#i've had a busy day but also lol at me
nattikay · 10 months
hmmmmmmm ngl kinda think i wanna make a werewolf cowboy :3c
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witchwhaat · 19 days
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i miss london :(
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sealovinq · 2 months
i need friends /gen (slight rant in tags)
#xelle.txt#i noticed i don't really have a permanent circle of friends. at least irl#i have one online but they're also busy and i just can't dedicate my time to one friend group#i don't know - it's just the people i thought who were nice turned out to be the exact opposite#and when i found out about that i just kinda. lost interest in making any more friends#my partner is the only person i interact with on a daily basis. the irl friend group i was referring to earlier i'm not exactly close with-#-them either#i feel like if i didn't only give my time in nurturing my romantic relationship i would have done the same for my platonics too#that's still a problem of mine. my time management between love life and friends. heck i even got myself into an unsolvable problem because-#-of my inability to stay consistent#also my brain is kinda fried from reading 20+ pages so pardon any grammatical errors but yeah anyway#honestly i've been craving for interaction here. but i know i won't be active and it'd just be pointless#to gain more friends or followers. i don't exactly make content as consistently as i did before#the other day i had to vent to an ai (would you believe me if it was cha.tgpt) about my troubles because i had no one else to talk to lol#there's just so much going on irl 😭 ya girl's almost starting college and they're throwing so much tasks at us!!#and i feel very very stressed about it because they're usually done in groups i am ALWAYS the assigned leader#which gets exhausting especially when there are lazy members present#anyway#hopefully this weekend i get some time to cool off. but next week i'm back to grinding and working#lol i don't even think i'm in the top ranks anymore. i'm so burnt out.#this is what being an academic achiever gives you oops ZZHSIAHAHAJAHHS#imma sleep now 😭#idk you can just interact with me or recommend someone you know who self ships in the same medias i do#goodnight everypony 🫶#vent tw#rant tw
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lmaowhateven · 2 years
i would really appreciate some xiaoyu and chaeya headcanons if you don't mind sharing, cuz your art got me on the chaeya boat and now you gotta feed me. (but like only if you want cuz ur busy and have a life but i love ur art and ur opinions matter and just wanna let you know you valid and ur so talented and only 21?? like 0_o
OMG this ask is so sweet i have been marinating on it for a while because while i DO have headcanons........ i had to think abt the best ones to share 😳 i put way too much thought into this lol
-my favorite possible dynamic for them is that they are both trying to convince themselves that what they have going on is JUST casual because if either of them really admitted how strongly they felt for each other their entire world would ACTUALLY explode.
-i REALLY want them to meet at a tavern or out exploring by happenstance a good couple of times before being introduced professionally. kaeya absolutely knew he was talking to a harbinger. childe was utterly enamored by a mysterious stranger. UNTIL BOOM HE MEETS HIM IN A MEETING WITH THE KNIGHTS OF FAVONIOUS?!!?
-i need them to be messy and angsty and absolutely toxic with each other but eventually they become husbands and have a weird little family dynamic with klee and teucer 🥰 they need to work through shit together like its gotta be a mess before it can like become something great. but it'll become something great.
-whenever im playing genshin and in a chaeya mood i put on a kaeya/childe/jean/diluc team because i think it would be possibly the most awkward adventuring team in the world. kaeya's boss and kaeya's brother hanging out with the crazy dude he's boning? absolutely hilarious.
-oh my god i need them to have the most romantic love letters man. i need them to have beautiful letters filled with longing and vulnerability and so SO SO MUCH love, but when they finally meet again it's a little awkward and they have a hard time communicating. it's easier in writing!
-speaking of awkward. at first they are very flirty and lovey but none of it is genuine feelings just attraction. when they REALLY start liking each other oh my god they have to be so awkward about it. no eye contact. barely make normal conversation. they are like awkward teenagers oh my GOD I AM SHAKING YOU BY THE SHOULDERS DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE DYNAMIC I NEED FOR THEM. CASUAL > AWKARD > TERRIBLE ANGST AND TRAGEDY > REBIRTH AS SOUL MATES
-xiaoyu for me is all about shared healing, patience, and finally finding someone to connect with. oh my god BOTH of these guys have been through SO, SO MUCH and i just think both of them could gain a sense of real, genuine love from one another.
