#i. .have had a week. i did 4 hrs yesterday and it took everything out of me
theweirdwideweb · 17 days
we want the work blowout deets
I'll give you the tea but it will be lengthy and I'm going to cry.
Thank you for asking anon. To be honest with you I've been crying in bed about it for the past couple hours. I stood up just now and went to the bathroom and saw two big wet patches on my smiley face tshirt and it sucks so much. I'm so sad.
I could really use some feedback on this situation to be honest. OK. So the long story short is that I got a new supervisor a year ago and my work life has been hell ever since. First off, she doesn't understand what I do. She's never done my job. And she is THE micromanager from hell. For the first 7 months of the year she had me turning in a time card every week showing everything I did down to 5 minute increments. I turn the spreadsheet in on Friday, then every Monday we'd have a meeting where she'd tell me she just doesn't understand how I use my time. Why did it take so long to do X amount of invoices? She estimates it should take 2 minutes per invoice, but it took me 4 minutes per invoice. Like I said she knows nothing about my job and as many times as I've explained it she still "doesn't get it." It was demoralizing, nerve wracking, and frankly so insulting to my competence that I went to her boss (my old supervisor who I love). When she did nothing I went to HR with serious concerns about discrimination----it's no coincidence that I was granted some medical leave at the beginning of the year to address mental health concerns.
Yada yada yada, we made some changes and I don't have to turn in the spreadsheet anymore, but she is still making me email her every week with a list of tasks I didn't complete from the week before. It's still insulting but at least she agreed I'd only have to do it for another 3 months. Actually she said 1 month, but she's such a bitch that by the next HR meeting she claimed she never said 1 month and switched it to 3 months. She's a fucking moron, reader. She's dead fucking stupid. I really can't stress that enough. Dumb. It took her 15 years to get the position I got within 3 years of starting. The only reason she's where she is is seniority, personal relationships with management, and being a fucking bully. A dumb bully! Telling you how to prioritize your work! She's accused me recently of being unprepared for a meeting---a meeting that I hosted, provided all the material for, wrote all the notes on, fleshing out a new process she told me to start implementing but had zero idea how. She just tosses ideas at me and I'm left to figure out any kind of practical way to do it because---AGAIN---she doesn't know how to do my job. There've been other things too. She's a sneak humiliator. She's a button pusher. She's a moron. A big fat ugly moron who looks like Roz from Monster's Inc.
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So on Thursday at 4:30pm, end of the day, suddenly a meeting with HR and this cunt appears on my calendar for 10am Friday (yesterday). I'm like---well here we go. She's either going to fire me or put me on a formal PIP. I'll be honest with you, I'd already decided to quit but I was holding out for my bonus in December. I entered the meeting feeling tranquil. I thought, "Do it. Pull the trigger. I'm ready for the end. Just fire me. Let me go. Release me."
But when the meeting starts it's just a touch base with our HR rep to see how everything is going. Are YOU fucking KIDDING me. Anyone would have thought the same thing I did. Of all the things my supervisor sucks dicks at, communication is the worst of all. She can't even spell. She can't string a sentence together. I mean it's shocking she writes at like a 6th grade level. I've seen emails she sent that are so garbled they are literally incomprehensible.
So I'm PISSED. I express how nerve-wracking the previous evening and all morning had been. We're off to a great start. She lets me know she's going to try to end the email process early. OK good. She tells me she's concerned because I haven't been providing personal feedback to her when prompted. Easy enough to explain: I hate your fucking guts, I'm trying to be a grey rock until I can quit. But I can't say that so I'm just like Alright.
Now here comes the bullshit! 1) She now wants me to ask permission in advance to work on weekends. I'm so overworked and stressed out I work like every weekend and now she wants me to ask her permission for the privilege of working on my day off. Guess who's never working a weekend for this company again. 2) The emails that just contain a list of tasks, right? Was 1 month, now 3 months, etc. She also changed the rules so that I have to provide a count of all the claims I processed across multiple platforms. And well---she just doesn't understand how I processed X number of claims and it took this long. In fact, she said, she counts 8 hours reported on my timecard she can't account for last week.
I lost it. I was openly hostile and belligerent. Fuck this fucking bitch. I cannot work for this vile idiot anymore. I actually used my IRL voice to poke holes in what she was saying and pointing out how fucking stupid it all is. Then she comes at me for not respecting her authority. As a reminder, just minutes before she'd complained about me having no feedback for her.
I left the meeting by refusing offers for additional time with the HR rep. I was in no place. I barely worked the rest of the day I was so upset and I didn't send my email, didn't complete my tasks, and didn't ask her permission to finish it up on the weekend (lol). I don't have another job lined up but this is the last time she's going to question whether I'm just straight up lying on my timecard or some kind of moron. That's it. This is her 100th strike for me.
Now here's why I'm so conflicted. 1) My previous supervisor (now my boss's boss) is going on a leave of absence like THIS WEEK for about a month and a half to treat her cancer. I care about her very much. I don't want to stress her out at the last second like this. 2) My bitch boss is also having a sudden serious health problem requiring her to be at the hospital multiple times a week. 3) On top of that, this stupid fucking cow has to take over my boss's boss's work while she's out for cancer. 4) They are absolutely fucked without me. For me to leave right now is a disaster. Add to that---the one person I manage and have a 100% rock solid relationship straight up told me that she's going to quit at some point and that if I quit she's walking out right behind me. She said this to me unprompted and I discouraged her from quitting. 5) I have a heart. The boss and the boss's boss are both having life problems that are more important than work. I think it's immoral to leave them in the lurch right now. They have serious health problems. As much as I hate my boss, at one point we were friends. My heart is breaking.
So I'm crying in bed. I can't live this way anymore. Toxic work stress has taken over my life. I get so miserable, but then some days it's just a job. It's a job I know how to do. I've been here 6 years. The health insurance is spectacular. I've got nothing lined up. I have adequate savings to get through a couple months of unemployment, but it's no guarantee I'll find a position that suits me in that timeframe. I have all these personal relationships at work (a mistake I will not repeat). I've let this job become part of my identity. I'm getting older. I'm 37 and I'm tired and I'm crazy and I just want peace. This position is fully remote---what if the next guy makes me work in person? My whole life will change. I just want this job to work like it has been for the 5 years before she took over. I'm so sad. I've felt this way so many times.
I want to quit first thing Monday. But I want to offer them the option of staying on until good boss gets back from cancer leave, so long as I don't have to work with illiterate cunt boss any more than is absolutely critical in the meantime. What do you think guys? My heart is breaking.
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ahiddenpath · 4 months
Life Update
Life chat beneath the cut. I feel like this one is a bit on the whiney complainy side, but it is where I am now, so I'm keeping it for posterity, lol! But don't read if you're not down for some whine and cheese xD
So I took the last week off from work. I was frustrated, because I didn't go anywhere- it was a staycation. We opted for that mostly because I was going to lose my gd mind if I didn't get some time off. I get 3 weeks off per year, plus a week closure around Christmas "made of" federal holidays that we do not get, so I try to optimize my time off. But... I didn't have the brain space to do anything, and also, as I tried to plan things... Holy damn, everything is so much more expensive than it was even like three years ago.
But now I'm further frustrated because I spent the vast majority of the week just doing damned chores and household projects. Like, I told myself I would stop doing any chores yesterday, but I still spent until 2 PM exercising and doing "a few quick things." The same thing happened today. I'm kind of in, like, a horrible sort of awe of how long shit takes, man. For example, it took my husband and I about 2 hr to take down a broken ceiling fan that was 30 years old and not very user friendly and replace it with a new one. It took me an hour with a hair drier and a scraper to remove like 2.5 cm of hot glue from a doll's head (holding her removable eyes in place) so I could send her out to be painted. And I spent 40-90 min outside for like 8-12 days weeding and doing some basic yard work to prep for a mulch delivery.
I'm trying to be more fit recently. I am, ah. A very unfit human. I think I somehow have not mentioned this in the 12 years of this blog, but... I've had a million surgeries on my hip and spent roughly age 6 months to 2 yrs in a body cast, then until roughly age 4 in physical therapy to learn to move around. I'm clumsy and can just, like, fall over unprompted, I assume because of all that. I don't have the full range of movement in my lower body, so doing physical things can be... Really daunting. I always put exercise and mobility training off.
And of course, it's starting to bite my ass, lmao. I recently learned that humans begin losing muscle mass in their 30s, meaning that weight training is essential. I also learned that using a machine to exercise (like an elliptical) is only good for cardiovascular health. The machine takes on a lot of the... strain?? Work?? Of moving, meaning you aren't working your body in the same way as when you just... Walk. It's meant to help you work out longer, so you can develop your cardiovascular system. (Incidentally, this is why walking and hiking are great exercise).
That's why I took on a lot of the gardening/yard work. I did clear out all of the weeds! And the way my soreness decreased over the days means that I did something good for my body.
But, like. The amount of time caring for your body takes is absolutely gobsmackingly unreal. Holy shit god damn! I've always struggled to keep the balls of work, mental health, creativity, physical health, and social health in the air, not touching on chores and stuff. The physical ball is the one I always put down first.
But I only get this one body, and the American healthcare system is a nightmare. So... Yeah, the priorities need to shift here. My foot has been hurting for a few weeks, now, and it happened last year after Japan, too. It's time to actually go to the doctor for that.
I am sensing more and more that I need to give less to work, too. That's difficult for someone like me to do, because I always feel a deep need to do my best with everything. But... Working this hard just isn't sustainable, and it isn't as if I'm rewarded over someone in the same position who does less.
I haven't had much of an opportunity to rest or do anything creative this week, despite being off. And I'm just as distressed by the fact that um... Just being gone at work from 8:20 AM-5:50 PM every day makes it impossible to do the tasks that built up over the last 3-4 years of being in this home. You know, sometimes people tell me, "But what would you do if you didn't have a job? I'd go crazy!" And I'm like- DUDE. DUDE! I could exercise, walk, work on house projects, and do chores all day every day for like three years and still have stuff to do! That doesn't even touch the personal projects and hobbies I want to work on.
Hopefully, I can figure out some kind of balance that works for me and is healthy. I wish you all the best, my dears <3
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esta-elavaris · 6 months
Venting about the world's pettiest bs beneath the cut lmao 💜
Annoying family friend has been bringing his annoying ass grandkid (like 3 y/o) here for? 12 hour stretches? Three or four times a week? Every week? For all of this year so far?
And it's literally because he knows my family is too polite to tell him he can't come over, or to ask him to leave, so on days he's agreed to watch his grandkid, he brings him here and sits his ass on the sofa and lets my fam actually watch the kid while he sits on his phone and has lunch and tea made for him. They literally refuse to tell him no, and then exclaim "thank fuck for that" the second the front door closes behind them when they leave.
So like, whatever, not ideal, but also not my circus not my monkeys, I just reenact The Quiet Place on those days and keep to my bedroom - because I know if the kid sees me a few times, he'll start seeking me out when he's here, and he's literally not once been told no in his life so it'd be pandemonium if I just barricaded the door and ignored him or pretended to be asleep, and I'm just not setting off down that slippery slope of becoming to go-to unpaid babysitter 4 days per week (I am, devastatingly, very good with kids - did a stint of work experience as a teacher for his exact age range and everything).
Well, he brought him around again yesterday, had been here for a few hours, I'm just upstairs minding my own business, and then I hear this absolute space cadet turn to the kid and go "you've not met Lucy yet have you! Is Lucy up? Should we go upstairs and see Lucy?" right up until one family member took pity and convinced him I was asleep and could not possibly be disturbed. (At 7:30pm at night lmao)
Like. Mate. Does the fact that you're in my house 12 hrs per day, 4 days per week, and magically never see me during any of those times not drive home the hint that I want nothing to do with this circus? Does the fact that I don't even risk using the kitchen on those days not give a bit of a hint? I would literally rather fast for a day instead of dealing with you? Fuuuuucksake.
So now this will be a new fixture of their visits, and I'll be the evil cow when I barricade my door and flat out ignore them when they do try my door. I just want to be left alone to write my bullshit and crochet shawls bestie 🫠🫠🫠
I'm not even just being a grumpy cow (okay, not solely that) because the kid is a nightmare, he has never been told no and it shows, and the guy that brings him around is a kleptomaniac and general nightmare. I dead ass have to store my signed/rare LOTR memorabilia at another relative's house, because he doesn't go there, and if he found that stuff here (even if it was like, in the attic) he'd take it and sell it. So the last thing I want is him and his getting used to wandering into my bedroom - especially if it happens and I'm out one day, so they'd be unsupervised.
Absolute crackpot household, man.
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sewghostlycosplay · 2 years
I drove 4 hrs (because of traffic) to richmond Va. Yesterday with @underworldqueen13 for galaxycon. The primary reason was because CareyJones was there and i ADORE Black Krrsantan so i HAD to go. I got to his table and he was still at lunch but i decided to wait and as i looked at his table i see Gordian Shard there. I didnt know he was the suit actor for him. His agent said yea he got them printed the week the episode dropped and we havent sold a single one. I was like....i might have to. I am after all standing in like dressed as a pirate twi lek. I have been rocking that cosplay for two or three years and everyone always say's "what did disney put pirates of the carribean in star wars now?" And shit like that in the most shitty ways. I always pointed out characters like Hondo and recently Phee and Gordian Shard taking it a step further and reminding them that space pirate captain harlock was literally classic pirate look just on a space ship. So as i waited i decided HELL YES im getting gordian shard. The agent seemed surprised.
