#i've been enchanted by this fucking thing ever since i first saw it
aestherin · 2 years
34: one mistake
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When did it all start?
Ah, it was when he first heard your singing voice during eleventh grade.
It was the during the time of the day when most students would flock to the cafeteria, rushing to eat their fill after half a day's worth of academic torture. Even before then, he already disliked crowded and hectic places. And so, he went the opposite direction of everyone.
Turns out he wasn't the only one with that idea.
The sweet and enchanting voice of a nightingale was what welcomed him the moment he arrived at the school's courtyard. Not rushing to eat lunch just to hear this was worth it, he concluded.
He didn't even know your name at the time, for you two were not in the same class. And when you turned around — good lord.
Your face was beautiful, but it wasn't familiar at all. It was odd, how this was the first time he saw you. He thought for sure that with an appearance like that, if he had ever met you prior, he wouldn't be able to forget you.
Was the school really that big for you two to miss each other every single time?
"Oh. A person. Uhm, hi?"
Fuck. Even your speaking voice was attractive.
Kunikuzushi was damned.
And he has been, for many years. Even up until now.
The present him looked up at nowhere, quietly laughing at himself.
How pathetic.
'You've liked her since you were still students, and you still haven't got the guts to even confess.'
'You're both famous people now, hundreds of thousands of people — maybe even millions — wanting the two of you... yet you're still stuck simply being her friend.'
Boy best friend, he argued with himself. But Scaramouche himself also did not know if that was better or worse.
"I have arrived," he heard a smooth voice. Kunikuzushi instictively frowned. This? This was the voice of the man you fell for?
He almost rolled his eyes. He could do better than this guy in front of him. He bets Ayato couldn't even sing.
Ayato looked around the area but found no chairs. "Where?" All he could see was cemented grounds, ramps, and curves. Why did they have to meet at a deserted skateboarding area anyway?
Scaramouche smirked. "Ah, sorry. I forgot you're a rich boy. We can't have you sitting on the dirty floor now, could we?"
It was as if a tick mark appeared on the taller man's head. Feigning a smile, he breathed, "Did you ask to meet me just to insult me, bastard?"
"Wow. Was it that obvious?"
"No, not really."
"I'm just getting back at you."
"Pardon? I don't even know you, aside from you being a celebrity. This is the first time we've met and suddenly you say you're getting back at me?"
"Shut the fuck up. You insulted me first."
"You getting together with [Name] so easily was the biggest insult I've ever received in my entire existence."
Now, Ayato was no idiot. Of course, he immediately realized the underlying message of Scaramouche's statement. Was that why this man called for him? Did he receive news of their so-called 'break-up' and was now planning to tell him that he's going to pursue you now that you're not in a relationship anymore?
Ayato's eyes followed Scaramouche as he stood up from the metal rail he was previously sitting on. Meanwhile, the shorter one looked and turned away, seemingly looking at a distance.
"I knew it was all fake, by the way," he started. "She accidentally tweeted about it on her private account, and I got to see it before she deleted it."
"Since when?"
"That was even before your drama was released."
"That was a long time ago. You knew yet did nothing?"
Ayato was confused. If Scara had feelings for you, why didn't he act on it even after he found out that the thing you had for him was all a fraud? It was not something that he could comprehend.
Not with his way of thinking.
Kunikuzushi, on the other hand, begged to differ. He believed himself to have done the right thing.
He has already kept his affection for you to himself for several years, surely a few weeks, months more wouldn't be that big of a deal, right?
And so he stayed. Stayed observing, kept contemplating — remained being just a friend.
"Of course, the thought of having her for myself crossed my mind at that moment..." He smiled fondly. "...but I still didn't go with it."
He suddenly turned around, not giving Ayato the opportunity to retort.
"Because despite the fact that it wasn't real —"
Scaramouche sighed.
"— even the archons know how in love she was with you."
That left him speechless. For a seemingly inconsiderate and rough guy to say those words...
How can he remain calm? Another person who has romantic feelings for you just told him about your sincerest sentiments for him.
"Why are you —"
Ayato cut himself off with a forced gag.
"What the fuck?" He glared at the man who just punched his gut. He unconsciously hovered his arm over the pained area; though it wasn't too powerful, the sheer unexpectedness of the punch was enough to make it sting.
"Just because she loves you doesn't mean you get a pass. My anger won't vanish quickly, airhead."
Did... did he just insult me?
Yours truly?
This made Ayato raise a brow. "Oh?"
"Why not punch me in the face then? Scared?" Ayato challenged with a devious grin.
A sarcastic laugh was not what he was expecting in return.
"Are you dumb? With my strength, I am more than capable of landing a punch on your face that would take more than weeks to recover," Scaramouche smirked. "What if [Name] sees it? And her, being the angelic being she is, would ask you about it. Then you, being the conniving blabbermouth that you are, would tell her my name."
The fuck?
"She would be mad at me. That's the least thing I'd ever want."
"So that's why you punched me in an area that isn't visible."
Ayato made a face. After a while, he attempted to get back at the other man with a punch too, but failed miserably. "Oh? Why are you hitting me back?"
"What kind of question even is that?"
"I thought you knew you deserved that punch in the gut," Kunikuzushi stated in a matter-of-fact tone, both hands inside his pockets. To Ayato, it seemed like the man in front of him was bigger than him at the moment. He was sneering down at him.
"You hurt her. So I punched you."
Yeah, I really did.
Backing down and lacking argument, he opted to just sit down on one of the skateboarding ramps. "Remind me why we had to meet here out of all places again?"
"This place..." Scaramouche followed his actions, sitting on the ramp opposite of him. "This place is special to me and [Name]. I used to skateboard often when I was still a student."
"She would always come to me with drinks and snacks in hand. Then, unofficially, this became our weekend hangout spot."
"So, you've liked her since... you were students?"
Kunikuzushi hummed.
"How come you've never told her in that whole time?"
"I'm a coward," he chuckled. "I didn't want to lose what we have. I was afraid that we would stray apart from each other once I do."
Ayato could do nothing but smile sympathetically. "I bet you wrote songs about her."
"Albums," Scaramouche corrected him.
"Yeah. Damn." Ayato felt the return of an intense glare. "I wrote entire albums for her then you had the audacity to hurt [Name] enough for her to end your relationship despite being deeply enamored with you? Wow. Tsk, tsk. Talk about a big jerk."
"I'm aware," he sighed. "Now, can you stop with that? Unless you really only called me out here to make me realize how much I messed up — which let's be honest I really did, and I honestly deserve every single shit you throw at me, but —"
"Glad to know that you know."
Ayato frowned.
He sensed a shift in Scaramouche's mood. He assumed the other was getting serious now. "I called you here because I want you to fix this mess... and to ask you a favor —"
"— I'm leaving [Name] in your care."
"However," The man pointed at him. "One mistake, Kamisato. One mistake and I'll make sure she'd want to spend her lifetime with me instead."
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privacy — ayato x reader smau
prev. masterlist. next.
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NOTES -> that was long im sorry ahfbdhd -> also scara pls be mine instead🥹🙏
TAGLIST I (closed) @catsrkool @sukunasrealgf @redactedhimbo @layla240 @mxlkytea13 @itsactuallylina @milza12 @aixaingela @tatiratty @kimiesstuff @laventiseriou @kunihaver @bibisbestgirl @lunaavity @coquettemaiden @opchara @slvdsjjk @cotton-eee @lady-elodie @dearxiiao @wheneverthesunrise @heartswonder @chuduchok @headphonesrlif3 @lleoll @vnderthesunn @lizzardlady1234 @nekogakuro @rifran @atlatcaheart @ani-st @creammpuff @lunastarjay @kittycasie @poisoned-candy-apples @zannivrs @b0bafl0wer @moonlightaangel @elsoleil
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The Announcement of Hell's Spare
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel Ship: Lucifer/Alastor Warning: Mpreg prompt, someone wanted Charlie to have a baby sibling via Luce getting knocked up Alastor.
"You've been away, Your Majesty," Alastor greeted in an accusatory manner when he finally saw Lucifer enter the hotel. Though no one dared to ask him, Alastor has obsessively kept track of how long it's been since the last time Lucifer's been at the hotel. 
"I haven't been feeling well..." 
"...you're an angel. King of Hell. You can't be ill."
"Not normally, no."
"Were you hurt? Has Heaven been bothering you?" Alastor demanded. Even if he wasn't proud of how his battle went, didn't mean he wasn't invested in the fight still. Now more than ever since his thing with Lucifer has become what it has. Thinking about Lucifer getting into some sort of trouble on his own away from everyone made his blood boil. Lucifer wasn't as permanent of a fixture at the hotel as the rest of them now were. Lucifer had responsibilities and a palace that was deeply rooted in enchanted power that was drool-worthy. For as many Sinners who would fall to Lucifer's feet, there were also those stupid or bold or angry enough to try and harm him at a chance of bettering their situation. 
"No, not like that. If anything, if I'm ill it's your fault!" 
"My fault? However is that it my fault?" 
"Because when I said I'm ill, I meant I'm pregnant!" Lucifer hissed. 
"...what now?" 
Lucifer sighed, far too exhausted to deal with Alastor's shock. He wasn't sure how the demon would react to it, but he was prepared to be a single father. He's had enough practice of it already with Charlie after his and Lilith's split. So he told Alastor the facts, "I felt strange. It's been a good two hundred years since it happened, so it's been a while, but then it became familiar. I did a few tests and...it's positive. I'm expecting." 
"A child?"
"Our child?" 
Lucifer sort of expected a form of this question. Though he expected Alastor to call it just his, or ask if Lucifer was sure it was Alastor's at all. Yet, the deer demon was calling it their child. "Yes." 
"...are there royal protocols in place? Will it be a royal? Or will it just be known as a bastard?" 
"My child will not be a bastard!" 
"...did you just ask me to marry you?" 
"..." Lucifer felt his face heat up at that. Regaining his composure, he cleared his throat and said, "I meant to say...this child will have the same title and perks as Charlie did. They will be a Morningstar. Prince or Princess of Hell." 
"And me?" 
"...I won't force you to do anything you don't want. I'm damned for giving Free Will and will maintain it as a vital part of who I am. You're free to do as you wish." 
