#i've only seen it in compilations on yt
kenobihater · 7 months
constantly thinking abt this
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always-is-always · 8 months
Insights come, through original content
It's definitely worth the time, to watch as much original content as possible. BIG note to self.
I've watched all four seasons of Bon Voyage, and just finished the four years of Summer Package. Lots of stuff that I have seen bits and pieces of before, in a lot of compilation videos and "analysis" videos. VERY interesting to see all of it within it's original context, in each show.
Yeah, there's a bit of Jikookery as people call it, in some of it. Most of it I had seen out of context, during my first couple of years in the fandom (when I didn't have any idea about anything). There are a few moments here and there that I haven't seen before which are primarily touches, and super subtle stuff.
The interesting thing is how people have taken so many of those moments out of context to support a story that they are presenting, in their compilations or "analysis". Yes, it can be said that other parts of the fandom have done the same thing, for the same purpose.
One of the moments from BV in Malta that everyone has seen comes to mind, here as I type. It is when they are all at a restaurant, and Jimin and Jungkook are seated across from each other. They reach out at the same time, to offer a bite of food to each other. That is a favorite clip that j-kookers love to use, to prove their theory. I mean, I do think it is cute and sweet, and I do believe that Jimin and Jungkook are together (in a closeted relationship), I just think that it's really a disservice when people leave out the other part of that scene. You know, when Jimin is then offering bites of his food to the other members, too. It wasn't just a Jimin and Jungkook thing, like is portrayed in many of the YT videos I have seen...
The other things I noted are how the editing was just so chopped up and discombobulated at times. Like When you see Jimin literally sitting down right next to Jungkook and then suddenly it is edited and next thing you see is Jimin on the opposite side of the group, not sitting where he had just sat down a second before. lol... Yeah, there's a TON of that crappy editing in all of the series and shows. I'm guessing that as they got into 2017, 2018, 2019 that they had to do a lot more editing as Jimin and Jungkook kinda started being more open with their antics. lol...
I kind of understand why people like to create those videos over on YT. There's thousands of them probably, and literally millions of viewers who like that type of thing. I was one who watched a bunch of it, as I mentioned before. It was before I understood what a lot of it was, and before I understood how much manipulation there was.
What's next on tap for me? I'm not sure. There's a ton of content still for me to make my way through. It has been enlightening to say the least. I do see the shift in the way that Jimin and Jungkook were from the early years into 2019, from what I have watched so far. There's so much there that clearly shows that they had particular types of experiences with each other, behind closed doors. I mean, anyone who has ever had a lover would see it in their energy(if you sense or see energy) and in the way that they would touch each other. It is as clear as the sun in the sky.
I can only imagine the complexities that the members had to navigate in their relationships with each other, their communication of how they felt to each other, and in working out HOW to have two members in a close intimate relationship within the group. Talk about a complicated situation. That puts it mildly. No wonder Namjoon had so many moments when they were in front of cameras, audiences, interviewing and such. No freakin' wonder.
Sorry for this long ramble..... I've just been thinking a lot about them and about what I have seen in these shows. Like I have mentioned, I hadn't seen much of the original stuff that was on Weverse, sold on DVD, or behind pay walls. I didn't actually understand what the heck "Summer Package" meant! lol... There's a TON of content that I have still to watch. This will be an ongoing thing for me, during these months while we wait for June 2025. There's probably going to be more rambles like this one, to come.... 😁💜
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fauxfickle · 7 months
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We now return with your regularly scheduled and all too familiar feeling of malaise and the search for "The Great All American Pizza Show!"
So it's been a little under a month since my last post and I've been skimming through commercial compilations from the LA area. I've found some cool YT channels that archive old ads from that area but I obviously don't have anything to show for it. The ads are either too early or too late to be part of this campaign which is a bit frustrating. Something I neglected to mention last time was that I was also looking through Colossal Pictures demo reels to see if they had a snippet of the animated commercial but of course, there's nothing. There seems to be a cutoff point in the early 80s as most demos only show things from that far back. I was able to find some obscure, silent, avant garde, sci-fi film possibly connected to Colossal but I don't think that'll help me much.
Colossal had some sort of "meet the crew" type video where all the employees said they're names but only their first name so I can't really track them down or anything. I'll keep looking, I didn't look all too hard as I was kinda at my wits end at that time looking through ad comps for hours.
I took a bit of a break for a while before reading through the old Pizza Times newsletters from Dec 79 - May 80. The May 1980 newsletter had some cool info about commercials and news features filmed at the various stores. Some of these aren't technically part of TGAAPS campaign but ehhhhhh I don't really care. They're part of early PTT history and I wanna see them damnit!
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Let's go through these starting with Citrus Heights. The Citrus Heights section is loaded with info regarding lost media, 3 in fact! Sacramento's Channel 40 (KTXL), which has since been bought out by FOX in the mid 80s, did a Newsplus at 10 feature on the cyberamic systems at the new store during it's opening week. If we consult the ever so useful Chuck-E-Pedia, we can find that this feature would have been shot and most likely aired on Christmas week of 1979. A perfect pin point set of dates to look through! Next, Chuck was seen in the lead up to the United Cerebral Palsy Telethon which also gives us some idea of where to look. Finally, a TV commercial was filmed, possibly with TGAAPS slogan. Bob Wilkins' ad agency produced it but I couldn't find ANYTHING regarding this company. It's mentioned on his wikipedia but not named, and a even his own website doesn't mention anything about it. It's surprising that someone who seems like a local celeb in there area could have an ad agency that goes almost entirely undocumented.
