#i'm worthy 🥺😭💖
"None of us know how long we have. We don't know what tomorrow holds. And Mjlonir... Mjlonir chose you. And it chose you because you're worthy."
--Thor: Love and Thunder
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starleska · 1 year
Hello! May I have some headcanons for how Wally Darling acts when he falls in love? And maybe some headcanons about how he flirts with reader because I’m a simp for this man 😭😭
oh my gosh of course you can!!!! this has been rattling around my head ever since you sent in the ask, thank you so much 🥺 there were lots of ways i could've taken this one, but i wanted to give you all a bit of tooth-rotting sweetness 😉
Lovesick!Wally Darling x Reader headcanons
💖 Wally is many things when he's in love, and subtle is not one of them. when around the object of his affections, he turns into even more of a cartoon character than he already is: tripping over his own feet in your presence and gazing dreamily at you from afar. you can almost see the little hearts floating into existence and popping over his head!! however, he isn't going overboard with his affections to make you uncomfortable, no - the man is simply so full of love for you, he doesn't know where to put it. Wally in love becomes more day-dreamy than he already was, prone to trailing off in the middle of a sentence because he caught a glimpse of you from across the way, or actively abandoning an engrossing activity just to spend a little more time around you. should you choose to call Wally out for his behaviour, you'll have the pleasure of seeing a powerful blush colour his fuzzy cheeks 😉
💖 a sure-fire sign that Wally's got a crush is the uptick in his musicality. Wally is already a bit of a self-styled musician: little to no rhythm or tune to speak of, but a tendency to hum away an old song while he's busy with his art or his thoughts. when he's in love, Wally will move from simple humming to karaoke-worthy serenades - belting out traditional love songs in the shower and delivering impromptu concert performers when entertaining his friends. your neighbours are baffled, wondering how Wally could ever think to impress You with a voice like that, because - bless him - for all his other talents, the gift of song was not one given to him. yet Wally isn't trying to win you over with the power of his voice - his ego doesn't extend in that direction. Wally is just so inexorably happy to feel this way towards you, and he has to let the know world about that feeling!! 🥺
💖 Wally's flirtation methods are unorthodox, and they never fail to make you giggle. you may expect a man with perpetual bedroom eyes to be of the suave, alluring persuasion, but Wally's charm lies in his quirkiness. where one person would give you a bouquet of flowers, Wally is going to hand you a bushel of apples, instructing you with a wink to, "...not look at them all at once." instead of slipping his arm casually around your shoulders, Wally will engage you in challenging staring contests, only to wait for your guard to be down and boop you on the nose, giving him the win!! it's only when you and he are alone that Wally dares to be more forward...threading his fingers through yours and stroking your skin with his thumb. indeed, it's the sweet, simple nature of Wally's affection which clues everyone in to how he feels about you...he feels comfortable to be 100% himself, and what he is, is a huge dork 😭💖
aww man i'm all soft now 😭💖 i hope you like this one!! :3c
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hazelfoureyes · 7 months
Okay I just HAVE to say this and I'm embarrassed because I never send anyone asks but the way you respond to your asks is SO adorable!! The little memes you make are the cutest thing ever and I love seeing them so much 😭🩷 not only are you one of the best writers I've seen in a long time (I have been re-reading all of your fics each day for like 3 days now!) but you're also such a sweetheart! 🫶🏻🤍
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Don’t be embarrassed! I’m just a goblin! Who writes smut! On the internet! 🥺 I struggle with conveying emotions in my tone of voice irl, often accused of sounding bored or forced from others who don’t know me well even when I truly am happy/sad/excited. So, I rely heavily on my facial expressions to show people I am being sincere with my words. You lovely deerys can’t see my stupid little face! How can I express my sincere joy to you? happy memes! I really adore the amazing things this fandom creates and share, and I'm so happy to be considered a worthy participant! 💖 thank you for making me feel so lovely
「 ✦Hazbin Smut ✦ 」
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ddarker-dreams · 1 year
chapter had me on the edge of my seat, frightened, and crying. i am tearing down my walls with the conflict of loving your writing but also wanting to bash my head in. i swearrrr i have so much to say but the ending lines made me collapse all over again.
"Pretending the red shade’s a brilliant blue instead comes easier. "
i am so endeared with the relationship you've woven with reader and Lear because otherwise, the heartbreak wouldn't have impacted me so much. I've never wanted a self-insert to run away from the intended yan love interest the way I am wanting now. ITS ALL SO TRAGIC THANK YOU FOR WRITING NEXUS 😭😭 i wasn't going to read it initially bc my number is jing yuan BUT AS ALWAYS I SHOULDN'T HAVE DOUBTED YOUR WRITING. 💘💘
EEE i was happy with how that line turned out, even though it hurt to type it. n darling's lucky that blade isn't capable of reading minds because man............. if he heard that..................... 😦
originally, when i thought this would be a one-shot (rip), the ending had potential but i thought it could smack harder. if the reader doesn't care about eris or its inhabitants, they'd likely think "oh that sucks," but not much else. n darling's connection with lear felt important to inflicting maximum psychic damage. especially since it's hinted at that n darling loves lear, but has just been dancing around the fact, only to realize the truth too late. so i'm glad to know you feel the same way about their relationship's significance.
thank you so much for giving the story a chance and sharing your thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥺💖
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mandiemegatron · 11 days
dearly beloved that's because you ARE worthy and loved and cherished! and you're easy to love on top of all that!!!