"Then expect me to move into the palace."
"Unless you're planning on moving more permanently into the hotel. We can work things around and have our rooms connected. Expand to make room for the child. At first, they won't need much, but they will need their space." 
"You're...not freaking out?" 
"I'm surprised. But you're not a liar, my dear. If this was just another attempt at bantering with me, this is not a topic you'd play with. There's no reason for you to say you are with child unless it's true. I'm also very aware of how and when this might have happened."
"Right. So. I'm pregnant. It's yours. And we're keeping it."
"And raising it. Together." 
"...do you want me to be the one to tell darling Charlie she's going to be an older sister?"
"Holy fuck, don't do that!" Lucifer cried out when he woke up and found Alastor hovering over him. 
"You didn't notice me come in. Nor feel I've been here for the last fifteen minutes."
"You were watching me sleep like some voyeuristic creep?" Lucifer deadpanned as he sat up properly and stretched a bit. 
Alastor took the chance to sit next to him. He was gripping his staff firmly if only to help resist the urge to reach out and either wrap his arm around Lucifer or maybe even place his hand over the belly. Their relationship was a lot more about heated moments and fun arguments escalating to situations neither of them really expected. 
"You're the king of Hell and are now with child. You should have more protection."
"I'm in my daughter's hotel. The only people in here are the people she trusts. And you," Lucifer stifled a yawn but also gave him a soft teasing smile. 
Alastor frowned," I'm serious. I could have killed you." 
"Yeah, keep telling yourself that, dearheart." 
It was part of their game to call each other names. Insults that have become almost terms of endearment. Actual names...showed seriousness. 
Lucifer sighed and turned to face Alastor properly, "A royal baby that's part angel, part...begrudgingly powerful overlord...takes a lot of energy. I get tired more easily. It's why I'm here. And not at the palace. When we rebuilt the hotel, I added extra layers of protection. It's not as safe as my palace, but it's safe enough for Charlie. And it's safe enough for this little one too."
"That still leaves you being...not to your usual strength," Alastor said quietly. There was a long pause before he dared to finally reach out and hold Lucifer's hand in his. "How dangerous is this for you?" 
"I...don't know. Hellborns aren't exactly rare. But this isn't the typical case. But let's not forget who I am, okay? I'll be fine." 
"Of course you will. Because let's not forget who I am. I'm going to take care of you. And you're going to let me." 
"Hey! I am still king! You can't tell me what to do!" 
"No, but I can tell Charlie you're not taking care of yourself and her puppy eyes will have you yielding in seconds." 
"Hmm," Alastor only smiled. If that was cheating, it wasn't beneath him if it guaranteed making this easier for Lucifer.
"I need your help, if you have a moment."
Charlie literally dropped all the papers she had in her hands and rushed up to her dad, "Of course! What do you need? Is everything okay? Is it the baby?" 
Alastor telling her about the pregnancy had been...a thing. She went through a whole roller coaster of emotions that ranged from disbelief to panic to excitement to...plenty more. Once she processed that her father and Alastor had been more involved than she could ever imagine, she did go into a weird mourning stage in realizing that her old family she dreamed would one day magically heal and be what she dreamed was probably not going to happen, she began to accept the new reality. 
The responsibility she took upon herself in the attempt to help her people helped her have more insight. The people in her hotel were more than just a project. They were her friends, if not already family in her eyes and heart. 
And now she was going to be a big sister! 
It was still a secret, though Vaggie learned about it because she just needed someone to talk to! She understood why it wasn't something to talk openly about that went beyond how annoying gossip could be. 
Alastor also warned her about her dad being weakened by providing a lot of his strength to the baby. She saw it more since she was looking for it, but she wasn't the only one. Some were concerned something deadlier was going on that Lucifer was dealing with that they weren't privy to. 
"Whoa, there. Breathe, sweetie. Everything's fine. I'm fine, baby's fine, you're fine! We're all fine."
"We're all fine!" Charlie repeated. 
"Right. Now, look. We can't keep this a secret forever. I'm dreading the initial reactions but I'm preparing for it as best as I can. If anything, I can just go back to the palace until the birth." 
"Alastor's already kind of preparing for that anyway."
"He is?" 
"We've been talking," She informed him. 
"Huh. Okay. We'll talk more about that later. Before we go off on any more tangents, let me get to the point. This is Hell. Wedlock bullshit doesn't matter with us because why would it? Your sibling will be a prince or princess as much as you are. Title, perks, respect. All of it."
Charlie smiled, "Good."
"We are the royal family. When these things happen there are usually announcements and such. I don't know yet if Alastor will want all of Hell to know just yet his involvement, but you're my daughter, my heir, and their older sister. There may be an announcement I'll make once I start showing if I don't plan to keep inside, but once the baby is born, I want you to stand next to me as I present Hell to its second in line. Will you?"
"Of course!" 
"Good. And sweetheart?"
"You can go ahead and tell anyone else in the hotel if you really want to."
"Oh thank you! Thank you, thank you, I have been trying so hard!"
"I know. And I appreciate it. But I can also see how hard it's been for you, so if it comes up...you can." 
Charlie hugged him in response. 
The next time he walked through the lobby, which was about an hour later, he felt everyone's eyes on him. 
He stared at all of them with an unimpressed expression, "Alastor will take the questions, not me." Then he turned around and made it back to his suite. 
"You want me to go back to the palace don't you?" Lucifer asked while he rested in Alastor's arms as they lay in his bed. 
"It's safer for you there."
"I hate being away from Charlie..."
"It won't be like last time. She'll visit more. We'll visit too when possible."
"You're not getting rid of me." 
Lucifer chuckled and smiled. Lifting his finger to one of his sharp teeth, he bit down hard enough to draw blood and then offered it to Alastor. The deer demon held Lucifer's hand before gently, and rather sensually, licking the dripping blood that ran down the digit before taking the tip of his finger into his mouth and suckling until the wound healed. Alastor pressed a kiss to the tip of the finger, and then the inner palm, and then kissed Lucifer's knuckles. "I'll miss how delicious you taste, darling..."
"Why would you miss it? Aren't you basically latching on and becoming my shadow?" 
"I'm not taking the literal life essence from you or our child," Alastor deadpanned. 
"Pft. Boo." 
"You want me to bite into you?" 
"...yeah. I like it. You do it well."
 Alastor cupped Lucifer's cheek and they stared into each other's eyes. The heat that's usually there was present, but also something new. Maybe something that has been there for a while but they're now willing to see. Alastor leaned in and kissed Lucifer. Gently at first, but it slowly turned into a make-out session that slowly became more hungry and passionate. 
When they pulled apart, they continued to steal kisses between shared pants of breath. 
"My, my your Majesty, we might be recreating our child's conception all over again." 
"Oh, there's no might about it dearheart."
"You asked about royal protocols. We usually present the latest heir together as a family. Charlie said she'd be with me...will you be there too? Or will you remain in the shadows?" He liked to bask in the post-glow bliss, but this was something that had been on his mind for a while. So though he felt fully sated and more than content, he turned his full focus and attention to Alastor. 
Alastor simply pulled Lucifer closer still until Lucifer was on top of him again. His possessiveness over the King of Hell has only grown and it was becoming harder to remain subtle about it. "No nightmare of Hell nor army of Heaven could keep me away, darling." 
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iridescentdove · 11 months
i'm so sorry for being dead for so long ,, things go on at work and i have to prepare for some cosplays event, then be away for 2 weeks at spain—
requests are closed by the way! sicne people still keep sending me stuff 😭 don't worry, i'll open them once i'm free. for now, everyone stay safe and happy !! i can't wait to write again, because i have many ideas for all of you <3
spoiler: bsd series ✨️
because i've been gone for long, here's a small preview for you. also, the series has a bit of smut maybeee ...
it's a dazai x reader x chuuya.
yes, you heard me right. now get over here, you simps.
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It was a peaceful voyage in the luxurious cruise. You leaned by the docks, arms rested on the railing as you look out to sea. Well, this was boring. Your mother promised it was way more entertaining than staying home all day coped in a room.
She were so wrong.
Splashing came from below – seemingly, in an attempt to draw attention. One'd think it was just a dolphin, or of some sort. Until well, you heared talking.
— "Oi, Dazai. You'll be noticed, you know!"
— "Exactly what I want~? Hehe."
Two sirens ... casually swimming and following the cruise ship. They obviously had tails instead of legs – swimming around gracefully. They looked ... so handsome, in a way. A charming appearance that shouldn't even look real.
Much confusion was held. A siren? Wait – are you just dreaming? There's no way they're real, right? Yet your thoughts were proven wrong as soon as you saw two of them swimming just by the ship. Oh, how strange.
— "Hm? ..."
What a queer day. You decided to peer over just down by the railing, noticing their bickering and rested your arms by the cold metal, unsure what to do next.
They seemed to be ... whispering to one another, but you couldn't understand the foreign siren tongue. Aha joke, you did.
That librarian knowledge did not go to waste.
Soon, the two sirens looked back up – both staring in the direction where you were.
— "Hey ... look there. There's an attractive young mortal!"
— "Shall we... greet them, Chuuya~? Hehe."
— "I shall not refuse the first chance of entertainment, either."
Both sirens swam up as their tails moved fluidly, their sweet siren songs ... filling your ears.
They wanted you.
A lulling, sweet song – having enchanted the very core of one's own being and slowly leading to the predator. It was as you thought. Despite how tempting it was, you really didn't want to drown, do you?
So! You decides to back off. With your mouth shut. What a brave soul. You used every fiber of your being to resist the song, finding it praisable that you'd have read knowledge of sirenhood beforehand ...
They didn't stop. It became louder. And louder. And louder – it soon came that your own will was slowly breaking apart. They needed you. To listen.
— "This mortal is quite strong ... but they will succumb soon."
— "Awe ... They can't resist forever~"
— "Especially with two sirens."
Two male sirens.
They were seducing you.
Seduction. That rang in your ears. Well, heavens me! It's been quite a while since you've ever heard of that. Ever since you were once seduced by a student in junior high school and somehow ended up shoving him into a broom closet filled with puke and cobwebs since he wouldn't shut the fuck up.
Obviously that was Nikolai.
