#i'm so proud of myself. and of you. have fun!! :DD
mushroomjar · 10 months
i have an IRL friend who is obsessed with the saw movies as well so i think i’m gonna watch them now, thanks
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keeps-ache · 1 year
'ya'll know what time it is-'
'-ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding'
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sadghoststudios · 9 months
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STATE OF PLAY 12/23: a little news and updates roundup!
Howdy all! Squeaking in just before the new year, I thought now's as good a time as ever for a little roundup of anything you might have missed, and what we're currently working on! Aiming to do these quarterly from now on 🫡✨
If you wanna keep up with posts like this from us without relying on social media, you can also sub to our newsletter! Promise not to annoy you. Good emails only.
Recap and news under the cut!
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2023 Roundup
We had two releases this year, but DemiDato was the big one! For those that don't know, this game spent a long 5+ years in and out of development hell, so it was a big relief to finally put everyone's hard work out into the world back in March.
We were also lucky enough to feature DD in the Queer Games & Queer Halloween bundles this year, so even if you haven't had a chance to grab the game outright, check your itch library - you might already own it!
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As for the future of our monsters, a 1.1 update is still on the cards! The bulk of it is already complete - there's some script tidying and quality of life improvements already in the WIP build, as well as a fancy schmancy CG Gallery (which you can see a little preview of in the devlog I wrote). 
1.1 development has admittedly stalled a little, as I really want to implement some animated video transitions plus an animated intro and trailer into its final build, but it's been hard to find the time to teach myself a whole new skillset while also being in preproduction for our new title (more on that in a bit!). In my head for all the years of development, the game has always had a really cheesy reality show intro with horribl(y good) graphics, just like the real life shows that inspired it. So even if the feature didn't make it to 1.0, I still really want it to happen eventually. (Plus, when we do eventually rerelease on Steam, a trailer is very important for the store page! That means it counts as futureproofing, right...?)
If you want to hear some more about what the release was like, my dear friend Kaiju of Digital Diversity interviewed me right after the game came out! You can read the interview on Digital Diversity over here.
Our second game of the year was a short little nugget written for 2023's Josei Jam, and devved almost solo by timepatches (hi! that's me!)
It'd been a long time since I managed to get anything off the ground in a jam setting, and I still find it a little intimidating (it's really difficult for me to get new ideas & iterate on them fast enough to meet the start deadline and recruit others), so solo dev it was! My art is hardly intricate but it gets the story across, and I'm proud of the VN as a whole - whatever you think of 'wholesome games' as a movement, it's hard to deny that we all need a cosy space now and then, and that’s the kind of story I like to tell most. And it's not like GrandNya is all sunshine, either, which you'll know if you got to the end!
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I also managed to apply to Hand-Eye Society's Super FESTival with GrandNya, and was somehow accepted, which I'm still pinching myself about! What a stellar lineup of games to share a page with.
Fest aside, it was a pretty quiet release all things considered, so don't worry if you missed it! Your grandmas are still there on our itch page anytime, to give you a lil’ pocket of safe queer story to live in whenever you need it.
Now for something completely different!! Despite some prior medical commitments around the jam date (which then got moved, typical), I was VERY stoked to be able to hop on the team for Kristi HusbandoGoddess' Yuri Jam game, Intoxicated!
It was an absolute blast. Turtles were drawn in the group chat for reasons I can no longer remember. It singlehandedly made me decide that I want to do more jam work on others' teams, because I forgot how fun it can be working toward a common goal in a more relaxed environment! 
And the game turned out incredible. Check it out if you support women's wrongs! ♡
Plans for 2024
[Codename BAT 🦇] (the big otome/amare game)
Oh yeah. It's big.
I won't spill too much just yet, but just know that I've had this idea as a vague plot bunny in the back of my mind for years. Then, as my dear friend Charlie and I were on VC beta testing a late DemiDato build, it came up and they were so excited about the idea that I couldn't help but start seriously thinking about how to make it.
Well. That was in March. After I took a break and worked on GrandNya, I've been working ever since on building out the world (it's set in the same universe as the rest of our library, but deals a bit more with the actual ramifications of it all, so I had to set some things in stone I haven't before). More recently I've been building out the most coherent, easy-to-follow outline I can (not my strong point, and bless my beta readers for their support while I complain about it). 
Very soon I should be able to start writing! Terrifying! I can't wait. Once I'm a fair way into the script writing you'll get to hear about exactly what I'm cooking, and I think... you'll like where we're going.
[Other Redacted Thing]
Not my project so I won't spoil exactly what it is, but I get to do some UI work for an upcoming jam project and I am SO excited! I get to work with some very familiar faces again! You'll know what it is as soon as I'm allowed to tell you 👀
What I will say is that it shares a coincidental similarity with my long project...
That's it!! ✨
Thank you for reading all my waffle (being long winded is my special talent), and for sticking with us through the inevitable periods of radio silence! We're still just little fish in a very big pond, but every time someone plays something I made and feels some type of way, I remember what the point of all this is. 
It makes me very happy to be able to share stories with y'all. Here's to more in 2024!
