#i-fondued asks
i-fondued · 1 year
Copia is a pleasure dom, change my mind (you can’t).
ughhhh yes he his, anon and you can't change my mind either.
Just imagining him pinning you to the bed from behind, hips lifted for him as he curls around you while slowly rocking in and out of you?
praising you as he slowly plays with your clit, calling you a good girl as you cum for him for the umpteenth time that night?
pressing soft kisses to the back of your neck while you shake and cry at the overstimulation hes giving you?
but the tears don't make him stop because he knows you are desperate for him so badly it makes you delirious...
** fans self **
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moonmacabre01 · 1 month
Howdy, Fondue! You're a chef, I've heard. What's the most important event you've ever cooked for? And was it stressful putting it all together for it?
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"I spent a full week preparing everything, and was working late into the night most days. Dedede even had to come down and drag me to bed a few times, hehe. Stressful indeed."
. . .
"It's still kinda hard to believe that kid's Crown Prince, even now."
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rozugold · 2 months
if you're still taking reqs, Mayhaps something genus loci chom related OR, if I maybee so bold. an Elnos (or rlly any of the blorbs)(I offer them because I know you find him to be very Silly)
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I drew him n Fondue because I adore them both :]
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quibbs126 · 6 months
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Okay I’m trying to work on Cheese Fondue, but I don’t know what to do for her outfit
I kind of want to give her an outfit that’s something like what the TBD have, but also I’m not sure if she works with the TBD because that’s confusing (context: the idea is she’s Dark Fondue’s mom because I overthink DF, and also I imagine the TBD to sort of exist outside of time so people from different times can work there at the same time, but I don’t think that’s actually how it works). But at least she has an aesthetic similar to them, or like something kind of business-y, if that makes sense
Also I want her to have a dress or some sort of skirt, or something like that. I’m gonna be honest I really only have vague ideas for her
If anyone can give suggestions that’d be much appreciated
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lethica-nightborne · 1 month
*Lethica finds an assortment of fruits, pretzels, marshmellows and other things to be dipped into chocolate, with a melting pot for chocolate with a choice of chocolate chips. Beside it is a note that reads*
"perhaps you'll find this of use to you when you have that date with Sir Marius, fruits included of course"
-secret admirer
*Lethica once again looks around, as if looking for someone to appear. When no one does, she speaks to the sky*
"Thank you, admirer. I will put this to good use."
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jaimeski · 6 months
do you like cheese
yes i'm a mouse after all
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softsnzstuff · 2 years
I love your writing and I'm glad you're part of this little corner of snzblr where I live.
Eddissy Headcanon. Chrissy thinks it's cute how sneezy Eddie gets during ragweed season and always carries an extra pack of tissues for him. She also pets his hair and massages away sinus headaches.
❤️ Bewitchedfeathers
Aww thanks for reaching out! This idea is so cute!!! Please enjoy this Edissy Drabble ❤️
Chrissy arrived at the Munson trailer wearing her cream sweater and red skirt. She had a pumpkin patch date with Eddie today and was so excited. She knocked on the door and waited.
She heard a muffled, “h’MPTCH!” Before the door swung open, “Hey babe! I- hitchiew!! snF tsschiew! I’m so happy to see you!”
Eddie brought her into a hug as he rubbed at his eyes with the sleeve of his flannel.
“Me too, Bless you! Ready to go?”
“Yeah!” Eddie nodded and hopped in his van, Chrissy sitting in the passenger seat. “What kind of pumpkin are you looking for Chris?”
“I want a cute one.” She pictured a perfect, smooth pumpkin with a small stump.
Eddie chuckled, “A cute one” he mimicked. “I wanna find one that’s snFF the best for carving! I think I want to carve some bahhh b- H’tsssciew! Issshew! H’Nxxt! Bats…”
The strawberry blonde reached over and squeezed his shoulder. “Bless you. Bad allergy day?”
The older boy didn’t move his wrist from in front of his nose, “yeah, the ragweed is killing m’be today.”
Chrissy rummaged around in her purse and pulled out the travel sized pack of tissues she kept on hand for her boyfriend. She plucked one from the small pack and turned to hand it to him.
Eddie’s eyes were watering and his breath started to hitch. She pressed the tissue into his hand just in time.
“HIH’TSCHMpt! HNNGtchew!” He blew his nose, one hand still on the wheel, and coughed slightly.
“Poor guy. Are you sure you want to do this today?” She knew his allergies would only get worse once they got out to the pumpkin patch.
“Yeah! Of course. A few sneezes won’t stop Eddie the Banished!”
A few minutes later they were pulling up to the field. Kids were running around picking pumpkins, lining up for the hay rides, and trying their hand at the corn maze.
“Chris, we HAVE to do this corn maze!” Eddie shouted, grabbing her by the hand and running. “You try first!”
