iam-57311 · 16 days
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Lou Jitsu and sons
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superxstarzz · 16 days
Knight of mind × bard of rage, go
insert shitty greenscreen explosion effect
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bloodhailvamp · 1 year
A complete guide to having everything you want in life.
- This is a reminder for me because I feel like I've been overconsuming and really want to get back to the roots. Hope this helps you as well in creating the life of your dreams.
🌷 We'll go in steps, this is the order I like to follow, of course you can switch it up to whatever fits you.
1. Your self-concept (I AM):
Your narrative of yourself creates your entire reality. It's as simple as that. What story do you have of yourself? Is it one of a victim or that of a winner? To change your life for the better, your story, your self-concept needs to change. YOU are the operant power, YOU get to decide your story. Make this work for you. Decide all what you wish to BE AND DECLARE THAT YOU ARE IT. "I AM". Your words and imagination are your biggest tools. You are who you assume yourself to be. If you constantly affirm for an SP but your story of yourself says that you have a difficult time with love, guess what? The affirming is mindless. Do it with intention. Where intention goes, energy flows. No matter what it is, enter the state of I AM. I AM LOVE, I AM ABUNDANCE, I AM PEACE so on and so forth. Be it. Become it. Become one with I AM. Be fulfilled knowing that the power is in you, the kingdom of heaven is in you.
2. Know what you desire (or don't):
You can either have a list of your desires, vague or detailed or just know what you wish to feel. It's up to you. Most people like having a list so they know what to focus on. Knowing what you want can also help you stay strong in your faith which brings me to my next point.
3. Stay strong in your faith:
Stop fucking wavering. You are blessed to know about the law, don't you see how lucky you are? You have the knowledge and power to create your dream life. Don't fucking let it go because of some minor disruption or inconvenience. You need to persist. Not in any particular affirmation but in the belief of the law. In the belief that you are the creator. That you can get anything and everything that you want. Be hardcore. Be relentless till it becomes a part of you. Till you are 110% confident in your power. Step into the state of IAm-ness. Some people call it the neutral spot. Here you let go of limiting beliefs. You completely trust yourself and your power. This is your base, your equilibrium.
4. Learn to meditate, focus and visualise:
Neville Goddard talks about how you need to create in your mind's eye the situation you wish to happen in your reality. Give it to yourself in the 4D because anything and everything is possible in the 4D and the 3D is simply a mirror of the 4D. But remember, NG wrote and spoke about this when he had already reached a point where this was easy and natural for him. As a beginner, practice your ability to imagine. Meditate often to calm your objective mind so you can create peacefully. Be as vivid as possible in your 4D, your reality. You can do absolutely anything in it so why half-ass it? You're the painter and the canvas is all yours to do whatever.
5. Assume it's yours, live in the end:
Once you desire something, it's already yours. Get that into your head. You don't have to "try to bring it to you / create it". It's already yours, in a different timeline. That's why you can even desire it, some version of you has it, you just need to tune into that. You want something? You already have it. It's all yours. Don't check your 3D if you have it. Assume it's yours. It's always been yours to keep. Just accept it's yours already. Act like you have it. Look at it from a place of fulfillment not lack. You already have it in your 4D and like I said, the 3D is just a mirror.
6. Give thanks:
You have your desire the minute you think of it. What does a blessed person do? They give thanks! Be grateful, it's been scientifically proven that consistent feelings of gratitude make you a happier person. Give thanks because you already have your desires.
7. Don't overconsume:
This is a very important one. Like everything else you learn, the law too needs to be implemented. Reading about it is not enough. Implement it in your own life, stop doubting if you know enough. You can make the law work for you. You think God wonders if what he's doing is the right technique? No. Just start doing what feels right. There is no wrong way to manifest. If you've got your basic concepts right, just go for it. You're the one in control, you don't need a 3rd person to hold your hand.
♡ Ending notes:
I want to end by saying that manifesting is something we were born to do. Don't make it harder than it needs to be. Tap into your intuition, connect with your higher self and the path will light up for you. Your subconscious mind is anxiously waiting for you to tap into its creative powers. It's waiting to serve you. Say the word and it is done. Don't overthink it. You are absolutely limitless. The only thing standing between you and living your dream life is you so get out of your own way and go live life to the fullest. You deserve it.
>> Like and reblog to share the message and help more people! Thanks for reading till the end. Hope you enjoyed it. Go create. 🩷
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thefairyfanartsblog · 6 months
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Tenía que dibujar a mi padre
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raindrop-righteous · 1 year
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oooh rainbows oooh
not much to say other then they’re all silly and i love them
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mstudi0s · 8 days
✨️ Neville Goddard Qoutes :
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An awakened imagination works with a purpose. It creates and conserves the desirable, and transforms or destroys the undesirable.
Assume the feeling of your wish fulfilled and observe the route that your attention follows.
Dare to believe in the reality of your assumption and watch the world play its part relative to its fulfillment.
Nothing comes from without; all things come from within - from the subconscious.
