#i've ranted about this in more detail on my other blog lmao
spunkypigeon · 11 months
I never understood Reiji's goals and intentions until I came across your blog. You have literally analyzed the entire game in such a detailed way that in the end you can't help but think about his psychology and character. I admit that before I read every one of your posts about this boy, I always found him to be the most boring Sakamaki brother and I couldn't explain his actions, but thanks to you I decided to give him 1 more chance. What I like most is the fact that even though he is your favorite, you don't justify or sugar coat him like many people do with their favorite character, but you appreciate, examine and explain his flaws and mental problems, trying to analyze like a true psychologist. Respect for the work you have done. I saw that you're planning more posts like this in the future and that you're going to try other characters like Ayato, who I think shares quite a bit of Reiji's personality. I can't wait for it.
Ah! Thank you, I'm glad you decided to give him one (1) more chance [even though you shouldn't, he's very rude]. BUT your point is exactly the reason why I wanted to analyse him in the first place. He's generally considered 'boring' or 'annoying' to deal with, and his dialogue can be hard to sift through if you're only looking at him at surface level.
I know I've said many times that I wanted More Blood done and dusted before now - and I genuinely thought I'd be finished, but sadly over 100k words isn't enough words for our boy - that and I'm ☆chronically ill☆ at the moment. I feel like a sick Victorian child lmao
I am getting through the transcripts, but very slowly. It doesn't help that I was on the verge of a stroke when someone decided to ☆delete☆ a section of my work. Thank you Ctrl + Z because I was about to invoke the most destructive gamer rage this world has ever seen.
I am glad that you decided to send this ask Anon since I never really knew how much this could help people understand Reiji (even if it's just from my perspective). I feel like the best way to thoroughly appreciate a character is to acknowledge their flaws, and I'm glad you're able to appreciate them too >3<
But I do think you're right about Ayato. I feel like he definitely shares a lot of traits with Reiji, but more so as his opposite. I feel like Reiji and Ayato have a ying/yang code to them; I stand by my interpretation that Ayato represents chaos and that Rejii represents order.
[For your diligence, please take this sanrio Reiji]
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Also, mini rant: I can't be the only one that instantly thinks of Zhongli whenever they see the word 'order', right? The line just goes through my head like the plague, so now my brain decided to fuse him and Reiji together, and now I'm stuck with this:
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that feels like a ☆violation☆ of fandoms
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clearcloudlesssky · 1 year
BONJOUR (i really need to stop opening all my asks with this line there is not a singular french bone in my body)
you seem like a cool and intellectual person (everything i aspire to be fr)! and you speak mandarin like me (事实说,我的华文很糟糕...我的母语怎么说到那么差哎呀呀)! and you're friends with all my friends (i'm like a human detector device i see new person on my friends' blogs i stalk their page and follow them ehehehhj)
like we have to be besties at this point/j
my question: gush over your favourite book?? like GUSH IDC IF I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT IT I WILL LISTEN TO EVERY DETAIL
NEE HOW 没关系---其实我的中文也很糟糕 (ಥ﹏ಥ))
thank you so much for the ask!! i'm VERY new to interacting on tumblr so this is like really really really cool to me lmao
also PLEASE i am not a intellectual or a cool person do not aspire to be like me you don't know what i did last year under the blood red full moon of october 27th at 3:27pm
generally speaking my favorite books are the ones i'm reading/have just read, so right now they'd prob be perfume as you who have stalked my blog may be able to tell and probably coriolanus which i am rereading rn @bassguitarinablackt-shirt i told you about coriolanus last year sobs
i was forced to read perfume by a friend of mine -- she's a sucker for these totally reprehensible, incorrigible characters, and she'd been ranting abt perfume for aaaages. and it sounded kinda perverse but at the same time really interesting so i read it and it was actually really good...
ok and just in case this monstrosity below convinces anyone to read perfume, there's a few warnings in hand
perfume is a decently dark book, there's like 26 total murders, and the ending is...interesting. the author has a talent for creating unique, immersive descriptions but like maybe 20-30% of the time these descriptions lean towards eroticism so if you don't like that pls be warned?
if you've ever seen food wars think that but with really really good smells
ok now to start
i think that perfume is really cool because it's one of those where there's exactly one, very very clear theme - others may crop up but this feels super central, and that theme would probably be human greed, and the tendencies of humans to destroy that which they most love. it dives into total obsession and the idea of wanting to possess something so much, so badly that you destroy it in that greed, and the poster boy for this idea is the main character of the book, jean-baptiste grenouille, who murders those with scents he desperately wants to possess
the entire book is very unique in that it focuses itself around one sense - smell, and this creates a lot of really cool descriptions and a pov that you've probably never thought of before.
the mc himself is also a really interesting character - he's totally dominated by this sense, he's like a dog but ten times more sensitive to smell. he doesn't care about other human beings at all, he doesn't care about physical pain, or visually beautiful things, he only cares about the smells around him. he has a urge to possess all of them, to learn how to create them and collect them. i've spoken about his inhumanness and other stuff before so i won't go into that (this is long sobs i haven't even spoken abt coriolanus)
ok what's below is a weirder interpretation..
one of the ideas that popped out to me when i was reading is that the author uses individual scents as an analogy for a soul. everything in grenonuille's world has a scent. it is what defines them. it is what makes them them in his worldview, and for him to lack a scent means that he lacks a soul, and this only further emphasizes his inhumanity. he's terrified when he realizes this, and his lack of a smell is what actually pushes other humans away from him
by attempting to create a sort of "ultimate perfume" for himself, he seeks to give himself a soul, a sense of being, but he's left full of hatred and fear once he realizes that people don't care for him, the soulless, scentless grenouille, but the scent he created. they aren't attracted to him as a person, they're attracted to his ultimate perfume, and their sheer olfactory gullibility disgusts him. i can elaborate but that means spoiling the rest of the book and i don't wanna do that TwT
this leaves no room for coriolanus but let it be said this is a goofy ass book (i love it but still) generally shakespeare is a bit dry? for me and i don't take a lot of enjoyment out of it but i had fun reading coriolanus
the main idea of coriolanus is a general, a military hero who enters the cutthroat world of roman politics, and is absolutely destroyed. his bluntness, refusal to compromise, and above all pride makes him psychologically ill-suited to become a politician, generally i feel that a lot of traits that made him an excellent general turn on him once he becomes a consul (think president).
he has an absolutely wack relationship with his mom, who i feel is like the roman equivalent of that one parent who's basically living through their child. from the start to the end, she's the one pulling his strings. she's the one who pushed him to military success, she's the primary one who pushed him to become consul, and it's her who's able to convince him to spare Rome when he finally leaves to seek revenge. and when she returns to rome? it's her who gets the glory, it's her who's hailed as rome's savior, while coriolanus himself is brutally murdered at the end of the book.
to me, she comes across as someone who's hyper-ambitious, and perhaps as a woman in ancient rome, she wasn't able to move anywhere with those ambitions, so she pushed them onto her son instead. she speaks of blood and swords and death, and is prideful that her son was sent into battle at a young age.
honestly their relationship is one of my favorites from this play, and the only scene that i enjoy more than the death scene is uh coriolanus's arch nemesis speaking about him..
