#i'm so happy we're here together to witness all the fun
zorkaya-moved · 2 years
✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖✖ ren , i adore you so much. i’ve known you and had you on my dash for YEARS and it wont be the same without you and your creativity. i love you and all the things you share with us. i am hoping and i am manifesting good things ahead of you, i love you sm. mwa mwa im always here if u need anything or just to cry ily 💗💗💗💗💗
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Send "✖" if you think my oc is well written.
UPDATE: ily all thank you so much but no longer accepting. <3
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reiderwriter · 1 year
♟️ Please, Let Me Know That It's Real ♟️
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Chapter 10 of That's What You Get
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary: Emily and Penelope take care of you after Spencer's dishonesty comes to light. They help you fill in some missing pieces of the puzzle that is your relationship.
Warnings: angst, but hopeful angst. Spencer is an idiot. No, you don't find out who the other witness is yet.
A/N: We're so close to the end 😭 I'm feeling bittersweet about this one because I'm excited to wrap it up but I also don't want to!!! It's been so fun to write. There are two chapters left after this, so please stay tuned for those ♥️ You can find my main masterlist here, and my special kinktober masterlist here if you missed the smut in this one. My requests are open until the end of the month too, so of you had any ideas, let me know!
There were no words to describe how you felt wasting away in bed that next day. You couldn't say whether a minute passed, or an hour passed or if time had simply ceased when he'd left. You just knew that there was a weight pressing down into your heart, a grief filling your lungs and stuttering your breath. 
You had the vague sensation of someone entering your apartment, wrapping their arms around you and telling you that you'd be okay before you drifted off into a coma-like sleep. Instead of escaping everything, though, you had to relive it all, again and again. 
You'd woken up chained to that bed again and he was there telling you how guilty and horrible he felt, and you'd practically shoved the words into his mouth. But he hadn't told you he didn't remember. 
You'd woken up in his bed again, and he still wasn't there, trying to avoid you getting your memories back, the one thing you were trying to work towards together. 
You'd woken up in his arms, walking you back towards his bed as you were telling him you remembered. The gleam in his eyes though wasn't excitement, happy to receive any news about what could've happened before, but fear. What did you remember, and would you figure out he'd been lying? 
You'd woken up a mess, and you wanted to go right back to sleep. 
When you finally did come to, the tears that had dried against your skin began to Spring again, the sobs silently wrecking your body as you disappeared under the darkness of your comforter.
Spencer had known. He'd known the entire time about everything that had happened, he'd practically told you as much from the very beginning. But he'd also let you assume that he didn't, and you weren't sure if you were angrier at him or yourself. Something happened on your wedding night, beside the intimacy, that he obviously didn't want you to remember, having gone to such great lengths to hold you at an arm's distance away whilst embracing you tightly. Parts of your body still held traces of him, and you were too emotionally exhausted to drag yourself out of bed to wash him away.
You wanted to call him. You wanted to make him come back and explain, and beg for forgiveness, or tell you it had been some kind of horrific miscommunication. You wanted to never see him again. 
Penelope bought food, and Emily got you cleaned up, pulling you into the bathroom and wiping the tears from your face as she ran a bath for you, helping your shivering form into it. You hadn't called or texted either of them, but you didn't question their appearance until after you'd eaten, feeling a little less broken. 
"How did you know?" The two of them looked at each other over the food on the table, unable to hide the worrying glances they were sending each other. 
"Spencer. He texted me, asked me to check in on you." Penelope explained, and you're heart cracked hearing his name. 
"Of course he did." You hated that even when you were supposed to hate him, he was still intent on taking care of you. You'd excused yourself from their company and climbed back into bed, grateful that neither woman had tried to stop you. They did follow you though. 
"Wait, Y/N. Spencer told us you needed us, but he didn't tell us what happened. Maybe talking about it would help." They sat carefully on opposite edges of your bed, waiting for you to un-cocoon yourself and talk. 
The first few attempts, you couldn't make it, too close to shattering to pieces again. With a gentle squeeze of your hand and a encouraging nod, you started telling them about the night before. 
"I chased after him yesterday and I caught him in the parking lot. And he never takes his car, but he was there and I thought it was some kind of sign." You sniffled and pulled the quilt off your face some more, sitting up to continue what you knew would probably be a long story. 
"We finally acknowledged everything and… God, I think I told him I love him. I do, and that's why it's all so shitty and ruined." Your throat grew thick with the pain and fluttering, memories from the night before seeping into you and grabbing a hold. 
"I told him I remembered, finally. He asked me how much, and I just kept trying to flirt with him. I didn't realize anything was wrong until  after we'd…" You flushed, shy all of a sudden as you felt all the shame of the previous night's interactions. 
"He said some things in the heat of the moment… he said I felt better than he remembered." 
"Y/N, that doesn't sound so bad, that's just-" 
"He wasn't supposed to remember. Neither of us were supposed to remember, fuck I think we would've been happier if we hadn't." You shut your eyes, the lights suddenly sparking a pain behind your eyes as your tears stung. 
"He didn't forget anything about Vegas. I think maybe it's my fault for assuming he did, because he just went ahead and reminded me of his stupid fucking eidetic memory." 
You let your head fall back to the pillow again and curse yourself, the extended cut of the last three weeks flickering to life in your head again. 
"Y/N…" Penelope started taking a gentle hand and patting your head as she struggled to find the words to comfort you. 
"Y/N, this is not the end of the world." Emily was blunt in her words and for a second they snapped you out of your self imposed pity party. "I thought he'd rejected you, or served you divorce papers or something." 
The anger crept up in you quickly as you shut your ears to what Emily was saying. 
"God, Emily, it's not that fucking easy you know.
"How would you know? Did you try to listen to him? Ask him why he did it?" You snapped your mouth shut, still angry but momentarily softened to the words she was saying. 
"Look, it's not like he confessed his love for me. He fucked me and then I caught him in a lie." You were exasperated at having to explain your emotions again and again but this time the wound had been ripped raw. He hadn't said those last words. 
"Oh, sweetie. That's what this is all about, isn't it? You think he held back because he doesn't love you?" Emily's tone had softened completely and you found yourself suddenly shaking with tears, unable to answer, just nodding your head back and forth while you contained the loud echoes of pain from escaping your body. 
"I need to stop starting sentences with 'don't hate me, but', but this time I think it's absolutely necessary." Penelope squeaked the other words from your other side and you drew yourself up again to hear her out. 
"Penelope, you're here making sure I am still breathing while I'm in the middle of an entirely selfish crisis. I think if I even thought about you negatively, a puppy would die or something." 
"Save that bravado for after this." She pulled out her phone then and scrolled through it for a second, searching for something. "Now I need you to know that I only withheld this in the hopes that I could play it at your actual wedding, where I would obviously be maid-of-honour, but as that plan has backfired I think I need to show you it now." 
She handed you the phone, and you noticed a video was playing. The camera was shaky, so it took you a few minutes to figure out what it was you were looking at.
The Elvis impersonator was the thing that tipped you off to the fact that this was probably your wedding venue. Sure enough, when the camera focused, zoomed in a bit, there the two of you were. 
"We're going to do the ring exchange now, if you'd like to repeat after me-" discount, slightly rotund Elvis said in a horrendous accent, but he wasn't allowed to finish. 
"We can do our own vows, right? That's allowed?" 
"For the amount of money you're paying me, you could consummate the marriage right here and I wouldn't give a damn." Your past self in the video had flushed at that, and you were glad that you hadn't jumped at the chance the way you had in the hotel room. 
