#i.... don't know if CAH are a thing anymore but
userjoel · 2 years
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cards against joel / cards against ellie : [ THE 1.02 PACK ]
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intersex-support · 2 years
i'm not sure if i'm intersex and maybe this is tmi but i've always susptected i am intersex. i'm afab but i have lots of body hair, mostly on my legs, stomach, arms and even back? but i have a nice amount on my face too, which could just be bc i'm Black and that's more common in my family but ALSO
my periods are really weird. they got fucked over from covid but they were weird before that. of course, i get a lot of the normal cramp pain but then sometimes i get sharp pain. really sharp. like someone's stabbing me in my vagina. i'll sit up and there it is. and that'll happen when i'm not even on my period! sometimes it just hurts. and i can't do anything about it, i just have to wait it out. i figured it was normal when i was younger. like oh yeah, sometimes your vagina just randomly feels like someone's poking a knife up there lol, that's definitely normal. but then i realized your vagina's not supposed to hurt unless you're on your period? and i was mad confused! bc? really? who knew? i'ont know who's handing out this vagina information but i missed my packet somehow.
anyway, my periods can get pretty out of rhythm sometimes and since covid? i haven't had a vaguely regular period since! sometimes i barely bleed AT ALL, which never happened before, i used to bleed like, quite a bit before covid and now it's all out of whack. sometimes it hurts for two weeks before my period and then i still feel like i'm on my period a week afterwards! even if i'm not bleeding. i can't track them at all anymore, lol, they're very irregular and i think i've skipped two recently? (no im not pregnant, not possible)
also i can't have sex of any kind, it just hurts and doesn't feel good at all. sooo. yeah.
SO. this is like a mess of information and DEFINTEILY tmi but? i thought maybe y'all either knew what the fuck this is or could just tell me "nah you're not intersex your vagina's just fucked some other way" either would be helpful ngl.
First of all, don't write off the body hair just because you're Black. Actually, don't listen to a single doctor who tells you that you're just racially more likely to have that amount of body hair, if they do they are just being neglectful lol. Even if it is common in your family, this could just/also mean that a diagnosable/understandable hormonal difference is a part of your genetics.
Some things you could look into OTHER than N/CAH or PCOS (you could have those alongside what I'm about to list) are endometriosis, vaginismus and vulvodynia, tilted uterus, nerve damage, and even infection (although if you've been experiencing this for a long time... I doubt you've had an infection for multiple years without knowing).
I'll also say, everything you said in the second and thirds paragraphs is exactly how my mom would describe what has been going on for her, AND it got worse after she had covid. She has no diagnosis but endometriosis and PCOS are things we have been looking into. A sharp pain may be indicative of a cyst, which could be in the ovaries obviously but I wouldn't rule out it being in/around the hip joint because you mentioned it appears when you sit up.
I'm not sure how covid affects already present issues (doesn't seem like anyone does... although there is some info that may or may not be very conclusive), but if your symptoms got worse after that then I would say it's likely something has been going on.
I think the stabbing pain is concerning, I would really suggest finding a good physician and at least getting some blood tests done for a comprehensive hormone panel AND getting the results sent to you. I'm not saying you can diagnose and treat yourself by looking at them, but we know physicians don't get the full picture, can be racist, or just not do their job. Getting those results can give you a starting point for comparison if you plan on doing your own research too, and can help you understand.
If you do end up going to a physician or get referred to a specialist, they may want to do a transvaginal ultrasound because of the stabbing pain or other kinds of inspection (like an x-ray for example). I just want to say that in any case, if you are uncomfortable then stick by your boundaries. If you feel pain or just feel unsafe then it should not be dismissed, especially since you said anything sexual is painful. I might be overstepping a bit here, but it does sound like you have a lot going on and you definitely do not need someone who is supposed to help you make it worse.
I hope this is helpful, sorry for the super long response but stabbing pain down there is definitely something I know at least a bit about. Can't say you are intersex or you're not intersex, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's not nothing, and I really do hope you're able to get some support!
