#i'm sorry for being a hypocrite
lavendermemoriess · 20 days
if you think having mental struggles makes you weak and you bash someone for having them, do not fucking talk to me.
calling someone "weak minded" for not being able to eat when anxious, for showing actual human emotions when on hard situations, for being sad when things don't work out, for being upfront and honest about their issues, for calling them a sore loser when they get frustrated with their results, or for anything that involves emotions and frustrations: fuck you.
obviously, this has to do with all the lando hate. "but- but- you gotta have a strong mind to race-" and he does. don't think he doesn't just because he shares his struggles. at the end of the day, its all because people who hate on him still have the same fucking mentality that men can't be emotional, men can't have struggles or whatever + the conception that rich people don't have struggles and problems. guess what? no one is immune to that. hell, not even you are immune to that. plus, its only with lando. incredible how it's only with him that y'all be doing this. fucking hypocritical to defend a driver for looking sad on the podium while fucking ripping lando apart for having emotions.
this is about lando, but it can fucking apply to anything.
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writtenbyplato · 3 days
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uhhhjjhjhhhhhhhh suck my titty. how abt that man
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If the lodgers don't forgive Jekyll, for something that is debatably his own business, then I riot.
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a very harsh gentle reminder that the majority of the pjo fandom hates on Jason for literally existing and accusing him of treating Percy/Leo badly because he was joking around with them, but defending Luke like crazy after he asked annabeth, a minor whom he saw as a sister if she loved him, manipulated and potentially groomed a minor girl into giving him information, made annabeth hold up the sky for 24 hours, made her cry multiple times and tried to kill Percy throughout the books because "poor baby like has such a bad past can u blame him uwu 🥺" well yeah so does jason so what's your point. We all know y'all don't hate him bc he's "boring" you hate him because he rivals Percy and it shows, because your arguments of who's a good person and who's not does NOT line up.
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warmshotamilk · 5 months
Just gonna just start blocking proshippers who call all antis predators
It's not any better when you do it, dumbass 😒
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I wasn't about to say anything to this annoying little bitch because they're 18 but when I tell you that aro/aces in this fandom are literally trying to police people for merely being attracted to Alastor now like??? This is why I'll keep on saying that some of you (aro/aces) are insufferable as shit and need to shut the fuck up?
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Or how 'bout
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Or how 'bout if Alastor respected Vaggie and hadn't sexually harassed her by way of chin tickling and arse slapping, I wouldn't in turn look at him disrespectfully and want to give him a taste of his own touchy feely medicine?
How 'bout fans can do and feel whatever they want about Alastor cause he's not real and how 'bout everyone should stop treating fictional characters like they're real when they're not real? Including goddamn fucking Valentino...
How 'bout another reminder to stop clogging the actual queer and ace tags on tumblr that real ace people might be using to find real community and resources, with posts about a goddamn fucking ~"tumblr sexy man"~ fictional serial killer cannibal because I'm sure that real aspec people trying to look for real resources in real life are sick of all the goddamn fucking fiction by now???
How 'bout "You can write about a characters sexuality/fucking/getting fucked, but you're not allowed to explore or acknowledge any sexual attraction to them while you're writing about them being sexual and having sex, which would inherently require taking sexual attraction into consideration in order to even do that, but you're not allowed to, because that's disrespectful!" is officially the most bullshit moronic take I've ever heard...
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swiftzeldas · 2 months
the thing about being a swiftie is people assume you must care about the people she's friends with and it simply could not be me.... like "you must love sabrina carpenter" she's fine "ryan reynolds has a new movie coming out" well the proposal was fun in 2009 "football season starts soon" if you ever see me rooting for a team from missouri please shoot me
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damn the cast really just don’t fuck with each other do they? and noah is the only one who supports millie and yet her fans hate him the most make it make sense, anyways how depressing for this series to end i’ve loved so long only to realize there doesn’t seem to be any bond or remaining closeness with the cast … like she either didn’t invite him (doubtful) or he chose to say nah to her fucking wedding. for a football game. I’m not even a millie fan but… ew.
how depressing tbh
I'm not into the drama but it doesn't have to be ew. I think that most of them are friendly but also - it doesn't make the series any less meaningful if people grew up and became adults and not everyone has to be the very best of friends in their personal lives. Different people mean different things to each other. Look at Millie's personality and look at Finn's life? Do we honestly honestly think they click off set? Do we think she's hanging out with most of these people? I just don't think she has the same interests or things in common with her cast mates in her age group and I'm not her fan but I honestly don't hold that against her, she's her own person with her own interests and friends outside of the show. That's totally. Ok.