Next, we move to Sparks, Nevada. Channel 2 (KTVN) filmed a feature on the store for the PM Magazine. The store was visited by reporter Keith Hirshland. Now I'm actually pretty sure I've found this dude! I found a local online article talking about him and the timeline works perfectly. Assuming this was filmed in early 1980, Keith would of been still fresh out of college with a degree in journalism and around 23. He also says he grew up running down the halls of the KTVN office. As a little aside, I'd just like to say don't bother this man or anyone/company mentioned in any of my posts. The last thing we need is to scare off these people.
This last little piece of lost media probably has the best chances of being found out of all the rest. Ben Wattenberg's 1980, from what I can find, is a dry, uninteresting TV news segment hosted by an equally dry and uninteresting host, the neo-conservative Ben Wattenberg. Ben Wattenberg's 1980 itself seems to be almost entirely lost media as only a few stills, episode descriptions, and TV listings exist online. However, this show was on PBS which no doubt has it somewhere in it's archive. What's better is that that there not only an exact date of when the episode will air, but also the name of the episode itself! One user on taptalk was able to find a TV listing which unfortunately doesn't lead anywhere and isn't archive on the WayBack machine. Luckily people actually said the name of the supposed episode which would of been "Silicon Valley: The New Entrepreneurs". We can also find evidence of it in a newspaper from that June 15th.
I sent e-mails to KTXL-40 and PBS on 2/24, so far no responses. I'll wait a little longer and in the mean time look for more leads and contacts. As I said before, don't bother these people/companies. I don't want them to be swamped with calls and e-mails and clam up on us. Bye for now!
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cetuscorvus · 1 year
16+ for kissing but probably 18+ for implied ending
So... I've been waiting for male!MC emote reel on YT for quite some time and when it was published I was busy BUT
Now I present to you this piece. No AI generation, only in-game dialogue parts/character sounds compilation and some ambience.
Let's give boys some love too. So far I haven't seen even gender neutral sound stuff.
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stupendousfoxthing · 7 months
Hi 👋
I am new to your blog and I've enjoyed it so far. Thanks for opening up your asks by the way. Just wanted to find out from you how you got into believing in Taekook if you are willing to share.
Thank you! I used to answer questions for anons years ago but kind of hit a wall when I was getting hundreds of asks a day and a lot of them were trolls. I still have the same beliefs about Taekook and I've been chatting with people here for the last few months and I like the vibe. So I hope I can add something worthwhile to the conversation. It's funny because when I first became a Taekooker Tumblr and YouTube were my first preferred places for discussions. I got into this in the latter half of 2016. I had been a BTS fan since 2014 but HYYH era pushed me to do a much deeper dive not just into them as artists but who they were in their lives outside of that. I was falling down the rabbit hole of watching compilations of sweet BTS interactions (all members) on YT, and I just happened to see a comment from someone who said they had been a Kpop fan for a long time and had seen a lot of ships but the only one they actually thought could be real was "V and Jungkook". I'm JK biased, so I was like "oh really?" 😂 At the time there weren't really analysis videos everywhere the way there are now (and I don't watch those because I find them cringey), but there were two very active accounts called Maknaez and cutetaeboy(I think???). They basically just updated every few days with new Taekook "moments". No analysis, just pics and video clips compiled. As I said, this was second half of 2016. The Smart Event had just happened. Bon Voyage season one had just aired. Wings era was beginning and then launched them into awards show season. It was a wild time to find Taekook. For me, something just clicked right away. The Smart Event was so intriguing, and the Bon Voyage cuddle is still as mind-blowing to me now as it was then because it's so clear and so intimate. I started keeping up with them constantly and found some Taekooker friends. Award show season was CRAZY. I still remember pics and videos of the "I'll be your man" moment hitting the timeline and I was finally like "oh so they're actually dating, good for them" 😂 (bonus wider angle showing JK softly touching Tae's hand after he sang) Here I am 7+ years later and it just keeps adding up, I think it is pretty simple math. A big moment for me is the Citi Field nape kiss. It's probably still my #1 just because for me it's the one moment that has no platonic explanation. And I'm absolutely sure because I was at that concert. No one is going to tell me it was fanservice, because I was in that venue watching the big screen and I know for a fact that it was hidden from view. I actually met one of my Taekooker friends for the first time that night after the concert and neither of us knew it had happened, but you better believe we were screaming at each other in dms at 1am when the first pics and videos started popping up on Twitter. That was a crazy moment. Solo era further confirmed everything for me. I feel like this is already getting too long so I won't start going off about everything that happened in the last year and a half because I'm sure we'll get around to discussing it eventually. I hope this is a satisfying answer to your question, and thank you again. ❤️
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slytherinshua · 3 months
I was honestly so happy to come across your fic! There doesn't seem to be a lot of Lucy content anywhere? (Unless I'm just looking in the wrong places lol) I think I maybe found 1 yt channel that has eng subs but it was last updated 2yrs ago 😭, so if you have any recs they would be much appreciated!
He taught walwals chemistry?? Oh my goodness 😭😭 He really is the sweetest. They all seem like such genuinely nice people, but so far from what I've seen Yeop definitely seems to be the most naturally caring? Not that the others aren't!! It just seems to radiate off him more? I'm still a baby walwal (I'm ashamed to say I haven't listened to all of their music yet) so I'm very eager to learn more about them and their personalities!! I'd love to know what your take on (or how you view) the members and their personalities if that's not a weird thing to ask lol.