"Twelve several times, and I have nightly since Dreamt of encounters 'twixt thyself and me; We have been down together in my sleep, Unbuckling helms, fisting each other's throat; And waked half dead with nothing"
And there's also this
"Than thee, all noble Marcius. Let me twine Mine arms about that body, where against My grained ash an hundred times hath broke, And scarr'd the moon with splinters: here I clip The anvil of my sword, and do contest As hotly and as nobly with thy love As ever in ambitious strength I did Contend against thy valour. Know thou first, I loved the maid I married; never man Sigh'd truer breath; but that I see thee here, Thou noble thing! more dances my rapt heart"
yep additional note coriolanus's full name is gaius marcius coriolanus
they're a little bit silly aufidius totally isn't the one assassinating him at the end nope
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ladymorghul · 1 year
Idk if you are on Reddit, but I used to be often and I actually liked the green sub (well, mostly) because it was great to have an opportunity to freely express pro green opinions without being downvoted into oblivion or insulted. When the show was more actual, the main sub was mostly a hellish experience for pro green fans, so it was nice to have our own safe space. However, my experience has started to change recently. There are too many divisions among the green fandom which isn't great, but that wouldn't be such a big problem if some fans were more tolerant toward other greens who don't completely agree with them in every single detail.
I've noticed (and this is not only on Reddit, but also on Tumblr, Twitter etc. ) that there is a certain narrative that apparently every green has to accept and follow or else will be accused of being a secret black, false green, show pleb (lol)...God forbid if you are not a book purist (because F&B is such a masterpiece lmao), or if you are pro Helaemond or anti Al*smond. Our hot milf witch rules (god, I hate the big titty girlfriend and milf hunter jokes), Helaemonds are primarily self inserts because Helaena is a blank canvas and Helaemonds don't actually like her as she is (according to one of the most recent threads) ... Also, you mustn't criticize Aegon at all. There are literally people who are trying to convince others that he was so great in the book and he would never force himself on a servant. Now, I agree that groping maids is not the same as being a clueless rapist like in the show and the showrunners did unfairly take things too far with him. I understand the frustration, but still, they had some basis for the rape decision (even if I dislike the way they executed it) in the same book these purists worship. They also claim he was as good warrior as the Conqueror himself and if you try to say that he was quite brave but that he was actually severely injured at the beginning of the war and had only one more fight at the end you will certainly be booed. Oh, and Daeron is one of the best Targaryens ever and Alicent's favourite (again, we obviously didn't read the same book) and the evil Sapochnik wanted to erase him only to prop up Aemond to whom he gave Daeron's best traits (again, complete bullshit). Furthermore, book!Alicent is an amazing and apparently more likeable?? character while in the show they totally ruined her. I agree only partially, I preferred her show version because in the book I didn't like her at all while in the show she is one of my favourites, however, her characterization in episodes 8 and 9 seriously annoyed me because of inconsistencies and Rhae fangirling. Still, they heavily exaggerate while criticising her show version. These are only some of the sacred rules apparently every green has to follow or else will be accused of not being the true green. Like, who gets to decide this? Idk, it really disappoints me because I thought that the sub doesn't need to be an eco chamber nor the green fans have to be monolithic hiveminds like black stans they like to criticize, even if they are on the same team. It's been a while since I commented or participated at all there because of these things and will probably do the same on other SM. I think I really need a break of this fandom.
Anyway, sorry for the rant, yours is one of the rare blogs I still like and follow and it seemed like a good place to vent😅. I know you've had some interesting experiences on SM so I believe you know at least partially what I'm talking about.
i get it.
and when i say i get it, i mean the part about there being made up rules of what a 'green' is and how if you're not following them, you will be accused of some bs stuff.
i guess it's partly why i call my self a greens enjoyer and not a green. i've seen plenty of opinions from 'greens' that i didn't like, from straight up unnecessary misogynistic comments (some of them by men who think that this fandom just gives them the pass to say anything) to really weird hypocritical opinions over ships. it's been... exhausting.
for anyone who's reading this going "but what about team black?": everyone knows my takes on tb stans. we're talking about greens right now because this is where we mostly hang out and it sucks that there's many people who fully believe they dictate who gets to enjoy the greens and how.
with me it started with anti targaryen sentiment. when i first started the show, i thought the story was gonna be rhaenyra fighting against her uncle for the throne. i didnt know anything about the dance of the dragons. of course, i started reading on the story very soon and watching the show and seeing the dynamic between rhaenyra and alicent, i easily attached myself to alicent because it seemed like genuinely no one was in her corner, even the people who were supposed to be.
but i still watched the show because of the idea that i'm watching targaryens fight each other and be unhinged and have dragons.
so you can imagine my surprise when i realized that maybe half the people who call themselves greens are staunchly anti targaryen. they don't like targaryens and they don't like dragons. it was a bit of a head scratcher for me. i knew why that was the case, because many of them were coming from game of thrones with an anti dany mindset and saw rhaenyra's side as the more targaryen side (even though in the beginning they were arguing with tb stans over it) and alicent's side is cooler because she and otto are hightowers and not targaryens.
that wasn't the case for me? i mean sure was i critical of dany many times? yes. but i still loved watching daenerys as a character. and i loved the idea of watching a new show that focuses on house targaryen and their dragons.
and then the whole targtower kids debate.... when the argument needed it, greenies were like "yes they're also targaryens" but then they'd hate on their targaryen side and then suddenly they legit started saying yes they're only hightowers because they're better than the other targaryens. to me it's such clownery.... i wanted to knock their heads together w the tb stans who were saying the targtowers kids are not targaryens.
then there's the greens, or more specifically, the aemond stans who babify aemond to such a degree that they speak about how alicent parentified him. those are usually super welcome in green spaces, even though their interest lies almost solely in aemond and whether or not he gets to meet al*s and how aemond is more special than the rest and he'll have his misunderstood storyline together w the only person who gets him al*s. weird that these people are far more welcome in green spaces than helaemonds. but i won't comment further.
and then the helaemond stuff happened. people dk this but i clocked helaemond immediately. i did not come after the show ended and were like omg wow this ship that i didn't notice. no. i immediately picked up on it. i didn't want to tweet about it because i knew it would start a fuss but others were shyly posting and i saw green moots call them all the possible names because of it. and then something weird happened... the same green moots who had been horrible to other people over helaemond started talking about helaeg*n. helaeg*n was interesting to me so i thought hey maybe they losened up a bit? no. no way, they were rabidly against any form of helaemond. i ended up losing 80% of my green moots. i was basically just in my own sphere doing my own thing because these people couldn't get over a difference of ship preference. they were shipping helaeg*n and aeg*nd and alysm*nd, all of them problematic in their own ways, but helaemond was somehow the devil. and i know people who have had the same experience. they were mostly leaning green, but when they started to ship helaemond, other greens jumped them.
about character opinions... i don't get it. i mean, i get it and i don't. i get team green's utter frustration with the writers because i feel that frustration myself and certain sections of the fandom do a lot to mock and poke at that frustration which causes even more frustration. that being said i believe it's impossible for there to be identical opinions on one side or the other, and this includes both tb and tg. imo if you're tg you should be mainly interested in the green characters and mainly invested in their story. i'm not saying you can't like other characters outside of them, but just that they're your main focus.
there's plenty of opinions, popular an unpopular, in green spaces that i disagree with. section of fandoms aren't, or at least they usually aren't, hiveminds. i mean i could be disagreeing even with you but that doesn't mean you're not also a fellow green enjoyer.
i don't really spend my time on that subreddit, but i've heard some stuff about it. i think sections of fandoms should be more tolerant of each other, especially on reddit that has a forum format.
and one last thing: i hate the secretly team black allegations. i've seen plenty of those, some addressed to me as well. it's funny because i've said it before but my blog changed some people's minds on alicent and did a lot to foster symopathetic alicent discussion when the fandom was going completely nuts. so it feels a bit moronic to watch someone raging bc of a ships accuse me of being secretly team black.
my only advice is.... take it all with a grain of salt. fandoms with sides like this one tend to be very cannibalistic and i have a feeling that the greens subreddit isn't the best place to post your opinions unless you're ready for aggressive replies. if you feel like you have opinions that you want to share in a safer space where everything isn't a battle, you could try making a house of the dragon sideblog. that wat, you can post your thoughts and even if you get nasty anons, you have the power to publish them or not, or to even turn off anons completely.
i would avoid twitter as well. it's chaotic and aggressive and when the fandom gets going, it can fry your brain.
