#i'm the one who put you up there name in the sky ; leo
leoxclark · 1 year
Being back in town after a business trip sometimes felt like a semi reunion to Leo. He loved to travel and he had long since accepted that being CEO meant more actual work than play for him. But being away always reminded him why he loved East Haven so much. The tranquility of the smaller town. The familiarity he had with a lot of the towns people or the natives, but also the owners of the different establishments. Of course, what he always missed the most when he was away was his friends. Most of all perhaps Lenny. She was one of a kind, and he wished that there was more time in a week for them to spend time together.
Taking a seat on the park bench, he handed her the coffee he had gotten for her on the way over, giving her a wistful smile. "Are you sure we'll survive an outdoor lunch today in this weather?" he asked just a smidge teasingly. "I'll happily go to any lunch place you want if you have second thoughts."
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remedyturtles · 3 months
on maybe a lighter note, i am also currently rereading death wish (something must be in the air), and i myself was wondering if sensei could see casey in a similar manner to the way the boys got to see him via draxums spell. mostly so case could get to actually hug and see his dad again, even if just for a short moment, it's a concept that i thought was super sweet and would likely help both sensei and casey deal with This Whole Situation.
oops tripped and wrote 1.3k abt this my bad
"Open your eyes."
Casey hugged his arms closer to his chest, heart thumping.
"Come on, hermano." Leo coaxed, jostling him from the left, a grin in his voice. "You made it in here. Don't you want to see?"
Casey wasn't sure he wanted to see, because he'd convinced himself that this wasn't going to work, that he'd climb into Leo's mind and find only darkness. That he would never see his dad again. Casey told himself it was okay, over and over, that he was okay with what he had been gifted back, that he'd thought he lost. Even if it didn't look like his dad.
But Mikey had put a bunch of effort into learning the spell from Draxum specifically for this moment. Casey carefully peeled one eye open, and a shiver ran over his skin. The atmosphere was undeniably different than reality, it had the same sensation of walking into someone else's house with your shoes on.
The ground looked like resin, back-lit with sparkling glitter, and there was the thick trunk of an enormous tree right in the middle of a gorgeous midnight blue sky, dotted with stars and constellations. The branches cross-cut through the huge ceiling and the roots crawled out in tangled fingers reaching towards their feet.
"Woah." Casey said, because this wasn't what he was expecting at all.
"Isn't it neat?" Leo spread his arm and spun in a circle, tipping his head back at the scenery. "Who knew something this cool could exist in my brain, right?"
Casey approached the tree, hand out, and pressed his palm to the bark. The sensation that washed over him was a warm bath of rosewater.
"That's Sensei." Leo told him. "Metaphorically. I have actual Sensei in here too, the tree is just a representation."
Casey had heard them say that Sensei was a tree, but it was different to see it. The knots and branches, budding green leaves and the humming feeling that ran up his arm when he curled his fingers against the bark.
"Are you ready to see him?" Leo asked, from behind him.
There was a second of quiet. Casey shut his eyes again, breathing. He didn't know what he was scared of, it seemed silly to be this afraid. But he was, because he'd accepted he wasn't going to see him like this again. And that was fine. He wasn't upset, he was grateful.
Except Sensei was in here, as he knew him, and Casey's heart splintered in a grief he could not name. Losing something, getting it back different, but being offered the chance to see the original again. Would it ruin that gratefulness? Would it hurt too much to see that version and see the shadows that should be standing behind him?
Sorrow soaked through the rough texture. Casey gathered it up tight and found his bravery from the well inside him. He said, "Yeah, yeah, I'm ready."
"You sure?" Leo said, and the worry was a lemon taste in the air. It was weird being in his head.
Casey turned around to give him a smile that he meant wholeheartedly. "Yeah, I'm good. It's just a lot."
"He is a lot." Leo agreed, and pointed behind the tree. "Head that way. I'll give you space to do that on your own. I'll be over here, I'm gonna get Mikey in so we can see who can climb the tree the fastest."
"My money's on Mikey." Casey said.
"I will take that bet." Leo grinned huge, only to immediately soften it. "Go on. He's waiting for you."
Casey trailed his fingers on the trunk, feeling the tingle like static electricity as he circled around the back. The vast night sky continued on infinitely, and it took care to step over the roots and not trip. Casey kept his eyes on his feet until he was back on that sparkling resin-like floor, heart pumping hard, as if it was trying to punch out of his rib cage. He stopped in place, afraid to raise his head.
"Now it's easier for me to appreciate now how much taller you've gotten." Sensei said.
The sound of Sensei's voice felt like a crack splintering up a pane of glass. Casey's breath caught in his throat, sore. That familiar timbre was enough to renew his bravery, and he looked up.
Sensei. The impressive height, broad shoulders, and crinkling around his eyes. The dark circles, scarring up and down his skin, and the old sorrow that he could never quite shake. All wrapped up in persistent love and care that poured off him.
Casey used to wander around bases looking for height above the crowds, remembering his heart leaping when he spotted green in the masses. Recognizing an approaching figure from gait alone, trailing behind and holding one large finger in his whole small hand. Leaping full speed at this exact image after a long mission without his dad.
He didn't feel like he'd gotten any taller. Right now, he felt about five years old. He finally breathed again, the shaky inhale dangerously close to fracturing into something else. He said, "Hey."
"Hi." Sensei smiled, and the crinkles lit up around his eyes. And he sounded just as nervous as Casey.
And that just wouldn't do. Casey closed the distance between them, not wanting his dad to be afraid that this was -- he wasn't even sure what Sensei was thinking, that he'd disappoint him or something stupid like that. So instead he threw himself full speed at Sensei with the complete confidence that he would be caught.
And he was. Sensei bent his knees enough to swoop him all the way up, singular arm iron tight and lifting him straight off his feet. Casey muffled the singular sob that escaped into Sensei's shoulder, keeping arms locked around his neck. No matter how afraid he'd been coming in, he was more terrified to let go now.
"Oh, Case." Sensei said, and kissed the side of his head. It erupted a nostalgic joy, painful and old, slotted back into place. He'd felt that a thousand times before, just like that. It felt right.
Casey merely tightened his hold in response. The glass fissured and split. He gasped for air as it shattered, and he began to cry.
"It shouldn't matter." Casey hiccuped, barely able to catch his breath. "I didn't want it to matter. I wanted -- I want it to be enough, just to have you in my life. I don't want to care what form."
Sensei hummed, and lowered them to the ground, gathering Casey in his lap and tucking him under his chin.  It broke the shards into smaller flakes, because this was his dad who could surround him completely, protect him from the world even with just one strong arm. Casey curled up small and selfishly relished the feeling of safety. The sensation of it was so unbearably familiar.
"I don't think there's anything wrong with that." Sensei said, after a moment, squeezing reassuringly. "We can be grateful for what we have and equally grateful for a moment like this."
Casey soaked in the warm rosewater feeling, and reached to curl his fingers on the edge of Sensei's plastron, the tears streaking down his cheeks. He said, "Thank you."
Sensei pressed his smiling mouth to the top of Casey's head again, and said against his hair, "I love you to death, Casey Junior."
"You've loved me past that." Casey hiccuped, and squeezed his eyes shut painfully at the overwhelming rush. "I love you for a billion years."
"Oh it's a billion now?"
"I'm ambitious."
Sensei chuckled and squeezed again, in all the ways he'd been missing.
Casey didn't think about when they'd have to let go. They had a billion years, after all.
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sophiacloud28 · 1 month
Hello! May I ask for #20 "You didn't listen" with Donnie, please!
Thank you!
-Looks at Bay!Donnie- -Hears rattling- -Checks on Rise!Donnie-
... Hooookay. Bay!Donnie for here and I'll save Rise!Donnie for later. Aged-up Turtles, obviously and this could be considered an addition to something else, although it can very well stand on its own. Mentions of Blurple, but Donnie is the only turtle present.
One-shot, argument, Bayverse Donatello
You have one hell of a nasty habit.
The fact that it's familiar makes it easier to deal with, he supposes as he streaks through the Manhattan sky, jumping from building to building. It definitely makes it simpler to know why he's here instead of his brother despite the latter's insistence on dealing with you. He can see the argument coming from a mile away and both, no, all four of them agree that whatever has sent you skittering back to your apartment isn't worth the blowout Leo might cause.
So that's why Donnie's here. That's why, despite everything screaming at him that he should knock instead of breaking and entering, he steps inside, takes a breath, and listens.
Your apartment is quiet. Only the sound of a ticking clock can be heard, surprisingly soothing even if a bit foreboding. Only after a few seconds does he catch a sigh and the sound of a turning page, a sure tell that he's not alone and of where you are.
Your bedroom. Now he needs to knock. The fact that all he hears is the paperback getting dropped to the ground and a chair scraping across the floor is telling.
He calls your name. Multiple times. He's not surprised at the lack of answer. You're doing the exact same thing his brother does, after all. The only difference is that he has stakes in it, this time. Something, someone he doesn't want to lose.
"Didn't we agree to keep it to messages during the week?"
"You haven't responded."
"Then take a hint, Donatello."
"Donnie. And I have. It's why I'm here."
And it's standing right in front of him, glaring at him before passing him for the kitchen.
Ever the gracious host. Even angry, you're still trying to accommodate him. You are wonderful, and you're failing to see it.
"I'm not having this argument with you, Donnie."
"Then let's make it a debate, then."
"Are you seriously discussing semantics, right now? This is not a philosophical issue!"
"It doesn't have to be one to reside there."
Hell, it's the only reason why he's not stopping you from banging the cupboard door closed as you collect some food for him.
"For — For fuck sake, Donnie! I heard you both just –!"
"You didn't listen."
And it's the only reason he knows his mumble will get you to turn around.
"... What?"
"You heard us, but you didn't listen."
Before silence blankets the apartment. Heavy, nasty, and uncomfortable.
He watches you shift. Quietly grab the carafe for the coffee to pour into a mug that you fix up before handing it to him. He doesn't sip at it, just lets it sit in his hands as you shuffle your way to your living room with cookies and an empty look.
"I'm not mad at you, you know."
"You should be."
"And as Leo will tell you, I barely take his orders on my best days."
But he joins you as you sit, your snort a facsimile of your usually joyful one.
"What do you want, Donnie?"
"My brothers would like you home. Leo wants a chance to explain himself. I would like the same."
"I can't stay between you both."
"According to who?"
"It's not fair to either of you."
"And it's not fair of us to impose a choice. Besides, a relationship might be a far-flung thing that we don't have to worry about right now."
And, as your smile returns, if a little strained, he hopes the effort he's about to put in is worth just as much as the exquisite coffee he finally takes a sip of.
taglist: @thegirlwiththeninjaturtletattoos, @thelaundrybitch, @luckycharms1701, @silverwatergalaxy
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Jason but he was never claimed.
Everyone knows he's the son of Jupiter.
He's known his whole life.
From his mother's whispers to not cry in storms, for they were a sign of his father's love.
To Lupa's howls and harsh temperament that this was not behaviour fitting Jupiter's son.
But never was Jason ever claimed.
There was never a lighting bolt dancing overhead.
No fanfare.
No cheers.
Because Thalia had a use, and she was favoured.
The one he actually tried to save instead of turning a blind eye.
But Jason?
He was the bitter reminder of a mortal having sway over the God's.
Over Jupiter himself.
He was nothing but afaceless soilder raised to fall in battle when his time was up.
Why should the King himself care for one so... Pitiful.
So Jupiter never claimed him.
Didn't acknowledge him until Jason dare spoke out against him.
But Jupiter always knew exactly who that boy was.
He even named him.
He just didn't care.
