#i'm on rewatch 4 and it's the first time i noticed even though i always go !!!! isn't the name of the store cute!!!
pangzi · 1 year
Okay, TLT2.2 was incredibly smart designing the logo for Pangzi’s store. Half a moon for a place called yue ban?? in. cre. di. ble.
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m1ssunderstanding · 4 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 1.2
George: We don't have to keep [an image] up, we just remain ourselves. Don't we, Ringo? Ringo: well, we do, I mean, it's the other two we're worried about. It's a joke about John and Paul being bigheads, but a crazy person – definitely not me – could also see it other ways if they wanted to.
Paul talking about their mutual friend when asked how they met and John telling him not to complicate it. They're so married it's ridiculous. 
Always looking at each other with every single joke. 
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He looks like he's in a lovely enclosure at the petting zoo. I've always been so confused by this footage. Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on?
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I LOVE that we now know Paul was cast as Thisbe and John as Pyramus and then they switched. I'm actually dying to know how and why that happened though. My first instinct was “of course. Paul was scared he'd look too convincing as a woman, so John did it for him.” But no. Paul dressed as a woman at the cavern, wore ladies lingerie in Hamburg, and wanted to do a full drag show on TV in the early seventies. So why not Thisbe?
Why do you as a man randomly bring up the color of your friend's dick while staring lovingly into his eyes?
It must be noted. They had a wonderful time playing star-crossed lovers. 
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The bickering pianos are so cute! And then John (prompting Paul): and John and I . . . Paul: oh I hate this. John: will probably carry on . . . Paul: we'll carry on songwriting . . . You just know Paul didn't hear the end of that one interview answer for a long long time. And it's because John just had to hear it over and over again.
Love the editing so that Paul smacks John's ass right as the symbols crash. 10/10 A+
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This iconic moment. Poor George tally number 4.
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Interviewer brings up marriage and John takes a shot like he wants to forget that the whole concept even exists. Literally poor Cynthia. And not even in an “lol her husband's gay” type of way. Just in a genuine “the way their relationship fell apart actually breaks my heart because she really did love him and in his way he loved her too but they were just so thoroughly incompatible” type of way. 
Paul: makes a stupid dad joke. John: giggles gleefully and kicks his feet
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I have never seen someone so disappointed that they didn't need to lend their friend a pen. Paul had his hand in his pocket before John even asked the interviewer for a pen and when the interviewer gives him one, Paul literally hangs his head like he's just been cut from the school play. I just. The obsession is frankly cartoonish. But also, he just needs to be needed, you know? How many songs does he have which conflate being needed and being loved?
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The juxtaposition of Paul and John elaborately messing with the interviewer (“yes John Lenard, that's me” and “actually it's done by mirrors.”) vs George's “I don't know” and “yeah.” it's actually kind of mean editing but whatever. It is ULM not UH. Someone should make that though.
Again, John. Calm down. He's not that funny. Just look at Jimmy. That's the normal person's reaction to that joke. John is half the reason Paul has such a big head honestly. 
Paul's answer to a question about the Beatles gaining a lot of adult fans is nice. Sometimes he shocks with a bit of wisdom. Sometimes his words don't get messed up at the point they hit his throat as he says. 
What the fuck? Okay so the interviewer asks Paul what he likes in a girl, right? I've always been too distracted by Paul saying he likes a sense of humor and John doing an obnoxious fake laugh in the background because John. It's embarrassing how obvious you are. Stop.
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But I never noticed Paul actually says “people”. The interviewer asks about girls and he says he likes “people - er - girls” to have a sense of humor. Huh. Okay. 
So ULM was actually what made me a serious Beatles fan and this was the first moment where I had to pause it and verify to see if what I'd just read was actually true. It really is a doozy. 
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How to flirt. A guide by Paul McCartney. Step one: get your crush’s attention. This should be extremely easy. Just gesture vaguely at something you're holding. He'll be interested. Step two: do something suggestive to a phallic object. Step three: that's it. You've got him. He'll do whatever you want.
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The editing in this thing truly is brutal. Just the jump cuts from a question about Cynthia to John and Paul making each other laugh to girls screaming to John and Paul unnecessarily touching to girls passed out on the ground to John and Paul desperate for each other's attention to girls waving signs to John and Paul sharing weird eye contact to girls physically mobbing them to John and Paul beaming at each other to a question about Jane. It really does drive home the immense pressure of compulsory heterosexuality back then. 
Then a question that's obviously meant to poke a nerve and start some bad feelings. “Paul. Is John the leader of the Beatles?” Easily rebuffed with “no I'm not” and “there's no real leader”. I know I'm dramatic but really it's like every aspect of that society was against them you know? And they just kind of said "fuck you, we're crazy about each other."
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Question: what do they think about when they're imprisoned in their hotel rooms? John: we don't think about one thing. *Whips head to look at Paul* well, some of us do. Oh and you know that how exactly? What, do you just have a printout of his every thought? Do you keep constant tabs on his dick?
Someone give me the heterosexual explanation of that moment when John very clearly and obviously checks out and appreciates Paul's ass as he and Ringo are pretending to be cowboys. Seriously. I'm at a loss here. 
Poor George tally number six? Seven? They're asked what they'll do if England reinstates the draft. John brings up Southern Ireland. George brings up Germany. Paul and John plan their joint escape to Southern Ireland as if George hadn't even spoken. 
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The choice to play “Another Girl” over that quote of John's being like ‘Paul's actually much meaner than i am’ is great. Because that's seriously such a jerk song. I don't much like Jane, honestly, but fuck, she deserved so much better than Paul. He was such a douche.  
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Literally all the song choices in this are phenomenal. “Hide Your Love Away” over the montage of 60s homophobia moments? It's so genius. Saying everything without saying anything. Letting the Beatles do the talking. 
The laugh track over the cartoon is honestly so sad. Nobody asked them if they were okay with being mocked like that and they never even made a dime off it. What would that have felt like to know that your being “too close” with your best friend was a running joke on TV?
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“It's only love and that is all. Why should I feel the way I do?”
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en-whims · 1 year
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[scan creds to ado2re]
the fourth instalment from the “Narratives from the Walkman: a 90’s love collective” series
genres: bff au; fluff; f2l (?); angst | wc: 2.1k | tagging: @yenqa @yjjungwon @sophialosthercardigan @saucyjaeyun
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° ❝ i'll be yours if you'll be mine
'cause i'm lonely, i'm so lonely
if you hold me, i'll be your only
so if you're lonely, no need to show me
if you're lonely, come be lonely with me. ❞ °
[ 🎧 ] SIDE B ; TRACK 4 ㅡ this side of paradise by coyote theory
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Skipping one of the most awaited events in high school has always been something you never regretted. When your first best friend left you before even taking you on the dance floor as he promised, you completely shrugged away all thoughts of a happy, magical life in school.
Things seemed easier that way instead of hoping for sparkling lights and glittering dresses, swooshing to and from without anybody to lock your fingers with to grace the night away.
That was until your college decided to throw a graduation ball months before leaving the university behind. You finally felt the hidden regret creeping under your skin.
Still, you stood by your word and chose not to go. Mainly because you didn’t want to awkwardly stand there in a room full of people, hopelessly wishing that Ni-ki will at least surprise you on that night. You wrapped yourself under the comforts of your thick blanket and activated the only source of light in your room, the television.
A few episodes into The Umbrella Academy, you heard your stomach grumble. You had decided to rewatch the show for old-time’s sake, minus Ni-ki’s presence and the galaxy stickers that once sparkled in your bedroom because someone wanted it to be dreamy.
Moping around and doing the things you used to do with him was something you thought would suffice the loneliness you felt since you couldn’t attend tonight’s ball… until you heard your phone ding. Shuffling from your bed, you immediately sat up, unconsciously wishing it was from Ni-ki.
To receive a text saying, “I have too much wine and nobody to drink with,” was all it took for you to know that Heeseung needed your presence as soon as possible. You and Heeseung had been best friends since junior year in college and saying that your relationship with each other was entirely platonic was the biggest understatement of the century.
A few wardrobe changes and confusions later, you finally arrived in front of his apartment; dressed in ‘fancy clothing’, as per his request. It was only when he opened the door, wearing a silky blue button-up and semi-fitted jeans that you realized why he wanted you to fix up as well.