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wordsunforgotten · 11 months
First post: I'll introduce myself.
You can call me Goose (they/them). I'm on the cusp of turning 23, I live in a shitty town in the desert that is full of old white Christians, I have an amazing girlfriend and two incredible roommates that we live with.
I have other friends, but not many. They come over for game nights some weekends and sometimes we make giant sandwiches or chocolate chip cookies or bread and we'll eat it together and play DND or CAH or something.
I am gods favorite mental illness petri dish and I don't think even he knows what's going on in my head at any given point anymore. I've got a lot of em dancin around in there.
I don't like labels, but I'm queer as all hell and an intersectional trans inclusionary feminist or whatever the term is.
I'm trying to go to school to be an artist. Well. Kinda. If you took an artist and made them a corporate capitalist. That art (graphic design). Not sure that I love it anymore but I'm in it now.
I want to be better. About writing. Art. Things that once made me happy. Trying to see if they still can. I'm truthfully at a pretty all time low for happiness right now, so I figure what could it hurt?
Okay, this has been way too long and I'm off my shit tired and medicated. To whoever sees this post, if anyone, thank you. I hope you feel a type of joy you thought you once lost again soon. You deserve that.
Here goes.
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batsinurbelfrey · 3 years
i hate this hellsite i went to discord and killed my ask fuck
Like i why that stereotype exists but it's fuckin stupid nowadays. Rock and metal bands don't fuckin overdose and repeat and trash hotel rooms anymore. And i know that a good chunk still write and perform songs about drugs (shit Smash Into Pieces has a couple one of which has cocaine in the title) but it's still not teally like what it was in the 60s through 90s and even early 00s. That and of the ones i've seen a fair bit tend to go for cigs and alcohol. Hell i've seen Johann and Henrik from Amaranthe and CAHS from SIP smoke on their ig stories and down beers mid concert (CAHS also brought out a whole bottle of champagne or wine on stage the last time i saw em live). But that's almost nothin compared to bein accused of doin hard drugs
Also it's hella fuckin interestin that mainstream pop singers can sing about drugs (and also sex) and talk/sing about their personal struggles with them without bein demonized but god fuckin forbid a rock/metal band does the same even if they've never fuckin used before. It's so fuckin stupid
Yeah we are living in a different era, and also i totally think bands can drink on stage too if they want, is society scandalizing that now? Pre pandemic i was a regular of punk shows and I literally cannot think of one where there wasn't at least a beer being had between songs, and like so what!? and also that accusation was just. clearly malicious. it wasn't even the case of someone being ignorant and seeing a still and jumping to a wild ass conclusion (not that that would be acceptable either) but instead rather, a still pulled from video, a frame chosen specifically to fit an agenda, its just such an ugly thing to do, Im glad Måneskin were able to be cleared swiftly because what the FUCK. and OH BOYYY DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED on lyrics. or I will spiral off into my rant about all the shit takes i had to read on my newsfeed saying Dark Side by Blind Channel is "a terrible Nu-Metal anthem glorifying abuse of alcohol and suicidal ideation on the world stage" meanwhile pop artists can sing about partying and wanting to die young and thats just "the song of the summer!"
People outside of alternative music take such assumptions from visual cues, when fucking punks/metalheads/rockers are some of the kindest most chill fuckers ive ever met, meanwhile, to turn a stereotype on its head, the people ive known who are trying to break into pop music are literally the worst, and are the ones to always say shit like "thats just the industry baby" to justify it. In conclusion, my point in video form via Blind Channel themselves:
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doberbutts · 3 years
Yeah, I used to be allergic to clothes too. Now I'm mostly? Over it? But it might be coming back very slightly considering the I'm allergic to my socks thing. I can wear certain socks and I should probably only wear those. I also have the problem of if I don't wear pants my legs get very very very itchy like they're allergic to air, but I've also been dealing with my back and chest are kinda itchy here and there for one or two weeks now and I'm worried I may be getting allergic to certain fabrics again...I really hope It's not me being allergic to my shirts again. I also had to stop getting vaccines after I reacted really badly as a kid but in a different way, but my allergies have gotten better enough that I think now I can get the really important ones, if I'm careful and spread them out and have somebody to watch me, and I don't get the one I reacted to at all. I think it was a good idea not to when I was little and my allergies were so severe, and it's good that I'm at a point where I might be able to now. I got the covid vaccine and I got a fever of 102 + weird my body is weird symptoms but I was okay. I could tell I was going to react strongly to it too after I got the first one. I'm just lucky I'm at a point where I can do that now when I couldn't really before, and I just have to be selective and careful with what I can get. It's difficult when that's not as clear cut and simple as Just getting a shot and it's a lot more complicated than that if you can even get it.