Spencer brushed it off, clearing his throat and starting again. “Y/N, I don’t remember when I started loving you, which is absolutely ironic because I remember everything else. I think I just woke up one day and knew that I’d either spend my life watching you, or take this final leap to have you. Don’t look at me like that, I’m being serious, we’re getting married.” 
Your grin was wide, genuine happiness setting you alight. The two of you giggled a little bit before a glare from Elvis's direction led you to believe that his generosity only extended so far. 
“Let me try again. What I’m trying to say is, you’re too good for me. And I love you so much it aches. Everytime you say anything I’m caught hanging on any word. Every time you mention a book you’ve enjoyed, I read it cover to cover 50 times that week. Every time you tell me something stupid, like what your favorite flower is, I get this overwhelming urge to… to buy myself some flowers, so that if you ever turned up at my house, they’d be there waiting for you.” 
“I don’t know if you’ll remember this in the morning, or if I’ll be too scared to remind you, but I love you Y/N. And I’ll keep loving you no matter what happens.” His hands were gripped so tightly around your waist that he'd had to whisper some of the last words into the air between you, the space suddenly so narrow. 
You stopped the video there, throwing the phone back at Penelope, ready to bask in your idiocy, but she didn't let you. 
"You need to watch it all, come on, mother knows best." You rolled your eyes at her and sat yourself straighter again, taking the phone from her again and pressing play as Emily looked over your shoulder, watching too. 
It was your turn for the vows. 
“Spencer Reid. If I don’t remember how much I love you now in the morning, if I somehow manage to ignore this absolute feeling of bliss and rightness, I need you to fight for me. I need you to remind me how much I love you. I need you to remind me how we ended up here. I need you. I’ll never stop needing you.” The video had ended seconds after that, Spencer having lunged for you with both hands pulling your lips into his as he sealed the deal with a kiss. One you could swear you still felt tingling against your lips. 
"I paused it there because I didn't want to see if you'd take Elvis up on his deal." You heard Penelope's words but didn't register them, not really. 
"He didn't… He didn't fight for me." Your words weren't sad, but they obviously weren't the words either woman was expecting. 
"Y/N, did you not hear him? He loves you!" Emily almost shook you to wake you up from whatever daze you were in, but you were throwing your sheets off in a second and scrambling out of bed. 
"He didn't even tell me. Oh my god… I'm going to…" You ran a stray hand through your hair as you let out an incredulous laugh, not believing any of the last twenty four hours. Your next move was to lunge for your own phone, dialing his number before you could be stopped. Penelope did try though, before Emily out a warning hand on her shoulder, interested to see where it was you were going with this. 
"Spencer," you said into the receiver when he finally picked up. A single ring and he was there like he'd been waiting for you this entire time. 
"Y/N, I love you, I'm sorry." The words caught in his throat and his voice was weak but they made your heart skip a beat nonetheless. You hoped none of that reflected in your voice at all. 
"Spencer, I want to see you. Now." He barely had time to agree before you were hanging up, turning around with a half manic laugh again as you begin pulling yourself together. 
"Emily, Pen, thank you for everything but-" 
"You don't have to explain, I think we were just leaving actually." Emily smiled up at you, confident that you knew what you were doing. 
"No, no wait, please explain! I need an explanation, Y/N, what-" 
"If you'll excuse us." Emily guided Penelope swiftly out of the door and you were suddenly once again alone in your apartment. 
Pulling yourself together. You'd had a bath but you still felt groggy, so you hopped in the shower and thought about the time Spencer had taken a bullet for you. It had really only grazed his vest, but he'd been the one to grab you and change your positions so you were safe nonetheless. He'd done it and you'd never been sure why. 
You sat and dried your hair and contemplated. He'd helped you with countless case files ove the years. The others had joked before by putting their work on his desk, knowing he'd have it completed for them, serious or not. He'd only ever voluntarily taken files from your desk though. He'd said it was because he could do them quicker, but that was always a none answer. 
You picked your outfit out carefully as you thought about all the times you'd woken up with a blanket covering you after a nap on the jet. You'd seen JJ wrap them around team members before and just assumed it had been her, but now you weren't so sure. 
You stood at the door looking down at a message that said he was almost here and you thought about the last few weeks. And you thought about how much he loved you, and how much you definitely loved him and you waited at the door, engagement ring sitting on your hand as you waited for him to knock. 
🏷️ @w-windyy @multifandom-on-the-side @reidandhotchsgirl @babybluecakes @hugyourlungs @prentissesredtanktop @reidscaffeine @bethanyhaas01 @average-sunflower @academiareid @sailortongue @daddy-dotcom @high-functioning-cosplayer @anniewhalelover @abbyshmaby @isabel-ffl-xoxo @sujan39 @frxcless @bluestuesday @busy-buzzing @breadbrobin @maxinehufflepuffprincess @l0v3cam @booksandwonderlands @myescapefromthislife @ferrjulie @scoobydoopoo @aelinismyqueen @littlesingingbean @jamiemuscatosslut @xohoneybun @anchovy89freya @dysphoricsanity @ghostheartbeat @casss2111 @rebloggiest-reblogger @wishyoudaskme @imawhoreforu @academiacoffeelover @softservepunk @andiebeaword @r-3dlips @wakaladjarin @ratbastardchild @mcira @danika1994 @stargurl99 @whovianwholikesgirls @its-not-too-late-for-coffee @doriantomybasil
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daenysx · 27 days
respectfully i need more dad!aemond, you write it so well and it just makes me so so happy 🫶🏻🥹
like i’m just imagining him with his babies as they grow older, like maybe something with them starting school and reader and aemond have to help them with projects etc ,,, just any domestic fluffy ideas you have 🤍
thank you for requesting, i hope you enjoy <3333 requests are open for dad!aemond
modern!aemond targaryen x fem!reader , tooth rotting fluff
"lyx, you're doing it wrong."
if there's one thing alyssa targaryen loves to do, it's being a big sister. she's doing a pretty good job on it, too, even when sometimes she's being a bit annoying to aelyx. she has the words of her mom and charms of her dad. an unbeatable duo.
"no." aelyx says. "i want that picture."
"okay, but you're spreading the glue wrong." alyssa says. "it's gonna stick to your fingers now."
the scene aemond witnesses when he comes into the room is exactly like this. his babies, trying to make a school project on their own, dealing with many papers and crayons and glue. alyssa seems like she's bored of it all but aelyx is patient. his tiny tongue sticking up to the corner of his mouth as he tries to press the picture on another paper.
aemond smiles, leaving his jacket on the couch as he comes closer. "hi, little love." he hugs alyssa first. "hey, buddy." aelyx doesn't give him any attention other than a smile, boy has got things to do. "what's this?" aemond asks.
"it's for aelyx's class tomorrow." his girl explains. "we need to pick pictures and glue them here."
"like a collage?"
"what's a collage?"
turns out it's exactly like a collage. aemond looks at the pictures briefly before watching his son. his tiny hands try to spread the glue nicely.
"would you like some help?" aemond asks, gently. aelyx looks at his dad with big eyes. he looks like he wants to do it by himself but the glue is hard to deal with alone.
"can you just spread the glue?" alyssa asks with convincing smile that always works for her daddy. "we can do the rest."
"of course, baby." aemond rolls up his sleeves before reaching for aelyx's hand. "i'll just hold your hands, you're doing the rest. okay, buddy?"
aelyx nods, his silver curls shaking with the motion. aemond gently holds his son's tiny hands to lead him as he places the glue on the paper.
"are you almost done?" you ask them as you walk inside. you have a little kitchen towel to dry up your hands. "it's dinner time."
you're cheerful every time you see them do something together. watching aemond take care of kids is always a delight and you get to see him doing it a lot more lately, now that they go to school and come back with lots of fun projects to do.
aelyx looks at you as he sees you stand by the door, when aemond finishes with the glue he's quick to run to your arms. aemond sometimes complains he's such a mommy's boy, but he also knows alyssa is definitely enamored by him. it's the teasing part he loves the most, though.