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mencnfire · 1 year
🍒  + mencnfire [IDK if you've heard about them, but they are very cool- *is shot*]
send  me  🍒  +  a  url  and  i  will  write  some  positivity  for  them.
(( so, i checked out the blog you reccomended here and urrrr....no offence to them but they're kind of a loser? when they're not talking about 'big bara tiddies' (whoever that is, i've never heard of anyone with that name!), they're on about 'toxic masculinity' and post WAY too much ooc. PE-RS-O-NAL-LY, i would not follow them. they smell.
BUT you on the other hand ( and fuk u bby u sent me a message that classes as ur url shhh ) - soda, man, where do i begin? i suppose in the grand scheme of things we've not been mutuals for a super long time. a good amount of months? i'm not sure. i have to admit, i was a little intimidated of you at first. you and your muse have that whole, dark, intimidating cool guy aura and little old me sees that and is just 🥹. your headcanons are in depth, well thought out & you're not afraid to explore the darker and more twisted / questionable sides of jae. the details you've put into his character, the backstory, the bits and pieces that have made him /him/.
i absolutely love what we've spoken about with heid / jae before and honestly, i want kaz to attempt to recruit him here (srsly, kaz has a thing for recruiting ffvii muses lmao) because i think the two would bond over fucky pasts. BUT, minor plotting aside - i just really enjoy how much of a nuanced and interesting person jae is; i like that the character isn't a typical 'perfect' character. he has his flaws, his fuck ups, his weird thing with veld. i dig it all so much, i love that you're not afraid to explore those sides of a character - you understand the shitty things people go through or the fucky situations that shape people, i love that you acknowledge it and are open to it.
and you, soda - man, you've no idea how much i've enjoyed our conversations ooc; you've spoken to me without even knowing it while i've been in some really low places and just generally chatting to you has cheered me up more times than you know. i love that we can have these straight-forward, blunt little rants with one another and it's just a nice, chill place to chat. you're funny as well as smart & down to earth and fuck, i appreciate it so much. i appreciate you. you're a cool bean and i'm very glad to have met you, writing with you or even just seeing you on my dash is just the nice little cherry on top :) ))
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cwarscars-a · 2 years
Han, my dear, if it wasn't for you, then none of us would give much attention to Heidegger (at least I know it would be my case). He was a character I remember from the OG and which I thought was nicely designed in the FFVIIR and... I stopped there. 'Nice, they kept his laugh', I thought when the trailer got out.
And then I met you and - honestly, I cannot stress this enough - you have essentially removed this veil from my eyes and I saw Heidegger for the first time as you do: a multi-layered individual with deep-rooted issues, fiercely loyal to company & country and with so many other traumas and details that make him only human (and not a monster).
I am always in awe at all the sources of inspiration you have for him, at how insanely credible your thoughts his PTSD and other war-related issues are, the way he was brought up, came to marry and then divorce - honestly, for me, your Heidegger portrayal is THE Heidegger portrayal. I don't mean this to dunk on anyone else (or even SE), but because the way you have put him together makes so much _sense_ in my mind that I have a hard time disconnecting your Heidegger from canon.
As far as I'm concerned - his first name is Magnar, he comes from Junon, he has a rivalry with Godo, a behemoth gave him the trademark scar, he has two daughters and a divorce wife. I love everything about your timeline for him and always will. If anything, SE should give you royalties for the superb work. <3
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(( mari ♡
i messaged you already kinda buggin out a lil over this but i want it on my blog (ALONG WITH ALL YOUR LOVE CAUSE YOU ALWAYS GIVE ME LOVE BECAUSE YOU'RE PRECIOUS & THE BEST) just so i can keep that tag open whenever im feeling stale on my writing or a little crispy with my portrayal. it always means so much to me how much time you've given me and my heid (i say my heid because at this point, i don't know how much is canon aside from his abusive streak to his soldiers & his shinra simping lmao).
but honestly, ive said it before - i'll say it again. i wouldn't be writing him without the support from yourself and others. like, i always talk about how hard it is writing a hated character. he isn't a villain in the same sense as sephi/roth / the turks. they're 'likable'. everything they do is okay because they're young & hot. i know they're more complex than that and personally, i like them a lot too! but it's difficult fighting the battle of there being zero fanart for the character. zero fanfics (aside from ooc / fetish fics). it's tough seeing people make jokes constantly about the character that you like & when i say jokes, i don't mean 'lol seph is a cat' i mean 'lmao could you imagine if him and shinra were GAY lol GROSS' (it's so immature it makes my eyeballs strain).
i know that was a mini rant then, but it always makes me feel a little embarrassed to have such a fixation on such a generally disliked character. makes me feel weird & unwelcome in the fandom haha.
but to know that there are people like you - people who haven't only said 'haha ok, this crazy cookie is doing something w/THIS character' but people who have actively allowed me to explore elements of his character? to get him married? to allow him fatherhood? like BRUH-
it makes my heart warm & fuzzy. i'm sorry i don't always show it & i'm sorry i sometimes get all weepy on the dash about things but it honestly does mean a lot to me.
mari - yourself and others absolutely contributed to me bringing him back & despite any hangups or embarrassment i have over the character. fuck, even in squeenix do some fucked up shit like make him about stolen valour (i REALLY hope they don't) or turn him into a coward (which im prepping for with pre-emptive unwritten headcanons) - he's always going to have a special place in my heart.
not because of playing him but because of the people i've played him with. ♡
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
Hi! Very late but i just wanted to congratulate you on your follower milestone!
Feels a bit weird when I'm not a follower myself but haha. Your type of yanderes aren't what I'm really into, but I still periodically check on your blog like some ghost stuck to a place bc your writing is really really good and i absolutely adore how creative your ideas are. Speaking of which, i really love how you handled the matchups! They're still made for a certain person but so open that they're also accessible to everyone else, which isn't something I've ever seen before but definitely seems the best way to go about it.
I'm super curious to see how your series will progress and all the other unique ideas you'll come up with in the future (and sometimes just reading the anon interactions, as a Frequent Visitor and really socially awkward person I'm like the physical manifestation of the word "lurker", but it's really a bit like watching a friend group interact and have fun which really warms my heart. It's just super good vibes!)
Please remember to look after yourself, get enough nutrition and rest. And hope you don't mind me haunting this blog a little longer :p
Hey don't feel scared to interact even if you're not following!!! I adore asks lololololol, it makes writing worth it. Feel free to stick around!!! But like how I start most my fics, if you're not in a mentally well state it's best to avoid these!
I'll be honest, I would NEVER hang out with any of the yanderes I've written except for SPK!Childe & Thoma and HysHum!Dainsleif. I think the only "soft" yanderes I wrote are those three.
Childe just wanna fish & Thoma just wants to listen whenever the reader rants about their problems. Then there's Dainsleif, who's sane but is one chip away from losing his marbles because his reader is about to turn Teyvat upside down lmao.