Maybe it's not even this weekend!!
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fiona-fififi · 3 months
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whirling-fangs · 1 year
[[ hi i am fighting potential covid (third round) + exhaustion from work trip + stress from trying to find a job while knowing i'm gonna be out of the country for 2 weeks so maybe I shouldn't send applications now + general (vague gesturing) so please bear with me and be patient with replies ♥ ]]
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kelbunny · 2 years
Roland Glenbrook is honestly the most well written character in all of Triangle Strategy and I will die on this hill.
I should draw some non-sketch art of him.
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ryukiki · 11 months
Do you have any friends irl?
Do you have any brain cells?
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I'm only watching this shitty bad faith shit take video to make sure I'm not in it and these are my notes thus far. (Open new tab to enlarge print, yes I'm aware I spelled "psychopath" wrong).
Also, I just want you all to know that I am currently working on putting together a goddamn fucking Tumblr Sexyman Bechal Test of all things in my drafts right now because it's just like ...
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paopuofhearts · 11 months
it's almost like the only option is dividing things further black and white then just going hardcore to an extreme.
i spent all day yesterday cutting off friends and blogs of people i love in my native community because of the excessive call for violence as the answer to decolonization, maintaining nuance but only for one side and saying fuck all to everything and everyone else.
but then today.
the number of jewish friends and blogs i've had to unfollow because people are doubling down on "hamas bombed a fucking hospital" when there's clear evidence that isn't true and it's propaganda to perpetuate cycles of violence?
fucking horrifying.
#like as someone from a native background and someone working to convert it's just#heartbreaking and frustrating to feel absolutely abandoned by both sides#simply because pointing out israel is built on a settler-colonial stance even if jewish people aren't settlers and colonizers#because they are indigenous to the area#gets me beat to the ground in native circles because it means i support netanyahu and gver and genocide#and i get the same fucking condescending look of 'you shouldnt talk' from liberal jewish groups that are all for saying zionism is a diseas#and yes they agree as jewish people that they are white and israel is white supremacist like#like i'm sorry the fucking whiplash of what the absolute fuck#but then pointing out that palestinians are being mass murdered and their response is clearly understandable#and israel is purposely using this shit to perpetuate genocide#all of a sudden i'm a fucking hypocrite to both sides#and my poor fucking husband is standing here like 'yes thats what you get for being clearly aware and wanting nonviolence'#how dare i not stand solely with israel#how dare i not demand only free palestine#people are just so fucking toxic and caught up in their own opinions being the only opinions and nuance being a fucking crime for condemnin#as if talking about this shit does anything! people are dying on both sides - one clearly more than the other - and what#you truly think attacking people that aren't specifically nodding along in blind support is really the thing that'll change the world#also saw a thing today that was like “being an ally means i will fight for you” like fuck that#but that's a different thing anyway#anyway i hate both my communities and feel absolutely isolated from them and wow#community just really isn't a thing unless you're ride or die without speaking up about anything huh
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astro-b-o-y-d · 2 years
I remember someone using Sock Opera as a gotcha against why Mabel was ‘such a bad character’ because she didn’t take Dipper’s warnings seriously and nearly got him killed as a result of trying to impress a boy.
And like...so did they just skip over Summerween, where Dipper literally almost got EVERYONE killed because he was trying too hard to impress Wendy?
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
Ahhhhh I really didn't imagine it, I still dislike Barber's way of writing Orion/Optimus just as much as I did on the first reading and all it took was rereading a few screencaps from one specific scene.