-both of these guys have been conditioned to feel isolated from the world. ganyu feels so different from everyone around her, never truly connecting with the adepti or with the humans. even in the bustling streets of liyue she's alone. xiao has lost everyone he's ever cared for, and since then he's never allowed himself to get close to anyone. he feels undeserving of another person's affections. he feels as though he's the only one of carrying such burdens. i think the two of them could really resonate with each other, and maybe find some solace knowing they aren't truly alone.
-i really like the idea of ganyu being xiao's first real crush. he doesn't really understand those feelings and not only does it embarrass him it's confusing and FRUSTRATING at the same time. ganyu on the other hand has absolutely been crushing on xiao for a loooong time now, but she hasn't processed that completely, instead believing that she just really wants to befriend him. she thinks about him all the time because she just cares THAT much is all!!!
- they are PINING. they are the slowest of slow burns. they are agonizingly slow. like they will get together in maybe 50-200 years or so. not even kidding.
-i love the idea of xiao checking on ganyu when she's not looking. he's always a little worried for her. sometimes she'll fall asleep in weird places, or travel somewhere far, and xiao just wants to make sure she's home safe. its creepy but he seriously lacks social etiquette and he loves her!
-ganyu isn't a naturally very physically affectionate person since she's so timid, but with xiao she makes sure to be a little more open with her outward affection. a lot of the time she's comforting xiao with a hand on the shoulder or a sweet and quick hand squeeze. she wants him to know she doesn't think he's a monster, and that she feels safe around him. he could probably never verbalize this out loud, but those little touches mean A LOT TO HIM.
-ganyu visits wangshu inn often and brings little care packages for xiao. he's no the best at self care so she does what she can to help! even though she's so busy with work she's been trying to take weekends off every once in a while and stay at the inn with xiao. y'know to make sure he's taking proper care of himself and all 👀
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jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
I am genuinely so terrified of the fact that I have to find a job now. I'm trying to think of or look up a job that's suitable for my mentally ill autistic ass and I just. I don't know. Everything either requires some very specific qualifications that I don't have, or seems at best awfully exhausting, at worst literally putting me in danger. And I'm not even exaggerating, I genuinely think that working in retail, for example, could possibly kill me if I was forced to do that job for long enough. I sometimes get overwhelmed to the point of crying when there's too many other customers while I'm shopping, I can't imagine working in an environment like that. I suppose physical jobs could work, I've been to this blueberry plantation twice last week and mentally I was fine, but it was. So tiring. And you don't even make that much money a day, I don't think I could earn enough even if I did work there everyday, not to mention it's only a seasonal job. Right now it's fine for me to go there every now and then, but if I wanted to move out and become independent I'd have to get an actual day job. And that sounds impossible. The only job that sounds good to me is being an artist, it's not too mentally or physically difficult, and it's something I enjoy. But I'd have to get commissions constantly or start a small business or something like that to actually survive. And I'm not saying it's impossible, I know that people can live by being an artist, but it's so hard to get into that field. I wish I could do it but I dont know if it's possible for me. Makes me wanna cry. I hate this I hate that my brain isn't suited for this world and still I have to participate in all that shit that everyone has to do. My brain isn't made for working like that
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danikatze · 6 months
hi! just wanted to say as someone who really likes your art (and has been dealing with burnout myself), im glad to hear you're getting some time off soon! I hope you're able to rest as much as you need to and are able to take care of yourself. I know from experience that it really sucks to get to the point in burnout where you're unable to even do art for fun, so im glad it seems like you're able to tackle it before it gets to that point
dunno if I really have a point to this other than, like, solidarity? lmao. its just nice to sees artists taking care of themselves
Oh, thanks so much 🥹 Currently I'm not really able to draw for fun, yeah, which really sucks.. I hasn't been this bad in years. I think trying to print old stuff will be fine though, and hopefully by that time I can draw again as well hahah.