(sorry that's a bit long, I may have got a bit excited to meet another walwal lol, I've only met 1 so far 😭)
Yeah you’re right it’s very hard to come across anything cause the fandom is so small lol 😭😭 but I would recommend this channel their compilations are great <33 apart from them there isn’t really other active walwals :(( and they only last uploaded a year ago so I can’t even really say they are active. but their old videos are great!!
he seriously is the best :( everything about him is so mom coded like he cooks for the members, he’s very caring towards walwals, and I find it really endearing that he likes zumba lol I believe he did it on live for walwal to join him once(?). Since he went to school for applied chemical engineering (I believe that was his degree or smth very similar) he’s very smart in the stem fields. But he’s always been very musically focused and he’s recorded a lot of OSTs even before lucy. But I’d love to tell you a bit more about the members and their personalities and give you some recommendations for what to listen to!!! I’m about to see Lucy in concert in 3 days (save me I might pass away) so I’m very excited. I’ve been a walwal for about 2 years now :(
Yechan, despite being the leader, is definitely the most playful member. He’s chaotic and loud and carefree and he’s really just like a child sometimes. He says he’s mature but like… he’s not and we love him for that lol. I’m pretty sure he only ended up being the leader because he’s the oldest lol. not that he’s not a good leader but Wonsang definitely has more musical direction and leadership within the group than yechan. You can see in lucy videos if you watch them, yechan is just adorable.
Sangyeop like we’ve talked about is super caring. And his nickname is yeopmom like skjdks but still very playful and funny just like all the lucy members <33
Wonsang is the baby :( to me :( to them :( to everyone :( he is the most vital member to the group given that he produces and writes majority of their music. He basically has the say in what sound they’re gonna do each comeback, the members themselves have said that they follow whatever Wonsang wants. But even tho he leads them in a way he’s very… innocent and childlike?? In a sense that the other members often worry if someone will take advantage of him because he’s so precious and kind to other people :( he also has the cutest laugh in the world definitely recommend you look up his laugh!! him along with yechan are the two cutest members by far :(
Now gwangil is tricky because he’s unpredictable lol. On one hand he’s probably the most mature member or most serious member just cause his cringe tolerance is a lot lower than the rest. He doesn’t like to embarrass himself (felt) but it’s not like he isn’t any fun. He can be very goofy and playful when in the company of the other members, and he does like to joke around just as much as them. But he still is the “makhyung” and generally giving more boomer chill vibes lmao 😭😭
As for Lucy’s music, they have such a good discography. Highly recommend you listen to all of it at some point, but for now the songs that are top priority in my mind are: snooze, haze, you’re right, farther and farther, watermelon, sequel, play, opening, ending, never in vain, and I’d also like to include their ost run to you. there’s a good mix of fun songs, anime inspired ones (Wonsang is not subtle lol), and ethereal ballads for you and these are some of my all time favourite lucy songs. They also have some solo songs in their albums which you were probably not aware of, but on the blue and childhood albums, each member has a song!! Which means there are rare times that yechan actually sings!! And I would also recommend watching their live clips for some of their songs that you can find on their channel, as well as their covers. They’ve covered a whole lot of songs and you’ll never catch them slacking truly <3
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puissantveil · 11 months
I remember seeing a yt vid of compilation of raiden and and sindel intros, in which op is believing that sindel approves and raitana would be an endgame. It was a bit of a reach but it's still a fun video yk? However, what rubs me the wrong way is that the OP (a white man) said "kitana is asian/southeast asian, she likes raiden too but she's playing hard to get. I know because my wife is southeast asian and she was like that." with his whole chest. I'm southeast asian born & raised, so you could guess the stank face I made reading that comment could rival sindel's upon seeing shang tsung's lab. This man tried spreading the raitana agenda, but if anything, his passport-bro self had succesfully turning me away from this barely budding ship.
(My apologies if you see this ask in another blog, I have trouble remembering if i already hit the ask button)
I think I remember seeing that. Just looked up passport bro, and I have definitely seen that kind of mentality on the internet. What a bunch of creeps. Unfortunately, it's not the first time I've seen dudes get weird about Kitana being East Asian (and more recently SEA) coded.
Kitana has a lot of suggestive intros with Johnny Cage, many of them in which she rebuffs his advances. The ones that start with her do kinda sound like she's playing hard to get, or at least baiting him because it's funny to see how far he can shove his throat into his mouth. She sounds much less amused when Johnny leads. He must've crossed a line at some point, because Kitana's final answer is no, expressed as a slap on the face.
She doesn't seem to even see Raiden as a potential partner. Though she admires his virtues as a person, she calls his crush "sweet but unwelcome" like he's a cherubic younger neighbor entirely naive to matters of the heart.
So far, the only canon ship for Kitana is Kitana x Singleness x Loving it.
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skepticalarrie · 2 years
So I apologize if this comes off as a trolly question but as a newish Larrie and someone who likes to understand all points of view (hence why I studied source clips vs. just this yt/sm compilations which can have misleading edits), are the denials what antis point to as their most compelling reason to deny Larry? That and media spin? H once liking a porn tweet? The “gfs?” Is there something I am missing? I asked an anti about WHY a dagger tat why then and they called me delulu. Help.
Hi, darling. I'm sure every person has a different perspective, it's hard to find consensus in a group of people. So, in the same way each larrie have different things it works as a stronger "proof" and it resonates the most, I assume the same happens in other parts of this fandom. I've seen larries say the biggest larry proof was the chicken with parma ham thing 😂😂 and like, it doesn't make any sense to me! So I always make sure to talk about this because I'm not sure if this is an internet thing or if it's just this fandom, but the fact people treat individual groups as a unit really bothers me and it's probably the reason of a lot of misunderstandings. We're all people, we all think for ourselves (or we at least should).
