#i've tried to put all the info in there but lmk if there's something i forgot to add
viiiiiiiiiin · 6 months
Okay so I have another cute zoro idea so hear me out reader has a crush on zoro but doesn’t think they are his type because their strength lies in more smarts rather then physical strength like let’s say they have a devil fruit power the allows them to avoid fights like maybe they can’t physically be hit because the can pass through any solid object so they never really focused on physical strength but since zoro is so obsessed with getting stronger they think oh he likes strong people aka people not like me little does reader know!! Also I LOVED THE OTHER REQUEST YOU WROTE FOR ME!!!!
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Ghosted: Zoro x Reader
Includes: GN Reader , Zoro , a bit of Sanji , Reader's sister.
Info: Reader ate the Ghost - Ghost Fruit. This gives the user the ability to levitate and phase through objects. They can speak to the dead as well , and sometimes even absorb their power. The reader was imagined with a sister.
A / N: IM GLAD TOU LIKED IT ! I HOPE U LIKE THIS ONE AS WELL !! If you want a part 2 , lmk <33
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You and Zoro had a strange dynamic. You were seen as best friends , but there always seemed to be something deeper down that nobody could put a finger on. You both were strong , but you never fought. You hated combat , but he didn't. You both seemed to be opposites , and still. You both were close.
You were more of a utility than a fighter. You would help with defense , strategy , and escape. You were the Strategist of the Strawhat Pirates , after all. People were unable to hit you , haki or not. To the crew , you were the brain and he was the brawn.
You both were almost never seen without one another , so one was bound to fall for the other. That just so happened to be you. You fell , and hard for that matter. You were infatuated with him , which everyone but him noticed.
However , you never tried to pursue him. In your eyes , he was strong as hell. He needed someone as strong as him , someone willing to fight. Someone who wouldn't drown the second they hit water , someone who could wield a sword as skillfully as him. You hated fights but he enjoyed them , so why would he like you ? That's what you told yourself.
He was strong and enjoyed being around people as strong as himself. It made you wonder , why did he hang around you ? You weren't strong. You hated combat. You were just a strategist , not a combat specialist. Because of this thought process , you never made an attempt to court him.
You usually talked about your issues with some souls that rested in your room. One of them being the soul of your past on sibling. On this day , you were ranting to her about how you felt.
"SisterName , he's strong. He loves a challenge ! He's one of the monster trio , and I'm not. I'm a strategist , Sistername. Why would he want someone as weak as me ?" Your face deflated as you fell into your bed. The color haired woman stood beside your bed and sighed.
"You know that's not true , Reader. Why would he be around you if he only liked strong people ?" She smiled softly and sat on the edge of your bed. Though she was there , no pressure was felt on your mattress. Not even a wrinkle was left in the place she resided in.
You groaned loudly and phased through your bed so that you were now resting on the ground below it. You whined , loud enough for her to hear. She laughed and rolled her eyes. "You're strong , Reader. You're strong in your own way. Don't forget that." She stood up from her place and sat down in front of where she once was. "Strength doesn't only lie within combat." She continued , laying on the ground to see you.
You sighed again and turned towards your sister. Your eyes met her glossed over white ones. You smiled gently and crawled out from under your bed. "Thank you , SisterName." You would've hugged her if you were able to touch her. You sat in front of her and watched as she nodded her head.
"Go talk to him , Reader. For now , I've got somewhere else to be. I'll be back. Love you , Reader. You know I'll always be here for you if you need anything." Her transparent hand patted your head , though you couldn't feel it. "Love you too , SisterName. Have fun." You watched as her ghostly form disappeared.
You took a deep breath and took a step outside of your dark room. You closed the door and started your long walk to the deck , thinking of the things your sister said to you as your feet slapped against the hard planks of the ground.