I'm very lucky that the graphic studio I work at is closed the last two weeks of the year. Dunno if I would have taken that time off myself.
Maybe I would have though, because the last two (and a half) months have been kind of crazy. I've had to be present on weekends a lot for teaching workshops and exhibition openings and other events, and while my regular work days tend to be rather quiet, I've been teaching and assisting on those days a lot more than usual as well. And besides that we've had a lot of stress because an important (and expensive and difficult to replace) piece of equipment decided to break just when it was needed most - a lot of things have been going wrong/taking a lot more effort than necessary because of it.
It's been a lot. It's also been fun, but I'm super introverted and I didn't have much alone time that I could use for recharging.
Anyway, thanks again for the kind words, anon 💖You take care of yourself too!
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celeryw · 9 months
what if i day to this guy "literally what the fuck are you even talking about" is that rude . i think he has feelings for me but i have been deliberately short cold and half ghosting him
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fratboykate · 1 year
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What a good day to be a Kate and Yelena stan 🥵
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electronerd47 · 1 year
Hihi !! ☺️ Can’t remember when we last chatted 😅, but I wrote relationship headcanons tn, and thought they might be comforting to you. 🥺🫶🏽 Hope you + your son are doing alright, and that winter’s treating you well. ❄️
i wish I could put into words how much it means to me that you continue to reach out to me, even if i'm not doing too much reaching back 💜💜💜 i'm terrible at this stuff 😭 so thank you so much for thinking of me!!
winter has been hot and cold lol, it's mostly been fine but my, my son, and his dad all got sick!! dad's over it, me n baby are still going through it. like ugh 🙄😂 i'm handling it like a total baby bc my ears keep getting that plugged up feeling and i just CANNOT deal!! my son is taking it like a champ. aside from coughing, snot nose, and some bad moods, he's still raring at 110% all. the. time. 😂 toddlers!
I'm going to read these headcanons as soon as possible. your writing is always so comforting, even when it's angsty. you're just an amazingly skilled and super-talented author!! ilysm ❤️
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cinna-bunnie · 10 months
bleh i wish hearing was something u could turn off 100% at will (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠) how am i overstimulated at 12:15am
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despairforme · 2 years
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      ❝ Thank fuck I ain’t in it. ❞
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kuiinncedes · 1 year
#what if i also am a mess this week 🤩#theres this banner marketing thing we ordered on monday that needed 5 business days and we needed by this monday#production started on it monday and they sent me a link to track progress and shit but the link didnt work#and i tried emailing them abt it and i had to email other ppl but i waited like a few days before doing that and ended up not getting iit#to work or anything and now we need the thing sent to somewhere by tomorrow afternoon#today afternoon lol and like they had the 5 business days they said they took for it so it Should be fine#but i literaly have no idea#bc the fucking progress link wouldnt work#and everyone i emailed to help w it werent responding over the weekend#so like im sending another email tomorrow morning at 8 lol to be like did yall send it pls bc i cant see TT#i feel like it's my fault if it doesnt happen and we wasted many money bc i've been handling the logistics and stuff for this thing#i know it's not rly but also i . couldve done some things earlier#anyway idk im not rly dwelling on that i just feel like#if i go on campus tomorrow and the banner is up im gonna start crying LMFAO#bc this is highkey stressing me out and i like to cry when im stressed 🥳#if it doesnt happen i will also start crying lmfao#i also always be overthinking things and just why cant i . not have such a negative perception of everything i SAY/do woohoo#afterparty for our show but im just crying bc release of this stress while everyone else is drinking#bro im not even nearly the most significant / high pressure board position and im likeeeejgndfndkfdkgdh lol#tbf tho marketing do be . the most during this week ig ;-;#also i need to go to sleep but i dont want to :D am excited for the show this week but i think i am#procrastinating actually having the week start bc it is kinda stresssssfulllllllll lolllllll#manifesting this fucking banner is up tomorrow#i will see it either in the morning idk if they put them up that early or#i guess when i leave the building in the afternoon but also i wont be facing the sign at all#or in the evening ;-; my only two chances to see#altho my friend might text me if she sees it when she goes like later morning i think#anyway *screaming* ran out of tags bye lol#jeanne talks
