#i've been sick for the last week so this is literally the only thing i've written in that time asfldjfks
charlescoded · 1 year
tagged by @nyoomfruits & @xiaoluclair to post a snippet of a wip, ty dearests ❤️
Pierre scrunches up his nose in disgust. “That is awful, calamar.”
“Shut upppp,” Charles groans, his voice slightly muffled by a pillow. He’s laying on his stomach, his face smushed into the couch. “I didn’t meant to.”
“How do you suck someone’s dick without meaning to?” He’s on the verge of laughing. Hysterically, of course, not out of hilarity.
Charles looks up just to send him a glare. It looks more pleading than anything. “I do not know, okay? He just… stuck his dick through the hole and I…” He trails off.
He shudders. “Don’t finish that sentence.” It’s already enough to fuel his nightmares. Pierre shakes his head, still in disbelief. “You could have anyone and you decide on some stranger in a bathroom stall…”
“Pierre!” Charles sounds affronted. “You make it sound worse than it is!”
“Worse? Charles, it was a glory hole in a seedy club, you do not know the guy’s name, you do not know what he looks like, how much worse can it be?”
Charles’ face turns bright red. “I—,” He hesitates, and he looks petulant now. “Yes, well, it was a nice dick, okay?”
tagging: @drivestraight, @fabbyf1 & @babs74!
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moonybadger · 2 years
How do people have the energy to watch entire tv shows omg
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changetyre · 16 days
How long? II Lando Norris X Reader ⓈⒾ
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SUMMARY: Finding your soulmate doesn't always include a happy ending.
WARNINGS: Angst Angst Angst with a sprinkle of fluff. Sickness, death.
A/N: This is a story I wrote a while ago for Wattpad and which I always loved but reading it back now there's been things I've wanted to adjust which is what I chose to do here ;)
Lando POV II 
"Tell me about her," she asked me passing me back our photo. 
I looked at it, my thumb grazing over her in the picture I kept in my wallet.
Lando and I've been together ever since I can remember. We met when we were only toddlers and became inseparable ever since. We both knew in our hearts how much we meant to each other, we knew that we couldn't live without each other. However, another part of us, and everyone around us, told us there would come a point where we'd meet other people.
And we did meet other people, in fact when I went to college and Lando joined F1 we both decided to try to date others and it was the most miserable time in both our lives. Which only reinforced our feelings, we were irrevocably in love.
We were aware that we were a very cheesy couple, the kind of people who just didn't care when people were around us and loved to show our love for one another no matter the time and/or place. We were the kind of couple to gift each other little things and have dinner dates every week. Land never failed to bring me flowers every weekend since we started dating.
Life felt like a dream when we were around each other, we literally felt like we were in the clouds, floating in our own bubble of love. But it didn't take long before it burst. 
Given the amount of time Lando and I had spent together we had discussed anything you could possibly imagine and despite some thinking this was a horrible and selfish thought, when Lando and I talked about losing one another, we always thought he would go first...simply because of his job.
What Lando didn't know though was that every night and every time Lando went on track I would pray, pray for his safety, pray for his health, pray that if one of us had to go...for it to be me...because I could simply not live a life without him...the single thought made me choke up. 
'Be careful what you wish for.'
One year ago I was diagnosed with Breast cancer. For some reason the news didn't come to me as much of a shock as I thought, it was like something in my mind and body had expected this, had somehow mentally prepared me for it. On the other hand, I could tell how much this devastated Lando, so much he'd set his mind on quitting F1 to care for me which I had to practically force him not to. 
We had caught it early on and I only needed a few weeks of chemotherapy. Luckily the news came at the end of Lando's season, he would be home and he wouldn't get distracted on track.
Chemo was worse than anyone had ever described to me, it felt like I'd been completely stripped away from my own body and I was miserable but I knew I had to get through it, I tried to keep a smile all the way through it, for Lando, but I knew he could see right through me and he had as many sleepless nights as I did through it all.
Finally the last week of Chemo, everything was better. Lando was certainly brighter than before although I could tell he was still worried, I could see it in his eyes. Every time I'd say I was tired, huff, breath abnormally, or complain about any sort of pain I could tell Lando's heart skipped a beat.
It annoyed me at first because he constantly hovered, but I never said anything and eventually, I understood. I knew that if I was in his shoes I'd be exactly the same and now I found myself wondering whether I'd wished for the right position to be in because even though I was in pain physically...Lando was in pain too, even more than I was...and it broke my heart to see him go through it.
Now I wanted the season to start more than ever so Lando could put his focus and worry somewhere else other than me, and even though I worried that he might have an accident because of all this distraction I knew how much he adored driving and it was what he needed. 
The start of the season went well, not as good as we expected but it was good enough and the boys still had the rest of the season left.
I was with Lando in Monaco for the race, I was so excited about having him race here in Monaco since we'd recently bought our apartment here and we hadn't been able to enjoy it because of my treatments. 
It seemed like things were finally getting back to normal, Lando and I were floating back up in the clouds again and we were finally finding our rhythm again...it was almost too good to be true. 
I was home making dinner for Lando and me, he'd texted he was almost home and I'd decided to make some food for us. The whole day I'd noticed I was particularly exhausted and I kept running out of breath doing simple things. I had just set the table when all of a sudden it felt like my lungs had disappeared.
I dropped to the ground in pain gasping with all my power for some air. I thought I was going to die right there and then all until I heard the door open.
"Y/N!" I heard Lando's panicked scream. "LOVE!"
He pulled me up and turned me towards him, I clutched my chest. "I can't breathe." I wheezed.
"SOMEONE HELP ME!" He screamed out.
And eventually, for me, everything went black.
I woke up on an all too familiar surface. I was in a hospital bed, all sorts of tubes and needles attached to me. I looked for Lando and saw he was outside talking to the doctor, I could see him through the window.
Lando was facing my way while the doctor's back was towards me. I could tell it was a serious conversation and as much as I tried to deny it I knew what was happening. The cancer was back...and this time it wasn't going away.
I saw the anger and pain in Lando's eyes as the doctor spoke to him, he argued. I imagined he kept asking for a solution that simply didn't exist. Lando held his tears in all until he locked eyes with me. I gave him a look letting him know it was okay, I knew and that was enough for him to break down.
The doctor simply patted his shoulder before walking away. Lando walked to the room wiping his tears away as best as he could. Once he came in I could tell he didn't know what to say.
"It's back-" he spoke in barely above a whisper. 
"I know baby." I opened my arms for him and he broke down in tears again. I cried with him, not because of my pain but because of his.
"How long?" I asked him after a few minutes.
Lando kept his head buried in my chest but I could feel him shaking his head.
"Baby how long?" I repeated the question.
His head finally rose up, his eyes were swollen and the tears just kept coming. "They're not sure, he says it could be 6 months or a week." Lando's voice broke at the last words before he buried his face in my chest once more except this time he wrapped his arms around me holding me tightly as if I could slip away at any second.
"I love you..." he wept "I'm so sorry." these last words shattered me.
"I'm sorry too...I love you." I whispered to him as I kissed the top of his head.
"Baby I'm scared-" he whispered into my chest. 
I didn't exactly know how to comfort him, I let Lando cry it out as much as he needed to while I tried to remain strong, I found myself pondering over how I felt, I wasn't scared but I was in pain, and I was so miserable for leaving Lando like this, we definitely didn't have enough time together.
The next morning once Lando had come back into my room with a cup of coffee I decided it was time to talk about the next step. I knew deep down Lando still wanted to push for a cure that simply didn't exist but I also knew I didn't want to spend another second stuck in these hideous grey walls.
"Baby I want to get out here," I spoke. I was prepared for a discussion.
Lando simply looked down and gave a shaky sigh. "I know...and I'll get you out." his lip quivered and I could see tears brimming up in his eyes again.
"You're not going to ask me to stay?" I needed confirmation.
Lando got up and walked over to me, he scooted me over and sat down on the bed. "The day I met you-" he took a deep breath trying to keep himself together. "I made a promise to myself that I would do everything in my power to make you happy no matter what-" a tear slipped down his cheek. "I hope you know that if it was possible I'd take your place right now because seeing you like this..." another tear fell down his cheek. "it's been hell." I placed my hand on his cheek caressing it, I was crying too. "But I know you better than anyone and I know that you're not the kind of person to go out in a hospital room and I know you want to do as much as you can before you-" he stopped himself and his breath hitched. He couldn't say it.
"You're right." I quickly said not wanting him to finish because I could tell how hard it was for him. "I want to spend every second I have left with you, with the people I love, out of here." His lip quivered again as more tears left his eyes.
"Let's go then." Lando got back up starting to pack my things.
The news spread through the F1 world fairly quickly and I was flooded with pitiful messages all over my social media. Lando's friends from work who I'd grown close to didn't know what to say when I showed up in the paddock with them for the Monaco GP. Most of them simply gave me glances that spoke a thousand words.
Carlos, Alex, George, and Charles had all been incapable of holding their tears back as they saw me, giving me a hug that only existed for these situations.
After the Monaco GP, Lando and I found ourselves going to our favorite spots within Monaco, I was tired, so tired and I could feel death inching closer every day but I held on, I held on because...I knew he wasn't ready...I wasn't ready.
One morning I woke up to find Lando had planned a whole day for us and it all started at home. I'd walked to the living room to find Lando had prepared a very scrumptious breakfast. And he'd decorated our balcony with roses and candles.
We walked to it and there Lando got down on one knee, pulling out a small black box, which he opened to reveal a ring. My hands flew up to my mouth, I had always dreamed of this day but certainly not like this.
"My dearest y/n, I've imagined this very day over a thousand times in my head and I've come up with hundreds of speeches for this very occasion but it seems none of them would work for what we're going through now." His voice broke. "You have been the first and only woman in my life I have ever loved, you have been my best friend since day one, you've been my rock, my world, my everything and I simply do not want to spend another day not being able to call you my wife...so y/n, my love will you marry me?" I could tell he sped up the last bit to hold his tears back.
"Yes." I let him slip the ring on my finger before he rose up and we engulfed each other in a deep kiss.
"Propose...check" he pretended to hold a list and checked off the first point making me laugh.
"So what's next my fiancé," I asked him.
"Well, why don't we get going and I'll show you...my fiancé." he gave me another kiss.
Lando took me shopping for a bit before he drove us both back home. I'd noticed something else had been set up and once I walked into our room I found a wedding dress hanging in our closet. I gasped admiring the dress, it was simple but beautiful.
"Pietra helped me pick it out for you, we tried getting a more over-the-top one but apparently you can't just buy dresses like that overnight." he shrugged.
"It's beautiful." you admired the dress.
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"Well you better get dressed, and I'll do the same. I'm going to get dressed somewhere else and when the time comes your driver will be here." he winked.
"Wait what?" I was confused.
"Just be ready in 2 hours...I love you." he gave me a quick peck on the lips before walking out. I got dressed and ready as best as I could with the time I had left, I did a simple hairstyle, partly because I was never good at doing my hair and partly because I barely had the strength to keep my arms up for longer than 3 seconds. 
20 minutes before the 2 hours were up I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and Pietra, Alexandra, Lily, and Carmen were all standing there in matching dresses. You looked at them confused but on the brink of tears because of how beautiful they looked.  "Did I die already?" I joked, and they laughed but I could tell the thought pained them. 
"You look beautiful." P had to pat her eyes as she looked at me. I had naturally grown closest to her because of the brotherhood between Max and Lando. 
"Thank you for doing this?" I had to hold my tears back too. 
"Let's go." Alex and Lily extended their hands out for me and I took them walking out with them. We walked downstairs and Carlos was waiting in an Aston Martin DB6 Volante, that had been decorated with white flowers. 
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We arrive at the beach to find it prepared for a ceremony, all of Lando's friends from the paddock and his friends from Quadrant were there, as well as both our parents. I just about started crying there and then. 
I got out of the car and Carlos stood there offering me his arm guiding me to one end of the carpet that had been rolled out. I saw Lando at the other end and tears quickly brimmed my eyes. As soon as he laid eyes on me it didn't take him half a second before he started crying too, Max Fewtrell quickly stepped in to hand him a handkerchief even though he was shedding a few tears too.
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Without You by Harry Nilson started playing, and it was enough for me to let my tears run free. Carmen handed me a bouquet of roses and I began walking down the aisle, and for some reason, all my strength seemed to leave me right there and then. 
I stumbled causing everyone to try to jump forward to grab me, My mom caught me, I could see the concern and the pain in her eyes but she also understood I needed to keep going. She wrapped her arm around my waist and helped me down the aisle. 
And now it's only fair that I should let you know what you should know...I can't live, if living is without you...I can't live, I can't give anymore. 
The song reached this part just as I reached him, he wrapped his arms around me, letting his forehead rest on mine. 
"You look beautiful." he sniffled. 
I placed my hand on his cheek before placing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "Let's get married," I whispered to him. 
The ceremony was short, Lando had wanted to arrive at the vows quickly and once we did he pulled out a sheet of paper, a tear was already rolling down his cheek. 
"My best friend, my rock, my first love, my only love, my life, my world, my everything, these words don't come remotely close to describing what you are to me. I hope you know I consider myself the luckiest man on earth to have met you, to have loved you, to have cared for you, and to have married you-" he chocked up. "But although I thought it was impossible...as much as I feel the luckiest man...I feel the unluckiest too." he looked up to meet my eyes completely distraught. "It's unfair the world is taking you away from me when our love story has only just begun, all the dreams, all the plans, all the promises I have yet to fulfill to you will stay here while you will go." he gulped down, he had a knot in his throat. "I will cherish, love, and protect you for the rest of the time we have left together, I will continue bringing you flowers every weekend, I'll wake you up with kisses in the morning, I'll make you smile and laugh every day, and most importantly I will, with all my power, do my best to keep you happy." he finished. 
I leaned forward giving him a long kiss on the cheek, now it was my turn and since this was all unexpected I hadn't prepared anything but already had enough to say. 
