#havok loves her so much!!!
Sunshine and Flowers
Logan Howlett x plus size reader
Logan has had a great many loves in his long life and he’s over it. He doesn’t want to lose anyone else yet somehow, the annoying and very much younger art teacher at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters, wormed her way into his heart.
Warnings: grumpy and sunshine, jealousy, Logan is a dick but we been knew, reader is kind of oblivious and touch starved, age-gap (reader is mid 20s and Logan is old as shit), Logan POV, bit of a slow burn, reader and Logan are Keely and Roy coded
WC: 3.8k
Minors DNI
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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“Yo Logan!” The seemingly ever present pounding in the older mutant’s temples suddenly got worse, the band around his forehead tightening as the young woman cheerfully skipped up to him without a care in the world. Her arm looped through his own, tucking herself into his side, like she always did. 
“What d’ya want?” He grumbled. It was easier to just ask her outright than stay silent and her chatter away at him for an hour before she finally got to her point. Y/N beamed up at him, her e/c eyes sparkling. “Wellllll… I was wondering if you wanted to come with me on a little field trip with the kids! I was thinking of bringing them to the MET, you know because art.” She waved her right hand around as if to emphasise her point. 
“No.” Logan said firmly. 
“Aw please! Please Logan! Please! Please! Please!” He could practically feel his blood pressure rising as Y/N pleaded with him, pulling on his arm, acting like a complete child. Dear god, what had he done to deserve this?
With the huge throngs of students constantly being enrolled in the school, Charles had come up with the bright idea to introduce an art program to the children as a way of “expressing their creativity”. But what that actually meant was hiring a new teacher specifically for this class since no adult in the school had even an ounce of artistic talent.
And so six months ago, Y/N Y/L/N, a recent college graduate, strolled into the mansion and never left. Her gift to generate small stars gave her the remarkable ability to light her classroom in any way she wished, allowing her students the perfect lighting to create absolute masterpieces. And like her gift, she herself was a big ball of endless energy that constantly bounced around, latching onto whoever she came across, and more often than not, that person was Logan.
For some inexplicable reason, she gravitated to him, always seeking his approval, trying to get him to engage in activities with their students, among many many other things that made the older man truly resent when the final bell of the school day rang and she would float into his classroom, ranting about something or another. The only way he could get her to stop was by distracting her, usually by shoving her in the general direction of her best friend, Alex Summers.
But Havok was on a road trip with Sean and Peter for the next month, so he had been abandoned. Logan sighed as her grating voice made his sensitive ears ring, and the overpowering smell of her flowery perfume was a downright assault on his senses. “Logan, come on! It’ll be soooooo much fun! I’ll even buy you lunch after!” 
While the temptation of free food was great, Logan knew it wouldn’t be worth spending the entire day with Y/N glued to his side, forcing him to do whatever she wanted. Taking a deep breath, prepared to let her down as gently as he could, given that his patience was hanging on by a thread, he would probably be more rude than he wanted to be, when he paused, really taking in the young woman.
“Is that my shirt?” He drawled, his dark eyes flicking over her plump body. She was wearing one of her typical outfits, white converse splashed with paint, shorts that very well could be called Daisy dukes, they were that short, with little flowers embroidered on them. Her chubby thighs almost entirely on view with one of his favourite red plaids on top of a black tank top instead of her usual blouse, making her sizeable cleavage pop. Y/N looked away bashfully. 
“Yeah, I um found it in the movie room and it looked so warm so I took it and it’s super comfy like seriously how do you get your shirts so soft it’s really weird but they always smell like cigars so I guess that’s the downside. That’s not to say you smell bad! I’m just saying that it’s like your trademark-“
There she went again. “It’s fine kid, just wash it before you give it back.” 
“What about the MET!” She called after him.
“Maybe.” He grumbled and with that he walked away, be-lining for the kitchen where he stashed his Vodka, losing her in the sea of students just getting out of class.
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“Now, for today’s class, we’re going to go over some art history!” A collective groan resonated through the room but Y/N’s bright smile never faltered, it actually got bigger as she looked over her small group of students sitting around the art-filled room. “I know, I know but this stuff is important! Art plays such a big role in human evolution. Actually, the argument can be made that our ability to create art is what truly sets us apart from other animal species-“
There was no denying that Miss Y/L/N’s class was a favourite among the young mutants. Her rants not only served to brighten up their day but they also prevented her from giving out any actual work. It especially helped when most of them came from Logan’s class the period before. He was quite well known to be, well there’s no delicate way to put this, a hard ass. 
So when, during this spring afternoon, with just a month left before summer break, Logan strode into the art class, his heavy boots thundering loudly against the hardwood floors, everyone was shocked. Y/N was pacing the room now, well and truly absorbed in her own thoughts, which became an impassioned speech as soon as the words formed in her mind. Logan cleared his throat as he leaned against the door jam, his jaw cleaned tightly when she didn’t answer or look at him.
The collection of children were now starting to get nervous as the seconds ticked by, Logan’s eyes getting steadily darker with anger, the muscle in his lower jaw working over under his mutton chops. They could all see his famous tempter growing and none of them wanted to be on the receiving end. “Um Miss?” A young girl spoke up, trying to break her train of thought. But nope, that couldn’t stop her.
Logan was getting fed up now. How in the hell did these kids even learn anything with the way she was carrying on? “Kid.” He growled, immediately making the entire class freeze, including the young teacher. 
“Oh Logan! Sorry, I didn’t see you there.” She laughed nervously, pulling on the edge of her sheer pink sleeve. He noted she was wearing a dress today, it was frilly and absolutely drowning in flower print, with translucent sleeves that went all the way down to her wrists.
“Right, Wheels needs us in his office. Now.” He pressed as she opened her mouth to point out she was in the middle of a lecture. Y/N nodded then addressed the class. “All right, students. I guess you’re getting out early today. No homework!” She was quick to jog out of the room before the kids were able to leave their seats, effectively avoiding the clambering mass of them trying to practically sprint out. 
Her smaller hand easily slipped into Logan’s bigger one, intertwining their fingers as her left hand came up to rest on his exposed forearm. He felt the cool of her metal rings against his skin. Unconsciously, he noted that he had never seen her wear any kind of jewellery before. “Did Charles say what he wanted?” Her eyes caught his brown ones, falling into step with the older mutant through the quiet halls. Logan just shrugged, fishing a half used cigar from his breast pocket and sticking the thoroughly chewed end in his mouth, a sharp canine slicing into it.
“Hmm.” She hummed, her gaze shifting down to her feet, trusting Logan to guide them to the headmaster’s office. “Do you think it’s a mission?” 
“He doesn’t send you on missions.” Logan said firmly. 
“Yeah I know but it could be! Stranger things have happened.” 
“Like what?” He humoured her.  
“How about Peter actually scoring a date~” She teased, making the Wolverine’s lip turn up briefly in a smile then dropped again into a frown before she could see. 
“You do have a point.” He conceded. They rounded the last corner and came to a stop outside the solid door of Charles’ office. Logan went to knock, a muffled ‘please come in’ sounded before his permanently bruised knuckles could meet the stained wood.
Charles sat behind his grand desk, glasses perched on the end of his nose as he looked over a mountain of paperwork that gave Y/N a headache just from looking at it. She pulled her hand from Logan’s and bounced over to one of the two chairs in front of the headmaster, immediately making herself comfortable. 
Clasping her hands on her lap with her back up straight, Y/N focused on the older mutant as he took off his reading glasses and laid them on what looked to be his grade book. Logan himself leaned against the doorjamb, much like he did in the young woman’s classroom, crossing his muscular arms over his broad chest. 
Charles sighed deeply as he looked at his teachers. “There really is no way to say this delicately so I suppose I’ll just say it: Erik’s come home.” Logan’s entire body seized with an emotion akin to fear.
“Fuck.” He snarled. But Y/N had an entirely different reaction. Her face visibly lit up but not with excitement but instead with the joy of someone who didn’t have to lie anymore. Charles raised an eyebrow at the young woman, prompting her to explain herself.
“He slept in my room last night, there was no other free space.” She said casually as if she hadn’t just dropped the bomb that she spent the night with a dangerous mutant who hadn’t hesitated to kill before. “Don’t worry! I was being safe. He slept on my couch.”
“Like that makes this whole thing any better.” Logan muttered under his breath but only Charles heard him. The telepath gave him a strange but knowing look before turning back to the young art teacher.
Her smile wavered only for a moment before returning with full force. “He was super nice to me! He even picked out my jewellery today.” She flashed her hands towards the headmaster, showing off the various silver rings that adorned her fingers. Logan huffed at her naivety but Charles had an entirely different reaction. He took her hands into his own, delicately tracing the metal with a soft touch.
