#i'm super excited about this one I don't know why >:)
trippinsorrows · 4 hours
with me + part thirteen
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authors note: this one is super long, ya'll! i don't necessarily like how long it is, but i couldn't cut it in half because there was no good cutoff point. so, i apologize to the readers with short attention spans! also, the very last part is not known to the characters, it's just context for what's happening....
this chapter takes place on February 2nd, 2024. yes, i'm aligning it with the real life dates of smackdown shows lol.
status: in progress // masterlist
warnings: fluff, language, smut, suggestive themes
song inspo: with me by destiny’s child
words: 10k
taglist: @pixiedust4000 @yolobloggers @southerngirl41 @msbigredmachine @wanderingreigns
You’d forgotten how uncomfortable flights are and how much they irk you.
It's mostly the not being in control that bothers you. You can admit as much. On the jet wasn’t as difficult because you had Joe, and while Alexis is a nice companion, she’s not your man. No one can make you feel as safe and calm as he does.
However, there's some peace in seeing how well Callie is doing on her first flight. Your undercover social butterfly of a child has made friends with the flight crew who have taken her under their wing, allowing her to be a pretend flight attendant for the short flight. 
So her spending time with the flight crew allows you and Alexis time to talk, cause why not distract yourself with a heavy ass conversation while 30,000 feet up in the air? 
Alexis takes a sip of her wine, included with the first class tickets she purchased for the three of you. “Just let me know when you get back to the hotel tonight. I’ll watch Cal Gal for ya’ll.”
Confused, you ask, “why would we need you to watch her?”
She answers so casually, “so y'll can fuck. Duh.”
You sigh…..of course. “Alexis, this trip is not for that. We’re here so Callie can spend time with her daddy.” And that’s the truth. You’re most excited to see Callie’s happiness at being reunited with her dad.
“He’s your daddy too,” she wiggles her brows, and you look away. This heifer is way too much sometimes. “All I’m saying is it’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
Too long. “I’m not saying I don’t want to. It’s just not a priority, and I’m still not on birth control.” It hasn’t been very high on your to-do list, especially with him being gone as long as he has. But also….there’s a small part of you that doesn’t want to get on it, and it’s not because of any health concerns. 
“Tell him to pull out,” she suggests with a shrug, but your face must give it away. “Oh my god, he doesn’t want to, does he?”
Having this conversation on a plane, or at all, probably isn’t the best idea, but it’s something you’ve been thinking about since the night of your date. Even more as you grew closer to being reunited with him. “When we had sex that night, he asked me if I was on birth control.”
“Like, after?”
“No, like as he was literally blowing my back out.”
“Damn,” she mutters. If you know Alexis like you think you do, the ‘damn’ is also because she’s mentally conjuring that image. Freaky ass. Shaking her head, she then asks, “and you told him no, right?”
“Of course, but you know what he said in response?” Blowing out a deep breath, your head falls back against the headrest. “He said good, Alexis.”
Her mouth drops open, and you move to slap your palm over her lips. “Remember, we are on a plane, and my daughter is somewhere in the vicinity.”
This seems to help. A little. Removing your hand, she harshly whispers, “he’s trying to get you pregnant again!”
“I don’t think it’s that,” you answer honestly. “I think—I think it’s more if it happens, he wouldn’t be opposed.” And you believe that. You know Joe. He’s many things, and assertive is near the top of that list. He would straight up tell you if he wanted to get you pregnant…..you think.
She studies you, always so damn perceptive and knowing. “You feel the same way too, don’t you?”
“I don’t—” You can’t finish your sentence, because she’s not entirely wrong. It makes no logical sense for you to even be having this conversation, let alone thinking about this. Having a baby right now is one of the dumbest things you could do. You’re having a hard enough time as it is just finding gaps for Joe to spend time with the child you already have.
There’s also this side of you that sees where this is headed. You know that your future is with this man. There’s no outcome you can figure where you two don’t end up together, and Alexis wasn’t wrong before she’d asked/reminded you that you want more kids. You want more kids with him. Want to give Callie a sibling. 
Just….not right now.
You can’t even find it in you to tell this man you love him, but you want him to give you another baby? It doesn’t add up. 
There’s a part of you that wonders if it comes from a place of fear. 
For so long, you dreamed and wished for this to happen, for you to be with Joe, to have a future with him. It kept you up at night the fact that it would never be a possibility, but still, you dreamed. And now that all of it is happening, you wonder if there’s fear it could all go away so you’re trying to make the best of it.
Even though, deep down, you know there’s no reality where Joe could be away from Callie. You? Yes, maybe. Though slim to none. But while he loves you, Callie is his soul. He’d burn the whole world down if that’s what it took to be with her. 
And that means he’ll always, to some extent, be in your life.
“Maybe.” Is the much shorter versioned answer you settle for. “So, for now, no sex until I figure this out.” Even saying it aloud, you’re not sure you entirely believe it. It’s a nice plan, but plans often change.
Especially when they involve Joe.
Alexis groans. “I love you, babes, but sometimes you’re so damn exhausting. There’s literally nothing to figure out. That man would marry you tomorrow if he could. You just gotta let go of the past, enjoy the present, and work towards the future.” She then adds, “then again, you said the same thing last time about no sex, and that man still fucked you six different ways from Sunday, so who knows.”
As much as you want to protest, you can’t. Your resolve when it comes to Joe, in almost all areas, is embarrassingly weak. 
Being backstage is such a blast from the past, so reminiscent of so many years back when you and Mariah were just stoked at the possibility of meeting Cena, unaware of how that one night would change the trajectory of your entire life.
There’s a small part of you saddened at how things have changed so much with Mariah, but that’s an issue for another day. Your focus is on the here and now.
Similarly, Callie seems just as intrigued, but for different reasons. She keeps her hand in yours but her eyes scan around, growing hopeful with each turn of the corner that she’ll be met with the one thing she’s looking for. Or, rather, who she’s looking for.
Alexis somehow arranged a private tour backstage, thus “ditching” you as soon as ya’ll arrived to the arena. However, you also know she believes this is a “personal thing" and doesn’t want to “invade.” You tried to tell her that she was more than welcome, but she wasn’t hearing it. You’re so grateful for all of her support. It means so much to you. 
One of the security guards flanking you and Callie tries to make small conversation, and you’re partially grateful but mostly annoyed. Your anxiety is already on the higher end than you’d like it to be, especially when all you wanted was to remain calm and collected for Callie’s sake. But having someone blabber about something you have no interest in doesn’t do much to help that.
Too bad it’s not a distraction, though, because you’re starting to second guess your decision. It’s a bold move not only coming to Joe's “job,” but bringing Callie too. Not that he’d ever complain or be upset at getting to see her, but not making him aware ahead of time is suddenly seeming like not the best idea. No matter what Jon says.
You know you ultimately had to keep him in the dark, because he’d ask questions as to why, not from suspicion but just natural curiosity. And you don’t want to lie to him. You need to talk to him about Callie, but you want to do so in person. That’s not a phone or even Facetime kind of conversation. 
What if he isn’t ready for you to go “public”? To make Callie’s existence “public”? Sure, you have zero expectation of him letting ya’ll leave backstage, thus making it easy to hide out from cameras, but still, this is his workplace. He deserves some privacy. 
So deep in your head and thoughts, you miss when you turn the final, lucky corner, only to realize when Callie gasps loudly, “daddy!”
She rips her hand from yours, and you briefly panic when she starts running away only to see who she’s running to. 
Joe’s standing there among who you’d guess are WWE execs, clearly in the midst of conversation, when his head snaps in your direction. His eyes immediately land on Callie. He’s briefly confused, but a big smile replaces that confusion as he reaches down to catch Callie. She throws her little body against his, and you watch him stand up with her still in his arms, kissing her cheek and hugging her closely.
You walk over to them, offering a small, apologetic smile to the people now watching with slight puzzlement.
“Callie Bear,” he murmurs, mouth pressed to the top of her head. Your anxiety is already lessening. There’s not an ounce of anger or irritation painted in his handsome features, only an immense amount of appreciation and satisfaction at seeing his little girl. 
“Surprise!” She shouts, smiling broadly. “Mommy said we could come see you since you can’t come see us!”
“And I’m glad you did,” he murmurs. “I missed you, baby girl.” She lays her head against his chest, obviously having missed him just as much. His eyes then land on you as you finally reach the duo. Your smile is small, even as he reaches and pulls you against his free side, stealing a quick kiss. “I missed you too, mama.”
His words do something so warm and fuzzy to your insides. “We figured if you couldn’t make it to us, we’d come to you.” Relief is so heavy over you. You’re pretty sure you’ve just given Joe one of the best surprises he could ever receive. You look over at the people still awkwardly standing by and then to him. “I’m sorry, did she interr—”
“No.” He seems almost insulted that you would even ask such a thing. He directs to them, “later.”
Without protest, they disperse, walking away. It’s so interesting seeing how much he’s grown since you first met him. Back then he was young, still trying to prove himself. Now he’s the literal face of the company. It starts and ends with him. 
“I was on a plane!” Callie informs with that award winning smile. “I’ve never been on a plane before!”
“You haven’t?” It’s difficult to tell if he’s feigning surprise for the sake of engaging her on her level or genuinely can’t believe she’s never flown before. “Were you scared?”
She shakes her head. “It was lotsa fun!”
Joe chuckles and kisses her cheek. “That’s my brave girl.”
She giggles as he tickles her stomach. “I saw clouds! Ooh and birdies! And the nice flight lady gave me cookies cause she said I was a good girl!” As Callie starts to ramble and catch Joe up on a second by second play of the plane ride, he gives you a pat on the hip and directs you to walk with him. His arm around your waist, the other holding up Callie, you can’t deny how natural this feels, the three of you.
Joe takes you to his locker room which is as nice as you would expect it to be for the guy in WWE. You take your seat in the single chair, allowing Callie and Joe to take the sofa even though she’s barely next to him for five minutes before climbing into his lap and pulling out her tablet to show him what she’s made in some of her apps.
You pull your phone out and see that you have a few unread texts, the one from Alexis making you laugh aloud.
Alexis: Would you still love me if I fucked Logan Paul?
Shaking your head, you type out a response. 
You: yes. just a little less.
Alexis: It’s just an appetizer. I plan to leave with the number of someone from that damn Bloodline tonight. Tell BDJ to hook me up.
You: would you please stop calling him that? 😭
Alexis: I’ll stop when it stops being true 🤷🏽‍♀️
You: you’re a menace.
Alexis: Stop texting me and focus on your man.
You: he’s in callie world right now, which is exactly where he should be. i keep telling you this trip was for her. 
Alexis: It can be for you too if you stop being stupid and start by telling him, I don’t know, THAT YOU LOVE HIM. 
You: goodbye, alexis 🙄
Alexis: I’m about to fuck this white boy anyway, but you know I’m right!!!
Alexis: I hope he doesn’t have fleas.
It takes everything in you not to scream. This girl is really crazy. Switching threads, you text your mom.
You: we made it here. she’s so happy. 🥺 he is too. i’m glad i took her.
Opening up the camera app, you sneak and snap a photo of the two of them. Reviewing it makes your heart swell. Callie is clearly deep in explanation while Joe holds her, partially following her discussion but mostly just enraptured in having her with him. 
You send the photo to your mom who responds almost immediately. 
Mom: Awww. I’m glad you did too. Enjoy yourself, baby. Take lots of pictures. ♥️
“Oooh!” Callie’s semi-loud exclamation pulls you away from the text thread. “Look what mommy got me!” Callie hops off Joe’s lap and spins around, moving her hair to the side to show off the back of her hoodie.
Naturally, you move your eyes to Joe, watching closely and carefully as he travels through a variety of emotions: shock, happiness, love. He’s clearly moved. A warm smile sets on your face. “I love it, baby.” He finally speaks, the emotion undeniable in his voice. Joe’s gaze sets on you, and you don’t need him to say anything to know what he’s thinking.
Mouthing ‘you’re welcome’, you settle back into the sofa, watching as Callie returns to her spot in his lap to finish catching him up on all the things he’s missed in his long absence.  
You occupy yourself on your phone, catching up on some work emails and parent messages because it doesn’t seem to matter how many different ways you make them aware of an absence, they’re still going to message you like you didn’t let them know you’d be out of office for the next few days.
Sometimes you can’t tell much of a difference between your students and their parents. They’re both equally out of touch.
At some point, Callie moves to the middle of the floor to empty out her backpack that you still don’t know just how she managed to pack as much as she did in. She seemed hellbent on bringing all of these items, mostly artsy things, to share with Joe. And you didn’t want to stop her, so you let it be. 
However, you end up catching Joe’s eye, and he motions you to come over to him. But, being the brat you are, you take your time doing so. And of course, because everything about this man is large, it’s nothing for him to reach his long arms out to tug you in front of him. His hands are on your hips, and you can tell he’s trying to keep the placement appropriate for the sake of Callie. 
“You’re quiet,” he observes, discerning you.
Shugging, you answer honestly, “I want you to have your time with Callie. She’s really missed you.” One thing you’re most definitely not looking forward to is the discussion regarding the real reason for this surprise trip. You already know it’s going to make Joe feel awful, and that’s not the goal. You just don’t want to keep anything else from him as it pertains to Callie. He doesn’t deserve that.
“And what about you?” He asks, suddenly, “Did you miss me?”
Chuckling, you brush your fingers against his soft hair, pulled back in his go-to bun. “I always miss you, Joe.” The delivery is much more gentle than intended, albeit entirely true. Pre-Callie and Post-Callie, maybe even moreso now, Joe’s extended absences affected you in various ways. Being around him right now is making you more aware of just how much, even as your brain jumps to how nice it’ll be to not sleep alone tonight. That was something you always loved about Joe when he came to visit years back, how he would always bring you against his hard body, strong arms securing you. You always slept the best when he was in town. 
Of course, this is way too vulnerable of a conversation to have with your daughter present, so you change subjects. “But, I also wanted to see Cody Rhodes, cause you know I’m team finish the story,” you tease, giggling at his instant scowl. It’s a lie, and you know he knows it’s a lie. Cody is cool, but you’re Team Roman (Joe) all day every day. Still, it’s in your nature to stir up trouble and pick with him. 
“Dick rider,” he mutters loud enough for you to hear but low enough for Callie not to. 
Smirking, you lean down to whisper in his ear. “Naw, baby, that’s for you and you only.” 
Trying to move away is a fruitless effort because he yanks you onto his lap, your thighs over his legs as he murmurs against your earlobe. “Don’t play with me like that.”
“Mommy, I wanna sit there.” Callie’s jealous voice suddenly enters the conversation, and you have to stop yourself from laughing at her pout. She’s so possessive. “He’s my daddy, not yours.”