"i'm taking my boy to kitchen, come meet us when you finish!" you say happily, kissing aelyx's chubby cheek.
"come here, baby." aemond extends a hand to alyssa. "let's pick up some pictures."
"that looks nice." she says, her small finger on paper. "and this one."
"i guess we're gonna be done after them, huh?"
"yes, daddy."
a few minutes are spent in silence as they both concentrate on their work. at the end, everything looks nice. alyssa has a satisfied smile on her lips.
"did we do good?" aemond asks, stealing a quick kiss from her cheek.
she nods, wrapping an arm around his neck. "thank you, daddy."
"you're welcome, little love." aemond gets a kiss on his cheek this time. "let's go have dinner."
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hutchersonsgurl · 10 months
The day I say I do Mike schmidt part 2
Paring x female reader with Mike Schmidt
Ps listen to the song while you read this to get into the mindset
No edits yet
You are walking down the aisle with your dad this is the happiest you've ever felt Abby is walking just a few steps ahead of you she is the flower girl
You lift your head and you see your future husband is only a few inches away
Mike walks towards you and offers his hand you take his hand with a smile on your face
You stand in front of each with love in your eyes
"We are gathered here today to join Yn and Mike in holy matrimony. " the pastor says "Now I believe the bride and groom made vows they'd like to read to each other" the pastor continues
Mike pulls out his paper and looks at for a minute but then he puts it back in his jacket pocket
" I don't need to read off a piece of paper to tell you how much I love you. Yn you have brought so much happiness and love not only in my life but Abby's as well I love the way you scrunch your nose when your mad at me for stealing your French Fries at a restaurant I love how caring and loving you are to abby and I each everyday I didn't really think it would be possible for a guy like me to find love but you came into my life and proved me wrong I love you so much yn I promise to love and cherish you and annoy you as much as possible till we die old together I Mike promise to cherish you always, to honor and sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and to be true to you in all things until death alone shall part us part. " mike says sliding the ring on your finger
You can't help but have a tear in your eye you loved this man so much there wasn't enough words in the dictionary to say it all.
" Wow, that's a tough act to follow you say wiping a tear from your eye when I first met you I was babysitting Abby while you were at work and what can I say she stole my heart you say giving Abby a wink and turning back to mike Mike I love how much of yourself you give to me and Abby even when your tired from work you still push sleep aside just to spend time with us I love how protective you are I know that you'd go to war for Abby and I and we'd do the same for you I love waking up to the sound of your voice each day I love the morning cuddles I love the eye rolls you give us when Abby and I pick on you you truly are on my mind from the moment I fall asleep to the moment when I awake. I never had a doubt that this is the love I feel for you and to be honest, nothing has felt so right you are truly are my best friend and my whole world the best part of my day is falling asleep in your arms. Mike you forever and always have your name on my heart I yn  promise to cherish you always, to honor and sustain you, in sickness and in health, in poverty and in wealth, and to be true to you in all things until death alone shall part us." You say sliding Mike's ring on his finger nothing felt more special than in that moment you and Mike both say I do
Now let us humbly invoke God's blessing upon this bride and groom, that in his kindness he may favor with his help those on whom he has bestowed the Sacrament of Matrimony. In the sight of God and these witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride
"Don't mind if I do "mike says as his mouth crashed into yours
We're finally married you say kissing mike back
"Now your stuck with me Mike Schmidt " you say with a smile
"Wouldn't have it any other way Mrs. Schmidt
Abby runs up and hugs you both
"I'm so happy that we are a family now," Abby says with a smile
"We've always been a family" you say you hugged Abby and Mike joined in
Ngl I had a lot of fun writing this let me know if you want a series of this or another part
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jfleamont · 8 months
hey you know what? I'm actually so happy to have found this corner of the internet where I get to indulge in some of my favourite pastimes. I have a very fulfilling life outside of this and I'm deeply grateful for that too but isn't it fucking nice to come here and get to chat about our favourite characters together? isn't it fucking grand that we're from different parts of the world and yet we get to share our writing, our art, our thoughts and that we find connection through that? there are so many kind and intelligent people here and guys, it's a privilege to have witnessed your light, even if it's through a screen and behind a silly username. not everyone gets the chance to interact with other people who share the same passions, and I like the fact that we're all at different stages of our lives but still find joy in this collective experience that is being in a fandom. maybe I'll grow out of it, maybe I won't, but it's liberating, satisfying and inspiring to be here and, most importantly, I'm having fun and that's all that matters, right?
so thank you, I guess, for just being here.
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thealogie · 6 months
I know I go against the shennant codex here but gotta say I still don't see them as, like, super close friends. And I realize there's a lot of projection here, because I have this one friend and I can't help superimposing our relationship on the shennant situation. We've known each other for a long time, from work initially, and we have super easy and fun, and even a little bit flirty relationship (we're both of the same gender and straight, but you just have to go with the flirty flow when it happens). We both sparkle when we meet, and I always feel like I'm a better, mentally healthier person when I'm with this friend. Our communication has a sort of Mozart quality, I feel. I'm always super happy to hang out with them and it's always very sweet, pleasant and fun. But I leave my actual heavy or unpleasant day-to-day stuff for my closest circle, we can be unpleasant and deep with each other, we can get bitter and fall out. But I would never bring this unhappy stuff and my unpleasant underbelly to THAT friend. They're my happy, normal, unbothered place. And I know it's a projection, but I just can't help it, I absolutely see the shennant of it all as that type of relationship as well. Like two guys who stumbled on an incredibly natural work chemistry and mutual understanding (a truly rare and precious thing in creative professions, you need to grab and never let go), whose wits are super compatible and sparkly when they're together. The added bonus of similar background and family stuff and happy coincidence of kids and partners getting along etc. I also think that I see MS at least feeling himself a better and healthier, less complicated person when he hangs out with the Tennants, like I do with that friend. The sparkly flirtiness is also born from all that. But I think they both have closer friends whom they can allow themselves to annoy and completely relax with, and be deep and unpleasant with etc. My closest friends actually get jealous about that friend, because when I talk about or with this friend, I seem more happy and pleasant than I'm with them. But it's not a sign of special closeness, it's just how our chemistry with that friend works. I wouldn't be able to survive with only that relationship, I need my "underbelly buddies" more because we can dump stuff on each other. So that's my personal rpf projection of shennant and all its charming quirks.
Dude that’s a wild view of friendship. not only are you projecting but I also think you are underselling your own friendship and have some unresolved feelings for that friend. Like not even romantically, but just…we all have very sparkly “put your best foot forward” friendships but at some point you can get messy and deep with that friend. that friend can probably handle going a bit deeper and messier if you so desire. Conversely, even if you discover you can’t be messy with that friend, that doesn’t mean they aren’t a close important friend. as you get older you realize it’s ok to have different close friendships for different purposes/topics.
If you have a friend you go out of your way to work with, and you hang out a lot and your families now hang out too? That’s a close friend regardless of whether you have other friends that are more for talking about personal stuff.
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osleeplessflowero · 1 year
Writing Practice Oneshot - Stargazing
It's a calm night. You walk towards the front door of your home, turning the knob and looking outside. The stars twinkle in the night sky above you, making you smile. So pretty..The stars aren't the only reason you're out here, though.
"hey, over here-"
You turn your head, smiling again as soon as you see him, shutting the door and running over. Sans the skeleton, one of your closest friends, had asked you a few days prior if you wanted to stargaze with him, as it's one of his favorite activities on the surface. Naturally you agreed, wanting to spend some time with him.