♡ Madi Wander (@timepatches)
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thegnomelord · 6 months
Even though the bunny anon is my friend, they have made the mistake of letting me sleep while knowing they were up to no good. I'll end up presenting a roasted rabbit on a pike soon enough—
I should have known they were up to no good when they practically begged me to post some sort of part of it because I tend to keep my works to myself. I haven't been around too many people that are fond of just reading so it dampens my thoughts on sharing. I am glad that you seemed to enjoy the snippet that was placed out and I hope that the final product exceeds your expectations!
Okay this is totally late lol but-
I get it, it takes a lot of courage to post your writing online and for what's it worth I'm proud and happy of you for doing it and putting yourself out there :Dd
And if there's some advice I can give you, is to just have fun and not try to reach other's expectations. You're writing for yourself first and foremost, and trying to reach or exceed expectations that you yourself didn't set just takes the fun out of writing.
So have fun and I'm eager to see what you come up with lol :Dd
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notbrookesbooks · 8 months
Just wanted to let you know how much of an inspiration you were to me. I never thought I'd convince myself to try learning how to write all over again... but I'm extremely happy I found this book. You. I may only be on chapter 24, but my appreciation for you is almost maxed out. From some of these posts, I can tell that I may be disappointed with the ending, but here's to hoping I'll be satisfied with the outcome of this already chaotic but deeply interesting mess.
After showering you with compliments, I will ask my question LOL. Have you considered finishing it? I know it's discontinued, but if you were anything like me your entire mindset could have changed in a few years, suddenly giving you the urge to complete an old project from the sheer boredom you've faced for however long.
So sorry for the wait, I don’t really answer or look at things here anymore. I’m more than willing to talk about my works (past & present) on my main account: @notbrookie
I’m just keeping this blog up for memory-purposes, and for those who are enjoying the book and would like to view fan art. That’s really it.
I’m so touched by your comment!! It’s unreal how popular it got, and while I’m not too proud of how it ended, and lost my path, I’m to this day floored by how well it did. There were a lot of inconsistencies, plot holes, and just overall situations that were tied to the book in a way that is just too taxing for me to write.
When I decided to end DD, it had gotten to the point where it just wasn’t fun anymore and felt more like a job rather than something I loved sharing with people. I was 18 when I wrote that first chapter, and now that I’m 23 I can tell you that I’m never going to finish it. It’s a part of my life that is bittersweet and I feel has found its place buried in my past.
I even took my name from it, so it’s a stand alone fic.
I’m currently in the process of writing a new book based around my OC Amethyst (or Ame) and that freaking awesome totally rad dude Adam, although whether or not I make a blog about it remains to be seen. Unfortunately while I’ll never finish or touch DD again, it’s opened a lot of doors in my life that have previously closed.
Thank you all, genuinely. I think about the community I’ve built all the time, and it’s overwhelmingly wonderful,
Feel free to follow my work on A03 under my name ‘NotBrooke’ !!! Or join the discord!
See you, space cowboy
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sunmoonjune · 9 months
Hiya Moonie! So I was wondering, do you have any advice for someone trying to start writing a Poly!OT8!Stray Kids x Reader? I had an idea for a Supernatural!AU where the boys are all different types of magical creatures (and the MC is also a magical creature) and I have the bare bones of the story planned, but since I'm kinda a baby Stay (my first official comeback with them was Case 143) I'm afraid that I won't portray the boys accurately or they'll be too OOC for anyone to enjoy my fic. I'll take any advice you've got, because I could probably use it lol. Thanks in advance!
-Magic Anon (can I be Magic Anon? Is that cool?)
hmmmm honestly I can never tell if my depictions of skz or other characters are accurate?? but I can tell you how I write them?
chan to me is a good mix of giggly/silly and serious,, he's very protective of the people he loves and pays very close attention to them -- he feels like the kind of person who can tell when the boys are upset before they are in a way you know? like he just cares SO much about them and he's always watching to make sure they're safe and cared for :'))) he also is protective too,, like he's always prepared to fight for the people he cares for <3 but he's also very silly and young too! like he still messes around with the boys and plays pranks and such xD
minho is very much a tsundere to me sometimes! like he acts a little colder at face value and his expressions can be a little more stoic but he also pays very close attention to skz and the people he loves <33 he likes to do little things for the boys and he's always prepared to do things for/with them to make sure they're happy and safe :')) he's a bit of a brat tamer to me and he seems to like it when people try to tease him cause he likes to punish them for it xD like the rest of skz he's super playful and likes to play the occasional prank to get a chuckle out of everyone
changbin is the problem child of skz even if he's the third oldest XD he's extremely silly and laughs easily! he's very proud of his muscles and likes to show them off and acts really young :}} he's very giggly and is very hard working! I think I write him a little bit more of a brat in a way?? like he likes to tease and be teased and he gets huffy and loud when he's the subject of the teasing xD he feels like the kind of guy who would be protective but in the kind of way where he trusts you to the ends of the earth he just worries about everyone else if that makes sense?
