#i've played none of these games. but the soundtracks are really good
scorndotexe · 1 year
listening to video game soundtracks to read is all fun and good until you stop reading and you're on your way to do something else and feeling like you're on your way to kill a king so ancient the rest of the world has forgotten him. and he's past reason, the only thing left to do is pick up your sword and do your best to save this part of the dying universe. but really you're just walking to class
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ner5y · 5 months
Some music idea's for tadc Carnival au
So in each of the guardian's themes from BOTW you can faintly hear the morse code for S.O.S at different points in their songs, right? (along with other morse code messages that I don't know the meaning of)
(It's a lot clearer in the soundtrack, especially for vah ruta but hopefully you can still hear it)
Listen closely, you can hear beeping in the background:
So what if WHAT IF Different songs in the Carnival au game's soundtrack had something like that? Like you open it up and the title screen's song has a catchy beat, but little do you know, IT'S THE GAME CALLING FOR HELP.
That was just a random thought I had, this post is mostly to headcanon what video game osts would fit what character, so here:
Pomni's Room:
Glitzville (Paper Mario: The Thousand year Door)
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Does. Does anyone actually remember some of the weird (and sometimes racially insensitive) writing in this game? I still have a pretty fresh memory, because I first played it about two years ago (VERY LEGALLY). But did anyone clock those as a kid, or was it just a normal 2000s thing?
Pomni's Boss Battle
I think the choice is obvious...
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Ragatha's Room
Petalburg (Paper Mario and the Thousand year Door)
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(But if you wanted it to be more elegant, "The Night of The Ball" from Fire Emblem 3 Houses would also fit I think. Oo, OR" Lily's theme" from Pokemon: Sun and Moon might fit better.)
Ragatha's boss Battle
Battle! (Lusamine) (Pokemon Sun and Moon)
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(I couldn't really think of a good one for her)
Kinger's Room
Soul Sanctum (Hollow Knight)
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(Could also be "Victory Road" from Pokemon: X and Y, Or if you're looking for something more upbeat, Merlee's mansion from Super Paper Mario! that one might sound too evile, though [Fun fact: I was so scared of Mimi's spider form as a kid, that I didn't end up getting past the second door and finishing the game until I was FOURTEEN])
(It could also be a whole host of other Hollow Knight songs)
Kinger's Boss Battle
Mantis Lords (Hollow Knight)
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(OR "Twilight of the Gods" from Shadows of Valentia, or maybe even "Time to Fight!" From Xenoblade Chronicles (*cough* Dunban is the goat *cough*))
OKAY, for Jax, since he's so fucked up, I think his themes would be DRASTICLY different when comparing sentitience and none-sentience:
Jax's Room (sentient)
Hellfire Follies (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
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Jax's Room (Non Sentient)
Inkwell Isle One (Cuphead)
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Jax's Boss Battle (Sentient)
Colossal Wonders (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
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Jax's Boss Battle (Non-sentient)
Fiery Frolic (Cuphead)
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Another fun fact, King Dice's song is sung by a woman named Alana Bridgewater!
Gangle's Room
Shopping (Pokemon: X and Y)
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Again, struggled with this one. Not sure if it fits too well.
(A general theme for Gangle could be Dimentio, Charming Magician from Super Paper Mario)
Gangle's Boss Battle
I've Had Enough Of You (Billie Bust Up)
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And would you look at that, Michael's at it again.
Here's a female cover cus y'know Gangle's a girl
(For ones without vocals, maybe "Battle Team Flare" from Pokemon X and Y, "Fracktail Battle" or "It's Showtime" both from Super Paper Mario)
Zooble's Room
Spirit of Hospitality (Celeste)
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(Could also be Crystal Peak from Hollow Knight!)
Zooble Boss Battle
Confronting myself (Celeste)
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(I was struggling to decide between Heartache, Metal crusher (Undertale) and Battle Elite Four (Pokemon: Sun and Moon) but as soon I heard this, I KNEW)
Caine Boss Fight
BIG SHOT (Deltarune: Chapter 2)
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I think that's all of them!
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sethan-obsession · 11 months
What are some good new RPG maker games?
I played some ages ago, but the websites have now all been nuked because they were full of ripped assets from SNES games.
ooh i can answer this
for ones with no real combat that've been around for a while, yume nikki is good, but i've mainly played .Flow, a fangame of it, which has a darker tone and atmosphere with more understandable "goals", so i attached to it much more
Ib (eye, bee, as letters) is an interesting art game that appeals to emo/scene aesthetics that i like more, it has no combat but many puzzles and an incredibly interesting setting, to me
OFF is a french-translated RPG which is kinda the best in the business, the art & music are top notch and the gameplay is accessible, if seeing pictures of it or hearing music from it intrigues you, i think everyone should give it a shot.
almost all of these are real battle sprites. you play as a baseball player (The Batter) and purify ghosts as you come into existence. the fandom came & went in 2012-2014 or so, but the game's worth experiencing, very much. more games under the cut below the image
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LISA: The Painful is an excellent game that has a post-apocalyptic setting and a weird axis/style for an rpgmaker game (being a sidescroller), the setting involves you playing as a very traumatized man living in a world where all women have gone extinct and people are fighting over nothing before the world ends, the feeling of it is pretty immaculate and the soundtrack is great but strange, it cultivated my interests at a developmental period
most of the aes can be described through this trailer
LISA also has a sequel (The Joyful) which takes place after the first to tie up the story, but most importantly is that the very interesting setting & vibe set up a slew of fangames, the strongest to start out with which are
LISA: The Pointless, where you play as a very washed up martial artist who gets dug out of a trash pile by a new friend he made; a gunslinger with a bolt-action pistol that only has one bullet, and thus he can never shoot it: only threaten enemies & fake out the fact that he MIGHT shoot them, to debuff them - this game also tightens up the RPG aspects of LISA significantly, and has an IMMACULATE vibe & unique feel, it's one of the most important games to me ever
and LISA: The Hopeful, which retains more of the aesthetic of the original as well as the goofy charm while telling a very compelling grounded story.