Jason knew, had known but it was something he never shared.
It was a dark secret, a shameful one.
For you see without being claimed, Jason could never access his full power.
He heard the laughter, the mocks and the digs.
Of how could the Prince of the Sky's be so weak.
Luckily he'd never had another like him to measure up to at Camp Jupiter.
... Which lead him to the bittersweet reunion with his sister.
Thalia was every bit the striking daughter of Zeus.
She even looked like him while Jason shamefully resembled their mother.
Thalia never put him down, never even insinuated he was weak.
Even glaring down anyone she caught whispering at his expense.
But Jason could see the confusion on her face when he failed something she did like breathing.
He would just smile and try again to no avail.
He waited for the day she left him too.
It came to ahead one night when his friends were all there. Laughing and smiling till their cheeks went red.
"And the dress! Ugh it was so embarrassing." Cries Piper, setting off another wave off laughter.
"Oh man, I'm glad I didn't get a dress. I'd burn it off." Declared Thalia with a snort before lightly elbowing Jason.
"Lucky we just got the lighting treatment, ey Jason?" Jason paused, nodding immediately "right..."
Something must've shown on his face because Thalia frowned.
But the one to ask was Leo "hey yeah we never saw yours! Must've been something special for Mr Prince of the Universe himself. Sooo what it was like?"
Jason looked down.
He shouldn't say it, but they were all looking at him expectantly.
He didn't want to let them down.
... But what if they left him because of it?
Sure they fought a war together but Jason learned quickly that can sometimes mean nothing.
But lying to them almost felt worse.
"I... I don't know..."
"What? Sorry can you, say that louder? Can't hear you man."
"I don't...I don't, I wasn't..." He took a deep breathe. "I don't know what it was like because I wasn't... I haven't been claimed."
Dread filled his bones, Jason didn't dare look up to see the disgust on their faces.
"That bastard!"
Jason blinked in suprise, hesitantly looking up.
And finding anger.
But not aimed at him.
"How... How are you... How are you still alive?!" Cried Thalia, anger blazed through her eyes.
But there was very clearly fear alongside of them.
Jason didn't understand.
"Before I got claimed I couldn't use my powers without getting tired so damn easily...and that was just your run of the mill monsters..." explained Thalia, seething.
Jason had fought "run of the mill monsters" since he could walk.
Percy clenched his fist "I knew he wouldn't keep his damn promise but... This is low even for him."
His eyes widened in realisation. And gave way to more anger.
"He knew... He knew this whole time! And he didn't do anything! We were fighting Gaea and he didn't..."
No one wanted to add on that it wasn't the first war either.
Jason felt tears well up in his eyes, he'd never known it to be an injustice against him.
He always thought he had deserved it. And he was supposed to die anyway soo... Why waste your powers unlocking his?
.... And by the look of horror everuone was giving him, Jason had spoken that part out loud.
"Jase...you are not a waste of anything. None of this was your fault." Said Piper firmly, angry tears in her eyes.
"She's right, none of this is right...which is why I have half a mind to go ask him what the Hades he was thinking..." Seethed Annabeth.
Nico nodded, his anger was quiet but simmering along the surface.
"I don't get why your so mad at him though... I should've... I should've been better." Said Jason, he'd never experienced something like this before.
If he wasn't so useless maybe his father would've cared about him.
"Besides, I already knew I was his son, that he didn't want me...I always have."
That little admission broke of all their hearts.
"That doesn't make this right Jase, and I know deep down you know that." Said Thalia, gently pulling him into a hug.
"We're gonna fix this, because you deserve it. You deserve so much and I'm going to spend every day of my life proving that to you."
"Me two."
"Me three."
They all began chiming in.
Tears spilled from Jason's cheeks, and for once Lupa's yells of them being weakness fell on death ears.
He was loved.
Jason rested his head on his sisters shoulder as everyone began brainstorming, threathing and maiming.
It was the most loved he'd ever felt.
Jason had always known Jupiter hadn't loved him back.
Would never love him back.
Jason had given up on anyone truly caring about him... And now he knew that he was loved by his little family.
It was worth more than his father's praise ever could.
"You think re-stealing the master bolt might do it?"
"Let's try to make sure we're still alive after this."
"... So that's a no?"
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ikykwklk-ash · 7 months
"Would you like a cigarette?"
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W/c: 3101
Pairing: Hwang Hyunjin x reader
Synopsis: It's night when a tall guy offers you a cigarette, stay silent every night. Until one day he asks you if you want a late night coffee and you accept... His friends are also at the bar and after a long time of feeling alone, you finally have a group of friends
Warnings: Maybe a little sad at first, but everything works out!!!
Rating: FRIENDSHIP !!! Reader x ot8 fluff
A/N: I started writing a "Hyunjin x reader", then this simply came out. Hope you like it!!
It was night. Maybe midnight or maybe one o'clock. You don't know and you don't have a watch to see the time and it is too cold to take your hands out of your jacket pockets and grab your phone to check. So you stay still and look at the stars, your head reclined back leaning against the back of the bench where you have decided to sit after your long walk. You don't want to go home. You would be alone inside four cold walls, feeling the pain you have felt all these years without anyone to help you, to listen to you, to talk to you. Your days are all the same: you get up, you go to work, you come home and then you decide to go for a walk, with music on your ears, and you walk the exact same route, every night, alone... but you are used to loneliness now, because it has become your best friend after everyone you cared about in the past left without explanation.
So this is yet another night that you are alone, on the same bench, with music on your headphones, looking up at the night sky. You look at how perfect the Moon is tonight, its faint light faintly illuminating the structure of the slide in front of you; you look at the various constellations and spot Orion, Cassiopeia, Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, tonight strangely you also spot the constellation of the Dragon and the constellation of Leo. "The stars are so beautiful today..." you think.
You don't know how long it has been since you sat in the park, and you don't even have the strength to check, you hear a movement to your left and turn slightly to check. Next to you sits a tall man, with dark wisps of hair falling from under his hat, with gentle features, from this angle he looks like a prince. He looks so perfect....
You didn't realise you'd been staring at it for a long time, trying to capture all the details of the face, the almond-shaped, dark, deep-set eyes of someone who has lived too long a life and doesn't know whether to keep surviving or look for a way out; the straight nose that ends slightly downwards and the thin, rosy lips. Wow.
<<Do you want a cigarette?>> he asks you, handing you the packet you don't know he had opened.
<<If you don't want it, don't worry, I won't eat you, you know?>> even his voice is soft, unfortunately you can hear the faint accent of tiredness, that negative sense of weariness, that makes you not want to get up in the morning, open the windows and let the day pass with someone.
He looks at you waiting for your answer and in the meantime holds the cigarette between his lips, taking a lighter from his jacket pocket and makes to light it.
<<I don't see why I should refuse a free cigarette>> you say in a tired tone as well and the boy's smile is unmissable, it seems to have lit up the night so brightly. He doesn't say anything else, he simply offers you the cigarette and you take it, placing it directly to your lips, he lights his and then leans in to do the same with yours.
You remain silent; you watch the little clouds of smoke that you both throw out after inhaling a puff, in this cold they become darker and denser. You close your eyes and lean your head back, again, who knows why this guy is here.
<<What's your name?>> the boy asks you, turning towards you.
<<Y/n, you? >>
<<Y/n.... is a nice name... I'm Hyunjin>>.
You remain silent and nod. You finish your cigarette, put it out and throw the butt in the bin next to the bench. You stand up and curtsy to the boy, he returns by sitting down, gives you a half smile and you leave, going back home.
The next evening you are still there on that bench, with your music and deep in thought. Who knows if this will ever change. Who knows if I will still be on this bench tomorrow?
<<Do you want a cigarette?>> It's the same guy from yesterday.
Nod, you don't even have the strength to speak today, you are so tired....
And like yesterday, you remain in silence, listening to the sound of the cold winter wind moving the branches of the bare trees; and like yesterday, you finish your cigarette, put it out, throw the butt in the bin and leave, with the music on your ears and bowing to greet the boy.
Days have passed, weeks, and now January is over and February is also coming to an end. Every night you are on that bench, alone with your music, every night the same boy comes and asks you if you want a cigarette and every night you accept, and every night you remain silent until you go home. Every night...
And every night he is more beautiful than the night before.
Every night you wonder if you will talk more that night and every night you don't. You feel a little sorry, because you realise that, inexplicably, you have fallen in love with the boy in the park whose name you only know. A little you think that maybe you should start a conversation, but you are too insecure, too undaunted to meet someone new, too afraid to trust someone who you feel could leave at any moment. Every night you think that you should overcome this fear, every night you think that he might be the person who could finally stay with you a little longer than the others, but like every night you cannot overcome this phobia of yours.
And like every night, you are sitting on the same bench with your music, and like every night the same guy comes and sits next to you.
<<I won't... I won't ask if you want a cigarette>> whispers this night to your surprise.
<<Oh...>> and you nod, remaining to watch the stars above you.
<<I want to ask you... I would like to know if... here...>> you scratch your neck in embarrassment and sigh heavily. She plays with the eyebrow piercing you only noticed today and continues <<I wanted to ask you if you would like to have coffee with me>>
You turn to him and look at him intently, you don't know whether you dreamt it or it is reality, you frown and nod slowly.
<<Well that is... yes only if you're not busy or already seeing someone else>> he whispers again looking you in the eyes.
<<N-No...>> you clear your throat and continue <<No I don't see anyone, I'd love to have coffee with tea, I just... I wanted to ask you the same thing, but yeah in short I'm not good with people>> you whisper the last part continuing to move your head in a positive sign, you play with your fingers out of anxiety and lower your head.
<<There's... there's a 24-hour place, a friend of mine works there... if you want to go there now>> he asks you and you nod, because even though it's night you can't do without coffee and then you don't really want to go home, you want to be with Hyunjin again, just for a little while longer, you want to allow yourself to take a breath in the fresh air, just a few more seconds. Allow yourself y/n...
The raven nods and stands up beckoning you to follow him, you get up and walk beside him. The walk is short-lived at the end, taking you inside this practically hidden bar. The green neon 'Chan's room' sign illuminating the boy's face makes it even more beautiful you think. You enter and look around.
There are six guys sitting at a table laughing and joking with each other while one is standing with his hands on the shoulders of one of them who looks like a hamster. You can't quite make out the words they are saying, but you see them laughing after one of them resembling a cat says something.
<<Hyunjin!>> the standing boy greeted him warmly and went to hug him.
<<Chan, make me a coffee and put honey in it>> says the raven.
<<Coming soon>> the boy you guessed to be called Chan makes to turn around, but then sees you and smiles slightly <<Hello! Shall I prepare something for you? >>
You nod and say you are having a bitter coffee, you notice that the six guys at the table have started to be quiet as soon as Chan has greeted you and taken your order. You feel embarrassed and look down not quite sure why they are staring at you. Hyunjin clears his throat and steps forward looking at you.
<<Sorry... I didn't know all my friends were here too, they usually don't feel like going out at two in the morning...>> she whispers to you before turning to the others. <<Hey guys, what are you doing?>>
A boy, blond with long hair and freckles replied <<We were bored in the flat and came over to help Chan, but he didn't want to and forced us to stay seated>>
<<Who are you?>> the question is put to you by a muscular, somewhat short boy with dark hair covering his forehead and slightly hiding his alert eyes.
You look at Hyunjin and then at his friends again <<O-oh... I... I'm Y/n>> you say slightly embarrassed. The boy who asked you nods and remains silent, as does the rest of the group. Hyunjin sighs, but says nothing, the only noise in the background being Chan's whistling from across the counter.