He stood in front of you– dashing, drop-dead gorgeous. Your breath hitched in your throat, and the pounding of your heart made your chest vibrate as you watched him slay in all his simple glory.
A little while ago you thought that it’d be another torturing night of trying to hide your stupid feelings for your best friend, and you weren’t wrong. 
Not with him making you go crazy like this.
“Welcome to my humble home, M'lady.” He joked, pretending to bow while he made space for you to pass through the doorway.
“You weirdo.” You replied, poking his forehead, to which he responded with a whine though it was accompanied by laughter. He closed the door behind you, and you gawked at the transformation of his living room; the vintage throws tucked in a corner, replaced with silk sheets and blue led stars hanging from the ceiling, in the center of the room is a table for two with a candlelit dinner set-up.
“You were supposed to respond with something similar like thank you, my good sir, or something.” He snorted, pausing behind you after he noticed your awestruck pause. “You like it?”
Turning around to face him, you cock your head to the side with a faint smile. “I’m going to have to commend you on this one, Sir.”
Immediately, his lips tug upward into a cute smile, and he wasted no time in getting you both to start digging in and drinking by pulling you along with him to the balcony.
Maybe he was right, he had too much wine with too much alcohol, but even if he did invite a couple more yous over, his stock wouldn’t ever run out. But maybe it was also a good thing that he had you over, with another good thing being… he only asked you and nobody else.
The sound of your glasses clinking seemed to reverberate even in the crowd of things around you, but it seemed to linger a little longer in the air than it originally should’ve. You refused to think deeper, that it’s just because there’s something else with the way you spent time together today compared to before.
“So why the extra stuff?” You chimed up, taking a sip from your drink. Heeseung stared at you from the brim of his own glass.
“Does it matter?” He asked, downing the bitter liquid as he leaned back onto his chair, one arm outstretched as he set his glass on top of the dressed table. “I just want to treat you to something nice once in a while. Also because you haven’t experienced prom so here’s me giving you an exclusive version.”
You cocked a brow. “Is that so?”
“Why do you doubt me so much?”
“No idea,” You chuckled, pursing your lips before downing the liquid with a smile, shaking your head. Heeseung’s eyes flickered up to lock with yours, beady and shiny under the glimmering blue lights.
“You enjoyed it, though?” He asked, gaze lidded and hazy before he gulped, throwing his head back when he felt the alcohol take over his body, prodding his vision into a blur.
“Of course.” You replied, blinking as you felt equally intoxicated, your vision starting to disrupt as well.
“I’m glad,” Heeseung said, running his palms over his face and then through his hair, making him look like a hot mess as he smiled back up at you. “That’s all that matters.”
You nodded, unable to say anything, but you felt your heart swell at his words. How cutely sexy he looked at that moment— it definitely didn’t help.
“You ever think…” He gulped, licking his lips. “You ever think about what life would be if you didn’t run over me with your pile of books that one autumn day in the library?”
Instantly, you released an amused snort, bursting into a fit of staggered chuckles after hearing the familiar incident. “Way to ruin the mood, Hee.”
“But really,” He laughed, shaking his head.“Who would’ve thought we’d be the best of friends?”
“True. Nobody really saw that coming.”
“It’s safe to say that you could…” He trailed off, squinting his eyes at you from across the table. “Bump me, step on me, grind on me, ma’am.”
You snorted. “Oh. You mean it?”
You both laughed, finding his choice of words hilarious, though it was enough to bring a tinge of crimson onto both of your cheeks. You both refused to point it out. 
Then the candlelit dinner was long forgotten, leftover bites and half-empty wine glasses staying static on top of the dressed table in the center of the room as you and Heeseung decided to slump against one another on his sofa tucked on a corner, a little too tipsy to move.
“Y/n?” He chimed up, your heads were thrown back against the backrest of the sofa. Beside him, you hummed, turning your head lazily. “Can I lay my head on your shoulder?”
Instantly, he scooted closer towards you, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck and humming onto your skin.
“I really wish…” He nuzzled closer. “I really wish I could hold you like this whenever I want to.”
“I’m one call away, Hee. You know that.” You said, leaning your cheek against the top of his head.
“I do.” He whined, his tone almost babyish as you could feel the pout of his lips. “But I want it to be more than just this.”
He paused, lifting his head up slightly, resting his chin against the blade of your shoulder as he looked at you with hazy eyes.
“I want to be with you wherever you go. I want to hug you, hold you, and kiss you whenever I want to, rain or shine. I want to hold your hand and take you on cute dates, I want to raise dogs and cats and fish and even elephants with you, I want to be the best boyfriend you’ve ever had, better than those jerks you used to cry over—”
“Heeseung,” You tried to cut him off, a smile starting to creep onto your face, but he didn’t seem to be listening.
“—give you everything that I’ve got because I’m in love with you, I wish I realized it sooner, but I’m such an idiot that I didn’t. And I hate myself because I couldn’t bring myself to tell you if I’m sober and I-”
Promptly, you grabbed his chin and placed a quick kiss on his lips, pulling away and staring at him in the eye just to wait for his reaction.
“How long have you been keeping all this from me, you blithering idiot?” You asked, though he only raised a hand up, using his pointer finger to shakily poke your cheek with a drunken gaze.
“Am I really, really drunk, or did you just kiss me?”
“Both, idiot.” You laughed, shaking your head. You continued to wait for what he had to say, though his finger only traveled down to the plump of your lips from your cheek. He pouted slightly, gaze flickering up from his finger as he blinked at you.
“Can I?” He asked, and even though he was a little drunk and absurd, you felt he was still self-aware. Just a little cuter and bolder than usual.
“You can.” You said, running one hand through his soft hair as you look at him lovingly. “I’m all yours.”
“All mine, huh? What does that make me then? Yours too?” He asked, eyes widening slightly for a moment before he grinned, taking you by surprise when he took you by the chin, muttering against your lips before kissing you deeply.
“Yes. All of you. You and your whiny and clingy ass, your almost triumphant mullet, your ever-changing moods, and the things I have yet to explore about you.” You pulled away, giving your face a small distance as you rested your forehead against his. He smiled as he bit his lower lip, trying to stop himself from smiling too much.
And what you both thought was platonic, wasn’t really that at all. In fact, it never was.
But just like any other memory of yours, it vanished; too quickly even for you to notice. Heeseung hated to admit it, but with both of your feelings in the way, he thought it was best to tell you now than under any other circumstances.
He was bound to leave town in the next few days after graduation. Of course, it was already expected given the fact that you’re both about to leave college and venture out and seek jobs on your own. But to leave so soon left you baffled.
Apparently, one of the companies he applied to a week prior called him back and they wanted your best friend in the heart of a place much far for you to even follow. The last time this happened, he left you for another state with an unkept promise. It was wise to assume that Heeseung would do the same thing, considering his applications were successful.
A 12-hour driving distance from him was the end of something that hadn’t even started. But there was no other way, with him being a favored student from a university, higher demands must be met with a career that’s been chasing him since day one in college.
“You know you can still call me if you need a random getaway.” He whispered. “I may be far but that doesn’t mean I’ll forget about us.”
“You’ll meet new folks there that would potentially replace me.”
“That’s silly and you know that. You’re still my best friend. And you actually might be the one to replace me. I heard Jay’s been trying to steal your attention a lot more than usual lately.” You only glared at him with a lingering fear at the back of your mind that maybe, he was right. Replacements might just be your new norm now.
That was the hardest part of moving forward when you both left yourselves hanging in between random escapades and fleeting memories. You were each other’s best getaway. You both just discovered it. Anywhere with each other always felt like home and an adventure all at once.
But you both have to do away with what’s needed to be done. And with that, Heeseung called it day— a final kiss on your forehead…
a touch of farewell and a see-you-whenever. —
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© EN-WHIMS, 2023. all rights reserved.
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Wheeler/Byers Wardrobe Analysis
Season 1 Part 1
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
This has probably already been looked at in depth because hasn't everything? But I looked up potential tags that I’ll be using and didn’t see anything (without scrolling for a year), so forgive me if I’m repeating what’s already been said, but I'm new here (Hi. Hello). I’ve seen a lot about the Will/Mike/El color theory. What I haven’t really seen is colors assigned to other characters. So as I am starting a rewatch, I thought I’d take a look at the color palettes for other major characters and I noticed pretty immediately that there are trends, though it’s less about one assigned color than it is about color palettes and how they are worn. And these trends present themselves a lot in regards to an overall family aesthetic for both the Wheelers and the Byers. So they will be the major focus of this analysis, plus a few relevant others like Steve or El who have a heavy influence on members of these families.