i also contractually need to mention Fear & Hunger, it's incredibly unfair and by most metrics fails at game design but if you're interested in body horror, cosmic horror & can stomach depicted (but very much so not portrayed positively) sexual violence, it's very good art
and finally, Hylics is an incredibly artsy game that's obtuse and strange but very beautiful. it's entirely sculpted and animated with clay, but i think (as someone interested in other claymation projects, but weaned off of them after a while) the aesthetic is notably better for hylics, it doesn't feel "gross" with its humor or too, "self-referential" i'd call it maybe?
the sequel, Hylics 2, is instead fully *animated* claymation that was then ported to blender, frame by frame. there's no other project on earth that really looks like Hylics 2.
i would highly recommend playing both if you gel with them at all or think they look cool, they're both pretty cheap on steam and are accessible for an RPG (if you can figure out its silly namings and mechanic equivalents for things like health & levelling up).
none of the games mentioned here have level grinding or random encounters, either (besides some parts of OFF)! i hate that! i only like good ones, i promise!
that's all, hope this helps lol
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fluffypichu876 · 3 days
what's your story with FF and what do you like about it? (<- clueless about this series and intimidated by the number of entries it has)
Heya mutual!! I see that my incesant FF rambling has finally bothered someone, eh? xDDD
My story with Final Fantasy is actually quite recent, as surprising as that may be! It all started with one game that is responsible for introducing many franchises for many of its players like me, none other than Super Smash Bros. Ultimate itself.
I had been playing SSBU pretty much since release, having enjoyed SSB4 on the 3DS, but I never really cared about the one FF character available there at the time: mister Cloud Strife himself (boy wouldn't that change quickly xDD). And I didn't know much about the franchise either, except for very brief knowledge about Kingdom Hearts (a crossover between FF and Disney, yeah don't ask I've always found that strange xD), so I never had much of an incentive to look into it.
Until one faithful day in december of 2020, of course, the day that The Game Awards of that year aired, bringing with it a very unexpected (but very welcome) reveal of a new character that was joining Smash.
THE videogame anime swordfighter himself, Sephiroth.
I didn't actually watch TGA that day (it was pretty late at night here in my country), so I only learned about it the next day. When I watched the trailer, my immediate thought was, no lies, "Hey, isn't that guy from Kingdom Hearts?"
Technically not wrong, he does appear in the first two KH games, but also very wrong lol. I went into Smash's official site and saw there that he came from Final Fantasy VII. Huh.
I didn't pay much mind to it, but I did see many fans' reactions to Seph getting into the game. They seemed to love the guy a lot, given that they recognized it was him the second the first note of his theme started playing in the trailer (tbh if I was a FF7 fan by then I too would recognize him. One-Winged Angel is that damn iconic.) That made me understand that, well, this FF7 must be a very dear game to many.
And then came the memes. Oh boy did the Youtube algorithm enjoy the "Sephiroth gets into smash to torment poor Cloud" memes. I watched so many of these damn memes that it was only a matter of time until I decided to finally check the franchise out. And so I did. I downloaded the 3 FF7 discs on the internet (shhhhh don't tell Square), booted my PSX emulator (previously only used to play SOTN), and started the game for the first time.
I fell in love with it pretty damn fast.
In the first 4 hours in fact.
Now, FF7 is 27 years old. It was one of the first PSX games, so naturally it's outdated as hell. But despite the low-polygon graphics, the pixelated 240p pre-rendered backgrounds, the terrible CGI that would look like an amateur's first animation nowadays, and the obscurity of the game design that led to some confusing mechanics and lots of missable content, the game still manages to hold up quite well through time and I find it to be a very enjoyable experience overall, even nowadays.
The characters, the story, the combat, the very world map, which made Midgar look so tiny and at the same so big, the fucking soundtrack, composed by Nobuo Uematsu, which carries every single emotion you feel in this damn game, making up for the lack of voice-acting and character expressions in a really unique way. All delivered in that charming early 3D videogame fashion. In other words, it's hard to not fall in love with the sheer uniqueness of FF7. Like I did. I couldn't stop playing it.
Right, FF7 rambling done! This game was my first in the franchise, and beating it felt really good back in the day. So good that pretty much instantly I was already looking into another one to play, Final Fantasy 8.
The sheer jump in technology from FF7 to FF8 can impress even a modern player that has seen countless realistic modern games, honestly. It sure did impress me, at least. Seriously, they jumped from this:
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To this:
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In two fucking years. On the same console.
But anyways, after beating FF8, which I enjoyed a lot (not as much as FF7 though), I jumped into FF9 after a short while. That one quickly became my favorite in the series for multiple reasons, mainly for the characters and their amazing moments in the story.
After a brief hiatus with FF, I played FFX, which immediately jumped into a fight with 9 for the title of favorite FF game in my head xD (I may have to replay both to finally settle that internal debate, honestly) I just loved the combat (and the soundtrack that still makes me cry, wow).
And not long after beating X, the FF brainrot began to naturally cease and finally, it went into a deep slumber...
...until it came back out of nowhere quite recently, as you might have noticed, dear mutual xD. I blame FF7 Rebirth for making everyone talk about the game I love again lol.
And here we are today! Final Fantasy stands out to me for it's uniqueness, really. It's that simple. It follows many of its traditions, but it also breaks and innovates them in pretty much every new title, for better or for worse. Every FF game feels different, each set in its own universe and fictional world, and yet they are the same, familiar enough so that you keep coming back to the franchise every once in a while without feeling lost or overwhelmed.
And yes mutual, I too was confused at first because of ever increasing number of entries xD FF is one hell of an old franchise, dating all the way back to the NES era, and I respect it a lot for not suffering too much stagnation like the majority of old-running game franchises.
My advice for anyone looking to get into FF is too simply pick the one that looks the best for you. Like I mentioned before, the games are rarely interconnected and always take place in different universes, being loosely similar thanks to recurring elements like chocobos, enemies like the cactuar, some classic tracks, character jobs and archetypes, spells like Firaga and Esuna, summons like Shiva and Bahamut, etc. So no matter which game you pick to try out and get a taste of the franchise, if you enjoy it you may be inclined to try more, turning into a vicious cycle of wanting to play more than like 10 games with the same name back-to-back wtf xD.