With that being said, when it comes to people that don't believe larry but are not antis, I think it's pretty safe to say that my general perception is that the most compelling reason for the majority is the narratives with the girlfriends and everything that is out in the media. It's hard to try to look at that differently when that's all you know about someone. And I don't think they can be blamed either, to be honest.
Now, antis?! I have absolutely no idea. Just the fact there are people that are "anti" something like a boyband "ship" confuses the shit out of me. I really don't even know what to begin with when it comes to trying to understand their train of thought. So, I'm afraid you would need to talk to them or read their blogs to fully understand it, etc etc. I can only talk for myself here and not other parts of the fandom, and honestly, I'm not particularly interested either, I'd rather stay in my lane. But I understand your curiosity!
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blujaymi · 2 years
this might be something with pretty obvious answers, but i wanted to start doing digital art
any tips? thank you
hello anon and congrats on being my 2nd ever ask!!
I'm the absolute worst person to ask about this, but I'll try my best.
Disclaimer: Actually blending and painting digitally is a whole other topic. If you wanted me to talk about painting: I'm sorry!! But, I can make a post about that specifically if you want. For this post though I'll be talking about more easy basic stuffs since you said you were just starting out (I still do mention shading tho).
This post ended up being lengthier than I thought, so I'll leave my thoughts under the cut.
In terms of getting started hardware wise, I've only ever had one drawing tablet (its a huion, but I can't recall what specific model) so I'm not sure I can make any good recommendations but I know there are many ppl on yt who have more experience with various tablets than I do if you don't have one yet!
However, in terms of software, I currently use medibang paint simply because it's free and suits my (very) simple needs. That being said I think it's pretty decent and is definitely more than enough for just starting out. There's also firealpaca, which is essentially the same program but with a focus on animation and comics at the cost of less brushes. Both can be used for basic illustration and have pretty much the same basic brushes and functionality, so either are good starting programs imo.
Besides all that, I'm guessing you're asking more about the actual art side. I don't know if you're transferring to digital from traditional art or just starting to draw in general, but hopefully I can help regardless. There's a lot of beginner digital art tip videos by people way more qualified than me out there so I'm gonna try to give tips I feel like aren't talked about as much.
1. Canvas size is important
When setting up your canvas size, it should definitely be at least 1920x1080 pixels (standard HD size). my canvas is usually 3000x3000 or just a large square. This is mostly because I'm indecisive, draw small, and don't know exactly how I want my canvas oriented until I start drawing; however, I find it to be a good starting point in general as it's big enough to be cropped and preserve quality. Basically, just don't accidentally make your art too small (which sounds obvious but it is something I have done before and haven't really seen artists talk about for beginners. It's a really easy thing to overlook).
2. Save ALL of the time
This isn't really an art tip as much as it is a PSA to prevent disaster. I don't think I've seen an artist that HASN'T lost drawings or parts of drawings from their software crashing or forgetting to save. A lot of if not all art programs do have an autosave feature but it's definitely not meant to be relied on. Especially when you're starting out and are likely spending a LOT of time learning and experimenting with your drawings, just make sure to hit CTRL+S often and make it a habit.
And as a side note, save your art in dated folders of each year/month. It makes the process of backing up your art or uploading it to a drive a lot easier. Safe art is good :]
3. Take advantage of EVERYTHING
Okay, moving on from that sort of off topic PSA, If you're used to traditional art, or just not familiar with your art program, it's easy to forget how many tools you actually have at your disposal to make the drawing process easier and/or faster. So I have compiled a list of essential tools that are in every art program that you might want to experiment and become familiar with before just diving into the deep end and making a drawing (which is fine too, but it can be a little overwhelming).
Layers and clipping
Generally, you want a layer for each unique element of the drawing, such as:
I typically divide the color layer into a layer for each color so I can shade them individually (not doing so makes your colors susceptible to getting in each other's way and is just kind of a pain). For example, I'd probably split the color layer of a portrait of a person into a skin, hair, and eye layer. I know when it comes to painting specifically having 39178319 layers is usually criticized, but I think it provides good organization and a bit of a safety net, especially if you're new to digital art and will likely be indecisive in the beginning about things like color.
Speaking of being indecisive about color, one of the most important features of an art program is clipping.
Essentially, whatever you draw on a clipping layer will only show up within the layer that's below it (which as I'm typing this I've realized makes way more sense when you see it than through words). There's usually a checkbox to enable clipping on a layer in the layer window, and its usually called just clipping or clipping mask across software I've seen.
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(Clipping off)
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(Clipping on)
One of the main things you can use this for is quickly changing the color of a layer without having to be decisive about it and permanently change it. You can have multiple clipping layers over one layer and simply hide the ones you aren't using.
The more prominent thing clipping is used for, however, is shading. Basically, you add a clipping layer to your base color and color in your shadows without having to worry about "going outside the lines". I really wouldn't recommend doing shading any other way unless you're just freehand painting. Clipping is definitely the easiest approach.
Blend modes
I don't really know how to define what a blend mode exactly is, but I can tell you what the two most useful ones are. There's a lot of them depending on what program you use, but the most important (imo) and universal ones are called multiply and add.
What multiply does is intensifies the darks and completely gets rid of the lights on whatever layer you apply it to. In simpler terms, it casts itself as a shadow on the layer below it, hence it is used most often for basic shading.