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Av! 😭😭 you got me tearing up over here, you are so incredibly precious and I absolutely adore you, I'm literally looking up at you like this rn
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Thank you for everything you do, me and shanks are covering ur face in a million smooches 🥺🥺💋💋💖💖💖💖💖
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morska--vila · 1 year
Tag some of your favorite mutuals to let them know you love them and it's going to be okay! 💖💖💖
wow this is really cute 🥺 first of all, I love all of my mutuals, you guys bring me so much joy whenever I'm here and you all mean a lot to me
I'm really sorry if I forgot someone important (it happens to me a lot 💀), but know I love and appreciate all of you and I'm ultra grateful to have this safe space with all of you in it ❤️
first my bestest girl @day-trippin-dreamer, I love you so much, you're my soulmate and the one person that can pull me out of the deepest gutters with just a few words. you're the most amazing person I've ever met, you are smart, funny, capable, kind, compassionate, creative, humble, drop dead gorgeous and you just radiate positivity. you're so brave, I'm always amazed by your strength. my life would literally suck so much without you and I can't (and don't want to) imagine a single day without you in it for the rest of my life. I appreciate you so much and all of our conversations, whether we're joking, hoeing, thirsting, being silly or being serious, bring me so much happiness and I always feel so loved and worthy in your presence. I appreciate all the time and effort you consistently put into our friendship and how much time you've spent over the years on making me feel good about myself. you have the most uplifting spirit and I'm immensely jealous of anyone who gets to share space with you every day and I hope and pray every day that you're being treated nicely and appreciated the way you deserve to be. I am so sorry for being so difficult and stubborn sometimes and I thank you for still putting up with me and still being here. I promise to keep working on myself so I can be the kind of friend a sexy bitch like you deserves so we can finally meet and start checking off that to do list together. I feel so lucky and grateful that I get to call myself your friend and that I get to witness firsthand all of your success and achievements. I love you so much more than I can explain with words and I hope that I make you feel good because you don't deserve anything less. 🩷💗🩷💗🩷💗🩷💗🩷💗🩷💗🩷💗🩷💗🩷💗🩷💗🩷💗🩷💗🩷💗🩷💗
@awrestlinggirlwholoves80sbands moja sestra 💗 first of all, thank you for tagging me in this, it made my heart so warm! you are such a kind and beautiful soul, you always go out of your way to make others feel good and I admire your endless positivity. you are so hot, your selfies and outfits are always fire. I love your creative mind and I feel so lucky and grateful to be your sestra ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
@emometalhead girl, you just get me. I feel like I can tell you anything and you would understand. your friendship, reassurance and support over the years mean so much to me. you are as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside and I'm always in awe of you. despite life not always treating you kindly, you are still so positive, compassionate and cheerful. just like Alessia, you bring a lot of light into this world and we're all lucky to have you by our side 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
@glamourizedcocaine my dude, my bro, my og, the nikki to my tommy. never underestimate what your insane (affectionate) mind is capable of. you can do and achieve anything you want as long as you don't listen to other people's shitty projections of their own insecurity. you are so intelligent, brave, CRAZILY creative and talented, funny as hell, determined and smoking hot. your friendship means a lot to me and I've been so lucky over the years to be able to witness some of your ingenious AND dumbass ideas (duality of man am I right). I love you dude and I hope you're doing well. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
@ephyjeva sestro moja, ovnu moj ♈, hvala ti što me uvijek nasmiješ i razveseliš. sanjala sam neku noć da smo skupa išle na psihomodo 😭😭 možda se i ostvari jednog dana. sjećam se prvog puta kad smo imale neku prepisku u komentarima i bilo mi je tako toplo oko srca vidjet naš jezik na ovoj godforsaken app 😭 hvala ti za sve i nadam se da te mobitel dobro služi bumeru jedan 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
@ladyshandioftheendless shandi, my love, you are so fun, smart and creative, I love seeing you on my dash and your views are always so right, I always agree with everything you say. you are so awesome and I love reading your tags. I hope life is treating you nicely because you deserve it and I hope all the good things come your way 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
@stars-kiss-the-sky SKYYYY 💖 my beloved bee and shrek enthusiast. you're such a great person and you always have the most fun stories, your sense of humour had me on the floor on multiple occasions 😭 I really hope you're doing well and that Jackie and his dogs howled at the full moon the other day 😭😭💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
@jcferrero we haven't talked, but I enjoy seeing you on my dash and in my notes. your humour is unmatched, your tennis takes and blorbos superior and your tags exquisite 🤌 you seem very kind and I truly hope you're having the best week 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛
@kodachromatics I love your sense of humour and your posts are always on point. we've talked briefly (in unfortunate circumstances sadly) and you seem like you have a very bright soul and I can sense your kindness through the screen. I hope you're doing well and I'm sending you hugs if you need them 😭🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵
@fedalgaard we also haven't talked, but I love seeing you on my dash and in my notes, I really appreciate you being here and I love learning about cycling through your posts. you seem like the sweetest person overall and I'm wishing you an amazing week and i hope you're doing well 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
@born-to-lose you're so weird in the best possible way!! 😭😭 I love seeing your posts and selfies (and those fire fits) on my dash and I really love your sense of humour. you're really smart and creative, I admire your knowledge of languages and I love your music taste so much. hopefully today has been kind to you and I wish the rest of the week is too 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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Julius Demain Pidieu but what his voice sounds like to me. Sadly, he looks five months old because the picrew I am obsessed with had no wrinkles🥺. He no longer looks like a sweet sphinx cat😭
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THIS AUSTRALIAN IS HAVING GAY SEX WITH JULES. {Argent Étolie Chevalier is an OC} {He has like fifteen piercings but I forgor 🤡}