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notagarroter · 1 year
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I posted 2,774 times in 2022
45 posts created (2%)
2,729 posts reblogged (98%)
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I tagged 646 of my posts in 2022
#dracula - 131 posts
#lol - 21 posts
#my comment - 19 posts
#other people's meta - 17 posts
#ask - 15 posts
#original post - 15 posts
#not sherlock - 8 posts
#lmao - 7 posts
#eurus - 7 posts
#acd - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#it's weirdly comedic to imagine dracula rushing downstairs to grab the laudanum bottle and drug the wine before the maids catch him
My Top Posts in 2022:
Just binge watched sherlock for the first time and something and came across your blog. In your opinion do you think Sherlock has professional combat training, maybe trained as a professional but decided to opt out of doing it? Or did he learn from experience? Him holding his own against Mary's former partner must say something.
What an excellent question!
I think there are two plausible answers here... One is that Sherlock has a history working for whatever government agency Mycroft is supposed to represent, and got his training that way. Now, Sherlock implies on a few occasions that he refuses to work for Mycroft (like in ASIP and TGG), and sometimes they clearly work at cross purposes (like in HLV). But Mycroft does offer him work in HLV (which Sherlock is forced to accept by the end of the episode), and he probably wouldn't be able to do that if Sherlock didn't have some pre-existing relationship with whatever intelligence agency, along with appropriate training.
The other likely possibility is suggested by the original canon. In Doyle's stories, Holmes tells us that he has studied a martial art called Baritsu -- probably a reference to Bartitsu, a wacky but real fighting method drawing together jujitsu, boxing, and cane fighting, among others. If our Sherlock was engaged in something similar, he might be basically self-taught, or perhaps working with private trainers or sparring partners.
Personally, I think the first option is a bit more likely, but the second is more fun. ;)
Anyone else have different headcanons for where Sherlock got his training?
84 notes - Posted March 10, 2022
This video is giving me so many feeeeeeeeeels
96 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
Re: Dracula
I keep seeing posts here observing that Bram Stoker's original readers would not have been as versed in vampire lore as we moderns are -- vampires would have been a new concept to them, right?
I just want to say, no, not really.
In addition to Carmilla and Polidori's Vampyre, may I introduce into evidence the hugely popular but now largely forgotten Varney the Vampire?
Varney was serialized between 1845-47 as a "penny dreadful" and was basically the Twilight of its day. Even people who didn't read it would have heard about it.
Point being: when Victorian readers read about two pinprick holes in Lucy's throat, they would have known EXACTLY what that meant.
See also
155 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
I'm very sad that my dash doesn't have one single post of Sherlock saying "am I the current king of England?"
I don't have time to make or hunt for gifs! Someone needs to get on this, please.
181 notes - Posted September 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
lmao we're in the new yorker for being weird has-beens
Tumblr is something like an Atlantis of social networks. Once prominent, innovative, and shining, on equal footing with any other social-media company, it sank under the waves as it underwent several ownership transfers in the twenty-tens. But it might be rising once more. Tumblr’s very status as a relic of the Internet—easily forgotten, unobtrusively designed, more or less unchanged from a decade ago—is making it appealing to prodigal users as well as new ones.
The Tumblr users I spoke to, both new and returning, cited a few unfashionable aspects that keep them using the platform. Tumblr’s main feed doesn’t shuffle posts algorithmically based on what it determines might appeal to a user... Posts appearing in the feed are undated, and many accounts are pseudonymous, creating a respite from the frenetic exposure of other social media. Users spoke of the platform feeling disconnected from the “real world”—no President would ever try to shape world events with a Tumblr post.