It sounds like you also have dry skin! What helped me for a while was a steroid cream (rx required) for eczema and a fragrance-free lotion that was mostly just vitamin E, but YMMV. I remember that giving me a huge amount of relief to the constant itching of my childhood.
I'm not really allergic to clothes anymore but I also have taken a lot of control regarding when and where I wear clothes as well as what textures I buy so I have been able to minimize things that way as well. And thankfully I found an easy and affordable laundry solution that doesn't immediately make my entire skin very upset. But for the most part I do solve the problem by just being naked whenever possible and wearing the softest, loosest fitting clothes I can when naked is not an option.
So I was sort of the opposite- I was able to be fully vaccinated without much issue when I was little, but then as I aged I became less and less tolerant of shots. When I got the hepatitis vaccine in high school, I ended up in the ER three weeks later with so much swelling, redness, and pain in my entire arm and that side of my back that I could barely move. It took another three weeks to get back to normal. That was my first warning sign, I think, that something wasn't right. I'd always had a weird reaction to the flu shot, but nothing so severe until that one. Then I got the pneumonia vaccine, and nothing happened... and then later that year I got the flu shot that gave me such bad pneumonia I ended up in the hospital.
We'd been doing these vaccines because during a blood workup we discovered that my white blood cell count was basically zero. Paired with the other symptoms- my stomach rejecting any and all food, my hair was falling out, my fingernails were deteriorating, I was losing weight rapidly, and my skin was beginning to be covered in open sores, this pointed to a major immune system freakout and one that was the closest brush with death I'd ever had. They tested me for HIV, they tested me for cancer, they tested me for lupus, they tested me for TB, they tested me for crohn's, they tested me for C-diff, and eventually we circled around to "you must have some other genetic immune thing that's interacting poorly with MCAS" and started throwing vaccines at me to see if that would get my body to restart my immune system as part of an experimental treatment.
Which unfortunately worked a little too well.
At this time, I did not yet know I'd been flagged as a newborn for likely having CAH, and my mother decidedly did not say anything to my doctors while they were trying to figure out why my body was trying very hard to die simply due to the stress of getting a sinus infection and a stomach bug while in my last semester of my third year of college.
And that puts me in a difficult spot, because when I get sick I get real sick, but also when I get a vaccination I also get real sick, so I'm stuck either way.
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heniro · 5 years
something that is no longer new, he must examine it.
when Widya pushed aside the curtain, he saw Nur, sitting in a wooden chair, his eyes staring straight at where Widya stood, he still wore his white prayer as if, he had just performed his prayer and had not removed his prayer, only, why did he sit quietly like that.
"Nur" what are you doing? " said Widya.
Nur is still silent, her eyes are like those of an empty person.
at that moment, Widya saw Nur bowing her head in that sitting position, as if she had fallen asleep on her wooden chair. made Widya panic, approached him.
Widya shook his body, but Nur did not flinch, when Widya tried to touch his cold skin, Nur woke up and glared at Widya, his gaze, like someone who was very angry.
"Cah Ayu" (beautiful child) is the first thing Widya hears from Nur, it's just that, his voice, it's not Nur's voice. his voice resembled an aging woman. shrill, making Widya resident immediately stood up.
however, when Widya tried to leave, his hand was already gripped very strongly.
