#i'm sad i want cotton candy and there is no cotton candy so i wrote this instead
lostfirefly · 8 days
Once I wrote a story, what if Buggy and Catherine had kids. This morning, while I was drinking coffee, I had a thought about what he was thinking about when he looked at that same box he kept in his drawer after meeting Catherine's ex-boyfriend. Sadness, Buggy is hurt, I am hurt, everyone is hurt.
"I'll be back in about an hour, cotton candy. I'll finish up a few things and then I'll go home. Okay, I'll buy you blueberry muffins. Fuck!! Don't squeal, woman, you'll deafen me even through the phone. Yeah, bye."
Buggy sank down into his armchair, the worn leather creaking beneath his weight as he let out a long, weary sigh. His shoulders slumped with the heavy burden of his thoughts as he stared at the small, unassuming box sitting on the table before him. With a trembling hand, he reached out and traced the velvet surface. Steeling himself, Buggy slowly lifted the lid, his heart pounding in his ears as the black, gleaming ring nestled inside was revealed. The intricate band and sparkling blue diamond seemed to mock him, a symbol of the commitment he so desperately longed for but was terrified to pursue. Buggy knew, deep down, that he should take that leap, to gather the courage and ask for her hand in marriage.
But the fear of rejection, the crippling anxiety of hearing the words he dreaded most - "I'm sorry, I can't" - paralyzed him. Time and time again, Buggy had envisioned that fateful moment, his hopes crashing down around him as Catherine crushed his dreams with a few simple words. And so the ring remained, trapped in its box, a reminder of the love he was too afraid to fully embrace. With a shaky sigh, Buggy closed the lid, sealing away his heart's greatest desire, for now unable to find the strength to risk it all on the chance of a happily ever after.
"Daddy!!! Daddy!! Hi-i-i!" Two girls ran into his office.
"Evy, Aurora?!" Buggy rounded his eyes. "Hi! What are you doing here?"
"Mom dragged us on her stupid walk, and we decided to meet you after work!!" Evelyn ran up to Buggy and kissed him on the cheek.
"Yes! We came to meet you so we can go home toge-e-e-ether!!" Aurora jumped on Buggy's knees. "Meh! Another stupid walk."
"Evelyn, Aurora! What kind of words were that?" Catherine walked into the office and closed the door. "It's your bad influence, Buggy!" She came closer and kissed him on his cheek. "Hi! The girls were in such a hurry to get to you that they almost knocked everyone down in the hallway."
Buggy sat Evelyn on his lap and kissed both his daughters on the cheeks. "Come on, sweet cakes. I love walking with your mom. You know, before you were born, she used to take me for a walk every day."
"Every day?!!!" Aurora asked, rounding her eyes.
"Yes. Every day."
"This is so boring." Evelyn rolled her eyes, leaned forward, and began shuffling through the papers on her desk. "What did you do? Just walking back and forth pointlessly?"
"What did we do?" Buggy watched as Catherine approached the table and began to clear the documents from the table. "We walked in the parks, walked along her favorite embankment, sometimes we spent some time here in my circus."
"Really? What were you doing here?" Aurora took his bandana off.
"Oh, we were having fun on the couch!" Buggy tied a bandana on her head.
"What does it mean?" Aurora asked and hugged him around his neck.
"You know." Buggy started stroking her back. "We two adults ar---"
"Buggy!!" Catherine hissed, narrowing her eyes. "I hope you wanted to say that we came to feed Richie."
"Yes, we came to feed Richie." He blushed.
"Have you finished work yet?" The girls jumped off him and started jumping all over the office.
"Evy, Aurora, calm down, this is daddy's office, don't break anything here." Catherine cane closer to Buggy, placed her hands on his head and started stroking it. Smack. "You see, they are exact copies of you, my blue-haired love." Smack. Smack. "You look so tired. Let's go home, huh?"
Buggy took Catherine's hand and kissed it. "Thank you, Catherine Mitchell."
"First of all, I think you misspelled my name, asshole." She scratched his head playfully. "And secondly, what are you thanking me for?"
"For them. Thank you for them. And for agreeing to be my wife, Catherine the Clown Mitchell."
"Oh, my Buggy Bear. But you proposed so beautifully, in front of the whole crowd during your show. I didn't have a chance to say no. I remember you down on one knee, shaking with fear like a scared raccoon. Did you really think I could tell you no?"
"I don't know!" He shrugged.
"I lov--- Evy, Aurora!" Catherine said sternly, noticing their daughters rummaging through the closet. "Put daddy's compass back! Moreover, get away from that closet, there are things that are important to dad."
"And why is this closet so important to dad?" Aurora asked, putting the round compass away in the cabinet.
Catherine slowly walked towards the children. "What if I told you that your daddy used to be an evil pirate? He captured islands, cities, and wanted to cut off the head of a rubber boy."
The girls froze for a second and looked at Buggy, then they shifted their gaze at Catherine and burst into laughter.
"Oh, mom, you're as imaginative as dad. Dad can't be a pirate. Pirates usually sail the seas and smell bad. Ew!" Aurora twisted her face in disgust.
"Yes, yes! And they often have no leg and walk around with a parrot. Just like in your favorite book, mom. You made us laugh! Dad and piracy. He has no parrot." Evelyn reached into the cupboard under the coffee maker and pulled out a box of chocolates. "Oh, mom's favorite! See? Our dad is a romantic, not a pirate, you see, he keeps candy for you. I'll eat a couple."
"Yes, he has no parrot. But he has a dancing lion!" Catherine took a couple of candies and put them in her mouth. "So that counts."
"Oh! Dad, can we go to see Richie?" The girls asked in unison.
"Yes. Sure. Cabaji!" Buggy shouted loudly.
"Yes, Captain?" Cabaji peered into the office.
"Take Evy and Aurora to Richie, please."
"Evy! Let's do like mom! Kiss daddy three times on the cheek!" Aurora grabbed Evelyn's hand. The girls ran up to him and kissed him three times. "We'll be back! We love you!!!"
"Love you too, girls!" Buggy said in response.
"See, they don't believe their dad was an evil pirate." Catherine giggled, sitting on his lap. "I don't know. I always knew you weren't who you said you were." She kissed him on his nose. "Thank you."
"For what?" Buggy wrapped his arms around her waist.
"For the truth. For admitting who you really are. I know how hard it was for you, and I'm so proud of you. I'm glad you trust me." Catherine pressed her head to his head. "Remember, you can always go back to your old life, and I'll support you completely." She took his hand. "You can sail away, and we'll wait for you here. You can take us with you, if you want. You have a cool and big ship, Buggy the Clown. There's enough room for all of us there." Catherine smiled. "Oh, I remember how you showed it to me."
"I remember our hot night there." Buggy kissed her hand.
"Oh my god, you never change, pervert!" Catherine slapped his head playfully.
"Either way, it won't be safe for the girls on the ship."
"Are you kidding? Our kids are playing with a lion right now. We're just parents of the year, Buggy." Catherine laughed and started stroking his hair. "But are you sure you are happy with your life now?"