When Carey first saw it on the table he thought his Agent laid it out to do a marker test and then was told nope someone bought it. At first he seemed kinda agitated when he returned he didnt even look at me and just signed it and handed it back. He had no line outside of me and three others. After he kinda got into the swing of it and started talking more i went back up and told him I really did LOVE Gordian Shard. And he finally took in my pirate. We talked for a few minutes about how Han solo has always been described as a pirate and He brought up Hondo. Im glad I went back to talk with him because it was awesome to find someone that wand MORE pirates in star wars.
Also i think @soclonely would appreciate this because i saw the posts about gordian on their page before i saw the season opener and it made me drop everything and watch it immediatly
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bisexualamy · 11 months
Transition Update #65: One week post-op phallo (part 1) Cliff Notes
Hey what's up it's your recently bedicked boy. I'm sleepy but I like having these records for both myself and others so I'm gonna do some bullet points. This is gonna be very casual.
I had my first post-op yesterday but I have another one in a week so I'm gonna talk about both of them together.
As a reminder here's the phallo stage list (this ref is a lot easier than me trying to re-explain what they did, bc I am not a surgeon and idk what the official names of any of this is called). Italicized stages are completed stages.
Stage 0: hysto and partial vgectomy (done back in January) Stage 1: meta, UL creation, complete vgectomy, “tee up” stage 2 so I can spend as little time on the table as possible Stage 2: take the graft and create the phallus Stage 3: scrotoplasty, glandsplasty, finish UL Stage 4: erectile device, finish scrotoplasty and glandsplasty
I am technically 10 days post-op but eh it's basically the same. I spent three nights in the hospital before they discharged me. I've been home for almost a week now and I'm happy to be here. The nurses and hospital staff overall treated me very nicely and I had as positive an experience as I think you can have in a hospital.
I am able to stand and walk around on my own but not for very long. I get fatigued if I'm not able to rest for most of the day. Sitting is still very painful so I am usually standing (infrequently) or lying down/slouching in bed.
Overall I'm not in a lot of pain and I've been managing my pain mainly through a lot of advil and tylenol.
I have a catheter and I've had one since day 1. It's coming out next week so that'd be 16 days post op. The catheter doesn't hurt very much if I maneuver it into the correct place but I like to be able to hold the catheter bag myself and empty it myself bc I know how to do it in a way that isn't painful.
My body has not somatically caught up w the fact that I have a dick yet. It took it a few days to realize that I didn't have my other parts anymore. My pelvic floor muscles were very confused and were involuntarily contracting a lot the first 48 hrs which was unpleasant but they've since stopped. Most of the time it kinda feels like I have nothing. I'm wondering if the catheter is also party of the reason for that.
The surgical team says I'm healing super well and on the faster side, which is awesome to hear.
I got to see my dick for the first time yesterday and it was super cool! It looks like a dick!! (Like a pre-puberty dick but that's kind of what they were going for to tee up the rest of the phallo). I did not have a true metadioplasty. I had a partial meta and full vgectomy but they left a lot of the surrounding external tissue from the old parts to help with the next stage (I believe). If I had a true meta everything would be much more dick-like.
The surgical team also says my UL went super well and once they take the catheter out they said I can try peeing standing up!! Which is so cool!!!!
The gender euphoria has not set in yet bc of all the medical stuff that is sort of interfering with my ability to relearn my body. I was warned by friends this would happen so I'm trying to take it in stride.
Anyway that's all folks.
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gardenhotspot · 2 years
laying in bed like augghhhh no work :-(
#garden hotspot#gcwtual#i threw some hibiscus on a table i emptied to just fill it but i may make a 5th annual table out front instead#and put the remaining perennials on a lower table#i mean c*sta just wants 2 tables out front and i rarely match pog anyways#its either that or i put accent shrubs out front bc we have the most of that but thats sooo much work besties#or i make a sunflower table. that'd be fun. worry abt what to put on it after the weekend.#weekend crew can refill the table right? right lol#i dont wanna move. .good news is i just throw on clothes throw my premade food in my bag fill a tea cannister and boom#out the door. thats probably why i cant convince my brain to move lol.#b isnt supposed to work so i'll just have o and z for company. possibly some of the new guys. jh is. .off.#jh texted me monday night and told me he had a cr*sh on me and im like. a) i told him not interested and it ruined his week i prommy#like he legit said he was going back to bed on tues like okaaay dude sorrie to be the mean one but when have i ever given you vibes#i'd be interested 😭 ive literally jokingly called him my younger brother and also 'buckaroo' a few times whenever he'd do smth dumb lol#so now b) im thinking back on every interaction we had and going 'man was him asking for my no. and also every time we hung out#supposed to mean smth more. . .now im paranoid#and each time i talk to gcf its like 'man sage you only come to me to ask ?s to say not fun things'#like man dude id LOVE to come over here and say fun things. i might show pics of emira today lol#i. .have had a week. i did 4 hrs yesterday and it took everything out of me#boss probably comes today. gcf comes in at 2pm. have to deal with his initial wth abt plant sales ahhhhh hate this job HATE this job.#it'll be good again. . .mm
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moosekateer13 · 3 years
Chapter 3 Conflicted:
1 week later….
Dammit, I should learn to not put my foot in my mouth. Our lead male broke his leg over the weekend.
Now our movie is set back a few months. We have to find a new lead.
I knock at the door and interrupt my thoughts.
" Excuse me, I am looking for Miss Y/L/N. Cole sent me from the USA division to take on the lead role.”
Wait, I recognize that voice. I look up from my papers and look right into his multi-spectrum hazel eyes. Jared Padalecki never thought I'd see him walk into my office.
I motion for him to take a seat and to close the door.
"Hi Mr. Padalecki, it's nice to meet you. If Cole sent you here, I know she trusts you'll be a great fit for the movie. I've been a fan of yours since I saw you in Supernatural. It's such an honour to have you work with us. I have to warn you though, your ex, Ms. Cortese, is our female lead. I hope that doesn't cause any problems.” I said as he shook my hand.
" I can remain professional with her, Y/N, don't you worry. Shall we get started?” Jared replied with a smile.
I sent him off to the wardrobe department.
4 hrs later…
Everything has gone better than I expected. We've almost filmed half of the scenes we've already shot. Jared has gotten every scene done in one shot. I am in awe of how quickly he turned things around in the movie. It's a work lunch for me though. Someone has to edit the footage that has been shot.
Jared jogs over to my editing bay.
"Y/N, care to join me for lunch? Jared asked.
" Sorry Mr. Padalecki, it's a working lunch for me. I've got to edit this.” I replied as I took a bite of my sandwich.
"Why are you being so formal with me? I am a little offended darlin' Is it because of the night we shared?” Jared said, frowning slightly.
" Precisely. I don't mix romance with my work." I replied.
"I can feel that something was brewing between us that night. I haven't felt like that since my divorce. I'll respect your wishes, though.” Jared said with his shoulder slightly slumped as he walked away.
I put my headphones back on and get back to work. We are already behind and can't afford to be distracted. It broke my heart to see Jared that sad though. Felt like I kicked a puppy.
Chapter 3:
Jared's P.O.V
Maybe this wasn't a good idea, but Cole begged me to come here. Also, when I found out Y/N was in charge of the company, it would be an amazing opportunity to get to know her better.
Sunday Austin Texas
I am confused why Cole showed up at my doorstep. The movie I was working with her company got shelved after all.
I motion for her to take a seat on my couch.
She thrust a script into my hands. I read the title and raised an eyebrow. Don't go into my nightmares isn't that the movie Gen is working on? Oh right, the male lead had an accident over the weekend. Gen complained about it when she picked up the kids yesterday.
'Jared, please, I know it's going to be hard working with Gen, but it's huge for this company. Besides, your sweet face will make people unable to resist going to see it."
I chuckled at her ridiculously worded plea.
"Okay, I'll do it. I replied with a smile.
The head of the company Y/N is going to be so happy. She's a huge fan of yours too." Cole said happily. Y/N I wonder if it's the same one I met at the con. She owns a production company. Maybe fate is bringing us together.
End of flashback
It's too bad she doesn't want to give us a shot. I'd really love to take Y/N on a date.
Y/N's P.O.V
Onset Production Office
I feel bad about turning Jared down, but it's for the best. Gen and I have this newly formed friendship, and dating her ex-husband would definitely destroy it in a blink. I've been on the receiving end of being ditched for a guy and I wouldn't want to do that to someone else.
A knock on the door from Cedrya interrupts my thoughts.
I motioned for her to take a seat on the sofa after she closed the door behind her.
"Y/N, I know there's something up with you, did something happen between you and Jared at the con? Normally, you'd be squealing at the attention he's been giving you." Cedrya said with conviction.
I let out a huff before I pulled the photo from the convention out of my drawer. She promptly takes it from my hand and she stares at it in shock.
"Always so perceptive, aren't you Ce?" I replied in defeat.
" If the feelings are mutual, why don't you just accept his date offer? Cedrya asked. She hands me back the photo.
" Gen, that's why. I don't want this movie to lose another lead and clearly, she still has feelings for him. Either that or she just doesn't matter-of-factly want anyone else to have him. Not to mention it would ruin my friendship with her. Not to mention my number 1 rule. I don't mix pleasure with business. I am pretty damn sure dating one of my production's stars breaks that." I replied as I looked at the photo.
"I am usually a rule and code follower, but Y/N can't you just break it just this once. You deserve to be happy after that disastrous relationship with Zaddok. Don't his horrible cheating ass ruin your outlook on relationships.” Cedrya said.
"Okay, I'll at least think about it,,,” I replied.
Ce smiles in response.
I always take her words to heart. She's one of my biggest support systems outside of my parents.
I'm conflicted, contradictive
Got my body confused
I'm yes or no, I will, I won't
I'm conflicted and addicted
So come over and make up my mind
Chapter 4:
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theautumnisnoble · 3 years
would've loved you for a lifetime
Jiho looked to his left and afar. The light from the convenience store illuminated his stature and she tried all that she could to not mentally utter a compliment because it wasn't her place to do that anymore. She already let him go, she already hurt him— what right does she have to long for him?
or just a post-break up JiSolB fic
[Okay I just thought of this today and started to write it 3 hrs ago. This is my first angst so usdhuiashd idk if it would give justice to the genre. All mistakes are mine! No beta-ing so there may be typos.
"Happy" reading!]
Read it on AO3
It had been exactly 10 months since that ugly morning. That morning filled with tears, regret, heaviness that lasted even weeks after— it was a sunrise with darkness that escaped from the night.
But now she was happy.
But was she, really?
After graduating and passing the judicial exam she is now near to achieving her long life dream of becoming a judge. To finally make her mother shut up every time she tries to condescend her father, to stop her from reminding him of his past failures, to overshadow that by making her proud of her daughter's success. She finally can cross another in her lists of ambitions— but there were now questions she began to ask herself.
Am I supposed to celebrate this with someone?
Am I supposed to climb the stage hand in hand with someone?
Am I supposed to be in the middle with no one to dance with?
Sol B sits on the bench by a river and takes a sip from her juice carton. She takes in the freezing cold and let it escape with an exhale. Her thoughts were in havoc, those questions screaming in the silence. She's achieving every big thing that she ever wanted to achieve but why does it feel so—
it just feels so..
she feels so empty.
It's not the only time she felt like this. Right after she graduated from Hankuk Law, she sat on her dorm bed and just stared into space. She was happy, ecstatic even, but the void just started to pull her in and let her feel like everything she ever possessed and would ever posses wouldn't satisfy her.
She didn't want to be empty. She went through every bad thing to be here, with blood and bruises all over. She didn't want to spend midnights thinking of giving up just because she didn't feel like giving her best anymore. This wasn't her. She was supposed to be Kang Sol B— ambitious, prideful, cunning, smart and successful. But now, all she thought she ever was, was alone.
She was all alone.
Kang Sol B pulled herself out of her inner chaos and stood up, and pulled out her car keys. Her car pinged as she unlocked it and she tossed the empty carton into a bin beside the bench.
She turned her head to see four people approaching her, clearly drunk except for one— Han Joon Hwi.
"Roomie! You didn't join us. "
"She's not your roommate anymore, Sol-ah." Han Joon Hwi looked at her with an amused smile and held her by her shoulders. Judging by his gentle demeanor towards her namesake, they were still together. Of course they would be, they were Han Joon Hwi and Kang Sol A— inseparable.
She can't say the same for herself and—
"It's a shame you didn't join us, Ye Seul really just said 'yes' to—"
"Hahahahahah." Bok Gi took 4 steps backwards and put his arm around Ye Beom. "All of us including Ye Seul noona had a good time earlier!"
Bok Gi pinched Ye Beom's shoulders and the latter grimaced with the pain.
"You heading home already?" Joon Hwi smiled at her. It was that same care-freeness that made her infatuated for the boy. But of course being her, she rebuilt her walls every single time they were about to break and she swerved falling too deep— except towards the other person.
"Ne. Take care, all of you." She drew out a smile on her face that gave everyone shock.
"Oh? My roomie smiled!" Sol A covered her mouth with a palm. "How adorable."
"And for the record Bok Gi, I already know. So you can let go of Ye Beom now." Bok Gi's eyes widened and Ye Beom struggled out of his grip.
"I'll be off now." Sol B was about to go inside her car but the curly-haired boy called her again.
"Are you okay Noona?" After hearing that Sol B turned her head around and raised an eyebrow.
"You, Bok Gi. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, for a long time now." he smiled and Sol B nodded at his answer. She went inside her car and started the engine.
It was a short drive on the way home, Sol B tried to push thoughts of that heartbreaking morning out of her head as they started to haunt her again, now that she was again vulnerable for the haunting, now that she felt like she was all alone and wished she wasn't.
And Bok Gi stood there, knowing Sol B didn't answer his question.
