#i'm so sorry woops
tecochet · 1 year
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mary jane's husband and his boyfriend
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localceilingdevil · 5 months
higher res found here
id post these here if not for the fact that i spent countless hours on these refs. operation fixate on original ocs for artfight is a go
leaders (almas is technically with them i just didn't draw him at the time of this piece)
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luminai (og species)
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daroken (og species)
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yanaleese · 8 months
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I don’t know if this is what I’m meant to find but!!
I got this result from decrypting the numbers ^^
Congratulations everyone! Thanks to @eliijah-xo, you are now earned the following:
KARMA IN SEXY OUTFITS (will do a voting poll sometime soon)
KARMA - BIO!!! (in more detail)
Hope to continue working with you guys soon!
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bisonaari · 1 year
Bison my friend! 💚🦆 Since you're studying Finnish, what is your favourite lyric from Käärijä's discography so far and why? 🥰
I COMPLETELY FORGOT TO ANSWER YOU I'M SO SORRY AAAAA I was at work and then like "I'll answer when I get home" AND THEN I NEVER DID AND I FORGOT Ok so hm omg not only I forgot but the answer isn't gonna be interesting because my finnish skills are still terrible I know like five words rip I'm gonna try my best tho, it might not be because of the meanings per se, but like musically, aesthetically, etc. Because to be fair I understand almost NOTHING so far lol
Ok so
I really like "tiettyyn pisteeseen" for a few reasons. OK I know it's just an expression and not a full lyric BUT I just really like the rythm of how he says it? It just sounds so good. Also I notice that so far I kinda tend to like words with y in them? (like kysymys my beloved) they look golden in my mind with synesthesia and they look very pleasing hahaha
If we go to Cha Cha Cha, I just love "Enkä pelkääkään tätä maailmaa" so so so much. The meaning of it, stopping being scared. Also the sound of it, it rolls off the tongue in a great way. Also I love that this is one of the first few lines of the song that I really understood something? The first word I learned in finnish was because of this line, it was "maa" <3 Then the second thing was the "en" part for the negation. It felt amazing finally understanding something on my own haha. (also unrelated to lyrics but HIS FACE when he sings that part omg he is so cute)
AQFSAQGAGQAHRS while looking up lyrics on genius for this answer I am understanding some new words from lyrics I hadn't looked at in a while that feels great
Going to Välikuolema, I really enjoy the first part of the chorus. Easy sentences to understand (feeling like a genius when you're just starting to learn and you get to "mä oon" and you're like omg i'm basically fluent i speak suomi très bien), discovering the word "loppu" and just using it on a day to day basis now, etc etc.
One that is 100% unrelated to the lyrics is this one from Mic Mac "Menin olohuoneeseen odottaa tuoretta pullaa uunista" I just love how it sounds so very much. It's soft and flowy and it pats my brain gently
BONUS : Not Käärijä at all, but lately I've been listening a lot to Turmion Kätilöt and one of the lines in Pyhä Maa cracks me up every single time LOL "Raskaan metallin Rambona juoksen"
For my followers who, like me, don't speak finnish, if the website that gave me the translation is right, it means
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ren-is-real · 11 months
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(sorry if you saw the deleted post I fucked up when making it then deleted it out of panic)
Each ride at Alton towers has an ‘avatar’. A humanoid entity that represents the ride itself. If the ride is damaged they will feel pain, etc etc. the avatars cannot be killed, unless their respective ride is shut down or dismantled. They cannot go too far away from the park or else they will slowly die. It’s not a fun way to go.
Matthew was patrolling the area of the new, re-opened nemesis sub Terra ride when he saw what he thought was a small child. After a while he noticed the kid was a mini humanoid nemesis.. thing. Instead of reporting it to his superiors, he took a second and thought ‘this is a literal child.’. He knew if he told the rest of phalanx this kid would be kept under horrific conditions and experimented on. So he did what any responsible adult would do and he kidnapped the small child.
He now thinks of himself as a sort of dad to the mini nemisis. He lives in the incredibly nearby town of Alton so thankfully Nellie (he named her Nellie and she is the cutest little alien creature in the galaxy) will not die from being too far away. it has been a bit of a hassle to hide this from the phalanx, but he tries.
Best single father award goes to: this guy
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I noticed he looked basically Identical to general macnamara from starkid and I just ended up embracing it
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thenormalartist · 3 months
y'all ever accidentally unfollow a person and then immediately follow them again, so then the person is just looking at their notifs and just see: [insert person] started following you!
and then they're just like: "wait, they weren't already following me?"
totally not explaining my life here on Tumblr
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fluorescentmortem · 3 months
Plotted & closed starter for @storyuntrue
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  On a cold night such as tonight, you'd think a woman would be keeping herself wrapped up in her home, bundled under blankets, sleeping or reading a good book to settle down to.