The rest? They're all insufferable meow meows <333 Other than the three I mentioned whenever I write about these yanderes I keep slandering them in my head <333 it's so much fun <333 okay i lied dain's not an exception I still insulted him in my hyshum drafts <3333–
I'm not sure if it's incredibly obvious in my writing but I'm asexual and quite possibly aro, so I think I "excel" more on the "yan" side than the "dere" since romance isn't my forte. I mainly write for the horror so I don't expect people to come to me because they're into the yanderes I've written but more on the story (... I'd be a bit concerned but won't question if you're into stuff like cannibal!cat!ayato and horse feeder!diluc). That's why everytime I post I don't expect anything AND IT'S VERY MUCH THE REASON WHY I'M CONFUSED THAT THIS BLOG IS STILL ALIVE. THIS WAS MEANT TO BE A THROWAWAY ACCOUNT–
I'm not sure if I'm making sense lol but that's pretty much my two cents on that so I wholeheartedly understand if my yans aren't your cup of tea! They're not mine too– I want to bury them all with my hatchet!!! <333 I want them to go to therapy!!! Eat lasagna!!! Play farming games!!! Literally just don't bother (y/n) anymore 😭!!!
About the event: I was genuinely hoping for match-ups set up like this because there's some sort of "togetherness" in it?? Hold on I just woke up cuz I accidentally slept while reviewing for Algebra when writing this so I'll probably rewrite this draft or something if I'm not lazy lol. It's just that I like it when readers are characters I can add some quirks and details to (of course, cept for things like physical descriptions and what not) since it makes pairing them with a yandere more natural. And you know what? I'm super glad the anons are all very nice and interesting huhu. They truly make the event more alive!!!
I adore otome games and trust me, almost everyone in r/otome_games prefer an MC who has a personality rather than an eyeless self-insert too lol. Much like there's no such thing as "absolute justice", I believe you can't have a "perfect self-insert" fic either because not everyone shares the same mold. It's just not as entertaining to me when the reader is silent so I guess that reflects on my writing too ;;--;;. It's just too much fun pulling up an mbti and going "ah yes, I'm using this type."
Anyways, yeah!!! Is it bad if I'm satisfied about how I set it up as well haha it feels like my 1 braincell was actually put to use ;;----;;;
Oh sht i ended up rambling my bad umm tHANK YOU!!! Haha it feels strange celebrating this milestone and I appreciate your kind words!!!
(out of curiosity, is there something I can call you? Like "lurker anon" or something haha)
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humblemediagenius · 1 year
i have been curious about your characters since I heard first about them! unfortunately, am a little shy talking online, but since now seems like the least bother-y time i'll take now not really 100% sure what to ask first, so I'll start with this: What different stories do you have going on right now? Or do you just have one large narrative? (by stories I mean anything from big projects to a little handful of guys who happen to be in the same place doing similar things) Either way, I'm interested in hearing any synopses, little details, or longform rants! I like hearing about others' ocs
HI IT'S TOTALLY OK anyone can ask about my ocs anytime it's never a bother !!
But to answer your question! I have THREE stories I am currently working on! My motivation to work on them fluxuates on whatever im fixating on LOL but I realize I havent talked about them too much before so I might as well explain a little bit
Story #1: OUTCAST CHAOS !! It is my passion project and the most developed story (it turned 2 years old in January!) I'd like to make it a TV show or webseries some day! It is about a bunch of people finding themselves in a really weird game show, and discovering more about the weird little town they live in 🤔 this is indeed the story with Mic in it, LOL!! I'm literally in the process of planning entire seasons and episodes, hopefully I will get around to designing secondary characters soon HDKDHKDBD
Story #2: CORRUPTION (this is a placeholder title because I can't think of a better one, but I will someday istg) this is the story I've talked about the least on here unfortunately I just haven't gotten around to it, but you can see I tag the main characters in my oc tag a lot LMAO!! It's about a really nosy teen and the worlds saddest man having to deal with an evil sentient computer. It's a little dark but I've been really confident with story beats lately, id also like to do something with it! But I haven't been fixating on it like I was last year LOL
Story #3: MICROBIAL!! My most recent story and what my blog is currently themed to LOL its conception is so silly (it was an AU of an AU with my outcast chaos ocs that got turned into something both original and completely separate)!! It is both about the microbe apocalypse and about the very hectic relationship between two bisexual and mentally ill young adults. It's my current fixation (see how long that lasts) and I've been working hard on it since last October! I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with it yet but I know the internet is not immune to the microbez. Also Eve and garrett are from this story for anyone who's been paying attention to my incessant poll reblogs and my blog takeover on April fool's day
I have more OCs than just the ones in these stories, but they're basically all in metaphorical storage and I don't draw them much anymore. I'm really proud of my current works and I hope to tell people more about them soon! I unfortunately have a lot of anxiety, so I tend to just tell people major story stuff in private, but I'm trying to get out of my shell more! I have WAY too much info about like, all my OCs, I can answer basically anything you'd wanna know about any of the characters LOL
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saltpepperbeard · 2 years
Hrm I’m new in the fandom so sorry if people have thought of this before but earlier I was thinking about: what if Chauncey had actually shot Stede in the forest and Ed still assumed Stede had abandoned him and so he goes back to the revenge but later on learns abt Stede’s death and isn’t able to stop thinking about the fact that if he had just gone looking for Stede he might have been able to save him.
Sorry for just dumping this rant on you lol I just had to let it out somewhere
First of all, welcome to the fandom, and you're totally fine! The more content the merrier, and I will deadass eat up anything and everything. Hell, if I could reblog the kiss scene over and over and over and have that be the only thing on my blog, I WOULD LOL. So it's more than okay; I love discussing things too! <3
BUT NO, all joking aside, that's certainly an angsty scenario I've thought about too. And you know what, I actually think something similar could still sort of manifest in Season Two.
Like, of course Stede is actually alive, but what if Ed hears about his "death" without the details? What if he's informed by Izzy or another that Stede Bonnet is dead? If he doesn't know that Stede went home for a bit, doesn't hear about the fuckery-esque setup, and isn't informed of the timeline...
I feel like that could lead to that same crushing guilt and agony.
Now, I'd rather him not hurt to such an insane degree because he's already going through it, but it would definitely make Stede's return interesting. I also think someone mentioned that it would sort of carve a better hole out for the reunion, ie give Stede a better window of opportunity. The confusion and relief Ed will likely feel by seeing Stede alive might give Stede a better chance at articulating his motives and what all happened, as opposed to them launching into an altercation of some sort.
...But I also wouldn't be opposed to seeing an angsty sword fight that ultimately leads them to an impasse because they're unable to harm each other sjdlss. And just be happy again instead of pained but Y'KNOW SJDLS
But yes, the giant "what if" surrounding the whole Chauncey/Dock situation is insane. IT COULD HAVE GONE EVEN MORE WRONG, AND STILL MIGHT PLAY OUT AS SUCH,,,
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firewatchings · 1 month
Okay, dude, so I dunno if you know this, but ocs are more than a style, pattern, and shapes. They're special. They're effort. Sometimes, they're parts of that person made alive that they may not be able to express in other ways. Sure, you can take inspiration, but that's different than outright copying. I see from your rant you say you don't have a set style. Why not find yours, make some ocs of your own?
