opie hadn’t even gotten up to turn the light off yet and she was comfortably passed out on the opposite side of the mattress from him. Opie turned and looked over at her for a moment. Her back was still to him, but she looked so small curled up and buried underneath his comforter. In direct opposition to Chris’s calm, steady breathing, Opie could feel his heart starting to beat faster in his chest.
Shaking his head at himself, he got up from his bed and went over to shut off the light. He knew it probably wouldn’t make any different, wouldn’t quiet his mind at all, but he still hoped. Once the room was cast back into darkness, he carefully stepped his way back over to the bed and slipped underneath the covers as well.
Laying on his back, he stared up at his ceiling, eyes open even in the dark. The entire night played over again in his head. Part of him enjoyed it, thinking back on everything that had happened, how good and how easy it all felt. There was something different about the closeness, and while in the moment it had felt comfortable, or even right, now the thought of it was sending him into a complete spiral. He wondered if any of it meant anything—Chris inviting him in the first place, how comfortably she kept herself so close to him, the fact that when he wasn’t overthinking every single thing he was saying and doing he was actually having one of the best nights he’d had in a long time. He wondered if it was going to change anything. He wondered if there was really any reason for things to change. Or maybe he was reading it all completely wrong. It wouldn’t be the first time that happened.
But something was definitely different now.
Turning his head, he strained his eyes to try and make out Chris’s sleeping form in the dark. He could still hear the level sound of her breathing. Clearly everything that had happened hadn’t affected her that much. If something had changed, it must’ve been him.
He turned his head so that he was looking back up at the ceiling. He was just beginning to force his eyes closed when Chris turned in her sleep. She shifted around a little on the mattress, her legs brushing against Opie’s for a moment as she got situated in her sleep. Opie felt like he was frozen in place until she stopped moving. Even when she was sleeping happily on the other side of the mattress from him, he still had to force himself to relax, and try not to think about the gap between them.
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LMAO I am currently in ACOTAR hell. As in, I read all the books and so on (halfway done with the last). I am weirdly invested, drawing fanart and ranting about it. I dragged like 2 more people down with me because I won't suffer this alone, like it's book covid or something.
I can't say it is good. I can't recommend it. And yes, the first (and 5th) are the only ones where I had some positive enjoyment.
The first....I mean you're right - the start is so slow and unless you super vibe with the Tamlin-Lucien-Feyre dynamic there is not much there at all. The last third was fun tho for sure. Iono, it was like a 3/5 for me. Nothing special, nothing terrible. It was....fine.
BUT OH BOI THE REST. Everyone claims the second book is the best of the series and since I didn't outright hate the first, I picked it up with cautious excitement. THE BETRAYAL. I was so mad. I never hate-read anything so HARD. I was pissed at the shit this book pulled lol. I felt like the author was gaslighting me. Or tried to - and it only made me angrier. But I couldn't stop either. And it went on with the third. I just felt so weird, like I was reading different books than anyone else? Yet I had to go on because it kind of felt like some weird office drama that was clearly not meant for me but I am invested now.
So yeah, uhm, I'm stuck in the corner with all the hated characters having a weird party idk. Help!!
I don't mind a slow start! I even love a slow start, but I feel that 200 pages of that book should not exist. The world-building didn't justify a book that long. I really feel like the love interest could've been compelling but he was so overshadowed by literally every other character, which was bad because most of those characters were just not my cup of tea.
I liked Lucien! I think he and Feyre had weird, red-hot tension and my friend made the joke that it was like "someone had told Maas that Lucien and Feyre got on too well, so she went 'fuck, fuck' and started writing him out."
I also thought Rhysand was incredibly creepy, and it was so obvious what they were setting him up for. I had a deep, fundamental problem with his seemingly 'morally grey' characterization when I think 'morally deficient' would've been more believable to commit to. Personally, I think the justifications he offered for certain actions were shoddy, which is disappointing because I don't think he's supposed to be a villain. But he'd make such an interesting one! I love villains and I think if the book had just committed and made him villainous then I could've really been down for some apologism. I'm almost angrier that they won't admit that he'd fucked up and instead went "well, it's justifiable and it was even KIND of him."