  Oh no, not tonight, however. Tonight was possibly one of the scariest nights of this woman's life. The woman in question: Margaret Hooper. Molly, she preferred. Being currently man ( woman? ) handled by a bloke behind her, her wrists bound behind her back. She hated this. Every bit of it. Being held in front of a large crowd of people — vampires, to her surprise — like a chunk of meat, or something even more valuable. No matter how much she struggled, how many times she tried to get her wrists free and the amount of profanities she spat out ( very unladylike, she knows ), there was no escaping.
  Her dress beginning to slip down her freckled shoulders, hair unruly from her struggle... Molly honestly thought this could be her end. One man holding her, and the other, whom had just randomly appeared, for God's sake, started talking. Money, her, the highest bidder.
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  Hold on. Highest bidder—? Her eyes shot open wide as she looked at this blood sucker with a face that had a mix of fear, shock and disgust ( she didn't know which one she was more ). She was going to be sold to one of these... these... 𝑴𝑶𝑵𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑹𝑺 as a blood bank!
  As soon as the bidding began, Molly's heart sunk lower and lower, right into the pit of her stomach, if she had to put it figuratively. She would died tonight. She knew it. Molly Hooper, death by major blood loss. She wouldn't need to sneak or dress up as a man to do her own autopsy, at least. That was the ONLY plus. Numbers were rising higher and higher between the blood suckers, Molly's brown, doe like eyes flicking head to head to try and keep up, to get a glimpse of who could possibly be dragging her home tonight.
  And then... a 𝑽𝑬𝑹𝒀 high number stood out amongst the rest, which had everyone's heads turning, quick enough to give anyone whiplash. He stood there beside a much shorter man, who was also looking at him with the most bewildered expression. Her eyes drifted toward him then, not being able to really get a good look at who had spoken — of bloody course he had to be so far in the back, if not THE back of the room.
  And with that... the man holding said little auction cleared his throat, pulled at his collar as a bead of sweat dropped down the side of his face as he spoke allowed, ❝The little wench,❞ Molly growled angrily at that, ❝goes to Mister Sherlock Holmes with the clear outstanding offer.❞
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absinthe-of-midnight · 7 months
Soo… the Nighthawk star…
Nighthawk was truly an ugly bird. His face was covered in splotches as if he had been splattered with miso, and his beak was flat and split all the way back to his ears. His legs were so frail that he could not walk at all. He was such a sight that just seeing him made other birds uncomfortable.
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So one might wonder why he was named so, and the reason is because his wings were inordinately strong, and so he resembled a hawk when he soared upon the wind. He also had a powerful cry that was not unlike that of a hawk. Hawk, of course, was very conscious of this, and hated it. Every time he saw Nighthawk he would tell him, “Change your name! Change your name!”
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Mr. Hawk, I can’t change my name! I didn’t take this name myself, God gave it to me.”
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“No, I’m the one who got his name from God. In a sense, you’re just borrowing my name. And Night’s. Now give them back.”
“I can’t do that, Mr. Hawk!”
“Of course you can. I’ll give you a good name to take its place. How about Leonard? Yeah, Leonard. I like that. So to officially change your name you have to make it public, right? To do that you need to hang a sign that says ‘Leonard’ around your neck, and go around to everyone’s home, bowing and saying ‘From this day on, I am to be known as Leonard.’’
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The nighthawk stood there with his eyes closed in thought. Why do they hate me so? Because my face looks like it’s been splattered with miso, and because my beak is odd? Even so, I haven’t done anything wrong! I remember that day when I helped the Whiteeye chick back to its nest after it fell out. Its mother snatched it from me as if rescuing her baby from a thief.
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And then she just laughed so hard at me. And now I have to change my name to Leonard? Hang a sign about my neck? Oh, how terrible…
Nighthawk suddenly opened his mouth wide, held his wings out straight, and cut across the sky like an arrow. He trapped countless small insects in his mouth. Almost as soon as he touched ground he lit off again. The clouds had turned gray, and the setting sun colored the faraway mountaintops with crimson fire. Nighthawk flew so forcefully that he seemed to slice the sky into two. A beetle flew into his mouth and squirmed about. The nighthawk swallowed it down, but for some reason doing so sent a chill down his back.
Feeling an ache in his chest, Nighthawk again took off into the sky. Again a beetle flew into his mouth, and there it squirmed, scratching his throat. After great effort Nighthawk managed to swallow the beetle, but doing so caused his heart to leap, and he cried out in a loud voice. Crying, he flew around and around, making circles in the sky.
Oh, I kill so many beetles and insects every night. And now I’m to be killed by the hawk. So this is what it feels like. Oh, I can’t stand this. I’ll stop eating insects, and starve to death. No, Hawk will kill me before that happens. No, before that happens I’ll fly far, far away.