Slowly, you panicked. Trying to find a way to escape this dire situation, in any means necessary. It may as well be hopeless, but you couldn't just succumb to your end. You kept your mouth shut, trying not to say anything ...
They swam towards you, slowly. Their voices ... singing, still. You wanted their voices. And their words. And their body. And their touch.
In fact – oh, why not.
Well ... you just wanted them.
You opened your mouth. They were basically ready to spring up and grab you at anytime. They were an inch away from the ship, where you stood. They were smiling, as usual – it seemed.
Give in to them, (Y/N). It's just that easy.
Oh, fuck it.
— "I ..."
This wouldn't have been preferred, but yet again, this is you obviously – (Y/N). The most lucky and yet (usually) stupidest bitch we know. Ah, look at that. Here it comes. You take a deep breath, clenching your fists.
She notices Chuuya's gleaming, steely blue irises staring at with that sultry look.
— "... Sir ... those are fanfiction blue orbs."
Silence came afterwards.
Chuuya was stunned at this comment. He didn't stop singing, though. If anything, he was more interested in singing and seducing you. He was a siren.
But at some point, he was at a loss for words. One simple question was in his mind, bugging him.
What in the flip-fucking fish is fanfiction?
Dazai had stopped singing as well. He was staring at you, raising an eyebrow – he looked amused, yet concerned? He looked like he was jaw dropped, to be honest. He seemed to be he was in disbelief. What the f-
— "Those ... are what?"
Not much of a moment later, you replied to the brunette.
— "Don't smirk, fishboy. That's cringe."
With that, it took all your might to salute and speed walk away ... whereas, when you finally made it inside – you shut the cruise doors loudly. Sad. Now they have to wait for you to come out again ... which might never be in a hundred years.
In the end, the silence protruded as soft giggles were heard. Until, the two sirens were full fledged in laughing – mostly because you called a siren a ... fishboy.
— "A fishboy~? Aren't you precious."
— "But don't worry. This is the start of a great entertainment. This is fun, Dazai."
You could hear them singing outside the door.
— "You can't keep us out. We always find a way – even if we have to break into the cruise ship and drag you to the sea."
They were so fucking petty.
—————————————— ♡♡♡
aaaand done! it's a long preview, huh? SO PLEASE FORGIVE ME I DID MY BEST.
it'll be out once i'm no longer on hiatus and have finished all seven requests in my inbox lmfao. it's not much at all, but i only post when i get a burst of energy so ...
see you all soon! <3
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For want of something better to do with his body, Alistair paced across the study in tight, restless circles. He hated waiting, and he was never quite sure where to do it. The palace vestibule had more space for nervous exertions and the value of immediacy, but the study was private, all the more so for having dispatched the guard who had been posted outside. But maybe being alone with his thoughts was worse, allowing him to work the anticipation over in his mind until he couldn't bear it any longer and went sprinting to the front of the castle.
Mercifully, before he reached that point, he felt a twinge in the air around him. A slight, near-imperceptible bend in the Fade he only noticed because of the familiar trace whiff of vanilla that accompanied it. He was already turning around by the time that the door slammed open. For a moment, he saw no one there, except at the edges of his vision if he squinted just right and saw a figure blurring and bounding toward him on top of the Veil.
And then Luc was there, stepping out mid-leap for Alistair to catch him.
And Alistair did, as always.
This had been easier when they were eight years younger, scrappy, underfed, and undergrown Grey Wardens running to each other after the Battle of Denerim. But the laughter still came effortlessly, the pair of them all giggles and smiles as Alistair spun Luc around as best he could.
Fast enough, at least, to displace the hood of Luc's traveling cloak, which fell across his shoulders to reveal the most handsome man Alistair had ever seen. If there was one thing that hadn't changed since they had met, it was Luc's aesthetics: the string of silver rings up his left ear, the blood red rose that dangled from the other, the soft clatter of all the other bits and baubles adorned to his jet black robes, the matching lipstick that Alistair so often had to wipe from his own skin for the sake of appearances.
And would have to again as Luc let out a breathless, "Hi," and crashed their mouths together.
It was always fervent after they had been apart.
Given their respective stations, it was often fervent.
Alistair chuckled at Luc's eagerness, even as he also ached with it. Luc had given in first, and that meant Alistair got to tease him about it.
When Luc finally gave him a sliver of air to breathe, he snickered again and sang softly, "Soooomebody missed meee."
Sometimes Luc still prickled defensively against his emotions, but today he huffed and hugged himself tighter to Alistair. "I'm never leaving the palace again."
"Aw, was Cumberland really that bad?"
"Excluding the fact that I had to watch Wynne climb up on her highest of high horses to talk the Circles out of independence only for the templars to respond by disbanding the College of Enchanters entirely?" Sensing he had turned the conversation too serious too quickly, Luc hastily added, "And Cumberland is too hot."
"You think Amaranthine is too hot."
"And I'm right!"
"Oh, woe is you, isn't it?" Alistair kissed Luc's pouting lips. "Well, lucky for you, you're home now." That word used to make Luc burst into tears. Even now it elicited a small shudder, which Alistair answered by kissing him again. "And I'm yours for the rest of the day. No kingly responsibilities at all, just a nice hot bath, a couple of glasses of wine, and a lot of time doing this."
He squeezed Luc's ass, eliciting a gasp quickly hidden by a snort... and followed by a sudden tightening of Luc's expression.
"That... that all sounds nice. Fuck, it's more than nice, I've missed you so fucking much, and I all I fucking want in the entire fucking world is to..." For a moment, the lilac of Luc's eyes shone with hunger. But then, he pulled away, and with a frown, Alistair set him back on the ground. "Okay, I promise this is good."
"Oh, well, no bit of bad news has ever started this way."
"It's a surprise."
"You're finally leaving me for Zevran."
"Don't try to guess," Luc interrupted brusquely. "Just... okay, just wait..."
Alistair watched him hurry back to the door of the study. He had no idea who would be there when Luc opened it, but he certainly wasn't expecting an elven woman of short stature and greying hair. She was graceful in the white robes that marked her as the Grand Enchanter of the now nonexistent College of Enchanters, yet the elegance was somewhat undercut by the way her fingers danced up and down the length of her slim staff.
"Oh...?" Alistair shot a confused look at Luc, who stared back at him unblinking. "Grand Enchanter Fiona, isn't it? A pleasure to meet you."
She said it with such softness, a tender sigh that begged to be read as familiar, and the longer that Alistair stared at her, the more that familiarity tugged at him, nagging, insistent, gnawing.
"Sorry, have we met before?"
In the silence that followed, Luc cleared his throat and said, "I'll, uh, leave you two alone for a bit."
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dairygoods · 5 years
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The Plough chairswing ride at the abandoned Loudon Castle, Scotland. 
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eleanorbloom · 3 years
Marry My Lover (Bryce x Eleanor Proposal Headcanon)
A/N: Well, I thought I wouldn't do it because I was too invested with this fic, but I've been thinking adult life is so fucking hard that maybe I'll never find the time and inspo to finish this fic, so... well, why not realease it to the world as headcanon/very-poorly-written-fic. If later I find the inspo, maybe I'll write it, maybe not, but I think posting this will lift a heavy weight off me.
Please forgive me my grammar mistakes and poor english, I mean, I know it's not poor, but I went really basic here, other way I would've never finished writing this lol
Tagging my WYR readers, in case you're interested in reading this @curiousconch @romereadingshop @utterlyinevitable @lahellacute @chocopeppermintcake
Also this is sumbission for @openheartfanfics Weekly Trope Challenge, week 2: Weddings & Proposals (@openheartheadcanons)
Marry My Lover
Bryce had wanted to propose to Eleanor for a while, considering both spontaneous and prepared ways to do it.
One of the first ideas was proposing on a visit to the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, as it was the place of their first date. But none of their shifts let them assist for a couple of weeks, so he decided to look for something less complicated.
As he saw their annual meeting with the gang was coming, he decided he would propose on that occasion. Surrounded by friends, the people who helped them get together and supported them in the most difficult times both personally and as a couple.
So he would propose at Donahue’s. With a song, no less. Marry Me by Bruno Mars. A cheerful song, Eleanor loved Bruno Mars and simply matched with the tone he wanted to have on the proposal. Happy and spectacular. He wanted to make her feel the luckiest, most loved woman on earth.
So when he decided what he would do, he shared the news with Sienna so she could help him orchestrate the event. He would arrive a bit later than Eleanor, Sienna would keep her distracted, and then whoop, Bryce would appear at the center of the bar singing the song.
On the day of the meeting, Bryce was in the locker room when he received a text from Sienna: “All set, B! We’re waiting for you”. He breathed deeply, excited and a bit nervous at the same time.
They had talked about marriage, about a life together thousands of times, but it was different just taking the step and doing it, of proposing marriage. Marriage. Damn.
But at the same time, it was just a confirmation of the love they had for each other. Their love that had grown exponentially, to unknown highs and depths in the three years they had been together, and he was sure that their love would keep growing and getting stronger with each day.
After getting ready, he texted Keiki: “Hey Keiks, are you there already?” “Oh, yeah, hidden in the parking lot, super spy.” “Awesome, I’m coming out of the locker room I’ll be there in five” “Okay”
Bryce didn’t want her to miss it for the world. Keiki would kill him if he let that happen. Luckily for both Bryce and Keiki, she was studying close to home, more than close. Cambridge. BS in Physics at MIT, so as she was living just a few minutes away from Boston, they saw each other pretty regularly, once a week or once every two weeks depending on how busy the three were.
Keiki was excited about it, but there was just this strange smirk on her. Bryce thought it was just the fact that her brother would propose to Eleanor at last.
Once at the bar, he greeted their friends, Elijah, coming from Chicago, Jackie, from Baltimore, and Sienna coming from New York. Aurora was the only one living in Boston, working at Brigham and Women’s Hospital as attending and part of the new Diagnostic Team there.
Everyone was happy but at the same time with this strange smirk, like they were hiding something.
“And Elle?” he asked.
A few moments after the question was made, a guitar started to play. He looked at the center of the bar, and found Eleanor, on a yellow dress, and matched hatband playing guitar and singing: We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January And this is our place, we make the rules And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you, dear Have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?