"you ready to watch the stars?" "You know it!" "alright, this'll be fun. time to be.. starstruck." Sans smiles smugly, and you laugh a little. So punny, Sans.
Turning your head downwards, you spot a light blue blanket he'd placed on the ground, sitting on it near the telescope. After he sets up the telescope a bit more properly, he sits down beside you.
"you comfy?"
"Yeah, a little cold, but that's okay." "if you want, you can borrow my jacket." "Really? What about you, though?" You furrow your brows. "eh, i'll be alright. a little chill on my bones won't hurt me." He gives you a reassuring smile, as well as a playful wink.
You smile in return as he removes and hands you his jacket, his eyelights focused on the sky.
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"Much better." You find yourself shrinking into his jacket, which is quite warm, surprisingly.
"you wanna look at the telescope?" You turn to him, a skeptical look on your face.
"what?" "Did you set up a prank?" He gasps, mocking offense, putting his hand to his ribcage. "i would never. what do you take me for, some sort of prankster?"
You snicker, raising a brow.
"don't worry, i got bored of the last telescope prank, it's safe."
"Good. If my eye turns out to have a red circle around it later, I WILL have my revenge, Sans." You point at him, accusingly.
He chuckles, and you look into the telescope, observing the stars with a much better view. There's so many of them up there..all connected.
After a bit, you stop looking through the telescope and lean on Sans as he shows you where the constellations are, telling you everything he's found out about them. It makes you happy when he talks about something he's excited about, especially considering you can bond over it.
"Look, Sans, a shooting star!" You point, your smile widening. "oh hey, there it is-" He smiles.
You close your eyes, quickly making a wish.
"Aaand.. done-" "what'd ya wish for?" "I can't tell you, or it won't come true." "aw, c'mon, throw me a bone." He smiles, turning to you.
You shake your head quickly.
"Nope, not happening. It will forever remain a secret." "fair enough."
More stars shoot across the sky, and you realize that you're both watching a meteor shower.
"Sans, did you know this would happen today?" You look over at him, skeptical. "maaaybe." He grins. "You totally did-" "heheh, i wanted it to be a surprise." "Well, it's definitely a good surprise. I'd rate it..hmm- 5 stars." "a whole five, huh?" "Yep." "sweet." The two of you laugh for a bit, occasionally telling space-related jokes back and forth, laying down beside each other to look up a bit more comfortably.
"This has been really fun, Sans. I'm glad I could witness my first meteor shower with you."
"me too." He looks over at you, smiling fondly, even though you aren't paying attention. "We should stargaze again sometime soon, when we're both free. I'd like to see you again."
"yeah, i agree, just gotta pick a day and we can planet out together next time." You snicker, and Sans puts his arms behind his head. You hold up your hands, pretending to catch the moon for a bit, before resting your arms at your sides.
A moment of silence occurs, and you look over to see that Sans had fallen asleep. Such a lazybones..
You sit up, looking at the sky one more time. You'd probably never tell him directly, but your wish..was to have more time with him like this. Peaceful moments to chill and bond..that could possibly turn into something more someday.
Hopefully, you'll be able to hang out with him again soon..
..It seems he made a wish like that too.
Ao3 Ver [It's has a few minor, barely noticeable changes. Just trying to get people to see my acc :)]: Click!
Second Part!
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taggedmemes · 1 year
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ THE WOMBATS / B - Z Sides ( PART TWO ) always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
"I watch repeated wildlife shows to keep my mind ticking."
"I bought a book of Churchill quotes and I thought it might be interesting."
"At least it diverts attention from the things that we all know we should say."
"What a wonderful distraction you are."
"Our friends keep vanishing for their jobs in the city, then reappear as vacant ghosts with titles that no one understands."
"I hope my thoughts don't stray off topic again."
"Keep your feet grounded."
"This is not the time for grandiose."
"Something's not right here."
"The paint watches me as I dry here."
"The pain watches me as I waltz through this black hole."
"I don't feel violent."
"I feel somewhat enlightened."
"The best of us always seem to have the most downfalls."
"When did we get addicted to the cure?"
"Sometimes I get aggravated with my concept of time."
"I am still withdrawing from you."
"Our heads tell us to stop as our chests scream out for more."
"I can see an avalanche rushing towards me."
"Something's making that snow look so inviting."
"I miss the safety of home, but perhaps this is what I need."
"We're young, we're free."
"We're ultimately in denial."
"What's left to lose?"
"We never get what we want without hard work and big compromise."
"I'm not bitter all the time."
"It's not the sociopaths that scare me."
"I'll never get rid of this false endeavor."
"You're so infuriating."
"Was I that infuriating?"
"It's not the Illuminati that scares me, it's the people further down the ranks."
"The creatures like you that are so controlling."
"Rest assured, I'll be on my little-caped crusade."
"God knows that I don't hate you."
"My hand hovers over a button of self-destruct."
"I've lost something that was an integral part of me."
"How can I ignore someone that makes me so happy?"
"It's not impeccable wit that makes me smile."
"She had said something that made me fall to my knees."
"You were always the emo type."
"I don't care much for fashion or socialites."
"The nihilists always get my vote."
"All she ever wanted was a little direction."
"All she ever made where the worst impressions."
"I'm a robot like you."
"I'm a maze of coiling wires held together with glue."
"I'm an artificial man with some artificial plans."
"Instead I pondered my fate."
"I know there's something wrong deep inside."
"She's gonna try and suck my blood tonight."
"What are you gonna do to me?"
"Don't strip me of my dignity."
"Let's steer from trouble just as far as we can."
"Just look at what you've done to me."
"You've stripped my of my dignity."
"You've made a monster out of me."
"I'll wear a smile as she starts draining me of life."
"Just grant me one last request."
"I wanna go where the action is."
"What a beautiful night to be an unexploded bomb."
"Let's not apologize for who we are or what we've done."
"The worst battle is not the one fought."
"Let's hope there's no mirrors in the toilets tonight so we don't have to see what's really going on in our eyes."
"It's now cool to read fairytales as long as you rip out the end."
"Something unwelcome is moving in."
"You described me as a charming nowhere man."
"You must be sick of these rhyming metaphors."
"I've begged all that I can."
"You're a firing squad."
"Despair has its own calms."
"I remember those good old days, happily lost in my charmless nowhere place."
"The greatest fears stem from mum and dad."
"I just do the best with whatever I have."
"Don't resort to violence."
"There's more powerful tools to be found in silence."
"When did peace and love become police and handcuffs?"
"When push comes to shove, you've got to man up."
"I'm the mosquito on your wall and the doubt in your mind."
"Desperation does as desperation feels."
"You used to be my shelter from the storm."
"You were the only book to ever put me in a trance."
"I have more fun when I'm alone."
"This is relentless."
"You must think I'm a fool."
"Why the wandering eye?"
"Don't you know that it's not okay to be a narcissist."
"It's not okay to let me down like this."
"I'm her mosquito, she's my killer bee."
"Together we're something alone we can't be."
"Instead of going home, why don't you just come close."
"Let's see how far we can go."
"Let's see how lost we could be."
"I yearn to detox but I'm retoxing again."
"Don't compare me to them."
"I'd do anything for an easy life."
"Sense didn't help, sense left me blind."
"Fear and coconut water will always be my favorite blend of drink."
"Happy hour must end just as our darkest hours."
"Twist your knife deep into me."
"We're different creatures with similar needs."
"If we can't be kamikaze lovers, then we can never be friends."
"Now we're much too close to be driven apart."
"Why would I shake your hand when I can shake your bed?"
"Sometimes I dream of your sweet demise."