Honestly, for me personally, there is WAY too much CC for my brain to settle on just one style. I love being versatile in and out of The Sims. I have a life outside of a silly game. My freelance job (which I will not disclose for private reasons) requires me to be versatile. I try to be flexible. For example, I can't explore the world just doing the same thing. I have to try something new. It's a dogshit analogy, but I'm feeling pretty shitty right now after you came in unprovoked earlier. I made Sims of varying styles before I started my Simblr. I knew about Simblr before I made mine/started being more active in the community. I have been playing The Sims 4 since 2021 and The Sims 3 since 2014. Again, before my Simblr. I've been a Simmer for longer than my blog lets on. I only stopped watching from the sidelines so I could be included in something I enjoy. Nothing was ever set in stone because The Sims is literally about exploring Sim styles, building styles, decorating styles, etc. Feels like you're talking down to me man like you just pulled up swinging and I'm just trying to take it easy and muster up enough physical strength to sit up long enough to possibly render something. Like oh shit I used the same swatch of yellow on Lemi's arms and legs (an example) as someone else who I probably don't know bc I don't socialize on this app except to send asks, give likes, or reblogs. Like I'll drop Comet's entire lore (that I had to nerd out on actual space shit like how comets are classified, named, etc. because OMG I put in effort like you said I should). Take me to court, brother. For the record, I made Comet's sister, Orbit, less detailed because of actual genetic reasons because whoa! Effort! Lore! Realistic reasons for not fully looking like your siblings! She lacks the body and facial scales of Comet because she did not inherit them. Also, Orbit does not have Comet's planet-shaped bruises because she didn't fall to Earth and brush too closely to some planets' atmospheres as Comet fell from her home planet. <- Lore free of charge there Also my Simblr 'About Me' tab literally says I am not consistent lmao
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cepheusgalaxy · 5 months
Hi, confused lesbian ace(?) Anon back again (I can't remember how u tagged it but something like that it was cute)
Thank you for all the links to the other blogs,I'm gunna check them out now and for all you're support!:)
I think demi sounds about right for how I feel so I might use that unless I find something that fits me better. I'm not really sure if I would tell anyone other than my best friend because I've never really talked about it with anyone else before (most of my friends and classmates at college kinda just see me as innocent and inexperienced) but I think it would be nice to have a label for if I need it and not tey and have to explain myself really awkwardly (I felt really really weird writing the other ask) and especially as I said before If I ever got into a relationship it could be something they knew from the beginning.
But thank you so much for you're help,it's so weird cause like I figured out I was gay when I was like 11 or 12 (kinda knew before that but didn't really click) and it was kinda a thing of for a few years girls in my class would day about the crushes they have on boys and I was like nah thats silly were kids,I don't have any crushes yet then over time I started ro notice a little more on how pretty other girls were aswell as in year 7 quite a few boys asked me out and I was like nah,boring who likes boys anyway? Then went ohhhh. And it just made sense. This, for me atleast, is alot more confusing and I feel like the lack of education on it doesn't help, like they always made it seem like a very definitive thing that everyone has sex and it's human nature. Like I'm not saying they were great with sexuality wither but I feel like it is atleast more present in media or atleast a bit more noticeable without necessarily having to go searching for it.
Yeah anyway rant over, again thank you so much. Also I saw ur tags and I'm really sorry I both completely forgot about tws:( and wasn't expecting to go into that much of a detailed ramble so sorry:(
Lmao I relate to that a bit. I'm rlly glad you're starting to figure yourself out and I also agree with the rep thing 🫠 its harder to figure yourself out when you don't even know certain things are a possibility. You just feel... like the Weird one.
And I'm glad you read the tags lol. Now next time you'll know to warn for stuff!
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crushed-starlight · 7 months
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ok so . yknow how the main original point of this blog was for me to rant about my feelings for meadow? and then i slowly realized that this might not be the healthiest thing to pursue? WELL IT GOT WORSE.
over the winter break p much everyone went home to wherever they lived before uni. during that time, meadow hung out with their 2 friends from before and very quickly and chaotically fell in love with one of them ,, we'll call him wells 2, the sequel to wells in terms of people that meadow has liked that aren't me !!
over winter they got ,, very intimate very fast (it didn't help that wells 2 had just gotten out of a pretty long term relationship lmao) and i got to hear all about it in excruciating detail from meadow .. it was at some point around this time that i decided i desperately needed to stop crushing on them. i decided to just will it out of existence bc i was so tired of the pining and it had become painfully obvious that my feelings weren't reciprocated and i didn't feel like getting the hanahaki any worse.
thinking back on meadow as a person i noticed a lot of stuff that didn't occur to me originally because of the Big Feelings,, i also talked it over with fish and jiji (separately) which helped me realize what was going on a lot better. so here's some Things About Meadow that i Do Not Like !!
they rushed so fast into commitment with wells 2 in a way that i don't think i'd be comfortable with even if it were me..
there were ,, multiple omens. i'm not super spiritual anymore but i do believe in signs from the world and there were a few that i missed, specifically in terms of fictional parallels that showed up in really convenient times, like the world was trying to warn me by showing me mistakes that i could've made. those came in the form of felix love and lucy gray baird, the latter of which meadow literally introduced me to (we saw her movie together, i heavily related to her and meadow didn't like her for all the same reasons)
they don't match my energy !! they make me nervous !! even if it's in a lighthearted way, their teasing of my interests and stims and everything makes it harder to unmask (which i've been trying rly hard to learn) and ultimately makes me even more tired after spending a day with them
doesn't like snowball fights !! reddest flag i've ever seen
basically, meadow likes me, but he doesn't understand me. this'll sound self-obsessed, but my overall energetic optimistic outward personality is basically a product of coping strategies and adhd. i need someone who understands that, and values it as much as i do, if not more. meadow sees what's happening, i've explained it, but i don't think they have the capacity to fully understand since they cope so differently from me
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in other news, chipi. i know he's into me, but the flirting died down a lot over the past few months...................... until it didn't !! over winter break, we spent tons of time on call with an online friend of mine ,, we'll call him cala. i did a little doodle of my roommates as weezer last night since i shared a reel of a different friend group doing the same thing, and chipi started asking which one he was because he 'wanted to know how i perceive him', so naturally i recreated the reel in post-it note sketch form. well literally just now as i was writing this post, i checked discord to double check cala's pronouns and saw that chipi had made the doodle his profile picture ............. wHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH THIS INFORMATION ??????
i'm not attracted to him, and i really don't want to lead him on. i literally sent him a valentines meme that said 'i LIKE you. as a friend ONLY' like i have been so so obvious about it and yet he persists.. i CAN'T date him , for one we're roommates so a breakup could get really ugly, and also there's about a million red flags. i think he feels understood by me in a way he hasn't experienced much before, which i don't want to take away !!
i haven't actively told him to stop flirting with me, since honestly i do like the attention. it's a huge confidence boost to know i'm even capable of being desired in this way.. he's so funny and likes me so much that it's really easy and so entertaining to spend time with him, plus i get flustered super easily and i know he enjoys it too, but i'm scared to accidentally lead him on because i know first hand how much that hurts, even when it's made abundantly clear. hell, i just watched it happen with myself and meadow, but now i'm on the other side.
i think i just need to trust him to look after his own emotional health through his crush on me, just like i did with meadow, and i hope that at the end of it we can still be friends!! i should probably tell cala about all this, since he's witnessed most of it first hand and is super understanding about every other emotional thing i've brought up so far. shit's wild over here
in other news i sang karaoke with odie and he's so cool if he weren't dating jiji i'd definitely be in love with him by now lmao
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ok i think that's everything !! sorry i was gone for so long, i can't promise i'll stay but i hope these updates can be entertaining for someone :)
TL;DR for anyone following my lore ,, i needed to will my crush on meadow out of existence and just as i was doing that, chipi caught even bigger feelings for me and idk what to do about it lmao
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shallanspren · 3 years
something something, every single one of shallan davar’s siblings are fucking garbage people.
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theseptemberist · 3 years
8, 23, and your choice!
From the Obikin Fandom Questions ask game
8 - Tell us a quick headcanon that you have about Obikin.
Hmm, well, I think they tend to have opposite tastes in a lot of things. For example, I imagine Anakin's mom cooked lots of very spicy desert stews and whatnot for him growing up, so he will douse everything in hot sauce and be happy. Obi-Wan, on the other hand, grew up eating Temple refectory food and thinks that mayo is spicy. He will come into the kitchen and his eyes will be streaming just from smelling whatever five alarm chili Anakin is cooking up.
