#i'm thrilled to be able to listen along now
Eldridge/Tentacle Monster x F!Reader
Words: 2.9k Themes: Nsfw, tentacles, fictional oviposition Notes: Hi all! I'm still very sick, hence why this story is a little shorter than the others. Hopefully it's still a good morsel of ovi themes. I may circle around to it again and adjust it, or write a whole other story based on ovi to make up for the lack of words. Feedback as always is welcome!!
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This was definitely the spot from your dream. 
The cave opening matched your memories perfectly. To the circular entrance, draped in vines that dripped with clear water from the waterfall nearby, to the moss that covered every inch of this place. 
The hike had been tortuous, to say the least. But seeing this cave made it all worthwhile. You weren’t going mad, after all. 
You didn’t understand how you knew this was here. Perhaps some past hike through these old woods came to the surface of your subconscious and reminded you of this splendid place.  It was beautiful. How could you have forgotten it? Your steps into the cave felt familiar and comfortable. Your shoes didn’t slip on the uneven path nor did the low hanging ceiling bump against your head as you ventured deeper. 
You could hear the gentle trickling of water somewhere further. A soft echo that seemed to call you forward and away from the light of the beautiful day outside.  You recalled there was more light inside. 
Not that you could remember how there was more light. But the memory of being able to see clearly down here was vivid enough to ease any worries of darkness.  Deeper and deeper you went.  The afterthought of getting lost down here vanished when you found a path, winding down the treacherous tumbling's of rocks and subterranean flora. You found a stream bounding down a slope of dark rocks. Your fingers idly trailed along the smooth cut stone that acted as stairs towards the heart of this cave.  You didn’t slip.  Nor did you feel any nervousness when a sound rose up through the music of running water. A whispering murmur that called to you. 
Almost there. It seemed to say.
A friend. 
Your friend. The one from your dreams that spoke of itself and the sweet home it made for itself down here.  Surrounded by soft moss and cool water. Comforted by the comes and goings of eager hikers that walked these trails. Listening to the world's gossip and excitement while happily residing in the depths of the mountain. Unseen and undisturbed.
But it called to you nonetheless. And you came just as you promised; a friend coming to visit a friend.  The stream brought you to a wide cavern. With a pool in the center and many small plants circling the crystalline water. The lights you were promised dangled from thin, pale vines that spiderwebbed along the sloped ceiling. Giving the wide cave a gentle blue glow as you stepped towards the water. 
You felt parched after such a hike. And the water felt cool against your fingers as you kneeled down beside it and cupped some into your mouth. 
It tasted sweet. Almost like honey. And you sighed as the discomfort of your hike started to ease.  The murmuring echoed through the cave and you sat yourself on a nearby rock. Slipping off your backpack as you looked out over the pool. 
Many eyes watched you, pale and completely pupilless, locked on you from a mound of mossy bark and fern covered limbs. 
It was huge. The presence you have felt for so many nights felt like a crushing weight now as your friend started to move closer. The water barely stirred as thick appendages rose from the calm waters and slithered along the ground towards you. 
You smiled. Reaching for a tentacle as it coiled along your calf and bathed your warm skin with its cool flesh.  You wore shorts today, given the heat of the day, and your friend seemed thrilled with how much skin was currently exposed.  The murmuring turned to whispers. Eager with anticipation. You felt a wordless voice enter your mind as the creature walked out of the pool on thick, muscular legs. They looked like trunks of trees, covered in more of that mossy bark like skin.  You tilted your head up as a tentacle brushed along your chest, circling your neck for but a second before retreating. Wherever your friend touched, a comforting cooling sensation followed. And after your walk up the side of the mountain it was a very welcoming change. 
That presence bloomed in your mind and your smile turned sheepish as a thinner tentacle slipped under your shirt and petted along your bare chest. You felt a curiosity grow through you. Not yours, but theirs. 
You couldn’t hide how warmed the smooth, velvety appendage made you feel. One of the thicker tentacles was resting between your legs. Nestling between your thighs as the others gently greeted and stroked you. 
And the creature breathed an amused sound into the cave as it felt your hips twitch. And you stifled a groan when you felt the muscle tense against you, causing friction. 
Clothes fell to the mossy floor in a messy pile. The tentacles were careful but impatient as they removed each piece of material from your body.  Those many eyes drank in every inch of newly exposed skin and a heated kernal of need rose up within you. 
You gasped as the vision vanished.  A tender tip of the creature’s arms stroked along your cheek, comforting and reassuring. Asking quiet permission as your friend drew back; waiting.  You nodded, smiling.  That’s why you came here after all. Visiting a friend who needed company more intimately than passing gossipers. 
And just like the vision, your clothes fell from your body in fluid, practiced motions. A familiar scene started to open up in front of you as your friend’s arms coiled beneath you and lifted you off the hard stone. They moved you to a more open space in the cave and you were laid down in a nest of soft moss and fern leaves. The glowing vines twisted and knotted between the crags of your bed, illuminating your friend as they settled before you. Their tentacles snaked over the edge of the nest to begin tangling between your limbs. 
The thickest of them all wrapped around your calves and gently spread your legs apart. You moaned as the tip of the appendage curled over your waist and slid between your folds. Clear liquid pooled from the tip and your hips pushed up into the rounded end as they started to fondle you.  How many nights did you and them fool around in your dream? Exactly like this? Pulled to you by their need and your loneliness, your once uneventful nights were soon full of tangled limbs and visions of pleasure. 
You would wake up panting and soaked, both in sweat and with arousal. Lost in the fog of the dream and coming back to reality. 
But here, now with your friend as they loomed over you, your legs spread and pushed up around your head as a tentacle prodded and rimmed your hole, you felt a wave of excitement come over you. 
Tangling with your heated anticipation as the tip against you pushed and your walls gave entry.  It felt like a great relief washed over you as they pushed deeper. The discomfort that has plagued you for days was finally relieved and you went limp against the nest as your body gave an involuntary twitch from the sweetened touch. Your friend must have felt the same because the slow rhythm rubbing along your slit faltered. 
Your mind fogged with a layer of desire and joy as more limbs petted down the back of your thighs and started to grope and fondle you. Twisting and touching along your bare chest as your back arched into the tangle of arms.
You gasped, mouth hanging open as your walls were stretched. Their murmuring was gentle and reassuring. A soothing contrast to the waves upon waves of eager anticipation that radiated from them.  Then the tip pushed deeper and you felt your walls welcome them. And you accepted the intrusion with a heavy moan.
They shivered above you. You felt the heat of your body burn against their cool skin and they enjoyed it. Loved how your hole so eagerly spread for them and how deep they started to go. 
Inch by careful inch, your friend filled you until your eyes squeezed shut and an uncomfortable tension pushed at your stomach. They halted, and a tender touch brushed along your cheek again; reassuring and comforting. 
They didn’t mean to push so hard. But your body felt so good, so soft and warm that they wanted to stay there forever. 
You relaxed after the thick limb began to pull out. But it was so slow it was torture, your moan lowered into a whine. 
They stalled. Those many eyes  watching you as you reached down and ran your fingers along their tentacles. Giving attention to the entanglement of limbs that snaked and petted along your waist and chest. You were almost entirely swallowed by them that you could barely move without them allowing you too. 
You felt small bumps and ridges slide along your palm. Your fingers were left slimy with the substance that oozed from the tip of their appendages.
Curiously, you brought your fingers to your mouth and gave them a small lick.  Just like the pool, the liquid was cool and sweet on your tongue. Like honey. Your friend purred as you stuck two fingers between your lips. And before you could react, a small tentacle wrapped around your wrist and tugged your hand away. 
Your lips were immediately filled with another thick tendril and you felt the tip hit the back of your throat. 
Your eyes bulged and you gagged as a small drop of the liquid slid down your throat.  A worrying whisper tickled your mind. A question, as the limb between your lips started to retreat. You hummed and relaxed your mouth, giving silent permission to continue.
Pleased, your friend pushed further and your eyes watered at the intrusion. But you licked at the velvety underside of the limb. Moaning softly as you tasted that sweet nectar which began to trickle into your mouth.  Your friend then started to continue to pull out of you. You whined again but they slowly slid from your hole, leaving only the tip, before slamming back into you with enough force that your body rocked and your eyes widened in surprise.  Whatever noise of complaint you tried to voice died very quickly as a pace was established. Rough and fast, feverish almost, as your friend purred above you. Your hips were lifted off the ground, angled in a way that folded you in half and your legs were spread wide and near your shoulders. 
Your chest was rubbed and squeezed, your peaked nipples teased by pillowy suction cups on the smallest limbs. Liquid pooling from the coils wrapped around you to ensure there was no restriction to the way they moved. 
Your lips were assaulted by the tentacle in your mouth, which coiled and rubbed along your tongue like a cold version of your own. Your friend shifted closer. Entirely enveloping you with their tentacles as they pulled you against their body. 
You felt yourself being lifted and pressed against their underside as if they wanted to feel you squirm and writhed against them. 
Your eyes closed as you lost yourself to the blinding pleasure. Your walls were stretched and you felt them knock against the deepest part of you, your womb near buckling under the onslaught of thrusts.
The whispering voice transformed into a whining growl that grated your ears. Somehow you knew the harsh sound was your friend’s moaning as they sprawled themselves over the nest. Crushing you against the soft floor as their body started to rut and flood your exposed body with that sweet cooling liquid.  You could feel your climax coming forth. Fighting the cool touch of your friend was a racing wildfire beneath your skin, ready to burst when their tip found something sensitive within you. A bundle of nerves that had you thrashing against your cocoon of petting limbs. 
Your friend cooed softly and your body was suddenly made empty as the tentacle slid out of you.  You cried out. Your frustration was muffled by the thick tongue like limb that you were currently sucking on. 
Amusement flooded your thoughts. And a feeling of patience trickled into your hazy mind.  You pushed against it, harshly sucking on the tentacle in your mouth as if you could coax your friend to reconsider. 
But instead of filling you again, your friend moved so all you could see was their underside. The wrappings of muscled limbs left you. You gasped and licked your lips as the tongue left you as well. 
Above you, your friend’s underside was like a shelled belly. Beautiful with intricate brown lines and plates of green; you would have admired them more if your body wasn’t currently screaming at the lack of touch and stimulation.  Your friend twitched above you and from a slit between the two back legs, something pushed between the thick shell like plating.  As red as candy and thicker than any of the limbs that had previously been buried inside you, your friend’s cock left its protective sheath and started to lower towards your spread thighs. 
The head of the length was flared and rounded nubs circled the wide tip. You licked your lips again. Your body clenching in anticipation and worry as the girth tilted, as if flexible like the tentacles before, and brushed over your sensitive clit. 
You groaned and spread yourself wider. Even going as far as sliding your hands down to your hole and moving your folds so their cock didn’t tug on anything. 
Appreciation melted into your mind and you relaxed against the nest as your friend’s hips dipped lower and the flared head disappeared between your thighs.  You felt the cool soft tip press against your entrance and you tried hard not to tense as they started to push into you. 
You gasped as your walls were stretched to their limit. Comforting murmurs filled your mind as you squeezed your eyes shut against the discomfort. 
But that’s all there was. No pain, just a slight discomfort as your body adjusted to this new girth.  You clung to the body that was inches above you. Holding onto your friend as they tenderly thrusted into you. 
Their clawed hands tore into the nest as they forced themselves to go slow. The images of their cock ravaging you, filling you with every inch of them to claim you; fluttered through your mind before they were snatched away by their self-control. 
Finally, you felt the flared head reach your womb and you were sure you felt the rounded nubs move and press against your walls. Like they were making a barrier against your cervix. 
They then started to move. Your back immediately arched as pleasure burst through your center. You cried out, gasping as your body was rocked again and again by your friend’s eager rutting. They could barely move inside you. The locked position of the flared head felt like a knot deep inside you, keeping you both firmly together. 
But still your friend desperately chased the pleasure they had to previously pause to properly enter you. 
And just as you started to adjust to the heavy sensation in your stomach, your friend shivered above you and the base of their cock bulged as something slid down the long length. 
You gasped, watching the egg roll down the thick length and your walls squeezed tightly around the new intrusion. Your friend thrusted harder than before. Pushing the rounded shaft deeper, forcing your walls to spread around it.
Your head rolled back as it popped inside and you groaned disgustingly loud as it settled deep within you. A heavy, warm bubble of liquid that rounded your stomach and jostled with every thrust from your friend. 
They growled above you as another egg left them and you grabbed the trunk like leg to brace yourself as the bulging intrusion rested against the first.  You reached down and started to rub your untouched clit. Sliding your fingers between your folds, wetting them on the cool liquid that your friend poured from their cock. You felt the hard lump where a third egg was currently flush against your body, begging entrance as your friend purred above you. You circled your clit, rolling your hips in time with your friend’s thrust until pleasure exploded forth. Your climax was what they needed to get the third egg into you. Your spasming walls and jerking hips gave them enough leverage to slide their third egg into your waiting pussy.
The purring increased until it was all you heard. Their cock twitched and you felt some sort of thicker liquid pool from between your legs. 
In your blind chase for pleasure, you didn’t realize the stimulation you were giving your friend. And your fall into bliss dragged them down with you, spilling their pleasure into your swollen hole. 
They didn’t move from their position above you. Still locked together, your friend murmured sweet whispers into your mind as you both caught your breath. 
White hot bliss sparked from your body with every lazy roll of their hips.  You couldn’t recall how much time you laid there beneath them. Writhing and moaning, lost in an overstimulated fog of pleasure and bliss.  Sometime during this hazy moment, your friend finally pulled out of you. You barely felt the shift between your legs, still snugly swollen with eggs.
You fell asleep not long after that. Finally coaxed into rest by your friend’s nuzzling touches. Their limbs massaged along your arms and stomach, as if soothing you into finally sleeping. 
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starillusion13 · 8 months
119: I like it like that
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Pairing: NCT dream x f!reader
Genre: Mature, Smut, Mafia
W/c: 8k
Warnings: mention of drinking, hints of filming, use of sex toys, sex w/o a wrap(don't do it sillies), they all are just horny for each other, mean dom!nctdream, sub!fem, cum eating, hickeys, manhandling, fingering, kissing, crying, orgasm denial, edging,hand job, hints of voyeurism & exhibition, overstimulation, public sex, car sex, comfort, lots of love (let me know what to add more)
Networks: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Note: please I want to thanks to people for reading and reblogging. Reviews are always appreciated . Applause to the ones who come up to me to interact and they know how friendly I am. Okay enough!
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"Don't make a sound and don't even let others know about this. Alright?"
"Are you really questioning me now?" he said and raised an eyebrow.
You shook your head and wide eyes staring at him. You didn't still able to place the pieces that he made you wear the panty with the most favorite vibrator of his choice and asked you to go along with him to the business party wearing a revealing slit dress. You always loved these thrilling experiences and for a lot of times, you had raised the topic of being used in front of others but everything should happen oblivion to others.
Your heels clicked on the shining marbled floor and the man standing at a distance watching you hungrily with a very familiar dirty smirk plastered on his face. Oh, he was enjoying it too much!
It was one of the fantasies coming true after all!
As soon as you reached near him, he grabbed your wrist and brought your knuckles to his lips, he inhaled the scent from your wrist and closed his eyes, "sweet as always." His nose brushed against your warm skin, his warm breath alone making you weak and his lips just a thin line away from your skin, "you will be good for us tonight, okay baby?"
He repeated and locked his gaze with yours, "okay? I want answers. And that should be a positive one."
You hesitantly nodded and he chuckled. He placed a soft kiss on your knuckles and entangled his fingers with yours before pulling you towards his side, "you are already being a bad girl, baby. And this has been added to your list. Keep in your mind to use your words to reply or later your every word will be deaf to my ears and I don't know about them."
"Yes, Mark......and where are the rest?" you asked him when he was guiding you towards the car in the garage.
"They have been already at the party, don't want to make them wait more. Right, baby?" he asked you while opening the door to the passenger seat for you.
"No. Let's go there before people start asking them about us." You entered and he pressed a kiss to the side of your head and closed the door.
Your eyes followed his movements how he checked a message in his phone then he looked at you through the glass, standing in front of the car and smirked. With slow steps, he entered the driver's seat and whistled when he set his hairs in the rear mirror.
Your gulped and your throat became dry watching him looking so perfect in black leather jacket and a denim bottom. His black hairs looking exactly the perfect match to the outfit and he seems like the center of attention of the party.
You licked your lips and he noticed it. He chuckled seeing you so horrified with the things that were going to happen.
"Are you scared? Or are you excited?" he asked with locking your eyes in the mirror.
You gulped and replied, "Both."
"That's a good girl. You are looking so expensive today. But I'm really disappointed that you didn't listen to our warnings and rules for the last two months, when we were not here. You hurt my trusts on you. And today you are going to repay it. Are you going to beg for the forgiveness?"
His words making you clench around nothing. You felt a wave of shame all over yourself for his words could have such an impact on you. You licked your lips and nodded before you looked up to him to your side. He was focusing on the position to take a back turn to get on the road.
"but I was missing you all. You all were gone for so long and I couldn't help but-"
"but to use all the toys that Jeno was hiding in his room. You entered all of our rooms and fucked yourself like a Wolfie in heat when we were out there busy and stressed out with our life and business."
He didn't turn towards you but his dark eyes were focusing on the road ahead. You sinked into your seat and looked outside the window. He glanced to your direction and smiled.
"you trust me, y/n? You trust us, right?" he asked you in a low voice.
"Yes. I trust you all more than everything."
Reaching to the grand gate of the 'The Park Hotel', your stomach twisted in the anticipation of the night ahead. You kept staring at the name which was shining in the dark surrounding. Mark opened the door to your side and offered you his hand, "here, my princess. The one who needs to be punished."
Your shaky hands got in contact with his strong grip and both of you walked towards the entrance.
You have been to such places a lot of times. Basically, any sort of meetings with them means to be you all in such a grand and lavish place but this day was different. Lot more exciting and surprising.
"Oh, finally my dear y/n is here." Jaemin's cheerful voice broke your gaze onto Mark's side profile and moved to the man who was approaching towards you. Mark left your hand before placing a kiss to let you hug Jaemin. You gladly accepted the hug and you realized that how much you have misses them.
"I missed you, Jaemin."
"I missed you too, baby. Were you fine by your own? Was everything too much or you were just having fun?"
"I...I felt lonely. Really, without even one of you. It was pretty much too much for me." you pout in the end.
He patted your head and turned towards Mark and signalled something before both of them smirked at you. You whispered to Mark, "does they know about my situation?"
Jaemin chimed in, "what situation?"
You didn't expect him to hear you but you just shook your head when Mark spoke up, "I don't know what she is talking about, Jaemin. As far as I can see she is in good situation."
Jaemin nodded, "you are looking perfect baby. I like it like that." and took a hold of your hand and kissed the exact same spot where still Mark's kiss from earlier was lingering. He guided you to the table where others were and Mark trailed behind you both.
As soon as you reached the table, they stared at you darkly. All their stares which were very unreadable but were filled with hungry intentions. You flashed a smile towards them. Your throat felt too dry to see them all in one place looking extra perfect. You last saw them in sleepy mood when they left for two months in the middle of the night.
Renjun was the first one to break his strong look into a smile, it was more of a smirk and he walked towards your figure wrapped in a red dress. He bent down to peck your lips catching you off guard,
"you know why you are told to wear the red dress?" he asked you.
You glanced towards Jisung and he raised a eyebrow. You turned back to the man in front and shook your head, "No."
You had only been told that the dress was bought by Jisung and you needed to wear it at the party.
"Aw...so sweet. Didn't know you are so naïve...you are looking so beautiful, exactly how we want to show you off to others." His hands took a hold of your hand and his fingers caressed yours. The fingers trailed up to your forearm and continued to caress the exposed collar bone and neck and rested on your cheek. He smirked before pecking you again.
Jisung left his place and stood beside you two, "I knew the dress would look best on her. This dress was really meant to wear by her. I'm impressed. You are looking like a princess." He leaned to whisper into your ears, "The one that needs to be punished soon." Before retreating himself, he planted a kiss on your ear lobe and on your cheek.
Mark and Jaemin already took their place around the table. Renjun also went back to his chair when Jisung pulled him back to the table. You could feel a piercing gaze on you and when you turned towards the direction from where it felt like was coming, you caught Chenle's eyes. He was watching you like a predator. He was having a wine glass in his hand and a cherry in other hand.
He slowly walked towards you and noticed how your eyes locked to the cherry. He stopped in front of you and raised the cherry. He eyed it intensely and looked towards you. You gulped and held his gaze.
"you are like the cherry on top of the party. You deserve this. Open your mouth." His words so sweet but the tone dipped in venom. A perfect sweet venom.
You obeyed his commands and did what he said. He slowly brought the cherry closer to your lips, almost touching your lower lips and asked, "Do you want it?" without wasting your time, you said, "yes."
He smirked and placed the cherry inside and closing your mouth shut with his hand. He sipped to his drink watching you eating the cherry. He waited for you to throw the seed. All their gazes were fixed on you. He offered a napkin to you. You threw the seed and he brought the wine glass from his lips to yours. "Drink."
You raised your hands to hold the glass. "did I say for you to hold it?" he gripped your jaw and made you drink the little bit of it.
He pecked your now sealed lips. He groaned in satisfaction into the kiss, "Perfect."
Jaemin leaned back into his chair, "Wow. Sexy. That was really hot."
Renjun nodded in compliance and Jisung nodded beside him.
Haechan broke the tensed atmosphere with his groan. "now come here baby and sit down. This table was looking so lonely without the cherry."
Jisung snickered hearing the comment.
You nodded but as soon as you took a step. You gasped and turned towards Mark. He was sipping his drink and staring at you. "what?"
"Are you going to sit down or not?" Jeno's voice was dark and stern.
"yes." Your shaky legs due to the vibrator in your core led you to the seat between Jeno and Haechan.
You sat in your place and flashed smile towards Haechan, who was on your right.