So here’s the first shot of Nancy in the show. She’s in her bedroom (blue and pink pastels everywhere, blue pastel PJs, blue pastel phone)
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And here’s the first shot of Karen along with a shot of her and Holly the following morning. I found this really intriguing that right off the bat, we’re shown Karen dressing Holly in EXACTLY the same outfit she herself was wearing the day before. This really sets the trend for how the Wheelers are presented. Karen dresses Holly like herself and a lot of what Nancy wears emulates her mother.
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Nancy’s outfit that day once again consists of pastel blues and pinks, just like Karen’s, including a checkered element, just like Karen's. She’s also matching Barb (though Barb is in bolder shades, red versus pink) and Steve in pastel blue. Later that evening when Steve sneaks into her bedroom, Nancy is no longer wearing the pink sweater, wearing only the blue button down and matching Steve even more.
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And here is the whole family. Very pastel. Very aesthetic. Very nuclear. Except for Mike, wearing bold primary colors and stripes, as he often does. I’m not going to talk about Mike’s outfits much independently because so many people already have. But in comparison with the rest of the Wheelers, here we can clearly see that he contrasts. He is the outlier and the outcast. He’s the only member of the family not trying to conform (or in Holly’s case, being shaped to conform). Even their placemats match the color palette. But then look at Ted. He’s wearing clothes he probably wore to the office (what office? I don’t know. He seems to always be sitting around watching TV or complaining, but he does leave for work at some point, so…) All of the female Wheelers are matching in their blue and pink while Ted is lacking any color or personality whatsoever and Mike is popping out in his primary colors, though there’s also a lot of soft grey on his shirt that allows him to blend somewhat. Karen, we know, has settled in this marriage and Nancy, we know, is beginning to struggle with fitting in. She’s been a "good girl" her whole life and this really shows in the way she dresses in early season 1. She is a reflection of her mother.
And then here are the Byers. Brown, dark blue, dark green, beige, tan, denim, shearling, corduroy. These are trends for the Byers family. Muted earth tones and strong texture.
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We see Nancy and Barb coordinating again, this time Nancy in lavender and Barb in coral (both in delicate sweaters). I think it’s interesting that Barb wears bolder colors than Nancy. Her outfit from episode 1 and this one are both brighter than Nancy’s very pale ensembles. This seems to really demonstrate how much more confident Barb is in her social status than Nancy is. Barb knows who she is and who her friends are. She doesn’t care about being popular. In a way, Barb is a lot more like Mike and the party than Nancy. So Barb wears bolder colors. She’s not ashamed to be a labeled a nerd or a goody-two-shoes. Nancy has been shown to wear a lot of blue and pink, but here, she’s wearing the combination of the two in purple. Steve, throughout all four seasons, wears a lot of blue. I’m just starting this rewatch and closely looking into the wardrobe, but that is something I remember pretty easily. And here, Steve’s whole crew is all dressed in blue. Is the purple Nancy’s pink beginning to blend into Steve’s blue? Or is it Nancy’s own duality beginning to blur as her previously separate colors have merged into one? (or is it a sweater someone picked up and said “yup looks like Nancy”) I think it’s the second one. I think it has nothing to do with Steve, actually, and a lot more to do with Nancy figuring herself out because purple is a color I know Nancy wears again in later seasons as well (to be examined closer further down the line). Nancy in this scene is conflicted about whether or not to lie to her parents and go to a party with the popular kids on a weeknight, all very out of character for her, and she's still clinging to Barb, begging her to come along and trying to force these two crowds that don't mix together. Barb is in pink. Steve and co are in blue. Nancy is in the middle in purple. And like I said, I don't think this is so much ABOUT Steve as it is about who Nancy wants to be. She doesn't know.
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And then we come to that fateful party. Nancy changes her shirt in the car before they go to Steve’s house. She’s wearing bold red stripes, completely out of her usual color palette or style. The texture is different, the pattern is different, the colors are different. It’s not Nancy. And in a few episodes, Nancy tells Jonathan she and Barb went shopping for a shirt she thought Steve might like. It feels safe to assume this is the top.
I also want to note that Barb has not changed her clothes from earlier in the day, nor has Steve. But Barb is now wearing a blue jacket over her bright sweater. She doesn’t want to be at this party, but she came anyway for Nancy. She’s hanging out with people she doesn’t like and she’s now wearing the color they are all also wearing. Except for Nancy. Because she tried to pick out something Steve would like, but there’s a disconnect here. Nancy chose something red, a bolder variety of one of her usual colors, rather than something blue, Steve's usual color. This could be a way of demonstrating that Nancy doesn't actually know what Steve likes or wants (and the obvious that she's trying too hard).
Karen’s outfit in this episode is again very close to Nancy’s. It’s actually very similar to Nancy’s outfit from the last episode where Nancy wore a light blue button down with a pink cardigan. Here, Karen wears a light blue button down with a pink and grey sweater vest. And once again, Mike’s outfit contains a LOUD and nonconforming color palette.
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Meanwhile, in this Byers flashback, Will is dressed in Byers colors, but he, like Mike, is also wearing pops of primary colors. Mike’s outfits have contained bright colors but also reflect, stylistically, the Wheelers. His shirts are preppier and he's wearing khaki pants here. Will is similarly reflecting his own family stylistically with a T-shirt and jeans, but brighter.
I also want to note that this (episode 2, the day after the party finds El) is the first time we see Mike in red. Mike and Will's shirts in this episode are actually really similar, both containing blue, yellow, white, and stripes. But the top portion of each of their shirts reflects the person they are seen interacting with most in the episode. For Mike, this is El. For Will, it's Jonathan. And I don't know if I can declare brown Jonathan's color, but he wears it a LOT.
This is long and it will only get longer as I continue this silly adventure, but I'm sharing my observations for fun.
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Many asks for the character ask game-
Kotoko 2, 3, 6, 8, 12
Amane 1, 8, 20, 25
Muu 1, 3, 7, 8, 12
Yuno 4, 8, 14, 20, 25
You don’t have to answer all of them because there are a lot 😂
-Favourite canon thing about this character? 
Just one? Oh this is difficult. I'm not sure if I can choose an absolute favourite canon thing but I like how she has so much jewellery. Her rings and earrings are so cool!
-Least favourite canon thing about this character?
Probably the fact that she likes to give non-answers in the QnA’s like I think it makes sense for her character and is a good writing choice. It's just also kinda annoying because I want to know more about her!
-What's something you have in common with this character? A couple things but to keep my answer brief I really relate to how kotoko feels in Harrow around justice. I’ve had a very similar feelings when I started to be become more aware of social injustice even wanted to be a lawyered to try and do something about it so even though I never went anywhere near as far as kotoko did and I’ve come to view things less as bad people use the system to do bad things to weaker people and more as our current social climate/systems create an environment that creates people that then go on to maintain the toxic cycles I still relate a lot to her feelings. 
-What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise? I get the two rapist Kotoko fanfics are low hanging fruit but I despise them with every fiber of my being just knowing what the second one is and that it exists makes me die a little inside.
What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I strongly head canon her as being on the ace spectrum :>
Why do you like or dislike this character? I love how layered Amanes symbolism is. I think her MV’s are some of the best when it comes to visuals that’ll drive you insane once you start really thinking about them. I feel like I always notice something new on a rewatch but I also think the reason I’m so attached to Amane is because she’s a character that have thought about a lot due to when I joined the fandom purge march was my first mv and I was around for pretty much all of Amane’s voting so there was a lot of Amane discussion when I first joined the fandom and my friends are all fans of her so any Milgram discussion quickly turned to her so I think she’s one of the first characters I really dug into the layers of because of that.
She’s also silly
What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise? This is less of a problem in the fandom now but the whole “we need to punish her so she won’t hurt shidou” or “we need to punish her and then she’ll leave the cult” because one that's not how cults work if you punish her your just giving her more reason to cling onto her region and proving the cult right but it's also just a mindset around children I see often and it kinda disgusts me that they should be punished or that punishment is the only option and if they aren’t punished how will they learn things are bad.
Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter? 
The ideal best friend? A good night's sleep. Have you seen her eye bags?