Kang Sol didn't know what to do, all she knows is that she's right in front of the person that used to be hers.
"Kang Sol."
He was only the one who didn't call her Sol B. She found comfort in that. She wasn't 'B' to him, she was just Kang Sol.
But she had to put on her strongest façade, she had to. Her emotions had no room in his life anymore, her pain would only be an inconvenience.
"Long time no see, Jiho-ya." She managed to say.
Jiho looked to his left and afar. The light from the convenience store illuminated his stature and she tried all that she could to not mentally utter a compliment because it wasn't her place to do that anymore. She already let him go, she already hurt him— what right does she have to long for him?
Jiho returned his attention to Sol and an icy breath escaped from his lips. His lips drew into a thin line, almost a smile. "You wanna talk?"
After hearing that, Sol B began to ask herself, "Do I want this?"
Do I need this?
But then she knew she sought closure. She knew she already needed to let go of the yearning that entrapped every cell in her body. She needed to stop the nights, where she longed for him, from reoccurring. She also needed to let go of the unnecessary anger that made her paint him as a villain after knowing he was with another now— because he wasn't. She was in pain and she was the one who let him go.
"Let's talk." So this was what she decided to answer.
It happened at the break of dawn.
Both of them laid on her bed, skin to skin. She sat up and looked down at him, knowing that she had to do what she was about to do.
"Mmm. Sol?" Jiho looked up at her with one eye open, and smiled. "What is this, you woke up before me?"
It was the morning after the night Kang Sol fought with her mom, and Jiho covered her, using his body as a shield from her mother's slaps. Her heart was torn into pieces as she saw Jiho inflicted by the pain that was supposed to be for her. She was showered with horror as a nail scratched Jiho's cheek and then her legs ultimately gave away. She stumbled and fell to the ground.
She heard Jiho calling out to her, his hands shaking her, and asking her if she was okay.
"I don't care what kind of jerk you choose to fool around with, but if you ever get any less than an A+ again, you're not my daughter anymore. I didn't raise you to be a dumb slut!"
"Eommeoni!" Jiho couldn't stand Sol's mother anymore.
"Don't call me that!" The door slammed after her mom went inside their house.
After that incident, Jiho took Sol back to her dorm room. It was empty, the other Kang Sol was celebrating the holidays with her family and Joon Hwi so she was left all alone there.
Jiho gently let her sit on her bed and cupped her face. "I'm here. I can take the hurt, I can protect you. "
But I can't let you get hurt. I can't let you be thrown stones at for my sins.
Sol B stared at the beau in front of her. She couldn't utter a single word because everything in her already decided it would be best to let go of him. To spare him from the chaos, to let him have the peace that she couldn't afford to give him— not in this lifetime. He already had enough of the pain, he already had enough of the suffering that he felt when his father passed away. She needed to do this.
But when should she? When would be the best time to break it off?
"Drink this. " Jiho handed her a glass of water and then stood up. "I'll leave you be for now. I know you need this." he started to walk towards the door.
"Just.... call me if you're ready for company." He laughs, his shoulder shaking as he tried to lighten up the sour mood.
Kang Sol wasn't yet ready to let him go so now something pushed her body towards him and she pulled Jiho into a deep, ardent kiss.
"Sol." Jiho said between kisses.
"I need you."
So she pulled his body into hers that night, and decided she would let him go the next morning.
"I can't do this anymore."
"Kang Sol."
She looked at him, who just finished changing into his clothes. She liked hearing that from him. Only Kang Sol, never Sol B. Just Kang Sol.
But she immediately looked away. "I've been thinking about this for a long time now." Liar. "I want to break up with you."
"If this is about yesterday I—"
"No. I've wanted to break up with you for a long time now." Kang Sol was well aware of how she was rashly lying through her teeth, she hopes he won't notice this.
"No. You need time. I'll give you time. I'll call you exactly a month from now and tell you where to meet up."
"Seo Ji Ho."
"I'll go now."
Sol B was left there in the room, resolution unwavering. Even if she gets a call a month, or even a year from now, as long as her mom doesn't change she has no choice.
She needs to leave it all behind.
"You didn't really come that night." Sol didn't give in. On January 20, all she ever did was stare at her phone that was ringing, with Ji Ho's name on the bright screen.
"I told you I really wanted to break up with you."
A laugh escapes from Ji Ho's lips. "Yeah, I get that now."
Ji Ho turned to look at her. Both of them on swings and it was an ungodly night, with autumn leaves falling by their feet and the hint of cold air.
"I'm sorry for hurting you back then. " Sol stared down at the leaves by her feet. Her face trying to remain stoic after just releasing that one burden from her body.
There was nothing but silence. But instead of it troubling her, it was calming. She slowly relaxed and let her body sway with the swing a bit. Though her gaze was still avoiding him, she knew a tear would escape if she didn't.
"For the first few weeks, I didn't understand you at all. "
Sol froze.
"It was... heavy. You were all that I had. " Sol B looked at him now. "After that morning, I tried to convince myself that you were just so hurt and needed time. That you would immediately come to your senses, that you would call me and say sorry, that you didn't mean it."
"But then you really didn't answer my call. Or even come to Hankuk, where I told you I'd wait for you." Jiho now looked back at her. "But I get it now. It's not heavy anymore."
Jiho smiled at her and it broke her. It gave away that he was okay now, that he really doesn't love her that way anymore. That he was now happy with somebody else.
"You, are things better now?"
"Mom continued to have therapy. "
"That's good."
"I—I.." Sol tried to not let her emotions betray her. "I'm better now. I get to be a judge now and, things are starting to become better between mom and dad."
"I'm proud of you, Kang Sol."
That was it. A tear escaped and she cursed at herself for letting it fall. It was all she ever wanted to hear. She'd spent nights wondering if ever there was someone out there thinking about her, how they were proud of what she's become. And she wanted him, especially him, who knew all about her dreams to say that he knows how much she wanted this and how much she worked hard for it, to say that he's proud. She would lie awake on her bed, thinking if ever she would hear those words from somebody, and now she's hearing it from him.
"Sol." He panicked, stood up and kneeled in front of her.
She feigned a laugh. "No, I'm okay." She rashly tried to wipe her tears away.
"Seo Ji Ho, I said i'm okay." she said as she saw that he still had a worried look on his face.
He sighed and smiled. "Okay." He stood up and fixed his glasses. "Just know that.. I know you worked hard for this and you deserve this."
"Just shut up already."
He raised a brow and smirked. "Well, the great Kang Sol did that all without my help. I can't help but be proud."
"You did help me." She looked up at him. "You were a home. A comfort."
"But you didn't deserve to be used up, you deserved to be given the best." She smiled. "Are you happy now?"
Jiho knows what she meant. "Yeah."
"I'm very happy now."
"Well. " Sol B stood up and shook the dust from her lap. "I'd better go now, I still need to buy something. " She pointed at the convenience store with a thumb.
She started to walk towards the store and waved goodbye at him, not looking back.
"Goodbye, Kang Sol."
She slowed her steps and waited for him to walk away, far away from her.
And when she was sure he was already gone, she released her sobs and tears started to uncontrollably fall. She couldn't step inside the store so all she did was stand outside, bawling, praying that no one would pass by and see her.
All she knew is that she didn't want to be alone anymore. Just for this moment, she wanted someone to walk with her home, to be with her until she was okay. She couldn't think of anyone she would dare disturb, but she decided to call one person that would at least understand her.
She called and her phone rang.
[This is my first angst writing OMG. I don't know if it hurt enough tho. Tell me did it hurt? HAHAH im so sorry. hit me up on Twitter @autumnisnoble. Show me some love HAHHAHA. yeah nope, i wrote this cause i just needed to let off some steam and angst writing just seemed to be the right medium to do that. Will do a BokSolB in the future, yes that's right. HAHHA okay bye
PS. BokGi and YeSeul never got together in this universe. Just a note.]
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backtobackbakubabe · 5 years
Baby its Cold Outside (PART 9)
Bakugo x Reader 
Have you seen this man
**** Warning**** This chapter has a bit more graphic violence than the others. 
Words : 2810
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You actually got pulled to duty today, so naturally you just had to be feeling under the weather. Any other day of the week you could sit at your desk or hell just lay on one of the many couches in the break room, but nope. Not today. Today you need to go assist in a bank robbery. It was a simple call. They just needed you to pop in and get the hostages out. Piece of cake. From what you understood there was only four hostages and only two villains. Walk in the park.
But because you were already having a bad day it would only make sense if it got worse from there. So you arrive on scene and guess who’s already there? Bakugo. And guess who is yelling like the mad man he is that you don't need to go in there? Again Bakugo. 
“Nope. No. I don’t think so! This feels all too familiar. Nope. Cant do it. Go home. I think I can hear Zuko crying from here. You should probably go check on him. I can take care of this...” He probably didn't even know he was doing a full on Deku rant but you weren’t about to point that out to him right now. 
“Ground Zero... I appreciate your concern but I was called here specifically. I assume because they knew you’d blow up the building. I’ll have them out in five minutes. Now you can either help me or pout. That part is totally up to you.”
He narrowed his eyes at you, probably not appreciating be called Ground Zero. But you were in pubic and trying to be professional. “Okay Adsum..” He threw a little extra sarcasm on your name. “What do you want me to do?” 
You gave him a victorious smile, “I’m glad you asked. I can do this a lot faster if the villains are distracted. So do what you do best. Yell at them, blow things up, get their attention. And once I’ve got them all out you can go Lord Explosion Murder all over the place... Sound good?” 
He ground his teeth, “Yeah whatever just hurry...” 
Before the accident Bakugo wouldn't have bated an eyelash at you doing something like this. Now it was like pulling teeth. 
You ended up pulling everything off flawlessly. Only minor damages but that’s only to be expected when Bakugo’s involved. 
You endured the strobes of flashing cameras as the press yelled praise and questions. But neither you nor Bakugo paid them any attention. In fact you wanted to get as far away as possible. You started to feel light headed and you thought you were going to vomit any second now. Once you were far enough away you bolted towards a trash can and emptied your breakfast. 
Bakugo was at you in an instant holding your hair and rubbing your back, “Oi... you okay? You pushing yourself too hard again? I don’t care how small she is, I’ll fucking fight Dylan.” 
You pulled a tissue out of your pocket and wiped your mouth. “I dont think it’s Dylan. I think I’m just sick. I wasn't feeling too hot before I even came in today. But now that I think of it, We did have a harder day yesterday than we usually do. She had me pushing myself to see how many times I could teleport in under a minute.” You gave him a proud smile, “I got all the way up to 30. Thats once every two seconds.” 
He brushed a few hairs out of your face, “As proud as I am of you, you need to take better care of yourself. I know you say she knows your limits and everything but I still dont think there’s a chance in hell she knows your limits better than you do.” You went to protest but he gave you a pointed look, “Can you please take the rest of the day off? Just go home and get some rest. You clearly need it. ” 
“Ugh, fine... but only if you bring home some ice cream later...”
He laughed, “You and your damn ice cream. Yes I will bring you ice cream. Cookies and cream or chocolate chip cookie dough?” 
You gave him puppy dog eyes, “Both?” 
He smirked, “How could I say no to that. Alright you got yourself a deal. Now get out of here before I throw you over my shoulder and drag you home myself.” 
You wagged your eyebrows, “Oh yeah?” 
He thumped you between the eyes, “Oi! We are at work women! Contain yourself.... you also just threw up...soooo I will give you a professional hand shake goodbye.” 
He held his hand out and you just rolled you eyes. You held your hand out as well but before it met his you popped behind him and smacked his ass. “Report me to HR... I dare you.” And then you popped away in the direction of your apartment before he could scold you. You ended up ditching the costume and packing it away in your backpack. You called a cab because you really were not feeling well. 
You didn't know if the cab driver was staring at you periodically because he recognized you or if he thought you might throw up in his cab. Either way he didn't make any attempts at conversation which you were thankful for. 
You quickly took a half ass shower and brushed your teeth before going straight to bed. You passed out a soon as your head hit the pillow. 
You woke up hours later to the loud ringing of your cell phone. You checked the time before you answered. It’s a little past midnight, Katsuki should have been home by now. 
The caller ID said Kiri and your heart sank. With shaky hands you clicked answer, “He..” You cleared your throat, “Hey Kiri? What’s with the late night phone call? You wouldn't happen to know where Bakugo is would you?”
“That’s actually why I’m calling! I’m on my way to get you. I’ll explain everything when I get there. Just get dressed and get ready to go. Zuko too! Dont answer the door for anyone who isn't me!” 
He hung up before you could ask what was going on. Truly panicking now you jumped out of bed and started digging around for clothes. You were pulling on your shoes while simultaneously trying to locate Zuko’s leash when a loud bang came from the other side of the door. 
“Hey Bitch! Open up the damn door! We know you’re in there! Dont make me break this shit down!” 
Zuko started growling as you looked through the peephole. You gasped, it was the cab driver from earlier. He did recognize you. And he brought a friend. 
“Your little boyfriend aint here to protect you now is he! Not like he was the night he killed my brother! My brothers dead because of you!” 
You had no idea what the mad man was talking about but it was enough to send chills down your spine. You didn't want to risk having to fight them one on one. You still felt too sick for that. You knew Kiri was on the way so you could wait util he got there... *CRACK*
They had started kicking at the door now. “Shit...” 
“We’re going to make you pay for what you did you little bitch!” 
“Then when we’re done, we’ll take out that that little shit stain Ground Zero!” 
“Then we’ll track down every girl you saved that night!”
You ran to the kitchen and took one of Bakugo’s really expensive knives. Surely he’d forgive you for fucking it up. You returned to the door that was only about one hard push from coming off the hinges. You focused really hard as you squeezed the knife in your hand. Then there was a slight pop and the knife was gone. 
