#i'm so tempted to make another post about this y'all
kanerallels · 2 years
Thinking about a Hera Syndulla tv show again lads
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𝐌𝐲 𝐉𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐥𝐝
18+ | For Mature Audiences Only
Pairing: Siren Hyunjin X AFAB Reader Genre: smut, pirate/siren AU, slight yandere themes !!WARNINGS!! yandere themes, cream pie, making out, doing it from the back, facefucking/intense blowjobs, fingering, cunnilingus, degradation/slight dumbifcation, DOM HYUNJIN, SUB READER, reader gets super fucked out. I think that's all, but I'm bad at warnings. Also, there is slight control over the mind, but everything is consensual! Word Count: 7,222 Requested: Yes! Author's Note: I used several references while writing this including Pirates of the Caribbean, H2O Just Add Water (literally only the moonpool/grotto area, that's what the scene is based on), and the faces I envision the sirens having is basically the vampire faces in "The Vampire Diaries." I also watched One Piece while writing this. Avatar (James Cameron) also inspired the mermaid/siren sex biology. (When they use their hair to touch and that's sex, yeah I did something like that). Reader is a pirate that basically only uses pirate slang around her crew, besides that she talks normal. I figured the pirate slang would get annoying to y'all, so I kept it own. I hope you like it! I'll be transparent, this fic is the only one I've ever questioned and been tempted to re-write a few times. I'd love to write something like this again, but I do need to practice. Synopsis: You're a pirate captain that's looking for sirens and mermaids, but what happens when you attack the enemies, and a beautiful siren takes you away for himself? Check out my Stray Kids Masterlist Support me by buying me a coffee ☕️
EDIT AFTER POSTING: Y'all be making me blush and shit with your feedback. I'm giggling and kicking my feet <3<3<3
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For hundreds of years people have roamed the oceans. From sailors on ships to the deadliest pirates of the seven seas, the treacherous waters have taken many lives, not only to the water itself, but the unknown dangers of what lies beneath its surface.    
Stories of many kinds have stumbled their way out of survivors and drunken deadbeats. What they saw at sea or what they heard from someone else, anything was plausible in this kind of world. If it came from someone’s mouth, it was bound to be true in one or another. No one can ever be careful enough, so it was better to take everything as truth. Even the most ridiculous sounding claims shouldn’t have been taken lightly. 
You were the captain of a large pirate ship named The Corruption. You weren’t the most feared pirate known to man, but you were certainly amongst them. You were the only pirate willing to tread where others never came back from. You had faced the Kraken, not killing it, for your adventure only called to find where it rested to avoid crossing near the area at all costs. You faced several other sea monsters, whether they were larger than three ships or nearly as small as a minnow. In this place, the unknown were considered monsters until proven friendly. You and your crew were one of the reasons the unknown creatures were given names in the first place. 
People often wondered about the name of your ship, The Corruption. As far as anyone knew, you weren’t one looking for a good or quick fuck like anyone else when drunk, stressed, or just plain horny. Anyone who would have ever heard your name knew you were one of the bravest captains in the known lands, but they also knew you weren’t one to hurt. 
You were known for finding creatures but never hurting them. You never forced your crew to walk the plank or make a sacrifice. You were feared for confidence and bravery, not unjust corruption like other pirates. The name of the ship didn’t make sense. How could you, a captain so understanding, sail a ship with an unfit name? Everyone wondered. But you knew. Only you. Only you had the actual mindset to understand why it would be given such a name, and it was simple: Those who sail on it are corrupted by the wonders, those who sail on it live to tell the tales, and thus are corrupted by the truthfulness filled in the sea. They were not killed, they survived intentionally, as long as the captain had any say in it. 
Though there was no reason to fear you, people were still terrified because you were willing to explore what others wouldn’t dare go near. You didn’t take shit from anyone. Your very presence, the kind that was filled with confidence, your willingness to look anyone in the eye, and you could get anyone to tell the truth. You could read a lie from nautical miles away. 
This next voyage of yours was not the most dangerous, but somehow it scared the crew and anyone new willing to sign up. You were on the search for something that was only legend. Nothing proven, no one alive to tell the tale, and it was strictly based on sightings, no real interactions. For years there had been narratives of half fish, half humans swimming by ships quickly, like they were doing their best to not be seen. Oftentimes the quick glimpses made were described as beautiful women, long hair flowing down their backs and breasts out with no cover. The Englishmen called them “mermaids.” 
You wanted to see them for yourself. It was what you did: searched for the tales, or in this case tails, to prove they were real, and if they’re dangerous and how to avoid them. But you questioned why they were so afraid of beautiful maidens that swam along beside them. 
Annoyed by everyone’s lack of commitment, you rounded up your crew and anyone else interested in the voyage. 
“What the hell is wrong with this lily-livered crew? You wanna sail, especially on my ship, you’re gonna get the hell on and go. What happened to me swashbucklers?! You have faced the kraken and you’re all scared to go hunt for half fish half humans? Now, all hands hoay!” 
Your crew didn’t move, barely budged actually, they just blinked at you. Until one man stepped forward and spoke up. 
“Captain, we don’t mean to seem like landlubbers, but rumor has it these mermaids ain’t that friendly. Says they sing with perfect pitch and harmony to lure anyone to their deaths, then snack on them like we’re a hearty meal. We ain’t wanna die to the hands of lust, ya hear?”
In disbelief by such words and rumors you had to understand it was important to be cautious. This wasn’t the type of journey you could just set sail for, it seemed there were more obstacles. You had to come up with more of a plan than a simple aboard ship and sail off. 
“If these ‘maids are so dangerous then why is it they swim by our ships without going in for a snack, aye?”
Another mate spoke up to answer your question. 
“Captain, it’s been said that they could be related but they ain’t the same creature, savvy? Rumors been calling the ones who sing ‘Sirens’ instead of mermaids. They look the same, but they await on shores singing to lure them whereas mermaids are friendly, helpful fellows.”
“Ya sound like you’re three sheets to the wind. Where’d you hear this scuttlebutt?”
“Came from an old seadog, Captain Rattles, Captain.” 
You thought for a moment. Captain Rattles was one hell of a source, to be honest. He sailed the seas for decades, every warning he ever came about ended up to be true. Never once had he lied to crews and captains. He was a pirate to behold, really. 
“Fine. I’m gonna have a meeting with Rattles to figure out a plan. Then all of you are boarding my ship, or else you’re gonna find yourselves lovers with the hempen halter. Savvy?” 
“Aye aye, Captain!”
And the mates scurried off while you made your way to the old tavern where Rattles always seemed to be. It was time to figure out what you were gonna do with the ole hearties. It was annoying to you though. They were willing to die by a giant octopus and not a pretty girl. Typical pirates looking down on women. 
Later that night you found yourself seated next to Rattles with a notebook to take notes on anything he had to say. 
“I remember encountering them for the first time. We heard a beloved voice and heard it coming from a distance. We saw a mermaid. She turned on her back and swam while her mouth opened. The song came from her. We were all entranced. We followed through a fog until her song became a screech. Her face contorted, and her teeth became sharp fangs. The fog dissipated. Then there was a colony of them. They looked so peaceful in the water, until they all did the same thing. They began to attack. It didn’t help that the ship was smaller. I barely escaped. Only me and two others got out. Everyone else was ripped apart in front of us or dragged into the water where the carnage was hidden. We aren’t sure if there were survivors. We aren’t sure if sirens and mermaids are different or if one makes the other. There are so many things we don’t know, but no one should trust a half fish, half human. It’s not safe. We need someone to figure it out. We need you to figure it out.” 
“I know. I want to. My crew is scared.”
“Come on, Captain. Let’s figure this out.”
“Aye aye, Captain.”
That night over drinks the both of you came up with a plan. You and the crew needed to wear cloth in your ears to prevent the sound of songs from working. You needed to stack on weapons, ready to attack back. You all needed to pretend that the song was working. The plan was to sail east off the island. That’s where they accidentally found the cove they named “Libido’s Lounge.” It was noted that there weren’t just women, there were men as well. Even those who didn’t fancy men still fell under the spell, and vice versa.  
A few weeks passed by while you gathered the supplies you all needed for the voyage. It was dangerous, and those who began to board knew that. Even you, the bravest of adventurers, were slightly trembling as you boarded last. You weren’t sure why you were so nervous, but you had a gut feeling this was not going to end well. You wanted to cancel it because you’ve never had a gut feeling like this before, but it was too late. You had to go through with it. 
“Anchors aweigh! Better get your sea legs in quick because we’re in for a ride!”
“Aye aye, Captain!”
The escapade took a few weeks. The bad feeling in your stomach grew worse. Some days you could barely walk, the anxiety crumbling you. Your head had shooting pains that grew worse the closer The Corruption got to Libido’s Lounge. The crew noticed, but they refused to say anything. It's never good to doubt the captain, especially when they’re in this position of danger with no one else to lead them out. 
Dark grew over the horizon as the sun hid itself. The ship continued to sail onwards until a crew member looked over the deck and saw a beautiful face emerge from the water. She smiled at him, and he smiled at her fondly. The way her face was beautifully carved made him feel butterflies, and it wasn’t just the fact that he’d been living off of rum for a while. A crew member next to him noticed his gaze followed towards the girl. He quickly ran towards you to alert you that you’d reached the cove. 
“Alert the crew to get the cloth in their ears, now. Get Barbins over there out of that trance or he’s gonna be feeding the fishes.”
“Aye aye, Captain.”
Without a second to lose he began to round up the crew one by one to let them know the plan needed to go into full effect now. They plugged their ears with cloth. 
“Hey, Barbins.” The man whispered. 
Irritated, he turned to face him. 
“What is it?”
“Cloth, now. Captain said so. Or you’re gonna be dinner for them.” 
“Gyah, whatever!”
He stuffed his ears quickly before facing the pretty girl again. She smiled, and he smiled back. You noticed this. She began to swim away, and you quickly alerted the crew to follow her. You grabbed a hold of the wheel and spun it to change direction. Through the mist you blindly followed the girl. 
“Oi! Be ready for anything. The second her face turns ugly, start attacking!”
The mist cleared and water grew shallower. There was a clearing filled with the most beautiful faces ever seen. You glared at them as they opened their mouths and began to sing. Through the cloth, all of you could hear the song, but you were hoping it stopped the hypnotic way it enchanted the ears. They all stared at the ship while they harmonized their song. But you couldn’t see any men. Your father had told you there would be men, but there were none here. They were all beautiful girls, you could admit to that. You saw the attraction, and you understood the danger of their beauty. 
You looked to see Barbins jumping off the ship. You were stunned. What was he doing? 
“Man overboard! Start the attack, now!” 
WIth a yell the men began to shoot at the water, and the creatures became angry. Soon they lunged at the ship, managing to grab hold of the crew and dragging them down to the depths. There were way more of them than you had crew, and you knew there’d be more to come. 
Honestly, you lost your depth. Your stomach grew more knots as you watched the bloodshed. There was going to be no survivors by the look of it. Your head felt full and heavy. Your vision became blurry. Your legs felt weak. The epitome of this dreadful feeling somehow worsened when you got to the clearing, and it hurts even more now, like the source of it is getting closer. 
You began to back away from the wheel when you felt yourself hit the back of someone’s chest. You wanted to turn around, but you couldn’t move. Two arms arose to your ears on both sides of your head and pulled the cloth out of them. Then one arm wrapped around your throat and put you in a chokehold while lips quietly sung in your ear. 
“Dead men tell no tales.
Ugly men raid our seas
So we tear their sails
And hear their begging pleas.” 
A mate saw you in danger, so he began to run towards you. The figure who grasped you hissed at him while his eyes shriveled, veins protruded, and fangs threatened. The mate didn’t back down, so the stranger put you down and lunged at him. He quickly sank his fangs into his shoulder and tore a bite right through him. The mate cried before he was pushed overboard. 
You tried to flee in the distraction, but you weren’t fast enough. Furious at your attempt to escape he continued to sing as he stalked towards you. 
“Dead men tell no tales,
But you my sweet 
Are beautiful as my scales
You’ll stick around as my treat.”
He grabbed you by your arm and pulled you toward the ship’s main deck. You were confused by the man’s ability to walk if he seemed to be the same creature as the ones in the water. Your head hurt too much to fully wrap the idea in your brain. Another mate tried to go for the enemy, but he was knocked to the ground. 
“W-what is g-g-going on?” You tried to speak, but you only stuttered the words. 
“My name is Hyunjin, and you attacked my kind. That does not go without punishment.”
He pushed you overboard into the water before diving in right behind you. You swam to the surface as best as you could until you were pulled underwater by Hyunjin. His legs were gone, and they were replaced with an abstract tail. It was a warm brown color with hints of crimson red and golden yellow. Though he was a being that belonged to the sea, his tale resembled fire with its colors and extension fins like that of a betta fish. The colors felt inviting. 
He placed a kiss on your lips which then gave you the ability to breathe without worry. You tried to fight against him, but once he began to sing with his beautiful voice you were lost again. You stared blankly at him as he took your hand and swam away with you, leaving the war to finish itself without guidance. 
Hyunjin swam towards a vacant grotto where he laid your body on a rocky surface. The grotto was his secret hideaway. The only life around it were the fishes and the plants that danced in the water. Hyunjin kept his tail in the water while he laid his arms on the rock staring at your unconscious body. He couldn’t help himself. There was something about you that captivated his attention. Your breathing was calm, you felt lost. You couldn’t think proper thoughts, and you were lost in a void where there was everything and nothing at the same time. 
He wasn’t sure what it was. There was something about the way you lead your ship through the mist, thinking you were being strategic, but he stalked behind the ship the entire time. He grabbed onto the side of the ship, beginning to climb his way onto it and watching the scenes unfold. He noticed you were teetering while you ordered your crew around. He could tell you weren’t entirely there. There was a feeling in his stomach that made him want to help. He felt compelled to aid you. He wasn’t sure if it was your bravery for willingly going where every man fears or if it was because you were the most beautiful face he had ever seen. Even though he was and lived amongst a species that matched the beauty of gods on earth, no one looked as beautiful as you. 
He was supposed to be the one who lured people into his trap. That was what being a siren was about. He wouldn’t sing so beautifully if it wasn’t for that. Even before he was trapped in this cursed body, women would swoon over his artwork. Every woman would look at him lustfully, some of them were quite attractive, but no one was ever able to catch his eye. So, why are you, some pirate trying to kill off his kind, making him feel ways he has never felt before? That wasn’t fair. That defeated the point of all of this! 
He found himself caressing your head softly, staring at the way the water soaked clothes clung to your body accentuating every nook and cranny of it. His body tingled in ways it hadn’t in awhile. Excitement filled his face while he watched you breathe steadily. There was something about the way you were under his spell, under his control, that turned his brain to goo. His mouth began to water, his face felt hot, and his head started to ache at the uncontrollable feeling of wanting to touch you and make you scream his name, but instead of begging for mercy to live you’re begging to have him touch you more and more. The thought alone made him groan. 
You began to wake up from your hypnotic state, stirring slightly, eyes blurry, blinking back to reality only to be met with the high ceilings of a cave and an uncomfortable pain in your back from lying on dirt. Human nature made you want to bolt upright and run, but your pirate nature wanted you to remain calm, find a plan, and escape danger without causing a disaster. You laid there, eyes open, trying to avoid the small sounds of splashing water and the glaring gaze of your captor’s eyes digging into the side of your head attempting to read your thoughts. 
“I know you’re awake, Captain.” He taunts you with your title. “For the Captain of a ship, you’re certainly pretty inferior and weak right now.”
You grunt at his comment, starting to haul yourself up to find a way out of this mess. As you stand, you’re immediately stopped when a blissful tone reaches your ears, and once again, you don’t have control over your own body. You can feel it. You can feel yourself wanting to resist but being unable. Hyunjin speaks.
“Ah ah ah, darling. Lay back down. We are not finished here. I told you that you’d be punished.”
His words made chills sprint across your spine. Your cold, goosebumped covered body felt warm from nothing, and you felt yourself melt back to the ground. You turned your head towards his, and he lifted himself out of the water and hovered over you when his tail became two long, clothed legs. He looked at you too, and you daringly stared into his eyes. Within them you saw lust and desire, nothing more and nothing less. Well, there was something more, but you couldn’t decipher it. 
Hyunjin bent down and crouched next to you, cupping your cheek and gently caressing his thumb over reddening skin. He stared into your eyes, reading them, finding your scrambled thoughts. 
“You need to be good and listen to me. I can’t keep making you listen to me by using my voice, but if you make me, then I will. Am I understood, Captain? Nod your head if you understand, pretty girl.” 