As for me, recently XV has caught my attention thanks to fucking youtube again jesus christ that damn website is responsible everytime i get insane over a ff game i swear pretty easily, and I will probably end up playing it sooner or later. I like the roadtrip aspect, the friendship and banter between the main characters, as well as the realistic modern setting that basically never happens in FF (Noctis looks so damn normal compared to every other FF protagonist xD. Just look at him in Dissidia NT, man!).
Alright, I think I have typed enough words. Thanks for the ask mutual, I get pretty giddy at every opportunity to scream about Final Fantasy xD.
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recently relistened to most of the tricky trials soundtrack and i just... *sigh*
the music is good. really good. the composers seem like they finally have a really solid idea of what modern minecraft is and should sound like and how it should mesh with the existing soundtrack. but whoever mojang has actually implementating the music into the game just... doesn't.
whoever they have deciding when and where and how music should play... just doesn't seem to understand what they're doing. or, at the very least, they're actively making decisions that are bad for the game.
i've said it a trillion times before and i'll say it a trillion times again, but the fact that none of the trial chamber music plays in the trial chambers is awful. this is the only notable new feature in this update. you can't just not give it its music!!
in fact, it's probably the thing most deserving of having its own music out of all of modern minecraft! it's the kind of place that you have to actively seek out specifically to engage with its specific challenges and gameplay. it's like the nether or the deep dark in that sense.
a lot of people dislike the new biome-based music system because they have this idea of minecraft's classic soundtrack "emphasizing gameplay", and while i think this is a bit of a reductive take (as most takes on the classic soundtrack are), there is definitely merit to saying that the music system as a whole should prioritize emphasizing gameplay. minecraft is a game, after all. biome-specific music can come after that. and, if we look at the nether update the system was introduced in, it almost did.
like, you go to the nether to engage with the nether's specific challenges and rewards, and this makes the nether feel very different to the rest of the game. you can't really just chill very many places there like you can in the overworld. the nether's different biomes not only play fairly differently to each other, but also feel very different as well. it makes sense that the nether's individual biomes would have their own soundtracks.
even as recently as the wild update, which was awful for music, there was still the deep dark, which plays and feels very differently to the rest of the overworld. that deserves its own music.
the trial chambers should have, and easily could have, been the same way. according to a quote from lena raine in an official article on the official website, 'deeper' is written specifically with the trial chambers in mind. it's possible and immensely likely that some other tracks were as well. they could have had a really special-in-a-good-way musical experience by having the trial chamber music tied exclusively to the trial chambers, like how nether music is exclusive to the nether or how ancestry is exclusive to the deep dark. but instead they fucked it up and now it's going to be special-in-a-bad-way. because they didn't give the trial chamber music to the trial chambers. they gave the trial chamber music to everywhere else.
it's becoming increasingly obvious that the composers don't have nearly enough control over how their music is used in game.
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biggie-chcese · 2 months
top 5 games of all time?
objectively, i have to omit rain code djfkasd. that game is mid as FUCK!!! i still love it tho. scratches me brain just right. anyway, no particular order bc im indecicive:
Ghost Trick! genuinely my favorite mystery game of all time. the story is so good that i get why so many fans are so apprehensive about giving spoilers. the main twists sure did get my ass. also the puzzles are genius. genuinely my favorite puzzle game too i think
TGAA! i mean, this had to be here. my favorite ace attorney game, my favorite visual novel, my favorite cast of characters. this game has its flaws but none of which i felt truly hindered the experience. i've been a fan since before localization and even after the worldwide release it reignited so many passions of mine
Xenoblade Chronicles! The first game. it was crowned my favorite game ever for a very long time. i sunk hundreds of hours into it, genuinely love the story, and even got hooked on the mechanics and combat. unfortunately cant say the same for its successors
Pokemon Black 2! this may be the nostalgia talking but this is a comfort game for me. ive replayed it over and over and over. same goes for pokemon black. it got me through a lot of rough childhood patches and made me feel less alone at some of my worse moments. it's very dear to me
The World Ends With You. Not only do i find the gameplay and mechanics unique and fun, but i also just. really liked this game. i played it during my transitional period moving out of america. i think it really helped me deal with opening up to new environments and the world and feeling less anxious about the move. also the soundtrack is SO early 2000s (high praise)
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cow-legs · 4 months
What are some of your favorite videogames? ♡ ♡ ♡
(extremely long post incoming lol turns out i have a lot of things to say on this subject)
usually i have too hard of a time trying to remember anything i like to have answers for questions like these but thankfully for this one i have answers prepared since this is something i try to think about a lot
realistically if i had to pick one single "favorite videogame" above the rest itd probably just, like, ocarina of time & majora's mask (i'm considering them to be one videogame because i said so, it;s a package deal), just on account of how much of an impact they had on me from an early age combined with just how often i Still go back to revisit them in one way or another, but this is just about the most basic boring answer a person can have for this question unfortunately
thankfully you asked for some of my favorites instead of just one so i can unveil my Actual list of favorites instead of the one that only holds the top spot by technicality and not because i actually like it "the most". all of my favorite games have such a range in style and quality it's hard to really compare them in any meaningful way
crypt worlds, space funeral, and off-peak are all pretty different games made by very different people but i usually group them together when talking about stuff like this since collectively finding them all back in the day at roughly the same time kind of shaped my perception of indie games as a whole which probably gave me a very weird and skewed perception of the media but who gives a shit really it's a perception i hold dear. (they weren't the first indie games i ever saw of course but they were the most personally impactful ones that made me go "holy shit, this is awesome, you can do literally whatever you want")
they've pretty heavily influenced my own games, too. there have been multiple times i've started a project and then days later realized "wait shit this is just space funeral again. i'm just making space funeral again but slightly to the left. fuuuck" which is a pretty good problem to have i think.