Chrissy started to walk through, looking for open paths. 9 times out of 10 though, she was met with a ten foot tall wall of corn stalks. She heard a rustle behind her and jumped slightly, turning around to be met with an empty wall of corn.
“GOTCHA!” Eddie jumped out and grabbed her from behind, leaning back and lifting her up as she kicked her legs.
“Eddie!!” They both laughed as he put her down.
The two exited the maze, Eddie only stopping to stifle into his shoulder twice. Once they reached the pumpkin patch, they took off looking for the perfect pumpkin. Eddie found his quite fast, a very big pumpkin with a twisty stem and warts on the side.
“Babe this one’s perfect!” He laughed as he made his way over to Chrissy who was looking at a few different small options.
She knelt down and picked one up. “What do you think of this one Eddie?” She called over her shoulder. No response. “Eddie?”
She turned around to see that Eddie had put his pumpkin on the ground and was fighting back a sneeze. He pitched forward suddenly, one hand on his knee and the other a fist in front of his mouth.
“Heh Nxxt! Nxxt! Hih H’NXXT!”
Chrissy lay her hand on his back rubbing circles as he bobbed with each near silent sneeze. “Eddie I-”
He held up a finger to pause her. “Hehh Not dhhh- done. NGtsschiew! AGKtssiew!”
He straightened up but swayed on his feet slightly. Chrissy wrapped an arm around his waist and used her other hand at his elbow to steady him. “Here, sit for a minute. I’m gonna go buy our pumpkins and we can leave. I’ll drive.”
She sat her boyfriend down on a small wooden bench that was up against the fence bordering the pumpkin patch. Eddie felt the small pick of tissues being pressed into his hand as she jogged off to pay. He thought it was so cute how she carried these on her 24/7, just for him.
Chrissy made it back in record time, finding Eddie with his elbows resting on his knees, punching the bridge of his nose. “You okay, Eds?”
He looked up at her and grabbed one of her hands. “Yeah. Just a sin’dus headache.”
“Well let’s get you and your cool pumpkin home then and I’ll give you a massage for that headache.” She smiled and he smiled back.
“You’re too good to m’be, Chrissy Cuddinghab.” He swiped at his nose with his one free hand and stood up.
Still holding hands, they made their way back to the van with the pumpkins, Chrissy taking the wheel. “Do you need anything?” She asked Eddie.
Eddie turned to her with red eyes and nose swollen. He held up the small pack of tissues and kissed her forehead. “I’ve got everything I need right here.”
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luckycaricature · 1 year
Venilla extract summary (afaik): As soon as polls dropped, someone made a "lets make a cake" poll.
Basically everyone voted vanilla extract.
Tumblr then did what tumblr does, and made it a meme. adding it to any and every poll they could think of no matter how little sense it made.
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Thank you for the clarification anon, that cake sounds like a nightmare and I fucking love this doofy ass site LMAO
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i-fondued · 1 year
"surely she wouldn't kill off swiss, right..."
ohohohohohohohoho we'll just have to wait till next week to find out
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moonmacabre01 · 2 months
F: Hello! How are you doing, sir?
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Fondue: By the way, I didn't catch your name . . ?
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wtfuckevenknows · 4 months
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Look, I know I’ve got issues and half my fridge being full of cheese is one of them 🫣😂
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magnetic-dogz · 7 months
I'm so excited for New Year's this year... the fondue dinner my mom makes every year is so amazing
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skelly-bean · 7 months
Hi, I hope you’re doing well! Thanks for the cheese!!
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cheese-anon-real · 8 months
I mean there's no point in fucking Vergil anyway bc he has a frozen stick that would instantly cryofreeze whoever tried to fuck him?? also Dante would burn them alive with his if they tried fucking him?????
am speechless because what the ell, and don't think either of those are true statements???? I'm not gonna ask them that's invasive and impolite as hell
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albedov · 2 months
happy birthday to aventurine! (i know it's not exactly said but this is the closest we got alright?)
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it was suspicious at first. aventurine had woken up to you peppering his face with kisses - yes it was very welcome but he couldn't help but feel there was something off. he let out a soft sigh follwed by a chuckle as he indulged in your affection until you sat up properly and he followed soon after. he wanted to ask the occasion but he could see the glint in your eyes and decided to let you carry out whatever you had planned.
'what is this?'
aventurine stared down at the cake and rather grand bouquet on the table, he had just come back from a surprisingly boring day at the ipc and he wasn't expecting this. it was a beautiful bouquet filled with peonies, lavender, baby's breath, violets and few other flowers he couldn't quite place, aeons knows how you got hold of some.
'it's your birthday! isn't it?' you smiled at him and his eyes glazed over the white icing ontop of the teal coloured cake that was framed by some fondue peacock feathers - ' happy birthday!'