All that being said, I really appreciate your perspective. I think the end of the book was so much fun too, and I feel so sad that I just spent half the book wondering how the hell it was going down. I'll hit you back up once I've read the second.
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sunvoids · 1 year
brain stuff is so funny (sarcasm) going from "life is so cool and I love my friends so much and I like breathing and looking at bugs with fascination and did I mention I love my friends and they also love me" to "man what's the point I'll never change things in the ways I want to and I am literally so detached of reality I don't feel like I belong, so it wouldn't really impact anyone if I was just dead" at the flip of a switch (lmao. lol. unsurprising)
like at this point it's just kind of like... suicidal ideation coming by uninvited to sleep in my bed for like a night or two and then peacing out in the morning. like ok. get another hobby my dude. or maybe for once let's go hang out in town or go for a walk together where you get your mind off of the repetitive familiar thoughts that you consider close friends but really aren't. I'll hold your hand, you can keep the hood up to hide your face if that's more comfortable, and if other people are too overwhelming we can just hang out together just the two of us. Because I know you have no intent to hurt me or yourself any more than we're already hurting. So I have no intent to force you to stay or do things that are too overwhelming, but I just want to give an encouraging push because there is more fulfilling things beyond those familiar, blood-covered thoughts that I'm VERY happy to discover alongside you! ok hi taking over ur post halfway thru but like I Get It™, and I've told you this before but you're my best friend, and for as long as you let me, I'll support you and help you towards the things you believe you can't get or deserve or are allowed to have. like yea, it's going to suck and be difficult, but we're going to be difficulter!!! together :3 bc stuff is so much more fun with company!
and sure, we're like still in the same sort of frame as we have been our entire life, but there's a lot of past restrictions that don't apply anymore but noticing that wasn't obvious in any way as it "is just a given" but it is not!!!!
I'll figure out some loopholes for the irrational rules or thoughts and ofc take it slow but we've changed a lot even if it doesn't feel like it! For one, we're not in the dark anymore and while frustration still occurs when We Can't Just Do The Tasks Or Things, nobody aims upset inwards bc we all understand it, and it's not just a mess of ???? why can't i just do these things that didn't give me any issues last time i did them and that is such a huge improvement
anyway!! blows u a kiss I love you very much and we'll get where we want to get! because we've already done that before, so we can do it again! 💖
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emjiroki · 11 months
Em Em Emiii!!! 🩷
Hiiii🩷!! It's been a while!!! College's got me in such a chokehold!! But I'm halfway there!! Almost done with college in just a few(?) months (7-8 more months 🥲).
I was taking a break and on my phone and scrolled through the notifications when I saw Tumblr notified me of your post about Ghost!! may we hear these nasty drool worthy thoughts out loud?👀 masked men supremacy for the spooky month yay
CODMW2 has such fine men and women hehe, when I first saw a gameplay I fell inlove with the TF141!! There's also Los Vaqueros (Colonel Alejandro 👀) istg everytime they came on screen (I did too).
100% will be their barracks bunny
My current obsession right now is the Captain John Price 🤭. I just love his quokka smile lol and how I'm so down bad for men in power. I'm so down bad for their voices and accents, they got me melting.
Also!! Have you seen the MW3 trailer?? What are your thoughts about it?
missed you so so much🩷!! I am so binging your new contents on my semestral break.
how are you?? hope you have a great day ahead!! xoxo
Omg cloudy anon! It's so good to see you in my inbox again! (Sorry it took me a minute to answer your ask lol) congrats on getting close to your degree that's amazing!
PLEASE I would 100% be their barrack bunny too its not even funny! When all of the ads (and thirst traps) started coming out for MW2 I bought it so quick I lit my controller on fire. I've never really been into the call of duty franchise before this honestly 😅 THE HOT MEN HAD ME IN A CHOKE HOLD I COULDNT HELP MYSELF but I really did have fun playing the game (I'm too afraid to get on the online cause you know... real men and children lmao)
SIMON "GHOST" RILEY THE MAN HE IS I 🫠🫠🫠🫠 I love my men with some trauma and a little rough around the edges. I feel like once he falls for you he FALLS for you. This big man looming like a shadow behind as you hold his hand and drag him to get snacks at midnight, people crossing the street ahead of you the moment they see him.