After a few minutes, he arrives with coffee for Hyunjin and yours, you notice that he has added some milk to it and with the cocoa he has drawn a little star and a moon, you look at him with furrowed brows <<Milk sweetens the bitter and you looked like you needed to sweeten your thoughts>> he replies to the question you had implicitly asked him. You nod and sip your coffee, remaining silent.
<<Chan is the group's dad, a great philosopher and a good listener... he understands when someone needs something without you even asking him>> who spoke was the boy in front of you, who smiles at you and you immediately notice that when he smiles his eyes get so thin that they seem to disappear, two dimples appear on the sides of his lips, you tilt your head slightly and think he looks like a white fox. <<I'm Jeongin, by the way, we're usually more welcoming to new people. But you know, hard to trust someone at this time of night and especially you are the first person Hyunjin brings to Chan>> continues the boy.
<<Hey if I had known you would be here, we certainly wouldn't have come here for a normal first outing>> retorts Hyunjin and the one who looks like a cat chuckles.
<<Jinnie you'd better shut up. We are awesome and you love us so much. I'm Minho, nice to meet you>> you nod and bow your head slightly in greeting, you continue drinking your coffee slowly.
<<I am Jisung, but you can call me Sungie or Han or Sung>> the squirrel-like boy smiles at you.
<<Sungie don't frighten our new friend with your chatter.>> Minho taps him on the neck and laughs as he rests his arm on the back of the other's chair, which he mocks.
<<Do you like chicks?>> the question comes from the blond boy from earlier and you try not to laugh, but fail because the question sounds a bit bizarre to get to know someone.
<<Felix what kind of question huh? I'm Seungmin, probably the most normal-looking one in here>> chuckles the boy next to Felix, he looks like a Golden Retrive puppy, you smile kindly.
<<Well they are cute chicks, but when they grow up I don't like them anymore>> you try to answer the question posed by the blond boy, who nods and smiles at you <<I'm Felix, sorry for the bizarre question but I couldn't tell if your vibes were that of a chick or baby dolphin>>
<<Felix associates people with animals when he gets bored>> replied Hyunjin.
<<But don't worry, it's normal. He gave us all a representative animal. I am Changbin>> the muscular boy nods at you.
<<Oh yes, Channie hyung is a wolf, Minho hyung is a cat, Binnie hyung is a mix between a bunny and a piglet that we nicknamed Dwekki, Jisungie is a squirrel; which by the way is the same as a squirrel especially when it eats, Minnie is a golden retriever puppy, and Innie is a little fox. I am a chick! >> Felix resumes speaking.
<<Lixie, honey, don't scare our guest>> Chan shouts from the counter. Felix mutters something under his breath and Changbin, who is sitting next to him chuckles and then grabs the blond's hand and lightly massages it.
Minho turns to you and looks at you, narrowing his eyes and resting his chin on his hand <<How old are you Y/n? >> he asks you after a few seconds of silence.
<<Twenty three>> you reply. You look at the time on the hand clock above the door of the club and notice that it was now four o'clock in the morning.
<<I have to get home...>> you whisper, lowering your head. Hyunjin nods and asks if you want me to accompany you, you shake your head and politely say thank you. You put your coat back on and take out your wallet to pay for your coffee.
<<Put it away, it's on the house>> Chan tells you, looking at you. You reply that you want to pay anyway and that you would feel guilty not to and he insists that you don't have to. Eventually, you leave the bar defeated because he would almost drag you out of the bar himself if you continued to insist.
Returning home you think back to the evening you spent with them, you had a good time with them, as strange as they were as people you liked them, they were nice and Hyunjin seemed happy. He had a spontaneous smile that you didn't see during nights spent on the bench. You slip your keys into the keyhole as you arrive at the front door, enter and sigh. You take off your shoes as you enter and feel a chill run down your spine from the cold as soon as you take off your coat. You put on your pyjamas and slip into bed, closing your eyes and waiting for the sun to rise.
You wake up after a few hours and make your usual coffee before putting on your work uniforms.
During the day you think about the previous night's outing and can't help but think how good you had it with them.
You are still sitting at the usual bench, you don't know if you are waiting for Hyunjin to arrive or if you are just here out of habit, you close your eyes concentrating on the song you are listening to (Low by Coldplay). You are in a state of relaxation like you haven't been in a long time.
<<Do you want a cigarette?>> someone to your left asks you.
You open your eyes and see Hyunjin's bright face, nod and take it. He lights his and then lights yours. You remain silent for a while, you look so good right now.
<<Thanks for inviting me yesterday>> you tell him after you take the last drag from the cigarette.
<<Thank you for accepting. Would you like to go back to the bar? All my friends shouldn't be there this time, only Chan>>
<<It was no problem to meet them, they're fun>> you smile slightly at him and then continue <<I'd love to have another coffee with tea>> you lower your gaze because you're slightly embarrassed, but he takes your hand and makes you stand up.
<<Great! I was hoping you'd say yes. You're really good company, you know?>>
You give him a sincere smile, one you haven't done in a really long time, one you didn't even know you could do again, and you follow him. He takes you back to the bar, holds the door as you enter, and sits you down at the table from the night before.
<<Hi Y/n I'll bring you coffee with some milk again tonight?>> Chan asks you from the counter and you nod simply remaining silent, Hyunjin takes an orange juice and then sits in the chair next to you. A few minutes later Chan arrives with your orders and sits down in the vacant chair.
<<How come you are still here? It's 3am>> Chan asks you with a serious look. Hyunjin snorts and rolls his eyes.
<<I wasn't sleepy, you know that Chan. It's no use lecturing me if it's four times you've been working the night shift at your bar>> he tells him, sticking his tongue out at him and puffing out a light laugh. Chan rolls his eyes and says the other guys are always tired.
<<Why are you awake at this hour? >> Chan looks you in the eyes waiting for your answer. You notice that when he smiles he has two dimples on the sides of his mouth, you smile slightly in return.
<<I am not sleepy these days and prefer to take a walk around the streets after a tiring day>> you shrug slightly as you take a sip from your coffee.
You stay up all night chatting and at some point Hyunjin and Chan's other friends arrive, continue talking about you until you see the first light of dawn, so you get up and laugh as you leave the bar, each going your own way.
You exchange phone numbers so you can go out more often. On the way back you realise that you have found a group of friends who do not judge and who listen to what you have to say and you feel happy. You look forward to going out with them again, because for the first time you are not alone, you are no longer alone, you are moving on and you are doing well.
Take a deep breath before you close your eyes and fall asleep with a smile on your face and the promise that tomorrow will be a different day.
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bellysoupset · 1 month
"Wow," was Bella's eloquent thought once they dropped off Angie at Wendy's, with the promise of coming back later that night for dinner and entered the car. It was raining and Luke stared at the windshield getting more and more foggy since the windows were closed and he hadn't started the vehicle yet.
"Yeah," Luke breathed out, leaning his forehead against the steering wheel. His heart was hurting for their friend. Leo was the best of them and it was incredibly hurtful to have him, of all people, go through something like that. Lucas wanted nothing more than to wrap the blonde in bubble wrap and have this whole thing be over with.
"I know," Bella said, her hand coming to rest on his nape, fingers tangling in his hair, as if she had just heard all of his thoughts. Luke opened his eyes, turning his head to look at his wife and he offered her a tired smile, noticing the permanent frown that had appeared between her auburn brows, the way Bell's lips were tugged down in a grimace, "I want that woman dead."
It was such a vicious tone, Luke let out a chuckle and closed his eyes in relief as he heard it. He loved this girl, who was all heart, all fire.
"Let's go home," he straightened up and Bell's hand fell from his hair to his shoulder, giving him a squeeze before she curled up in her seat.
They didn't turn on the radio or put on any songs and Luke was so in his head, he startled when Bella suddenly poked his bicep. Thank God they were at a red light. He recovered from the mild jump quickly, not missing his wife's amused smile, "what?"
"There's nothing to eat at home for lunch, I don't wanna order in," Bell pointed out of her window, to a small restaurant, "wanna try it?"
Frankly, no. He was not in the headspace for any human interaction, even Bella breathing was annoying him a little. She could probably tell thanks to his face, because then Bella leaned in and planted a kiss to his shoulder, mouth pressed to the fabric as she said, "we can go through the Drive In and eat in the parking lot."
It was a much better idea and Lucas opened a pleased smile, rubbing his chin on the top of her head, "yeah, we could do that."
They sat in silence in the gray parking lot, while rain continued to pour around them and hit their car like bullets, drowning out all thought. Lucas pushed his seat back, spreading slightly and without thinking Bella reached out and undid his jeans, causing him to chuckle.
"Waeinonuhy," Bella mumbled with her mouth full, before brushing her fingers lightly over the pink mark that was left behind by his jeans. Luke snorted, moving on the seat and continuing to eat, unbothered. Once he finished off, he threw the package inside the big brown paper bag and balled it up with Bella's trash, throwing in the ground of the backseat so they could get rid of it once they got home.
"Much," Luke sighed, running his fingers through his hair. The headache that had started earlier that day, which he had blamed on stress but Bella had adequately diagnosed as hunger, was gone, "did Marisa ever tell you anything about your dad?"
It was a random question, entirely motivated by the whole mess with Leo. Bella snorted, continuing to chew her drink's straw, "only that he was soooooo hot," she mocked, rolling her eyes, then clearing her throat to force her voice to get the nasal baritone of her mother's, "the most boutiful eyes, Isa. They were all blue, like a summer sky. I didn't care about his name, with those eyes."
"Oh God," Luke laughed, "I mean, she might have a point, if they were half as pretty as yours."
"Please," Bella glared at him, biting down a smile, "she was nineteen and a hot man with a cute accent was hitting on her, that pretty much sums up all I know about the guy. Oh yeah, and the red hair-" she pointed at her own, "though, mom actually said he looked more blonde than ginger."
"So no name?"
"No name," Bella shrugged, "or address or anything, he was just a one night fling... After today, I'm incredibly grateful for that."
Luke nodded soberly, thinking of Leo's distraught face as he told them what had happened, "I can't wrap my mind around her not even... Not even remembering him..."
"I know," Bella's voice got that same angry tone from before, "I could understand it if she left when he was a baby, but he was ten-" she hit the dashboard angrily and looked away, staring out of the window and causing Luke to raise his eyebrows.
"Babe?" He moved closer, "Bell-" he pushed the hair away from her face, revealing the tip of her nose all red and her eyes burning, "you're crying?!" he exclaimed in disbelief, "oh baby, c'mere-"
"I just hate to see him hurting!" Bella's voice came out strangled and she shoved at Luke's hand angrily when he let out a weak chuckle, trying to pull her in a hug, "it's not funny!"
"I know- I know, I'm sorry," Lucas pressed his lips to her temple, "I'm just surprised, that's all. Aw, Bella," he wiped a tear and Bella let out a frustrated huff.
"Shut up, I'm not crying," she sniffled, "shut up, Luke."
"I'm not even saying anything," he hid a smile against her hair, "Leo's going to be fine, he's got a whole bunch of people in his corner, right? And Jon's with him now, you said it yourself he seemed better already."
"Right," her voice was once again barely audible, as Bell turned her head and pressed her face to his chest, "if you tell anyone, you're sleeping in the couch for the rest of your days."
"I took a silence vow when we married, Bella," Lucas smiled, squeezing her closer and feeling the knot in his chest loosen up.
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bigupsdog · 6 months
Intro dialog for every Guilty Gear character day 3: Johnny
Sol: Your bounty is high enough to pay for my trip to the moon three times over.
Johnny: You ain't the first person to try to claim that bounty, you ain't gonna be the last.
Ky: You were also orphaned by the Crusades?