“WHAT THE FUCK!” You looked through the peephole again but this time the cab drivers buddy had a knife... Bakugo’s knife, the one you were just holding, lodged in his chest. You did it.... You had teleported the knife through the door.
Before you had a chance to back away from the door, the cab driver threw his shoulder into it, effectively taking it off its hinges and throwing you to the ground. “Fuck!” You tried to scramble to your feet but he caught your ankle. 
You kicked him in the face twice before he let go. You had barley gotten to your feet when Zuko lunged for him. Bakugo spent a lot of time training him... so it didn't surprise you when he went straight for the throat. But watching as your dogs teeth sank into another man’s throat... it was hard to watch. 
The man cried out in alarm but Zuko just dug deeper and growled. You eyes went wide, “Zuko! No! Get back here!” 
Zuko let go and ran back to you. The man’s blood was pooling around him now as his eyes began to droop close. 
You sat down in shock staring at the scene before you. Two dead men. Blood. so much blood. Your breathing was starting to get shallow.
“Holy shit! What happened to don’t open the door for anyone but me?! Y/N! Are you okay?” 
Your eyes slowly met Kirishima's, “Where’s Bakugo?” 
He grabbed your hand and started pulling you out of the apartment and down the hallway. “I’ll tell you in the car... Come on Zuko!” 
You sped off with Kirishima checking his rearview mirror periodically. He didn't ease up until he was almost to the agency you worked at. “Okay so here's the deal. So as you just discovered some quirkless cabdriver found out where you and Bakugo live. He sent a threat along with some pictures of you walking into the building to Bakugo.” 
You gasped but Kirishima wasn't done, “Yeah but what's worse is he also sent it to the league of villains. Told them you were the one who messed up their human trafficking deal and Bakugo was the one who blew up some of their best men. You both have pretty big targets on your back right now. And Bakugo being Bakugo... he....” 
Your hands gripped the leather armrest, “Kiri don’t tell me he went off on his own... KIRISHIMA WHERE IS HE?!” 
He gave you a sad look, “We don’t know. He called me and told me to get you out of the apartment and then hung up... That was an hour ago.” 
Your eyes welled with tears. He’s so stupid. always yelling at you for not waiting for back up and now he thinks he can just show up alone to fight the League of villains of all people! 
“Where are you taking me?”
“Technically I’m supposed to bring you to the agency while we wait this out... but...” 
You leaned forward, “But what?”
“But we’re going to meet up with Deku, Todoroki, and Denki and where going to go get him.” 
“I thought you said you didn't know where he was?”
He gave you a shit eating grin, “I dont. But we happen to know where all the League of Villain hideouts are. All we need now is for you to teleport to each one. Find him and report back. They’re all within a few miles of each other. I know it’s kind of pushing it but Bakugo told me you once teleported 15 miles.” 
You nodded, “By accident sure, but my range has gone up! Its almost to three miles now... He’ll kill you for this you know? He won't want me involved in this at all.”
He rubbed his neck, “Well that's a risk I’m willing to take to get his dumb ass home.” 
Half an hour later you along with the others were huddled around a map with all possible locations circled. Todoroki pointed to a spot almost exactly in the middle if the others, “That’s where we are right now. This spot is about 5 to 10 miles from all possible locations. Y/n. We need you to teleport to each of them until you find them. When you do, do not engage. Teleport back to us. You’ll take me first, then Midoriya, them Kaminari, and lastly Kirishima. Do you understand?”
You nodded, “I’m going to be honest.. I don’t know how efficient Ill be. I’ve only been working on this kind of thing for a month or so. I’ll likely have to teleport two or three times to get to each location. Do you have pictures?” 
He shook his head, “No I apologize we do not. Are you sure you’re up to it?”
You cracked your knuckles, “Which one first?” 
You popped in and out. Running into trees, and ponds, and whatever else was in your way. You had to stop to throw up nice or twice, but you never did it in front of the other heros. They didn't need to see you were sick. You were on to the fourth location when you made a mental note to thank Dylan profusely when this is all over. Without her intense training you don’t know if you could have done any of this.
This stretch only took you two teleports to get there. You were breathing heavy with a sweat soaked shirt when you heard it, the familiar sound of an explosion. “Katsuki?” You were hiding in a couple of trees that surrounded a barn. You teleported to the top of the closest tree and look down. Sure enough there he was. You were itching to go to him. To drag him out by his ear. But you had a job to do. You took one last look at his blonde head. Hoping he would still be here when you got back. 
In one long stretch that made your muscles scream in protest you teleported back to your friends, “I found him now lets go. We need to hurry!” 
Shouto stepped up and you spat a quick, “Hold your breath.” And you were off. You dropped him by the same tree you had just stood under and pointed in Bakugo’s direction, “Hes that way. Just listen for the yelling and the explosions.” 
Without waiting for a response you went back to get Midoriya. When you dropped him off you started to feel dizzy. Not good. You leaned on a tree and gripped your head. Through gritted teach you made it back for Kaminari.
When you came for Kiri you couldn’t help it. You threw up. 
“Shit Y’n are you okay?” 
“Yeah I just have the flue or something. Just give me a minute.” 
A minute turned to twenty and you could still hardly pick your head up. Kiri came and knelt next to you. “Hey they made it out okay. They took him kicking and screaming, but they got out. I just got off the phone with Midoriya. What do you say we get you to a hotel room and get you something to eat huh? My treat. It’s the least I can do after I basically volunteered you for this.” 
You wanted to protest but your stomach gave you away. You hadn't eaten anything since breakfast, and you had thrown that up a long time ago. “Yeah I could really use some food. I’m fucking starving.” 
You called ahead and ordered a room as well as enough food for a small family. Kirishima got the room next to yours and told you to let him know if you needed anything. 
You opened the door and the smell of pizza, chicken nuggets, and mac and cheese hit you. You couldn't decide what you wanted so you had ordered it all. You needed a little comfort food. You deserved this. 
You had devoured the mac and cheese and was about to dig into the pizza when you heard the click of the door.
You grabbed your fork tightly as you stepped over to see who it was. 
“They didn't have cookie dough, so I could only get you cookies and cream.. I hope thats okay..”
You dropped your fork and flung yourself at him, “You’re so fucking stupid you know that! You cant do that to me. I was so scared!” 
He slowly wrapped his arms around you, nuzzling his nose through your hair, “I know. I’m sorry. I just.... I saw red. I couldn't let them get to you. The only thing on my mind was to protect you.  And then Kirishima told me they went to the apartment anyways. SHIT are you okay? I heard you stabbed a guy..?”
You flinched, “Well not exactly. I teleported the knife through the door... Zuko handled the other guy. Speaking of which he needs a bath... He has blood in his fur...”   
He cupped your face in his hands, “Later when were both not emotionally exhausted I’d like to talk about how badass and impressive you are. But nows not the time.” He looked to Zuko who was wagging his tail at his feet, “Thank you for looking out for our girl.” He gave him a quick pat on the head
You pulled away from his embrace and ran to the bathroom and threw up for probably the fifth time today. 
“Damn Y/n I’m sorry. I was the one who asked you to take the day off and then you had to go and work so fucking hard just so you guys could find me. I’m such a dumbass. I’m sorry.” 
You leaned against the tub, “You're not a complete dumbass. You still remembered the ice cream.” 
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kaguraspetsims · 4 years
My immediate fear turned out to be not even a slight issue - Bacon’s 2 brothers had a spat a few weeks ago and I was worried there’d be tension, but there was like...none.
My second fear - the gremlin children - turned out to be worse than i had anticipated, but nothing I couldn’t handle. They were annoying and their mom pissed me off bc she sucks as a mom, but that’s about where that story ends.
Literally the chillest thanksgiving I’ve ever had tbh, it was awesome X3
THEN...my workplace.
Basically, long story short, my “HR” person lied to me about being on vacation as a reason she couldn’t contact me within the week it took her to respond to me. She also told me I was getting TTO (which is BS bc I wasn’t even paid the right amount originally) @ 4 weeks, 20 hours per week (for the record: as of 11/29/2020 I have been out for 7 weeks, with my state having a law in place for covid victims to be paid normal pay for average hours for the normal two week absence for covid, with a possibility for 4 weeks of that same pay).
I’m calling tomorrow after my doctor’s appointment to quit. I’m scheduled to work Tuesday but I don’t feel safe going into work. Not only have they made me chase their fucking tails - causing my recovery to take longer - but they haven’t done anything to make the work environment safer. Customers are not forced to wear masks before they come in, and coworkers who have worked with a covid infected person are not told about their coworker catching it. In fact, one of my coworkers, who knows multiple people have it, was told by THE ASSISTANT MANAGER that, no, they did not have it. :)
I’m trying to decide if I should call directly after my appointment, before I get back to the apartment so I can avoid the dread/panic while I’m driving, or do so when I’ve returned and am in a safe place.
THEN, yesterday, I drove for the first time since October 11. I was stuck in the car for an hour bc my brain jello’d out and started autopiloting me to familiar places WITHOUT MY PERMISSION >:T
TODAY I drove for the SECOND TIME since October 11, and uh. Shit’s stressful man. It was raining but I also went into stores and shit for grocery shopping so it was extra stressful.
I also decided tonight to start my list of major traumatic events re: my dad’s bullshit. So far, off the top of my head and just bullet pointed...4 pages, plus almost 2 more if you include the shitty things hes said to my best friend while i wasnt around. I was doing great up until I looked it over and uh..that’s only major events I can remember off the top of my head, that’s not everything in my entire life that’s happened. Ugh.
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Heart of a Lion
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Chapter 5 Third Time’s a Charm
Shinso x Reader
Rated M for Future Mature Themes (Not Explicit)
Tags: slow burn, mutual pining, secretive quirk
Summary: You never wanted to be a hero. You come from a long family of heroes, so why not just be a normal person? That’s what you hoped, until you re-connected with your old High School friend/crush.
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 /  Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 / Chapter 9 /
It’s been two years. Exactly two years since you started working as a secretary at the agency and every day you can feel your soul leaving your body. You never thought someone could be so full of themselves to the point they have no regard to anyone around them, but your boss proved otherwise. He thought he was so important that he didn’t need to do any work himself and left it all on you. Countless nights were spent finishing up reports and documents of the day, only to go home at midnight, pass out, and start the whole day over again. Sure, the pay was great, overtime even better, but everyday you wondered how much you could take.
Until a few weeks ago, you were informed that even after two years, you would not be getting a raise.
Screw this. You thought.
You decided it was time you give up thinking you’ll be anything other than something for your boss to ogle at and started applying for… more credible hero agencies. Surprisingly, again, you already got an interview lined up for the next day and could not wait to tell your boss that you would be leaving his sorry ass.
That is… if you got the job.
You cringed to yourself. Having to come back to this job may be the final day you lose your sanity and you’re not sure what you would do to your boss if he calls you ‘baby doll’ again.
The clock strikes 5 PM and it was time to go home. You groaned, thanking whatever god was out there that made the day slow, ending with no overtime paperwork and more time to prepare for your interview.
You grabbed your things, only to be called by your boss.
“Hey, baby doll!” He gleamed.
You clenched your fist and forced on a smile. “Yes boss? Is there anything you need?”
“Oh, nothing. Just wanted to say I’ll miss you tomorrow. The office isn’t the same without your pretty face, doll!”
You gritted your teeth. Does he even realize how inappropriate he is being right now? Or… ever? “Sorry, boss. I just got some personal things I have to get done.”
“Well, don’t take too long. You know you’re the only one who can do good work around here. Besides me, that is.” He grinned.
Your patience was running thin. “Well, I got to get started on those personal things, so I’ll see you later!” As you basically ran out the door.”
“Come back soon, doll!”
Your pretty sure that there were a select few people who could pull off calling others ‘doll’ and he for sure was not one of them.
You arrived at your apartment and immediately fell onto the bed. Life seemed so… boring after you left UA. You suppose this life was safer than being attacked by the league of villains every other week. Though, you always wondered what it would be like to be working as hero. You could have been working next to the top heroes. Maybe even be working next to Shinso.
You clenched your fist. You truly missed him. The first couple months of graduation was great, but then it turned out just like when Shinso joined the hero course. You both got busy and suddenly neither of your schedules matched up, especially when your boss started… flirting with you, for lack of a better term.
You heard your phone’s notification go off. You opened the screen to see a breaking news article about a monstrous villain attack in central city. You immediately sat up from your bed. The attack was near where your interview was. You flipped down the article. There seemed to be no severe damage to the area where the attack took place. You exhaled in relief, thanking the spirits that the building your interview was in didn’t get demolished the day before your interview.
You flipped through the rest of the article and stopped at a photo that was taken at the scene of the crime and felt your heart skip when you saw a familiar indigo in the background. It was Shinso. It looked like he was directing civilians after the chaos, and he was… smiling. You clenched your phone. He looked so… happy. You couldn’t even remember the last time you genuinely smiled.
You grunted and got up from your bed, tossing your phone onto it. There’s no time to reflect on old crushes. You made a light snack, took a shower, and went to bed.
 “How early can you start?”
You were practically reeling in your head. This is too good to be true. You really hoped you weren’t dreaming.
“Immediately.” You say. “Please.”
“That’s great! Our team has been behind as our heroes have been taking on more cases each day. Then we had to transfer people to the dispatch department and that was a whole thing.” You saw him write a phone number on a sticky note. “I’m sure you saw that big fight near here on the news yesterday.”
Your eyes widened. “I did. Was it this agency that took care of the incident?”