“Erik did a good job, they look wonderful. But Y/N, I still want you to be wary. Erik can be very volatile and unpredictable and his abilities far outmatch your own. Just be careful.” She gave a firm nod. “Although, I believe you could do him some kind of good to be around someone who finds him tolerable.” Charles gave a not so subtle glance toward the Wolverine who scoffed and rolled his eyes.
An awkward and tense silence fell over the trio. Y/N cleared her throat, tugging on the hem of her dress which lay only an inch above her knees. “Is that all you wanted to tell us?”
“Well, I do need to speak to you about this art trip you have planned. Logan, you’re welcome to stay, you might find this information useful.” 
“Fuck no, I have better things to do with my time.” He regretted the words as soon as they left his lips. She visibly flinched at his words and her smile became so fake it made him ache. Charles’s own expression fell as he sat back in his high-back chair.
“Then if you’ll please excuse us, we have some things to discuss.” He said sternly, quite obviously not pleased with Logan’s rudeness. “Close the door on your way out.” 
As the door swung shut behind him, Logan caught the smallest whimper escaping her lips and the muffled words of his old friend consoling her.
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The manor was almost dead silent as Logan emerged from the cave that was his room. There were no sounds of footsteps (save for his own), or screaming or chatter, there wasn’t even the ever present clatter of utensils from the kitchen. 
Curiously, he wandered through the empty halls, occasionally glancing into the empty rooms he passed. Just as his dark brows began to furrow with concern, Ororo turned the corner, nose buried in a book. “Hey Storm.” Her dark eyes met his own.
“Logan?” She replied with a curious head tilt before returning to her book. Logan huffed through his nose.
“Where is everyone?” She gave him a strange look and glanced over her shoulder as if the answer to his question was just behind her. The young mutant snapped her book shut.
“At the MET? You know the big field trip that Y/N organised. I thought you were going with them. She has been talking about it for weeks.”  Logan’s frown deepened. That was today? Storm seemed to pause as she took in his stormy expression. “Oh, I guess you forgot. No wonder she was so upset when they left. I guess it’s a good thing Erik went with her then.”
Just then, noise exploded through the halls once more as dozens of feet stomped on the expensive hardwood. Ororo sighed heavily through her nose, upset at not being able to have a little more quiet to finish off her chapter. But Logan remained frozen in place, his veins filled with icy terror. “Repeat that last part?”
She glanced at him with a devastating side eye. “Evidently, Erik saw how upset she was this morning when you didn’t get on the bus so he decided to go with her to take care of the kids.”  She shrugged and tucked the leather-bound volume under her arm. “She looked like she was going to cry before he stepped up.”
Poison curled in his gut but he quickly stamped it down. Just then, kids and teens stampeded around the corner, hyped up on what Logan guessed to be sugar and excitement. And right smack dab in the middle was Magneto, his head thrown back in laughter, the corded muscles in his neck and shoulders rippling with the movement. His right arm was bent allowing for the soft hand of the younger woman to rest on his forearm. Y/N was smiling shyly at him, not used to the undivided attention he was giving her.
As they passed him, Logan caught her eye. She barely even gave him a glance but he saw the sadness deep within those e/cs and he knew it was because of him. She quickly looked away, drawing her gaze back to the dangerous mutant who was speaking once more, his laughter fading. But Logan couldn’t hear what he was saying over the roaring in his ears. 
He watched them until they disappeared into one of the many living rooms of the manor. “At least he got her smiling again.” He barely registered Ororo’s words before she too left him.
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This went on for weeks. It seemed that everywhere he turned, Logan would see the unlikely pair together. Whether that be baking in the middle of the night, reading quietly in the library, working on lesson plans, he even saw them training together! 
He watched them from afar as they grew closer and her pull away from himself until one day he was walking out of his classroom after a long day. “Wait up!” Unconsciously, Logan slowed his pace , a smile crawling upon his face. He expected the familiar weight of her touch against his arm, the smell of her floral perfume and the bright sound of her laughter but when a blur raced by him, his heart dropped.
Y/N flung herself at Erik who was just a few paces in front of him, wrapping her arms around his neck in a hug too tight to be just friendly. He caught her easily, his arms winding around her thick waist and tugged her closer. 
Logan forced himself to turn away, missing the sad look she cast him, heartbreak clear in her eyes.
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The end-of-school party was alive with laughter and music. Lights floated over the small dance floor that had been assembled in the gardens. Professors mingled on the wooden stage, swaying to the smooth acoustic guitar Kurt was strumming. But Logan’s attention was trapped on the centre of the crowd where a small circle of space had been formed and trying as hard as he might, he couldn’t look away. 
Y/N twirled in time with the music, her eyes shut as she let it wash over her. Her skin glowed in the golden sunset, the sweat along her brow sparkled like glitter as she moved. Pale green tulle embroidered with dozens of sunflowers floated around her, her dress fluttering in the light breeze. She was absolutely breath-taking. No weight rested on her shoulders nor anxiety in her face. She was serene, she was like a goddess in human form, dancing and delighting with mere mortals. 
How badly he wanted to stride across the gardens and take her into his arms, to feel her curves beneath his palms as they moved together. Logan shook himself from those thoughts and took another sip of whiskey. The alcohol burned as it slid down his throat but that was nothing compared to the burning rage in his stomach as another man approached her.
Erik, dressed in a matching dark green suit, caught her mid-twirl, his left hand holding her hips in place as he captured her left hand in his right. She fell easily into step with him, her once fluid movements becoming a slow waltz. 
Logan was so consumed in his anger that he hadn’t noticed another person walking to his side until they were right next to him.
“Why are you so worked up about this? You’ve made it very clear that you can barely even tolerate her.” Logan’s scowl deepened, his eyes growing even darker with rage as Hank spoke to him. “I mean even I’ve heard about the things you’ve said to her and I barely leave the lab.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about, Beast.” He didn’t bother to hide the way he was glaring at the pair. Almost as if in slow motion, Erik pressed his lips to her ear, speaking in a whisper so quiet, even Logan’s powerful hearing couldn’t pick it up. She pulled away from him for just a moment and hope bloomed in his chest. But it quickly died as she nodded in response.
Erik took her hand, their fingers intertwining as he led her away. Logan slammed his now empty glass down on the temporary bar behind him and stormed off towards the couple. The music faded away as he ran. 
Her laugh carried on the breeze, the skirt of her dress fluttering behind her. Logan ran faster, now regretting the tight suit pants and button-up he donned for the evening as they got steadily further and further away.
Without thinking, he made a sharp left, launching himself over the perfectly pruned flower beds Charles loved so much and tore through the gardens. Then suddenly, she was within sight. One heeled foot was over the threshold but he still had a chance.
With a final burst of speed he grabbed Y/N’s wrist before she could enter the manor, forcing her to let go of the other man. “Don’t go with him. Please.” 
“Logan, what are you doing?”
“I can’t let you go with him. Y/N, I-“ He swallowed harshly, his grip tightening ever-so-slightly. Y/N looked over her shoulder to the other mutant only to find him gone. “Fuck why can’t I just say it.”
Her body was fully turned to him now. “Say what?”
Taking in a deep breath, he looked into her eyes. “I love you.” The slap came out of nowhere, knocking the breath from his lungs. Y/N’s jaw was dropped in shock as if she didn’t see it coming either even though it was her hand that now burned with the sting of meeting his unshaven cheek.
“Let me go, who-who put you up to this?” She attempted to pull away from his hold but he wouldn’t let her go. 
“Y/N-“ He started but was quickly interrupted when she spoke again, tears spilling down her full cheeks and voice wavering.
“No. You can’t feel that towards me, you barely even like me. You’ve made that very clear over the past couple weeks, no the past year! You brush me off! You make me feel like an idiot! You ignored my blatantly obvious feelings for months and now you say something?!” 
“You feel the same?” He asked in disbelief. 
“Of course I do! That’s why I asked you to go to the MET with me. I was gonna bring you to the American wing where all the native art was because I know you love it so much and then I was going to tell you. But then you were just so awful to me when Erik got here and you forgot about the trip!” Once again, she tried to break his grip but Logan instead tugged her back and right into his broad chest.
With a massive paw, he cupped her soft jaw, forcing her to meet his gaze. “Can you just let me explain?” Her bottom lip popped out in a pout but she didn’t object. “I have lost so much, too much. Every woman I have ever loved has died because I loved them. And you, you are so young and so beautiful and way too kind for your own good. I love you more than anyone else and I guess that scared me. I pushed you away. But I can’t do it anymore, I can’t watch you fall for someone else.” 