What makes Tumblr obsolete, for the moment, are the same things that lend it an enduring appeal. The fact that it maintains a following should remind us that we use social-media services by choice; no platform or feature is an inevitability.
400 notes - Posted January 16, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bukuoshin · 1 year
I'm almost finished making cookies, yayyyyy!
#rae rants#my back hurts from having to lean down to put the dough on the pan;;;#i just have to ice about 1/4 of the sugar cookies and i'll be done... but idw do it rn cuz my back is killing me.#i have to figure out where to put the peanut butter cookies (currently cooling) bc Space...#i have never had him misbehave this bad. he took a frosted cookie (that was out cuz it was drying) and threw it on the floor#and then ate all its legs off. theres still frosting on the tile...#it was a reindeer i forgot to mention that and i only had 5 of those turn out correctly so i was even madder lol#i do think i have a problem of coating shit too much. like a recipe will be like 'make sure its completely coated' so i do but...#my end result always looks so so so different than how its supposed to. and this goes for both my snickerdoodles and how much sugar i#put on the pb cookies. oops. my bad.#also... relatedly. i slipped on one of Kami's toys yesterday and the only reason i didnt get hurt was cuz my right elbow hit this#futon thing i use as a chair. before the rest of my body hit the floor. so. my arm kinda hurts from the jolt.#AND i've been having real bad carpal tunnel the last week. im a mess man...#and my sister literally just told me LAST NIGHT that she'll have her kids for xmas eve so i have to get everything done like. now.#and i have to hang up my bras to dry so i can shower and buy dog food and icing and kitchenware for my sis and presents for my niece#and i have to pick out an outfit for eve now and so on... i'm so busy;;;;;;#AND. I ALMOST FORGOT. I HAVENT SMOKED IN 2 DAYS CUZ ITS SO COLD OUT THAT I HAVE TO WEAR 6 LAYERS TO GO OUTSIDE FOR MORE THAN 2 MINS.#im gonna layer up in a minute here but. i need some time for my back to like. stop hurting.
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fayes-fics · 1 month
Textual Encounter
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader, modern AU
Summary: Text fic. Wrong number meet-cute over text.
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Warnings: none... this is fluff and humour.
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: Fic request fill for Anon (HERE). I kept it fun and fluffy, but yeah, I can see a sequel where they sext. Thanks to @colettebronte for the read-through. Enjoy! <3
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Y/N: Hey Liz, it’s y/n y/l/n. Kindle Spa gave me your mobile. Said you had moved to another salon. I don’t trust anyone else to wax me tbh. Big date this week, kwim 😉 Can I get an appt? I’ll come to you. Doesn’t matter where. 
BB: Errr, I think you have the wrong number…
Y/N: Not Liz?
BB: Nope, Ben here. 
Y/N: Not a waxer, I presume?
BB: I may have waxed lyrical in my time, may even have lit a few candles. Have not waxed anyone no - my own body or anyone else’s. Yet. But I’m game to try anything once...
Y/N: Lol.
BB: Big date, eh?
Y/N: ….Yeah. Not that it's any of your business, stranger Ben.
BB: Fair. BB: Does it hurt?
Y/N: ??
BB: Getting waxed.
Y/N: Oh. Yeah. Like a motherfucker. But you sorta get used to it, tbh. And it’s so much less itchy than shaving regrowth, especially in sensitive areas… Wait, why am I having this convo with a complete stranger?!
BB: We don’t have to be strangers. BB: I’m Ben, 33, London. BB: I have no strong opinions on hair removal methods.
Y/N: lol. K. I’m y/n, 28, also London. Y/N: I, as you can see, do have some opinions.
BB: Hi y/n 👋 BB: I hope you can find Liz. Or someone else to assist with your hair needs.
Y/N: I would like it stated, for the record, I’m not hairy like a troll. I just like to keep things neat.