You nodded your head. You did understand, but the nodding of your head was not on your own free will. His touch made you burn more. There was something about his over looming presence that made you feel small. One thing you always hated was the belittling you dealt with when it came to being a woman in a pirate’s life. Always trying to act above you when you know damn well it’s for their own ego. However, Hyunjin was alluring to you, equally as much as you were to him. There was something about his confidence and dominance that made you horny instead of angry. Maybe it was because it wasn’t his ego talking, it was just who he was. He knew he was in control here, and that’s why he didn’t feel nervous around you. The other men who made comments towards you always ended up being the weakest. Not Hyunjin though, nothing about him seemed submissive. 
The horrible feeling in your stomach never subsided. It grew even more in the position you laid in, and you started to wonder if the wetness in your panties is more than the wetted undergarments from being dragged through the sea like a monster’s prey. Maybe the horrible feeling in your stomach was just your gut feeling telling you to get dicked, and there was something about the nearing presence that made the feeling grow. 
Sirens, you think to yourself, are lust filled devils that overwhelm one’s desires when they approach them. Their songs do not force falsified love into someone, but overpowers their primal desires more than they can bear, weakening them, and taking them as food. But why do they want to hurt us, and the sighted mermaids want to help us?
Hyunjin sang another tune, but it made the hypnotic effect wear off, almost like an anecdote. You didn’t move, too afraid for your body to not be your own anymore. 
“Tell me, Captain, do you want me?” He asked boldly. 
You looked him deep in his eyes. You wanted to deny it, you really did, but just as they claimed, he was as beautiful as they came, more than likely the most perfect one, even beating the gods’ beauty. You wanted him in many ways, and he wanted you all the same. Like the bold pirate you were, you spoke up. 
“Yes, I do. Do you want me?”
“Yes, surprisingly I do.” He wasn’t lying. You knew it, you could read lies, and even if it was in his powers to be able to lie without getting caught, this seemed too desiring to him. His breathing was barely steady at the start. He was struggling to hold back. 
He moved to plant himself between your legs and then moved his hand to your neck and applied pressure to the sides of it carefully, taking away some air, but not a lot. You gasped, trying to take back all the air he cut off but failed. 
“It actually pisses me off how much I want you. Do you know what I’m supposed to do with invasive pests like you?” He leans in closer. 
“I’m supposed to rip you apart, limb from limb, and drag you down in the deep to eat you…”
He comes closer, grip tightening, his mouth right to yours, hovering above it just barely. 
“But something in me, something about you, makes me want to rip you apart for my own sake, and I want to hear you cry my name while I do.”
He releases your neck and puts his lips to yours. As he makes contact, you kiss back. He isn’t sweet with it, you aren’t either. His kiss is rough, teeth hooking onto your bottom lip and tongue prodding its way into your mouth while he uses one hand to hold himself up and the other to roughly massage your breast while he rolls his hips between your legs to give your clit the smallest bit of tension. He rolls over with a rhythm, enough to make you let out small, pleading whimpers. He smiled, hearing you fall apart on nothing when he’s just begun. 
He moves, and he begins to peel off the damp clothes from your body. You want to shiver, you want to be cold when your entire naked body is exposed to the elements, but it only burns. You can barely think, and it’s no longer the lack of air’s fault or Hyunjin’s songs. It’s just how horny you are for this angelically handsome devil. He takes off the rags that hide him as well. The sight of his slightly toned chest and thin stomach fills you with more desire than before. Then he removes his pants, and that makes your pussy throb the most. 
He leans back down to you, except he faces your core, and leans in for a meal. The spit from his tongue meeting your untouched folds makes you shudder, and you grab his hair and pull him closer on instinct. His tongue licks in and out of your vagina and messily makes his way to your clit where he sucks on it and nips on it slightly. Your sensitivity is so intense that you feel yourself leak a bit more over his face. He continues his assault on your clit while his hand makes his way to tease around your hole before entering one finger, and a few thrusts later adding a second. 
“Hyunjin, fuck-” You moan while he continues his actions. He takes his mouth off of your clit for a moment to say, “Good girl.” You gush at the nickname and turn your head to the side to hide from how excitedly the praise made you feel. 
The knot in your stomach was ready to be untied. Your quiet whimpers and moans got louder and increased, which signaled him to pick up the pace a little faster. 
“Whenever you’re ready. Just sail with the wind, Captain.” 
As soon as he said that, you released onto him and rode out your high as he calmed his movements before pulling away. Your eyes felt heavy, your body felt relaxed, but you didn’t want to stop there. Hyunjin didn’t either. You fell limply onto your back when Hyunjin moved himself from you. 
“Hey, there, pirate, we aren’t done with this voyage of ours yet.”
Looking down at you, he bent down and picked you up by your hips, moving you to sit in front of a rock on your knees. The rock was at your eye level. Hyunjin sat on top of the rock. He slightly flinched at the coolness of the rock against his ass, but he warmed up to it quickly. He spread his legs, leaving his dick out, and the perfect space for you to crawl in and suck him off. You stared at his long, hard dick while it waited for attention. 
“Hey, princess,” Hyunjin snapped his fingers in front of your face. “Get to it.”
You crawled to him on your knees, head bowing down in embarrassment, but Hyunjin grabbed the roots of your head and pulled you close to his dick. “Open.” And you did. You opened your mouth wide and took him in while he kept his hold on your roots for physical control. You bobbed your head up and down, moving your hand up to grab what you couldn’t reach, but Hyunjin stopped you. 
“You’re a Captain, aren’t you? Using your mouth to bark orders all day? Not to mention how much you unhinged your jaw to take me. If your pretty mouth can do those things, then you can suck my whole cock without taking a shortcut with your hands.” He pushed your head all the way on his cock, making you gag, but he ignored it. He kept this up, barely letting you breathe. All he did was assault your throat with each thrust making him groan at your warm, wet walls that felt like heaven’s touch. You could feel your throat become sore, but you honestly didn’t want to stop him. There was something about the way he sounded and his control over you that made you want to please him forever. 
Not long later, his groaning increased and became louder. He was going to cum soon, and you could tell when he pushed your head into cock faster. 
“Fuck!” He moaned when he felt cum spurt from his tip. He calmed his pushing, but he made you keep your mouth around his cock until he was fully finished, then he withdrew himself and forced you to swallow all of it. 
Drool was falling down your chin, your jaw and throat hurt, your scalp was slightly burning, but your eyes were glazed over, wanting even more of him. You felt like you were floating, the pain in your body making your pussy wetter. Even though you felt like Hyunjin was controlling your body with the way he used you like a toy, a new melody filled in your ears making the ache in your body reside. Each tune he sang seemed to do a different thing, but each of them were helpful in the situation you found yourself in. This tune didn’t put you in his control, but it rather settled you to be comfortable for what he was going to do next. 
Hyunjin stood up and looked down at you while you remained on your knees. He brought his hand underneath your chin and forced you to look into his eyes. 
“Tell me your name.” He spoke. His tone was stern. It wasn’t like the way he spoke before, this was a hard command. You weren’t sure why he was so stern about your name and not the intense oral sex you performed on him moments ago.  
“It’s Syrena.” You lie. 
Hyunjin grips your chin tighter and glares daggers at you. 
“You’re lying. Tell me your name.” 
Hyunjin pushed your head to the side harshly before bending down and grabbing you by the base of your neck and forcing you to look at him again. This time he’s much closer. He’s more intimidating this way, and you feel your stomach jump. 
“Lie to me again, and see what happens. Tell me your name or I will leave you here to die.”
“My name is Y/N. Captain Y/N.” 
“Now was that so hard, Y/N?” You glared at him, tempted to rip out of his grasp and kill him on the spot, but you didn't. You stayed put because your sinful temptations were getting the best of you. 
“Captain, Y/N.” You corrected him. Even though he’s been calling you pet names since you got there, now you were starting to grow tired of his taunting and teasing. You let him have his fun, but now you wanted your respect back. However, you were basically willing to do anything for him to fuck you at this point, but you didn’t want to admit that. 
“No, no, no,” He paused, lifting you by your hips again and sitting himself back on the rock. “You are no captain to me.” He sat you slightly on his lap, grabbing his dick and teasing your clit. Your arms were wrapped around his neck to keep you up. The feeling made you whine loudly. He smirked, slowly pushing his head into your soaked cunt until his long length was fully inside you. Your head fell back, and your mouth opened without control as you let out of the loudest moan you could muster. He used his hand to bring you back to face him and look into his piercing gaze again. Your mouth stayed open, moaning with each small thrust he gave as he pushed himself into you, but keeping most of his dick inside you. 
“You are just a pathetic, cock-hungry, submissive, girl.” He said between his small thrusts. 
“H-h-hyunjin, please.” You plead. He gives an evil smile and lets go of your neck making it fall back again. He stood up, holding onto you, bringing you off of his cock almost entirely before harshly thrusting himself back inside. You couldn’t control your reaction, even if you tried. You screamed in pleasure, the noises echoing off the grotto’s walls. He continued to plow into you, but it was enough to ensure it was pleasurable for the both of you and not just his own selfishness. 
“Hyunjin! I can’t- Fuck!” You moaned. 
“Yes, you can. Fucking take it.” He growled, fucking into you harder. 
“Ah- I can’t, please!” The pleasure was insane, impossible to describe. Then, again, there was another new melody that rang through your brain, and you felt like you were floating. You were able to take whatever he gave you without worry, but the pleasure somehow doubled. Your eyes were oceans with the way the tears spilled from them each moment he didn’t stop. But everything was bliss. Everything was perfect. You felt more relaxed and calm than you ever had before. 
Hyunjin switched the positions you were in, lying your stomach against the rock, and your ass in the hair where he entered you from behind and held onto you by your head fucking into you even deeper. 
“My little pirate taking the cock of her enemy.” You wanted to correct him, tell him that your intention was to learn about them, not to hurt them, but that thought left your mind as soon as you had it. You couldn’t think. You were almost brain dead, only being able to feel everything he was giving you and more. 
“I’m gonna cum soon!” You managed to choke out. 
“Fuck, baby, me too.” He groaned back. 
“Ah, Hyunjin, please, I can’t hold it.” 
“Just a little bit. I’ll tell you when you can cum.” His stern voice was back, there was no choice whether you did or didn’t on your own terms. 
He moved out of you for a brief moment and turned you around to face him. Quickly and carefully he picked you up and thrusted his cock into you. You shoved your face into his neck, kissing and sucking and biting him to bare the orgasm building inside you. 
“Can I please-”
As soon as you released, Hyunjin did too, fucking his cum into you while you moaned. He found your lips and kissed you while slowly walking towards the moonpool of water and allowed himself to fall in with you while you kissed him lustfully and passionately, and he did the same. 
In the water, you were lost, eyes open, but not having control. Hyunjin’s presence was not absent from you, but you still felt sexual pleasure. You weren’t sure how. 
Hyunjin was in front of you, facing you, and smirking. You looked at him, confused as to how you weren’t sinking without him holding you and without swimming. Then you realized you couldn’t feel your legs. You looked down, and your legs were replaced with a shining mermaid’s tale and extensions of a betta fish, just like Hyunjin’s, right in front of you. You noticed one betta fin of yours and his were connected. That was where the pleasure was located. 
You wanted to scream and cry. Hyunjin could tell, so he came closer to you. He held your face in his hands again, stroked your cheeks gently, and leaned in to kiss you. You happily kissed back. Within the midst of your kiss, your tails intertwined with the other, and you felt like you were floating again, but this time it wasn’t Hyunjin’s range of melodies, it was a tone that felt like love. You felt whole and safe. You didn’t freak out about the mermaid tale that now lined your body. 
Hyunjin moved away from your lips, grabbed your hand, and swam you towards the surface of the water. After breaking the surface, you began to speak, but he stopped you. “Don’t freak out. You will be fine.” 
The second his tail was entirely out of the water, he had legs again, and he helped you out of the water where the same thing happened to you. Hyunjin grabbed you again, and held you into his lap bridal style while leaning against a rock. He looked at you, and you looked at him. 
“Humans can’t have sex with mermaids or sirens without turning into one of us. It was a curse put on both humans and merfolk such as ourselves years ago when a human and a mermaid fell in love. However, a jealous sea witch grew envious of their relationship, and put a curse on mermaids that they’d become lust filled demons that killed humans that came near, and anytime a human had sex with one, their curse was to become them too.”
You looked at him dumbfounded. 
“What the fuck?” is the only thing you can muster. 
Hyunjin laughed and explained more in depth. 
“I wasn’t always like this. I was a human too. In fact I was a painter whom all the ladies fell in love over. I adored it. I adored their attention. One day, while I painted by the seaside, I heard a beautiful noise come from the water. I discovered a boy peeking out of the water. He extended his arm to me, I gave him my hand, and he pulled me in. Then, things escalated, and now I’m like this.”
“But I still don’t understand the mermaids and sirens thing. And why’d you have to do this to me? What the hell.” You felt a lot of emotions, but you weren’t as mad at being a siren than you thought you’d be. Depending on the conditions, being part fish could help yourself as a pirate captain.
“I barely understand myself, but I’ll try to explain more. It used to only be mermaids. That was it. Mermaids are beautiful creatures that swim in the sea and have beautiful voices that can do all sorts of things like lure people in and make them feel better. However, mermaids were never inherently evil. Their songs were meant to lure people in for good things, like steering life away from dangerous areas. However, the sea witch’s jealousy got the best of her. She wanted to be the one the human fell in love with, but instead it was someone else. Blinded by rage, she cursed any mermaid who dared fall into the lust trap. Oftentimes mermaids are used to resemble purity because of this, and they distract themselves from carelessly falling into anything that can change that. The sirens curse, it wasn’t just motivated sex, it was killing anyone who tried because the lust was so strong. When the mermaid was first turned into this monster, she kissed his neck, but began to rip it apart. The sexual desires began to settle after the fact, like killing someone brought down the hunger. No one has been able to find an alternative. As for me turning you… I couldn’t help myself. Ever since I saw you there was something about you I needed. It ached, in ways I couldn’t explain, and I knew you felt it too.”
You stared blankly at him in disbelief. Then you spoke up. 
“We weren’t coming to hurt you. My pirate ship is more of a learning experience. We discover things in the sea and tell others about it. We don’t harm anything, we just teach ourselves. Granted we know how to defend ourselves in an attack, but we came to study the mermaids, and we ended up in a killing trap. Now all of my men are dead.” Your voice turned cold by the end, just remembering the bloodshed of the battle you were ripped from for no reason. 
“But you began to attack, don’t deny that.” 
“It was self defense. We knew you were going to do something.” 
“I don’t doubt that. Even though I haven’t always been a siren, I can’t sit back and watch my newkind get slaughtered. I will defend them, and now you will too. You’ll learn to.” 
“Hyunjin, I didn’t want any of this.”
“But you were so beautiful, I had to have you. You’re mine; you belong to me. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be so off balance when I’m around, just like a bit ago when you lost everything the second I was completely near you. I hadn’t even started singing.”
He was right. You knew it too. He was the reason you felt off. He was the reason you were off balance and off guard and off everything. Now he’s the reason you’re part fish. 
“You can go back to being a pirate captain, if you so please, but I am so deeply infatuated with you, I couldn’t bear you to go. I don’t ever want you to leave me, Y/N.”
It was the way he stared deeply into your eyes that made you melt. There was no convincing melody of his to convince you to stay, though you must’ve had that too now if you were one of them. But his eyes, his pleading, and the slight fear you had of him kept you put on his lap. 
“Come, my treasure, explore the ocean with me.” He said, standing you up, and bringing you to the water, jumping in with you, grabbing your hand, and swimming off. 
Your tail made you swim as a pace that was hard to comprehend. You were out of the grotto and near the island you sailed off of in minutes rather than the days of voyage you spent. Hyunjin showed you all about the water, pointing out friends and foe, things to eat, ways to improve your life as a merfolk. 
Down in the water, the two of you faced the other where your betta fins touched, bringing you closer into a kiss. The two of you chased each other around, creating tiny waves in the water as you playfully messed around. 
Resurfacing from the water and staring at Hyunjin, he sang, 
“My heart is pierced by Cupid.
I disdain all glittering gold.
There is nothing can console me,
But my jolly sailor bold.” 
You smiled, happy to hear this song that he sang often. He sang it about you.
But little did you know, that song is the only reason you stayed with him.
Hyunjin found you perfect, so beautiful that he couldn’t let you go. He knew you would've left the second you had the chance, but he can’t let someone he’s besotted by go, so he’ll do what he can to keep you around a little longer. I mean, he did tell you that bullshit story about sirens and mermaids. Had he been turned into a siren by a boy with a freckled covered face? Yes. Was that witchy nonsense true? Of course not. But if you believed him, who cared? He turned you into a siren on his own, so he could keep you around forever. He was going to have you no matter what.