hyunjin is the world's biggest brat and he's VERY dramatic so I always write him as kind of a little shit sometimes xD he likes to tease and he likes to be put in his place it seems ;) he's very silly and I'll say it again -- VERY dramatic HAHA,, he's also very artistic and likes his alone time,, he talks about doing things alone a lot and enjoying that time by myself :}} I think one of his love languages is touch cause he adores loving up on jeongin especially xD
hannie is also kind of a brat too xD he's loud and playful and he can have a tendency to poke fun at some of the members in playful fights sometimes xD he also seems introverted to me and can prefer his alone time in private sometimes he can be brash and silly so he's kind of like an extroverted introvert if that makes sense? like extroverted with his friends but introverted when he's with others (same Han xD )
lixie!!! our sweet lix <333 so when you write Felix just think sunshine and then write exactly how that feels hehe :')) Felix is fr like the embodiment of sunshine <33 he's soft and mushy and caring and sweet like :"DD he adores his members and his family and his very physically affectionate (he LOVES to snuggle) he's very personable and ppl cannot resist him cause he's just so kind and gentle (tho those taekwondo medals mean something :O ) overall just an absolute sweetheart <33
seungmin is a little more quiet but he's also a brat xD he likes to poke fun and instigate playful arguments but he still loves his members :"D he's grown a little more extroverted over the years but I still see him as mostly an introvert! as skz says he's an awful lot like a puppy and I see him as kind of a golden retriever boy but just a little quieter sometimes maybe?? he's playful and sweet too <33
jeongin is the ultimate maknae and he knows he's the baby so he uses that to his advantage a LOT xD he's also kind of a brat but again, he uses those maknae privileges to get away with stuff a lot he's very playful and silly and can sometimes surprise you how quickly he changes from baby bread to daddy toast HAHA he's a little less physically affectionate I think than the others but thats not saying much because skz is constantly all over each other HAHA xD
I don't know if any of this will help but I guess this is part of how I imagine them?? not all of it may be accurate tbh but it's how I see them sometimes :"D
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darkangel0410 · 1 year
2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 14
sorry so many its only bc im obsessed with you and love your brain! and really genuinely interested in how it works!
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Don't apologize, I love talking writing stuff with you!!! This did get super long, tho, so I'm putting it under a cut:
2) What is your favorite fic of yours?
I mean, the real answer is all of them, lbr, but I'm really proud of trouble at my door (the necromancer au!!) because I love the worldbuilding I did, and it's basically the first case fic I ever wrote, and fight scenes that don't lead to sex!!! And a really good sex scene, too, if I do say so myself
3) What fic of yours do you think is underrated?
Hmmm, there's a couple answers for this, one of which is trouble at my door again, lol, but probably (this one) to the grave - it's an ultra rarepair (Chris Kreider/John Tavares), but I love the werewolf worldbuilding I dit, and sometimes I think about revisiting it
4) What fic of yours were you surprised by how popular it was?
Oh, probably any Tkachuks or Hughes (or Fantilis now, I guess lol) fic that gets over like 20 kudos or more than a couple comments, tbh. I get so much pushback from fandom (anon and otherwise) about writing it that it's always weird to me if they do well in that way
6) Do you outline your fics? If so, how?
I do not usually - for a series, I'll make notes as I go so I don't Joss myself, and if there's a case (so basically, necromancer au and in death au lmaoo) I make notes about it, but usually I just have an idea - what if Thom Bordelau was a necromancer? What if Jack Eichel was a crime lord? What if Trevor Zegras was a werewolf? and on and on forever - and then I sit down and start writing it to see what happens. After a few hundred words I mostly know how I want it to end, and what happens to get there. But I don't outline it the way plotters generally do - I tried before, when I was still figuring out my process for writing, but when I do write done everything like that first I don't want to write it anymore because the story feels told to me then, and my brain's satisfied.
8) Do you take inspiration from real life? If so how do you incorporate it into your fics?
Yeah, some - I think to a certain extent every writer does, we can't help it. As for how it ends up in fics...I think it's mostly little things, like. Someone's favorite song or drink - large iced mocha, extra chocolate from DD baybee (Turcs fave btw) - the way they tilt their head to the side when they ask questions, how impatient they are with people sometimes.
I do bring a lot of sex/kink/bdsm experience to my fic, too, I think - not necessarily in the sense that I write everyone having the same kinks as me, but I've been around kink and dungeons almost my whole adult life so there's stuff I know how to write that I'm not always into, and it makes it easier to have seen it done irl, or know someone who's into whatever I'm writing.
It also means I get a lot of people poking at me, through their own fic or in my inbox, about stuff that I've written, but at least there's hardly any death threats any more, unlike when I first started writing bdsm AUs/fics 😂😂😂
14) What is something you wrote in a fic that you are hoping readers picked up on but you don't know if they did? And/or, what is something that you were excited that readers did pick up on?
Oh this is such a good question - there's a couple, really, one of which is in (take this) to your grave by the end of that fic John's a very specific kind of crazy, and I love when readers picked up on that ❤️❤️❤️ there's also a part in the godlings verse where it's explained why Auston always looks so cranky when he's in Toronto (it's because he's the son of Apollo and he loathes cold weather lol) and I love the couple people who picked up on it 💕💕💕
Thank you for asking!!!! It was alot of fun!! ❤️❤️❤️ (fic writers ask meme)
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ternaryflower53 · 2 years
1, 24, 29, 30:DD
(fandom end of year asks)
favourite fandom you joined this year
our flag means death! i haven't posted about it much mostly bc i am not on tumblr much but i have SO many feelings about it
i also started reading batfam content this year and there is sooo much good fic i am being fed so much good cake
24. best episode you watched this year
the oranges episode of ofmd?? amazing iconic and so much jim content
*tries to remember what other tv shows i watched* uhhhhh. oh i watched sandman! that's not an episode but it was a fun show
29. fandom “first” you accomplished this year
participated in a big bang! it's not done and i'm behind (hhhh) but i'm proud of myself anyway!!