BB: The lady doth protest too much…
Y/N: You are cheeky for a stranger.
BB: Hey, I thought we agreed. Not strangers. Me Ben. You hairy troll.
BB: Just typing it doesn't work, you know.
Y/N: You should work at the Apple Genius Bar.
BB: Hmm, possibly. I do look good in blue. Or so I've been told.
Y/N: Always glad to provide career counselling.
BB: 🫡
4 days later.
BB: How’d your date go?
Y/N: That's odd. I don’t see a Genius Bar appt in my calendar…?
BB: iCal is a lying bastard. BB: I also assume you now can move faster through water.
Y/N: ??
BB: Waxed smooth like a dolphin…?
Y/N: 😆 Y/N: Entirely none of your business, but yes, actually. Well mostly. I leave some. Why am I telling you this?! Y/N: The guy was such a dud tho, I didn't get to show it off 🙁
BB: Please don't stop on my account. This is just delightful.  BB: I apologise on behalf of all men.
Y/N: For what?
BB: Having 4 sisters, I find the safest answer here is usually… everything, of course.  BB: But specifically, your rubbish date.
Y/N: Apology conditionally accepted. Y/N: 4 sisters?! 
BB: Only conditional? What do I gots to do to make it unconditional? BB: Yeah, I know… I’ve got 3 brothers too. My parents were really into each other. 
Y/N: IDK, serve a mean martini? Y/N: Understatement.
BB: That could be arranged. I took an online mixology course during lockdown.  BB: My sister El declared I'm better than Stanley Tucci. Admittedly, that was after 4 espresso martinis… but I'm taking it. She's opinionated but the best one. They are a weird bunch tho 🤔
Y/N: WOAH WOAH WOAH. That's a bold claim.
BB: Well, there’s only one way to dispute it: try one for yourself…
Y/N: Smooth, Genius Bar, smooth.
BB: I do my best 🤷
1 day later.
Y/N: I can't get my AirPods to work.
BB: You do realise I didn’t actually follow your career advice?
Y/N: Urgh. Inconvenient. What use are you then?
BB: As I said. Cocktails. I’ll try my hand at waxing if you want.
Y/N: Best stick to the day job. Which is…?
BB: Graphic design.
Y/N: Oh, that’s quite cool. 
BB: It pays the bills. You?
Y/N: MI-5
BB: Wow, you're a shit spy.
Y/N: It could be an excellent double bluff…
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Y/N: Oh, we’ve graduated to memes now, have we, Genius Bar?
BB: It was called for.
Y/N: I’ll take it. Purely cos it's a Hemsworth.
BB: I would too, tbh.
Y/N: Bi?
BB: For a Hemsworth? Always.
Y/N: Anyone else?
BB: I’ll keep you posted.
Y/N: I'm on the edge of my seat.
3 days later.
BB: Oscar Issac.
Y/N: Good non sequitur evening to you, too, Genius Bar Ben.
BB: For the bi thing.
Y/N: Ahh. Got it. I can respect that.
BB: This is me, btw: www.instagram.com/benbridgerdesign.  BB: Figured you can decide for yourself if I'm a creeper.
Y/N: Appreciated.
3 minutes later.
Y/N: You paint?
BB: I dabble
Y/N: Modesty will only make me like you more.
BB: You like me?! 🥹
Y/N: You didn't mention you were handsome.
BB: There is no way to respond to that without me sounding like a twat.
BB: But thank you 😊
Y/N: This is me: www.instagram.com/ynhandle 
7 minutes later.
BB: Oh, Amalfi is so beautiful, isn't it?
Y/N: Wow. That's a deep cut. How far did you scroll back??
BB: 👀
Y/N: Yeah, it's beautiful. Shame it's tainted for me now. Was there with an ex.
BB: I saw. Very handsome.
Y/N: Are you sure you're not just into men full-stop?
BB: 🤷 BB: You’re very pretty, too.
