#i'm... soff...
konaharts · 7 months
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RadioStatic Week 2024
2. Vintage
On their first anniversary, Vox brought flowers, and Alastor brought song.
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marzipanandminutiae · 6 months
wanting to talk about having a different Millennial Teen experience than the former "popular kids" who make all the nostalgia tiktoks, but not wanting to sound NLOG-y about it because you're 30 and you realize that Different doesn't mean Better
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maybe-arts · 1 month
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im posting this incredibly late but here's a piece of Dawn propaganda for @kirbyoctournament that's been commissioned by @nautical-nova!! Dawn being a sweet caring mother to baby Volt - doesn't that make your heart melt? go vote Dawn NOW!!!
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chibifox2002 · 1 year
Went through my fren @chez-cinnamon real world au tag last night and got inspired to draw my lovely lady in a cute outfit!
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I immediately struggled with the clothes' colors though so I just made it "first aid" themed
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dxsole · 4 days
me, seeing all my friends write together so wonderfully: wow this is so great :3
also me, seeing all the replies I have where Didi actually faces consequences to her actions: I'm honestly having a blast here :33
also also me, seeing all the smut that's gonna drop from my queue this week: life is so beautiful :333333
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nulltune · 11 months
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old edits _(:3」∠)_ but i like imagining hakuno in different hairstyles HNGGHH 😩😩❤️💗💓💞 would she ever style her hair tho? sadly no </3 she thinks she's too plain for that + doesn't care about her appearance outside of just enough to look neat and presentable (we do see her hair in low twintails if she needs em tied up tho! tis a very cute look 🫶)
bUT LIKE- if someone wants to play with her hair or style her up then 👀 hakuno vc i don't mind. (<- girl who tends to go along with what others' want because she has no desires of her own tbh-) (METHINKS IT HAS DA POTENTIAL TO BE SO WHOLESOME THOOO and her hair's long and silky yknow ✨️ it'd b nice 2 touch ! 😌✨️) or alternatively- let hakuno do your muse's hair! ✨️ (she brushed nero's hair in last encore and it was such a soft moment it must've been so nice 🥺❤️)
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siennaditbot · 1 year
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We were robbed of the Ron man blushing. Also needed more nerve gathering. So, this was good practice and made me happy lol
Dude's head is a funny shape and he looks different in every panel. Oh well. Also, might make a lil animation thingy if I have enough time and motivation for it later :>
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reginrokkr · 9 months
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With these festivities I've nearly forgotten that it is also Sinday. So to honor this wonderful day I will share a few arts here that are a whole mood for Dain. Warning: Terribly scandalous. Someone should dump his ass in jail for being this dirty.
x x
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inun4ki · 11 months
💭 [ yami, hah!]
send me for a thot / accepting!
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"Ara...you're not going to tell him, are you? Well, I think Yami-dono's a little bit scary. He reminds me a little bit of my father, at least from a time when he was good. I realize that's oxymoronic, but I don't mean it negatively. That is to say, I'm not sure that I can trust him, but I certainly don't want any harm to befall him. I'd rather he live a happy and healthy life where he has one less troublemaking brat to deal with, far away from anything that can... Ahem, well. Think about it like this: Would you want the person who's been stitching up your wounds, taking care of you when you're on the brink of death- Would you want that person to live a continually sad, lonely life? I feel like I've brought him nothing but trouble - which is true, there's no convincing me otherwise - and I think the only way I can make up for that is by sticking around."
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laymedowntorest · 2 years
Warm up doodle!
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Hel stopped working
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molochka-koshka · 2 years
>goes into this playthrough of WotR thinking I'm going to romance Sosiel >remembers how fun Daeran is
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cinderella-gurei · 1 year
When next Terence meets Olivier, he's holding a small box in his hands. It had taken him quite a while to find the toy, securely stashed away as it had been, but he'd been fairly certain that his mother knew just how fond he had been of this particular doll when he was but a child and wouldn't have had the heart to simply throw it away. Frankly, the knight's heart aches a little at the thought of giving such a sentimental item away, however… Perhaps Olivier liked it, and it'd certainly serve its purpose better in a child's hands than in a long-forgotten, dusty chest. With a small smile curling his lips, Terence kneels before Olivier to hand him the box containing the toy. It's big enough to fit the doll that the young prince already possesses, and none the worse for wear in spite of Terence and his siblings playing with it rather regularly during their younger years. "I have found steed for your emperor, if you and him find it suitable. It carried kings and queens into many great battles before, but now I think it would very much enjoy being a hunting companion to him just like your emperor's falcon."
Oh, the night had been long and the day even longer. He barely slept a wink last night, holding onto his little emperor and falcon dolls as he eagerly awaited the coming of dawn. His little steed would arrive soon -- even though he would've preferred for it to have arrived earlier. No matter, the night was spent traveling between daydreaming and actually dreaming of the steed that would meet up with his emperor. A most joyous occasion for the sovereign who had been in dire need of one. Why, even his falcon was excited to be able to greet the steed.