gadget: invention, travel, and adventure is an old point and click game i found a few years ago that struck me by just how unique feeling its atmosphere is. strange looking people turn to you and say even stranger sounding things, the soundtrack feels like its having a nervous breakdown, the main character is given so few meaningful decisions/actions (read: basically none) by the people around them that it can barely be considered a game at all…it is a very fascinating experience, and one that i think back to a lot
i like Your Turn To Die a lot and am very excited to see how it ends, though i feel like i don't have too much to say on it here. one of those games that has me going "oh man i should draw more fanart for that one of these days" every time i'm reminded of it only to then remember that i Can't Fucking Draw right now lmao
myhouse.wad is something that extremely deserves to go on this list but a large part of my brain is telling me not to just because somewhere along the line i fucked up and became allergic to anything that has ever recently become popular & trendy on youtube because i don't want to look like a poser even though literally no one but me cares about where i hear about these things so i can only bring myself to include it if i also state that i played it BEFORE it was cool &all the streamers started covering it like some kind of shameful hipster. but for real though its awesome, very inspiring stuff. i wish my brain did not force me to want to distance myself from it for literally no good reason. fucking ocarina of time is on this list why is this the thing that makes you afraid of looking like a normie
i have a lot of appreciation for myst in a kind of "i've never played more than 5 minutes of this nor have i even bothered to watch a playthrough of it but i understand what you have done for me and the games i love that came after you" kind of way. i have purchased 3 different copies of it over the years as well as a copy of riven and i don't intend on playing any of them anytime soon. great game, probably. i wouldn't know.
i like a lot of kitty horrorshow's games but i don't really know what my favorite would be. lethargy hill is probably the one i think about most often though.
i like (the steam version of) dwarf fortress a lot and have been trying to play it more often. it is very funny having 80 hours in a game and still not feeling like you understand half the mechanics in it. figuring it out as i go along has been fun though. in a similar vein i also like elden ring a lot and despite being at over 160 hours on that one i still haven't beaten it. i need to get back to it before the dlc comes out but i stopped playing for so long that most of my muscle memory is gone…
for something much more recent than all of the above, absolutely perfect specimen is something really incredible that gave me a lot of stuff to think about, though it can be a little hard to recommend since it's extremely 18+ and has a whole big list of content warnings you definitely need to take heed of. extremely interesting work though, i like it a lot.
i'm running out of things to list off and should probably stop just for the sake of time even if there is more shit that deserves mentioning so i'll just end it off with CLONE ON NET YAROZE BABYYYYYY LET'S FUCKIN GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💯💪🙌💥💯💯
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solradguy · 11 months
Hello, Guilty Gear parent figure! Finally played older games, namely Isuka XX and BOY it's so... Weird on mechanics side because I'm so used to newer ones that are less arcaidy and more newbie friendly, but they're SO fun and have so much content (esp Isuka, I CAN'T get over the option to make your own color pallets and make your own Robo Ky and even named it). And the portraits, the Daisuke art! AHHH it's so good! And the man himself voicind Sol sounds so... Endearing?? Can't wait to get ancient core for lore and and.... Order Sol coughs coughs.
Aaaanyway sorry for dropping it into your asks, just really wanted to share emotions with somebody! And would be cool to know your opinion of older games as preservationist and what's your preference, are older games better or nah and all that!
Yeah! Isuka's got so many interesting/unique features, it's really a shame that none of them came back in a major way... The beat 'em up minigame in particular is one that I wish they'd had more time to polish and put into future games. There's Judgment but it's not quite the same. Isuka's art is AMAZING too. Like, why did that game's art go so hard?? This Sol illustration is of my all time favorites and it's from that game. I think Hiroaki did it but I've never found it with a credit in any of the books:
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Daisuke voices Sol in almost all of the games!! He didn't for Overture, Xrd, or Strive but there's an option to use his voice in pretty much all the others. I really like Jouji ("George") Nakata's Sol though, he did a great job voicing him. Hope you enjoy GGXX once you're able to get it!! Order Sol is REALLY fun.
Each GG game is so different, it's hard to say if one is truly "better" than the others... +R is probably my #1 favorite because it's got Order Sol and I enjoy the survival mode, but Strive was my introduction to the series, Xrd has some of my favorite designs (and soundtrack), Overture's so bad it's good (love the lore it gave us too), Missing Link is endearing...
Though I don't care for GGX itself too much, I think that game is probably one of the most important out of all of Guilty Gear. It gave us some of Daisuke's most iconic art, two novels, established the beginning of much of the major canon, and had a lot of spinoff media like the manga and a ton of figures/merch. GGX was the only game to have actual published art books (as opposed to special edition game bonuses) that collected Daisuke's illustrations from that period: Artworks of GGX 2000-2004 and then the updated Artworks of GGX 2000-2007 that included some work from the early part of GGXX. There was an art book for Overture too, but it was almost entirely rough concept sketches (that I don't think were by Daisuke) and not as much illustrative work.
It'll be interesting to see where Strive ends up going. As fondly as everyone looks back on Xrd now, it didn't give us nearly as much media to collect/archive as past games did. Strive is the best selling Guilty Gear by far. I've got my fingers crossed that it'll give us more printed materials like another art book some day.
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jellieclogs · 7 months
october media recap ✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮
i love music, movies, tv, podcasts, games, books, and more. here's a recap of things i watched in october 2023!!
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music ♫⋆。♪ ₊˚
i've been really into more indie blues type music as autumn comes to a head, my playlist autumn girls this is for you has a bit more songs that i really associate with this season. anyway heres the list!
mitski - my love mine all mine
mitski - i'm your man
these two songs are phenomenal, as is mitski's album "the land is inhospitable and so are we" i actually wrote a brief analysis on my love mine all mine as a love song and breakup song. the feeling it invokes in me is second to none, what a beautiful song.
olivia rodrigo - lacy
sixpence none the richer - kiss me
jane remover - search party
searows - used to be friends
phoebe briders - moon song
iron & wine - flightless bird, american mouth
mazzy star - fade into you
sting - shape of my heart
yeule - software update
yeule - sulky baby
taylor swift - "slut!"
rachel chinouriri - maybe i'm lonely
emile mosseri - jacob and the stone
i actually listen to this song to fall asleep, but i can assure you that i also cry every time i watch those videos on the internet with this song playing in the background. it perfectly encapsulates a feeling of hope and loss. beautifully done. minari was a phenomenal as a (real) movie lover, i love when movies have tracks like this that so clearly stand out from the soundtrack and score.