I have so many thoughts about him (and I'll be putting together a nasty little post for him soon cause I'm about to play the game again)
I hope you have a great rest of your weekend lovely! 🩷❤️🩷
0 notes
spoodrm4n · 2 years
hii, requesting something with angsty steve! maybe something where the reader almost dies (+ bonus if she does die and is then revived in hospital or smth) and steve is just screaming crying throwing up.
lmao i love pain. tysm ♥️
I love me a good angst ;)
(also i'm so sorry this took so long, college is starting back up for me soon and i've been running around this past week getting prepared!)
Submit requests here.
I Thought I Lost You
Pairings: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of injury, mentions of surgeries/hospitals, lots of angst.
Word Count: 1.8K
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The day had been going smoothly for Steve at Family Video; he was working with Robin, it wasn’t a busy day, and he had caught up on inventory. He had more of a pep in his step today, due to the fact that you would be coming over to his house after his shift today. Robin was helping him sort through the new arrivals when the phone rang in the back room. Robin stood and waved Steve off, telling him that she would answer it and that it was probably Mrs. Perkins asking about the newest films they had in stock. He continued to sort through the films, mind trailing back to you. You were supposed to be coming over to his house after you got done running errands, you parents out of town for the weekend visiting the rest of your family out of state. 
“Steve!” Robin was throwing the door open and running over to him, shoving his jacket, wallet and keys into his hands. “You have to go, now. Y/N was in a car accident and they’re transporting her to Hawkins Hospital now.” Steve fumbled to grab his stuff, panic rising in his throat at the news. He tried to comprehend what Robin had just said as he slid his wallet into his pocket.
“I-Is she okay?” He stuttered out, throwing his jacket on. Robin only shrugged, lips pulled together in a thin line. “Shit. Will you be okay here by–”
“Steve, just go. Make sure she’s okay for me.” Robin insisted, ushering him out the door. He ran to his car, no other thought in his head other than you. He didn’t really register starting his car and tearing out of the parking lot, but he blinked and found himself already halfway to the hospital. His left leg bounced nervously and his grip on the steering wheel was tight, worry threatening to pull him under.
You were everything to Steve. You had met when he started working at Scoops and Steve had instantly fallen for you. You had this effect on him to where he could barely speak around you, he would trip over himself, and he was just altogether flustered around you. His cool persona was instantly demolished when you entered the room.
For a while, Steve hated that he liked you so much because it was like you barely even noticed him. He swore that you didn't even know he existed sometimes. He started avoiding you for a while, trying to fight the crush he had. You had asked Robin what you had done wrong, unaware of Steve’s feelings that you reciprocated. He tried so desperately to get rid of his crush on you because he was absolutely terrified of getting his heart broken again, yet he couldn’t shake it. 
After he came to terms with it, he started looking forward to seeing you. The both of you started having more fun on your shifts, often going home with your stomachs hurting from laughing too much. You both were still completely oblivious of each other’s feelings and Robin was about to have an aneurysm about it. You had planned to tell Steve how you felt, but you had figured out there was a secret Russian base beneath you and that had put quite the damper on your plans. The Russians had injected you, Robin, and Steve with truth serum and after you had escaped, still drugged up and sitting on the floor of the bathroom, you had told Steve you loved him. 
Steve, having just gotten done puking his brains out in the stall next to you, had been thoroughly shocked. After a minute, he had slid into your stall, but cringed when you started throwing up. The drug had taken more time to wear off for you than him and Robin.
He had taken you out on a few dates before you both made things official and Steve absolutely adored you. He only had eyes for you and he loved you with every ounce of his being. He had even bought a ring already, entirely sure that you were the only one for him. 