You gasp quietly when he squeezes your ass, forcing you to climb off him. “You’re very right, Callie Bear.” Moving back to your chair, you taunt, “he’s not my daddy.”
It’s hilarious watching Joe control himself for the sake of Callie, but his expression tells you everything you need to know. If not for her presence, he’d have you bent over, taking every inch of his thick dick as he reminds you just who you belong to.
The image shouldn’t excite you as much as it does.
Sure enough, Callie climbs her little self back onto the sofa and back onto Joe’s lap, but the sound of an almost rhythmic knock at his door draws the attention of all three of you. However, before Joe can respond, the door is swung open, and based upon the lack of consent, you expect to see Alexis. Instead, you’re met with a different set of folks. 
“Come in,” Joe says sarcastically, and you glare, standing up to greet them. 
“Whassup, Y/N? Long time, no see, girl.” Jon’s introduction is so typical and expected, but it still makes you laugh. He’s always been a hoot to be around. 
“Good to see you, Jon.” He hugs you, and you turn to Josh who’s also wearing a friendly grin.
“Lil hurt you ain’t hit me up to help you with the surprise.” He sucks his teeth but still hugs you, as you shake your head.
“I thought you’d be on Raw,” you answer. It’s the truth, even if who exactly helped you make this happen didn’t matter as much as ensuring it did in fact happen.
“That why you been acting weird?” Joe’s voice enters the conversation. “You knew?”
“We both knew,” Joshua answers as you give Jon a look. 
He asks, “what?”
Sucking your teeth, you cross your arms, “I told you not to tell nobody!”
“I didn’t! It’s just Josh.” He shrugs, and you can only shake your head. There’s a reason these two are so popular in the WWE. A lot of their promos could be ripped from real life interactions. 
“Y/N!” Trinity's gorgeous smile is the first thing you notice followed by her surprise introduction, even before her colorful gear that you’ve always been so amazed by as she rushes over to you. She stretches her arm, “it’s so good to see you again!” Smiling, you accept her hug, tight and genuine. In the few interactions you’d had with her, she was also so kind and friendly. It’s nice to see that hasn’t changed.
“It’s good to see you too, Trin.” You mean it. She's just a genuinely chill person.
Looking over to Callie, you see she’s still sitting on Joe’s lap, holding onto his hoodie, obviously trying to read the room full of strangers. Jon must notice this too as he looks her way as well, giving her that warm smile.
“And this….” He starts walking toward her, crouching down in front of the sofa. “---this must be the famous Ms. Callie.”
A small chuckle leaves your mouth watching her suddenly “hide” her face in Joe’s side, as one eye is still peaked open. 
You whisper over to the group, “don’t let her fool you. She’s shy at first, but then she won’t be quiet.” It’s a conversation so similar to Callie’s first meeting with Joe which feels so long ago now. 
Joe’s also clearly a bit amused at her sudden shyness and goes to introduce them. “Callie, these are my cousins, Jon and Josh.” She looks up with a quizzical expression and motions with her hand for him to lean down. He does so, and she whispers something in his ear. His smile grows as he answers, “they are.” Looking still a bit skeptical, she waves her hand again. Take two. He dips his head, and she whispers something else. Again, he answers, “yup.” At this, she gasps and jumps off the sofa, running over to you. 
Callie hugs your legs and “whispers” to you with all of the excitement, “mommy, they’re my cousins too! I have cousins!” 
It takes a lot out of you not to get emotional in this moment. She’s so damn happy at this news, at finding out she has more family. You lean down and push back some of her loose curls. “You surely do, baby.”
Finally pleased with the confirmation, she turns around and beams at the twins and Trinity, “hi! I’m Callie!”
There’s a chorus of laughter as Trinity speaks this time, “it’s very nice to meet you, Callie.”
“You’re pretty,” Callie compliments, and Trin places a hand over her chest, clearly touched by her kindness. 
“Oh my gosh, you’re so sweet,” she awes as Josh joins in, introducing himself as Callie stares at him for a second.
“You’re a twin,” she says it like this is the first time he’s ever heard as such or even realized as such. 
Josh does a good job going along with it, nodding and smiling. “I sure am.”
Callie suddenly turns to you. “Mommy, how come I don’t have a twin?”
“Because Jesus loved mommy enough not to do that to me.” Childbirth is equally horrific as it is beautiful, and while you’re forever grateful for your sweet child, you’ll never forget that pain. Pushing her out was torture. You can’t even begin to imagine having to do it twice, back to back. 
Josh suddenly chimes before Callie can present a follow-up question. “I have a little girl who’s a couple years older than you, and I can’t wait for ya’ll to meet.”
She gasps loudly. “I have more cousins?”
Jon sucks his teeth and answers, “Girl, you got so many cousins, you might meet em’ all before you turn 18.”
Her jaw drops. “I'll be really old then!”
Shaking your head, you start to counter her when Joe speaks up, calling her name.
“You have another cousin here tonight, baby girl.” There’s a second of confusion, but you realize he must be talking about Solo Sikoa. You hadn’t met him, as he came onto the scene after you and Joe separated. But as you told Joe, he’s free to introduce you to any and all family. You want this for your little girl. It’s obvious just from her reaction to the twins and Trin, she wants it as well. “Do you wanna meet him?”
It’s a no brainer, Callie nodding furiously as she runs to jump back on the sofa, sitting next to Joe.
He laughs at her enthusiasm and then calls out, “come in.” It’s loud enough for whoever is on the other side of the door to do so, and while you expect to see the final member of the bloodline enter the space, you’re thoroughly and shockingly surprised to see that you are very wrong.
Because through the door aren't the footsteps and subsequent entrance of Solo Sikoa.
It’s Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. 
While you’re in a semi state of shock, Callie is in a pure state of unadulterated delirium, and it’s entirely expected given she knows this man as something else. 
Someone else.
The entire room erupts in laughter as Callie rushes to stand in front of Dwayne who gets down on one knee to be more eye to eye with her.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Callie.”
Joe also moves closer and bends down, hand on Callie’s back. “Calista, this is my cousin, Dwayne, so that means he’s yo—”
“Maui is my cousin!” 
This little girl is damn near screaming, but it’s so hard to tell her to quiet down when you’re pretty sure this may be the single most happiest moment of her life.
Next to finding out Joe is her dad, of course.
Once your own shock wears off, you pull your phone out to snap a few photos, almost wishing you knew ahead of time The freaking Rock was going to be present tonight. You also would have tried to make yourself look a little more presentable, especially when Joe introduces you to his cousin as well. 
And of course because you’re the one who starts taking pictures, it’s only a matter of time before you’re dragged into a few of your own. It’s an easy pass, as you feel entirely underdressed with your all black one piece, long cardigan, and boots, having dressed comfortably for traveling. Not photo-ops. 
But, it’s when Callie pouts and says so sweetly, all the innocence in the world, “but we’re a family” that it actually hits you for the first time. 
You, Joe, Callie….you don’t just feel like a family. You are one. 
So you push aside your vanity and swallow back the tears to partake in a slate of photos involving everyone to just you, Callie, and Joe to even just a couple of you and Joe. Your favorites are most definitely the ones with the three of you, especially one where Joe sits you down on his left leg and Callie on his right. He squeezes your side, forcing a squeal and laugh that makes Callie laugh as well, creating such an organic, beautiful moment between the three of you.
A family.
The night keeps on bringing more and more surprises, the latest one being the fact that instead of hiding out backstage, you, Alexis, and Callie are seated ringside in the VIP section with other family members and close friends of the wrestlers. 
It’s…..definitely not what you expected. You’re not opposed, especially since Callie was thrilled to learn she’d be much closer to Joe out here than she would from the back, but it’s just not what you were expecting.
It’s so…..public.
“How long does it take someone to walk out like da—”
“Alexis!” You scold her, even if you slightly agree. It’s not that you’re not enjoying yourself. You are. You just would much rather see your man, and you know Callie feels the same way. Every so often she’ll lift her head from her tablet, hoping to see Joe only to be disappointed.
You tried to tell her that as soon as she hears his music, he’ll come out, but that was nearly 45 minutes ago. A part of you wishes you could have found somewhere backstage to hide out as Joe and the others eventually had to leave to cut a promo.
So while Alexis' delivery is slightly off, she has somewhat of a valid point.
Rolling her eyes, she looks your way, asking. “Can you text him and tell him to hurry up?” 
Shaking your head, you answer with just as much sass and sarcasm. “Yes, I’ll get right on—”
And that’s when you hear it. 
“Oh shit,” Alexis pulls out her phone, instantly starting to record because this whole trip apparently needs to be memorialized with photo and video. Not that you’re entirely or in any way opposed. This is Callie’s first time at one of her dad’s shows. It’s special and should be documented in one way or another. 
Looking to your side, you see her tablet is on the empty seat next to her, and she’s reaching for you to pick her up so she can see better. 
Quickly obliging, you hike her on your hip and laugh at her excited expression. Her eyes are scanning all over for him, so you direct her to where he should be walking out any minute. 
“I wonder whose music that is,” Alexis teases, and you turn with Callie to face the phone that’s capturing this moment. 
Callie answers proudly. “My daddy’s!”
You and Lex laugh at her excitement that grows exponentially when Joe finally walks out, flanked by his cousins and Paul. 
“There he is!” She points, and you smile, kissing her cheek. This is all so worth it, the pure joy and glee on her face. You follow her line of vision, focusing on the Tribal Chief himself.
Joe is one fine ass man. That’s it. That’s the tweet. But when he’s in his Roman role? That confidence, that swagger……everything sexy about him is amped up times ten. You may have to rethink your stance on no sex for this trip.
It feels almost criminal to be around this man and not ride him until you can’t no more.
The naughty thoughts are temporarily pushed away when you notice Callie is nodding her head to Joe’s entrance music. Laughing, you and Alexis join in. Lex is still recording, and you’re actually happy she is because she gets it on camera when Callie throws up the one to ‘acknowledge' him. Your heart swells. There’s something about that moment that’s so precious to you, to see how connected she feels with him. How closely they’ve bonded. How much she loves him. And even more, how much he loves her.
As they near the ring, you notice how Joe branches off from them, and you assume it’s because of whatever this promo entails. But, you quickly realize it’s because he’s headed toward you. There’s this brief sense of panic on your end, meanwhile Callie gasps in excitement and reaches for him. Joe hugs her and kisses her temple. Touched at the gesture, you look at her only for Joe to take you by equal surprise when he grabs your chin and kisses you as well. 
You’re not upset, just genuinely surprised that he would be so openly affectionate with you, maybe not Callie as much, but definitely you. So….public. You’re certain that your face is painted in shock the whole time, but it’s when he heads into the ring that you and Alexis share a look, Callie too focused on her daddy to notice anything else.
“Girl, if you don’t tell that man you love him, I’m gonna tell him for you.” She could be joking. She could be serious. You never really know with Alexis. “Because he literally just acknowledged you in front of all these people.”
There’s still a part of you that’s having difficulty processing what just happened. You were worried that Joe would feel some type of way about you and Callie coming to his job, just staying backstage, but this man really has you both ringside and broke character just to show you and Callie affection. 
If there was ever any doubt in your mind regarding his feelings for you, tonight has completely demolished it.
Alexis is right.
You need to tell him. 
And you need to tell him tonight.
As much excitement as the day has brought, you knew it was only a matter of time before it caught up to your still very young child. Joe’s segment with The Rock ended up being the closing promo, which worked out great because Callie started to doze off a bit right around that time. And when you’re finally able to reunite with Joe backstage, she’s all but sleeping in your arms. 
In having to buckle and unbuckle her in her car seat for the travel to the hotel, she stirs a bit, but as soon as you arrive and Joe removes her from the car seat, the end of the travels, you know she’s out for the night. 
He carries her into the hotel room and walks her into the main bedroom while you place the bag you have for both her and yourself near the “living room” area. Joe insisted he could handle both the luggage and Callie, but you insisted that he instead focus on your little girl.
You also take a moment to take in that this is an actual hotel room instead of an apartment. There are literally two bedrooms separated by doors and all and two bathrooms, both of which rival the size of Callie’s bedroom. 
It’s definitely not your local motel from back home.
Joe walks back in, no Callie in sight. “She is knocked out.”
“I knew she would tap out eventually. She’s been up all day, refused to nap.” He walks over to you, hands on your hips as he tugs you close. Your hands move to his chest. “She was too excited to see you.”
“Thank you, by the way,” he murmurs. “For bringing her.” 
You chew on your bottom lip. “I almost didn’t. I—I didn’t know if you’d be upset I didn’t ask you first.”
His furrowed brows tell you that couldn’t be farther from the truth. “Why would I be upset?”
You shrug, suddenly unsure of yourself, which is such a foreign feeling. Confident is always a word you’d use to describe yourself, but in this moment, having this discussion, it’s not as applicable. “I guess….I guess I wasn’t too sure if you’d want people knowing about me.” Your voice softens. “About Callie.” 
And it’s true. It’s one thing for Joe to be out in public with Callie back home, but it’s an entirely different thing to be out in public in his world.
Granted, his public display of affection tonight should have squashed that concern. 
Just your implication alone seems to be a dagger to his chest. Joe brings his hands to your face and speaks with such confidence and conviction. “I’m not ashamed of you. I’m not ashamed of us, and I’m damn sure not ashamed of my daughter. I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks. Do I want to do an exclusive interview about us? Hell no. But, that’s because my personal life is nobody’s business but my own. I’m not hiding your or our daughter from anyone in my personal life, not my friends, not my family, and not the WWE.” 
For a second, you feel bad for making him have to defend himself so staunchly, have to explain himself. It’s not necessary. 
Not after he so openly acknowledged you and Callie tonight. 
“I believe you,” you respond quietly. You move your hands up and down his chest in an effort to settle him. “I know you’re not ashamed. I’m sorry.” Remembering the video from earlier, you pull your phone out of your pocket and unlock it. Locating it takes a matter of seconds. “I figured you’d like this.” You hit play and angle the phone so he can see, a massive smile growing on his handsome face. It’s like you can feel the tension melt away when he lays eyes on Callie. 
Similar to yourself, he seems especially moved by Callie’s “acknowledgment.” You lay your head against his chest, whispering, “she really does love you, ya know.”
Just like her mama.
Video finished, you bite on your bottom lip, an idea crossing your mind. Such weak resolve indeed. “You know, she sleeps heavy…..very heavy.” His eyes narrow, intrigued by where you’re giving. Smirking to yourself, you head toward the bathroom. “I think I’m gonna go take a bath in that nice big tub that could totally fit two people.”
In what seems like inhuman speed, Joe is in front of you, hand coming down on your ass. Hard. “Joe!”