30. fandom resolution for next year
keep on vibing, mostly! sign up for fandom trumps hate again, i liked doing that. also my next longer fic project is the ot3 breakup fic so i'm planning to get some work on that after the big bang finishes up :D
also, i really want to comment on fics more next year. i'm not much of a commenter bc i'd like to leave longer comments but i think i want to try leaving little comments too, esp on older fics and oneshots which don't get as much attention
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wave2tyun · 7 months
oooh! im glad u were able to have fun with those courses in the end!! AND NO BC WHAT YOU SAID ABT HAVING TO DEAL WITH SCHEDULES FASDFASD honestly!!! as an introvert when i go out w friends/someone i get so drained!! when i get home i barely have the energy to change clothes... idk how idols do it either!! though maybe im just crazy.. i have to take a whole day to recover before i go out again or else i feel physically sick pfff also!! thats exciting to hear that youre planning on writing something vday related!! sdfdsfg i cant wait to see and on another note i saw u were suggesting soobin enemies to lovers and the thought of you writing for soobin has me running laps around my room!! as a proud soobrangdan i cannot wait to see what you make if u decide to write for him afasdffg *bats eyelashes* i will be the first one to read fr 🤭🤭🤭 -🐰
I GET YOUUUUUUU OMGG I REALLY DO!!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭 i'm also an introvert and if i have two consecutive plans like one day after another i feel stressed out and tired just by thinking about it!!!😵‍💫 and don't get me wrong i do love going out with the people that i love adbhjsa but sometimes i feel like i really need a certain amount of alone time to get my energy and uhhh social skills back up😭😭 i think this may be part of the reason why i'm not the biggest fan of spontaneous plans dabhjsa i used to think that maybe there's something wrong with me for being this way but as i grew up i learned to accept it, hearing that other people experience this also puts me more at ease. even if i force myself to go out more i just. won't feel good. people just live differently so do whatever feels good for you!!!!
hehe thank youuuu!!! :DD💓💞💘💖💓💘💞 i'm a bit busy today so i hope i'll be able to finish it by tomorrow night, i want it to be good so i apologise if it's not ready exactly on valentine's day😞😞 it's gonna be a one-shot and as of right now it's over 1.5k words!! at first i was struggling a bit with deciding what exactly i want to do with the plot, but now i'm quite happy with what i managed to come up with :DD when you read it pleaseee do let me know your thoughts about it, i'd so love to hear it!! :((((<33 and also, i do have a few more soobin fics that i've written before, so your soobrangdan heart WILL be fed well!!👀👀 i just haven't gotten round to reposting them just yet😔
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bonon-bobani · 8 months
2, 5/6 (you choose! Or answer both, if you'd like :D), 11, 16, 23 for the fandom ask game
Thank you and may this message find you healthy and happy! :D
OK I'll fold this my speak takes really long ehehe
2. A headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like
Everything around Lurien ig. At first I didn't know how to interpret him, but every time I saw his fanart it inspired me very much, and it collected my thoughts.
5&6. Something you see in fics&arts a lot and love
PK with several arms!!!! Although I rarely draw it myself, I really love it<3
And, in fics, I like it when people give actual name to characters like WL or PK or vessels or...ok everyone, since I've never seen things like this in fanfics written in Japanese. It's cute...
11. If you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
I always love my works(it's all something I really wanted to see), but especially I'm proud when I drew long comics like these.
16. A tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
I think it isn't TINY, but I want more people talking about Path of Pain...not only platforming...It's my incentive to dove into this fandom. It explains the centrum of this game's story, it explained why the seal failed in the first place, And pair of Seal of Binding, one for PoP, one for Blackegg...
OK. Maybe it is me thinking about it too much ・ヮ・...
23. the fandom you're curious about because of a mutual
ULTRAKILL, Lies of P, The Binding of Isaac. Oops all steam game
(Actually I played both HK and RW because of mutuals from Bug Fables)
I had so fun thinking these, thank you so much! I'm super happy and healthy now :DD
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lady-wren-of-tella · 2 years
Yayyy!! I’m glad they brighten up your day!! ^-^
And yeah, I agree. Being burnt out/lacking motivation is annoying ;-; I’m hoping that it comes back to me soon tho
I’m glad that you’re doing good and you made progress on editing!! So proud of you my friend!! :DD And yes, you deserve to rest Wren!! Remember to take care of yourself, send platonic love and wholesome vibes to you!!! :DD <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 /p
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for me, by biggest tip for increasing motivation/getting rid of burnout is first, rest. ALWAYS REST. taking a step back to breathe and stop yourself from behind fully immersed in the thing really helps. THEN, i try to have fun with it. if it's editing, I'll remind myself of my end goal and how happy I get going through the writing I'm proud of
for art, that might mean finding a new, tiny and manageable project thats creative in a new way. definitely only do the project when you feel open to it tho!
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serodev · 3 years
Hello!!! I am new to tumblr and this is my 1st time requesting so I'm sorry if I got anything wrong! English is my 3rd language as well and I don't speak the language that much 😭
I'd like to request a match up! 😁 ( if those are even open I'm sorry in advanced if it's closed 😅)
My name is Mary tho my friends call me Mar-Mar since I have 5, yes 5 other friends named Mary as well 😭
I am pansexual and I am okay with any pronouns :DD! ( fun fact in my dialect we refer to everyone as they/them which I find very cool!!)