The thought of you being hurt shook him to his core. He pulled into the parking lot and tried his best to be calm. Maybe he was just overthinking the whole situation and you were just a bit scratched up and bruised. Hawkins hospital was a small hospital– it was a small town after all, you didn’t need a giant hospital and before all of the Upside Down shit had gone down, there were only a few accidents here and there that called for a hospital. He walked in, quickly finding the front desk and jogging over, ignoring the rude glares he got from others in the lobby.
“Hi, I just got a call that Y/N Y/L/N was admitted here?” He tried his best to smile at the receptionist, but it only chalked up to a grimace. 
“Relation?” She peered over her glasses at him, eyes scanning his face. 
“Dammit– I’m her boyfriend. Her parents are out of town and all of her other family lives out of state.” He ran a hand through his hair, losing his patience quickly with the lady. 
“She’s on floor three, but I’m sorry, her condition is cri– sir!” Steve was already halfway to the staircase as she called after him. He flew up the stairs, taking them two to three at a time. He pushed open the third floor door, repeating the same process with this reception desk. 
“I’m here for Y/L/N.” He breathed, leaning his elbows down on the counter of the desk. She frowned at him, sympathy in her stare. 
“Honey, she’s in surgery now. You’re free to sit in the waiting room and we’ll call you–”
“Surgery? How bad was the accident?” Steve was panicking now, hands shaking slightly. 
“Chief Powell is in the waiting room, he can explain, hun.” She motioned with her head towards the room on her right. Steve didn’t like how vague she was being, it didn't bode well for you. He walked into the waiting room, seeing Chief Powell sitting on the far end, arms resting on his knees and hat in his hands. There were only a couple of other people in the room, but they sat on the opposite side. He straightened up when he saw Steve approach him.
“What happened?” Steve’s voice cracked; he just wanted some damn answers and no one was giving him any. He just wanted to make sure his girl was okay.
“Sit down, son.” Steve sat down across from him, jaw clenched. These were all bad signs. The reassurance he had convinced himself of on the drive here was looking less and less like a reality. “She was hit at the Barton, Oak, and Howard intersection by a pickup. They hit her driver’s side and the impact rolled her into the ditch. When we arrived, she was passed out and we got her free from the car. Once we got her out, she had no pulse.” Steve stopped breathing. No pulse. You had died. “The medics revived her on scene and transported her here. She’s in surgery right now for a collapsed lung and some shrapnel in her abdomen and arms. Unfortunately, everything is touch and go right now, son.” Steve didn’t move, eyes locked on the tan wall behind the chief. He sat there for a moment longer before the anxiety in his stomach crept up his throat. 
He was rushing to the nearest bathroom, quick to throw open the door and duck into the first stall. His knees hit the tile and he heaved into the toilet, white-knuckling the porcelain. Tears dripped down his cheeks as he finished, leaning back on his heels. His mind drifted to the first time you ever told him that you loved him in the mall bathroom after escaping the Russian base. 
“Fuck.” He breathed, flushing the toilet and standing. Steve didn’t think he could even process what losing you would mean. You were everything to him. You understood him and loved him for who he was. You didn’t let his past taint your view of him now– you understood that people grew up and learned lessons. You loved him for him. No one had ever loved him like you did. And he didn’t want anyone else to love him. He only wanted you.
It had been a couple of days since the accident and you were finally on the better side of recovery. Everything had gone smooth with your surgery and you were recovering in one of the hospital rooms. You had spent the first day after surgery sleeping, but Steve had been there regardless, holding your hand and staying by your side to keep you company. He had prayed to a god above that you would be okay and he had been thankful that his prayers were answered. He viewed his time with you as precious now, soaking in every second he had with you. 
The second day you were in and out of sleep. You would wake for maybe half an hour, then go back to sleep for a few more hours. Steve had been there every time you woke, asking if you were okay, if you needed anything, and telling you he loved you so much. 
It was the third day and when you woke up, you were actually lucid, staying awake for more than just a couple hours.
“Hey, Stevie.” You opened your eyes, seeing him in the chair next to your bed where he had been the last few days. You gave him a weak smile and he returned it, setting down the crossword he had been working on. It was early morning and the sun streaming through the windows bathed the room in a warm glow. His hands cupped your face and he leaned in, kissing your forehead gently. 