"I'm fine, cotton candy." Buggy nodded. "Really. Thanks to you, I have a family, comfort, care. You gave me all this. What else could I want?"
"I'm so happy I m---"
"Captain?! Captain?!"
Buggy heard a voice from somewhere behind him.
"Oh, Cabaji, it's you." Buggy glanced at him. "You're back. Where are the girls?"
"What? What girls?" Cabaji looked at him in confusion. "What are you talking about?"
Buggy looked around and saw an empty office. "Never mind, I probably was lost in thoughts." He quickly slammed the box shut and hid it in the bottom drawer. "About the new act."
"I see. Are you ok?"
"Yeah, just tired." Buggy rubbed his face. "Okay. You finish up here, I'm going home. Catherine asked to buy her blueberry muffins."
Buggy trudged home, buying muffins on the way and stealing yellow irises for Catherine. She greeted him with a squeal, kissed him several times on the nose and lips, and immediately led him into the kitchen for dinner, asking about his day. His favorite beer was already on the table.
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hectorthedoggo · 5 months
hey so i wrote the first part out of 9 for the fic where the prisoners observe/experience some of my es hcs, fugue update idk later (maybe friday if i have time) but i'm not gonna write kazui for this one hence the nine.
under cut. It's in Haruka's perspective, so sorry if i wrote him wrong (never written him before ; ;)
also not edited ima do that later but a little preview here
Haruka had earliersubmitted his order forms. I mean, I don’t want to be a bother to the warden… but Mu said it was okay to ask for things, so I guess?
He really wanted cotton candy. It was his favorite, and was like childhood memories. Haruka remembered telling that to the guard in passing once.
Es had scoffed in response, insisting they had to leave. Were they mad at me?
Why had they been mad at me? Did I say something wrong?
I always do that, don’t I?
He shook his head. I want to visit Mu now. I feel… sad.
Haruka peered out of his room and lightly padded over to Mu’s cell. I hope she’s not mad at me for visiting.
He knocked, and a familiar, warm voice called out, “Come in!”
He lightly opened the door so she wouldn’t get scared. “Ah, Haruka!”
Mu was cross legged on her bed, lifting a fork of crepe to her mouth. She swallowed, and smiled at him, making him blush.
“This crepe is really good! Even if they’re a little bit of a meanie, this guard knows their stuff! Right, what did you request?” She set down the delicacy and walked towards
“C-cotton candy, but, uh, are the requests out?”
She giggled. “Of course they are, silly! How else would I get my crepe?” Oh, I’m stupid.
“It’s fine! I’ll walk with you to get your cotton candy!”
“Really?!” He lit up.
She nodded, taking his hand. “Of course, let’s go!”
The two walked through the halls, Mu chattering about drama with Haruka listening intently; the pair made their way to the place to pick up requests. 
Sure enough, his treat was lying there, and he grabbed it excitedly. The warden got this… for me!
He had no problems with it, but Mu took a closer look at it. “Hey… Haruka, I think this is wrong.”
“Huh?” Did I do something?
“It looks like someone took a bite of it.”
He looked at it. Sure, it does look weird, but I think I’ll still eat it.
Haruka brought it up to his mouth, intending to eat it and Mu cringed. “Ew! Don’t eat that! Someone else already touched it!”
Oh… but I wanted to eat it… She grabbed it out of his hand, and threw it away. She sighed, ignoring his sadness. “Who would do that? Amane? Ah, but she doesn’t seem the type…”
She kept mumbling to herself as Haruka tried to console himself about his lost treat.
Mu smirked, going into a wild fit of laughter. Haruka looked down at her, and she collected herself. “I- it’s Es… oh my god, they would, that’s so pathetic; does Milgram not give them their own treats?”
Haruka tilted his head, sounding out the word. “Pa-the-tic?”
“Like you! Being pathetic is what makes you so endearing- sorry, funny. Don’t worry, you’re nicer than them, so it balances out.”
Haruka nodded, a note of uncertainty in his voice. “Ok!” I don’t like being compared.
No, Mu likes me, and I’m not going to be replaced.
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Cuddling with a proposal (pick a Character I I couldn't maybe its an AU I dont know) I love how happy Chris looks below. It made me smile im such a fluffy one I honestly wish I'd fall asleep tonight and wake up to this loving scene (that’s in the story I wrote) in the morning.... a girl can dream anyway I digress To The Story!!!
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Comments and replies welcome Don't repost publish or translate anywhere 18+ just incase.
It's all sweet love cotton candy fluff. I wish I had this... a man like this... but a girl can dream of a perfect day time and man (to treat her) forever like this.
He placed kissed down my arm. I airily giggled a bit. I love that. Everything about that. Especially when he does that.
"Skin's so soft babe."
I ran my opposite hand through his hair.
"I could stay here for days. Can we?"
He nodded
"I miss days like this. Carefree and happy cuddling." I think I came of sounding more upset or depressed than I was
He sigh and looked me over he had a sad smile which he tried to hide. It was also a tired one. He's been tired, more then he'd ever care to admit-I know that.
"We can. What do you say I back out of my next movie contract isn't finalized anyway, well I haven't signed it, we don't have to worry about money or a roof over our heads. And we go somewhere just us we snuggle and cuddle and just recharge hm? I've missed you too."
"I'm right here."
"I know I just I feel like I've been ignoring you and I also wish I had you in my arms more I have everytime I have to step out of his bed I hate it." He was serious but I couldn't help my
giggling chuckle at his what ever that is. His sweetness. His kindness. His love. I always giggle and chuckle he knows that.
"I mean it I don't think I have ever told you how much I love you." His fingers came to my face and started to cup my cheek.
"I know"
"And you're always honest"
I let out a small laugh "No, I mean I know you love me."
He just looked at me lovingly, he looks at my face with this content look like he's trying to memorize every single freckle.
"You're more than just the world to me, your my entire world my galexy. You're everything."
He leans into kiss me and I kiss him." His hands are still on my face.
"It's not my choice its yours. It's your work. And I'd follow you to the ends of the earth you know that." I paused a moment "this is getting to be very circular you realize that?"
He chuckles silently. "Yea a bit but I love you. I do. So much. I want to spend more time with you. It's moving too fast. I want to relax. With you."
"Are you happy?"
"With you I am always happy. Are you?"
"How could I not be? I love you and you just told me yiu love me and you would give your world up for me.... and then said I was your world."
"Well I'm giving you up ever. You're stuck with me for ever and ever, for eternity."
He sounds like a love sick man and I love it.
"Guess were going on vacation."
"There is no one I'd rather spend eternity with than you."
After a minute or so I chuckle to myself as were cuddling.
"Nothing it just"
"It kinda sounded never mind."
"You mean like a proposal?" He raises his eyebrow.
I turn my head to the side. He's got something under his sleeve.
"Good thing I have this then" I dont know where it came from but he pulls out a black jewelry box, it looks like a ring box.
I can't help but gasp. Then he took put his phone which I didn't notice...not until I saw the video afterwards but he put the ring on my finger as he said to me.
"You just made me the happiest man on earth."