After what seems to be like forever , you reached the deck. Your eyes scanned the area in an attempt to find the green haired swordsman , only to be met with nothing. "Mosshead is in the crows nest." You heard from behind you. You turned around and saw a tuff of blonde hair. Sanji. You smiled kindly at the chef and nodded your head. "Thank you , Sanji." As the words left your lips , you began your walk to where Zoro was training.
Technically , you could've just floated up there and phased through the wall but you had some things to think about. What were you going to say ? How would you address your thoughts ? You were anxious , riddled with worry even. You took a deep breath as you approached the wooden door. You knocked twice then phased through the door.
The man in question was currently squatting with a weight that was half the size of the room. You knew he was strong , but DAMN. You stared at it , bewildered. Remembering what you came in for , you shook your head. "Oh. Hey , Reader." He spoke calmly , putting his weight down. It seems he just finished one of his sets.
He picked up a towel , throwing it around his neck as he picked up the bottle of water he brought with him. "Hey , Zoro. I have something to talk to you about." You spoke , a serious tone laced within your words. Zoro raised an eyebrow as he continued chugging his water. He leaned against the wall and placed his , now empty , water bottle on the ground. "Spit it out , Ghosty."
Your heart swelled a bit at the nickname , but you chose to ignore it for a bit. You took a deep breath and crossed your arms. "I'm . . I'm . . Iminlovewithyoubutiknowyoulikestrongpeoplesoiknowyouwontlikemeback." You spoke quickly , powers reacting to your anxiety. As you rambled and hid your reddening face , your body lifted from the ground and began to float around the room.
Zoro stared for a moment and laughed. "What ? Gonna need you to repeat that." You uncovered your face and gently placed yourself in front of him. "I'm in love with . . You . . But , uhm. I know you . . . Like strong people , so you don't have to say anything back." Your eyes closed tightly as you awaited his response , expecting harsh words to leave his lips. However , they didn't.
"As much as I like to fight , I don't JUST like strong people. You're tough , Reader. You can handle your own and I . . . love that about . . Uhm , you." His face was now reddening as he looked away from your color colored eyes. Your face lit up more and you turned your head.
"Just be honest , Zoro . . How do you feel about me ?" You spoke , a hint of sadness lacing your voice. His eyes turned to your form and softened. He sighed and sat on the ground.
"Fuck. I don't know how to express any feelings for you. But shit , Reader. You make my heart do weird things and -" He stopped and took a deep breath. "What I want to say is , I feel . . The same way." The last bit was spoken quietly , but you heard it. Your eyes lightened up as you ran up to him.
You threw your smaller arms around his muscular frame and smiled. "I'm glad , Zoro. Let's try not to keep things a secret again , especially feelings." You kissed his cheek and floated away from him.
He laughed and smirked at your words. "Deal."
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boywifesammy · 25 days
spn fic rect fest - 9
AUGUST 31 - all time favourites
we’re here, the big fest finale !! i tried to keep this list short but alas it got out of hand... pls go read them because they’re all wonderful and be sure to give the authors your thanks and kind words :) as before, i've tagged authors that have their tumblr public on their ao3. if you'd like me to remove the @, just lmk. @spnficrecfest for more info on the event.
dead dove & sensitive topics under the cut. TWs are given where necessary.
Touch Me Like a Razor Blade by ADeedWithoutaName (@a-deed-without-a-name) Sam/Dean, 18k, E [underage]
"For as long as he can remember, sins have caused Dean physical pain." in my mind this fic is in the golden hall of wincest fame. the idea of materializing dean's guilt is SO CRAZY and ingenious given he is THEE guilt character. especially in a story about the taboo of incest. dean's internal struggle in most wincest fics is already so delicious and painful but to make it a physical sensation that he is constantly aware of puts this perfect bow on him as a character. also because sam DOESN'T KNOW until so late into the story. are you kidding. also an actually GOOD example of bdsm!! a masterpiece, go read it and show the author allll the love!!