Y/N: I’d believe it if you didn't mention my “very handsome” ex first…
BB: I call it like I see it. BB: I have had 4 whiskeys, tho, so make of that what you will.
Y/N: On a school night?!
BB: It’s my brother Ant's birthday. This is like non-optional drunk, I’ll have you know.
Y/N: Happy birthday to him. 
BB: He says thanks. He’s also told me to get off my fucking phone. Which is rich. He is texting his wife nonstop.
Y/N: Hah! Safe travels through Whiskeytown, BenBridger 🫡
BB: I kinda miss Genius Bar…. 😞
Y/N: I can't win…
2 days later.
BB: Settle an argument for me.
Y/N: 🍿
BB: Col, younger brother, never stops eating... He claims Katz Deli is overrated. I argue it's touristy but still good. You’ve been. Where do you sit on this matter?
Y/N: You really did go thru my Insta, didn't you?? Y/N: Thanks for the follow, BTW.
BB: It's a compliment, I assure you. BB: Welcome. And same.
Y/N: Not complaining. And yeah, I agree with you, actually.
BB: Hah! Excellent!!
Y/N: Wait… your older brother is Ant, and your younger brother is Col? You’re Ben. So, like ABC?
BB:  … I already warned you my family was weird.
Y/N: You did. You did.
BB: Now, please excuse me while I go gloat.
Y/N: 👍
5 mins later.
BB: Hi. This is Col. You must be the famous y/n. Ben’s in the bogs, and the mug left his phone on the table unlocked, so this is on him.  BB: He like really likes you. Like a lot. Will you go on a date with him pls? 
Y/N: Err, ok, hi Col. Y/N: Umm, I think Ben should be the one to ask me that. Don’t you?
BB: He’s too scared you’ll say no.
Y/N: I won't…
2 minutes later.
BB: I am so SO sorry about that 😬 He’s such a shit. BB: But… do you mean it?
Y/N: Ask me properly…
BB: Would you, y/n, like to go on a date with me? Please?
Y/N: I would be delighted to Ben. 😀
BB: 🙏 BB: Are you free on Thursday? Could I take you to dinner?
Y/N: Sounds wonderful. 
BB: 7pm? Meet at Picadilly Circus? By Brasserie Zedel?
Y/N: I’ll be there 😀
BB: 😀
10 days later.
BB: I think you should know… Liz is an artiste 😮‍💨
Y/N: Stop texting me from my bed, you dork. 😘 Y/N: How do you take your coffee?
BB: I'm like 10 meters away. Why not just ask me?
Y/N: You started this, Genius Bar…
BB: Come back to bed, Mostly Hairless Troll.
Y/N: I asked for that, didn't I? 🤦
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Benedict taglist, pt 1: @makaylan @longingintheuniverse @iboopedyournose @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @broooookiecrisp @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @miindfucked @sorryallonsy @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @fictionalmenloversblog @zinzysstuff @malpalgalz @kinokomoonshine @causeimissu @delehosies @m-rae23 @last-sheep @panhoeofmanyfandoms @kmc1989 @desert-fern @corpseoftrees-queen @magical-spit @bunnyweasley23 @how-many-stars-in-the-sky @sya-skies
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11cupid-tarot11 · 26 days
Late night conversations with your future spouse.
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1 -> 2
How do guys feel about the name "Love Bugs"? I've been considering calling you guys that, I think it's cute 🥹 I want to do something cool with it in the future- stay tuned guys!
In honor of reaching 100 followers I want to do something special! I want to do a follower's request! So comment down below, message me privately if you want, whichever way you prefer! This will still be a general reading for everyone, but I'm excited to see what cool and unique topics you guys can come up with!
Take care!!
- Cupid 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪.
I'm open for private readings! DM me!
$5.55 per question
C@sh app and PayPal payments only!
Cash tag- $minnieplant3
Tips appreciated!
Love y'all!
- Cupid 𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪.
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Pile 1- Four of coins, The hierophant in reverse, The world, Eight of swords, The sun, Queen of wands, Five of cups.