"Always playing the victim."
"You're a tormentor."
"You don't play well with others."
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eosofspades · 2 years
okay. first half of lightfall complete!! done for the day because my brain is frying and its almost midnight but MAN I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS. HELLO
spoilers below
the intro cutscenes FUCK oh my god?? i was NOT expecting the traveler's attack / the slicening to be literally the FIRST CUTSCENE?? INCREDIBLE. couldnt play the first mission properly bc my hands were shaking i was so hyped up ghsjdnfv
stay frosty
i will elaborate on this more in depth another time but i need to say strand feels like what they were going for with stasis except this time they did it RIGHT. in terms of consequences/risk we HEARD all about the dangers of stasis but there were literally no side effects. this on the other hand??? ITS DONE SO PERFECTLY I CANT GET OVER IT
and CONSEQUENCES!!! obviously i knew rohan was going to die like that was completely expectable but i would NOT have guessed the guardian's own shortcomings would have been the reason. god damn
everything about nimbus is so good. i love love love that they're not actually angry or blaming the guardian for rohan's death, just accepting and ready to get justice
also i lost my shit ghost was literally getting possessed and in visible pain and the guardian just fucking stood there like a sim
all the witness scenes are so fucking cool btw that nightmare they sent to calus is WILD. i am OBSESSED with the witness' shattered glass thing but more importantly their ANGER. i didn't think CALUS is what they'd be angry about!! holy shit!!! emperor has the survival instincts of a fucking moth and if the winnower doesn't blow up the witness i want the witness to blow up calus
i NEED to know what the witness means by "we know pain." babe who hurt you
GHOST GOING "are you handling highly volatile materials?? AGAIN???" I LOVE GHOST SO MUCH IT'S UNREAL. I LITERALLY DIED AT THIS PART BC I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD. he sounded so exasperated and annoyed and affectionate i love ghost more than anything ever
^ PLUS. Rohan going "Again? How often does this happen?" and ghost yelling "TOO OFTEN" GHOST BABY IM SO SORRY AHAHAJSGVSV
THE STRIKE!! THE STRIIIKE. HELLO. i got my ass handed to me about sixteen times in a row and almost gave up for the night but holy shit was it worth it for the ending line. nezarec i KNEW you would come back to us!!! <333
side note im literally so pissed off about the reactor core mission bc the end when you're supposed to be using strand to swing out. i just fucking jumped i was so anxious and i couldn't find the strand thing and then everyone kept talking about how i used strand to get out and how amazing it was and ive just been sitting here like . guys please i know i missed out on all the fun you don't have to rub it in PLEASE
when osiris yells "THAT WAS EXCELLENT" i got SO HAPPY. HE IS SO PROUD OF THEM!!!
now that said. i have NOT gotten past the strand training mission i'm about halfway through it. so i don't know if it comes up and it might not but i WOULD like to see osiris at least acknowledge that he was being too harsh before. like i know he's incredibly stressed and everything but my guy. the guardian was literally keeled over dying and osiris is like "we don't have time for this. why aren't you better at this by now"
on that note listen i love osiris so much he's my second favorite character but when he was scolding the guardian and ghost tries to come to your defense and says "we did our best" and osiris SHOUTS "we NEED to do BETTER" i got SO MAD. DO NOT RAISE YOUR VOICE AT MY GHOST
i cannot believe bungie canonically gave the guardian a cringefail compilation cutscene. power blowing up in their face. ghost and osiris shaking their heads at each other in disappointment and affection for the guardian. im losing my shit
this is... about as far as i have gotten. i know i'm forgetting some things but!! i am SO hyped up rn okay i am going to play the rest tomorrow
overall conclusion: GOOD SHIT. i love it here this game is the best thing that has ever happened to me
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zalrb · 1 year
the summer i turned pretty 2x06 review -- no, i swear, tho, conrad was just sad...
Episode 6, the episode anons have wanted me to watch.
"I don't know I'm kind of happy here" after one day. THE MAGIC OF COUSINS.
"I know things are not great right now but it's always darkest before the dawn, right?" Why make him speak in cliches?
Cam Cameron WHY. ARE YOU HERE?
I like how Belly could've just said "We should throw a party" but because we're supposed to understand the closeness of these families through dialogue alone she has to say it in a roundabout way so she can talk about a memory of her mom and Susannah that Conrad and Jeremiah should already know if it's like they all grew up together 3 months out of the year.
This zen conversation with Steven and Conrad is legit like the first real conversation I've witnessed on this show.
This volleyball conversation is so forced.
"Your subconscious brain takes you there" You can just say subconscious, Jere. Who wrote this.
Oh look, ANOTHER taylor swift song. jesus christ.
I think I got a few requests to do a vid to this song and I remember just not getting over "is it chill that you're in my head?" because I thought it sounded like when you go to the thesaurus and look up synonyms for "cool".
They're both trickling their hands in the water, are their fingers going to touch and it's going to be ELECTRICITY?
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But this is her I FEEL THE ELECTRICITY face
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You know, we can't even consistently stay here
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at marginal almost kind of chemistry
"I'll come too!" Taylor's "Uh huh" is the only time I've marginally liked her.
You can't scoff at him calling her his muse with your cliched valedictorian speech, Steven.
"Wooooooow, your I.D. didn't work Mr. Herbertson??" "Fuck off, at least I have one" oh my god, a moment between them that ACTUALLY sounded genuine. I am amazed. It will most likely die of loneliness.
And Jumper laughing then pointing at the sign is legitimately the only funny moment I've seen throughout this entire season.
She doesn't even sound sincere.
i am laughing so hard, this is the first time i've read rap on this show and it's because SHE'S SO GANGSTER SHE GOT THE BOOZE BECAUSE SHE'S BELLY.
Conrad asserting his dominance after Belly got Jeremiah a drink but not him one by drinking from Belly's straw is actually pretty funny though. It would be better if Belly wasn't so ... herself.
I love that Skye and Cam Cameron are the ship I care about the most (and I'm using the word 'care' SO loosely).
"The sacred emergency Amex??" It went back to being phony.
I can't deal with more Taylor and Steven.
And she'll put the boa around him because this show loves cliches.
And Jeremiah will see because this show loves cliches.
"Belly, you don't have to apologize for that" she kind of does though. She was kind of completely terrible.
Girl, you can shrug and shake your head all you want, it doesn't compensate for a lack of emotion in your face or voice.
And he's blinking trying to find his well of emotion and that shit is dry, my friend.
It's not like he was kissing Aubrey, it's not even like they were hugging, he had his head in her lap and you can say "teenager" all you want but this is ridiculous.
This is also the closest they've come to executing what they want with these two and it's still not done well but when he says "Aubrey was just the one who found me I wish it was you" I can at least say I believe that.
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There we go.
So I'm guessing she's supposed to have this cosmic, soulful, reach into each other's soul connection with Conrad and a fun, chemistry-filled familiarity with Jeremiah. I've just seen both things done properly so this is just very big shrug.
I was going to say something about the 'how to kiss' conversation but then I was like, lol there are too many youths on my blog. So, moving on.
"I always hated when Mom made us take these pictures but it's like she knew we'd want them later" yes, Jeremiah, that's the purpose of a picture. He would annoy me less if they stopped giving him asinine lines.
"Looking at you mooning over Conrad" "That was a LONG time ago" how long ago was this break up, Belly?
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she's saying the same thing twice. That's just called moving on. What it should be is "mourning your past and moving on in the present" or "remembering your past and moving on in the present" or "celebrating your past and moving on in the present" or "appreciating your past and moving on in the present". WHO. WROTE. THIS.