He chuckled before leaning to you to whisper, "I will see how long this smile will last, sweetheart. This dress is really making you everyone's eye candy. But it's not good for you if people stare at you with hungry eyes."
"But that's not my fault. That's the fault of this dress." Your voice was pressed and broken due to the tingling sensation between your legs. You made a fist above your thigh. Your nails digging into the flesh of your palm.
Haechan unfolded your fist and entangled your fingers with his, "mine. I don't want these soft hands to get bruised now. These are so precious for so many things."
You felt a cold hand placed on your left thigh which was bare due to the starting of the slit of the long dress from top of the thigh. You followed the veiny hands of the man with Black leather jacket similar to Mark but a bit of different designs and patterns all over it.
Your eyes locked with the dark ones of Jeno. His stares were enough to make you cum untouched. Without processing your words, your lips parted to flow out some words, "please Jeno." You can't ever resist the urge to beg to this man. He poked the inside of his cheek and glared at you.
"Behave, Y/n. This is the last warning for tonight."
You pressed your lips tight and clutched your hands in Haechan's hold. Breaking the eye contact with Jeno, you looked at Mark with begging eyes.
"What happened?" He asked you with a smile. You gulped and attempted to speak but the vibrator was now set up to next level. The sudden increase in speed and their eyes on you making you clench around that tiny device and your both hands gripping the two man besides you. One who was already enjoying your tight clutches in his hold and another who had his palm above your thigh and your fingers holding his wrist tight for the dear life.
You closed your eyes tight and lowered your head. Feet curling under the table.
"Look at me." You didn't know who said those words rather your mind didn't register if something was said to you. You were focusing on suppressing your needs between your legs.
"Y/n. I said look at me." Renjun's  stern voice made you look up to look at the man across from you. He was glaring at you.
"What happened? Why are you looking down? All the people are watching us." He raised his eyebrows and you shook your head in reply. He scoffed, "then try to behave. Don't act like this in the very beginning."
You were trying to overcome the tensed muscled. Your legs pressed tight and hands in contact with the two beside you on each side.
You averted your eyes to the approaching man towards the table when Renjun spoke up again, "did I tell you to look away?"
"But...I was just..."
"What did I say before coming here? Don't make a sound and be a good girl. Where are your manners, y/n?" Mark asked you in a daring way.
You whispered, "I'm sorry."
"Oh isn't this the dream unit. I'm so glad that you all attended the party. Say my greetings to Taeyong." The man in all white suit greeted them but Renjun still kept an eye contact with you.
Mark scoffed, "when the unit leader is here and you haven't greet properly to him. I won't be giving him your greetings."
The man laughed off the awkward moment and looked at you, "oh a beautiful lady with you all. Who is she?"
Jeno's fingers curled into a fist.
He extended his hand to greet you, "nice to meet you. This is Mr. Lee Sooman."
You broke the eye contact with Renjun and turned towards the man and stood up with a smile. Your jaw clenched due to the shift and the movement made the vibrations in a new position. You could feel their stares and when you shook the hand and introduced yourself, the vibrator was set to another level up.
You breathed out a groan and quickly retreated your hand from the man's grip. You fell back into your seat.
The concerned man asked you, "hey miss! Are you okay."
You couldn't hear anything but just looked down to disappear from his eyes.
Haechan faked smiled towards the man and stated, "I will appreciate if you just leave the personal space. She is our concern and you are not invited here to know about it. You can go and entertain your other guests."
The man pressed his lips in a smile and turned towards the another table.
"And y/n. Why are you acting weird? Can't you behave?" "Hae-Haechan...too too much."
"What's too much? Nothing is too much for you. Just know we are not leaving here until dinner. You are free to have your time."
"What's wrong with that? Whatever he is telling is right. We are here for a dinner party and how will it seem to leave the party before dinner." Chenle said and sipped his wine.
Jisung added, "we will have more time to play here."
You had again pressed your legs tight and hands clutching your dress above your knees. Haechan smirked and picked up his wine glass and whispered something to Mark. The latter laughed and shook his head. 
"Y/n, I don't like to repeat but you have to look up and act normal. I don't know why you are behaving like this." You could hear Renjun's annoyed statement but you didn't look up. you shook your head and sinked into the seat.
"didn't you hear him? Do you want to get punished...more?" Chenle said and smirked similarly like Renjun beside him.
you licked your lips and tried to form some words but only whimpers and low moans escaped your mouth.
"Don't lick your lips so much. Don't want the lipstick to fade. Do we?" he paused and repeated, "Do we?" 
"that's a good girl there." He smiled.
Jeno tapped your thighs and made you look at him. you were avoiding his eyes and focusing on anything other than any of them.he gripped your jaw and placed a cherry in your mouth
 the buzzing between your legs, the bundle of nerves coiled inside your lower stomach and their intense gazes on you was making it difficult for you to control. There were other guests who were glancing at you all, whenever your eyes were falling on them, you gave them your professional smile.
"What is it, baby? I can't hear you. do you need something? can I help you?" Mark's concerning voice earned chuckles from others around the table. he was not concerned, he was enjoying and mocking at you.
"C-can I...Can I please-"
"No." Renjun cut you off.
your wide and confused eyes glanced him and back to Mark who was smirking. you attempted to speak but Mark beat you off.
"you heard what he said...be it like that."
"w-what no...please..."
"what are you even begging for, y/n?" Jisung rested his head on his palm, elbow pressed to the table and gazing intently at you.
you stared at Mark and he looked away.
"he is not even talking to you. I'm asking you something so you better reply me before you get on my nerves." Jisung scoffed in the end of his statement.
"I.." you were visibly panting, your knuckles turned white for the pressure you were balling your fist. "I...It's too much...please...please...I can't hold it anymore...please..."
chenle laughed and asked you, "what you can't hold anymore? you are not even holding your wine glass. are you gonna..." he raised his eyebrows and didn't complete the sentence but sipped his drink, holding his gaze with your shaky orbs.
you were using your whole energy not to come without his permission but he was just reluctantly joking with Chenle and Haechan. you didn't even know from where he was operating his remote. both of his hands were on the table. in one hand, he was checking his phone often and with other hand he was eating the pastries, different fruits or drinking his wine. 
where is the remote?
"what are you asking for?" he asked you with amusement filled eyes.
"fuck-"your whispered curse turned into silent whines when suddenly the vibrator got turned off.
Jaemin smiled and brought your attention towards him, "why were you cursing? didn't Mark tell you not to make any sound?"
"What? now you are asking me? I can't help you with anything." he smirked and leaned back, placing his hand behind his head.
Jeno grabbed your neck and pulled you towards him with a smile. if anyone watching the scene would find it romantic and think he is teasing you and flirting with you. but in reality, he brought your face closer to his and eyes scanned your face with touch up of glittery eyeshadows and blush but a look of frustration visible on top of it. the frustration of denial.
"pathetic. you never miss a chance to take away my breath." he groaned in the end.
A hand ran down your spines, sending chills to your body and the owner of the hand whispered into your ears, "did you want to come before?"
You hastily turned towards your other side with shocked eyes to see Haechan faking an innocent look towards you. "why?"
"why? I didn't do anything. Do you think I could do such a thing?" he said it out loud so that others could listen to him and then he again leaned to your ears, "I would have done worse."
his hands were still resting on your bare back and and the other man’s hand on your thighs from earlier returned. both of them drawing patterns on your burning skin, making you squirm in your place.
"what happened? are you excited for something?" you shook your head to Chenle's comment.
you took deep breathes but they came out as shaky due to both of them on your either side sliding their hands over your bare skin. 
Chenle clanked his glass with a spoon to gain your attention, few people nearby your table turned their heads towards you all and you felt embarrassed but still managed to send a tight smile. few recognized that the dream unit was sitting near them, bowed towards them in greetings. you took a napkin and dabbed it on your face to wipe off the sweat lining and sipped the wine.  
"where is the remote?" you asked in a challenging way towards Mark.
"woah...somebody is acting too strong now." Jisung said and laughed.
"and that was not the smart move." Jeno's voice was low and heavy beside you.
the same vibrator turned on again but this time it was already set on a higher level. you groaned and almost moaned out but quickly looked around to see if anyone heard you or not. there was horror in your eyes and you didn't know if you would be allowed to come this time but still there was a desperation in your body. their hot touch, their eyes on you and their teasing voices were not helping you to distract yourself from the wet pool between your legs. similarly, like before you pressed your legs tight and hands balled above your thighs and jaw clenched to restrict any sort of noise to escape your throat. 
"let's make it a little bit more fun. what do you say guys?"
"and what you want, Haechan?" Jaemin asked while looking up from the phone. he was recording your expressions when the set up increased by a level. Haechan hummed beside you as if he was in a deep thought but someone's voice made you look at him.
"put your hands on the table." Renjun commanded you but your movements were too slow for the patience of the man beside you. Jeno grabbed your hands and put them on them table, planting a kiss on the fingers and delicately placed them on the table and whispered, "these hands are mine because you are mine."
the dark voice and the authority in his voice pushed you to clench again and the feelings of the coiling of the knots from earlier started to return back. you curled your fingers only to get a light hit from Haechan.
"act normal. don't make a fist......um...drink the wine and also the pastry." Jisung smirked on ending his orders.
"W-what? I c-cant...no no."
"did you just say no to me?" he poked his inner cheek with tongue and placed a toothpick between his teeth.
you took a bite of the pastry. it was your favorite one and most delicious one but this moment you were in nowhere to appreciate the food. your shaky hands raised your glass in your grip and Haechan clanked his glass with yours, sending you a wink before sipping into it.
"she is doing much more than only clenching her fist. open your legs."
you shook your head to Jaemin's command.
"y/n...Open. Your. Legs." Jaemin was having literal fire in his eyes and if he ever acts this way means he was not in the mood of entertaining anything at the moment.
you had to obey his orders. you broke their rules and now you had to face the consequences. you had no other option than to do what he said. you slowly parted your thighs only for the vibrator to get shift a bit and you gasped out loud but thankfully no one noticed it except the boys surrounding you.
"you are looking pathetic at this point but still...I'm addicted seeing you like this."
Haechan will say everything just to push you towards the climax and you were trying your best to act deaf to his words.
"If we didn't have brought you here then think about us, we would have been bored so much. unlike you who would have taken the situation to her advantage." Mark stated and rolled his eyes.
Chenle nodded, "that's true. someone really doesn't care how good I fuck her. how I own her but in the end only disappointing me."
Jeno tsked beside you and added, "I need to get it in her head tonight that who is the one in control. Sometimes she tends to forget everything and I should take the honor to remind her place and who owns her."
He leaned to your ears and his hand on your thigh gripped the flesh tightly, leaving red hand marks and other hand on your bare back, a finger tracing the spinal cord. His breaths hitting your earlobe and the vibration reaching to your core, "close your eyes baby. I said close means you will close it at the instance."
you did as he told you. rest of their eyes following you two. Thankfully, your table was in the end corner and not so crowded there. of course, no one would dare to come across NCT's table. even if they are the dream unit, the two wild brothers of Taeyong are on this table so there was still a fear of the aggressiveness of the gang. 
"Imagine you are sitting on my lap on this chair. my hard dick buried deep inside. pumping into you and ripping you into two parts. your teary eyes and bouncy tits." he groaned into your ears and his hand on your thigh trailed upward, near to your vibrating zone, tracing the bikini line over the dress. "think the way i would have fucked you so nice and full unlike this tiny device. you begging me to dont stop-"
"please...dont stop..."
he chuckled and continued, "cut my words again and am going to bend you down over this table and fuck you insane."
the thought of him fucking your brains out made you squirm in your place.
Renjun chuckled, "someone is excited too much."
Jeno hummed into your ears, "are you near? Is that tiny one giving you the pleasure like I give you?"
"Is it filling you full?"
"open your eyes."
you quickly did because you were reaching your climax soon and he was keeping you on the edge. you didnt want to cause anything more trouble to them to deny your orgasm again.
"will you be satisfied with it...in place of me?"
your protest was a broken and muffled cry. he placed a small piece of pastry inside your mouth. he wiped the cream from the corner of your mouth and licked his finger. the device was again got turned off by them and you were denied the second orgasm of the night.
you were breathing heavily and panting while gulping the pastry. Jisung offered you a glass of water. "are you okay?"
you shook your head and gulped down the water.
"why? what happened?" Chenle's concerned voice.
your teary eyes locked with his, "please...why...why...I...need to go to washroom."
"do you think we are stupid?" Renjun almost laughed in the end of the statement.
"No...I need to use it....really."
"Okay. I will go with her." Jisung stood up quickly to guide you to the exact direction. you glanced a nervous look towards your table when Jaemin winked at you. He mouthed you to smile and you smiled while making your way away from the table. you both came across a lot of known people and you were happy to meet them after a long time. you mentally thanked that they haven't turned on the device this time and you didn't have to embarrass yourself.
you definitely didn't took much time inside the stall because you didn't have a choice but as soon as you exited it, you came face to face with Jisung leaning against the marble counter and whistling at you.
"isn't this my pretty baby looking so delicious in the red dress."
"Thanks for the dress, Ji." 
he nodded and you went beside him to wash your hands. he back hugged you and locked his eyes with yours in the mirror.
"I just want to rip this dress off from you. but I can wait for the night. maybe the dress is expensive enough to tear off but I don't even care about that, " he turned you around and pressed himself closer to you, his fingers traced your face, "but I care to break you down under me. my baby. you are the most expensive thing in my life."
"you hate me?"
he laughed, "why will I hate you? because you broke that rule? Silly, breaking that rule doesn't even matter because in the end I will get you for myself. But we are having a little fun here today. I love you, Y/n. Are you not enjoying?"
"I love you too, Jisung...but this is too much for me...People might be watching us and they might find it weird."
"really doesn't matter. let them think whatever they want to. you only have to focus on us."
"I missed you so much." you said and hugged him.
he returned the hug and patted your back, "me too baby."
you both heard a knock and he groaned. he ignored it and kissed you but it was just a peck, his lips trailed down to your jaw and neck. he inhaled your perfume and groaned in satisfaction, one hand pumped your clothed breast and bit you soft on the soft skin at your sweet spots and you moaned out his name. he smiled and returned back to peck you again.
Hearing some repeating knocks after ignoring some before, he took a hold of your hand and you checked yourself in the mirror for any marks left behind before he unlocked the door.
the woman standing there gave you weird look and Jisung noticed it.
"Listen here 'who-is-giving-looks', before you judge anything about my wife. you need to know who's wife she is and who she is. she is too precious to receive looks from you so take that eyes down or somewhere else. I dont want those dirty eyes on her."
the woman apologized and entered the washroom. you both walked towards the table.
"you didn't have to say her like that."
"she deserved it. why will she give you a disgusting look? you are perfect. she is nowhere like you." Jisung pulled you towards the table.
"took long enough. did you guys have your little fun or what?" Chenle wiggled his brows. Jisung shook his head while taking his seat and you sat in your exact place between the ones, who were too excited to get you back for their torture.
"maybe I could have but the interruption had ruined it all."
"awe poor jisungie."
He glared at Chenle.
"but I can have my own fun later. i want myself to take that dress off from her."
"You looked like the center of the party when you walked across the room just now. I must say the choice for the red dress was perfect." Renjun said and gave you smile.
"Thanks, Renjun."
He nodded and then the servants served you the dinners. you heard the others talking to Jisung that they met some of the guests while you were gone. 
there were a lot variety of dinners and you were really not hungry because of the frustration in your stomach. you eyed the foods and Jaemin noticed your disinterested face.
"I don't want to hear that you won't be eating anything. you have a habit of skipping meals often and today you can't do this in front of me atleast."
your protest was shut by his glare.
Jeno placed some foods in your plate as he knows the things you love and not. of course, all of them are aware of this.
"you all are looking handsome." your sudden compliment made them pause. some smirked and some smiled at you. 
"I know I'm looking too good because earlier the way you were boring hole to myside while driving. I thought you would launch at me and I will have to fuck you in the way here."
"Yah! Mark. don't say like this when we are eating." he laughed at your whining voice.
Jeno patted your head and urged you to continue eating.
you still had the doubt, 'who has the remote?'
When you all finished the eating, there was an announcement for a thirty minutes late night show. you all chatted for a while at your table and it was just a normal conversation among you all. many other known faces from earlier greeted you all and had conversations with you all.
you were resting your head on Haechan's shoulder and Jeno was playing with your fingers when Haechan whispered, "when the lights will turn off, you will show me the magical work of your hands."
you looked around the table to see no one was paying attention to what he was saying, "what? no Haechan. there people around us. this is not good."
"oh baby! trust me no one will catch us in the dark. if you don't do what i say then you will get more punishments."
you gulped and nodded. 
you extended your hand to take the wine glass but it slipped from your hand and you gasped, earning chuckles from around the table. thankfully, the glass didn't have much wine but enough to make a mess around the glass. Jeno quickly wiped the liquid before it could roll to anywhere.
"shit! someone is making a mess." Mark mocked at you. you watched how Jaemin was again recording you in his phone like before.
you pressed Jeno's hand for the vibrator was on the highest level. you didn't think you would last long enough this time. as on the cut, the lights got turned off. everybody cheered and suddenly you felt Jeno's fingers hovering over your heat, just above the vibrator.
"I really can't hear you right now, the show will begin just now so focus on it."
"what no- Jeno-"
Haechan held your hand and guided it to just above the tent in his pant.
"you feel this. this is because of you so let the show begin." he quickly opened the button of his jeans and freed his painfully red  length. he was in an awkward posture, if the lights suddenly gets turned on, he might could get caught but he really didnt care about that and brought your hands to the tip of it.
"Ah fuck- y/n...your little touch makes me want you so bad. gonna fuck you so bad."
"hae...haechan...I can't do it." you shakily whispered.
"hush love. you can even if your orgasm is keeping you on hook. you need to keep quiet for me and do it." haechan wrapped your fingers around his member and moved it up and down in slow movements. he threw his head back and inhaled sharply.
"keep  going."
"keep quiet and start moving your hand. make me cum before the show ends."
your stomach twisted, you literally forgot your other hand holding Jeno's wrist. he pressed his palm over the device and pressed it, earning a loud moan from you. the music from the show was loud enough to silent your moans.
"Jeno...no...no...too much."
"is it?" he pressed it more and started circling it around the area. "and now?"
you nodded and your other hand jerking off Haechan's length. he was leaning on your shoulders and cursing in your earss, sending jolt to your core where the other was torturing you. You were about to shout to see Jaemin under the table between your legs and pulling off the table cover, smiling at you but jeno was quick to shut you up.
"hello princess. I am hungry for my dessert after the dinner. you will give me what I want, right?"
you nodded but didn't know what you actually agreed to. The man under the table smirked that his brother was torturing your clit with the pressure and when his gaze followed your hand, he chuckled. 
"oh I see, here someone is having their little fun. that's not fair." 
haechan rolled his eyes, "you can do ah- whatever you like. I won't complain b-but let me  have my fun. fuck- y/n keep going like that."
"oh brother trust me. I am here for it."
Jaemin pushed your dress up, enough to get a free access to your clit and watched the vibrator doing its job. Jeno's hand trailed up to message your breasts and kiss your shoulders and nape. he didn't only kiss but also bit some areas.
"Hush...keep quiet..."
Jaemin asked Jeno and Haechan to hold your legs apart and he pushed your panty aside. he took off the vibrator and pressed it on a new place which made you gasped. you locked your eyes with Mark in the dark. he smirked at you before turning away.
Jaemin inserted a finger inside you and you literally cried out. the show would have stopped if Haechan was not quick enough to shut your mouth. you silently cried and sobbed in their hold. Jaemin inserted one more finger and you moaned into the palm placed over your mouth.
"I...am gonna cum...cum...please" your pleads were muffled and you lost the rhythm to Haechan. he gripped your hand tight and guided you. he was near and so were you. he forced your hand to go faster and soon he let out a deep groan into your ears and came undone.
"fuck...that was so good." 
And at the same time Jaemin attached his mouth to your core, making you squirm in your place. his tongue was flat to your core at first and then he played with your bud and sucking it off. his fingers, mouth and vibrator was making your mind go blank and you were blabbering nonsense.
 Jeno bit on your shoulder and kissed away the pain and then asked you, "are you near? Is Jaemin making you feel good?"
"Yes..yes Jeno...Jaemin is making me feel too good." your hands grip Jaemin's hair and his groan vibrated in your core and tears falling from your eyes. "please...please...let me cum...please..."
Haechan chimed in, "I think the princess needs a reward for keeping quiet enough." he had again tucked his shirt and put on the pant properly.
Jaemin smiled into your core, "Go ahead, princess. give me my sweet delicious dessert." his hands left red marks in your inner thighs and you were sure the other two's hands were also tight enough to leave marks.
as soon as you got the permission, you came. You saw white and threw your head back earning a kiss from Jeno on your head, it felt as if Jaemin sucked out your soul from the core. he licked off all the juices and removed the vibrator. his tongue still on you was overstimulating you and you bit your lips.
you looked down to catch Jaemin's eyes. He smiled at you, "I like it like that."
"My god we are twisted. you don't know what are the things we feel to do with you whenever we see you." Jeno nearly breathed out the words. he was having a tent in his pant and when your hands move to touch him, he held them in place and shook his head. 
Jaemin returned to his place and Haechan pulled down your dress and dry off your sweat with tissues. 
the light turned on and everybody clapped. you clapped slowly without even knowing what had happened during the show. but as soon as you turned your head, you caught Renjun's dark and sharp eyes.
everybody stood up and he walked towards you, extending his hand to make you stand. you all said your goodbyes and walked over to the cars.
Chenle and Jisung chose Jeno's car and Jaemin tagged along. that's leaving you with Renjun and Haechan to get into Mark's car.
Haechan sat in the passenger seat. he was too excited to get back home and Mark chuckled seeing him while he entered inside the driver's seat.
Renjun sat with you in the backseat.
as soon as the doors were closed and engine started. Renjun pulled you over his lap.
You yelped in surprise and he showed you a very familiar device in his hold. You didn’t expect that the remote was with him all along this time.