movies 🎞️✮⋆˙
i haven't watched as many movies as i'd have liked in october, it has been an emotional month to say the least. but, now im on anti-depressants so our regularly scheduled slaying is back. movies will be rated a 1-5 star based on how much i enjoyed it! and NO NOT EVERY MOVIE IS FROM THIS YEAR OR EVEN THIS DECADE <3
talk to me (2022) ★★★★
pearl (2022) ★★★★
the invisible man (2020) ★★★★
child's play (1988) ★★★★
doctor sleep (2019) (fucking insanely good) ★★★★★
bodies bodies bodies (2022) (so camp??) ★★★
call me by your name (2017) ★★★★
silence of the lambs (1991) (this is a perfectly made film. argue with the wall!) ★★★★★
and thats about it, i genuinely have been too busy with school to watch as many films, still have not seen barbie or the fnaf movie because im so busy and too broke to go to the movies constantly LOL. however, i will say what my favorite youtube video topics are currently in my honorable mentions section!!
honorable mentions ˙˖°📷 ༘ ⋆。˚
my current fave youtubers or streamers :3
dead meat (james and chelsea constantly demonstrate a genuine love for horror and have recently been branching out to video games amidst the SAG strike! love them and their work so much, they have definitely made me into more of a horror movie buff)
wendigoon (i will listen to this man talk about anything, but he constantly raises the bar with how informed he is on topics. he just likes to talk abt weird shit and thats really neat idk)
supertf (ive been watching this guy for over 5 years he is still the funniest ow streamer out there sorry)
kyedae (she is rlly funny and even though valorant is boring to watch i watch her play mostly, however i LOVE when she does variety or horror its so funny how scared she gets)
jacksepticeye (watching him play spiderman 2 bc i don't own a ps5, BUT ALSO sean just has the best playthroughs of games like this. love his takes on the game!!)
mike's mic (olivia wilde nodding gif like if you get it you get it!)
games im playing right now :3
the sims 4 (do i need to explain this rlly... i have 2000 hours on sims... currently building a tiny town for the new expansion pack :3 pics here)
sun haven (started playing with my bf, feels like stardew valley with a bigger world and more things to do! i HATE the fishing mechanic. it is not for me babes)
valorant (playing occasionally as i am not very good, but i have alot of skins so yipee)
overwatch (i have 1600 hours in the game unfortunately. addiction is real guys)
fall guys (just recently started playing with my friends again, idk why anyone wouldnt want to play this its free and fun. theres a hatsune miku skin in the game like CMON)
genshin impact (im actually really invested in fontaine's story, if i had multiple hours a day to game i would do all the story quests and things but again, im so b u s y. still farming for arataki itto, pls come home)
bloons td6 (i've somehow racked up 60 hours on this game...its so fun...i love it...)
lastly, my october hyperfixation was...
horror movies and true crime!! i watched over 100 hours of movies, video essays, podcasts, and documentaries relating to horror and true crime. i'm officially burnt out of it though, so i will be back next month to once again happily share my interests!! byeee
- jane ⋆。° ✮
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kygerbearr · 7 months
What's the worst game you've ever played?
it is hard to really gauge what the worst game I've ever played was, but there are definitely some games I consider to genuinely be bad. none of them are really all that interesting takes so don't expect much
persona 5 - I really, really dislike this game and genuinely think its game design is bad. visually it's amazing, but they lock game changing mechanics like party switching behind social links that I just had no interest in doing, and no one should be punished that hard for not doing optional content. horrible game design. also the story bored me to tears. the villain is so half-assed and character assassinated in the later half of the game that I felt insulted that they took so much time from me. the only redeeming quality of that game is its aesthetics, soundtrack and some of the characters, otherwise it's mediocre garbage and there are so many better RPGs to play. also persona 3 clears it
genshin impact - I don't hate it because it's anime or because it's gacha and I played it from launch all the way until the second half of inazuma when they released itto, but the way they handle content in that game is horrible. the units they released had horrendous kits overshadowed by whoever was running the meta. the hype for new units was completely gone, and building your team was fucking miserable because you need to gather bugs for 3 hours which also take 48+ real life hours to respawn. also everyone in that game is fucking white and its so annoying and I fucking hate it
the peak of my enjoyment out of genshin impact was liyue as a whole since it was actually a beautiful area with some slight amount of authenticity to traditional chinese culture, language, and topography. but the story of the game is so unbelievably fucking boring, the gameplay is not interesting, the new characters end up sucking and it's just a ridiculously unfun timesink. fuck genshin impact
maplestory - i have nothing to say about it. just trust me
yakuza 3 - holy shit I have never been more unsatisfied with the gameplay and story of a yakuza game. this actually made me want to drop the series entirely because I didn't find it fun or interesting whatsoever, the game is incredibly unbalanced, combat is so clunky and gross, the only saving grace is that okinawa is cool to look at. i didn't do any of the side stories because I just did not enjoy the gameplay, I finished this game and felt exhausted when I was done with it. the yakuza series is deeply deeply worth it, but please play this on the lowest difficulty and just bumrush the story.
tloz: wind waker - one of my hotter takes is that wind waker really isn't that good, admittedly I did play the gamecube version but what the wii u version changed doesn't completely turn it into a good game. my biggest issue with this game is that the overworld is genuinely empty and exploration feels pointless since the only side content you can do has unsatisfying rewards that don't make the game much better. the hint system they use for that game is fucking stupid, dungeon design takes a nosedive after the first 2 dungeons, items you get in dungeons have next to no use outside of those dungeons, and the final sequence being a boss gauntlet is one of the laziest cop-outs for the zelda series. I desperately wanted to like the game, so I played it 1 and a half times and that was enough to tell me that it wasn't that good.