“Goddamnit.” She growled before her arms shot out and wrapped around the back of his neck so she could yank his face down to her level, and then she kissed him.
Stars burst around them like little fireworks as he pulled her closer by the small of her back. Her hands travelled from his neck downwards so her fingers could curl into his shirt like she was terrified that this was all just some dream. 
“You do anything even remotely close to that whole fiasco again and I will let Erik do whatever he wants to you.” She murmured against his lips.
“Just kiss me again, sunshine.” And she did.
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Logan Howlette
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moonshynecybin · 3 months
re: marc would not be a housewife MAYBE CONTROVERSIAL but idc everyone can have their own interpretations in rpf but ME PERSONALLY i can never get behind like. marc having kids *in the middle of his racing career* specifically. or when he’s older but still capable of fighting for the championship. like no he’s not making a sacrifice like that are you kidding me. insert that tweet mpreg fics forget abortion exists. like kill that thing patrick
FOR REAL ! i’m actually torn on of marc would wanna be pregnant period. like during his racing career absolutely not no fucking way. mabortion. while he’s INJURED? super long pt journey? not racing anyways? MAYBE. one of my most beloved little rosquez melodramas is ill- advised 2020 hookup that compounds everyone’s misery when marc pees on a stick and it’s positive. double whammy of his body not feeling like HIS anymore… all those interviews he gave in 2021 of trying to feel like the old marc…. but even THEN i’m not sure bc it might make his pt take even longer and i think he’d nix it for the sake of time…. he’s very aware that his career is short and could be ended at any moment ! diplopia really solidified that for him from a young age !!!! and then i think he’d just really hate being pregnant lol. like maybe this stems from me projecting cause the entire process seems CRAZY to me but. he likes to be able to DO things he loves being flexible he loves doing dangerous stuff he starts acting like an ANIMAL in a CAGE when he’s not allowed to ride and i think it’s just stone cold a miserable experience for him until he pops that baby out and is immediately obsessed with her. like he would love that baby soooo much i’m VERY sure he’d enjoy being a parent and having a little valemarc crazyass clone but. the havok pregnancy wreaks on your body not so much.
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lunarspiral1127 · 5 months
X-Men 97 episode 6 *SPOILERS*
Shi'ar Empire/Space
Honestly, I wasn't expecting to see them and get an update on Xavier in this episode cause I thought this was gonna be the full Lifedeath conclusion, so more focus on Storm. But, I think it's nice to see how he's doing.
This is the first time we see Deathbird AKA Lilandra's sister in the X-Men animated series, and I like her look.
Gladiator is such a stoic bad@$$. Ngl, after seeing him fight after so long, Superman popped into my head. I think it was the powerset he displayed.
Ronan and the Kree! I wasn't expecting to see them cause we never had the Kree mentioned or shown in the previous show, so this was a nice surprise. Aldo, it's so refreshing to see Ronan the Accuser in his more comic- accurate outfit. Cause, I've only recently seen him and the Kree in their MCU outfits, so seeing the classics was nice.
Noticed Vulcan during the beginning....kinda awkward cause he's Scott's other brother. Dunno if they'll do anything with that, but then again, they didn't do much with Havok in the previous show.
It's good to see Xavier healthy again, but why hasn't he checked up on the X-Men during that year? Why didn't he let them know that he's okay? Is it because of that black hole?
Didn't know Xavier was interested in being Lilandra's....pet....psychics be kinky.
Xavier talking about Magnus....oh god, when he finds out what happened to him....
Man, even in space, mutants can't catch a break! Xavier gonna be emperor along with Lilandra, and these sunsofbeeches hate it cause he's Terran AND a mutant. Like, can the mutants EVER get anything nice?!
Xavier was willing to forgo his memories on Earth and of his friends and family. Just to be with Lilandra....god dammit, this show really is a soap opera.
Xavier educating the Shi'ar council, Deathbird, Gladiator, and even Lilandra on their system and why it's bad was pretty funny. Dude was going back to being a teacher. And, I thought he was succeeding until....
The vision. Now, he knows what happened to Genosha, and he gotta go back. Good, cause they need him more than ever. I just wish it didn't have to break him and Lilandra up. Like, can we have a good relationship that doesn't end in a breakup, death, or have way too much drama, please?!?!
GAMBIT!!! 😭 It still hurts! But, the vision could also be foreshadowing that he'll become Death of the Four Horsemen. And Magneto wasn't there, so does that mean he survived?!
Storm, Forge, and the Adversary
Storm called Forge "my love". She was mad at him earlier, but I guess despite the anger, she loves him too and understood that he tried to help her despite what he did.
The Adversary is spooky. I didn't get how they appeared, but from what the show says, the demon appears to feed on the self-loathing, so they sensed Forge AND Storm and came to them.
Storm's fear of tight spaces comes into play. The Adversary used her fear against her which almost worked. First time Forge was able to banish the demon, despite being poisoned, and the second time, Storm overcame her fears and doubts and got her powers back.
Oh yeah, MISTRESS OF THE ELEMENTS IS BACK!!! 🤩 She even got her iconic black outfit with the tiara! I'll miss her classic white outfit, though. And she got her long hair back! No offense to the mohawk.
Shoutout to @stormandforge for talking about how she got her powers back cause I was so confused and sleep-deprived. What makes the most sense was the machine Forge used worked. It's just that she had some kind of mental/psychological block going on with her powers and had to overcome it to reactivate them. Kinda like how Peter lost his powers in Spider-Man 2. As for how she got her outfit, well, Storm, in the very first episode in the previous show, used her lightning to change outfits. So, I chopped it off to that. Yeah, lightning doesn't work like that, but she looks beautiful! The hair was actually what I was most confused about cause she had a mohawk, and suddenly, her hair got long again? I thought some parts of her head was shaved. So how did her change? Same way as the outfit?
Forge is cured, so fingers crossed these two will be together and not end poorly and messy as it did in the comics. Please, I just need one good relationship in this freaking show that isn't gonna end in tragedy.
And she knows about Genosha. God, I really hope she doesn't get survivors guilt over this. But, we need her and Xavier more than ever with what's to come.
The rest
Y'know, it was one thing for Trask to be involved with the massacre, but Mr. Sinister? I wasn't expecting that. I thought it was the FoH or Apocalypse or maybe Nimrod. Either way, I'm mad now that I know who's responsible cause how dare them kill Gambit, Magneto, Leech and the others, and hurt Nightcrawler and Rogue! I really hope that they find a way to finish him off for good and make it hurt like hell!
NIGHTCRAWLER GOT TO BE PART OF THE INTRO!!! 🤩 Does that mean he's gonna be finally part of the X-Men? Will we ever get him using his swords? Cause they keep teasing that!
I just wish it wasn't at the expense of Magneto and Gambit's intros. Man, I was bracing myself, and they had to do that and the recap! UGH, IT STILL HURTS! 😭
The episodes have really alternated with multiple storylines in this show. The previous one usually focuses on one story at a time.
So, that's pretty much it. Good episode. One more episode left until even more trauma will be inflicted on us cause 8-10 are gonna be a doozy.
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ravenn-darkholme · 2 months
Permanent Price - chapter 5
Alex Summers x Mutant!OC
Summary: Isabella Darkholme, sister of raven Darkholme and Charles Xavier. Also a mutant. Her mutation allows her to blend in with the light rays, turning herself and whatever she's touching invisible.
warnings: none that I know of
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It seemed the little show of everyone's powers made the group a lot more relaxed. Drinking, music, and games were what kept them occupied. Isabella put forcefields around some of them whilst they unleashed their powers whilst the others watched. Maybe they were all drunk on adrenaline (and alcohol) but they didn't see anything bad about what they were doing. This day was the most fun Isabella has had in a long time. For once she actually has friends apart from her siblings - as much as she loves them. Isabella of course enjoyed hanging out with the others but she specifically enjoyed her time with Alex. And he thought the same.
They both played against each other on the arcade games situated at the back of the room, whilst the others did whatever they were doing. All of them were drinking minus Isabella. Whenever she drank her powers got out of control plus her anxiety always went through the rood even with the tiniest sip. Although she was still having fun, this day was kind of overload for her as she wasn't used to being this social so she sat on a window seat to recuperate her energy. 