Bryce couldn’t believe his eyes. His ears. His skin. How a shiver ran down his spine, making tingle every inch of him; how his stomach fluttered at the sight of her there, beautiful and singing and… Surprising him.
It was Lover by Taylor Swift, because, how not, his girlfriend was a Swiftie since High School, so once a Swiftie, always a Swiftie.
Bryce knew almost every song of the last two albums she had released in the last couple of years because they had blasted the speakers of their home for weeks. Can I go where you go? Can we always be this close? Forever and ever, ah Take me out, and take me home You're my, my, my, my lover
After singing the chorus, Eleanor handed the guitar to Rafael, who continued with the melody, and took the mic in one hand, singing the second verse as she started walking slowly towards him. We could let our friends crash in the living room This is our place, we make the call She took his hand on hers and softly pulled him to the center of the bar
And when Eleanor sang “And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you”, both chuckled knowingly, because they knew how true that was, wherever he goes, he enchants.
I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
It had been three summers indeed and nor he or she couldn’t imagine a summer without each other.
Eleanor kept singing, every word with meaning, it was like the song was written for them, especially “I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover” Because who else on this planet was a magnetic force but him?
Bryce was beaming the whole song, smiling, laughing, biting his lip, showing how happy, flattered, incredulous and in love he was.
He couldn’t believe his luck. To this day, after more than three years, sometimes he still couldn’t believe he had the chance to love so much and be so loved. So happy, so free, so understood. And he would probably live this luck, this love, forever and ever with her.
When the song ended, Eleanor took out something from the pocket of her yellow dress. A velvet box. When she opened it, a silver ring with a diamond at the center shined under the multicolor lights of the bar. Eleanor took his hand in hers and kissed his knuckles softly before asking: “Bryce Lahela, mi amor, we both know we want to spend the rest of our lives together. In these three years you have made me nothing but happy. The happiest luckiest woman alive. I want that for the rest of our lives. Would you marry me?”
“Yes,” he said, eyes sparkling, shining so bright with emotions, with love, with adoration, with happiness, “Yes, babe, yes! The only thing I want is to spend the rest of my life with you!”
Everyone cheered, Sienna was crying, Kyra too, and even Keiki had shed a tear.
Eleanor put a ring on his finger and both kissed sweetly in the middle of the bar.
After a few moments, Bryce kissed her hand and chuckled, “Well, now it’s my turn.”
Eleanor stared confused at him, and when she heard him shouting “Música maestro!” she understood.
Eleanor couldn't believe it either. When the notes of Marry Me by Bruno Mars started playing, she covered her mouth with her hands just like Cecilia Bolocco when she won Miss Universe in 1986. “No way, love!” she squealed.
After a few verses, Bryce took her hand and turned her to the wall, where a video was playing. Videos of colleagues, nurses, even patients, with thumbs up singing along “Don't say no, no, no, no, no, Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah” Then, her parents showed up in the video, beaming as they sang along too. Even her grandparents from Chile, Ricardo and Ofelia, appeared in the video asking the same.” “Oh my god,” Eleanor couldn't hold it anymore and simply let the tears fall. Tears of joy, of happiness.
Then Bryce started to walk around the bar, singing with a persuasive tone, asking the patrons to join him in his singing, as if he had to convince her to marry him. Friendly patrons would nod and show their thumbs up and sing along for a couple of seconds.
Once the song ended, Bryce bend on one knee and took the velvet box out of the pocket of his pants, where a beautiful rose gold ring was there, with a round diamond at the center and smaller at the sides. “Well, you won me. This was my idea too, but you were faster, or maybe you had friends who took your side and decided to help you instead of me.” Everyone chuckled. “Or maybe she just asked before you did,” Jackie teased. “Either way, I’m honored and flattered, but I couldn’t miss the opportunity to propose to you. I mean, I’ve dreamed about this day practically since I met you.” “Awww, mi amor.” “I want all summers with you and all winters, especially winters so you can keep me warm on snowy nights.” Eleanor giggled, her eyes full of tenderness, “Of course, my love. Summer, fall, winter, spring, all of the seasons and all of the years I have left on this planet.” “Good. And you, Eleanor Andrea Bloom, would you marry me?” “Yes, my love, mi amor, sí, sí, yes!” Bryce put the ring on her finger, and again, people cheered and clapped. Keiki and Jackie whistled.
When Bryce and Eleanor got off the stage, the gang approached them, filling them with congratulations and hugs, and just love for the happy, recently-engaged couple. they disclosed how everything had happened -Eleanor indeed had asked help first, she had been practicing guitar for more than a month with the help of Rafael.
After a while, Bryce took Eleanor’s hand and led her to a quiet place so they could have a moment for themselves. They smiled and laughed without saying anything, still processing what had happened and trying to understand the happiness they were feeling. their hearts were simply overflowing with happiness and love. “You know? I can say people, mostly women, have asked me a lot of things in my life, some of them shocking, some of them rather cute, but never had a woman proposing to me, so this is a first. You're definitely a keeper.” “Oh, that's why you're agreeing to marry me?” she asked, feigning offense. “One of the four hundred million reasons, babe.” Eleanor smiled pensively, earnest, “You deserve everything, my love, everything. And that includes being proposed, because, damn, we’re too far from gender stereotypes and toxic masculinity.” “I agree.” “And because I really wanted you to know that I wanna marry you, and spend the rest of my life with you, just as much as you do.”
Completely spellbound by the sincerity of her love, now and always, Bryce simply bit his lip and leaned to plant a sweet kiss on her lips.
There was nothing else to do but be happy.
Ps: Here pics of Bryce and Eleanor engagement rings. I had the idea of a collage, but it would've also taken me a day to finish it, lol sorry
Thank you for reading! ❤
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🥀//This content may contain sensitive topics that could upset you such as: mild language, violence, psychosis, blood, gun and knife use, arson, body carving, graphic description, and death. Please continue at your own will and be cautious . . .
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𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟾, 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟶
And to their astonishment, he crawled out from the dark depths of death, escaping the gates of Hell that yearned for his twisted soul. With bloodied fingers, his chest heaving, clothes tattered as his body ached and trembled with broken bones, he sauntered to the abandoned building of the sick and ghastly. But a glint of venomous rage and determination glistened within his eyes that pooled their enchanted soft blue.
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𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟾, 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟶
Breathing in sharply through his nose, he opened the door, existing the car with narrowed eyes. As he shut the door with the keys shoved inside his coat, ripples of shocked gasps and screams surrounded him. But he walked calmly past them, a path being made for him as he entered the large building belonging to The Silver Lions. And as he walked, the doors swung open, being greeted by the main members of the allied group.
"Holy fuck-" Soonyoung gasped. Beside him, Seungkwan dropped the briefcases he had been carrying, their contents spilling as he covered his mouth with his hands.
"Don't fuck with us! If this is some sick joke, I'll personally decapitate someone!" Seungkwan said.
"Goodness, and hear I thought you all would be crying tears of joy for the man who sacrificed their life to be a distraction," The other replied calmly, only to freeze as the two rushed forward and threw their arms around him.
"Because I used my brain, and did not remove the bulletproof vest," Jeonghan responded, wrapping his arms around the two tightly, feeling them tremble within his embrace. "Now . . . Where did you put my negotiator and consigliere?"
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𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟿, 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟶
Joshua sighed, shifting his gaze towards Mingyu, who stood by the window his arm rested against the wall. Beside him was Seokmin, having the chance to hold Jane who was nestled in his arms, asleep.
"Mingyu, I think it's about time we sleep now. I'm tired..." Joshua said, catching the bodyguard's attention.
"Go to sleep with Seokmin and the others, hyung,"
"Mingyu, you haven't slept for two days. Don't make it three," Joshua rubbed his eyes, standing from the table. "Besides, there's nothing for you to wait for. And Jihoon will let us know when it is time to move,"
"I'll nap later, I promise..." Mingyu's hand formed into a fist as he shook his head, "And you don't even know what could happen. I mean, we clearly didn't see the invaders come trampling in," Mingyu responded sharply.
"Mingyu," Seokmin whispered with furrowed eyebrows. Joshua flinched at first automatically gesturing for Seokmin to leave the room with Jane.
"Mingyu, please. Just shut your eyes for a bit at the very least. I know you're just as anxious as we are, especially now that we're all miles away from each other, but you'll ruin yourself if you keep this up," Joshua said, crossing his arms as he walked towards the male. "And besides... Arin wouldn't want you to keep yourself awake like this, even if it's for our sake. Think about yourself too," Joshua frowned.
"I know... I honestly do, but I just can't sleep right after the incident," Mingyu rubbed his face, the distress finally surfacing after being pushed deep within in. "Everything was so perfect... And that was the only time we ever saw him express himself, the Jeonghan we knew back in Highschool... Then it all came crumbling down so fast, and, stupid or not of what he did, it worked... But not for him. You lost your husband, and the father to Jane... And we could've done better if we noticed the changes..."
Joshua hugged himself, nodding as he shifted his eyes to the floor, his heart clenching tightly at the mention of his deceased husband. "True... But there's nothing that can be done now. As much as we want, or hope we could've fixed it, or stopped it... We know it isn't possible.. But please attempt to rest or sit down. That's the least you can do for us, and, Jane needs her uncle's protection, yeah? But you can't do that if you're up so late," He stood beside Mingyu, staring down to the parking lot with few cars.
"I'll try at the very least... But what about you? Haven't you been struggling as well?" Mingyu questioned cautiously.
"Of course... Every second I am," Joshua responded, rubbing his arms. "I have been getting sleep, but... well, it's haunting..."
"And Seokmin's been drained entirely, hasn't he? Is that why he barely comes out from his room?.."
"He's just been so, so very tired..."
"...What will we actually do now?" Mingyu questioned, shifting his gaze towards the older. "Are you sure you can handle Jeonghan hyung's position?... To even appoint me as Underboss?"
"It's my responsibility now, isn't it?" Joshua whispered softly, looking towards the ring that glistened on his finger. He gently touched it, turning it slightly. "As much as I would rather let Jihoon take the position, it's now embedded into the family, and it directly goes to the Underboss... And it's the least I can do for everything he's ever done and wanted for us..." He paused. "And yes, I am positive that I want you to have your position again. But you must swear to me that you will not repeat your errors like you had done in the past. I entrust you with my life, and always have, but if you even dare to do it, especially with how things are now, I will not hesitate to have you suffer the consequences Jeonghan had refrained from."