“Yep!” He responded. “We managed to take care of it thanks to the heroes we have, but the team spent most of the night cleaning up, which could have been resolved quicker if we had more people.”
“I understand.” You said. “I’m grateful I can be one of those people. I really think working here could benefit not only myself, but a lot of people.”
“I like that enthusiasm.” He handed you the sticky note and smiled. “Just let me know if anything changes or if you need to contact me. I expect you here bright and early Monday morning!”
You returned the smile as you grab the note. “Thank you so much! I promise I’ll be here, Eight AM sharp!”
“Awesome! Let me walk you out to the lobby. I know this place can get kind of confusing.”
“Of course.”
 You stared at the note on the way down. It all felt like a dream with how fast everything was happening.
“Oh, before I forget.” Your interviewer turned to you as you reached the lobby. “Next week the team is taking a trip camping to the forest for some ‘team-building exercises.’ It’s required from HR every now and then, however, since your new, we’re not forcing you. Unless you want to, that is.”
You mull it over in your head. “I’m not sure, it might be too early to-”
You jumped as you heard your name shouted from across the room. You were shocked to hear your name being shouted here at all places, but you more shocked when you recognized the voice.
Shinso. You turned to see him practically running away from the group he was walking with to join you.
“S-Shinso? What are you doing here?” you said, a little bit too timidly.
“I work here. What are you doing here?”
“I’m… um… working here too.” You inwardly groaned. Of all the times to be nervous, why was it now?
“Yep! This is our new team member!” The interviewer said. “I have to get going, but just think about the trip and let me know if you want to attend.”
“Of course. Thank you once again for this opportunity.” You bowed and shook his hand.
“No, thank you. I’m sure after a couple of weeks, things will slow down and the work load will be easier for everyone, so don’t stress too much. I’ll see you Monday!”
You waved goodbye and realized you were left alone with your past friend/crush/turned acquaintance. You wondered if it was too late stop existing.
“Are you going to the camping trip?” Shinso observed you curiously.
“I’m not sure.” You shrugged your shoulders. “I think it would be too early for me to participate in team-building exercises.”
“You should go. It’s easier to get to know other people and…” He rubs the back of his neck, just like he did in high school. Classic Shinso. “I’m going too. It would be nice to talk again.”
“Because the last time we promised to talk went swimmingly.” You ssid, a little too much venom in your words. You couldn’t help it; your nerves were on fire.
“I know… I’m so-“
“No.” You cut him off. “This time was my fault. I prioritized my job over you and I’m sorry for that.”
“Well, it didn’t help your boss was an egotistical obnoxious prick.” He grinned.
You laughed. “Yeah, that too.”
An awkward silence fell between you two. You felt like it was the last day of school all over again. Finally talking again but feeling dreadful because you know in the back of your head there was no way you would be more than what you were when you met him.
You heard the group Shinso was with interrupt the awkward silence to call his name.
“Damn it.” He clenched his fist and turned to you. “I have to go. Please consider going on that trip. I’ll even let you hang out with me if you get shy around the team.”
You scoffed. “Please. I don’t need help talking to people. I was the one who talked to you first, remember?”
“Of course. I’d… never forget you.”
You could practically feel your blood pressure increase. Damn. When did he get so smooth?
“Just think about it.” He said as he turned to leave, “I’ll be waiting.”
All you could do was watch as he walked away to join the other heroes.
You let out a deep breath and try to believe that you were actually talking to Shinso again. You hope you weren’t dreaming, only to wake up alone and with a shitty job again. You take a couple deeper breaths.
No. This is real. Shit, this is real.
You fast walked out the door before the small happy tears that welled up in your eyes fell.
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jodywegner · 5 years
A bad day. (I just need to rant into the abyss of the internet)
I’ve never actually left work early for a bad day before. But I felt that today if I didn’t, I’d end up embarrassing myself and ruining all of my relationships with my coworkers or better yet end up in the HR office. It was just an accumulation of a few too many small things that have been building up for months while I’m emotionally vulnerable.
I also know that none of my coworkers will ever see this post. But even if they do, I doubt they were aware of my feelings. The worst part is that nothing is really anyone’s fault. There’s no bad guy, and that makes it all the more frustrating, and that finally came to a head today. Because I can’t chew people out for doing nothing wrong. Sorry for the long post. Lotta resentments getting bottled up.
So context. 1. My grandfather has been in declining health for a while now. This isn’t very upsetting for me. He’s in his mid 90s and lived a full life. We were all provided for and everything is taken care of. For me, it feels more like a natural thing that is now finally happening. My aunt and my father have been fighting for years over different things, but my grandfather’s declining health has definitely rekindled the flames of war. 2. I work in TV animation production, and my goal is to become a storyboard artist. I’ve made that goal clear. I’ve asked for tests but I can never get any. I’ve asked for feedback and no one has given me any. The shining star of this was my boss giving me 5 long minutes of not quite saying “it’s not good enough.” I figured he was busy and didn’t want to hurt my feelings. He did say that if he hadn’t hired our then current revisionist, he’d love to have me start as one. Since then, he’s hired 4 more revisionists who have come and gone for different reasons. 3. I don’t think I draw that fucking bad. I’ve been told my artists I work with “why don’t you have an art job yet?” which the answer is “because no one will fucking give me one when I ask and you guys aren’t in a position to.” (they mean it as a compliment but it just really keeps bringing me down whenever I fail) And there are a lot of people my age getting art jobs while I’m not and yah I’m not that old but it’s very stressful and discouraging regardless of logic and optimism. 4. My intern this last semester showed my boss a sample board and got extensive notes and feedback and was offered freelance revision work even though she’s still a junior in college. She’s 3 years younger than me and was here for 2 months. My boss literally walked into my office then started talking to her in the adjacent cube over the wall about how good she is and the upcoming freelance revisionist work. And I have to sit there quietly and pretend it’s not killing me. 5. I’m lactose intolerant. 6. I guess I’ve been suffering from job related depression for the above reasons. Nothing major, I’m not suicidal, but I’m definitely very unhappy and going to work is definitely not a fun or even neutral experience anymore. It’s hard because the correct answer to my problem is “git gud’ and we all know how NOT FUCKING HELPFUL that is. Today 1. I get a text from my parents at 6 am telling me that my grandfather has passed away. We went over yesterday to say our goodbyes expecting him to pass either today or tomorrow. We left at around 8pm and asked my aunt to call us when he passed and that we’d come over. So my parents find out that he passed away at 6 am today. From a third party that isn’t even FUCKING RELATED TO US. Apparently my grandfather had passed away 10 minutes after we left yesterday, and she decided not to let us know. We had to find out through some other person offering my father his condolences. 2. Well the two coworkers I am closest with were late for miscellaneous reasons so I kinda had to keep #1 bottled up for 2 hours. 3. When things happen, I bluster and storm for the first hour before calming down and becoming rational. So I’m sitting at my desk all morning trying my best to keep my shit together because I’m absolutely fuming and was (forbid) by my mother to retaliate. She’s not wrong but there’s a lotta stress and emotions here. (3.5. Although I was directly forbid retaliation, I still went ahead and planned it anyways because it was a mildly constructive use of my stress. DM me if you want to know how to ruin someone’s entire week and never get caught.) 4. I took some Lactaid 30 minutes before I decided to finish my leftover mac n cheese from the fancy food truck yesterday as breakfast. Yah the Lactaid didn’t work at all for some ungodly reason... It’s 9am and I’m in a lot of pain both physically and emotionally now.... 5. So one of my favored coworkers finally beats traffic and gets in so I go to talk to her about all of this. I immediately get cry-y. Which blah blah blah crying is part of grieving but I can do that later. It’s not great when I’m at work because crying opens up the floodgate of emotions and the near impossible task of re-wrangling them under control is now daunting. Emotional fortitude -50. And people just kinda didn’t notice that I was crying and upset and not very quietly recounting this horrible morning story. They kinda walked right by. Not a single person other than that one coworker (and my other favored one who came in a bit later) offered me any condolences or asked about how I was doing of if I was ok. It’d be one thing if that happened and no one was around and I regained my composure. BUT I DIDN’T. 6. That fucking intern (who’s a nice person but god I wish they’d stop existing in my life. It’s fucking petty but today is really the worst day for it so fuck it I’m saying it.) is coming in for a big storyboard meeting between all the board artists, revisionists, and supervisors. So I had to see her and pretend to smile and be pleasant and supportive while I’m emotionally compromised, grieving, pissed, and now petty and jealous all over again. So I get that out of the way and I sit back down and get to work. 7. The other coworker I like to talk to comes in. She was a former intern who also wants to be a board artist so we try to help each other in our endeavors together. She’s an optimist. She says that she’s going to ask if she can sit in on the meeting and asks if I’d like to come along. Bless her outgoing-ness that I struggle with. But as much as I’d like to... that’s a room full of people who either forgot that I want to be a board artist, don’t care, or are straight up ignoring me about it and keep doing and saying all of these unintentionally hurtful things to and near me. Also that fucking intern is there. Also I’m pissed. Also I’m emotionally distraught. So I declined her offer. Even if I could get something good out of that meeting, I’m pretty sure I would have just had a breakdown in the corner. So I didn’t want to embarrass myself like that or make people feel uncomfortable for doing their normal business. 8. So by this point I’m sure I’m going to be snippy or mean or start crying in front of people, so my goal was to finish my most important task and leave at noon. I finish, I grab my bag to leave. As I do, they all get out of their storyboard meeting and bluster past me because they are now late for seeing the storyboard trainee program final presentations. GREAT. 9. Another production coworker of mine comments on how its important for them to go in case they see anyone they’d like to hire as a revisionist. I fianlly hit FUCKIT and say “IM GOING HOME.” And so I go to walk to the elevators. 10. I chose the wrong time to walk to the elevators because everyone in that meeting is waiting at the elevators to go look at the storyboard trainee presentations and scope out the new talent. They’re in too much of a busy mind to notice that I’m about to cry and am probably glaring with white knuckles as I clutch my bag. Luckily for me the elevator is full and I have an excuse to take the next one and not theirs. A part of me wished that they would say “come on in! i’m sure you can fit!” But... stuff like that never happens with them. No one goes out of their way to include me in things. So... whatever. Maybe I’m just being negative trying to find the bad in every little thing, but this is a rant so I’m going to do just that because fuck the consequences of people liking me and thinking I know how to adult properly. 11. I’m driving home and get a message from my coworker (glanced at a long red dont arrest me pls wait till tomorrow) saying that the intern asked if I had sent her intern evaluation to her school yet. I did. A few weeks ago. This isn’t really a bad thing it’s just that I was finally fucking free and just about to not have any reason to keep it together but then BAM. Intern shows up in my life again. Right after I though it was all over. A little god damn poke. Now So I managed to drive home without crashing into buildings or furiously honking and I am now just holding my cat and typing this. I’m pretty sure none of my coworkers will ever see this. A part of me wishes they would and that maybe they’d care, because I really don’t want to have to start a conversation specifically about all of this with them.    Who the hell starts a conversation with: “By the way boss, can you please stop discussing giving the intern freelance work when I’m within earshot let alone in my god damn 6′x8′ cube?” “Hey boss, remember when I asked you for feedback and got none? Why does the intern get your full attention when you are even busier?” “Hey boss, why have you hired 4 more revisionists when you said that’d you’d love to have me as one? Did you forget? Were you just lying to me because you didn’t know how to give me feedback? Did you even care about what you say to me?” “Hey intern, I understand you are excited and this is a great opportunity for you, but can you please read the room at least a little because I want to cry every single time?” “Hey everyone, I want to be a board artist remember? REMEMBER?” ”Hey everyone... I’m an artist too.” “Hey everyone, can anyone just give me a little help?” ”Hey everyone, if I keep my purse stocked with your allergy medications, pain killers, band aids, digestive relief, girly goods and keep good snacks around and remember your schedules and try to make your jobs easier and serve as your primary IT person...will you remember that I’m here?” “Hey everyone, do you all dislike me or do you all just not care enough to notice me?” They’re all good people, but it’s not stuff that I really know how to say just out of the blue. So today... I just couldn’t stand being even in my own cube anymore. I’m not an outgoing entrepreneurial person who bugs people everyday trying to sell themselves as an artist. I’m someone who tells you my intentions, and asks for help, and then believes people when they tell me sorry they’re busy, that they wish they could help, that they’d love to have me if only not for “x”. No one is entitled to give me a job or help me. But... I don’t get why I’m the only one who gets nothing for a response when I do ask. If they were busy, that’d be fine. But since then things have gotten busier, and my boss personally worked through multiple iterations of my intern’s practice board with her. A good piece of advice I got was that your first 5 tests are awful...but I can’t even get anyone to give me my first one. I’m told to work hard and “git gud”. But it feels like I’m just bashing my head against a brick wall, and no one even acknowledges the effort. It feels like if I decide to stop doing that because I’m about to have a breakdown, I’ll be looked down on as a quitter and not passionate enough. I have passion, but all of this is 100% killing it, and I don’t want to hate art. I really don’t. But I’m starting to. It’s hard for me to enjoy it when now it’s only done to seek attention and approval that I’ll never get from these people. Today would have been difficult still, but not unbearable if not for that. My grandfather’s death isn’t a tragedy for me. He was in pain for a long time and he definitely made the most of his life. The tragedy is that despite all of this, my aunt decided that my family didn’t deserve to know that our grandfather, my father’s father (who lives literally 5 minutes away by car), had passed. I’m definitely not looking forward to the memorial service for my grandfather. Not because the death is hard to deal with but because all of the family there is. Would love to make life terrible for my aunt. Would love to be just as petty. I have so many colorful things to say and do. But ultimately none of that matters. It’s just death. Nothing changes it or adds a new flavor to it. So all of that anger and hurt just kinda snowballed today. And to top it all off as I’m typing this some asshole is beating a dog somewhere in the neighborhood and the dog is screaming and yelping. (called the police so hopefully they find them) Thanks for reading this long negative rant. I hope it helps anyone who is feeling similarly frustrated, because I dont have someone around who’s breaking down quite like I am so this is all I have. Shooting it into the internet in a passive aggressive attempt and chance that maybe someone who needs to read it will. Positive news: I watered my plants with the extra time. I hugged my cat. I will be returning with art for Mermay.