“Hi, sweetheart. How are you feeling?” kept one hand on your face, thumb tracing the curve of your cheek. 
“I’m okay. The pain medication is doing its job,” you chuckled. He nodded and moved the hand on your cheek to brush back the stray hairs that had fallen onto your forehead. 
“I’m so happy you’re okay. I was so scared I had lost you.” He mumbled, fingers tracing your jaw line. The last couple of days Steve had remained composed for your sake, not wanting to stress you out when you were already dealing with so much. The flood of emotions he had been holding back were slowly seeping their way through; you could hear it in his voice and see it in the way he looked at you. 
“I was scared.” You admitted quietly. You frowned as Steve’s face fell, eyebrows pulling together and lips turning downward. “I thought that was the end of me. I didn’t want to die.” You whispered, tears brimming your eyes. Steve sat down on the edge of your bed, shushing you and wiping the tears from your cheeks. 
“You’re here. We’re okay. You're still here with me.” He comforted you, hands running up and down your arms, being careful of the IV in the crook of your elbow. You scooted to the side on the bed, grimacing in pain and Steve got the message, moving to sit beside you. He gently pulled you back towards him and you rested the back of your head on his chest. He ran one of his hands through your hair and the other found one of your hands, lacing your fingers together. “I love you.”
You breathed out, shoulders sagging against him. You closed your eyes, tiredness seeping into your bones. “I love you too, Stevie.” You opened your eyes and stared up at him. His coffee, brown eyes met your and he smiled, lowering his head to kiss you. You smiled into the kiss. 
You were here, alive, with the person you loved most. You would be okay. 
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disaster-j · 2 years
Reveal your Watch and Rewatch drama list!
Tagged by @joblessquinoa thanks 💜💜
Currently Watching:
1. Kinnporsche- if you follow me you'll know how much I love this show it's giving EVERYTHING i needed it to give and i am so glad i watched it live bc i would have binged it in one night and lost so much sleep lmao
2. Sky in Your Heart- I'm a little behind but hoping to catch up this weeked. I love this show. Mek in a bl was already enough for me to get excited but I also loved Fah in Star in my Mind so it was even better seeing him in his own show. FahPrince are so cute together they have so much chemistry right from the first meeting and i love love love them so much. Highly recommend it to anyone who liked atots too bc the vibes are identical.
3. Mama Gogo- y'all know i love this show soooo much. It's cracky and over the top but very much self aware. The cast is incredible and storylines are really fun and interesting. The chemistry between the two main leads is already pretty good even tho i believe it's a slow burn enemies to lovers but like IT'S THERE okay. And everyone else in the cast has great chemistry too. So invested in the drama between Annie and Tina like i want them to get in a physical fight so bad i think it would be extremely funny. 10000/10 HIGHLY recommend this one!!!
4. Astrophile- the only way this show could redeem itself is if it turns out Kimhan is secretly a villain and ends up alone in the end, like 500 Days of Summer. Otherwise this is a complete and utter failure. Not only is the main plot mind numbingly boring but the main character is so insanely unlikeable even Bright stans i know refuse to continue watching it. There's zero chemistry between the supposed main couple and the guy is literally a walking red flag. Every single character and side plot other than Kimhan's whole thing is genuinely pretty good, but they get so little screentime and we are instead constantly forced to watch Kimhan use his past trauma as an excuse to be a fucking incel while manipulating the female lead into building a relationship with him. Don't watch this show or if you do just skip every Kimhan scene idk what else to say. There's a reason it flopped across all media platforms not even halfway through. I haven't even been able to get past what 2 eps? Shit sucks.
5. Ghost Doctor- i started this forever ago and even tho i genuinely love the show i have been slacking on finishing it. Kdramas are soooo long and I've been busy so 🤷‍♀️ but it's on netflix now so hopefully that can be a good motivator to finishing it. The story is about this genius doctor who falls into a coma and starts possessing one of his residents whom he has a hate relationship with to treat patients. Very funny and at times cracky show but balanced out with a serious thriller ish plotline going on underneath. Would recommend this to anyone who likes kdramas.