She felt a presence join her and Alex sat down in the seat next to her, holding a bottle of water. She supposed it was for her. "What's the matter star? you were full of it earlier," he said, holding out the water. belle smiled at the gesture also noticing the nickname. She liked it. "It just got a lot for me. I'm not used to so many people." She said smiling sadly. "I understand. It got lonely in solitary, but it was safer for everyone else."  "It's not your fault what happened. You couldn't control your power, don't blame yourself." She said softly grabbing his free hand. They sat in comfortable silence for a good five minutes until Alex broke the silence by saying. "You wanna play a game of table tennis."  "Sure but just know I'm the table tennis champion. You're going down." She said moving toward the table. Table tennis was one of the joys of her childhood. Isabella and Raven's mother taught them all kinds of tricks to win and they worked every single time. "Oh really?" Alex asked with a smirk. "Yeah, my mom taught me how to win every single game." She stated proudly.
"Oh, it's on now, star," Alex said. "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you." ⋆✩⋆
It brought a smile to Isabella's face to see everyone so carefree, but that bubble of enjoyment burst rather soon when Moira, Charles, and Erik came barging in through the broken window in disbelief. "What are you doing!" Moira's loud voice bellowed throughout the room as everyone fell silent. "Who destroyed the statue?" "It was Alex." "Snitch," Bella said defending Alex. "Havok." Raven corrected quickly. "We have to call him Havok. That's his name now." Isabella moved from her spot next to Alex and placed a hand on Raven's shoulder, trying to tell her this was not the time. But Raven shrugged her sister's hand off, approaching the three. "And we were thinking you should be called Professor X." She pointed at Charles before turning to Erik. "And you should be Magneto." "Exceptional." Erik's voice was monotone as he looked at the shapeshifter and her face fell with the lack of excitement from the two. "I expected better from you, girls," Charles stated looking at the sisters before following Erik and Moira. Isabella went to follow after Charles feeling unhappy she disappointed him when she felt a hand on her shoulder stopping her. She turned to see Alex with a small frown shaking his head. She realized she was falling back into old habits, being Charles' shadow, and not making her own decisions. So Belle sat next to Raven, Alex standing behind her on the couch. 
"Raven." Isabella softly placed a hand on her shoulder, making the blonde look up at her with gloomy eyes. "It's not our fault. We were just having fun. Being kids like he claimed he wanted for us." "Well, it seemed that Charles has forgotten that." Raven scoffed, a frown on her face as she turned her head to aimlessly stare out the window "Look." Isabella began carefully, her eyes flickering over all of their faces. "If we all have one thing in common it's that we had to grow up way too soon. We all faced our own struggles, and we all lost a part of our younger selves. But that doesn't replace the fact that we're still young." "We were reckless, and we made a mess. That's true, but we also cleaned it up. Now I want all of you to stop moping around." Bella told them sternly her eyes flashing dangerously.  "Or Charles and Erik are the least of your concerns."  Raven chuckled softly and the others nodded in gratitude, "Thank you." "Don't worry okay? Everything will work out." Belle patted her sister's shoulder comforting her. Bella was proud of herself for handling the situation with maturity. Usually, she would have crumbled under her older brother's stare trailing behind him. If not for Alex she would have.
It was the next day and after last night's events they were all a little worn out and unhappy. Whilst Darwin and Alex were playing a pinball machine, the other sat around staring into space in silence.
“Do you think it will?" Angel asked breaking the silence the girls plus Hank sat in. 
"That everything will work out?" She clarified.
"I like to believe it's true," Raven answered a small smile gracing her lips as she thought about her younger (by 2 minutes) sister.
“I hope so."
Their conversation was cut short when laughter emitted from the other side of the window and they all turned toward the source to see two government agents staring at them.
"I didn't know the circus was in town." One of the men mocked.
"Hey come on honey, give us a little..." he fluttered his hands in a mocking manner looking at Angel.
"No? Come one let's see the foot."
Hank rolled his eyes before standing up and shutting the curtain as an imminent quietness fell over the group.
"They're just guys being stupid." Raven tried to comfort the raven-haired girl.
"Guys being stupid I can handle, okay? I've handled that my whole life. But I rather a bunch of guys stare at me with my clothes off than the way these ones stare at me." Angel huffed
"At us," Isabella said. She was glad none of them were alone anymore. Yes, she had raven and Charles but none of the others had anyone like them before.
A sudden loud rumble interrupted the tense silence and everyone sat up straight.
"What was that?" Darwin asked turning away from the game he was playing with Alex to look at the group as the banging noise continued.
"I don't know. Something doesn't feel right." Darwin hurried towards the window to open up the curtains again as they all huddled in front of it and stared outside. Before any of them could investigate further a whooshing noise caught their attention and they all looked up into the sky where two figures appeared.
"What is that!"
Suddenly one of the men disappeared in red smoke while the other came soaring to the ground, landing right in front of them. A sickening crunch echoed over the yard as shrieks escaped Raven and Isabella's mouths. She placed a hand over her mouth in shock, staring with wide eyes at the deformed body of the boss of this facility before she came back to the present as Alex pulled her away grabbing her hand.
They all started to get away from the window when more agents started to fall from the sky, each sickening crunch reminding the group of another dead person lying motionless on the ground.
"Just try and stay calm alright," Alex muttered to Belle trying to comfort her. Bellas's heart hammered in her throat as she tried to keep calm sticking close to Raven and Alex. Suddenly more agents appeared in the courtyard with guns. One hammered on the glass eyes wide.
"Stay back. Do not leave that room. were under attack!"
Chaos transpired moments after when a red figure appeared abruptly in the middle of the courtyard. Gunshots rang through the air while shouts followed soon after.
"Shoot! Shoot!"
They all ducked down behind the couch in fear, terrified screams leaving their lips as they watched the scene unfold in front of their eyes. Bullets hit the glass separating them from the fight and Belle placed her hands in front of her projection a forcefield protecting the group from the shards of glass and bullets.  Behind them through another glass window, the group could see a large - what looked like a hurricane -  appear out of nowhere, leaving destruction in its wake as it tore cerebro apart.
"Stay here my ass! Let's go!" Darwin shouted as he stood up straight rushing towards the door as everyone followed behind him. They were soon stopped by more agents as they tried to get them back but they didn't move.
"We can help!"
"We can help! We can help!" Panic seeped through Bella's veins as they continued to hold them back when a terrifying explosion followed that shook the facility. The group ran down another hallway only to hide behind a couch again, crippling anxiety running through her veins as she stared with wide eyes at the chaos ensuing outside. Suddenly the tornado that previously destroyed Cerebro was coming closer and closer. Isabella got ready to cast a forcefield even though her energy was low. 
A terrified shriek erupted from the back of her throat as a man came barreling towards the window, breaking the glass as another scream left the girl's mouth. All of them huddled together in fear as the last few agents were slaughtered in the courtyard and the red devil-like man came marching forward, climbing into the room through the broken window at the same time as another man crawled through the broken window on the other side neatly buttoning his jacket close. There were a couple of gunshots from the hallway, as more shrieks echoed through the room when suddenly a voice spoke up from out there,
"Wait, wait! you want the mutants? They're right through that door, just let us normal people go! We're no threat–" A loud crack followed and Isabella's hand shot up to cover her mouth in shock.
A shadow formed through the tinted window before a man stepped inside the room with a strange helmet on his head. There was complete silence that loomed over the group, like there was a knife pressed up against their throats, withholding them from making any sound.
belle could feel her heart rapidly beating inside her chest, panic coursing through her veins as her eyes darted between the three people. She could feel her headache. 
"Where's the telepath?"
"Not here."
"Too bad." The unknown man lifted the helmet off his head.
"Well, at least I can take this silly thing off."
They all watched with wide eyes as he brushed his hand through his hair before introducing himself.
"Good evening. My name is Sebastian Shaw." He started to stalk forward, like a lion creeping up on its prey.
"And I'm not here to hurt you."
His speech was interrupted as a man came into view from outside of the room, his gun pointed at Shaw as he naively threatened the man.
"Azazel," Shaw said before the red devil-man teleported towards the government agent, killing him swiftly before returning to his previous spot.
"My friends, there is a revolution coming." Shaw continued holding his arms out holding his helmet out for the neatly dressed man to take. Isabella narrowed her eyes at the man, holding her head up just a bit higher despite the fear that was close to taking over her body.
"When mankind discovers who we are, what we can do, each of us will face a choice."
Isabella stood in front of the group with Darwin beside her. Her power was probably the best to use right now. Although her energy was low she had to try for the group. 
"Be enslaved." He paused, scanning all their faces. "Or rise up to rule."
Isabella took a deep breath as she watched the man with calculated eyes. He was trying to turn them against each other, he knew they all had a fear of being rejected by society and he was playing into it, using it to his advantage.