Johnny: That bloody war took many a good man's life.
May: When are you going to let me pilot the May Ship again?
Johnny: The last time I let ya drive her ya nearly crashed into Illyria Castle.
Axl: Out of curiosity what's the craziest thing you've ever stolen?
Johnny: Alright, now I wont say which, but one of the Kings of Illyria’s crown is a fake, if you know what i'm saying.
Chipp: Come on, you're wearing all black and you wield a katana, just take the full plunge and become a ninja.
Johnny: Sorry buddy, but if I became a ninja, I would just be too cool for the world to handle.
Potemkin: I'm here to retrieve stolen property from Zepp.
Johnny: What are you talking about? I haven't taken anythin from you guys… recently.
Faust: How’s… May’s… Condition???
Johnny: She’s doing a lot better thanks to you, Doc.
Milia: I work for the government now, so I have to take you in.
Johnny: I’m sure ya asked for this job personally, to see good old Johnny.
Zato: This is nothing personal, I'm just doing my job.
Johnny: And when I cut ya down, it also won't be anythin personal.
Ram: I'm confused, I thought pirates were supposed to be in the ocean, not the sky.
Johnny: Ya don't have to have such strict definitions for everythin sometimes a spade is just a spade.
Leo: A lawbreaker stands before me, and I will be the mighty judge, jury and executioner.
Johnny: I’m startin to think this ain’t no jury of my peers.
Nago: Your swordsmanship, it reminds me of samurai from ages past.
Johnny: You lookin to relive some of your glory days? Because I'm more than willin to help.
Gio: Look I have my orders to take you in, but I still owe you one, so even if I win I'll just say you gave me the slip.
Johnny: Ah that's sweet, looks like it ain't a dog eat dog world after all.
Anji: Steal from the rich, give to the poor, you’re a real Ishikawa Goemon.
Johnny: First time I heard that one, normally I get Robin Hood.
I-No: Don't even try it lover boy, I'm way out of your league.
Johnny: Damn, and I had a great witch related pick up line and everything.
Goldlewis: Outlaws like you give us cowboys a bad name.
Johnny: Nah, lawmen like you ruin the real spirit of the cowboy.
Jack-O: Is that a cowboy costume? Shouldn't you have a gun not a sword?
Johnny: It ain't no costume, I'm the bona-fide real thing.
HC: Ah the showdown, the best part of any western movie.
Johnny: In a quick draw it all comes down to who's faster, unfortunately for you.
Baiken: Put that sword down, you ain't no damn samurai.
Johnny: Cowboy, pirate, samurai, what can I say I have a lot of feathers in my cap.
Testament: I hear you've adopted many an orphaned child from the Crusades.
Johnny: I'd like to think your old man Kliff woulda been proud of me.
Bridget: Your bounty is HOW MUCH!!!
Johnny: Run along now lass, bounty hutin ain't nothin you want to involve yourself with.
Sin: Hey man, your ship looked so cool while I was riding next to it on a dragon!
Johnny: You did what now?
Delilah: Your ship was nice… um, thanks for letting me ride in it.
Johnny: Ah much alleged, good old Johnny's always willin to lend a helpin hand.
Asuka R#: I am not the real “That Man” I am simply a clone.
Johnny: So the coward made a fake to hide from his past, I see how it is.
Asuka R Kreutz: I am deeply sorry for all the pain my past actions have caused.
Johnny: Ah ain't that sweet, ya apologized, to one person who you helped make an orphan, what about all the rest?
Elphelt: Is that a noble outlaw, coming to steal this fair maiden's heart?
Johnny: Normally I'm the one who uses the cheesy pick up line, feels weird, the shoe being on the other foot.
ABA: Your ship is a whale, yet you didn't paint it blue, what is wrong with you?
Johnny: I didn't paint the May Ship, she was just born that way.
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First time requesting someone~ buttt can you do a oneshot on how the rottmnt bros react to gn!reader having a white tatoo on their back..?
Feel free to deny this request, I dont mind!
Afterall there are other ideas Ive been wanting to share soon but this idea has been on my mind so goodluck and have fun?? Hehe, have a nice day/evening too boo.💗💗
When I read this, I was honestly pretty excited to write this, this was also pretty fun to write!! I hope you enjoy! (Also, sorry for any misspelled words or poor Grammer, I was sick for one half of this, kinda forgot this existed, and then started to continue writing this at 12 am and I'm trying to finish as many Requests as I can!! But they keep piling up and now I have 34 requests to do ;-;
All Dialogue is colored to corresponding mask, meanwhile reader is Pink (Regardless of gender) for the purpose to help people with reading difficulties and reading disabilities to have an easier time reading
ROTTMNT Boys x Reader with a white back tattoo (Separate, One shot)
It was a hot summer day in the lair. Leo, (like the middle child he is) was horsing around and had broken the AC. Donnie, being the tech-wiz brother he is, was tasked with fixing the AC. In the meantime, the lair was heating up and heating up fast, and it was daytime so the brothers had no chance to just escape the humid temperature, so that's where you come in. You had heard of the boys delema and decided to gather up any fans within your house, and bring it over to the lair for them to borrow. Sure, they were heavy as shit, but you knew those boys were probably miserable there. You arrived at the boys home in a Black, Wife Beater (yes that's the actual name of the tank top)
"There you are!! Pass over the fans, we're getting cooked over here!" Whined Mikey as he took the box shaped floor fan from you and began to plug it into the wall, cranking it on the highest setting and sitting infront of it, which was the calling of Leo, April, and along with Splinter...who was in nothing but his underwear and most of his fur had been poorly shaven....ok, list of things to do when you get home, 1: bleach your eyes. Raph had walked over, he looked like he was sweating buckets.
"Hey! G-glad you could make it," he was panting, probably from how hot it is. "We should probably lend one to Donnie, seeing as he's working on the AC that SOMEBODY HAD TO BREAK!!"
A passive aggressive comment which added Leo holding up a thumbs up, obviously sarcasm.
"Was already plannin on it."
You gave a small pat to his arm with your one free hand. He takes the last fan in your hands and walks with you to where Donnie was high up, using his battle shell as a jetpack to levitate himself in the air and fix the AC.
"Yo! Donnie! Y/N brought you a fan!! Where should we put it?"
Donnie let out some remark about how he already has so many fans on YouTube or something before pointing over to an area which was pointing in his direction. You and Raph walked over and Raph lay the cooling device onto the floor.
"Here, lemme get this."
You say as you begin to get on your knees to plug the device into the wall, but the outlet was covered by all this junk and boxes that took you a while to get through to the plug.
Raph nods and looks at Donnie as he's in the sky, his big brother senses tingling, afraid he might fall, or mess up and everyone be cooked, or scratch his hand, OR-!! He was overthinking once again as normal, but it all seemed to stop when he looked down at you and noticed something, on your back, past the black tank top was something....white? Due to the darkness of the shirt, the white really stood out, but he couldn't see much, before you stood abruptly, startling Raph a bit.
"Woooo! That should do it, how does that feel Don?" Don gave a silent thumbs up as he continued to work. This gave you the impression that you and Raph we're free to go.
You began to walk back to the others, but something was kinda..weird? Raph trailed behind you, staring at something? You tried to catch him at what he was peaking at, but he seemed to always look away at the correct time, you played this little game of his as he looked and then looking away, then looked, then looked away when you turned around, before long, you eventually caught him. You both stopped walking and you looked up at your Gigantic boyfriend.
"Alright big guy, what're you looking at? Leo didn't stick a sign to my back now, did he?"
You brought a hand to feel of your back, not feeling anything, you brought your hand back down.
"Whattt, I d-dont know what you're talking about, me? I would never- you see the reason- now I don't know-."
He began to ramble, starting and stopping in the middle of his own answers. You smiled to yourself and attempted to put a hand on his shoulder (I say attempted cause have you SEEN THIS GIANT TEDDY BEAR??? HES TALL, OK?).
"Raph, Big Guy, My Knight In Shining Armor, My Dearest Darling, I'm gonna need you to use your words," you chuckled as this must have snapped him out of his rambling.
He tapped the tip of his fingers (👉🏻👈🏻) together as he looked down, his face slightly flushing a deeper red.
"C-can I see your back? I-I KNOW IT'S WEIRD!! B-but I think I saw something..white? I'm not really sure? Y-you don't have to if you don't want to!! I-Im just c-curiou-"
"Ohh, you wanna see my back tattoo? Why didn't you just say so?"
"Y-you have a tattoo?!"
God this lovable goof ball couldn't get anymore shocked.
"Yeah, you wanna see?"
Raph had so many questions, but he did have to admit, he wanted to see what tattoo you got.
You turned around and lifted the back of your shirt, holding the front in place so your front wouldn't show. There, lay inked into your skin, was a fake, very detailed, tattoo of two, folded, white, bird wings, that stretched all the way down to your lower back.
Raph's face was flushed and in awe, it took every bone in his body to not touch and trace each tatted line on your back. His eyes were wide, and you swear, when you looked back, you could see stars in his eyes. He was about to ask so many questions, before... You both heard a gasp from the blue turtle, standing in the hall, with a dumb, mischievous grin on his face.
He knew they weren't showing that to Raph, but oh, how fun it was to pick on his older brother.
Splinter was yelling in the other room.
Raph's face was as red as his mask as he began to chase his younger sibling into the living room, you let your shirt in the back come down as you watched Raph chase Leo as Splinter tried to chase Raph
You had made it to the bottom of the ladder to the sewer and we're IMMEDIATELY hit with humid heat, and you immediately knew there was going to be so much drama. Because the thing with Leo is, he HATES the heat, he gets so cranky, he hates how sweaty and how unfocused he is during the heat and would do literally anything besides get hot, cause he was already hot, pun intended. So, this was gonna be a long day. Before you even entered their living space, you could hear the bickering from outside the door.
"Mikeyyyy, stop singing that songg!"
"What? This is my jam! I can't just shut it off, you can't stop the groove Leo!"
"Raphhh, make Mikey stop playing that poor excuse of a song!"
"Excuuuuse you!"
"Mikey, he asked you to stop, and I for one don't wanna hear his whining anymore, so please, shut it off."
"He'll have to make me!"
"Is that a challenge? Because if it is, you're on hermanõ!!"
Both Mikey and Leo started to chase each other, Mikey more giggly, while Leo a bit more angry, dang, good thing you were here with the fans.
You cleared your throat, at first no one heard you. Then you dramatically cleared your throat with much more volume. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at you, except for Donnie. Leo lept at you, hugging you despite the many fans in your hands.
"My hero!"
"L-Leo! Hang on, lemme put these down first!" You laugh, trying to wiggle your way out of his arms, he let's go and immediately takes one of the fans.
"Leo! Share the fan!" Raph yelled, Leo rolled his eyes and eventually put the fan down and pouted, as you plugged it in, you heard the fan blades from Donnie's jet back whir down as he landed on the ground with grace.
"I'm taking a break, but just a little more work on the danged thing, and it should be up and running soon enough, save your applause." He took off his battle shell, and lay on the floor like a pancake, along with his brothers who sat in front of the fan to catch the cool breeze.
Still holding another fan, you looked at Leo, who was leaning against you.
"Wanna go hang in my room? I don't wanna hang around with these boozos anymore," he said jokingly as Donnie stuck his tongue out at Leo, along with Mikey. You nodded and you carried the fan to his room and plugged it into the wall, turning it up as high as it can go.
"Much better, this room should be cool in no time, you really are a life saver, ya know that?"
He said as he sat in front of the fan, you plopped down next to him, leaning forward to catch the wind.
"Yeah yeah, I know, you'd be a goner without me."