"I feel happy," (like living here)
Widya did not answer a word, his voice reminded him of his own grandmother, really shrill.
"yo opo cah ayu, Wes grasping badarawuhi" (what about beautiful children, already know the watchman here)
Widya starts crying.
"Lo lo lo, cah ayu ra by crying, not neat" (beautiful children not allowed to cry) His eyes were still glaring, Widya's wrists were gripped by Nur's fingernails.
"cah lanang sing ngganteng iku ae wes know you kale Badarawuhi" (that handsome boy already knows him)
"Nur" said Widya while he could not contain his fear anymore, the atmosphere in the room was really new this time could make Widya this scared.
"iling Nur iling" (conscious Nur aware)
Nur laughed louder, her laughter really resembled laughter which made Widya afraid of silence.
"Your crew doesn't understand me, sopo me" (you don't understand who I am?)
"mbok think, Grandma, don't bother me, cah ndablek the model concomitant gowo Bolo alus who touch isok nyilokoi my putu 'me, me, sing jogo Nur until I see, I can't tell, Bolo alus nyedeki my daughter. understand"
(You think, if there is no me, a bad boy like your friend who has brought a guard here can harm my grandson, I who have been guarding him, I will not let them approach my granddaughter. understand)
"nyilokoi nopo to mbah" (how harmful?)
"cah ayu, your camera siji will ra isok back. grandmother your crew is aware, opo sing will be kedaden, not ilingno, handsome iku, will gowo ciloko, dragging kabeh and petoko nang deso iki"
(beautiful child, one of your friends will not be able to come back, if you are not aware, everything will happen, remind the child, who is carrying a disaster if he let everything will hit the stone in this village)
after saying that, Nur shouted very loudly, then fell flat.
Widya carried Nur back to his room, waited for him until he woke up from his stupor, and sure enough, he didn't know why he could fall asleep, maybe too carried away during prayer.
Nur told me when she was at the cottage, when she had to enjoy her prayers, usually she fell asleep.
who knows what Widya was thinking, until suddenly he asked the thing Nur most disliked
"Since when can you see something like that?"
Initially, Nur was uncomfortable, did not want to tell, until when Widya waited for him, Nur said, since he was a student, he could see it, because he had to
"There are unseen" Nur said, "in fact, there are people who guard, there are different types, there are evil, some are good, some are just following, some are just hitching a ride through"
"Your crew is Onok Sing Jogo?" (Do you have a guard?) asked Widya.
"jarene onok" (he said there was) said Nur, his voice was soft, as if he didn't want to answer.
"why is it jarene" (why does it say)
"I don't know, Wid, I'm on my way to Durunge Metu, press Pondok, Jarene, Sing Jogo Me, Wujud'e Mbah Doc, My Mbah Biyen)
(I've never seen it directly, I was told my friend before coming out of the cottage, he said, his form resembles my grandmother's)
after hearing that, Widya only heard Nur, told her about her experiences during her hospitalization, however, Widya thought more about other things.
23 Days, already passed, every day, Widya's feelings are getting worse, starting from one by one the people who helped the proker started not coming one by one, reportedly they fell ill, strangely, it happened in their group proker, which deals with Sinden.
Once, Widya heard indirectly, that this was all because his Sinden contained a curse, but Pak Prabu insisted it was a myth, superstition, something that made the people of his village outdated.
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kirayamidemon · 7 years
Shenanigans When the Mag7 Boys Play CAH Part 28
Emma: I arrive for one of these aT LAST.
Faraday: Amuse me
Emma: Wanna hear a joke?
Faraday: Yes?
Emma: It's the story of your life :)
Faraday: Emma
Faraday: I am...Rude
Emma: No, you're Faraday.
-Billy wins the round-
Faraday: I wasted my thigh card
Emma: Your thighs are quite...
Emma: Magnificent.
Faraday: Why thank you
Emma: A dollop of sour cream... if you know what I mean.
Faraday: No?
Emma: Of all people, Faraday doesn't know what I mean.