The Road Rhythm Outro by brokenlittleboy Sam/Dean, 50k, E [violence]
"A routine hunt goes horribly wrong. A curtain fic dealing with permanent injury, angst, and various types of trauma, and fluffy domesticity." this is my favourite permanent injury fic! the author clearly researched a lot to make it accurate and that makes it hit so much harder. there's not only the initial grief and pain, but also the recovery journey, and a thorough exploration of sam's struggle after his injury and how it effects his relationship with dean.
The voicemail by tattooalecki Sam/Dean, 3k, E [noncon]
Sam masturbates to the infamous S5 voicemail. #1 for hottest samdean smut fic. PLUS a voicemail fix-it! this particular niche of humiliation kink is my fav and i haven't found any other piece of writing that does it quite so well. it's hot and captivating while still feeling in-character. if this sounds like your thing as well then definitely check this out because it's insanely good!
snuff by chinablue (@mpregjohnwinchester) Dean/John, Sam/Dean, 5k, E [underage]
"There's nothing good on TV, and Sam's contemplating killing his father again." i had to control myself from putting all of china's fics on this list. she is SUCH an amazing writer and the way she writes johndean is my absolute favourite in the fandom. this fic manages such a delicious balance between hot, violent, possessive and horrific. i don't know how she does it! @-@
Tethered to You by lily rose/annabeth Sam/Dean, 32k, E [TW necro, violence, major char death, noncon]
"Sam wants Dean, but he'd like him even better dead." yes, this is necrophilia smut. BUT- it's also a character study and an insanely interesting look into the psychology of paraphilias. i firmly believe sam would be into something weird given the way he grew up, and the author really displays that in an accurate way. 10/10 most tasteful necrophilia i have ever consumed.
the one percent by deadlybride (@zmediaoutlet) Sam/Dean, 9k, E
Dean finds out that Sam's too big for most condoms. my fav take on the bigdick!Sam fanon. there is something soo hot about a guy being too big to be contained... it rolls perfectly into sam's gentle giant thing where he's sooo big and powerful yet quiet and unassuming. also sizequeen!Dean. whats not to love.
Brittle by thecapn Sam/Dean, Sam/Jess, 30k, E [TW ED]
"Sam Winchester has an eating disorder." so- i couldn't reread this fic when i was putting together this list. not because it's bad but because it is so beautifully written, raw and accurate that i couldn't read it again because it got me worked up. it's really that good. the ending manages to be positive without feeling preachy, and at the same time has that lingering pain of how difficult recovery is. massive tw for eds obviously, but if you can stomach the content then this is a must-read fic.
I have to live here by Goshen/applecrumbledore (@goshen-applecrumbledore) Sam/Dean, 30k, E
An angel erases Dean's memories, but only the ones about his relationship with Sam. silly amnesia fic from the one and only applecrumbledore. there's some angst as well where we get to see sam's grief over losing his relationship with dean and dean working through all the roadblocks they had to overcome to finally get together. as always the characterization is perfect and the writing is so engaging and witty.
Lima Syndrome by guestwho (@guestwho) Sam/Dean, 20k, E
Sam has extensive facial scarring from the fire. John locks him away, and Dean is as usual, not normal about him. holy SHIT i cannot rave enough about this story. it's one of those fics where you read it and wish there was more or an actual book about it because the author's writing is so compelling. it's an interesting take on the whole sam/dean codependency thing with an angle that's less supernatural focused. also freak!sam in this is sooo captivating and the smut gave me shivers, just go read it, i promise you won't be disappointed!!
hello by allwellandgood Sam/Dean, 4k, T [major chara death]
Dean's dead but his ghost lingers. Sam struggles to reach out to him. this is such a depressing but hopeful fic. it broke my heart the first time i read it, especially considering how dean dies in the finale. in my mind if dean ever died he would refuse to pass on and stay with sam just like in this fic.