Because of the nature of the blend mode it is common to choose colors like dark purple or dark red as the tone for the shadows. I honestly really love purple/cool shading, but you can experiment with various tones of shadows and find which fits the vibe of your piece. A general rule of thumb is to not just use a darker version of the color you are shading (unless that's the look you're going for), but also shift the hue on the color wheel a bit to add more v i b e s. For example, shading red with maroon/purple-toned red or green with a slightly blue-green.
Add is the opposite of multiply. It intensifies the lights and completely gets rid of the darks on whatever layer you apply it to. It casts a glowy looking highlight on whatever is below it, and is used for intense lighting or making stuff look cool and glowy (my favorite thing).
As somewhat of a side note, each layer also has an opacity (how opaque/transparent the layer is) setting. Lowering the opacity from 100% will make the layer more transparent (very useful for adjusting the intensity of the shadow or highlight layer, and to draw over your sketch).
There is a LOT more I can talk about regarding this but I think most of it has already been said by much more qualified artists. Also this post is hellishly long and I think any more advice would be overwhelming (if it wasn't already). Hopefully everything I mentioned above can help you start your digital art journey. I'm down to make a part 2 of more obscure tips if I can think of enough.
Best of luck anon and sorry for making you read all of this!
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godza · 2 years
hello hello lisey :) most exciting thing i've done all day is watch the close up vers of the orv musical. as you've seen. i still owe you everything for introducing me btw. also made a little bit of progress in sui hunter not much since the last update. i feel bad for gorke. i think that's his name. imagine being just some teenager and god shows up after two hundred years to declare you the new priest and then beat you up to make you learn magic what the. heretic questioner was so insane for staying in the tower for two hundred years just to use his snails to enslave everyone else T_T there's something wrong with him. i knew that already. umm i've been meaning to ask do you have any vtubers/streamers you'd recommend. i've wanted to start getting more into that stuff for a while but i am not sure where to start. no pressure to compile a huge in depth list on the spot if you don't feel like it just making one of your swag lists sometime whenever you're up to it would be cool ^_^
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woooo i need to rewatch the orv musical bc it slaps. just rewatched 188 in 4k jesus christ. i posted it specifically back then so you would see it. and yayyy sui!! god beats you up on the daily in your dreams you are gorke. and heretic questioners snails are insane. heretic questioner is a manic pixie nightmare girl. and yayyyy streamers!!! my fave actual person is rtgame, the best twitch streamer ever imo he has had me waking up early on the weekends you need to have a strong grip on me to do that. his content is what makes me laugh the most, theres a bunch of great stuff on his yt channel.
here is my a list of vtubers you may like! noir vesper, hes really good at talking for hours and making every second entertaining, he can talk about computer parts for an hour and i wont understand but ill enjoy it. min suha, the most popular niji kr member, hes fluent in korean and japanese but is trying his best in english and is super funny and wholesome, slightly fruity. selen tatsuki, if i could marry a streamer it would be her, her laugh is contagious and is a beast at fps games and has my whole heart can she give it back i need it. hyakumantenbara salome, a jp high class lady whos incredibly funny, you may know her from the desu wa craze a while ago if that was an event to anyone else but me. other misc ones you may like: uki violeta, calm gay guy. pomu rainpuff, anything but calm fairy. enna alouette, she got into some controversy lately so maybe hold off but her contents great, and shu yamino, the only guy ive ever seen who doesnt swear but is also hilarious. i just infodumped all over the place ill need a mop to clean this up
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Fake Post filled with Fanfiction excerpts
Newbie Turtle Here
I thought I'd share my experience on relocating to Turtle city.
After the cut if you're interested. I wrote more than I wanted.
My story begins with watching Word of Honor. A good enough show for T!kTok edit fun. Many videos seemed to compare the show to the Untamed which I discovered was also a drama based on a BL novel.
Interested, I purchased the book, devoured it whole in a few days. The drama lasted the same amount of time. I fell head over heels for LWJ. Found the story fascinating, searched for more information and came across BTS on YT.
Imagine my disappointment after watching countless videos following the actors around, most of which were in Chinese, I wanted set design, costume design, script info.
To ease the pain, one week later, I watched the Untamed again. Where did WWX come from? Was he there the whole time? Had I been too blinded by LWJ to notice this breathtaking human being front and center?
Bearing that in mind the BTS wasn't so bad now. I happened upon countless interviews for the show featuring other characters. Momentarily satisfied, I paid attention to the actors instead of characters for the first time. Focusing more on LWJ, I found out his name and pursued him. Loved everything I saw about WEB.
Now that I knew what to expect, viewing the BTS felt more comfortable and enjoyable after a third watch of the series. I even stepped out my comfort zone to watch compilations. This is the part where things begin to shift. One compilation I came across involved the actor for WWX walking near the LWJ actor and waving him over so they could sit together on the smallest bench with no space in between when LWJ was only one space away ( I say actor because that's who they were to me at the time). I mean, what was the reason? They didn't immediately talk to one another. They just sat there together.
Of all the BTS I'd seen, I don't know why this one struck me. It seemed ridiculous, and I laughed even checked the comments to see if anyone else found it hilarious only to see them shipping the actors.
In the years I've been absent from fandom, I learned shipping has been twisted from when I was a teen. To ship, people don't automatically assume the person doing the shipping means for them to be a couple. People ship a pair because they find them cute or because they're friends. Couple shippers try to distinguish themselves by renaming their purpose as supporters/believers instead of 'shippers'.