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Mommy? sorry. Mommy? sorry. Mommy? sorry. Mo- {Dolores Toujours Pideu, Apricot's cool lesbian albino trans aunt that is going to kill me with her beauty}
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Callahan Cyra Jumanah is Dolores's sweetheart, and I AM ALSO GOING CRAZY OVER HER. POWER COUPLE ULTIMATE EDITION. { Some people think she's faking her condition -chronic pain in her left leg and fatigue- because she can walk [with a cane]} {She has to hold Dolly back}
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LET'S GIVE IT UP FOR MASC GENDERFLUID PEOPLE WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO {Coquille Bleue Pidieu is the eldest sibling of the three and can sense colors, shapes, and shadows despite being legally blind.}
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WE ARE OUTGUNNED, OUTMANNED. OUTNUMBERED, OUTPLANNED- {Captain Héraklès Alcides Puissant-Redevance of the RCM is an old family friend}
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WHERE THE HOOD WHERE THE HOOD WHERE THE HOOD AT-{Amoureux Perdue Du'Passe, Jules's former work partner and spouse. Sadly, he was killed on the force a few weeks after Apricot died of brain cancer. It was not a good year for Mr Pidieu.}
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W. what if. Jeannie-Marie but when she was young. She was able to work around the giant black ink stain on her yellow dress by finding a thick but comfy sweater. She's one of those people who cannot fucking feel heat so she's alright. {PRETTY WONMAN😳🤤 WITH COCK?????? AMAZING 💯💫⭐🔥🌟✨⚡🎉🎊❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍♥️💘💝💖💗💓💞💕💌💟❣️❤️‍🩹❤️‍🔥💋🫂🫀👁️👅👁️👀👍👏👌🤌🤙🤝🤜🤛🙏}
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Look, Young Renė was a little cinnamon roll. He could make the most "Fuck dem kids" person into preschool teacher worthy in less than an hour. But y'know, kindness sometimes drowns in hate and PTSD. Although, current Renė MIGHT not make you want to throw a fucking grenade at him if you're at the "Okay, you can put your hand on my wrist BUT THAT'S IT." stage. Zero people are currently at that stage because J-M isn't part of the lore anymore. Also, yeah Renė's trans. trans people can be inconsiderate assholes, we're not sparkles and rainbows. I mean, Look at me. I might not be inconsiderate but I CAN be an ass-of-the-hole.
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Lieutenant Leo hey uh what's that say? K. WHAT. KITSURAGI??? OH MY FUCKING GOD. W H A T? {<-My brain in the process of making this guy up.} {LOOK IT'S KIM'S HALF [?] SEOLITE DAD!} {Btw despite the resting bitch face he's a nerdy sweetheart that loves cars. y'know like his son. I'm going to cry.}
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Cecelia Davenport/Kitsuragi, Kim's fuckin' MILF of a mom. She and Leo LOVED to match. I'm welling up again. Btw she wasn't fully finished because it was three fucking AM when I made her so. 😔.
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I feel like Gaston was a little fuckboy in his teens. I mean, he was still polite though and that lead to conversations like: "So uh [Lip bite} What're you doin' later? OH, FUCK you're grandma's recovering from cancer???? That's amazing! I hope she gets better soon! I can buy some flowers for her if it would cheer her up a bit! Have a good day!" Then Renė comes up and is like "Dude. You fucking sweetheart. Stop acting like a charity and get some goddamn pussy."
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DORA THE DIVORCE EMPLOYER- {Not to be omni but oh my god. oh fuck. golly gee. I wolf whistle while my eyes pop comically out of their sockets and I spontaneously combust then pour a giant bucket of water over myself and steam rises from my ears like a train} {She's not actually in this AU but I love her and felt like making her}
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Elizabeth is the type of girl to try and look professional but still go all out. She finally got out of the gardener's clothes and is slaying hard. Now, speaking of har-
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Made Marie without her hijab because I'm a feral fucking animal and I legit couldn't imagine her hair correctly without reference and ALSO
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REMADE YOUNG RENÉ BECAUSE I HATE THE FIRST ONE. Also I hate that you can't color the facial hair because it looks like his hair is dyed when he's just like that.
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LOOK, IT'S LILLIANOVICH! What the FUCK would this bitch wear when he was a kid? Just made some shit up bro. Also, I like to think he uses reading glasses even though he has pretty good eyes overall.
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zuzusexytiems · 1 year
honestly speaking, I'm not fond of aot modern aus.... not until ooml happened.
it lit rally feels like I'm watching a romcom movie in the form of a fanfiction. it kinda feels illegal im enjoying it for free!
so thank uuuuu so very very much for giving birth to ooml..... idk how i can thank you enough, words are not enough to describe how good it is! thank you for feeding my brain with another scenario i will be daydreaming about in the next days or weeks......
thank u so much for your hardwork, talent, and effort. i wish a lot of people will hop on the jeanpiku ship! *fingers crossed* can't wait for their scene to get animated.
until then, i will hold on to this litol ship. and please know that you are a big part of why i am in this ship! you're a blessing. 🎀
Hello there 🥺
Honestly, for maybe a week now, I've been trying to come up with a worthy enough response to this ask bc I just can't describe to you how happy it made me when I found it in my inbox 🥺 Idk when this was sent, if it was a long time ago (I'm so sorry, I was inactive on Tumblr for a few months 😞🙏🏽) but I just want you to know how important this is to me, how validated I felt reading it, and how readers like yourself keep me going 😞🙏🏽
(I'm also sorry if I sound like a broken record atp 😭🙏🏽 But truly, I do mean every word of it when I say it—OOML would have stopped existing a long time ago without the love you guys give it 🥺 So thank you, a million times over, I really can't say it enough, and there aren't enough emojis for everything I feel, either 😭🙏🏽💜)
I hope you have a wonderful day today and every day, that you always have good food and good people surrounding you wherever you may be 🥺💜 Just thank you, thank you, thank you. 🥹💜💖💜💚🤎🩷💙💜🩵❤️💙❤️🩷💚🩷💛🩷💚🩷💚🩷💙🩷🩷💬🩷🩷🩷🩷💓🩷❤️‍🔥🩷❤️‍🔥🩷❤️‍🔥🩷💓💓❤️💗🩷💗🩷💖💞💖💖💝💞❣️❣️❣️💞❣️💞❣️💞❣️🩷💕💛💞❣️💛❤️❤️💛💜🩶💜💜💛🤎💛🤎🖤❤️🖤🩷💛❤️❤️❣️🩷💝💕💓💞💗💞💖💘💓💓💘❤️‍🔥💗💓💘💖
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hibiscera · 2 years
So Scarecrow huh? Scary man, not just to crows. Out of the two you ship, he is the one I am less familiar with (watched teeen titans and saw killer moth and Kitten there. Also silky, never forget about silky).... Do you have a preffered version of the character? (other than yours)
I ask because I found a video on him and am 👉👈 this close to sending you the link for your thoughts (being completely honest, your headcanons for the couple have bewitched me) and I have none of my own.