With A Bit Of Spit And Luck by elsi/Prince_of_Elsinore (@prince-of-elsinore) Sam/Dean, 7k, E [underage]
"Teenage boys cooped up in a cabin in the dead of winter with nothing but each other and an ancient porno on VHS to keep them warm." weecest smut extravaganza. i loveeee the trope of dean being sam's sexual awakening. the idea of them in a little cabin together while dean shows sam scratchy low quality porn is amazing and the execution of it in this fic is perfect.
lay my bones beside his bones by adastreia Sam/Dean, John/Dean, 6k, E [TW CSA]
Dean has a rape fantasy. Sam indulges him, and things come to light. a perfect mixture of smut and hurt/comfort. i also love how sam & dean's hell trauma is integrated into the johndean CSA. the scene where dean says 'dad'- i genuinely felt my stomach drop. haven't had a reaction like that from fanfic in a LONG time !! very well-written.
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acoraxia · 7 months
My knowledge of fyss!Kui Mulang is not the best because since the fyss version is in English and the book is extra dense with many characters with different names, it has not been easy for me. I know more about Jttw!Kui Mulang. Jttw is easier for me because there is a version in my native language. But about Kui Mulang and his wife, Kui Mulang kidnapped his wife against her will. He also does not hesitate to hurt her If she does something agaisnt him. Furthermore, the moment Kui Mulang is caught, he betrays his wife and tries to put all the blame on her, saying that she was the one who seduced him.
Many fsyy characters have different names. So I think that's why not many recognize Azure Lion. He was part of the Jie Sect but is later turned into a mount when he loses. I think lmk is not taking fsyy as a prequel to Jttw like New gods. However, I feel like it gives more depth to his character? You know, imagine fighting on the side that accepts you because the other side doesn't really like your kind (from what I understand, there may be good reasons as well as discrimination against the Yaoguai) and then you're humiliated into being the mount of an immortal. And many centuries pass, and you gain respect and connections, but they still don't see you anymore than that. He also becomes very angry when he is not invited to Xiwangmu's peach banquet. I'm not saying this to defend him, but the topic of the Yaoguai and how they are perceived is interesting.
this person is answering questions about fsyy. It's the only blog I've found, so they might be able to give you the info you want to know about fsyy!Kui Mulang. I hope it helps you a lot if you ever need it! :)
I'm sorry if I send a lot of asks to reply. I tried to send a response to my ask but apparently my reply is too long??? I'm still not very familiar with Tumblr
Checked my inbox after me and my sib discussed media and honestly it made my mood go from “aw” to “OOOH” so quickly haha
Fyss!Kui Mulang will remain a mystery for a while… we gotta accept this fate my friends. At least until I do a little digging and end up launching him on top of my faves like I did with Erlang and Red Son— AHEM anyways!
I did not know he tried to victim blame his wife.. what the HECK dude… what is wrong with you… my guy.. my dude! What the heck!
Also Yaoguai were always very interesting imo… like at some point it makes you wonder if the hate and judgement they get is justified or not. Yes there are yao that eat people or kill them and do things that aren’t great but what of the ones that are just living? The ones who fight on the side of “good”? Makes you wonder about it. (I did learn that yaoguai stands for creatures that stand outside the natural order/cannot be explained. Which is fun!) Kind of interesting how he was turned into a mount… hm. That’s.. certainly something! Especially for a sentient being capable of thought and speech as eloquent as any other immortal he comes across!
I kind of wish they’d taken fyss as an inspiration ngl.. they did show the Nezha and Ao Bing fight scene but it was obviously shown as more aggressive (in the book, Nezha just smacked him while Ao Bing was the one who launched the first attack—meant to he comedic but also horrifying moment for the Ao family) and it’s funny how they introduced Nü Wa.. because they’ll have to address which version of her it is (in some myths she is the Jade Emperor’s daughter (fyss iirc), in other’s she marries her brother—options!) —but! Anyways, this was a fun read
Definitely makes me think about Azure Lion and Kui Mulang’s characterizations… hm hm hm
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