“Get your ass naked. Now.” ________
His head is in the crook of your neck, lips pressing gentle kisses against the wet skin of your shoulder. You chew on your bottom lip, hands on top of his that rest under the water on your stomach. 
“I always miss you too,” he murmurs against you, a nod to the brief conversation from earlier. Eyes closing, you rest your head back against his shoulder. 
This moment is perfect, and you hate to ruin that, to take away from it. But, you also promised yourself that you would be honest with him, especially when it comes to Callie. 
Turning around in the water, you straddle him, legs on either side of his large body. Before he can take your change in position to mean something else, you bring your hands to his face. “There’s something I need to talk to you about.”
You’re certain he can tell by your tone that whatever it is is serious. “Tell me.”
Fuck. This is harder than you thought it would be. “I wanted to see you, yes, but Callie….Callie needed to come see you.” You can tell he has questions, so you move straight into it, not wanting to delay the inevitable. “She’s been…she’s been different.” He sits up, fully immersed in the conversation. “Not bad, just….she’s been irritable with me at times. Even her teacher said something. You don’t see it, because she’s fine when she talks to you, even after. But when she can’t talk to you….” You shake your head. “I talked to my mom about it, because I was thinking she’s finally feeling whatever I caused when I ran off that night, but….that’s not it.” 
You made the executive decision to not tell him, however, about her drawing or how she cried into your chest because she missed him so much and couldn't understand why he hadn’t come back to see her. This already must be hard for him to hear. There’s no need to throw salt on the wound. 
You know the full truth would crush him.
“So then I talked to her.” You lower your hands to his broad shoulders, massaging them soothingly, voice softening as you finally tell him, “---and she told me she’s been sad because she misses you.”
You see it. The moment his heart drops. He’s crushed, eyes averting downward. His guilt is almost palpable. 
“Please don’t do that.” Voice gentle, you bring your hands back to his face, urging him to meet your loving gaze. “You have done such an amazing job stepping into the father role, and it shows in how much she loves you. You go above and beyond for her. She just can’t grasp what it is you do because she’s too young to do so, but I talked with my principal, and I’ve got the time to take off, so I’m gonna take it. I’ll bring her to you.”
“It’s not an issue. Especially since summer will be here before we know it. I’m off then too, so we can make that work. We will make this work, because she’s our daughter, and that’s what parents do.” Your words are partially penetrating, that much is obvious, so you continue. “I really didn’t want to say anything, because I knew you would feel bad, and you absolutely shouldn’t, but I also don’t want to keep anything from you, especially when it’s about Callie. You’re her father. You have a right to know.”
“It’s why you didn’t tell me you were bringing her, because you knew I’d ask,” he puts two and two together. You’re not surprised. Joe’s always been annoyingly perspicacious and insightful. “Thank you…for telling me.”
Kissing his forehead, you remind him, “Calista loves you, Joe. Whether you’re in town or not. You could be doing a show on fucking Mars, and it wouldn’t change a damn thing. She loves you.” You lick your lips, voice unintentionally light and soft. “And so do I.” It’s not a planned admission, not anything scheduled, just an honest, organic confession.
His gaze is on you, no longer as despondent but replaced with something more akin to surprise. 
“I’ve always loved you.” You bring your palm to his cheek, his beard prickling against your skin. “The only reason I told you to leave was because I loved you, because it was too hard to be in love with you and not really be with you. And after all this time, I still love you. I don’t think I ever stopped.” 
It's the truth. In the time he'd been absent from your life, you absolutely could have found someone and moved on. Maybe even settled down, but you couldn't. Because your heart was still with him.
You're pretty certain your heart will always be with him.
“That was my fault,” he acknowledges in a low voice. “I never told you what you meant to me, never took the steps to make you mine. Officially. And I was wrong for that, Y/N. Dead wrong. You always deserved better.”
Gaze softening, you murmur, “I always knew you were married, Joe. You never hid that from me.”
He shakes his head. “But I never—”
“It doesn’t matter—” it’s not entirely true. It does matter to you, you still want and maybe even have some degree of right to know just what the deal was with his marriage, why it took so long for him to divorce his ex-wife. However, at this moment, you don’t care about any of that. This isn’t about that. “I love you, and you love me. That…..that’s what matters.”
He looks like he still has more to say but is being respectful of what you want right now. So he asserts, “you’re with me now.”
“I’m with you now,” you repeat with a soft smile. “I’m with you always.”
Joe sits up, water pushing towards the other side of the tub. “You love me.” It’s more of a statement than a question, like he’s always known as such but was patiently waiting for you to openly admit to such. “I love you too, baby girl.”
Your lips connect for a kiss, passionate, hot, sensual, greedy. His hands are on your back, holding you close, your breast pressed against his chest. 
Your mouth parts when he moves his hand to your breast, thumb circling your nipple as he plants wet kisses down your jawline. “Let me make love to you.” His lips are fire against your wet skin, and you can’t bring yourself to answer with his hands roaming your body under the water, fingers parting your folds.
All you can do is nod eagerly. Joe surprises you when he ensures your legs are locked around him, standing up like you weigh next to nothing. Bodies dripping with water doesn’t make a difference to him as he walks you into the empty bedroom, kicking the door shut behind him, and lays you down on the bed. 
“Baby, we’re all wet,” you point out, not that it changes anything. He’s hot and hard against your thigh, and you feel yourself subconsciously inching down to take him in. “We ca—ahhh.” Your fingers scrape down his chest as he sinks into you. You’ll never get over the feeling of him inside you, the equally painful as it is pleasurable stretch.
His head is in the crook of your neck. “It’s always been you.” His hands go to your legs, your thighs, spreading them further, deepening his reach. “Always.” 
He pins your hands above your head, by your wrists and you writhe under him. His pace is slow and intentional. This isn’t about either of you getting off, it’s so much more, much more deeper, meaningful. 
“You’ve always been my home.” But, it’s when he says that, so beautiful and vulnerable, that any remaining resolve you had shatters. Tugging on his grip, he loosens his hold and your hands push lightly on his chest. You give enough pressure for him to recognize you’re trying to switch positions. In seconds, he’s on his back with you on top, lips connected with his for a sensual kiss, your hands intertwining again above the pillow as you ride him.
You break the kiss, unable to keep in your moan. He feels so good inside you like this, and you lean back, moving your hips in slow, methodical circles. You know he loves you like this, riding him, breast bouncing as he meets your thrusts. Joe's hand moves up your stomach to your breast giving a deliciously tight squeeze.
“God, I love you,” you whimper, feeling your release building up. It never takes long with Joe. He’s master of your body and all the ways to bring you to a mewling mess.
You’re taken back when he sits up, tugging you closer, his dick hitting a different, even better spot. He kisses you again, more sloppy, just as passionate. And you moan into his mouth as his big hands plant on your hips, controlling your movements.
“Fuck, Joe.”
“Say it again,” he directs, and you’re momentarily confused why he instructs, “tell me you love me, baby.”
“I love you.” It’s probably one of the easiest things you’ve ever done as your fingers lock in his hair, your head back as he licks up the nape of your neck. “I love you so much.”
Your words seem to send him over the edge as well, his mouth latching onto your nipple as he says against your inflamed skin, “let me come in you.”
That feels like a layered request, like he’s asking two questions in one, not that it makes a massive difference.
The answer is the same either way.
This man has your entire heart and soul, and you’ll give him whatever he asks for. Whatever. 
Your finger knots in his scalp as you yank his head back, forcing him to look at you, “only if you come with me.”
His response is to switch positions again, this time laying you on your side as he fucks you from behind. His hand is planted on your belly, fingers spread and splayed as he talks you through it, carrying you into that wonderland of bliss and euphoria. Your hands scrape against the sheets as your orgasm rocks your entire body, and Joe follows shortly after, emptying his entire seed inside of you. 
Bodies wet and spent, his mouth is still on your back as he breathes into your skin, “I love you….”
Chewing on your lip and moving onto your back, your gaze is on him, loving and content. “I love you, too….”
You and Joe take separate showers, a mutual agreement as you both know together would just result in another round. Not that either of you are wholly objected, but you also need to be available for your daughter should she wake up for some reason. Not very likely, but just the chance alone is enough to stay on the safe side.
As Callie is conveniently sleeping in the middle of the bed, you and Joe slide in on opposite sides. Interestingly enough, not even a few minutes pass before Callie stirs in her sleep and moves on her side, facing Joe. It’s heartwarming how he gently caresses her forehead, just watching her sleep. 
“I’ve been thinking.” He makes a sound acknowledging your statement, but his eyes are focused on Callie. You know he’s taking in this moment, recognizing that in a matter of hours he’ll have to leave. That he won’t see her again for another almost two weeks. “What if we moved?”
At that, his eyes lift up, so you explain, “My mom is actually the one who brought it up. I didn’t see or understand it then, but I’m starting to get it now. You come to my place, Callie and I can come to see you here, but….we don’t have a place that’s ours.”
If this trip has shown you anything, it’s the importance of togetherness. Callie is most happy when you’re all together. She’s thrilled to be with Joe, but she’s most elated when it’s the three of you. You understand what your mom was trying to say. Callie wants family. She wants the three of you to be a family, and while there’s a lot of things that are untraditional about your dynamic, there are still paths to normalcy.
And one of those paths include having a home that belongs to the three of you, not just you or him, but a space for us.
“You would do that?” It’s hard for you to tell if his voice is so soft because he’s trying to avoid disturbing Callie or he’s deeply moved by your suggestion. Maybe both.
“Of course.” It’s an easy answer, especially when it comes to what’s best for your daughter. “I can teach anywhere. I have my mom and a few cousins, but that’s it. Almost your entire family is in Florida. You saw how easily she connected and bonded with your family. I want her to have that, and she can’t if we stay in my town. I told you before….she wants to be with you, and so do I.” 
You spent so long wanting and dreaming of having that, you’re entirely done with running and overthinking. It’s done nothing but keep you from being with the man you love and want to do life with. It’s time to focus on now and embrace the future.
A future that includes your family. 
“I’ll have my manager find us a realtor.” 
There’s something so exciting and pleasing about this, most likely that it’s the first step of establishing your future with this man. You’re not sure the last time you felt such peace. 
Yawning, you realize that while you feel exhausted, he must be drained. “Goodnight, Joe.” 
Turning on your back, he wishes you a goodnight and anything else after that is lost to the drowsiness that precedes sleep. 
But, it’s a sleep that doesn’t last as long as you’d like.
Having Callie has made you a lighter sleeper in general, so when Joe gets up and out of the bed, needing to get ready to leave, you’re up shortly after him. You don’t get out of the bed, just move so that Callie is right next to you. You know once he’s gone, she’ll be right under you, so might as well get a head start. 
And it happens much sooner than you’d like it to, Joe on the side of the bed, crouched down, as he goes to wake her up. 
It’s something he was entirely against until you told him that in talking to Callie, she made you promise that he'd wake up to tell her bye. She didn’t want him to leave without getting a chance to say goodbye. 
So, he respects that.
“Callie…” You can see he still hates this, hates all of it. You feel it too. It’s not enjoyable having to see these two separated when it’s obvious how close they are. At the end of the day, you get to go home with Callie. He doesn't. “Baby, wake up.”
Helping him out, you give her shoulder a little shake. “Calista, come on, baby, daddy’s gotta go.”
She’s so much like her dad, a heavy sleeper, but finally she stirs, eyes blinking open. And as soon as she sees him, she also knows what time it is. She sits up and rubs at her eyes, moving to hug him. 
“Bye.” Her soft, sleepy voice is both precious and heartbreaking, for a lot of reasons. You try to remind yourself though that she’s bound to be ecstatic when you and Joe break the news to her that you’ll all be moving in together. It’s just a matter of getting through this rough patch.
“I love you, sweetheart.” He kisses her temple and just as you predicted, she tucks herself into your side, readying to go back to sleep. Joe brings his palm to your cheek, “I love you too.”
Smiling warmly, you murmur, “I know....I love you too.” Easiest hello and hardest goodbye has always been such a cliched, overused, corny ass saying to you, but in this moment, you feel it wholeheartedly. “I’ll text you when we get back home.”
He nods, clearly pleased with this. “I’ll see you in two weeks.”
That’s the silver lining. There won’t be as much of a stretch of time that passes between the time you get to see him again. And this pleases you as you give him one last smile before laying back down and dreaming of a future that isn’t as far out as you once believed.
It may be just around the corner. 
Meanwhile in the Social Media-Verse…..
#1: R0m@n Re!gns new gf?
Original Poster: Sooooo. I was on Twitter being nosy, and people who attended the Smackdown show tonight are saying that RR stopped during his entrance to hug and kiss some woman and child sitting ringside. Can’t find any photos or video yet but will come back and add any that I find. Anyone got the tea?
Post #1: I thought he got divorced? I could have sworn I saw an article months about that.
Post #2: I saw the tweets too! Someone asked if it was his ex, but the wwe fanboys are saying the woman was too “fat” to be the ex-wife.
Post #3: That’s so interesting, cause I was watching live tonight (from home because broke bitch status) and the camera randomly cut to the commentators which felt like a strange move given Roman’s entrance is so iconic. I wonder if that’s when it happened.
Post #4: Ain’t nobody got no video or nothing? Didn’t happen. That’s not even aligned with his heel portrayal.
Post #5: @Post#4: He broke character clearly…..
Post #6: Omg yes!!! I was there tonight with my friend, and while we weren’t super close, it definitely happened. That wasn’t his ex-wife. Even from a distance, we could see that. And she’s not fat either, just curvy. Super pretty too. Like stunning. And yes, she’s black. 
Post #7: I just saw someone on Twitter who claims to have been sitting near them say the little girl called him ‘daddy’ 😲
Post #8: I thought he didn’t have any kids??? Harpo who dis woman????? 
Post #9: Damn, it must be serious if he acknowledging her while on the clock and playing daddy to her kid. Our man is taken taken, ya’ll. 😪
Post#10: This is wild. I just googled his name plus the word wife and came across like one picture from years back where she attended some charity event with him. I wonder what their marriage was like cause homegirl never went nowhere with this man.
Post #11: A lot of ya’ll must be new because the tea was spilled years ago in a legendary DR thread that he cheats. Apparently the wife did too. Seemed like an open marriage, Will and Jada type shit, just a lot more private and secretive.
Post #12: @Post11: I am new lol What was the DR? I need to know for…..research purposes.
Post #13: @Post12: Lol. Homegirl said he’s packing, the stroke game is immaculate, and that he’s a eater…..had her damn near speaking in tongues, going up yonder. So whoever this woman is….she’s winning in life. 
Post #14: @Post10 That is so true omg. There’s like nothing there. I know he’s very private but damn sis you can’t make at least an annual appearance????