I brought this up to say when I see people shipping an investigation is mandatory. I'll be honest, curiosity takes hold and I deep dive to see the reason. My thoughts on Yizhan in the beginning was less than favorable. This had nothing to do with believing or not. I didn't want to open up to the possibility. I was done with shipping. Too many panicked shippers in the past made the environment depressing. Nowadays, people are way too emotionally invested in celeb potential relationships. There's nothing wrong with caring. My comment is directed at those who become upset or worried constantly over the littlest things.
For example, my other fandom:
Fan: I'm so sad person A didn't send a bday greeting (online) to person B. They're clearly over. They haven't said anything (online) or posted a pic (online). I give up. This must mean xyz. I'm so upset.
If this sounds targeted, please step back and evaluate your needs, your emotional/mental health is worth more.
Call me crazy, but I'm unable to support a ship without equally supporting both parties. Preferring one over the other is fine as long as the non bias receives equal standing. For example, my first RP ship I noticed loyal shippers go crazy for the couple, but fall into the trap of comparisons and going hard for one of them as a result. They eventually turned into solos and despised couple shippers when they posted about the other one. When I become a fan of someone, I like them and who they date is their business. If I'm lucky enough to be a fan of both then I may choose to ship (I've only ever shipped 3 RP.). Regardless, I'm happy for them no matter what. I never panic on 'what ifs' because I'm in it for the person.
I decided to give you a glimpse into my mindset with shipping. As I was still very much solo biasing LWJ and by extension WYB. I attempted to steer clear of turtles because I wasn't committed to both. All the while digesting multiple pieces of information related to Yizhan. I'm a mystery wrapped in a conundrum with a juicy skeptical center.
Side note. Thank you Tumblr Turtles for your wealth of knowledge and hard work.
To be clear, I think my dive into WYB came easier due to the fact ZZ was filming. He appeared less on updates, and thus I never noticed him. While I took in info about Yizhan, I still had a one track mind.
Things snowballed when I watched the Yuehua concert clips on YT. People were debating on DD's skills (he's phenomenal to me. To each their own though) so I looked into WEB's music and ended up realizing he sang on the Untamed soundtrack. I watched performances including one with GG. My initial interest of ZZ (aside from his insane good looks) started with music.
If you're curious how this went, well I started watching LOF, but abandoned it at episode six for DC. Sealed GG in my mind as someone who I'd purposely search for from now on. Relief flooded through me as there were scary moments such as abandoning TLP and disliking JD (due to the story not acting). Surprisingly SBMS saved some of my original thoughts on whether I'd be a true fan.
Side note. I've since learned with long cdramas to watch them to episode twenty because that's when the story starts to take shape so TLP I'll return eventually. I started watching LOF again (I don't care so much about these random characters).
I wish I could reveal a defining moment where I decided to pack up for the move to Turtle city. I think it revolves around figuring out how much I liked GG who seems down to earth, genuine, kind and a great actor.
The rest unfolded smoothly and became obvious when I stopped thinking 'them' as reference to turtles and realized somewhere along the way I cheered for turtles or felt incredibly embarrassed.
Side note. No matter what fandom I'm in, whenever 'fans' ask people close to the supposed couple about whether they're in a relationship or the dreaded 'touch this, say that', and then freak out about it. Regardless of claims of validity, I find this practice insulting to the potential couple. I will forever be embarrassed to be associated in any fandom that partakes.
That's it. My turtle story. I hope it wasn't too boring and long. I was always the person in college who cried about the twenty word essay then had to figure out how to delete five extra pages.
Oh, I'm not really a blogger. I only post about movies and shows I've seen. I repost a lot with the added comment thrown in here and there.
Also, I save nothing. I'll never know where anything is.
I love all kinds of fanfiction (my Drarry obsession is unbeatable). Yes, I've read Yizhan and MDZS fics.
I may not comment too much on candies, but if anyone ever wants to chat about shows (Yizhan or not), I'll definitely respond.
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hzdtrees · 3 years
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Free Heap
Past the Glarebreak, sandwiched between a Stormbird and just too many Thunderjaws, lies Free Heap, one of the few Oseram settlements in the game. True to Oseram fashion, there's not much left in the form of trees, giving the area it's own, almost ravaged feel. (Or maybe it is because every time I finally make it there, I was ravaged by either Thunderjaws or the Stormbird, although I've always felt Stormbirds were less of a challenge, as they need more time to compose themselves after being frozen compared to Thunderjaws, that mostly just shake it off and charge again.)
Most notably about the area however is the "heap", the scrap pile the settlement subsists on when it's not overtaken by a bandit clan and Scrappers, or they're not chasing down a herd of Behemoth in the pursuit of cables and young love.
It's also the first look at the Oseram cannon that becomes so useful during the final battle, and I do wonder - a friend rushed through her NG+ right upon finishing her first playthrough, focusing only on story missions, and was therefore able to answer the question whether the Oseram cannons are still there if you don't meet Petra at all. They are, since they seem to be so integral to the gameplay at that stage, but does it make a difference if you completed her quest, other that she comes to join the final fight? Petra tells Aloy the Oseram cannons that helped liberate Meridian - presumably the ones you use in that final battle - were a prototype to what she was working on in Free Heap (at least that is what I took from "this one's mother"), so I assumed the reason why there is no perceivable difference between her Free Heap model and the ones you use in Meridian is due to her improving on them/building new ones. So, if you never meet her, are those cannons somehow less effective? Is their aiming slightly more off? Do they differ in any way? I might also just, once again, be putting too much thought into this.