ty the tasmanian tiger - i really wanted to love this game! but the level design got lazy and became a slog trying to collect everything, the boss design was very much not interesting and it just really couldn't hold my attention. I've gone back to this game 3 different times trying to see if I'd change my opinion but I play through half of the game and just end up realizing I don't like it and don't want to play it. it's just kind of sad
paper mario 64 - I won't call it one of the worst games I've played, but it's on this list because I beat the game and realized I didn't have any fun. the combat is really basic and boring, some of the areas are just kind of boring, it just felt really boring. the final battle? boring. there is nothing interesting about this game and I had more fun playing the randomizer than the actual game
tsukihime - this is not a game. this is a visual novel, but it's on the list because I genuinely fucking hate this game. it has the worst most annoying protagonist inner monologue ever, I liked the characters in it because of Melty Blood and ended up hating most of them by the time I finished tsukihime. I WILL be replaying it once the official english version of the remake drops in which case I will type a much longer winded review of it but I don't think anyone who likes tsukihime read it, or if they did and still like it, are not a good person. "just because they like the media doesn't mean they approve of it" cool don't care shiki tohno is a dogshit protagonist and wants to bang his sister bye
thats just scratching the surface and its just off the top of my head, other honorable mentions include final fantasy 15, final fantasy 10, glover, dragon ball z legacy of goku, super metroid (will not elaborate)
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frozen-fountain · 1 year
Ten Songs, Ten People
Tagged by the lovely @late-to-the-fandom.
Rules: Put a wip/character/etc playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up. Describe how they relate to your WIPs or worldbuilding.
Tagging: @hrh-spinach, @ourspecial, @bowieandthemickjaggernauts, @laboradorescence, @keioschaos when you get home, @punkass-diogenes, @the--calamity, @visualheresy, and @danceswithdarkspawn. You guys all seem to have interesting taste in music so I'd love to see what you come up with.
Without further ado, and from my multi-fandom plot bunny playlist:
How to Be Invisible by Kate Bush
This is the Shera song for me. It's even the working title (probably to be discarded) of a fic I want to write centered on her, in which learns the deceptive power that can come with being small and easily overlooked. Ostensibly my attempt at a tournament arc, she's going behind enemy lines to do some espionage none of the loud and identifiable main cast could ever get away with.
Sleep is a Curse by Maudlin of the Well
I've been finding this one really useful for getting into Cloud's post-canon headspace as I see it. Ostensibly excited for everything they're doing to make it up to the planet for allowing them a second chance, he's still dissociating his way through village council meetings, fixating on his mistakes, and wondering if humanity enjoying a brief moment of singularity before the end wasn't the better option after all.
Rings of Earth by Kayo Dot
If this series had an anime adaptation I'd want this as the ED. Walking around with the ghosts of the industrialised old world at every turn.
Gospel For a New Century by Yves Tumor
An instrumental version of this was my mental soundtrack for the gang's slow motion entrance into the museum during the Dulosis heist. Plus, I was listening to this album a ton during the early days of lockdown which is when I was first gahtering my ideas for this project, so it always takes me back.
Church Burns by Zeal and Ardor
I couldn't get this one out of my head when I was writing Barret arguing with his id in the form of Dyne, and the shards left behind from everything that happened in Corel and then Midgar.
Killing Game by Skinny Puppy
This is my go-to "Moment of unpleasant revelation and subsequent breakdown" song, and I currently associate it most strongly with Vincent's trip to Gongaga and realising what he should actually feel guilty about.
The Cockfighter by Scott Walker
I find this avant-garde composition about the trial of Adolf Eichmann surprisingly great for writing action to. If it's a really ugly, bloodthirsty, gritty fight, at least. The shifts and lulls in its tone and rhythm work really well in guiding bouts of exhaustion and trash talk and renewed energising vitriol.
Maw by Chelsea Wolfe
I played this on repeat when I wrote my Anima fic, but it's a good song in general for handling the liminal and suspended feeling that comes with a significant shock or loss begins to sink in.
Love Song by Susumu Hirasawa
I played this as I wrote, rewrote, and edited Elmyra and Marlene watching the lifestream rise, and I can't listen to it without crying anymore.
Then Came the Wave by Atoma
I associate this one with the World of Ruin in FFVI, and particularly Celes alone on the raft, not knowing what if anything waits for her beyond the island she woke up on but facing down the horizon anyway.
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wjbs-aus · 4 months
Since this is having a resurgence kinda,
Reblog for a larger sample-size or something? Or not. Your call!
Context for each below.
Back in, like, 2016 or something, the Secondary School I was at did lifeguard training as part of its PE curriculum; one of the activities involved was rescuing a hollow plastic dummy. When it was my turn, I grabbed it, but it suddenly filled with water, and I was suddenly dragged to the bottom of the pool; eventually I managed to let go of it, and I was allowed to sit on one of the benches next to the pool for the rest of the session.
Last year, around Halloween, my dad randomly phoned me up and asked if I wanted him to buy me an axe or scythe from the Halloween section of Tesco. I said I wanted a scythe, and he bought it; it was very plain, and consisted of a hollow plastic tube and a simple-looking, poorly-moulded blade that slid over the top. It eventually got pretty badly-damaged, and my brother - in a fit of sleep-deprived impulsiveness - secretly bought me a cooler, much higher-quality one (the blade is actually a skull wearing a mask with a long "beak" attached to it!)
Technically, I don't have all the Skylanders figures I got when I played, since at least one is still at the flat I used to live in, but otherwise I have all of them. Also I only had Giants, Swap Force and Trap Team; I missed out on playing Spyro's Adventure, and I only had a Wii at the time so I couldn't play most of the games after it (except for Superchargers Racing, which is literally just the racing minigame from the fifth game but released on its own).
Play Hard Reset. Do it do it now. It's short, kinda frustrating at times and has questionable writing and voice-acting, but the aesthetic is really cool and it has an interesting mechanic where the player only has two weapons, but can unlock different modes for them that effectively mean the player has ten. I haven't played much of Hard Reset Redux, but it seems to be the same, but balanced a bit better and with much better dialogue.
I got into ZScript late last year, but I've got pretty good at both the inheritence system and making original stuff (which is technically jus the same as using inheritence, but you have to define everything yourself.
I can't remember exactly when this happened, but it was around either Halloween or Christmas (since Nightmare Before Christmas was on TV) and possibly in 2018; I made myself a cup of tea, but didn't notice that the kettle had limescale remover put into it (aside from the colour being a bit off). When I started drinking it, I immediately spat it out, and since then it's been known in my family as A Thing I Did Once™.
I love Sea Power! They make good music! Check out Let The Dancers Inherit The Party, it is their best album in my opinion!