But on a more serious note even though with the latest minigram I’ve been thinking more about Kotoko Amane and even though Fuuta’s and Amane’s relationship is certainly not going to be healthy in t3 I’m going to say them. I think their friendship is cute and I want them to be besties!
What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I didn’t watch purge with the English sub’s on the first time so I was like oh what a cool custom design look how happy she is then as it went on-oh -OH
Now I think Amane is an incredibly layered character and an especially well written child character. She's great. I love her. I hope she ends up alright in the end! 
Why do you like or dislike this character? I love her design SO MUCH!  but I think what I like about her the most is her relationship with her self image. I’ve seen a few people bring this up that muu portrays herself as a bug in it’s not my fault but portrays other like Rei as a human and this really really fascinates me because it shows us that Muu on some level idealize rei and villainesses/dehumanizes herself. 
Least favorite canon thing about this character? Her Crow symbolism doesn't show up in T2 :( it wouldn’t fit but it still makes me sad.
What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like? I love how people draw her bug design! It's so cool to see how different people stylise it! Pretty everyone has a unique take on it even if it's just they simplify it down.
What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise? Something I love about milgram is how an mv will show you one side of the character and then different side in another and then when you put them together it gives up a better look of the character but people forget to do this with muu and just act like its not my fault is canon and like after pain doesn’t exist or was all a lie but no your supposed to look at them together! I think this is what leads to such simplified portrayals of muu people not taking into account her prior characterisation. This is also a problem I have with how the fandom treats harrow and deep cover.
What's a headcanon you have for this character?
If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Okay a big part of me wants to say Persona because I think her character would be super interesting in that world with how she views herself and other people and her mental health but a another part knows the person writers would not treat her well and they would probably just ruin her if ann and rise are anything to go off :( I’d like to think she’d be a navigator or a wild card. 
What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
My beef is more with the fandom in my local area than Milgramblr or the greater online fandom. Whenever I hear discussion of yuno she’s also simplified to girl boss and yes she is girl boss but also girl failure , girl hypocrite, girl self destructive coping mechanism , girl out of water , girl who needs a hug and so on I feel like people simplify her down too much because of her crime :(
Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
I don’t know alot about Lolita but that's the best fit I can think of. I don’t know fashion aesthetic :’)
Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter? Yuno and Muu's friendship fascinates me but mappi and yuno’s friendship is so sweet so I gotta say them. 
What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Oh this mv is so pretty! I love her so much! I can’t wait to learn more about her- oh…abortion….
It took me a long time to come around on Yuno because I was too distracted by her crime to see her interesting character depths. I love her now but I don’t consider myself a Yuno scholar. She’s one of my fav’s to draw!
No! No! thank you for sending in alot! :>
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sugaaz · 1 year
i’m so behind on all of them so i’m putting them all together
mention your ten favorite characters from any media - tagged by aki @tanchirou ♡
sugawara koushi (haikyuu)
nakahara chuuya (bungou stray dogs)
yor forger (spy x family)
kuroko tetsuya (kuroko no basket)
roy mustang (fullmetal alchemist)
kugisaki nobara (jujutsu kaisen)
hyakuya mikaela (owari no seraph)
chigiri hyouma (blue lock)
fushimi saruhiko (k)
nagisa shiota (ansatsu kyoushitsu)
choosing was hard gdi. i limited myself to one character from each series and even then i couldn't choose aaaaaa
15 questions for 15 mutuals - tagged by aki again ❣️
are you named after anyone? nope
when was the last time i cried? last week (i was very emotional about my uni ending even though i was cursing it's existence before)
do you have kids? noo thankfully
do you use sarcasm a lot? just a normal amount
what sports do you play/have you played? i have tried many sports but the one i played the most is basketball (before it ruined my life fsgsj)
what's the first thing you notice about other people? face expression
eye colour? brown
scary movies or happy endings? happy endings (i would never choose scary movies lmao)
any special talents? i'm good at remembering dance choreography
where were you born? india
what are your hobbies? watching/rewatching anime, listening to music, organizing stuff
do you have any pets? my catmom era hasn't happened yet
how tall are you? 5 feet only :(
fav subject in school? MATH!
dream job? no job XD but in seriousness, i always dream of working in a cute cafe
currents tagged by tobias @kokushibe 💕
current time: 4:30 pm
current mood: in pain
current activity: listening to music
currently thinking about: upgrading my pc
current fav song: QUEENCARD by (G)I-DLE
currently reading: fullmetal alchemist
currently watching: just finished mdzs yesterday. im choosing what to pick up next
current fav character (if any): wei wuxian my beloved!
current wips (if any): there is a sarumi sketch i should colour
picrew tagged by emma @crimsonrosee , tobias @kokushibe and oroshi @silversoulsociety 🥰
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i need people to know that i had to use a vpn to make this, why was it blocked for me have no idea. on the other hand, this is a cute picrew so it was worth the effort
tagging (no pressure): @mx-sinisters @ghostbkg @kimdokjas @yyh @princesskazuya @alphonseelriic @fangrui @natsutakashi @yooasobi @nobasmaki @apparently-artless @upperranktwo @kanbayashis @liliumdragomir @vivianvivvia plus anyone who wants to do any of these❤️
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biconickyoshi · 3 months
hey there!
this might be like a weird ask, but i've seen you post a lot about the legend of korra, so.
do you think it's worth watching the show? i've been avoiding it for a while now simply because i'm afraid it's gonna disappoint. i know it is a separate narrative with entirely new characters, but from the few scenes i've seen it just looks sooooo different from the gaang's story that i'm just afraid they've butchered the original universe. plus, my favorite character from atla is aang, and i do not know if any character from korra will have that same kind of charm.
on the other hand, i know it attracts a lot of fans. what do you think?:)
(btw, amazzzzzzing job on both your zukaang fanfic and the artwork for it !!)
Hi anon! :) This isn't a weird ask at all, I'd be happy to help!
So the short answer is: yes, I think it's worth watching! I know exactly how you feel - Aang is also my favorite AtLA character, so I was also very apprehensive when LoK was first announced way back in like 2011. But my apprehension didn't stop me from looking forward to and eventually enjoying it, mainly because AtLA was/still is my strongest and longest running hyperfixation to date, and I (especially at that time) was willing to consume any scrap of media related to it lol. We were very starved for content in the olden days :')
I'll go ahead and give you a spoiler-free breakdown of the four LoK seasons - this might help you decide:
Book 1: Air is definitely is quite a bit different from AtLA (which was done on purpose by the creators to differentiate it so it wouldn't just feel like the exact same show). Book 1 is still my least favorite of the LoK seasons for this reason (as well as for questionable writing decisions), but there are still some great moments. You may notice that Book 1 ends very "neatly" - this is because LoK was originally supposed to be a miniseries before Nickelodeon picked it up for 3 more seasons (which I think was a large part of why the writing suffers a lot in the first half of the show as a whole).
Book 2: Spirits also starts out pretty rough (with more questionable writing decisions), but it picks up about halfway through. Some people say this is their least favorite season, but I've always enjoyed it overall a ton more than Book 1. While some of the additions to the lore of the Avatar and the Spirit World are polarizing amongst the fandom (and there are some things I wish they'd done differently), I still ate that shit up when it first aired lol.
Book 3: Change is where, in my and many others' opinions, the show suddenly rises to the same level of quality as AtLA. There's a lot of traveling, we get to see some familiar faces and several classic AtLA locations from Book 2: Earth, the villains are the best villains in any Avatar media, and the plot and emotional core of the season are just so, so good. I can't say any more because I don't want to spoil even a little bit of it. I personally think LoK is worth watching just for this season alone.
Book 4: Balance is not as good as Book 3, but I enjoyed it a lot more than Book 1 and Book 2. It does a really good job of exploring trauma/PTSD and the relevance of the role of the Avatar in a modernizing world, and is a decent followup to Book 3. What happens at the end of Book 4 is also SO culturally impactful (not sure if you know why, but I won't say anything specific), especially for queer AtLA fans such as myself.
While LoK definitely isn't perfect, I still accept it as canon for the world of Avatar, and it's still a show I've rewatched several times (though I tend to skip a lot of Book 1 and the first half of Book 2 when I do lmao). If you decide to watch it, go in with an open mind knowing that it is not going to be exactly like AtLA. Even in the not-as-good seasons, there's still some gems to behold. And what's also nice about LoK is that each season is about 12ish episodes, so you'll get to the really good stuff (Book 3) pretty quickly if you binge lol.