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b00bconnoisseur · 6 years
60 questions for @not-my-brain
1. selfie.......Ugghhhh ok. Imma take one rn
Ok here u go (yes thats a bmth shirt)
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2. what would you name your future kids?.....Ooo hmmm well when i was a kid i really liked the names disney, and mesiah. I didn't know at the time that mesiah was another name for god i think lol. I liked it cause of handlers mesiah. I still do. Ooo and maybe Tj too
3. do you miss anyone?......Yeah. My friends on Pinterest from a year ago. My friend lucas. Stan lee. Bob ross. My cousin who died from cancer some years ago. Snape. Sirius. Lupin. Tonks. Dobby. *continues to name every unfortunate death in hp*
4. what are you looking forward to?.......SE-YA next month!! Its the south eastern young adult festival at this college. You can have meet n greets with authors and alot of stuff its the besstttt
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?......DEFINATELY. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @sammchenry my friend lucas and @septembersbloom. ^^
6. is it hard for you to get over someone?..... What like...romantically? Or like a death? If romantically uhhh idk it took over a couple weeks but im ok now. Ive never had another relationship so idk. If death oof yeah idk maybe. Ig it depends on how much i knew them idk. Like when my nanny (great grandma) died i was sad for days (is that alot?)
7. what was your life like last year?.....Sucky af. Still is. But the highlights of my life last year was getting and making friends on tumblr, going to the tøp concert and going to warped tour, volunteering at the library, going to seya and meeting some of my favorite authors, reading, changing and improving my art, listening to all the bands i listen to now, getting into more fandoms, going to a friends house for the first time
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed?.......Yes lol. Some years ago when i couldn't find smtn id be so annoyed and pissed id start crying. I dont now but still lol
9. who did you last see in person?.......Hm ig family doesn't count....? Wait do u mean a friend? If so uhh my friends rebekah, anika, and Judah at a TAB meeting at the library sometime last month.
10. are you good at hiding your feelings?......I think so? Like i mean I can hide whenever i get my....time of the month from my mom (talking abt stuff like that with her makes me uncomfortable) and i hid a breakup. And other p big stuff too. So imma say yeah
11. are you listening to music right now?........*pops on earbuds after reading this* yee im listening to bitch lasagna by pewdiepie xD (do i have the best spotify playlist or what?)
12. what is something you want right now?.......To hug @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye but SOMEONE has to live so far away
13. how do you feel right now?........Happy that my earbud still works cause they got washed in the wash yesterday....oops. Its not my fault. I told my dad to remind me to take it out of my jacket pocket before they threw it in but noooooo he forgot
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you?.......Uhhhhh fuck idk it was probably from my lil 4 yr old bro sometime last week. Other than him (hes my favorite sibling) i dont let them hug me too much
15. personality description.......Nerdy. Fangirl. "Emo". Tomboy. Hotsause obsessed. Book lover. Music lover. Black. Blue. Harry potter. Introvert. Fall. Sports. Values friendship. Loyal. Uhhhh i cant think of much lol
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?.......*sigh* yes. Yes yes yes. Theres some things abt me, or my life really, that i havent told anyone on here or my irl friends that i sooooo want to so bad but i haven't cause i feel like they'd feel bad and pity me and i don't want that
17. opinion on insecurities........I dont really understand this one. Everyones insecure abt something. Is this askin like if i think its ok or not? I say its ok. Im insecure about literally everything about me. My face. My personality. My socialness. My art. What i do. What i say. Basically my whole body. The things i feel good abt are my books, music taste, and my friends (ily fuckers)
18. do you miss how things were a year ago?.........Hmm this time around a year ago....idk its sorta the same but all the stuff i mentioned abt my year from last year didn't happen yet so nah tho my life sucks rn its better than this time last year
19. have you ever been to New York?........Nooo but i want too soo baddd i wanna visit @septembersbloom !! Im coming for ya soon gramps *does the eye watching thing* my dads been to nyc before tho cause he does construction and he had a concrete job to do there. It was a 23 hr drive for him
20. what is your favourite song at the moment?........Uhhh idk!!! So hard! Maybe.....the whole thats the spirit album by bmth ;)
21. age and birthday?.....15 yrs of age and September 27th 2003 (whats yours brainy? I'll put it on my calendar)
22. description of crush......Its weird idk im not sure if its a genuine crush or not but uh....They like hp :).Thats all u get
23. fear(s).......Losing my best friend @dirtysocke and my other friends. Death. Failure. Momo chasing after me then killing me slowly keeping my eyes open to look her dead in the eyes while i die
24. height......5'6 call me short and I'll fuck u up with THIS *pulls out trusty potato peeler named now steve* dont test me boi
25. role model......Hhhhhhhh so many! But uh gosh one of them is @superraedizzle (youtuberrrr) and vexx and bob ross and da vinci and aaaaaaa so many
26. idol(s)......First person that immediately comes to mind is @sammchenry cause he's super cool and he's really nice and his art's reallyyy good (if u havent seen it w-w-what are u even doin with your life?) And he has a great sense of humor and *continues to ramble about why samms the best*
27. things i hate.......Dabs. Transphobes. Homophobic ppl. Basically any hate on the lgbtq+ community. Bullies. The ship starker. Umbridge. Snape haters
28. i’ll love you if….....U you'll eat pizza, draw, and rp harry potter with mee
29. favourite film(s)......Fantastic beasts. Every hp film. Twilight. The maze runner 1-2. The hunger games. Spiderman homecoming. Kingsman: secret service. Into the spideyverse tho i havent seen it yet
30. favourite tv show(s)......Inkmasterrrrr. B99. The mick. The middle. Uhhh idk mostly ink master xD
31. 3 random facts........Ive never had shrimp. I had a beta fish for over a year once. Im eating pizza crust rn
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?.......G i r l s. I have all girl friends irl and one boy. And on tumblr it seems like i just meet girls? Likei agree with @cristal-kyd1280 its like alot more gals then dudes here. But i do have some guy friends on here too. But mostly girls
33. something you want to learn.......TO DRAW ANATOMY DAMMIT
34. most embarrassing moment........Every moment of my lifes an embarrassing moment. Idk of i can pick a "most" embarrassing one. But one time i i sent my crush (now ex bf) a hey fuckface and like some hearts or whatever for an ask game that meant like "i have a crush on u" "youre adorable" etc and said Hewo but i did it all anonymously. But he confronted me askin if i sent it cause im the only person he knows that actually says hewo lol. Then later on i finally admitted i really liked him and well y'all know the story after i think. Unless you're new
35. favourite subject.......A R TTTT OFC
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?........meet my friends on tumblr. Get into mtsu (college i wanna go to) and study art. And go skydiving
37. favourite actor/actress........favorite actor uhhhhhh probably thomas brodie sangster or tom felton and my favorite actress? Hmmm idk maybe evanna lynch (luna lovegood)
38. favourite comedian(s).......probably kevin hart lol he's p funny
39. favourite sport(s)........basketballllllll and football
40. favourite memory........uhhhhh idk?? One oh my favorite memories was when we went to see tøp in concert
41. relationship status.....single as a pringle
42. favourite book(s)......harry potter and the order of the pheonix. Harry potter and the half blood prince. Simon vs the homo sapiens agenda. Divergent. Maze runner. Twilight. Fangirl. Fallen. Red queen
43. favourite song ever.......TOO HARD DONT MAKE ME CHOOSEEEEEE
44. age you get mistaken for.........16 and 17 sometimes lol
45. how you found out about your idol........i was watching someone on yt and superraedizzle always poped up in my feed and my mom turned on one of her vids cause she always saw her vids too now ive seen most of em i love her. Id heard of vexx but never watched him and i was watching a collab from anthony miller art and shrimpy and i checked out shrimpys channel and was lookin at comments and alot of ppl said his art is like vexxs so i checked out vexx. At first i was like eh ok. Now i cant click fast enough when he posts a vid. And i actually fpund out about bob ross from my grandpa on jan 20 2017 when trump was getting sworn in or whatever. We turned on pbs and my grampa told me to look and bob ross was on and i was IN. I loved it. I even started watching full episodes on YouTube of the joy of painting after that. Wonderful man. My first painting i ever did i think was when i followed one of his tutorials xD (i didnt know it was popular at the time)
46. what my last text message says......."ok your turn"
47. turn ons.....uhh nerds ig idk um book lovers, music lovers, art lovers, potterheads, idk and nice ppl
48. turn offs......jerks. Homophobia. Idk ig whatever i said in things i hate
49. where i want to be right now......uhhhh idk wait didn't i already answer this? Ok this ones different ig so uhh with my friend lucas
50. favourite picture of your idol.....oh shit...favorite? Idk xD i have a fave of vexx but not of rae or bob. But heres pics of them any way
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51. starsign......a libraaaaa boiii
52. something i’m talented at......drawing and speed reading. Thats about it lol. Oh and procrastina
53. 5 things that make me happy.......ooooo art, my friends here on tumblr, books, harry potter, and music ^^
54. something thats worrying me at the moment.....if my friend thinks im being annoying
55. tumblr friends......hhhhh so manyyyyyy. @dirtysocke @mysisterlooksforthisaccountsobye @cristal-kyd1280 @chinesewaffles2 @kingantlion @queen-baelin @sammchenry @septembersbloom and more
56. favourite food(s)......green beans, pepperoni pizza, and vanilla madelines
57. favourite animal(s).......basically any reptile. Puppies. Cats. Any animal really but my #1 are snakes
58. description of my best friend.....well she's a tiny bean (5 feet) and she has dark hair, she wears glasses, she doesnt take shit, she's in love with Josh dun, she's awesome, funny, nice (YES youre nice jackie) and shes the best friend ive ever had. Oh. And she has a weird obsession with spaghetti
59. why i joined tumblr.......well i heard abt it on Pinterest over a year ago but didnt want it. Then @mrfastbass-deactivated20181231 on DeviantArt said he got tumblr so i made one then followed him and figured id just post art and that's it cause i thought tumblr was boring as hell when i first got it. Now im p much obsessed with it
60. ask me anything you want.......go ahead brainy shoot. Give me smtn good
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pgoeltz · 5 years
@blueshieldca  been begging for over a yr to get somtreatment for my back and health, its a nightmare, while CEO makes 42 million, i fight for hard worked benifits.  told to go to er???    my pain doctor told me yesterday he will buy the book of my death by bs of ca, as they dont care >>>>> 
all the notes they want me to go to a place that does not understand billing and i will be out of a 8 week program in 7 days
 paul goeltz 0aaaaa663 is social, and out of state, so special CS, heck they try, but i think i spend to much money and cutting cost to pay the ceo seem to be of more importance then helping ppl16 JAN 2019, 07:57btw i’m half dead from lack of case management, ur doctors that deny my back the right ops, meds, now i guess my pain meds is a no no so retire have to pay 30 its all profit so that fat white man can make 35 million dont worry the world will see it all, you all should be ashamed at your corupt industry money over health16 JAN 2019, 10:55Thank you for supplying your info, Paul. One of our Specialists will reach out shortly to assist. – SR18 JAN 2019, 07:10and thank for calling, but we had to hang up as i was waiting forBS of ca to call, she said she would call back yesterday was here all day, will be back here today, after pt so after10.30am MTand no call so maybe u can let them know here latter today..18 JAN 2019, 10:03I apologize for missing our call yesterday. I’ll call you after 10:30 today. – KristaTHURS 22:10well here we are 6 months later almost dead still zero@BlueShieldCA thanks claiming to #care #fastservice #CustomerService &blah blah blah, i have been trying 2get treetment 4almost a yr, ur #contractor doing #casemanagement has no clue, ur #phone reps dont call back, i dont think BS cares if i live or die its all #money and #F me.ask Esperanza Ramos RN she can explain how sick ur case mangement is and how mr goelts is stuck in the middle of hell and getting nothingwell i can start going to the er every 2 days that will cost about 100k real quickas ur call center says all the help is at the er they will help[ you and call us to figure out what to do with you, thats from ur call centerFRI 08:09anotherday waiting while BS and records and doctors try to figure out why or how paul can use benifits in both medical and mental, oh no, if we?BS keep hold off and FOOLING HIM WE WILL NOT HAVE TO PSAY AND CEO MAKES MILLIONS AND GETS GRT MEDICAL CARE, WELL STILL WAITINGI SHOULD BE TAKING PICTURES OF ME WITHERING AWAY 40 LBS ALREADY….FRI 09:58We’re sorry for your frustration. A Specialist will reach out to you shortly. – JessicaHi Paul. I’ve reviewed your policy and see that you’re trying to receive inpatient detox care. I also see that your case manager Esperanza is currently out of the office, which is why she hasn’t reached out to you. In some of your case notes I see that you stated the appeal filed on your behalf is incorrect. Can you please clarify if this is true? The appeal was assigned to a coordinator this morning, so if I need to remove the appeal I can. Also, if you could clarify exactly what you are wanting, I can work with your case manager to get you the required treatment. Please let me know as soon as possible. – Cortneymore than that if you want to talk call plsi dont have a case managerthey were fired as no brains4066423052FRI 11:45fyi Esperanza is not my case managedr she is trying to help after seeing the messing your case management co got me in, i have no case manager, and i need one to work both side of this medical and mental, So shortly is that longer than 3 hrs? yes the appeal that was filed is all wrong, meanwhile that much closer to death, hope everyone is getting a good laughno you dont need to remove tghe appeal it should have been filed a month ago as i called to file and the lady did nothing not even contact esEsperanza , and the grievence filed is wrong, i dont have time for this i needed help almost a yr ago when does this stopper doc kemple i need a level 4 detox or better, and admit in to a pain program such as siera tuscon, hohn hopkins miami jewish health this all are for pain ppeole not drug addicts, while i explain this for the 300th time why dont you ask sherly jones who screwed it all up and that case management cohello anyone calling so i can blab for 302 times to see if i can get helpFRI 16:33Hi Paul. Your case has been escalated to upper management. You should be receiving an answer from them by Tuesday. We have our very best working on your case. – Cortneyon Wed, May 1, 2019 at 10:00 AM paul goeltz <[email protected]> wrote:Attn: Carmen G.”