environotes · 6 years
fun fact: when i’m studying and stressed i sometimes put on my spanish honor society cord to prove to myself that yes, i actually am smart and yes, this all nighter is going to be fucking worth it. so go turn john mulaney back on and get back to your fucking flashcards dumbass
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breeatlarge-blog · 7 years
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As a former IB-centric studyblr (see Exhibit A here), I think that it is fair to say that I am a pretty strong IB advocate. There was nothing I loved more than pushing drafts of my Extended Essay at my mentor, complaining about CAS reflections and pretending to understand the complexities of TOK. But as May rolled around and my confidence in my abilities began to roll into July, I was in for the shocked of my life: instead of passing the program with my predicted academic achievement of 34/45, I just passed the program entirely, finishing with a score of 28/45. I was pretty shocked to say the least. As a toast to my astonishing academic feat, fake philosophy TOK and CAS social statuses on ManageBac: here’s 6 things I learned from almost failing IB, one point for every one that I lost in final exams.
Your grades do not define who you are: 80% exams and 20% moderated internal assessments? Where is the value in that classwork, discussion and studying? Is it all down the drain from here? Chemistry maybe. (Just a joking art-business student here.) Something that I really learned to appreciate is the versatility and application of studies that IB ingrains in their students. A combination of luck and talented teachers, my love for economics and business stems almost entirely from classroom discussions and case studies in Economics HL. I knew that business studies were for me as soon as I finished my first commentary.
Measure your pride not in how others judge your success, but in how you feel you have progressed: I think over the course of my two years in this program, I submitted over 4 drafts of my work to my Extended Essay mentor. While most students groan at the thought of a credit-less assignment, I could not be more excited to explore something I was interested in academically, not to mention having the motivation and opportunity to share it with others. At my graduation ceremony when I was asked to share the thing I was most proud of, I did not hesitate to say my Extended Essay. Does it suck to go from a B to a D? Absolutely. But that doesn’t discount the fact that I worked my ass off on that paper and I know that my mentor loved what I wrote. I gained a greater appreciate for literature and anthropology and honestly right now: that’s all I really need.
Don’t judge the dropouts: I will not be the first to admit that IB students sometimes have an elitist attitude when it comes to academics (especially compared to AP and regular program students). Sure, my program may be internationally-focused, but that’s no more than a few works in translation books in literature class or case studies in economics. At the end of the day, external markers control 100% of your grade (IAs are moderated, do not ever forget it) and if you’re like me, those same AP or regular program students you were putting down probably graduated with a higher average than you.
Your teachers are human too: One of my favorite things about IB is that everyone really is a team working together to have a greater success rate. It’s rarely you versus your teacher. I graduated knowing that my teachers did the best they could possibly do for me and it’s such a toss up what results in the end.
Keep your personal life on hold during the academic season: One of my biggest regrets for several reasons is that right around exams, I had a major falling out with my best friend and confidante of four years. It sucked, as most breakups do, but the worst part is that when I should have been focusing more on studying, I could barely get out of bed. Friendships are forever until nobody talks anymore and those grades that got you into university could have also resulted in making new friends.
Choose your friends diversely: So my strength is in languages and social sciences, but the way I designed my IB program focused heavily on the natural sciences and engineering. My closest friends and I were complete opposites which made up for great conversations and interesting perspectives. Through them, I gained a deep appreciation for science and mathematics. Even though these subjects may not be my favourites, I will always look to them with an open mind.
What advice would you share with high school students about your experience? I know that really hit home for me is the ability to reflect and journal. (Damn CAS for actually teaching me something useful in the end!)
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co2018 · 7 years
Hey, um, other people who have interviewed with admissions counselors, have you ever gotten a thank you note for interviewing? I’m very confused and kind of freaking out.
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study-with-nina · 6 years
I was tagged by the lovely @studyaphrodittw <3
RULES: Bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, and tag nine people! AIR: I have small hands • I love the night sky • I watch small animals and birds when I pass them by • I drink herbal tea • I wake to see dawn • The smell of dust is comforting • I’m valued for being wise • I prefer books to music • I meditate • I find joy in learning new truths from the world around me FIRE: I don’t have straight hair • I like to wear ripped jeans and overalls • I play an organized sport • I love dogs • I am not afraid of adventure • I love to talk to strangers • I always try new foods • I enjoy road trips • Summer is my favorite season • My radio is always playing WATER: I wear bracelets on my wrists • I love the bustle of the city • I have more than one set of piercings • I read poetry • I love the sound of a thunderstorm • I want to travel the world • I sleep past midnight most days • I love dimly lit diners and fluorescent signs • I rewatch kids’ shows out of nostalgia • I see emotions in colors not words EARTH: I wear glasses • I enjoy doing the laundry • I am a vegetarian or vegan • I have an excellent sense of time • My humor is very cheerful • I am a valued advisor to my friends • I believe in true love • I love the chill of mountain air • I’m always listening to music • I am highly trusted by the people in my life AETHER: I go without makeup in my daily life • I make my own artwork • I keep on track of my tasks and time• I always know true north • I see beauty in everything • I can always smell flowers • I smile at everyone I pass by • I always fear history repeating itself • I have recovered from a mental disorder •I can love unconditionally 
I tag @areistotle, @academicsapphic, @helixstudies, @constelltions, @busyoverlording, @honeysail, @ibwater, and anyone else who wants to do it (:
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colbystudies · 7 years
Music Tag Game
Thank you @ploverstudies, @lilithstudiess @phantomstudies, @scientificarum, for tagging me!