Feel free to send me another ask if you have any more specific questions about LoK! :)
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cozycorner · 7 months
Hi there :) I was wondering if you have any gameplay tips? Like how not to give up on a legacy after 2 gens lol thank you!
HIII OMG YES!! i am sooo glad you asked 🥰
dressing up / my aging system
something i've been doing a lot lately (as you can probably tell / will now notice in my almond legacy) is changing their looks to represent their age. in my game, each life stage will have a total of 2 makeovers (teenagers will get 3. the third being the transition into young adulthood). the first makeover is the glow up from whatever they had on when they aged up to how i envision them and then the second makeover is to better show their growth and finding out who they are. typically the makeovers will also represent their age: how i play regarding aging rules is each life stage has 2 ages (with, again, teenagers having 3). i haven't put a whole lot of time or thought into my aging system but it goes a little something like this: - infant: newborn to 1 year - toddler: 2 years old to 4 years old - child: 9 years old to 12 years old - teenager: 17 years old to 18 years old to 19 years old - young adult: 21 years old to 30 years old - adult: 40 years old to 60 years old - elder: 75 years old to death this helps a lot with keeping things feeling fresh and also more realistic. if i'm feeling up to it, i'll even change up their room a bit to represent personal growth and discovery too. if i haven't played in a while, i'll give them an additional makeover because it just gets me more excited to play, idk djkfhg i'll also play with aging off and then manually age my sims and their friends up whenever it feels right. that way i don't feel rushed or have a sim's life feel like it's dragging on.
🌈 imaaagination 🌈
a big part of playing the sims, especially sims 4, is using your imagination and really playing up what's going on. in my current household, for example, abby went to see muffy the day after prom and in my mind, she was there to say "choose between me and him" but obviously that's an impossible interaction to play out in the game.. so i just made it up! and then i took note of muffy's autonomous interactions after this (i.e if she were to call / text / see frankie more often, i would decide that she chose him and if she were to call / text / see abby more, i'd say she chose her)**. this type of gameplay can take some getting used to though. especially if you don't really have any ideas in mind on what to do. which brings me to my next point...
putting the rest under a cut cause i didn't realize how long this would be ♡♡
take inspiration from your favourite shows!!
there's no right or wrong way to play the sims. but drama spices things up a looot. sometimes drama just plays out naturally without any intervention but something you can do is take inspiration from various shows that i've watched (even though i rewatch the same 3 comfort shows DSFLKG) an example of taking inspiration from a show could be having your sim have a best friend at their workplace who they're secretly in love with and trying to remain just friends with (because they're already engaged to someone else).. a la pam x jim from the office. and the best part is that because you're only taking inspiration, it doesn't have to play out the exact same way! using the pam x jim example, i could have my sim fight their bestie's fiancé and end up having their bestie unfriend them in the process as opposed to the engagement being broken off and my sim dating their bestie.
breaks are essential
if you're feeling tired of the sims, take a break from it! play other games, explore other hobbies.. my "process" is typically playing for a week or 2 and then taking a break for a bit when i notice i'm not as excited to play anymore. this helps a lot with avoiding being burnt out from the game. i also always know that that vibe to play will eventually come back which definitely helps!
let the sims control the story
i'll use the previous example of muffy having to choose between abby and frankie. ** by taking note of your sim's autonomous interactions, it allows them to tell their own story instead of you choosing a path for them. once you get a good feel for what your sim is wanting to do (for my example: muffy chooses abby because she interacts with her more), then you can start to play more and decide what they would do based on that information, if that makes sense.
ngl i could go on and on SKDFJGHKJSDFG but this is already long af so i'm going to leave it there. if you want more ideas, plumbie has an aaammmmaaaazzinnnggg playlist of gameplay ideas!! here's a quick link to that if you want to check it out.
please let me know if you have any comments or questions ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ happy simming!!
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aninounettear · 10 days
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After rewatching both ATLA and TLOK recently, here's my tierlist! Completely subjective!!
I may be harsh on tlok, but it is how I felt. 10 years have passed since its completion, and I'm still disappointed in many things. At least it has a great and complex main protagonist who can face bad writing and still be great, phew... When it comes to the seasons, book 3 is the best one imo, its constancy and dynamism were great and the finale was insanely amazing! BUT I appreciate the good side of book 1 waaaaaayyyy more because it's so refreshing and captivating, but since its finale and a few other things bother me so much, it's below book 3 unfortunately. Also I liked the probending stuff and always will!!!! Book 4 was overall bad imo BUT I appreciated a few things in the beginning (the second half of the season was awful though, that's why it's that low in the ranking). And book 2 is a failure in everything... like, it's scandalous. I can't name any good thing coming from it, even the origins of the Avatar that I can't see as something connected to atla. Overall, tlok had a lot of timing and writing issues, and even with great qualities, its flaws are too big not to notice, even a decade later, and it is what it is. It brought many things to the Avatarverse, but at what cost... At least there's Korra ig.
On the other hand, atla was built beforehand and it shows. Even though there's a bunch of filler episodes in the series, they always (except great divide lmaooooo) have a connection to the main plot at some point, and that's what made them enjoyable, even though sometimes they could've just showed us an empty wall, I would've had a similar feeling of enjoyment looooool, but that's a part of the whole package I would say, and realizing most of the time that it had a bigger purpose, it's satisfying in the end. This show started almost 20 years ago and it's still so good and relevant to this day. Book 2, from Toph's appearance to the finale, is a flawless ride. Book 1 has the 3rd place because it was more childish and has lots of filler eps, but it helped build the Avatar World and it was cute too so it's still pretty good (and the finale in the North Pole is amazing). Book 3 and its finale have a special place in my heart but there were a bunch of forgettable episodes and subplots, especially for a more serious season that marks the end of the series, so that's why it's below book 2, but it's a stunning season anyway and watching it again made me emotional a bit.
In conclusion, I know tlok had a lot of issues cause it wasn't meant to be a 4-season show in the first place (that's why book 1's animation quality is out of this world btw) and that Nickelodeon tried to sabotage it by giving a high budget for the other seasons because ppl were hyped and then taking it back cause they couldn't promote it properly and gave little to no time to the staff and other stuff, but this is what has been given to us, and it's still there, so I gotta be honest with my feelings. Also, even though a lot of people worked on both shows, the episodes' writers are quite different from one to another, and the same creators being on both shows don't guarantee the same way to create and write the episodes (besides, even their own mentality can change, AND BY THE WAY IT ACTUALLY CHANGED FROM TLOK BOOK 1 TO BOOK 4). In my case, I like atla's writing team better tbh and I do think they had a huge impact on the way the story has been told.
And finally, I think that if tlok wasn't atla's sequel and had its own universe, it could've been a better show. Here I said it. Atla feels like a brake on tlok at some point.
I won't go deep into shipping, animation studios, plots, villains, etc in this review cause it can be too long and pointless. I suppose everything I said above is more than enough.
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veliseraptor · 1 year
Top 5 animated movies?
I see asks like this one for this meme and I'm like "lise what if you just wrote a short and simple response listing movies, then maybe you would actually end up answering all your meme asks" and then my brain goes "nope <3" and I end up with five paragraphs. I'm just not very good at shutting up.
1. The Last Unicorn. This is the "no-brainer" one for me because I always feel like this is just...such an important piece of media, and it's one of those things where when I show it to new people I feel very vulnerable about it and kind of go "please understand that in sharing this with you I am showing you my vulnerable underbelly and if you hate it don't tell me." I don't even know that I could articulate why exactly, but it occupies a very particular place in my heart that few other pieces of media can claim to have. I have watched it so many times and here I am going "maybe I should rewatch it today, actually. plug in my external cd drive and pull out the dvd and everything." It's like that.
2. Princess Mononoke. Another one that came to me immediately as I was coming up with this list. I'm pretty sure I watched it a little too young and the opening scene with the boar creature vs. Ashitaka kind of scarred me a little bit but...lord, what a movie. It's beautiful visually and as a story I also love it. I feel like chronologically Spirited Away was my first Studio Ghibli I remember, but this was the one I latched onto. ngl, the fact that there are wolves in it probably helped.
3. Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. It started to get a little harder here, but then I remember how I felt when I saw a caption referencing a song from this movie's soundtrack (thanks for the bangers, Bryan Adams! unexpected but I'm grateful) and went "!!!!" like my brain was lighting up like a lightbulb. So yeah, I'm going to say this is an important one. You can take the horses away from the horsegirl but you can't take the horsegirl out of the girl. or something like that. And this was one of my horsegirl movies. I also just now remembered the paint by numbers extras that were on the dvd that I was weirdly obsessed with, so that's cool.
4. Watership Down. Actually this one should've been third and I don't know how I forgot it! I joke that the fact that the animated movies I rewatched most as a kid were this one and The Last Unicorn and that probably explains a lot of things, but honestly it might. This movie has a reputation that's in some ways bigger than it deserves (though the destruction of the warren segment is pretty much as awful as everybody says it is), but it is also just legit a really good story and well-adapted into a movie, in my opinion. I watched the remake and was profoundly disappointed mostly because I felt like the animation style was boring, and one thing this movie definitely had going for it was the style.
5. Atlantis: the Lost Empire. I almost went with The Lion King but then I remembered this movie, and, yeah. What a film. Truly everyone who has talked about the brief period where things were very weird and therefore very interesting at Disney were right. Also Helga probably turned me gay (and specifically gay for female villains), I just didn't notice until later.
Honorable mentions to The Lion King, The Rescuers Down Under, and Mulan. And probably several others I'm forgetting that I'll think of as soon as I hit post.
There are definitely the animated movies I want to see, most notably Song of the Sea, because I suspect I would really like them. I am just terminally bad at watching movies, you know.
shout out to The Secret of the Seal though, which was a movie where I sort of thought one of my sisters and I shared a collective hallucination until finally I managed to track it down with something like "seal macaroni penguin animated movie." not to be confused with the 1992 anime film Tottoi, mind you.
...though considering now that I'm looking again all I can find to prove its existence is a cover, I'm beginning to wonder again. The Rotten Tomatoes page I thought was going to take me to it returns a 404 not found.
IT WAS REAL she screamed as they dragged her away. I SWEAR IT WAS A REAL MOVIE
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toskaas · 1 year
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IVY, 21, est; SHE/HER. | if you’re hearing XS BY RINA SAWAYAMA playing, you have to know VIVIANNE PARK (SHE/HER; FEMALE) is near by! the 26 year old ACTRESS/THEATER TEACHER has been in denver for, like, HER WHOLE LIFE. they’re known to be quite SELF-INDULGENT, but being DETERMINED seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble PARK SOOYOUNG. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those REWATCHING OLD AUDITION TAPES, RED LIQUID TAPPING AGAINST A WINE GLASS, THE OVERWHELMING DESIRE TO BE ADORED  vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the RIVER NORTH ART DISTRICT long enough!
hi luvs !! just wanted so say i'm ivy and it's sooo nice to meet u all ! info for her my first kid vivi is below, but please like this post if you'd like to plot ! malik's intro is coming v soon :)
name: vivianne park
nickname: vivi / vi ( often used in place of her name by friends & family )
age: 26
gender: cis woman
birthday: april 11th
zodiac sign: aries
occupation: theatre teacher & semi-retired actress
sexual orientation: bisexual
vivianne's been raisied in denver her whole life , and is actually the sibling of daniel park ! she's definitely got little sister energy as you'll soon see lol.
vivianne has always been obsessed with the idea of getting attention ? which probably somewhat stems from her parents lacking in that department !
but since she was younger she'd make up these wild fantasy stories about if she was rich , famous , and everyone would know her name. it wasn't long before she began to really work towards that dream , and began to get heavily involved in school & community theatre programs !
by the time high school came , she knew she wanted to make her dreams a reality , and desperately wanted to get out of denver. so , to her delight she got accepted into a performing arts college in ny ( think juliard but smaller scale ?) and began working towards her dreams.
things were good ... for a while. it was her first time on her own which was terrifying, but she loved being able to party to her content without her city's watchful eye. she'd been able to pick up some decent acting & modeling gigs and started to think she could make it.
but ... she just couldn't. despite getting a few little gigs, she couldn't find enough to sustain her incredibly indulgent lifestyle by the time she's 4 years out of college. she was trying too hard to keep up w the lives of all her rich friends, and she was in for a reality check when she came home from a vacation to see an eviction notice on her apartment door.
so now she's right back where she started , in her hometown of denver. she's told most everyone here it's because she wants a "break", and that she'll be back to the big city soon. but she knows the truth and it angers her, to think of herself as anything close to a failure brings fire to her eyes.
but she's too proud to admit defeat, so for now, she's taken up a position teaching community theater classes with the occasional theatre role to earn a living. right now , she's still got one foot out the door , but who knows ... maybe she'll come around and find a home in denver again ?
vivi has always been the type to live above her means. she's never been incredibly rich , but felt like it was something that she was just meant to be.
on one hand, it can make her come off as incredibly materialistic and at times snobby. but on the other it's made her incredibly innovative, as she's learned how to present as the best even when she feels like the absolute worst.
extremely opinionated, sometimes to a fault, it's like her filter is broken LMAO ? though it may seem like it, she's really not a mean person though. she's just a very objective speaker who knows what she wants and has no problems saying it.
and on that token , while she isn't mean , that's more so in terms of if it's unwarranted ? but if someone intentionally tries to get under her skin she has a baaad temper and does not try to hold back.
extremeeeely affectionate & loyal to those she attatches to. when you first meet her she may be v guarded, but once you get past those defenses you have a friend for life. loves physical affection & really craves it from those she's closest to. her loyalty may go a little too far, though, as she's incredibly defensive when it comes to those she loves. you may have to tell her to take it down a notch !
she has a bengal cat names cleopatra, but she's cleo for short! cleo is actually leash trained so if you see her walking about w her downtown ... yup that cat is on a leash !
instantly starts sweating the minute anyone asks her about her acting career / when she's gonna go back to ny. it's sort of a sore subject for her since she's moved within the last year !
unsurprisingly, has a wild streak. the type to drink first, ask questions later. also textbook definition of a serial dater and has more crazy stories about going out than she probably should.
but on that token, it's also made her incredibly nonjudgemental? she was a lot more sheltered and almost naive before she moved, so i would say those who knew her before would probably notice a difference in her. she may have her opinions, but they rarely are laced with judgement when it comes to other's lifestyles. she learned a lot in her time off alone & the biggest thing was not to insert herself into other peoples business without reason.
i lovelove plots that develop naturally , so brainstorming is always wonderful but these are some ideas to get the ideas flowing !
fellow theater friends ? vivianne's been doing theatre since she was basically in diapers , so it doesn't have to be someone who's taken up a career in it. even if they're new to it & just doing it for fun , vivianne now teaches & performs in community theatre projects too !
modeling / acting friends in general ! idk if any other muses lived in nyc for a time but it'd be great to have old coworkers !
maybe a childhood best friendship that got rocky when they graduated high school ? if we want to be messy , vi was always v verbal about her dislike for denver & kind of dropped contact w everyone for a while when she moved , so maybe it could've brought some conflict to their dynamic ?
party buddies / fwb / chaos twins / smoke buddies all of it !! she still hasn't gotten out her wild phase so would love someone who could feed into her & vice versa !
messy exes ! i love drama could we tell ?
a relatively new bff / friend group dynamic ! someone or a group that vi got a lot closer w upon her move back to denver ! i could see this playing out as equally messy or opposites attract so either way it could def work !
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leebrontide · 1 year
I got tagged in the 15 questions ask game again XD! Thanks, @dotr-rose-love!
I did it once before for Yael, but nobody has asked about Jamie in a while, so I'm gonna do this one for her!
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1. Are you named after anyone?
I'm named after an uncle of my mom's that I never met. Jamie was the girl version.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I'm not sure. I can think of times I know I cried, but I'm not sure that was the last time. I'm not a crybaby but my family has had...a lot of changes lately. It's not always bad crying.
Wait Yael made me rewatch Encanto with xyr last week. Everybody cries at Encanto.
3. Do you have kids?
I can't picture myself having kids before 30, if I ever do. I haven't even started college yet.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
When it's called for.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
I try to pay attention to how people act more than anything else. I especially try to notice how people react to other people around them. I think that tells you more than what people say.
6. What's your eye color?
Light blue.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
I like scary movies, but they're not the only things I watch.