"My Lando...you have made me the happiest woman on earth since the day I met you. You are the most loyal, hardworking, loving, fun man I have ever known and I consider myself the luckiest woman on earth to have fallen in love with you. And the luckiest woman for you will be the first, last, and only man I will ever love." Lando's lips quivered as I said those words, a sob escaping his lips. "I will forever be sorry that we didn't get more time together, that I couldn't give you what we had so long hoped for, a life, kids, to grow old together." I cleared my throat having to compose myself. "I wish there was more I could do to keep you happy in the time I have left my darling, I can't promise you much, but I promise that I will love you with every fiber of my body and soul until my last breath." I ended. 
We were pronounced husband and wife and Lando pulled me in for a long deep kiss, mixed with both our tears. 
It was the most perfect day of my life, surrounded by so much love from our families and friends, surrounded by so much happiness. Once the moon was out and the tide started rising things started getting packed up but Lando and I decided to take a walk along the beach. 
We walked in silence, simply appreciating and cherishing each other's company. Once we were nearing the end of the beach I had to speak about what was on my mind. 
"Lando." I started. 
"No." he immediately replied. 
"Baby-" I was going to keep going. 
"I know what you're going to say and you can't ask me that-" he spoke softly but I could hear the anger and hurt in his voice. 
"Lando listen to me please-" I stopped making Lando turn to me. He looked down and he was crying silent tears. "After I'm gone I need you to promise me you will keep going no matter how hard or painful it is...I want you to give your career 1000% percent like you always have...and someday whenever you're ready I want you to find someone who will make you happy, who will take care of you, who you will fall in love with and start a family with-" I spoke clearly, this was a thought I'd head since the first time I'd found out I was sick. 
"No, I can't." He replied sniffling. 
"Yes you can and you will," I assured him. 
"How will I ever love someone as I love you..." he locked eyes with me. 
"I'm not asking you to love someone as you love me. But you will learn to love again, I just want you to promise you will not shut yourself out, you need to keep going...for me." I walked up to him, wrapping my arms around his neck, with one hand I wiped the tears from under his eyes. 
He looked at me unsure and simply nodded, I knew he didn't mean it right now but it was as much reassurance as I would get from him for now. 
"I'll never find anyone like you." He spoke once we'd started walking back. 
"Maybe not, but you will find someone, there's plenty of women out there Lando, amazing, beautiful, incredibly talented women and I'm sure there's someone else for you." the mood had livened up a little bit. 
The next morning I woke up...she didn't. She'd passed in her sleep, in my arms. A smile was still on her lips. I knew she was gone but I still tried to wake her, I still needed her to wake up.
I was inconsolable for months after her death, and my friends and my family had to help me back to my feet. Literally, because it was as though all my strength, all my will to live had died with her that day.
"She made me promise her that I would find someone else, that I'd fall in love again." I stifled a laugh remembering our walk at the beach. 
"She sounds like an amazing woman." She commented. She had a very genuine smile. 
"She was...I never met anyone like her." I sighed, that ache in my heart was still very present but bearable now.
Bonus A/N: 
If it serves as any consolation I cried my eyes out writing this story. . 
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pookietv · 2 months
silly and trivial | arthurtv
i am usually awful at writing arguments but trying it out to hopefully get better! (but because deep down i'm a softie, all ends well)
george alt of the same scenario will come soon!!
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arguments were no ones favourite thing, that was obvious.
but being stood in a stand off with arthur over something so simply resolved, so trivial as whose turn it was to do the fucking washing? you two had gone into some frenzy.
entering your shared apartment to dishes not being done was about the last thing you had needed on this particularly shitty day, and walking into your kitchen to see the grown pile, you raised a frustrated eyebrow at arthur.
"what?" he asked, his tone not too moody but definitely with a certain tone to it.
"you haven't done the dishes, still," you said, voice quiet but with a slight tinge of accusatory remark.
"you're being a tad dramatic, it's a couple of days worth," he rolled his eyes slightly, looking you in the eyes for a moment, his hair slightly messy and his stubble a little overgrown. you had both been overworked, that much was obvious.
"arthur i'm just sick of being the only one doing it! you literally have not done a load of washing in fucking weeks," you said frustratedly, your hands slipped in your own hair and fighting the urge to tear it from your head.
you both knew this wasn't really about washing - you hadn't seen eachother much, you had both been busy and tired and not enough communication had happened, which led to this - a cut throat argument about dirty dishes.
"i've barely been here! you're overreacting here, stop being ridiculous!" arthur bit back, and your eyes narrowed a little.
"oh, i'm overreacting? how am i possibly supposed to cook for us when there's nothing here!" you said, swallowing slightly, biting the inside of your cheek gently
"i've been busy! it's not easy to juggle everything you know," he paused, breath slightly bated, "look, we can just order in tonight an-" he said, before you cut him off with a wave of argument.
"we've ordered in four nights this week already, arthur. you're trying to temp fix a bigger issue here - i just want to be able to come home and cook the meal i planned to cook, without having to worry about if you have pulled your weight around the house!" you said, your lip slightly curled into a pouted snarl.
arthur hissed back, "you're being fucking ridiculous, it's dishes! stop being so fucking stubborn," he said, his voice raised louder than either of you had spoke this argument - sure, you were being bitchy and petty to each other, but his pointed and raised voice made your eyes widen a little and your head turning to the ground, biting a lip to try and stop your eyes from going misty, you hadn't heard that tone from arthur, ever. he was the most gentle and considerate guy you knew, so to hear such a asserted and snappy thing from him stung that little bit more.
hearing a slight gasp from him, like even he was surprised he had snapped at you like that, he stepped a little closer, "listen, i-i didn't me-"
"don't start shouting at me," you murmured, cutting him off. "i'm gonna go in the shower."
arthur's eyes widened a little "please don't walk away, i was being a dick, didn't mean to snap, sweetheart, i jus-"
"i just wanna go in the shower right now," you said, turning your heel slightly to try and hide your face, clearly betraying the hurt as you heard arthur sigh to himself as you left the room, the bathroom door signalling you were gone.
once you were in the bathroom, you instantly turned the shower on, the steam filling the room as you allowed your eyes to go slightly clouded, wiping them off with the sleeve of your shirt. you had no intentions to shower, but you just needed five minutes to gather yourself and not let arthur see you cry.
you felt so silly, was this something you should be crying over? sure, he snapped and he was being unkind, but you felt so childish, crying because you got shouted at.
after a couple minutes, you heard a soft knock on the door, before a more mellowed arthur, his voice soft and dejected, completely contrasted from before, "lovie? please, can hear you're upset from out here. i didn't mean to snap, i'm sorry, that was completely my fault. fighting with you is the last thing i want, i swear. i think we're just arguing 'cause we've been so busy lately, barely seen each other. we can sit down and have a talk about chores, if thats what you need. i don't want to make things harder for you, i'm supposed to make them easier, to help you." you heard him drabble on, and once he paused to take a breath, you cracked open the door slowly, facing him with a slightly red face, tears wiped from your face and a softened but still hurt expression.
"c'mere, i'm sorry," he said, arms wrapping around you easily, one hand going to the back of your head and stroking gently, "i was being a dick,"
you let out a slight soft laugh into his jumper, still a little sniffly, "i probably didn't help, i was being a bitch about something so trivial,"
"no, you're right, i haven't helped enough," he said gently.
you pulled slightly away from him for a moment, "think you're right, we were just getting snappy and short 'cause we're both tired, and have barely seen each other, seems silly 'cause we live together but we've seen each other without really seeing each other for a while, you know?" you said softly, and he nodded, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
"i know what you mean. what would you rather do, we can order in or if you'd rather cook the pasta you've been craving i'll do the dishes now and we can cook together and chill out?" he offered gently, and you tilted your head a little.
"i can make the pasta. we haven't ate a proper meal together in a while." you said with a soft smile, "you wash and i'll dry?" you offered, and he nodded his head reassuringly.
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ashen-char · 2 months
needy 🔞
ship: max fox (better things) x gender neutral reader (insomuch as the reader uses a strap but there are no references to your gender identity/expression)
warnings: explicit smut, strap-on sex
summary: after you two talk about your sex life, your girlfriend has been even needier than usual. she wants you to strap her down.
word count: 2700+
notes: written as a continuation from you like that? 🔞 but can be read on its own. requested here
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You can feel Max's stare on you. She’s lying on your bed, having flopped down right after walking in, moaning about how beat she was from work. Max likes to stride right in like she owns the place, flexing that you gave her a set of keys and that she can do whatever she likes. She's a cutie like that.
Being a hostess means a lot of standing around in heels and running all over the place to keep the tables in her section happy. Big smiles and being polite all the time - Max was great at it, but it wasn't for you.
You were at your desk, busy on your computer when she came in. She said she didn’t want to bother you, so you let her relax. Told her to kick her heels off and change into something more comfy. But now, it’s clear she wants your attention.
"What's up?" you ask, swirling your desk chair over to look at her.
A smile comes to your lips. Max had taken your invitation to make herself at home very literally, stealing one of your hoodies and sweats while her dress is now a crumpled mess on your bedroom floor. The oversized look works on her, making your girlfriend look all cozy and sweet.
"This is so sick," Max complains from her spot in your sheets. "I came over to be loved and this is what I get. Ignored. Neglected."
In a huff, Max grabs one of your pillows and hugs it tight, until her face is burrowed in it. She snuggles up to like it's an imperfect stand-in for you, with only half of your scent and your comfort. Because you're being so mean right now by being on the other side of the room. It's playful, but you know there's truth to it. After your very heated, very spicy discussion about what you two enjoy in bed last week - namely, that you like when Max tells you want to do - Max has gotten better at telling you what she needs. And right now, she needs attention.
It's a slow process. Learning that she can ask for anything in this relationship is one thing, but being encouraged to be outspoken is another. Max has loved leaning into it. She likes to interrupt your conversations for a quick 'kiss me' before going straight back into listening to you.
"Oh no. Whatever shall we do?" you tease.
To your sarcasm, Max lifts her head from the pillow and rolls her eyes at you. Max shifts, her impatience palpable. With a pout, she holds her arms up. "Give me love. Now."
And how could you refuse that? Shutting your laptop lid with a satisfying click, you make your way over to her. She grabs your hips the instant you're close enough, because to her, you're never close enough. She leans in and plants a passionate kiss to your mouth, clumsy, desperate, a needy motion that tells you how much she missed you.
Breaking the kiss, Max murmurs, "I've been thinking about what you said." When she pulls back, her big brown eyes peer into yours like she's waiting for a reaction.
"Uh, what thing specifically?" You let Max lead you into your bed. Joining her in your sheets, you can't help but laugh when she crawls onto you and wraps her arms around your neck.
"Well," Max says, shifting from her spot on your lap, but whether it's embarrassment or impatience you can't tell, "I'm talking about that thing about how you feel good when I feel good. That you'd be willing to, uh, be a bit rougher if I like it."
Right. You could tell your discussion last week affected Max - she was so wet on your fingers and tongue that night. No doubt your promise to give in to Max's pleasure-pain kink drove the girl crazy. It's not like you didn't know beforehand. She screamed and whined the prettiest when you got aggressive.
"Yeah, I remember. I've been trying," you say with a nod. When her eyes dart down, sheepish, you tilt her head back up so Max can look at you. "And what's the verdict? Has it been good, bad, not enough?"
"Good. Very good." Max nods to herself at that. "You don't need to worry about that."
You can tell just what memory she's thinking about when she grabs at the sheets and balls it up in her fists. Last night, you had Max sprawled across your bed, her legs draped over your shoulders. Head buried between them. Just working over her clit hungrily, lapping up her juices. Her hands were tangled in your hair the way she's wringing the sheets now, guiding your movements with little moans and groans, telling you just where to bring that tongue. Very good indeed.
"Alright. What did you wanna say about it then, if I don't need to be worried?" you ask eventually, breaking her out of her reverie.
"Well, you know how we bought that strap together last month, but we never had the chance to properly use it?" Max starts. She holds eye contact with you this time, those beautiful big brown eyes of hers staring you down. Maybe even daring you to deny her. "I want you to fuck me with it. Like hard. I've been wanting you to rail me, babe."
You want to. Obviously. And it's clear Max wants you to. "Look, trust me. I've been excited to try it too," you start. But something in you is still all protective and worried, just like the day she convinced you to buy it. It seemed too big. And if you were to go as rough on her as you want to, to dick her down properly? You're not sure she can take it. But you hold those words back, knowing Max would throw a fit if you were going too soft on her again. "I just-"
After a beat of you not answering, she tucks her bottom lip between her teeth before whining. "Come onnnn, it'll be fun. Don't tell me you've never thought about it."
"Of course I do!"
Max untangles herself from your hold, and for a second you half-worry she's just going to storm off. But instead, your lovely girlfriend positions herself flirtatiously on your bed, shifting to her hands and knees. "You don't want to hit this?" When she shakes her ass, you have to stifle back a moan.
"Oh come on, that's not fair," you breathe out. 
"No, baby. What's unfair is that I'm not being strapped to oblivion right now," Max retorts, "even though I waited all patiently for a month and I'm asking super nicely!"
It's cute. Only Max would think she's being patient and sweet when she's yelling at you. And you never could say no to Max. At least, not for long. Not when she juts out her bottom lip like that and gives you the puppy dog eyes. So you throw up your hands and stand from your bed.
"Fine, fine. I think I put it somewhere around here anyways," you grumble.
Going to your closet as Max quickly celebrates by herself, rolling around on your bed with that shit-eating grin on her face, you rifle through your stuff. Past the boxes and the messy pile of your clothes. Probably in the underwear drawer where you hide your toys.
You find the harness in your handy backpack, a more reasonably sized dildo still attached to it from last time (already clean! You're not gross!). The new dildo on the other hand, you find tucked deep in the back of one of your drawers. You step into the harness, replacing the old dildo with this new one. The silicone's weight tugs at the back of your hips as you adjusted the straps, not used to one this size. You wonder how Max will handle it. The thought makes you smile and once it's secure, you couldn't hide your eagerness.
"Oh, you're gonna be wrecked, babe," you chuckle from behind the closet door. "This new strap is a baddd idea."
"I love bad ideas," Max tells you. She sits on the edge of the bed, biting her bottom lip with a mix of anticipation and excitement. "Come and take me, baby. I want that huge cock of yours." You can hear the joke in her tone, but the word 'huge' is apt.