rules: put your music library on shuffle, list the first 10 songs and tag 20 people
1. Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) - Nancy Sinatra
2. Don’t Bring Me Down - Electric Light Orchestra
3. The Name of the Game - ABBA
4. One Day / Reckoning Song (Wankelmut Remix) (Radio Edit) - Asaf Avidan & The Mojos
5. Camp Ivanhoe Cadence Medley - Moonrise Kingdom OST
6. Flesh without Blood - Grimes
7. Good Vibrations - The Beach Boys
8. Razzle Dazzle - Chicago OST
9. Baby Love - The Supremes
10. Young and Beautiful - Lana Del Rey
Tagging the last 20 people in my activity:
@away-i-gogh, @sapphiccstudies, @liloandcakeaf, @noctstudies, @saturdaystudiies, @productivebuddy, @busybusinessstudent, @vallerika2, @adaboystudies, @focus-simmone, @azariagferrer, @studyblr, @ibwater, @puugu-place, @awkwardstagesofawkward, @avocadosattlaw, @mangolea-ves, @astudyincoffee, @jadeariel, and @sirenestudies.
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studytune · 7 years
how do i join the student athlete network, I'm a pole vaulter and an XC runner (ibwater is my studyblr)
check out the network page here. there’s a link to the application on the site! (look at the desktop version of the network)
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vin-studies · 7 years
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Environmental Systems and Societies
ESS Syllabus + Guide
ESS Notes - mrgscience.com
Vocab - Quizlet (82 Terms)
Vocab - Quizlet (92 Terms)
Vocab - Quizlet (102 Terms)
Vocab - Quizlet (82 Terms)
Past Papers - TesTeach (2012-2016)
ESS Videos - Cara Marlowe
Crash Course - Thermodynamics
Crash Course - Entropy
Crash Course - Ecology Playlist
Mathematical Studies Syllabus
Mathematical Studies Past Papers (ALL 2008 & 2009 PAPERS)
Mathematical Studies Past Papers (2013 PAPERS)
Mathematical Studies Formula Booklet
Math Standard Level Syllabus
Math Standard Level Past Papers (2013 PAPERS)
Math Standard Level Formula Booklet
Math Higher Level Syllabus
Math Higher Level Past Papers (2013 PAPERS)
Math Higher Level Formula Booklet
Math Standard Level - VIDEOS
MATH VIDEOS - mathbff on Youtube
MATH VIDEOS - mathhelp.com on Youtube
MATH VIDEOS - khanacademy on Youtube
Business Management
BM Notes and Study Guides (HL&SL) - PrepScholar
Business Management HL Syllabus
BM Formula Booklet
4.3 SALES FORECASTING - Prezi (Deborah Kelly)
4.3 SALES FORECASTING - Bracken’s IB Business
My Explanation on Moving Averages (3-year and 4-year)
Exam Preparation
ECO VIDEOS - EconplusDal on Youtube
Economics Syllabus
Economics Past Papers (2008, 2009, 2014)
Economics Notes and Study Guides (HL&SL) - PrepScholar
Revision - TheIBEconomist
Economics Notes - ibstudy.wixsite
Crash Course PCB Masterpost
Biology Syllabus + Guide
Biology Past Papers (2008, 2010)
Vocab - Quizlet (88 Terms)
Notes - ibworld.me
Lab Format
IA Example
Bio Notes and Study Guides (HL&SL) - PrepScholar
Biology HL Sources
Crash Course Psychology Playlist
Psychology Syllabus
Psychology Past Papers
Notes, Essays, Articles 
Crash Course PCB Masterpost
Physics Syllabus + Guide
Physics Past Papers (2014)
Physics Formula Booklet
Physics Notes and Study Guides (HL&SL) - PrepScholar
Notes - ibphysicsstuff
Lab Format
IA Example
IA Ideas
Vocab - Quizlet (247 Terms)
Vocab HL - Quizlet (124 Terms)
Crash Course PCB Masterpost
Chemistry Syllabus + Guide
Past Papers
Chemistry Formula Booklet
Chemistry Notes and Study Guides (HL&SL) - PrepScholar
Vocab HL - Quizlet (80 Terms)
Lab Format
Sample IA
Notes - newburyparkhighschool
How to make a great TOK presentation - Pavel Ivanov, PhD
How to Structure a Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Presentation - IBMastery
Sample TOK Presentation 
Sample TOK Essay
TOK Essay Structure 
Sample Exam Papers - IBO.org
IB Study Tips
IBSurvival.com - Forums, Files
IB Studyblrs (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
A-Levels or IB? Masterpost
IB Memes
(please feel free to add more links in case I missed any!) 