8. Any special talents?
I don't know. I know how to do things but I don't think I have any talents. Not compared to the rest of my family. I guess I'm ok at picking up languages, but not any better than my brother, and not as good as Solomon.
9. Where were you born?
Chicago, IL.
10. What are your hobbies?
I like reading, and playing guitar, and taking care of my cactus collection.
11. Have you any pets?
No, I'm allergic to most of the ones I'd like to have.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
I can swim and we have a pool. I don't really play sports though. Not in any competitive way, or with any team.
13. How tall are you?
Exactly 5 ft tall. I'm pretty sure that's all I'm gonna get.
14. Favorite subject in school?
I like history. I think it tells me the most about how the world works.
15. Dream job?
I mean everybody wants to be a superhero, right? That's not really a serious answer. I don't know. I hope I'll figure that out in college. My parents think I will.
I'll tag @rhea-ewing, @mariahwritesstuff and @doriangravesftw!
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share-the-damn-bed · 2 years
I always liked jancy a lot but s4 made me realize just how much I took them for granted. Without them together it felt… not right. Mixed with the fact they tried to push Nancy with Steve it made me again, realize how much more I love Nancy with Jonathan. So even though s4 did them so dirty it pushed them to just something I enjoyed to OTP status. It’s that saying that you don’t know what you got ‘till it’s gone. Unfortunately, a lot may not have seen it that way because they essentially forgot seasons 1-3 to where people completely forgot how well crafted jancy was so I feel like it could go either way in the fandom (either you appreciate it more or you forget).
Thank you for sharing your experience!! I've noticed similar thoughts from other fans (and some newer Jancy fans) and ultimately it's incredibly validating. Before season 4 it seemed like general fans were either in the jancy fandom or completely indifferent to them, even found them boring. Now, I feel like many people who didn't care about Jancy were very put off by the developments in season 4 (especially concerning the love triangle) and are like 'why would you ruin such a perfectly good thing? They were happy, we were happy, what the hell?'.
I completely agree that there are fans opposing Jancy simply because they've forgotten their overarching story or only recall bits and pieces (I'm not saying this is true for every fan who opposes jancy (they have their own reasons), but it is true for many). I hope that since Jonathan and Nancy are partnering up again in season 5, there will time for them to work out their unresolved issues on screen and remind the general audience why they work well together and why the majority of fans wanted them to get together in the first place.
Tangentially related, I think it's also important to note, for fans who think Jonathan and Nancy's relationship is over because of their unresolved conflict, a lot can change in a season. Take for example, Lucas and Max. Now, I don't ship any of the kid/younger teen ships, but I think it's a relationship that has been interesting to watch change through out the course of the show and watch how fan reception to this relationship has changed over time.
Despite their cute start in season 2, Lucas and Max's relationship was not serious in season 3 and was often was played off as a joke (breaking up and getting back together multiple times between seasons 2 and 3, Lucas doing things that upset Max in a funny way). No one in the fandom beyond Lu*max shippers thought they had serious endgame, life-long relationship potential. I recall other fans, possibly even myself, saying of the kid ships, it was most likely to be the one that didn't last (mostly when compared to Mike and Eleven). Season 4 completely changed that and gave them not only wonderful development but some beautiful moments which showed fans how serious and real this relationship and their bond is. Now, fans have changed their tune (except the Lu*max shippers who must be feeling very vindicated rn) and think they are the most likely to end up together along side Joyce and Hopper.
My point, that has nothing to do with your initial comments, Anon, but a point I feel the need to make regardless, Jancy's arc in season 4 feels set up, but nowhere near complete. They have a lot to discuss and work through individually and together (mind you in the middle of an apocalypse). Upon rewatches and closer examinations of certain scenes, I think the show gives us more hope than doubt. I think ultimately, the writers have set up a very real conflict for the two of them that, if resolved well, will allow each character to do what is best for them and allow them some happiness.
Am I naive enough to believe Jancy fans will get the Lu*max treatment in season 5? No. But I am naive enough to hope.
Like, if it's not them, why would they give us this?
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ladysolitaire · 9 months
I'm rewatching the LOST S4 finale because I'm writing something. And I've noticed a few new things.
The scene at the beginning of 4x12 where Kate pointed out Jack's tell when he's lying made me think of this scene in 3x15:
KATE: Did he say that to you? JULIET: Sorry? KATE: That I broke his heart. JULIET: He didn't have to. KATE: You don't know anything about him. JULIET: I know where he was born. I know what his parents did for a living. I know that he was married. And who he was married to. I know why he got a divorce. I know how his father died. I know his height, his weight, his birthday, and his blood type. What do you know about him, Kate? KATE: [Pauses] Let's go.
Source: Lostpedia
I need a full series rewatch but, from what I remember, most of what Kate knows about Jack are things she's observed or things he told her as opposed to Juliet knowing the above about him from his file. So much has happened between 3x15 and 4x12 and Jack has probably told Juliet things about himself that Kate doesn't know or Juliet has probably observed more things about him by this point. But it makes my shipper heart happy that Kate knows him so well and that she could point out that he's lying and he'd just laugh it off. Because he was so obviously lying his ass off here.
2. When the Oceanic Six arrived in Honolulu and they were welcomed by their families, Kate and Aaron were standing by themselves as Diane was likely too sick to travel to Honolulu (and would likely question if Aaron was really her son). I like to think that Jack introduced Kate and Aaron to his mom offscreen. Also, Hurley would have also introduced her to his parents, like he did with Sayid, because that's how he is. I don't like the idea that Kate and Aaron were completely alone and she didn't talk to anyone until the press conference.
3. When Carole talked to Jack after Christian's memorial service, Jack must have been so discombobulated and guilty. Not only did he get definitive proof that his father cheated on his mother, he found out that Claire was his half-sister. On the Island, when Sawyer told them that Claire had disappeared, Jack was visibly distressed and concerned, but he didn't have the bandwidth to look for her because of the larger and more immediate threat to the survivors. But I like to think that he's felt guilty that he didn't look for her (among other stuff he feels guilty about) since then and, in the back of his mind, wonders if he should've done more to find her. Then he finds out that she's his half-sister? I believe his guilt increased tenfold, which is why he couldn't see Aaron.
4. In 4x13, when the A-Team reunited at the helicopter, both Jack and Sawyer were happy to see Kate. Despite some mild flirting though, Kate went to Jack to check his bleeding wound. (I always notice this when I rewatch this episode and I'm always happy to point this out.)
5. The Disney+ version now has closed captions for the last part of what Sawyer whispered to Kate before he kissed her and jumped off the chopper:
I want you to find her, tell her I'm sorry.
(The trivia section of the episode on Lostpedia has the full version.)
Anyhoo, the look on Jack's face as he watched them hurts every time I watch this episode.
6. Sayid's longer hair in 4x14 is hot as hell.
7. Yunjin Kim's performance on the chopper when the freighter blew up should've earned her all the nominations and awards.
8. After Ben moved the Island (including Hydra Island) and Lapidus told them to put their life jackets on, Jack helped Kate put on her life jacket first. He didn't even get to put his on before the chopper landed in the ocean.
9. I love that Jack's tell is 100% relevant to the Oceanic Six narrative.
10. The Penmond reunion is still one of the best things this show gave us.
11. That little Jate moment after they were "rescued" always warms my heart.
12. I'll never understand why Jack owns such an ugly car. He could've bought a nicer car with his settlement money from Oceanic Airlines.
Anyhoo, I'm off to finish the fic. I have to polish it and post it by the end of the week!
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lav-jjba-brainrot · 10 months
I haven't been posting about it as much as I have been wanting to here because of how scattered I am, but I've finished episode 21!
I usually watch a few episodes all at once, then go do something else for awhile. At least for a day or a few.
Also an important note is that I've already been spoiled for the ending, not sure if it was on accident or I intentionally ignored a spoiler warning, it was like a year or two ago at least.
My thoughts so far:
Spoilers for Stone Ocean up to Episode 21 under the cut
I really enjoyed Jolyne's fight with Westwood. I can't quite put my finger on it at the moment. I think I did watch a video at some point before this, maybe even before watching Stone ocean, about how the fight against Westwood was so good. I don't remember what exactly was said, but I think something about it being a David vs. Goliath situation? Even though I knew Jolyne was going to win in the end because I know how Stone ocean ends and that there are more episodes, I still really enjoyed it. Honestly more than any other fight thus far, at least in Stone Ocean.