You are his treasure, not any of the pirates, his.
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hornyhornyhimbos · 2 years
Goofy Sex with Steve Harrington Headcanons
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look how cocky he is, lil bitch
warnings and tags: MINORS DNI (18+) AFAB!Reader, oral both!receiving, protected PIV sex, mentions of ass eating i'm sorry, Steve refers to his 🍌 as "Little Steve" because i think it's funny, queefing, accidental cum swallowing, explicit language, references to marijuana use in the past, S3 Steve bc I said so, Steve is a sarcastic ass but what's new, transition-y bits are in red
Author's Notes: I feel like we as a society don't talk enough about goofy and silly sex with Steve Harrington so that's what this is, hope y'all enjoy 🤩
inspired by this post by @parkermunson <3
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What sparks the whole thing wasn't even inherently sexual. Steve had taken the rest of the day off from work due to "aches and pains" and called you over on the premise of having a lazy day and cuddling.
You're watching cartoons, nothing inherently sexual happening. And then... the characters end up in a compromising position.
"Hey, what do you think sex would be like in that position?" he asks. Facepalm, you respond. "Hey, you wanna find out?" he asks. "Aren't you experiencing aches and pains?" you ask.
He glances down, then back up at you. When you don't catch his drift, he does it again. When you still don't get it, he says, "OK maybe I wasn't the one who was experiencing said aches and pains... it might've been Little Steve."
You cut your eyes at him and threaten to leave, but he meets you with a puckered-out bottom lip and a, "Pwease? For Wittle Steve?"
Somehow, the two of you end up making out on the couch for a little while. Tongues and lips graze against each other when all of a sudden, Steve pulls away.
"Babe, what-" "AH-CHOO!" Steve is a loud sneezer but that's a headcanon for another time
The two of you can't help but giggle, but you go back to it anyway, continuing to kiss as he begins to lead you from the couch to his bedroom.
You're scared Steve might've broken a bone from how hard he hit his arm on one of his mother's decorative tables, but Steve insists he's alright. "I'm fine, but fuck my mother and all her damn end tables."
Luckily, you make it to his bedroom in one piece. You start to lie back on the bed, but Steve stops you, an almost devious grin plastered to his lips. "Have you ever thought about riding my face instead of my dick?"
You're sure he's meant to say it seriously, but the tone he used sounded so sarcastic, you almost thought it was a joke. Still, who are you to deprive your boyfriend even if he is being a little shit?
That's how you ended up grasping the bed posts, his nose nuzzled against your clit, his tongue hitting all the right places.
"Finally, something's going right," you thought to yourself.
Suddenly, Steve's moving his hands to your hips, hoisting you away from his lips and gasping. "Sorry," he managed to say, "couldn't breathe in that position."
So, you move on to something more fun for him: giving him head.
His hand slides down your cheek as your beneath him, looking up at him with innocent eyes.
"I bet a U.S.S Butterscotch isn't the only ice cream you wanna lick."
The room is silent as you both process his words. Eventually he says, "Yeah, I'm gonna pretend I didn't say that."
You've barely got his Scoops' uniform shorts pulled down before his dick springs into action, slapping you hard on the chin. You laugh as you take it in your hands, ready to proceed with the task at hand.
"Told you Little Steve was needy today."
You're tempted to leave again, but his dick looks so nice, you can't just say no. Next thing you know, he's sliding his dick into your mouth, moaning louder than he ever had before.
He's barely a third of the way in and you're barely licking the vein when he just releases, sending so much cum down your throat you nearly choke.
His eyes bulge as he runs over to the bathroom, making a cup of water and sprinting back over to you, his cock waving about. The sight only had you choking harder.
After a couple minutes of catching your breath and washing down his seed, you finally feel up to doing what you'd been in his bedroom for all along.
He grabs a condom from the bedside table, jokingly lifting it to his mouth. "You think I could make balloon animals with one of these?"
"Steve that is SO unsanitary."
"Look, my mouth's already been where this is going anyway, right?"
Despite his last sarcastic comment, you soon find yourself laid back on his mattress, his dick sinking into you. His hands are clasped around yours, he's trailing kisses from your boobs to your neck to the shell of your ear. The moment feels happy, close, intimate.
When all of a sudden... you queef.
At first, you're mortified, until Steve just continues pounding into you, letting out low, rumbly laughs from deep within his chest.
But finally, after all the ups and downs of this afternoon, you cum for the first time and it's pure bliss as he follows soon after.
He lies down beside you, a hand raking its way through your now sweat-matted hair. The moment is peaceful and quiet and overall, just feels like bliss.
"Isn't it funny how vaginas can make noises like that?" he says out of nowhere.
You roll your eyes, slapping him hard on the chest. "It's not funny!"
"I'm sorry, did you hear the same noise I did?"
You pout, sticking your tongue out at him. "Yeah well, at least it didn't make the same smell it does when your ass makes noises like that."
He slaps your buttcheek hard, a chuckle nearly escaping his lips as he watches it jiggle. "Says the one who's asked if she could eat my ass before."
You grab one of his pillows covering your face in embarrassment. "OK, that was one time and it was Eddie's fault." "How was that Eddie's fault?" "He gave me the weed in the first place."
He slaps your butt again. "Oh, don't blame the weed for amplifying your cravings for my ass."
Soon enough, the conversation has turned into a fit of giggles from both parties. You watch intently as his eyes scrunch closed with laughter, admiring the cute lines that form by his eyes.
He notices that you've gone silent, and gives you a soft smile.
"So... I'll be here all week, you know."
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☆ taglist: @liberhoe @writer-in-theory @esoltis280
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soundslikediamonds · 2 years
Rescuer (part 1)
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Summary: (I'm not very good at summaries but!)
This whole concept came to me after watching Butler's interview with Josh Horowitz. Just seeing him in his hoodie and with his scruff just in that cold apartment over zoom made me think of this whole concept, yet it's super long, so I'm writing it in parts. I also got inspired seeing all those pictures with fans on the set of Bikeriders.
This is a fic where while walking alone at night, reader is being followed, but fortunately before anything can happen Austin saves reader.
Word Count: 4291
Disclaimer: This is my first time using Tumblr and first story posted here. I hope everyone enjoys!
Warnings: uncomfortable topic of being followed late at night, family dysfunction...
Hope you enjoy! (y'all I am SO nervous to put this out there lol)
You close the front door and seal it with the lock. It's pitch black outside, a swollen full moon out with distant clouds. The air you breathe is cold and fans out little fog clouds each time an exhale escapes your mouth. It's no later than 12:00 am and you just finished all that you were taking for the night.
You would be back in a few days, when you were sure your Dad would be out. He was away this night, working a long night shift and you knew that. That was the reason why you managed to sneak back into the house and take some more of your belongings without your dad knowing you were here. It was clear he didn't want you back, not after that explosive argument last week that the two of you had which left him kicking you out.
You had no problem with leaving. Actually, it was something that tempted your mind for quite some time now. Somewhere between dad's anger, and the two of you fighting all the time, it was so exhausting. He made you get out of the house and made it very clear that he didn't want to see you again. You grabbed some extra clothing and toiletries for the night and your backpack before you called your friend Ava asking if you could sleep over. She was obviously awake and wasn't one who would take much to persuade.
You didn't go into detail of why you needed to be over there. It was late and the last thing you wanted to do was tell her that you, a college student, was officially homeless, having no real thought-out plan of what you would do. You just kept it simple; you were at the campus library studying into the night and by the time you headed back, you realized you forgot your keys and no one was in the house.
'just need somewhere to sleep for the night and then i'll be out tomorrow morning. kinda crazy how this is my life rn ahahaha'
You had texted Ava those words, to which responded in laughing crying emojis.
'dww!! it's life. it happens. i'll make sure to give you some of my clothes'
Shoot. The clothes. Although you did have a set of pajamas for the night, it would probably make more sense that you would burrow Ava's clothes. After all, you were locked out of your house. Where would those clothes come from if otherwise?
You placed everything you gathered in your backpack and took the bus to get to the other side of town. On the bus there was practically no one and as you had the back seats to yourself, you took this time to really think about what this meant for you.
You didn't have a home. You had class in the morning, and then two more in the afternoon, but you didn't have a home.
If you wanted help (which you probably should have asked for), that would require you telling the whole story of what happened, which was something you didn't want to go through.
If you took time to really think about it, you would probably cry. It was a surprise that you haven't done it yet, but it was probably because you haven't had the time, in retrospect. It was only the sound of your dad's tone that rung your ears, telling you to "leave and never come back" that made you scurry to your room, take what you needed to take and leave without saying another word, or giving eye contact to your parents. Your body moved quickly than what your mind could even process and now that you were sitting still since this pressing hour of chaos, you allowed your eyes to close, resting your hand on the top of your head as a small sigh escapes your breath.
What would you do now?
You stayed in that position for only a little while before deciding on opening your phone and choosing to listen to the song you thought would suit the moment best. As you looked out with window, you allowed for the duration of the melody to give you a sort of comfort and you told yourself deep down inside that everything was going to be okay. You were going to be okay.
That was last week.
Now, as you start down the stairs throwing one more glance over your shoulder at your old house, you tread down the street. For these past few days you've just been keeping yourself in an small Inn. It's been okay, mostly you were out for the day and so the Inn only did its thing and helped you out at night with a bed to lay down on and rest. But tonight was your last night and you had no idea what you were going to do afterward.
You were sort of on this plan of just going to a 24/hour coffee shop and stay there "studying" for the night. You've looked it up and there are a couple of places in the area. So, you considered that at least for the night you'd stay at the coffee shop to think things through.
You aren't alone as you walk. You glance down at your phone and notice that you have 15 more minutes before you'd reach the bus stop. The sounds of footsteps are distant behind you and, just because, you look over your shoulder just a little bit, but a chill runs through your arms when seeing that it's a man wearing all black with a hood over his head. He looks right out you and you whip your head forward, feeling your chest heave in a mini-gasp.
Now, you tell yourself, there's no need to overreact.
That would usually help you, but it is late and dark, and no one else is out. Plus, he's walking pretty slow, and has no problem with walking and staying behind you. Curiosity now takes over you as you decide to lessen the pace of your walk just a tad, and suddenly you hear his footsteps slow its pace as well.
Frowning, you now pick up the pace, to which this man does the same. Your heart starts beating fast and you check your surroundings, realizing the neighborhood you're in is dark and the lights to the houses by the streets are all out, indicating that everyone is either asleep or away.
You take a breath and decide to cross the street, just going at it because there aren't any on-going cars, but once you reach the sidewalk, you look down at the silhouette that's casted from the orange streetlight and see a distant but present shadow still trailing behind you.
You are officially. Being. Followed.
You've heard of stuff happening like this, and it's absolutely horrible. No one should be able to feel their own life being threatened just by walking down the streets at night. You just never thought of it happening to you, yet right now, your chest rises and falls as your hands collect sweat.
You have to stay calm.
If you start running, chances are he'll take off after you. You need to lead him someplace where there's people, yet you don't know this area half as well, and it's hard to make up places in the dark.
Silently praying that nothing happens, you take a risk a turn a sharp corner to another block which at this intersection you would normally continue to walk straight, but your legs aren't in control of what's going on and move out of fear and in search for desperate help.
Your eyes luckily find a light and you realize that you're coming to a gas station. The lights are open, so you knew that there has to at least be someone in the corner store. If you just casually walk in, the man following you would have to leave.
You start to hear footsteps from behind you pick up and your heart starts pounding within your chest. For some strange reason, although you are ridiculously scared, you aren't running. You aren't screaming for help. You're managing to speed walk with your head held high although trying to focus on your breathing and steady yourself. It's crazy how you're not looking back, but only walking faster, keeping your eyes straight on the blaring lights.
The Gas Station is right across the street from you and- without even clicking any buttons at the intersection which you should- you walk down the street and go up the small hill, and as your eyes avert to the station, you notice a tall man in a Carhartt jacket over black jeans, walking out of the corner store. He's looking down at the receipt in his hands as he walks to the pump. You're relieved to see someone at least, and you know that you're just seconds away from safety. However, as you're walking, you're scared when you see now in the corner of your eye, the man who is following you, starts jogging in your direction.
Without thinking you start making a light jog, no longer to the corner store, but to the man who's right in front of you, who has no idea of what small chase scene is in front of him as he looks at his receipt. By the sound of nearing footsteps, the man in front of you looks up just in time for you to greet him loudly before wrapping your arms around his neck, holding on to his tall frame. The man stumbles backward, but you turn your head to whisper in his ear.
"The man behind me is following me, please help me," You whisper, and that's all it takes before you feel strong arms wrapped around your waist.
"Hey, babe, sorry, I was just about to text you. Didn't mean to make you walk over to me." He says, the low tone of his voice vibrates your forehead as your head rests against his chest.
You're squeezing him now, thankful that the security in his voice and the tightness in his hold makes you feel safe right here in the Gas Station parking lot, right where some creep has followed you to. You don't even know if he's still there, or walking closer, and you don't want to know. You're not lifting your head up from being buried in this man's chest.
"Hey, the funniest thing happened at work today, but I'll tell you all about it once we go home. And you get to pick the movie tonight, but I gotta tell ya, if it's those cartoons again, I might just cry." The man says, a small chuckle coming out. A breath escapes your lips, almost like relief in itself. You'd smile if you could, if you weren't so scared.
Now, as you're still in the hug, you can't really hear anything. It's quiet and you're not sure what's happening in the world where your face is not against the fabric of a fall jacket, where you're not heavily breathing with tears stinging your eyes. You'd like to hear what's going on, or maybe you don't, but you can't, because all you hear is the sound of your heart pounding through your ears.
Finally after what seems like the longest seconds of your life, you feel the pad of a thumb stroke slowly through your hair just barely, just enough that you can tell it's within intent. To soothe you. You begin to match your breathing, your chest rising and falling, to the thumb strokes against your hair. You suddenly feel a lift of the hand and arms start to loosen just by a little bit.
"He's gone." You hear this man whisper in your ear.
Those words suddenly break you and now all of the emotion from the following to the chase catch up to you as hot tears slide down your cheek.
The man in your arms now holds you tightly once more and starts swaying you in his embrace.
"I am so sorry. I truly am, I...I'm so sorry." He says, with a deep and genuine ache in his voice. You nod, even though he did nothing but save you from what could've been, and just the thoughts of how the night could've turned out entirely worse, sobs now bubble and pour out as you begin crying on his chest.
"Do you wanna sit in my car?" His voice asks, and you hear the decibel of his voice raise just a little bit higher as it coats with soft and gentleness. You realize he's asking you that way because he wants you to decide. He wants to make it clear that whatever it is, he's not the one telling you to do anything. Not after this horrible experience.
"Okay." You choke out, nodding once again, before you slowly pull yourself away from where you nestle in his chest. You blink back to reality and look around you, seeing that the creep indeed is gone and you're standing outside in the parking lot of the Gas Station, while this tall man, who looks just a few years older than you, stares at you with kindness and grace. This is the first time you actually look into the eyes of your angel of the night. He has golden hair, a hint of scruff on his chin and around his pink full lips, with piercing baby blue eyes that sparkle even in dim light.
You try to smile, though you're wiping your eyes at the same time, and you can't help but feel like you look rather like a mess.
"Thank you so much." You say above a whisper.
The man doesn't comment on what he did, instead takes your arm gently and leads you to his car, a black vehicle near the last pump nearest to the car wash. While one hand still rests on your arm, you watch as this man digs up his car keys from his jacket pocket and unlocks the doors. He opens the passenger seat for you, to which you whisper thanks before he closes the door and walks around his car, leaving you only a few seconds to truly absorb everything that just happened in what seems to be in slow motion and in a flash at the same time.
You sit in silence for a moment, leaning backward in your seat as you try to look back and see if the creepy man would just pop out from nowhere. You're subconsciously doing it. You don't even realize that's what you're doing, looking at the back window until his hand is planted on your arm, bringing you back into reality. You turn immediately, looking at your rescurer.
"You're safe here." He says.
You nod. You believe him, but you don't even realize your hands are shaking until he looks at them, and you notice his jaw clench. You hug yourself, trying to remove the attention from your shaking hands and you feel his hand touch your shoulder. You try another smile as you turn to look at him.
"Thank you. I don't know what more to say but... thank you so much." You say, feeling like there are not enough words to express the true gratitude your heart.
He nods before he looks down in his lap, letting out a big sigh. You shake your head in response, now using your hands to massage your forehead in small circles. The two of you are silent in the car, but the both of you are thinking of everything that went down.
"My mind wants to think about how...he could've done anything to me. I've just been saved, and that's what I'm shook up about- the fact that it could have happened." You say, wondering what's even wrong with you.