Mingyu sealed the thick lump in his throat, shivers running down his spine as he exhaled, nodding. "Of course..."
Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door, causing them both to pause, turning their attention towards the locked door.
"No one left this building at any time, did they?" Joshua asked skeptically.
"Mingyu, give me the backpack, and get the rest to the stairs," Joshua said, receiving the bag as he shuffled through it and pulled out his daggers. As Mingyu quietly made his way into the hallway, Joshua walked towards the door. He listened, waiting to hear if they'd continue or speak. But all that filled the air was silence.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
"Mr. Yoon, open up," Joshua froze.
"It's Jihoon, Joshua hyung. I've brought someone who needs our help desperately," Joshua didn't respond at first, unsure until he gained confirmation that it was the Consigliere. Breathing in, Joshua opened the door, unlocking the numerous locks before he found the younger standing at the door.
"What's with this new person?"
"Well... They want to gain their revenge, and, I'm sure all of us want to gain the opportunity at well," Jihoon said, causing the older to raise an eyebrow. "Isn't that right?"
"Oh," A male said darkly, sending shivers through Joshua as they came to the door, causing the other to drop his weapons, eyes big and round. "Most definitely. Wouldn't you agree, my love?"
"N-No... No way." Joshua said, his heart racing as his knees began to buckle, stumbling backwards with his hands over his mouth. "You can't-... Y-You can't play sick jokes l-like-"
"Joshuji, you know I would never play any twisted jokes like these on you. Never in my life, and, I swore to you I would never, yeah?" Joshua let out a sob as his husband stepped forward, holding his arms firmly. "I swore to you that I would never leave you. Not now, not ever." Softly, Jeonghan caressed his cheek, his other arm wrapping around his waist. "I would never abandon my Angel on this God forsaken Earth,"
"H-Hannie," Joshua choked, falling into his embrace as he held him tightly, sobbing as Jeonghan held him close to his chest, pressing a kiss to his head.
"Everything's going to be alright. I'll make it alright again... And we'll make them pay for this. We'll get our revenge once we've gathered the rest, my love. And then we'll finally have our well deserved time of peace. I'll make sure of it."
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𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟸, 𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟶
As the building filled the sweet sounds of agonizing screaming, Joshua hummed happily as he held Jeonghan's hand, both walking towards the room where the head man was kept. Blood splattered the walls, bodies being ripped and torn, others being filled with holes. Joshua turned his gaze when a man was slammed against the wall, Jun being the one to push a sharp blade into their shoulder to hold them in place, blood sprinkled on his face as he cackled wickedly. But they left him to his "fun," entering the room where the man behind the reigns was tied to a chair, squirming and thrashing as he spat vulgar words.
"Settle down, settle down," Jeonghan chuckled as the newlywed separated, watching as horror formed on the man's aging face. "We haven't even gotten to the best part~"
"T-That's impossible! You JUMPED! You should be DEAD!" The male screamed.
"I defy death, haven't you heard?" Jeonghan chuckled as Joshua left the room, leaving Jeonghan to circle the male. "Besides, even if I died, I have some unfinished business... Thanks to you, our fucking wedding nearly became a funeral the very same day. We didn't even have our family and friends attend thanks to you and your belief that you," He started to laugh, running his fingers through his hair, "you could even achieve the impossible!" He then grabbed the chair, whipping him around as he pulled him, bringing him face-to-face as he tilted his head, a sick and deranged look within his eyes. "And as a gift for your fuckery, you'll get a test of your own medicine, my friend!"
Jeonghan then twisted him again, facing him towards the door. "But you're not getting it from me this time. No, no. You're going to suffer the consequences from my darling of a husband since you brought greater grief upon him than anyone else!"
"Oh. Ohohoho. You're absolutely right," Jeonghan grinned wickedly, lowering towards the man's ear. "We're the most demented shits here~" As Jeonghan finished, Joshua walked in with a bat resting against his shoulder, the most twisted smile on his face as his eye twitched slightly from the rage that was slowly surfacing.
"Hannie got the chance to do this to his parents, you know? Give them pretty bruises and dents before having their bodies scorched. I'm sure you'll love the honor of receiving the same treatment~"
As the man continued to protest, cursing them and degrading them, neither listened. Instead, Jeonghan stared at his husband with love and adoration, his smile sinister as he held the man still. "Let loose, baby~"
With a delighted giggle, Joshua swung the bat up, his eyes large with pure insanity as he yelled, "BATTER UP, BITCH!" With all his strength, he cracked the bat against the male, causing him to let out a cry as a bone snapped within his arm. And again, Joshua swung back and cracked it against his other arm, another cry emitting from the male. "THIS IS FOR RUINING OUR WEDDING!"
Bringing the bat above his head, Joshua slammed the bat against the male's knee, repeating it to the other. "THIS IS FOR ATTEMPTING TO TAKE DOWN OUR GROUP!" Slightly hopping with excitement and burning rage coursing through his veins, he slammed the bat against the male's head. "THIS IS FOR TRYING TO KILL MY HUSBAND, MY FUCKING FAMILY!"
And finally, swinging the bat, Joshua slammed the bat between the male's legs, a choked sob and scream filling the air. "AND FOR RUINING OUR FUCKING HONEYMOON BY CAUSING US TO SEPARATE YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" And as Jeonghan backed away after slamming his hand against the male's head, sending him to the floor on his side, he watched as his heart raced in his chest at the most beautiful and alluring sight before him as Joshua continued to crack the bat against the male over and over again, savoring each and every scream before dropping the bat down with satisfaction.
Proud of his husband, loving the torment he was bringing and the insanity emitting from him, Jeonghan went around the sobbing and bloodied man, Jeonghan wrapped his arm around Joshua, pulling him close as the other let out a laugh, raising an eyebrow towards him with a smirk. "How did I-" Joshua didn't finish as Jeonghan kissed him, tightening his grip on the other's waist as Joshua wrapped his arms around his neck, kissing him passionately and roughly, biting the bottom of his lip before the other broke the kiss, humming in content. "You did beautiful~" But he whispered into Joshua's ear, causing the other to turn red before grabbing the collar of his shirt.
"Yah, Yoon Jeonghan! You can't say that when we haven't even finished this!"
"Just a heads up for later," Jeonghan winked, causing the other to roll his eyes, but the feelings were equally enhanced as they stood over the broken and crippled man. "Speaking of finishing the job, why not leave a little something as a wondrous final touch before the real grand finale?~" He smirked devilishly.
"And that is?~" Joshua watched curiously as his husband pulled out his butterfly knife, flicking it open and having it placed within his hands, letting out a delighted squeal.
"Let's leave our initials~ A permanent reminder of who gained their revenge,"
With a grin, Joshua nodded, pulling his husband with him as they squatted towards the slowly dying man in front of them. "Let's carve it together, Hannie!~"
"Sounds perfect~" Jeonghan purred, taking Joshua's hand in his, both digging the knife within the male's flesh and beginning to tear it, carving their initials as the man screamed and writhed in pain, blood spilling like a river.
"Y. J + Y. H. J. J"
"It's almost like cutting our wedding cake, except, we won't be eating this one~" Joshua chuckled darkly, being nuzzled by Jeonghan who nodded in agreement.
"And now, the grand finale, Joshuji~" Jeonghan grinned, his head twitching slightly, naturally hitting his own head in response. Joshua cooed softly, used to seeing his lover inflict pain to himself.
"It'll be a beautiful campfire!~" Grabbing the gasoline and twisting the cap off, Jeonghan poured it all over the room before spilling the rest of its contents on the male after Joshua brought him upright in the chair, sitting loosely. As Joshua opened the window, he pulled a flare gun, shooting it upward as it bursted in purple, watching as everyone began to evacuate the building.
"And now," Jeonghan began, taking out a match and lighting it, "This will be our way of letting the fire consume the damned here~" With Joshua wrapped in his arm, standing at his side, Jeonghan tilted his head towards the tormented male. "All of your death here will be a reminder of who we are and what we do. So, thank you for being the reminder that The Purple Rose will forever reign glorious!" And as Jeonghan threw the match, the room set ablaze, the fire rising as it consumed hungrily, beginning to burn into the male's skin as he screamed.
Jeonghan and Joshua only watched with amusement and twisted delight, both turning around and leaving the building as the fire followed, but never reached far enough to catch the two as they joined the rest outside, the large building beginning to glow. And as they stood far away, Jeonghan wrapped his arms around Joshua, the other nuzzling him.
"Bring the building down, boys!" Jeonghan roared, and at his command, an explosion erupted within, the building beginning to collapse inside as the fire continued to rage, finishing their beautiful work. The members roared in triumph, laughing and sneering as they cheered for their group and the newlywed, watching the scene.
"Time to go home!" Jeonghan announced. "Everyone here deserves a rest after such a wonderful accomplishment tonight!"
"But to where?" Joshua questioned.
"Somewhere safer, I promise you that,"
💕| @ghoulxbaekhyun [Seok's Love/Bacon] @seventeen-chatbot [Jun's Woowoo/Fiance] @arinschoi [Mingyu's pumpkin] @heartbrokenxinseong [Jihoon's Moonlight] @kjiwon [Minghao's Rainbow]
Closest friends| @jiaqi-xu [Kiki] @kpop-shelter [Lovely Shelter] @vitoria-oc @bloodrose-cb [Julia] @shin-haneul [Haneullie] @sweetandsleepyjamie [Jamie] @frenemies-hyunsung [Rascals] @mitsukojen [Lovely Jennie] @pup-hendery [Pup] @mafia-chae @college-baekhyun [Wonwoo's Tutoring An Intellectual]
💎| @boxer-joshua @yanderexmingyu @decadewonwoo [Wok] @god-vernon @leejihoon-cb @van-gogh-minghao @weeb-wonwoo @mafia-svt @tattooartistjoshua @mafia-shua @vampireprince-jeonghan @yan-svt @captain-jihoon [and more]
🥀| @vampiremomo @princess-yeji @dungeonhybrids @incubuswooyoung @initial-d-renjun @la-soleilmafia-cb @floristluda @fairy-dejun @model-lucy @ateez-treasure9au-chatbot [DM for +/-]
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literary-spirit · 3 years
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Chapter 5
The next day after first meal Bjorn, Torvi, and Bonnie cleaned out Rollo's old keep. The place was filthy. Rats the size of small puppies had made the place home and she wasn't entirely sure they weren't leaving without a knock down drag out. Aside from the rats, cobwebs and huge furry spiders dominated every crack and crevice in the structure. The situation was so dismal, she'd begun to have second thoughts. By the smug expression on Bjorn's face, she could tell he already knew she was about two seconds away from begging him to stay. Yet, she wouldn't give him the satisfaction. Not even if she had to accept canine inspired rodents
and tarantula like spiders as her new housemates.