This is all pretty vague (Sorry ^^`) so for a more concrete question. How long do you suppose it would take for Kitty to stop bullying Scarecrow? Or is it just how she shows affection?
Okay first of all, hearing that my headcanons for CrowMoth have bewitched you is like. The highest of compliments to me. It's a ship I'm admittedly very insecure about sharing, and I struggle to talk about, so when people actually like it and express interest it makes me so. 🥺💖
My favorite version is prooooobably the BTAS version LOL he has just entranced me. I love him... I know I still have a LOT more comics with him in them to read where he plays a major part, he's just a little harder to tackle all at once than Mr. Mind or Killer Moth. I still have a lot of surprises ahead of me too for him!
I do love him in Scarecrow Year One. Gay little nail polish. -_-
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I feel a little embarrassed because I feel like I haven't read ENOUGH comics with him, but also like. He is a character who spans so many different appearances and stories I guess it's understandable that I haven't dug through them all yet. I will have to make a list of my favs as I read more with him! 😭
But I do think the BTAS version of the character is really fun, and there is one BTAS companion comic with him in it that makes me like. O_O (we get to see him crying in it hehe rare treat)
As for Kitten and Scarecrow, honestly the bullying is just how she shows affection. 😔 I think she'd get better about it when she's older, but when she's a teenager she's just like "oh my god I haaaaave to bully him to see if he's worthy of dating my dad."
Which is extra funny because I imagine it to be an INTENSE slowburn between Drury and Jonathan, Kitten just knows instinctively her dad wants this man.
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julietasgf · 6 months
I have many ideas for the latam au, but I will answer that later or tomorrow because TODAY IS MARCH 15 JULI.
I've been debating with myself whether I should try to summarize it or would it be more useful to send you a post that explained the plot but I have a terrible physical and psychological need to talk about Raffles when asked, so I'm sorry you'll have to endure verbal vomit about these books but before I lose my mind about the cricket boys, I'll lose my mind about your ocs ~
🥰 Vienna!!! My love!!! She sounds so interesting. I really wanted to know more about the journalist, so appreciated getting to know some of her background. Oh buddy, you can feel her frustration, as she tries to escape the dramatic world of racing only to end up stuffed to the bottom jsjsjs literal in a rabbit hole but she won't be able to complain about the lack of gossip
Oh and I read about Rodri. Im fine :)))) I haven't suffered any emotional damage that will leave sequels for life *I'm going to cry next to Ale for the rest of my days*
I only knew him for a couple of days but DAMN I didn't expect to lose him like that, Rodri didn't deserve to leave 😭😭😭😭 (not complaining tho, I actually love the angst and the idea of Ale spending the rest of his days affected by the love he lost AFTER THEY RECONCILIATED 👌 it's BRILLIANT AND TRAGIC)
And I appreciate that you told me what happened between them... I can only say that oh boi I need to hug Ale, at the end of the road he took the worst part although he had a good part of the blame in the argument doesn't take away that his lifetime trauma will not be taken away by anyone and oh poor Rodri, he also had his part of the blame but I can't imagine how much it must have hurt at the moment to realize that Ale wanted him in his shadow although yes it was very dramatic on his part to crash, f1 guys can't fight like normal boyfriends, they have to destroy their cars and put their lives at risk 😭
🙏🙏🙏🙏 Andrea is an easy going it kid, vibe of be the sun, charming, friendly but full of pressure (and guilt) to be somebody because of his parents' sacrifice to support him in his career? THATS MY KIND OF GUY, he is my babygirl now. Im protecting him, I WILL FIGHT FOR HIM AND HIS HAPINESS
Also me: but Kimi kinda slay you know?
Btw although I'm really worried about Kimi's fate because you mentioned "he doesn't mind risking his life" and because he has substance addiction issues *panics* 😊
I HAVEN'T READ THE BOOK EITHER FOR THE SAME REASONS. I SIMPLY BELIEVE DUNE MUST BE READ ON PAPER 🥺, it's worthy of that honor and other than that I read too much pdf already because of college. I need a break when I read something for fun even though I spoiled some things hehehehe
I LOVED THE FIRST MOVIE TOO. A lot of people say it's boring but I thought it was amazing, I can rewatch it a million times and never get tired of it because it's a visual and sound delight 😔🙏
Every day I confirm more and more that one of these days I must read and watch GOT, (I only saw the house of dragon; rhaelicent my beloved) jsjsjsjsjs but I guess you mean the wonderful political plot, and if that's it I agree that it's one of the best done and most interesting aspects that Dune has
Part 2 did not disappoint, Chani my girlfriend, I will treat her right 🥺💜, I really liked that we finally got to meet her, and that while she is Paul's love interest, she is her own person with her own ideals that she is true to. While it broke my heart to see her leave so disappointed, I was so glad that she was able to go her own way ah
OH BOI PAUL. 😭 I have a huge love- hate on him. I guess you've also seen these "my twink boyfriend turns bad" memes where people compare him to Anakin and Coriolanus; and while I see the similarities I think out of the three, Paul is the only one I'm a more willing to defend than the other two. The boy was born without much autonomy over his destiny - and body - and genuinely fought against the idea of being the messiah for the fremen because he was well aware that this was a bene g. project, and that he had no right to intentionally feed the lie any further. And his visions, they were terrifying and you could see the fear Paul felt for them: he really didn't want to unleash a war and was so willing to listen to Chani and fight by her side BUT WELL :)))) WE SAW WHAT HAPPENED AND YES I THINK THAT WAS THE WORST PART.