Sure, you almost had something terrible happen to you. But someone came to your rescue just before it did. And instead of focusing on that and being grateful, you're still thinking of what it was that could've happened. Is that normal?
"I would be more concerned if you weren't thinking about the "what ifs". That's completely and totally valid." The man sitting beside you says. He then takes another breath.
"But I'm so glad nothing happened. And I'm proud of you for doing what you did. You know, you saw someone and immediately went to them when you felt in danger." He expresses.
You're sort of blocking that amount of praise that's trying to enter in, just because you don't believe you did anything out of braveness but out of fear. You were trembling in this man's arms, for crying out loud. He could have someone, or maybe he didn't want to get involved, or anything of that matter. But, you were grateful nonetheless.
"Thank you for going along." You say in a small voice. And he really was amazing. There was something about what he said, there was no hint of never knowing you before this. It was like you both were together. It was like you were truly going home with him. It was like you were going to pick the movie. With no hesitance he was able to get into this character and save you just by how he held you.
He shakes his head now, folding his arms as he looks ahead. "I was, uh...I was supposed to go to the other gas station, a few miles away from this one. There was too much traffic, and I decided to go here, even though I was complaining because the prices here are more expensive. But I realize that there was a reason why I was here."
He turns and looks at you, an actual scared look on his face. "If we were just seconds from each other, who knows what could've happened?"
You close your eyes. Your mind is going there, but you don't want it to. You don't want to go there. Based on the fact that you're not answering, the man breaths out a sigh.
"What happens now? Is there somewhere I can take you? Are you going home?" He then asks.
Your eyes then flicker open. How are you going to explain this?
Somehow in the midst of everything going on, you haven't thought of the fact that there was no place to stay. That your friends' places couldn't be used, or that your time at the local Inn was up. You couldn't think of anything when that creep was after you, but now that it's all over, you have to face the reality of the scary revelation.
"I, uh..." Your eyes flicker down, and you look at your shoelaces. You then look over at him. You're about to tell him, but your throat gets caught and you bring a hand to your head and close your eyes, slowly rubbing your forehead in small circles.
"You can just take me to the coffee shop. The one on Berden." You reply, your voice small.
He blinks at you, before giving a little nod, and you watch as his fingers mindlessly strokes the bit of scruff his has on his chin.
"Oh. Sure, yeah, we can stop for coffee if that's what you'd like. And then after that where will I take you?" He asks.
"Well..." You let out a breath. "I'm going to be staying there. I have, um...I have a lot of studying I need to do. That's where I was going, anyway. To the café...before...y'know, everything happened. Before I met you. I was on my way to the coffee shop." You ramble on.
You mentally kick yourself. Why do you have to sound so awkward when you're lying? I mean, sure you actually do need to study, but you're not really planning on it.
The man's eyebrows furrow as he turns and looks at you. You can tell just by the look in his eye that he's confused, and that he doesn't believe you.
"You can't study now. Not after everything. You need to rest somewhere." He argues.
You shrug, not meeting his eyes. "I'll be okay."
"I won't be able to sleep knowing that I had a chance of taking you home and refusing it. It's no problem driving you, really. Even if you live an hour away." The man says.
"It's okay, really." You try and persuade.
"It's just..." You watch as the man sighs, drawing his fingers to the scruff of his chin. He scoffs. "I don't know, it's so dangerous here."
He looks over at you in seriousness. "Is there no where I can drop you off?"
You nod. "Yes, the café on Ber-"
"No, no." You watch as the man shakes his head. He lets out a sigh and closes his eyes. When he finally looks at you, you swallow the guilt of not being able to tell him the whole truth. In this stranger's eyes there's a look of wanting to keep you secure.
"I have this feeling...you don't want to be home right now." He guesses, his voice a whisper.
That causes you to look down at your shoes. You feel his eyes on you and you know you're done. With that instant motion of not being able to look him in the eye, you're sure he can tell that his assumption is right.
When you finally look at him, you shoot a small smile. "You know...I can take the bus or something. You've done so much for me already, and I thank you. But, you probably have family waiting for you at home, or someplace to be." You say.
There's a silence as the man leans back, his back touching the seat. He slowly smiles, looking down at his hands.
"I uh...I live by myself in a lowly apartment, so...it really is no problem to-"
Suddenly, the man stops talking and then turns to look at you. He looks at you with a puzzled look on his face and you're wondering just what it is that he's thinking.
"I could propose something, but it might be strange." He starts, his fingers going back to resting on his chin.
He tends to do that a lot more than he's conscious of, you think to yourself.
You look at the hesitance on his face and blink. "What is it?"
"Well," He sits up straighter in his seat. "What if you just crashed at my place for the night?" He asks.
You blink. "What?"
He shoots a gentle smile. "Yeah, I mean...it's late, and it's obvious you don't want to go home. My apartment's close, and..." He holds you arm gently.
"I'd be completely out of your hair, there's a room that's completely secluded, you wouldn't see me at all, and there's office space if you dare wish to study...even though, I personally feel like with everything that's happened, going to sleep would be the best option, um...but I...I could make you some tea, uh...and I have these scented candles that I find always helps me, just feel better after a long tiring day...of course, I've never been through what you've just gone through, I mean that's absolutely terrifying, but-"
You then touch his arm. The poor man is rambling without even taking a breath. And he looks so apologetic, almost like it was his fault.
"What's your name?" You ask, changing the subject completely.
It takes him aback, for sure, and you find yourself start to smile. He blinks, chucking a little bit.
"I guess we haven't really formally introduced each other. I'm Austin." He says, extending his hand out.
You look at his eyes. Austin. It wouldn't be the first name you would guess, it's sort of unexpected, but looking at his face, you don't know if there's any other name you would give. It's charming, which is one of the words you would use to describe him.
You smile, reaching over and shaking Austin's hand as you say your own name. He gives a friendly smile laughs.
"Nice to meet you." He says shyly, which causes you both to laugh awkwardly.
"Nice to meet you, Austin." You smile. Then Austin looks at you with a serious look.
"Hey, um...I really am offering for you to stay at my apartment. Just for the night if that's easiest, and then," He shrugs. "And then, whatever you want to happen next, I'll allow." He says.
You nod. You know his intentions are good. You know, and it doesn't take much to know- that he is a good man. You almost experienced what wasn't a good man, and it scared you. It scares you to think that somewhere that man, and other people like him are out and about, roaming innocent streets to do sinful deeds for humans that don't deserve anything like that.
A chill runs down your spine as you think back to what could've been. Right now, however, there is nowhere else you can go. You'll admit you're in a very vulnerable state. You're mind isn't the best that it can be. You're still shook up. You're scared, and you know deep down that if you are anywhere away from Austin this time of night, you'd be even more afraid.
So with that, you look at Austin, who's been looking at you this whole time. You take a deep breath and then nod.
"Okay. I can go to your place for tonight. Thank you." You say in a small voice.
Austin nods, giving your arm another reassuring touch before he starts the car. And without another word he's set and soon you both are off, driving into the empty streets of night.
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im-poe-dameron · 2 years
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a/n: i am making it a goal to post a new chapter every week for this fic. i've never done it before, but hopefully i can actually complete this goal. i'm so excited for where it's about to go (not just because i adore rogue one) but absolutely because i love rogue one. there are also hints in here revolving another star wars character i adore as well! so i hope y'all enjoy!
summary: as jedha is destroyed, you rush to escape. only to land on eadu, intent on stopping one man's mission. but when things go wrong and your mind starts playing tricks on you...you're left to uncover a defining truth about yourself.
word count: 5.1k+
pairing: din djarin x fem!reader (force sensitive)
warnings: not explicit, angst so much angst, a bit of violence, cussing, more angst, and some hints at the future.
previous chapter | next chapter | series masterlist
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Stuck in a cell is not how you imagined your life would go. After years of doing your duty, of training to be a Guardian of the Whills and trying to keep the last part of the Jedi safe, it had been ruined. The Empire took over with their new need and interest in Kyber crystals and you were forced out of the temple. You could still recall the faint taste of blaster residue in the air as they took the temple for themselves, in the only way they knew how. Through violence. 
There was nowhere to go, no purpose out of life now, and so you were left to deal with the aftermath of things. To somehow find a way past all of the heartache and pain that had been caused on your home—on the people around it. Chirrut remained with you, along with Baze, but all that there would be was just the ruins of what you used to have. A former life that you couldn’t let go, and neither could he. That was all you knew growing up, all that you had to call your own, and now there would be no way to get it back thanks to the Empire and the destruction they brought with them. 
Except now you were stuck in a cell as you waited for the next great plan of the two people who dragged you into a new fight. He said his name was Cassian, a Captain for the Rebellion and while you agreed to go with Chirrut, to help them you couldn’t deny that this was a mistake overall. That old feeling, the one you pushed away over the years until it faded had returned, except now it was stronger. The tug in your body that told you to get away from Jedha, to go somewhere else, but you could no longer listen to it, because you were damned to a cell. 
Chirrut spoke to the Captain, but you weren’t listening, choosing instead to focus on that feeling again. Trying your best to figure out what it was. Only the more you pulled it towards you, tried to grasp onto it, the more that it faded away. A tempting offer of power, of hope, and yet you weren’t able to reach a single piece of it. What the feeling was you’d never be able to tell, but all you knew was that there was a part of you, somewhere deep down that knew no matter what, you had to reach it. That the feeling was both a part of you as well as everything else around you.
“You mustn’t fight it.” Chirrut had turned to face you. 
“Fight what?” You knew he meant that unknown mysterious feeling that continued to creep up the back of your spine. The one that seemed to haunt you constantly for no reason as to why.
“I can see what you are trying to do, and you must not fight it.” He motioned for you to breathe in deeply and you followed suit knowing he’d chastise you if you didn’t. “In order to connect to the Force you have to accept it.”
You shook your head, rubbing at your forehead. “I wasn’t trying to-”
“Don’t lie.” He knew; he always knew. You were raised by Chirrut, taught the ways of life, of how to protect yourself and those around you. He could read you better than you could read yourself.
Falling back against the rocky wall you could feel the defeated feeling wash over you again. Stuck in a cell. That’s how you would end up spending your remaining time in this graveyard of a home that you once held so dear to you. With the remains of what you knew strewn about the place. Things were meant to be different, but instead they continued to get worse. Continuing to take away any small piece of hope you had left within you. 
“I don’t–” Taking in a breath you felt the sting of tears that wished to fall. But you refused to let them; not after everything you endured. This would not be what broke you. “I don’t see how I can connect to it. I am not like them, Chirrut.”
He smiled slightly. “Like who exactly?”
“Jedi. I am not one of them.” 
Shuffling closer with the allotted room, he came to sit in front of you, hands resting on his knees, the staff placed across them as well. “One does not need to be a Jedi to feel the Force. It is very possible without. But do not doubt where you come from.”
“How am I supposed to doubt it if I don’t know where that is?”
“Did I not raise you young one?” he asked, bringing your attention to him fully. “Did I not train you to be like me? A Guardian? Where you were born, is not the place you come from.”
You knew he was right. Knew that you didn’t belong to the place you were born, but rather to the place that you once called home. The temple would always be your home, no matter where you ended up in this galaxy, even in this small cell it stayed that way. So, you sat upright choosing not to focus on the chaos the Captain was causing with the man in the cell next to you, and closed your eyes. 
Small faint pieces of light were in front of you and you waded through what seemed like endless darkness to get to them. The world tuned out, the chaos turned to calm, and suddenly you could feel it; that one feeling you’d been grasping for after so long. It enveloped you, breathed life into you and everything around you, but you could also see something else.
Chirrut’s voice echoed in the back of your mind, something about coming back, but you were too far out. There would be no way to return in such a quick amount of time, and so you remained where you were. Surrounded by the light as you looked up and attempted to make out what was in the sky. Stars were the first thing you could see, their light mixing with the entity that surrounded you, but then beyond that, beyond the hope sat a circular object tainted with nothing but darkness. You could feel it seep into your bones, into everything around you, and all you wanted to do was escape.
Opening your eyes with a ragged gasp, you were pulled back to reality by Chirrut’s hands yanking you up into a standing position. You followed him out of the now open cell, but after what you saw, you knew that you had to get out of there.
“We have to go,” you gasped. “Something’s here.”
He tossed you the staff you built like his long ago as well as a blaster that came from the Captain’s pack. “I know.”
Perhaps he’d sensed it, or seen it somehow. You wouldn’t be able to say, because you were already running out of the place following Chirrut and Baze. The entrance was nearby, only a few feet away, when you felt it. The tug in your gut, filling your entire body until all you could do was wait for the inevitable to happen. A slight tremor in the ground shook the place where you stood, growing larger with every wave, until you had trouble staying upright. 
“They’re destroying it,” you whispered to no one in particular. 
He heard you anyway. “We must go!”
“What about them?” Someone ran your way, one of Saw Gerrera’s men. You kicked up your staff ready to defend yourself if necessary, but he was already falling to the floor due to Chirrut slamming his own staff into his back. 
“They will make it in time. We must go.” He didn’t bother to say anything more and you were meant to follow. What would happen if you didn’t find a way to get off this moon? Would you become a part of the ruins of your home? Become dust just as the memory and legacy of the Jedi did?
“What if they don’t get out?” you shouted.
It seemed that all your questions would be answered in a matter of minutes, because the Captain and the woman he brought with him sprinted out just as you asked. They didn’t wait for you, nor should they, because you were following them as soon as they were out. If you could not be a Guardian for the kyber crystals anymore, you would be a protector for those who needed it most.
However, as much as you prepared for this feeling that had haunted you all those years. Of peace no longer remaining that way, you still lost your breath when it all came to pass. The sight in front of you shattered what little strength you had left—what hope you held in your heart, because you could no longer see the horizon. Nothing remained of it except the ground that now floated in front of you as they destroyed your home, the one thing you had left.
You nearly came to a stop at the sight, willing yourself to keep running, to get off this moon and get somewhere safe. There would be nothing left for you here, but in a way there never was. Not since the Empire stripped you of your duty and forced you out of the one sanctuary you had. Nothing held you here any longer, but the bittersweet feeling of having to say goodbye to the only place you knew broke your heart. 
“Go, get on!” the Captain shouted as he sprinted past you.
Leaping onto the ship you helped boost up those who needed it before collapsing onto the ground near the door. An Imperial droid sat up front near the controls, but you couldn’t worry about that. Instead, you turned your attention to the sight of Jedha slowly being turned to ash—to a desecrate piece of rock. You couldn’t hold back the tears anymore—didn’t want to—and so you continued to watch. Even as the ship took off into space, you watched as bits of the moon floated into the emptiness of; the home you had, forever destroyed.
What was there to do now but grieve?
You knew that Chirrut could feel the heartache, the same pain as he felt the moon vanish. No life would be left there—nothing but another graveyard that you both had to come from. How much more of this could you possibly endure? You wouldn’t know, but for now, you wiped the stray tears from your cheeks and settled in for what you assumed would be a long journey. Wherever they were taking you, it didn’t seem like a good idea. Yet none of this was a good idea to begin with. 
Closing your eyes, you leaned your head back against the metal wall and hoped for some semblance of sleep. A few hours should give you enough time to feel rested and ready to go. For now, you couldn’t focus on the pain of losing everything. All you willed yourself to do was remember that you still held onto your family—the two people who you knew most in life. Chirrut and Baze lived on and for now...that was enough. 
The same feeling from earlier tugged at your gut, pulling you towards whatever light remained and you willingly went along. Chose to follow the light rather than the dark, because the darkness was more than you could bear. It whispered its promises to you—begged you to just give into the pain—but you didn’t wish to have that for your life. Refused to subject yourself to those horrors that awaited you. 
Light flowed through you, pushing and pulling all in unison until you felt like you were floating. You supposed that sleep had finally overcome you, because images, voices, places you’d never seen nor been to flooded your mind and you allowed it to happen. Gave into it, because it seemed that only in dreams could you find your light.
“Don’t touch that,” a voice you never heard before echoed in your mind.
“Maybe he likes to play with it, because it reminds him of you...” you replied.
A blurry sight of a man wearing a helmet, turning towards you followed the voices. “He might try to swallow it.”
You were shifting to face a small green creature in a seat, holding a metal ball to his chest. Swallow it? No. You could tell exactly why he wanted it, and could hear the voice of the creature in your head. How? You didn’t know, but it echoed loud and clear as if he was talking directly next to you. He said hello in a soft voice.
“He won’t swallow it,” you murmured, tugging lightly on the creature’s ear, earning a small smile in return from him.
“And you know this how?” The man turned back to whatever he was doing. You couldn’t see beyond him, as if that part of the dream was cut off to you, forcing you to remain in this small moment of peace. 