'is it.. how did you know? or better yet why?' aventurine truly couldn't fathom why you would spend so much time on a single day.
you placed a small kiss to his cheek 'why wouldn't i want to celebrate your birthday hm?' you watched as his facade faltered a small bit and continued 'you are worth and deserve every little bit of affection'
he wasted no time in pulling you into a hug and as you wrapped your arms around him, he whispered 'thank you love'
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peonies = prosperity, good fortune // lavender = purity, grace // baby's breath = everlasting love // violets = faithfulness, delicate love
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luveline · 10 months
JADEEE I'M THE ONE WHO REQUESTED SPENCER X BADASS READER (the one where they read a book together). I LOVE IT😭😭 may I share some request again? maybe it is a day off and one of the bau member saw reader and spencer spend their day off together like a couple?? maybe they bump into them at the alley of supermarket because reader and spencer is going to cook dinner together???
thank you for requesting gorgeous!! ♡ fem!reader
Derek supposes he shouldn't be shocked. He knows you and Spencer are making a go of going steady, knows you see each other outside of work, even knows you're sleeping at one another's places between cases (Here, you forgot your badge last night, Spence). 
It's hard to align his view of you with what he's seeing, is all. You're not spiteful, only stoic. Never cruel, but stern. And there you are on your knees by the cantaloupes tying Spencer's shoelace, mumbling something too quiet to hear. 
"Do you like honeydew?" Spencer asks, thumbing along your forehead gently. 
Derek's proud of him through the boggled haze. He always knew Spencer was a kind, loving man, and seeing him display that through small gestures has a brotherly pride swelling in his chest. 
You tap Spencer's ankle and climb to your feet. You keep some of your usual attitude even with Spencer, refusing his helping hand. "I like it if you like it." 
"That's not an answer." Spencer points to the dropping shelf of watermelon, their green stripes like shining emeralds, freshly misted. "We need one of these." 
"We don't need one. You just liked when I cut them up for us." 
"Yeah, I did. In Egypt they serve sliced watermelon with feta cheese." 
"Yeah?" you ask, reaching for a melon. You turn it around to examine the bottom, looking for a yellowed spot where the watermelon would've laid in the field. "That's a choice. Doesn't sound as nice as our chocolate fondue."  
"The first ever record of watermelons were in Egypt, so they'd know best." 
You smile at him with lips pressed together, your eyes soft with fondness. All the women in Derek's life are beauties, but he thinks love has made you prettier still. He isn't surprised when Spencer reaches out and strokes the back of your hand. 
"Hey, lovebirds," Derek croons. 
Your shoulders don't stiffen, exactly, but you lose the relaxed droop you'd acquired as you and Spencer both turn to face him. 
"Hey," Spencer says, "what are you doing here? I thought this place was too 'hokey-pokey' for you?" 
"Hey, their coupons never work. What are you guys up to? Plans tonight?" 
You withhold the typical None of your business, confessing, "Spencer and I are making breakfast for dinner." 
You have your secrets, but you don't hide Reid. It's why Derek doesn't mind the occasional snap or frosty smile; your coldness is a shield rather than a weapon. 
"And you guys eat watermelon and…" He peers into your shopping cart, miscellaneous items scattered throughout. "Massage oil?" 
You glare at him. "Don't get any ideas. It's for his knee."
Derek smirks. "Breakfast of champions." 
"We only just got here," Spencer explains your empty kart. 
"Yeah, well if what I just saw is the norm, we can expect you'll both be home sometime tomorrow morning. He'll talk your ear off if you let him, you know?" Derek asks you. 
Your glare softens. Derek might even say you're smiling at him. "I'd let him," you say. 
"He's a lucky guy," Derek says. He gives Spencer a clap on the shoulder. "I'll see you kids Monday." 
"See you, Morgan," Spencer says. 
Derek walks away, basket in hand and determined to grab a carton of eggs and get out of here, but he slows when he hears Spencer talking again. 
"Why do you act like you don't like him?"
You're too quiet for the untrained ear. Thankfully, Derek's highly trained. "I don't. Derek knows I like him. I just didn't want there to be any confusion."
"Confusion about what?" 
"About who I want." You say it simply. Derek can imagine the steam funnelling out of poor Spencer's ears. "You can be easily deterred, Spence. I wanted you to know I liked you." 
"I know now. You and Morgan would get along really well if you let him talk to you, you both care about–" 
"You?" you ask. "Let's go look for that weird miniature toast you wanted, or we really will be here all night." 
"It's not miniature toast, it's melba toast, and it's actually a kind of rusk–" His babbling fades out of range. Derek snorts and grabs a small carton of eggs. He knew you liked him. 
Not as much as you like Spencer, that's for sure.
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