Shutting the door, you step out and let Max see what she's in for. It's honestly obscene. You had to switch out the ring of your harness to attach this new bad boy, since the base was too thick. The thickest part of it is the circumference of your wrist. Max's eyes widen. You wonder if she looks more nervous or thrilled. "Jesus."
"Yeah, I know." You move in closer, getting on top of your girlfriend until your breath is hot against her ear. "It's not too late. I could go and switch it for the normal one," you offer.
"Don't you fucking dare." Max playfully spreads her legs, showing off her pretty blue panties. "You know I've been wanting something bigger. It looks so sexy on you too," she whispers. 
You move further onto the bed until you're kneeling between her spread legs.  Taking the silicone in her hand, she grabs it by the base and starts rubbing it against her center. Teasing herself until a wet spot is visible in the fabric.
"Oh, fuck."
You can't tell if the next moan you hear comes out of her, as the engorged head of this thing brushes against her clit, or out of you as you watch her. She's gorgeous. She's filthy.
"I want this in me. Now." Max grips it and you tense up for a while like you were expecting to feel it. "So lay down. I'm gonna ride you."
"Your wish is my command," you say, doing just that.
You think you can hear Max's heart racing. You can feel her eyes staring down the massive equipment you've got on, lip tucked between her teeth, like she finds it so mind-numbingly sexy that you're gonna dick her down with something this ridiculous.
You tug her panties, soaked now after all that rubbing, and tuck it to the side, exposing her glistening pussy. God, you want to lick her out until she's begging for mercy. But that's not what Max asked for. Not today.
"You need to relax for this, baby," you instruct. Grabbing the bottle of lube beside your bed, you smear a healthy dollop on the head and along the shaft. "Go slow. Just to start, at least."
Max's eyes flit up to meet yours. You catch the slightest bit of protest, knowing Max was going to complain that you were being soft on her again. But your eyes tell her that you're serious, so she lets it go.
The tip presses against her entrance, parting her swollen folds. "Fuck...!" Max's eyes squeeze shut, her body trembling, her hand instantly reaching out and grabbing your hip.
With a shaky breath to collect herself, Max slowly starts pushing herself onto it. You watch as the head - your head, your strap, your cock - breaches her slowly but surely. Her nails dig into your skin, as the thickness stretches her.
It's never been this slow to start before. Usually, you could get right down to business, sliding your strap in to the hilt and making Max squeal. This has a different appeal. The way her body reluctantly, but still oh so needily, takes you in, shows every bit of your girl's greediness. It probably burns. Aches. But her pupils are so blown out due to her arousal that you know Max can't feel it, that she's adoring being stretched. A part of you wants to jerk your hips up and split her open. You know she'd fucking love that. But it's your job to be the reasonable one.
"You're so wet," you whisper.
Max lets out a shaky moan, a needy pathetic thing, her hands grasping onto you as she adjusts to the new sensation. She's taken the whole head now, and a little of the shaft. There's so much left to go and there's already a slight bulge in her tummy. "Shitttt, baby. 'm gonna cry," she tells you.
Your hands go to her shirt, grabbing her, pulling her down until your lips capture hers. You can't take it when she's like that. You hate when she sounds hurt, your instincts telling you to remind her she can stop. Max sounds like she's loving it. Your greedy girl shifts, taking more, sobbing.
All you can do to support her is to hold her waist, guiding her. Eventually, after what feels like fucking hours, the full length of the dildo is nestled inside her, filling Max completely. You want to give her a break, a kiss as congratulations, to tell her you're proud of her or something. God, you don't know. You feel completely out of your mind right now and you can't even imagine how Max must be feeling. Max does the opposite. She grinds and rubs up against you, like she's whining that you're already hilted all the way inside her.
"Is it good?" you ask.
Max's eyes flutter open, meeting your gaze. A look of pure pleasure and contentment washes over her pretty features, her big brown eyes looking blissed out. "So good. Very good."  With a grateful smile, she nods to you, indicating her readiness to continue. "Hurry up and fuck me."
You lean in, nipping at Max's neck before starting a slow rhythm. You want to let Max's body adapt, after all, and you're hoping the bite will make her wait a little longer before she asks you to speed up.
From your hips, her fingers slide down to your ass, gripping you there as if willing you to thrust up into her harder. You oblige. As you start to put in the hip work, you know you're doing well when Max moans softly into your mouth and she arches into your touch. Her soft breasts press against yours.
"A-ah." A broken moan. A twitch. Max is enjoying this more than she usually does. "You're so big," she tells you in a breathless whisper.
"You're the one that chose the size," you remind. "Can't take it?"
Max shakes her head and starts to move her hips of her own volition. "No, I love it. Don't stop."
Going beyond meeting each thrust with her hips now, Max makes good on your word and starts riding you. She just couldn't help but take control, going from rocking her hips with yours in sync to grinding against your lap. It makes the bit of the strap that rubs up against you provide more friction, something you were sorely needing. You watch as every time you hilt in her, a bulge protrudes out, and you can't help but think about how you're rearranging her guts right now. How Max's body is accommodating you so well even with the dildo's size, that she needs your dick so much she'll go through the pain for it.
"I-I love you," she mumbles between kisses, the words slurred. "Oh, fuck."
Max's fingers make their way to her clit, rubbing in small furious circles as she rode the large dildo to oblivion. You can see the telltale signs. Her body quivers, the rubbing at her clit getting more insistent. You don't even need the "I'm close!" that escapes Max's lips, already prepared for when she gasps and her pussy clenches around you. You can basically feel it. She's clenching you, not some cheap silicone, milking your cock for all you've got.
"That's it, baby," you say. "I'm here." You let her ride out her orgasm, shoving your cock up into her in time with her shaking, biting and kissing and biting her neck some more. You can feel the waves and waves of ecstasy wracking her body. Grinding your hips against Max, you intensify the experience for both of you.
And finally, when the tremors subside, Max collapses onto your body, panting heavily against your chest. You slip the strap out of her, making Max make a small whimper of protest. "I love you too," you tell her.
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thelordfool · 7 months
Long story short: I'm unemployed and will not, unlike what I originally thought, qualify for unemployment benefits.
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Please read the readmore for additional context on why I'm unemployed. This post is basically a continuation/update/redo of this post. I'm suffering a sickness with no medicine the past week, applied for almost 100 jobs the last two weeks, am disabled/queer/nonbinary/tired of ebegging. I'm also in the negatives in my bank account because my car payment came out, so I need to get that covered.
i need at least $511.51 of this by the first. please spread if you're financially unable to help, every person this reaches helps! here's the breakdown of the costs: $640 - car payment + late fees $380 - rent $131.51 - negative amount in bank currently
Oh hey thanks for stopping by to read this annoying tale of woe and being angry at capitalism. Prepare for wall of text.
I once had two jobs. The first job, at a chain restaurant, was a bit of a clique-y experience where I was working my damndest to be the best bartender they ever had. I still have all the cocktails memorized. However, I continually faced discrimination in the form of severe misgendering, no matter how often I corrected them. I was also set up for failure. Usually, when someone gets hired for a position, there's some amount of training to be done, no matter how experienced they are, right? I was going in nearly entirely inexperienced into the role. I knew how to make cocktails, sure, and was and still am very good with people and selling. But I was trained for two days. Two. Then, on my first night alone (a Friday), I was watched by one of the bigwigs at corporate who saw every little flub and failure. This caused a demotion-ish. I was demoted to barback but was allowed the same privileges. Until their next visit. That upset the hell out of me - I was well trained by that point and could do it all, with one hand tied behind my back. I digress. It was about 2 months following my demotion when i finally walked out. A new bartender had been hired and she thought I was being a total creep by looking at a ticket that had just come in. She stormed off to report me to the manager who, even after hearing my side where I had asked her if there was anything on the ticket that I could grab, said that I "needed to communicate better," and "you should be learning from her," and "you're a grown man, you should know better." I don't think I need to explain why that was so upsetting.
But I didn't report them, because I just wanted to be done with it. I was also working another bartending job, and everythign was literally perfect other than the hours, honestly. I loved the product the distillery made, I loved the people I worked with, and most of all: I had my own regulars. Last month, they hired a new hospitality director, who announced there would be some restructuring, including getting rid of servers while also making a full dinner menu to serve alongside drinks. I said nothing of it, despite my disagreements, and she assured us all that no one would lose their jobs, but just moved into different roles. We all kinda grumbled about it, and I told her that under no circumstances would I work back of house. Easy peasy. Till it wasn't, and I came home to a voicemail while on break with my partner that I'd been let go due to the restructuring. So much for no one losing their jobs, right? I hadn't been the only victim of this. I have my suspicions as to why the new hospitality director did these things, but I've no energy to throw around conspiracies. All I know is that I was shafted by both of these places and I'm tired of being broke. I'm applying, still going to fight, and... sigh.
tl;dr (why did you click the readmore?): i left a job due to discrimination and lost another due to company restructuring and i'm tired and sad and aaaaa.
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nwjws · 11 months
while you were sleeping - pjs
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; PAIRING - jay x gn!reader
; SYNOPSIS - in which you’ve had the same album on repeat, unable to get it out of your mind. just like how jay, your roommate, can’t seem to get you out of his.
; WC - 1.4k (minus the lyrics)
; TAGS - college roommates au, fluff, from jay's pov, based off laufey's 'while you were sleeping' ; WARNINGS - not proofread
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i still can't believe that you noticed me
mindlessly scrolling on your phone, you patiently wait for your roommate, park jay, to finish cooking up some breakfast. a comfortable silence has settled between you two, with the only sounds being the sizzling oil on the pan and your humming.
"you've been listening to the same 14 songs for the past week."
"what?" you ask, looking up at him. you stare at his back, broad shoulders exposed by his tank top.
he turns his head to look back at you over his shoulder, raising a perfect eyebrow. you realise then what he's saying.
laufey had released a new album last week, and you literally haven't played any other song outside of it since it dropped. you can feel jay judging you, but you just shrug at him. you were definitely not stopping.
"so what if i've had bewitched on repeat? can you deny that they're good?" you challenged him.
"no, of course not," he chuckled to himself, turning back to the pan. "i'm just surprised you haven't gotten sick of it yet."
"i would never get sick of laufey," you say with mock offence.
"alright, then," he said with a teasing undertone.
you wanted to retort, but he placed a plate in front of you, making you forget what you were going to say.
"hey, you have a later clinical today, right?" he asked as you two dug in.
"take the box i left in the fridge with you before you go then. its some extra lunch i made so you'd have enough energy to get through the day."
"thank you," you say appreciatively. "you really don't have to do that every time i have a heavier day."
"well, if i have time to, then i don't see why i shouldn't."
"what about you? what are you doing today?"
"my professor cancelled class today, so i'll go check out if i can bother heeseung or jake."
"i'll pray for whichever victim you choose, then," you joke.
"maybe i won't make you extra lunch next time," he pouted playfully.
"no, no. those actually really help me. god knows if i didn't score you as my roommate, i would have passed out several times by now."
"grateful to be of service"
after breakfast, jay lounges around the apartment as you're getting ready. some show plays on the tv, but it doesn't drown out the sound of must be love playing from your speakers.
you shout your leaving when you exit the shared apartment, and jay wishes you a good day. he watches you close the door, leaving him completely alone.
i'll never forget the first time i saw you then
when he drives to the shopping centre with jake later that day, he pauses mid-sentence when he realises something.
"is everything good?" his friend asks.
"yeah, i just recognised the song playing."
"really? you listen to from the start by laufey?" jake asks. he had decided to connect his phone to jay's carplay, and had been in the one in control of the playlist.
"not really, but my roommate does."
"y/n? that's pretty cool. they've got good music taste," he replies.
"they've had her newest album on repeat since she dropped it," jay laughs, eyes on the road.
"do you find that annoying?"
"of course not, it's funny seeing them prance around the apartment, belting their heart out," he laughs at a memory of you singing at the top of your lungs. "i guess i'm more of a second-hand listener now? if that's even a thing."
"probably," jake shrugs.
a light pink bouquet, a promise you'll stay and i start to believe
the two had decided to eat out at wagamama's first, before anything else.
"i think i'll get the pad thai," tells the waitor, who nods and notes it on his ipad.
"hm, i'm feeling like trying the grilled chicken ramen," jay says. "oh, could i also get the miso mixed vegetable salad to-go?"
"sure," the waitor replies. he pockets the small device in his apron, and leaves for the kitchen.
"you ordered another meal?" the younger asks curiously.
"me and y/n go here often. of course, i had to get them something. usually, they'll go for the typical miso salad, or some curry, but they've decided they wanted to try being vegan recently. so i got the vegan one," jay explains nonchalantly.
"wow, you really care a lot about them, huh?"
"of course, we're sharing the rent, after all. have to be a good roommate, otherwise they'll leave and i'll have to pay the bills on my own."
"maybe i should get a roommate," jake chuckles. "but i don't think i'd be able to get someone like you."
"i'd feel sorry for whoever ends up with you," jay teases him. "and anyway, they're a good roommate. they do the laundry for the both of us, and we usually spend the weekends cleaning together."
"you guys are so lucky," is all jake says.
i don't recognise myself ; who've i become?
jake dragged jay into their third clothing shop that day, despite jay's protests. in self-defence, jake whines about needing some new shoes.
"don't you have like, thirty pairs? what could you possibly need another one for?"
"actually, i only have twenty-eight. and i need one for graduation, of course."
"right, because none of your almost-thirty pairs suffice," jay rolls his eyes.
"don't act like you dont have seventy pairs of the same polo shirt."
"i don't!"
"i've seen your closet, don't lie to me."
jay sighs and leaves jake to wander around the shop on his own.
"there you go again, buying another shirt," jake's voice sighs from behind jay fifteen minutes later.
"not for me," jay shakes his head. he turns to show the clothing piece to his friend. "for y/n. this is definitely their style, and it'll fit them so well. they have a pair of shoes that are this exact colour, so it would be good outfit if they sandwhich it with any bottom piece they choose."
"you think a lot about your roommate," jake raises his eyebrow at him.
"i see them all the time, why wouldn't i?" jay asks.
"no, like, you think too much about y/n considering you're 'only roommates'," he says with a quote gesture.
"stop suggesting weird things," jay walks ahead to the counter, leaving jake to follow behind.