Faraday: You wanna dress my thighs up Emma?
Emma: I hereby revoke your 'world's greatest lover' title.
Faraday: You can't do that
Emma: Too late. It's removed. Your thighs can stay, your title can't.
Faraday: I will shoot you
Emma: Try me, Faraday.
Emma: Oh hey, what's this in your underwear drawer?
Faraday: A gun
Goodnight: ....I believe I need a cigarette....
McCann: I think I need a drink
Card: Before I run for president, I must destroy all evidence of my involvement with ________
Faraday: President Faraday
McCann: That's a horrible idea
Faraday: Is not
Billy: Does not have a ring to it.
Faraday: Does too
Emma: A bad one.
Faraday: No
Goodnight: More like a loud ring of a gong
Faraday: Lies
Card: This is the way the world ends\This is the way the world ends\Not with a bang but with ______
Faraday: No it ends with a bang
Emma: It's not that bad. I must say Sam's is better, though.
Faraday: What..?
McCann: ......
Goodnight: *overdramatic gasp*
Billy: Goody, I told you.
Goodnight: Billy, please.
Goodnight: Now is not the time.
Goodnight: Everything I know is a lie.
Emma: Although! On a scale of ass greatness
Emma: Billy takes the cake.
Goodnight: ....
Billy: ...
Faraday: Emma
McCann: ,...
Emma: Am I wrong?
Emma: Consider, my good Faraday;
Emma: Billy uses knives, yes?
Emma: The rest of you just stand around shooting at people.
Faraday: Yeah.
Emma: Billy has to get up close and personal, therefore he has to move more.
Goodnight: ....
Emma: Therefore, his ass is going to be a good amount of muscled and pert because of it.
Emma: Goody.
Emma: Billy has the best ass, yae or nae?
Billy: She's going to make the thing from your book, Goody.
Goodnight: Oh Lord.
Billy: The one from all the people parts.
Faraday: Guys I cannot breathe
McCann: Breathe Faraday
Emma: In through the nose, out through the mouth Faraday.
Faraday: Help me Goody I need some good stuff
Billy: This is why we shouldn't help him.
Billy: No.
Faraday: No
Faraday: Please
Faraday: And I know he is not small because...Guys just know that
Emma: OH HOOO.
Faraday: Kill me
Emma: Friends don't peer at friends dicks.
Billy: I did.
Billy: We're not friends anymore.
Goodnight: ....Yeah they do.
Faraday: They do if they are curious
McCann: There are such things as size competition sometimes
Faraday: Exactly
Emma: A hah... Looks like we've got a three way goin' on.
Faraday: NO
Goodnight: BILLY RUN
Billy: Goody...
Faraday: RUN
Billy: Help
Billy: I need the help now.
Goodnight: FUCK
Emma: Wiggle dat ass, Faraday
Faraday: No. its my ass and I will not *hiccups* Be wiggling it
Billy: We're abandoning you
Faraday: Mom dad don't leave me
Goodnight: MISS EMMA
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intersex-support · 2 years
I know you're not answering anymore asks tonight but it's chronic illness anon here with an insane update that I still don't know how to process: there's a type of EDS that is directly related to CAH(including NCAH) called CAH-X that explains every single chronic illness symptom I have ever had. It's literally a perfect fit. It's honestly a bit eerie how well it fits all my symptoms.
It is also, unfortunately, an under-studied disorder. So I can probably get all the individual parts of it diagnosed (the POTS and IBS and EDS) but I will likely never find a doctor that I can actually go to that will be able to recognize the whole thing.
I just thought you would find this information interesting! I definitely did!! And I found all of this out because you shared some resources with me. You are doing amazing work and I wish nothing but the best for you!!
I had just found that out while doing a bit more research after you sent in your original ask, and it totally blew my mind!!! I'm really glad that I could help point you towards some resources and help you figure out that this fit all your symptoms. It doesn't surprise me that it's understudied, but still, that's a bit frustrating.
Anyway, really glad you could figure this out anon and thanks for sharing!!!
-Mod E
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