Once they removed most of the dry rotted furniture and she'd thoroughly scrubbed the wooden plank floors with the same lard soap they actually used to bathe with, Bjorn said they were done for the time being. Since several hours of sunlight still remained in the day, Bjorn opted to go fishing at the harbor, while Torvi went off to train with the keep's other shield maidens. Bonnie decided to remain behind to work on a spell that would transform the ingredients she gathered the day before into things needed for her hygienic care.
From the first incantation, she could tell something was off. To say something was different with her magic would've been an understatement. Kind of like calling the sun sort of hot. Yeah, she'd always been powerful, thanks to her lineage, but there was altogether a new level of potency to her sorcery. Even the aftereffect of her spell presented in a way it had never done before. This new development caused simple enchantments that had become second nature to her, to get all twisted. And after about an hour of dealing with the same results over and over again, the frustration was fucking real! She slapped some of the ingredients off the stone table.
Damn it! She hadn't had a bath in almost four days. Pretty soon, she would be looking and smelling like who did it and why the hell you let it happen. "Shit, I wish I had my L'Occitane Almond Shower Scrub Duo from home in my hands right now!"
A tingling sizzle tickled the palms before the body scrub duo materialized in her hands. Shock nearly drove her to drop the containers, but she recovered in time and placed them on the table. Holy hell? What is happening? She stared at the half-used bottles from her and Niklaus' master bathroom. How the hell did she conjure these? She wasn't a conjurer. But then again, did she really conjure them or wish for them? Wait! Then did that mean she'd somehow fucked over the immortal witch spell and now she was a got damn Jinn?! She didn't wanna be a Jinn!
Shit! Stay calm. She shouldn't panic and since Jinns couldn't make wishes themselves there's no way she could be one. Hell, she could prove she wasn't a Jinn and correct one of their latest fuck ups in the process.
She closed her eyes and whispered, "I wish I was home." Slowly, her lids lifted to reveal the same hovel she stood in before she closed her eyes. An ache cracked her chest wide, "I don't understand. Why am I here?"
"To save my sons," an imperious, but deferential voice said from behind her.
She spun around to find the Queen of Kattegat, standing in her little hole in the wall. "Queen Aslaug." Her head dipped in a bow.
"Please, do not bow to me. It is I who should bow to you," she swept down in a graceful bow. "The sorcery within demands that I must. The mystical energy that surrounds you overwhelms and amazes."
Not knowing what the hell else to say, Bonnie focused on the Queen's prior admission. "Why'd you say I'm here to save your sons?"
"Because it is the truth. I dreamt of you, before you arrived," Queen Aslaug moved around the stone table, eyeing the shower scrub duo as she went. Once in front of her she stopped and clasped hands with her. "Your presence balances the scales against the many calamities waiting to wreak havoc on us all. I've foreseen it."
"Queen Aslaug-," she began.
"Let us not provoke the gods by further talks of this nature," she squeezed Bonnie's hands before releasing them. "You should go sit by the water in the cove before second meal."
Bonnie grabbed her shower duo from the stone table and placed them in the now empty basket. "Well, I did wanna wash." She gathered her last day dress, which was stiff, rough, brown, and barely grazed her ankles. It, however, was clean.
"Then wash you must," Queen Aslaug cosigned. Her gaze darted around the keep, "Bjorn, informed me you'll be residing here." She turned back to face Bonnie. "I'd offer for you a bench in the great hall, but I believe you to prefer privacy over comfort."
Bonnie gripped the handle of the basket with both hands. "That's true."
Queen Aslaug nodded. "While you're gone, I'll have thralls come finish putting your keep to rights."
"Thank you," Bonnie said.
"It is the very least I can do," Queen Aslaug said before turning to leave.
After her shower under the waterfall Bonnie felt more like herself. Though she was still confused by all that had transpired since she fell backwards in time at least she'd gained some stability. Now she'd be able to start gathering the pieces and putting things together. Once she finished oiling her body she redressed and headed back into the woods. Not long into her trek she realized she was being stalked. The sun had begun to make its descent. She didn't have long before darkness fell and whatever stalked her attempted to turn her cakes into a meal.
She thought about making a run for it but every show she'd ever seen on animal planet cautioned to never willingly offer chase to a predator. Yet, she was a melanin gifted woman in a melanin challenged land, slasher flick rule numero uno demanded that she haul ass. Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.
Bonnie released a harassed sigh. She neither wanted to get sweaty or bloody, "Look, you and I both know you're there so come on out. If you're gonna try and kill me you can at least face me before you carry out the deed."
A collection of seconds turned into a minute before she finally saw movement in the multiplying shadows. Moments later a shit ton of wolves varying in sizes and color inched forth on their bellies into the fading light of day.
 Each kept their heads resting on their front paws and their eyes downcast. A wolf the size of a small pony covered in golden white fur with a pair of crystal blue eyes 
continued to creep forward until his snout practically touched the toe of her shoe. Werewolves? In the Viking era? Of course, there are because no matter what the weird and freaky better known as the supernatural always seemed to know exactly where to find her! She was a fucking beacon for the strange and unexplained.
Bonnie squatted to trail her finger through the tufts of fur between his ears. "How are you all in your wolf forms when there hasn't been a full moon since I arrived. Either you're hybrid or cursed and since it'll be over another hundred years before the first hybrid is made, then you must be cursed." She trailed her hands over the length of the wolf's body. Though she sensed wild but potent magic, she didn't sense any dark energy it would take to invoke a curse. "Yet, I don't sense any dark magic." She stared into the wolf's eyes, "You fur babies must be something else altogether."
The wolf shimmered from canine to man, and then stood. One minute a gorgeous animal sat facing Bonnie, and the next all she saw was a slab of meat wearing a turtleneck of golden hair. She glanced up into a face that was cloaked in shadows by the light of the sun. For a moment, her next heartbeat refused to pound.
"Klaus?" She whispered.
A hand reached down to help her up. "I'm known as Ansel, Goddess."
"Ansel..." Wait, could he be..., "Why did you call me goddess?"
He laughed and the corners of his eyes crinkled the way Klaus' did when something genuinely amused him. "Because that is what you are, the Goddess of Twilight."
Her eyes popped. What in the Stephanie Meyer madness was he talking about? "E-excuse me who?"
"The prophecy foretold your arrival," Ansel said, still clasping her hand in his. "It was divined, your appearance would relink the descendants of Fenrir with their witchery lineage thereby affording us control over our shift."
This sounded like some sun and moon curse mumbo jumbo. Disregarding his nudity, she stepped closer. "Who spoke of this prophecy to you?" Maybe this person was a millennial throwback as well.
"We've always known of this foretelling," Ansel said, punching holes through the hope she'd managed to gather, "but the one who came before you did confirm the prophecy would come to past."
"The one who came before me?" She questioned, practically dripping desperation.
"Yes, the dark woman," Ansel answered, his eyes searching hers. "She lives deeper in the forest. Not many non-shifters venture that far into the woods. For those who have a mind to try, there are spells and curses in place to ensure no one unwanted reaches her."
"Ansel, I have to speak with her," she dropped her basket and covered both of their hands with her other, "Can you take me to her?"
His head bobbed. "Come," he knelt and picked up her basket, "it'll be quicker if you hoist yourself on my back."
By the time they made it to the tiny shack deep in the forest, night had fallen. Yet, the zillion twinkling stars in the black velvet sky were able to pierce the canopy of leaves and provide an adequate amount of light for Bonnie to see. Ansel placed her on the ground a foot or so away from the door of the shack. The familiar energy wafting from the keep embraced her. She knew this magic. This was the magic of her ancestors. It was Bennett magic. Her magic.
The cloth barrier to the dwelling shifted and out stepped Ayanna Bennett. 
She appeared to be in her mid-twenties, but she could've been older. Bonnie had come to know her well during her brief afterlife on the other side. "You have the look of my mother. I don't even have to sense it to know you're my own."
For the first time since she'd been dropped in the middle of time Bonnie broke. She tumbled into Ayanna's arms and fell to pieces.
"Help me," she whispered.
"You're the answer to all of our cries," Ayanna whispered next to her ear. "The Goddess of All would not have sent you to us lacking. Whatever is needed you already carry with you. Come, we have much to discuss."
Once inside, Bonnie sat on a wooden bench next to a stone alter.
Ayanna handed her a smoldering cup of tan liquid. "Drink, it's an herbal concoction meant to ease fits. It also aids in uncluttering your third sight." Without further urging, she sipped the tea. "Now, tell me all."
"It all started with this ancient evil and an immortal man willing to sacrifice his eternity to save his child," she began, "and the sacrifice his lover made so he wouldn't have to." For the next several hours Bonnie recounted the entire twisted tale of her and Klaus. By the time she was finished, she could barely keep her eyes open.
"So, why do you believe this Niklaus is the Viking to which the prophecy refers?" Ayanna questioned.
Bonnie laughed like Ayanna had out joked Kevin Hart. "Who else is of Viking descent and stronger than Klaus?"
"Who else indeed! Seems to me, all you have to do is march back to Kattegat and tap one of the many Vikings there on the shoulder. I wager any number of them is stronger than this Niklaus," she said, waving a hand as if she was waving off the very thought of Klaus. "And why would you want to form a mate bond with him? The same disrespectful dolt who places other witches over you in his regard. As if anyone other than a witch of our familial line could shoulder the burden of being the eternal witch."
Bonnie's eyes closed and remained so. "Did I mention Ansel's his father?"
Klaus' fathers name is the last thing Bonnie heard Ayanna speak before sleep claimed her.