You puffed out a breath as you wiped the now cooling sweat off of your forehead. Your shirt raised a bit in the back but you didn't care, if anything, you decided to keep it that way since it just showed more skin to be cooled down.
Leo sat criss cross as he leaned backwards on his hands. For a while he stared at the fan as you two talked about things like your day, and how the AC got busted, and what you two can do when the AC is finally fixed, but then something caught Leo's eyes. He had the perfect view of your back, and something stood out against the black tank top on your body, something white. He tilted his head, trying to get a better angle, but the clothing his to much of your back for him to fully see.
"Hey, can I ask you something weird?"
"Don't you always have something weird up your sleeve?"
"Well then, something weirder than normal."
"Depends, but ask away."
"What's on your back? See, cause I've been staring at it for a bit, not in a weird way or anything, but I can't see the full thing on it."
"Yeah, anyway you asked, that would have been weird."
"See, told you, soooo, tell me, what is it?"
"Ah, just a tattoo I got."
"Daaaaang, a tattoo? Dad would KILL me if I got a tattoo, can I see?"
You nodded and turned your back to Leo so he could see it better. You lifted your Black Wife Beater on your back, and kept your arms in front to keep your front shirt from lifting. Detailed upon your skin was a white tattoo of your bones on your back, specifically, your spinal cord, it reached all the way from the back of your neck to your lower half and probably further. How Leo didn't see this before astounded him. He gave a whistle.
"Niceee, diggin' the detail on it!"
He touches your back, about to trace the lines on your back, before he was met with a very wet and sweaty back.
"Ewwwww, you're back's all wet!" He took the hand he used to touch your back and wiped it on your shorts.
"Well yeah, it's sweat, what'd you expect?? It's still hot in here, no thanks to you know who!"
You turned around and joked, and punched his shoulder lightly. He dramatically rubbed it.
"Hey! It was an accident!"
"Yeah, an accident you caused!"
You both chuckled and laughed, joking with each other for the next hour.
He would definitely have to look more at it later.
After hearing what Leo did, you knew it would be up to your genius boyfriend to fix it up. You brought extra fans, hoping they would cool them all down, and the extra one, you bought just before you got down there, you knew he was pretty paranoid about his Softshell and how it could make him "weak" but how he would complain on how hot it gets regardless. So, you knew he would either have to take off the battle shell, or get another fan, and really, you doubt you would ever talk him into taking off the shell. Once your feet hit the dirty concrete floor, you could already feel the air sucking heat. Going down the usual corridors, you made it to the lair. You saw the brothers feet away from each other, to sweaty to even try to stand up, the only brother not there being your lovable, goofy boyfriend.
Mikey screamed, rushing towards you to give you a big hug, before taking one of the many fans you had in your hands, and plugging it into the wall, the other two then seemed to run up to it, pushing and shoving each other to get the cool breeze the fan produced. You rolled your eyes playfully before looking around.
"Hey uh, where's -"
"Don's fixing the AC, he should be in the big ol'e storage thingie"
You nodded, thanked Raph, before heading down the corridors, taking lefts and rights, before finally reaching the room, if anything, it was just this big room with many layers, like the atrium, except this place just had a bunch of junk and old heavy crates and boxes. This place was even hotter than the other rooms. You looked around, trying to find your favorite turtle, before you heard a clank right beside you, a wire cutter lay next to your feet. Jeez, good thing you were stand that extra foot to the left, or else you woulda been toast.
"Mind getting that for me darling?"
You looked up to see Donnie with his battle shell on the ceiling, using 4 mechanical arms to hold him up while he held onto many tools. That's gotta be a disaster waiting to happen.
"How about you come down here for a bit? I got some fans, so you don't heat up."
Donnie started slowly climbing down with the robo arms staring at you as he wall climbed down.
"Ah, but oh my starlight, what you fail to realize is that, you, my dear, you are my biggest fan- ooo, you have the little mini fans!"
He grabbed one from you, sticking it to his battle shell, the tiny fan went back and forth, bringing his neck a graze of cool bliss. He breathed a sigh of relief.
"You have no idea how much I needed this, it's been killer having to work under these conditions."
"I know, you'd be undoubtedly deceased without my help."
You said dramatically, flailing a hand on your forehead while giving your best 'sad actors' face. He gave a sarcastic laugh, helping you set up the other fans you had brought, you even brought a tiny fan for S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N :).
"So, do you mind to tell me why you bought so many fans?"
"I've had these fans forever? What do you mean bought?"
He held up one of the fans, the price sticker was still on it.
"Now, care to explain thine self?"
You sighed and rolled your eyes, you didn't want to point out his insecurities, but you knew if you didn't, he'd be hounding you all day.
"Sooo, ya know how you don't really take off your shell? Your battle shell I mean."
"Obviously, what of it?"
"Welllll, I thought how since you wouldn't take it off, how you would over heat, and I didn't want you to burn up, but I didn't want you to be uncomfortable and paranoid with your shell out, so I made for some accomodations if you say."
You said your words fast, using your hands to make motions as you talked, not looking him directly in the eye. He seemed to just blink at this. He seemed, confused?
"So, what you're saying is, you bought, all these fans, just because you knew how I don't like being around without my battle shell on? Just for me?"
The words just for me stood out to you, he seemed touched, and he laid a hand on his front Plastron near his heart to insinuate himself.
"Of course I did, you big goof-"
He corrected, you sighed.
"Of course I did you big genius, I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but I don't want you to be turned into fried turtle, how would I be able to look at your brilliant inventions, and handsome face on the floor when you're just laying there like a cooked pancake?"
You joked, rubbing his shoulder, you knew he didn't like being touched all that much, so you only rubbed it gently so he could brush you off if needed be. He actually laughed, flapping his hands up and down a bit, which surprised you since he often only did things sarcastically and often didn't show much emotions physically, sure, you've seen him stim before an abundance of times, but you've never seen him actually laugh much.
"A pancake, really? To all the things you can compare me to, a pancake is what you chose?"
"Yes, and I shall demonstrate"
You laid on your stomach, giving some sad look as you rolled side to side a bit.
"Ohhh, poor me, poor Othello Von Ryan, I lay on the floor as miserable as I am, because my loving lover, as lovely as they may be, have not brought me an extra fan, so, I shall lay here, until the end of time, cooking like a pancake, only to be flipped over when I have cooked fully on one side, blehhhhhhhh."
You gave your best dead face, if your eyes could go like crosses, they would. He laughed harder. Having a hand on his knee, but then, in the middle of the laughing, something caught his eye, something white, upon your back, behind the black tank top. Your shirt, after laying on the cool concrete, lifted in the back just right to see what it was. It was a tattoo, of white gears that intermingled with the back of your rib cage, giving the impression that the white gears were inside your skin, each gear was artistically hand made each, along with the shading of your ivory bones. It was beautiful art work, mesmerizing even. When he laughing died down and turned into small hums, you turned your head to look at him.
"See something you like love?"
You joked, until you realized what he was looking at, he was looking at your back, more specifically, your tattoo. He crouched down to get a better look at it before turning his head to the side a bit.
"You didn't tell me you had a tattoo"
"Hm? Oh, that's probably cause I got it pretty recently, I was gonna surprise you when the swelling went down, when it would look better."
You were right, there was a tiny bit of swelling from the needle that tattooed you, though, it wasn't much, if you didn't mention it, he probably wouldn't have noticed it.
"It's beautiful."
You snorted.
"Maybe you should get one too, so we can be matching."
A shiver ran up his shell as he took visibly shivered imagining it.
"Absolutely NOT!!"
You rolled over on your back as you bellied over with laughter, as he explained to you with big hand motions the sensitivity of his shell and how that would never work in a good way.
Getting down to the lair, you felt like melting. How were the boys even surviving this heat?? You were only down there for a couple seconds and you already wanted to leave, but alas, your boyfriend and his brothers needed you.
You walked into the room, fans in hands.
"Any turtles call for a savior?"
You joked. Leo gave a quick thanks before running to go get a fan and plug it into the wall. You looked around for your orange boyfriend, before you felt a weight go slack on top of you. It was your boyfriend, laying his skin and plastron on your back, draping his arms at your sides.
He whined, sweat beading down on his forehead.
"M-Mikey haha, let me put these down! You're sweaty!!"
You both chuckled as you put some fans down. Once you did, he grabbed one.
"C'mon! Let's go to my room! I've got a special surprise in there!"
"Annnddd, what is this surprised?"
"Well I can't tell you, or else it wouldn't be a surprise! Duh."
You playfully rolled your eyes as you followed the energetic turtle to his room. His room was covered head to toe in paintings and drawings and memorabilia. He set up the fan in his room, each turn the fan made back and forth made the papers shake and rise in the wind of the fan. He sat you down on the floor.
"One sec! I gotta go get it!"
He raised his finger and went to leave his room. Minutes later, he came back with his hands behind his back.
"Pick a hand!"
You laughed at his over dramatic-ness as he leaned side to side, shaking one arm before shaking the other, trying to confuse and mis direct you. You pointed at his left hand. He smiled and handed you...what the fuck is this? It was an ice cream that looked like that cartoon rabbit if he was possessed and melted, with black gumball eyes, and around those "eyes", the dye on the gum seemed to melt off into the ice cream. Mickey pulled out his own ice cream, except it looked like that one yellow cartoon bird, with the blue gumball eyes doing the same thing.
"Tada! Ice creams! You're lucky I was able to keep them from my brothers! I always keep stuff like this for emergency situations, and this, is def one of those times!!"
He started to lick his ice cream. You laugh.
"Mine looks possessed!"
"And what if he is? Don't judge, let the ghost do what he wants to do."
He said joking, holding up his ice cream and waving it around like a fake ghost.
"Why would you insult me this way Y/N? Whyyy, what have I ever down?"
He was trying to stay in character, trying not to laugh. You played along.
"Oh dear Mr ghost! I'm so very sorry, I didn't expect you to haunt something like kids ice cream! Forgive me for my ignorance."
You lay a hand on you forehead and leaned away dramatically.
"Hm, I shall forgive you one time, in exchange for a kiss"
"A-a wha?"
You blushed a bit, until you realized that Mikey was making funny kissy faces and he slowly inched the the ice cream near your face. You also leaned, forward, expecting to kiss the ice cream, until you took a huge bite from the forehead. Mikey made a cartoon scream as he shock the ice cream.
"How could you!? My face, my gorgeous face! Oh the world be so cruel!"
Mikey fell backwards, flailing the ice cream with a lose hand, causing the ice cream to accidentally be dragged along your back, you gave a shiver at the new cooler sensation. Mikey broke outta character. Still laughing slightly.
"Omigosh! Sorry Y/N! Here, let me."
He grabbed some paper towels from his drawing desk in his room, art was messy, so he always came prepared! He began to wipe your back, accidentally shifting your shirt up a bit. As soon as he got the ice cream off, your back caught his eyes. You had these tattooed white cracks that cracked all the way from your neck, to your lower back. He sat there in awe for a second, staring and mesmerizing the shapes they made.
"Omigosh! Omigosh!"
"Wow, two 'omigosh's'. You ok there Mike?"
"Why didn't you tell me about your sweet tattoo!? It's beautiful!"
"Oh, that, must've forgotten to mention that, sorry!"
You chuckled, turning your face to be met with Mikey, gazing at your back, rocking back and forth with stars in his eyes.
"You HAVE to let me paint the spaces in-between the cracks! I could turn this into a true masterpiece!"
You chuckled at his amusement, you could practically see a million ideas that flowed through his head on what to paint in-between the white cracks and gapes.