"Choose freely, but know if you are not with us, then, by definition, you are against us," Shaw said.
"So, you can stay and fight for the people who hate and fear you, or you can join me and live like kings." He looked at all of them, trying to see their reaction before his eyes landed on Angel. 
"And queens."
Belle focused her attention on the raven-haired girl who stared intensely at Shaw's outstretched hand before finally taking it and letting the man lead her away.
"Angel?" Raven asked shocked.
"Are you kidding me?"
"Come on." Angel nodded towards Shaw like it was the obvious choice.
"We don't belong here. And that's nothing to be ashamed of."
"Please, Angel." Isabella stepped up beside Darwin who held his hand out for Angel.
"Don't do this. If you follow him, everything bad, anyone has said about mutants will just be proven right. We have to show them we are not the bad guys."
"They give me no choice, it's in their nature." Angel countered, eyes flickering to one of the dead facility members who was mocking them earlier. Angel turned around to follow behind Shaw.
"We have to do something," Raven whispered as they watched them climb back outside through the broken window. Belle watched as Darwin whispered something to Alex before they began to shove each other around.
"Stop! I'm coming with you!" Darwin shrugged away from Alex's grip to march towards the other four.
"What? Darwin no!" Isabella stepped forward utterly confused as Shaw stepped forward to approach Darwin.
"Good choice." He nodded. "So tell me about your mutation."
"Well, I adapt to survive." Darwin shrugged as Isabella watched the scene unfold in disbelief.
"So I guess I'm coming with you."
"I like that." Shaw grinned holding his arm out, motioning the dark-skinned man to join them. He nodded coming to stand next to Angel before he shouted suddenly.
"Get out!"
"Do it!"
And just like that Darwin pushed Angel aside, covering her with his body as it turned to stone. Red pulses formed around Alex before he shot them toward Shaw with a loud shout. But instead of decimating Shaw, the man only absorbed the beams of energy.
"Protecting your fellow mutants?" Shaw taunted maliciously, As Isabella came away from the wall next to Alex ready to throw up a forcefield.
"That's a noble gesture. Feels good."
Suddenly Darwin moved forward to attack Shaw, only for the man to block him taking ahold of his jaw.
"Adapt to this." He whispered, throwing the energy he absorbed towards Darwin, the ball being forced down his throat. They all disappeared in thin air as Darwin started to shake and tremble, his body trying to turn itself into something that could withstand the sheer amount of energy coursing through his body to no avail. He held his hand out towards them, now in some sort of lava-like form before he imploded, a strong white light blinding them all for a moment as the remaining parts of Darwin exploded heading for them, Isabella projecting a forcefield protecting the last five. She dropped it turning to Raven and grabbing her in a hug. None of them had ever experienced anything like this, leaving them traumatized. The last part of Darwin, now a pile of ash.
authors note
Alex's nickname for Belle :')
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ceph-the-ghost-writer · 3 months
Character Cuddle Scale
Tagged by @kaylinalexanderbooks!
How-to: Rate your OCs based on how they handle cuddling/being cuddled.
Based on a scale of 0 (cuddly as a cactus) to 10 (could be paid to cuddle professionally):
Dorian: 10/10 You've activated their ultimate ability. Prepare for the warmest, coziest cuddling of your life while the two of you binge watch dinosaur documentaries on the couch.
Ben: 10/10 Experts (aka Dorian, Tilda, and Renato) agree--spooning with a 6'5" bisexual vampire guy has healing/restorative properties. Also, if you flop across Ben's middle while he's laying down, he'll make a very soft, satisfying "oof" sound.
Isaac: 9/10 He's a little wary at first, but once boundaries are clearly defined he'll stick to you like a limpet. Will definitely fall asleep with his head on your shoulder at some point.
Elfy: 9/10 Is very touchy-feely and does like to end every bar crawl in a drunken cuddle pile. Tends to hog the covers, though.
Kinslayer: 8/10 Cuddly in the way having a giant python draped around your shoulders is. They're extremely powerful, and will contemplate devouring you whole more than once, but the fact that they don't and just chill with you instead rules, actually.
Renato: 7/10 Cuddling doesn't come naturally to him because of his Aquila background, so he needs an excuse usually sex to initiate closeness. Once past that hurdle, though, he can be surprisingly tender and enjoys doing things like bathing with you, or running his fingertips over your face/body like he's committing every contour to memory.
Breezy: 6/10 She'd much rather just hang out in the same space with you, but she doesn't begrudge you wanting an occasional hug either. Animals, werecreatures, and bloodborn are the exception and can climb into her lap if pre-approved.
Tilda: 5/10 Oh, she's down to cuddle, it's just the fact that she's highly likely to wolf out and eat you makes her hold back. Snuggle at your own risk.
Oleander: 3/10 Unhand her, villain! It's not as if she secretly wants to be loved and caressed and told she's a good girl while her head rests in your lap, ugh!
Motley: 0/10 You do see the patches of human skin it's sewn onto itself, right? The glowing red eyes and teeth filed to points? Don't say we didn't warn you.
Dysthanasia Taglist: @thecyrulik @thatndginger @space-writes @sunset-a-story @scoundrelwithboba
Plus: @k--havok @vacantgodling @jezifster @korblez @aalinaaaaaa @lacependragon @starbuds-and-rosedust @drawnecromancy
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hollyhomburg · 8 months
I would absolutely love it if you wrote little stories surrounding m/cs pregnancy or pregnancies teehee
in truth, i think they probably just park the pups with one of three groups- one- wonho because he's really good with the pups especially once they get older they just litterally reek havok at his gym for a few days and he keeps an eye on them because he is an omega and they literally love him.
Either that or jungkook's parents- who are still a little local to the pack and despereatly want grandpups and seeing as jungkook is never gonna give them any- the m/c and jin's are the closest they'll get- an arrangement that at first feels weird but then becomes more natural after they make alot of effort to be apart of their lives.
and then thirdly- the m/c's omega mother once they get close again. the m/c isn't all that inclined at the begining for it because there is still not so much trust between them- but then her littlest pup really bonds with her and tbh...she's a little shit and says stuff like "mommy, why don't you love your mommy like i love you?" and the m/c realizes that yeah- she does really actually want to heal her relationship with her mother and they put a lot of work into it together. the m/c's mom mostly tbh.
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thequiver · 2 days
The summer brothers for the knitting patterns ask
I'm including Adam Neramani in this because I'm in my self-love arc and nobody can stop me lmao
Scott Summers | Cyclops
I've been told that Scott and I have the same kind of autism too many times to NOT give him this sock pattern lmao- here is the Oregon Trail Socks by Megan-Anne Llama
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For Scott though I'd knit these with Aspen Sock yarn in navy and cricket from Western Sky Knits
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Alex Summers | Havok
what's this? I'm trans-ing Alex's gender? yeah Alex is very much a woman to me so I'm doing a dress pattern because I think she'd like it?
Going with the Velides dress by Vert Knit for her!
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I'd knit this in Aspen Silk 600 in the color patina also from Western Sky Knits
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Gabriel Summers | Vulcan
big fan of Vulcan with capes and this one would rest right around where the color blocking on his costume is, so I'm going with the Cashmere Cape by Deb Mentzer
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I'd knit this with Merino Cashmere Silk Fingering Weight yarn in the color crimson night from Western Sky Knits (are you noticing a theme yet?)
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Adam Neramani | Adam X
For Adam, I'm going with Triangles by Marianne Isager
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I'd knit it with Merino 17 DK in oil slick, fish bowl, and wine from Western Sky Knits
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simpyshrimpy · 1 year
New draconia family tree just dropped. some chap 7 spoilers, some are ocs still
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i do not know how three generations of women mommy dragon ladies ended in a boy honestly i feel like that means its rigged. anyways-
Maldra Draconia - Big red dragon old as time itself, this is where the Draconia's get their pretty green eyes from. Also though, just like all of the Draconia's in canon twisted wonderland. she's an absolute horror. I'm talking country destroyer to the point that if Tenebris hadn't somehow accidentally seduced her- the world probably would have ended. and it only got worse from there, because.... both her and Tenebris were strong af so Maleficia came out even stronger...
Rex Tenebrarum - that's just his title technically. I just translated king of darkness into latin smh. Tenebris is his nickname. Fae names are power guys. He's so anal about it even his own wife doesn't know his true name. Which isn't to say that he doesn't love her, but just that he takes every measure necessary to protect himself and in turn, his family. Somehow he accidentally seduced Maldra and then she actually forced him to marry her- but don't worry- he was totally into it.