You guys will talk about the future a lot! You guys will like talking about planning, how to save more or trips, dream vacations. Just your dream life together.
This is a moment when both of you can be in pure silence even and just enjoy each other's company, you both could have busy schedules so making time for each other might be a little rough, but at night time it's y'all little bonding moment basically.
I'm hearing something about not having to really use your brain as much lol. Maybe someone works in a field that requires them to think a lot or it's very mentally challenging or even draining so they get to finally be at rest as well, the conversations will always be light hearted and just lots of laughter and child-like energy here because neither of you really want to take this moment that serious. I'm also seeing you guys could opt for doing other activities instead of talking, like watching a movie and for some of you your person took it to a 18+ level lol.
You guys will really like to talk about how much you want to explore together, where you want to go, I think this person wants to give you the world so you'll be thinking this is just random playful talk but he'll bring it up again when the moment is right to make these dreams and talks come to life!
If you guys have had a bad or gloomy day they'll wanna talk about it so they don't feel so stuck in bad energy, they really don't want to carry it on till the next day so they'd rather talk and get all of the negative things out of the way so you both can sleep peacefully.
You both love talking to each other a lot, about everything and there's no judgement here, you guys could even fall asleep mid way sometimes because I'm seeing you one of you will be so tired (I think it's definitely from a tiring job or schedule, weekday nights will be a lot different than weekend's, weekend will definitely be longer, you guys will talk more or do more activities together because that's y'all's little bonding time! Cute 🥹.
Your person will love hearing about your day! They'll want you to tell them about everything you did. They're definitely the type to ask how your day was, they genuinely care too, they're not asking just to make conversation they'll really want you to go into details! They'll want to emotionally support you through thick and thin.
Random, but someone has a six pack? They might be shirtless a lot too lmao.
You guys will definitely use this as a moment as well to talk about anything within the relationship that you want to work on, I don't think your person appreciates toxicity so they try to eliminate as much as possible, if there is a problem or they've noticed you've been grumpy all day they'll want to discuss in details before bed, this person really hates going to sleep with low vibrations not only for themselves but for the both of you, they think you both deserve a happy good night's sleep! Adorable! 🩵
I hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to do the poll at the bottom and I'll see you later! 💖
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Pile 2- Four of wands, Ten of cups reversed, Knight of cups, The tower reversed, Three of coins and The wheel of fortune.
So this person is kinda dramatic lol. I think by the end of the day they're really tired and some days aren't able to stay up like they wish. They say they feel like a zombie some days :(
They'll still be very expressive with you, they'll explain this. They don't want you to think they're making up excuses or don't want to spend time with you or anything. I'm seeing this might be part of the late night conversation, they'll tell you exactly how they're feeling and why. This is only for certain days, it will not always be like this energy.
I think your person's kinda flirty though? Like they're keep you laughing for sure, they have a lot of passion and just like to be near you at night! You guys could end up just cuddling and sitting in silence without even realizing you're both falling asleep. It's very comfortable energy, you'll feel so good cuddling up with this person you guys might just forget about the conversation at hand and drift off, freaking adorable!
This person loves how calm everything feels with you at night, everything's peaceful and they can just relax and let loose, sleep to their hearts content. I think this pile just might really like sleeping? There could've been a thing one of you had trouble sleeping before getting together, it could just be your person's energy but take it how it resonates!! But now whoever had trouble sleeping before can sleep so peacefully so it's their favorite thing to do, you guys can't wait to get in bed to get all nice and warm and get a good night's sleep.
Maybe they'll ask you questions about what you did all day, they'll check up on you, use this as a time to get insight on you I'm hearing.
They'll want to tell you about the wacky things that happened to them out of the blue, if something funny, crazy or even slightly out of normal happens they just have to tell you! They'll gossip a lot, tell you everything! Like best friends at a sleepover.
I hope you enjoyed!! Don't forget to do the poll below, see you soon! 💕
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