"Sure, only if I can get another bite of your "mister ghost" ice cream. "
He nodded and passed you his ice cream.
"His death will be a noble sacrifice."
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pianocat939 · 2 years
Hi hope it’s not to late to request some rise content ! Could I please request Yandere platonic rivals between Splinter vs big mama HCs fighting over the reader who was an old friend of theirs (that one episode when Splinter first meets big mama in his movies star days) before she/their moved away only to return years later ? Only if you want to of course 💗
Y'know that joke where Baron Draxum and Splinter are a divorced couple? Well this is literally it except it's Big mama and Splinter lmaooo
I made this comedic, but I think the rivalry point still stands
Tw: Honestly this is just funny shit, minor brit slander, mentions of manipulation, MC lowkey feels kinda hopeless, mentions of past depression
Brits in a Pub
"Yeah and this really nice person close to the manhole, next to Big Mama's hotel, fed us some pizza!" Mikey cheered, clapping his hands together.
Splinter showing some interest replies, "Seems like you had fun, boys." His body sags on the recliner chair, like a potato on a pile of dirt.
"Oh, and they apparently moved back to New York City to see their old friends, Lou Jitsu and his girlfriend." Donatello adds, scrolling through media on his phone.
The lair goes silent as if provoked by Donnie's comment.
The purple-masked mutant looks up from his device, confused. "What? I thought dad might've known who th-"
"Y/N!" Splinter yells, bouncing up from his chair. He rushes forward to Donatello, gripping the turtle's shoulders. "Where did you find this 'person'?!"
"Um dad, Mikey already told you."
Big Mama sits at the very top stand of the Battle Nexus arena, looking down below. "Ooh, I think is going to be a very interesting fight~" She grins, showing off her fangs.
"My lady, we've received a message from an unknown sender. It was addressed to you." A staff member walks in, holding a laptop open. "The sender goes by the name Y/n."
Big Mama whips her head, all six of her ruby eyes glowing with joy. "Y/n? Why I haven't seen them in years!" She scurries over, a pair of arms taking the laptop.
An e-mail is present on the screen, stating:
'Hey, Big Mama. I know I moved away a long time ago, and we haven't spoken since, but I moved back and I was hoping we could catch up sometime. I heard you're a grand hotel owner now so if you're free, you could pick us a place to eat. After all, you probably New York City better than me now.
(Yes I know you're not human)
Your friend, Y/n'
Big Mama slams the laptop shut, her arms wiggling in excitement. "We need to make a reservation at the finest restaurant in the hotel! Oh and make sure it's a private room, I want no distractions!"
The Hamato family stands in front of Y/n's house, the late night sky hiding their identity.
"I'm sorry, you and Big Mama accused each other for the reason this Y/n person left?" Leo moves an eyebrow muscle, confusion apprent on his face.
"Well I say it's her fault but yes, we did." Splinter answers maliciously, arms crossed over his chest.
Mikey, as if offended, dramatically puts a hand on his chest, mouth agape. "Dad you shouldn't be saying things like that! Maybe they just wanted to get away from New York City."
"Yeah, it is kinda tight and smoggy here." Raph adds, staring up at the house before him.
"What can we say? New York, what a town~" Donnie wiggles his fingers and spreads his hands apart, like raining glitter over a piece of paper.
Before Splinter can reply, the group notices two of Big Mama's servants open a door for someone, seemingly welcoming a VIP.
"Hey, it's the pizza giver!" Mikey points out, realizing the identity of the mysterious person before anyone else.
"Blue, quick! Open a portal!" Splinter commands his son, a new energy rushing through his old and small body.
Leo holds his Ōdachi out, slicing an electric blue portal. "On it dad!"
"Hello darling! It's been so many years~" Big Mama hugs Y/n, her human form miniscule compared to her yokai form. The other hugs back, smiling.
When they pull away Y/n scratches their head, chuckling nervously, "Yeah it is. It's weird but good to be back in New York." They freeze before asking themselves, "I never told you why I moved away did I?"
The silver-haired lady shakes her head, her the frames of her glasses gleaming in the light.
"Well I moved away because I got a new job, and also 'cause I felt like I was invading your relationship." They frown a little, glancing away from her view.
Shocked, Big Mama questions, "Invading? How so?"
"I was always with you guys and you kept fighting for my attention so I thought I was ruining your relationship."
Ruin? No certainly not. If anything, the reason she was blinded to force Lou Jitsu to fight for the Battle Nexus was because her beloved friend left.
"The depression both me and Lou got after you left was horrible, we were so heartbroken."
"Speaking of Lou, where is he?"
"Um, we split up, and then he was transformed into a rat mutant."
"But, enough of that, we have much to catch up on!"
She leads them to the private area, an unchanging grin on plastered on her face.
On the side of a doorway, the five mutants discreetly hide, trying to get into the restaurant Big Mama and Y/n currently reside in. "Sneak in, boys. Sneak in." Splinter whispers, his snout scrunched up.
"We almost have the perfect angle, only seven more seconds until we can infiltrate and hide." Donnie confirms, his goggles shading his eyes.
The ninja glide in, finding different items to shield themselves.
"This is an order for Big Mama herself, don't fuck it up mate." A chef states, handing the plates of food to a waiter.
"After it!"
They tail along, awkwardly tracing the same route as the waiter. When they arrive they stop right outside the door, back in a similar position from before. As the waiter leaves, they slip in before the door shuts.
Inside Big Mama and Y/n are chatting up a storm, like all those years ago. "So I was hiring this new broadcaster the other day and-"
"BIG MAMA YOU LIAR!" Splinter screams, his short height towered by the table. The turtles stand behind him, looking at each other to know what to do.
Y/n stares back, holding a glass in their hand, "Lou?"
"Oh why isn't it my little snuggle muffin! And his sons." Big Mama claims in a cheerful tone, but drops it at 'his sons'. She walks up to them, hands at her hips. "I am not a liar, Lou. You're just judgemental."
"No! You are the reason that Y/n left. You manipulated them into hating me!"
"No. Darling you scared them off with your dreams of becoming even more famous than you already were."
"Guys can't we just sit down and enjoy the-"
"Then explain why they didn't tell me why they left!"
"Hey, I-"
"Shush, you little rat!"
"Says you spider Mama!"
While the ex-lovers argue the brother head over to the table, reaching for the food.
Raph asks for permission, "Hey can we have this? Since they're arguing and all?"
"Yeah. There's plenty of untouched food here." They push a few plates forward to them, sighing in defeat.
"Don't mind if I do, haha!"
"If it satisfies my specific palate then yes."
The boys munch on the food, giggling occasionally. Meanwhile Y/n holds their head in defeat, not enjoying the situation. "Looks like it hasn't improved since I left. It's like they were raised in a pub full of Brits..."
(No I am not guilty for Brit slander. You know who you are.)
I'm so proud of myself. I got this done in 2 hours. Which is a record for me.
I know the ending is comedic but I really went for the rivalry part more than anything.
Also one thing, why are people suddenly saying my writing style is good??? Like, did I make people worry or something?
- Celina
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sakumz · 2 years
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 ₊˚ʚ ᗢ₊˚✧ ゚. [ s. izumi x fem reader ]
tw❗: slight ooc ?
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" IZUMI OH MY GOD! " you burst out laughing when you caught sight of the small boy, trying to wear lipstick.
" s-SHUT UP! get out of the room too! " he screams, his face a slight rosy red as he drops the lipstick and attempts to push the person older by two years from him out of the room.
oh how embarrassing those childhood memories were, and having you, a famous model and someone he painfully admires see him like that. you could've used those memories of him doing dumb things at that age for blackmail since those memories hunts him knowing, you witness some too.
" hmm? zumi-kun, there's flowers here for you. how cute there's a little letter here too- " before arashi could end her sentence the letter was snatched out of her hands by the grey haired boy with blue crystal eyes.
" tch don't touch things that aren't for you please and put those flowers somewhere, those flowers aren't just for me probably... " he mumbles the last part as he curiously inspects the letter before opening it and whispers whatever he sees.
" to little zum zum-kun hehe, what a stupid name indeed. ah how cute you were back then!! but now you're more handsome than cute nooo but I guess the handsome-ness makes up for it. oh my I'm talking too much waah. anyways you were amazing as always, you're even an outstanding idol now!! congrats and as always don't push yourself, we've never really talk that much anymore ever since we went our separate ways. sorry for leaving you like that back then and I in no ways and means deserve seeing and expecting our broken relationship to ever fix back. this is goodbye for now and ever haha, you're happy aren't you? bcs you hate me alot back then and you won't stop telling me that with every chance you get. Well, see ya around if ever... - bleh "
" huh senas crying!! " leo says as all heads in knights turn to face their fellow Knights mate.
" I'm not! shut up, where's the person who deliver this? did you see them naru? " izumi questions.
" um it was someone wearing a motorcycle helmet- " before she could finish her sentence, izumi stood up and rush out of the backstage room.
he ran outside and caught sight of a familiar hair colour person with a hat over their face, facing the sky, sitting on one of the many benches outside the place knights were performing in.
" y-you! l/n-senpai? " izumi calls out, getting a satisfied hum from the girl as she remove the hat from her face before smiling cheekily at the male.
" hahaha that's cute l/n-senpai, why not big sister? oh my were you crying? your eyes are puffy " you calmly pointed out leaving the boy to flustered and cover his face with his hands.
" I'll never call you that, its not fitting for you and shut up with me crying, I wasn't crying for you! " he replies.
" damn I see hahaha, I guess it really doesn't huh- "
" look and listen here closely, I'll only say it once, l/n-senpai no y/n. I don't care about the past or what nonsense you did back then, I figured everything you did had meaning. you don't deserve blames or backlash, you're just trying to live life to the fullest too. you told me to live life the way I want so please don't leave me again, " he says in a quiet tone.
" little zum zum so adorable ahhh guess, the fashion show has to find another model and I'll be staying in Japan a little longer than I expected hehe, "
" don't call me that and don't skip work just to see me! "
a/n : I'm.. its still burnout season sigh 🥱
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rudikawhy · 1 year
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season Two
While watching season two, I took some notes of my thoughts. I only started on S02 E09 so before that there isn't too much.
Sorry, this is going to be mostly Fitzsimmons but you can't really blame me, because it's THEM
But first, two last things for season one "I couldn't live if you didn’t" "Well, I feel the same way. There has to be another way." "You're taking it" "Why would you make me do this? You're my best friend in the world!" "Yeah, you're more than that, Jemma" seems to now live in my head
Also the desperation and intensity in Jemma's voice, while Fitz's is so calm and kinda trembling, but both are absolutely heartbreaking in their own ways
But now to season two:
Fitz having trouble with words is both absolutely adorable and heartbreaking
Bobbi reminded me at first of the person (?) from Asgard who helped them get Lorelei
I am curious why Hunter says that his ex-wife was so horrible because so far, I love Bobbi
I just can't shut up about Fitz. But no-one I know in real life would know what the hell I'm talking about, so I just think about him and write about him
(S02 E03) When Jemma wakes up by the sound of her alarm and the song started playing, I thought "Hold on, I know that song", and yes, I love "God help the Girl"
Also it's kinda ironic because it says "God help the Girl, she needs all the help she can get" just as she steps into the lift which brings her to her work at Hydra
(S02 E04) Hunter: "Guys, drop everything!" Fitz: "No, this is worth a fortune. I'm not gonna drop it."
(S02 E07) "Would anyone like to leave before we get started" I would have raised my hand too
(S02 E09) Mack: "A Storm's coming" - Fitz: "No, weather's fine, actually. There's not a cloud in the sky. I checked."
[Jemma knocks on table] "That's not wood, is it?"