Then on the other hand, while I do really enjoy fics where Anakin has a habit of sneaking out and partying and getting into trouble, I think that in canon he is most likely an enormous prude. Obi-Wan was raised by Qui-Gon "shroom tea every morning" Jinn and probably smoked deathsticks too in his rebellious youth so he thinks it's not a big deal to indulge in mild substances once in a while. But he was much better at it from his own Padawan, so without examples to the contrary Anakin took the Temple "don't do drugs" health class very seriously and was SHOCKED and scandalized when he found out that his Master likes to roll up a space blunt every so often when he's not around. 23. What trope would you love to see more of in Obikin fanfiction?
Hmm, this is less of a trope and more of a characterization thing, but I would really love to see more hard/strict dom Obi-Wan. I love love the very popular soft/service dom interpretation of him and I've written it myself, I just don't see as much of the other side!
Obi-Wan is doubtless a very caring and attentive lover, with his beloved Anakin especially, but he is also a bastard who is enjoys being annoying on purpose and he craves control especially when he's under stress. And the obikin dynamic is not all sweetness and light by any means, in AotC there is a sharp-edgedness to their relationship that is very apparent. This is all just canon stuff that I think is interesting to explore in their sexual relationship.
All in all, I think being in charge would speak to Obi-Wan on a deep level in more ways than just fulfilling his desire to take care of Anakin. And on the other side, I see Anakin as a high sensation seeker who craves danger and seeks out conflict when he knows he can handle it and I think the push and pull of Obi-Wan being more strict on him would be immensely appealing.
3. Do your friends and family in real life know you ship Obikin?
(answer under the cut because it's personal rambling not fandom stuff hahah)
Since you gave me a free choice I just wanted to let everyone know that my mind is blown by all of you secretive folk because of how immensely indiscreet I am. The reason why theseptemberist is not my main blog is because my actual main was followed by one (1) irl friend at the time I got into obikin and I didn't want her to know, so I made a new blog. Then literally weeks later I was outlines by her in detail and sending her a link to read parks lmao.
My roommate also knows about it. He's a college friend and we both write romance/erotica content on a professional level as well so sometimes I will ask him for help phrasing things or just rant at him lmao. I sent him a link to the first fic I ever posted last summer before we were even living together because I crave attention. Worst of all my MOM knows. This is because I told her I was writing so she would know that I was finding a way to thrive during quarantine, and she kept asking to see so I had to tell her the nature of what I wrote to explain why I didn't want to let her read it lol. I'm pretty sure she barely even knows who they are though, one time when she asked what I wanted for my birthday meal I sent her a picture of a Mustafar cake and she thought it was something from Lord of the Rings 😭 But despite the fact she basically knows what I write is explicit she still keeps requesting to see it... insane honestly fjdlgkdjflgkj but I'm grateful that she's supportive.
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sukirichi · 3 years
hi suki! wanted to tell you this bc i have no one else to talk about it with ><
( you can answer this when the English chapter releases! i was able to read it because my friend bought the WSJ issue)
I was trying to udnerstand Naoy's character, so I was reding everything from CH138-151 again. I'm kinda sad at how people just calls Naoya a Toji fanboy (though true LMAO) and not realizing how Toji really influenced his persona. Like the admiration Naoya held for Toji is so deeply engraved in him that he, who was called a genius sorcerer as a child, looks up to a man who was called a failure. Toji is probably the only man in the clan that he respected, that's why toji's level of strength became his "picture" to follow. And I think a lot of who Naoya has become is because the Zen'ins literally groomed the decency out of him. Still, though groomed to be everything he is, he himself chose not to change anything about it.
(wait but also?? little naoya looks cute like he would guide old ladies on the ped xing so what the fuck happened after that)
I guess one major reason why he does not respect anyone else in the clan (besides his superiority complex) is because of the Zen'in's concept of what is marked as strong. Like, the way they see and treated him as if he's the best sorcerer in the making, yet failing to see Toji's powers and rejecting him fully. It's something similar to Mai when she said "Maki has talent that I don't. And the clan rejected that; that talent that I lacked", except Naoya is raised to be a confident (arrogant?) child, thus he takes it as a challenge instead and works to achieve it.
So, when Maki reached the level of Toji, I think his reaction wasn't simply stemmed on his "fanboy" antics, but his desperation of being part of that level of strength. I think he's more irritated in the fact that Maki, someone who he does not see anywhere near as strong as he is (though he does say Maki is strong in chapter 138), reached a level of strength that he hasn't; that he is trying hard to achieve. It's also the same with having your favorite superhero getting defeated. And Naoya's in denial that there is someone else who could be the same as Toji.
I like how he's an antagonist that was not build under the foundation of a sob backstory (though it was a v small sneak peak of his background and was mainly centered with his admiration for toji, plus I think people forget that Naoya is an antagonist), how he acknowledges that he has not reached that level of strength. Of course, I'm angsty about his misogynistic ideals. I get that he's from a very traditionalist clan so... yeah. I mean, no child is born evil. Children learn from those around them (I've seen many people say he's trash since he was a kid when he said that "i wonder what miserable face he has", but like he's a kid, he doesn't know what he's saying AHSJFJWJQ8QR he was either taught that or he just learned it from others. Funnily enough, he does say toji has a pretty face now LMAO). Maybe it stems from something else, maybe it didn't.
I'm not saying him trying to kill Megumi is forgotten (Though, the Jujutsu Society is a place where teens get executed for the simple fact that they are too strong, so im not surprised. Just like Noritoshi said, age does not matter in Jujutsu Society). I see now why he was really pissed about Megumi being the head, since Naoya has been promised the position since he was young, only to loose of a 15 year old who is the son of the man he admires :')) However, still, none of it excuses the shit he did. He still has a shitty personality, but it's nice to know a bit of a background.
Anyway, that's all for now. My English is bad so that might be all over the place •`,`• That's just my take on it so I could be wrong or maybe seeing him wrong since we still don't know much abt him. I'm always scared to talk about naoya because the last time i did (on twt) i got a backlash of hate (ppl really do get hate just from admiring someone's characterization). Your blog is like a safe haven for naoya stans, so i thank you for that hehe.
Have a nice day suki!! kisses~
(also this is a PSPSPSPS to a naoya childhood friends au fic pls 👁👁)
bestie omg I am so sorry, I found this deep in my inbox and I am *shakes* and yes yes let’s talk about naoya, I would be more than glad to and I’m sorry I didn’t see this any sooner!! more rants and simping under the cut
I'm kinda sad at how people just calls Naoya a Toji fanboy (though true LMAO) and not realizing how Toji really influenced his persona. Like the admiration Naoya held for Toji is so deeply engraved in him that he, who was called a genius sorcerer as a child, looks up to a man who was called a failure. Toji is probably the only man in the clan that he respected, that's why toji's level of strength became his "picture" to follow. And I think a lot of who Naoya has become is because the Zen'ins literally groomed the decency out of him. Still, though groomed to be everything he is, he himself chose not to change anything about it.
omg for this…I’m actually like…like I love the detail that naoya admires toji? as we can see from the panel of little naoya, it’s like people have already planted in his head that no cursed energy = loser, yet he ended up admiring him and I am,,,my heart is just soft! exactly! just think of naoya born as a genius sorcerer yet his admiration for toji, who is painted as the clan’s failure, helped shape him into who he is! idk but I just really love the fact that naoya, who is like born with the pressure and role of being clan leader, somewhat strays from tradition and ends up finding strength into toji and even strives to follow him or “stand by him” someday. for me, it just shows that perhaps naoya isn’t really half as bad as he should be in an honest sense, meaning that he’s evil or morally corrupt because he was born that way or because he chose to be that way. I do agree that perhaps he is the way he is now because he’s groomed to be like that, but of course, I’m not going to disregard the fact that somewhere along the way, Naoya could’ve matured to choose himself to not embody the misogynistic tradition of the zen’in clan.