"is it really so weird, though? if you like y/n like that?"
jay just ignores him, and pays for the shirt. it's not, he thinks to himself, because it's not a new thought either.
i trace it all back, 3:30 am that night something turned in my heart
"thank you, jay," you hug him when he shows you what he got. "you really need to stop buying me things."
"i can't help it," he smiles. "when i see something that reminds me of you, i just feel like i have to get it."
"with how often you buy me things, i'd say a lot of things remind you of me, huh?"
"seems like it..." he scratches his nape, awkwardly avoiding eye contact with you. thanks jake, he scowls in his mind. now he can't stop thinking about what he said earlier.
you and jay decide to watch a movie the next night, since it was a friday, and neither of you had to be up early the next day.
but jay couldn't focus on the tv when you two were basically cuddling under the shared blanket on the sofa. his skin prickled where his arm hung around your shoulder, and the weight of your head on his made him feel light and airy.
the warmth of your body seeped through your clothes, and brought him immense comfort. your sweet scent filled his nose, subconsciously recognising it to be one of the perfumes he'd bought you.
it was only when the movie ended he realised he hadn't been watching at all. and neither were you, if your light snores were any indication.
he huffed amusedly to himself, and shifted on the sofa to get you two in a more comfortable position, actually lying down. reaching for the remote, he carefully switched off the tv, leaving the only source of light to be a soft, warm yellow coming from a corner lamp.
jay stared at your features, illuminated by the dim light. he realised right then, in the comfort of your arms, far into the night, what he felt for you.
while you were sleeping, i fell in love.
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; AUTHOR'S CORNER! do u guys ever feel like throwing up at your own work? ALSO THANK YOU FOR 200 this is my offer of thanks 🤭
; TAGLIST - @lovelovelovebts @miyseung @babyy-bambii
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AITA for being too close to my childhood best friend?
(This is so long I'm so sorry, there's just a fair bit of info.)
Me (22F) and Jake (23F) grew up together. Our mothers were friends for years and got pregnant around the same time, and we've basically been side by side our whole lives. We consider each other platonic soulmates and siblings.
Jake has had a girlfriend (Lucy, 23F) for the last seven months. I really like Lucy, she's so funny, so interesting, and she clearly makes Jake happy. There's been one or two awkward moments between us, but its never been anything that lingered or caused problems.
Now I know how people generally act/think about "the girl best friend" so when Jake said he was thinking of asking Lucy out, I made sure to back off a bit. Instead of having a brate (bro date, just hanging out doing something like bowling, Maccas, movie theatre, ect) once a week I said we should have one once a month, I don't call him just to hang on the phone together anymore, I make sure to not message at all on the days I know they have dates planned, ect.
I've really, really done my best to not get in the way, to make sure Lucy knows he really is just my brother, and I've tried to give them both space as someone who is not involved in their relationship.
I thought I was doing really well because its never really come up until this week. It was Jake and I's brate day and we decided to go to the mall so I could shop for clothes and he could get the slushies he likes there. Lucy knew where we'd be, and "happened" to show up, which was fine. Like I said, I like hanging out with her, and I actually thought it was cool I could get another girl's opinion on my outfit.
Jake decided to try on some clothes too while he was there and it turned into something of a mini fashion show of both of us showing off our possible choices. Lucy seemed to alternate between really having fun and going quiet. She refused to try on any herself but grinning and laughing while Jake and I were, and while we were taking turns playfully hyping each other up.
Jake tried on a pair of jeans and I was teasing him and said "damn dude, look at all that ass" trying to make him embarrassed. This was when Lucy muttered something I didn't quite hear, and politely suggested I should leave. Both Jake and I were really confused and taken aback and Lucy kind of shrugged and said things like this were things couples should do, and it was really inappropriate of me to make a sexual comment about her boyfriend while she was right there.
I didn't want to make a scene so I said I'd go, but Jake argued back and said it was clearly just joking around and he's sick of her getting upset at literally anything I do, or he does with me, which was surprising because it was the first I heard that she's had actual complaints.
We all wound up sitting down in the food court to talk and Lucy basically said that she's growing more and more uncomfortable with how close Jake and I are as her and Jake get closer, even though Jake and I's interactions have drastically dropped since they started dating. She thinks its weird we have friendship bracelets (our families went on a double vacation when we were 14 and me and Jake bought those cheap seaside shell bracelets in matching colors, that's literally it) and we hang out alone once a month (even though she's been invited multiple times and always refuses) and she thinks its even weirder than our families are so close and call us siblings.
I won't lie, it killed me inside, but I offered to back off entirely and only be around Jake in group settings, if at all, but Jake cut in and said that wasn't a compromise he was willing to make, and asked Lucy to talk more in private. They left together and trying to be respectful, I haven't reached out at all to either of them while they talk it through.
Jake's mom came over today to hang out with mine, and wound up telling me the last few days Jake has been stressed out, miserable, and isn't sure about staying with Lucy. She said it was a shame because Lucy seemed so nice, but she also said she was proud of him because I was family and Lucy's insecurity wasn't reasonable.
It made me feel sad and like I was hurting Jake by interfering with his relationship again, so I asked some of my online friends from a game I play and the opinion was kind of split. They all agreed I've never spoken about Jake in a way that hinted I liked him, but also that as girls, they'd feel weird anyway about knowing their boyfriend had this close bond with another girl, and they'd be wondering what the future would look like and if our friendship would get in the way of choices like moving, starting a family.
Now I feel completely lost and honestly a little scared of both losing Jake and apparently ruining his life by being so close to him. None of the rest of our IRL friend group has ever brought anything up about it, and I don't know if this is Lucy being jealous or if this is my fault.
What are these acronyms?
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headcannons for Apollo and Meg after all the books beacuse all I've been doing for the past days are spinning these scrunkly guys around in my head at terminal velocity <3
- Meg always carries a pack of sunflower seeds with her when she goes to school.
- Whenever Meg takes ancient history and they cover Greece, she manages the worst grade beacuse Apollo tells her facts that the book literally dosent know and he thinks it's blasphemy that's she's failing.
- Apollo will literally never shut up about his kids now. he hears literally the smallest detail that reminds him of them and he talks for hours about them
- Artemis is around Apollo a lot more, and she's definitely more protective/worried about him. Apollo likes the extra time he gets with her.
- Apollo returned Paolo's bandanna, but definitely not before finding one for himself. he wears it everywhere, Artemis has tried to burn it like 20 times, but somehow it always returns to Apollo in one piece.
- Apollo cannot physically hear or look anything in a shakesperian accent without wanting to commit mass destruction/cry
- Meg never gets sunburnt. like ever. plus, her crops always manage to get the right balance of sun without her help.
- One day, Meg manages to teleport directly to Apollo. As it turns out, since Apollo got himself up out of Chaos, no one ever really broke the master/servant bond. Apollo conveniently does not mention this until the last moment possible, beacuse he likes feeling connected to Meg, even when he's away.
- Apollo kept his scars. In doing so, older scars seem to pop up, that he was definitely sure he didn't get while he was mortal. They cover his body, and he can't seem to get rid of them without the ones he got while being mortal going away too. So, he hides them, and only shows off the ones he got as a mortal.
- Apollo is allowed to visit Rachel, beacuse he wants to prevent something like Python from happening to his oracles again.Zeus buys this, but only beacuse he weighs in with Athena first. Athena was totally not bribed into this by Apollo with actual intellectual discussions, no sir.
- On a totally unrelated note, he tries to connect with Athena more. They have little discussions about different topics every week or two.
- Apollo likes trying to connect with all his Olympian family. He realizes that they all suffered under Zeus, and if they are closer, like an actual family, maybe it will lessen the blows.
- Meg somehow never gets sick. it is both a blessing and a curse, since she always has to care for her siblings when they are sick
- For some odd, very mysterious reason, whenever Apollo visits Rachel, his kids or Meg are ever-present, and after he visits for some time (some days he visits longer, others it is shorter) they just pop in. weird, but since he's here visiting his Pythia, and technically not his kids, Zeus isn't gonna pay that much attention to mortals
- Since Apollo's sacred animal (one of them, anyway) is a red cow, it's totally not far fetched that it falls within his duties to check on the herd at the Waystation. After all, what God wouldn't check on their sacred animal! some mortals might mistreat them, after all!! and since he needs to talk to the owners,, he might as well catch up with them, right?
- Camp Jupiter is totally in need of more renovations, right? and it makes sense that such a devoted group should deserve some kind of reward. plus, since Apollo made the mess with the whole war thing, it makes the most sense for him to go and help! and later, he needs to check that his work is top notch!
- Apollo always visits Meg on Sundays. Technically, he's visiting Herophile, since he needs to check on her too! she's an important oracle! but Meg lives there, so they are bound to run into each other, and it's totally not weird that these meetings take a day (or two) beacuse that's a mere blink in the eye, for a god, anyways.
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urfavouritegirlie · 10 months
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Miles x black fem reader
(Not my image)
Summary - Y/n delivers a textbook to Miles’ house when he forgets it in maths class.
The extra curricular maths class is over. I attended because we have an exam next week. I really don't know why I stayed, I don't think I needed it. It's only a few students that went after school. The teachers words are just gibberish because I'm too tired to listen. The bell rings and everyone immediately starts packing up to leave this place to enjoy their weekend. I'm a bit slow in packing my things making me the last one to leave.
"Oh Y/n!"
I was literally by the doorway when Mrs Williams called me. I put on an award winning fake smile and walk to her desk. She's not buying though.
"You can stop the act."
*Sigh* "Was it that obvious?"
"I'm a black woman too okay. Don't get me started."
We both share a small laugh before she continues talking.
"Mr Morales over here has left his text book. Could you go and give it to him. I'll write his address on this paper. Usually, I wouldn't do this but we have an exam next week and I have a feeling he might need it over the weekend."
She writes it on a piece of paper and hands it to me. I read and it doesn't seem too far. Just in the opposite direction I go. I walk outside and start heading in the direction of the address. I really haven't walked here before but it looks pretty lively. There's a basketball court with guys my age playing, music blasting but in an enjoyable way and everyone talking to each other.
I reach the apartment building. I go to press the buzzer but someone was making their way out and held the door for me. I walk inside and up the stairs. I check the paper again to be sure. Third floor. Ok In that moment I realise how awkward this could be. I mean we barely talk. The only time we do is when we are put in groups to work together. Nothing else.
I knock on the door and wait. I can hear a lady talking. Spanish I think. I couldn't hear another person so she must have been on the phone. The locks on the door unlock and the door opens showing a lady in scrubs and an apron on top. The aroma of well seasoned food graces my nose. But that's not the focus.
She looks at me with an eyebrow raised. I think I should introduce myself before I die of awkwardness. I take a peek at her name tag. Rio Morales
"Umm hi Mrs Morales?"
"That's me."
"I'm Y/n and I'm just here to deliver Miles' maths textbook, he forgot it in class and we have an exam next week. Our teacher thought that he might need it so that he can study over the weekend."
She looks me up and down like the security guard at school. All of a sudden I feel like in hiding illegal substances. Her expression changes to a soft one. She's balancing her phone between her ear and shoulder.
"Oh come in."
"Wait but-"
She continues her conversation on the phone and walks to the kitchen. What now? I look at the time on my phone. Its 4:48 and I really should be home by now. I close the door and I peek into the kitchen to where she is. She finishes her conversation on the phone with a 'girl bye, talk to you later'.
She looks at me and I stand up straight. I've been taught by my dad to make a good impression and to respect elders, only when necessary. "I didn't know Miles a 'girl' friend." She did the two finger gesture at the word 'girl'.
"Well we're just classmates really." I give an awkward laugh to sorts ease the tension inside me. "Umm Mrs Morales I really shou-"
"Would you like something to eat. I cooked a lot so there is plenty"
The food she was cooking smelt so good. I haven't smelt something like this since my mom died. My stomach was begging for it but should I really. She has this smile on her face that is so convincing. Why not.
"Let me call home first."
I call and someone picks up the phone.
"Y/n where are you? You should have been home by now. You have me worried sick."
"Yeah, sorry Jay. I had to deliver something to a classmate. His mother offered for me stay for dinner. If that's cool with you."
"A friend? Oh how nice. Sure you can stay over. Don't stay too long though. Ok bye now"
I thought she would be my saving grace but no. Jadyn is my neighbour and is looking after me whilst my dad is out on deployment. She's always telling me that I need to make friends. I do have friends, in LA.
I cut the phone and look at Mrs Morales who has a waiting look on her face. "I can stay over."
"That's good. My husband should be back in a minute and Miles..... where's Miles?"
I take my jacket off and hook it by the door and place my bag in a corner. I take off my shoes and place them to where other shoes are.
"Well since I'm here I can help you. If you don't mind."
"Oh sure. You can set the table for me."
She hands me plates, cutlery and mats. I place them nicely with the fork on the left and the knife on the right. I place the extra mats in the middle for the food. The door opens and this big guy in a cop uniform walks in. I freeze in my spot.
"Hey Jeff, welcome home." Rio goes and hugs him and kiss his cheek. I look away though.
"Hi. Who's this?" He asks looking at me through those dark glasses. I can feel the intense look.
"This is Y/n. Miles friend at school."
Again with the 'friend'. I barely know the boy. We've only had a few interactions at school.
"Nice to meet you Mr Mora-" I had put my hand out to shake his.
"What brings you here." He takes his jacket and hat off to hang it.
Well, that hurt.
"I was just delivering Miles' maths textbook. He had forgotten it in class so I was leaving it here for him because we have an exam next week."
"Oh ok. What do your grades look like?"
"Jeff stop."
"What? I'm just making sure she ain't a bad influence on Miles. Speaking of you don't happen to be keeping Miles later than usual?"
"N-no sir. I'm a straight A student at school."
Now he was inspecting me from head to toe. I know the feeling. My dad did that if he thought I was doing something suspicious or making sure my room was clean. I get put on the spot, especially by people of authority.
"What do your parents do?"
Oh damn. Here we go. I always hate this part. When I tell them they have a look of pity and I don't like it. They start treating me like I'm fragile.