Literally I don't know which part annoys me more: Jetfire existing in the background solely to go "ORION PAX FUCKING SUCKS AND IS A HYPOCRITE", Orion being written like an edgy asshole who hates everyone, or Soundwave talking like an unhinged terrorist and the narrative expecting me to see Orion as the hypocrite for using violence to arrest terrorists.
Soundwave is seriously like "You have no proof we assassinated the Senate, but if we did assassinate the Senate it would've been justified, but also totally trust us bro, just because we could've hypothetically murdered the entire reigning government doesn't mean that we're violent bro come on just bc we assassinated-- I mean could have hypothetically had the means and cause to kill like a hundred people doesn't mean we were gonna kill anyone else, come on bro why are you calling us violent just bc we think some murder is okay" while Jetfire is in the background like "WOW ORION I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE WILLING TO BE VIOLENT IN RESPONSE TO OTHER PEOPLE BEING VIOLENT. YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT YOUR OWN SIDE'S FLAWS EVEN THOUGH YOU'RE LITERALLY DOING AN INVESTIGATION TO DECIDE WHETHER ONE OF YOUR COPS COMMITTED AN UNJUSTIFIED KILLING OR NOT. YOU HAVE DONE LITERALLY NOTHING TO TRY AND FIGHT THE CORRUPTION IN SOCIETY." (Jetfire had no way of knowing about OP and crew fighting the Senate's schemes in Shadowplay and Elegant Chaos, but as a reader it's very frustrating seeing Orion getting lambasted as never having done anything to fight society's corruption when he literally did, and by the time he was even working for Zeta Megatron was already evil and had the whole Senate assassinated.)
Like ughhhh oh my god I could have maybe enjoyed this story under a better writer but as it's written it's some "yet you participate in society, curious" levels of political commentary where at least one character seemingly only exists in the scene to shit on OP (something that happens a lot in Barber's works, like with Pyra Magna and Slide) and where OP is framed as a hypocritical asshole for a reaction that's very understandable given the context.
And also it's weird because Barber wants so badly for you to read Orion as some sort of hypocrite for being against terrorist activities but being willing to employ violence himself to arrest terrorists, yet... it turns out the big twist of the story is that the Decepticons WERE smuggling weapons and Soundwave DID lie to Orion (even if it was unintentionally), thus vindicating Orion's entire distrustful attitude? Like, it seems as if it was supposed to be an ACAB story showing how evil the police are for killing people and how Orion (as a cop) is evil for being a cop that uses violence on behalf of the state. Except uh. Then Barber wrote a plot where the Decepticons literally were smuggling weapons all along (and this is alongside lore from Megatron: Origin where we as the readers know for a fact the Decepticons/Starscream killed the Senate) so.... Like, it just seems to me that if Barber wanted to write an ACAB story about how the state monopoly on violence is bad, he probably shouldn't have written the Decepticons as actually being terrorists who literally did lie about smuggling weapons?
I feel like a better way to write an ACAB/anti-state-monopoly-on-violence would've been to like, explore the way that states take advantage of catastrophe/using scapegoat political movements to gather more power to themselves and justify removing citizens' rights with "it's an emergency, we're taking away your freedoms to protect everyone." Like, maybe Zeta passes some law saying that officers can search citizens without a warrant, which he justifies with the fact that Decepticon terrorism is so rampant that officers need immediate permission to conduct raids/searches. Except this is obviously a problem because people have a right to privacy, and probably the cops are super overzealous and end up arresting innocent people without cause (like idk, maybe just being friends with someone who is sympathetic to the Decepticons gets someone landed in jail? Maybe Jetfire gets arrested bc he's critical of the state and has hung out with Decepticon sympathizers before). So then Orion has an actual "are we the baddies?" moment where he wants to stop the bad people, but he realizes that his side are infringing on people's citizens and justifying police brutality for the sake of a nebulous "greater good," and that even though he and his cops were given greater power to supposedly "protect citizens," in practice they're actually doing great harm to citizens by invading their privacy, creating a surveillance state, and imprisoning people without just cause? Basically "we were given this power to stop terrorists from hurting civilians, but now we're hurting civilians too so are we actually doing any good?" Because that way Orion and his cops would ACTUALLY be in the wrong and their state monopoly on violence would be an actually widespread institutional thing where they're clearly being allowed to do bad things just because they're cops. Not just Orion investigating one singular police killing.