This could just be me, but my interpretation of it is that Naoya seems more like the perfect product or embodiment of how the clan shaped him to be, blinded him with false morals and the patriarchy presiding into them. Rather than Naoya being just “a misogynistic arrogant man” in my perspective and my opinion, I see him more into the bigger picture of his toxic upbringing to begin with. Like, no child is born evil unless there’s like a predetermined curse deciding their fate for them, so its partly the Zen’in clan’s fault he’s that way. But Gege showing that Naoya admiring someone the Zen’in clan disregarded, it shows that he is capable of being himself without the clause of his clan enforcing things to him once again, like the whole “he’s gonna be the future clan leader” thing, though that is still heavily embedded within him.
(wait but also?? little naoya looks cute like he would guide old ladies on the ped xing so what the fuck happened after that)
I guess one major reason why he does not respect anyone else in the clan (besides his superiority complex) is because of the Zen'in's concept of what is marked as strong. Like, the way they see and treated him as if he's the best sorcerer in the making, yet failing to see Toji's powers and rejecting him fully. It's something similar to Mai when she said "Maki has talent that I don't. And the clan rejected that; that talent that I lacked",except Naoya is raised to be a confident (arrogant?) child, thus he takes it as a challenge instead and works to achieve it.
Anon, is it just me or like…was his superiority complex also enforced on him by the Zen’in clan as well? Again this could just be me going all psychologist mode on Naoya but the nature of superiority complex is quite interesting, you know! As a psych student, I perfectly understand that superiority complex either stems from several things like a) wanting to live up to one’s or others expectations, b) masking it with a deep stem of insecurity, or c) it’s a coping mechanism. See, I could go on and on about but then I’d have to link all my past studies lmao so let’s just put it on layman’s terms that my interpretation of Naoya’s superiority complex is once again, influenced by the clan. Imagine being a kid born into a clan where people remind you again and again that you’re the future leader, that you would be the one to guide them or protect them or discuss the clan’s future and status once you grow, and you’re quite groomed for it.
For such pressure to be put on a child’s shoulders, it kind of strips off his youth and instead of him enjoying his youth, I can imagine that it took a toll on little Naoya, and the reason he grew his superiority complex is his way to cope and reach the standards and expectations that is given to him. Of course, he’s a kid, he might start to wonder, “Can I even do all of that?” but seeing as the Zen’in clan highly measures strength and growth based on abilities, cursed energy, and overall just to conform into the image they’ve held for years, it’s quite obvious that Naoya can’t exactly voice out his worries over this, so instead, he masks it with a superiority complex that absolutely boosts him to a higher level, thus giving him the confidence he needed to carry out his tasks and the reassurance that, “Yes, I am worthy and I will be the clan leader.” As for your theory that he takes it as a challenge, I can see where you’re coming from! I think Naoya is the type of person who definitely likes to challenge himself, but one of the reasons I love his character so much is because he’s not completely a brainless “head on straight to war” type of person too.
He knows his limits and knows which side he should be in, as showed when Yuuta came and mans surrendered easily. Idk why but to me, Naoya, who is such an arrogant confident man who has high trust in abilities, but at the same time can admit when someone is stronger than him (like him admiring Toji and Gojo) just makes him more human and a little more beautifully flawed. Like, he’s not perfect and he’s most definitely an irritating character, but the way he was written is just *chef’s kiss*
So, when Maki reached the level of Toji, I think his reaction wasn't simply stemmed on his "fanboy" antics, but his desperation of being part of that level of strength. I think he's more irritated in the fact that Maki, someone who he does not see anywhere near as strong as he is (though he does say Maki is strong in chapter 138), reached a level of strength that he hasn't; that he is trying hard to achieve. It's also the same with having your favorite superhero getting defeated. And Naoya's in denial that there is someone else who could be the same as Toji.
Yes, ah I really do love this theory that he’s more irritated because in his mind, he’s like, “I’m a genius sorcerer! I was meant to be clan leader! This is my rightful spot to be a strong one, so how come Maki, who is a woman, with no zero cursed energy has reached the level of the person I looked up most to?” again, Naoya didn’t say that and those are just my opinions and brainrot so don’t come at me for it uwu, but yeah I do think that he’s very aggravated that he didn’t react that level first. Because I guess you could say, he’s probably alluding that Maki reaching Toji’s strength = them being equals, and ofc Naoya wanted to be the one standing beside them. It probably hit his superiority complex that he wasn’t the one in Maki’s spot especially when he tried so hard to achieve it, and considering the gifts he was given (same cursed technique as his dad and him having cursed energy) it threw him off.
Yeah, Naoya is most likely in denial and becomes aggressive over it, although I don’t really mean physically aggressive because Naoya is actually quite calm and ‘composed.’ If ever he did go on a rampage, he does it in such a suave, calculated manner with this silent confidence that he will win. It kind of makes you root for him because he even fools the audience (by audience I mean ME) that he’s going to OWN that fight but whoop, he got his ass kicked. Plus ten points for confidence and a bonus thousand points for being sexy though!!! Yeah, omg he’s probably in disbelief that a woman of all people could be like the person he admired most.
I like how he's an antagonist that was not build under the foundation of a sob backstory (though it was a v small sneak peak of his background and was mainly centered with his admiration for toji, plus I think people forget that Naoya is an antagonist), how he acknowledges that he has not reached that level of strength. Of course, I'm angsty about his misogynistic ideals. I get that he's from a very traditionalist clan so... yeah. I mean, no child is born evil. Children learn from those around them (I've seen many people say he's trash since he was a kid when he said that "i wonder what miserable face he has", but like he's a kid, he doesn't know what he's saying AHSJFJWJQ8QR he was either taught that or he just learned it from others. Funnily enough, he does say toji has a pretty face now LMAO). Maybe it stems from something else, maybe it didn't.
OMG YESSSS ANON YES YES YES *slams down simping button angrily* That’s what I like about him too! Even though Naoya is cocky and wayyyy too arrogant for his own good, I also like that he acknowledges he’s not quite in a level he wants to be in yet. And hah, his backstory, it wasn’t totally sob because it’s obvious he was much too doted on, but I still hate how they made him like that. True, if he’s still carrying the same misogynistic ideals as he is now in an age where he has the mental capacity to improve and be different, then the belief has become more of a choice than something engraved into him, which I am really disappointed and not really into because of course, he’d be much better if he wasn’t like that in the first place. LOLOLOLOL yes yes he’s a kid, it sure as hell doesn’t excuse the way he is now but like just think !!
if a kid was spouting out such mean words and CLEARLY no one is correcting him, who really is the problem here? A child has a harder time deciphering what is right and wrong by himself without proper guidance. And he didn’t have proper guidance, they really just let him be like that and it’s because the clan!! sucks !! ass !! YEAH he probably called toji with a miserable face because he hasn’t seen him before but after seeing the iconic dilf, Naoya gone be like, “anyways, I lied, moving on—”
I'm not saying him trying to kill Megumi is forgotten (Though, the Jujutsu Society isa place where teens get executed for the simple fact that they are too strong, so im not surprised. Just like Noritoshi said, age does not matter in Jujutsu Society). I see now why he was really pissed about Megumi being the head, since Naoya has been promised the position since he was young, only to loose of a 15 year old who is the son of the man he admires :')) However, still, none of it excuses the shit he did. He still has a shitty personality, but it's nice to know a bit of a background.
yeah no of course, no worries! even as a hardcore naoya stan, I can admit this dude is TERRIBLE for so many reasons! yeah I mean that could be pretty irritating because he was born for it, raised to be clan leader, groomed and expected he’d have that role, but nah someone else took his throne. yeah I’m with you on that, naoya has a shitty personality and I would totally smack him if he was real because he makes my eyes roll to the back of my head, but knowing his background and theorizing (read: me going all psychologist mode because he’s the only character I ever cared about to apply my studies into) his character is quite fun. I wish we had more scenes with Naoya though, I really hoped he’d play a bigger role but he just…died, I guess, though I’m starting to believe that maybe he really isn’t dead! Gege did him dirty omg I’ll cry again if it’s really GENUINELY confirmed my baby is gone.