The good news is that I have heard that most likely we will have a third part that will tie together all the loose threads that were left. I hope Chani ends well and that maybe she kicks Paul's ass <3
Now it's time.
The time has come *thunder my fingers* let's talk about Cricket AND CRIME!!!!
You should know that before my TBOSAS - Sejanus fever, my blog and my fics and my everything, was dedicated to Sherlock Holmes (the books please, I'M TALKING ABOUT THE BOOKS BECAUSE MY DETECTIVE HAS BEEN TREATED VERY BADLY BY THE ADAPTATIONS), and it was thanks to Sherlock Holmes that I discovered my cricket boys:
AJ Raffles and Bunny Manders!!!!
Pd: Here I leave another post saying why you should read these books
The connection between them and Holmes is that Arthur Conan Doyle's brother-in-law, Ernest Hornung, was inspired by Holmes and Watson when he make Raffles and Bunny and these stories also share a very close temporality (end of 19 century) to the one existing in Holmes stories
But let's begin:
The plot follows the association of Bunny Manders (Bunny is not his name, it's a nickname) with the infamous Arthur J. Raffles, the amateur cracksman.
Bunny and Raffles attended school together, but their paths diverged when Raffles (who is older than Bunny) graduates, until the two meet again years later and end up becoming partners in crime (and maybe they are partners not just in a particular type of crime, laws against homosexuality were a thing at the time...👀)
AJ Raffles is a famous cricketer. He is charming, handsome, and brilliant. He has a reputation for being rich and moving among exclusive high society circles but it's all a facade, because in reality he's broke, doesn't earn a penny playing cricket and can flaunt his luxurious lifestyle because he's a jewel thief. He steals from wealthy people in the exclusive circles he moves in.
And the story narrated by Bunny who has an anxious, nervous, fragile and intense personality. Who is an aspiring journalist and occasional poet, tells us about what he calls his "fall from virtue." (Although as someone who has already read the books, I can tell you that it is Bunny's recounting of the most important person in his life: Raffles)
Bunny is an unreliable narrator <3 I should clarify tha. It's fascinating to see how fickle his memory of Raffles (who we know only through his eyes). There are 3 books made up of short stories:
1. The Amateur Cracksman
2. The Black Mask
3. A Thief in the Night
All by E. W Hornung
You can read them on a page called Raffles redux, on Project Gunterbeng or there is a project called Letters from Bunny where they will send the stories to your email
WARNING: THEY WERE WRITTEM IN THE 1890s BY A BRITISH AUTHOR, I think that pretty much sums up the flaws and criticisms of the text although it is an interesting study of the dynamics of the social classes in London at the turn of the century and a glimpse into the criminal world of the time.
Ah yes, the reunion of Bunny and Raffles. The first story in the saga takes place on March 15 and is called:
The Ides of March
HELLOOO AND HAPPY IDES OF MARCH!!!! (1 day later tho, but still 😭)
(and also, can't wait to hear your ideas for the latam au, bc I'm this 🤏 close to asking you if I can write something abt it bc it's driving me CRAZY)
KSLSKLKS noooo don't say you're sorry, first bc I love hearing when ppl are passionate abt something, second bc I LOVE anything related to sports, and knowing now it's also related to crime and sherlock holmes made me even more interested!!! (but before let me answer abt my silly little guys)
poor vienna, all she wanted was to get out from the formula 1 world somehow because she knows abt how the drama is insufferable, and now she's deeper than ever, you can almost hear her screaming into the void and trying to explode her mom with her mind 😭 BUT at least she starts getting interested because it's really bizarre how the cycle never ends and just keeps going on and on
I'M SORRY ABT RODRI 😭😭😭 but welcome to the "mourning over rodrigo" club, founded by alejandro himself!! rodrigo deserved much better, even though his death was mostly a terrible accident. he was such a young driver with such a bright future ahead... and plus, he just reconciliated with alejandro, he missed him so much. things were fine. they were, really. also, it's worth saying that after this, alejandro spent the rest of his career as a team principal trying to reinforce the security for drivers and proposing changes to make it safer. each time a crash happened on the racetrack, that man was on the verge of fainting. and the worse is that... he could only think abt how things could've been different. maybe if alejandro was more mature, or if he listened to rodrigo, or if he tried to talk to him much before that crash... would it still happen? it's all so tragic (and that's why I made it that way ☝️
ale definitely got the worst, that man got a trauma for LIFE. racing was his passion, before rodrigo died he didn't intend to stop any soon, but after his death, he couldn't get inside a car without panicking. and things just weren't the same anymore, you know? he tried to go out in dates with other people, but he couldn't move on, he felt too guilty, he felt too bad about it ("trends change, rumors fly through new skies, but I'm right where you left me"). rodrigo was so hurt atp, because he believed alejandro wanted him alongside him, not below him; alejandro was treating him more like a decoration than anything and it HURT. but yeah, these two guys should've gone to therapy instead of risking their lives, racing boyfriends really are the worst 😭
(it's so funny what you said abt f1 guys not fighting like normal boyfriends and instead crashing their cars bc this actually happened a couple of times in real lifeKSLSKLSKLKLKS)
YESSSS THE STORIES ARE CONNECTED!!! :D that's also how vienna have it easy to be able to talk to these guys, because everyone kind of knows everyone somehow
ANDREA IS SO SWEET 😭😭😭 he's a sunshine, rlly. like, I always say that rodrigo is the devil, but tbf him and alejandro are kind of made for each other (nobody else would be able to stand them). but andrea is such a sweet guy who was unlucky to be teammates with kimi, from all people. he got a heart of gold, just wants to help and to not disappoint his parents after everything (he doesn't know they are already so proud of him, like, their son is a FORMULA 1 DRIVER, this is already so awesome!!!)