So Jere is Dean and Conrad is Jess, which anon essentially told me. Except Conrad is nowhere near as bad as Jess. He is just a boy who's been sad. LMAO.
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she needs to be stopped.
"I don't want to talk about Conrad, he really hurt you" BY BEING SAD?
"You don't need to hurt yourself to get my attention" that was almost hot but he lacks the conviction necessary for me to be like ... sir ... and they don't actually have the i-need-to-jump-your-bones tension they need to have
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"Just don't fucking break her heart again." He was quiet at prom. I...
OK so I'm really on neither side here because I don't care but there is a bit of a difference between Conrad telling Jere to suck it up and let him be with Belly, which was insensitive, and Jeremiah about to make out with his brother's ex girlfriend in public.
"When things aren't perfect instead of trying to fix it, he decides to throw it away" but we literally never see him do that?? Like he leaves Brown to go to the house to stop the sale, he's like Liam or whoever, he got a judge to let him access the trust, let's do that. Jeremiah did you think of anything you could do to help save this house except bring flowers to Julia, which failed, or did you just go let's not give up every time reality hit? Because even the "let's get Syke on our side" plan was Belly's? Idk dude, you're talking a big game for a character who I've seen be effectively useless??
"When shit got tough, he couldn't handle it and he dropped you", he literally said he couldn't go to back to the prom and Belly was like LET'S BREAK UP THEN and then he tried to be like wait that's not what I mean and Belly refused to listen?
I ... WHAT?
See, this isn't a blowup. This is a very contained, very quiet fight and this is when it's supposed to be a dirty OH SHIT fight. We should get a version of this, GET IN HIS FACE JERE
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rail up on him
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be specific
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don't be afraid to have a fight! Not to mention I can't believe this fight because like 98% of the things he's accusing Conrad of, I don't think Conrad actually did, that would make him too much an active character. He is literally just a guy who's been sad.
And I know they hinted that Jeremiah has to deal with stuff because he was putting together Susannah's receipts or whatever but this is when juxtaposition would work where we see him see her wither away, we see him give her ice chips, we see him take care of her and Conrad is with Belly or at school.
Belly, why are YOU drunk? omg, at least Marissa's drama was FUN.
"I'm not leaving you, Belly." "But you already did!" I mean DID HE? And he also explained WHAT happened with Aubrey?
Someone said Conrad is like a ticking time bomb but what happens when he explodes because I haven't seen it. I've just seen him be sad.
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Belly, you are actually a ridiculous person
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If they really wanted me to believe that Conrad was slipping away little by little throughout their relationship then they can't just leave that up to prom and a voiceover. I needed to see him actively shut her out, I needed to see her actively try to talk to him and him refusing to let her in. I needed to see him be Jess. Otherwise, this is RIDICULOUS.
Oh good, you know what I needed now? Another Taylor Swift song.
And then Belly turns around and kisses/chooses Jeremiah after this? BRO. WHY DO EITHER OF YOU LIKE HER?
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snellyfish · 2 years
Not to bother you but since we're talking about rarepairs....how about Leobuki?
Oh this is so embarrassing for me, this was sitting in my drafts for MONTHS I'm so sorry HERE IT IS. Was planning to draw them for this ask but didn't get around to it.
TLDR: FUN!!!!!!
Mnnhnhghgh MUSIC PALS!!!!!!…or more…? shh!!!!
I don't talk about it much, or like, at all, but I wholeheartedly LOVE Leon. He's weirdly someone I can relate to-- stop laughing-- mostly in regard to his view of talent and the social acceptance of it-- GUYS BEAR WITH ME HERE--
I fffffeel that a lot of his ideology is that he doesn't want anything forced on him and his lifestyle, right? Regardless of WHAT is actually being forced. He's a huge free spirit and just wants to do whatever he wants, anything that comes to him easily isn't fun at all, that's where his hatred of so-called "talent" comes into play. Baseball was literally handed to him on a silver platter and he said "ayo this sucks DICK, send my complaints to the chef," he was quite literally blessed by the God of talent himself and he could NOT care less. For Leon, it's about what you love, not what you've been gifted: he's not grateful for what he has JUST because he has it, he would be grateful for what he had if only it were something he liked, something he asked for, something he WORKED for. Don't get me wrong, I think he genuinely does like baseball, but it's paired with the fear of falling into "destiny," of sorts. It all comes back to conformity, ugh. Boo, get off the stage! Silly Leon, society loves talent, not SKILL! :)
Meanwhile- Ibuki herself is the literal definition of free spirit, even moreso than him, she would encourage him relentlessly no matter what his next big ambitious dream of the week is: she will consistently exclaim the exact same amount of hyper energy every time he bounces back from hating to loving baseball and his top 50 impulsive career choices. This is PEAK. Chances are, Leon absolutely blows at guitar and singing and anything music-based, do you think Ibuki would cringe at him for it? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! she will think it's his unique sound and will cry horrendous tears of joy because she knows how happy it makes him to work hard for something. They can witness his unstable horrible progress in a newfound skill…together!
Due to my own headcanon, I don't personally ship Ibuki romantically with men but I could 100% see them either super queerplatonic or just inseparable besties in general. "I wanna be a rockstar to get with girls" "NO WAY ME TOO!!!!!" Absolutely nothing against them romantically of course, any content of them together is huge brain in my eyes. slash gen. Leobuki 4lyfers.
(As an added note later, I have recently heard they do have an interaction either in DRS or UTDP and apparently Ibuki hated his guts haha, I should read it sometime and be really bitter about it because I think they should be BESTIES and Danganronpa just has an undying biased vendetta against Leon)
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neonwizardheehee · 1 year
okay so i’ve been following you for at least a year and witnessed you posting through at least one eurovision (and had mutuals posting through three- idk if you were one of them then or not) and uh. this is embarrassing. but what *is* it? is it like the oscars?? except with some songs as well? i’m utterly confused
Ohhh beloved mutual I am SO glad you asked :DDDD I love to talk about Eurovision B)
Eurovision is a Song Contest were different european + adjacent countries + Australia are sending in an artist who competes for their nation for the "best" song each year. The winner nation gets to host next year's Eurovision (last year Ukraine won and for known reasons they unfortunately cannot host such a large event and so UK is hosting). The winner is chosen 50% by jury votes from each country and 50% by the European public.
That's like the hard facts I'd say :3 The thing is the entries are sometimes bangers, sometimes bonkers and and sometimes the most boring stuff you've ever seen/heard - but it's always a wild ride! You see cultures and songs and lyrics from different countries, genres which is very cool! ALSO THE FASHION! As sb said on here Eurovision is how Met Gala should be" XD There are a lot of iconic looks and this year we'll get some funky ones so I'm already hyped to see them!
And ofc the music and the show itself!
Everything is basically a huge party that goes on for a week! Tuesday and Thursday night (morning for you I think?) are the semi-finals and Saturday is the Grand Finale! I can highly recommend to tune in and just enjoy the show while checking the memes on Tumblr. We're usually having a fun time on here live blogging, judging (jokingly) and hyping. :D iT's all fun and games and brings us together :D
Here's an introduction video which sums up the different aspects (little trigger warning for masks at 11:10 till 11:40 I think?)
It's very queer and weird and a happy time!
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merluvlee-sims2 · 1 year
Pleasantview - Burb: Prologue #4
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Jennifer got to the coffee shop exactly on time, and nervously looked around for Melissa.
15 minutes went by, and still no sign of her new friend.
Where are they? She wouldn't ask me to meet here if she wasn't coming, right?
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30 minutes went by, and Jennifer was still alone in the coffee shop.
And then she heard them.
"Hey! Nice dress. Sorry I'm late. My photoshoot went over."
Jennifer giggled. "No worries. Can I buy you a cup of coffee?"