"Umm my mom died when I was a kid." I look down so I don't have to see their faces morph into sorrow. I finally look up and of course they look sorry for me. I give a small smile. "That was many years ago, it doesn't bother me too much." I try to brush it off.
"Oh gosh. I'm so sorry."
"My dad on the other hand is a staff sergeant in the army."
Both their eyes widen. Mrs Morales in amazements and Mr Morales in an "oh crap" kinda look. That the look I always get after telling people my dad is in the army and his rank shocks them. I bet he feels bad for assuming I was a bad kid and intimidating me. At that same time the door opens again revealing Miles.
"Sorry I'm late. I was at the library studying for next weeks maths exam."
We all look at him. This guy is in so much trouble. He looks back and notices me. Lord help this boy.
"Oh Y/n, what are you doing here?" he asks confused.
"Oh you where at the library. Wow Jeff we have a smart and dedicated son right." Rio cheerfully says.
"Oh yeah, I'm very proud. So what topic where you studying?"
"Umm you know algebra, trigonometry and stuff."
"Oh what were you using?"
"My maths textbook."
Lord send an angel to take me now. The sarcasm is so present in the room. How can he not detect it? But at the same time I wanna watch. Both Mr and Mrs Morales give each other an unimpressed look. It's about to go down (insert Kevin Hart voice).
"Ok Mr 'I was at the library' answer this question. How can you study when your maths book is on the table?" His mom asks.
He glances at the table behind me and sees his textbook laying there.
"Y/n here has kindly come to drop your book here since you left it at school. Isn't that so nice of her hmm?" The tone in her voice is so unsettling. I would melt if I was Miles. Caught in a lie. Miles then looks at me. I feel guilty for bringing his book. Wait that ain't right, it's not my fault for the kind gesture.
"Anyway, dinners ready. We'll talk about this later. Y/n is staying over for dinner. She set the table so nicely."
His mom goes back into the kitchen to dish the food. His dad goes to sit at the table and Miles lays his stuff on the sofa in defeat and sits next to his dad. I shuffle to the kitchen to continue helping.
Now we are all seated at the table. His dad at the head of the table, his mom next to him, Miles opposite her and me next to her. But other than that, food looks great. I sit with my hands to my side. I don't want to make the first move.
"Let's say grace shall we."
They each other’s hands. I follow the same suit. I do this with my dad when he's home. His mom starts to pray.
"Lord may you bless this food we are about to eat, bless the people in this house.... even if they attempt to lie. Amen."
Talk about shade. I'm sure the heavens felt that. Now we are eating in silence. It's fine because the food is so delicious.
"So y/n, you said your dad is a staff sergeant. How long has he been in the army?"
I swallow my food and answer the question. "He's been in the army for 22 years now. He's 45 now so he was 23 when he joined."
We eventually finish eating. The conversations flow nicely without any awkwardness. However Miles hasn't said a thing. Kinda forgot he was here.
"Miles clear the plates." Without a word he hurry's to do the dishes. While his mom and dad are talking about their day at work I go to the kitchen to help him out. I grab a dish towel that's on the counter and start drying the dishes.
"Sorry if I got you in trouble."
"It's not your fault, it was for a good reason. I shouldn't have lied in the first place."
"Call me a detective or something but I think you had paint on your face. I don't think your parents noticed."
He pauses and looks at me. He clears his throat and discreetly says "Spray painting."
"Oh word?"
He nods his head and continues with the plates.
"Anyway thanks for bringing my book."
"Don't thank me, it was Mrs Williams' idea. I was just about to head home when she stopped me. Then your mom asked me to stay for dinner. Btw your parents are so intimidating but nice at the same time."
He laughs. He has a cute laugh.
"I think a dad in the army is more intimidating if I say so. I think you had my dad a bit shook. What does your mom do?"
"Uh my mom was a nurse."
"She died when I was a child, too young to remember."
"Oh I'm sorry about that."
"It's ok. Anyway, we've finished now. I have to get going home. It's dark now."
"Thanks for helping out. See you at school then."
We bothwalk to the dinning area. This grabs his parents attention. "Uh I have to get going now. Thanks for the meal Mrs Morales, it was really nice."
"Oh darling, it's fine. Hope to see you again. But it's dark now, I'm sure Jeff can give you a ride."
He happily agrees and gets up to put his jacket on. I put my shoes and jacket on and pick up my bag. I say goodbye to Mis and his mom. I can see Miles say something behind his mom without her noticing. He said 'pray for me'. Oh yeah he's still in trouble. I close the door and walk downstairs with his dad.
I give him the address and it's a silent ride. I'm not complaining though. I open the door and Jadyn is already by the door.
"Y/n it's dark out and....... what have you done?"
She notices the cop behind me.
"Oh this is Miles' dad, he gave me a ride home. You know, my 'friend'.
"Oh well thank you Mr Morales for bringing her home, hope she wasn't any trouble."
"Not at all. It's my son that's in trouble. It was nice to have you y/n."
With that he leaves.
"Miles huh? Sounds like a boy name." She's smirking at me.
"No" I leave for my room before she can say anything else. I jump on bed thinking about today. Today was ok. That interacting with Miles was fun. I'm glad I stayed after all.
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satorubrain · 1 year
I got a little angst request but with a happy ending
So Gojo got this new coworker at work and they have a lot in common so they keep hanging out but they also keep getting way of his and y/n date or alone together. This causes them to fight because Gojo doesn’t believe his new friend is trying to ruin their relationship but then later that day when he at work he overheard his friend talking to her clan and saying her plan is working. Saying Gojo and his so are fighting now and how he basically sick of y/n and would rather have her instead y/n now and all she needs to do now is get him vulnerable enough to sleep with her so she get pregnant with his child. Oh basically saying how easy it was to pretend to be his idea girl and to win him over. So after Gojo learn his new friend intentions and basically lie everything about herself. He is absolutely furious at her and decide to get bad at her for almost ruining his life. You can decide what Gojo does to her. So Gojo go back to y/n and apologise to her and make it up to her.
Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Reader.
Tags: Angst.
Synopsis: Satoru is stupid. Stupid enough that he'd listen to someone random and not you. Do you leave him for that? Yes.
A/N: This is the next part of series Changes. I recommend reading changes first but this can be read as a stand-alone . THERE WILL ALSO BE A NEXT PART!! It'll have fluff so don't worry anon :)
Previous part: Changes.
Next part: Amelioration.
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It's been weeks since you both last talked. You avoided him at all costs. If he took a step forward, you'd walk ten steps away from him. And this co-worker, named Mina, surely helped you stay further away from him by clinging to him, comforting him through the breakup whispering sweet nothings to him and how she is there for Satoru no matter what happens.
You couldn't tolerate listening their conversation anymore. Not only because she's comforting him but also how well she is faking your personality. Unlike you who sincerely were there for your people, Mina simply camouflaged as you to get Gojo Satoru all to herself. Her plan seemed to be working well.
You sigh loudly, getting up and leaving the room. You could care less about Gojo falling in her trap because you genuinely tried and gave your best to save him instead he decided you were the one with fault.
"She must be stressed, poor her" Mina fakes her sympathy towards you.
"Maybe." He curtly responds. Satoru genuinely couldn't comprehend your behaviour. What happened to the y/n who got along with everyone in the school. What happened to the y/n who would never isolate someone? Mina and you were so similar, both of you were kind, sweet and loving yet why did you hate Mina so much? Were you that jealous?
Things only worsened when late at night, in the closed teachers room Mina was complaining, crying, about you. How you have been poisoning everyone's brains and turning everyone against her. "Satoru" she chokes out "Ever since you broke up with y/n, no one has been talking nicely to me. Even a while ago, I saw Nobara and Maki walking with y/n happily until Nobara saw me and was literally glaring down at me. Satoru, I promise I always wished the best for you both- you know me right? I've always just tried to be there for you both!"
"Calm down Mina, y/n isn't the kind of person who would do that. But I'll talk to her about it, okay?" He defends you, thats the least he can do.
"Thank you Satoru!" She exclaims as she hugs him tightly, seeing your belongings from her peripheral, knowing you'd definitely teleport to get them. Mina buries her face in his chest like you would, muffling her sobs like you would've. Satoru can't help but feel soft, Mina is too similar to you and maybe now he's trying to replace the hole you left with her, wrapping his arms around her. "It's nothing" he whispers.
"Oh?" You should've expected this. "Well, sorry for the intrusion. Unfortunately, I won't be able to leave quickly, I need to pack up." you utter, placing the transfer letter envelope on the desk before sitting down on the chair as you start packing up your items in a box.
Gojo pushes her away before gripping your wrists. He could care less about anyone else right now, he needs to stop you right now. "Where are you going, y/n?!" he asks, his voice slightly hoarse.
"Transferring to Kyoto Jujutsu High, where else? And what does it matter to you Gojo?" you pause freeing your wrists from his hold "It's not very nice to be this greedy. Go to Mina, she's going to need your comfort more now" you inform him before turning to Mina "Mina, I have a lot of things I could say to you but none of them are that important. I'll tell you just one thing that I will fucking kill you if you ever dare come near my kids. I promise you even The Gojo Satoru won't be able to stop me." you threaten her, smiling slightly as you see her face become pale. Her body slightly trembles as she tries to hide herself behind Gojo. You think she deserves praise at this point for being so committed to the act.
"Y/N." He yells out of desperation. He thinks he's been stabbed again. You didn't even use his name anymore, you used the family name. Has he really become a stranger to you now? You might've really killed him. "Y/n, just listen to m-"
"There's nothing for me to hear. Goodbye Gojo Satoru." You state, packing the last of your belongings, leaving behind the ones gifted by Satoru which was the majority. Teleporting away to your home with your lightweight baggage without hearing anything he has to say.
It's been a month since you've been gone.
Barely anything has changed between her and Gojo, mainly because how well she pretends to be you. Always wearing the same shade of lipstick you like, the same style of earring you'd wear. Sometimes Gojo might call her by your name accidentally before correcting himself. Mina was creating a perfect illusion. Despite the warning from his colleagues, Gojo paid it no mind- afterall you and Mina were just similar.
It was just a lie he has been telling himself.
"Hm. They've separated as well. Y/n doesn't even wanna see him, so it's only a matter of time till I can baby trap him afterall last night he almost kissed me! But it's still annoying whenever he calls out her name accidentally. Well anyways I'll tell you the details later." she whispers to her friend on the phone call "Hm. Bye"
Listening to the conversation was the last nail in the coffin. He shouldn't have gaslighted himself with the lies he created just because your relationship had reached a rough patch. You both? Similar? He's going to punch himself in the face. You and jealous??? He thinks he deserves to be stabbed for saying that shit. He shouldn't have pushed you away, he shouldn't have been so, so foolish.
"Baby trap me huh? That would've never happened. No matter what you would've never gotten that close to me. Also, it was you who tried to kiss me and not the other way around" He speaks from behind her, taking the phone from her hand before crushing it, with a cold smile on his face. "Listen well, I'll do you one last favour. Leave and never return if you want to live a happy life okay? No don't even think of defending yourself, you're useless in all ways possible."
He rests against the wall, sighing loudly after she leaves. He truly feels defeated. He was supposedly one of the strongest but how did he always seem to lose the people he truly cared about. Particularly this time, he was fully at the fault.
"You're an absolute fucking idiot, I'm sure you know that but aren't you even more persistent?" Shoko curses him while persuading him to still chase after you. "You really should let her beat you up y'know" she jokes around trying to cheer him up.
"Honestly, I deserve it" he agrees although seriously. He'll do anything you ask him to do if it means winning you back.
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Part 3: Amelioration
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lostonehero · 3 months
Tma x mechs
Jonny archivist baby
"Is there a reason you're in my office, Sasha?" Jonny looked up from the statement on his desk.
"I've figured it out." Sasha smirks.
Jonny raised a brow. "Figured out what?"
"Why you suddenly became a dick after the promotion." Sasha hums. "You've fallen hard for Tim and Martin and me, but I'm aromantic, so sorry about that, bud. You're trying to cover your tracks by being a dick and pretending you hate everyone."
Jonny scoffs. "Of course not. I'm perfectly being just here as me and.... have you noticed Martin has a spider collection above his desk?" Jonny sighs. It's only been a few decades. How has he gotten so shit at lying?
Sasha raised a brow. "Jon, come off it." She crosses her arms as Jon sighs. "I'm sure if you talked to them they would be on board."
You're mortal all of you. Is what Jonny wanted to shout, but he couldn't. Even with the metal heart, he was falling hard and fast, weird horror be damned. Maybe he could use the weird horrors to keep them around long. He groans. "You have to be included aromantic or not. You're going to be a part of it, even if it's just sex."
"I'm sure I could arrange something." Sasha finishes her text, and there's a shout from Tim outside Jon's office.
"BLOODY KNEW IT." Tim shouts.
Jonny covers his face. He was screwed.
It's only been three weeks since they tried out the dating thing. He can only recall one other time truly where he was in love, and that was with Tim, not Stoker, but Gunpowder. It didn't end well. They remained friends, but it hurt. Tim blamed him for his eyes, but Carmillia was already dead to their knowledge, and they didn't mean to find him. They tried again a few times, but it was never the same, and everything it just hurt him more. DTTM was the final straw that broke the camels back. He's happier now than he has been for a long time. His crew probably doesn't even care that he's gone.
"Jon?" Martin's soft voice broke him away from the self hatred. "Jon, are you ok?"
Tim hugged Jonny's arm. "What ya thinking about, boss man?"
"We are literally in bed together. Don't call me that." Jonny sighs. "My ex, his name was also Tim. We became friends after but it was never the same yaknow. We were a part of this group like a family. I had a really bad falling out with them. That's how I ended up here." He sighs. "I'm not good at being open."
Martin sighs and moves Jon to his chest. "You feel like with us, you're betraying what you once had."
Tim nods. "Well, I'll be a better Tim." He hums softly. "You still have your memories even if they aren't great."
Jonny tries to hide his face in Martin's chest. "Enough! You're making me soft."
"That's the only thing soft about you. You're way too thin." Tim chuckles.
Jonny whines as Martin traps him in a soft hug. "Stop. I am a vicious man."
Tim smiles, joining the hug. "Mmh, yes, you're so scary."
"Yes, you make the statements come alive. Even if toy think they're fake." Martin smiles.