I think Foo Fighters might be my favorite character from Stone Ocean so far. I really enjoyed how Foof's motivation changed and how much they grow and change as a character.
I really wish I could say the same with Jolyne, and I think the character development is there, but I don't think I've quite connected just yet. I really wish I got another flashback or two of what she was like before the events of Stone Ocean. This could just be me, but I feel like what she was like before Stone Ocean wasn't hammered in enough. I had to take a look at the Jojo wiki to confirm what she was like. I think I might have to take a quick rewatch of episode 1?
Her strong determination does make better sense now, I'm honestly still going back and forth on whether all of Jolyne's sacrifice is worth it. But It still hasn't really connected with me.
I remember during the Johngalli fight, I was pretty frustrated with Jotaro. Even though I already knew what was going to happen after. Jotaro saying "I always cherished you", did change my mind a little: from genuine Frustration to "meh, maybe I guess".
I think I remember disliking Jotaro while watching Part 3 for the first time, but after watching a few character analysis, I grew to like him. I think I read a couple of chapters of the manga at some point afterward-
(I stopped binging JJBA, I mainly did so to try and catch up so I could talk Jojo with my online friends at the time. Then I basically took my sweet time from Part 4 onward. Actually I think I did slack quite a bit before then to get through the parts, but I remember I binged the heck out of Part 3 so I could catch up.)
and I think I remember liking Jotaro much more in the manga. I've seen memes/displays of panels with examples of how Jotaro is more expressive in the manga.
I do understand that Jotaro is more of a "Actions over words" kind of character and the Bad Boy with a heart of gold archetype, but for some reason it's hard to connect emotionally as I'm watching, and it only really hits afterward when looking back.
Maybe it's the possible combination on Jotaro not being as expressive in the anime and his expressions not being as focused on or easily noticable.
I think that's it for my thoughts off the top of my head for tonight. I might post more as I watch, not sure. I'll probably post my thoughts after I finish Stone Ocean.
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here4theheartbreak · 1 year
Ohhhh, I'm so jealous you could go to a cup sleeve event! The closest one to me is almost 4 hours away. 😂 It's amazing that there was so many people! Ahhh, our Ateez are famous~! ✨
The lack of Korean fans blows my mind every single time I think about it. They have been so beloved globally from day one (and even before day one) but they still don't have that in their own country. It's insane! I'm glad they've embraced the 'global idol' title though. Everytime i hear it in an interview intro I'm like 'at least Korea knows they're truly loved elsewhere'. But the way they do sooooo much for K-tiny and still can't get the traction. It's crazy. No one is doing more.
Guerilla is such a good MV! What a great introduction! And it sounds so cool~ I really love that their songs span genres. I feel like there must be four or five different styles in Halazia alone. (Also, I agree. I'm typically not into summery, softer songs or slower ballads. But I actively listen to all of Ateez's songs. In fact, some of my consistent faves fit right into this category!)
Their story/lore is incredible. Sometimes I feel like I understand everything less than most of the members (😂) but I'm alllll about it! It's so cool that they have this one arc. That it's been the same story this whole time. Truly amazing. Concept kings. I'm gonna need a film one day. It's all so cinematic and intriguing.
Ateez, Stray Kids, and Taemin is an AMAZING (and very tempting) line up. But you should definitely hold out. Because then you get to see Ateez for 3 hours and that's 🥰🥺. And you know they actually know what a 'world tours' is. So, it's just a waiting game!
I saw them in London. It's always London for me!
Yessss, I did see the stats! They're grown so much, even in six months. And the first day sales looked amazing! I've been streaming on Spotify and having a great old time. Really, Atiny have done so well. Especially with buying passes for Korean platforms. It was so cute when Wave was number one because everyone was practicing. 🥺
I hope voting goes well and they win most of the music show awards they'll be up for. I want them to see that their efforts pay off at home!
Haha I don't know what questions you'd even ask me really. Best livestream where they were all decending into madness? The best Seonghwa third wheeling Woosan vlive? The closest Hongjoong came to just being DONE with looking after the 99s? 😂😂 Yessss, I'm always ready to chat Ateez tbh. They're the only group I've kept up with the whole time. 🧡
Have you watched their Treasure Film series/show on YouTube yet? I was rewatching it the other day and I forgot how much I love it! So gooood! And funny! 😂
Ah this took ages to answer lol - sorry; I was rearranging my room this weekend 🙃 and my app never notifies me of asks.
Anyways, yeah the cupsleeve was so nice. I'm lucky to live on one side of a pair of decently sized cities with a diverse population here, so we get a handful of nice events (one of the local gay bars hosts a kpop night monthly, for example).
I've been to a cupsleeve for Taemin, Stray Kids, and then I helped my friend host one for OnlyOneOf - they were all really fun but did not even begin to prepare me for the intensity of the Ateez one. I was baffled; the Skz one was held at the same location and it was a graveyard by comparison. I didn't take many pictures bc I was caught up chatting and there was no way to take them without a ton of people in the photo lol - but these are the few from the event;
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I agree with you, regarding the global idol title; I think it's really well deserved and is serving them well. They really deserve more notice in KR though; it sucks that they get overlooked just bc of not being a Big 4; if anything people should pay more attention since those are the hidden gems, you know?
Bouncy has a kpop sort of vibe to it though, moreso than some of the other title tracks of theirs I've heard, so hopefully folks pay a little more attention this time around. I heard they got their first win for Bouncy this morning though! So that's something positive.
Halazia was unbelievable; I was impressed when I heard it and even moreso when I saw the m/v. I finally sat down and listened to their entire discography this weekend while doing cleaning and realized I genuinely can't find a skip song with them for the most part. 😭
Also yes!! 100% on a movie - this would make an amazing full length film or hell, even a miniseries; it's such a complex and well written storyline. I'm mad I didn't pick up the diary version of Outlaw bc I need to know what happens next. (I have all 3 versions coming but they won't be here for a while bc they're being sent with my albums from SHINee's comeback at the end of June; I could only afford one of their albums from the store here bc they were so much more expensive than they are in the KR shop I use. >.<)
Seeing the way atiny treat the group and each other and work together is so heartwarming. It's interesting, to have it be largely on the international fans' shoulders to push them to the spotlight in both the wider world and KR; but the teamwork is super fun to see. I haven't been this actively involved in a kpop fandom since I quit doing it for my og group (just stuck mostly to the sidelines, reblogging pretty pictures, etc for my other groups) - but I'm enjoying it so much more so far; I don't feel the same kind of guilty pressure that I've felt elsewhere.
They have so much content too holy - I've been trying to catch up and I feel like I haven't even scraped the surface yet lol - Every time I think I've managed to finish one section I realize there's x or y other things I missed lol. I did not even know the Treasure Film series existed until you mentioned it 😂 - but it looks like M2 did it; I love the games/variety type shows that company has done, so I'm eager to watch it! Thank you for mentioning it!
Rn I'm working my way through Wanteez between the new stuff for these promotions; these guys have done so many variety series jfc lol.
Also Woosan. Bless those two. They are so dumb. I love them so much. I would like to point out, that I did not want them. I specifically pointed out San to my friend when we watched Guerrilla and said "anyone but that one". (He startled me by resembling someone in an unsettling way when I first glanced at him and I didn't like it lol - he doesn't resemble said person now that I recognize them all tho thankfully).
But I apparently had no say in him, since he was the one that kept sticking out in everything and his personality is exactly what I gravitate to in a bias (the big oaf with a loud mouth and a heart of gold, always a little confused but he's got the spirit, scary duality) -- normally I do find a second bias within a few months that vibes with my first, but I didn't even get a say in that since not only did San tell me 'no, I'm right here and you're going to pay attention to me', he did it while dragging that scrappy little devil along by the hand V_V I couldn't just adopt him without Woo. (I was quite disgruntled about that one too - I don't bias visuals or dancers dammit - I have avoided them in most of my groups so far.
Plus! Where's my rapper bias??? I thought I'd add HJ as my second but nope, instead I get the 'friends as far as the altar' Tom and Jerry pair and 6 bias wreckers since none of them can stay in their damn lane for more than a few minutes at a time. 😂 (My friend said that'd happen tho so I can't say I wasn't warned).
(Do you have a bias btw? A favorite mv or performance I (likely) may have missed?)
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