Smiling once more you felt the calm wash over you, giving you something to hold onto. That lost feeling of hope you thought you’d never get back, finally returning and filling your lungs with air. At last, you could breathe again, and feel some part of yourself returning.
“I just do,” you said softly.
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Someone tapping your foot stirred you from your dream and brought you back to reality. No longer were you sitting speaking to someone you didn’t know, nor were you attempting to talk to the creature whose name you didn’t catch. Instead, you were back on the ship, back to the reality of a lost home and a new journey on your hands. Chirrut was speaking to the woman who’s name you also didn’t get while Baze made sure you stayed awake.
“Where are we?” you asked groggily, sitting up fully and blinking the sleep from your eyes. 
“Eadu,” Baze replied.
“Eadu? I thought we were going to the Rebel base.” You got to your feet and grabbed your staff, seeing that one person was missing in the ship. “Where’d he go?”
Chirrut turned in your direction. “I believe he went to complete his mission.”
“Mission?” you asked, seeing the woman had disappeared as well. Realization dawned on you the second you saw Chirrut open the ship door and get out to follow them. He liked to put himself in the battle, to help people, just like you did, but this was different. This felt different. 
Trying to think back to what would have made Chirrut go after the pilot in the first place, you came up blank except for one thing in particular. The Force focused itself around someone who is about to kill—or at least that’s what you’ve been taught your whole life. Realization hit you slower than you would have liked but you were already moving from where you stood. Maker they were going after her father, and you seemed to be the only one with sense enough to remain there on the ship.
“I don’t like it, but Cassian said to stay put.” The droid’s voice came out of nowhere causing you to jump. “They should have just given me a blaster. I could have helped them,” he mumbled.
“He’s going to kill her father...” You knew that you weren’t the only one with that information already, and it had you reaching for the blaster you held earlier. Jumping out into the pouring rain, you didn’t bother with covering up, knowing that you would dry eventually.
The droid called after you, but there would be no point in going back. Chirrut was following the woman and you were going after the pilot. No death would be had today—not if you had any say in the matter, but just as everything happened in the universe, you never had a true say. Not even things that concerned people you cared for. You knew in your heart that Chirrut and Baze would be okay where they were. They had faced far worse. But the pilot, the woman…the fear came off of them in waves. It seeped into the air around them, just as the rain did.
“No one has any fucking sense,” you muttered out, climbing the hill. 
Except you froze where you stood, the sounds of battle echoing in the air around you and bringing you back to that feeling of dread earlier that never went away. Forget the pilot—forget the woman—you had to get back to where Chirrut was. Gripping your staff, you sprinted down the hill, trying your best not to slip on the way down and nearly failing. But the need to get to your family overruled your body's wants at this point. So you continued on your way until you saw the flash of orange in the distance, illuminating the rain and rocky towers. 
“Chirrut!” you shouted. “Baze!” 
Another explosion rattled even you as what looked like X-Wings flew over your head and towards wherever the trouble was. You shut your eyes, focusing on that feeling again, desperately trying to reach it, and hoping with everything in you that the people you loved were safe. All of the chaos around you quieted down to a low hum until you were very aware of the rain hitting your face—soaking into your clothes. Until you could see every stone and pebble on the planet, and you pushed farther, past the point of want into pure need.
“Jyn! We have to go!” the voice of Cassian hit your ears.
“No! I can’t leave him!” the woman shouted over the rain. 
“Listen to me. He’s gone.”
You could see them. See her clutching the face of the man who lay on the ground, the life gone from his eyes. You watched as she was dragged away, the heartbreak and pain in her eyes a sight that you knew far too well. The sight hit you in the chest, causing you to reach out to them, but then you felt it. The utter dread from earlier, the fear—all the things you wished to stay away from rush towards you—overwhelming your senses. You were trapped in a pit of nothingness. No longer could you feel the rain or see the planet, let alone them. You shoved your way through it; did everything you could to get away.
The feeling stuck to you, tried to sink into your skin like something that wished to own you. A gasp left your lips as you continued to fight against it, trying to untangle yourself from its grasp, but it was stronger than you could have imagined. The Force dug its way into you, begged, pleaded, pushed into your mind, to your heart. 
Just when you were ready to give in, allow it to take over you could see a faint light in the endless sea of darkness. What looked like a hand reaching out towards you? Without a second thought you grasped onto it—felt it drag you out from the darkness.
Falling back onto the ground, the breath rushing into your lungs, you tried to calm the panic that filled your veins. Whoever it was that dragged you out of that pit, they could feel you just as you felt them. Almost as if you were touching their actual hand and you raised your own, staring at the lines in your palm, hoping for answers. But just like everything else…you would get no answers to the questions locked in your mind. Instead, you’d just have to continue to push away the debilitating fear until you no longer felt it.
Chirrut’s voice called back to you as he came down the hill. “Are you okay?”
“What happened?” you asked, scrambling to your feet. 
“Are you okay?” He was demanding an answer from you, that much you knew. 
Nodding you took in a breath. “I’m okay. I went looking for you and–”
A ship descended behind you and you readied yourself to grab your weapon, but Chirrut’s hand came out to stop you. Cassian and Jyn came up behind you, running with blasters in hand and shouting at you to move—to get on the ship. What choice did you have but to follow? Spinning on your heel you rushed up the ramp, beginning to feel the fatigue from your battle wane on your body. Whatever that force was—whatever it did—you felt as if you could sleep for another day without fail.
Everyone remained silent as the ship went into hyperspace, the grief hanging in the air over everyone’s heads. You looked at Jyn, saw as she stared into space, a look of nothingness in her eyes. An expression you’d worn before. She lost her father, and you watched it happen, unable to do anything but stand there. If only you could help, could do something besides see what you did not wish to bear witness to. But that’s not how things worked.
“You were there to kill my father, weren’t you?” she muttered in Cassian’s direction.
He held no answers, but you could see it. The Force that slowly faded away from him—from his body after the ordeal that went down. There would be no going back from that. No excuses as to why he was there in the first place and even you didn’t wish to know. A pain in your head began to slowly spread its way through your body until you couldn’t discern reality from dreams again. Except you let it happen once more, because it felt better than fighting to stay awake.
“You fought well,” a voice said in your mind.
Could you respond? You weren’t sure. It felt like everything in your body was slowly being pulled apart and put back together simultaneously. But there was no pain in this action, only a tug here and there, a light flashing once in a while.
“This is just the beginning,” he said.
“Who are you?” you called out into the darkness. 
Nothing but silence echoed back, but you knew that he hadn’t left. At least not yet. No, he still remained somewhere in this place. Wherever you were. Reaching a hand out you tried to feel for something, anything that would give you a sign that you weren’t alone. That this—whatever it was—wasn't dangerous towards you. 
“You’ll figure that out soon enough.”
Figure out what? A flash of blue lit up the area around you, until you could finally see something in front of you. Except you couldn’t see his face, couldn’t discern anything except what looked like a blue sword, glowing in front of you. There was something about the weapon—a certain familiarity to it that had you reaching out for it. What was it about this that drew you closer? That had you wanting to connect to it? But then you understood.
“Kyber,” you whispered.
“A Jedi’s weapon relies on it,” he replied, giving you a moment to take all of this in. “But a lightsaber doesn’t make you a Jedi.”
You knew that already from the stories told to you by Chirrut. Growing up he regaled you with them nightly as you continued to make your wish to the stars. Kyber is what a lightsaber relied on, but you’d never seen one in person, let alone one that felt familiar. Perhaps you were truly dreaming, the exhaustion having gone to your head to a point of hallucinations. That had to be it.
“Who are you?” you asked again. “I feel like I know you...”
The saber was turned off—the light disappearing until nothing but darkness remained once more. He must not have liked the question. Where did you know him from? He felt like an old friend. Someone you should know. The more you dug in your mind for a name, for something other than just emptiness, the more you realized that there were no answers. To any of this. If you knew him, you wouldn’t be able to say how, or when.
“Protect yourself,” he said, his voice beginning to fade into the distance. “Trust only in the Force. It has the answers you’re looking for.”
The ship jolting woke you from whatever dream you were having. You could feel your energy slowly returning to your body, but you didn’t worry about that. Instead, you tried to remember the person who you dreamed of. The voice sounded extremely familiar to you even now as it echoed in your mind. Trust only in the Force? What did he mean by that? The doors opened and you shot to your feet getting ready to head off, but a staff blocked your way.
“What’s going on?” you asked with a smile. “Am I in trouble?”
He waited until the others shuffled off the ship leaving just the two of you. He didn’t say anything else—didn’t tell you what to do—just sat down slowly on one of the cargo bins that the Empire had on before. You could feel something was wrong and part of you didn’t wish for him to say it; wished for him to keep it from you. Yet there would be no keeping from you the things that you had to know. You knew that as well as him. 
“When you were born...” His words had you already collapsing onto the bin across from him. “I knew you were different.”
He held up a hand for you to stay silent. “Your mother was young when she gave you to us. And she only had one promise that she was adamant we keep. That you know who you truly are when you are ready to choose.”
Your mother... You couldn’t even fathom the words he was saying to you, but nonetheless he continued.
“There is a reason I always told you to trust in the Force young one. I’ve known for a long time...but something tells me that you know it as well now too.” He heard your sharp intake of breath.
The tears stung your eyes as they fell down your cheeks. “Yes, I know,” you whispered. What had been speculation to you—nothing but utter dreams—was now being revealed to you as the truth. And as much as you wished to deny it, you could no longer do that. You knew that to deny it was to push away everything that made you who you are.
“Do you remember the piece of kyber you carry around with you? The one that you picked up whilst walking through the caves?” he asked. 
The same piece hung around your neck on a leather strand. When you were younger, a crystal had called out to you for some unknown reason, and you picked it up. Held it to you and felt that it was yours even before you had touched it. Chirrut told you to keep it with you at all times, to protect it as if it were the most precious thing you would own, because at the time you didn’t know that it in fact was.
“Kyber does not choose just anyone. It called out to you because of what you are. I was not meant to be your teacher for very long, but then again you were never meant to be a Guardian of the Whills.” He reached forward, searching for your hand until he found it and gripped it in his. “You are meant for much more than you know, young one.”
Letting out a choked sob, you smiled at him, gripping onto his hand for dear life. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
Now it was his turn to smile. “I had a promise to keep.” He stood, pulling you up with him. “You are ready to choose your own way.”
“And what about you? Baze? What about the fight?” 
He chuckled, walking out of the ship with you in tow. “This fight will continue for many more years than even I. For now, choose to learn more about what you should be, what you always were.”
“Is this you saying goodbye to me Chirrut?” you asked softly. 
Turning towards you, he tapped his staff twice on the ground just as he always did; the sound a comfort to you now. “Goodbye? No. You only have to look through the Force to find me, young one.”
“What about what I am?”
“You are afraid.” He could point it out when you didn’t want him to, but at this point you didn’t mind it. “Don’t be. Jedi fear nothing.”
The word caused your breath to catch in your throat. Jedi. Jedi. Jedi. You repeated it over and over again in your head, but still it felt wrong to say, to even think about. You? A Jedi? Part of you expected to see Chirrut burst into laughter and tell you that he was telling another story, but even you knew that this was reality. Everything you questioned—everything you wondered about—it all clicked together seamlessly until finally you felt whole.
Another wave of hot tears spilled over onto your cheeks as one more realization dawned on you. “I’m going to miss you,” you whispered.
He pulled you closer, wrapping his arms tightly around you and giving you a comfort, you would miss. One last memory to hold onto as you did your best to find your path in life. Your path as a Jedi. You dug your forehead into his shoulder, letting a sob go as the pain from the day, from leaving, and having to say goodbye to so much hit you all at once. But he didn’t say anything against it. Instead he continued to let you cry as much as you wished, because in a way…he was saying goodbye to the only child he’d ever had.
The only child he could call his.
“The Force is with me,” he said as you pulled away. 
Wiping at your eyes you smiled at him. “And I am one with the Force.”
“And may the Force be with you always,” he replied.
Perhaps this wasn’t truly goodbye. At least that’s what you hoped. Except the truth hung in the air, finally spoken aloud for all to hear. You had a path in life, something to call yours, and as you gripped your staff in your hands, watching as Chirrut walked away towards the entrance of the base. You knew that this would be the right choice for you. The way you were meant to go.
The way of the Jedi.
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brighteyedbushybrowed · 4 months
Hey Y'all
So, I've been away for a while. A fair while in fact. The short explanation is life things have happened, including having a job, getting a dog, and trying to apply to do a masters degree online. More below the cut if you wanna read the long explanation.
The longer explanation is the above plus the fact I can't bring myself to write fandom content anymore. Anytime I try to, I feel a sense of dread. My immediate thought is that it needs to be perfect or no-one will read it and members of the fandom will hate or dismiss it and nobody cares about what I write for fandoms anyway so my writing isn't exactly missed anyway so what's the point? I'm still writing original stuff for myself from time to time and am starting to post it on another, separate blog to this that focuses only on my original stuff. Nobody follows it other than myself on this blog and my sims 4 blog and that element of being unknown... it feels safe. It feels safe now to write and post things because I don't feel like I need to live up the expectations that fandom creators often feel forced to live up to. I don't have to worry about my next piece being guaranteed to be better and more interesting the last. I don't have to worry about "that character is so OOC your writing sucks" (smth that I used to get when I wrote for another fandom back in 2020) or similar sentiments being shared by whoever reads my work.
And furthermore, because my original writing doesn't include smut atm I'm not freaking myself out or making myself feel over sexualised. I know that doesn't make sense bc I don't write about myself but as a greysexual who feels sex repulsed a good chunk of the time, writing smut would sometimes make me feel unwell but I would do it anyway bc I felt like it's what people who read my work wanted, you know? I love and adore the Ghost fandom and Mary Goore, but sometimes it felt like people only wanted to read my work for smut because smut was always what performed best on my blog. And I just... even though the smut I wrote was good and people still read my non-smut stuff, it felt like I was just writing for popularity and not for me. It felt like I was becoming this. This shell of what I started out as. I don't know if I'd call it selling out, but I certainly wasn't truly writing what I and only I wanted anymore. I was writing what I thought others wanted to see from me because I almost had this image or idea to live up to.
There have been times where even now after such a long break when I've tried to write fandom content I've wanted to cry. My brain would blank and it was almost like I didn't write anymore so I felt like a robot on autopilot whenever I did manage to write something. And reading it back, it came across as soulless to me. I went from being someone who is passionate about my craft and the fandoms I'm in to this being who wrote for the sake of writing and for the entertainment of others alone.
I may come back and write fandom content again from time to time, but I honestly don't know. For now, I'm going to stick to my original writing and ideas and try to discover myself as a writer again. If you've read this far, I thank you. I truly do appreciate you taking the time to read and listen to what I have to say. I originally felt tempted to apologise for all of this, but I've come to realise that if I do then I will be telling myself my feelings on this are wrong or not valid. I refuse to do that to myself and go back to writing for popularity. So instead, thank you for continuing to read my fics and headcanons. Even now after months I still get notifications of likes and reblogs on my work, and I am truly grateful that you guys still read what I wrote.
If any of you do want to see what my original writing looks like as I rediscover myself as a writer, I have a very new blog @yearningforvampires where I'm just starting to write and post things (literally made the blog last night, that's how new it is). Be aware, I ONLY want you to follow that blog if you want to see my original work. If you go to that blog expecting me to start posting fandom content there, then it's not going to be the blog for you.
I love you guys, and once again thank you for reading this far and all your support. I've made some wonderful friends here and I hope that you understand where I'm coming from and what I'm doing now. Here's to new beginnings!
All my love,
Kaisarion <3
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msviolacea · 5 months
Okay! Random thoughts and observations about Star Rail 2.2! Spoilers, obviously!
tl;dr - not as coherent as 2.1 was, story-wise, but SO MUCH LORE. SO MUCH. But honestly most of the below is random nonsense and shitposting.
I didn't think Xipe was the kind of god to go Catholic, but apparently they have confession? Huh.
Bravo to Hoyo writers for pulling off the "it was all a dream" gambit in a way that actually works.
I was willing to possibly buy that we were just getting a slightly disappointing easy-out right up until a) the IPC went "nah, we don't want the planet anymore" and b) Ratio and Screwllum were vaguely happy to work together. At that point, it was like "ahhhh, we're in a DREAM dream y'all."
Poor Sunday, radicalized by being an overly protective older sibling. Relatable, tbh. You know, except for the making yourself a giant supervillain mecha god. Though that's tempting some days, I won't lie.
On the other side of things, it did feel like a disappointing cop-out after spending SO MUCH TIME on his story in 2.1 to just be told "yeah, actually Aventurine just got rescued off-screen."