"We have to get her back. The sons of Ragnar Lothbrok is ripping away the forest looking for her," Ansel's voice penetrated the thick fog of sleep that held her captive.
She heard a clucking sound, then Ayanna. "Calm yourself. They'll never make it past the first line of magic."
"That is what I'm trying to tell you, woman," Ansel bellowed. Frustration clear and plain in his tone, "they already have."
"What? How is that..." Ayanna's voice trailed off. "It's her. Her magic shields them. Why is this so?" A moment past, and then she felt Ayanna's lips at her ear. "You've learned many things on your spiritual voyage last eve. Things which must be considered. You have to return, Bonnie. For not only have you and your wolf achieved the goal you sought, but you've also attained so much more."
When next she opened her eyes, she was laying on a pile of fallen leaves and wildflowers. Her basket sat next to her head, while every last son of Ragnar stood staring down at her with varying expressions. Actually, everyone except Ivar who more or less leaned over her shooting her a unit inspired with nothing but ill intent.
"Um, good morning," she said, lacking anything of note to say.
"I thought you'd been raped and killed by Skogarmaors!" Bjorn yelled in her face as she drooped on a bench in the great hall.
Queen Aslaug's eyes rolled at Bjorn's antics,
 while his brothers peered on in silence. Their faces giving nothing away.
She had a banging headache and Bjorn was nowhere close to easing her pain. "I'm sorry, Bjorn. It wasn't my intention to worry you are your family."
"Ack! Loki take your intentions," He threw up his hands and turned away from her, "I have no worries for your intentions. For all I know they're harried paving a path to Helheim."
"Where were you, hmm?" Ivar questioned. His stare unwavering as always. "Your appearance speaks of you being sheltered from the elements. So, who sheltered you?"
"On my way back from the Cove I met someone in the woods. He told me some things that lead me to believe he knew someone who could understand the reason I've come to be here," she said, attempting to be as honest as she could without placing Ansel or Ayanna in danger.
"You said, he told you," Bjorn turned around to face her.
She gave him a slow nod, "yes."
"Name this man," Bjorn demanded.
Reluctantly, she shook her head. "I'd rather not."
"I've heard sagas of a dark woman dwelling in the deep of the forest," Ivar said, while his steady gaze tracked each expression that crossed her face. "Many have spoken tales of her being a witch."
Queen Aslaug laughed. "Ivar, halt with your tales of spirits and witches. You're being distressing."
"Did you allow yourself to be plowed by this man?" Sigurd asked, straight facing the hell out of her.
"Sigurd!" Queen Aslaug released a heavy sigh before taking a sip from her cup.
"What? I'm sure that was Bjorn's next line of questioning," he defended.
"No," Bonnie snapped, chopping Sigurd up with a unit meant to leave him DOA, "There was absolutely no plowing going on between me and this man." To her surprise, Bjorn exhaled a sigh that appeared to be motivated by relief. She stood and walked over to Bjorn. Placing a hand on his arm, she gazed up at him, "the only reason I followed him is for answers. That's all, Bjorn. I swear it upon our oath."
She watched the anger and tension drain from his face as he reached up to cup her cheek. "Did you learn anything?"
"No," she emphasized with a sad dejected shake of the head, "I was given some kind of herbal concoction while there and I fell asleep before finding out anything. When I awakened, you guys were standing over me."
"I'm sure in time you'll have your answers," he allowed his thumb to trace the path of her cheek before returning his hand to his side.
She gazed out the great hall door toward the forest and prayed to the mother of all he was right.
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blindspot-repata · 5 years
High School Blindspot
Chapter 1 - Meeting friends
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"Natasha, I didn't see you arrive yesterday, what time was it?" Her grandma heard when Natasha opened the door last night, but she wanted to know about the girl. She was worried, for a few days her granddaughter showed strange, quieter and sadder behavior.
"Don't worry, Grandma, it wasn't too late." Natasha tried to reassure her grandmother.
"Honey, I would never get into your dates, but you know I don't think Ricky is the right guy for you. You should date someone like Edgar, who is a golden boy.”
“Oh, grandma! You know he's just my friend.” The girl hurried to jam on a toast and hurried off. “And there's more, he's dating with a girl.”
"But that can change, my daughter! I'm sure if you give a signal it will be in your hand.”
“Bye!” - She blew Grandma a kiss and hurried out the door.
Edgar was waiting for her on the sidewalk. It had been that way forever, she and Edgar, inseparable. He was her great support when she and her brothers came to live with their grandparents, the circumstances were not good, they were taken from their parents for bad care and abuse, exposure to alcohol, drugs and violence. Edgar was there, met her in the neighborhood, helped her get in school, hugged her every time she needed to cry, and didn't want to worry her grandparents.
Natasha has also always been the support for Edgar. When he first saw the girl she was scared and not very friendly, but he was always solicitous coming softly and won her friendship. When he lost his father in a car accident four years ago she was by his side at the funeral at the seventh day mass, she helped him overcome the loss and showed him that over time the pain subsided. It was her first fuck with her, at age 15, they took a bottle of whiskey to the basement of Tasha's grandparents and got very drunk, the next day the hangover was so much that both swore never to drink alcohol again. For a while Edgar felt a platonic love for the latina, even rehearsed a way of declaring himself to her, but never had the courage. Over time he gave up and dated other girls and she, other boys. Today they were just best friends and confidants.
The two faced together all the adversities that appeared, after all was 1999, the end of the millennium and it was still not easy to be young in New York, much less for a black boy and a girl of Latin origin. Prejudice was everywhere, but they always defended and supported each other.
“Late again? Let's go or not take the first class. If Inspector Weitz sees us arriving late again this week, we're screwed.”
"I couldn't wake up very early today, I was too tired."
“What's this around your neck?” Edgar saw on the girl's neck a bluish mark that wasn't there yesterday.
“It’s nothing.” She didn't want to tell him what Ricky had done this time, better not get him into her problems. Natasha pulled the zipper on her sweatshirt higher so that the mark didn't appear.
"Natasha, you can say anything you want to me, you know." - The boy always made a point of showing her that he was there for anything.
“I know. Thanks. I just don't want to talk about it, not now.” She didn't want to worry him, because he already had his own problems, but she didn't know how long she could hide from him everything that was going on.
“I think I can already buy my car.” Edgar worked in a machine shop after class and had been raising money to buy a car. “I talked to Mr Nigel yesterday and he said he gives me an advance of what is missing so I can get my car.” The boy showed excitement in his face.
"Hmm. I won't even have the honor of walking with you anymore. It's gonna be a mess, all the girls wanting to hitchhike in your car.” Natasha always played with him about girls. When he became head of the school soccer team she kept mocking him, which would catch all the cheerleaders. But it was just a joke, she cheered and vibrated with him with each achievement. "By the way, how's Sarah doing?"
“I don't even know.” Edgar shrugged. "I don't think she wants anything more from me, she keeps avoiding me. You know, I won't insist on someone who doesn't really want me. And you, all right?”
“Yes,I'm ok” The girl shrugged.
Ever since Rick had met some weird guys at his new job Natasha began to feel a little afraid of his behavior, because whatever she did or said, he got violent and nervous. The girl had tried to break up more than once, but he was violent and she couldn't. After last night she swore to herself that he would never come near him again.
Remi couldn't help but stare at him, those blue eyes enchanting her from the first time she walked through that door. But she thought it was silly, because he was a very popular boy and she always saw him with the sophomore blonde, that cheerleader. She knew a guy like him would never notice her. Helen had never encouraged her to date, on the contrary, she said they needed to win the world and not get involved in a relationship that only shows how weak you are. She had not always listened to this, but she avoided lasting involvement, for she was not even worthy of a love relationship.
“Hi, how are you?” The clumsy geek sat beside her with a stack of books but hands and Remi watched. “Oh many books, right? I'm working on research and I need all of these, believe me. You could be part of my team, I've seen that you like chemistry.”
“Oh, I don't know. Can be. If I won't disturb you.”
"Of course not, Stuart is in the project, but he's a little clumsy and sometimes spoils the experiments. I prefer to work with girls because they are more organized, but he's a good guy, I put him on the line.”
“I know what they look like, I have a brother who is only big but still looks childish in some ways.”
“Your brother is that blondie, wow! Hum, I've seen him with you.”
“Yes, that's him.” RemiRemi laughed, because she had already seen how Patty looked at him, seemed to devour him with eyes. The brother really liked was a trouble. Helen had put them to practice martial arts from an early age, and Roman thought he should punch anyone who crossed his path. Since moving to this school two weeks ago, he has been on the board twice.
“What are you looking at? Kurt?” Patty followed the direction of Remi's gaze and saw her staring at him. “He's a good guy and will still find the right girl.”
“I'm not looking at him.” Remi felt his face turn red when she saw the boy look in her direction and linger looking at her. The girl looked down and didn’t look in his direction anymore.
Kurt had noticed the fledgling girl from day one, but saw it as an impenetrable iceberg. She was beautiful and mysterious and was always accompanied by her twin. Since she arrived he hadn't had a chance to exchange a word with her, he needed to work it out. He'd seen her talking to Patty, maybe if he talked to her, but the nerd was always in the lab and into her crazy experiments.
“Hey, Ed! Do you have footeball training today?” Kurt addressed the dark-haired young man who was storing things in his bag.
“No. I'm thinking of looking for Natasha to leave soon.”
"I'm coming with you, I need to talk to Patty, maybe they're together."
“Hey, I finally found you!” Natasha went into the lab and saw that Patty had bequers and tubes bubbling, some appliances with bright lights flashing, and there were also open books on the bench.
“We are working on a new project and we can't stop now, because we are in the middle of the reaction. Stuart, what did you do here? I told you it wasn't time to add the acid yet!” Patty always stressed about the boy's clumsy way.
“Hi. How are you getting to work with them?” Natasha addressed the shoulder-length brunette girl. "Your name is Remi, isn't it? I'm Natasha. “The latina appeared after the brunette confirmed.”
"Sometimes I think she's trying to refute Lavoisier's Law." They both burst out laughing.
“Patty! What did you do this time?” Rich had just entered the lab and looked pretty stressed.
“What are you talking about?” The geek frowned.