For life makes no mistakes and always gives man that which man first gives himself.
If you judge after appearances, you will continue to be enslaved by the evidence of your senses.
I will be” is a confession that “I am not “ The Father's will is always “I AM.” Until you realize that YOU are the Father (there is only one I AM and your infinite self is that I AM), your will is always “I will be.
Imagination and faith are the secrets of creation.
Sleep conceals the creative act while the objective world reveals it. In sleep, man impresses the subconscious with his conception of himself.
Only as one is willing to give up his present limitations and identity can he become that which he desires to be.
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gamat3000 · 2 months
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Cheers to Christina Carreira for being the only woman to get a level 4 in the one-foot step sequence in the FD competition at #WorldsMTL24!! 👏🏼 Amazing work ✨
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lovealexhunt · 19 days
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I am... Mental Health Awareness Month
I've spent a while trying to decide what I wanted to share this mental health awareness month. I've shared self-care tips before. I've shared positive affirmations. I've shared my story. I've shared resources. I talked about fandom bullying and anon hate, as well as respecting fandom space and not being someone's friend. I could have done all of those things again, but I wanted something different. So I had the thought of just reframing thoughts on mental health and even our own view of our struggles. 
Mental health struggles are often shadowed by stigma and shame. Even though the conversation has shifted over the past several years, there is still so much more that needs to be changed and addressed.
I can't speak for anyone other than myself, but I know that even when I post about my struggles with anxiety, depression, OCD, and suicidal ideations, I still personally feel shame. I still feel there is something "wrong" with me. I still wish it could be different. That thinking is keeping me from getting past my struggles. I don't think I'm alone here.
It's time to reclaim our narratives and celebrate our victories because that's what we're doing every day. I might still struggle every single day but I'm here! I am resilient strong and victorious in my struggle. And if you're reading this, and have struggled yourself, you are all those things too! You are here and that is such a wonderful thing and it's something to celebrate!
Every journey through mental health challenges is unique, but within each story lies moments of courage, resilience, and triumph. By reframing our experiences as success stories, we not only acknowledge the strength it takes to navigate these challenges but also inspire hope in others. Let's shift the conversation from one of struggle to one of empowerment, where we highlight the milestones achieved, the lessons learned, and the growth we have made. 
So here is my challenge for you this mental health awareness month, take a moment to claim your victory. If you feel comfortable, join me in sharing your mental health successes (no matter how big or small). Healing is possible. We are not defined by our struggles. We are resilient and courageous!
Take a moment to find your "I am" statement(s). Claim your victory and remind yourself you are so much more than what your mind tells you. There are many to choose from in the images above but there is also a blank one if you'd like to make your own! 
Need help? International Emergency & Suicide Hotlines for over 100 countries
[other mental health posts and resources by me]
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youareinbarbados · 4 months
After looking at your posts and re-reading some books and lectures of Neville's, I sat down for a time and thought: if I had this thing or where in that state, what would I be thinking about throughout the day?
If it were money, I wouldn't be thinking how I would get it or where it would come from. I would be thinking okay I want to invest here or I want to buy this or go on this trip - whatever things one would do with money. (I liked how you've mentioned actually showing an interest by doing research on banks and such.)
If it were about having certain physical changes (something I see lots of people talking about here on tumblr), I wouldn't be thinking about how I need to do these things to lose/gain weight (or whatever physical change); instead I might think about how I need to go buy new clothes that fit because I lost too much weight and vice versa (and this in my mind could help further solidify having the wealth to be able to buy such things).
If it were wanting a home, I'd think about the renovations I want to make (again solidifying having the means to do so which I think helps with people who seek financial freedom and security).
And of course, with any relationship (not just an sp but friends and family too), I'd be thinking about maybe things we would be doing together or gifts I'd get them or funny things they said. Just some examples of popular things I see people wanting to "manifest."
Your work has really helped clarify that this is what Neville is talking about (and other great teachers like Joseph Murphy) when he says think from. It really is giving one's self permission to say I have this so I will think from having it already instead of thinking how can I get it which puts you in the state of not having. States are really as simple as having/being and not having/being. I spent a great deal of time thinking of and wondering why nothing changed and now have realized all I need to change is myself by letting myself think from having such already.
Again thank you. I hope some of the others lurking here on tumblr find your posts and have that light bulb moment 💡will continue to look forward to your insights and fresh perspective on the law and Neville's wonderful work!
It's my privilege to have given you something of use, friend!
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imagineannemorgan · 2 months
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More snow day details. I also just got the dlc for it.
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iam-57311 · 22 days
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crazy, the difference twenty years can make
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santtalgis · 2 months
why are you such a lmm fangirl ? /neg
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selflovebystephen · 2 months
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lifeisntfuckiingeasy · 3 months
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thecicadasong · 1 month
I forget how lost you are,
As I sit unfurled upon lotus blossom.
For only a moment I dip my toe into the river of blame,
The agony a ball of swords too sharp and stained to hold.
I forget so easily this is all you know;
I forget you have forgot the blossom of the lotus.
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