Maleficia Draconia- Somehow even stronger than both of her parents. Terrifying. Her dad kept her more mellow than her mother thankfully, but she's still horrible and her mother lets her cause havok anyways. Dad has to come in and stop her halfway but by then some citys are still gone....
Dante Draconia- He'll come up in the future, so i haven't decided much on him, but i do want it to be a theme where the draconia women just strong arm these men who accidentally seduce them into marrying them. Poor guy. He probably mellows out grandmommy draconia though.
Other than that, things will be close to the canon universe. Lilia, Mallenoa, and Raven will all still be childhood friends, although Lilia will be doing fieldtrips to Kumiko's mountain to train. Maybe for summer vacation! And of course, Mallenoa will not allow him to have fun without her- Which also means Raven comes too.
Grim, Kumiko and the reader will be like summer camp counselors with a world destroyer dragon fae, bratty little future hardcore general lilia, and also a bird who probably cries whenever he makes eye contact with kumiko.
Also no- i do not subscribe to the Crowley is Raven theory guys. C'mon. I wouldn't want any future where Mallenoa died tragically while Raven was still alive. I'd like to think he'd go to hell before he ever leaves her high and dry.
Also we'll probably try to prevent them from dying in this world. I haven't worked out the specifics yet. Maybe it ends up being their fate to die- or maybe I'll decide that since we hold some sort of power over this world, that we can defy even fate itself. It's the same problem I'll have to think over with Ortho. Since the original ortho is dead and the one we all know and love is just a recreation of a dead kid...
Welp. That's a problem for future Shrimpy. Not me. goodnight and please remember that i love malleus-
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thatawkwardmoth · 3 months
Ideally, if Scott and Emma had kids in the main comics, would you want Megan and Ruby to co-exist? Or do you consider them similar enough to be multiversal variants of the same person, a Cable/X-man or Hope Pym/Nadia Van Dyne situation. I tend to lean toward option 2, but it would be interesting to see them try to get along in option 1.
(But also writers need to remember Emma's actual original surrogate daughter, the Hellion Catseye. She's both a daughter and a cat, which is peak cuteness. She should get a chance to hang out with her posh cuckoo sisters and/or help her mom troll her current stepdad Tony.)
(P.P.S. Emma and the Cuckoos need to meet Tony's AI daughter Friday.)
I want them to coexist. Scott Summers is meant to be a girl dad, he's meant to have a large family. I love Megan, Ruby, Megan's siblings (the one named Alex goes straight to my heart, he and his brother might fight a lot but he loves Havok so much), all of them. Emma is meant to be a mom and not in the way where it's like "she's not fulfilled until she's a mom". Her biggest fear was turning out like her father (the way she acted with the Hellions and getting them killed, the small thought she had where she was like 'im just like him'). With Megan and Ruby both, their stories boast about an understanding mother, one who was caring. She was the White Queen to everyone else but she was the mom Hazel Frost never was. Attentive, caring, not just focused on image and perfection.
Like how she is with the Cuckoos. She's a little awkward because they're teenagers but multiple times she's seen worrying about them, caring about their feelings. When they didn't return home from the first Hellfire Gala when it was sunrise, when they approached her about becoming the new White Queen, when Esme told her about her and Nathan's relationship and she helped her through that.
And Catseye being overlooked is really annoying. Because they pulled this Emma and Kate like Emma has always had her eye on Kitty being her apprentice, even though they butt heads a lot in older comics. Catseye probably wouldn't have been made Red Queen but maybe someone on Emma's team of people at Hellfire HQ.
I honestly loved the things they did with Empath still working for Emma while with the newer Hellions team. She still cares about them obviously. They're all alive on Krakoa, there is a scene where Empath is being yelled at by them because he let Sinister use their team name.
I personally am not a big fan of the Tony Stark/Emma Frost thing. I enjoyed it when it was a fling but Emma is a strong fighter for mutant rights. AVX and the other superhero teams reactions (FF4) to Krakoa were very revealing, showing how the Avengers viewed mutants and mutantkind having another nation. Tony Stark can say he's sorry a lot but it doesn't change the fact that Emma canonically holds grudges, she's always waiting for a way to get you back. They're cute together but only if you ignore the countless times Avengers have slandered the mutants, even when having mutants on their team.
Meeting Friday would be adorable, I will admit.
Anyway, I'm rambling and frazzled from work so this might not make sense.
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rosedragonblast · 8 months
Naruto AU
Dedicated to @tamelee and other artists who inspired me with a question. What if Mikoto ended up adopting Naruto?
She thought about it at some point, but she wasn't able to. Which is. imo, one of the worst mistakes Konoha made. Mikoto looks at the baby, lying in the cradle. It cries out. She stretches her arm out, touching his cheek. Naruto opens his eyes, smiles and yawns. Mikoto remembers Kushina's eyes, that were a few shades darker than his. She tries to hold in her tears, looking at Hiruzen. He nods.
— I think you and Sasuke would be a wonderful worse to quide this little fella.
— Sasuke?
— They are very close in age. Itachi will also be delighted to have another little brother. He's a gifted child. Perhaps, all three of them will become strong assets to out cause.
Hokage pats infant's head, leaving Mikoto with her newly adopted son. Hiruzen tells her about his plan to conseal the child's relation to Minato. Mikoto follows along, giving him the surname Uzumaki and honoring her late friend.
Fugaku, knowing about this, is a little standoffish about the child at first. But, seeing his potential from a young age, he starts to pay a lot more attention to Naruto and Sasuke. Itachi is joyful from the start. The first word out of Naruto's mouth is his name, which is the funnies thing Mikoto remembers.
They both call Itachi "Nii-chan". Naruto tries to use a more respectful form, Nii- san. But Itachi doesn't see any difference between his two brothers, so Naruto, soon enough, feels comfortable to call Itachi how Sasuke does.
Their rivalry is still there. But it's not as present. It's more of a sibling rivalry. Sasuke, being a little bean he is, competes with Naruto for Itachi's affection more, than for accomplishments. Itachi is torn between those two, but he's successful enough in making Naruto and Sasuke feel like equals in receiving his love.
Naruto isn't sufficient in fire style jutsu. But Mikoto ends up talking Kakashi into helping the child develop his abilities. While Sasuke trains with Itachi, Naruto is trained by Kakashi. In time, he also notices Sasuke's talent, and they eventually become partners in crime and training.
Naruto likes blowing wind inso Sasuke's back. He burns Naruto's eyebrows off at some point as revenge.
Naruto is clingy. He likes hugging Sasuke. Sasuke hugs him back, even though, with time, he becomes a bit more embarrassed by it.
Itachi is more affectionate with Naruto when they become older, but Sasuke doesn't require as much attention. He still likes Itachi's affection though. Naruto reassures him that he isn't stealing their older brother. Sasuke calls Naruto dobe and says he knows it. It's actually a comforting reassurance.
Naruto likes cooking. Mikoto encourages it. Even if Fugaku is hesitant about the idea, Mikoto quickly shuts that down with her glance.
Sasuke periodically helps with it. He likes how Naruto makes his mom smile. He smiles too, sometimes. Naruto tells Sasuke that he looks a lot like Mikoto and calls him pretty. Sasuke is flustered each time. He starts calling Naruto Ussuratonkachi at this point.
When they become old enough for the Academy, they are sent to be guided by Kakashi to become a part of team 7. They only require one more member, which is Sakura. Like most girls, she likes to sneak on him. Sakura proposes her likeness of Sasuke, even though he acts cold towards a lot of them. Naruto is the only one to get a reaction out of his adoptive brother. Their insults become more prominent, although they still are in good relationship.
Uchiha genocide doesn't happen. Uchihas are given a lot more equality for Mikoto's selfless act of adopting a "monster" child. Because of her persistence, jonin start to like Naruto a lot more. He plays with their children when they're younger.
Other parents feel a lot more relaxed about Uchiha's and the Ninetails. Sharingan is a reassurance for the case of the demon fox steering up another havok. Although Naruto is mostly happy and calm, which reduces the chance of this happening.
Naruto isn't told about his status as a jinchuuriki until he's old enough. Once he knows about it, he promises Mikoto to keep himself and his brothers in check, to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone. Especially Sasuke.
That's all for now. I'll make a part two once i'll think about the storyline i like the most. Hope you enjoyed!