Post #15: That was his whore (mistress) turned girlfriend and the kid is (allegedly) his. She sucked and fucked her way to that “acknowledgement.”
Post #16: @Post15: Whaaaattttt? You sound like you have tea, sis? Care to spill. 👀
Post #17: @Post16: The truth will come out soon enough.
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radioisntdead · 2 days
Can I ask for (platonic) Lute & Emily, with a generally chaotic s/o? They’ll do harmless little pranks, mess around with them (staring at Lutes forehead while she’s talking just to make her paranoid and annoyed), and being sassy to anyone
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None other than Reader being a little menace, and a decapitated head gets thrown, oh also this is in headcanon format!
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I imagine it's way too early for your shenanigans, Lute's trying to make herself a cup of coffee and you're sitting on the counter swinging your legs and staring at her forehead, saying nothing just staring like this
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She just glancing at you from the side of her eye, like does she have something? Did she have leftover blood on her?
She looks away for one minute to put cream or something into her coffee and when she looks back, WHAM you're there just staring into her soul.
I'm imagining you're a fellow exorcist, So extermination day you just have some poor sinners decapitated head and you just yell "Hey Lulu! Catch!" And Lute gets a head thrown at her,
I imagine you and Adam get along well, like partners in annoying Lute, and team up with pranking Lute, Adam yells that the bathroom has water coming out of it and there's just a bunch of water filled cups coming out of the restrooms.
You and Adam legitimately tried to convince her that the each of you were the other person, you wearing Adams oversized robes and Adam's wearing an extra exorcist uniform because you don't trust him to not accidentally get something like rib sauce on yours and it's just a whole bit.
"[Name] why are you wearing Adam's robes?? And Adam why are you in our uniform??"
"No idea what you're talking about Lulu! I'm totally Adam the first man the great dickmaster sixtynine, tits, dicks, ribs!"
"And I'm obviously [name] the super badass, hatchet welding menace!"
Lute needs a drink after that.
Lute's scolding your fellow exorcists and you're just two feet behind her mimicking her movements and mannerisms, your fellow exorcists struggling not to laugh and Lute looks back at you only to see you stone faced and still, then when she goes back to scolding them your back mocking her.
After she loses her arm you get her a couple of these thingys
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Yeah she's using that middle one to punch you, she's sticking a knife or something on it and using it.
Adam would've thought it was hilarious.
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Okay so I'm imagining you're heaven's version of Pinkie pie! [I'm watching a Pinkie pie comp on YouTube while writing]
You go to Emily with ideas on how to welcome newbies, how to make the citizens happy,
She has an idea you ADORE? You throw up confetti in the air, it was in your pockets.
She's feeling down? You're there with balloons, one of those cakes that you can set on fire and whatever else you think can make her smile.
You're very toon-like, like running in place before falling to the ground, hopping around in place of walking! Maybe you're a bunny themed winner! Or something that hops!
Emily enjoys your presence! You both like hopping around heaven helping out and cheering up the folks around! I imagine heaven has welcome parties for the new folks weekly so you, the resident party planner get a good feel for what the newbies like and implement it into the parties!
Prank wise you THRIVE on whoopee cushions, you know those plastic babies? You break into wherever Emily and Sera reside and you hide them EVERYWHERE.
Same with rubber duckies.
For some reason though Sera gets a little antsy when she sees them, so you stick with the plastic babies!
You get VERY excited VERY EASILY and it just spreads over to Emily, you're a bundle of contagious sunshine, I imagine the two of you have like the coziest sleepovers ever, like a bunch of snacks, blankets, cuddles etc etc.
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Good evening folks! I hope you enjoyed this, I'm sleepy and so I'm gonna schedule this and pass out, as always thank you for tuning in have a wonderful evening folks!
also we have a discord if you'd like to join!
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bibiana112 · 2 years
So I was having a hot girl summer breakdown yesterday and slept and ate like shit but I went over to my big sisters's place and she got me some food and we talked about her own hot girl summer breakdown from yesterday as well as mine and anyway I cannot believe she actually did help me make a tinder profile in the end
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cantusecho · 3 years
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casiavium · 3 years
vent post with a lot of tags I reached the limit lol
#i just had a really shitty day and sometimes it helps to just say so#but i don't really have anyone to vent to so the internet is better lol#yeah so I'm far more allergic to something than I thought I was and have been having a bad reaction for a few days#I'm super stressed out over a quiz I have to take. got a 50 and 65 on the last two. professor drops the two lowest grades but this means#i have no room to mess up now#and I really don't know what's going on in this class. I always run out of time if I just had more time I could answer everything#zoom recordings are a blessing and a curse. I can watch the lecture again but my mistakes are documented forever#I got into the summer program I applied for but I'm not happy about it. I applied for this one last year and got rejected so I'm still#bitter about that. the one I wanted this year was cheaper and I was almost sure to get in because my major advisor was going to run it#and they encouraged me to apply. but it was cancelled due to low applications. so I got into the other one but I hadn't even wanted to appl#for it. I'm not excited because I'm upset and I'm upset because I'm not excited. Last year I would have been so happy but now I feel numb#I started a drawing and it didn't work out and that was frustrating. i want to do something for zelda but I just don't have the energy#and I want to be able to write again. i had a really good schedule and was writing almost everyday#I could get 5000 word chapter out every week and work on one shots that I wanted to#but then I had a bad month and I can't get back into it#I see other writers take months off and they get such nice comments about how they'll always have readers and they should take the time off#but I struggle once and lose everyone#an average of ten comments to one is a pretty big jump#which sucks because I think this writing is better than what I've done before but it's so hard to write#it's stupid but my sketches always do much better than full drawn out work so I feel like why even bother?#i feel like my place in fandom is to just be mediocre so that others can get 'I don't normally like this but yours is great!!'#someone I wanted to be friends with but I was too scared to talk to unfollowed me.#now I can never reach out even if I wanted to#so yeah bad day#i'm going to get some sleep and be better in the morning#just gotta think of that one post. 'if you hate everyone you need to eat. if you think everyone hates you you need to sleep'.#god i have to get COVID tested tomorrow fuck#it's a random sample and it's so inconvenient for me because it's hella far away#they used to do them on campus which is a fifteen minute walk for me. they fucked up my housing assignment and put me & my roommates#in an off campus apartment meant for seniors with cars that still wanted campus pricing
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dredshirtroberts · 4 years
Make Your Choice- Fic Edition Tagged by @sumomoblossom77 Rules: Bold which trope you prefer (or in some cases maybe just hate the least!) out of each of the following pairs. slowburn or love at first sight // fake dating or secret dating // enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers // oh no there’s only one bed or long-distance correspondence // hurt/comfort or amnesia // fantasy au or modern au // mutual pining or domestic bliss // smut or fluff // canon-compliant or fix-it // reincarnation or character death // one-shot or multi chapter // kid fic or road trip fic // arranged marriage or accidental marriage // high school romance or middle aged romance // time travel or isolated together // neighbors or roommates // sci-fi au or magic au // body swap or genderbend // angst or crack // apocalyptic or mundane I tag anyone who wants to participate!
There were so many of these that I love equally so I just bolded both cause fuck it. Love at first sight that is also a slow burn? yes please.
#tagged#about me#there were so many of these that I love equally so I just bolded both choices cause fuck it#like slowburn and love at first sight are best done together#i don't actually like secret dating that much - it can be done well but it's not my cup of tea#i actually like both enemies to lovers and best friends to lovers but enemies wins out just a smidge each time#don't even get me started on trying to choose between only-one-bed and long-distance correspondence because you can't make me#I *hate* amnesia as a trope#there've only been like one or two stories i've tried with it that i like but i just cannot get into it#depending on the fandom fantasy au and modern au might just be the opposite side of the coin#the next four are pretty solidly chosen and i don't have things to say about it#reincarnation is a HUGE love of mine trope-wise and I avoid character death as often as i can UNLESS it's got a reincarnation tag on there#multi-chapter wins out by a small margin only because i get more excited by seeing a fic that's got a lot of chapters#but one-shots are good too#don't like kid-fic generally but that's because i'm not super into having kids#ironically the zuso fic is a kid fic i don't know why i did this to myself#i'm actually not a huge fan of the road trip fic either but it won over kids#the next three are self explanatory in that i love it all give it to me i want MORE#i prefer neighbors over roommates but only like a little#sci-fi and magic tend to be linked in my brain but nine times out of ten i want magic more than i want space so it won#body swap has greater potential for funny though i do enjoy a good genderbend on occasion#i don't want either angst or crack generally unless it's crack treated seriously and even then it's hit or miss#but i read a lot of angst (generally with a happy ending but still) and not as much crack so#and fuck apocalyptic shit - i'm tired of the world ending let me just have normal shit for once
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hanjisungz-remade · 4 years
#spoilers for road to kingdom ep 3 coming up btw !!!!#*possible spoilers* i won't try to spoil anything#just needed to rant bc i have no one to talk to about it#bro i fucking hate *net so much#and idk i can't really rant too much because i don't wanna be rude to certain groups even tho i don't think they did good at all#but man the rankings were...... hm.... they were something#like last place..... really..... idk how they got last place but .......#they did so much better than some of the other groups and yet......#i mean i could tell from *net's editing that it (the rankings) would end up smth like that#i'm happy for one group !!! i grew to really like them a lot and hope they go far#but from the editing and everything i can already guess who is gonna be the final 2/1 group(s)#which doesn't upset me bc one of my fave groups i assume is gonna be in the finale#like idk maybe i'll watch the rest of the season but at this point i'm just like 'why did i rope myself into another bs *net show'#some of the performances were super cool though !!! the song choices were top notch for tbh#i'm just so annoyed jfc......#also pentagon's performance made me cry..... i miss jinho sm already ......#i'm excited for the rest of the performances tho..... just wanna see oneus tbh#oh i saw on twt that perhaps the eliminated group was already chosen and i am.... interested to see if the rumors are right.....#like the reasoning is sound bc people can look at it but like.... idk i don't wanna be like 'okay these groups are safe' when we don't know#sorry i ranted i just have no one else to yell about rtk with dshfdskjfhkjdh#b.txt
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SO I am madly in love with this scooter and I want it SOOO BAD.
I am no closer to getting my license and the two biggest things in my way are having something to learn on and being able to afford it. What’s the point of rushing this if I can’t even afford a car for quite a while? Especially when I can just get a moderately affordable scooter and teach myself in my apartment backlot!
I know they aren’t the most versatile vehicle but at this point, I just need to be able to safely get to and from work and right now I can’t do that and busses do not keep bar hours. 
Plus I always dreamed of being a scooter girl. Look at this adorable dream scooter!!
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nny11writes · 5 years
CBNC - Hello Again Aunt of Mine
The one where Qui Gon and Ahsoka finally see each other again post TWJ.
Qui Gon Jinn had thought he was prepared for this. Radaa had been described as a farming world, not lush by any standard but with some forests and fields and canyons. He had been to plenty of worlds that fit the description, most of them blurring into a pleasant haze of greens and browns, earthy scents and startlingly beautiful skies. It was fitting, he’d decided, that Ahsoka had chosen such a world to live on. They were never quiet in the living Force but they were quieter than Coruscant by far; restful, peaceful, invigorating. After her trials, Qui Gon was unsurprised she’d been drawn to such a world.
His boots made the softest crunching sound as he walked through the burnt stalks and ashes that had once been a farming field. Droids lay scattered about, most of them B-1′s, but here and there larger ones he couldn’t place the use of were scattered about. Like bloated corpses tilted on one side, the ruined machines spilling little more than ash and mulch from their tops. The Force was quiet, so quiet here where it should have hummed with life. Qui Gon was more than grateful that if there had been bodies here, they’d already been cleared. His vision sat practically doubled from what he could see this place had once been, could once more be, and what it was now. It left him dizzy, and there was no need to add nausea to the mix thank you very much.
The small space port had been bombarded early on to ensure no one could flee the planet, fire still burned in the fuel lines underground leaving that particular area off limits. Between the heat, jagged metal, and fumes it was not exactly able to fulfill its functions any longer. So the Republic landed in and by the ruined fields, supplies and Troopers marching into the town to provide aid and relief. Qui Gon was not special in this respect. He was, however, not here to aid the effort. Not on a large scale at least. He had come for two specific reasons.
Anakin Skywalker, who was currently on the Resolute helping to coordinate the process. Ani had been thrilled to see him, his boyish grin no less loving or infectious despite how sleep deprived he was. They’d spoke at length, Anakin standing taller by the minute even as he picked at the spot his sleeve was now folded back in on itself. The prosthetic they’d given him still needed to be properly calibrated, and Anakin admitted he was reading up on them in order to “fix whatever it is they got wrong”.
Ahsoka Tano, who was currently planet side to help coordinate this whole process, was the other reason.
Qui Gon was unsure if his presence would be welcomed at all. While he had no part in the Council’s decision or the Senator’s vote, and he had searched day and night to find the true culprit...he had still accepted her fate as inevitable the morning she was to be sentenced. He had thought furiously, feverishly about how to break her out of the prison and had realized he could not. And he’d just...he doubted he would ever forgive himself for that. But Ahsoka deserved to at least have the opportunity to tell him to jump in a sarlacc pit herself.
Qui Gon blinked hard, pulling himself from the walking meditation he’d used, to discover he had reached the middle of the small town of Radaa. Half the buildings were crumbling, bombed and shot out. Listing this way and that as the stones and durasteel slowly fell. Those spared this fate were either filled with scared and angry locals, or packed with troops and supplies. The Force was not dark here, not necessarily, but with so much pain and turmoil after the unexpected Separatist attack it was clouded. Pausing to stretch his sense out, Qui Gon could feel the sparkling light he’d come to associate with Ahsoka. Nervousness welled up within him and he refused to turn back. Taking one last breath, he turned and began to follow it to its source.
It had only been a year since he’d seen her last, but Ahsoka was taller now, her montrals curving slightly and the stripes across her lekku had started to split. She had always had a wiry strength to her, but now muscle sat well defined on her arms, helping to fill out the spaces left from her last morphism. Qui Gon was still staring, trying to line up the woman before him with the child he’d last seen when Ahsoka whipped around to stare at him with wide eyes.
There was a long beat of silence as they froze. And then the smallest, most unsure greeting in the Force. Glittering lights that sparked both openly and hesitantly at him through the smog of darkness.
Qui Gon smiled broadly, confidence now filling him where fear had been only moments before. He walked quickly towards her as he pushed his own relieved greeting back. Her smile helped something loosen in his chest.