I love kimi so muchKSLSKLSK his whole character is just so fun, even though he's a prick. and yesssss in almost every single aspect, he's a foul to andrea!!! but at the same time, they have a lot in common (ahem, being so insecure about themselves and failing people around them, feeling alone while being surrounded of people, and, ofc, their unconditional love for racing and how it's their life).
(since you asked, and also because I can't keep my mouth shut... I particularly find kimi's fate to be more cruel than rodrigo's. he didn't die on the racetrack. atp of the story, kimi and andrea had a better relationship, and andrea knew more abt his secrets and some of kimi's reasons. kimi had just won this year's championship. he was supposed to be celebrating with the team, after all, they all worked so hard for it. but andrea notices kimi isn't around. he's worried, he knows kimi, he knows abt kimi's deal with his parents. he decided to go to kimi's hotel room. he found kimi so high, so drunk. andrea helped kimi clean up and they had an emotional talk, even though kimi was not sober. andrea promised he would help kimi, that kimi wouldn't need to go back to his parents again. he put kimi to sleep and left the hotel. the next day, andrea woke up with countless calls on his cellphone. kimi eriksen had died from an overdose on his hotel room during the night.)
YESSSSS dune is that book to be full of post-its and highlights, I CAN'T read that book on digital 😭 KLSKLSKLS ans yeaaaah absolutely, when you read too much pdf for college, it's just authomatic your brain will associate it with studying, while reading physical books become more associated with fun (plus, this is more personal now, but I love scribbling on my books, can't do that on digital)
yesssss I get why people say it's boring (it's rlly slow), but the worldbuilding is just so nice + it's gorgeous visually + LETO ATREIDES IS IN IT OKAY IT'S ENOUGH FOR ME. idc if it's boring, I would watch it 100 times for that man.
(pls read got, it's so worth it, even though I think we as a fandom collectively accepted we'll never get the ending 🙏)
((and also NO WAY YOU LIKE RHAELICENT TOO, THESE ARE MY GIRLS 😭 you know that when I prefer the adaptation rather than the original work it's bc they did something right, and when it's related to alicent and rhaenyra, I like the tv show sooooo much better actually, they gave so much more depht to their relationship which is basically non-existent in the book))
save me chani.... chani save me.... and yes!!!! I remember that everyone was so excited during the first dune bc of zendaya, but when it actually premiered, there was like 10 minutes of her in the whole movieKLSKSLSKL but I'm so glad we got to know her bc she's such an interesting character!!! and it's just like you said, she's actually her own character, and it's just really refreshing seeing this and seeing how they decided to wrap up her arc (specially in a science fiction franchise)
PAUL WAS SOMETHING ELSE. from the three, he's actually the one I genuinely like as a person; imo, I feel like he tried to resist until the very end, that was not what he wanted. he only gave in when he felt like there was no other choice, specially after the whole thing with the harkonnens..... that's what hurts the most regarding paul, I actually LIKED him. anakin and coriolanus, we knew who these guys were, we knew their end, we knew what was going to happen. but paul? we could have this hope that things would be different, that he could choose or change things. but... yeah, things end the way they do and I felt betrayed over a characterkslsklsk 😭
NAHHHHHHH HE WAS SO WRONG FOR THAT, SRSLY, I was so happy chani left at the end of the movie because she deserves so much better 😭 (I know things in the book are different, but in this case I'm willing to block my ears and go LALALALALA to pretend that only the movie exists)
and yessssss!!! from what I've searched, the first book ends exactly where the movie ended, but the little change of chani leaving can actually make such a big change on the story, and I'm really interested to know where this will lead (and plus, there's the whole thing with paul's little sister, which is also another loose end I'm excited to know more abt).
but now: CRICKET!!!!
buddie, I've seen some of your reblogs abt raffles and bunny, and I was like "oh, this reminds me of sherlock holmes a bit, the aesthetic and all" (even tho I've never read sherlock holmes, I could recognize the close temporality) and I kept wondering if the stories were connected, like some thrillers' I've read, that are on the same universe but with different characters, sometimes with the same detective, so I thought this was the case.
I'm kinda shocked to discover that its setting is about cricketLSKSLSKSLKS I WOULD'VE NEVER EXPECT THIS, AND I LOVE IT
(also, I've read the post, it won me at "it will KILL YOU" and "the incredible adventures of two broke idiots", specially because I myself am a broke idiot, so I related)
I like the concept of this so much???? first because, again, SPORTS, second because it's also mixed with crimes and aaaaaa it sounds so cool 😭 raffles sounds like a demon, I already love him (every generation have their own saltburn /jk). bunny sounds relatable (cries in crippling anxiety language) and the fact that not only he's an unreliable narrator, but we also only know raffles from his pov is really interesting, idk, there's something fascinating abt never rlly knowing a character bc you only know them from a sole point of view...
tysm for telling me abt it and also for telling me where to read it, I'm already writing down to read it ✍️ (I just can promise to read it soon bc I have a pile of books which are here for MONTHS and just today I came back to reading again 😭 BUT I'll definitely read it, the mix of crimes and sports got me hooked + the gay undertones too ofc, but tbf there's nothing gayer than sports)
(also the fact that their reunion is on the IDES OF MARCH, why do I get a feeling that this is not going to end very well for one of them? 🤠)
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sesshy380 · 1 year
🐹 I'm nervous to interact with people online but you've been nothing but sweet and kind 🥺🥺💖
Everyone keeps saying how sweet and kind I am, and now the Queen of the fluffy conspire bunch is saying it? 🥹😭
I'm not worthy of so much positivity y'all! If anyone wanted to meet with me irl, I'd be afraid of my serious case of RBF scaring ya away!