"you had fun with those three. now you will give me one right?" Renjun asked you and traced the hickey marks left by Jeno. you previously had covered them with your hairs but this man pushing away the hairs and eyeing those marks. "you are literally marked as ours. my love you drive me crazy."
he pushed your dress up and pulled down your panty. your bare ass visible to the men in front. they both groaned at the scene.
"don't distract me much or I will park the car anywhere to get my turn." the man from driver's seat said and chuckled.
"cry for it, Mark but we are going home. if you park the car, I am leaving you there and will drive off to the house."
"fuck you."
Renjun undid his pants and freed himself. he groaned and pumped his dick with the precums over it. He watched you eyeing his movements and grabbed your neck. "Ride me. okay, y/n?"
you nodded and he guided you to sit on his length. you were already dripping from the release of earlier and the new stretch burnt out the soft flesh of yours. you cried out but he kissed away the tears. you slowly started moving and gripped his shoulders. 
"I want to see you but I can't take this dress off because someone else has already claimed it."
he urged you to go faster and you literally started to bounce on his lap. he groaned and moaned out. you could hear groans from the front seat as well.  Renjun brought his hand from your neck to the throat and put pressure to the sides of it. you gasped but still continued to bounce.
he increased the pressure and you almost choked but it didn't hurt you much, he was quick to release for you to breathe fore few seconds only to put pressure again. another hand holding your hips in place. 
"fuck- ah-"
he was near and you felt yourself near as well.
he pushed himself up inside you and you were crying. you were clenching around him for your release.
"Cum baby. I k-know y-you want to cum."
you came and rested your forehead on his shoulder. he removed his hand from your throat and again held your neck keeping you on his shoulder. His thrust increased its' pace and you whimpered for the overstimulation.
"make those sounds in my ear more. I-I'm not going to stop anytime soon."
"too much..."
"hush last one...take it."
the thrusts were rough and uneven and soon he came inside you and he kissed your shoulder. 
"you did well."Renjun said and combed your hairs.
"please I want to sleep. no more today please."
"okay baby. sleep. but remember we are nowhere near the finish line."Renjun chuckled in your ears. he didn't pull out yet but when you whimpered, he detached from you and pulled your dress down. he did his pant again and rested your head on his shoulder.
you closed your eyes but still could hear Haechan's voice.
"oh darling! today night we will have so much more fun. I'm waiting for it."
They all cheered and said, "I like it like that."
but Renjun whispered into your ears, "if you reach your limits you know what to call us."
before dozing off, you mumbled,
Im planning to do this fic on NCT 127 and WAY-V. So please tell me whether you want this on the other units. Of course the scenario will be a little bit different.
(Do let me know if you liked it or not…this is a kind of fic I wanted to write but didn’t know how to. So here it is. Please give it a reblog in appreciation.)
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Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades @sexygrass @minkyuncutie @loveforred
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ariaste · 3 months
listen i've had a 100 degree fever for four days and i have not been able to string any thoughts together except for gently rotating Devil's Minion in my brain and the bleary conclusion i have come to is this:
we know armand is a control freak
we know armand has spooky psychic powers of imposing his desired reality on top of other people's lived realities
the interview is happening despite armand supposedly claiming that he thinks it's a bad idea
Armand gives in to participating in the interview awfully quick. including a theatrical reveal of his true self at exactly the right moment for maximum Drama.
therefore, stay with me here, I will argue that armand DOES ACTUALLY want the interview to be happening. Who else is going to be pushing for it? Louis??? If Louis pushed for something Armand didn't want, Armand would simply wipe it from Louis' mind and move on with his day. He has that power, and yet he didn't USE IT in this case. So that means that the little tissue paper objections are mostly for show and to camouflage his true intentions (see also, though: the scene in Paris where Louis comes in and is playing maitre and Armand offers just a teeny resistance of "oooh but i'm looking at Sam's new pages", so it's a documented behavior pattern). There is one exception, but we'll come back to that in a sec.
So then the questions are: Why does he want it to be happening now as opposed to any other time? What is his motivation for having it happen again at all? What changed between 1973 and now that caused this?
(the rest under a cut bc this is gonna get long and i don't wanna clutter people's dashes too much)
my wild fever hallucination theory rn is that armand (my canceled wife who i stand with) is manipulative and psychopathic enough that he may have looked at daniel at some point in the 1970s and said to himself "you know what, the one thing that I would change about him is if he was like 40 years older, because i'm kinda into that, and also maybe he hates me a little bit, because i'm kinda into that as well" and then set Daniel on the back burner to basically finish cooking into the Perfect Daddy Boyfriend.
so why is he doing this whole charade again? Because the first time Daniel had the interview, the end result was "omg omg omg make me a vampire PLEAAASE", right? So Armand's insane little brain is like "ok, so we do it again, and replicate the same results :) and this time i will win and get everything i want, just like always :))))"
Going back to the tissue-paper objections i mentioned above, the one exception that strikes true for me is when Armand tells Louis that he's lost control of the interview. What control? What control, babygirl? what are you trying to control about this interview? what is the goal that isn't being achieved rn? Are you worried that Daniel seems Jaded and Cynical and Unimpressed nowadays? Are you worried that Louis does not seem to be selling the Allure Of Being A Vampire as effectively as he did back then and that Daniel is not going to beg for it like he used to? Armand is so used to being around people who NEVER EVER CHANGE in hundreds of years and so maybe he has forgotten that mortals do change actually. Oh no. Science experiment cannot be replicated. Results are going awry. PANIC.
this would also explain why he keeps explaining himself to Daniel, censoring the diaries, and lying about his involvement in things. could it be that he thinks Daniel won't play along with what he's supposed to be doing (ie: being deeply into him) if he knows upfront that Armand is Fucknuts Crazy?
that is where he is wrong tho. Daniel thinks fucknuts crazy is irresistibly hot. Daniel "I want BOTH [to survive AND the book] >:\" Molloy, aka Daniel "YOU BOTH FUCKED LESTAT? :DDD" Molloy aka Daniel "Fascinating Boy" Molloy loves mess. he loves mess. he's an investigative journalist who interviews KGB agents and the most dangerous people in the world because he's an adrenaline junkie who sincerely loves the thrill of hanging out with people who might kill him. He has been chasing that high since 1973 (and I use that phrasing intentionally). Every time Armand tries to control the narrative and woobify himself and act like he's not absolutely insane bc actually he's innocent and blameless, he is shooting himself in the foot re: the pursuit of his endgame goals. And that's extremely funny to me. Bc Daniel's love language is "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU [enraptured, intrigued, captivated, fascinated]"
and in conclusion, that's why they're the ship of all time, ur honor. defense rests.
(will this make coherent sense once i'm not sick anymore? idk.)
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bandgie · 1 year
Ghost in the Night
Ghostface!Jeongin x fem!reader
AU 1 | AU 2
synopsis: Keep your doors locks, shut your windows, don't go outside after sundown. Rules were quickly put in place when a killer, known as 'Ghostface,' began terrorizing your city. You listened to all these rules until finals night, but still, there's no way in hell Ghostface could get to you. Right?
warnings: MDNI 18+, DUBCON/NONCON, breaking an entry, implied kidnapping, PIV, forced oral (m! receiving), face slapping, blood/murder, face fucking, slight pain during sex (no prep) crying/begging, cumming inside, degrading words (slut, bitch, etc), not proofread,
4.1k words shheesshhh
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Another college student was found dead. Their throat slashed along with their stomach. The police found them in their apartment with the words 'COME FIND ME' smeared on the walls with blood. The story along made you queasy. This killer, who the town nicknamed Ghostface, has been on a spree for about two weeks now. It really happened out of the blue. One day, you're attending college parties, and the next, you're too scared to even shop for necessities.
Rumors began to speculate about who it could be. Many people thought it was the rival university, some thought it was the son of the dean who couldn't get into the school, most thought it was just a psycho. The question remained though, why did Ghostface only go after college students?
Your friends dropped out of college upon hearing the news. They urged you to do the same, but you were so close to graduating that you decided to push through. After all, most of the students attacked were sorority or frats, you weren't either of them. If you kept your head down, didn't attend the stupid parties students kept throwing because they liked the thrill, you would be fine.
So here you were, on the second floor of the library late at night. You're thankful your library had open hours until midnight, it was great for last minute studying. The librarian was very friendly, even offering to drive you home. "I hear about what's been happening," she tells you as she rubs her trails hands.
You shake your head, "Thank you for your concern. I really don't wanna waste your time, I'll be fine." She eyes you cautiously, as if hoping you'd second guess yourself and take her offer. When you don't, she sighs. "Fine, deary. You be safe out there." You nod your head and watch her descend back to her from post.
A few hours pass before you decide to head home, your brain fried from all the studying. You wave the librarian a goodbye and exit the doors, greeted with the moon and stars in the sky. Had there not been a killer loose, you would have loved to admire the view. It's a blood moon tonight, and you pray that it's a good omen.
While walking back to your dorm, you couldn't help but hear music blasting. You pass one of the frat dorms, watching as people passed out in the front lawns and other vomiting. You grimaced at the sight. How could they party like this when people were being brutally murdered? You ignored their hollers and whistles to continue on your path.
"Hey!" One of them shouts at you. You ignore it, walking faster to get to your safe place. "Hey! I'm calling you!" Still, you maintain your pace. If you keep walking fast enough, you'll be able to-
"Damn girl! I'm tryna talk to you," the guy had caught up to you. He held you by your upper arms stinking of booze. You turned to face him in an attempt to intimidate him, "I'm not interested." You try your best to sneer, but he only laughs. "Never said I wanted you to be. I was just gonna say you shouldn't be walking all alone." His ominous statement send chills down your spine.
"I appreciate you tryna be my hero, but like I said, I'm not interested." You sternness throws him off, and he quickly lets go of your arm. "Bitch," he mumbles, "I was just tryna help." You don't bother replying, quickly turning around to escape his presence. You can't trust anyone, you can't take your chances.
You make a sharp turn, hoping that you're out of his sight. It doesn't take long to hear the familiar steps behind you. Rather than ignoring him this time, you turn around quickly to confront him. "Didn't you fucking hear me? I said-" You stop yourself. You were fully excepting to see his drunk ass behind you, but instead your faced with nothing.
You shiver, whipping back around to scurry home. It was just the wind, you think. You can feel your heartbeat in your chest, feel the blood that pumps in your veins. No no no, calm down. You're fine. There's nothing here. Even while you try to relax your heartbeat, you start hearing the footsteps again.
Too scared to turn around, you run. Maybe there's nothing behind you at all. Maybe you're running like a manic only scaring yourself more. It doesn't matter though, you're filled with too much fear to think rationally.
Another turn, and you can see your dorm complex in the distance. You stop running as fast, convinced that you're just overreacting. You do keep a fast walk though, still unsure if you could really walk so carelessly. Your gaze is up in the sky, watching how the moon gets bigger and bigger.
The sky provides a good amount of light as you finally make your way to the front door as your house. You reach for your keys only to see that your front door is already open. Your eyebrows raise, unsure if your roommate just got home and forgot to close the door. You push it open, taking a peek. The lights are off and it's quiet. Perhaps they just forgot and went to sleep.
You walk in and flick on the light, setting your bag down. It's not until your eyes are better adjusted in the lighting that you see your roommate. She's hunched over, limp on the couch as if she was waiting for you. You gasp at her, jumping slightly.
"Oh my god!" You breathe. "Jesus Christ you scared the shit outta me." You take steps towards her waiting for her response. There is none. "Hey, girl you good?" You reach out to grasp her shoulder and the little contact makes her fall on the ground. It's then that you see the blood that pool on the couch, how easily her head lolls to the side.
You fall to the ground with her, flipping her around to see a giant slash across her neck. Her eyes are wide with fear, her mouth open as if she was screaming. You can't help but try to shake her despite it being in vain, tears falling down your face. You're so caught up in your mourning that you don't hear the footsteps that come towards you.
A shadow hovers over you, and you turn around to see the familiar descriptions you've seen in the news. A black cloak, gloved hands, a white mask with a permanent open mouth. You cry even harder upon the sight. A part of you doesn't think it's real, that it's all just a sick dream you're having. Even as the killer kneels down towards you to stare at your face, you pray it's just a nightmare.
"I had to come pretty quick, you were almost home," it speaks. You don't really register what he's saying. He straightens back up, "You know, I also killed that dude back there that grabbed you. Guys like that piss me off. They have no respect for personal space ya know what I mean?" Perhaps he said that as a joke, considering this man literally killed your roommate mere moments ago.
"Please," your voice is horse and thick with emotion. "I don't want-want to die." You start sobbing, bloody hands cradling your face in an attempt to comfort yourself. The masked man cocks his head to side, seemingly intrigued by your cries. "You think I'm gonna kill you?" He doesn't wait for an answer, yanking your head up by your hair. You whimper and nod, vision blurry with tears.
You try begging more, but all that comes out are garbles sentences and pathetic wails. Ghostface is rather enjoying the show, smiling behind his mask. "You've got a good crying face. Keep begging," his grip tightens on your hair. You do, and honestly he didn't even need to ask. In the midst of your sobs, you can feel the cold edge of something sharp against your throat. You feel it slowly dig into your neck, but not hard enough to break the skin.
The contact makes you freeze up, eyes wide with absolute terror. Ghostface literally moans at the sight. "Fuck, I love that look." He makes the knife dances around your neck, staring at how your pupils dilate. Pleasurable shivers travel his body, and he can feel the blood traveling to his cock. Killing you now would be a waste, he should at least have some fun first.
He removes the knife from your neck throws it across the room. You jump at the clattering noise, almost missing how he uses his now free hand to yank his pants down. On your knees, your face-to-dick with his half hard on. You almost throw up at the realization, eyes staring into the masks eyes pleading.
He shoves his crotch closer to your face, smearing his cock on your face. You keep your mouth closed, determined to keep your dignity intact. Ghostface doesn't like this, and pulls your hair back so hard you think you'll go bald. "You think this is a fucking game?" He forces you to look at him while he speaks. "You wanna end up like your bitch roommate? Huh?" You shake your head as you sob.
"That's what I fuckin' thought, get to work slut."
You don't think you can manage to even keep your mouth open with how violently your sobbing, but Ghostface doesn't wait for you to open up all the way. He quickly shoves his half hard in your mouth. You wrap your lips around it, trying your best not to gag. A part of you thinks about biting down on him, and he must see a glint in your eyes because he yanks your face off him.
The force of his pull makes you cry out, but he responds by slapping you hard across the face with his free hand. Pain surges in your face, and you can't help the continuous tears that fall. "If you fucking bite me, I'll make you choke on your own insides," he threatens. If it wasn't for the corpse of your roommate mere feet away, you would still believe him because of the look in his eye.
"I won't!" You speak through your cries. "I promise I promise just please don't hurt me." Ghostface smiles under his mask, giving your cheeks three more light slaps before shoving your face back on his cock. Determined to prove your life is worthy, you stick your tongue out to lick his underside. You can tell he surprised by the way his breath hitches.
You let your lips run over his length along with your tongue. Salvia quickly begins to pool in your mouth, and you spit on his dick. You carefully reach your hands up, scared that he might slap you again. You can tell he's watching with judgement as you grab the base of his cock with one of your hands. Your other one steads on your thigh as you let your mouth fall open.
Working in one fluid motion, you bob your head to the speed of your hand. His cock is smooth, save for the pulsating of his veins. He's completely hard now, and it's pretty difficult to get more than half his girth between your lips. Your hands become sticky with precum and spit. You can feel how your drool dibbles down your cheeks as you continue to take him in your mouth.
Now there's two hands in your hair, and he's started pull you closer and closer to him. A particular thrust of his hips has you gagging, nearly coughing his cock out. He doesn't let you pull him out, instead forcing you to keep a couple inches in. You're making noises that both sound like moaning and suffocating, and it turns him on a lot more than he'd like to admit.
Watching you try your best to suck his cock like your life depends on it makes him feel alive because, well, your life does depend on it. You doe eyes wide with fear and concentration amuses him, makes him feel almost bad for the fact that he's still going to kill you when you're done. Not to mention your lips, how swollen and red they are from pleasuring him.
A part of him wishes he could take his mask off, make you look him in the eyes rather than his mask. The clear view could possible make him cum quickly in your mouth. Instead, Ghostface makes do with your current state. You're dripping in him and your own liquids, hands feverishly moving easily in the slobber.
All you and him can hear are your choked sobs, wet sucking, and the occasional movement of his hips hitting your face. To both of your shock, you find yourself getting aroused by his cock in your mouth. The fear in your stomach slowly begins to bubble into desire. Your panties getting slightly damp. You can't stop yourself as you clench you thighs together to get some friction.
You try to convince yourself that it's normal to get like this in a life or death situation. There's been cases of people's brain getting so scared that it gets sexually stimulated. You pray that this is the case now because you're starting to think how pretty this man's moans is. He sounds breathy, needy, desperate. Like he hasn't gotten much action in a while, or at least not to this extent.
A self-defense mechanism, you try to tell yourself as your pussy begins to seep through your underwear.
Ghostface suddenly thrusts his hips into your face, his cock hitting your throat deep. You throat contracts around him, and the pressure has him pulsing. You think you might suffocate with how he just keep shoving his dick into your mouth without caring how you claw at his thighs. Then he moans, almost sings his groans as he shoots his cum down your throat.
If you thought you were suffocating then, you must be dying now. His hot cum chokes you and slightly trickles down your chin. Your wide eyes have now rolled to the back of your head, and your chest began burning from lack of oxygen. Perhaps this is how you go out, dead by dick.
Just before you can feel yourself lose consciousness, he pulls away. You gasp and cough for air, hands grabbing your throat. Ghostface takes a few steps back as if he was surprised by his own orgasm. You heave, lungs burning from the intake of fresh air. Before you have the chance to fully recover, he pulls you up by the back of you head and harshly throws you on the couch. You hate how your shirt begins to grow damp with your roommate's blood, but you try to persuade yourself that it's just sweat.
Ghostface is between your legs in a matter of seconds, lifting up your skirt to expose your underwear.
You're still trying to catch your breath as your hands aimlessly attempt to push him off. You hear him snicker, gripping your thighs tightly to pull them apart. He sighs dreamily, "You're so wet baby. I can't tell if you're that turned on from sucking my cock or if you're so scared you pissed yourself."
Shame overtakes you, and you fight even harder to push him away. He only laughs at your attempts, releasing you for just a second to wrap his hands around his throat. Your finger try to pry him off, but all he does it squeeze harder. You can feel your face turning read, the familiar sensation of suffocating returning.
"I thought you would have learned to be nicer to me by now," he tsks. "Be a good girl and let me fuck you. I would rather like to fuck this pussy warm and alive." You can't verbally answer him since he's crushing your windpipe, so you meekly nod. He released your throat just before your vision went fully dark.
His gloves hands trail over your body, cupping at your breasts before continuing on their way down. You're scared that moving would make you faint, so you stay still as he explores your body. You can feel the warmth of his hands through the latex. How strong his fingers are as they reopen your legs. He rubs a thumb on your clothed pussy, keeping on hand on your abdomen.
Then, he does something even he knows he shouldn't do; Takes off his mask. If you weren't so oxygen-deprived, you could probably see his clearly. All you can make out is his dark hair, thick eyebrows, full lips. His specific features are a little hazy, but you can see enough to know that despite your better judgment, he's not bad looking at all.
He throws the mask onto your face, blocking your vision. "Don't take it off," he commands. "Take that mask off and I'll rip your throat out with my hands." You nod as shivers run down your body, "I won't." Those are all the words he needs to heat before moving your under to the side. The sight of your aroused clit has his breath caught in his throat, he's never seen anything as beautiful.
"Oh baby," he practically moans. His fingers feel a little uncomfortable as he plays with your lower lips, but it's not painful. He smears your wetness all over your pussy and thighs. Ghostface is amazed at how much your pussy was drooling for him. Maybe you're sick too, just like him.
Your cunt feels cold when he withdraws his hand from you, and your body reactively chases his touch. You hate how you hear him chuckle at your actions. He takes his finger and shoves it into his mouth, curious about your taste. You can't see too clear, but from the way his eyebrows go up, he likes what he ate.
"I'd kill to eat your pussy," he compliments. "Don't have the time to though, maybe next time."
No prep, no lube, just this man precisely angling his cock to your soppy entrance. You're whimpering quietly, little sounds as if to say please don't when it only entices him more. He lets out a soft groan when his tip enters your soft walls. You try to close your legs, but now with two hands gripping the back of your thighs, you really don't have a choice.
He pushes in, and you use both your hand to cover your mouth. He has more length than girth, so it feels never ending as he slides in. It's slightly painful at first, but you find yourself feeling satisfying full. Your assaulter can't fit himself all the way since you're too tight, but it's enough for him to rock his hips.
There's no warm up to his strokes, and your thrown in forced pleasure all too quickly. The feeling of his sliding in and out, how he manages to get deeper and deeper each time, the bruising grip on your thighs. Now you're covering your mouth to suppress your moans rather than cries. Even though, he can still hear how you squeak and groan as he pounds into you.
He watches as your breasts bounce from underneath your shirt, the way your body completely shifts every time he thrusts into you. You can say you want him to stop all you want, but he can feel how inviting your pussy has gotten. Almost begging in to stay inside, to pump you full of his cum.
Now he meets you at the hilt, his pelvis slapping against your ass. It's getting hard to breath under his mesh mask, but you don't dare to take it off. You should be ashamed with how you look up at him, practically admiring his expressions and how he groans. From what you can see, his mouth is fallen open as he moans carelessly. Like he didn't just make you take his cock, like he didn't just kill your roommate without remorse.
The pain is completely gone, and you find yourself wondering how you could have been in pain to begin with. He's so good with his cock, like he knows where in your cunt you like it. His hands stay at your thighs, but you wish he could use his gloves fingers to rub your clit. You might've been gripping his by his broad shoulders if you weren't too busy quieting yourself.