She felt so happy to be with Melissa again, that the stress of having to wait an extra 30 minutes to see her friend dissipated.
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"Aren't you gonna have coffee?"
Jennifer shrugged, "If I have coffee after 12pm, then I'll be a ball of anxiety all night long."
Melissa chuckled, "Seems like you're a ball of anxiety most of the time."
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"Excuse me—"
She couldn't argue with them, though. She truly was anxious most of the time. If it weren't for her anxiety and fear of failure, Jennifer would never get anything done.
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"Let's change the subject, please!" Jennifer giggled. She didn't usually giggle this much. Normally, she was pretty straight-laced. I suppose Melissa brings out a more fun side of me...
"Alright," said Melissa, "What brings you to Pleasantview?"
Jennifer took a deep breath. How was she supposed to explain her and John's five-year plan that she was only halfheartedly following along with because she didn't know what else to do with herself?
How could she tell someone who was nearly a stranger that she had hoped that moving here would make her into the person she always wanted to be, but that turned out to be a stupid pipe dream?
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But before she had to answer, a random person sat down right next to her and Melissa. Even though they saved Jennifer the awkwardness of having to answer that question, she still felt annoyed that someone else was intruding on her time with Melissa.
"Hey, I just wanted to say that you and your girlfriend are really cute together. And uh—if you're ever looking for a unicorn, feel free to hit me up."
"Excuse me??" Jennifer was completely shocked. "We're not—I mean—I—I'm married!"
"Oh, sorry, I didn't notice your ring. Okay, so you and your wife—"
"I'm gonna go to the bathroom," said Melissa, and disappeared in an instant.
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As soon as Melissa stood up, Angela sat down in her place.
"Hi, Aunt Jennifer. Didn't expect to see you here."
"Oh, Watchers," thought Jennifer, "now my niece has to witness my public embarrassment..."
"What's your name?" she asked the intrusive stranger.
"Tina. Meet my niece, Angela."
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Finally, Melissa came back from the bathroom, and Jennifer could politely escape that awkward situation.
"Wanna get outta here? There's a cool jewelry store nearby."
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The jewelry store was much more relaxing than the chaotic coffee shop. This place was more up Jennifer's alley. She browsed the entire shop until the sun went down, chatting with Melissa the entire time.
Melissa was so easy to talk to. Jennifer felt like she had known them for ages, which was strange, because she had always thought of herself as a pretty guarded person.
Finally, Jennifer settled on a classic pair of small gold hoop earrings.
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"Those earrings are so beautiful on you. You look gorgeous."
Jennifer blushed. The entire time they were in the jewelry store, she kept thinking about how Tina had assumed they were partners.
What if we were...?
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She was grateful when Melissa offered to walk her to her car, as it was late and the parking lot was almost empty.
She was also slightly embarrassed of her "soccer mom" van that John had convinced her to buy when they first got married. He wanted to fill it up with kids, but she still didn't know if she could give him that.
"Well—" Melissa interrupted her reverie.
She grabbed Jennifer's hand, and once again, Jennifer was shocked by how soft her skin felt.
"I know you're married and everything, but I would regret it forever if I didn't try this—"
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Jennifer couldn't believe what was happening—Melissa kissed her and she kissed them back, and now they were making out in front of her van like a couple of teenagers. Kissing her felt so...right, in a way that kissing men never did.
Jennifer felt as though a hidden door in her heart had been opened, and she was simultaneously amazed and terrified.
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sunny-mercya · 1 year
Hey, Brother do you still believe in one another?
05. Nightlife
Heiji Hattori x Male Reader | Platonic! Shinichi Kudo x Brother Reader
Fandom -> Detective Conan / Case Closed
Masterlist | Previous / Next |
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It's so fly-day, fly-day Chinatown
even if I'm tired of dancing, I'll play along until morning 
I want to drink something where I can see the harbor
Sachiko had a mission, she wanted to dance all night long with you, partying through the streets of Tokyo and just having fun. After all thats what Saturday nights are for.
Now she had to convince you in someway to tag along. Wouldn't be easy to get you out of the house, withering away is what you were during with yourself. Your energy was dwindled, too many days of school you had missed because you couldn't bring yourself to get out of bed. It was starting to get bad again. 
So Sachiko hoped with the nightly adventure, she had in mind, she could bring some spark of joyfulness back into you. To show you that life was still worth it to live, even when a part of your heart was missing now. 
Here was Sachiko, in your room, getting herself ready while you were still laying on the bed and staring at the glow-stars covered ceiling. The low volume of the radio, playing whatever song was just adding to the mood you were feeling. Oh boy.
«C'mon grumpy boy, let us roam through the streets and make them unsafe. We're gonna dance till sunrise and have fun! So c'mon c'mon,» Sachiko said, smacking her lips together, creating a popping sound, testing out another Lipstick. Finding the right colour wasn't a easy task sometimes. 
«Don't wanna, that sounds already exhausting and besides I don't wanna miss todays episode of Cowboy Bepo.» you sighed out. Weren't in the mood for Sachikos scheming ideas. 
Sachiko rolled her eyes, giving a mocking sigh in return. Boy, were you about to get on her nerves now with that brooding gloomy mood of yours—testing her patience. Fine. Be that way, but she will drag you out either way.
«When was the last time we went dancing? Months ago! And I really really wanna go with you, because more fun. So pretty please? For me?» Sachiko give you a pleading look, her personal puppy eyes.
«Argh, fine. You won. Just give me some minutes or so to get ready.»
Dim lighting, colourful and moving. Tonights playlist was a mix between national and international songs, blasting through the room and echoing in minds. The Disco was filled with people, crowded that sometimes you had to be careful not to get pushed around or accidentally being hit. They all were dancing and drinking to their heart's content, enjoying the young night. Had their fun.
Sachiko was twirling you around every so often, moving her body to the beat of music. Not caring in the slightest how revealing and skin exposing—it was November and the temperature are dropping, bringing goosebumps, and colourful her outfits might be for others. Sachiko simply didn't care, after all it wasn't her job to model her life after the opinion of others. 
Seeing you, only if it were just going be for this night, for those few hours—where the moon and sky above would be the only witness to anything and everything, finally so carefree and relaxed again, was making her happy. Selfish proud even.
As the next song was starting, you beamed from ear to ear. One of your favourite songs and now it was your turn to twirl and swirl Sachiko. 
You had forgotten how it was to feel such ecstasy, the rush of living in the current—the here and now. Brought back a once extinguished spark in you.
You make a hand gesture to Sachiko, signalling her that you wanted to take short break and drink something. She nodded, going with you. First rule unofficial, never let you partner walk alone through the Club.
Taking a seat at the bar, thankfully not all that crowded, ordering Cola for the both of you. Sachiko adding four Vodka shots to it. Soft drink, for a night like these? She found that a tad too goodie shoes. Prepping it with a few shots was the only truthfully classic way, to celebrate.
Eating the salted crackers and sipping on your drinks, you both talk about the newest school gossip. 
«Heh, I knew you would like it, grumpy hun~ Aren't I the best?»
«Sure are you the best, oh great princess Sachi,» you told her, laughing at the funny grimace she was doing in return. Time to order 2 more shots.
From the corner of your eyes you saw a silhouette of a men approaching you, stopping just a few meters in front of you.
«Hey there stranger,  I'm Daiki and I wanted to ask if you wanted to dance with me?» introduce Daiki himself, giving you a boyish smile and raking his hand through his short black hair.
Daiki was handsome, no lying to it, though Heiji was far more handsomely—but he does have a attractiveness, which could bring your cheeks into a flush. Or perhaps the shots are getting to you. 