Anyway, that's all for now. My English is bad so that might be all over the place •`,`• That's just my take on it so I could be wrong or maybe seeing him wrong since we still don't know much abt him. I'm always scared to talk about naoya because the last time i did (on twt) i got a backlash of hate (ppl really do get hate just from admiring someone's characterization). Your blog is like a safe haven for naoya stans, so i thank you for that hehe.
ah no worries about your English, I didn’t really notice anything wrong with it tbh! And I understand, these are all just our opinions/theories/perspectives, we could be wrong or not, we don’t really know because we’re not Gege (⋟﹏⋞) NOOOO PEOPLE HATED YOU ON THAT? ISTG I’VE NEVER SEEN A FANDOM CANCEL SOMEONE AS MUCH AS JJK FANDOM CANCELS NAOYA AND NAOYA STANS LIKE – he’s just a fictional character omg, cancelling naoya is understandable because I would too but attacking his fans? or generally anyone who talks about him in a neutral or not in a way that goes, “yeah I would punch this mfer” is just?? doesn’t make sense to me bestie, people really choose to do that with their time yikes.
AND AWWW THANK YOU YES I PROTECT ALL MY FELLOW NAOYA STANS HERE, I respect who people simp for because if it’s what you enjoy and as long as you’re not hurting anybody, then it really doesn’t matter and it’s not a big deal! and you’re always welcome here uwu. have an even nicer day bestie and I’m sorry I didn’t see this sooner AAAA I really loved talking about this tho HEHEHEH I’m not actually too much of a JJK theorist since I’m not smart enough to pay attention or infer from all the details but NAOYA HMMMMM also childhood friends fic? hmu let’s hear it!! also ahh hmm idk but i get really happy whenever people talk to me freely about naoya bcos even tho i have been a naoya simp for like three months, it was not until recently that people came to me about him and i have just been simping alone (bcos people MADDDD) spsppsps okay rant over thank you anon i love you kith kith <3
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whimsywit · 4 years
Hey, it's me again! ^.^ I was wondering if I could order a red velvet truffle this time. As a reminder, here's the info from the previous request (with new info that I forgot to mention on the other one 😅):
I'm a 5'4" tall, straight Virgo girl with brown eyes, glasses (I only need them for distance since my eyes can't focus all too well). My hair color is currently blonde, but I'm dying it platinum blonde (dying it from dark auburn so the color rn is kinda a caramel color). I'm pretty chubby, but I guess not that chubby since I'm not obese but not exactly healthy either....
Let's see... I'm pretty shy at first when meeting knew people, and tend to talk so fast I trip over my words from time to time and get tongue tied (This gets worse around a guy I like and it frustrates me). The more someone gets to know me, the more talkative I become (which doesn't mean I wanna talk all the time, I'd be happy listening to him talk more than me, but I do tend to go into an excited rant like Midoriya if someone brings up something I really like [aka MHA 🤣]). I'm sweet, caring, loyal to a fault but I can be stubborn when I wanna be and insecure (boy with me must have extreme patience)...
I love listening to music, singing (I haven't sang in front of a huge crowd before), reading, writing (though my brain jumps back and forth between ideas, so I haven't exactly finished writing a fanfic yet 😅). I get flustered easily when complimented, so....
Dislikes include bullies (I was bullied myself, so I hate it when other people do it) cheaters (been cheated on in a relationship, no way do I wanna go through it again), alcoholics and drug addicts (I would explain why but I don't wanna get into something that might trigger someone, so I won't get into the details, just know that my biological Dad was one and I've seen what alchohol and drugs can do to someone... It's not pretty)
Talents: I know for sure that singing is one of them (which is one of my hobbies XD) and I'm told I'm a talented writer (writing is also one of my hobbies :3), but given the fact that I have a brain that keeps switching focus on ideas for different fandoms I haven't finished anything yet 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Fears: The list could go on forever.... I have a slight stage fright (I shake a bit until I start singing, but I don't freeze up, never ask me to public speak thou...). I'm insecure as well, so my biggest fear is not being good enough (I can't remember if I already told you if I'm insecure and the boy paired with me is gonne have to be super duper patient 😅)
Aspirations: I really wanna be a singer one day (I'm actually doing voice lessons so I'm on my way there! ^.^) I'm good at writing lyrics but composing music? Not so much XD Oh, I do eventually wanna have a family, just later down the road with the right guy ^.^
I admire someone who is brave, compassionate, loyal to a fault (as loyal as I am ^.^ and I don't mind if he gets a bit protective of me XD)...
But, since I got dragged into too much drama during high school, I hate people who spread rumors for attention, players (people who date multiple people), and I usually stay away from people who are arrogant beyond belief (believing in urself is important, but it becomes a problem if you're over confident, know what I mean?) and people who are conceited (not to say that loving yourself isn't important, it is! I just don't like it when people are obsessed with themselves.... If that made any sense XD)
Anyways, thank you for even reading this and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day!
OKAY GIRL FIRST OF ALLLLL tysm for all the likes on my stuff, it means so much that you like and support my blog even tho this took forever for me to get to (i really appreciate you for waiting so long btw) 🥺💖💗 Now, for your patiently awaited matchup, I thought you’d be best with...
Izuku Midoriya!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
OOH back to back protag boyfriends, lucky you ;0 It actually took me a while to land on him but I have no idea why, you guys are so similar it hurts in the best way possible oml—
First off, he’s ecstatic to find someone that doesn’t mind his muttering and rambling, even more so when he discovers you do it too! You’re both naturally shy and easily flustered (which makes for some very entertaining scenes when you’re both pining for each other and get all stuttery and flushed, people have full on brought out snacks and watched 👀👀) but it also means you understand one another well, able to comfort and assure the other with ease.
In more ways than one, if you really think about it. Both of you have a history of bullying, a tendency for low self-esteem, daddy issues, gosh your relationship is so mutualistic both of you always know what to say to lift the other up 🥺 On top of all that you also greatly admire each other—Izuku’s the bravest and sweetest guy you know by far, while he thinks you’re incredibly talented in turn. You constantly support each other with your goals, heroism and stardom respectively, fighting back whenever insecurities and doubts start to bleed through because you just care for the other so so deeply, and I’m def starting to sound like a broken record so lemme move onto the zodiac portion asjfakshswajdb
Izuku is a Cancer, a bit more of an emotional sign than Virgos tend to be, but that doesn’t make you guys any less close! The relationship is a very sincere, secure, and down-to-earth one, as along with everything else you have near-identical beliefs and domestic desires (which will make his mom very happy, she’s always wanted grandkids ûwû) so no matter what hiccups you may face, you guys always power through it ^w^
There’s not much else to say lmao, you guys are practically inseparable. All your nights are spent reading together and discussing your writings, yours being stories while his were hero notes, listening to music all the while, until it gets turned down in favor of your voice that sings him to sleep. He much prefers it anyway, and will for the rest of his life〜
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