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wroteclassicaly · 1 year
I saw your post and I used to have this same thought process. It was very hard to undo as my mindset was from years of conditioning, the feeling of being undesired to yourself and feeling like you're not deserving of things can be just as intoxicating as love itself , people start feeling comfortable in their own suffering/sadness because that's all they've ever known, even if you haven't known this and it's just an insecurity you've had, it's stemmed from somewhere deeper.
Now I know if you've ever talked to someone else about this or even just from this post itself there's many people who have said their own as well (I wish them so much love and happiness,💖), I'm sure you've heard the same things over and over again(not saying that anything those people said were bad in anyway, it was all sweet and comforting) so me sending you this might just be repetitive or cliche.
From what you've said it seems like you see yourself in these negative ways more than other people see you negatively. I'm quite sure you're beautiful regardless of your identification, beauty is something that should have a gender nor just a few traits as it's as complex as the person who's radiating said beauty.
The way I see you being able to understand you're worthy of being desired and being proposed to and in love with, is giving it to yourself first. Even if you can't imagine someone else doing it, give yourself the love, validation, the kindness you desire, give it to yourself, even if you have to see yourself in your head, expressing it to yourself then do it. I know all this seems weird to say, I hope it all makes sense.
You seem to have underlying feelings of disgust about yourself which obviously isn't good, you're more than good enough for all the things you mentioned! Idk if you e talked to your partner about this as you said you are with someone, but you should if you can, hopefully you'll be able to communicate about it properly with each other and they're able to help support you and help you you see yourself in a better light.
You're loved, you're wanted, you're desired, but you should really feel that within and about yourself without feeling the distaste you do for yourself.
I hope me saying and sending this wasn't horrible 😭 please stay safe💖 I adore you and your writing, you're incredibly talented, your Michael stories are some of my favorite stories I've ever read about any character. You make me feel comforted and I absolutely wish you the upmost best in everything 🥺💖 I'll probably pass by a few times just to see you(I see your blog everyday I come on here regardless so💖
The way I’m speechless and have no idea what to say to this post, other than thank you, and I love you. I’m really overwhelmed with gratitude right now, and you pretty much hit the nail on the head with how I’m feeling about stuff. It’s so hard for me to see what my partner sees. I know it sabotages things, but I just… I’ve felt so much hostility from outside parties and myself growing up that is has manifested into adulthood.
I thought I got a hold of it, but lately??
My mind has been a darker place than it has been for years, and I’m scared… tbh. But there’s a part of me that always holds back how bad it truly is, because I don’t want to seem attention seeking or dramatic, even if on the inside I’m crying for help and just want to talk and just… I don’t even know what I want. I just want to stop hurting, you know? I want to have inner strength and self-love, I want to be able to take steps towards my future (because I’m the one responsible for it, I know that), but then when things go bad or any little thing occurs, my brain is like SEE? You stupid bitch, this is what you deserve, so why ever kid yourself?
I don’t feel like I deserve to be happy. And I’m scared to enjoy or bask in anything, for fear of it being taken (it’s what I’m used to). And I feel so bad for complaining right now when you left such a nice and hopeful message. I guess I just can’t contain my emotional shit today, I’m sorry 😢
If you want to message off anon, that’s cool! I’m so glad you love my stories, because writing to make people feel good is literally my life goal! Legit ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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bluetenderness · 2 years
You’re one of my favourite people. You’re so gentle and tender, so wise and knowing, patient and loving. You hurt but you care just as much and you’re so full of love that it genuinely makes me breathless sometimes. To be loved by you is to forever bask in sunlight.😭😭😭Please please take care of yourself and know I’m here if you want specific clown comfort just for you, or to vent or anything😭❤️🙏
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Omg girl!!!! 😭💙💙 I wanted to keep this in my inbox for a little while before answering, this is one of the sweetest most beautiful cutest things I've been told. 🥺💙🫂💖🐝 My heart was so full when I saw it, thank you for saying such things about me and seeing me that way, I hope to be worthy even just the half of each of those wonderful things. 🥺💙 Baskin in the sunlight is what love must feel like imo and can't say how touched I am to read this 🥲 you're so sweet 😭💙 I can say all of this about you as well, you're selfless and kind and your heart is big and generous, you make people feel like they're basking in the sunlight too and anyone would be very lucky to know you! 🥺💛 The clown comfort is very much given daily by you but I appreciate your offer 😭💙 I'm always happy to give you clown comfort as well in any way I can! 🥺 again thank you so much for this ask, I cherish it very deeply. especially lately I've been struggling a lot to accept that somebody might want to have anything to do with me bc I don't see why and I always fear to let people down or lose them even if I try my best because it's not enough oopsie. you know how it goes💀so I can't tell you how happy reading this made me and how helpful was, I mean it, made my week completely 🥹💙💙💙🫂🫂🫂🫂 you have to take care of yourself as well and be gentler too when you talk about/with yourself, especially when you're struggling and therefore negative thoughts are easier to reach you out. something I've been seeing a lot lately and couldn't be more wrong! 🥺
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Yes! I get what you mean! When i got mine and wore it for the first time i felt so pretty! And go for it post that selfie! I'm sure you look amazing!
Yeeees! 😍I'm so happy you have one of the shirts too hhhhhhh they're so cosy!!! I'm sure you look wonderful in it.🥺💖
I have two HFC shirts - one is 2 sizes too big because I like to sleep in baggy shirts and panties (yes even in winter lmao I'll just use more blankets😂) and the other one is more my size and that's the one I wear outside the house.