Skimming over his body; plain shirt, jeans and sneakers. The outfit wasn't too fancy or too plain, but right in the middle. 
You pursed your lips, glancing at Sachiko—who was having the fun out of it, and pondering about his offer. In all honesty you weren't so keen on to dance with strange, where you only here because of Sachi and only for her. 
Though, this is the Disco, it's the nightlife—prone to mingle with strangers and their business, bodies close to one another, sharing heat and living their life in a rush of momentarily high. A sort of one night in Bangkok feeling.
«[Name] and sure why not,» you agreed, drinking the rest of your Cola out and getting up from the stool. Sachiko following after you two.
Boy were boys after all and Sachiko wasn't risking it of you getting abducted or the sorts of. Discos might be fun, but was also a place where things, bad things, could happen. Yeah no, Sachiko wouldn't allow that.
Oh, I wanna dance with somebody!
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody!
Dance with somebody
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theodoraflowerday · 2 years
young royals s2e6 live reaction
lisa's been all about the parallels so if the second I press play I do not get them lying in bed together being cute I will throw my laptop out the window
well okay
I will be having so much fun with the gifset parallels
now wille is the one who stays in bed and watches simon walk away
"can't you stay a little while then?" you shouldaaaaaa
(and the curtains are closed I'm so happy)
also "I have to make things right" it's been nice (not) marcus but you gotta go
I don't even dislike him I just really want him gone I fucking hate love triangles
simon really tried to resist him tho but like. he can't. he straight up can't. I love it when two people can't resist each other
jan-olof truly dropped the ball thinking august would be better than wille to represent the crown lmfao
august knowing the only way he can get wille to talk to him is through mentioning simon
baby of course simon wasn't gonna pick up his phone he was out there the crown prince of sweden's dick in his mouth do you really think you're a priority?
marcus honey may I recommend folklore by taylor swift there's quite a few songs I know you'd enjoy.
"but not compared to a prince" okay hoo slow down and he graceful about it
"I've been trying to tell you that I'm not ready for a serious relationship and you haven't been listening to me" YEAH BITCH YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO SAY "OK IT WAS NICE" AND MOVE TF ON!!!!
like ngl marcus you kinda brought this upon yourself
and he had to go and be a little bitch about it
you know what marcus? you're on my shit list now. fuck you.
not that simon was any kinder with the whole you know. cheating thing. but alas I did very much say I didn't give a shit if they cheated bc I personally like it so
okay. chin up and forget about it.
"erik wouldn't have let simon go to the police" TAKE HIS NAME OUT OF YOUR FILTHY ASS MOUTH AUGUST
alexander needs to get the fuck out of hillerska
there is a witness however
oh my god
god i fucking hate august
stab him!!!!
oh wait no one's pointed a gun at august yet oh that's gonna be fun
I can't believe alexander would do that just to fuck with wille
sara kisses that horse w more passion than she kisses august lmfao
oh my god felice baby
okay now you tell her about august
"you have nothing to apologize for" haha well about That...
okay this is not the point of it
but they look so fucking sexy being a couple
I love how simon straight up didn't even try to intervene lmfao he was like "ok if he shoots him then he shoots him"
I'm glad this one went off on sara too lmfao like I'm sorry but 🤷🏽
sara honey you're an idiot
"we're the same you and me" okay but like... he's got a point
"i just wanna go home" sobbing
oh he's just a baby he just wants his parents I'm crying
I'm gonna cry
oh my god just talk to him you're HIS PARENTS
"you can talk to us about absolutely anything" CAN HE REALLY YOU FUCKING BITCH
and YOU [points at ludwig]
"why are you two even here?" because it's their business too
you know what? I guess for the drama I can deal with all the shit she's done. but STELLA? SHE DID NOTHING WRONG WHY ARE YOU DRAGGING HER INTO THIS.
"you're so fucking full of shit" HONESTLY??? like bitch fuck that this isn't about being in love or the sex or whatever it's about the fact that HE RELEASED A SEX TAPE INVOLVING YOUR UNDERAGE BROTHER
wille playing w a lighter? he's gonna burn his hoooouse to the ground
ayub is a fuckin real one. ayub and rosh both. I'm so glad simon has them
[maddie voice] FUCK YOU AUGUST
love it when august is reminded of his place
oh the electronic tune playing, you know shit's gonna go down
oh my god
oh my god
oh my god oh my godoh my god
not the HAND
Tumblr media
[wilhelm's breath trembling softly] WELL I AM SCREAMING
I have rewatch ed that scene like 3 times I can't believe this I'm sobbing and screaming and crying
jan-olof just found them basically inhaling each other lmfao
I can't
no I'm serious I can't
I wish jan-olof a very death
I'm kinda hoping for an "i...... am iron man" thing with wille
please wille pull an I am iron man thing
lmfao august's face
oh and he's a fucking amazing public speaker
that's ur future king @ sweden
oh everything in this season was so worth it it was so worth it
I hated everything until episode 4 but I will be playing it in the background the rest of the month because if this show doesn't get renewed I will kill a bitch
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mikhardwheat · 2 years
Byler. But they have an embarrassing amount of money.
Mike is a nepotism baby and Will being a self-made business owner who had the biggest crush on Mike growing up (he showed up at the conferences with his parents and Will saw him in the news).
They meet at the business event, one of those where people are smiling politely to each other and walk over to say "hi" to the people much higher than them. Mike picks Will out from across the room and Lumax encourage him to go "take a shot", so he goes and then...
Mike: hey, gorgeous
Will: are you talking to me?..
Mike, with the beamiest smile he can fake: who else is there?
Will was right in the middle of a discussion with Dustin, about the next project he had in mind. With Dustin (obviously). Who is there too.
Will: ugh
Mike: I saw an unopened bottle of Luis Roedener Cristal Brut at the bar, we can definitely share a few glasses
Mike: but, considering your handsomely-sculpted face, you might prefer something richer in taste... whisky, perhaps? Or is it rom?
Mike: in any case
Mike: would you like to join me at the table?
Mike: oh, where are my manners!
Mike: I'm Mike, Mike Wheeler. My parents own the Wheeler Industries, we're sponsoring this event
Mike: isn't that crazy? This whole thing-
Dustin: that sounds really nice, but we are busy here??
Mike, completely ignoring him: weird, I didn't quite catch your name
Mike: wait, let me guess!
Mike: is it "Dazzling"? or maybe "Stunning"?
Mike: because they both are definitely fitting
He gives Will another one of his smiles
Will, slightly raising a single brow: are you always talking that much?
Mike: what?..
Will: like
Will: did you even take a breath throughout the whole thing?
Mike: I-
Will: not to say it in a demeaning way
Will: that's impressive, actually
And then he proceeds to shoo him off somehow, because Dustin has a flight in a few hours and they still haven't finished arguing on the upcoming project. Mike doesn't get the name out of this interaction too, so he has to search him up when he gets home.
Side notes:
> Lucas and Max have made fun of him when he came back
> Will still finds Mike adorable (no taste detected)
> Mike totally cried that night
When they get together, Mike develops a funny physical reaction at when Will buys him things, because despite being in the rich circles his whole life, he was always the one to pay for things. Not to mention: Will buys him desired and useful things, not just historical pieces of art he doesn't care about.
Mike still has to witness them, because stupid canvases with painted water make Will all smiley and happy and "why is he interested in this stuff anyway - oh wait, he gave me a kiss for that one, he gave me a whole goddamn kiss and where is his mouth going- okay, I'll buy another one. Why? No reason. And, uh oh, suddenly I want to visit an art museum, or two, or five... Fuck, I totally heard someone saying getting the tickets to that one is nearly impossible?? Challenge accepted."
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