He stopped a few feet away from her, well aware that they had now drawn a decent audience, before initiating his new improvised plan. He bowed deeply and spoke loudly. “Ahsoka Tano, the sister to my Master, Aunt to myself, Great Aunt to my Padawan, and wise beyond her years it is an honor to see you once more. Aunty ‘Soka I plead but a moment of your very valuable time.”
Qui Gon held the bow a second longer than was proper, delighting in the embarrassment flowing off of her.
Her voice was calm and clear as she responded, “Nephew of mine, I will kill you for this. So I suppose I can grant you one last request.”
Standing tall once more he smiled down at her. Ahsoka glared half hearted at him, hands on her hips and one brow quirked up.
“Most excellent! I would request a hug then, for it shall surely be my last.” He kept his own smile bland as his heart tried to explode out from his chest.
Ahsoka laughed, practically jumping the small distance between them to hang from his neck in a hug. Qui Gon grunted as he caught her, delighted that her boots at least brushed the ground to take a bit of the weight off his damnedable aching back. Wrapped up there, with her head tucked into his neck and his nose pressed into her montral it was easy to press his love into her skin. One pulse at a time through the Force, a small warm rain and the tickle of butterflies.
Swallowing hard, Qui Gon roughly whispered to her, “Oh Ahsoka...I have missed you so.”
Her fingers dug painfully into his back as she shook, pressing into him tighter and closer. As if this truly would be their last hug. Then she pulled back just enough to look him in the eyes, her own glistening with unshed tears. “It’s good to see you Master.”
“No, no, none of that now. Just Ahsoka and Qui Gon. Aunt and nephew thank you.” Qui Gon wiggled one arm free to punctuate his last sentence with a small tap to her nose.
Ahsoka chuckled and the world exploded into colors and sounds, warm earthy tones and soft wooden chimes, as she flooded him with her love for him. Qui Gon reveled in it, allowing it to gather within him, to wash over him, to settle deep into his bones and chase away the cold fear and guilt that had rested there too long.
“I can do that,” Ahsoka mumbled, roughly wiping away at her eyes before waving a hand around. “Have you gotten the tour yet young man?”
“Not as such, perhaps you could show me?” He asked, holding his arm out and beyond pleased when she looped her through to rest her hand at his elbow.
“I suppose I can find the time for my favorite nephew.”
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ladysmaragdina · 6 years
I got back into Ark: Survival Evolved for the first time in six months, and I’ve spent the past three hours literally just re-orienting myself on the island from the back of a pteranodon, and it’s been soothing as hell. I know that this is a PVP multiplayer game at its heart and I’m absolutely not playing it the way it’s meant to be played, but fuck that
(I also spent those three hours obsessively hunting pelagornis because I really, really, really wanted the mats for a ghillie suit and farming penguins in the snow biome sounds awful)
My Raptor Posse (tm) is up to eleven! On the one hand, I don’t really need this many raptors considering all I do in this game is build and sightsee more or less peacefully. But on the other hand
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I need so many more raptors
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
( ˙꒳​˙ ) ♡
#today i saw the guy thAT I /MAy/ oR May n//OT// have a litTLE crush on#turns out no one in his class passed the final exam but it was not on them#he had already told me that the teacher had had surgery too and couldn't go to classes#sometimes the substitute wasn't available either and when he was it was just not the same#and some classes were taken from them and such so they almost didn't have classes#so they have to repeat the final class/course/thing but he says he's not sad because he knows it was mostly not on them and he actually did#good in the exam. So what I was saying is that I saw him today. I didn't have the guts to see him last monday becuase id idn't want to light#up like a red star in the middle of the void and i felt sad because it would be last day i would see him in MAYBE FOREVER (I thought he#would approve so...) so he didn't pay to me the keychains. So today he went to look for me after class. He gestured for me to go with him bc#3/4 of my class are female only and he says he's super shy among many girls so i had to go out of my little circle and *deep breath*#we said hi and- and half-hugged of sorts as greeting? and and his girlfriend wasn't there and don't get me wrong it's notthat i don't want#her to know. I really truly don't have bad intentions to get in the way. It's just that I /THINK/ she may have noticed the OBVIOUS way I#burn CRIMSON RED LIKE A CHRISTMAS SPHERE when he says hi so saying hi to him with her giving tHAT STARE is very uncomfortable lmao#he paid and then stayed quiet with a 'uhm what was I going to tell you?' and stayed quiet before going with 'OH YES. How are you doing?'#about my surgery he meant anD I WAS HAPPY THAT WE WERE TALKING AND i told him about how i'm progressing and then it was a bit awkward & shy#and we said bye and he said he'd later be annoying me via whatsapp AND I WAS SO HAPPY LIKE YAY HE LIKES TALKING WITH ME :3333#and he said bye by calling me 'simpson'. Idk why he started calling me that last time we talked but i called him Smithers in return and i#should have said bye with that buT I WAS SO HAPPY AND NERVOUS I JUST SMILED AND SAID AND WAVED BYE AND I'M STILL EXCITED BC#I MISSED SO SO SO SO MUCH TALKING TO HIM. BEEN A WHILE SINCE WE LAST PROPERLY TALKED IN PERSON LIKE THIS EVEN IFITWAS JUST A MINUTE ( ˙꒳˙ )#Talking with him makes me really really really happy... even if it's just 1 minute like today... ( ˙꒳˙ )#i know there's no possibilities or any chances with him. From what poor info I've gathered he's been with his gf for years (they've even#been to japan together!) and he just recently must have gifted her the KH keychain he asked from me... so he really must love her and that's#very good for him! For them both. And I really have no intentions to get in between. I just really like to get to be close sometimes even if#i'm just a friend. I still have fun with him and get very happy when we talk. He's so friendly and so charmless it's charming... (˙︶˙)#what a lucky girl his girlfriend. He's the kind to make someeone very happy so I hope she too is giving him as much back. She seems rather#pastel. The entire opposite to GOTH RACCOONIE. So while not giving THAT GLARING STARE she seems to be very good and sweet so that's good :3#( ˙꒳˙ ) *happily wiggling tail*  this lifted up my spirits a lot#now i'm ready to wake up feeling MISERABLE when i realize i'm 100% one sided AHAHAHAH#well imma enjoy of my few minutes of happiness-dose okay leave me alone. It's VALID! Not every second of one-sideness is moping and pining#there's also these happy moments when they say hi and smile at you and talk with you and you go all KALSJDLKDJSLDKJ <3
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
ok so for the egg disaster:
bdubs is the only hermit I know of who wasn’t super excited by the eggs right away, since his uses his old non-big eye skin. So now I’m imagining him being extremely creeped out by a mini version of himself with the wrong face and trying to pawn it off on someone else
Bdubs marches towards Jevin. On his shoulder, a Bdubs stares menacingly. Throughout the rest of his cloak, several other mini hermits are clinging. They are also staring menacingly. Jevin's not sure what to make of it, but probably nothing good.
"Uh, hi," Jevin says.
"These weren't supposed to hatch! They were supposed to stay hidden! I want a refund!"
"Right. They were fake eggs. They shouldn't have hatched," Jevin says.
"Well they don't look fake to me!"
"Yes, that is the problem," Jevin says.
"Oh hey, you know stuff about builder's magic," Cleo says, and Jevin winces. Oh, please don't let it be... "You know how some of the other hermits can get about eggs, right? If they all started to treat them like they were real enough..."
"Well, that might be enough," Bdubs says. "You know how it is with that story stuff. It's all in how you sell it. Or sometimes, how other people buy it."
"I didn't want to sell it," Jevin despairs. "Believe it or not, I was not trying to tell the universe a story where we ended up swarmed by very small creatures, and all of my friends went insane."
"Well, you've done an awfully good job telling it!" Bdubs says crossly. "Why'd you have to go and make eggs, huh?"
"I didn't know people would get like that about them!"
"Why? Aren't you a mob?"
"Slimes reproduce asexually! I had no way to know!"
Bdubs is oddly quiet for a moment.
"Oh, that's very brave of you! I'm proud," Bdubs says, and Cleo cackles behind them, wheezing so hard it sounds like she's crying. "Hey! We shouldn't make fun of him! That was a very big thing for him to say!"
"I am so confused," Jevin admits.
"W- wrong definition, B- B- wheeze," Cleo stammers out before laughing harder.
"She's crazy," Bdubs says. "Anyway, you totally accidentally made the eggs believable enough to the other hermits that they became real. Sorry!"
"How on earth am I supposed to fix that?" Jevin despairs as Cleo only laughs harder behind him. He's going to stab her in a moment here.
"I don't know! I still deserve a refund, though," Bdubs says.
As one, the miniature hermits in Bdubs's cloak begin chanting: "Refund. Refund. Refund. Refund."
Jevin swallows. "Right. I'll get right on that. I don't have my diamonds on me, so - Cleo stop laughing - we've got to get going. We'll see you later?"
Jevin drags Cleo away, trying not to panic at the confirmation that he'd lost control. The problem, he thinks, with a story out of his control, is this: it's in the hands of everyone who keeps adding to it.
And they're hardly going to make it more normal, now are they?
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moonvis · 2 years
Uncle Bucky
Ship: Bucky Barnes x f! avenger! reader
ft. Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton. 
Summary: With Bucky’s help you babysit you niece and nephew. When you get called in on a last minute mission, you have to leave him alone with the kids. 
Warnings: A whole lot of fluff, some insecure!Bucky abt his arm, soft!Bucky, and there’s a whole lotta love in the air ;)
Words: 3.5k
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"You cannot' run forever!"
Bucky's head snapped up at the sound of your voice yelling from the hallways. He put his spoon in his cereal bowl and looked towards the kitchen entrance.
He expected to see you rushing in, but what he saw instead was two small figures, running in while giggling uncontrollably.
"I'm gonna take you both down!" You threatened playfully while chasing your six-year-old niece and nephew into the room.
You didn't notice a curious Bucky at first, too focused on the little ones. When you finally reached them, you hurled yourself forward and cradled them in a hug on the floor.
The sight put a smile on Bucky's face. Seeing you happy and laughing made his heart feel warm. In the moment, he didn't realise you were staring back at him with a questionable look on your face.
"You alright there Buck?" You asked a little shyly. It didn't go unnoticed by you the way he was admiring you from the breakfast table.
"Of course." A small blush formed in his cheeks. Shrugging it off, he stood up and walked over to the three of you.
After you helped your niece and nephew to stand, Bucky reached out a hand for you. With an appreciative smile, you took it and let him help you off the floor.
"Thanks Buck," You nodded at the man while putting both your hands behind each six-year-old, "Now let me introduce you to the twins."
Bucky got down to their height and rested his flesh hand on his knee, "Hey there, I'm Bucky. Who do I have the pleasure of meeting?"
"I'm Tia!" The little girl greeted with a big grin on her face, rocking back and forth on her tippy toes. The boy jumped next to his sister, saying loudly, "And I'm Joel! We're twins!"
"And none of them are shy, I'll tell you that." You got down to their height as well, about to give them side hugs, but they had already launched themselves at Bucky.
The brunette quickly brought his vibranium arm behind his back, while cradling the twins with his flesh one. At first you laughed at the sight along with the three of them, but when you saw the overwhelmed look in Bucky's eyes, you reacted quickly.
"Take it easy now." You said while lifting both kids off the super solider. You shot him an apologetic smile which he returned with a reassuring one.
After letting the twins go, you spoke to them with an excited voice, "Hey why don't we go get the ice cream we bought? We need to put it in the freezer."
Both kids nodded and started running to the kitchen exit. You let out a sigh and looked at Bucky, "Yeah so that's my niece and nephew I told you about. They're staying the weekend, and with their level of energy it should be enough to drain me like a crimefighting mission."
Bucky laughed at your joke when a thought entered his mind, "I know you got this on your own, but you don't have to. I can help babysit them."
Your heart felt warm at his offer, knowing he wasn't the most comfortable around kids because of his arm, "I can't ask that of you-"
"You don't. I'm offering, and you should know I always love helping you out."
"I know, Buck. Ditto. Thank you."
"Auntie Y/n!" Tia yelled at you from the entrance, where she and her brother were waiting for you impatiently.
"Sorry sweets, I'm coming." You assured her from across the room, before you lowered you voice for Bucky, "We're ordering takeout later, you wanna join us?"
Bucky was more than happy you agreed to let him tag along, "Sure."
"I guess we'll be co parenting then." You winked at the man, getting a flustered look in return. You giggled at the sight before kissing his cheek, and hurrying over to the twins.
Saying you didn't know what you were doing to Bucky, would be a lie.
With soda cans and paper bags in your hands, you walked over to the benches where Bucky and the twins were waiting.
The skies were blue, and sun was warming your skin, making the perfect opportunity for a small picnic outside the compound. A burger and nuggets picnic to be exact.
"Here's your junk." You said and placed Tia and Joel's food in front of them, "Eat n' wreck."
"Yummy!" The twins cheered in union.
You sat down opposite of Bucky and handed him his food, gaining a 'thank you' in return. Before you got the chance to open your own bag of food, Joel stretched out his hand with a toy in your face.
"Look who I got!" The boy cheered while showing it to Bucky next. Taking a closer look at the toy, you noticed the red, white, and blue stripes. It was a Captain America action figure.
"Hey, that's my best friend." Bucky gave Joel a nod and smirk which made the boy's mouth gape. "You're best friends with Captain America! Wow!"
"That's great Joel! Did you get a toy Tia?" You turned to the girl who nodded and brought the action figure forward.
While studying the figure you didn't notice Bucky turning in his seat to hide away his vibranium arm. Tia was holding a Winter Solider figure, which you probably hated more than Bucky.
You knew Bucky's worries and insecurities when it came that person. It wasn't Bucky, it was a brainwashed machine. The fact that they still made toys and merchandise of him instead of Bucky, and his new arm, angered you.
 Tia looked at Bucky for a moment and raised her eyebrows, "He looks like you! You both have metal arms!" So, the kid had acknowledged his arm. The girl waited excitedly for Bucky's response, but none came out.
 This time you noticed how Bucky straightened his posture. You shared a quick glance with him before commenting, "I don't think they look alike at all. Bucky's arm is way cooler!"
Hesitantly Bucky brought his hand forward to let the girl study it. She looked from the vibranium arm and back to her toy, before dropping it into her paper bag again, "You're right! Way cooler!"
"So much cooler!" Joel joined in, making a smile appear on Bucky's lips.
The super solider wasn't too fond with the attention his arm got, but grateful for the way you had turned things around.
As the sun went down, the four of you found yourself inside your room. You were fifty minutes into watching a movie on your tv, laying comfortably in your bed.
You were resting your head on Bucky's shoulder, his vibranium arm holding around you. Tia was sitting on Bucky lap, leaning back against his chest, while Joel was laying stomach-flat by Bucky's feet.