/  Cortney W.So the grievance is all wrong, those are not my words. the program if opened1 per doc kemple i need a medical detox 4 or higher and inpatient pain rehab or best might end up back on a pump, reeading mjh, not sure they do detox and what levels?there is many pain clinics that are hooked to hospital, for ppl like me with medical conditions.the couple i gave was my research.i also want to complain about the company you hired to do case management, they did nothing and left this in a mess.that said i need case management or help with this.  are you saying in one week if  the codes are not right i will be in the first week of a 5-8 week in patient stay, as the detox is part one learning to try to live with out pain meds are reducing them takes learning, so i might as well shoot myself now, it took a year of begging to get this and now it being forced down my throat, i have talked to no one about any of these places!! Sheryl and that company was to help me decide and make a wise choice but what happened?  so ur saying the hell with Paul  after one week, it gives the hospital no faith in blue shield and they probably will not give me the care i need seeing BS want to still play games.Another part is why no case manager/ i don’t know how when I’m out of it both detoxing and with out pain meds, you can get me out and who will fight for me,  you tell ppl don’t should NOT! make decision when on opiates, well over 20 yrs so your asking me to make a life decision even though it bad a dangerous//??  why is this all messed up you ask us to make the bad decision even though you know your to help??if this is what there is, your blue shield doctors don’t talk, how do you sign them up, this is real said, messing with ppl life’s here, no case, you figure it out goeltz, i have been but now its all wrong, well the best is after a week when they boot me, i;ll go er to er.  so what about the case manager telling me to go to drug and booze detox, for 2 months she had me calling those places and listing to there lies you’ll be fine with the serenity bed etc, and Sheryl just said yes to everything, like she had to help another person with one place, does it not take 3-5 place to make an informed decision??  i wanted kemples medical necessity letter and records sent to 5 to make the right choice for me and bs so you get value.  you should be a part that what Sheryl was do do not just chicken out.miamijewishhealth.org/healthcare-services-programs/rosomoff-center/  maybe not best fit, but maybe lowball for you and no one has even compared them, does BS not want whats best??https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/psychiatry/specialty_areas/pain/patient_information/inpatient.htmlhttps://www.sierratucson.com/programs/pain-management-recovery/https://lasvegasrecovery.com/pain/so it appears all the help for a week in a long program, is just insane? is the bottom line the only thing BS of ca cares about.DO I JUST NEED DETOX?It’s important to know that detox alone will not solve a drug use problem. Some individuals find that once they have successfully completed detox, they still need to enroll in a program to help them rebuild their life after prescription pain killers. Freedom Model Retreats offers a Cognitive Behavioral Learning program that uses self assessment and self change to teach guest to reevaluate their choices and decisions and to make choices that are more productive. Guests learn the importance of forming habits and behaviors that are positive and more purposeful and they realize that they have the power to take back control of their life and to have a life that is permanently free from substance use. see most detox is for abuser, they get to learn to cope and so do i it takes tiome 5-8 weeks to tryiong out different meds, drips, etc, we dont get this right i will be back, i will take this to the highest court.  the boozes and dopers dont have any issues but paul goeltz who omnly takes what is giving noting lost stolen etc, i been told your not hooked so no detox and you can go to any detox and blue shiled will get with the place to decide?? ok what is the plan after detox? is there detox what level, can i pay for higher like 5/anyway please dont leave me after one week if you want me to go to miami jewish is a program, they are layughing at BS all ready, your showing your card, they know you dont want to pay.  i can say if i dont get into a good programthis just seems like here toss paul a bone and we dont even know if this is right placepgso i spoke with a couple doctors< they all came to the same conclusion, BS could care less, and this will make a great best seller, why paul died while trying to get help/   kemple told me he spoke with higher ups there, and going into a program that is 5-8 weeks with just a week approved is a death sentence!  people detoxing from drugs or booze don’t have to deal with this?It sounds like MJH does not understand the codes and billing, which would mean me suffering, and having to appeal a program??  Not even sure if MJH does detox, i was told they do from that case management company you hired and relieved??    Did we get all of there case notes??What happened to https://lasvegasrecovery.com/pain/ orsierratucson.com/programs/pain-management-recovery/https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/psychiatry/specialty_areas/pain/patient_information/inpatient.htmlmiamijewishhealth.org/healthcare-services-programs/rosomoff-center/http://med.stanford.edu/pain.html how can BS pay for drinkers at these places but not a rehab pain patient??also why cant that company that you hired to do case management help? yes they got tossed off, but that is there job i have the sheet in front of me, it does no say i can have case manger if just using medical or mental, as i had them with just medical, so i demand there help. and a nurse that will help me make informed thoughts ideas etc, this also is in the job description.  there number is 1 866 567 6195, i called them again week ago asking for help and was told they will be in touch this seems to be very common at BS, were laddies say oh we will call back or i will file a grievance and have not … i called 3 times about grievance and the last one went but not my words, 2 ladies did nothing, same with that company, they claim an inability to help.yes @blueshieldca is paying the ceo over 42 million, meanwhile my pain doctor is trying to get spinal rehab 5-8 weeks inpatient, yes it will cost, but no BS wants to pay there #nonprofits brass billions, and us the workers we get #Death sort of like living in #gaza @scvwdANONdaisypgöeltz added,Sauk River Review@OldSaukRiverReplying to @OldSaukRiver @pgoeltz and 10 othersHow can Uaccept it’s ok4 some 2die while others can live? This is the kind of choice Nazis offered -what our pol system in DC -overrun by insur & pharma interests turns them in2 w/this fully unacceptable form of bargaining.…WERLL HOPE YOU CAN SEE THE ISSUEShare this:
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prorevenge · 6 years
You like picking on me at the office? It's just gonna cost you a pay raise. Oh and you might have to quit to save face.
TL;DR available at the bottom.
I'd like to emphasize early on that if your employer offers you the option to do an exit interview when you quit, or they fire you, by all means do it, especially if it is a toxic workplace. If they don't, well, fire off an e-mail to HR with some "constructive criticism" so that the company may "improve itself". And don't be afraid to say out loud all the things you've held in. Okay, lets begin.
Last year, after much thought, I decided to quit my job, the same one where I was working with LR, from my other revenge story. It wasn't specifically Bitch Face, as we'll call her that caused me to quit, but that just mixed in with other issues and eventually I just said fuck it, grabbed the first job opening I could find and went on my merry way.
See, bitch face, for some reason, had a knack for picking on me ever since I started at the job, as an intern, back in 2014 when I was half-way through college. The pay wasn't much, but it was the first real job I've ever had, plus, my boss at the time was a great person and to this day is still someone I can count on, and above all, a true friend.
Moving forward from all that mushy-gushy stuff, bitch face had a knack for picking on me ever since day one. At the beginning it was for minor stuff such as a mistake here and there, it was natural since I was still learning the ropes and hey, mistakes get made, but eventually it started growing. If you've worked at a mindless bureaucratic desk jockey type of job, you know that at a few points in the day people are just going to slow down their rhythm and start idle chat about what they've been up to and on and on...
Naturally this is how people got to know me and such. Not gonna lie, I was a pretty boring person, so whenever I did something, people would ask about literally all the details. At first, it began with bitch face calling bullshit on my backstory. Whatever, I just brushed it off. The next major one, is where she really did dial it up a notch was when I went out for a little "postgraduate" activities. AKA, drinks after class with friends. Someone took a picture, where I was clearly seen sipping on a fancy cocktail, posted it on facebook and tagged me, for everyone to see.
Well Bitch face the next Monday nonchalantly asked me about it and went on in a tirade about how I was becoming an alcoholic and other things... It wasn't something I did often so it ended up as an in-joke of sorts, but Bitch face still insisted on it every chance she got. Also, one of our colleagues that regularly went out on Fridays and got shitface and also loudly and proudly admitted to it... well, bitch face thought that was normal and never paid any mind to it.
Next big incident was when I accidentally blurted out I was going to take shooting classes. Bitch face loved it. Literally managed to stop the whole office when she found out because she was 100% sure that the week after classes I would show up to work like Rambo, with a machine gun in each hand, a red bandana and a taste for vengeance.
Not only she blatantly said that it was a SERIOUS character fault, but also went in a tirade about it was also the result of me not going to church enough, a bad upbringing among other things... I actually had a sit down with my boss to talk about it and ask him to intervene, which he did, and she got a big chewing out by our manager. She didn't stop though.
Two months later I took over one of my colleague's duties while she was on 4 months maternity leave. Bitch face nitpicked everything I did, for 4 months. If she found any mistakes or anything, she loudly and proudly announced it to the whole office. At the time I was also going to the therapist for stress and depression related issues, and my therapist said I should really look into changing jobs since there was nothing I could really do to fight Bitch face, since she had been at the company for 10+ years and knew the manager for 10+ years also...
A month after my colleague returned and I got back to my usual activities, I get my paid vacations and halfway through them, I found a job opening at a local fruit distributor. I know it was shady, but hell, I took it. After going through all the bureaucratic mess, HR asked if I'd like to do an exit interview, but that unfortunately wasn't possible due to me having found a new job and already being in it, so instead they just told me to fire off an e-mail to the head of HR.
Fast forward 5 months to yesterday evening, at a café with my old boss, chewing the fat and catching up on things, he let me on that the one e-mail I sent to the head of HR ended up in quite a bit of blow back on Bitch face's career. While I did write about the positive things I saw in the company in my e-mail, and stated the reasons I was quitting, the bit about the "rotten bits" of the company created quite some backlash.
Apparently the head of HR had a sit down with our branch's manager and the company's director about the e-mail and said she was quite concerned about the feedback she had received, especially the part where I talked about being persecuted and harassed in the office for just about anything I did. I didn't name anyone specifically in the e-mail, but pointed out several situations where I was harassed and a double standard was applied in regards to my colleagues. Obviously, this reflects poorly on someone's reputation as a manager, being that HR will keep in it file nam omne aeternum (for all eternity).
Our manager called my boss and Bitch face for a sit down of her own. She proceeded to give Bitch Face a big chew out, because of it, and apparently it cost Bitch Face a big pay raise. It also apparently tipped the balance on our manager's plans since she decided to call it quits. In turn, Bitch Face realized that her work ethics would not bode well with the new manager that would have none of it, and has since also decided to quit.
TL;DR Bitch face harassed me at the workplace for almost literally breathing. I quit, fire off an e-mail to HR, which in turn has a sit down with the branch manager and the company's director. Manager is less than pleased, denies bitch face's pay raise and decides to call it quits. New manager comes in, bitch face's work ethics are less than optimal, bitch face quits to save face. Still a bitch though.
(source) (story by Classy_Pyro)
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Top  Reviews and Complaints about Safelite AutoGlass
I am a trucker (18 wheeler). I have tried 2 Safelite windshields and both got traveling cracks (DOT FAIL!) from a ding that, on a properly laminated windshield would have just been a nickel-sized ding. Safelite truck windshields are junk. I don't know what sort of laminate (if any) they have from their foreign-made garbage, but I will only use OEM or OEM quality henceforth.
My windshield was hit by several rocks from the back of someone's truck on the freeway. I ended up with 5 tiny chips in my windshield. Took my car to Safelite to fill the tiny chips. When I got my car back there was an eight inch crack across my windshield. I should it to them right away. They said that can happen when it is filled. Let me give you a quote to replace the windshield. I said, "Why should I have to pay?" I then called the main number who told me that can happen. Let me give you $50.00 off the cost of the replacement. I am going elsewhere that charges less.
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R of Blairsville, GA
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Dec. 12, 2018
I needed my back car window replaced. I called Safelite on a Sunday, and they had me scheduled for two days later. I live in a rural area, but they came to my house at the time they promised, and Randy did an awesome job replacing the glass. They worked with my insurance. Very friendly too. They’ve made a customer for life.
Carol of Berlin, NJ
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Dec. 8, 2018
I made appointment after listening to rep. on phone saying Safelite best and fastest way to get replacement auto glass. I know it's hard to find glass for order cars. Was told I would have replaced today. Took off from work. Tech called 2 hours before appt to say shop they ordered from never got glass? Formatted texts telling me they are sorry. To have a nice day? Maybe in by Monday and installed Tuesday? Why not be sure before setting appt? Disappointed! They had to know availability after or before setting my appt. It's 24 degrees out. Shrink wrap won't prevent damage. Make sure you get confirmation of availability! I didn't and now stuck!
Marilyn of Clarksville, TN
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Dec. 6, 2018
My window was down and would not come up. They found out why that was and told me what was needed. They covered my window with plastic until it could be repaired. These guys never turned me away. Thank You. Safelite for having such wonderful staff.