I am still unsure on what I identify as but at this point I let anyone perceive me as whatever they see me as!
I like the cold weather more than hot weathers! I also like to drink lots of coffee or as my friends like to say "ungodly amounts of coffee"
I doo have a really bad sleeping schedule most of the time I sleep at 2-3 and have to wake up at 7 😅
My hobbies are anything art related really! I most love anything that involves painting and charcoals! I like to collect shiny objects and pretty things in general. Outside of my hobbies I spend most of my time studying since I want to get out of my house as soon as possible. I also used to work a part time job tho I had to quit because of the pandemic and my family is overprotective since I'm the youngest and my three other brothers have already moved out a long time ago.
I'm a top student in my class and English is actually the subject I most suffer in 😭 those darned essays! My friends find it weird that I prefer math and science over English 🤣
My close friends and family would describe me as shy, quiet and reserved. Tho once I get close to them I manage to open up! My friends clame that I am "innocent" and that even in my age I am still oblivious to dirty words. Tho I'd blame my overly religious family for that. My friends also tell me that I am sometimes too kind 😅 I am an INTP and my horoscope is libra :D
I relate to a worrying amount of bungo stray dog characters 💀 ( Akutugawa, Ranpo, Kenji etc etc) my friends call it kinning I think???
I don't spend much time on social media. Really the only reason why I know some of the lingo is because of my friends explaining it to me aaand urban dictionary. The only ones I frequent are Facebook, discord ( if you could call that a social media? Idk it's where my friends chat so I downloaded it to chat with them!) and YouTube!
I am now only getting into anime and one of my firsts was Attack on Titan blame my brother for that. Bungo stray dogs being my second anime and it was recommended by a friend!
One thing I am proud of myself is how open minded I have become! Trust me, I was very ignorant and close minded back at 6th-7th grade. As in I was generally homophobic and every other bad thing. My friends helped me understand tho and later on I had just realised how toxic my family is 😧 even if they clame to be Christians. I'm very grateful for everything and especially my friends! They have helped me so much and are just the most understanding people that I know 😁
One thing I'd like to do is to get closer to my brothers! We've been chatting lately actually and if things go well then we might actually be able to hang out next year!
Thank you for reading! And have a wonderful day/night ☺️
Note(s): Don't worry! The matchups were still open when you sent in this message. You're also doing a really good job speaking/writing in English even though it's your third language! Anyway, I hope you enjoy your matchup! (Dw, I noticed your other message as well <3)
I match you up with…
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Giyuu Tomioka!
» I know that it's sometimes hard to get along with other quiet people, especially when you're quiet/shy yourself, but from time to time, they can bring the best out of you, and I believe that's the case with you and Giyuu!
» Giyuu doesn't share too many hobbies with you (he's not good at drawing), but that doesn't mean that he won't partake in them! He likes to spend time with you, and it isn't usual for the two of you to do something together in this comforting quietness.
» He also understands your family situation 100%, even though his family wasn't exactly the same as yours. The things he does to make you feel better can be unnoticeable at first, but trust me when I say that he's going to take care of you and love you a ton!
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tooweirdforyou · 4 years
Ily and I'm so proud of you 🥺👉🏼👈🏼💙 keep up the good work my child 🍪
With that being said, ima request for the first time 😈
Can you hit me with that Luffy, prompt 16 ? Do it however you like 😚
Holiday Prompt #16 With Luffy
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A/N : I hope I didn’t already use this pic- thank you for requesting!!! 🥰🖤 ilyt :DD thank you for being proud of me, 🍪 🥺 hope you enjoy this! :))
H.P. #16 : “I pray Santa doesn’t give me coal this year..”
Summary : In which, Luffy decides to cheer up his significant other and shine the positivity of Christas spirit. not good with summaries
“Do we really have to do this?”
Hearing the Christmas music being played and sung by Brook in the background, you sigh softly at the sight of Usopp, Chopper and Franky cheering and singing the lyrics loudly to their hearts content.
Sanji was in the kitchen, whipping up a special feast for dinner, Zoro was napping on the deck and light snow falling down upon him.
Robin was currently on the upper deck, unboxing the many decorations that the two girls, Usopp and Luffy bought to hang around the ship, while you and Nami were setting up the decorations on the Christmas tree.
“Why not? It’s a tradition and plus, it’ll be fun to celebrate with the crew.” Nami smiles as she hangs another ornament up onto tree.
You only sweat drop at the sight of Luffy screaming the lyrics with a huge grin.
Chopper the Blue-Nosed Reindeer
Had a very shiny nose
And if you ever saw it
You would even say it glows
All of the other humans
Used to scream and call him names
They never let poor Chopper
Join in any human games!
Then one foggy Winter day
One human came to say
"Chopper, with your nose so bright
Won't you come home with me tonight?"
Then how the humans loved him
As they shouted out with glee
"Chopper the Blue-Nosed Reindeer
You'll go down in history!””
You smile slightly at the lyrics and just shake your head at Luffy’s weirdness and hung up another decoration.