Jonny was absolutely fucked. He had to figure out how to keep them alive, and he'll be damned if Carmillia got involved. That bitch better stay the fuck away from here. She better be dead.
It took a year for everything to go to shit. A fucking year. Jonny sat in the empty archives. It started when Sasha got bit by a moth of all things. He didn't think moths had mouths. Then she got sick. Elias was being a dick about it, and soon she was coughing up worms and talking about music she could only hear. She disappeared after that, claiming she was sick and he hadn't heard anything.
Next was Tim. He started to get sick and pale, claimed the light hurt. He wore long sleeves and sunglasses inside, but he didn't change mentally he just... physically, he was changing, and he tried to help, but one day, they were walking, and a cars shadow passed by, and he vanished. He mourned with Martin.
Last was Martin he helped get to the bottom of things. These fear gods were changing his loves, but they were supposed to have a choice. He rubbed his burned hand. Martin went to hill top road and didn't come back.
He should have known better. He can't just play pretend like he was some mortal. He wasn't even human. He could feel something wet drip down his cheeks. He was crying so much lately he was fucking pathetic.
A soft knock on the door made Jonny rub his face and sit up. "What is it?"
"Sup boss man." It was Tim he had sharper teeth, and his eyes were pitch black, but it was him.
"T-Tim?" Jonny shot up out of his seat.
"Yeah, it's me." Tim rubs his arm. "I can promise you I didn't want this. I've become some sort of monster, and you deserve to -" he gasps as Jonny knocks him to the floor in a hug.
"Fuck that, monster or not I still love you." Jonny freezes he never spoke those words since....
Tim pulls Jonny into a kiss. "Are you sure?"
Jonny nods. "You have to help me find Martin and Sasha now. Im a monster, too, I think. I got this weird knowing thing. Elias won't tell me anything, but I know he knows more than he lets on. We I know about the fears, and you've become an avatar. So what? I don't care."
"Jon, I could kill you." Tim still wraps his arms around Jonny."
"And?" Jonny scoffs. "A lot can kill me. it doesn't mean it will stick."
"What?" Tim blinks.
"I'll explain later." Jonny gets up, grabbing Tim's hand. "We have to find Martin."
"Jo-Jon, wait." Tim can't really stop as he's pulled along.
It wasn't hard to find Sasha next her apartment complex was condemned due to infestation. It also took no effort to break into.
"Tell me again why you know how to pick locks?" Tim sighs.
"Immortal space pirate, Tim please keep up." Jonny smirks as the door opens.
"Just because you survived being dragged through the dark doesn't mean I believe you." Tim pinched his brow as worms splattered Jonny, and soon enough, he exploded in worms, leaving a metal heart on the floor and a half eaten corpse. "Jesus fucking christ."
"Don't you hear.... oh hi Tim." Sasha waves as she makes her way across the room. "Seems you've been busy following a different song."
"I didn't have a choice in the manner." Tim frowns, staring down at Jon. He pauses, and his eyes widen, and he jumps back.
Jonny suddenly sits up as his skin knits back together. He now has ears that flare out like a cow and horns. His teeth are sharp he has claws and a long tail. "Ok, the first time I died like that."
Sasha blinks, and the swarm pulls away from Jon. "I'm sorry my brood ate you, and you exploded. Not that I'm mad, but how?"
"Immortal space pirate." Tim and Jonny say at the same time.
Jonny brushes himself off. "Aw shit my disguise failed. Anyway, do you know where Martin is? I'm pretty sure you guys aren't fired, and I'm in love, and I'm not giving up just because you're weird horror creatures. I've fucked weirder."
"I have so many questions." Sasha pursed her lips. "Let me get dressed, and I'll help you look."
"I also have questions." Tim pauses for a moment. "I love you too."
A woman answered the door at hill top road. "Archivist."
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, where's Martin?" Jonny crossed his arms.
"Oh, dear archivist mother has plans for him."
"Ew." Jonny scoffs pushing past the woman. "Martin! I don't care what weird creature you've become. I'm not human, so it will be fine."
A confused response from Martin. "I.... what?"
"Martin!" Jonny runs towards the voice, getting caught in a web. "Fuck."
"Hello Annabelle." Sasha waves at the door she looks almost normal minus the moths fluttering around her.
"Mother doesn't want him dead." Annabelle pauses. "What is he hoping to accomplish?"
"True love." Tim dramatically swoons under his umbrella.
"We also warned him not to just run into here but as you can see." Sasha vaguely motions.
"FUCK!" Martin shouts. "WHAT THE FUCK JON?"
"What you act as if this is the first time I've knawed off a limb to get out of something. See, look, it's already growing back." Jonny motions to his newly reformed arm. "Also spider centaur is pretty hot."
Martin pulls Jonny up and kisses him roughly. "You are the weirdest man I've ever met."
"Technically, not a human man." Jonny snickers.
Elias was about to pull his hair out. He had no idea how his new archivist had gotten his assistants back after they turned into avatars. It's actually impressive, but since one of them is now the web, he can no longer spy on his archivist. The hats were new, but he couldn't understand why Jon insisted that it's his new thing. It's the middle of summer. He does not need to wear winter hats.
Nastya had returned to the Aurora too much fanfare, and it only took a day for her to ask where Jonny was. She stared at Tim, who crossed his arms. "So?"
Tim sighs. "After we realized we're yaknow truly immortal. He took it the worst and didn't accept it like the rest of us, and he left. Stole a ship and a bunch of shit, but he's been gone for 100 years. Lyf took his position as lead singer, but we have been looking for him."
"We don't have a way to track him." Brian adds. His metal body has been changing to reflect how he looked before the mechanisms. He was very quiet about it, but it was extremely noticeable. His top hat covered his fox like ears. "We all want him back. We found you by accident looking for him."
Nastya frowns. "He's gone?"
Tim frowns and looks away. "He didn't even take the metal box he keeps under his bed."
"Bullshit." Nastya touches the wall. "Aurora, track the ship Jonny stole. I'm getting my brother back. You're going to apologize." She points to Tim. "He's our captain."
Tim nods. "I fucked up."
"Man, you human holidays are fun." Jonny's tail flicked happily behind him. The Magnus Institute was throwing a massive festival for Halloween. Elias was taking statements he insisted on that. "Didn't have anything like this on my astroid."
Martin followed behind with normal legs but 8 eyes and three pairs of arms. "Well , we will remedy that."
Tim seems to have hair that floated like rising darkness. His eyes were pitch black, and his mouth was full of sharp teeth. He was wearing a shirt. Jonny made him say the better Tim. "Martin, I think he likes it for the amount of sweets he's able to get."
Jonny scoffs. "I like the costumes."
"You're not even dressed up." Sasha raised a brow. "You said that was your normal outfit in space."
"Well, yeah, but it's not normal here, and humans don't have ears teeth or a tail like mine." Jonny huffs.
"Point taken." Martin chuckles. "Oh, looks like Elias got a band to play for the festival."
"It's not a band it's an open mic. A feast of stage fright." Jonny hums. "I'll perform something."
"Spoiling us?" Tim purrs.
"Yes, always." Jonny gasps as Martin picks him up.
"You're a hopeless romantic for someone who has lived as long as you and claims to be just as bitter." Martin smiles.
"Only for you guys." Jonny kisses the right side of Martin's mandible. "We could just skip this and have fun in the bedroom."
"Horndog." Tim chuckles. "How about after we hear you sing song bird?"
"Tim's right." Martin's gaze darkens. "You have to both earn it."
Jonny shudders. "Yes, sir."
Tim nods eagerly.
"Impressive costumes." A cheery soft voice came from a tall, muscular sailor captain.
Lyf blinks. "Um, hello."
"Costume?" TS tilts their head.
"I didn't think Nikola would change for Halloween." A man wrapped around the sailors arm.
"Um, right...." Lyf sighs. "Um, could you help us? We're looking for a man going by Jonathan Sims." He hopes Nastya was right in the fake name Jonny chose.
"You're looking for my archivist?" The man's eyes flash green.
Lyf's eyes flashed rainbow. "I'm sorry. Did you say archivist?"
"Correct. I'm Elias Bouchard. This is a nice Halloween festival for my insistute. Jon is with his partners traversing the festive scene." He gives a sinister smile. "I highly suggest the activities while you look."
"That Sounds Like Jolly Good Fun." TS drags Lyf into the festival grounds.
"W-wait, TS!" Lyf groans he had more questions to ask.
Inspector: At the Halloween festival with TS. It's being thrown by the Magnus Institute. TS has prevented me from asking more questions to the head of said institute. However, Jonny might be the head archivist.
Archivist: There is a 100% that's bullshit.
Fire Fire: that's a good joke kid
GP: there's a open mic here to perform.
TS: I Made A New Friend.
There's a picture of TS next to a mannequin who seemed nervous in clown makeup. There appears to be human skin stretched tightly around the plastic body.
TS: This Is Nikola.
Inspector: Tim why the fuck didn't you warn us about earth?
GP: What the fuck are you talking about
GP: TS what the fuck.
Drumbot: I am with Nastya. We have found a meat themed activity. I agree with Lyf. This doesn't seem very human. However my phone will be taken for this so I will talk later.
GP: meat?
GP: Brian?
Doctor: I am going to the mushroom tent! Lyf invitation open to join. I think they will enjoy the fact I am poisonous.
Inspector: Marius we still haven't figured out what you are.
Science officer: Not for a lack of trying. Anyway, I'm going to find that meat tent.
Fire Fire: there's a woman named Jude Perry and she's all about Fire I'm going to find her.
Nastya: They did not let me in with Brian. However, they did give me some sort of meat on a stick. Jonny would love this.
GP: ill play my song. If he's here, he'll come to watch right?
Nastya: I will join you.
Brian stumbled out of the tent. His throat hurt from screaming. He stopped in his tracks and when he looked down at his hands and saw flesh. He blinks and continues to stare. He could feel more so than he did before. He could hear the heart in his chest. He can feel his fox ears twitch under his hat. He could feel his tail. When did he get a tail? He always had one before...
A man bumped into him. "Oh shit sorry man." The man paused, tilting his head. "You ok?"
Brian stared at the man, and it was Jonny. He had glasses on and his normal outfit. "I uh...." He could feel everything, and he was getting overwhelmed. "I think... I." He felt Jonny grab his arm.
"Come on, you look like you're about to pass out." Jonny says softly, leading him to a table where three other people are already sitting down. "Hey, I know promised snacks, but we'll he looks like he's about to panic." He sits the man down who stares down at his hands.
Brian blinks as a bottle of water is put in his hands. He can't eat or drink. Why was this... he unscrewed the cap and drained the contents. Something wet dripped down his cheeks. A soft warm had patted his back, and Jonny sat to his left.
"Hey, are you ok?" A soft voice came from Brian's right. A man with eight eyes and a spider mandible gives a soft smile. He hands over half of a sandwich. "I know the tents can be much for anyone."
"Because avatars run them." The man with shadow like hair sighs. He hands Brian a few tissues. "It's impossible to stop others from being dragged inside."
Brian nibbled on the sandwich. It's been millions of years since he ate anything since he could taste. He couldn't even feel the metal in him, but he knew it was still there. It was changed and he couldn't understand, but this was the best meal he had ever had.
"So what's your costume? It seems very realistic." Jonny smiles.
Brian swallows and wipes his face. It was still so overwhelming, but he could handle it. He pulls off his hat to reveal two fluffy fox ears.
"Oh, let me guess! A foxy magician!" The woman chuckles as moths flutter around her.
"No, he's obviously an animal tamer turned animal." The man nudged her and they both giggle.
"He could just be a furry." Jonny wiggles his brows and the table erupts into laughter.
Brian can't help but laugh along.
"Wait, I have one he's a musician." The spider man smiles.
Brian giggles and nods. "Correct!"
"I'm an ex musician." Jonny smirks.
"No, you're not. You take every chance to perform." The man throws a crumple piece of paper at him.
"Ok, fine, I'm a part-time musician and full-time archivist." Jonny smiles. "Ah, right, let me introduce everyone. The man in the better Tim shirt is Tim, the lovely lady with the various moths is Sasha, and the spider guy is Martin. I'm Jon, the archivist of this insistute, currently dating the two handsome gentlemen, and fucking Sasha because she's happily aromantic."
Sasha salutes.
Martin waves, and Brian notices he has three pairs of arms.
Tim throws finger guns. "You're free to join us. Jon's got a sweet tooth, and double boss man got some American sweets for a few booths."
Jonny nods and gets up. "He's an honorary assistant for the day then."
"You probably shouldn't say that, Elias might actually hire him." Martin chuckles.
"To be fair, he hired you." Sasha winks getting up.
Martin chuckles, holding one hand out to Brian. "Come on, we'll help you navigate this place."
Brian realizes Jonny doesn't recognize him. Which makes sense if he wasn't metal anymore. He also left before his body started to change to reflect what he looked like before mechanisms. He sighs and nods. Might as well see what has happened to Jonny.
"I'll lead the way!" Jonny hops up.
"Eye eye boss man." Tim chuckles.
Jonny rolls his eyes. "We are literally together. Don't call me that."
"Fine, sorry, cowboy." Tim smirks as Jonny blushes.
"... go back to boss man." Jonny says with a deep blush on his features.
Drumbot has changed his name to Brian
Brian sent a photo
It's a picture of Jonny between two men looking happy. Both men are kissing either cheek, and he has a sign that says little cowboy and his partners.
Brian: Jonny doesn't recognize me, but I also don't recognize me.
GP: I'm sorry, but Jonny got hitched!
Nastya: He's wearing wedding bands? Isn't that a human custom?
GP: Brian, what switch are you on
Brian: None
Archivist: impossible
Brian sends another picture
It seems to be a selfie. He has grayish goldish skin, soft, long hair, and big fox ears. He doesn't appear to be made of metal anymore.
Brian: The meat tent was actually a guise for a Flesh god.
GP: this literally can't be earth
Doctor: I think I accidently poisoned the nice mushroom man.
Lyf: I need to bleach my eyes.
Fire Fire: I think I believe Brian becoming flesh again over Jonny getting hitched
Archivist: this is all highly unlikely scenarios
Science officer: I am grabbing you Brian.