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presumenothing · 2 years
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达拉崩吧 / DALABENGBA · SINGER 2020, EP 8 (2020.03.27)
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lbarker · 3 years
just me and my stupid playlist ♥
suggestions are highly welcomed, don’t be shy messaging me what song you wanna hear!
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dutchdread · 3 years
What are the funniest claims you've seen about Tifa or Cloti?
To me when one CA said on YT that the Lifestream-scene was all about Cloud repairing Tifa and her mind of the memories that she had forgotten 😅 and ofc s/he HAD to quote that Tifa's "I really didn't do anything. Cloud helped himself" (sry, can't remember it from word to word,lol). Ofc THE POINT being that Tifa is unimportant character and not needed at all. I mean, I know that it just goes for Tifa's personality and who she is. She doesn't take any credit to herself. (and even in real life, the only one who can help you is you when it comes to state of mind)
Another one I had to laugh my ass off was that "Tifa is an alcoholic". Crazy 🤣🤣
Good question, unfortunately I tend to block out ridiculous claims in order to keep my sanity in check. However, one moment that comes to mind was a while back when someone said "I think Tifa just has better chemistry with Zack"..... Can you think of a more obvious and in your face way to say "I am a hardcore Clerith trying to hide my extremism by pretending I'm actually part of a different ship"? This was the saddest attempt at trying to wave away the "Tifa and Zack problem" that I've ever seen in my life. It's one thing to pretend that Cloud had more chemistry with Aerith, but pretending Tifa had more chemistry with Zack is just another bag of nuts altogether. They literally speak like 2 lines to each other throughout the compilation, one of them being an email where Tifa asks about blonde guys in soldier. Just the sheer absurdity of trying to sneak in Zack/Tifa as a genuine possibility in order to get them out the way for their "argument" was just mind-boggling to me.
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shinsouskitten · 4 years
Heyo! This is my first time requesting so I hope this isn't a bad request. So lately I've been watching these TikTok compilations of people getting naked infront of their bf/gf on YT and I just had this AMAZING idea. How would Shoto, Shinso, Kaminari, Bakugo, and Hawks react to their s/o doing that? (I also heard you're a Yagami Yato fan!!! Yay!)
Honestly I’ve been dying to do some tiktok pranks, but I didn’t know if anyone would actually enjoy them, so your request certainly isn’t a bad one. I kinda did a mix of the towel dropping trend and straight up stripping cause I wanted to do a bit of both so I hope that’s okay
And yeah, I’m a huge Yagami fan. I really want to get her patreon but I’m a broke bitch 😣 
I’m so happy I was able to finish this in time to post it today
Anyway… Time to get naked! 
All characters are aged up (except Hawks)
Warnings: suggestive themes, implied nudity (does it count as implied or is it just straight up nakedness?), Bakugou
❄️🔥 Shōto Todoroki: 
The two of you sat on the sofa, your phones held in your hands as you navigated through app after app to find something to do. You saw a tiktok pop up on your page, of someone recording their partner’s reaction to the stripping, and Shōto’s current aimless scrolling made it the perfect situation. 
You took your phone, resting it against a glass on the coffee table in front of you as nonchalantly as possible. You set the timer to record, turning off the volume so Shōto wouldn’t hear it, before beginning to take your shirt off. 
When he didn’t turn you sighed, standing up to take off your pants to hopefully gauge a better reaction. This time he turned his head slightly, his eyes taking a quick glance over your body before returning to look at your face. 
“Oh hi y/n.” He said, turning back to his phone.
“Shōto.” You whined, ending the recording on your phone. “You’re meant to react more.”
He turned to look at you again, a small smile on his face. “Sorry, baby.”
You sighed, placing your phone face down on the coffee table before flopping down on the sofa, your head falling in his lap as you stared up at him. He leant forward to put his phone next to yours, before twirling a hand in your hair softly. 
“I’ve seen you naked before.” He said simply.
You rolled your eyes. He could say those kinds of things with such a monotone expression, but you still found yourself flushing each time he did so. 
“Yeah but it was for tiktok.” You frowned.
Shōto smiled softly. “We can try again if you want.”
“Is this your way of saying you want me to strip for you?” You asked with a laugh.
“Perhaps.” He replied, and you felt yourself smiling as he stared down at you.
He might be a bit clueless, but he’s still cute.
💜 Hitoshi Shinsou:
Just one more game. That’s what he’d said two hours ago. You’d lost track of the amount of rounds he’d been playing, but by now your eyes were tired of the blue light illuminating your bedroom. You knew how difficult it was to convince Shinsou to go to sleep, but it was practically impossible when Kaminari messaged him asking to play some games online with him. 
You would both be tired and grumpy in the morning, so you decided to try and convince Shinsou another way. 
As he stared at the screen, you grabbed your phone from beside your bed, placing it in front of you as you called out to Shinsou. He turned for a moment, but his attention was quickly drawn back to the tv as Kaminari’s voice flooded the speakers.
“C’mon man I wanna win for once.”
Rolling your eyes, you decided to elevate your persuasion. You waited until the round he had been playing ended, pressing record as the next one began to load. Calling for him again, he turned, and you began to slowly peel your shirt (well, it was technically his shirt) up your body. When it passed your head you tossed it to the side.
Shinsou smiled, tongue darting out to wet his lips as his eyes trailed up and down your torso, now naked before his eyes. 
“Hey Kami.” He said, eyes never leaving yours. “You’re gonna have to play the next game on your own.”
“Is it y/n again? I wanted to wi-”
You chuckled as he ended the call, turning off his console before strolling to join you on your bed. You picked up your phone before he got to you, ending the recording and placing it back on your bedside table.