"Those experiments of yours are pulling all the energy from the building and shutting down the computers in the computer lab! I’ll start by turning off these gadgets with these lights here that must be the bad guys.”
“Don't touch my multimeters!” Patty slapped Rich's hand backward. “I'll fix this, I can not go off so it will disturb everything.”
Patty did what the boy asked by releasing the energy he was consuming from his experience.
“It's time to go. Give me five minutes that will be all right for your computers.”
“Hey babe! Have you ever met the computer lab?” Rich addressed Remi, who remained silent. “ I can introduce you and show you new programs and windows that were recently installed.”
“Rich! You have no way! Let Boston hear that!” Natasha scolded him, because she knew Rich loved to sneak and also knew how jealous Boston was.
“Boston may also like to participate in the presentation of the new programs, you are also invited, bravely.�� Rich headed for the latina. "We close the lab door ..." The boy leaned toward the girls and put his hand over Remi's.
“No, Rich! I already met your fame and won't stick with me!” Remi took his hand from hers and walked away.
Rich watched as the rookie girl Remi seemed to be her name, glanced at the lab door and looked at the newly arrived figure.
"Hey Stuble, hi Eddie, you've been missing computer classes!" Rich thought the blue-eyed boy was handsome and sexy, but he knew how much he loved girls.
“Hi Rich!” Kurt greeted the boy with a little disdain. “Patty, what are you up to this time?” then she noticed the short-haired brunette girl standing in front of the bench next to Natasha.
"Hi." Remi greeted him with a shy smile that shook his structures. How perfect the girl was!
“Hello! Can you understand Patty's nuts?”
“Hey, Kurt! They are not crazy! You are all a bunch of misinformed, if you want to start drawing the formulas on the board and you will understand everything that is happening here!” The blonde girl always made a point of trying to explain to friends what she was working on.
“It’s boy necessary!” The answer was in unison.
“I will enjoy that you are all here and I will make an invitation!” Patty was addressing them all at once. “Freddy, my brother, is having a party at my house on Saturday. My parents traveled and released the house, since they don't break anything, you are invited! Your brother too! Patty addressed Remi referring to the handsome blond boy. And, Rich, take Boston! You two can take your girlfriends. Natasha ...
"I won't take ..." She was referring to Ricky. The latina didn't intend to leave the boy to this party. She just wanted to have fun with her friends.
Remi noticed Kurt's disquiet when Patty talked about his girlfriend, but the boy didn't answer Patty at all.
“ You go?” Kurt was addressing her.
“ I don’t know?” “She was still wondering how fun it could be to get fit, make friends. “I’ll see if I can.”
"Make an effort, her brother's parties are fun." The boy smiled and she lingered admiring the crooked smile that formed on his face.
The class dispersed and Remi went to meet his brother who was waiting for her in the courtyard. She risked a look back and saw Kurt talking and laughing with his friends.
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golbrocklovely · 3 years
Oh my god I was obsessed with the thirteenth year!! I completely forgot about that movie. I think I saw it for the first time around the time I saw Aquamarine, which I racked up an almost $300 dollar Comcast bill because I kept renting the movie over and over again lmao my mom called me from work screaming XD dude camp rock was everything for a minute I cared more about camp rock than I did hsm.
You're right about Sam style, ever since he did that video of switching styles with Colby, its been sneaking its way into his closet more and more and I'm here for it 1000%. You're probably right about the Mandela effect thing but some things I specifically remember being different. The Berenstein bears for instance, I had a book as a kid that said Berenstein not Berenstain (could it of been a misprint, maybe) still weirds me out tho lol
I'm a fall aesthetic kind of girl myself, there's something peaceful about the fall time that I can't explain lol it just speaks to my soul
I've been wondering the same thing about metalife and I was low-key gonna ask you about it lol I wasn't around at that time but it seemed really short lived, I don't even fully know what it is but from what I could see they seemed passionate about and proud of it.
Not gonna lie I used to take almost hour long showers, thats how long it used to take me, now I'm between like 15-30 mins depending on what needs to me done🤣🤣🤣
My favorite drink(s) are pepsi, cranberry juice and water lol and then for alcoholic drinks thats kind of tough because I have ✨t r a u m a✨ when it comes to drinking. So I don't really do it that often but when I do it's always with my cousin and we usually drink this peach moscato wine from barefoot that's really good. Or the basic white girl wine coolers like Mike's hard lemonade or twisted tea. I also unironically like smirnoff ice's lol
I don't really watch TV that much outside of my already favorited shows. I've been really into Guy's Grocery Games lmfao. If you don't know what it is, it's pretty much like chopped but Guy Fieri's version. I watch it with my mom 😂 its pretty funny and the last movie I watched was The Heat with Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy. Funniest movie I've seen in a while, you should watch it if you ever get the chance.
Most of my clothes are from Walmart because all the stores I like don't carry my size in store and I have a love/hate relationship with shopping for clothes online. It has not ended well for me in the past lol
Favorite pizza topping? Favorite board game? Do you collect anything?
omg we are the same person haha
i've never actually watched aquamarine, but i can totally see why ppl loved and still do. my movie of choice back then was ella enchanted. i fucking loved that movie.
and camp rock was the moment bc of the jonas brothers and demi. the cast of hsm was iconic, but camp rock deserves it's praises too.
i'm honestly really into sam's style too. but colby's just matches my aesthetics more. yeah, the berenstein bears is a weird one. i think sometimes it was misprinted or something. also, the way ppl pronounce it has probably altered how ppl thought it was spelt.
no, i get what you mean. falling leaves is like the most peaceful thing to me.
the thing with metalife... i truly don't know the answer. i heard that someone was threatening to sue bc they got removed from the site or they got bullied on the site? but i have no actual idea if that is true or not.
i used to be able to take fast showers, but i've added a lot more steps into my shower taking lol i just wish i could be clean all the time.
honestly wine coolers and mike's hard are good. they have like no alcohol content in them and they're just nice to sip on instead of a heavier drink. better than white claws in my opinion.
omg i didn't know guy fieri had a show other than the eating show he's had for years haha he's such a weird dude but i love him. and i've heard of that movie. i gotta watch it next time i get the chance. i can't even remember the last tv show i saw, or movie for that matter. i watch youtube so often anymore.
same, online shopping can be the fucking worst. most of my clothes are from rue 21, hot topic, or like random dollar stores that have my size occasionally. also i do have a good amount of snc merch.
my favorite pizza topping is honestly just more cheese. i want so much cheese that it could kill a lactose intolerance person lol jk. i do like vegetable pizzas sometimes, so i guess veggies, if not more cheese.
there was a board game me and my brother used to play called 1313 dead end drive. it was like clue mixed with mouse trap. it was so cool. but i haven't played a board game in years.
the only thing i think i collect is crystals. i really love them and they're just so pretty. my favorite one is an amethyst that actually came from a rock that used to be in my yard at my old house. my brother and his friends smashed opened this huge rock and inside was amethyst. i got one little piece of it that i still have :)
questions: worst party you've ever been too? first band/artist you ever got really into? white, milk, or dark chocolate?
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marauder--harder · 7 years
Ask 1-- Hi :) I've been dying to ask you this question but I've been away for a few weeks and I didn't have internet connection. Firstly, I hope you're well. I've missed so much of your blog and I'm looking through it now. I just got back home now and one of the first things I did was check your blog (I havent even eaten yet lol). Secondly, my question to you is really random. Ever since your blog I've become really interested in Sirius Black and his family (i was always a remus lover).
Ask 2– So I was looking up headcanons of Sirius Black and then ended up looking up headcanons for his family too. I’ve read so many good headcanons about Regulus and Walburga, but I noticed that there is nothing on Orion Black. So I thought I might ask you if you have any headcanons about Orion Black? I always thought that Orion was the person that Sirius feared most. It seems like he’s not scared of his mum even though she yells a lot.
Ask 3– But I think his dad was more silent so when he lost his temper it was more frightening. And I also think that he was a powerful wizard because he put so many enchantments on the house. And its also weird that Kreacher never talks about him. He talks about Walburga and Regulus, but I dont think hes ever mentioned Orion. Maybe he wasnt home often? What do you think? I’m always more interested in the characters that we dont know much about, its so annoying lol. Thanks! :)
I feel very much so like Orion was a no funny business type of man. He was kind and treated Walburga well, but he wasn’t a man of romance or much emotion. He saw marriage more as a logical next step than an act of love. Not to say that he didn’t love his wife, because he honestly did. He was lucky enough to find both in his own life. 
That being said though, he is a very logical man. To the point, must be punctual, very routine. He had a set schedule and that had to be obeyed. Sirius actually often times found himself almost scheduling appointments as a kid just to talk to his dad; but after a while, Sirius just gave up trying to have him fit in the time for his own son. 
Orion was also the disciplinarian. Walburga would threaten her boys with going to their father’s office if they got too unruly and if Sirius talked back too much he would find himself sat in a far too large chair in a far too large office, being yelled at by a far too terrifying father. Orion would never hit his children, as it wasn’t a pure-blood thing to do. They do not stoop that low as to use muggle tactics on other wizards and witches. Yet, Sirius would be screamed at if his father was mad, and sometimes if it was really bad, Sirius would get what he used to call “the scary whisper voice” (coined at age six when he accidentally broke an heirloom vase). 
It was a voice that was often accompanied by the one form of punishment Sirius hated. He could take the screaming, the degrading words, even the confescating of all good things he had (seeing James being a major one in his later years). Those terrible things almost didn’t faze him anymore, as he put up his wall and ignored most of what they said. Yet, whenever Orion used his “scary whisper voice”, Sirius would go right back to being six years old and receiving his first magical punishment. It wasn’t a crucio, as that was only used once on him and by his mother (right before he ran away), yet it was a similar, less severe type of stinging pain that was delivered throughout his body. After all these years, it didn’t even hurt that much, yet the idea of it hurt more. The fact that Orion was wiling to hurt him to get his point across was terrifying. 
Sirius hated his mother, as she was overbearing, controlling, and a downright bitch to him. Yet, he was actually terrified of his father, which fucked him up in so many ways (lol @ my Alone Together series self promo ayyee).
So yeah, Orion was a dick to his kids when he got pissed, but otherwise wasn’t really around. He wasn’t uncaring, but just had a bad temper and poor views on life.  
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