Should I tell him I never technically said yes? 🤔
P.s. I couldnt fit this in the story but I wanted to so here is It....:
"I love your smile. I can't help but smile when I see you smile."
"Well I smile when I see you smile."
"You know what that means don't you?"
"Were going to be spending the rest of our 90+ years together happily smiling. "
"Eternity smiling"
"Eternity smiling"
"Oh yeah"
He has a smile in his face as we kiss.
I just fell in love the photo below when I saw it on the gif choices
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@nana1000night @sparklybarbarianninja @sapphire-rogers @hawkeyes-queen @patzammit
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Okay i have been writing all my feelings down on a piece of paper whilst watching this episode because last episode's reaction was REALLY weird so i wanted to be organised and have all my reactions available to write here, and so I have been just copy and pasting all what I wrote into these posts
....I can't do this on this post as most of my writing has been "AHHHHHHHHH" and many excited scribbles but I shall try to make it coherent and true to my original intention
I shall now, begin now the warning has been stated, ahem
Hooty is actually so funny, he is great in this episode
Luz is so me trying to deal with my feelings, iconic
...Hooty this sounds weird why the basement
AHH THE BLUSHING THE HOLDING, fuck this is so gay.....i'm not crying, you are
Hooty, in the nicest way possible, where the fuck did you find all this stuff IN SUCH A SHORT TIME?? Does Eda just have this set up 24/7!?!
Hooty the fucking Romance Swan in the Tunnel of Love, for fucks sake I can't stop laughing
AHHHHHHH (many excited scribbles) JUST LET IT HAPPEN LUZ
(this is all wrote in bigger handwriting)
Hooty is such an overdramatic mood, where are you going bro, you are the house
Oh fuck the house is falling- AWW King and Eda in the air, would be a cute moment IF HOOTY WASN'T BREAKING THE HOUSE
KING MAGIC?! AGAIN?! Woah, that is actually so cool, is it a power of friendship type thing? idk and any other time I would LOVE to find this out about King BUT RIGHT NOW I NEED MY WLW
"Not as okay as you, Dang girl!" Literally my reaction to Eda too, me and Luz are the same
Hooty's tears right now could legit cry a river, there cannot be a drought right now because of hooty
Aww supportive Mum Eda to Luz's gay panic
"I have no idea what my future holds but it would be so cool if you were in it" SIHDFNDSJ (more excited scribbles)
Hooty is still crying but its now positively so that's great, i was so close to crying too Hooty, I get you
...And this concludes my written reaction to this episode, I will probably post a more coherent reaction to the episode later but GOD WE WIN THESE
and what we learned, is that if we ever meet a weird worm demon attached to a house, we should let it create a tunnel of love for us to confesses to our crush with
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lazuli-info · 1 year
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Hello everyone I'm Eddie.. Eddie uhh.. Eddie umm.. (Dear) Yeah- Eddie dear! I just wanted to talk about a little girl named.. Gizmo? (Gimik) right Gimik.. She is a good little girl although I don't remember where she came from but she lives with me. She helps me deliver mail or remember someone's order. Sometimes if I do accidentally forget someone's mail she makes sure I double check everything and uhh... Make sure I have everything!
She has this odd obsession with um (ribbons?) Yeah ribbons! She loves them and sometimes she takes ummm what's his name (frank?) Yeah- Frank's bow off his shirt ofc he gets it back later but she takes it off his shirt a lot. I don't know how she manages to take it off his shirt but it's really odd..
Gizmo- (Gimik) Also has this skirt with I think it's a multi colored skirt. Whenever she feels a certain type of emotion a certain type of color on the skirt starts to spin. Now let me see if I remember the order... I wrote it down somewhere... Ummm. OH here it is! So light greyish blue spins when she's sad, the baby greyish blue spins when she's confused, the dark greyish blue spins when she's uncomfortable, the purple greyish color spins when she's scared, the last color spins when she's mad, if they all spin that means she's happy! If her skirt doesn't spin at all that means she's emotionless or she's about to take it off.
She sometimes spooks me at night. Her puppet face makes it scary to see her in the dark. But sometimes her scary face can be good. If I can remember correctly one time I accidentally fell asleep and she woke me up, all I saw was her puppet face which spook me to wake up.
Gizmo (Eddie if you say gizmo again instead of Gimik I swear) sorry anyway. . . Gimik can be a handful she gets so energetic that she's hard to control. Don't get me started on if she has coffee or candy... One time, and I remember this like the back of my hand! I woke up one morning and went to go get the mail for the day then I felt liquid fall on my head, I looked up and realized that Gimik was on the ceiling with her mouth open and cotton coming out of her mouth... Her skirt wasn't moving, then she attacked me! I ran out of the post office so quickly I didn't even realize that frank was standing in front of the door so I bumped into him by accident.... (Eddie let's not go into detail about the fall ok) alright... But uh later on that day Frank told me he gave her coffee and I told him to never give her coffee again. He didn't and so far she's been fine.
Gimik.. A cute Little 7 year old who loves to sing. Whenever she goes out to deliver a package for me she hums on her way out the door. Then to let me know she delivers a card or a package successfully she yells "Yodele-hee-hoo!" Ofc hers is more high pitch and longer in the hoo part but in respect that I heard her I respond back in a not so good tone- but she's been trying to teach me how to do it and I feel like I'm getting better each time!
Gimik likes to play with Wally. They always do so many challenges. But Wally always wins especially if it's an eating challenge... But Gimik wins those no reaction challenges with lemons and hot peppers.. it was funny when Wally was crying on the ground when he ate those lemons... I think he ate 4 and Gimik ate 15 with no reaction. I still laugh about it to this day hehehe!
Gimik doesn't really like Julie, she says she orders too many things at one time and puts sentences in between to make it more confusing. She also said.... Ummm... (She yells?) Yeah she also says that she yells too much I don't blame her she really does...
Gimik sometimes calls me papa idk why but I don't remember doing anything.... Did I? When did I.... (Eddie if your thinking what I think your thinking you need to stop it) sorry-... Anyway when Gizmo (GIMIK) calls me papa that means she's just calling me.. when she calls me father that means it's something serious and daddy is when she's sad or too frustrated to get her feelings out... I wrote that down btw so I could remember... It's a good thing I did
That's all I can remember right now I'll see you soon, neighbor.
Extras:Gimik is 5'4 and she always stays in the post office even when Eddie isn't there.
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nonconstories · 2 years
Fun Fact, Havok really likes playing with pillow princesses, like, really gets off on being in total control and making them stay limp as a doll while he toys with them. And when he realized she was a super sheltered and repressed virgin, he figured that was what he was in for.
Nope! Jill wants to participate, damn it, and usually Havok needs to fuck her pretty hard before she'll melt for him. It's cute, really, letting her ride him, watching her tits bounce and her mouth fall open and her eyes roll back. Sometimes, he'll rub her clit and paw at her chest or smack her ass; or maybe he just puts his hands behind his head and lets her exhaust herself.