Spending time with you and the twins like this got Bucky's imagination flying around. This day had been a special one. You weren't even a couple, but it had felt like he was sharing a family with you, something he dearly wished for some day.
In the moment of daydreaming, he kissed the top of your head and rested his on top of yours.
The atmosphere in the room was relaxing, but unfortunately, your phone going off interrupted. You let out a yawn and rolled out of Bucky's embrace grab your phone.
It was a message from Steve: "Y/n, Nat and Clint. I'm sorry to call you in on such short notice, but you are needed for an emergency stealth mission. The jet will be ready for you in 15 minutes."
 You let out an uneasy breath, your thoughts immediately going to the twins. When Bucky saw the worry in your eyes, he brought his hand forward and caressed your cheek, "Everything okay doll?"
"I got called in for a mission, right now."
Bucky let out a breath and tilted his head, "Perfect timing."
 Your nephew and niece were looking at you now, questionable looks in their eyes. You told them you had to leave for a mission, but first, you would call Steve and ask if someone could step in for you.
After five minutes, you stood outside your room, just done with your phone call with Steve. The Captain had apologised over and over again for sending you on the mission, but your skills were very much needed, which you understood.
Bucky came out from your room with the twins trailing behind. He looked at you expectantly, but when you sook your head, he knew you had to go.  
He let out a sigh before assuring you, "I'll watch Tia and Joel till you're back. Don't worry."
You were about to thank him, but the twins rushing forward caught your attention. Tia looked up at you and asked with a hint of understanding, "You really have to go?" You nodded at the girl apologetically.
You got down to their height, holding your hands on each kid. The uneasy look in their eyes broke your heart. You really didn't want to leave them.
"Tia, Joel." You looked both kids in the eyes, making sure you had their attention, before asking, "Do you trust me?"
Tia fiddled with her fingers for a moment, but was the first to nod. Joel looked at his sister, then at you, and thankfully nodded with small movements.
You gave them gentle smiles while continuing, "Tia you're a smart young lady, and Joel you're a brave young man. And if you trust me," You looked at Bucky for a short moment, "I ask of you to trust me when I say you'll be safe with Bucky while I'm gone."
In the corner of your eye, you could see Bucky's tensing. Getting your niece and nephew's trust meant a lot to him. He already knew you accepted him, but it was important for him to be accepted by the important people in your life as well.
Your voice sounded a bit more serious as you continued, "I trust Bucky with my life. If there is anyone in this entire world I would leave you alone with, it would be Bucky. Will you trust Bucky too?"
 Your confession got Bucky blushing. By the way you were speaking, he knew you were completely honest with the kids.
The brunette held in a breath as he waited for the twins' answer. When he saw them nodding and you hugging them with a proud smile on your lips, his entire body felt warm.
Your niece and nephew accepted him.
While hugging the six-year-olds, you smiled up at Bucky. He mouthed a silent 'thank you'.
"Alright sweeties, it's time for me to go." You gave them one last squeezing hug before standing up, "Why don't you go back to the movie and wait Bucky there?"
Tia nodded with a smile, and so did Joel. While Tia rushed back to the bed, Joel stopped by Bucky's feet, "Be quick." The boy folded his arms, with a stern look on his face.
Bucky chuckled and ruffled Joel's hair, "I will, I promise."
Their interaction melted you heart, assuring you the kids would be comfortable around Bucky without you there.
Pleased with Bucky's promise, Joel rushed off to join his sister. It gave you some privacy with the super solider before you had to leave.
Bucky's eyes were on you the second you were alone. They carried a look of concern. Instead of speaking, you went in for a hug. He cradled you against his chest, holding you tightly, one hand resting behind your head.
"Be careful out there okay? It's a pretty spontaneous mission." Bucky whispered into your hair.
With your eyes closed, you mumbled a response, "I will."
After a moment of comfortable silence, you didn't fully retract from Bucky's embrace, but enough to look up at his blue eyes.
"I should go, but thank you again Buck," You smiled softly, "I'm forever grateful for all the help you give me. I owe you."
"You owe me nothing. I know you'd do the same for me." Bucky stroke his thumb over your cheek and kissed your forehead.
"I'm only a phone call away if you need me, but I know you'll be fine," You said before fully loosening yourself from Bucky, "I'll probably be back by Sunday."
"Promise you'll come back to me- us in one piece, yeah?" Bucky asked while talking hold of your hand. You nodded and placed a kiss on his cheek, "Promise."
With that you left the super solider alone. He wasn't really alone for long though, your niece and nephew had grown impatient and were already dragging him back into your room.
The next day the twins and Bucky got along very well without you. Bucky made them breakfast, they got a tour of the compound, played hide and seek - and who knew, despite Bucky's assassin skills, finding the kids was hard. He had been looking for about thirty minutes now and his heartbeat was quickening.
He searched in your room, the kitchen, the lounge room, and the bathrooms, but he still couldn't find them. When he reached Steve's office, he heard the joyful sound of children’s laughter.
With a hint of hope, he rushed inside and let out a breath of relief when he saw Steve chasing the twins.
"Tia, Joel!" Bucky yelled and got their reaction immediately, "You can't run off like this! I've been looking everywhere for you!"
He got down to their height and looked at them seriously, gaining apologetic looks in return, "We're sorry." His eyes softened, and as he reached out his arms, they rushed forward and hugged him.
Steve was standing a few meters away, his hands on his hips. Seeing Bucky this comfortable around your nephew and niece brought joy to his heart. He knew it meant a lot to Bucky for them to be this comfortable in return.
"I'm glad you're okay." Bucky looked from Tia to Joel, then he looked up at his friend with a smile, "Thank you for watching them here."
Steve nodded, "Of course."
When Bucky stood up, Joel grabbed his vibranium hand. The boy didn't notice, but Bucky were taken back. He let out a deep breath.
Steve watched with a proud smile om his face, almost blocking out Joel's question, "Is Bucky your best friend?"
"Huh? Yeah, the best." Steve winked at the kid, who's eyes grew wide. Tia and Joel looked at each other before jumping with excitement, "That means you are Captain America!"
Steve nodded and laughed, Bucky joining in. Tia pointed at the famous shield by Steve's desk, "We saw your shield when we came in here! We knew it!"
Steve looked from the girl and up at Bucky, "They're smart kids." The brunette couldn't agree more, "Brave, smart, understanding. You wouldn't even know."
Tia and Joel shared prideful looks at the compliments, growing to like Bucky more and more.
As the evening came by, Bucky and the twins were relaxing on the sofa, eating the ice cream you had bought for them.
"It's sad Auntie Y/n can't be here and have ice cream with us huh?" Bucky asked after swallowing a spoon of vanilla ice cream. Even though it had only been day, he really wished you were with them.
"I miss her." Tia pouted while lightly stabbing her ice cream with her spoon, her brother mimicking her actions, but with his fingers.
Seeing the kids like this gave him and idea, "What do you say we call her? I can't promise she'll pick up, but we can try."
"Yeah!" Joel said eagerly, his sister nodding along.
Bucky brought out his phone, dialled your number and put it on speaker. All three leaned towards the phone, eagerly waiting as the phone beeped loudly.
"Come on, come on..." Tia crossed her fingers, and when the beeping stopped she thought your answered. Unfortunately, the call went to voicemail.
"I'm sorry..." Bucky apologised, afraid he had made them disappointed, starting to regret having called you. However, to his surprise, the smile om the twins’ faces told him differently.
"It's okay, we have you!" Tia said and jumped into Bucky's lap, which Joel did as well. Those words did it for Bucky, but instead of getting emotional, he started tickling the kids till they were screaming laughing.
As the night went by, it was time for the young ones to sleep. In their daze between awake and asleep, Bucky kissed their heads and turned off the lights, "Sleep well you two."
When he was bout to leave, small fingers grabbed his arms. He turned around to see Tia sitting up in bed, rubbing her eyes. "We had a lot of fun today." She reached out her arms, signalising for Bucky she wanted a proper hug.
With a chuckle, he leaned down and placed another gentle kiss on top of her head, whispering, "I'm glad. Now, get some sleep princess."
With a yawn she leaned down against her pillow, mumbling, "G' night Uncle Bucky."
Bucky froze at her words, a blush creeping over his face. Had he heard her correctly? Oh, if the girl only knew how badly he wanted to be their legal uncle. If she only knew what her words just did to his heart.
That night Bucky went to bed with the most love filled overwhelming feeling he had experienced in a while.
Sunday finally arrived and you were looking out the jet, the Avengers compound coming into sight.
You had seen a missed call from Bucky on your phone, but never had time to call him back. You hoped it wasn't anything important, but you weren't worried either, you knew you could trust Bucky with the twins.
"So, Barnes' been alone with the kids all weekend?" Clint asked while picking up his bow and arrow.
"Yeah, but I know he's handled them well." You assured him.
"Oh yeah I don't doubt that. I'm more worried about his wellbeing to he honest." Clint stated and you raised a brow at him, "I have three kids, and I've never been as exhausted as I was after watching the twins for two hours."
"I have to agree. I love you're nephew and niece, but they're wild." Natasha turned in the steering seat to face you.
You shook your head with a smile, "They've got a lot of energy at times, but they're angels."
"Sure they are, but-"
You interrupted Clint, folding your arms and leaning back against the wall, "Spare me Barton, just admit the Y/l/n twins are too much for you to handle."
Clint raised a brow at you as he spoke, "If that's what you'd like to hear, we can pretend."
You smirked at the cockiness in his voice, "Sure."
Within a few minutes the jet finally landed at the compound. Grabbing your gear, you rushed outside, expecting to see Bucky waiting for you as usual. When neither him nor the twins were present, you looked around like a question mark.
Clint noticed and commented, "I told you so! It's the kids! Bucky's probably hiding somewhere."
You rolled your eyes and headed for the compound entrance, "Very funny arrow boy."
"Don't call me that!" Clint yelled, but you ignored him as you disappeared inside.
Once inside you went to your room to see if Bucky and the twins were there, but it was empty. Since you didn't have any visible blood on your suit, you went to go find them without changing.
As you neared the kitchen, children’s laughter filled your ears like music. A wonderful smell and a pleasant sight met you as you entered the room.
Fresh pancakes were placed on the table, plates and glasses for four. You didn’t have to ask to know they had set the table for you as well.
Tia and Joel were dangling from Bucky's vibranium arm, holding on for dear life. He was lifting it up and down, lightly shaking it, trying to make it hard for the kids.
Usually, you would admire the sight of Bucky like this, he was practically flexing his muscles. Though none of that crossed your mind. What made you feel warm inside, and almost weak to your knees, were the happiness on Bucky's face.
The brunette was laughing loudly, corners of his mouth stretched to his ears, eyes shining with joy. He looked comfortable, relaxed, especially judging by the way he let the twins play with his arm.
Seeing Bucky this comfortable with your niece and nephew made your mind start dreaming. To see him like this with your own kids one day would be amazing, but then he'd have to be yours first.
"Auntie Y/n!" Joel yelled when he saw you by the entrance. He let go of Bucky's arm and rushed over to you, "You made it back for pancakes!"
"Really? I'm so lucky!" You brought the boy into a hug, letting Tia join in when she rushed over as well, "Have you had fun with Bucky?"
When both kids nodded in response, you stood up and looked at Bucky, "Thank you Buck. I knew you'd be fine."
Bucky didn't respond right away. You watched as his eyes scanned your face and body for any sign of injury. When he didn't see any, he brought you into a tight hug.
You chuckled and hugged him back, "Promised I'd be back in one piece."
"We've missed you," Bucky said with a gentle voice and gestured for the kids who agreed.
"I missed you too! Now please let me know all the fun things you did!" You clasped your hands together and looked at the kids curiously.
"We'll tell you later!" Joel grabbed your hand and dragged you towards the kitchen table, "First we have to eat the pancakes Uncle Bucky made for us!"
Your eyes widened at the title, the title you wished were real more than you would admit out loud. You quickly looked back at Bucky, who's hand was dragged by your niece.
Even though his cheeks were reddening, you could see a hint of pride in his eyes. He winked at you as he spoke, "Auntie Y/n and Uncle Bucky, huh? Doesn't sound so wrong if you ask me."
You chuckled a little hesitantly, your heart beating harshly against your chest, a tingle present in your stomach, "I guess not."
Thank you for reading! Feedback is very much appreaciated <3
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k-rising · 2 years
Pick a card: why would you be famous for if you were a kpop idol? (PAC collab)
Hello, everyone! This is my first collab with the lovely @kkoumiii and we're so excited to share with you what we created 💓
DISCLAIMER: readings are used as a guide, but the decisions you want to make for yourself are YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. this is for entertainment purposes only.
☞ choose a pile that draws your attention the most.
☞ you can choose more than one option, but I recommend that you stick with the first one you chose.
☞ readings don't have an expiration date.
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𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 𝟏ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 𝟐ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 𝟑
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𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 𝟒ㅤ ㅤㅤ ㅤ𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 𝟓ㅤ ㅤ ㅤㅤ𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 𝟔
𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 𝟏
Reading made by: k-rising
You would be famous for having a super sweet voice and you may be a lead vocalist. I feel that people will know you for being innocent and having a natural beauty, but also very hard-working, restless and responsible. You may dye your hair in opaque colors and wear black a lot. Some people may think that you can be too demanding, but you just want to do a good job. You would worry too much about what others will say about you and that may make you feel sad and vulnerable :( You would be known for being extremely perfectionist and the public would consider you a very idealistic and dreamy person who often finds it difficult to separate reality from fantasy. For some of you, your companies may be very strict and they would not allow you to have much creative freedom, while others would be afraid to go out of your comfort zone and do things alone. Some of you may go solo and others may be part of a group and start a solo career after your disbandment. For the second case, you may not get along with your members and you want to leave the group. However, you're afraid to debut as a solo artist, despite how bad you're feeling. You may face many obstacles throughout your career and the public would admire your for being a fighter and for not giving up. People would see you as someone very insecure, but with great potential if you start having more confidence in yourself <3
𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 𝟐
Reading made by: k-rising
I love the energy of this pile!
You would be known for being a rapper and I'm seeing a lot of colors... you might wear brightly colored clothes and dress very eccentrically. The public will know you for being an ambitious, hard-working and very caring person. You would have a great reputation and you have so much charisma that it is impossible for people to dislike you! I feel that you would be something of a role model and many in the industry would respect and admire you so much. You may have started your career from a very young age and people watched you grow up. You would also be recognized for being a greedy person; you would have a life of luxury. You would be known for being a brave person with a big heart. I don't think you would be part of a group... I'm seeing you as a soloist! You have great potential and I think you don't need others to shine. You may take a break from the artistic life for a few years and leave your company to start a new one, which will bring you even more opportunities. I also feel that, at first, it will be difficult for you to be known, but once you have made yourself known, you will not stop doing things; you have all the resources to get what you want.
𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 𝟑
Reading made by: k-rising
I love the energy of this pile as well!
Your position would be visual and you would also be the face of the group. The public would know you as someone who has a lot of power in some way? You may be the CEO's daughter/son or the daughter/son of a very important public figure. You are generous and you like to share everything you have with others. You may also like to collaborate in charitable causes. You are very calculating, hardworking and aware of your actions. If you ever make a mistake you'll take responsibility of your actions and try to improve. You would be known for the long period of training you had and people would admire your will, even when the outlook is bleak. For some people, I feel that their group would have a very innovative concept, and for others, their group might change concepts all the time. Creative freedom prevails here too! You would become even more famous for a love scandal between you and another idol... and that would lead to you being kicked out of the group :( BUT you will continue with your career, even after the scandal!
𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 𝟒
Reading made by: kkoumiii
Hi sweet pile 4! You don’t need to take it if it doesn’t resonate but you could possibly have a lot of Aquarius and/or Scorpio influence in your chart. As a Kpop Idol, you would be known as the person in the group who puts things into perspective. You would be a discreet, calm, and sweet member, not the type to talk loudly or show off. You would be introverted and peaceful. This pile reminds me of Jacob from The Boyz. Someone wise and who does the job neatly, without doing too much nor not enough. You would be very dedicated to your job, your members, and your fans, yet you would be very hard on yourself, especially when you don’t reach your goals. In the group, all the members would open up to you because you keep secrets like no other. You would be known as someone trustworthy but ironically, you have a hard time trusting people even though you need a lot of solace too. You would probably be prone to anxiety and would need a lot of alone time since you can be easily drained. You would be more of the observant type rather than the sociable one. Somehow, at first sight, the public would be intrigued because you are diffident and don’t say much, you are really private and it excites curiosity, people would want to know what’s going on inside your head. The way you appear at first differs a lot from your natural self. But it doesn’t make you less of a welcoming and a heartwarming person. When it comes to your physical appearance, something would stand out about you, and it would even more intrigued people. Maybe you’d be known for having a deep voice? No matter how much you would try to step aside, your energy would always attract the audience. As for the position in the group, I see you as a vocalist and/or sub rapper.
𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 𝟓
Reading made by: kkoumiii
Hello lovely pile 5! Right off the bat, I feel like you would be a very expressive and artsy idol. I heard “roaring” for some reason. I think you could have Leo and/or 5H placements. You would be that idol with the head in the clouds, who needs to share his/her thoughts and feelings through any forms of art, whether it is singing, dancing, drawing... You would definitely be a jack of all trades. In the group, I can picture you as a main or lead vocalist. This pile gives off the same energy as Hyunjin from Stray Kids and Kevin from The Boyz and since they are both Pisces stellium, you could also have a strong Pisces influence in your chart (take it or leave it). You would also be known for being big-hearted and very sensitive since you feel intensely and have well-developed senses. You’d be eager to share and convey your passion to your audience because art is your safe place. You very much need it since I feel like you would be prone to criticisms (for no reason), and you would need a very tough shell to get through it. But you would also have a lot of support around you. You would definitely bury yourself in your work and hobbies. I came to the conclusion that you could be the leader, that may explain why you would carry so much weight on your shoulders. You would be a charismatic yet dreamy leader who needs a lot of love. I feel like you would barely talk about your own needs and insecurities, but you would be very reliable for your members, like Bang Chan from Stray Kids. You would be prone to overthinking and bottling up, but since you have probably been through a lot, people would see you as a wise person that knows how to live in the present time and assert himself/herself and convey your thoughts.
𝓟𝓲𝓵𝓮 𝟔
Reading made by: kkoumiii
Hey dear pile 6! This pile gives off a very childlike and joyful energy. You would be known as the idol who loves joking around and pulling pranks on your members or teasing them. You would definitely be the mood maker, always cheering for your members and invigorating the group. However, you would also be very responsible and know when it is time to have fun or to be serious. You would bring this balance in the group. Suga from BTS suddenly came to my mind. You would be a sensitive and hard-working person who would make the work more enjoyable because you shine with good vibes. For example, during practice, you would lead the group but not in an authoritarian way, it would be more of a lighthearted session, a bit like an activity leader. Now I can think of Sunwoo from The Boyz and Jangjun from Golden Child. The thing is, even though you would be a jokester, in fact you would have a lot of pressure and laughing and joking around would be a way to hide it. At first glance, you would seem like someone intimidating, cold, serious, and work-oriented but when people would get to know you, they would be surprised to discover someone lively, funny, and uncomplicated. I can also picture you as someone very ambitious, passionate, witty, chatty, and eloquent. But you wouldn’t be the type to talk without purpose, you would only speak up when it is necessary. In the group, you would show your love and consideration by teasing playfully your members and in contrast, when you don’t care, you ignore. One more thing that came to my mind is that you would be the first member who crosses people’s mind when they speak about your group. You would be very popular and while it can be beneficial, you would also attract a lot of dramas, especially because of the misconceptions the audience might have at first sight. I can mostly see you as the face of the group and a main dancer, maybe even a rapper.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ 𝑇ℎ𝑎𝑛𝑘 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑠𝑜 𝑚𝑢𝑐ℎ 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔!  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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orangevtae · 2 years
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy [S.Harrington x Henderson!Reader]
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A/N: Hey everyone! I'm so excited for the Season 4 to come out, i just can't stop thinking about it, can't wait to lose at least one week just watching it! Tell me what you've been thinking so far, feedback it's always welcome <3 Also, if you want to be marked whenever i post another chapter, let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
Chapter 4: Devil in Disguise
You sat on the bleachers just in the perfect time for the second round, you think that that's how they call, you not really expert on basketball.
Steve saw you on the bleachers and waved surprised to see you there, a little smile on his lips as you waved back at him and turned your attention to the game that was about to start.
"Came to see me doll?" you rolled your eyes at the voice shouting at you
Steve frowned but let out a chuckle leave as he saw your eyes giving a 180 degrees at Hargrove's voice. He thought it was cute. No way. He waved off his intrusive thoughts and went towards the rest of his team, drinking water on a bottle and ears perking up at Hargrove's futiles tryings on flirting with you.
"No, not at all, just had a free period."
"Maybe we could use your free time in other things." he said, voice suggestive
"Ok, gross, dude just leave her be, she's not into you at all and mostly important: is not here for you. Don't you know how to read the signs?? She's almost walking with a big red sign: NOT INTEREST IN YOU AT ALL HARGROVE."
"No thanks, i rather not waste my time with you at all when i could be searching water on the Saara" you gave Billy a little smile as you saw his face fall.
Before Billy could ever reply to you or Steve thinking of intervene, for your own sake cause he saw you were already full of Billy's shit, the coach blew the whistle and the game resumed.
By the place you were, you couldn't hear much but could see that Billy Hargrove was just full on saying shit to Harrington, it was all he could do, just trying to get on Steve's nerves by insulting him in every way possible, maybe that was one of the reasons you despised so much Billy's antics. You couldn't stay much to watch the rest of the game since you would have your last period in some minutes and would have to still get your things on your locker.
But if you had stayed just some minutes longer for wait for the rest of the game to finish, you would have noted a pair of brown eyes searching up for you on the bleachers, wanting to talk to you a little bit.
"Oh, you home already, didn't see at all at morning"
As you arrived at home, you immediatly went to have something to eat at the kitchen because you were literaly much starving even if you had lunch at school and went to Dustin's room, knocking on the door and hearing a soft Come in. "Hey there champ"
"Yeah, woke up a little late, going to parties when you have school early in the morning next day really isn't something cool to do" Dustin laughed at you as you looked quizzcaly at the tank Dart was "Hey, is Dart bigger?"
"You noticed right? I think he has molded"
"It's so strange"
"So, i wanted to tell you this...i- ermm...took Dart to school today"
"What??! For what??" you shouted surprised
"I wanted to show for the rest of the guys!"
"Dustin are you nuts?? You can't just take to school a thing which we don't even know what it is!"
"I know! But...there's this girl, she's new, and she's so so so cool, i guess i wanted to impress her, i don't know"
You just simply forget the reason you were entirely mad at Dustin after hearing his kinda of confession, you guessed that it was the first time ever he ever said something about a girl that was minimally romantic.
"I guess so..."
You sighed. "And you thought that showing Dart to her would get you some points with her?" you asked sitting by his side, your sandwich long forgotten
"How is she like?"
"She's super cool, she knows how to skateboard and had the best score on Dig-Dug at the arcade"
"And why did you thought that she would find Dart cool?"
"I don't know, you liked it and thought it was cool, i thought she would be the same"
"Dusty i'm a biology nerd and enthusiast, of course i would thought that Dart was cool, but i am who i am and she is who she is, we not the same. I don't even like the same things she does by the very far little i heard of her. Try not to take me as a model of what girls like, we all have different hobbies and likes, yeah?"
"Cool. Now about Dart and you taking it to school to show the guys, what did they said?"
"Well, at first they thought that Dart was a pollywog"
"It does make a little sense, but pollywogs are naturally-"
"Aquatics, exactly, but Dart didn't even got near the water i put for him on his tank."
"So he doesn't stand heat, even if he looks like a pollywog, he doesn't go any near of water and now we know that he can mold."
"You understand what i want to say???"
"Holly shit, Dustin! Maybe he really is a new species"
"And if he is, we just discovered it!"
You were stunned, as a biology enthusiast, the idea was thrilling, but as an older sister that was really worried about her little brother and everyday thought about the Upside Down and the enerving feeling of Dart itself being strange, you still felt weirded out at thinking at your little slick friend.
"Let's take it easy yeah? We still don't know what Dart really is and we have to make sure that he is of no harm, as we can see, he's pretty much innofensive but we can't discard that possibility, ok?"
Dustin seemed a little upset, but he did understood, you ruffled his hat, put the last piece of your forgotten sandwich in your mouth and headed to Dustin's door.
"I have some homework to do, if you ever need me, i'll be on my room"
And you closed his door, going straight to your room and laying down on your bed after you closed your door, deciding to take a little nap before you did your homework.
Taglist: @mochminnie
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🏅Being Team Japan's Manager 🏅
💔Relationship Troubles with Bokuto 💗
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Bokuto Kōtarō featuring Team Japan x Female Manager
Warnings: Swearing, Bokuto being a complete jerk, petname, angst to fluff, suggestive at the end 🙃
AN: Its a very Bokuto centered day 🥰This is an Anon request! I may have gotten a tiny bit carried away with this one. I also cried alot 🥲 I'm emotional when it comes to our boys 🥺 I'm really proud of this one ❤
🌠 Please Like, Reblog and/or Share to help support my writing 🌠
Oof this one is going to make me cry 😢
I already know it
And the fact that it's with our resident himbo 🥺
But it must be done and who else to deliver but yours truly 🤗
Your relationship with Bokuto has been going on for about 6 months now
You started out of friends when you joined Team Japan as their resident hotty 🔥 and manager 💅🏼
Honestly, Team Japan adores you YN
You lucky bitch 😒
But there was always something special about Bokuto
Pls he's such a bubbly Boi I just can't even 😫
Bokuto took an instant liking to you and you to him
Did he annoy you? Absolutely 💯
Did you find him attractive as all hell? Abso-FREAKING-lutely 🙌🏻
Bokuto is like what? 6'3" timeskip 👀
Lawd girl of you don't I will
N E WAYS, you two grew extremely close
Daily practices and nightly walks home
Giant Bear hugs and headpats
You would grab coffee or ever dinner sometimes
Of course, the other three idiots guys would accompany you occasionally as well
When Bokuto finally asked you out, it was very Bokuto-style
Super spontaneous and loud
Lile he literally walked you to your apartment door, was about to leave, turned around and shouted
"YN WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?"- Bokuto, zero chill
"Ko- we just went out..."- You, extremely confused
"No I mean, like a date"- Bokuto 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
YN of you take longer than a single second to answer this imma come there and smack you 🤚🏻
Someone summon Iwaizumi for me- 🏐
"Of course I will Kotaro"- You 🥺🤗
Good girl Yn ☺️
Please Bokuto is so excited he will pick you up and spin you around 🥰
God I love that for you 😐
Me, a jealous bish
Thus begins the ship know as BokuYN
The next few months go by quickly
Your relationship is tugging along and everything is going well
Unfortunately, the storm clouds are moving in YN 😔⛈️
And all good things can't last
It starts out small, everyone is so stressed with the Olympics coming up
Bokuto especially
Imagine all the pressure to be perfect and score points 😪 that has got to be so rough
Bokuto starts staying late for practice and heading home with you less frequently
You start eating dinner alone and he starts coming home later and later ☹️
One morning, you wake up and Bokuto isn't next to you
You try calling him but nothing
You show up to the gym and find him there with Kageyama, Atsumu and Hinata
You are confused as to what is going on 🤨
Like rightfully so
I mean what did they just sleep on the bleachers the night before?
I wouldn't put it past them honestly 😒
You approach them and ask what's going on
Atsumu is setting for Bokuto and he narrowly misses a line shot
"God dammit! Send up another one"- Bokuto, furious and sweating 😓
"Hey guys- have you been practicing all night?"- you, curious
"Nah we quit at 9 last night"- Kageyama getting a drink of water
Ok now your really confused 🤚🏻
You look at Bokuto who is setting up for another spike
"Ko you didn't come home last night"- you
He ignores you, spiking the ball
Ok then- 😐
Let's try this again shall we 🙃
"Kotaro did you hear me?"- you, now standing with your hands on your hips
Ope- someone's in trouble 😶
Atsumu, Hinata and Kags are now looking from you to Bokuto 👀
"I stayed with Hinata last night"- Bokuto, walking away from you, going to his phone and scrolling
Clearly his phone is working 😑
That's suspicious 🤨 that's weird
"And why would you do that?"- you, obviously upset
"Because I felt like it"- Bokuto
Not to be toxic here but that's not an answer dude 😒
"Ok but why- I texted you and you never got back to me. And it's clear your phone is fine since your looking at it right now"- YN, hands now in the air, just ready to go
"Maybe I just needed some fucking space YN"- Bokuto
Please now Aran, Yaku, Komori, Sakusa, Habuka,Ushijima,Hyakuzawa, amd Iwaizumi are all on the gym 🤚🏻
Silently observing 👀
"Are you serious right now? What did I do Ko?"- you, walking towards him
"YN I just need some fucking space! You're around me constantly and I can't fucking concentrate on these damn Olympics with you breathing down my neck all the time! Like all you ever do is talk talk talk and I'm so fucking sick of it! Just fucking leave me alone! If you did anything for this team besides stand around, maybe you'd understand my stress! But you always have to come first YN and Im fucking DONE!"- Bokuto, finally snapping
Oh he's pissed
Like fuming at you 😡😤
It's honestly so embarrassing he would say such things in front of everyone
You face heats and your fists tighten-
You don't even know what to do, so-
You just look up at him, tears filling your eyes
Ok everyone just breath ok
I mean, I'm crying 🥺
You know that feeling when your stomach just drops and you feel almost sick
That's what's happening now
The tears are welling up and it's about to happen
There is no stopping that crying YN and you shouldn't!