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Nighthawk flew straight to the home of his brother, Kingfisher. When he got there Kingfisher had just awoken, and was looking at the burning mountains. Seeing Nighthawk land, he spoke: “Well hello, brother. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Nothing. I just came to say goodbye. I’m leaving for a place far, far away.”
“Brother! You can’t leave! With Sister Hummingbird so far away now, I’ll be left all alone!”
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“I’m sorry, it can’t be helped. Please, speak no further on this today. And please, try not to kill any more fish than is absolutely necessary. Good bye, now.”
“Brother, what’s wrong with you? Please, stay a little longer.”
(“You’ll be so much happier if you stay here.”)
“No, staying any longer won’t change things. Please give my regards to Hummingbird. Goodbye. I’m afraid we’ll never meet again. Goodbye.”
“Mr. Sun, Mr. Sun! Please bring me to you! I don’t care that I’ll burn and die. Even an ugly body like mine will shine as it burns! Please, take me!”
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But no matter how far he flew, he didn’t get any closer to the sun. The sun seemed to get smaller and farther, even, and said “Nighthawk, isn’t it? Yes, yes, I know your pain. But you should try talking to the stars. You’re not a day bird, you know.”
Then he flew off again. He headed west, straight towards the beautiful constellation of Orion, shouting “Oh, star! Blue-white star of the West! Please take me to you! I don’t care that I will be burned to death!” But Orion just continued singing his heroic song, and didn’t pay Nighthawk the least bit of attention.
The Nighthawk almost began to cry, and spiraled back to the ground. He finally landed and took off again, circling once. Then he flew straight towards Canis Major in the south, shouting, “Oh, Star! Blue star of the South! Please take me to you! I don’t care that I will be burned to death!”
The Great Dog blinked blue and purple and yellow and said, “Silence with such foolishness. Who do you think you are? You’re just a bird. It would take you millions, billions, trillions of years to fly this far with those wings of yours!” and with that, he turned away.
(“If you can’t kill anyone, you can't save anyone!”)
Nighthawk spiraled back to the Earth. He then flew back up and circled twice. This time he flew north towards Ursa Major, shouting “Blue star of the North! Please take me to you!”
The Great Bear answered, “Don’t waste your time with such silliness. You should go cool your head. Jumping into an iceberg-filled ocean might help, or if there is no ocean near you, try diving into a cup filled with ice water.”
(“That so? Well, let me tell you something, newbie. This scorching planet, Noman’s Land, is cruel beyond belief. It’s a dog-eat-dog world.”)
Nighthawk spiraled back to the Earth, and then flew back up and circled four times. He then flew east again, towards the eagle Aquila on the far bank of the just-risen the Milky Way, shouting, “White star of the East! Please take me to you! I don’t care that I will be burned to death!”
The Eagle proudly stated, “No, no, that will never happen. You need a certain level of birth to become a star. That and a lot of money.”
(“Graduated from November University, huh? Pretty elite.”)
Nighthawk lost all hope, and closing his wings began to fall to the ground. When his weak legs were just a yard from the ground he suddenly twisted back up into the heavens like a whirlwind. Upon reaching the high heavens he spun around like an eagle attacking a bear and stood his feathers on end. He let out a high, high screech. His voice was like a hawk’s. The other birds asleep in the fields and the forest all woke up and, shaking, looked curiously up into the starry sky.
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Nighthawk continued on higher and higher, straight up into the sky. The sun on the mountains looked like the glowing end of a cigarette. Nighthawk climbed and climbed. The cold froze his breath upon his breast. The air became thinner, causing him to beat his wings faster and faster.
Nonetheless, the stars grew no larger. His chest pumped like a bellows. The cold and frost pierced him like a sword. His wings grew numb. He opened tear-filled eyes and once again looked up at the heavens. And yes, that was the end of him. He no longer knew if he was falling or climbing, upside down or right side up, or if he was still looking up. But peace filled his heart, and though his bloody beak was slightly bent to one side, there was a slight smile on it.
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After a time Nighthawk opened his eyes wide. He saw that his body had become a beautiful light, blue like a phosphorous flame, burning silently. Just next to him was Cassiopeia.
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And Nighthawk’s Star burned on. It burned on and forever on. It continues to burn, even now.
Rem is both god and Cassiopeia, Cassiopeia in the myth is the mother of Andromeda, Knives is both the hawk(I will remake you) and the kingfisher(don't go). The stars appear to scold the nighthawk harshly, huh? That doesn't seem to fit right but the nighthawk said he could never want to change his name because god gave it to him and it means so much to him, yet, here he was, trying to be something he wasn't.