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ourpickwickclub · 5 months
I wonder if people realize that it took ND in the early days almost 10 years to get this big. Gwen is a wonderful singer and performer. But even with her in the band, it took a lot of years for their breakthrough!!! And then people think that the guys in DC would get as high with a good singer and them being in their 40’s. No matter if Gwen performs solo and a lot less during the year, she already had her name, she was the frontwoman and totally in the picture. The guys are equally as wonderful, but they form the band, not the vocals and that will always be more difficult to start up something new. Stevie Nicks of Fleetwood Mac went solo and if she did, Mick Fleetwood, John McVie and Lindsey Buckingham would do other projects, but never together. Lindsey even did go solo and he is an awesome guitar player, but even he wasn’t able to get as much succes. Lou Gramm (he was the singer) of Foreigner went solo and he had succes. Mick Jones needed another singer and it took years to find Kelly Hansen (after Lou Gramm left for a second and definitive time). But Mick was the owner of the band and was able to keep the name Foreigner. They made one new album, the rest were best of’s and the touring was all about the old songs that Mick wrote together with Lou Gramm. That is why they kept having success. Most bands who fall apart is mostly because of some drama that goes on, but when the singer leaves, it really leaves the rest of the band in loose ends. It would be the same when John Bon Jovi would leave Bon Bovi. Would you really see the rest of this band getting on a new project with a new singer and having success? It was already difficult that Richie Sambora (lead guitar)left, but if John would leave, that would be the end for all the rest of them.
Love all this music trivia. As someone who had the Buckingham Nicks poster on my wall for years even though they weren’t my generation of music, I have to give Lindsey props for Trouble. And of course the equally brilliant and annoying Holiday Road. But points taken.
And Davey Havok is an incredible singer. Really good! It’s just that so few people have the lyrical genius, the iconic looks, the charisma, and the stage skills of Gwen. Mick Jagger does. Sting. Stevie is close but can’t work a stage like Gwen. I saw her a couple months ago and she is still amazing tho! Linda Perry. Rod Stewart. Don Henley. All check so many boxes but Gwen is so elite among them for what she can do. She just chose family over more fame.
Sometimes I think Gwen had more fun when ND was bubbling under and had small time fame. But she was always destined to be a star and this road led her to Blake.
- B
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sproouts-jpeg · 3 months
☆ ☆ ☆
AND LIKE NAMI WAS A REALLY IMPORTANT MEMBER OF THE CREW! LIKE IIRC ARLONG SAID SO HIMSELF (edit: like yeah in that moment he was referring to her mapmaking i think, but considering how the rest of the arlong crew expected her to kill off zoro with ease and how she can talk back to arlong without getting hurt she probably had a bigger role in the crew beyond that, where she had those expectations and relations with the crew)
so like she’d at least have some notoriety in the east blue right???
i feel like cat burglar nami should’ve been at least a little bit more well known, idk if more or less than demon of the east blue zoro. but idk it would’ve been cool. especially since she betrayed arlong and left his crew alive (and helped demolish them in the process).
ig that’d be a part of her reputation gained after the arlong park arc. but it would’ve been cool to see like yknow rumors or have people recognize her at logue town or something (much to her dismay obv). maybe her own wanted poster, but i doubt that since it’s pretty rare for members of crews other than the captain and maybe the first mate (the strawhat’s future reputation obv being an exception).
it’d only make sense that nami already had a little bit of a mark in the world pre-strawhats (unlike usopp being just a kid in a small town (obv now he’s super cool tho)), tho that part of her life was super duper sad. maybe it would’ve offered more parallels between her and hachi, both who’s former association with arlongs crew caused real damage (tho hachi was an active participant in the violence nami’s mapmaking enabled their crusade) and how they’ll learn to forgive themselves, each other, and learn and grow from that experience.
oh wow i didn’t expect to have that little revelation at the end lol xD
but yeah. nami’s super cool and amazing and if you think about it super nuanced (obv) and i love her and i love thinking about her too much.
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fanfictionroxs · 11 months
HOTD greek mythology thoughts - Harwin as Hades
I love imagining Harwin as the sort of Hades of westeros. A chill dude. Lives in a haunted house where spirits come & go freely (Harrenhall). He enjoys their company even though he has limited spiritual connection to the other side.. or maybe he's just good at pretending while near the living to avoid frightening them and to avoid people gossiping about him. Harwin has no control over the dead, no one does. They are simply his silent companions whose unintelligible whispers have long become his comfort. Alys is the one who actually befriends them, plays with them, learns spells from them, unafraid to be perceived a 'witch'. Harwin tries to be show more restraint, but Lyonel still takes him away at a young age to King's Landing, hoping that if his son has more distance from that house and his older sister, he wouldn't go mad.
Still, Harwin's best friend is an 8 year old boy called Reggie Rivers who sometimes changes into a 22 year old bard singing the most melancholic yet melodious tunes. He is a lonely spirit who has been haunting the halls of Harrenhall longer than Harwin's father has been alive (in canon, I imagine Reggie waits for him to return for years and then he doesn't let the doors open when the fire starts so that Harwin would never be able to leave their house again and they could stay together in the afterlife. The lonely boy comforts his crying spirit and promises him that his sons would be returned to him in less than a decade).
Instead of Cerebrus, a three headed dog, Harwin has his three sons Jace, Luke & Joffrey. Joffrey is the first one to see a ghost despite being the youngest. It's because Joffrey Sr.'s ghost often hovered around him protectively, adopting him from the afterlife while smiling longingly at Laenor. Harwin is surprised because Dragon magic keeps the dead away pretty much.. he never expected his sons to have that side of a Strong in them despite all of them looking like him.
Rhaenyra is his reverse Persephone (more on the reverse part at the end para!) without the incest. Funny how the incest gets eradicated despite it being an hotd AND greek myth au. Though now I'm imagining how much Rhaenyra would enjoy calling Harwin 'uncle' lmfao.
Laenor is totally Poseidon because he's a Velaryon and has a good relationship with Harwin. Larys can be Zeus because shitty rapist little brothers. Alys, along with his other two sisters as Demeter, Hestia and Hera. I like the thought of Alys as another Hades.. or Demeter, since Alys's powers have a more broad spectrum.
Now imagine the Hades and Persephone kidnapping thing but reversed. Rhaenyra kidnaps Harwin, and Alys is pissed because that dragon bitch stole her little bro and decides to cause havok that brings westeros to its knees. So, ultimately Rhaenyra has to compromise so that Harwin spends half an year at the Red Keep and the other half at Harrenhall, keeping both women happy and less likely to commit murder.
PS VERY IMPORTANT! He can punch ghosts in the face! Harwin is the 'breakbones' of both the living world and beyond!
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salarta · 5 months
hi hi!
is it just me or have i just grown bored of the new x-men 97 show? its just the same all over again with the 90s cartoon, just a few elements changed and ANNOYING cameos. like ffs these cameos are such beloved characters and they sideline them so much.
im a huge polaris fan and the injustice she gets done in TV is just idk-
i dont want lorna to be treated as a side character anymore, she deserves to be a main character for once, especially in the mcu. Its so hard finding people out there who like lorna. they always ask "who is that?“ "oh is that the green wanda?“ or something like that.
in wolverine and the x-men she was just potrayed as this naive little girl. and just deserved so much more screentime.
currently just disliking how they choose to ignore lorna as if she isnt a big part of magnetos story.
Thats all, i would love to hear your thoughts on this <33
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I'm responding to your inbox as I read it, so I might say something and then find out you talked about it or it doesn't apply when I get to the next part.
Honestly, I have enough experience now with Marvelthink (since 2009) that I know when they're hyping up a 90s connection like this, it means it's going to be mired in too much nostalgia. So I didn't plan on watching X-Men 97 even before it was announced. That doesn't mean they couldn't have swayed me to change my mind and watch it - I originally avoided Wolverine and the X-Men for overemphasizing Wolverine but came around to it because of good work for Lorna - but I expected bad things and they've proven me right so far.
Lorna's in a better position overall today than she was when I found out about her. It might not seem like it, but more people do know she exists. And before Wanda became more popular and gained more awareness, the more common derogatory comparison was "Magneto with boobs."
I was alright with WatXM. Mainly because a) it was an AU version of her that was younger (I think even younger than when she was introduced in the comics), and b) it hit on the most important character moments and developments for her. She was part of Genosha, she's a survivor of the genocide, she's also Magneto's daughter alongside the twins, etc. I feel she would've had really good development in the seasons to follow if they had happened.
Comparing that to X-Men 97, which is so obsessed with nostalgia and regressive attitudes (even while claiming the mantle of progressive) that they refuse to respect Lorna's character and development beyond that framework. Beau DeMayo and his people on the show made it very clear that they see Lorna primarily as a supporting character for Havok on X-Factor. Which is quite frankly also mired in sexism even if they tell themselves they can't be sexist, "I treated this other female character well so I can't be sexist," etc.