“Was that for Tiktok?” He asked.
You nodded silently.
“Of course it was.” He chuckled.
You pouted. “I was tired of you playing.”
“Well unfortunately I’ve got some more to play.” 
You frowned, thinking he was going to return to his games again, until Shinsou leant closer, cupping your face with one hand while the other began to trail down your chest. 
I guess there’s more than one way to get him to sleep.
⚡ Denki Kaminari:
To be honest, Denki’s probably done the exact same prank on you (Denki is a tiktoker change my mind).
You were determined to get him back. And Lady Luck had decided to shine on you today, because you had the perfect opportunity. He was playing a game, headphones blocking his ears from you as he spoke with the rest of the Bakusquad. 
You tapped his shoulder to tell him you were going to take a quick shower. He turned to look at you for a moment, opening his mouth as if to speak, before his attention was pulled back to the game at Bakugou’s insistent yells of ‘pay attention you damn extra’. 
After your shower, you wrapped your towel around your body loosely, one hand gripping the fabric while the other grabbed your phone to begin recording. You slipped back into the room, mildly annoyed when Denki didn’t even turn to greet you. You let your towel fall away, before tossing it across to land on Denki’s head. 
He pulled the towel from his head and threw it to the ground, throwing you a quick frown before he turned back to the tv. Mere seconds after he faced the screen he turned to look at you again, eyes widening as he took in your naked figure with a bright smile.
You heard a yell from his headset, presuming it was Bakugou when the screen flashed game over in bright red letters. 
“I gotta go.” Denki said into the mic.
You laughed, stopping the recording as he stood up to walk over to you.
“I was wondering when you’d get me back.” He smiled, his hands resting on your hips as he pressed a kiss to your head. “But you know, it’d be a shame to waste this opportunity.”
“Do you think about anything other than sex?” You chuckled.
“Of course.” He replied. “I think about you. But how can you blame me with this beautiful sight.”
You smiled, tossing your phone to the side as you wrapped your arms around Denki’s shoulders.
“You’re not saying it’s a bad idea.” He said, raising an eyebrow at your silence. “That clearly means you think it’s a great one.”
You rolled your eyes, but leant forward to kiss him. 
“It’s an okay idea.” You murmured against his lips.
You yelped as he pinched your hip, opening your mouth to scold him, but your words failed you as his hands began to trail to where you wanted them most.
“Just okay?” He asked.
You nodded, head falling against his neck as he continued to trail his fingers across your skin.
A great ending to a great prank.
💥 Katsuki Bakugou:
You sighed in your bed, blankets wrapped around you as you waited for your boyfriend to come home. He’d been swarmed with work recently, so you hadn’t seen as much of him as you would’ve liked. 
When you heard the click of your door, you jumped up, racing through your apartment to see Bakugou taking off his shoes with a sour expression.
“Hey.” You smiled, walking over to drape your arms around his shoulders. 
He grunted in response, brushing your arms off as he plopped down on the sofa. He lay his head back, eyes falling shut as he muttered something about stupid villains thinking they own the place.
As you watched him the idea came into your mind. You felt in your pockets for your phone, relieved to find it there. Careful not to disturb your boyfriend, you placed it so only Bakugou would be seen by the camera. As you pressed record, you cleared your throat, annoyed when he didn’t even react.
With a sigh you pulled your shirt over your head, throwing it across the room where it landed in Bakugou’s lap. His eyes shot open, noticing the clothing in front of him, before his head snapped to look at you.
“Oi dumbass what are you doing?!” He shouted, but you could see the blush spreading across his face. 
“Something wrong?” You asked innocently.
Bakugou let out a low growl, before his gaze fell to the phone propped up next to you. 
“Is this for tiktok?!” He screamed, leaping towards you to rip the phone away before you could stop him.
You pouted as he glared down at the screen, ending the recording and tossing your phone to the other end of the room.
“If you’ve broke that-” You began, but you were interrupted by a finger on your lips.
“You shouldn’t be worried about the phone.” Bakugou said, red eyes boring into yours. 
Your mouth fell open in a silent ‘o’ as his hands slipped around your waist, letting out a scream as he threw you over his shoulder.
Suffice to say your phone wasn’t the only thing he broke that night.
🍗 Keigo Takami (Hawks):
There was something droning on in the background, some boring show you couldn’t be bothered to pay attention to. Instead, your attention was fixed on your boyfriend, who was laying back on your sofa, wings splayed out behind him as one arm sat curled around your waist. 
Coming up with an idea, you excused yourself from his grip, and his head turned to look at you as you propped your phone up to face him. 
He raised an eyebrow, his golden eyes following your every movement as you began to peel off each layer of your clothes. By the time you were in your underwear, Keigo had grown impatient, and he stood up, appearing next to you within seconds.
“Well hello there.” He smirked.
You rolled your eyes with a laugh, holding up a finger to press pause on the scene as you retrieved your phone, checking that you hadn't been visible on the screen. When you were satisfied, you placed it down again, this time ensuring it wasn’t recording, before turning back to Keigo.
“You know if you were into recording stuff you could’ve just said so.” He said, his eyes still not leaving your body.
You laughed again, but leant forward to press a kiss to his lips, your hands tangling in his hair as he returned the affection. His hands trailed across your body, at one point stopping to pinch your hip. Keigo used your shock as an excuse to slip his tongue into your mouth, and his grip tightened on your waist.
You groaned as he pulled away, but your breath caught in your throat as you felt his hand slip in between your thighs. 
Maybe you should prank him more often.
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