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Richard of Cortland, NY
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Dec. 3, 2018
After reading many of the comments on this board, I was seriously concerned with having this company do my windshield replacement. My car has a lot of electronic stuff that is controlled by the material in the windshield. I was afraid some of this would no longer work after the replacement. My insurance company uses Safelite and I told them my concerns and they assured me that if there were any problems they would take care of it. Anyway, everything was done quickly and efficiently and everything works! The experience was excellent for us.
Mark of Philadelphia, PA
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Nov. 24, 2018
Read the reviews on their site and decided: What could go wrong and then scheduled my appointment at my home... The installer removed my old windshield and all trims wipers etc. Then told he could not install the new one due to there being some rust looking dirt around perimeter of the rim (my truck is 20 years old and in very good condition)... After checking it for myself and concluding it was sound and not actual rust, the installer still declined to put it in and left me high and dry with no windshield at all... I should've listened to my gut after reading some of the other negative reviews. Fool me once shame on them. Fool me twice shame on me.
Scott of Kenosha, WI
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Nov. 24, 2018
USAA uses Safelite Glass for auto glass repairs and refers me here. Have had issues in the past too. Couple years ago, took multiple calls to schedule appt then they never showed up or cancelled at the last minute - not sure which. Rescheduling was a major hassle again. This past time, we had 9AM appt this morning for windshield replacement. Because of all the past problems, called yesterday to ask if windshield was in - said was on backorder and was scheduled to come in December 8th - 2 weeks away. Asked if they would call me when it comes in - "oh yes sir - we'll call you". Saved myself a trip going in this morning when there is no windshield to install because they never called to let me know.
John of Horicon, WI
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Nov. 24, 2018
I can't say how disappointed I am again with these idiots. My truck was broken into and I made specific plans with the dispatcher and again the technician did read the notes. I was out of country and had to have the spare key from my truck driven down to airport hotel where the window was broken. Oh did mention it was winter and it's snowing by a friend and his number was also given to Safelite. They are great at one thing - screwing up the entire replacement. I'm not going to use them ever again in fact I would rather have my eyeballs poked out with a rusty fork than have to go through the incompetence again.
William of Half Moon Bay, CA
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Nov. 17, 2018
Replaced windshield in my wife’s car, then had to come back to fix the poor job. Tried to get them to come to my house (25 minutes) to replace my car’s windshield. Refused to come despite ad that says they will do mobile repair at my choice. Can’t believe in their service or quality of repair.
Sara of Melvin, MI
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Nov. 15, 2018
My insurance company (Liberty Mutual) sent Safelite to my house to repair a stone chip the size of half a pea. There were two tiny cracks on either side of the chip and I needed it fixed before it cracked. The guy came out and "fixed" it. About 10 minutes after he left I got in my car and saw no difference, and there was a noticeable divot in the windshield that wasn't even filled flush. I called them and they assured me it was fixed and would NOT crack. I said it is not fixed and WILL crack. She again assured me it wouldn't and though "it may not look fixed it is, and won't crack".
Well, like I said, 11 days later it cracked across my entire windshield and now I have to pay to put in a completely new one. They told me it's a known risk that repairs DON'T WORK and by signing their form I was well aware of that. DO NOT USE SAFELITE. If you do, DO NOT SIGN THEIR FORM, IT RELEASES THEM FROM FAULT when they send a hack out and he doesn't know how to do a chip repair.
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Gianna of Buffalo, NY
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Nov. 15, 2018
Safelite already replaced two windshields on the same vehicle and this morning I noticed my windshield was cracked again. This will be the third windshield I've had to have replaced by Safelite. During previous installments, they did not replace the rearview mirror which is attached to the windhield, properly. They did not use adequate adhesive and it fell off while driving. During installation, the tech used vice grips on the antennae which stripped the paint. I believe Safelite takes advantage of insurance companies who offer glass coverage, and inconveniences their customers with shabby work and inferior products.
Richard of Monroe, MI
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Nov. 9, 2018
I ordered 2 windshields for my classic cars. 1971 Chevelle and 1982 Camero. Scheduled an appointment with them, the day before the installation scheduled they called and said I would have to bring the Chevelle to their shop. I have no plates on the car so I said I would have to bring it later. But I would like the Camero done on schedule the next day between 8 and 12. Called them at 12 they said they canceled the appointment so after taking off work and waiting 4 hr. They said they were sorry. I scheduled replacement with Floral City Glass in Monroe MI great job, less expensive and done on schedule.
Kenneth of Houston, TX
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Nov. 5, 2018
Just had great experience having our 2016 Jeep Wranglers windshield replaced at my home in Houston. The technician's name is Anthony. He contacted me to say he could arrive much earlier than expected (huge plus because had 5 hr window which I hate)... Not only did he arrive within exact time he stated, but my jeep was rather dirty since it’s been raining so much in Houston and he took ample time properly wiping all the windows... which had me stunned seeing this?!
Nowadays (especially young staff) technicians rush thru jobs doing it very half-assed! Anthony took his time paying attention to details and afterwards explained exactly what he’d done, plus reviewed the warranty in layman terms. I’d say including fair pricing, I couldn’t imagine receiving better service with a genuine attractive smile than I received earlier today... Thanks again to my technician. As in the field you guys are who we customers see as THE COMPANY>> irregardless how big or small the vendors may be...
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Ric of Harrison, AR
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Nov. 4, 2018
Having a cracked windshield on 2004 Cadillac Seville, called Safelite to replace. Installer came to home, installed windshield. No problem. 2 weeks later, at 70 mph on Freeway, windshield rubber molding ripped out, slammed up to roof, destroyed sunroof deflector & roof paint. Installer did NOT replace the molding which IS PART OF THE INSTALL PROCESS! Reinstalled a new glass by a body shop who did it right. Beware of this outfit using amateurs to install product!
Marc of Hernando, MS
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Nov. 3, 2018
Technician arrived on Time. Started to work but did not have the Proper Tools to Remove my Windshield, So we waited for another Technician to show up... 50 minutes to drive 12 miles??? What the H?? He brought the "TOOL" we needed and job was finished 35 minutes later. Before my technician put my windshield on I noticed my headliner hanging down in front of my passenger visor. I asked him about it and he quickly replied "That was already there." I KNOW IT WAS NOT AS I HAD JUST CLEANED MY INTERIOR!!! Now I'm going to have to buy spray on glue and fix it myself. Safelite Customer Service has a Horrible Reputation in Satisfying their customers. My repair cost me $100.00 more than anyone else.
Jeff of Otsego, MI
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Oct. 31, 2018
Had appointment. My man called me. Was late then got here and told me he couldn't touch my truck. I have a very nice F150 with a painted to match visor over the windshield with the yellow lights. So I wasted half my day for nothing. Thank you AAA for sending them to me n ed very again first place I called said, "No problem. They're coming tomorrow."
Mike of Elk Grove Village, IL
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Oct. 25, 2018
Safelite damaged my vehicle, and made me go through a 6 long week ordeal. 1. They sent an incompetent technician to work my Mercedes. 2. He scratched the car, dropped a couple of screws in the engine area and best of all didn't even install the glass properly. He had audacity of asking for 5 stars on his survey. 3. Then a manager comes in saying he'll fix everything. He did not. He was good at coming up with excuses. He was good at making me feel stupid and dumb. He outright lied about installing new wind strip when it was clearly visible that is was same old weathered strip. Please be aware! Find a company that knows how to 1) respect customers and 2) do the job.
Susan of Orrville, OH
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Oct. 24, 2018
My technician showed up without proper equipment, said he'd be back within an hour & left. Tech came back 90 min later. I was working & couldn’t keep an eye on him. (They advertise peace of mind, right?) Technician installed the windshield & left without contacting me. Hours later I get off work & to my car for the 1st time & see ripples in the black strip along the top of my windshield. Technician left my keys turned on, therefore my car needed jumped before I could leave work. They send out a second tech the following day, who says the ripples are "normal" and applies more glue & tape.
I called corporate to resolve the issue, very disgusted with this company. Management is very rude, not taking responsibility for any wrong, stating the Tech has been with the company for 2 yrs, etc. No offer to compensate for the inconvenience or having to jump my car before I could go home after their Tech killed my battery. Safelite is a joke. Don't waste your time, you're better off taking a day off work & having your windshield replaced by true professionals.
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Linda of Mequon, WI
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Oct. 22, 2018
They gave me a window 8-5. Driver called at 3 and said he'd be here by 4. I called 4:30 and they said he was running late. Talked to mgr twice. Now sipped to come by 6! Wasted a whole day waiting. 10 hours total wait if they get here ever. Don't recommend this company in any way. Useless customer service. They just don’t give a damn.
Stacey of Minneapolis, MN
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Oct. 22, 2018
The first mobile appointment I had was canceled because it was misting out and they don't work in the rain. The second appoint was cancel, without my knowledge. The guy showed up, told me he couldn't replace since it was in a busy street and I stood in the middle of the street with him for 5 minutes and only one car passed us by. I think moved my car to a parking lot and he said he could take it from there. He did nothing other than cancel my appointment (without telling me) and just left. I text him multiple times and no response. When I asked why he didn't fix it like he said he was going to he told me I had been rescheduled. I asked to when and where and he didn't respond. Unprofessional! Wasted my time and his! And wasted company resources.
Pall of Edmond, OK
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Oct. 18, 2018
Safelite technician attempted to fix a 1/2" chip in my windshield, but while doing so applied too much pressure causing the chip to crack 18" across. He then handed me a $350 quote for a new windshield. After complaining, the corporate office offered me a $50 discount on the new windshield. Lolololol! How is this company in business???
Kimberly of Albuquerque, NM
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Oct. 15, 2018
I had my windshield replaced with Safelite then I got a stress crack. They came out to look at it. The tech said it was a stress crack then all of a sudden he says it was a rock. Sent a picture to his manager and the manager says six rocks at my windshield when no rock hit my windshield whatsoever. Now they are refusing to replace the windshield which is under a lifetime warranty. This place is terrible. Do not do business with them. They lie and scam. It’s one of the worst businesses out there.
Heather of Pierpont, OH
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Oct. 15, 2018
I have a cracked windshield and had set up an appointment two weeks ago. I checked my messages, emails and even the invoice page messages for any issues daily. Day came for them to arrive. I took vacation hours to stay home and wait for them. Only message I had received was one from "Gary" that stated he would be by around 12pm-5pm, and that he would text when he was arriving.
I waited all day and checked my messages every half an hour. Not a single message about being on his way or having issues finding my place. In the end I gave up after 5 pm and decide to leave the house to get something to eat. As I am driving I get the message that my appointment was canceled. No reason, no anything. This was 15-20mins after 5 pm.
I am now upset and call the customer "care", I get a woman saying she has no idea why and that she will email the guy but that is all she can do besides set up a new appointment. I can't spend ALL MY VACATION TIME WAITING FOR AN APPOINTMENT THEY CAN CANCEL 15 MINS AFTER ITS LATEST TIME! It is utterly ridiculous and the lack of actual caring for the customer is appalling. I refuse to make a new appointment and am gladly willing to take my business elsewhere. I would send screenshots of my messages if it let me do so here. I'd advise to not trust this company.
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Cecelia of Peoria, AZ
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Oct. 10, 2018
Cross country trip, bad hail storm in Colorado Springs, called ins. asap. Sent to Safelite Customer Service. Three different operators unhelpful; unsympathetic, would not schedule for 5 days; no attempt to find a way to help travelers. Asked for shop on the way to Kansas, still would not schedule for a week. Fortunately local Denver shop was sympathetic and obliging. Forget 800; go in to actual store.
Brian of Baton Rouge, LA
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Oct. 8, 2018
Rachael out of Baton Rouge, LA was very nice and did a great job on fixing our chip on our windshield. Only took 20 mins. I would come Back to Safelite for our future repairs on our windshield and approved our insurance. They worked very nice together!!
Jason of Clovis, CA
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Oct. 6, 2018
Safelite rep, Jeff, arrived at my residence, immediately requested that I move the car to his liking and proceeded to walk around the vehicle, to include photographing the outside and inside of the vehicle. Upon questioning his intent, of roaming around and photographing the interior, Jeff responded in a rude manner and was insufficient in his reasoning. Jeff was asked to leave and Safelite was contacted. Having utilized Safelite in the past and referring several clients this correspondence was disturbing. A company dependent on its customer service should hire better communicators or provide better training. The convenience of their service does not outweigh personal respect.
Jon of Brunswick, OH
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Oct. 6, 2018
I took a day off of work to wait at home and the technician never showed or contacted me. I had to call Safelite to find out that he didn't even know about the appointment that I made two weeks prior. The customer service reps, local and national, didn't seem to care.
Kathy of Newport, NC
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Oct. 5, 2018
Safelite came out to fix 2 windshield spots. In the commercial it looks great, however that's not what we got. The spots are still there, still look the same with something like clear nail polish over them and charge is $189. Disappointed and you can't even tell anything was done. One is pencil eraser size and other is smaller.
Joe of Osseo, MN
                   Verified Reviewer                
Original review: Oct. 2, 2018
Was going on my 3rd Safelite windshield this year and they don't stand behind their product. 2 windshields were about a month old when the first one got a crack from a rock that flew up, the other cracked on its own. I called immediately, took pictures, and the representative that scheduled the appointment and mentioned that I wouldn't have to pay because it was only a month old. I get to the appointment which was just a waste of time because they refused to replace it saying that it was a not a stress crack, which it appears to be. I just left and I won't be using Safelite anymore. I will be going to small claims court to see if I can get my money back for this defective windshield. No one should have to pay full price for the 3rd windshield within 90 days of each other. Just sad that big companies can act like this.
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