Yep, done this one. Haven't finished Quake 1's second expansion and I'm only on, like, map 2 of Quake II, but I've played all of Quake IV's story campaign. Also, if it counts, Quake III's "singleplayer campaign", which is just a series of increasingly-difficult bot matches.
When I got Reaper one of the first things I recorded was a scream, which coincidentally ended up being a scarily-good impression of the headless bombers from Serious Sam.
A while ago, I tried playing the Game Boy Advance version of Bionicle Heroes with an emulator, since I wanted to check it out; when I tried playing it with VBA, it crashed on the second screen, and while another emulator (namely No$GBA) allowed to, I had to make a DS4 controller-profile specifically for use with it, since it wasn't registering my inputs properly with my regular one. Eventually I just bought a Bionicle Heroes GBA cartridge online so I could play using my DS Lite.
Anyway here's the new scythe.
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This picture physically hurt to take, like I had to lean really far back and stretch my arm really far out
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seagullcharmer · 1 year
tagged by @dykevirgo <3
are you named after anyone? -arguably yes. my second middle name is for my great grandma (but a prettier version of the name). and my mom swears it isn't true but i Know my first name came from her cat.
what [when] was the last time you cried? -last night bc i realised it was my late cat's birthday and i miss her a lot
do you have kids? -no and i don't want any
do you use sarcasm a lot? -more than i probably should lol
what sports do you play/have you played? -none except what we did in PE lol. my high school didn't have a sports team, and i've never been particularly athletic anyway. did go to some ultimate frisbee club meets though
what’s the first thing you notice about someone? -uhhh idk. height maybe? expression? clothes (i love cool outfits)
what’s your eye color? -super desaturated blue! or blue-grey?
scary movies or happy endings? -they're not mutually exclusive but uh yeah. happy endings <3
any special talents? -uhhh not really. i have a good ear for music though? i play(ed) violin for fifteen years, and once i hear smth i'm pretty good at figuring out how to play it
where were you born? -same hospital as my siblings
what are your hobbies? -drawing, playing video games, music, cooking, hanging out with friends <3
do you have pets? -there are some in my house, but none of them are mine
how tall are you? -5'7" (170cm)
favorite subject in school? -for core classes, probably history? otherwise whatever music/art class i had. absolutely adored ap music theory!
dream job? -idk! in an ideal world, probably a violinist in a professional orchestra, whether classical symphony stuff or for video game soundtracks 👍
tagging @offseerflute @ultimaid @traitorsinsalem @cherrymegablaster @slydiddledeedee @feluka @trashedump @lyrebright if y'all want to! :-)
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vanilla-blessing · 1 year
qb's top 10 seasonal anime of 2022
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2022 in anime was a year of many known quantities, but what really ended up sticking out were the shows few saw coming before they took the world by storm, and before we knew it, everyone was watching a guitar-playing pink blob with severe anxiety while drawing her band on every album cover ever made. 2022 was the year I watched a new Gundam for the first time, I experienced unforgettable trash gems like Pride of Orange, ESTAB-LIFE, and Extreme Hearts, and I was let down more by the wasted potential of the Biscuit Hammer anime than any anime I've ever watched, easily. All considered, this year was unusually good on average for the shows I finished, so I ended up with a glut of series I wanted to put on this list that I had to cut down for time. I would make this list longer, but you know, then it might come out in 2024.
Top 10 in order:
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Cyberpunk Edgerunners - Studio TRIGGER's take on the world of Cyberpunk 2077 was an unexpected contender - it was announced so long ago I sort of forgot about it, I wasn't expecting much from the batch release of a Netflix-Trigger anime after BNA's messy release, I underestimated the potential of Cyberpunk 2077 as a setting after the very public trash fire of the video game, and it should have been overshadowed by the next thing after a quick Netflix dump in the middle of a season. Should have had its lunch eaten by the similarly edgy violent action of Chainsawman, should have been yet another failed videogame anime, but none of this stopped Cyberpunk Edgerunners from being the anime I enjoyed the most from 2022.
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Bocchi the Rock - the breakout hit school band anime of 2022 was also relatively unexpected, although I at least knew it was stacked with talented animators going in, I didn't predict the sheer memetic power of the result. This series shatters the fourth wall over its knee and livens up an already pretty funny manga with demented, free-flowing gags in a particular way that wouldn't work at all without detailed and well planned sequences which come off so naturally it's hard to believe this was originally a (lightly subversive but still) 4 panel strip. The album cover redraws were the best thing to come out of Bocchi and I hope they never end.
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Pop Team Epic 2 - some kind of fucked up comic strip but aoi shouta is there? I thought they promised they wouldn't make this
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Mob Psycho 100 III - everything I said about the second season of the popular shonen manga adaptation but moreso, it finishes out the series in exactly the way I hoped it would. Third OP is just mad flexing. look how many hands we can draw. Episode 8 changed my life forever. knowing they nailed the landing retroactively improves the whole series for me.
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Do It Yourself - original anime by studio PINE JAM, DIY is pure aesthetic hobby-ani with a mildly entertaining cast of extremely animated characters. very enjoyable but may not have enough momentum or things happening for some. soundtrack is another standout by y0c1e but at a noticeably different speed from Gleipnir and Spyce.
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Kaguya-sama Love is War: Ultra Romantic - everything I said about the second season of the popular romcom manga adaptation but moreso, it reaches the climactic peak of the series in exactly the way I hoped it would. I'm still reeling from the entire rap battle episode (sub and dub), and can't believe the Starship Troopers ED was real.
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My Dress Up Darling (Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru) - excellent manga adaptation, effectively gets across the dangerously horny but strangely wholesome vibe of the series.
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The Demon Girl Next Door Season 2 - everything I said about the first season of the popular magical girl romcom manga adaptation but moreso, it reaches an inflection point in the manga with exactly the same manic pacing and blatant disregard for breathing room I hoped it would. out of everything else on my list I hope the most this one gets another season, because it kind of needs it.