TS: My New Friend Stole My Arm Then Screamed When It Reattached
Lyf: I'll get TS from causing a panic.
Doctor: Wait let me come with you my love.
Lyf: not until you bathe in a bath of bleach
Doctor: only for you.
GP: I'm going to rip my eyes out.
"Brian!" A woman swoops down mechanical wings spread out as she grabs Brian's shoulder. "It even feels like flesh."
"Ah." Martin pauses. "So, is this a former crew member?"
"Yup." Jonny hums and sips on his bright orange drink.
"So how many are there, like 9?" Tim raised a brow.
"Well, Nastya left, but Lyf joined, and Aurora can be considered a mech as well." Jonny shrugs.
"Isn't Brian supposed to be metal?" Sasha nudges Jonny.
"You know that explains what he looks so familair and yeah he is supposed to be metal." Jonny shrugs again, watching Raphaella poke and prode Brian.
"No wonder why he had a panic attack." Tim hums. "I probably would too if I went from metal to flesh."
"Jonny...?" A Russian accent caught Jonny's attention.
"Nastya?" Jonny smiles. "It's been a while and it's nice to see you."
"What happened to you?" Nastya stops right in front of Jonny.
"Therapy mostly, got hitched, and git a degree, became archivist, and just enjoying life with weird horror gods. What's up with you? It's pretty fucked up that you broke up with Aurora because she changed physically but not mentally."
Nastya blinks and opens her mouth, but Jonny cuts her off.
"Yaknow, I spent decades helping her through the breakup and losing my sister." Jonny sips his drink obnoxiously. "Eh, I'm mostly over it, Marius was right. Therapy does help. Anyway, congrats on rejoining the mechs or whatever you're doing."
Raphealla and Brian have both stopped and stared at Jonny.
Brian takes a breath. "I think my ears are malfunctioning."
"No, I heard that too." Raphaella blinks.
Nastya stared stunned at Jonny.
"Have a fun time and stay away from the tents, you'll get pretty fucked up in you go into them, and not in the fun way." Jonny gets scooped up by Martin.
"I think that was very emotionally grown of you." Martin smiles.
"Does this mean the other Tim is here? Oh fuck yeah I'm going to fuck with him." Tim runs off and jumps into a shadow.
"Follow him!" Jonny climbs to Martin's shoulders. "This is going to fucking confuse Elias to no end."
Martin chuckles. "With pleasure."
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lemonxlimee · 1 month
Heart mind soul chonny jash. I made this for @twig-gy but literally this is just a ramble and anyone can read it if you want I guess. I wrote this while listening to And if I Did you deserved it by will wood on loop
OKAY SO. they're. They mean a lot to me okag
So umm,m (sorry if this sounds kind of weird I'm still new to the whole Real People Fandom thing) and also sorry if this sounds awkward that's because it is. I've been into chonny jash for nearly a year and I only found out about the fandom just now I have no idea how to introduce myself. Hello!! I'm Leafy! This is going to be very awkward as I try to fumble over my ideas.
Ahem. Without further ado.
I kind of. This is complicated but I kind of see them as a sort of system. Like not a "system" but like,, like parts of . BAHAHAHA like parts of a whole. They're part of each other in the same way a broken plate. The plate was one thing and now it's like 4 different things.
You can tell this especially from the line at the end of tse that goes "see how the brain plays around and it splits what once was whole down into three". Clear as day. Clear as day to me at leasg and hopefully to you. That's one of the parts that stands out to me most in tse though the entire thing is a spectacle I quite enjoy it
They're a broken plate. Okay do you understand. Great moving on
Theyre parts of a whole. Like. I'm just gonna call them a system even though that's not what they are but that's how I'm going to explain it
So. Clearly they're dysfunctional, at least a little bit. They're not functional. They are unfunctional like a broken ferris wheel and like a broken ferris wheel it is Hard to Work With
Yeah yk what I'm just. Gonna use system terminology. Easier for me. They're not a system!!! But they could be. But they're not!! Yet. !!!!
So. Soul. Right. Soul. You know Soul. Heart and Mind as well. You know Heart and Mind. They're Heart and Mind. And Soul. Theyr're.
Oh boy. This is going to sound deranged. If it doesn't already.
Okay now USUALLY I'm not big on insys relationships. But that's also just me. I'm perfectly confident if we formed a Pin I would be proposing within the week. That's not important.
Heart and Mind feel like the kind of relationship that you need to Understand Them Individually before you can put them together. But we already do that and I'. Can't do analysis right now so we're gonna skip that part. And Soul is basically the "I will turn this fucking car around I swear to god" of the system. "System". You know what I mean. He's sick of their shit and you can tell.
I think. THINK. think I just think I have not heard 100% of chonny's discography I cannot confirm nor deny this this is just a theory based on the 6 or so hms songs I've heard.
Mind almost feels. Abusive? Not really. He's teetering on the edge. He's like aaaalmost. But you can really tell he cares deep down for Heart. Especially in tme. You can hear in the lyrics. Some of them are degrading heart obviously ("saddened and weak, freakish and dismal, hollow and bleak," and you know. The entire song.) But if you read some of the other lines you can tell he just cares about the system as a whole (pun.) And he wants to keep them all safe. "I can't claim that I enjoy this, covering for a tortured boy..." this almost feels like. Masking.. like some of ours have jobs that are just to mask. Taco for example. Mike especially last year. Mind has to act sane and keep an eye out for threats. He's the protector. But he verbally bullies Heart and almost even physically. It comes down to an almost toxic relationship between the two.
Heart on the other hand is just sad and scared, almost, of Mind. He's the emotion holder. Obviously. Unfortunately for many emotion holders such as myself this means he's prone to self pity and depression. You can tell this even by barely grazing the lyrics of tha. Even in variations on a cloud, a song that's supposed to be more happy sounding (yes i know it's about 9/11 shush) he sounds kind of. Upset? But that's typical. I guess. For someone like Heart. But if you look deeper he seems to be fine with this. Fine ish. Fine enough. He hides from the sun but he doesn't seem to be doing any better or worse. He's blind. The sun is referred to as "blinding to the eye" in the second verse of tha. But Mind knows this. He references it in his own song. "It seems those beams of light have caused some glare." He noticed. HE NOTICED. do you see where I'm going with this.
Mind claims not to care about Heart, but he obviously does at least a little bit. He heard, or even knows about, Heart's song and references one of the lyrics in his own. Sure the music could just be theatrical. But it doesn't change the fact that he noticed Heart's emotions and troubles.
Pardon me for drawing parallels to my own brain once again but I kind of see a resemblance between these guys and my own guys. Namely evie and firey. They HATE each other so much to the point of actual catfights in the back of the head space. Embarrassing! But here's the thing. They couldn't live without each other. Evie needs a place to put all that so so so much anger, and firey needs something to do that doesn't involve hurting me or the body in some way. It balances out. They help each other by keeping each other occupied. Without them we'd all be in danger, them most of all. I myself draw parallels to Soul while listening to cccc!! "Evie and Firey dtop fighting or else I will turn this car around."
Speaking of which...
Soul. Soul, am I right?
"I will turn this fucking car around."
Soul is clearly what I like to call the "scarecrow" of the system. His job is to watch Heart and Mind and make sure they don't fucking slaughter each other. (I mean fuck*... they literally SHOT each other at one point.) Soul watches the two and basically threatens them into shutting up at the end of tse. ("I'll take you down in tandem when this rope is tied..." Did bro just threaten suicide!? Even I wouldn't go that far just for "Shut The Fuck Up Evie And Firey I Swear To God"... bro is desperate) I'm sure he cares about them both in his own Special Way.
(* I did not mean "I mean fuck" as in the correction way (I.e "so that they don't slaughter I mean fuck each other".) However, this also works if you choose to believe it.)
In fact you can kind of tell in tse that he does care. Even if his caring is just "shut the fuck up both of you," he's not apathetic or unnoticing to them. He just doesn't like them. Bad care is still a form of care.
In variations on a cloud (yes hello we're back to this) Soul and Heart share a lot of lines. Mind is pretty quiet in this song, which is a nice change from. Yknow. Every other song he's present in. He only has a few lines. But in those few lines, he's almost always harmonizing with Soul and Heart. Those two are the real focus of the song.
Holy shit it's 2am I've been writing for over half an hour. Anyway!
Soul cares about Heart a lot. But maybe it's the wrong kind of care. Once again; he will turn this car around. Heart doesn't like Mind, but Mind likes Heart, and Soul also likes Heart. Where does this leave us? Nowhere. Which is where this car is going if Heart and Mind don't stop hatefucking in the back seat.
Where was I going with this?
Oh yes. Soul is as toxic as Mind. Maybe more so.
Soul seems to be the guy who cares about himself. If you listen to tse again (I know you want to) you can tell most of the lyrics are basically about him, and how tired he is of the other two. He doesn't really care about their or whole's well-being, he just wants them both to shut up so he can enjoy himself. Which makes sense! I'd be in his position too if I didn't care about pyrite!!
Uhh... I actually think I have nothing else to add... maybe I'll come back in the morning when my brain isn't a jumbled mess. I should have been asleep hours ago. There was a point to this all I swear!!!!!
Enjoy!! I guess 6_6"
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radmalenia · 1 month
Most retarded zionist shit I've seen. Cringe settler moment
Ah...wow. This response will be a little lengthy. There is a shit ton to unpack in these two braindead sentences and I won't even get to it all here.
So first off, you used an ableist slur. Great start /s.
Second, you must have seen a post on my blog earlier with a message that boiled down to - "Hamas have done Very Bad Things, and intend to do more if they can (specifically to Jewish Israelis;) and so they must be seen for what they are and stopped" - Because that's all I can remember reposting in the last few weeks concerning this conflict. So apparently you decided that wanting them stopped is "Zionist"?? Not only that but some of the most dumb "Zionist" shit you've seen?
...I'm not buying that. It feels like you're just saying bullshit to be inflammatory.
And it seems you wouldn't know genuine Zionism if it smacked you in the face. Because you just think "Zionism" is anything that says something else beyond a simple "free palestine". Right?
It's telling how people like you never want anyone to discuss anything else - you want the discussion to simply be "Palestine good, Israel bad, no other players involved and no further nuance". You never want people to freely discuss Hamas... even as Hamas harms Palestinians all the time. If people try to you call it "zionism"; trying to shut it down on the spot.
- Would you even believe it if you were shown proof of Hamas stealing trucks full of food and aid meant for palestinians? Of them shooting any palestinians who tried to get to the trucks first?
- Would you even condemn the horrific rapes and murders they committed against innocent festival goers back in October; or would you ignore it? Or dismiss the horrors they committed as lies or exaggeration? Despite all the nauseating, traumatizing video and photo evidence? Despite a photo of some of them with their boots on the corpse of a woman they gangraped and murdered, literally winning a fucking "photo of the year" award?? Or worse, would you maybe argue it's "justified" because they've "had their land stolen and been oppressed for decades" or some such bullshit?... Because I've read people say that more than once now.
And if so, you should go die; because that would make you a vile disgrace - seeing how plenty of people have been terribly oppressed and yet never turned to violently raping and torturing to "protest" it or to "defend themselves". Seeing how rape is never self defense. And how there is never any justification for rape. Period.
So! We can and should criticize Hamas. And that is not fucking "Zionism" - it's criticizing terrorists. Hamas also wishes to wipe out all Jews; if somehow they won this conflict they would carry out genocide in Israel against the seven million Jews there. Whatever you believe Israel is or is not doing; they do have to contend with this threat. Palestine needs to be freed from this mess, but its freedom cannot come at the cost of the psychopathic rapist monsters who believe they have a religious mandate to wipe out Jewish people (and ideally other non-believers too;) being allowed to enact their sick intentions.
Speaking about this is no indication of Zionism OR anti-Zionism, it is simply the truth. Regardless of whatever the current actions of the Israeli government are; the truth about Hamas remains the same - that they are an Islamic terrorist organization who has committed atrocities, abuses israelis and palestinians alike, and says how they intend death to all Jews. An organization who are run and funded by a group of multi-billionaires who live safely in Qatar and have worked with media and other sources around the world for years now to make it so that, once this happened; many people would fucking defend Hamas instead of condemn them for the monsters they are.
They've gotten people like you to talk like criticizing them is some fascist action. To throw around shameful nonsensical things like "criticizing Hamas...is a settler mindset" .
Your brain is more twisted around than a complicated knot. At best you are deeply cringe and embarrassing and are projecting that onto others. At worst you might defend horrific atrocities and do apologetics for violent rape; and therefore are someone who would be better off not wasting oxygen.
Hopefully it's just the former.
Either way, you've just made a complete fool of yourself here in my ask box.
I hope if you read this then at least it will untie the knots in your brain a little.
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not-a-space-alien · 5 months
K&J x MMSS 4: Valen & Jim Part 13
Part thirteen of the fourth crossover with @whumpsday!
K&J masterlist
MMSS masterlist
K&J x MMSS crossover masterlist
To be added to the taglist, contact @whumpsday
Warnings: Domestic violence/spousal abuse
This is the last chapter of this story! HOWEVER, like we mentioned at the start, this AU actually has two different timelines. So keep an eye out for Part B, which is coming next :)
The intervening months have been peaceful and uneventful, even with Kane there.
Until one day, Valen doesn’t come home.  Again.
Jim is going absolutely out of his mind with worry. The last time Valen went missing, it was the worst thing imaginable. The only thing worse would have been his death. He and Liz have been calling around to hunters, but no one's seen him. It wouldn't even make sense: Valan should have gone straight from Liz's district to vampire territory, and Valen is friendly with the local hunters, though Liz and Laken have been interrogating everyone anyway, as well as searching the area up to the border.
Jim can't sleep. The thought of Valen going through that again, or turning up dead, or never turning up ever again, has him hysterical. Kane tries his best to comfort him, but he's sick with worry too: he knows how cruel hunters can be.
And if it's not hunters... what else could have happened?
This drags on, with no word about his whereabouts, for weeks. Until one day, Jim gets a phone call, and when he answers, Valen's panicked, tearful voice is on the other end. "Jim!"
"Valen!" Jim screams. "Oh my god, you're alive! Where are you? I'll come get you, I'll bring you home, where are you?"