(Ah. I see. This is a story where the dog, the bear and the eagle tell the nighthawk that his ideals aren't wrong and they accept him as he is in their own way, isn't it?)
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what the hell day is it *does math* Day 355? No, 354. No? *checks* Yeah. 354. Guys I can't count past like 40 without getting lost, this is really hard for me says the accountant XD
ANYWHO, I have done things! And stuff! And I keep adding unnecessary details to this bed, but the more I add to it the more it looks exactly like every bed in every shitty motel/cheap hotel I have ever stayed in and I'm having fun, so do I care that the detail being added is unnecessary? No I do not. Besides, something other than Iggy's shirt needs a fun texture and I don't get to use the wood grain brush very often :P
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butter--peanut · 2 years
congrats on reaching 500!! submitting my unlisted trope request for approval! obkk: a combo college/university au+break-up/make-up where one is a professor & the other a visiting lecturer… & they’re exes~ if that’s too annoyingly specific, i’ll substitute w/ kakashi’s pov of the last act, ch 2. if these don’t make the cut, i’m sure whatever else u go w/ will be just as fun. hope u have a great time writing, thank u!!
Yes! This was such a fun prompt to write, anon! They're professor exes here, but I ended up setting this at a conference instead. Hope you enjoy <3
Title: The Two Body Shuffle
Pairing: Kakashi/Obito
Rating: Teen
Summary: An academic conference. Big egos, awed grad students, long nights at bars, paper sessions that start way too early, too much coffee, too little coffee, colleagues from around the world. And now, at the overpriced conference dinner with free-flowing alcohol…
A reunion of two idiot astrophysicists in love.
Ao3 Link: Here!
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pyrriax · 1 year
Can I get a 7 and/or 25 for the ask game?
can do!
7. What character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how the fandom acts about them?
honestly? c!owen! like i have no qualms with him in canon, i enjoy a good "twist" villain (even though it was frankly foreshadowed from the start, it was just really subtle). but the fandom definitely kinda made him. not what he is?
people wanting him to always be a good person / not being fucked up is honestly just wild and it really is why i'm starting to hate him lol (it's also why i'm writing fics of him being an irredeemable dick of a man. i'm feeding the ecosystem of c!owen not having to be good.)
25. Common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
see above lol
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gachaparadise · 2 years
I've been doing interludes lately (as you do during an interlude campaign) and the gap in quality and character analysis is insane sometimes. I did Qsh and Nezha's back to back and... Night and day over here. Qsh's was so charming and showed me a new side of my beloved moth, as well as some really cute gap moe moments. Nezha's was boring, hardly focussed on them at all, and made the same tired jokes about their gender over and over... Even the blurb on their profile you get after it's complete does it orz
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#also the writing for Nezha's was like... bad. it felt stiff and didn't flow at all#not the content (though that was bad also) the actual writing#i went to read that one specifically because i was curious about what Nezha's pronouns were orz...#because im hot overly familiar with them and the one thing i do recall about them is when we first meet them-#they remark on how their body isn't what they expected and are... upset i believe? it was a while ago aha...#i just recall them pretty distinctly not being cool with the fact they have a female body now#i wanted to know if they came arpund to itor if they wanted to be refered to as a man but okay#tasteless jokes about how gender makes them uncomfortable is fine to i guess#anyway! for now until further notice i guess Nezha is stuck with the old reliable they/them because genuinely i have no idea how they feel#i know their profile uses she/her but... pretty sure Mordred's does that as well and he obviously doesn't use those#whatever i guess!! don't know why i expected an even remotely nuances take from fgo who cares lets talk about my moth!!!#i love how they have a whole backup plan in case we fail like yes king restart SIN you're a genius babygirl 💕#seriously so cute i love them#i dunno if i can resist grailing them to 100 next tiem we have an ember campaign#i put it off so far since i dont use them much gameplay wise but... moth good#these tags got away from me woops#game: fate grand order#post: chatter#sorry about the typos that I'm sure are there btw I'm on mobile and you can't re-edit tags without retyping them yet...
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eorzeanchronicler · 11 months
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If an Astrologian goes on the moon, does their power double? Not really because the moon isn't a star
Doesn't make taking pictures of the moon any less cooler on Astrologian
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bccksmarts · 1 year
I totally didn't fall asleep..... And I'm totally not going to be up all night because of it....
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kirstenly · 5 months
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I saw this post by @inakidoesthings and was inspired to draw my two favourite bickering boys. I may have gone a bit harder than i INTENDED to go with this... but a friend suggested using a gradient from left to right and it just... it felt right, so I went with it and I'm glad I did.
Edit: I credited the wrong post. Woops. This was days ago I'm so sorry
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the-port-mafia · 2 years
I think I deleted an ask by mistake 😭
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