“I don’t know, I guess I just think it’s so.. over the top. Especially with Luffy begging to invite everyone we’ve met to celebrate with us..” you mutter, trailing off as you thought back to your memory from yesterday.
Nami scowls at the memory and you could see the tense aura radiating off of her. “He’s seriously insane..” Nami suddenly turned back to her cheery mood and smiles at you.
“So [Name]-“
Before you could react, you suddenly felt yourself be shoved down onto the deck, Luffy on top of you with a wide grin. “[Name]! [Name]! I have a question! Are you listening?!”
Hearing his words and his eagerness level of a child’s, you grunt a bit and look up at him hovering over you. “Yes, I’m listening. What is it, Luffy?”
Nami just stares in shock, Robin giggling a bit to herself and the others just ignored and continued to sing or do whatever they wanted.
“What do you want for Christmas?”
Taken back, you furrow your bows at him and his random question. “Uh, I don’t know.. why?”
“Because, I wanna know! Can you guess what I want for Christmas?” Luffy smiles brightly and you couldn’t help but smile at how excited and joyful he was about this holiday.
“Meat?” You mused, slowly pushing Luffy off so you could sit up properly. Luffy slides off of you and laughs. “Shishishi~,”
“Yeah! But also, I want to spend Christmas with all of you!” He grins widely with closed eyes.
The others, who were listening, were surprised before they relaxed and smiled at their Captain, hearts warming at his words.
You smile softly at Luffy and his pure heart and just shake your head, getting up and dusting off your clothes. “Looks like you’re getting everything you want for Christmas then. Your list is all checked off.”
Luffy smiled softer towards you, about to speak before Sanji interrupted him. “Oi, dinner time! Feast is all ready!”
Luffy quickly snaps his head to the kitchen with stars in his eyes and drool coming out of his mouth. “MEAT!”
You laugh at Luffy’s actions and ruffle his hair slightly, bringing his attention back to you. “Let’s go, Captain.”
“[Name], you didn’t answer me. What do you want for Christmas?”
Hearing Luffy, you glance towards him, sitting on the ground with his legs crossed and his straw hat resting on top of his head.
You two were currently alone in your room, you rummaging through your clothes while Luffy watched you.
“I already said I don’t know.. I never thought about it.” You shrug before turning away with a pout. “Though, I pray Santa doesn’t give me coal this year..”
Luffy seemed interested in your statement as he tilts his head curiously at you, confusion running through his head.
“Why would you get coal for a Christmas?” He then thought about what Makino taught him as a kid and he gasps dramatically, eyes widening.
“Have you been naughty, [Name]?!”
You blink a couple times at Luffy’s genuine shock and laugh heartily aloud, which confused the poor captain further.
“I suppose I have been..” you shake your head playfully and continue to go through your clothes, organizing your things.
“But, I don’t know, every year, I either would find myself with coal to warm myself up during the winters or I wouldn’t get anything at all.”
Luffy listens intently as he leans back on the floor before he stretches his arms and propels himself onto your bed.
“It never really bothered me whether I had something or not, but I’m not looking forward to coals anymore.” You glance back to Luffy, to see he moved and was now laying down comfortably on your bed.
He seemed to be in thought.
You close your drawer and walk over towards the bed, taking a seat at the edge and smile lightly. “What did you use to get for Christmas, Luffy?”
Luffy hums softly, staying quiet for a moment before smiling softly. “The same thing every year as a kid. Just a fistful of love punches from Gramps, and then meat and clothes from Makino and the old mayor in my village!” He laughs a bit at the memory of his childhood.
You giggle lightly and place a hand on his arm and rubbed it gently. “Sounds like a fun time.” You hum and Luffy nods with a better smile.
Soon, a lightbulb went off his head as he grins childishly. “I have an idea..”
Your smile quickly fades as a brow was soon raised towards him. “...what is it?”
Luffy didn’t answer you and only chuckles to himself as he gets up and rushes out the room, calling for Usopp and Brook.
You sigh at Luffy and stared at the doorway. “He’s a weird one.. but he’s my weird one.”
“HO, HO, HO!”
You deadpan at the sight of Luffy in the all too familiar red and white outfit, a fake white beard over his face and the proper red hat to go with.
“Luffy, what are you up to..?” Usopp and Nami sigh and Luffy clears his throat. “I’m Santa!”
“Don’t be stupid.. who would actually-“ Sanji was interrupted by a yell.
“WOAH, ITS SANTA CLAUS!!” Chopper shrieks in awe, eyes widening with stars inside, at the sight.
“Never mind..” Sanji sighs, exhaling a puff of smoke from his lit cigarette.
Franky, Brook, Robin and you stood from the sidelines and watched, before you walk over to Luffy and grabbed at his exposed cheek.
“Wow.. who knew Santa was so stretchy?..” you joke, pulling at his skin and watching it stretch out, Luffy grunting a bit.
“Oi! Stop that!” He shouts before clearing his throat again. “I’m Santa Claus, and I have presents!”
“PRESENTS?!” Chopper and Usopp yell in unison and you sigh once more at them and their gullibility.
“Yep! And I have a special one for [Name]!”
Now this piqued your interest. “For me?” You question with brows furrowed as Luffy reached into his bag and pulled out a box.
“Mmh! Someone told me you were afraid of getting coals this Christmas! So I came to give you something else instead!”
You eye him suspiciously before opening the box and widening your eyes.