Even without the stimulation on your lower lips, you can feel your stomach tightening. The warm orgasm slowly collecting in your abdomen. You let your legs fall open even more, eager for him to drive deeper into you. He accepts happily, laughing maniacally. "God fuck, I knew you were a fucking slut. Putting your nose in a book, acting like a good little girl when you're just as sick as me."
'W-What?" You can't stop from questioning him. Has he been watching you this whole time?
You don't think he's going to answer you with how hard he's driving his hips into you, but he does. "The library. You- ngh fuck!- rather be a fucking loser than party. That scared of me huh?" He cackles. "So scared that you take my fat cock." He stops talking for a few beats to focus on fucking you.
"Aw shit, I'm gonna cum inside you." A statement, not a request. His thrusts become sloppy, aggressive. You cam feel his tip in your throat with how deep he is, and you lose your composure. One of your hands whisk down to rub your aching clit. The movement startles him for a second, but then he smiles once he realizes.
You're despicable. You should feel huge amounts of disgrace as you finish on his cock, but you don't. Instead you feel bliss with your walls squeezing around him. The sudden pressure of your pussy makes him whimper, then cum right after. He's so warm, so lively that you forget that he's a serial killer.
He gives you a few more deep strokes to ride out his high, making you tremble. Your legs shake as he slowly pulls out, but his grip on your legs in firm. He watches as his and your cum oozes out, like blood from a gash. He moans at the sight, feeling his softening cock twitch.
You're breathing heavily under him, still whimpering from the aftershocks. The post nut has not hit yet, and you're tying to relish in his body warmth. If you close your eyes, you can imagine that he's just a hook up. You can tell yourself that you'll get Plan B after this, that you'll take a shower and go to sleep. And when you wake up in the morning, it'll be like nothing happened.
That's not true though, and your fantasy is quickly shut down when his hands wrap around your neck. You gasp at the feeling, your weak hands clawing at his wrists. You both know your fighting is in vain, he was going to kill you regardless of what you did. Tears spring your eyes as you come to terms with your fate. So much for graduating on time.
Maybe it's your tears that have an effect on time. Maybe it's the fact that your pussy is still dripping with him, but Ghostface is having a change of heart. He uses one hand to rip the mask off your face to look into your eyes. It's his favorite part when taking someone's life. Yours though, are not the same. Yes he can see the sadness, the pain, but he can see something he hasn't seen before: Acceptance.
With the mask off, you're able to see his face clearly. He looks like he's thinking with the gentle creases on his forehead. His nose is scrunches and his eyebrows furrowed, and you can't help but think he's..."Cute."
It's the last thing I.N hears you say before you pass out, face turning a purple color. He quickly releases his grip on you, pressing a finger under your chin to feel for a pulse. When he feels it, he sighs in relief. Killing you was on his list since he first saw you weeks ago at the library. You did party, he's seen you before. Yet, watching you turn into a hermit because of him was romantic. He loves having that much power over people, over you.
I.N knows better than to play with his food, but he might make an exception this time. After all, he does have a spare room waiting to be used.
a/n: this took a few days and I feel like I could have done better but here ya go, feeback is appreciated update: au part here!
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hells-wasabii · 7 months
hey,i LOVE your work! Can i request a Lute (hazbin hotel) x gn!reader who is Adam's sibling and how she's slowly falling for reader. It's okay if u don't wanna do it,but incase u do please tag me ♡
AN: Sooooo, I messed this request up. I wrote the headcanons in my google doc and finished them in one sitting so i didn't exactly cross reference the ask, and I wrote general relationship hc for lute x reader who's adam's sibling. Don't worry though, I'm not gonna let this fumble go to waste, I'll go ahead and post a full set of HC now and a Drabble that I’m working on for it at a later date.
Character: Lute
Type: Headcanons (Lute x reader who is Adam’s sibling, Fluff)
When Lute initially met you, she didn’t exactly know that you and Adam were siblings. You had come along to the exorcist training grounds for some reason or another dealing with Adam, and Lute had initially thought you were lost. It's not until the first man makes an appearance that she connects the dots. Up until that point, she didn’t even know he had a sibling
She’s surprised at how different you are from Adam. Where the first man was crass, you… let's face it, even if you have a higher level of maturity than your brother, you’re still his sibling. Do with that as you will.
After the initial meeting, the two of you saw each other more and more often. It really didn’t take long for the two of you to get closer, and eventually get together.
Of course, Adam finding out about the two of you is inevitable. How long it took for him to figure it out though is kind of up in the air. He can teeter between pretty dense to super observant. Or the two of you could even beat him to the punch and tell him yourselves. After the initial shock he wouldn’t really care, though after you leave, he pulls Lute to the side and super casually threatens her, ‘ya know blah blah blah hurt them and you’re out of the band’
The other exorcists are sure to talk, too. The most popular rumor amongst them had been that Lute was merely with you to gain favor with Adam. Another was that Lute had simply gotten tired of a (non-existent)romance with Adam and moved on to his sibling. Both Adam and Lute were quick to put a stop to that one.
With you having been around since the beginning of humanity like Adam, she finds it easier to ask about the garden, Adam is a little more bitter about it and won't go into details as a result, and when he does, it’s usually about events that centered around him. From you, she would get to learn about events that texts never went into. Though in reality, it was partially a ruse for her to be able to listen to you speak so fondly of your time on earth.
Assuming you’re just as strong of an angel as Adam is, you’ll be a constant sparring partner for the lieutenant. None of the other exorcists are a match for her ruthlessness in battle, but you had the power to keep up. You could present a challenge and by god did that give Lute a thrill she hadn’t realized she needed.
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misc-obeyme · 11 months
heyyy!!!! It's for the Kinktober list \o/
Solomon and breeding kink please babes ❤️
Drink water, sleep 8 hours and eat three healthy meals a day!!! Luvoo
Hey there, anon!
Okay I already had a prompt for Solomon for Kinktober when I got this ask, but I was like listen. Is it really a CC event if I don't get more requests for Solomon than any other character? So now I feel like it's just tradition.
Also I can't believe I didn't include Solomon's pact marks in the other kinktober post I wrote for him! I didn't even realize until I'd posted it and then I was like how is it that I didn't mention them at all?? I'm so into it, it's ridiculous and yet... anyway, this gave me the chance to include them so I feel that makes up for it a little bit. One of these days I'm gonna write a smut fic that's like... about those marks 'cause they just do something to me.
Anyway, I did afab reader so hopefully that's okay! I also feel the need to thank you for telling me to drink water and so on. Those are all things I almost never do lol. Sometimes I eat three meals a day, but are they healthy?? No. They aren't. Right, sorry for the ramblings lol.
Thank you for submitting a prompt!
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AFAB!MC x Solomon
Warnings: breeding, penetration (reader receiving)
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You were on the sofa in Cocytus Hall in the middle of a heavy make out session with Solomon when you pulled away. Solomon let out a breath at the loss of your lips, but he didn't say anything. You met his eyes, saw the desire in them and the question.
You reached down deliberately to put your hand on his erection. Solomon closed his eyes and tensed, trying not to react to the feeling of it.
"We haven't even been doing this that long and you're already hard," you said quietly.
Solomon took hold of your wrist and pulled your hand up. He leaned in, his lips against your ear. "I'm sorry, MC. I guess I'm just that eager to breed you."
A thrill ran down your spine and you shuddered in his arms. Your reaction caused him to laugh softly against your skin.
"Ah, I knew it," he said. "That's what you want, isn't it?"
You flushed, but you couldn't exactly disagree. "So what if it is?"
Solomon laughed again. "You're so cute, MC," he said. "But you don't have to hold back. If that's what you want, all you have to do is say it."
You huffed. You tried to look away from him, but the close proximity made it difficult. You considered refusing to say anything else, but your own arousal was creeping in now and you didn't think you would actually be able to resist him.
You switched tactics, turning into him. You pulled your wrist from his hand and tugged on his belt buckle. You pressed your lips to his neck and said, "I want you to breed me, Solomon."
Solomon pulled you up off the sofa, his hands already moving beneath the fabric of your clothes. He removed your shirt, kissing along your collarbones as you finally unbuckled his belt. Your pants went next, soon followed by his cloak and shirt, too.
You paused now that Solomon's bare chest was before you. You looked into his eyes for a moment. He waited to see what you would do.
You ran your fingertips over his pact marks. He stayed still as you did so, patiently watching you. It wasn't as though you hadn't seen them before, but most of the time it was easy to forget they were there, hidden beneath his clothes.
Solomon allowed you to be mesmerized by them for a few moments before he turned you around and pulled you against him. Your back nestled against his chest. He still had his pants on, but they were open enough to let his cock free and you could feel it pressed against you. Solomon's lips trailed down your neck, his fingertips trailing beneath the waistband of your underwear.
You felt your body heat up and found yourself filled with impatience. If you let him, Solomon would continue to tease you for some time before finally giving you what you wanted. So you decided to take matters into your own hands.
You removed your underwear yourself, adding it to the pile of clothes on the floor. Then you put your knees on the sofa, bracing yourself against the back of it.
You arched your back and said, "Hurry up, I can't wait anymore."
Solomon made a groaning sound behind you, but you couldn't see him anymore. It was only moments before you felt him behind you. He kissed down your spine while reaching around to stimulate your clit with his fingers. You pushed against them, letting out a small moan as you sought more of that feeling.
"Solomon, please," you begged.
As you had hoped, that was enough to make him finally push his cock inside you. You were wet and ready, taking it in easily and moaning at the way it felt.
Solomon didn't hold back now. He had one hand on your hip and one hand on your clit as he pounded into you. The angle allowed for deep penetration and you felt your body unraveling with each thrust. The sparks of pleasure ran through your veins, the tension building in your legs and your back, your muscles tightening.
The hand on your hip moved up to rest on your back as Solomon leaned forward further. "You're so ready for me," he said, his voice heavy and shaking with his own impending orgasm. "I'm going to fill you up."
You cried out incoherently as you came, his words sending you right over the edge. Solomon seemed to anticipate this, both hands moving to hold your hips steady as you clenched around him.
Just as he promised, you could feel his hot cum filling you up as he came, your name spilling sweetly from his lips.
From then on, you found it was a simple matter to get Solomon to breed you. As he had said himself, all you had to do was say it.
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flufftober | kinktober | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
taglist: @anxious-chick @t0tallycoolname @libidinous-weeb
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angelatmidnight1 · 5 months
A Helping Hand
A/N: This is just a self-indulgent fic I'm using as a springboard for another one. I'm in a Gale/Karlach/Astarion high right now. I'll get back to requests as soon as I can, and I hope you like the story!
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Fandom- Baldur's Gate 3.
Pairing- Starts with Gale x Karlach (platonic, ler!Gale and lee!Karlach), and ends with Gale, Karlach, and Astarion (platonic, ler!Karlach, ler!Astarion, and lee!Gale).
Word Count- 2,532.
Warnings- Situated in Act 3 so potential for spoilers, also tickling and swearing.
Gale finally shows Karlach how to cast Mage Hand, another avenue of touch, and she’s thrilled by the doors it opens up. He invites her to explore touch with him and doesn’t account for her using it for more playful, nefarious reasons, like tickling. And, just when it couldn’t get any more chaotic, Astarion invites himself in on the fun, too…
“That’s it, Karlach. Try the incantation again.”
Gale spoke from behind the tiefling after he guided her hands into the right position. She was very warm to the touch, but touching her didn’t burn. Her engine was a source of curiosity for him ever since she’d joined the party way back when. But, instead of indulging that curiosity, he’d promised to show her how to cast Mage Hand. Karlach had gotten the incantation down more or less. He just had to make sure she had her hands in the right place. Magic was just as much a physical thing as a verbal one in Gale’s experience. 
Karlach rigidly held her hands in position and repeated the incantation. “Veniam Iuva Me..” Her eyes brightened when the spectral hand emerged in front of her. “I got it!”
“Excellent,” Gale smiled. “Now, with a flick of the wrist, or a thought even, the hand will do as you command. You can pick things up, throw them, push the unfortunate goblin to their death…”
Karlach wasn’t fully listening; instead, she flexed and curled her fingers, and the mage hand mirrored her. “Yeah. Woulda been nice to have one of these when I got back to the Sword Coast.” She replied. “At least I’d have been able to touch something..”
She guided the hand across the Elfsong Tavern and picked up a tankard. She brought it back over to her and took a sip of the ale, exhaling deeply. “Aw, man. A girl could get used to this..”
Gale chuckled and picked up his own glass of wine. “Learning cantrips are only the beginning of a lifelong journey with magic. Cheers to taking that first step.”
Karlach happily clinked her tankard with his glass. She took another sip, her eyes sparkling with genuine wonder and curiosity. “So, I can touch anything with this hand, right?”
“Most things,” he corrected. “The mage hand can take damage just as our own. So, you couldn’t grab, say, the blade end of a sword. But you could wield said sword as an extension of yourself. It’s very handy in that regard.”
“Gods, the puns.” Karlach snickered. “And yeah, I’ll be sure to have one of these around when we beat the Absolute’s ass. But uh, I was thinking more along the lines of being able to, you know, hold someone’s hand? Maybe caress a face or two?”
“Of course. Here, if you’d like, you can explore the mage hand’s capabilities with me.” He finished his wine and stood in front of her. He extended his own hand. “I’m more than willing to offer myself as a test subject in the pursuit of knowledge.”
“Really? That’d be awesome!” Karlach brought the hand to Gale’s, palm to palm. She interlocked her fingers and the mage hand, as well as Gale, followed suit. “Thank you, Gale.”
“It’s my pleasure.” Gale allowed Karlach to explore his hand with the spectral one, watching it stroke across his fingers. The barbarian hummed in thought and moved further up his arm. 
“So, what does this feel like?” She asked, moving the touches up to his wrist. “Doesn’t beat the real thing I suppose. But it is nice to have options.”
“Well, it’s very similar to the touch of another, minus the warmth of course.” Gale turned his palm towards the floor so she could go up his arm. “Maybe it is a lighter touch, too. Almost feather like..”
“Yeah?” When she reached his upper arm, she curled the fingers on the mage hand, gently squeezing into his skin. Gale fidgeted a little bit and exhaled through his nose. She raised a brow. “What? That doesn’t hurt, does it?”
“No, quite the opposite, actually.” He chuckled. “Bit ticklish is all.”
“Huh.” Karlach hummed again, continuing to kneading into his upper arm. She smiled. “I didn’t really pick you as the ticklish type, with you being all proper and scholarly and whatnot.”
“Y-Yehehes, well…” Gale chuckled a bit more and tugged at his arm, but the mage hand held strong. After a few more attempts, Gale managed to get his arm free. “I can say with confidence that ticklishness doesn’t have a face. Why, even the strongest warriors can be—hey!”
 Instead of going for his arms again, Karlach brought the mage hand towards his torso, prodding into his side. Gale again jumped away from the ticklish touch and giggled louder. He backpedaled and wrapped a protective arm around his torso. “Now, Karlach,” he warned. He suddenly felt a bit playful and grinned. “Choose your next actions carefully. Should you try to tickle me again, I will have no choice but to retaliate.”
He stepped further away from her, his hands glowing with magic. Karlach followed after him, snickering. 
“Oh really?” Karlach challenged, returning the grin. “Heh, I’d like to see you try!”
Somewhere else in the tavern, sitting on his bed, was Astarion. His brow was knitted together in concentration as he sewed up a split seam on a shirt. Not his shirt, but Wyll’s. Now that they were back in Baldur’s Gate, Astarion believed looking the part was a high priority. He wouldn’t stand for his companions walking around in tattered clothes. Ideally, he’d find a clothing merchant and just steal their stuff, but he was willing to pace himself. He flinched when there was a sudden roar of laughter, Karlach’s laughter, and he grumbled under his breath. Did she always have to be so damn loud?
“Karlach, can you keep it down?” He called sharply. He refused to look up from what he was doing; he was nothing if not a perfectionist when it came to sewing. “Some of us have important things to do, and I need to concentrate.”
But instead of quieting down, Karlach’s laughter only got louder. A thud accompanied this wild laughter, and Astarion’s patience waned. He got up with a heavy sigh, putting his work on his end table. Then, he followed the source of the racket. 
When he got to the next room, Karlach was prone on the floor, laughing her head off. Gale sat beside her with a smug smirk. Karlach’s mage hand was gone, and there was a purple aura emanating off of her: Gale’s variation of a Hold Person spell. Instead of completely immobilizing her, she was able to squirm around, though she didn’t get very far. The first place he squeezed was her hips, a terribly ticklish spot, and he was still kneading into them when Astarion entered the room. 
“I warned you,” Gale was saying as he skittered his fingers across her torso. He honed in on her sides, and her loud laughter calmed into not as loud giggles. “We could’ve handled this civilly, but you forced my hand!”
Karlach squealed and wrestled with Gale’s hands, but her laughter had weakened her, and she was honestly having a blast. “Fahahahaha! I-I’ll gehehehet youhuhuhu bahahack! Youhuhuhu juhuhust wahahait!” 
“Unlikely,” Gale snickered. “But I do admire your resolve.”
That’s when he summoned another mage hand and used it to poke at her ribs. Karlach’s frantic giggling mingled with snorts. Astarion fondly shook his head as he watched from afar. 
“Having fun, darlings?” Astarion soon spoke over Karlach’s laughter. He stepped further into the room. He was initially annoyed,  but Karlach’s laugh was highly contagious. He had to expend a good deal of effort not to giggle along with her. “I was wondering why Karlach was laughing so hard. I figured someone told a joke, fell on their arse maybe. But no, you’re just…tickling her. Adorable I suppose, but why?”
Gale looked up, joining the mage hand in pinching and scritching over Karlach’s ribs. She yelled and rolled from one side to the other, trying to dodge the hands. “Because I made the generous offer to teach her a spell, and she decided to turn on me,” he explained.. “I responded in turn by giving her a taste of her own medicine.” 
“So I see,” Astarion hummed. “Well, I’d tell you two to keep it down, but that’s impossible with her hyena call. Maybe you’d like a hand?”
“NAAHAHOHOHO!” Karlach protested, shrieking when Gale’s hand jumped to her armpit. She immediately brought her arms down, trapping his hand, and her laughter went up two octaves. Gale continued to wriggle his fingers along her armpit, but having her arms down didn’t make it easy for him. He sent the mage hand to wrestle with her arm to try and pull it up. Gale regarded Astarion with a quick glance, nodding. 
“I certainly won’t turn down the help—”
“Not you, Gale.” Astarion scoffed. He walked towards the duo. “Why, our poor fiery friend is in stitches, and you have the advantage of having literal magic at your fingertips. Helping you wouldn’t even begin to even the playing field..”
 Gale’s gaze snapped back to the spawn. He halted his tickle attack, giving Karlach a break. “Now hang on, I wasn’t the one that started this.”
“But you are the one indirectly causing the noise, in a manner of speaking.” Astarion stepped with a purpose towards them. “I couldn’t even sew in peace.”
“That hardly seems fair!” Gale protested. Since he spent a lot of effort keeping Karlach in place and now had his sights on Astarion, both his concentration and his spell slots waned. That didn’t stop him from popping up from the floor and pointing a warning finger at him. “Don’t you dare, Astarion!”
Karlach  wrapped both arms around her torso as they bickered. She didn’t mind tickling in the slightest, but Gale wasn’t going to weasel his way out of her well deserved revenge. Especially when she now had a partner in crime. While she was laying on the floor, she grabbed a fistful of the end of Gale’s robe and pulled him down with her. Gale screamed and, before he knew it, Astarion was on him, too. 
“Get him!” Karlach shouted, easily tangling the wizard up in her arms. Astarion smirked and knelt beside them. He waited until she pulled his arms over his head to poke into his sides. Gale flinched and tried to lean away from the poke, but he only leaned further into Karlach’s arms.
“Nohoho no no! AhAHah! Wahahait!” Gale yelped and squirmed as Astarion continued to prod into his sides, his frantic giggles already threatening to jump to laughter. “Two against one is nohohot fahahir!”
“Who said anything about fair?” Karlach grinned and clawed her way down his forearm until she could burrow into his exposed armpits. Gale bucked and giggled harder, trying and failing to bring his arms back down. “Nope, you’re not getting out of this one, Gale.”
Astarion climbed on top of Gale’s kicking legs, fingertips fluttering into his sides with more purpose. The wizard twisted from one side to the other, but his fingers stayed on him. “You really thought I’d help you? And end up on the receiving end of Karlach’s fury?” Astarion snickered. “No, my dear. Unlike you, I know how to pick battles that I can win, haha.”
“Y-Youhuhu opportunhistic leehehehehech!” Gale squealed and curled in on himself when Karlach circled her thumbs along the outer curve of his armpits. The barbarian smirked, following the curve of his back and ending with swipes of her claws at the back of his ribs. Gale yelled and jerked forward, only to press his back into her chest when she kept scribbling. 
“Where ya goin’~?” She giggled. She let go of his arms for the moment so that she could use both hands to attack his rib cage. Gale immediately brought his arms to his sides and batted at her wrists. 
“Awahahahay frohohohom youhuhuhu!” He yelped and squeezed at her wrists when she tickled faster. “KAhahahaha! Lehehehet mehehehe gohohoho!”
In truth, Gale enjoyed tickling every now and again. It’s not something he’d go around talking about, but he definitely appreciated a good laugh. But Karlach and Astarion together were probably the most mischievous ticklers on the Sword Coast. If anything, they fed off of each other’s skills. Astarion had the dexterous fingers and teasing taunts, and Karlach had the strength and boundless energy. Together, they left Gale a laughing mess.
“Why? We’ve only just started,” Astarion teased, gently pinching the sides of his stomach. Gale jolted and belted out a laugh. Astarion did it again, earning another frantic laugh, and he grinned knowingly. Gale’s arms flailed as he tried to grab the spawn’s hands. 
“NOHOHO AHASTAHARION!” Gale wrestled with his hands, now full-on laughing. Astarion clicked his teeth as he tried to keep tickling his tummy. He gave Karlach an expectant look. 