Why is literally any conversation Fitzsimmons have killing me? The "I can work for you, I just can't work with you"? I beg your pardon? How am I supposed to accept that?
"Come home, Jemma" (S02 E11) HQ's their home :D
Fitz's hands trembling :(
(S02 E12) This moment when you recognize the face of the woman that came from the ocean but can't recall WHO it is (Lady Sif)
Fitz seems so left out when Jemma tells him about them changing the ICER
Why is Jemma saying "Sir, the boys were right" so funny to me?
Nooo, Coulson said "Fitz and Simmons", they're no longer one and the same
I mean I agree that it wasn't right that Fitz lied to the rest of the team about Skye but please, can Fitzsimmons just be at least friends and work together
(S02 E14) Jemma: "Oh, Fitz!"; Fitz: "Well, don't 'Oh, Fitz' me!" - I kinda waited for him to say that
I am so confused by this whole "real S.H.I.E.L.D."
"No, it's not that. You're afraid 'cause of what happened to me and Skye, how we both changed. But you know what the scariest change is, Jemma? It's you." You know what? At this point maybe I don't want them to talk at all anymore, if every time they do, I just sit there and think "Why are you doing this to each other?"😭
(S02 E15) "I told you, Leo,[...]" Okay, Jemma, this doesn't feel right, calling him by his first name, I regret asking in the first place
I am REALLY confused by the real S.H.I.E.L.D.
I'm glad that even Fitz puts the USB in the wrong way at first
Did Fitzsimmons finally make up when sitting on the ground by the table when "real S.H.I.E.L.D" attacked?
(S02 E16) Don't do this to me, Jemma, don't say you want Fitz off the plane!
Don't leave Jemma alone, Fitz!
Okay, I've changed my mind. Apparently there was a plan behind Fitz leaving that I didn't catch. ("Nice work, Jemma")
Also: Proscuitto + Mozzarella, Be Safe! Love, Jemma 🥲 - The world's most dangerous sandwich is back
I know it's actually a bit late but I have honestly no idea what S.O. means (I suppose it doesn't mean Significant Other) (Rewatching parts of season one reminded me - Supervising Officer)
I really want to like Bobbi (and I still do) but I am afraid I won't much longer
(S02 E17) I kinda like Lincoln
Skye telling the story about not being anywhere longer than two years despite being 25 (or actually 26) actually brought me to tears
Okay, THAT I didn't expect. That this was Skye's mother
"The Girl. I couldn't save her" I didn't know May could make me cry
I thought that when Fitz was in that public bathroom with Coulson's cube (I forgot the name) that Ward was outside knocking and I already saw Fitz getting captured
(S02 E18) That was quite a run, Fitz, I would have been fallen down at least five times (not to mention my lack of stamina), three times alone on the stairs (I know that others have run more and under different circumstances but still)
I feel for Fitz, rocking his leg, I totally understand
Don't you dare, Ward, talking to Fitz!!
Grateful for Coulson's and Hunter's quick reaction
(S02 E19) Was it worth it, Ward? Betraying S.H.I.E.L.D. for leaving Hydra again like half a season later?
I'm glad Fitzsimmons finally talk to each other again like normal people
"Mistakes were made..." - "By you" "...and people got hurt..." - "By you"
No, I'm not okay. "Be careful, Jemma"😭
"So, how does this work? You just click your heals together and whisper, "There's no place like home"?" Is this a S.H.I.E.L.D. director thing? Quoting The Wizard of Oz?
One moment I really like Skye's mother and ten seconds later I can't stand her
(S02 E21) this whole show is confusing me. Who's on whose side?
Now Gordon too!?
Leave Bobbi alone!!!!
I'm not sure if I like Lincoln anymore
(S02 E22) Nooo, Bobbi!
That's what you've got, Ward! Now your girlfriend's dead
"There's nothing to discuss, Jemma" - "Maybe there is"😢😢 I can't with them
"Science, biatch" I actually squeak-laughed
"We're not bad, we're misled" Aaaaand I like Lincoln again
I need someone asking me out the way Fitz did, asap
I mean I knew what was about to happen to Jemma (I saw a GIF somewhere) but fuck, with sound and context it hurts SO MUCH MORE
Okay, that was it with season two. I know I need to step down a little bit with how many episodes I watch daily (because season two has only been six days), but no matter how much I know that, I just can't stop. But enough with this talk.
It was fun doing this, I think I'll do it again with season three.
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leoxclark · 1 year
"Ten dollars for your thoughts?" He suggested as he sat down next to the gorgeous blonde, unable not to check her and the outfit she was wearing out. Women just happened to be Leonardo's favorite past time, and most of them did not seem to mind that one little bit. He and Verity had gotten together numerous times. Which was why he all but expected this encounter to lead to something else. She was looking somewhat distraught though, and if there was something he was a master at it was prompting someone to get in a better, less stressed headspace. "You look like you might need a distraction from life." he added as he took a sip of his beer and studied her near flawless features.
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itzzaira · 4 months
Missing cabin mate - tmnt fandom family reunion
A short story for the tmnt fandom family reunion ^^
Note: some au's are mentioned in the beginning because Michelangelo was happy to have met them, those are not mine. They're the au's my turtles met earlier and belong to those people respectfully. (Links to the meetings below)
Meeting the kitties!
"We're superheroes now?!"
...There's Krang here?
Meeting Donnie from cabin 11
Maria! :D
2012 turtles: Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello & Michelangelo
Rise turtles: Leo, Raph, Donnie & Mikey
@tmnt-fandom-family-reunion @orangepawn39
Michelangelo was having a blast.
Ever since he had ended up at this camp, he met so many people! There were versions of them that were cats! And some other version of him with superpowers! Or the versions of him that had their own cats and let Kitty play with them, oh everyone here was so nice! He hoped his brothers were having fun too.
But now, his dear cat was melting again. Even with the help from the other Leo who helped him- freeze? Make her colder? Michelangelo had been too busy being excited about meeting a real life superhero- she had been out for far too long. Ice Cream Kitty had lost her energy once more, now laying quietly in her bowl, looking around and meowing sometimes when she regonized someone who passed by. Yeah. Time to put her in her freezer. And maybe get something eat- he was hungry.
He smiled once he saw their cabin- a blue cabin with the number 10 on it- but it looked different from the last time he saw it.
Now, it was also decorated with a big, sparkly banner that reminded him of the night sky, with the name The Besties on it.
His smile widened.
Oh he loved this place!
So their cabinmates must have picked out a good name- he hadn't met their cabin mates yet!
...Wait, no, he did. Some of them anyway. The one with his future self and the kid called... Maria! Yes, Maria. Kitty had liked them a lot. But surely that couldn't be all?
He knocked on the door, and stepped inside- aaaaand Donnie was clinging to his Raph looking as if he had spotted a ghost. Wonderful.
"Is he okay?" His smile fell at once, and even Kitty meowed worriedly, stretching her paws. But she let them fall. She felt too weak.
"A heads-up for you too." Leonardo took Kitty from his hands at once, moving to the fridge to put her in the freezer. They had been gone all day, after all. "Apperantly Krang has counterparts too."
Michelangelo turned a few shades paler. "...They do?"
"She was really nice!" Donatello huffed, before sighing. "...However my counterpart, not realizing it wasn't their Krang, had a panic attack the moment he spotted her."
"...Ah, geez."
"S'mores can cheer him up? Donnie likes s'mores!" Mikey appeared out of nowhere, smiling brightly- aaaand he was falling over. Michelangelo caught him at once. Then grinned.
"Hey, mini-me."
"This version of Donnie from cabin 11 gave us a guide on how to make the perfect s'mores'!" Mikey's tail was wagging and his eyes were sparkling, despite looking a bit sickly. "He was really nice!"
Donnie quietly held onto Raph tighter. The snapper patted his back.
"...Is it just us here?" Michelangelo looked around- only now noticing how empty it was. And the amount of beds. Those... were a lot of beds.
"Ah- yeah. Haven't met anyone from our cabin yet- other than this old me!" The box turtle smiled before that smile fell. "... Apparently his friend is missing."
Old him... oh! The mystic one. Did Mikey even know that was him from the future-? Michelangelo decided not to think about it. "Missing?"
"Yeah! The little turtle- ah... Maria?"
...Oh boy. Michelangelo gently set the box turtle on the nearest bed. His counterpart thanked him, then collapsed backward. "What happened?"
"Dunno, he was panicking- Leo and Raphael went out to help. Mikey wanted to but can't get up, Raph and Donnie are stuck and I'm here to be the emotional support."
"You? The emotional support?" Michelangelo teased, poking their fearless leader's shell. Leonardo winced but pushed him off.
"Oh don't be so surprised."
"What is Don doing here then-?"
"I wanted to go." Donatello crossed his arms and huffed. "But apparently my shell phone ran out of battery. I'm waiting for it to charge so that if someone gets lost, I can track them back."
"...Well- I'm going then!"
"You've been outside all day-"
"-If someone needs help, I'm helping." Michelangelo gently pushed Leonardo down, and ran to grab a bottle of water- but only now realized... his big brother was wearing a Besties T-shirt. They got T-shirts? And didn't tell him?!
In fact... Mikey was wearing one too! Raph just had a bracelet, considering he didn't fit into the shirts. Neither Donnie's wore one though.
Seeing where he was looking, the leader in blue rolled his eyes. "Yes, you can have a T-shirt."
He smiled again. "Did Maria have one?"
"Not that we know of-"
"Then I'm taking one for her too."
"...Mikey." Leonardo's eyes fell on the other turtle's shoulders- bandaged up and hurt- but Michelangelo waved him off.
"Oh, please, we'll find her in no time!" He said as he grabbed a T-shirt handed to him, winced when the fabric brushed over his injuries, but ignored the sting as he pulled the shirt down. "Everyone here has been so nice, and there is no danger here! What could go wrong?"
The next part
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sunofmoon · 2 years
pairing: Neymar Jr. / Lionel Messi
notes: this is a fictional work and has no connection to reality. obviously, i have no intention of offending any of the names mentioned, this is just something that stuck in my mind tonight and i needed to get it out. i accept constructive criticism, but please be kind!
notes²: this text was proofread by this wonderful person @ispeakmorelanguagesthanyou, thank you for putting up with me and helping me with my stories, i adore you <3
It's ridiculous, Leo. It's ridiculous.
Only these words can explain what I feel right now, because it is simply ridiculous and unacceptable how quickly I fell in love with you.
You, Lionel Andrés Messi Cuccittini, have always been my idol. My hero. The guy who was my inspiration to be a better player. And, honestly, I wanted to be like you. But, I swear to you, Leo, I don't know at what point it all turned into this. I mean, when I met you, when we met for the first time and you held out your hand in greeting, I was happy as a small child getting his favorite toy. Not even the fact that Santos lost that day took away the taste of having seen up close what you were capable of doing.
But you know what the fuck the problem is, Leo? It's that I'm emotionally needy. I need touch, I need attention, I need words of comfort, and no matter how much you make me strong, put a smile on my face, play games with everyone around me, I'll always be like a Golden Retriever wagging its tail in search of its owner's affection. And this is my problem, which belongs to me, but when your big brown eyes stared at me, I knew immediately that I was lost. When nothing was falling into place, when my footbal seemed wrong, when I just wanted to run away and never come back, you, Lionel, supported me. You touched me firmly on the shoulder and told me that everything would be okay.
Do you understand, Leo? Do you understand the trouble I'm in?
You are a good person. You are kind. You are humble. You are understanding. You are the best friend a person can have in the world. You are the best son a mother and father could ever want. You transform everything you touch and make all things into something better, into something more beautiful. The sun shines brighter when you smile and the sky becomes clearer and cloudless. Even the stars seem to reflect light on you.