"Lay back, enjoy it, I want to spoil you--"
But no, she wants to suck his cock again, or hold herself on her hands and knees and fuck back on his cock, or do something to please him. And he tells her over and over that this pleases him, her submission, her pleasure, the sight of her falling apart and giving in to lust.
"It's too nice!" And oh he loves that, loves hearing that moaned for him, because it means her head is getting fuzzy and her limbs are getting heavy and her pussy is aching so sweet she can't think. "Beloved, beloved, please, I need to rest--"
"No, princess, we're focusing on my pleasure, aren't we? This pleases me." He lifts her hips off the bed, because it still makes her whine and forces her legs to fall open, making it easy to push his cock back inside. "No, no, don't move...that's it, just take it..." Her tits look so sweet, bouncing like that, and he leers at them, making her whimper and gasp. "Good girl." He knows that's cheating, but if she won't lie still and accept his attention, he has to cheat.
Now she's mewling, legs shaking around him, and he talks to her more, whispering filthy things about her body and her cunt and her noises. "Inside me I want it inside me please please beloved please--"
"Shush now. No more words, princess. Pretty noises, that's what you can make. I will finish inside, I promise. That's it, good girl, cumming again. So sweet for your husband." He likes calling himself that; if he was completely honest, he likes that she sort of thinks that being married to him makes her his property. The fantasy of owning her is always nice, and he does remind her, afterwards, that she's a person, that he loves her and not just her body.
But for now, she's a warm hole and a sobbing mouth, taking every drop as he cums inside her and makes her a good wife.
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reading update
what's up gang! I've accepted that I probably won't hit my stated goal of reading 69 books before the year is over, but I have been on a MAJOR reading kick lately and I have way more to report than last month.
what have I been reading?
Folklorn (Angela Mi Young Hur, 2021) - I stand by everything I said last month when I was just starting to get really absorbed in this novel - the prose is deliciously engrossing, rolling around in the expanse between scientific observation and poetic description, the two melding seamlessly to create a sharp-eyed and cynical perspective - and am so glad I happened upon it. a contemporary story filled with ghosts, a fascinating framing device for stories about immigration, identity, mental illness, and trauma.
Superman Smashes the Klan (Gene Luen Yang, 2020) - I don't read a lot of comics, and I read even fewer comics by the big two publishers, but every time I do I'm left with the unshakeable feeling that I should really read more comics. Yang pulls together a tight and charming story of 1940s Metropolis, weaving together the story of Lan-Shin "Roberta" Lee, a young Chinese-American girl who faces covert and overt racism upon moving to the city with her family, and Clark Kent, who is early in his career as Superman and struggling with the burgeoning realization of alien heritage. their stories converge as a hate group that's definitely not the KKK targets the Lees and forces Clark to decide whether or not he's willing to let the world know exactly how different he really is if it means saving the day. 10/10 feel-good superhero shenanigans, strongly recommend.
Empire of Gold (S.A. Chakraborty, 2020) - man, what's even left to say? Chakraborty sat me down for a fucking masterclass in how to end an epic fantasy series, with resolutions for each of her main three characters that took my breath away with just how satisfying they each managed to be. I spent the last 60 or so pages sobbing pretty much continuously and that's the highest recommendation I can give.
Bloodchild and Other Stories (Octavia E. Butler, 1996) - I really ought to savor each of Butler's books when I read them, because there are only so many and I'll be terribly sad when there's nothing new left for me to read, but I devoured this small collection in a day because I simply couldn't put it down. the inclusion of a short afterword for each story makes so clear the degree to which Butler wrote to engage her own curiosities, and as ever she brings an amazingly human touch to the strange and dangerous. as always, my utmost respect for the queen.
The Girl Who Kept Winter (Giao Chi, 2020) - my understanding is that this is an English translation of a Vietnamese novel published in 2007, and my GOD have English-speaking audiences been missing out. The Girl Who Kept Winter feels like a lot of things - Labyrinth, sort of (Leatherback, Anole, and Switch would be excellent Muppets), and Galavant, a little (if people burst into elaborate displays of magical kung fu instead of musical numbers), and maybe the Princess Bride (if I liked the Princess Bride). it's a romance, it's an adventure, it's a martial arts movie, it's a comedy, it's a whale of a good time that took me by surprise at every turn. I want to recommend it to everybody I know.
Once More Upon a Time (Roshani Chokshi, 2020) - a delicious little nugget of a story, an offbeat fairytale about a king and queen embarking on a quest to recover their lost love. at a petite 144 pages it goes down like literary cotton candy, sugary and sparkling and gone before you can think too hard about it at all, leaving nothing but a sweet aftertaste in its wake.
Outlawed (Anna North, 2021) - the entire time I was devouring this book I couldn't help but this that it was exactly what I had hoped Upright Women Wanted would be. a queer, crunchy western, taking place in an alternate American history in which the country has been left in fertility-obsessed shambles in the wake of a population-destroying flu, where barren women are liable to be hanged as witches at worst or cast out from their societies at best. our protagonist, an aspiring midwife named Ada, finds herself unable to conceive a child by her husband and does what any sensible young woman would do - starts serving at the doctor to a gang of outlaws led by a charismatic, enigmatic, and seemingly genderless leader known only as The Kid. a rip-roaring story full of gender fuckery and shootouts.
what do I have checked out now?
Velvet Was the Night (Silvia Moreno-Garcia, 2021) - this honestly feels like a huge get; Moreno-Garcia's new releases usually have a waitlist a mile long. I'm only three chapters deep so far, but I feel like this thriller set among the political unrest of 1970's Mexico might be my favorite of Moreno-Garcia's novels yet.
Fireheart Tiger (Aliette de Bodard, 2021) - I haven't started this yet, but if there are two things I love it's political fantasy intrigue and a good little novella.
Milk Fed (Melissa Broder, 2021) - also haven't started this, but I am EXCITED. this is probably the contemporary novel of the year that I've been most looking forward to getting my hands on.
what do I have on hold?
Iron Widow (Xiran Jay Zhao, 2021) - STILL!! reader, I'm losing my mind here.
A Psalm for the Wild-Built (Becky Chambers, 2021) - if I go too long without Becky Chambers' gentle reflections on what it means to be a person I start getting antsy :)
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sophie-writings · 4 years
Headcanons for Bakugou, Todoroki and Shinsou for getting set up on a date with their crush atg Tokyo Disney. Oh man, I'm not even a foodie but I would kill to have the food there. I could imagine Todoroki had never even been before
this is such i sweet request?? 🥺
Characters: Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto and Shinsou Hitoshi
Type: Headcanons 
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Bakugou Katsuki 
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☁️Bakugou had been to Tokyo Disneyland a lot of times when he was younger.
☁️So when he set up by the Bakusquad to go with you, he actually knows where to take you.
☁️He's a little annoyed his friend group set him up without him even knowing, but he would deal with them later.
☁️He totally prepared.
☁️"Okay, first stop Space Mountain!" He grinned, walking towards his favorite attraction.
☁️"Isn't that a rollercoaster?"
☁️"It's not a rollercoaster, it's THE rollercoaster."
☁️The line wasn't that long and both you and Bakugou got in fairly quickly.