Another person I chatted with elsewhere mentioned that since Beau DeMayo was fired before the cartoon started airing, maybe the new showrunner will fix the damage Beau did and do things right. It's a possibility, but I only see it really working out if the cartoon acknowledges Lorna as a survivor of the Genoshan genocide by middle of season 2 AND gives that story a lot more space than it would've had if they had simply acknowledged it in season 1. My comparison point is Barb from Stranger Things. The Stranger Things showrunners didn't realize how much people would care about Barb, and committed to giving her more respect in the second season.
Overall, I think X-Men 97 is run by people who have their heads stuck in the past, willing to exploit newer material like the Genoshan genocide to get more buzz but not actually respect its weight and dimensions in any truly substantial way.
Which, on that note, another common thing people often say to try to defend shit like what X-Men 97 pulled is to tell themselves and others that what was done in that depiction is the best it could've been done. The reality in cases like this is it could've been done a hell of a lot better, but being an uncritical fan puts blinders on a person. Don't wanna end up in a position where they have to critically think about the content beyond absorbing and loving it, don't have to understand why other people would have a problem with how things were done.
I think that's all I've got for now. Hopefully the new showrunner doesn't suck ass like Beau, and hopefully the MCU cares more about quality and care where Lorna can come into it than about feeding nostalgia boners of people who don't want to move past where their heads were at 30 years ago.
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Are there any in jokes or references in any of your fics people seem to be missing that you wish they'd notice and ask you about?
Thank you so much for the ask!!
Talk Shop Tuesday
Oh, SO many! There are so many references in my fics, I can't help myself! It's just how my brain fits things together, and I think it's fun. There's no way I could remember all of them off the top of my head (especially not at midnight, lol), but here's a few that are notable to me.
During the chapter of WWFA? where the tablet shows Ahk a vision of himself with his family, and later a vision of Katherine as a young teen, there are a few references. One is along the lines of "the dead do not sleep", and it's meant as a reference to a scene in Warm Bodies in which the main character (a zombie) sleeps and imagines his love interest and her friends all musing about him. Then, in the scene with Katherine, one of her bullies goes "Polka-Dots saves the day. What a joke." in response to seeing a comic book she drew herself - this is a double-reference to my beloved Suicide Squad, with the Polka-Dots line being a tie to Polka Dot Man and the "what a joke" being the final line in a fight scene between Rick and Peacemaker. That reference doesn't really have much weight for the story itself, it's just a fun little superhero reference since Katherine is also a comics nerd.
In one of the first chapters of Catch and Release, it's revealed that the Star Wars movies don't exist in Ophelia's universe - because Harrison Ford acted in Raiders of the Lost Ark with Alfred Molina, who plays Doc Ock, which causes a bit of a paradox. It's more a joke, since the MCU crosses their wires with Star Wars and other franchises anyway, but I thought it was funny
There are several MacGyver references in Smoke and Mirrors, particularly once Madison is given a multitool as a birthday gift - Lucas Till played both the reboot MacGyver and Havok, the main love interest in the fic
There are a lot of references to American Gods in Desert Song, since it's Quinn's favorite book, but one of the subtler ones is the line "had met the ground like an ex-convict meets his wife after a long stint in prison - gracelessly and with passion". This is a reference to how the book starts, with the main character Shadow eager to see his wife after being released from his prison sentence.
In Heartstrings, Kyle and Jasper are discussing middle names, and Jasper realizes they never chose a new middle name after they came out as trans. Kyle suggests "Django" as a joke - which is, in the X-Men comics, Quicksilver's middle name (though I can never figure out if it's legit or if he's joking) and Evan Peters plays both characters
In Sunshine, one of my Jasper/Kyle sidepieces, there's some description about how Kyle feels after he's been brought back to life - namely, how he feels like he still smells vaguely like death, and how he feels like he's not as warm as he should be. The first part is pulled vaguely from Pet Sematary, where the animals and people that come back are described to have this lingering smell of grave dirt. The second part is another Warm Bodies reference- what can I say? They're my favorite books, and the pinnacle of undead romance.
Obviously all of The Facts Were These (one of my Nik/Abner pieces) is based on Pushing Daisies and is aware of it, but one of the subtle details is that Abner's attempts to woo Nikoletta are lines from the show. For example, his first line is "Care to dance?" which is meant to be an echo of a scene where Ned and Chuck slowdance while wearing beekeeper suits (I want to say it's season 1 episode 2?)
Also in my Nikoletta pieces, there's a long-running Goonies reference: in the first piece I wrote for her, it's described that "they'd find her swinging from a water pipe before they put a power dampener on her", which is effectively the prison scene in Goonies. Then, in Pit of Vipers, Adrian makes a similar reference about that scene when referring to Abner - not only a callback to that first Nikoletta pieces, but a callback to Adrian Chase in the Peacemaker show, where he describes a bunch of inmates as "Sloth-from-Goonies-looking motherfuckers" just before a big fight scene.
And honestly, I'm putting a whole separate section for all the X-Men references in my 6 Underground fics, because... there's a lot
In Nom De Guerrre, AJ questions why One picked "Worthington" as his (canon) code name in one of the scenes, and he responds "Uncanny X-Men #134" - not Angel's first appearance by any means, but it sounded more interesting than just "X-Men #1"
In Desert Song, Quinn's quipping with One and he responds "I swear to God I'll sew your mouth shut" - that's a reference to the X-Men Origins version of Deadpool, who has his mouth sewn shut. Wolverine even says "Looks like somebody finally found a way to shut you up" in the movie
Also in Desert Song, during Quinn's origin flashback where she meets Billy for the first time, he sits down in the alley with her and she "looks at him like he'd just grown a pair of wings". Why a pair of wings instead of the more traditional "like he'd grown a second head"? Well, Ben Hardy played both Billy and Angel. I reference that a lot, but so do the writers of the actual movie, so we're even.
Since One's actual name is never revealed in the actual movie, I have a bit of fun with it in my fics. In Nom De Guerre, his real name is Logan - Wolverine reference, of course. And in Desert Song, it's Nathan Christopher - referencing Cable, AKA Nathan Christopher Summers. In both fics, the other characters are aware of those being comic characters and poke a little fun at him for it.
This one's in reverse, but in my X-Men fic A Love Once New (which features Angel, of course), there's a reference about how Rae lives on the fourth floor of her apartment complex and only "a parkour genius or- well, Warren" (since he has wings) could get to her balcony from the back side. Did parkour exist as a concept in the 80s? Not a clue. But the reference was worth a little anachronism.
And... yeah, there's so many more than just these. If I combed through all of my writing, I'd have hundreds of little hidden references to books, movies, comics, you name it. I love planting in those little references and details even if nobody ends up noticing them. Maybe somewhere out there I've got a reader who's a nerd in the same way I am, and smiles when they notice those little details. I can hope lol.
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ceph-the-ghost-writer · 4 months
OC Inverse Game
Rules: describe the opposite of your OCs!
Thanks for the tag @sunset-a-story! (Their post here.)
Kinslayer: Blessed with a wonderful destiny by the gods, and as such is brimming with nothing but love, light, and a desire to preserve hierarchical order. Would never, ever subject anyone to sexy torments.
Motley: Benevolent sorcerer who's really into quilting and couldn't harm so much as a fly. Is always happy to serve.
Oleander: Pious, charitable, and dedicated to the practice of turning the other cheek. Loves megachurch rock music.
Renato: The most honest, forthright, and humble man you could ever meet. Has zero regrets.
Isaac: Cold-hearted and petty, his only concern is obtaining power. Snazzy dresser, though.
Elfy: Timid introvert who would rather die than break a rule. Her favorite pastime is collecting Disney merchandise.
Dorian: A realist of the opinion that anybody who isn't thriving under a system is just whining for handouts and needs to be given something to really cry about. Vampires and dinosaurs are kid stuff.
Breezy: A prominent member of her local HOA and won't hesitate to report her neighbors if she catches even a whiff of marijuana. Calls herself an empath.
Ben: Chaste and meek as a church mouse, that's what everyone says. Yessir, the only missionary position he's interested in is the kind that spreads the Good News.
Tilda: Devoted to making her family--who are definitely loving and supportive--proud of her. Not a violent or weird bone in her body.
Dysthanasia Taglist: @thecyrulik @thatndginger @space-writes @scoundrelwithboba
Plus gentle tag toss to: @writingamongther0ses @orphanheirs @jezifster @elrallin @autumnalwalker
@k--havok @drawnecromancy @theimperiumchronicles @likegemstone
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