“Ahem, little help here?” He asked, having to halt his tickle attack in favor of trying to move Gale’s hands. Karlach stopped tickling his ribs and reached over both men’s arms.
“Right, I’ve got ‘im.” She looped her larger arms around Gale and drew him back into her chest. Gale continued to squirm until his arms were trapped under hers.
“Thank you,” Astarion chuckled. He smirked at the wizard in front of him and made a big show of flexing his fingers. “Now, where were we?”
He put one hand on Gale’s tummy and Gale flinched again, nervously giggling. 
“Nohohot thehehre…” Gale jumped again and squealed when the spawn flexed his fingers. “AHAhastariohohon! Anywhehehre buhuhut thehehehre!”
“My, so sensitive..” Astarion continued to gently flex his fingers against Gale’s tummy, chuckling more at his squeals and cackles. “I’m hardly touching you. Our resident wizard is just a magical bundle of nerves, isn’t he?”
“Sure is,” Karlach grinned. “But hey, who said you’re gettin’ all of the fun?” She readjusted her hold on Gale, now using one arm to keep him against her chest. She joined Astarion in squeezing and poking into Gale’s tummy, and his loud laughter echoed throughout the tavern. 
Astarion wrapped his legs around Gale’s to not get thrown off but, even then, he almost went flying. Karlach laughed along with Gale as she alternated between the side of his stomach and just above his hip. 
“Gods, I love your laugh,” she giggled. “It’s so fuckin’ cute.” Despite her strength, even Karlach had to make sure she didn’t let go of him. Gale bucked and cackled in her hold.
“NAHAHAHAHA! DOHOHON’T TIH-AHAHA! AHAHA!” Gale struggled to get a full sentence out; he could only laugh himself silly as he leaned into Karlach’s shoulder. 
Eventually, the duo eased off of him. Karlach let go of his arms, and Astarion slowed his tickles down to gentle pokes and stroking. Gale inadvertently slid down Karlach’s lap, finally able to bat at Astarion’s hands.
“Plehehease, truhuhuce…” He gasped, sighing with relief once Astarion finally stopped. The spawn snickered.
“Alright, alright, I’ve had my fun. I’ll leave you in the capable hands of our mutual friend.” Astarion patted Gale’s stomach and climbed off of his legs. Once he was gone, Karlach pulled the wizard up into a seated position, holding him close.
“No hard feelings, right Gale?” She asked, rubbing her warm hands over his torso. Gale exhaled and shook his head. 
“Not at all. I believe we settled our score,” He replied, leaning further into her warmth. “Astarion, on the other hand…” 
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robinofinashiro · 10 months
prompt: “it's okay, you can touch me. i won't break."
characters/fandom: giorno giovanna x reader / jojos bizarre adventure
status/note: sometimes i listen to dumbass music while writing and was hearing the can-can so i guess that song inspired this fic for absolutely no damn reason LMAO bc it makes absolutely no sense lmao
pronouns used: she/her and afab!
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giorno had heard of you. you were the newest recruit into passione and damn did he hear the stories that trailed behind you. it wasn't that you were notorious for murdering people or anything but this sudden personality that sprung into the gang made him wonder how the hell you got tied into this lifestyle.
much like narancia, you were very loud, extremely extroverted at times, and even went out to seek thrills if you were feeling bored enough. all of this was brought to him by bruno who was informing him the new girls arrival.
he was away on mafia business on bruno's behalf for what felt like ages, so he knew he had to return back to Italy to see for himself. he knew the gang could use its silly moments especially if the situation called for it. he figured you, narancia, and mista were getting along way too well for abba's liking.
once he touched down in Italy, he had narancia and fugo waiting for him with his black car. he said his hello's to the two boys as they filled him on what he missed while he was gone.
"oh, and the new girl, she's so awesome!" narancia exclaimed. giorno's ears perked up in sudden interest, "she's from mexico i think but she grew up here but her spanish is so cool! plus, she makes good food!" giorno laughed at how fast narancia was talking.
he figured he must've been stuck to your side for a while if he knew this much by now. usually narancia wasn't one to know this much about others so giorno wondered how open you were about your life.
once they arrived, giorno made his way to his office to situate his things before heading to greet everyone. he had to file a few things and inform bruno about the specifics of his trip before he could think of relaxing even the tiniest bit but once he did, he made his way to the living area.
he saw the back of your hair as he saw you talking rather loudly with mista. the two of you were talking about some soccer match that had happened over the weekend as he made his way to the coffee area to make himself a cup.
you were still arguing with mista when he looked up and saw giorno, "hey, you're back!" he exclaimed. your eyebrows fluttered in confusion when you looked up to see who he was talking to, "this is ( your name )," mista said as giorno finally looked at the two of you.
giorno stared at you for a moment before composing himself, "giorno," he mumbled, his voice not as confident as it usually is. you gave giorno a bright smile, a part of him immediately wondering how the hell you wrapped yourself up into a lifestyle like this, "( your name ), nice to meet you don giovanna," you said excitedly.
giorno didn't know how to respond besides shaking your hand. you instantly went back to speaking to mista who was now smirking at his friend.
mista was able to read his boss like the back of his hand.
"gio-gio! we need to go like right now!" you said stomping your foot impatiently. the blond rolled his eyes but obliged. you were waiting for him as the two of you were now disguised in the outfits that demanded the two of you to enter a very prestige venue.
the rest of passione had gotten a head start but you had taken such a long time to get ready that once you were done, giorno had been in the midst of doing something else. he hadn't been able to look at your outfit or how well dressed you were.
giorno's eyes widened when he finally saw the outfit you had on. you were wearing a black dress that fitted your curves way too nicely. your hair was pulled back and pin straight, "does this look okay? i feel like i'm under dressed," you muttered to him.
he shook his head, dismissing the idea immediately as the two of you entered the car. the driver that was assigned to the both of you opened the door as he couldn't help but sneak a peek at you from behind. giorno immediately gave the man a look which made him shiver in fright.
it wasn't a secret to anyone that the don of passione had fell for the new recruit and although it had been months since your initial meeting, giorno still hadn't grown to the idea of formally asking you out and it didn't seem like you had any idea that he was interested in you. for a moment, giorno thought you were into abba as you were always by his side.
he was lucky that his stand hadn't manifested itself to be affectionate towards your own stand yet but he knew that if he didn't admit to his feelings soon, his stand was going to do it for him and that was the last thing he wanted.
once the two of you arrived to the venue, you saw many familiar faces. they belonged to those who you called allies and even friends. this dinner was a sort of meeting between allies and what could be done to secure the future of all of your gangs.
what had surprised you on the other hand was how surprised everyone was when they saw you walking out with giorno. they had never seen the don with someone let alone someone as gorgeous and beautiful as you.
you were immediately given a glass of wine as you started to speak to trish and narancia. bruno and giorno were off on business as you were basically told to look pretty and try to not cause a ruckus with narancia which bruno knew was hard for the two of you to do.
as bruno and giorno were away from everyone, bruno could see the longing gaze that giorno had for you, "even people like us deserve love, even if it feels like we shouldn't. i've seen the looks you've made towards her since the day you met her and i think it's time you make a move before someone else does it," giorno knew he was speaking about abba who seemed to have some sort of feelings towards you as well.
the night continued on as you felt giorno's stare at you. you weren't an idiot after all. although you and narancia constantly gave off dumbass energy on the daily, you were also a girl. a girl who could tell when a man was staring at you and seemed to do that a lot lately.
you shot the blond a smile and made your way towards him as he composed himself. his heart was racing a mile a minute as you stood in front of him.
"what has you looking so serious don giovanna," he chuckled at the formal name as he finally stepped forward and let himself make the move he had been holding back for so long.
"it's okay, you can touch me, i won't break," you murmured to him. he smiled as he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards him. his hand found your lower back as your arms wrapped around his neck, "i am a mafia member after all," you joked.
giorno shook his head, "thank you for accepting this dance, i can tell many wish they were in my position at the moment," you rolled your eyes in slight annoyance, "i can tell but there's only one person allowed to even be this close to me at the moment and that's you," you whispered.
the two of you kept brushing your lips against each others until giorno finally deepened the kiss. you returned the kiss with the same energy as you ran your fingers through his slightly curled hair.
"and i better be the only one allowed to kiss you this way," giorno muttered, his slight dominance finally showing. you hummed in agreement, "the one and only don."
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It Burns | Lee Mark
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"I bet you if the roles were reversed, if I went out there and fucked another woman while you were here with our child- you wouldn't even spare a moment to listen."
Pairing. Boyfriend!Lee Mark X Girlfriend!Reader
Genre. Angst. Established couple. Break up. Lovers to ex's.
Synopsis. With your half naked pictures circulating around social media, Mark waits for you to get home to have a talk.
Warning. Minor cusses. Low-key smut. Breakup. Your heart might get broken.
Playlist. Nct Dream My first love. Literally First burn Hamilton.
Part 2: It burns: The second time around
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"So dad, you finally noticed," Mark's low chortle is a result of his 9 year old son, standing next to him reaching the height of his shoulder. Looking up into his dad's eyes, with sleezy cocky eyes he speaks. "You're getting old dad,"
Mark shuts his phone, chugging it into his pocket while looking for some stashed biscuits in one of the kitchen cabinets. "What? You think I'd feel intimidated by a shorter version of me?" His sister sent him a message, but it'd have to wait- especially since his son is feeling like a gigachad and is ready for his late night dessert.
"I'm a better version. Built differently from the ground up,"
"Boy please, you know you're built from the DNA of your mother and I," Mark plays along and moves to the next cabinet with his son still following. "Speaking of which, it's about time your mother gets back, don't you think?"
"Look at you avoiding the topic," his son smirks once before turning serious and looking smug. "Face it old man, soon I'll take over,"
"I'm not going anywhere," Mark, with another low chuckle, finally finds the stash in a medium sized basket. In a mocking tone Mark says, "Now mummy said, you'll get one, but I'mma be cool and give you 5 since you've grown a little,"
"A little?" His son pulls of a smolder causing Mark to stare at him in amusement and confusion. His son is a comedian. Mark tries to be serious... but his face exposes him as someone seconds away from bursting out in a laugh. "How does that make you feel dad?
Mark leans on the counter platform while his son tries to be cool and eats from the packet of his chocolate biscuits still dipping it in his milk like a child. Mark tries (evidently) hard to wipe the smile of his face and be serious, but he can't help when his shoulders shudder and he laughs.
"I'm a successor. Isn't that why you and mum made me?"
"Ethan, you're 9 and I'm 24. I'm a classic. Buddy you're just a remake no one asked for. A lazy cash grabber if I may add," Mark jokes maintaining his composure when Ethan, his 9 year old son does a 'pfft' in disbelief.
"You only exist to mow my lawn for free," Mark gets Ethan in a headlock ruffling his hair.
"What do you think I am? Child labor?" Ethan peeks at his dad with such smooth eyes- almost trying to charm him.
Mark ends up just looking at his son with a smile, not minding the almost so called intimidating persona. "It's called an allowance son, it's for you to know your place in the house,"
"My place?" Ethan scoffs getting back his smirk. In that moment Mark thinks to himself how he should cut down Haechan and Ethan's meeting time. Slowly but surely Mark can see Haechan in his son, and that's not something he'd be too thrilled about. It'd be fun, but Mark wouldn't be able to take his own son seriously- just like Haechan. "My place will soon be the man of the house,"
That's Mark's cue to laugh out loud standing up straight and smacking the back of Ethan's head. "Should I remind you who's in charge?"
"Dad you think those old tricks would still work on me?" Ethan stands in front of his dad with a proud and arrogant smirk. He's probably enjoying this as much as his dad. After all Ethan enjoyed fooling around with his dad- more than you, his mum. "I've outgrown you father. I'm sleeping on my own tonight. No need to tuck me. Be sure to tell mum I closed the light." And with that Ethan winks with a clicking sound leaving his lips. "I guess I should be the one telling you then, it's passed your bed time daddy."
Mark stands in amusement, astonishment and shock. He can only chuckle to himself once Ethan is gone. "Did he just call me daddy?" Staying alone in the kitchen, Mark reminisces on the conversation he had with his son and can't help but faintly chuckle every time. His son always seemed to amaze him every time. And tonight, he would definitely fill you in on Ethan's humor. "He thinks he has rizz,"
When he mentioned he had a day off today- he was expecting a netflix and chill with you (as he rarely saw you because of his tight work schedule) yet you were quick to exclude him from your plans with the girls and needed him to watch over Ethan. He didn't mind, he was relaxed about it too.
He takes a seat after drinking some water and checks the time.
You should've gotten home by now. But for some reason it's past 10pm and you're not in the house. Mark sighs and shrugs his shoulders deciding to wait for you in the living room.
But when time went by and he fetched Ethan like he normally did on all days, he thought you'd be home since Ethan finished school around 4pm. You were always home around 4-5pm. So naturally the house was always vibrant whenever he came home, but this time when he came home and the house was the same as he left it- he was a little downcasted but shrugged it off and made food with his son.
Well from there on, it became a regular father and son afternoon. Which again, Mark didn't mind.
Despite his hectic schedule, Mark always tried and never failed to make time for both his girlfriend and son. And this time Ethan got a whole lot of time with his dad.
Everyone was happy.
Mark checked in on you a couple of times, to which you responded with how you were alive. Mark smiled it off adding how he wanted you to have fun.
Honestly, Mark partially felt guilty most of the times when it came to you.
At the time, he was only 16 and you were 15. What the hell could the two of you possibly know about sex? It was an experiment you both tried. Boyfriend and girlfriend. Nothing wrong there. The problem is, it only takes one time for a seed to be planted. Neither of you had condoms, and were both sure that you weren't going to be pregnant.
That's until, the bump started to form.
Although it wasn't Mark's body, he was anxious. You kept brushing it off saying that it's because you loved eating like the food hungry pig you were.
But when days and months passed, and your friends jokes began to simmer down, and his friends would start making jokes of you actually being a mum, and your parents began worrying- it was bound for you to start taking things seriously.
There's no way you were pregnant. Mark was positive of that fact, mainly because he was religious and kept believing that it was a mistake and that God wouldn't let that happen.
You secretly went to the store with him to buy a pregnancy test. The cashier was surprised seeing you and him but you both joked it off that it was for your mum. So being safe at your house, you peed on the purple stick and both you and Mark relaxed and waited for the results. Nothing could prepare you both for the results of the test.
Mark claimed that it had to be fake and that you needed to go to the hospital. He went with you, hand in hand like the loving boyfriend he was and made sure to be more calm while you were freaking out and afraid of the results and most worryingly- your parents reactions.
There was nothing you both could do when the results came out. Your lips kept trembling. You wanted to cry- and you did cry.
You were pregnant.
Mark impregnated you.
The girl who got pregnant at 15.
Despite him always being the sweetest of boyfriends you could ever have asked for- you hated him. And you made sure to let him know how he ruined your life. Every word you said, every action that came after was a result of the shock you had after receiving the results. But your words were still in Mark's head. Permanently. And to this day Mark felt partially at fault that you never had a normal teenage life.
Despite your confidence, once you found out you were pregnant you were crushed at the rumors spreading about you. They always say that the only voice that's loud is your thoughts, but actually it can also be a bunch of strangers that you don't know. Everyone talked about you.
The girl who dropped out of school.
The disappointment child who threw her future away.
The dumb girl who forgot to use rubber.
You were slammed with comments virtually, physically and even inwardly.
Your parents, despite the shame you brought them, stuck to your side. Even though the comments of them being unfit and unworthy ran around their own respective families...they never let you go or talked down on you. And you were thankful for that.
Mark on the other hand; He didn't get worse of a treatment as you (it's what you like to believe). In fact no one even knew him to be the one who impregnated you. Except your friends and his friends, no one said a word to him. However, his parents weren't so supportive. They reprimanded him. And you know just how much Mark's parents mean to him, so for them to cast him out into the streets broke your heart. And bit by bit, you became calm and stopped telling him that you hated him and that it was all his fault.
Your parents took him in, and you both dropped out of school.
Without qualification, he managed to find work and has been working ever since. Despite Mark and his parents relationship being broken, his father was generous enough to continuously tell people that he had a son who was looking for work. Despite his father not seeing him- some of the best opportunities that came Mark's way were a product of his father's.
And with that, Mark made sure to never disappoint but rise to the table and make ends meet. For his girlfriend, his girlfriends parents, his parents, and of course the unborn child which they both chose to keep.
Mark was financially smart, so investments into right businesses, and profits in right settlements all came together and he was finally able to take care of his girlfriend and 2 year old child without being a hindrance to your family.
They never said it to his face, but he knew they accepted him into their house because you talked them into it.
But through it all, Mark never had a hard heart. He was remorseful and kept trying to make it up to you, your family and his family (who were slightly on communication terms...occassionally they wanted to meet their 'grandson' and Mark and you.)
It was awkward going from a solidly good relationship with his parents the moment you started dating, to being in whatever zone is going on between them and you. They don't hate you, but they're not saying much to you or Mark. They visit Ethan once a year and aren't that big into his life, our yours or even Mark. You don't know exactly how to feel.
But Mark doesn't wear it over his head, or shoulders...he's always....okay.
Which is why at 3am, driving back in an uber to your house (where you believe your husband could be sleeping) you try not to get too worked up and panicked when noting that all your drunk/texts (screenshots) and hinged pictures of you with your... You choke up on your tears and fan yourself for the tears to go away.
You told Mark you had to spend time with the girls- but really you had to resolve matters before it got out of hand. You've failed to resolve the matter, you've failed to keep it all at bay with Jaemin (a man who's not your boyfriend), you've failed in keeping Jaemin just as a secret. And now the whole of the internet has an idea that you were sleeping with somebody else's boyfriend, while you had your own. Shivering, still with tears in your eyes you look at your phone and try not to cry.
You breathe in and out calming yourself down, trying not to dsiplay emotions on your face. "Mark isn't gonna kill you. He won't get mad. You're okay, okay? Don't cry," You repeat over and over earning cryptic looks from the uber driver. But you could care less about that. Right now your mind is on the floating pictures all around social media with your best friend (the same person who released the pictures) Ryujin's caption:
Since you like meddling in people's relationships so much- why not spill a couple of your secrets too </3 Bitch who slept with my man.
Actually it's by grace, chance, luck that you and Mark stayed together. After finding out you were pregnant, some weeks passed and you both came clean to your parents. Mark was always there despite your anger, but lowkey even if you never said it out loud you were happy to always have him even in your roughest of moments. And right now, you hope that he can be understanding.
You don't want to hurt him. You don't want to break his trust. You don't even know why you kept meeting up with Jaemin when everything was just so perfect with Mark.
Paying the driver, getting out the car and stepping onto the porch of the new house Mark bought a week ago, you sigh out when seeing all the lights closed.
Walking up the drive way and using your key to open the doors, you pray in your head that Mark is sleeping.
Locking the doors, you make your way, tip toeing through the hallway to the living room and passed the kitchen... where Mark is seated while gripping tightly onto his phone and covering his mouth tightly.
"Wait, I'm getting to the best part," Mark holds his finger up with a disheartened smile on his face and a dry forced laugh leaving his lips. "He said, can you come over and then you said, my boyfriend's out, why don't you come over. And he responds with a giggling emoji saying what about your son, and you..." Mark huffs and bites on his lip shutting his eyes tightly.
When he opens them again, his clear eyes coat with glossiness. But he let's out another laugh. It sounds painful, heartbreaking and sad. You can only gulp your own lump.
"You said," Mark laughs lightly continuing to read on his phone. "You said his dad and him both went for a sleep over at his parents house. Come over... I'm... I'm lonely. I need you in me." Mark's face scrunches up in bitterness but a forged and forced smile stiffly remains. "He sent emojis, dirty ones. He sent a pic. You sent a pic. And then. You ask him to send the...pictures he took of you."
Mark can't help it, when the smile refuses to remain on his face and he simply bites on his quivering lip covering his eyes.
This time when his voice comes out, it's barely above a whisper, but you can still hear. Even worse because you can hear the pain laced in each and every deep rooted word he says. "Pictures in our room. On our bed. I bought this house last week, and you already invited him in? For how long?" He can't even speak anymore as the words choke up on his throat. "You said I was crazy,"
"Mark please," You quietly step into the kitchen with prayer hands while shaking your head and the tears making your vision blurry.
"You said I was crazy for even thinking it- but I saw the way you looked at him, the way you looked at my sister's lover." Mark breathes out again, a broken chuckle leaving his lips.
The guilt can't grow any higher then it is. You and Mark's adopted sister were always close since school- and when she introduced you to Mark you grew into an even stronger and tighter bond with her. So it doesn't make sense how you not only broke Mark's heart, but you broke Ryujin's trust as well.
"You didn't even have the fucking guts to tell me yourself? I'm guessing you broke it off tonight because you got caught in HD 4K - and you think you can talk your way into my arms right?"
His breathless laugh spreads in the quiet kitchen as he looks up with his eyes as glossy as ever. A vein poking on his forehead.
"You think you can talk your way into my arms because I'm such a nice guy right?" Mark sniffs and uses his back arm to wipe his eyes. "I need to get out of here-"
"Mark please don't go-" The tears slip quietly from your eyes while you hold onto him- your arms circling around his waist. "Please, I promise it's over. I didn't mean it baby, I love-"
"I can't even ask you if it's true, because it's everywhere." He smiles tightly breaking free from your hug and moving back to the counter. "But I'm still gonna ask you this, when were you gonna tell me?"
You try to move forward again yet he slams his fist against the counter. "Just fucking answer the question- don't touch me. Just answer it. When were you gonna tell me?"
"I promise Mark, I was gonna tell you," You pucker your trembling lips, your face breaking into an ugly cry just as you see his own tears coating his eyes again.