☁️The ride was dark, yet incredibly beautiful.
☁️It could be a little scary at times and you found yourself holding to Bakugou's arm for protection.
☁️"That wasn't so bad!" You said once the ride was over and both of you were out.
☁️"I told you, idiot." He said, trying to ignore the fact his crush was still holding onto his arm. "Let's go grab something to eat."
☁️By the end of the meal, you had Minnie ears on (Bakugou refused to wear Mickey's ears) and a stomach full of Baymax shaped food.
☁️The rest of the day went as smoothly as possible, and you didn't even notice that it was getting really dark.
☁️You and Bakugou had just bought some cotton candy and to your surprise, he just sat on the sidewalk and pointed at the spot near his.
☁️"Why are we sitting on the floor? Why is EVERYONE sitting on the floor." You ask.
☁️"Just shut up and wait!" He said.
☁️Suddenly, every street light shut down and some music started playing.
☁️That's when you noticed various lights coming in your direction.
☁️"The nighttime parade..." You whispered. It was something you only saw on the tv, and seeing the gigantic floats so up close almost seemed like a dream.
☁️You were like Rapunzel during the lanterns scene, paying no mind to whatever was happening around you.
☁️And Bakugou was looking at you like nothing else mattered.
☁️And at that moment it didn't.
☁️"I like you." The words came out before he could even stop himself.
☁️His words woke you up from the trance you were in.
☁️You stared deeply into his red eyes, and before he could tell you to forget about what he said, you smiled at him.
☁️"I like you too Bakugou... I really do!"
☁️Both of you watched until the parade was over and walked back to the dorms hand in hand that day.
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Todoroki Shouto
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☁️This poor boy has never been to Disney before.
☁️The whole class (excluding Bakugou) planned to spend the day at Disneyland during the weekend.
☁️But when the day actually came, everyone had the most creative excuses to not come.
☁️So there you in Tokyo Disneyland, with your long time crush, Todoroki Shouto.
☁️You've been to Disneyland once and can still remember some places.
☁️So you decided to give Todoroki the day of his life.
☁️"Okay Todoroki! First, let's get some Minnie and Mickey ears, that's a must when you visit Disneyland." You held him by the hand and dragged him to the nearest store.
☁️You picked some classic Minnie ears with the pink bow, while Todoroki got simple Mickey ears.
☁️"You look so cute Todoroki!" you said. "Should I take a picture?"
☁️Todoroki simply nodded and you smiled brightly, using your phone to take a picture of both of you.
☁️The picture turned out pretty cute and you showed to him.
☁️You felt your heart skip a beat with the gentle smile that spread across his lips.
☁️"H-hey, wanna get some popcorn?" You asked stumbling on your own words.
☁️"Popcorn?" He tilted his head to the side. "But we eat popcorn all the time back at the dorms...?"
☁️"Oh Todoroki, but this is DISNEYLAND, it's not your typical popcorn."
☁️You led Todoroki to the nearest popcorn machine, never letting go of his hand.
☁️His eyes widened at the sight of the popcorn menu. "Y/n, they have curry popcorn!" He said, his excitement reminding you of a little kid.
☁️Both of you picked your popcorn. He got the curry one, while you settled for the milk chocolate one.
☁️"What are those people waiting in line for?" He asked pointing at the line next to you.
☁️"Ah! That's the line for the Dumbo attraction."
☁️"Like, the elephant dumbo?" His eyes were practically shining.
☁️"I wanna ride it." He stated.
☁️"Are you sure? It's mostly for kids." Todoroki ignored you and this time, he held your hand a brought you to the line.
☁️"I watched it with my mom when I was younger."
☁️You smiled, looking up at Todoroki. He seemed to be having a good time.
☁️The ride was fun and more enjoyable than you thought.
☁️You spent the rest of the day walking around with Todoroki, eating, and going on rides.
☁️It was already dark when you looked at your watch.
☁️"It's gonna start soon..." You said smiling.
☁️"What?" He asked.
☁️You didn't need to answer, because soon, fireworks were flying in the air.
☁️Todoroki was amazed and couldn't look away from the illuminated sky.
☁️But you couldn't stop staring at him.
☁️"Hey... Y/n." Todoroki called, his eyes still glued to the scenery in front of him. "Thank you, for today." He said, tightening his grip around your hand.
☁️"You're welcome!" You said smiling.
☁️You were going to say something else, but it mustn't have been important since the feeling of Todoroki's lips on yours was enough to make you forget.
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Shinsou Hitoshi
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☁️You didn't know exactly how you found yourself at Disneyland with your friend and crush Shinsou.
☁️You were in the class with the rest of the 1-A, who knew about your crush on Shinsou.
☁️You told them how you never went to Disneyland before, and they just told you to meet them at the park for the weekend.
☁️But when you arrived, you were met with a mop of purple hair instead.
☁️It all made sense when Mina sent a message to the group chat wishing you good luck.
☁️"So, where do you want to begin?" Asked Shinsou, taking you from your thoughts.
☁️"I don't know actually, I've never been here before." You said.
☁️"Never? Well, let's grab something to eat first then." He said, taking your hand in his. "Let's be together okay? It's really easy to get lost here."
☁️"You had a bad experience with that or something?" He teased him
☁️"Yep, my mom left me alone for a while and I decided to run after Donald."
☁️"That sounds pretty traumatizing."
☁️"Yeah, for my mom, I was having the time of my life with Donald and Goofy."
☁️You both laughed as he led you to the Plaza restaurant.
☁️"Wow! There's so much to choose from, I don't even know what some of these things are." You said, scratching your head as you read through the menu.
☁️"Want me to choose for you?" He asked, and you nodded excitedly back.
☁️"Two teriyaki fried chicken sandwiches, please." He said. "And two mango boba drinks." The waiter smiled and wrote down everything.
☁️When the food arrived, you couldn't believe how beautiful it was.
☁️The sandwich was shaped like Mickey's gloves and even the tapioca pearls from the drinks were Mickey-shaped.
☁️You had to snap a picture of your lunch, and sneakingly capture Shinsou as well.
☁️You smiled down at the picture and started eating your delicious sandwich.
☁️Once both of you were done, it was time for the rides.
☁️You decided to ride in every existing rollercoaster, and by the time the sun was setting, you were getting dizzy.
☁️"We have time for one last attraction before going home."
☁️You pouted a little, sad that such a day was ending.
☁️"Don't pout, I'll bring you back whenever you want." He said, flicking your nose, before leading you to the last attraction of the day. "The Western River Railroad."
☁️You boarded the train with Shinsou and waited patiently for the ride to start.
☁️The ride was peaceful, unlike the others. And it was incredibly beautiful.
☁️You sighed as the trains passed along the river. The mix of orange, dark blue, and pink that painted the sky took your breath away.
☁️You felt Shinsou's hand sneaking into yours, and you looked at him, smiling and intertwining your fingers.
☁️"I like you, Shinsou." You said, staring into his purple eyes.
☁️"I know." He simply said, getting closer to you. "I like you too." He closed the space between you both.