I wish I could protect you from all evil, Leo. I'd like to share the weight you carry on your back. I would love to hear how your day went. I would love to flirt with you and be the person who makes you feel a chill in your stomach. I wish that the reason for your smile was me, Leo.
You have become an addiction that I can't get rid of. I dream at night of you in my huge bed and when the day begins, I look forward to the moment I will see you. Your messages and words are my balm, they bring me an indescribable tranquility and I feel that I could spend hours, maybe even days, talking to you. Being far away, when I would really like to be close, is torture for me.
Could I hold you and never let go?
Could your heart beat faster when your eyes were on me?
Could you think of me the way I think of you?
Could I be the reason for your happiness?
No, you don't have to answer. This answer I know.
After all, your love belongs to her.
She is the one you want to be with.
It is because of her that you unlock your cell phone every few minutes looking for any notification that hints that she has texted you or called you.
She's the voice you want to hear.
She is the one you want to marry and share the rest of your life with.
She is your favorite.
You miss her.
And I am definitely not her.
All right, she beat me to it. It's a war I can't win and frankly, I don't want to. This is not a fair competition with anyone involved. But I would be lying if I didn't say that my heart burns, that my eyes don't fill with tears every time I think about how much I want you. I, who has always been a fan of the motto "let life take me," have caught myself trying to control this whirlwind of feelings, to jump into them until they turn to dust in order to get my peace back. So I do what I do best, I lose myself in other people in a futile attempt to forget you. To get you out of my thoughts.
And I fail.
In a humiliating way, by the way.
So once again I ask you, what do I do? What do I do to get you out of me? To forget you once and for all? So that I can look at you with the eyes of a friend and not a man in love?
I want you, Leo.
I am annoyingly and shamefully in love with you.
And this is truly absurd!
I have never liked someone as quickly as I liked you and although, I don't know you as well as Antonella or Kun, I have become attached to you through soccer. No words are needed between the two of us. Just the good old ball between our feet.
For that I apologize, Leo. I am not good with words, far from it. That's not my business, talking about emotions is complicated and I could only put on this sheet of paper what my chest allowed. There is still much more to be said. So much more to be put out there. I just can't do it right now. So all I can say is that I am sorry for being this selfish guy who is throwing an unexpected passion on your shoulders without your permission. It's not your fault, but it is my.
I think I love you, Leo.
But I don't want you to feel obligated to love me back.
You were not, are not, and never will be mine.
I understand and accept it.
Maybe someday courage will knock on my door and I will find the strength to show you this letter or simply tell you what has been in my chest since the day I met you. I am afraid that my feelings will scare you, that you walk away from me because you believe this is the best option for both of us, but I chose to hide it.
My love will go away at some point, I don't know the right day, time or date to tell you, however, while it doesn't go, I will keep this crazed passion in the shadows and continue to strive to be your good friend.
Because you deserve the best, Leo.
Even if it's not me.
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kurokeip · 2 years
A week or two ago there was a community discussion going on about enstars names, so naturally, I had to pitch in with my tinfoil hat and corkboard, to make it all about akatsuki.
The lotus analogy is frequently used with Keito, to describe his unwavering resolve and morals. I know most people don't think of Keito when they think of snakes (they tend to think of Ibara, who fits the Christian Snake-Person archetype) but in Buddhism, Snakes are a symbol of rebirth.
蓮巳 敬人 (Hasumi Keito) can be directly translated to something like: "Lotus Snake Respected Person"
They're also heavily associated with bodies of water, something that you might see crop up with him a lot. As for his first name, the Respect part is pretty obvious, referencing his strict personality, but what I really like is the little 人 character. Recognize it? Yup its the symbol that's used in-game for fans. It basically just means 'person'.
There's the undeniably human part of Keito Hasumi, the one that he can never escape, and that encapsulates him. Maybe at a time it filled him with despair, but what is mankind if not propelled by Hubris?
He's the Guy Ever.
Souma's name is interesting (神崎 颯馬) Because Kanzaki is a real last name. There isn't much connection to his character as far as I've looked into the origins of it though.
You could translate Souma's name directly into something like: Coastal God Swift Horse
神 is literally the character for God (kami). 崎 means peninsula, but coast also works. This is pretty blatantly a reference to his family's entanglement with the Shinkai Cult. It's impressive to see the foreshadowing with his name.
颯馬 (swift horse) referencing his affinity for horses. Also neat that he owns and rides one (shout out to saigo-don) . 馬 also generally means 'steed', which ties into his tendency to become a vehicle for other people's wishes. His lack of independence, his desire to be relied upon. He's good at doing what he's told, just like a well tamed horse.
鬼龍 紅郎 can literally be translated to (Oni Dragon Crimson Guy)
Okay so Oni are an interesting creature mythologically speaking, because firstly, they're intelligent 'evils', and their symbolic meaning varies largely. I'll jot down the possible connections to Kuro in bullets.
• Come in the color red
• Humanoid, scary, intimidating
• Can be reformed and converted into Buddhism (we'll discuss this later)
• sometimes used as a guardian symbol
Dragons are also similarly intimidating creatures but they have more positive connotations! They're viewed as Guardians and symbols of strength. They're also associated with guarding water bodies (I hope you're picking up what I'm putting down)
The 紅 in Kuro is a character you'll find appears frequently in Akatsuki's discography and name. I like to theorize that Kuro was the reason Keito named it 紅月 and not 赤月, even though they basically both mean 'red moon' and 赤月 is the more Obvious name choice.
Kuro's name is also a bit of a pun, because although it means red, kuro (黒) means black. His hair. Leo calls him 黒 when he's gloomy lol.
Trivia/Symbolism corner! A lot of this is just my theories.
Oni are commonly depicted wearing tiger skin clothing and carrying an iron club. Sound familiar? Tetora's name (鉄虎) literally means Iron Tiger.
Souma displays an affinity for sea and water animals, Kanata has the kanji for 'deep-sea' in his name (深海) Keito is more representative of shallow waters (think of a Lotus filled pond). Souma has his loyalties torn between two water bodies, which is very neat.
Souma switches loyalties from Kanata to Keito... he's 'surfacing'
(Kind of like a turtle)
Summer bird features this huge swathe of shallow water and a bird taking flight into the sky, maybe Because he's becoming independent of those figures and exploring his own aspirations.
The fact that 鬼 in Chinese means 'ghost' and then you have akatsuki mortality trio again with 鬼 (ghost/soul) 神 (god/immortal) 人 (mortal)
Coming back to akatsuki and Water, there's 蓮巳 which evokes the image of a pond, 龍 which guard bodies of water.
Kind of like how Kuro was Keito's physical shield during the war. Both snakes and dragons are used interchangeably on occasion as 'guardian' motifs in temples.
of course 紅蓮, which means red lotus or just a way to refer to a layer of hell in Buddhism. Hell couple
The idea that Oni can be converted to Buddhism, kind of parallels Kuro leaving his delinquent lifestyle behind to follow Keito, the Buddhism Guy. In Unification by force, Souma even points out that Kuro has been copying keito and saying prayers before he eats.
Kuro's themes of self-improvement and his 'Soul' motif. the Buddhist idea of refining the immortal soul into its best self.
That's all I can think of, feel free to point out any inaccuracies and I'll edit the post ASAP.
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misteria247 · 1 year
Oroku Siblings time cuz why not I'm in a creative mode-
From the moment Karai had found Leo at four years old and a year later when she was six and he was five, the eldest Oroku child had dragged the youngest one to two different things. One was during the cherry blossom season, where Karai and Leo would hike to their special tree on the outskirts of their village. The place where Leo had spoken to her for the first time. The second place was also by their tree, however it was during one night of the year.
That night was a special kind of night, one where once Shredder was asleep and their nanny Lotus Blossom had retired for the night. They'd sneak out into the night to make their way towards the tree.
That night was the night of Karai's birthday.
Every year, without fail, the two siblings would climb up into their tree. And watch as a shooting comet would fly across the sky at the same time every year on her birthday. As they grew older, Shinigami had joined them on this small tradition, the trio celebrating Karai's birthday and watching the comet without fail. Even when the Oroku siblings went to NYC with their father they'd still made time for Karai's special comet. Then the tragedies happened.
Leo, tortured and beaten by their father. Leaving him with a busted knee, a ruined throat and vocal chords and a large crack across his shell. Comatose for nearly a half a year, missing Karai's birthday entirely.
Karai, captured shortly after her brother awakened. Blinded by her need for revenge against the Shredder on the behalf of Splinter and Leo who had both been harmed by him. As well as for herself, only to become mutated into a snake. Again missing her birthday for a second year.
But this year was different. It was hard to miss the comet that came every year on her birthday, when she and her family were sailing amongst the very stars and cosmos themselves. Karai had never thought she'd end up on a ship, having watched her and Leo's real father be murdered by the Shredder. Forced to flee with Raph, Mikey, Donnie, April and Casey when the planet was destroyed shortly afterwards. Aboading a ship with a robot named Fugitoid in an attempt to go back in time to save Earth and the whole galaxy. Yet there she was, sitting by one of the large windows that showed the inky blackness of space with its burning stars and shooting comets. The group had just finished helping some Salamander aliens, who were now currently in the main area speaking to Fugitoid. Raph had taken quite the liking to the Lieutenant known as Mona Lisa, while the others were busy discussing things and future plans to assist them. Giving Karai the perfect opportunity to quietly sneak away from the group to have a moment alone.
The eldest Oroku child sat on the sill, her amber gaze following the stars. She couldn't help but think that they were lonely just like her. Surrounded constantly yet unapproachable. The female ninja thought of the younger Oroku, recalling how the O'Neil girl and him had been rather close during the whole trip. The more she thought about it the more she began to realize that it wasn't just April that Leo had gotten close to. Her little brother had also grown closer to Casey, as well as their brothers. A pang hit her as she realized this, as she realized how well Leo seemed to fit in with the Hamato clan.
'Does he even need me anymore?'
Karai thought, feeling her throat tighten slightly. She didn't want to even entertain the idea that after all the things that had happened, forcing them to work without the other. Had somehow driven a wedge between them. Karai couldn't lose her best friend, not when he was the only one left. Especially on this particular day. As the rare insecurities ate at her, Karai felt another presence join her. A familiar one that instantly put her at ease.
"Onee-chan, I've been looking for you."
Leo's voice, soft and cracking piped up next to her. Karai turned her gaze towards her younger brother, amber hues meeting dark blue ones.
"Oh? Any particular reason why?"
She asked curious as to what her little brother was doing. Leo gave her a knowing look before setting himself next to her on the sill.
"Because it's almost time."
The younger Oroku stated, making the older one's eyes widen a bit. He remembered. Suddenly the thoughts from earlier were no longer relevant for Karai. Just the simple statement and Leo searching for her put the earlier insecurities of not being needed anymore to rest.
"It is isn't it? Do you think we'll see it out here Leo?"
Karai mused. Leo didn't answer her, instead gripping her forearm and tilting his head slightly towards the window. Gesturing her to look. Karai turned her attention back towards the vast sea of stars and was greeted by the fiery, burning light of a familiar comet.
Her comet.
The two siblings watched in wonder as the comet shot through the waves of stars and stardust, lighting the dark void that surrounded them. As Karai and Leo watched, Karai suddenly felt a familiar tapping on her hand.
'Happy birthday Onee-chan.'
*I love them your honor that's all I gotta say. Consider this practice since I'm rusty shshshsheh. Anyways enjoy!! And thanks for reading!!!*
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