Bokuto essentially took your heart, threw it on the ground and stomped all over it
Nah he rolled over it with a steam roller and fed it through a wood chipper 😬
He broke you 😔
No matter how you try, a brave face isn't coming
So you do what you must
"Fine Bokuto. You don't want me bothering you anymore. Than consider me gone"- You, turning to walk out of the gym, tears flowing, past the other members of the team
Everyone is stunned 😲 and honestly same
Nobody expected this of Bokuto, like he's literally the last one I'd expect to do this
But the pressure was mounting and unfortunately YN, you were the catalyst
The gym is silent as Bokuto sets his water down, turning to face Atsumu
"Toss another one"- Bokuto, getting into place
Please these guys are PISSED and so confused 😕
"What the fuck was that-" Atsumu, the first to speak
As much as I bully this man, istg he's loyal as fuck
And while he loves Bokuto like a brother, he also loves you
"Bokuto that was so harsh man"- Habuka
"It needed to be said. She's been so clingy and needy. The Olympics are coming up and I need to practice"- Bokuto, starting to realize that he's the total ass in this situation but still holding face
He's a man 🙄😒
"You're an dumbass Bokuto"- Iwaizumi, turning to go and find you
"Bokuto sit down. You're done for today"- Aran
"The fuck I am-"
"The fuck you are because I said so"- Aran
Please Aran can be so fucking scary 😨
Bokuto will get right in his face
"Hey cool it you two!"- Hyakuzawa
"Bokuto- chill man"- Kageyama pulling him back
Hoshiumi finally comes in the gym
"Hey what's wrong with YN. I saw her leaving and she was crying"- Hoshiumi
It's all starting to sink in now-
"FUCK-" Bokuto, throwing his waterbottle against the wall and storming out
Everyone is just exhausted and it's showing
"Should we go after him?"- Hyakuzawa, the mediator of the group
"I think we should call Akaashi- this is over our heads"- Aran, leaving to get his phone and make the call
Meanwhile, you are now sitting on a bench, full on ugly crying
Snot down the face, tears everywhere, can't catch your breath BAWLING
🤚🏻 say less YN your heartbroken and its ok to cry 💔
Please I'm crying writing this and it's fiction 😭
"Hey YN- are you ok?"- Iwaizumi, coming to sit next to you
"No- no Hajime I'm not ok"- you, sucking in breath and trying to calm down
Spoiler alert: it's not working
"I think I need to go home Haji"- you
"You do that YN. And hey, it will be ok... I promise. I'll talk to him"- Iwaizumi
"Hajime, you heard him. He doesn't want me so give me one good reason why I should stay?"- you, hugging yourself and crying
"YN he's under a lot of stress. He shouldn't have said those things. You know he cares about you"- Iwaizumi, trying to save this
"YN please just listen-" I was our freaking savior
"Hajime, if he cared he wouldn't have said those things. If he cared, he would have avoided my texts and calls. He embarrassed me in there. You don't do that to someone you care about"- you, making an excellent point
"I'll see you later Haji. Thanks for being here"
You try and force a smile as tears stream down your face
Upon arriving at your apartment, you do nothing but mope
You say nothing more as you turn and walk away
You cry the entire way home, trying to hide your face from those around you
Honestly YN as you should 💅🏼
I'm like so mad at Bokuto right now you have no idea 🤬 you crawl into bed, covering yourself up and cry like there's no tomorrow
Back at the gym, Bokuto is sitting in the locker room with a towel hanging over his head
That bitchy voice inside your head telling you that everything was a lie and you were never good enough for Bokuto
You eventually manage to cry yourself to sleep 😔
He knows he fucked up... like MAJORLY fucked up
The stress of the Olympics had been weighing on our poor owl bby and the fact that he just can't hit his line shots
Iwaizumi comes in and sits next to him
"I fucked up bad"- Bokuto
"Yeah you fucking did asshole"- Iwaizumi not even beating around the bush
"Shit"- Bokuto, throwing his towel against the locker
"You need to chill out Bokuto. Your stress isn't helping anything right now. You said some pretty mean stuff to YN and she's really hurt"- Iwaizumi
"Did she leave?"- Bokuto
"Yeah- she went home"- Iwaizumi
"Fuck I have to talk to her-" Bokuto standing, fists clenched
"Hold up there cowboy. Give her some space man. You broke her heart dude. It's not going to be an easy fix. Wait a day, let it rest"- Iwaizumi
As much as he hated to do it, Bokuto let it rest
He went to his apartment, one he spent very little time in nowadays and tried to relax 😔
The next day, he arrived early to try and catch you
Only, you weren't there 😞
"Where's YN?"- Bokuto to Hoshiumi
"She didn't come in today. She called and told Aran she's taking personal time"
"God dammit!"- Bokuto, just about to punch the wall
Thankfully Sakusa is there to stop him
"Bo a broken hand isn't going to help man. You need to chill"- Sakusa
"Come on man, let's practice and then we can talk"- Hinata
"How can I practice without YN? Knowing I fucked up the best thing I ever had"- Bokuto, now a deflated Owl
"Well it's good to finally see you admit how much you care for YN"- Akaashi, with Kuroo at his side
"What are you doing here?"- Bokuto, genuinely confused 🤨
"Aran called me and well Kuroo heard through the grapevine"- Akaashi
Please Kuroo knows all the gossip
These boys talk more than old ladies in church
"Dude what is wrong with you? This isn't like you"- Kuroo
"I've been so stressed and I can't hit my line shots. I've been practicing day and night and nothing feels right"- Bokuto, now hunched over on the bleachers, surrounded by the peanut gallery
"Have you thought thay maybe your practicing too much Bo?"- Kageyama
Seriously he's one to talk 🙄
"I mean, what has YN said about you staying late for practice?"- Akaashi
"I haven't been around much- I've just been so stressed. And I just dont know"- Bokuto
"Well Bokuto, you have to decide what you want to do. If you want to break up with YN, I think you owe her an explanation. She at least deserves that. But if you want to make up with her-" Akaashi
"I DO! I really do! I thought alot last night and YN's been the one consistent good thing in my life. I- I think I love her"- Bokuto
Pls bby you were a jerk but you are breaking my heart 💔😫
"Well then you need to talk to her"- Kuroo
Bokuto knew this and he was so ready
Unfortunately you weren't 🙁
A knock sounded as you drag yourself to the door
The peep hole reveals Bokuto, standing there, hair deflated
You open the door and cross your arms
That's right YN! We are a powerful women and we will show it ✊🏻
"Hey YN, can we talk?"- Bokuto
"That's what we are doing-"
"YN please I'm so sorry- I was a complete asshole and jerk! I know I royally fucked up and god, YN I'm so sorry"- Bokuto
Tears are forming in this man's eyes
But also in yours 😟
"Bokuto-" you
"Ko, you call me Ko"- Bokuto
"Listen, I need time. What you said really hurt me and I'm not ready talk to you let alone see you. I just don't know if I can do this-" please the tears are rolling down your face but you're voice remains strong
"YN- please, just please"- Bokuto, full on crying
"Good night Bokuto"- You, shutting the door and breaking down
Please Bokuto hears you and it KILLS him 😭
He did that to you and he hates himself
The next few days drag
You return to your manager job but you try and steer clear of Bokuto
Unfortunately the team doesn't get that memo 😒
Please they are trying everything possible to get you to back together
You are miserable, Bokuto is EXTRA miserable
"YN can you wrap Bokuto's fingers? I have to do Komori's and Yaku's"- Iwaizumi
"I can do it Iwa" - Kageyama
Please that went right over his head
Iwaizumi is just staring at him like 👁➖️👁
You don't even say anything, just grab the tape and walk to Bokuto
The man towers over you so he is looking down at you while you wrap his fingers
"How are you?"- Bokuto, genuinely concerned
"Fine"- you, trying to just hold it together long enough to wrap those long fingers 👀
"You've lost some weight-" Bokuto
"Yeah I haven't been hungry"- You, unfortunately your voice cracks and you have to bite your lip to keep it from quivering
"YN, baby-" Bokuto, lifting your face up by your chin and looking into your watering eyes
He hates seeing you like this and knowing he caused it 🤧
"Done"- you, looking up and smiling a little, tears filling your eyes before you turn and walk out of the gym
Bokuto watches you go
And so do the others 👀
Nosey bitches 🙄💅🏼
Also side note: screw Iwa for throwing you under the bus like that 🖕🏻 imma Iwa cannon a volleyball at Iwa 😤
It's safe to say practice has been a little... well tense to say the least
Bokuto is getting blocked, missing cross court shots and liners left and right
It hurts you even more to see the man you love hurting
Wait 🤚🏻 love?
Oh hell yeah you love him YN
Just admit it 🙃
But no matter how much you love him, it doesn't take away how he treated you the past few weeks
And how much his words that day hurt
You're at a crossroads Yn and it's not an easy choice
Luckily for you, you have supportive friends
Wait, did I say supportive? I mean Atsumu and Hinata 🤣
But also Aran, Ushijima and Iwaizumi
Ok ok ill stop 😅
They stop by your place unexpectedly with food
"You need to eat"- Atsumu, pushing past you
"Don't think we haven't noticed YN"- Iwaizumi, coming in behind Atsumu
"Wow it's nice to see you too"- you 😐
"Hi YN, how are you doing?"- Aran, giving you a big hug
Please he gives amazing hugs 🥺
"Could be better"- you, now hugging Ushijima and Hinata
"YN how long are you going to do this?"- Atsumu
Aran and Iwaizumi 👉🏻🤦‍♂️🤦
"I hate to admit it YN but Atsumu is right. It's obvious you two love each other"- Ushijima
"Yeah"- you, sinking into the couch
"YN we know what he said hurt and we aren't telling you to just forget about it"- Aran
"But Bokuto is miserable YN. He's not eating, he's spending all his days at the gym and I know he's not sleeping"- Iwaizumi
"YN we know you're just as miserable so why don't you stop this"- Ushijima
"Just talk to him YN"- Hinata
Maybe, just maybe they have a point
You sigh and resign yourself to the fact that as much as Bokuto's words hurt you
You know that the stress of the Olympics and his hard training have worn on him
The next morning, you arrive at 6 am to start work
You hear the sound of balls being spiked against the floor of the gym
You know that sound, the exact sound of a Bokuto serve
You approach the door and peer in, seeing Bokuto tossing up another serve
The ball slams over, hitting right on the end line
"That was a nice shot"- you, walking into the gym
Bokuto stops and looks straight at you, mouth agape
You're talking to him- like actually conversing with him
And you PRAISED HIM 😭😭😭
"Thanks, what are you doing here?"- Bokuto
You giggle a little
Bokuto's heart swells
"Did you forget I come in early to set up?"- you
"Haha yeah I guess- I've just been doing it since- well-" - Bokuto rubbing the back of his neck
"Want me to set for you?"- You, taking a chance
Bokuto's head shots up 😳
"Really?" Please YN he's so happy he's smiling 🙂
"Yeah"- you taking position as Bokuto tosses to you and you set
Perfect cross court shot 😚🤌🏻
"Nice kill Ko!!"- you smiling and looking back at him
Please he's melting YN 😭
"First one I've gotten in all week"- Bokuto, his head down, rubbing his arms
What 😳
"I'm miserable YN. I'm so fucking miserable. I can't sleep, I can't eat. Every single practice, I miss tosses, get blocked or the ball is out. I- I can't do this"- Bokuto, looking at you as tears roll down his face
"Ko come here"- you, reaching out for him as he comes to your arms for a hug 🫂
Please that man will hug you and never want to let you go
You pull back as he rests his forehead against yours
🥺 please I'm such a sap God WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME
"YN I know I don't deserve you but I need you to know that you are the best thing to ever happen to me. I know I fucked up and God I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry baby. I love you so much and I can't do this without you"- Bokuto, tears flowing
"I love you too Ko"- You, smiling with tears in your eyes
"You- you do?"- Bokuto, now smiling like a freaking idiot 😃
"Yeah I really do"- You
Please 🤚🏻 say less
This man is picking you up and swinging you in the air
"Ko, Jesus Ko calm down"- you, laughing and smiling
"I can't! The most amazing, beautiful women in the world loves me"- Bokuto, finally setting you down
"Yeah I do my ace"- You
Please his lips are on yours before you can finish that sentence 🤚🏻 💋
"Jesus christ get a room will ya"- Atsumu, walking in as you and Bokuto turn around to see the entire team watching you 😳
"Oh my god that was so sweet 🥺"- Yaku about to cry
"Well I'm finally glad to see you guys have worked it out"- Iwaizumi
"Jesus YN way to bring it down to the wire, the Olympics is a month way"- Kageyama, ever the inspiration 🙄
"Aran are you crying?"- Hinata
"No- I just got some dust in my eyes from these volleyballs"- Aran, wiping his eyes and walking away
Sure 😏 "dust from the volleyballs"
"Ok enough of this, let's get to practice"- Aran
"Ummm actually- I uh, I need YN to help me with something"- Bokuto being suspicious 🤔 and dragging you to the door
"Ko, can't it wait until after practice!"- you, being dragged
"Absolutely not"- Bokuto
Please he's on a mission 😏
Iwaizumi just rolls his eyes 🙄
"Jesus christ just be safe ok? We don't need any little Bokuto babies running around"- Iwaizumi
"I make no promises"- Bokuto, pulling you out as you laugh and wave to the team
"Jesus that's got to be some record Emo mode"- Komori
"It lasted 8 days and Bokuto missed 436 spikes"- Atsumu, nonchalantly rattling of statistics
Komori, Yaku and Aran 👉🏻👁👄👁
"You kept track of that?"- Hakuba, honestly impressed
"I'm the setter, it's my job to make sure the players are ok"- Atsumu, shrugging
"Hey now- you aren't the official setter just yet 😑"- Kageyama
"It's only a matter of time"- Atsumu 😏
"😐 the fuck it is- " Kageyama following Atsumu and yelling
"God I wish YN was here"- Aran
"She's probably getting her back blown out as we speak"- Habuka
"Jesus christ 🤦‍♂️ alright get to work"- Iwaizumi, smiling
Side note: you were in fact, getting your back completely blown to pieces 😏
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