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Hello! I was wondering if you could do relationship hcs for beppi? I barely see anything on him and it makes me sad that the clown barely gets any love. I'm also quite curious on how you would write him. Thank you if you do decide to write about him!
A/N: Beppi is a good boy and it’s a shame he doesn’t get that much love either (u.u) 
Ngl, it was a bit tough writing for Beppi- so be sure to let me know if you ever want me to rewrite these!
(Note: read more added due to lengthiness)
Beppi Relationship hcs:
Beppi, underneath his goofy blue-and-red exterior, is actually quite the romantic at heart. While he knows his job may not leave much room for relationships, it doesn’t stop the clown from daydreaming about the idea of finally meeting his special someone. 
Prior to meeting you, Djimmi and Bon Bon had spent many a groan-worthy afternoon listening to the clown recount how he met a nice guy or gal and how they might possibly be “the one”, only to forget about them after a week of not seeing them.
With that said, Beppi falls in and out of love almost comically quick- so much so that he takes crushes that lead to nowhere in stride. After all, he can’t do a good job at making others happy if he’s down in the dumps!
When he had met you, the new worker managing the cotton candy machines, he tried not to get his hopes up right away- especially since he had a rule against dating coworkers; things can get awkward real quick if it fell apart, after all. 
Not to mention that you weren’t the type he normally goes for: Beppi likes the idea of a friendly, outgoing partner that could happily show him off without shame.You were a bit soft-spoken and somewhat introverted; easily drowned out by his much louder and boisterous presence. 
However, the poor fool already felt the start of a crush form when he looked over to your stand one day. You looked up to meet his eyes, and it was as if time seemed to slow down for him. Then you gave him a small, shy smile and waved, and all he could do was just wave back; his cheeks flushed a bright pink.
From there, you would often see the clown hanging around by your work area and handing out balloons to carnival goers. Beppi would not-so-subtly look your way, only to immediately look away when you looked in his direction. 
You didn’t mind it too much though; after all, you always found a balloon animal left at your counter at the end of the day. 
It’ll be about a month before Beppi starts up conversation whenever the two of you are on break, and boy howdy is this man not subtle in how he feels about you. Beppi happily adds in flirty little comments whenever he sees the chance, not to mention that he tends to be touchy-feely with people he likes- so he’ll often pat you on the head or casually move  an arm over your shoulder while he’s happily rambling about whatever nonsense comes to mind.
And if you think Beppi pre-relationship is pretty affectionate, than you’re in for a surprise when the two of you actually start dating. Because this clown takes it to a whole other level when it comes to showing you how much he adores you.
Expect to hear at least one “I love you” from him every day; after all, he doesn’t want you to forget that! With that in mind, you better get used to Beppi suddenly shouting out your name from across the fairgrounds, only to VERY LOUDLY shout how much he loves you for everyone to hear. 
You should also be ready for frequent love letters from your boyfriend, all filled with sappy, sweet thoughts about how you brighten up his day.
(think that one scene from Roger Rabbit where he reads out a letter he wrote to Jessica)
Of course, if you decide to show some love back, he immediately melts (well, more like deflate in his case); hearing his quiet, dopey love-struck laughter while you cuddle becomes your new favorite thing to hear from him.
Plus, this is one of the very rare times Beppi is able to quietly sit still; which most of the other workers see as a blessing.
If you ever feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed with it, however, Beppi is willing to tone it down a notch or two; he’s aware that he can be a bit too much for some people, and the very last thing he wants is to stress you out.
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lostfirefly · 8 months
Cooking in the kitchen now, that's what we do, there's something cooking in the kitchen, just for you
The idea for fanfic arose completely by accident (again!) when I wrote one line in "If you ever find yourself..". Sorry not sorry again :) Just a random shitty shit just for fun.
English is not my native language, errors may occur. As always, feel free to share your thoughts :) Masterlist
Description: Cathie-pie is making breakfast for her beloved clown.
Warnings: Fun, fluff (it's typical for them).
Words: 1532
Buggy x OC from my “You’ve Got the Same Dream as Me” series.
Taglist: @gingernut1314, @operationroots
The title is taken from "Cooking in the Kitchen" by Badanamu.
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“Oh God, it seems to me that even octopuses are more gentle with their victims,” Catherine lay in bed, trying to somehow get out of Buggy’s clinging embrace. He wrapped his arms and legs around her and pulled her tightly against him. Any movement she made was accompanied by grunting noises from him. 
Catherine tried to reach the shelf to take at least a book, but she couldn’t do that either. Finally, after an hour of snoring loudly in her ear, Buggy finally started waking up. He exhaled tiredly and opened his eyes. 
“Morning, my blue-haired octopus!” She smiled and pecked him in his nose. 
“Morning.” He answered hoarsely and buried his nose in the crook of her neck.
"A few more months of nights like this and you'll strangle me for sure." Catherine tried to rise in the bed but Buggy growled unhappily.
“You're not going anywhere. Stay here.” He muttered into her neck. "Every time I wake up in the morning, I'm afraid you won't be there. But then I see you in our bed and I'm so glad you're with me."
“Of course you see me in bed, I can’t get out.” 
“And that’s great. Consider you my hostage.” He kept mumbling.
Catherine could feel his warm breath from every word and she started laughing. "Stop talking into my neck, your breath tickles me."
“My bad. I admit it.” Buggy raised his head and looked into her eyes.
“Don't look at me like that, my silly clown.” She imitated his gaze. “Otherwise I’ll think that you love me so much.”
“Oh, no, I can’t let you think that. Then to distract you from these terrible terrible thoughts.. I’ll do this..” He pressed his lips into hers and couldn't stop kissing her until they both ran out of air. 
Catherine put her hands on his waist and moaned quietly. “No, no, stop, please.” 
Buggy slowly moved his lips down to Catherine's collarbone. He lifted her (originally it was his, of course) t-shirt, kissed her stomach and then moved closed to her breasts, leaving red lipstick marks on her body. He placed his hand on her inner thigh and slowly moved his hand up. 
"What are you doing there, asshole? You can't! No-no-no! Come on, come back! My face is here." Catherine gently grabbed the back of his head and pulled him back towards her. 
“No-o-o, cotton candy, please. I love being there!" Buggy made a sad face. “You know, you can deny as much as you want, but I know and feel that every time when I go down there..” He nodded towards her stomach and legs, “You...”. 
“Keep quiet, blue-haired pervert!" She covered his mouth with her hands and squinted her eyes. 
“Stop being shy and blushing, my Cathie-pie. I’m not doing anything bad to you.” He muttered into her palm, winked, removed her hand and kissed her on the lips. 
“I hate you!” She mumbled and wrapped her arms around his neck. 
Catherine barely broke the kiss and pushed Buggy away gently. “For god's sake, let's get out of bed and have breakfast. And by the way, someone again ate all my chocolates and cookies that I kept in the nightstand. You have your own drawer, keep your late night snacks there.”
“It's so uninteresting.” He tried to kiss her neck.
“No, Buggy! Not now!” 
“Not now? I like that!” 