Nothing like taking off one HFC shirt just to immediately put on another one😭
And thank youuuu ~ oml I just might do it...👀
I always feel so pretty when I wear a Hellfire Club t-shirt. It's what Eddie makes me feel... pretty and worthy and enough.
It's the Eddie Munson effect.😭
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anapologethicc · 3 years
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happy diwali💛💖 i let out my inner louis😌
those not wanting to read abt my feelings pls scroll to the bottom:)
i'm in bed and all diwali celebrations are finally over and i just spent like 15 minutes just sobbing in bed🙈 firstly because i don't think i've ever felt so happy and comfortable with myself as i did this diwali🥺🥰
i didn't need to wear a ghagra (long heavy skirts not that i hate them) or sth frilly or a fricking blouse of any sort. i got to wear clothes which were so so comfortable and so so gender affirming (idk if that's a term lmao). i've worn similar stuff before and never realized why i had felt so happy in them and i don't think i really understood how much this would mean to me and my gender to be wearing clothes that felt so ME.
i got to be whoever i wanted to be. i got a chance to embrace my own gender and i'm still cuddled up in bed sobbing at how wonderful i felt these past two days.😭😭😭💖💖💖
for once i wore sth for myself and dressed up for myself and MYSELF only. i didn't care that i got told i look too chubby or that my clothes were "boy" clothes or that i should've kept my hair long becuz short hair doesn't suit me or that short hair and traditional clothes don't go tgt (BITCH HAVE U SEEN HOW BOMB I LOOK?!?! HOTTEST NB LESBIAN IN TOWN!!😂 more like only lesbian in town lmfao)or judged for the fact that i changed nail polish colours so many times in like 2 days (i think my nails are abt to disintegrate)
i didn't fucking care this year because i was so happy to finally feel good in my skin (tpwk ref👅). i've always had so many issues with myself and with my mental health. it's taken me such a while to get to where i am and accept myself for the way i am.
i still struggle daily with my relationship with my body, my relationship with food, my relationship with painkillers, my relationship with my adhd my depression or my anxiety, my relationship with school with friends with family with myself. i wake up everyday and just try to grow and be a better person for myself to be someone worthy💕
i just wanted to take this moment to thank everyone for any and all interactions they may have directly or indirectly had with me🥺. becuz i don't really follow a lot of people nor am i good at making any new friends (i suck at it becuz ppl find my personality over the top cuz i'm loud and flamboyant and so fking talkative and i feel like i'm never enough :/) BUT i made a resolution this year that if i couldn't get myself to interact with real life people becuz i find ppl generally really fking annoying😂 that i'd at least finally try and make some online becuz i've been in this fandom and on this site for wayy too long now😌😌
i know i'm just some person in your phone you just made u read a rubbish emo essay all abt myself😂 but i just wanted to let you know that every single interaction has made me feel happy and validated and i just wanna say thank you for somedays being my reason to want to live to see another day🥺💖 thank you for creating a safe space for me knowingly or unknowingly and thank you for being absolutely fantastic human beings😚😚❤❤
i'm sending all the love❤, happiness😂, kindness🥰 and gender joy🥳 in the world that i possible have in me to every single one of you🥺💖
so here's to everyone who has talked to me, liked my tags or post i've made/rbed, rbed sth from me, tagged me in sth or answered/sent an ask💖 and whatever else we get up to on this hellsite😂💕
because every single one of you has made me smile on days i didn't wanna get out of bed or felt like absolute fucking shit🙈💕 i'm so so grateful and so so thankful and just so overwhelmed with love😭💖 i love you❤ (every single one of you)
so thank you my most wonderful mutuals🥺😚 @littlegenderbean emme💕 @quickpauseinconversations cande 💕@mamaharry eli💕 @littlespoongf mehar💕@grimmpitch moon💕 @louisandharry yuktha💕 @casuallycrruell arrow💕 @justmehernthemoon kaitlyn💕 @heartshaped-lou gio💕 @dorothyharry rachel💕 @1800louis sab💕 @swimmingleo leo💕 @holyshit kay💕 @ladychlo chay💕 @rainbowparadisebht kaw💕 @laurelier meg💕 @stylinsuns adheera💕 @softlouve debbie💕 (hopefully i got everyone's name right and didn't miss anyone😳)
for anyone who ever wants to talk /cry/ scream/ infodump to a non-stop oversharing chatterbox / human embodiment of an over excited puppy my dms are always open and i'm always ready to talk😂😂😚😚 you know where to find me!! HAPPY DIWALI💛💖
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daincrediblegg · 2 years
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(ME @ YOU & YOU @ ME💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗)
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HONEY 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺NO OK LEGIT THIS IS MAKING ME TEAR UP SO MUCH WHAT THE FUCK???? 😭😭😭😭😭 I AM GOING TO FUCKING CRY IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS STARBUCKS HOLY SHIT!!!!!!! this means so much omg. Didn't know I needed to see my wife. Bruno. Nell. Father Paul. FRODO AND SAM 😭😭😭😭😭SO BADLY!!!!!!
I mean god I've done my venting on the meds front but ugh also shit just don't be workin out today. I went to another coffee shop but they had no seats so I just had to get my coffee and leave- ended up at starbucks so I could get some actual FOOD in me too I just hate having to shuffle around so much. Then also my phone AND my laptop are both fucking around with me today- both times I tried to load up discord to reply to your dms they kept on CRASHING (my phone like crashed discord on startup too lmao like I need to get a new one- half my day has been spent comparing new phone prices and I'm hoping I can finalize what I'm gonna get with my mom when I get home lmao bc really I do need a new phone with more gig space mine's been full for MONTHS and I've had to delete a BUNCH of apps and photos but even that hasn't cut it) SO I HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO COMMUNICATE WITH MY WIFE EITHER AND I'M JUST?????
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