Once daylight came and he was picked up, bathed, brushed, and clothed, he rushed over to eat his breakfast so fast his Mother probably noticed something was amiss. The boy was much cheerful than he had been in a long time, much more... alive. He'd rush to the living room to wait... And wait he did, his two toys clutched against his chest until Terence made his appearance.
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"You're finally here!" He exclaims, legs dangling from the seat, a gasp escaping him as he looks at the box. It didn't take long for him to open it, listening to the description Terence had taken the time to pronounce. Sure enough, the horse was much prettier, much nobler than he had expected. Eyes glint in awe as he touches the steed carefully with the tip of his fingers. Soon, he grabs the emperor and places it over on the horse's back. A perfect fit.
"Ah! It's perfect!" Olivier exclaims, a little giggle escaping him as he gallops the steed while holding the emperor in place. "You truly did it, sir Terence! Maybe Brother Dearest was right, you are a most diligent knight if you could even find the right fit for my emperor!"
And, though he knows not how to truly do it, there he was, feeling a little shy to glance at Terence and speak the right words. "I--I... I app... appreciate it..." Comes out in a very low whisper, soon to return to shaking the horse around, grabbing the falcon with the other hand to follow suit... Not before he stops and stares right back, this time with much more confidence. "What is the name of this noble steed? The emperor must know!"
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nulltune · 2 years
❝ —just a moment longer. there! perfect. alright, miss hakuno, you're all set to go ... just be careful not to burn your hand again, alright? ❞ With a smile to him, Rutile presses a kiss against her now bandaged hand.
i wanted hakuno 2 get a kees, thank u naiad 4 my life !! @coeguale ♡
remaining perfectly still,  only her bandaged hand moves  ——  it curls and uncurls as if to test out the post - treatment performance  /  in a manner that is nigh robotic.  the natural bodily response of a twitch from a still sensitive spot is ignored,  good as new,  she affirms to herself,  and her head nods once to convey a satisfaction. the action is then repeated once more;  to the wizard now,  and with a lower dip.      ❛   thank you,  and ...  i apologise.   ❜       the latter part of her words is spoken with a kind of soft kind of guilt,  like she'd wronged him in a way. like she'd done something wrong, which ... she did.    
❛   i will be more careful next time.   ❜      i won't be any more trouble for you,  that is the sentiment underlining it all.  it brings a shine to hazel hues,  doe bright wide and resolute.  to hammer in that fact,  she thinks to give him a thumbs up  ( the perfect gesture for this situation,  shethinks ! )  but before she could do so, completely freezing her in place is his own gesture  —  a soft kiss to her hand. an action so unexpected, her stern expression gently slacked in the most subtle way.  she is not of the age to be comforted with sweet comforts and bye - bye - ouchies,  but something about the act is so endearing——
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she could only stare at him in response.  like a damn fool ... !  her mouth opens, closes, and opens again.      ❛   a ... ah.   yes,  alright.  yes. i got—  chu.   ❜
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agender-vampling · 10 months
🐁🐡 🐈‍⬛ for the age regressor ask game?
🐁- What would your ideal regression space/room be like?
I'm not entirely sure. I have a list of toys I want but other than that idk I could be anywhere and be fine I'm not picky. Usually when regressing I'm just sleepy so somewhere comfortable to lay down is all I really need.
But for the sake of the ask I'll share my Microsoft Powerpoint made moodboard of the ideal fantasy regression places I visit in my head
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It's just a cabin in an eternally Autumn woods full of books and moss. My toys are my teddy bear patches (not pictured but the vibe of her is captured) and old keys I find and not much else. I like it, it's cozy and there's lot of exploring to be done!
Sometimes I like to imagine the owner of the cabin is a forest creature/monster of some kind and they take care of me.
🐡 - What is your favorite small activity?
I like being read to, and lining all my toys up in neat rows, and storytelling about my toys and stuffies backstories and lives and friendships and what not. Mostly read to though. I wanna lay down and listen to a spooky story.
🐈‍⬛ - What are your favorite nicknames?
No one's ever called me any nicknames so I'm not really sure... I'd have to hear someone else say them before I knew if I liked them or not. But that involves getting a CG who calls you things first...
I like the sound of Ragamuffin. Sounds very silly scrappy kid to me. And Vampling is a recent favorite!!
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siennaditbot · 1 year
I may need to correct something I said a while back.
"As a final note, I don't think Ron's an absolute swoon worthy guy (barely feel compelled to draw him), I just appreciate guys being soft."
That turned out to be an absolute lie. I do feel very compelled to draw him. So here:
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Screencap redraws cuz HE'S SO CUTE AND FUN TO DRAW??
Stuff like this is good expression practice and I get to throw in some cute lil blushes and get accustomed to drawing humans again.
I have become absolute Ron trash within days. Last night's essay might have made it worse tbh.
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PLEASE reblog, I have heard it on a couple of podcasts now and I'm genuinely curious how common it is! Also, if you feel comfortable with it, let me know what your accent normally is (Midwestern, Southern, New Englander, New Yorker, Minnesotan, whatever).
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