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Mobile Suit Gundam: Witch from Mercury - original anime in the long-running GUNDAM series which is sort of like Robot Jox for kids. This is definitely the first time I've watched anything from Gundam before it was completed and I immediately regretted not having more to watch as a direct consequence. Half of my enjoyment right now is coming from experiencing it in tandem with the rest of the internet, but it's sure to hold up in retrospect as one of the best modern Gundam seasons. Look forward to a future very annoying post by me claiming g-witch ripped off Granbelm.
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Call of the Night - another above and beyond manga adaptation, probably the anime OP of the year. It strongly intensified my longing for studio SHAFT to not be dead anymore.
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Assorted Shoutouts
Going by rating number scale rules, Chainsawman and Spy X Family should be here, but I'm not going by rating, I'm going by what I feel deserves more attention. those anime already have too much recognition.
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The Executioner and Her Way of Life (Shokei Shoujo no Virgin Road) - If you asked me what the most hidden gem is from 2022, this is what I would answer immediately. Irresponsibly complicated and unusual take on the hated isekai genre in the most disrespectful way possible, twisting anything familiar about that tired setting into an unrecognizable pretzel shape. Recommending this is a challenge, because the less I explain the better it is, but nobody would want to watch this on its face. Everyone should watch it though.
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Ya Boy Kongming - banger soundtrack and some eye-popping color choice elevates this manga adaptation from average to a certified Cool Time.
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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: STONE OCEAN - My favorite (not best) Jojo part, the anime greatly improves the readability of the last third from the manga. Tokyo Mew Mew New - It's almost comforting how little they tried to update the love triangle of incredibly shit boyfriends in this remarkably normal magical girl anime reboot. I pleaded for someone to make a normal regular magical girl anime reboot and they delivered something totally acceptable.
Reiwa Di Gi Charat - Dejiko drags society kicking and screaming into the Reiwa era. This is the anime of all time of 1999, 2022 and 2023.
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qb - friend of the no show (@queuebae on twitter still, unfortunately)
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aeondeug · 1 year
so ff16 fucks hard. really liking the combat thus far. as much as i did like the ff7r combat i will admit i found the menuing a bit weird and clunky. so it's nice to have a game that just killed that dead and which has settled squarely in real time arpg territory. the combat itself is fun albeit fairly easy thus far. i am intrigued by the combo system. especially with the dog and aerials it seems like you can do some wacky shit. i will admit i keep pushing the shift button instead of the dodge button though. i assume i'll get used to it. there's apparently alternate control schemes but we'll use the one we've got thus far.
loving the tone of the game thus far. it's nice to have ff back in a fantasy realm instead of things like 15 or 7r. it's a very different feeling sort of world from like your ff5 or 9 though. the tone especially. i can see why some people have been comparing it, even if jokingly, to asoiaf. since it is very politics based and has a grim, gritty edge to it. also people say shit fuck damn.
music i really, really like. it i think is one of the things that really makes it feel properly final fantasy. soken's stuff is really good. also the strings in the main battle theme reminds me of stuff i adored about the ff13 soundtrack, which is by far my favorite soundtrack in the series.
i've not yet messed with the difficulty setting stuff but i am interested in hearing how it works out for those not into action games or who struggle with them. since it's not just a story difficulty but also additional items that alter specific parts of the gameplay to make them easier. which honestly i think is something needed? because like reducing the health of a boss does diddly dick if what the player struggles with is being able to time dodges.
also, most important for me perhaps, the spectacle of the game is very on point. the segues from gameplay to cutscene are nice and it does seem like the game has a lot of what i liked about 13's pacing. namely that shuttling you through very pretty hallways into high octane fights and then into more cutscenes. but unlike 13 it is offering side activities, towns, npcs and the like to explore. i am wondering how open the the environments will get and how large. thus far they've been small, but i am in the start of the game admittedly. i can't imagine they get too open though. not with how the game appears to be pacing its cutscene and battle balance.
my big concern is if there will be annoying ass forced side quest shit like in 7r. playing 13 made me never want to replay 7r despite how much i loved it that first time. because it's like i just want to go do the big cool fights and see the big cool cutscenes. i don't want to hunt down cats and do stupid ass busy work. it's nice to have those things around as options, but the important bit here is that they are options. they're hardly side quests if the game forces you to fucking do them before you can get back to watching 20 hours worth of squeenix cutscenes interspersed with dumb action set piece bosses. i prefer my ff side content to be side content. not mandatory. easily skipped. i've not seen any indication of being forced to do sidequests, but 7r's forced side quest segments burned me hard.
away from pacing the actual spectacle on offer is super hype! the eikons are big dumb things that fuck shit up super hard and you get to see people just get demolished while big ice spikes and stuff explode out of the earth. there's also the sheer scale of the battle scenes. lots of little dudes running around and siege weaponry and stuff. also the battle between phoenix and ifrit had like lots of big dumb spectacle shit as you zoomed around and stuff. and i am liking the spectacle based nature of the qtes. though i can see the qtes being an irritant for some players. they do appear to be fairly generous windows though and they seem to be limited to pressing attack or dodge during the windows depending on the sort of qte. so none of that bayonetta horseshit where you didn't understand the fucking prompt and now must restart the entire ass boss fight.
anyway ff16. good game thus far. on a very strong foot, which the mainline series desperately needed after 13 and 15.
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inquestorm · 6 months
I have a really weird relationship with WoW, I realise.
I haaaaaated the game when it first came out. Bounced off it repeatedly when I tried it various times over the years. The final time I tried it, in BFA era... I actually sort of enjoyed myself. But I only barely started Legion, which was the content I was really interested in, and never got to the atrocity that me and my co-author were hate-writing about.
And because of the way that Blizzard squished content down, I didn't get to spend much time in any expansion. Just got a taster, and then suddenly I was outlevelling everything. So I got basically none of the character moments.
And yet somehow I'm still here. Writing for characters I've never interacted with and have only read about. Bitching about plot developments I never experienced. Trawling the wiki for every scrap of material to ensure at least a modicum of consistency.
And something tells me that I'm never going to quite let go, because gods-fucking-dammit Warcraft 3 was one of the most important games I've ever played. And no matter how much Blizzard stomped over everything it did there, no matter how much terrible writing they force on us...
I still love this setting.
And given that the WoTLK soundtrack has joined my background list for when I'm working, I guess the music's good too.
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