But with the story written as "Orion suspected the Decepticons of murdering the Senate (he's correct about this) but still investigated one of his officers to see if he committed a wrongful murder (literally him paying attention to his own side's wrongdoings, Jetfire), and it turns out the Decepticons WERE smuggling weapons and doing terrorism (Orion was correct about this)" it's just.......... like, Orion may not be morally correct, but his hunches/investigations about the suspected criminal activity were literally correct. AND HE WAS WILLING TO DO THIS INVESTIGATION IN THE FIRST PLACE. But for some reason he's still framed as if he's an asshole for this? Even though this is a point in the pre-war lore where Megatron won't back down from violence and has lost his way from his original pure intentions, so it's not like Orion can just go "let's put down our weapons and be friends and mutually trust each other to not stab each other in the back."
It just feels as if Barber's intentions to write an ACAB story where Orion is framed as being too judgmental and quick to be violent don't line up with the actual events of the story. The story is desperately trying to call Orion a hypocrite, but he really just seems as if he's reacting understandably to the events that are happening around him, so there's a real dissonance here where I don't understand why the ACAB story had the cops be right about the Decepticons committing terrorism, and I'm also supposed to see Orion as an asshole for correctly not trusting the Decepticons???
#squiggposting#this is definitely making me very excited to reread barber's half of idw1. sarcasm#i can't wait to read more of my favorite character getting shit on by everyone and their mother#featuring shitty characters who basically only exist to be anti-OP mouthpieces#like idk i guess it's just really weird framing to me how OP is framed as some sort of hypocritical asshole#when like. idk if some guy i'd never met before from a politcal extremist group who i knew had assassinated the entire government#was like 'we're not violent bro trust me bro' i would also be like uhhh. fucking bet then#and the funny thing is even after all of that orion was still willing to believe soundwave that no weapons were being smuggled so like#idk it's just kind of weird to me to watch a scene where (poorly written edgy and angry) orion is understandably suspicious#while another character is screaming in the background OMG YOU'VE NEVER DONE ANYTHING TO FIGHT CORRUPTION IN YOUR LIFE#I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU'RE OKAY WITH USING VIOLENCE AGAINST LITERAL TERRORISTS YOU'RE SUCH A HYPOCRITE#like ugh lmao#just another in a long line of 'everyone in the story treating OP like shit for having normal reactions'#the vibes are just seriously off for the way Barber writes asshole OP. like i love asshole OP but for some reason not this version of him#it's literally the same critique i always have of Barber's writing which is 'i wanted so badly to buy into the concepts he's playing with'#'but the execution is so weird/contradictory/poorly done that it just feels stupid instead'#like idk. it's just kind of unhinged to me that SW is portrayed as the reasonable one and OP the rabidly angry one but like#i'm sorry but i feel like even if the senate were assholes. if the cons were willing and able to just murder the whole govt#literally what reason does OP have to think they would stop there. esp since you know. they're continuing to illegally traffick weapons#i'm sorry but OP is just like. completely understandable there. there's no reason to think that ppl will just#magically put down their weapons and go oh we only did a little bit of justified murder. but we're gonna stop there. promise#it also pisses me off bc orion literally did support the cons back when they were a widespread movement doing protests and stuff#it was only when Meg came to power and killed sentinel and zeta came to power that OP became a cop again#and by that point Meg HAD radicalized the decepticons and taken over and pushed them towards a militaristic direction#like sorry but the cons that existed b4 megs took over and the ones that existed after he took over as their leader arent the same#i rly don't think OP is a hypocrite for not trusting them lol. esp since in that scene SW was acting so shifty#'we didn't murder them but if we did it was totally justified. but we won't do it again promise :) ' ah yes so trustworthy#it just feels like the story could've achieved its purpose with a plot that made more sense#and didn't have jet/fire being there just to expound towards the audience how much OP is a hypocrite
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