His eyes are on yours just for a second before he shakes his head and looks away. He sniffs and buries his face deep in his hands. "You wanna know what's worse?" He cries, but it morbidly turns into a laugh. He panes his gaze towards you, with the most broken look you've ever seen from Him. "These messages..." He covers his face before looking at you, his glossy eyes staring into your own guilty soul. "They date back to 4 years ago. You've been..." His eyes shut as the words fall out inaudibly. "Ryujin is my sister, your best friend. And you slept with him. I don't even know why I'm even believing and trusting in you when the pictures of your nudes are everywhere on my feed-"
"Mark," You words choke up as you take a step... stopping a few inches from him.
"Can you at least answer me why you did it?"
You shake your head taking another hesitant step- but immediately retreat when he sharply spins and punches the top drawers and cabinets. "Mark stop- please stop! Ethan is sleeping lets not wake him up-"
"Ethan?" Mark has to calm himself down, as he feels his emotions suffocating him. "You're going to think of Ethan now after you've just slept with another man? Fucked him for 4 fucking years behind my back and didn't have the slightest bit of remorse or even shame when sending your body- letting him take pictures of you bare and fucking you in my bed where I sleep with you, in our house-"
"I never meant for it-"
"Don't touch me, I can't-" He cuts himself off leaning over the counter only showing his back. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck," His curses so low. "We've been together for 9 years Y/n," His face scrunches and he bites on his lip. "And you chose to do this now? What happened? Speak to me. I need to hear your voice, please tell me that I really I am going crazy- that it's a fucking prank- because my stupid mind, body and soul refuses to believe that you cheated on me,"
He turns around and you move forward hugging him even as he pushes you off- you still attach your arms around him before trying to hold onto his hands. You try to pipe up trying to fight back on your own blurry eyes. "Mark I broke it off please don't-"
"Broke it off? Are you sure? Because the pictures of tonight, and the- the texts of your slutty conversation- the graphical back and forth nudes you've been sending- all those pictures are on the internet- everywhere- and you're telling me you broke it off? You're dressed like that and are smiling in every picture with him and you're telling me you broke it off?"
His eyes are in shock, there's sadness in his eyes. Mark who never cries looks like he's at his last straw before the tears would start rushing down. It doesn't even help that seeing you right now only takes you back to the images of tonight and how you looked like you were enjoying the feels of the man's hands being all over your body all those times.
When you left this morning, your attire of an open back- black long fitting dress with a dangerously high slit- didn't bother him. However now, after the pictures he saw of that same dress in a restaurant whereby you were smiling and confidently chatting with another man- that same dress that the man couldn't keep his hands off your legs- made his body quake with anger.
You cry and beg. "Mark please understand, it's over please just forget it. I'm sorry-"
"Online they're saying I'm insecure just because I've got a fine fucking woman, who's enjoying her life while the dad is at home with the child," Mark's lips rattle as he shakes his head in disbelief. "I bet you if the roles were reversed, if I went out there and fucked another woman while you were here with our child- you wouldn't even spare a moment to listen- you'd tell me everything that I've done wrong- you'd never forget, but now because it's you- I should be understanding? Okay? I should be... Cool with it all- that my fucking girlfriend is now accessible to anybody's viewing if they just type in your name right? I'm supposed to not make a fuss because I'm suddenly insecure that my girlfriend can go out, bag some guys, drink and party like she has no family."
You can't hold your tears anymore as they pour out your eyes, your tone in shreds as you stummer out. "Mark I love you so much, I would never-"
His eyes in sharp disbelief peer into your own remorseful eyes. "Don't even lie to me, I'm not fucking naïve!" It's starts with him thrusting his arm far back and throwing his phone against the wall breaking it into millions of pieces just like his heart- before his emotions run wild and he hits on the cabinets. "You don't fucking love me! You don't!" When he picks up the stool and thrashes it against the drawers breaking it- you step back in tears knowing that he's at his peak of anger.
"If you loved me you wouldn't have gone out there!" His voice broken with tears, broken with anger. He hammers the toaster on the floor. Knocks over the trays holding the glasses. "Behind my back! You fucking bitch! Do you even know how much we've suffered to be together!? My house! On my bed! With another man! You don't love me! How could you even! You fucking bitch do you even know how much I love you!?"
Pounds on the cabinets, still yelling his heart out making you cry as you back up. "Mark I'm sorry-"
Thuds, punches, slams against the counter, the glass cabinets. "Does any of this even matter to you?!"
"Mark Ethan-"
"4 years! Fucking 4 years Y/n!? Even you! You let him touch you for 4 years! You let him take my place for 4 years! FUCK!" Mark can't even hear- and when he breaks the glasses in one angry whip he furiously turns to you. "My parents made me chose between you and them and I fucking chose you- they didn't kick me out- I walked out of them because of you. And this is what you do? Y/n not even tw-two years? 4 years!?"
Mark grunts loudly and runs his hand over his head while looking at you. "You told the whole world how you brought a man into our bed?" The tears of anger sprawl out all over his face before he corners you against the wall. "How will you even explain to Ethan the pain you put me through? The embarrassment you put our family through? The shame- we were your legacy! We are your legacy! We fucking became family and then you-! You are my love! 4 years!"
Mark can't control himself anymore. Not wanting to hurt her as she's crying- he balls his fists and storms out the house.
Ethan, worried, anxious, shocked, sad and scared, crouches on the bottom stairs looking as his dad slams the door shut after he leaves. Too afraid to enter the kitchen with his wailing mother, he goes up the stairs quietly, gets under his covers and tries to sleep.
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22 Hours after...
Your leg is shivering and bouncing up and down as you stare at your phone. Your tears still stinging your eyes. You messed up. You admit that you've messed up. That you possibly destroyed one for the best relationships you could ever ask for. You cried non stop the whole night in the kitchen, you couldn't even be quiet about it. The kitchen was in shreds with glass and broken objects everywhere. You couldn't even blame Mark for getting angry the way he did.
You felt so guilty and his reaction only made you feel even more guilty. You tried calling him, but remembered how he broke his phone. You tried calling Haechan and begged him to help you- he was just as pissed off at you the way Mark and his friends (Chenle and Jeno) were. But you still begged.
When morning came, you tried to compose yourself as you helped out a quiet Ethan get ready for school. You walked with him to school and came back home with the idea to start cleaning. You ignored all of Jaemin's calls and even blocked his number. You were also afraid to answer any of your other friends who would obviously call you out on your stupid behavior. You just cleaned with your head clouded and jumbled with thoughts.
It's not when Ethan came home by himself did you find yourself in the living room, your leg bouncing as you stared at your phone. Ethan wanted to talk with his dad. And you just told him to change out of his school uniform and that by the time he came down, he'd talk to his dad.
But up till now, looking at the message that was sent to Haechan, you hold in your lips together as you sniff. You know he's found Mark. If he hadn't he would've called you. But since he's not calling, you know Mark's safe.
But none the less after you sent the message that you wanted to speak to Mark, you knew that that kind of approach wouldn't work.
So you type out:
Ethan quietly comes up next to you with a saddened face and his hands together. You don't even know what to say except having your tears coat your eyes. Mark was right. How would you even begin to explain to him? And judging with how everything went down, you know that he most likely heard Mark's burst of anger and all the words that came out of him.
Please Haechan, Ethan wants to talk to his dad
Please, just this once help me out.
Before you can even open your mouth, your phone rings and you instantly pick it up. Your eyes double take on the contact and you gulp.
Mark's mother.
You compose yourself and lick your dry lips as you try not to cry. When you place the phone to your ear, you expect to hear his mother but... "Ethan?" Mark's voice.
You place the phone on speaker and turn to Ethan, signaling him that it's okay to talk. And he does, but his words are so heart quenching that you have to look away. "Dad," He chokes up on his tears and sniffs. "It hurts, badly."
"What hurts so bad my son?"
"My heart," He whimpers out. "I know I said my place is to be the man of the house, but I can't do it dad. I can't be the man dad,"
Mark over the phone can be heard breathing in and you can tell he's shaking his head in sadness. He tries to sound upbeat, but the words themselves aren't linking to how he wants to sound. "No buddy, don't apologize to me. It's me who was at fault, I'm sorry bud, I'm so sorry," Mark's voice is fragile, and you can hear how heavy they are. "Daddy didn't mean to lose his temper and break everything."
Ethan sniffs again and he hiccups. "Are you and mum gonna get a divorce? My friends said that when his parents broke up he started living with his mum, but dad I don't want you to leave. I don't want to be the man of the house, dad please don't leave mum, dad please come back, dad-"
"Darling put your mother on the phone." The stern yet smooth voice belonging to Mark's mother catches you off guard.
"Yes ma'am?" You answer timidly trying to hold onto Ethan as he runs away from you hiding his tears.
"I've got 3 questions to ask you. Do you want to be with my son?" She asks off the bat.
"Yes ma'am." Your spine becomes straight as if she's right in front of you. "I love-"
"Are you willing to give Ethan up if per say you and my son had to breakup?"
"Ma'am please-"
"Are you willing to give Ethan up?" She asks more precisely. "Yes or no?"
"No, I can't-"
"What are you last words to my son?"
Your heart falls. The color fades from your face as though all the life you once had has been sucked out. "Ma'am please don't do this, I love him-"
"4 years is a long time and frankly, you put my son through a lot with your behavior and attitude. So it's either you say your last words, or I cut the call." Stiff and solidly cold is her tone to you as you cry. "You are not fit to be his anymore. You don't deserve my son-"
You hiccup, your eyes swelling up from how much you've cried. "Can I talk to him? Can I please just talk to him-"
Even before the call to cut, you can feel it in your soul. You can feel just how it painful, how it hurts and you can feel how your whole being burns.
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Part 2: It burns: The second time around
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luminouslywriting · 25 days
Infertility anon back; thank you for your kind words! And your headcanons were, as always, so lovely and spot-on. I am here to shamelessly request a part two, if you have time: the guys' reactions to their partner finally getting pregnant after struggling with infertility. ❤️
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^^Gif does not belong to me, it belongs to rcbertleckie^^
A/N: Hi sweetheart! I'm sorry it's been so long since you sent this! I hope this is everything you wanted and more :)
Warnings: Sensitive topics below, infertility mentioned, paragraph format
Bucky Egan:
I know that his initial reaction is just whooping and laughing for joy. He's utterly happy and so so proud of you and knows how big this is for you, just as much as he's happy about it himself. He's definitely going to sweep you up into his arms and kiss you senseless.
He'll immediately want to head to the store and get stuff for a nursery and starts asking the most random of questions. "What can you eat/not eat?" "Are we still able to have sex?" "What does it mean if you're nauseous?"
Either way, he's a doting husband who is more than thrilled to have this opportunity with you. He doesn't really care if it's a boy or a girl, he just wants the baby to be healthy and for the two of you to be happy. He's definitely obsessed with the baby bump and super overprotective of you. Prepare to be pampered for nine months straight.
A side note: You could decide to paint the house the ugliest shade of puke green during this time or tell him that he can't watch baseball a single time during your pregnancy and he'd go along with it haha.
Gale Cleven:
Definitely someone who plays more on the shock reaction, at least at first. He's so pleased and happy for you and for him—but also feeling a lot of emotions given his own upbringing. Be prepared for a surprised hug and some gentle kisses, but not so many words.
He may take some time to express it—but listen close when you're falling asleep. He'll be talkin' to that baby bump for hours about how he's gonna protect the baby and how much he loves you and is grateful for you.
Also someone who isn't 100% sure on certain things, but he's very logical. He knows that he's going to need to invest in some baby blankets and clothes. He's absolutely convinced he can build a crib without instructions. And he's ready to help you in whatever way you need.
A side note: He didn't think he could fall more in love with you but as the pregnancy glow appears, he decides that he's never been more in love and clearly this is a sign that you should have more kids haha.
Robert Rosenthal:
He's honestly so excited and views this as a result of working hard to figure out ways to increase fertility tbh. Logically, it all just makes sense. But he does also attribute some of it to being a miracle. Either way, he gets this grin on his face and immediately starts kissing you and kissing your stomach.
Definitely the type to call all of his family to immediately tell them the news and is so excited about the entire thing. He's gonna bring you home little presents just because and is so patient during the entire thing. He treats you like you're literally royalty.
Isn't too worried about getting everything done and bought already. He's very attentive to the things that you want to get done though. He wants you to prioritize your health and taking care of yourself and the baby, so that's his number 1 thing at the moment.
A side note: You can do no wrong during this time in your life and he's already imagining the future children down the line.
John Brady:
Immediately starts crying? I'm sorry, there's just no other way that I see this going. He's so thrilled and emotional about the entire thing, you'd think that HE'S the one pregnant, rather than you, but I digress. He's definitely going to say a few prayers of gratitude and he's going to shower you in attention and praise.
You thought he was bad before? Skipping work to spend time with you? Now he's leaving work early because he saw an ad for a baby carriage that you just need to have or he knows that there's a sale for maternity clothes and you'll just look divine. He's the sweetest and most attentive husband, and someone who really just wants a healthy baby.
His entire family will rally around you to help with literally anything you need. At the drop of a hat, you can have several in-laws over to move the couch or to reach something that's too high for you.
A side note: Brady definitely samples the baby food beforehand and decides that it's just not very good. So yes, he's making his own baby food for his child.
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ibbythebee · 1 year
hi!! can you write a seamus x reader one shot where he sees reader getting closer to ginny and gets all pouty cause he never thought he'd be jealous of someone younger than him but eventually he gets his head out of his ass (maybe ginny herself does it for him cause she's tired of them pining or whatever) and confesses to reader
totally okay if you dont feel like it btw cause i know you dont usually write for seamus
a/n: Yabsolutely! Thank you so much for your request, anon. I'm up to write for any of the Harry Potter bois. They all deserve some love. Can I also just say, that I love Seamus' rings.
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gif credit: @X_phantomhorseman_X on wattpad
pairing: Seamus Finnigan x Reader | best friends to lovers
summary: Seamus shouldn't be jealous of Ginny spending more time with you. You're just a friend to him, nothing more... right?
genre: a good dose of fluffy angst
warnings: jealous Seamus, slightly possessive, pining, 'spud' nickname, Ginny and Seamus banter, little bit o' good old kisses
words: 3.8k
»»————- ⌁ ————-««
There you are again, doubled over at something Ginny’s told you. You’d just gotten back from a Quidditch game, and to Gryffindor’s delight, they’d won the game.
It was intense, exhilarating, thrilling. Gryffindor won for Godric's sake, so why—
“—do you look so down?” Neville inquires, settling himself on the couch next to the said teen.
The Irish boy doesn’t do much but sigh and shrug, leaning a cheek on his fist and staring into the fire pit.
"It's the O.W.Ls coming up, isn't it? Yeah." The dark-brown haired boy nods as if he's just said something genius. "I can't say I'm any good at Transfiguration, but I'll definitely help you with Herbology."
Seamus still doesn't react, intently listening in to what might be so funny for Ginny to say to make you laugh so much. Just the sound of you giggling across the common room is causing his heart to skip. He should be the one making the jokes. He should be the one to see how beautifully you grin, how the bottoms of your eyes water once your laughter turns into wheezes of breath.
Dean appears into the Irish boy's vision, and he has to force himself to look up at his tall friend.
"Damn. Why the long face Seamus?" Dean asks with a soft frown.
The said boy only huffs in response, and shakes his head to return his focus to the dancing flames.
"Oh I know what it is..." Dean nods as if he's just said something genius and situates himself between his friends. "It's the O.W.Ls isn't it?"
"That's what I said!" Neville chirps. "Come on Seamus I'm sure you'll be fine. For now, let's just celebrate our Quidditch win."
"Yeah mate, you don't have to look so—" Dean goes to tap his friends shoulder and is instead rewarded with a glare.
"I'm fine, alright?! Nothin's going on. Not the stupid O.W.Ls or class or anythin'. It's nothin'."
The voice he hears next has his stomach in a twist and the tips of his ears turning red.
"What's nothing?" You come out of nowhere, face just inches away from his. You giggle when you see Seamus flinch at your sudden appearance.
He wants so badly to steal you away. Like you used to do when you were in your early teen years. You both loved to just run together, to be outside and be loud. He so badly wants to just take your hand and run off somewhere, away from everyone, away from Ginny.
He'd initially been able to tolerate the youngest Weasley hanging out with you when you had began to talk to each other more often in your third year. He was ecstatic to see that you were getting along with more girls in Gryffindor, but then it got to the point where he began to feel neglected. Where he felt he was second best. Where, when he'd invite you to hang out, you'd tell him that Ginny had already asked you.
"Nothin's nothin'," he answers, standing up with another huff. He runs a hand through his hair and when his eyes dart to yours, your smile is gone and your eyes have softened.
"Is... everything alright?" you ask. Gosh, why is it that anything you say or do now gets his stomach feeling funny?
"I... I said I'm fine," he glances around at his friends, all of them look concerned. Even Ginny who's standing beside you has her brows pulled together.
He looks to you last, eyes lingering on yours for longer than a few seconds. And you look so worried, and he hates it when you're sad. But then he sees Ginny's arm thread through yours and so he combs his hair with his fingers again, voice dropping in volume. "I think I'm just gonna call it a day. Night guys."
Dean, Neville and Ginny chorus in 'goodnights'. You, on the other hand, freeze in place until he begins to walk in the direction of the stairs to the dorms.
You catch the sleeve of his robe and thankfully he doesn't pull away immediately, despite how agitated he looked just seconds before.
"Let's talk about it tomorrow okay? Just us two." You utter. And when he doesn't say anything, you continue gently. "Sleep well, stinky."
With pursed lips, he smiles. "You too, spud."
You watch him walk away, his robe slipping out of your fingers. You stay there staring, until the last bit of his clothes disappears behind the wall of the stairs.
"What was that all about?" Dean asks beside you. "I don't think he's ever been this stressed for a test."
"I don't think that's the reason," Ginny squeezes your arm. She gives you a knowing sort of look, only you have no idea what she's trying to insinuate through her eyes. "Come on, you said you'll chat to him tomorrow, I think it's best we all get to bed. I'm sure he's fine."
"You don't think I said something to him? Have I said anything to him to make him so mad?" You murmur to her. "Oh no, what have I done Ginny?"
"Hey, hey, hey. Shut your mouth right now," her brows pull together when you pout. "You know he's not gonna stay mad at you for long. He never does. You know that."
"But, what if I actually did do something wrong and he... and I haven't even said sorry and he..." An ocean of worst case scenarios flood your brain and you're not sure if you want to talk to him tomorrow, fearing that what he might say will break your heart. Fearing that you'll lose him forever.
Ginny rolls her eyes gently, and pulls on your arm to lead you to the dorms, away from the ears of your nosey classmates and peers. "He doesn't hate you. And he won't hate you. Ever. I just know it, so please stop worrying. Please stop thinking so much... hey, I can see you thinking. Stop."
She taps your head, the place between your eyebrows and it's as if she's just pressed a restart button.
You spring back into action, back straight, eyes less droopy, no more pout.
"There." Ginny says, letting go of your arm as she turns to her dorm room.
You send her a weak smile, and she returns with her own, a more motherly sort of grin.
"It'll be okay, you and him are gonna be just fine tomorrow. Plus, he still called you 'spud'."
"You're... you're right!"
"I'm always right," she makes a show of blowing you a kiss and then opens the door, closing it in front of her until you can only see her face between the wall and the edge of the door. "Goodnight!"
You catch her 'kiss' and hold it to your heart with a theatrical sigh. "Goodnight, genius. Enjoy dreaming about Harry."
»»————- ⌁ ————-««
That night Seamus had only one thing on his mind. Dean pressed on to try and get an answer out of the Irish boy as to why he's been acting so strange lately. When there was no notable answer, the taller boy gave up and rolled over to sleep. Seamus, would eventually surrender to his pillow, however then wake up an hour or so later. Such a pattern presented itself that night as he thought meticulously about what sort of answer he'd give you tomorrow, he thought about whether he should lie or tell the truth.
He could tell you the truth, the whole truth; then there's the risk that you won't accept him. That you'll grow even further away from him. That all these years of being inseparable, all these years of being comfortable with one another could fall down the drain in a few words.
And then he could lie. But you don't deserve to be lied to. He hates lying, especially to you.
Seamus is simply in too deep. He thought that this pathetic jealousy over Ginny, a girl a year younger than him, would simmer down over time. It's only grown since. And he hates the way he hates how well you and her get along. He hates how much he envies the smiles you give her, the laughs, the time with her even.
He hates it all because Ginny doesn't deserve any of it. He hates it all because he sees how genuinely happy and excited you are to see her everyday, and you don't deserve to lose a beautiful friend like her, just because he's absolutely fallen head over heels for you.
He has to tell you the truth. Even if you'll never talk to him again, even if his heart breaks into a million pieces, he's going to tell you everything.
Someone's shakes him awake and he groans, rubbing at his eyes and yawning hard. When Seamus' vision finally adjusts to the new morning light, he finds Neville in front of him already in his uniform, smiling down at him.
"Morning, Seamus."
"Hey Neville."
It's a routine. Neville being the morning-person of the friend group, it was decided since their second year that he would be the other boys' alarm clock, so that they could go to breakfast together. If only he'd be able to wake you too, so you could tag along.
As Neville wakes the rest of the group, Seamus is quick to get himself ready for the day. Despite his restless night, his eyes don't look very sullen, he actually looks alright. So he smiles at the mirror, and slips on his rings, those ones that you love. Ever since you complimented them in his second year, a day didn't go by where he didn't wear them.
Dean, Neville and Seamus all make it to the Great Hall and situate themselves by Harry, Ron and Hermione. Even Ginny's already there.
Seamus cranes his neck, but he doesn't see you anywhere. Like a magnet his gaze is pulled toward the Weasley girl and she waves her hand, motioning for him to come to her side.
As the rest of his mates tuck in, he carefully makes it to Ginny and sits on the opposite side of the table.
"Hi," he says.
"Is there... somethin' wrong?"
"Yeah." She simply says and lowers her voice as she leans in closer to his direction. "I know what you're so upset about. And there's no shame in admitting it."
"What are you talkin' about?"
To mask the intentions of their conversation, Ginny picks up a hash-brown and starts to chomp on it. "You know what I'm talking about. There's a reason why I didn't wake up Y/N this morning. I wanted to talk with you alone before she gets to."