I simply do not have the time to rewatch shows rn 😔😔
Looking forward to-
Vice Versa, U.M.G, GAP, Eclipse, 10 Years Ticket, Warp Effect, 3 Gentlebros, Home School, Midnight Series (mostly the OffJan and NanonFilm ones bc Moonlight Chicken just isn't my thing)... that's all i can think of rn
Tagging: (i feel like most people have done this recently so ignore this if you have but) @magicaldreamfox1 @onstoryladders @piningbisexuals @demiromanticmickey @ralbeleren @paalove @catravandece @mineonmain
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marcholasmoth · 3 years
OSRR: 2587
today i had class so i woke up early and sat and took notes and i checked when my note-taking assignment was and one is next week so that'll be fun. i just realized i may have to be on campus for that next week. that won't be so much fun.
but i ended up helping my mom make soup and can tomatoes and stuff and the corn i had to cut was delicious but the bottom of the stack weren't as good as the top of the stack so i put all of the corn into the soup and now there's mostly corn in the soup. oh well. at least corn in soup is good.
after dad brought home lunch and we got the tomatoes boiling, i went upstairs to take a nap. and nap i did. i did, however, have some funky dreams. i've had weird dreams for a solid two weeks now. so it was unsurprising, but still, it's still weird.
after getting up, i showered and got dressed and helped my mom with the knowledge of how to can the soup, and she got it without me so i went off to complete my errands for the day. it was about 8pm at this point.
at this point, i've been awake for not as long as you would imagine, but i have unfortunately been plagued with the friend who is having meltdowns, even though she didn't text me today. that was nice. i learned, however, that she was in a Bad Spot and honestly? i didn't need that today. i was already about to leave for my errands, so i couldn't text while driving and that would've been bad, so i completely ignored it while i went out.
i picked up my new dose of my adhd meds and looked for can lids for my mom. no luck at walmart. i then went to go get my gnomes, which were fired and ready for pickup and they are so stinkin cute i literally can't.
Tumblr media
aren't they precious??? i love them.
and their cardigans are perfect too!!! i'm glad i picked the three shades of green for them. they all look so good. i'm really proud.
after picking them up, i went and drove around a bit and i went to margarita's for dinner, just because i could. i had the same waitress i had last time i was there - her name is sydney and she's really nice.
as i sat there, on the second story of the old mill building where margarita's has its nashua location, in a quieter part of the building, looking out over the water, listening to the music overhead while dancing back and forth a little bit, i felt so content. i was relaxed. i wasn't burdened by other people, and i wasn't bogged down by other people's issues. it was so nice. i smiled and relaxed back into my seat and thought about it. i was just happy. and dinner was delicious, and i didn't eat too much. when i was all done i went out and sat in my car for a bit, car off, just chillin talking to people on discord and reading and checking notifications and stuff. i ended up leaving the restaurant parking lot 45 minutes after leaving the building. lmao.
as i was heading home, i was in a chipper mood and i wanted some happy music to listen to. lately, i've been pulling up my kaikuva playlist, because they're songs in finnish and songs that remind me of FF, so i went to go put it on. but, remembering the events of yesterday, i got sad. but i knew i sent a friend request to them too, which i genuinely believed they'd reject, but i went and checked it and the pending symbol was gone. so like,,,, they accepted it. i cried happy tears halfway home and listened to my playlist, or one of the songs on repeat because i was so happy.
when i got home and i got out of the car, i looked up at the sky and i felt light. i felt lighter than i have in months, if not years. and it was so freeing. it was wonderful.
now i'm upstairs and i've been looking at and watching tik toks for the last two hours bc i had more than a hundred to catch up on bc it's been several months since i last went on. lmao rip
and now it's time for sleep and i'm so happy.