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revisicn · 7 years
Holy shit dude thanks for the reblog, (i'm @ibwater)! I just got home from track and I have 7 new followers!
Happy to help!! 💕 💕
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environotes · 6 years
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I’m graduating in 6 Days so #treatyoself
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co2018 · 7 years
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Hi guys! So on July 26 I attended the July Advisory Day(JAD) at The College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts. The goal of JAD is to give students guidance and knowledge to help them navigate the college admissions process, specifically in relation to the essay and the interview. I got a lot of valuable information out of it and figured I’d share it with you!
There are two types of interviews, informational and evaluative. Evaluative has more weight in your decision while informational has less weight. Most schools only offer one of the and schools place different values on the interview. Some don’t have them, some are optional, and some require interviews. It depends on the college. 
Know when you have to interview by for Early Decision/Early Action and for Regular Decision! Don’t leave it for the last minute!
You aren’t being quizzed, but you should have some knowledge about the school you’re interviewing at. For example, you should know school size, class size, academic programs and extracurriculars that you might be interested and a little bit about the college in general.
Like I said, you aren’t being quizzed, this is a conversation between you and the interviewer. You won’t be asked, “If you were a tree, what kind of tree would (haha) you be and why?” You’re going to be asked about yourself, your interests, your academics, extracurriculars.
Bring a resume to the interview with your education, including the classes you took junior year and are taking senior year, your extracurriculars, any awards or honors you’ve received and service and outreach you’ve done. Give this to the interviewer and they will most likely put this in your admissions file and will help them if the conversation gets stuck!
Dress professionally. Not a $300 suit, but aim for business casual. Guys: khakis and a nice button up in warm weather, switch to navy and maybe add a jacket when it gets cold. Gals: A nice skirt(not a mini skirt, a few inches above the knee max) and top or dress is nice. You don’t need heels so wear what you’re comfortable in. Non-Binary Pals: Take whatever you like from the above two and make it your own. Your expression is your own. Don’t wear sneakers, flip flops, ripped jeans, graphic t-shirts, etc.
Be polite. Make eye contact, don’t swear, thank the interviewer at the end. Show a bit more courtesy than you normally would. 
Follow up the interview with a thank you email/thank you note promptly. 
Write about what you want, if everyone thinks you should write about one thing but you don’t want to, don’t. The admissions office wants to hear your voice and hear the story that you want to tell.
The Common App/Coalition App prompts are a guide. You don’t have to exactly answer the question.
Don’t try to use fancy words to make yourself sound smarter. Be a polished version of you, not Charles Dickens. 
Avoid the “we lost the state game and I learned about teamwork,” “I had a bad sports injury,” and the, “Grandma inspires me” cliche. The admissions officers will tune it out. Sorry.
Write about you. They’re very proud of your friend for doing X but how does that help them get to know you?
Be creative, but make sure that the metaphors you use work and can be understood easily.
Start early and write multiple drafts.
Did I mention proofread?
That’s more or less what was discussed at the admissions session, if you have any questions about this, or Holy Cross or what I’m up to you can message me on @ibwater or on here and just include my name and blog in the ask or message! 
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desistudent · 8 years
hi. I'm @ibwater on here and I just wanted to say welcome to the community!
Thank you so much!!
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environotes · 6 years
ibwater >> environotes
i graduated high school and am off to university, so something better suited to my intended major seemed like a good idea
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environotes · 6 years
I’m free everyone! I finished my exams!
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environotes · 6 years
Release – An Original Poem
A mid day storm gathers. Mighty gray giants amassing above Threaten to open their barrage any second. Tumultuous downpours and earth shaking thunder Are the promises above.
But they do not come.  The clouds release their burden, Sending it to earth in a million kisses, Nurturing and warm, It promises a brighter tomorrow. 
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environotes · 6 years
all i want to do is work on my story but exams are coming up and i caaaannn’t
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environotes · 7 years
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For those who wanted to see my study schedule for IB exams, here it is. I’ll break down the process under the cut. 
1. Write out general school schedule, days off, when exams are, half days etc.
2. Assign a color to each subject. I kept it consistent with my binders except for psychology because yellow doesn’t show up very well. 
3. Count back from exams. This is where you have to know your strong and weak points and the general info about the exams. I know that Math is one of my weaker subjects and history and psych are both knowledge intensive so I scheduled them more. 
4. Decide on an amount of time to study each topic each week(written next to Sunday in black ink). I started slow and increased it until exams when it switched to “quick overview”. If by the day before the exam you don’t feel ready, feel free to review differently. 
5. SCHEDULE DAYS OFF. For the love of god, whatever you do give yourself breaks. You can’t go non-stop, let yourself LIVE. 
Also, you’ll notice I don’t have a group IV on here, I took my Chemistry exam last year! 
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