"Stop bein' so vague, Ginny. Just tell me what's goin' on." He tries hard to keep his voice calm but firm, remembering that she is also your most beloved friend and he shouldn't be so envious over her. "I'll stop walkin' on eggshells if you promise to too."
"Agreed." She swallows the last bit of her hash-brown and turns to him. "You need to tell Y/N that you like her more than a friend."
Taken aback by her bluntness he coughs into a closed fist and fills his goblet with some juice. "Right. Well. Straight to the point. I was gonna tell her anyway."
"You were?"
"After I sort of yelled at everyone last night, I did a lot of thinkin'."
"That never ends well."
He sends her daggers and she grins back. "I was thinkin' that she deserves to know the truth of what's happenin'. I'm tired of... holding it in."
He wasn't going to admit to her that he's completely tired of being envious over her. Besides, she probably already knows that. With that grin on her face, she definitely knows.
"Good then. I'm glad," she says with a nod. "And for the record sorry not sorry for stealing her away from you."
He wants to glare at her again, but instead he chuckles with a shake of his head. "I can understand wantin' to steal her away. She's... she's brilliant."
"Don't tell me that. Tell her that." With a flick of her chin, Seamus' attention is turned to the entrance of the Hall and he sees your form sauntering in.
Maybe it's because he's going to tell you the truth today, maybe it's because the sun rays pooling through the windows are illuminating your figure like an angel who's just come down from heaven, but you look more beautiful than ever. And when you find his eyes and smile, that toothy giddy sort of smile, Seamus almost stumbles out of his seat to stand.
"Mornin' spud," he runs his fingers through his hair.
"Hi stinky. Did you sleep okay? Are you... feeling a little better?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. I just uh... are you good to talk now or do you want to eat first?"
"Oh, well we can..." You find Ginny waving at you from behind the Irish Boy and then she sends you a thumbs up and a nod. "We can talk now."
"Great, um..." He looks around the room, especially at the Gryffindor table and a few people turn away their gazes when he sees them watching you speak.
Witnessing you both converse so seriously wasn't a regular sight to your peers. You'd instead always be joking around, filling the Hall with noise and trying to stop Seamus from practicing his charms at the table. So, it's no surprise that they're all staring now, eager to dig up new gossip.
"You wanna go somewhere more private?" You murmur, as you step closer to him.
Feeling heat begin to burn on the back of his neck, he tells you 'yes', and without warning takes your hand and sprints out of the room. The last thing he wanted was people seeing him blush.
You yelp at the sudden action, none the less following him, not before glancing at the youngest Weasley, who's looking at you with a smirk.
Seamus takes you through the halls, and soon you realise that you've been here before. You've held his hand and ran in this way together before.
A few students gasp, stepping out when you almost collide. Each time it happens you share a laugh with him, and before you even get to your destination you're completely out of breath, small beads of sweat sticking loose strands of your hair to your forehead.
You're at the flying lesson grounds. Your favourite place when you were younger students, the best place to play tag, complain about the pettiest problems and the best place to just run around until you both can't feel your lungs.
Your feet slow once they touch grass and then to your disappointment Seamus removes his hand from your wrist and falls to the ground in a sigh. His chest moves up and down with each catch of breath.
In no time you've joined him, letting your knees buckle and landing right beside him. Fixing your messy hair, you speak with a breathless voice. "We have to do that more often. I don't know why we stopped."
"Because of Ginny."
Seamus is met with silence. And your eyes. And your pupils are asking him, 'what?' 'Why?' 'How?' 'Why?' 'Why?' 'Why?'
A small bump appears by the edge of his jaw, and then he's sitting up, so you quickly do the same. He looks ashamed; head ducked, corners of his lips turned downward, fingers fiddling with his rings.
Goodness, now that you are looking at him, now that you are actually here and ready to listen to his every word causes his heart to race. Is he really going to go through with this? The possibility that in a few minutes you're never going to want to see him again looms in his mind and when he opens his mouth, nothing comes out.
"Seamus." Firmly, you say. "Is this what you wanted to talk about? Ginny?"
"No." He finally turns to you, and the moment your eyebrow raises the tiniest bit he folds. "And yes. There's... a whole bunch of things I want to say. Ginny is one of 'em."
He expects you to respond, only silence ensues. Your gaze is stern, yet there's a hint of concern as your bottom lip is pulled between your teeth, gently nibbling.
This is it. He sighs a big sigh, and shifts in his seating position till his knee taps against yours. To his relief you don't move away, you're simply completely ready to listen.
"Okay. Firstly... this is the most stupidest thing ever. To admit out loud, you're gonna think I'm an absolute sod, but you deserve to hear it. Basically... gosh. Ever since you and Ginny have been getting closer and closer, I've been spendin' less time with you and..." He clutches onto one ring and squeezes, as if it would squeeze out all his nerves. "And to sum it up, I'm... well I'm jealous. Of her. Takin' you away from me."
Your face is unchanged, still concerned, but still solid and stern. Your eyes move from watching as his hands fiddle in his lap to his face.
"And it kinda, like, pisses me off a little how much she makes you laugh." He turns till you can only see the back of his head, and the gentle dust of pink over the apple of his cheek. "I used to be fine with it. I really did, I was happy that you made such a good friend, especially a girl after hangin' out with just us boys. But then, I just couldn't stay happy. Every time I'd see her... like take your arm or whisper something in your ear or told you a joke that only you could understand I felt... I felt like, y'know, like 'I should be the one doin' that', 'only I can make her laugh that much'. And all that stuff."
He huffs, and manages to move his attention back to his hands, so you can see how much he chews the inside of his cheek, you can see how much he's thinking but how hard it is to let it all out. So, you nudge his knee with yours to continue. To let him know that you're still listening and that he's okay.
"Last night everything came together and I've figured out why I'm so mad with Ginny. You... you can probably guess what it is. But—." With a hand combing through his hair, he takes all the Gryffindor bravery in him to meet your gaze. "I... I really like you, spud."
And all you can feel in the thump thump thump of your heart hammering through your veins.
"Now, I-I-I know that it's out of the blue, it might be weird to hear — I don't know — I don't expect an answer from you. You can hate me. You can never speak to me again, if you want, but I can't keep these feelings from you anymore."
You've never heard him speak so seriously before. So earnestly. So vulnerably. The way his eyes fall on you, you feel like screaming, like kicking your feet. You're relieved to be sitting down, because your legs feel like jelly under his gaze, under his words. Under his spell.
"I like you so much, Y/N. More than a friend."
There's so much you're experiencing internally. And like a cup that's been overfilled, you feel the trace of a line drawing from your eyes own to your chin. The way Seamus' expression softens at your reaction causes you to go overboard and suddenly you tackle him in a hug, burying your face right into his neck, just beneath his jawline. And you sob in between silly giggles as you feel his arms settle around you.
Another round of sob-giggles ensue, as your grip only tightens. "I-I love you, you sod."
It's hard to decipher who's heart is pounding with your chests pressed to tightly together. It's practically all you both can hear other than his and your chuckles of relief.
You finally pull away from him, hands pressing into the grass on each side of his head, your knees straddling his hips.
There's no more words verbally exchanged, as his hands slowly come up to cup your jaw, a calloused thumb tenderly moving across the skin of your cheek bone to wipe a tear. When he sees you grin, he immediately reciprocates.
Those ocean eyes of his look to you with complete adoration. They're apologising to you for taking so long to confess, and they're telling you how much he loves you, with the way his eyelids slightly droop and the corners of his eyes crinkle with his smile. It's now do you realise how long and pretty his lashes are. With the help of his hands by your jaw and neck, you lean down to get a better look. You lean in till your noses touch, and then you twist your head and you're so close to him that your lips collide.
His fingers squeeze into your skin, desperate to feel more of you here. At first you're both hesitant, slow with just light touches, getting comfortable with each other's movements. Then to test boundaries, your mouths open a little wider, and he presses against you harder. So much so, you both forget how to breath.
"You taste like orange juice," you whisper.
The rumble of his chuckle reverberates against your body. "And you're just beautiful. I-I can't believe it."
"I know. How is this happening right now?"
"I suppose Ginny is the one to thank. Though I hate to admit."
You laugh, as you help each other to sit up before anyone happens to see you in your compromising position. You take his hand and begin to stand up, pulling him to your side. "Then guess what we're gonna do now?"
"Um... what?" He doesn't like the look of your smirk.
"We're gonna go back to the Hall and you're gonna tell Ginny thank you. And sorry."
"Oh, no, no, no."
You're already dragging him.
"No, no. I've used up all my bravery today, I can't face her now— she's just gonna rub it in!"
"Do you want to kiss me again?"
"Then you have to do what I say."
Good Godric, you're the only one he'll listen to, the only one he'll let to boss him around. The only one that can make him melt. Allowing you to pull him back through the grounds of the school, he feels a new sense of heat rise to his chest and neck. You're no longer friends. But you are his. And he is yours.
It's all thanks to a girl with red-hair, and for him being green-eyed.
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labrxnth · 6 months
BoC Chapter 1: Into Darkness (Leon x Reader Series)
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In flower language, a cornflower means "Be careful with me, please, I'm delicate."
Tag List:
WC: 3310
CWs: some heinous forced father figure shit, human experimentation, PTSD, kidnapping, cannon level body horror, cannon level swearing and violence, body comparison.
AN: So, This monster is finally here now that Prison Break is done. I'm thinking of a schedule that I can accurately keep, maybe one chapter every two weeks. This series will span over all of Resident Evil, it's gonna be a big boy so strap in.
If you want to be on the tag list, comment and it'll be done.
Spotify Link: Listen along to the playlist I've curated for this fanfic
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The first thing you experienced about the apocalypse wasn’t the loud sirens, explosions, or screaming. It was how quiet it was. The usual fluorescent lights of the lab testing floor you were on were still burning as bright as ever, your eyes trailing the multitude of doctors and nurses scrambling through the hall, clipboards and keycards in hand. 
Your hand placed itself on the glass wall, confused as to why the doctors and scientists were acting more skittish than usual. The feeling you had in your stomach turning into a deeper pit. Anxiety swelling inside of you. 
Even without any of the chemicals dumped into you through the many syringes “gifted” to you, your intuition was off the charts. You knew something was wrong. 
Hearing the usual vroom of the door to your cell opening, your eyes turned to it, seeing the scientist usually in charge of you with a lead in hand. He stood in the doorway, his salt and pepper hair slicked back like it always was. His glasses were pristine, no scratches or dirt on them, his lab coat and scrubs eerily clean. 
“Subject 13, we’re moving you,” David said, his voice not leaving room for question. 
You nodded, walking up to him. David had been in charge of you since you got here at the ripe age of 10. A decade of being trapped in these four walls, not seeing the outside. 
The last time you were outside, the whole world felt like it was dripped in neon. The lights, the hair, the makeup, everything. All you wanted was a Barbie doll or a cabbage patch kid. Now, the world to you was white walls, white floors, and people wearing all white. 
David clasped the lead onto your thin collar, starting to walk the opposite end down the hallway that you were used to. You only ever walked to the left of your cell, not the right. Today you were going to the right, following all the other doctors and scientists. 
“Where are we going?” You asked quietly. 
“Hm?” David asked, not even bothering to look over you. 
You took a second, looking down at your feet while you walked. Taking a deep breath, you get ready to rephrase your sentence. “Father, where are you taking me?” You rephrased. 
He smiled back at you, his yellow cigarette smoke stained teeth being visible from behind his lips. “My flower, we’re relocating you.” He responded, then looked forward. 
You’ll get to see another part of the world. Maybe if you were lucky, you’d be able to see outside through windows. The idea thrilled you more than the fear of being sent to another location. But still, one thought loomed over you, the NEST had been your home for the past 10 years, why were they moving you now?
“Father, why?” You asked, watching people run by you. The hairs on the back of your neck were sticking up, matching the anxiety of everyone else besides David. 
“Because, My Flower, someone messed up on one of the upper floors,” He replied. His tone was always condescending, infantilizing you, talking down to you. He acted like you were still 10 like when he “found you”. 
“Messed up?” You asked. He never told you about stuff happening on the upper floors, you were hoping that he’d be willing to go into deeper detail if he was already in a talking mood. 
“Birkin…. messed with something that he shouldn’t have,” He responded and left it at that. 
Birkin…. That had to be a person by the way he was talking. You had searched your memory, trying to figure out if you ever came into contact, but couldn’t remember anything. 
As the two of you walked through a set of double doors, the hallway changed from white to a blaring red. An alarm was going off, along with the emergency lights, making the hallway a sensory nightmare. 
You squeezed your eyes closed, attempting to quell the migraine you were starting to get from everything. 
After going through another set of double doors, you felt yourself rising from the ground. Opening them in a panic, you noticed you were in an elevator, making your way to the surface. How long had it been since you were in an elevator last? It had to have been at the mall, while you were waiting impatiently to get to Orange Julius. 
The mall that had just opened up down the road from where you lived. The same mall where a strange man in a suit came up to you and asked you where your parents were.
The same one where you were taken from, never to see the outside world again. 
“Where will we go?” You asked, your (e/c) eyes meeting his face. 
“Where we go,” David replied dryly. 
You nodded, discontent with the answer, but pushing your feelings aside like you had been trained to do. If you dug too far, it would only spell more pain and suffering for you; curiosity was not a trait celebrated by Umbrella Corp. 
He led you down another hallway, the lead tugging at your neck, an uncomfortable feeling, making you seem like a dog. Your place was a lab rat, property owned by Umbrella Corp. You were truly David’s bitch through and through. Something he held over you. 
After a mind numbing walk through more hallways than you could count, you felt the cold air prick your face. Your nose breathed in the fresh air for the first time in a decade, tears almost welling in your eyes at the nostalgic feeling of it. It was crisp, but warm at the same time. Smelling like nothing, but everything all at once. Where the air smelled like cleaner and chemicals in your cell, the air here smelled of an electric charge, a storm on the horizon, and the calamity happening in the city. 
Looking around, you saw the city horizon line. There were more lights than when you were brought here, assuming you were looking at the same side of the building from before. You saw the misty haze sweeping over the city, the pine trees in the background surrounding the mountains in the faint distance. If you could see the roads, you would have seen the destruction breaking out around you. 
You would have seen the hell emerging from the depths of where you were kept. 
Looking forward, you saw a military grade helicopter, the same type they brought you here in. When you were first taken, you remembered every single detail you could with hope you could somehow make it out. 
Obviously, you were naïve. 
David ushered you into the helicopter, taking his seat in the pilot’s. Two U.S.S. (Umbrella Security Services) agents accompanied the two of you on the helicopter, guns drawn. One was pointed off the ramp, the other was pointed at you. At this point, you would have either been an idiot or had a death wish if you attempted to run. At this point you had the survivor mentality beaten out of you. 
Starting up the helicopter, David tied your lead to the bar separating the two of your seats. Your eyes were glued to the world outside, watching the rain hit the windows and windshields in awe. The world seemed darker since you saw it last, obviously because it was night time, but it felt grungier. Less like the neon wonderland you left and more like cigarette smoke and leather. 
As the helicopter flew above the city, the fires and crowds of people below were finally visible to you. The shock tore through your body at the sight. 
“The people… what’s happening to them?” You asked, your eyes following clusters of people attacking others. It looked like ants fighting from how high up you were, but you could still make out their shapes and sizes. 
“Birken’s atrocity. This is why I worked on more sophisticated projects like you, My Flower,” David replied, running a hand through your hair. An unfamiliar sound filled your ears, getting louder and louder by the second. 
David’s head whipped to the side. “Holy shit!” He yelled and jerked the steering sticks of the helicopter towards you. Your eyes widened as you saw a glimpse of something coming at the two of you, then the world went white again.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* : 。゚☆. ───
You woke up to a searing pain in your right arm. Eyes shooting open, all you saw around you were silent flames, engulfing the helicopter and licking up your right arm. You tried to lunged through the flames and get out of the helicopter, but a force pulled you back, the fucking collar and lead. Looking around the helicopter, you found a stray shard of glass and picked it up. Your hand instantly filled with a sanguine red, the glass cutting your hand from just holding it. Quickly and wasting no time, you sawed through the lead, gritting your teeth at the pain. 
David would surely forgive you for breaking your lead, it was life or death. Then again, he was a psychotic doctor that experimented on and tortured you for years. 
Once the lead went slack, breaking apart, you jumped through the flames, rolling on the floor of wherever you were to extinguish the flames on you. Catching your breath and feeling your heartbeat die down, you took a few seconds, waiting for David or a U.S.S. agent to pick you back up. 
When no one jolted you up to your feet, your eyes opened to find a dusty wooden floor beneath you. Pushing off of your arms, you looked around you and saw a hallway of some sort, a rather plain one, but not the white ones you were used to seeing by now. 
You stood up and looked toward the helicopter, seeing three bodies in there, engulfed in the flames. David and the two U.S.S. agents. 
You were…. Free. 
David was dead. 
Your mind kept going over these words in your mind before you decided it would be better to move than stay still. While David had beaten the survivor out of you, you weren’t an idiot. 
The helicopter was cutting the hallway in half, giving you only one choice to go: behind you. You turned around and looked down the daunting hallway, feeling like it would’ve been better if you perished in the crash with everyone else. Nonetheless, you pushed forward into the darkness, your eyes adjusting to the darkness and your ears adjusting to the quiet. 
Walking down the hallway, you found the first door, a wooden door directly in front of you. On the wall, there was a sign that stuck out from it saying “Waiting Room”. As you walked closer, you found yourself having to limp, your ankle feeling less than ideal for walking a great distance. Your hand pressed up to the door, feeling the indents on the real wood. Every texture you had dealt with since you were taken was either slick, cold, slimy, or all of the above. 
It felt nice to feel something homemade, something that felt real. You cautiously pushed the door open and a sudden warmth filled the hallway. The room had multiple lights on, the type that you weren’t used to anymore. Instead of the fluorescent lights that made you want to gouge your eyeballs out, they were small lamps with a warm, orange or yellow glow to them. 
Closing the door behind you, you tried to find anything that could tell you where you were. You had no clue the size of the building you crashed into or where exactly you were. 
Turning to your direct left, you found a bulletin board on the wall with multiple posters. All of them said Raccoon City as the location of what they were advertising, so it was safe to say you were still in the city. 
Looking around more, you were startled as you heard the door behind you open. It was quiet, but you still picked up on it, your ears flicking slightly at the sound. 
“Are you alive?” A rather young voice asked you. Your hands went up slightly in surrender and you turned around. 
When you looked at who was talking, your eyes lit up. The question he asked puzzled you, but seeing someone that looked around your age was a relief in its own right. 
His face was unlike any other face you had seen. Most faces from your childhood blurred together, the only faces you really remember being your own, David’s, and the other scientists that occasionally worked on you for David. This young man’s features were soft, his eyes blue and kind, with an emotion at the forefront. You had seen that emotion in your own eyes before. 
He was scared and trying to hide it. 
“You’re alive,” He responded. You knit your eyebrows in confusion and noticed the gun he was pointing at you. Confused, you nodded and watched him sigh in relief, then lower the gun. “You, me, and Marvin are the only ones here that aren’t infected,” He added, reholstering his gun. 
“Infected?” Your voice asked. 
The young man looked at you, his eyebrows knit together, confusion matching your own. His eyes looked up and down your outfit, the white hospital gown and scrub pants that you had worn for the last ten years catching his eye. 
“Yeah…. Where did you come from?” He asked and took a step towards you. 
Instinctively, you took a step back, his eyes immediately softening. “Hey, I’m not gonna hurt you okay? I’m a police officer, it’s my job to help people.” He said softly. 
You remembered your parents telling you to find a police officer if you ever needed help when you would go to the mall alone. The day you were taken, you tried to tell one that a man in a suit was following you.
You were laughed at. 
Sensing your apprehension, he took off one of his fingerless gloves and held his bare hand out to you. “My name’s Leon, Leon Kennedy. If you want to survive, I might be your best bet,” He said. 
You looked at the hand and hesitantly reached your own out to his. But your name, what name could you tell him? Subject 12 wasn’t your name, it was used to get rid of your humanity, taking away your ability to even have a name. 
A name, you used to have a name, but what was it? Digging deep into your memories, you tried to remember it; tried to remember a friend saying it in joy, tried to remember a parent saying it in love, a teacher in anger. 
Leon looked at you expectantly, trying to read your expression. Your eyes met his as your hand met his in a shake. All you could remember for a name was the sound of rock playing through your dad’s radio, him praising a female singer for her melodies and guitar playing skills. 
“Joan, my name is Joan,” You said, claiming the name as your own. 
“Nice to meet you Joan, got a gun?” Leon asked. He looked down at your hands and you guessed that you had held on for way too long judging by the look on his face. You let go and awkwardly smiled at him. 
“A gun? No,” You replied, your head tilting to the side slightly. “Why would I need a gun?” You asked. 
“Why would you need a gun?” Leon echoed your question, looking at you incredulously. His eyes then went down to the burn mark on your right arm and the cut through the palm of your same hand.  “Where did you come from, you haven’t been here?” He asked. 
You shook your head slightly, proving his theory correct. “I was in a helicopter, then everything went white and I woke up surrounded by flames in this building,”
His eyes widened. “You were in that helicopter? The one that crashed into the building?” He asked, his eyes almost bugging out of his head. You nodded in response and he dug through his hip pouches, producing a small box with a red cross on it. 
“Here, let me patch you up, take a seat,” He said and gestured to one of the benches. You limped over, his eyes catching which ankle you weren’t letting touch the floor and taking a mental note of it. 
Sitting down on the bench, you looked at the palm of your hand seeing just how deep the glass had cut you. Leon kneeled down in front of you and looked up into your eyes, then back down at the collar you had on. 
“I don’t mean to pry…” He trailed off. You stared at him, expecting him to ask a question, but he just shrugged and shook his head, saying something to himself that a normal person wouldn’t be able to hear, but you could. “Isn’t the weirdest fucking thing I’ve seen today,” He said to himself. 