"That's it, clown, get off me!" Catherine lightly slapped his hands, struggled to get out of his embrace and fell to the floor. “Ouch..”
“You ok?” 
“Totally! Oh, chocolate!” She started laughing loudly and put the chocolate back in the drawer.
Buggy sent her his hand to help her get up. 
“Thank you, my hero. And now put on a t-shirt and come to the kitchen.”
“No-o, please. Get your ass and legs that are hidden under your pants with a bunch of giraffes back!” He attached his hand, rolled over onto his back and started to get cranky. 
“Stop whining and get up. I’m going to make your favorite pancakes with maple syrup. And if you help me then maybe I’ll let you..” Catherine lifted her t-shirt slightly and winked.
“I’m up! I’m up!” Buggy quickly jumped up from under the blanket. 
Buggy practically overtook Catherine on the way to the kitchen and happily sat down on a chair.
“You're unbelievable, you know that?” She ruffled his loose hair. “I don’t even know how I fell in love with you.”
“You told me I'm amazing and I've saved your life several times. Baby, there was no way you wouldn't fall in love with me!" 
Catherine gave a short kiss on his cheek and took out milk, eggs and flour. She wanted to mix the ingredients and first felt hands on her waist and then Buggy's chin on the top of her head. 
"How can I help you?" 
"I see you're willing to do anything for sex, right?”
He shrugged and chuckled.
“Stop grabbing my ass, Buggy. Better take the eggs and break them into a bowl.” 
Catherine regretted her offer within a second. 
"Hey, Cathie-pie, look!" Buggy took three eggs in his hands and began to juggle. A second later they were on the floor. Catherine looked at Buggy, at the yolks spreading across the floor and sighed heavily.
“Really?” She looked at him again, exhaled and removed the yolks from the floor. “Better open a packet of flour for me, please.”
Buggy proudly took the pack, began to open it and... bam! Flour fell to the floor, all his hands were covered in flour, all his pants were covered in flour, he himself was covered in flour. 
"Oh my God!" Catherine took a towel and wiped his face and hands, “You are a real disaster, Buggy the Clown. How did you live without me?”
He shrugged. 
"You can dry your pants yourself." She placed a towel in his hands and picked up the package of flour from the floor.
While Catherine was sifting the flour, she heard the sound of falling eggs. Again. 
"Jesus, Buggy, did you seriously think you could learn to juggle in five seconds?" 
He shrugged and took another three eggs. 
"Put it back, Buggy! Otherwise, you will only eat flour mixed with milk." 
He pouted and sat down on the chair.
Catherine took eggs from his hands, cracked them into a bowl and placed the bowl on the table in front of him. "Just mix them. Gently. Okay?"
Buggy mixed eggs and whined. Catherine added milk to the bowl and asked him to whisk it further. He started whining again. He whined all the time. He whined that the eggs weren't beating well, he whined he was hungry, he whined about "Cathie-pie, why can't you cook while sitting on my lap, you're too far away!" 
“I'm standing one step away from you!" 
"It's still too far, baby!"
Catherine rolled her eyes, poured him some coffee, walked up behind him and leaned close to his ear. “If you keep whining, you won’t get dessert.”
Buggy's face immediately changed. “What kind of dessert are we having?” 
She moved a little closer. “Your favorite pie.” 
From that second Buggy was silent as a fish. He watched as Catherine moved pancakes onto a plate.
“Should I pour you more syrup?”
“It would be better if you sat your beautiful ass on the pancakes.” He giggled stupidly. 
"Ew! You're disgusting.”
Catherine poured some syrup on his pancakes and set the plate on the table. "Your breakfast, idiot."
She poured herself some coffee, put a chair nearby to Buggy, sat down on it with her feet up and could barely contain her laughter, watching Buggy gobble up one pancake after another.
"This is delicious!" He spoke with his mouth full.
"What did I tell you? Chew and then speak." Catherine smiled and took a sip of coffee.
Buggy swallowed the pancakes and pouted. He separated his hand to pour himself more coffee and take more pancakes.
After eating the second portion, he leaned towards Catherine, looked intently into her eyes and whispered near her lips. "Someone promised me dessert." 
"Yes?" She took a towel, wiped his mouth and kissed him on his lips. "I can keep my word. If I promised dessert, then you'll get it." She winked. "Close your eyes." 
"Fuck, yeah!" Buggy rubbed his hands together happily. “I told you, you're a dirty girl, my cotton candy! You're in vain denying it.” 
"Oh, yeah. I’m a bad, bad girl.” 
“I really hope to see you naked, baby.”
Catherine hugged his neck from behind and whispered in his ear. “You can open your eyes now, my Buggy Bear." 
Buggy opened one eye, then the other. His smile abruptly left his face. 
"It's a piece of pie." He pointed at the plate.
"Well, yes." Catherine kissed his temple and sat back on the chair, putting her legs under her buttocks. 
"But you promised..." 
"I promised you your favorite dessert. And it's an apple pie." She sipped her coffee, smiling maliciously and didn’t know how not to laugh until she cried, looking at his upset face.
Buggy became noticeably sad and stuck his fork into the pie. “Little shit...” 
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madamescarlette · 5 years
I'm having trouble with this whole THE LYRICS ARE VAPID thing because like. Ok. Yeah. I hear you, they're bright and cheery and all, and it's the most bubblegum pop we've gotten MAYBE EVER.
BUt like,,,,,, I struggle with wanting "smarter" lyrics out of her because, ok. This is very personal to ME. We love to think that happiness is so simple- but it's not. Happiness is not the absence of sorrow, but so often sorrow is the absence of happiness; sometimes it feels like you have to earn your happiness through a bunch of pain and hurt to finally be okay again- but this off topic and I NEED to stop.
ANYWAY. I exist in dichotomy. I'm a very bright person by nature- my whole social personality is me cracking jokes and tryna get folks to smile- but also I am pretty badly depressed and I struggle with feeling here. I'm both of those things, though- both bright and foggy. Neither ones detracts from each other, but they exist wholly without interruption. And you know what? Sometimes I'm dancing down the sidewalk and some days I'm crying in the car, and they have no impact on each other. And she's like me- she is the bright and the low girl, too. But at the same time, she can be either one, or both. It's up to her, like it's up to me.
Let Taylor be fun and light and silly. Let her!!!!! She's been sad long enough- and she's wrote out plenty of darkness for us. Let her write out some light. Let it be candy!!!! It can exist on its own terms, pure cotton candy that it is. And believe me, I am all about trying to find that extra beauty in the contrast- but sometimes, you just want pure joy without anything holding you back.
That's all that this is. It's joy with no reserve, with the clearest feeling of lightness in the world. It's wonderful and beautiful to earn happiness- but sometimes it can be a gift with no strings attached, and that's just as beautiful, too.
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I saw angst, and I'm here. I'm not sure if you write cheating/topics relating to it, but what about rfa (Cotton Candy Man and Saranwrap if you write them?) think that mc is cheating on them but they find out (after they react to them "cheating") that mc just needed extra money and didn't want to ask. I just spit balled this, because it was the first angsty thing that came to mind (I apologize for my English, too)
No your English is fine!!! I really like this idea and if you like angst you should stick around since on my blog it is angst week. 