Reaching in, you grasp the item in your hand and pulled it out, staring at it closely.
Then, a small smile broke from your lips.
Luffy stared at you closely and waited for your reaction. “Wellll? Do you like it?” Luffy was no longer doing his deep voice and was now back to his regular self.
The others stare in silence and curiosity, wondering what it was.
A snort escaped your lips as you smiled wider. “You’re so.. weird, Luffy.” You mumble, staring at the object in your hand and held it tightly.
Luffy grins as he pulls down his fake beard to show his warm smile.
“This is much better than coals. I love it, thank you Luffy.” Clutching it tight in your fist, you wrap your arms around Luffy and hugged him tightly, to which he gladly returned.
“Shishishi!~ I’m glad you like it!” He smiles warmly with his eyes closed and faint blush appearing on his cheeks.
You gave a light peck to his cheek and took a look at the item once more, a genuine smile embracing your features.
“Wait, what is it?” Usopp asks, interrupting the sweet moment between the two of you.
You chuckle and held it up in between your fingers. “It’s a rock with a smiley face on it.”
Silence overtook the crew.
a/n : I feel like this wasn’t my best work— but I still really liked this, even if I couldn’t think of anything 😅 but I hoped you all did too!! So sorry this took a while and if it’s not what you expected either! :(
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positivity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!
my parents have people over and my dad made chicken and they're all sitting outside and my parents let me eat inside alone and I got to make mac n cheese >:) so I rewatched two toh episodes and ate mac n cheese
it was very nice I liked!!!
and I'm feeling accomplished bc I cleaned not only my own pots and utensils but my dad's too! and wiped the counter and stove. so I am feeling like I actually did stuff today which is nice because I haven't been feeling that way a lot lately lol
hmmm what else
oh I'm almost done rewatching toh... which means I'm on season 2. note: don't watch while eating. you MIGHT choke on mango. just a tip
listening to happy playlist which is a lot of fun and boppy songs (currently stick to the status quo ) so I'm in a !!! wheeee!!! mood and I think I will write something in my wip :DD <33 ily!
oooh, some family friends visited today and i unfortunately was not allowed to be inside alone :/ that sounds lovely though! :D
WOOOOOO GOOD JOB!!!! im so proud of youuu <3
duly noted
YEAHHHHH HAPPY SONGS oH is that the one from highschool musical thats such a bop YES wheeee!!! moods are best moods im so glad youre feeling good <3 yes writing good luck with the writing!! i might work on a wip as well :DD
im feeling quite good about myself because even though ive been ignoring most of my responsibilities all day, i survived yesterday AND today, and i did some laundry, and i managed to socialize, and i made cornbread, and i ate all 3 meals, and i talked to a friend <3, and now im talking to you, and i only had to hide in the bathroom once during socializing, and i went outside and played soccer and went on a mini walk and antagonized my sister, and i read some fanfiction and listened to music and watched some videos which is Self Care and!! i have not been productive in the conventional sense but i have done So Good at surviving and taking care of myself and!! i have now ranted to 2 people including you about how proud of myself i am and overall im feeling pretty okay. i’m okay, o-k-a-y. wow. i love it.
okay is my favorite word probably. not ok. okay. spelled out. i love it. i love love love it. okay is the best thing in the world
except for hugs. and friends. and you. and my best friend
i love you summer dear so muchhhh <3 :DDDD im glad we both felt like we accomplished things today :DD we are so productive and i am so proud of you <3
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lunatens · 4 years
@ tumblr not letting me send asks... 😒 sadness but like omg?? a luna without emojis? an emoji free day: chronicling the epic highs and lows of desktop tumblr 😎 mayhaps i procrastinated a bIT and maybe i have to write an essay tonight so that's gonna be fun :DD i'm so proud of myself for coming up with "storm" because. ""a violent disturbance of the atmosphere"" MAN I'M GONNA ROCK YOUR WORLD (why do i feel like this is a song it's literally not a song 😪😪 okay shut up shtorm ☔) ++
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tumblr is sO rude i will (ง’̀-‘́)ง ALSO OKAY I DIED AT UR RIVERDALE REFERENCE LMAOOO the epic highs and lows of desktop tumblr indeed 😔😔😔 but i’m on mobile now so 💖💝💘💞💓💗💓💞💝💖💖💘💘💞💓💓💝💘💖💖 emojis for the sake of emojis !!
how did writing your essay go ?? i hope it was good!!! also hECK YES STORM THE COOLEST NAME i mean it could be a song idk!! 😎😎😎
also BRO YES IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU YAY a good day for america indeed!!! did you do anything to celebrate?? 🥰🥰 ALSO GOOD IM GLAD ILL PUT THE WATER GUN AWAY
omfg all my love is also (probably) my favourite semicolon track too it’s so good 😭😭😭 did you watch the online concert?????? bc all my love = tEARS omfg it was so good 🥺🥺
slfkjdjs i’m glad you accept my love i will accept your love in return and send back many pink hearts 💖💘💘💖💓💕💕💘💖💝💕💖💓💞 yes take them for free pls hehe i appreciate ur free love :0
LFKFJSJS YES SAN AND BEOMGYU 🤬🤬🤬 but don’t worry things are coming around !! y/n is maybe gonna listen idk we’ll see we’ll see 👀
i’ll take u to scoups’ scoops 😌💖 pls ice cream would be very nice right now
ANYWAYS ILY TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF AND HAVE A GOOD [time of day] (lmao that was so cute of h i love it)
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eversoslinky · 5 years
Boobs... my love/ hate relationship with my body.