You watched him take bandages and a small spray can out of the case. “Can I have your hand?” He asked. You gave up your hand, palm side up. His hand gently grabbed your wrist, his eyes darting to your face for any sign of discomfort, but finding none. 
“This will hurt a bit,” He said and shook the small can. As the spray hit your cut, a slight hiss left your mouth. “Sorry,” He said, his eyebrows knit in focus and sympathy. Leon was quick to wrap the hand in bandages and then wrap the burn loosely.   
His hand dropped your wrist and he gestured to your ankle. “Can I help that too?” He asked. You nodded and he took your ankle, resting it on his knee. Almost as quick as when he wrapped your hand, your ankle was wrapped and all set to go. 
“It looks sprained. If we were in a better situation, I’d tell you to stay off of it, but we’re not,” He said and looked up at you.
“Thank you,” You said and lightly smiled at him. Looking down at him, you got a feeling that you haven’t had in awhile. 
You felt like he could be trusted; instead of the churning sea that your stomach usually was, it was calm. A slight warmth spreading through your chest at his smile.
“We should head out, I have this puzzle that I need to solve for us to get out of here,” He said, fishing a small booklet out of his pouches and putting the box back in. 
Looking at him, you could tell that he’d been here for at least longer than you had. He might be useful to stick around; especially if he had weapons and you didn’t. 
“Sounds good,” You said and stood up, getting used to the new weight on your ankle. 
“Before we go…. I gotta ask,” He said, leading into a question that you didn’t really want to answer right now. 
“No you don’t,” You replied and steadied yourself, looking up to meet his gaze. 
“Okay, I guess I don’t,” He said, his head moving to the door he came out of. “Alright, let’s get moving,” He added. 
You followed him through the door, into the unknown. Maybe on the other side of the door, there would be a fully fledged freedom; the world that you were kept from. 
To you, you were free of the white walls, white floors, damnation you were sentenced to. Now, you were headed into hell on Earth that you were completely unaware of. 
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Catch this fic and others on my AO3
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Zenyatta and heartbeats (and ram too ig)
Saw something that gave me ideas for this, so I'm deciding to dip my feet into overwatch again for a moment; totally not trying to totally reignite the rot because my brain is a dry sponge rn
Post is mostly zenyatta centric since hes my number 1 bbg, and Rams part is mostly just last minute thoughts that I got right as I opened this up to write
Obviously, reader is human
Cw cuz rams has like. A CRUMB of nsfw but like other nsfw stuff I post its incredibly vague so yeah
I hope this isn't too cringe bc admittedly I'm not at all confident with how I write for OVW characters (mostly due to me STILL being behind on the lore (the rot died and got replaced by something else, made it impossible to consume media outside the current rot)) so
This is likely going to be VERY OOC, cringe, and probably just
Not good
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Writing his part before Zenyattas, before I forget the ideas I had! So yall get this lil bonus at the beginning
He's oddly fascinated with heartbeats, I'd think! But not just in a cute or intimate way? If that makes sense? At least in the beginning
He likes the rise it gets whenever it picks up; be it from passion, anger, fear, happiness, he just finds it
Not just your heartbeat, though, just beats in general
Bro probably gets a thrill when he gets someone heart to work overtime in a sadistic way tbh
That's really the idea, just "ram is kinda fucked up like that"
But in a romantic setting? I guess in a weird way he'd compare it to the humming of his systems; ironic since I doubt he'd ever want to compare omnics to humans and find similarities
Do NOT!!! Let this man touch or otherwise have his hand on your throat, he will go nuts at your pulse
Yeah that's it for him
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Now to the boy
My favorite boy
My main and comfort character
Okay enough of that, but his is sweeter I think
Before I dive into that I like to hc that Zen (and perhaps most omnics? I'm still debating) has heat sensors, and then I got another idea where like
He can pick up on heart rates and stuff, idk the logistics of that because I'm not smart like that but
I like to hc that that's how he can read people + his general zenyatta ways
So I feel like him being able to see your beat makes it intimate, in a way? Everytime he manages to fluster you he sees it flutter for a moment along with catching your body temperature rising
That's cute, I think
If you're both in a relationship and have gotten there, I like to think he'd rest his hand on your chest, and just. Feel the beat against his palm, almost entranced by it
He takes note of how it slows when you fall asleep, and how it picks back up when you wake up; or how it speeds up when you have a nightmare, and so on
Some days he'll rest his head on your chest and listen
Just the two of you, holding each other in silence
I really don't know where I was going with this post and really I'm just spitting out ideas as they come but
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theonethatyaks93 · 1 year
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I just want to say how truly amazed I am with this show. There are very few words that can describe it. I put a few in the picture seen above, but this is barely anything compared to everything I've said. Animaniacs has changed my life in ways that many shows can only dream of. And I'm thrilled to be here today to celebrate its legacy.
I wasn't born in the 90's. I didn't grow up with this show like I know a ton of people did. I was exposed to it, mainly through the Hub Network ads for reruns, the once-in-a-while YouTube video reference, and even in fifth grade when my teacher showed us a clip of "Wakko's America" for our state capital test (which by the way I passed). I didn't acknowledge this show's presence, at least until 2020. That was a rough year, not only for me, but for everyone. Online school sucked. I couldn't see my friends. I was always crying myself to sleep and staying up late just watching videos to wash away my sadness and hurting. It was hell. I didn't have any comfort. At the absolute worst of times around October, I saw that one of my favorite channels posted a video on the trailer for the reboot of a show called Animaniacs. I was curious, mostly since I'd never heard about it before (well, I thought I hadn't). But the way the characters looked and the amount of people talking about it got me interested enough to click on the video. I listened to the reviewer's thoughts, not really understanding much, yet still being enticed to continue. I watched the actual trailer afterwards and...the rest is history.
I instantly fell in love. I watched the trailer on repeat before the reboot's release, laughing and singing along. I researched the show more and discovered a ton of voice actors I knew. I loved the characters, especially Yakko, I listened to the songs, I watched the interviews, and I talked about it constantly to my family and friends. While I didn't have Hulu, I still kept up with the reboot quite heavily. For Christmas, I got my first piece of merch, a T-shirt, and I got the first 25 episodes of the original show. I watched them on repeat with my sister and we both laughed, sang, and danced around whenever the show came on. After taking a fandom break, I got back into the show in 2021, which came with a new appreciation for Pinky and The Brain and fanfiction. Around this time, I was finally able to watch the reboot and entire original series since I got Hulu. My merchandise collection expanded, my knowledge of the show grew exponentially, and my desire to contribute to the fandom was intense. Not much has changed since then. Granted my merchandise collection is bigger, I can do impressions of a few characters, I met some of the voice actors, I joined the community on Tumblr, I actually wrote some fanfiction, and I've seen so many Animaniacs episodes now that it'll make your head spin. I'm so proud to be a super fan.
My appreciation and adoration for the Animaniacs franchise knows no bounds. It changed my life in amazing ways. And I can't believe its thirty years old today. I'm struggling to keep my emotions in right now, it's all so surreal. So, to all my followers I encourage you to give this show all your love today. It deserves it. Thank you Animaniacs. Thank you so much for everything you've done. You have made me a better individual and have fueled my love of animation for nearly three years. I hope you continue to inspire many more like me to laugh, be silly, and sing "Yakko's World" to pass a geography test. Animaniacs is the greatest show of all time, and I'll never stop saying that. (Ps. this isn't the last Animaniacs Anniversary related post I'm making! The next one will be long! And I'll also be showcasing my Animaniacs merch collection! Stay tuned!) Goodnight Everybody!!
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littlegodzilla · 2 years
Ok I literally had a dream of this 😂
Can you write something where the reader is pregnant with Daryl’s baby (they have been a couple pretty much since the beginning) and he does not know she is pregnant. She’s terrified to tell him and stuff, in her mind if you don’t think about it than it isn’t real. So she’s hidden her pregnancy well for the past few weeks…one day her and Daryl (and anyone else you’d like to include) are out walking and they are high up on a high. They take a break and miles and miles away in the distance they see a gigantic herd. When the reader sees this she panics and starts crying cause she’s absolutely terrified to bring a baby into this world and stuff like that. Daryl sees her in tears, asking her what’s wrong and she tells him. His reaction can be whatever you’d like.
Hii Anon!!😊
I liked your idea/dream 🤭 but I changed some things I hope you don't mind and you'll like the story as well.
Daryl Dixon x PregnantReader.
One shot.
Anon request.
Warnings: Angst (sorry I couldn't stop...This was going to be a sad ending but I stopped in time)
Words: 1400
Taglist: @phoenixblack89 @browneyes528 @lilythemadqueen @darylsgarden @thefemininemystiquee @green-eyedladywrites @hail-yourselves @ruinedbythehobbit @xxtinasxxblog @ravenwings73 @spenciepoo338 @b-tchymoon @minervadashwood @darylssluttt @let-love-bleeds-red @ravendixon
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"Have you lost your mind!?" Denise shouts at you as you enter Alexandria again. "How can you even think of going on a mission in your state?!"
"Yer state?" Daryl looks at you confused and you feel yourself struggling to breathe. Denise is suddenly speechless.
"You didn't tell him?"
"Told me what?" he growls looking at the two of you, frowning.
Denise's words keep ringing in your ears, you're unable to get out of your stupor at the same time as your friend's smile grows wider and wider, but you can't reciprocate.
It's impossible for you to be pregnant.
You have never been able to get pregnant before and the few times you did, you had aborts because your pH was too acidic for sperm and you had a genetic problem with your blood, it was thicker than normal and you would get clots; which caused the fetus to have complications and you would abort. So you were very doubtful that now, in this shitty world you could make it.
But apparently Daryl Dixon had a magic penis and had managed to hit the bull's eye.
"Are you okay?" Denise looks at you worried since you haven't reacted yet.
No, you're not okay, there are a lot of doubts suddenly assailing you. How are you going to tell Daryl, how is he going to react, what if he doesn't want to have kids?
You know Daryl likes kids, always keeping an eye on Carl, with Judith he created a special bond, but this is different, you've never been completely sterile, but you told Daryl you couldn't stay in a state and yet now....
"How far along am I? Can't we do something?"
"Do you want to have an abortion?" Denise looks at you in surprise and you place your hands on your belly.
You don't really want an abortion, you've always wanted children, you love children, you've always seen yourself taking care of at least a couple of them, but now you don't know what to think. Is it really right to bring new life into that world? Many couples with stability within those walls have formed their own families, but there are still threats, there are still dangers, is it fair to subject children to that constant fear?
"Listen to me." Denise speaks, pulling you out of your thoughts. "It's a delicate pregnancy, you need to have as much rest as possible." She explains. "Talk to Daryl, I'm sure he'll be thrilled with the idea and will help you with whatever you need." She encourages you and hugs you. "We'll need vitamins and a few other things, I'll make a list."
"Denise...let me talk to Daryl first, please."
"Yeah, sure, no problem."
And there wasn't, you had a plan, talk to him, tell him what was going on and wait for his reaction. Good or bad you're sure you're going to go through with that pregnancy, maybe your own body will reject it and you'll abort at any point in gestation, or maybe it will all work out and you'll give birth to a beautiful blue-eyed boy, or a girl. You've never cared much about sex, really.
You're at home, studying your monologue in your head, thinking about everything you're going to say to Daryl when you hear the door and he appears through the living room, your heart stops and your palms sweat.
"Hey, hi." He greets you by giving you a soft kiss.
"Hi..." Then you notice the backpack on his shoulder. "Where are you going?"
"I'm gonna out for a little round." He explains. "Everything's quiet, but Denise needs a few things for the clinic." He shrugs. "Wanna come?"
"It's a risky pregnancy, you need rest." You hear your doctor's words in your mind.
"Yeah, sure, I could use to clear my head."
"Why? somethin' happened?" He looks at you worriedly and you quickly shake your head.
"No! Just...you know...girl stuff." You grimace and Daryl quickly averts his gaze, there are some topics he still has a hard time talking to you about.
So the two of you hop on Daryl's bike, once you've packed your backpack and weapons, and head out of Alexandria with the list of errands Denise has given the archer.
"Pregnant!" Daryl shouts, fidgeting nervously in the infirmary.
"Daryl..." You try to reassure him but he quickly lets go of you.
"Ya out of yer mind!? ya could have died!" He barks again.
That's right, the smooth mission turned into a huge problem due to a herd of Walkers cutting you off. Getting to the nearest town without being looted was easy. Entering the pharmacy and taking medication and toiletries, too, but there was a hospital, there was a market, everything seemed intact so you decided to take a chance and go for more supplies.
Yes, the place was intact, but it was also full of Walkers who made it very difficult for you to escape.
When you got to the bike and escaped you were aware of the risk you had taken, that you could have lost your baby and you cried against Daryl's back without him noticing.
But now everything is chaos.
"I told you, you should rest, it's a complicated pregnancy and..." Denise scolds you, but now you don't need it, Daryl's furious eyes fall on you and then on your friend.
"Complicated pregnancy? What do ya mean?" he roars rebuking the doctor.
"Well it's... from her tests I've detected that her blood is thicker than usual, a genetic problem, that can lead to clots, if she isn't careful or get too stressed..."
"Denise, stop it, I think I'm the one who should..."
"No." Daryl cuts you off. "Go on, if she gets too stressed..."
"S- she could have an abort..." She whispers lowering her gaze.
Daryl breathes in agitation, his nose catching as much air as possible, his chest heaving up and down with speed, his heart pounding, anger bubbling under his skin. His brow is so tightly knit you could play that his eyebrows have knitted together. He turns toward you and you take a step backward out of inertia. He walks to your position, fast, lethal. Angry.
"Ya know?" He asks in a hoarse voice, gritting his teeth so hard you hear them grind.
"Daryl I..."
"Did you know?!" He yells and slams down on the gurney next to you making you jump.
"Yes! I knew it was a risk to get out, but I didn't..." You're scared, you've never seen Daryl like this, not with you.
"And why ya came!" He howls again. "Why didn't ya tell me!!! Why ain't ya...?" He mumbles angrily biting his lip. "Ya wanna abort? Is that it?" he gasps almost voicelessly and your chest burns.
You look at him and discover pain, all that anger, that initial rage is gone and his eyes are shining with disappointment and pain.
"Daryl, listen to me..."
"Don't touch me." He growls and slaps your hand so hard it hurts. "If ya wanted me to touch ya so little, ya could have told me and I would have left yalone."
"For God's sake, no, I love you!" you tell him full of nerves.
"Then why didn't ya tell me? How long have ya known?"
"Since..." You lower your head. "Officially since two weeks ago..."
"Two? Two fucking weeks and I find out now?" the disbelief in his voice cuts through you like a knife.
"I didn't know how... I was afraid..."
"Of what? me?"
To tell you the truth yes, you are afraid now. You've never seen him like this before, the anger and hurt his words spit out every time they come out of his mouth, they scare you. You're afraid you might lose him for keeping quiet.
"You've always been so careful and I thought that..."
"A condom ain't just prevent a baby, y'know? I was afraid I might give ya something I didn't even know I had." He huffs angrily and runs his hands through his hair nervously.
"Daryl, I'm sorry..."
"No, no, yer a selfish bitch." He growls again walking away from you, your heart breaking into pieces with every step he takes away. "Not only could we have lost our baby, I could have fucking lost ya too." Daryl suddenly feels like throwing up.
"Daryl..." You insist but you see that his gaze is still charged with fury.
"I'm gonna take care of ya, of our baby, but listen to me..." He walks over to you pointing at you. "If ya move, if ya get up, if ya open yer mouth for anything but food... I'll tie ya to the fucking bed."
"I'm not invalid..."
"I am NOT gonna lose ya, ya hear me?" He repeats and a tear runs down his cheek. "Neither of ya, I'm ain't gonna let anything bad happen to ya two."
The End.
I'm sorry I think I used too much dialogue and not enough narration, but it seemed more correct.
I hope you liked it!!
See you in the next stories!!
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
hi :)!! can i request a fic or hcs (whichever you think is better) with mammon reacting to the mc playing guitar and singing in a rock band and seeing them perform for the first time? ty !!
Hi, anon!
OOF when I tell you this one put me through it lol. I love this request, too. MC in a band with Mammon in the crowd watching them perform? Yes, that is absolutely something I want to write about! But for some reason, I really had a hard time with it? I'm not sure what that was about. I had to rewrite it a couple times 'cause I didn't like how it was going. Maybe it's because I'm always worrying about making Mammon too OOC?
Anyway! I know a lot about music, but I know next to nothing about actually performing on a stage, so I don't know how accurate some of this is. I tried to keep it vague so that MC could potentially be either in the human world or the Devildom.
In the end, I think it turned out okay? I hope you like it!
Thank you for the request!
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GN!MC x Mammon
MC sings and plays guitar in a rock band and Mammon sees them perform for the first time
Warnings: none!
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Mammon had known for some time that you were in a band, but he had never had a chance to see you perform until now. You didn't know he was going to be there, which was why he wanted to be sure you'd be able to spot him in the crowd. He wasn't in the center, but slightly off to the side in the front.
As you and the rest of the band came out on stage, Mammon's gut twisted. There you were, guitar in hand, standing in those soft colored lights, looking absolutely amazing. He was mesmerized by your presence, the way you so confidently moved around on stage.
You stepped up to the mic and he barely heard what you said into it. He thought maybe you were thanking the crowd for coming out or something. He couldn't focus on your words at all. The way the light was shining on your skin and your hair had all his attention. You and the band began your first song and any remaining thoughts Mammon had left him immediately.
His eyes were stuck on the way your fingers moved across the guitar's frets, expertly playing the song's intro notes. Your body bobbed with the beat as the drums and bass kicked in. And then you went back to the mic and started to sing.
Mammon couldn't move. He was just watching you, listening to you, experiencing you and the way you commanded that moment. Everyone around him was dancing, several people were singing along, but all he could do was stand there and watch. He didn't even register as other people jostled into him.
This was how it went for the first few songs of your set. He slowly began to be able to think again. He was sure you hadn't seen him…
… but then you moved down the stage toward the side where he was. You were focused on the guitar, really getting into the solo you were playing. But as you reached the end of it, you looked up and into the crowd.
It was clear from your expression that you had seen him. It started out as surprise, but then you smiled. It was a large grin, like seeing him there was the best thing that had ever happened to you.
Mammon knew in that moment that he'd made the right choice to come tonight. You were clearly thrilled at the idea that he was here to see you perform. He couldn't stop himself from grinning back at you. He raised both of his hands, waved them at you, and yelled your name as loud as he could. He watched in delight as you laughed before you had to go back to the center of the stage to start singing again.
Now that you knew he was there, you were constantly looking over at him, sneaking him little smiles throughout the rest of the songs. He was still enthralled with you, but he was cheering now. He knew you couldn't really hear him, but he did it anyway.
Then something changed as you prepared to perform another song. He noticed the way your eyes widened and he could tell even in that dim lighting that you'd paled a bit. You cleared your throat as you introduced the song and there was a nervousness about you that hadn't been there before.
"I wrote this song about what it's like to meet someone that you instantly connect with," you said. You were smiling, but it seemed like it was just hiding your sudden anxiety. "And how quickly they can become a huge part of your life."
The lights changed to soft blues and yellows. The drums started out with a simple beat, something slow but steady. This song was a little slower than most of your other songs had been, a little softer. You played a melody on your guitar, letting the notes ring out brightly.
Mammon listened to the way you sang the lyrics - as though they were coming from deep in your heart. As though every word meant something more than it seemed to.
And the more he listened, the more he realized… this song was about him.
That's why you had become nervous all of a sudden. You had realized that he would be there to hear you sing this song that you wrote about him.
His brain couldn't quite comprehend what he was hearing. He could feel tears starting to well up in his eyes, but he fought them with everything he had.
When the song was over, Mammon noticed how you couldn't look over at him anymore. There were only a few more songs in your set and he watched you through them, wondering what you were thinking and feeling. You seemed to be back to how you were before. There was an encore where you played a couple more songs and then finally the show was over.
The second he realized the crowd around him was dispersing, Mammon went looking for the way backstage. He had to talk to you immediately.
It didn't take long for Mammon to find the door that went backstage, but it was blocked by a security guard. You hadn't known he was going to be there and this person would have no reason to let him in. But it wasn't like the Great Mammon didn't have a couple tricks up his sleeve and it only took a few moments for him to bribe the guard into letting him in.
Once he was backstage, Mammon looked around for you frantically. He had to find you as fast as possible. There were a fair amount of people back here, most of them working on cleaning up the equipment. He couldn't see any of the band members. Where could you have gone?
And then he saw you. Just a short way away, you had just picked up your guitar, as though you were preparing to put it away.
Mammon practically ran to your side. "MC!"
You turned to him in surprise, guitar still in your hand. "Mammon? What are you doing back here?"
Mammon couldn't prevent himself from sweeping you up in a hug. He completely avoided answering your question. "Ya were amazin' tonight, MC!"
You laughed and returned his hug with the arm that wasn't holding your guitar. "Thanks," you said. "It was a good show. I'm glad you were here to see it."
Mammon pulled away to look at you. "MC… that song… ya know the one…"
"We played a lot of songs," you said, a mischievous tone in your voice.
Mammon blushed and sang the first line of the chorus, which was the part he remembered best.
He watched as you also blushed, but you smiled, too. You put your guitar strap over your head and played the intro to the song. "That one?"
Mammon took a step closer to you, the guitar the only thing between your bodies. "Could ya sing that song for me again, MC?"
"Sure," you said. "I'll play the song I wrote about you the next time we're alone."
Mammon really thought he couldn't possibly blush anymore, but somehow it felt like the heat in his skin increased. You leaned over your guitar and pressed your lips to his. He put his arms around your neck, trying to pull you closer. The guitar strings twanged slightly as they bumped against him.
Later that night, you would do as you promised. You would sing your song to him, strumming along on your guitar. And even though Mammon was already in love with you, those sweet notes would make him feel as though he would never stop falling for you.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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