HOWEVER, kudos to Argenti for surfing into Penacony, immediately finding the forbidden dreamspace and rescuing an IPC ambassador, then rolling up to take 2nd place in an idol competition before fucking off to find more beauty or whatever. King shit. Bravo. Come back soon.
Speaking of the HSR husbando game, BOOTHILL. Who thinks pointing a gun in your face is a way to say hello and has a Plan C that's just "... guess we'll take hostages!" Stay forever, you insane space cowboy.
On a slightly related tangent, I loved the flashback exchange between Firefly and Blade, showing their relationship to each other as Stellaron Hunters. After all the Luofu nonsense, it's fun to see Blade as a weird older brother figure.
Another related tangent to the above: since I also watched some of the most recent Genshin patch on YT this week, shoutout to Daman Mills for having the "deep raspy voiced tragic murder hobo" to "ridiculous androgynous magician twink" range. [insert Patrick Stewart "Acting" gif here]
But back to Firefly, I think she had a nice showcase here, though I wish they'd given her more focus in the last bit instead of sorta-kinda-maybe-probably not killing her offscreen via a short Acheron speech. I assume she'll be back, given that she's dropping as a playable character next patch, but still. There was just a lot going on in this patch and not enough time to do everything they really needed to do.
However, they COULD have cut the idol competition, because that added absolutely nothing to the plot and only really existed because someone clearly went "huh, how do we fit more puzzles and trash fights here?"
We also needed more Robin. She was awesome, don't get me wrong, but again, I would have given up the stupid idol competition in favor of maybe getting more time to play her and not just Sparkle-as-Robin running around giving people ... doomsday buttons?
Speaking of which .. wtf? Like, those went NOWHERE. Maybe they're for later payoff, but given that she was explicitly telling people to use them during the concert ... it was weird.
Dan Heng: Listen my past life just cold clocked me over the head, I need time to process and not deal for a while, Imma stay out of Dream Disneyland and chill. Also Dan Heng: so, my friends are in trouble AGAIN, not like this isn't a "must be Tuesday" occurrence for the Astral Express crew, but my first instinct is to use this very important button to call the saner of my previous life's ex-boyfriends to bring an army to help.
Like, I'm CERTAINLY not complaining about the Jing Yuan cameo, even just as a dream, but that was a very quick response, Dan Heng. I see you. (PS: as long as we're giving VA shoutouts in this post, shoutout to Alejandro Saab for Jing Yuan's everything.)
Little detail I didn't catch myself, but saw someone online point out today - Welt gave the IPC the ammunition they need to take out the Dream Master. Early in the patch, he points out that the poker chip Aventurine gave us is actually a transmitter and recorder, and takes it with him to meet with Robin and Sunday and the Dream Master. At the very end, we see Aventurine playing with the chip, and Jade mentions that they obtained a recording "from your Trailblaze friend" that would help them on Penacony/with the Dream Master. So shoutout to Welt for ... well, deciding that space capitalism is preferable to crazy assholes who are trying to use innocent people to revive a god? I guess he's seen plenty of nonsense in his time, tbh, so I'm going to trust his judgement.
Speaking of Welt, Acheron's name drop was not the only Honkai Impact 3rd direct reference. It was an interesting touch for them to include Welt's "real"/original name in the credits sequences. Don't know if it's anything more than just an easter egg for HI3 folks, but still. Interesting.
Harmony Trailblazer is actually pretty strong. I'm definitely going to build mine.
All in all, I didn't enjoy this quite as much as the last patch, but it's the difference between like a 9.5/10 and an 8/10. Coherent self-contained stories mean a lot to me, but the lore and character stuff that was in this patch was A+, and I'm still digesting half of it.
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vitospaghetta · 5 months
I'll say i was really looking forward to your post about RE timeline and the difference between the remakes but i can totally see how this could cause an outbreak seeing how so many fans are rabid when it comes to what's canon and what isn't. I dunno if this is just a RE fandom issue in general but it makes it seem like everyone's defensive over something.
I was in this fandom since RE2R came out so that makes it like for 5 years i believe and I've seen first hand how shitty alot of fans can be, toxic shippers especially, hence why i just decided to stick to my own space and do stuff that i find fun. But that said, i really hope you continue talking about Leon and RE as a whole, I have alot of fun reading from your perspective and your take on Leon's character so... is it still alright to send asks about him? :)
Here's the thing. What happened could be purely coincidental, but I was informed that I was beaten to the punch for making an RE timeline/continuity post, conveniently within a week of me making posts about doing so in the future here. If I make that post now, I’m going to be discredited and brushed off as being in some sort of competition with this person. I'm not about to engage in a pissing contest. I've got too much going on irl to deal with juvenile fandom shit.
If making a helpful unbiased post of my own is going to be such a monumental issue, then I’m just not going to make it. I don't need the stress. I mean, making one post discussing my own personal issues with skewed perceptions of a multi-faceted character turned out to be the equivalent of me batting at a hornet's nest. I'm never going to claim that anything that comes out of my mouth is the word of god, but there is a very biased perspective that's become normalized, and all I wanted to do was offer another one. People can take that or leave it.
This person blocked me, so if it isn't coincidental, it means that they're either checking my blog because I haven't blocked them back or someone told them about my posts. I've noticed within the RE fandom where people will hold people's analyses and interpretations of the characters up to each other. They’ll ask one person what they think before asking another, as if to gauge what the ‘right’ opinion is. If everything I say is going to be held to someone else's interpretations like paint swatches, that's not something I'm comfortable with.
I'm not giving this response to start discourse, but I think it's only fair to explain my apprehension to stay engaged in the RE fandom. I was perfectly fine existing in my own corner for years, and the appeal to go back to being lowkey in order to continue my enjoyment of the franchise is very tempting. I don't want unnecessary stress to jeopardize my love of something that means a lot to me.
I’m really happy that you enjoy my posts and I might be inclined to talk about Leon after I’ve taken a break for a little bit. You and anyone else can feel free to continue to send me stuff. I don’t know when I’ll be in the mood to get back to them, but when I do reply, they’ll be untagged. I hope y'all can understand. 🖤
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theobjectofyourire · 2 years
I'm a huge Daemond shipper but I like my content to be toxic with non con elements I'll be honest.
In the show , Aemond is very awkward and even borderline scared when face to face with the whore at the brothel so the concept of Daemon using Aemond's uncomfortable, sexual insecurities to both humiliate and degrade him is top tier perfection!.
P.s ' I only like bottom Aemond '. Thanks for letting me share ☺️
oh, we're talking spicy things today!! 🔥obviously nsfw and discussions of darker elements, so pls read with caution!
I do love a good sweet fic, but I gotta say...there's something about the toxic vibes that just hits different. And especially with Daemon/Aemond because their fates are so tragic, their souls so entwined. There's such a fine line between love and loathing, between admiration and envy. I think they both find it easier to lean into their anger. And honestly? I think they both get off on it.
I can just imagine them being in the same castle at some point during the Dance, maybe Winterfell or Storm's End or somewhere in the Riverlands. And blows have been dealt by both sides, they're both deeply hurt and filled with rage. But they're here on this sort of neutral ground, as it were, having agreed not to harm one another and exchanging seething glances from across the room.
And then, late at night, one of them goes to the other's chambers.
I feel like it would be Aemond. At this point in time, Daemon isn't quite as reckless as he was in his younger years. Aemond, however, still has his moments of pure, unbridled chaos, especially when near the Rogue Prince. He goes to Daemon's chamber, dagger in hand and though he's uncertain of his own intentions, he can't seem to stop himself.
Imagine his shock when he finds his uncle isn't abed. Instead, he's waiting for Aemond.
Both have blades, and skillful as they are, both manage to strike their targets, resulting in tattered clothes and a few bloody slashes, though none are deep enough to be of any concern. Soon, the blades are forgotten and it becomes something far more primal, all fists and teeth. They're on the floor, Daemon on top of Aemond, his hands around his throat. And Aemond all but whimpers.
This is where he wants to be.
Despite the betrayal, the cruelty, the war...in this moment, all they want is each other.
There is nothing soft in their touches. Every kiss is claiming, and by the end of the night, they'll both be covered in bruises. Aemond, admittedly, sporting more than Daemon, and he'll cherish every ache. Every reminder of the agonizing pleasure given him by his uncle.
I 1000% agree Aemond definitely loves to be degraded (he also loves to be praised, but humiliation just hits all the right spots). I think he has a lot of deeply rooted shame because of the way he was raised in the Faith. Not to mention Aegon took him to a brothel when he was so young. He has a lot of complex feelings around sex.
I love the idea that Daemon plays with that. Daemon loves making his nephew blush. He loves watching how shy he gets, batting his lashes as he sinks to his knees. Aemond shivers every time he's called "nephew" or, his personal favourite, "boy". Especially if he says it in High Valyrian.
The way Daemon would whisper in his ear, gripping his silver hair to the point of pain. "Do you like that, Taoba? Do you like when your prince uses you as he wishes?"
In terms of bottom Aemond, I felt similarly until I saw ep10. Everything changed after this scene:
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He's so primal. His movements are almost feline and he's so supremely confident. As much as I love bottom Aemond, I can't stop thinking about dom Aemond...I'm really tempted to write some fun Aemond/reader things...
Anyway, sorry for the long post!! I got distracted by the spice and now I have like ten more fic ideas lol. Shout-out to anon for starting this wonderful convo and seriously y'all, keep 'em coming. I'm LIVING for all of this. Let's talk about Daemon. Let's talk about Aemond. Let's talk about Daemond.
And let me know if I should write some Aemond/reader stuff. Maybe I'll write some headcanons for Aemond/reader or Daemon/Aemond. Who knows! But the fics are coming and please keep sending your thoughts, I'm eating them up!
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Hey y'all I know we've been sharing the reminders to report porn bots as spam before blocking them as we see them follow us, but I haven't seen anything about cleaning up the spam posts from tags. I'm gonna go over this pretty fast so I apologize if this explanation is a bit choppy
But basically if you pick a tag, select recent posts, and start scrolling there's a high chance you'll find some spam posts from porn bots that have a dozen unrelated tags attached to it.
It's tempting to just report the spam post and move on, but that's letting the bot keep going. So make sure to report the blog as spam FIRST and then go about reporting the post
In the few that I've reported this morning to clear up a tag I noticed the bots are different than the porn bots we've seen following us. These bots have had:
a default icon more often than not
the spam link post(s) on their blog
And have the Likes and Follower tabs visible
Basically they've been able to slip under the radar to attempt to act like a normal user. It's also another example of taking time to set up your blog and switching icons if you're a new user to not look like a spam bot!!
So sorry to drop another bot reporting task on y'all, but we got another bot blocking task to take on to really help clean up the site
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rurifangirl · 2 years
Yoshima and Shou (possibly resuming Shou's diary or maybe translating It onto letters to people like xiang)
boots lkre boots lore BOOTS LORE
OKOK SO BASICALLY!! There's still a bit that I have to figure out, but I've got the main idea ready. (Also I made a mistake on the original post and It Is 'Yushima' instead of Yoshima<\3)
🕯️Yushima and Shou🕯️-
Let It be known though, that the Yushima I'm talking about Is not the current one (more on that later) but the 300 years prior one.
Yushima was a small town, situated on the seaside with a population density of a little bit over 2000 people. It's territory confined with Ryhmni and Nadaka's forest, which had been regarded as the most haunted for centuries.
While the territory itself was pretty vast, it's inhabitants mostly lived nearby water courses, as their economy and trade relied on everything It had to offer.
Anyways, the most important figure coincided with the one of the Priest.
The Priest had two figures working alongside them; they both were religious functionaries, but they also managed finances in case of the priest's sickness or inability to command. Usually,they were chosen by the importance of their family, however they had to sustain an exam in which they both had to prove loyalty to the priest and their people.
The exam took place in the summer months, and only when the first autumn leaf fell they could return back and get their verdict. If the verdict was negative however, the family of said person couldn't participate until their next heir (if they had any) reached 18 years.
If the next heir was already older, then they had to have another one; same would go for a pair of twins.
Both female and male heirs could participate,although the gerarchy was matriarchal.
For the Priest however It was quite different. They weren't chosen per se, so they were born directly in royalty.
Marriages were mostly out of conviniance, but It was preferred to marry along Yushima's borders to preserve the lineage. If a male heir was born, they were either next in line to becoming one of the two functionaries or becoming a war commander.
However, Yushima's army was never that big either. They relied on exterior protection through deals and marriages, however their fleet was slightly better, with it's commanders being chosen by the Priest herself.
The daughter had the obbligation to continue the family's tradition; she not only had to also reach 20 years of age, but had to sustain a ritual.
I will talk about Shou later but keep the ritual in mind because It Is important.
In said ritual, the priest gave her daughter a small bowl. In said bowl there was an herb mix with a few aromas; after the mixing was done, the fluid was blessed through a sentence the priest said. If everything went well, the daughter would drink It whole in two sips, no matter their personal preferences. The two religious functionaries would also assist in case of need.
Before that, I'll also add that before the daughter reached 20 years she was not allowed to leave her residence. It was thought that way so It would preserve the girl's image, and make her not have external preferences. She was forbidden to make contacts even with her people, or have friendships outside of the court's.
I'll give a few images of how Yushima used to look like, but I'll also link the Pinterest board for all places in this world (which, to fill y'all in will be called 'Aiwia'. If It will be changed I'll inform you all)
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Now, I've mentioned how Shou's mother had Shou unintentionally, after being tempted by a disguised demon during her stay to Rymnhi. She wasn't promised in marriage yet, as she wasn't 30, the age designed for conception. Since Yushima was in a relatively calm period of time, she wouldn't end up marrying, presumably out of fear her potential husband. As to how she made Shou her rightful heir without an husband; when she returned to Yushima, she claimed that a light came upon her, and guided her towards a lost child in Nadaka's woods.
She proceeded to reclaim the child as her own, as though a gift from the gods, to cherish and protect as her own. As we know though, that's not what happened at all. Behind closed doors, only the functionaries and a few members of the palace actually knew about Shou's nature, with however only the functionaries knowing the true story.
Shou's mother resented him, claiming that everytime he would look at him she would be reminded of his father, and even if she did try to raise him, she took It to the extreme especially when It came to his increase on non-human aspects.
Now, to reiterate a lil thing, Shou transitioned only after ,, doing some stuff, so up until that point he was regarded as a woman, and that meant doing the ritual when he reached 20 years. (Which coincidentally, Is the age in which he stopped to grow physically).
When the time came, and It was time for him to drink the bowl, all adorned and cleaned, he could not physically drink more than a sip, since he felt that fluid burning as though It was lava.
The reason as to why Is simple; it's because It was blessed, and even if his exterior body wouldn't mind that, his interior sure did. That meant he would never become a Priest, and this angered to no ends his mother.
Well, the rest Is history.
After Shou's wrath and disappereance, Yushima was left abbandoned for over two centuries, it's inhabitants fleeing after the accidental destruction. What remained was just two reliquies, a few smaller houses and the fundamentals of the palace.
A century later, a small book was found during an excurcion, that book being Shou's diary. As of now, the book is stored far away, in archives only few can access to.
However,only a few years before current events would some people, descendans of people who used to live there to try to adjust the town. Still, most of It remains to be old ruins.
📖The letters and diary📕-
I SWEAR I'll be more short on this section, but also because I haven't gotten much yet.
Shou's diary was a thing I've planned for a long time, but kind of forgot about It until some months ago. I plan for It to talk about Shou's entries up until the day before the ritual, for It to also tangle his desires and such.
I don't know when I'll put myself to actually write It, but It will come eventually. The same goes for the letters.
All of his letters are written after he leaves Yushima. He started to have contact with other local communities, often writing to them and expressing gratitudine for helping him.
He will also adress them to Xiang Qing as well, although only two will be written.
For a period of time, he changed his location not that far away from Xiang's residence, therefore asking for basic needs in exchange of work and knowledge.
However,,, things between the two didn't end on good terms, as Xiang went as far as to blackmail him when he realised who Shou was and Shou had moved back to where he came from. (Keep in mind this happends merely 10 years prior to current events so yeah pretty recent)
Also fun fact; Shou currently resides in the southern east part of Nadaka forest, whereas Yushima was located in the westerner part.
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myckicade · 1 year
I should have been in bed nearly two hours ago, but this thing is haunting me.
I'm going to repeat some points I've already posted, but some things bear repeating.
That was the worst series finale I have ever seen. I thought the finale of Preacher was an ugly little fiasco. My word. It will be hard to top this one! Holy frickle-dickles.
(The X-Files, Supernatural, Fullmetal Alchemist... I'm used to pain, but this tempted me to break out the Jack Daniels).