Kane is immediately at rapt attention, listening in.
Valen lets out a series of heartbroken sobs. "Jim, I'm at the Kithrara estate. My husband happened to find me when I came to vampire territory and forced me to come back. He's not letting me leave, he's not leaving me alone for even a second. This is the first time I've had even a minute alone to make a phone call and he's going to come back any second. Please, Jim, I don't know what to do, please help me."
Vampire territory. Valen is in vampire territory, Jim can't get him there. His heart clenches with despair, his eyes filling with tears. "W-what do I do? I can't even get there." He sobs, horrified that Valen is stuck with that monster again.
"I can get him." Kane says, determined, his chains tinkling as he moves closer. "I can bring him home."
"Jim, if-" Valen cuts off abruptly, but he can still be heard breathing heavily, and a man's voice distantly, talking menacingly. "Yes, sir," Valen's voice says far from the phone, and the line goes dead.
Jim cries out in anguish as the line drops. "NO NO NO!" He pounds the wall in despair, tears streaming down his face. He whips around to face Kane, also shaken.
"Please.” Jim drops to his knees, like he always used to. "Please, Kane... sir. I'll do anything. Please bring him home. You could, you could be free, just, just please help him get out of there. Please, c'mon, w-we've been good to you, right? Please."
Jim is under no illusions of how far promising Kane anything goes. Kane could condition it on taking him back, things going back to how they were before. Jim would do it, to get Valen away from that horrible abusive monster. He would give up being a person if he has to.
"Jim, it's, it's okay. I'll get him home, and come right back, and, and you don't need to do anything." Kane is honestly really relieved that Valen is in vampire territory instead of being tortured by hunters. He doesn't know the details about Valen's estranged husband, though if Valen is literally being imprisoned by him, that can't be good.
"Th-thank you, thank you, thank you. Kane, man, thank you. Please do it. Please please please, just, please." Jim is not entirely convinced Kane won't just fuck off the second he's set free. He would have no way to get Valen out, then. All he could do is hope for an eventual escape, and Jim knows firsthand how hard that is to pull off.
"I'll leave as soon as the sun sets. I promise, I'll find a way." Kane hesitates. This part is scary. "Could you... call Liz? I'd like to borrow her gear, and make sure that I can get to vampire territory without any of her colleagues... stopping me."
"Of course. 'Course, Kane. Thank you." Jim picks the phone back up.
That night, Kane shows up on the doorstep of the Kithrara estate, ready to raise hell. He doesn't even need to find Valen: all he needs to do is create enough commotion for Valen to escape.
He rings the doorbell.
A servant answers.  "Hello?  How may I assist you today?"
Kane dashes past the servant quite rudely, running straight inside. He pulls a stake from his belt and holds it up high.
"PRISCUS KITHRARA!" he shouts at the top of his lungs, hoping Valen hears. "Come out and face me!"
He is immediately swarmed by staff: a few servants, the ones brave enough to run towards instead of away, and a few moments later, security, who tackle him to the ground.
The landing at the top of the stairs leading from the entryway into the mansion proper is soon darkened by the presence of Priscus Kithrara, as well as an older vampire who looks to be his father.  Priscus has Valen at his side, holding his arm, in a facsimile of protectiveness at the disturbance.  Valen is in a modest dress that is not at all his style, and his eyes widen with hope when he sees Kane, but he stays silent.
"What is the meaning of this?" the elder vampire snaps.  "Who do you think you are?"
"Go!" Kane shouts, not looking specifically at Valen, but hoping he gets the message. The door is still wide-open.
Kane is wearing several pieces of silver, and a little bit of struggle is all it takes to start burning the people holding him down. He wriggles his lithe body out of their grasp among the ensuing screams of pain, though he knows he'll no doubt be tackled again a few moments later. He has to act fast.
He grabs a silver-coated throwing dart with a gloved hand and throws it directly at Priscus.
It sticks into Priscus's shoulder, through his clothes, and he hisses in pain, reflexively bringing his hands to the injury.  Valen bolts, flinging himself over the railing with his dress bundled in his hands.
"Valen!" Priscus thunders.  He grabs the dart to tear it out, then yanks his hands back as the silver burns him, before growling and grabbing it again, ripping it out and tossing it away like a hot pan.
One of the security guards steps between Valen and Kane, intercepting Valen on his way to the door.  Valen attempts to go around, and the guard crab walks to match, a high-speed game of chicken.
"Priscus, discipline your wife," the elder vampire growls.
Priscus reaches Valen before he can successfully exit the front door; Valen is smaller, and not as strong or fast as his husband, who is larger and stronger than Valen or Kane, and is also at a disadvantage of being in clothes not made to accommodate running.  Valen is yanked back by a fistful of hair, yelping with pain as he's bent towards the floor under Priscus's iron strong hands.  "What did we talk about?" Priscus growls.
This is bad. Kane needs the attention on him. What could he say to get Priscus to pay attention to him instead?
The most effective thing he can think of is unspeakably crude, and has a chance of backfiring and putting Valen in even more danger. But he's sure that nothing he could say would make Priscus focus more on him than this.
"I am Kane de Sang, and I fucked your wife!" Kane yells, his face heating up, mortified at his own words. "You're a spineless coward who needs a team of guards to face me instead of fighting me for him like a man!"
He's completely winging it. Obviously he will lose a fight with this man. All he needs is for Priscus to drop his guard for just a moment so Valen can get out the door. Just rip off the skirt and run!
Valen whimpers. "You little whore," Priscus hisses, slapping Valen across the face and throwing him to the ground. "I'll deal with you in a second." He turns to face Kane.
Inexplicable rage suddenly wells up in Valen at that moment. He's mostly just let the learned helplessness kick in until now, but for some reason seeing Priscus take Kane more seriously as a threat than Valen himself pushes Valen over the edge. "You will deal with me now!" he roars, throwing himself at Priscus, talons wrapping around his face and sinking into his eyes, blinding him. Dark black blood sprays out as Valen rakes his claws over Priscus's face, ripping at him with a ferocious wail.
Kane has an idea.  It could be a very good idea or a very bad idea. But it's Valen's decision, after all. He doesn't have to take it.
"Valen!" Kane tosses him a stake.
Valen catches the stake in a bloody hand, looking shocked and overwhelmed.  The room hangs in expectant, stunned silence for a moment, as the disobedient wife holds a stake near the sole heir of one of the most powerful families in the country.
Valen looks conflicted. Then his face screws up in anger, and he plunges the stake into Priscus's chest--not through his heart, but very, very close.
"Leave me the fuck alone," Valen hisses in his ear. "Or I won't miss next time."
He then very quickly strips his dress over his head and shoves Priscus away, tossing it over him, so he thrashes to untangled himself, still deathly afraid with the stake in his chest.
Now only in his bloomers and undershirt, Valen runs out the door and off into the night.  Kane dashes off after Valen while everyone is stunned and paying attention to Priscus's disgraced state.  The attention of the staff quickly turns towards making sure Priscus is alive and helping him, rather than chasing either of them ensuring a smooth getaway.
"Sorry for the crudeness!" Kane calls, feeling a desperate need to get that out of the way as soon as possible. "I just wanted his attention off you! That was amazing!"
Valen is laughing as he runs, from sheer joy and exhilaration. "Kane, my dear, it was a brilliant play, I wouldn't have had it any other way! Let's see that piece of shit come after his whore of a wife now! Hahaha! Thank you, Kane, I could kiss you!"
He's done good. Kane has finally done something right in his miserable life. His heart warms. "Save it for Jim! He's been inconsolable for weeks."
Jim, my poor Jim, I'm coming.
Valen has never run this fast, and doing it with a friend next to him is thrilling, and he playfully weaves in and out around Kane, zigzagging around obstacles and giggling. Knowing Priscus and that family, they wouldn’t dare come after him after this. Not when they’d seen Valen almost kill Priscus. They couldn’t risk the heir like that.
They’re finally done with him.  He’s finally free.
He arrives home, the door banging open, his chest heaving, his eyes wide. "Jim!"
Jim leaps into his arms, having been waiting by the door ever since Kane left. He squeezes Valen as tight as he can, which is not all that tightly to a vampire, but still. He sobs into his shoulder. "I missed you."
Valen hugs Jim firmly back, then picks him up and does a little spin. "I missed you more."
"Are you okay? He's not coming back for you?" Jim asks anxiously.
"I'm okay now. And I don't think he will," Valen says. "I think he's finally got it through his thick skull that he'd be better off simply finding a new wife, if he values his wellbeing."
"Good, 'cause you're too busy being, being my boyfriend." Jim laughs tearily. He looks over Valen's shoulder to where Kane stands. "Thank you. Thank you for bringing him home."
"I'm glad I could help." Kane says with a smile.
"Oooh, Kane, take all that wretched silver off so I can finally give you a well-earned hug, would you?"
Kane beams, discarding Liz's things on the porch before coming inside. Jim doesn't let go of Valen, pulling Kane into a group hug.
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imightgetbetter · 2 years
sweaty nights
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maybe just maybe i am back! i've been in a bit of a writing slump and i am trying to ease back into it so i will be writing smaller pieces this week to try and build up to a bigger one! i really, really like this one so please be kind. as always, send your thoughts and make sure you like and reblog! it helps me out immensely. i might do a week of dad!matty stuff to ease into writing things and just have a good time. let me know what you think.
Matty’s grunts could be heard over the baby monitor that was set on the shelf above where the crib should be, where the crib will be when he finishes building it. His chest is covered in a thin sheen of sweat, which can be seen in just the right light as the sun sets through the open window. Her nursery is nearly fully complete, the geometric, multi-colored shapes cover the walls and the trinkets that you’ve been collecting for the last nine months decorate the shelves. Her initials, ‘AJH’ are set above the open space for the wooden crib, something that Matty has been putting this off for months, quite literally, and now that you’re only a few weeks away, you’ve told him that either he builds the crib or you will, to which he nearly jumped out of his seat at the dinner table and knocked over his glass of wine, earning a laugh from you and a sigh as you started clearing the table.
His disgruntled swears echo down the hallway as you walk towards the nursery, loosely dressed in your favorite night shirt (a massively oversized men’s t-shirt that would probably even swim on your husband’s frame) and cozy socks that you know you won’t be able to put on yourself much longer. His back is to you, tense and tight as he hunches over the different screws and wooden planks and the directions that he seemingly hasn’t opened more than a handful of times. Matty wanted to do this himself, like he wanted to do the rocking chair and the changing table, and you had full confidence in his ability to do so, although the glass of wine certainly wouldn’t be helping him in this scenario. He is oblivious to you leaning on the door frame, your hands rubbing over your swollen belly as you watch his movements carefully. He’s nervous, you can tell, the anxiety looming over both of you as you realize that this is really happening, and it’s happening soon, less than a month away.
“I don’t think that arguing with the inanimate objects is going to help you build the crib any faster. Do you?”
Matty lets out a breathy laugh and spins around to face you, his hand wiping away at the sweat on his forehead. He leans back on his hands, looking at you admirably. “I mean, I suppose not, but it was worth a shot to be able to tell you that I did it all by myself, wasn’t it?”
“I would be more impressed with you not arguing with wood and getting this done before half past midnight,” you smirk, looking down at your stomach and adding in, “Daddy doesn’t like to listen very well, Attie James.” Attie twirls at the sound of your voice and Matty jumps to his feet when you laugh. “Have a very active girl in here. Tell Daddy you’re fine, Attie.”
Matty lays his hands over your stomach, his thumbs brushing over where the tiny indents of her hands and feet mark against your stretched skin. He knows this hasn’t been easy for you, the months of sickness and the nausea, the aches and pains, the stress and inability to move around in the way you like, but seeing you excited and moving around in these last few weeks has relieved so much worry aching his chest. “Hey there, baba. Can you be a good girl and go to bed so I can romance your mummy later when I’m done building your crib?”
Matty laughs, leaning against the carpet and kissing over your stomach, whispering something you can’t quite make out before standing on his feet and reaching to kiss you, his lips wet and warm against your own. “I’m trying to seduce you as much as I can before you never want to touch me again.”
“You are so dramatic.”
“You think you’re going to want me to touch you after you have a baby? I’ll happily be proven wrong by this, baby, but I don’t think I am,” Matty smirks against your lips, kissing you once more before pointing towards the rocking chair and returning to his place on the ground beside the wooden planks and opened screws.
“Many women have told me that it’s the opposite,” you say, rubbing over your stomach and closing your eyes, the cool breeze from the open window washing over you as the night begins to set in. “I can’t wait to see you with a baby in your arms. I think it’s going to make me crazy actually. Our baby girl in your arms. Going to make me want you so badly and I won’t be able to do anything for at least two months.”
“Fuck,” he grunts, releasing the screwdriver and the wooden planks and turning around slightly to glance over at you, his stomach swirling with butterflies and his heart swelling with the sight of you and your hand over your stomach, “you know you can’t say things like that to me, darling. You’re going to get me all worked up and I’ll never get this bloody crib done, and then you’ll be proper mad at me.”
“Get working, then. I want to take you to bed.” Matty huffs and mumbles something under his breath, opening the direction pamphlet and beginning to set the correct pieces together and screw everything in the right place, stopping every so often to drop a kiss to your lips and laugh when you snap a picture of his backside, telling him that it’s for memories. “You’re going to make such a hot dad, you know? Like a proper DILF.”
“Too bad that’s not how you told me you were pregnant,” Matty laughs, shaking his head at the thought. “Imagine just showing up the studio or something and saying, ‘You’d make a good DILF!’ and that’s how you announced you’re pregnant. I think I’d lose my fucking mind.”
“I’ll have to keep that one in the back pocket, then. Keep it in mind for the next one.”
“The next one?” Matty says, twisting the screwdriver tightly in place and ensuring that every wooden piece and screw is where it should be, the pieces slowly dwindling on the ground and the crib beginning to inch up, piece by piece.
“You think I’m going to want to stop after this one? No way. I need at least one more. I need to see your arms full of our babies. Fully decked out in tea party outfits and glitter and a baby carrier. Need to see all of it.”
“Don’t worry, darling. I’ll get you pregnant, again. I had too much fun doing it the first time.”
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