~He was going to surprise you at your apartment since he got out of classes early~But when he got there and knocked on the door and you didnt answer he got a little worried~He quickly got the key to your apartment and unlocked it and went in~”MC”He calls out”Are you home?”~He hears some muffled moans and quickly runs into your room only to find you with another man~He gasps loudly and his heart just breaks you look over at him with a guilty expression~”Yoosung I’m sorry”~But its so late he’s already running out the door and even though your barely wearing any clothes ~”Yoosung I’m sorry….really”~”No MC why would you cheat on me!”~You look at him with a sad,desperate look~”I needed money…my moms in the hospital and I didn’t want to ask anyone”~He looks at you with a fice mixed with guilt,anger,and sadness~”MC…..I’m sorry I just cant be with you knowing you were touched by another man while you were “dating” me
~KiZen~He was with Jaehee at a local cafe when he started getting messages from his fans saying they saw you with another man.~Attached to one of the messages was a photo of you and a man kissing and groping you in an alley. ~ Zen angrily got into a cab and told them to gas it~When Zen got home he could here you crying through the door saying you were a slut ~All of those messages from his fans calling no you a slut and how could you do this to Zen you couldn’t take it anymore~You wrote a letter saying why you had did what you did and how you’re brother needed money for chemo therapy. ~You packed up your things and left the letter but when you opened the door he was sitting against it ~ He asked Why you had did that to him and you handed him the letter and stood there as he read it~Zen was still angry but he forgave you because you had only done that for your brother. Jaehee ~You told Jaehee you were going to a conference and we’re staying out of town for a day. ~Jaehee waved at you as you left going on with her day as if it were normal~She decided to close up early and meet you at you hotel because why not you’re at hotel all alone. Or that’s what she thought. ~Jaehee arrived with roses and chocolates in her hand and she had the key and swiped it but she was shocked to find when she opened the door you moaned out the name of the guy beneath you~You had saw her and got off the bed and didn't even get dressed before she turned around ~She dropped everything and ran to the elevator and you ran after her. ~You caught up to her in the lobby and explained that you needed money for your fathers’ surgery. ~ She didn’t take you back. “I’m sorry MC. I thought we could trust each other lean on each other for anything but I guess I was wrong” ~She walked away and never did you cross her mind again. Jumin ~He was away on a business meeting and you received the news that your sister was in the hospital ~You didn’t want to bother him so you asked around the security if they had extra cash in exchange for something in particular ~Little did you know that Jumin had gotten on a jet plane home and was to arrive in thirty minutes. ~You were moaning and groaning when Jumin walked into the penthouse. ~Nothing could prepare him for the sight he had saw. It was his chief of security in bed with his wife. ~He pulled him off you and punched him in the face. ~You screamed and Jumin yelled at you. Your emotions were mixed and you started crying and explaining why you had done that. ~He then started crying because he felt like he had become his father with the women he chose but he told you if you ever needed help to ask him and to not degrade yourself to what you did ~You ran into his arms and continued crying. And let’s say that the security guard was never seen again. Hey I’m sorry if I didn’t do Seven, V, and Saeran but it’s 10 where I live and I’ll try and do them tomorrow. Also I finished this for Ki so I could write something.Night peeps. ~Al
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lostfirefly · 23 days
*i'm still sad after yesterday's lecture, so I wrote another nonsense*
"Thanks for taking me for a walk, my little bear. I know you don't like it, but I didn't expect you to take me out of town to the sea." Catherine pressed her back against Buggy's chest and crossed her legs. "It's so nice. The sea, the stars, just you and me." She squeezed her eyes shut and let out a soft squeal. "I love all that romantic crap."
"Fuck, cotton candy, you'll deafen me!!" Buggy chuckled and pressed his cheek to her temple. "Well.. You were sad. Because of me, weren't you? I did something wrong, right?"
"What? No! No!" Catherine patted his arms. "You're not always doing something wrong, Buggy. I don't know, I was just feeling a little sad. I miss my sister. I don't have any friends here."
"But.. Cabaji said his current girlfriend asked you out for dinner."
"Yeah. That's funny, by the way. We were waiting for you at the circus, and at first she thought I was Cabaji's fan." Catherine giggled. "Cabaji's fan. I think it's written all over my face that I'm in love with a hot clown. But yeah. She's a nice girl. We chatted a bit when the four of us were sitting at the bar."
"She said the same thing about you." Buggy kissed Catherine in her temple.
"You know, I'm thinking of going to have dinner with her. It should be fun. But don't forget," Catherine ran her hand down Buggy's cheek, "I'll come home to you."
"I hope.. I hope you don't meet someone better there. Or another ex-boyfriend." Buggy squeezed her tighter.
"Someone is jealous!!" Catherine giggled.
"I'm not!! I just don't understand why everyone suddenly decided to visit Cairo!"
"You're jealous!!! But I like that. Don't worry, my flashy fool, no one will take me away from you." Catherine ran her hands over her shoulders. "Damn, I'm freezing."
Buggy quickly sent his hand into the car, fetched his coat, and threw it over her shoulders.
"Oh, my present! Thanks!" Catherine wrapped the coat tighter around herself. "It's so warm. Listen, Buggy.. Can I ask you a question?"
"Yeah, my cotton candy." He pulled her closer.
"Do you miss anything? I don't know." Catherine shrugged. "Like not leaving one sweet girl in the desert."
"You know, little shit, sometimes I do. I wish my apartment wasn't filled with fluffy things and a million candles right now."
"You're an asshole, Buggy. When you admit that you like my candles." Catherine laughed. "Okay, you don't have to answer if you don't want to."
Buggy exhaled. "Swimming."
"Yeah, I miss the water." Buggy cleared his throat. "You know.. When you run up and down the beach and run from the waves squealing like crazy, it makes me sad for what I've lost."
"Because of this chop chop thing?" Catherine took his hand.
"Yeah, because of that fucking chop chop thing."
"I wonder why that is? Why does this thing that gives you such a cool ability take away something that is important to you?" Catherine started stroking his palm with her fingers. "I'm sorry you lost this opportunity."
"Yeah. I'm sorry too." Buggy sighed sadly.
Catherine noticed his sad face and decided to change the subject. "That's so cool here!! I will definitely tell my sister about this trip. She always makes fun of me for smiling all the time. Because I have one handsome reason that makes me laugh and smile." Catherine scratched Buggy's hand. "Who would have told me a year ago that I would be so-o-o happy thanks to you, my blue-haired love. But I'm still very interested in what you did before you became the director of the circus." Catherine rested the back of her head on his shoulder. "You must have been someone cool. Oh! What if you worked with this Flafadile?"
"Better look at the stars, Cathie-pie." Buggy pointed his finger at the sky.
"You remember that you can tell me everything?"
"Yeah, my cotton candy." Buggy nodded. "And thank you for that."
"You remember that I love you?"
"Yeah. And thank you for that too."
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