So, yeah. Ding-dong, the cunt bag... -s are all dead? What was the fucking point of that? EZ, completely expected, especially when it was said, 'We've all been talking'. It was a bit of a push for the poetic, that EZ would pull a Mark Antony quote, then get Julius Caesared. (I feel like I made a comment about that last season, but it might have been a verbal conversation). Anywho. I just don't understand the point of the rest. (After a few hours of sleep, I might be able to gather what they were going for, but we shall see). Taking out Bottles, of all people...
I see some fix-it fics in my future. Some out of spite.
I liked Potter in Sons. I did. He was responsible for his share of shit, but his character was well-written. They ruined him in Mayans, so hard. He's come across half-crazed, and tipping off his axis. I'm so disgusted that he's still walking around, King of the Fucking Hill. If ANYONE needed to catch a bullet - aside from EZ - it was old Pot-Ash.
I'm actually really mad that Emily got her way, too. Not just because of Miguel, but because of the utterly simplistic way it went down. (Let's face it, that wasn't a terribly inventive plot she cooked up). Killing Miguel was just the quick way to tie up another useless loose end, leaving the Gallindo family no different than the rest of the story.
Fucking. Pointless.
List of Other Pointless Things Bugging Me:
* Letty's rage. Don't get me wrong, I'm over the damned moon that she and Sally are in the clear. But, that Letty found Sally, and the bloody trailer, and just... abandoned everything? C'mon.
* Bringing Taza back. Again, y'all know I was ELATED to see the bastard, but not to get him on-screen again?? I find solace in the fact that I didn't have to watch him die.
* Angel spotting the pictures and letters in Miguel's hand during Felipe's funeral. I had hope, and it went NOWHERE. As expected. As usual.
* Sofia's pregnancy, and death. I assume the pregnancy was to make her pointless death more tragic, but it was still a waste of time. (Bitch is no Cleopatra). If EZ had found out? Yeah, maybe. I know the broad was a loose end, too. No question. Had to eradicate (nearly) all that was EZ's. It was just the same writing as the rest of the season:
Sloppy, and lazy.
* The war. That wasn't a war. That was a bunch of kids taking turns beating each other up on their way home from school.
* The pipeline. There was no fixing that shit, and we spent the bulk of the FINAL MOTHERFUCKING SEASON on it.
There's more, but my brain aches for rest.
A Couple of Things I Enjoyed:
* Marcus getting the chance to be a good father. It was nice, given his relationship with Jax Teller. He saw a father lose it all, and now he's getting to have it all. Bonus Dad Points for doing the skin-to-skin contact with the baby. That was just beautiful. ❤️.
- It was also a reminder to keep at the birth control. 🤣. When Marcus started talking about not getting to see his son's children, I got to thinking about how the guy I'm seeing is two-and-a-half decades older than me, and... Yeah. Math, indeed. You didn't need to know that, but there it is!
* That was a nice chat on the bridge. It was. Brought me back to my own childhood, and moments where I had to stay strong to protect my own brother. Solid, believable stuff, right there.
Dude. Was that really all that I enjoyed?
Fuck the J.D. It's time for the Jose Cuervo.
Catch y'all on the fic side.
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mionemymind · 5 months
Hey there is no need to apologize I understand completely. People have lives off the internet please never feel the need to apologize for anything concerning your life. Though I do really appreciate you being so responsive the enjoyment I get when I see you’ve answered me is unmatched.
You’ve got me in suspense on the finished tattoo bc that design is so unique, here I was picturing something small and cute like Wanda’s wimple. When in reality you got The Wanda Maximoff on your arm and it’s very hot might I add. It has so much details it truly is incredible, can’t imagine how nice the outcome was going off this wonderful piece of artwork.
Thanks for your kind words, Texas is awful but unfortunately it’s home and everything I care about is here.
Painfully waiting for you to get your hands on a computer🤞🏾I am in need for some fluff. Have fun with your cousin in LA and make sure y’all stay hydrated.
And I truly enjoy whenever I get a notification saying I have something in my inbox! Like I get excited too love!
And I'm so tempted to get another tattoo of her, but I need to chill. And I'm really happy that I was able to get something commissioned. But the tattoo looks like a tarot card on my body. So to others, it just another tarot card, to those that look close, they can see the marvel reference.
Also, Texas does have some good things, like you, but another thing I enjoyed when I visited was the Filipino food y'all have. Plus I also met Elizabeth Olsen at a con in Texas, so it holds a special place in my heart.
And I finally got to post two stuff this week! My computer is not ready for me to be back S!
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roadtodeltarune · 9 months
Earthbound Start!
Howdy, y'all! I'm back with another week's update! Though, this is more like a day 1 update.
For the past week, I've been relaxing, fighting a cold, and working. But how far have I gone with the project? Not far. I decided to spend this week watching retrospectives on Mother 1, learning more about its creation, impact, and interpretations. I've also been letting my thoughts on Mother 1 settle into something more concrete. In short: I stand by my earlier thoughts, and you can see those in my other posts.
Today, I have big news! I started Earthbound! Yesterday, I couldn't help myself and decided to start up the game. I stayed up playing it for a long time. I almost got sucked back in this morning but pulled myself out to give the week's update.
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As promised, we're doing a fruit theme, matching the veggie theme from last time. A few things about their names: I regret not naming Ness "Strawb" instead, but "Straw" has grown on me. Plus with his dog, it's team StrawBerry. "Bana" is obviously named after a banana, but I like pronouncing it the same as "Launa". "Apple" I named 'cause of his apple-green suit. I had no clue that there was an inventor kid in this game also named Apple. Maybe they're brothers or cousins? Lastly, Grape, I was running out of fruit ideas. I was tempted to name him "Cherry" after the shape of his head, but most of my internet handles are "CherryKeri" or something similar, so I went for Grape. No particular reason, but I do like grapes.
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Now for the elephant in the room: Giygas is back. Y'know, I figured he'd be in this game, but he got here faster than I thought. After making him have an emotional breakdown from hearing the song of his dead mom, I wonder how he's doing and what made him think it would be a good idea to come back.
As for Pokey, I had hopes for him at first. He's a bit of a jerk, but I could see a change arc for him in the future. Maybe... He kinda sucks, especially after he kidnapped Bana and said his honest apology was a lie. I wanna hit him with my baseball bat, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
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When Buzz Buzz died, I felt so many emotions. Anger and sadness obviously, laughter at the funny dialogue, a sense of purpose and bravery to continue my journey, and confusion at how that all happened so fast and from the mix of feelings.
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Speaking of the dialogue, this game is hilarious. The tombstone ad in the hospital had me cracking up, and there are a bunch of little things like that all over the game! It really helps to make me want to explore and read every sign.
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After Buzz Buzz told me about how Giygas returned and it was my destiny to find some friends and kick his butt, I set out for Onett.
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The city was fun, but I kept noticing these trucks. It's funny how they used to be a serious enemy and now they're normal. A weird thing about them: I think they have set spawn locations. I was running around a lot and kept seeing them flicker on the edge of the screen. It's a very minor thing, my ADHD just kept focusing on it.
While I was in Onett, I also found out a bunch of new features that are a huge improvement over Mother 1. First off, when I find items in the wild, it lets me have the option of dropping an item from my bag; in the first game, the random encounters would just not drop things if my bag was full. Second, when I buy armor or weapons and equip them at the store, it instantly gives me the option to sell my old items. It's such a small thing, but it makes the whole game smoother and faster pace.
A difference that I wish they kept is the run button, walking is a bit too slow for me. I think I'm getting used to it, but the run button made backtracking a lot better.
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Since I was in town, I decided to defeat an evil gang. They had a key needed to get the first melody, and they were causing trouble for everyone. So I fought Franky and his Battle Franky Mark II. It was actually not too bad of a fight; I two-shot him with a SMASH and a regular bash.
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Going into the caves, I unlocked my signature move: PSI Juice! I didn't think this was how they'd use my "Favorite Thing" but I think it fits pretty well! I like to imagine I'm hitting them with so much power, that I'm wringing the juice out of them, like in a Tom and Jerry cartoon. I mostly used the move for big hits and for crowd control.
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First Melody nabbed, and I think I'll mention it now. The plot of this game, so far, is very similar to Mother 1. Mother 1: Collect the melodies and some friends to defeat Giygas. Mother 2: Collect the melodies and some friends to defeat Giygas. It's the same, except the details were changed. Mother 1: Queen Mary lost her memory and only the melodies can restore it, but the melodies are being used by aliens to do evil deeds like restoring the dead. By making friends and doing good deeds, you gain the magic music of love, and with this, you restore Queen Mary's memories and then face the one behind it all: Giygas. So far, there is no Queen Mary in this game. In Mother 2: Giygas has returned and Buzz Buzz goes back in time to stop him before it's too late. He asks for your help and you go out to make friends and collect the melodies, the magic music that can defeat Giygas. The only things that are similar in these plots are the melodies and Giygas being the big baddie, but I think that makes sense. Only love can defeat evil. Though, I am curious about one thing: how are the melodies here? Is it the same song?
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Anyway, back on the road. I got more funny dialogue with the cops and man, these guys suck. I know this game is from Japan and made in the 90s, but I can't tell if this is pro-cop or anti-cop. I wanna say anti-cop, cause they fight you and everything, but the game doesn't treat them like full-blown antagonists.
On my way to Twoson, I got mushroomed. It was fine at first cause I didn't have any party members to accidentally hit, but then my controls got weird. Luckily, I was in town already when that started, so it became a fun little challenge to get to the hospital.
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Hey so quick question: What's with the blue guys? No, not the cult, the guys that attack you in cities? Are they zombies? Drunks? Crazy people? All of the above? They're really weird. I kinda wish they weren't here, cause it makes the cities, a plan of safety in the first game, not so safe anymore.
As for those other blue guys, I don't like them. They kidnapped Bana to sacrifice? Wtf? I got geared up and went over there- I got stopped by a pencil... Well, I went back and got a Hint. I love these by the way, I think I'll be using hints when I get stuck from now on. In Mother 1, I had to use a walkthrough, but they risked spoiling me or making it too easy.
Okay, so the hint told me about the inventor kids. Other people told me about them, but I didn't think they were important and their inventions seemed expensive. I bit the bullet and donated 400 dollars and a cookie to them. Orange gave me his item and I went back- It didn't work...
When I got back through the cave, Red Apple called me and told me to meet with him. I don't know if it was a timed event after paying him, or if I accidently did the right thing by going to the pencil and trying Orange's bomb. Either way, I ran to Red Apple and got the Eraser. NOW, I made the trek.
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This area was scary, with all sorts of dangerous enemies, colds, and twists and turns. Somehow, I made my way through even though the Blue Cult broke the first bridge.
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In Happy Village, I fixed up my gear and did a little leveling up. This town is a little weird though. I mean in how they treat you at first, it's kind of the perfect representation of a cult. Most members are welcoming and subtly trying to make you join. The more extreme members notice you're a stranger who doesn't want to join, so they attack you. It's creepy. There's paint in their river, and even the cow was convinced!
Worse yet, I was getting homesick. That status condition wasn't in Mother 1, so it's brand new to me. It's very annoying, but I guess I just gotta call Mom regularly now? I thought it was cause there was something in the paint, but I think it's just a timed thing.
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What a SHOCKING fight! It was actually pretty fun! Most of his attacks didn't hurt me much, so I just wailed at him with Bashes and Juices. A small detail upped the creepy factor though: the statue. Earlier in the game, I went to X. Agerate's house and he took me to the statue he found. I think this might be the same one! How did it get here? These people know it's dangerous now, but it's not destroyed, so what'll happen to it? I want to break it to bits just to be safe!
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Two gangs down and I rescued Bana! She had been sending messages in my dreams. The people of Twoson missed her so much, but the cult had treated her horribly. Of course, I had to save her after all that! It's clear to me that she'll be like Potato(Ana) from Mother 1, but I wonder if her Bashes will be stronger or if she'll get even greater spells. Her learning set and how much damage her spells do are different from Potato, so I have some learning and training to do.
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I thought I'd go through the cave while I was there, so I used it as a place to level up Bana. She's now level 15 while Straw is level 21, so the gap is shrinking! Her Teddy Bear helped a lot, it's a great tool for training! I also learned a neat change from Mother 1 that I love!
Say you were fighting two Mega Borg in Mother 1 and you target everyone on the first, leaving the second free from damage on that turn. You'd do that because they're tough so you know you need to take it down with multiple hits. But surprised! Someone landed a SMASH, so it goes down easy. Now your party is wasting PP and time just attacking the air while the second Mega Borg is completely fine! Quite the hypothetical, but it happened to me a lot in Mother 1. Well, they fixed that! Now, if an enemy fails, your characters will instantly target the other one. This is a feature that Pokemon also has. It's very convenient and makes the fights faster-paced.
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We'll end this week's update with the Second Melody! I'm not sure what this is supposed to be, a Hat Trail?
So far, I'm loving this game! I had a great time with Mother 1 and this is so much better! I can't forget to mention the amazing music and sprite art, a huge improvement that many might not notice right away. I found myself a few times just walking around, looking at how pretty everything is.
I'm shocked at how much I've done in just a day! This was all last night! All I did this morning before stopping to make this post was leave Happy Village and get back to Twoson. Next, we'll be going to Threed. I'm not sure what my journey has in store, but I'll see you down the road.
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gothboylovesbowie · 11 months
It's been a couple months so ig I should make an intro post now inktober is finished and I can concentrate on other stuff too (cutoff so y'all can get to my posts easier but still read if you want, link to inktober Masterpost directly below the cutoff.)
About me ig:
My pronouns are they/he.
I'm not gonna reveal my name or face... ever.
I'm 19, in art college, stressing about what I really want to do in life.
I'm a disabled young person with far too many issues it just keeps getting worse NGL including some undiagnosed neurodivergency, diagnosed depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue and vertigo. It's not the best way to live but I'm happy to talk about my experiences if y'all wanna hear?
I drum... a lot. Once I've got a set up, I'll be recording practice sessions and posting them on another account (I'll link it here once it's made)
I also read a fair bit and am tempted to set up my mic for the first time in forever and read to you guys, lmk if that's something you'd want.
I mostly reblog artwork, good messages and posts from my favourite creators. There's some angst milling around and my own artwork is floating about here too. I also mostly shitpost, spam memes or hype up Good Omens and Doctor Who.
I'd be happy to info dump about stuff if that's what the people want, I just can't remember half of the fandoms I'm part of so ask away if you want.
I'm not exactly a public figure so I get it if noone really cares too much but I'll respond to anything as long as you're not an asshole.
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jaeminscoffee · 3 years
Daddy Issues | S. Jn
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Pairing | Seo Johnny x Fem!Reader
Genre | Smut, fluff
Wc;type | oneshot: 3.93k [not proof read]
Warning(s) | Pwp, dilf!johnny, y/n's a pillow princess, daddy kink, overstimulation, teasing, edging, dacryphilia, slight voyeurism, degradation kink, heavy use of the words 'doll, princess, slut, pretty, angel', typical lyra smut, i made haechan johnny's son (i was about to write changbin as johnny's son but decided against it) age gap, unprotected sex ( the Reader's on pills. Remember this is a fiction, don't play the wrong card irl) filth.
a/n- i found this request buried in my asks and was tempted to write it. Sure, the warning looks intimidating, but i know you wanna read it, y'all whores (ily) shoutout to @bakugou-is-my-bae @cvntzennie and @jenopollo for helping me decide what to post first! @suhpersonic
Minors try not to interact! <3
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Age is just a number, so surely, there's nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed of, right? 
There's no reason for you to not fall for the friendly neighborhood bachelor, well not so bachelor bachelor, since he does go around asking people who knows of his marriage to pretend it never took place. 
Johnny's hot, super hot. Has the build of a supermodel. Has the face that one can only imagine belongs to a greek god, as you'd jokingly tell him how he seemed to be god's favorite and how you loathe Aphrodite for showing favoritism (which would always end up with you getting a very sultry, teasing look from the lad) 
Johnny has the type of personality that women can only wish the entirety of the male species would possess. He's an absolute sweetheart, life of the party, definitely the center of attention wherever he goes. And oh god, does he have an immaculate fashion sense. 
But Johnny's also the father of Donghyuck. Your best friend. 
More than being ashamed about the fact that you actually fell in love with a man who has a child of your age, it was the fact that you had to fall for Donghyuck's father of all people. 
Donghyuck is a sweetheart, definitely got his personality from his father but he's also got that glare that could creep the Lord's of the darkness from his father. He's got so much from his father that the resemblance is uncanny. 
You'd not want to get onto hyuck's bad side since you've gotten first hand experience at stopping him from almost committing homicide to someone who spoke shit about his friends, more specifically, you. 
But Hyuck's not in town. So a little fun with Mr. Suh wouldn't hurt anyone, correct? After all, you're still only a human with desires and the want to take risks. 