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dingdongrumba · 4 years
I feel your pain with KomaHina fic so much, I've been planning and thinking about writing one myself bc of this but I'm anxious about sharing my writing or writing something someone already is/has written hh.
nooooooooo don’t deprive us of more komahina content ur so sexy haha
But in all seriousness, I know it’s a super intimidating task to undertake, writing is NOT easy and especially if you want to do a long term project it’s even scarier to start because what if it’s not worth it??? what if I don’t finish it??? what if it’s not good and nobody likes it???? god I know I felt like that when I started Resisting Gravity and yeAH I DID GO THROUGH A SIX MONTH HIATUS but then I updated it again and I’m halfway through the next chapter already!!! (which is unprecedented from me tbh) and also?? I’ve gotten such nice comments as well and I’m like ??  ?  ??  ????
If you feel too anxious about sharing it you could still write it but not publish it at first!! That way you also won’t feel the pressure of updating and you can just write for yourself and enjoy the process of seeing your ideas come to life (unless you immediately crave validation which is totally valid ddkgjfdkger) the most important part is that you create what you love and have fun, even if no one else cares (and I assure you people will care, look at how thirsty for content we are dgjKSDGFSD)
As for creating something someone has already done, bro nothing is original in this planet, everything just recycles itself over and over again and nothing is new, but that’s alright!!! because new people come and go and every creator brings something new to the table even when their work resembles something that already exists, not to mention the more the merries, right?
I don’t know how helpful this was sdkfjKDSJF but I hope I managed to encourage you a bit!!! Also when and if you do end up publishing something be sure to hit me up bc 👀 like I said, we starving here lmao
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ppangjae · 3 years
1, 5, 6 and 19
Also, I found I forgot to turn anon lmao but i'm happy nevertheless like i was squealing when you replied idkw anyway, stay safe and take care alex <3
hi love! thank you for sending in for the ask game! ahh, and no worries! nice to meet you, luna! i hope you stay safe and well too! ♥️
answers are under the read more cut!
1. Tell us about your current project(s) - what it's about, how's progress, what do you love most about it?
My current projects are: nvm, let's break up (pt.2), all too well (co-writing with nikki!), only (sequel/full ver. story of broken clocks), and i'm currently planning on writing a figure skating!au in celebration of the winter olympics coming up!
In terms of progress, as a whole, I've been working on them from time to time! They're slowly coming together, but I just really need more time in order to finish them LOL. In terms of by individual project, I'm roughly halfway through 'nvm, let's break up', 'all too well' is honestly... it's 90 pages right now, so it's going to be a while until we have a final rough draft. For 'only', I'm halfway done! It should be up sometime by the middle of February (just in time for Jaehyun's birthday wink wonk), and I've just started planning the figure skating!au.
What I love most about 'nvm, let's break up' is that I ended up enjoying how I wrote and created Mingyu's character. I think I've grown to admire him more! For 'all too well', I love that nikki and I just have such a beautiful dynamic, the ideas flow so flawlessly? So seamlessly? Like we're always on the same page and I love when we rave about our ideas. For 'only', I love that it makes me feel sad skjdfhksjdhf truly an angst lover.
5. What character that you're writing do you most identify with?
I think I mostly identify/resonate the most with Y/N from seven letters and nvm, let's break up. I resonate with seven letters Y/N because I've always wondered what I would do if I had the chance to rewrite my fate. Y/N is put in very tough situations where one mistake could be crucial. As for Y/N in nvm, let's break up, I resonate with Y/N the most because of the insecurities and doubts Y/N has and experiences. Y/N in nvm, let's break up truly goes through a huge character development where Y/N realizes self-worth!
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
Hmm... the character I have the most fun writing is surprisingly not Jaehyun or Y/N... but Mark. DKSJFHSKJDHF I say this even though I only have two Mark fics on my masterlist. He's just so funny and so dorky, and just—the boyfriend vibes are there. He's literally boyfriend material. Writing Mark is fun. SO fun.
19. Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favourite verb, something you describe 'too often', trope you can't get enough of?)
OOF. I say a lot of -- "purses her/his lips into a tight line", "turns towards", LOTS of questions and thoughts.
For tropes... I ABSOLUTELY LOVE SOULMATE!AU. I call myself the soulmate!au enthusiast because of how much I love it kjsdhkjshdf
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