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Here's an image of a beautiful Brunette, DD breasts bursting out her bra, teeny, tiny waist. She's every straight man's (and gay woman's) fantasy. She's flawlessly perfect and natural looking at the same time. This woman and many others like her the reason I struggle with my body everyday and why I hate my breasts.
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Here's an image of a flat chested girl. (I had ALOT of trouble finding this image on the internet!... I typed in double A and triple A breasts and still got some gorgeous photos of glamour models... not quite what I'm looking for, I guess the word "breasts" goes hand in hand with "huge" on the search engine) Grown women can be small busted too and I'm never going to feed into the fantasies of disgusting perverts by posting images of pre teen girls in bikinis. At 30 I was just beginning to except who I am, I'm on antidepressants and have been for the past three years... as a result, my weight has fluctuated I've gained weight on my thighs, hips and midsection... my chest, however, that's stayed the same. I excepted it and in a weird way learnt to love my body... until I met someone who messed up my head and made me hate my figure.
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I "used to" have a female friend with triple D boobs (a size I didn't know existed until I met her) She was very proud of her naturally big chest and rightly so but the problem with people who are blessed with what mother nature has given them is they seem to think they can shame people who have cosmetic surgery to enhance their looks. And that's not cool. Not cool at all. It's the same with men who gush over their favourite female celebrities and their "perfect" bodies. I've got something to tell you here that might upset you a little bit... those bodies are probably surgically enhanced! So don't you dare make a woman feel bad for wanting a boob job! It's frustrating and so god damn awful when your boyfriend or partner tells you he doesn't like big boobs and prefers your natural double A chest but then is watching videos of women with DDs. What you really mean to say is you like natural big boobs? Oh and a girl with a perfectly toned figure who never goes to the gym... I hate to break it to you but those "perfect" girls you love looking at.... their surgically enhanced and they probably work really hard at the gym and watch what their eating to stay looking that way... so sorry to burst your bubble right there...
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Being a small busted girl has its plus points though, a few things I'll miss but hopefully they wont be an issue for me when I have my own (ten years in the making breast implant surgery in the new year) The biggest plus is probably that I really enjoy exercise and in particular getting on that bike in spin class and cycling my little heart out. I can lean forward to do push ups on the bike without any "pop outs" accuring (!) The thing I will probably miss most of all is the fact my boobs are my "ugly card." everyone has something which is deemed as "not very attractive" but is in reverse the greatest blessing to them cause it gets rid of shallow fuckers. I get alot of unwanted attention from men, I say this because I look alot younger than what I am and I'm slim, big blue eyes, full lips and high cheekbones. With makeup on I can look quite attractive but this often means that I can attract idiots, fuck boys, creeps and men who haven't read a book since high school and can't have a conversation with me. An guy on a dating site once said to me "I want a girl with blonde hair who wants children." I was moved to finally have met someone who wants a family like I do. I love kids so much. He ruined this by saying "she's got to have really big boobs too!" He kept going on about how I was his ideal woman and I shut him down by telling him I'm flat chested but I wish him all the very best looking for his "perfect" girl. Instead of the correct answer which would be "the size of your boobs doesn't matter to me, you're a nice person and I want to get to know you better." He responded with "A boob job will sort that out... then I'll marry you." Disgusting vile human being. I'll bet you any money, after I blocked him he was probably scratching his head as to why he offended me so much.
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When I do get my implants done I'm getting them done for ME. NOT A MAN. ME. Without sounding big headed here: I've not had any trouble attracting a man. No one has ever been put off by my small chest. The type of man I want to attract won't care about the fact I'm tiny on top and got a big curvy backside to rival that of Jennifer Lopez or Beyonce. He'll love it. As for the girl who used to be my friend I mentioned at the beginning of this blog, the one with perfect natural triple D breasts who shames women for wanting to enhance their bodies. She's single, she acts clingy and needy with men and "needs ALOT of attention" I'm so sorry but no matter how hot your body is but no man will put up with that. I think like a guy and I know I'd rather have someone who was independent, ambitious and had their own life going on. Someone who is funny, quick witted and might not return my calls cause their busy doing something fun that doesn't involve me. That's ok.
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Last but certainly not least is the fact that people have told me throughout my life that in order to get bigger breasts I must "eat more calories" DO NOT listen to anyone who tells you this shit! It's irresponsible. Firstly not every woman is built the same, weight goes on different places on different bodies. I tried last year eating ice buns from a local bakery, pancakes coated in maple syrup and tea cakes... this was just my breakfast! Every meal had a pudding and everything was covered in salt, sugar and sweeteners. I did this for three months last summer until I realised I had no energy, my depression got a thousand times worse and I gained inches in all the places I didn't want them to go. The people who told me over the years to "put on weight" where nothing but jealous women who didn't like the fact I was trying to improve myself. If you are wanting to gain weight please see your doctor, nutritionist or personal trainer. They will advise you on a sensible safe approach to your healthy weight gain. DON'T eat ice buns for breakfast (like I did!) It won't make your breasts bigger, it will only make you gain weight round the middle.
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