You'd always not so subtly drop hints at Johnny and he'd always give you that look that would have slick collecting itself between your thighs. A warning look. 
A look that said, "cross the line and you'll get it" 
But that's the thing, you want to get it and will do anything to get it.
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You'd ask yourself less than a million times if you want to do this or not.
Sure, you weren't this hesitant when you decided to sext your best friend's father knowingly when he was in business mode to irk him up but that's one thing. 
And having to confront the same father who left a message smaller than a sentence that completely disregarded all the obscene text and images to show that he's not the slightest bothered or suprised by your behavior for that matter was another thing.
"Tomorrow at mine." 
It's almost as though he deals with hormonal teenagers one as such as yourself on a daily basis and that thought kind of backfired at you considering the whole 'Let's piss Johnny off so that he'd finally give me what i want' agenda. 
Ironic, huh? 
"Mr. Suh." you start hesitantly, unsure of what to call him, scared of what his reaction would be after your inappropriate shenanigans last night. 
Your stiff demeanor broke down a little with just a hint of shiver passing down your spine as you watch his features contort into a subtle but cocky smirk, "So now you're being all formal,"
"Well, what else would you like me to address you as?" you inquire, feigning oblivion to his tone and what he's implying at. "You tell me, doll. You seemed to have a lot of names to call me last night," he takes a step forward, prompting you to walk a step backwards, further into the corridors of his apartment and away from the actual location. 
"I do not know what you're talking about.. " you let your voice shrivel towards the end, eyes wandering around the complex, finding interest in every small detail as you avoid Johnny's teasing gaze. 
"You don't?" Johnny takes another step forward, latching his hands onto your forearms to prevent you from stepping further away, "You must have had a heavy sleep to forget all that you did last night," his voice drops dangerously low as he begins to walk backwards and back into the safety of his apartment, all the while keeping his gaze fixated on you.
"That won't do, would it? How about we take a walk down the memory lane? And see if that rings any bell?" He brushes your hair away from its static position on your shoulder, allowing him to appreciate all those fine details of your shoulders and neck that are exposed from your selection of clothing, an off shoulder. 
"How about we don't...?" You ask with skepticism, jolting slightly when you hear the door shut behind you and at the new intrusion of personal space by the lad.
"Why are you acting all shy now, Y/n? Weren't you the one so eager to get into her best friend's fathers pants? Just be the whore you are, darling. Your facade's fooling no one." okay you definitely didn't see that coming. 
Johnny's expressions morph into that of mischief as he watches your eyes grow wide and mouth fall ajar, "Am i not correct? Are you not a whore?" he asks with an eyebrow quirked up in a questioning manner.
You don't reply, almost as though the question was meant to linger in the open and that it was a rhetorical one. What you didn't expect, however, was for Johnny's hands to find pursuit around your neck, not necessarily applying pressure, but there as a warning. 
"Answer me." 
"I'm not.." you answer with a feeble voice, internally cringing at how squeaky you sound which only added to Johnny's amusement. 
"Really? Because I don't think good girls go around drooling at a divorced man, her friend's father for that matter and definitely do not send lewd images and voice out their fantasies to a guy twice their age, still want to pretend you're innocent? Or you admit it and we cut down the chase?"
"Yes, I am." you breathe out when his fingers tighten around your neck, a triumphant smile making its way onto his lips. Yet, Johnny felt the need to keep pushing,
"you're what?" 
"I am what you said I am," you speak, trying to avoid looking at the scrutinizing look on his face which seemed futile as he had his arms wrapped around your neck, keeping your head in place. 
"I want to hear you say it, doll. I need to hear you say it." At this point Johnny's intent was to get you into a flustered puddle in his hold and it sure as hell was going in that direction, seeing how you can't even hold his gaze for more than a few seconds in a shot. 
"I am.. I am a who-"
The sound of a phone ringing loud cut you off midway through your sentence, to which you were absolutely relieved. Johnny only seemed to grow annoyed the more he heard the phone ring. With a loud huff, he lets you go, not before giving you a stern look, "Go to my room." he instructed, making his way to the study. 
You let out a breath you've been holding in unknowingly the moment he steps away from you. You watch his figure retreat from you with awe, only now realizing how messy you felt between your legs and how your knees keep buckling. 
"Oh Hyuck!" you hear Johnny exclaim into the phone the minute you step forward to follow his command. 
Your best friend is on call with the guy you're about to fuck. 
Your blood runs cold as you shakily make your way into the apartment and towards the bedroom, shrugging off your sling bag, hanging it behind the door as you place your phone on the bedside table to wipe your hands dry from all the sweat that had accumulated at the palm of your hands. 
"Yeah, I'm fine, about to eat to my dinner actually" you hear the moment to make yourself comfortable at the edge of the bed, looking over to the door where Johnny stood with his arms across his chest, the other holding up the phone as he leans his weight onto one shoulder, leaning into the doorframe.
You take the time to really appreciate his appearance. He adorned nothing more than a simple grey sweat and tight black tee but he seemed ready to walk down a runway at any given moment now. His long hair, slightly disheveled looking almost intentionally messed up, compliments his features. And oh his features. 
The everlasting smirk stayed still on his lips, moving as he exchanged words with his son.
You only come back to your senses when Johnny snapped his free hand in front of you, gaining your attention. He points at his own shirt, then points at you, mouthing 'off' while he listens to Donghyuck speak about whatever he's speaking. 
"Really? Jeno said that? Tell him I'm more than willing to welcome him as my gym partner, the lad seems strong" Johnny makes a quick move to remove the gadget from his ear, before holding it in front of him after placing the call on speaker mode 
Your eyes widen the moment you hear the disturbance in the background and Donghyuck's voice resonate through the room. "no?? Why would you want to work out with him? He'll only make you feel old, you know?" 
"Says the one who still can't beat me at arm wrestling. If anything, i think Jeno would make the perfect gym buddy for me," Johnny raises an eyebrow at your defiance, cocking his head towards the side, staring down at you with a predatory look, "Hyuck, you know, Y/n-" you scramble to take your shirt off at the mention of your name on the call, "-stopped by earlier" he lets out a silent laugh of disbelief.
"Oh? Oh yeah! I'd told her I'd give her book back before I left but I forgot, did you perhaps give it back to her?" Donghyuck questions. 
"I figured you must've forgotten so, yeah i did." Johnny replies, pushing himself off of the doorframe, now walking towards you. 
"Man, I miss her! I might facetime her after I end the call with you," Johnny sets down the phone beside you on the bed, leaning down, placing both his hands on either side of your lap, finding comfort at the crook of your neck,
"I remember her mentioning something about her cousin coming over? Maybe wait for an hour or so before calling her" his lips graze against your neck each time he spoke, you let out a tiny whimper at the so longed feeling, only to earn yourself a small bite at the earlobe, immediately accompanied by a hand over your mouth, "you need to be quiet, doll. Or my son would find out how much of a slut his best friend is," he whispers in your ear. 
"Yeah? Did she mention which one?" 
"No, not really, she kinda just stormed out after getting what she wanted" Johnny creates a trail of kisses all the way from your neck to your shoulders, down the collarbone while one of his hand worked to unhook your bra, "Yeah, she's weird like that," you hear Donghyuck let out a chuckle as you whine into Johnny's palm, your figure slightly trembling from the fear of getting caught all the while being excited about the risky situation he's put the two of you in. 
"Anyways, I'll call you tomorrow? The boys are coming over now so I got to go! Night, dad!" Donghyuck speaks up again, "Night, Hyuck." 
You hear the beep indicating the call has ended. Johnny let's his hand drop from your mouth and makes its way towards your hair, brushing through the strands before pulling at it with a firm grip, "I had my son on call and here you are making all these sweet noises, you wanted to get busted, doll?" 
"It's not my fault! You-"
"ah-ah! Don't talk back, angel. You're already in deep trouble, don't want to add onto that now, do we?" He makes a swift move to have you lying on your back, your torso completely exposed to him while he remains clothed. 
"But Johnny-" you whine, jolting when you feel his hands caressing the soft flesh of your inner thighs, "How do you think Hyuck would feel about this?" his hands travel further north, cupping your heat from underneath your skirt. "fuck, you're drenched"
"Now tell me, pretty girl, what are you supposed to be calling me, now?" 
"Johnny-, tha-that was a joke! I don't have daddy kin-" you try clenching your thighs close from the sudden attention your core was receiving. Johnny wholeheartedly lets out a laugh at your attempt to hide your true feelings, making a quick act of disregarding your soaked panties somewhere behind him.
"Darling, the more you deny it, the longer we keep going at it-" his thumbs at your clit, applying pressure but making no move to quench your needs. You let out a sigh of bliss at the feeling, your back arching off of the sheets at the sensation.
In any other situation, you'd be embarrassed at how sensitive you'd gotten just from all the dirty talking and looks Johnny passed you. But that's the catch, he's Johnny, the only one who can get you this sensitive while doing the bare minimum. 
"Say it, Y/n." 
"No, Johnny! It's-it's embarrassing.." you plead with your eyes, grinding your hips against his fingers, earning a satisfied, dirty look from the lad. 
"Very well.. I'll just draw it out of you"
Without warning, Johnny with little to no resistance, slides two slender digits into your wetness, setting a pace fast enough to draw loud chains of cries from your mouth.
"You hear that, doll? You hear how fucking wet you are? Hm?" he growls animalistically, the thumb that remained on your clit now moving in circles with a motive to get you undone in seconds. 
"Johnn-..!" you whine out, feeling your orgasm growing so close that you could almost taste it, "Still going at that, angel?" he questions, not really expecting an answer as he soaks up the pleasured look on your face. "Johnny- I'm close.. -" you fail to notice the mischievous grin growing on his face as he speeds up the movement of his fingers. 
"Of course you are, doll" He feels you clench around his fingers, back coming off of the mattress as you ready yourself for your release, waiting until the last minute to draw his finger out.
"Why would you-? Johnn-I was so close!" you cry out as you sense your core clench around nothing, whining about the incomplete orgasm. "Why would I give you what you want when you wouldn't comply, baby? That's not how this works." He shrugs, licking his fingers clean of your essence, moving up from the bed to remove the shirt that seemed to be suffocating now.
"Johnny, please!" you whine louder, rubbing your thighs together to create some sort of friction, all unsatisfactory as it did not meet the same intensity as that of his fingers. 
"Please what, doll?" He smirks, knowing the ball is in his court and that you'd had to give in any moment now. Johnny leans down once again, drawing lazy circles at your clit, using his other hand to hold himself up above and close to you, his minty breath which had a hint of coffee fanning your face as you whimper, finally feeling your high building itself up again. "Spit it out, princess, you know you want to." he speaks in a soft voice.
"Please..please" you beg for nothing in particular, getting all worked up again, "The begging's lovely, doll. But you're starting to anger me here, will you say it? Or should I leave you hanging again?" 
You mutter prayers under your breath, hoping he wouldn't actually leave you hanging again, "Fine-" he moves again to remove his fingers from you to deprive you of pleasure all over again when you finally latch onto his wrist, keeping his hands in place blurting out, "Daddy! I'm so-sorry.. There, daddy, please make me come" you give in, the name, the feeling and look of pure victory on his face as he grins like a cheshire cat only intensifies the heat growing at a rapid pace at the pit of your stomach. 
"Final fucking ly, princess. Daddy will make you feel good" He reinserts his fingers in, drilling it with desperation to see you come undone as he draws rapid circles on your now sensitive clit with the other hand, watching you squirm under him.
"Joh-Daddy i'm coming..!" you cry out weakly as you feel your orgasm hit you with much force, easily driving you into over sensitivity. Johnny's patient in helping you ride out your orgasm, not stopping until you let out a throaty sob and plead him to stop to allow yourself some room to breathe. 
Johnny, however, makes no move to stop, only speeding up his fingers, his gaze fixed on where his fingers disappeared inside of you while his other hand held you down with a vise grip, "Give me one more, doll. I know you've got one more in you. " he pants, the feeling of his girth in confinement only throwing himself to sensory deprivation as he feels himself twitch inside his sweats painfully. 
You shake your head, tears now flowing elegantly down your cheek, your lips puckered into a slight pout, your eyebrows drawn together as you let yourself melt into the pleasure Johnny was providing you with. "Daddy.." 
You whine, feeling your second high reaching you ridiculously quick as you see Johnny's face contort in concentration, 
"I need to get you nice and wet for me, princess, you're doing so well. Give daddy another one" you coaxes you with his sultry tone, words and actions, inevitably having you come undone under him for the second time that night. 
You let out a choked moan, finally having enough as you curl upon yourself the minute Johnny removes his fingers from you, full fledged crying at the overbearing feeling of sensitivity. 
Johnny groans at the sight, leaning down to press a soft peck on your sweaty forehead before getting off of the bed to remove his pants alongside his boxer at a slow speed, granting you some time to recover.
"Condom?" he asks, readying himself to reach into the drawing when he notices you shake your head a no as a reply, "I'm on pills.." you mutter weakly. 
You hear him curse out at the thought of doing you raw, flexing his muscles before climbing on top of you again. He takes his time to gently turn you back onto your back, pressing his tender lips against your irritated one for the first time that night, his hand ever so slightly moving to play with your clit once again, making you jerk, "Daddy!" 
"Sorry, doll. Daddy just needs to make sure that princess is ready to take his cock" 
Your whining intensifies at his words, wiggling your hips to move closer to his own, "But I am ready! Look, daddy! I'm so wet and ready for you!" you whimper, earning a chuckle from the lad. 
Just like all the other times that night, he aligns his cock at your entrance without a warning, the tip ever so slightly pushing through your walls, "Alright, big girl. Show daddy how much of a slut you can be for him."
Suddenly, Johnny detaches himself from you, moving further away as he leans by the edge of the door, smirking at you whining at the loss of contact, "Patience, angel" 
He grabs hold of your hips, manhandling your body into all fours as he enters you completely with no trouble once he's got you where he wants you to be.  
Something about having to take Johnny from behind was so sexy that you could almost immediately feel your orgasm grow, "Fuck baby, keep clenching around me like that and i won't last long," he grunts, moving in you with a steady pace, 
"I never expected my son to befriend such filthy sluts like you, Y/n. Look at the mess you're making on my sheets" He grabs a fistful of your ass in a tight squeeze, the sudden shift in his demeanor only serving as a whiplash as you feel yourself growing closer and closer to the sweet orgasm. 
"Jesus, doll, you're so fucking tight i can barely move" Johnny growls, talking to keep himself from coming too fast. 
"Daddy.. I'm close. M-I'm so so close" you cry as your arms give out and you fall face first onto the mattress, the new stretch in your back only encouraging his cock to hit you deeper, finding the sweet cushion that serves as extra pleasure for you. 
"Me too, princess, me too.. '' You hear him let out a whine, his thrusts growing sloppier as he does you slower but deeper. 
He reaches around your body to find pursuit at your clit for the nth time that night, rubbing rapid, messy circles to go with his deep thrusts, "Daddy!" you reach your high with a high pitched cry of his name. 
Johnny comes not too long after you as he couldn't resist the constant tight clenching of your walls around his cock. He thrust slowly to ride out his high as you twitch helplessly, face scrunched up in too much pleasure. 
You feel your body being manoeuvred onto your side as he whispers sweet nothings which pass right through your ears as you feel him softened inside you, the feeling ridiculously soothing for your used up walls, 
"You did amazing, darling." he kisses your temple, not making any move to remove himself from within you, which you silently thanked him for. 
You both lay in silence as you turned your body towards him, earning a hiss and a playful smack from him as it added pressure onto his sensitive member. You wrap your arms around his torso, about to nuzzle into his chest and just drift away to dreamland when you hear the familiar ring of your phone from the table beside the bed. 
You feel Johnny's body shift to reach out to get your phone, looking at the caller ID before handing it to you with a smirk that you knew meant that he was up to no good. "Oh! It's hyuck" you exclaim in shock, quickly accepting the call and placing it near your ear, moving to get away from him. 
But Johnny seemed to have other ideas, as he latched an arm around your torso to keep you from moving, "Hey-" you begin, immediately feeling Johnny experimentally thrust into you again, making you whine, "Y/n! I miss you~-oh hey, are you okay?" you hear Donghyuck's voice from the other side, 
You look at Johnny with a pleading and warning gaze to which you earn yourself a toothy grin from the lad, 
"Of co-course! Just a little.. peachy,'' You turn around to place a hand on his chest to halt his movement, "You don't sound just peachy.. I've heard you like this before!" you hear Donghyuck make those noises he makes when he's thinking as Johnny keeps thrusting lazily the more you look at him, you see him open his mouth to speak, "Oh fuck! You're getting laid, aren't you???" 
"Tell Hyuck daddy says hi"
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