classerole · 7 years
10 years, 10 goals
Tagged by: @ib-stvdies !!! 
Rules: list 10 goals you have for the next 10 years, write it down or save it somewhere you can find it again, then tag 10 people.
1. Pass my a-levels with atleast AAA 
2. Get into med school and study my arse off 
3. Join MSF or a similar charity, and always love the work i do 
4. Pay for my mum to go to Australia so that she can visit her parents (maybe go with her) 
5. Become fully fluent in French, and be good at Arabic 
6. Be vegan and just have a healthy lifestyle that doesn’t feel forced 
7. Be confident in myself and the people I have surrounded myself with 
8. Learn sign language 
9. Actually journal and write about things reguarly 
10. Be happy with who i am 
I TAG: @peachystudying @adulting-isnt-easy @studyingatsunrise @studywithkimberly @emstudies @castillos-co @babyfangirlstudies @studymonday @morganastudies @mugglestudying
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breeatlarge-blog · 7 years
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As a former IB-centric studyblr (see Exhibit A here), I think that it is fair to say that I am a pretty strong IB advocate. There was nothing I loved more than pushing drafts of my Extended Essay at my mentor, complaining about CAS reflections and pretending to understand the complexities of TOK. But as May rolled around and my confidence in my abilities began to roll into July, I was in for the shocked of my life: instead of passing the program with my predicted academic achievement of 34/45, I just passed the program entirely, finishing with a score of 28/45. I was pretty shocked to say the least. As a toast to my astonishing academic feat, fake philosophy TOK and CAS social statuses on ManageBac: here’s 6 things I learned from almost failing IB, one point for every one that I lost in final exams.
Your grades do not define who you are: 80% exams and 20% moderated internal assessments? Where is the value in that classwork, discussion and studying? Is it all down the drain from here? Chemistry maybe. (Just a joking art-business student here.) Something that I really learned to appreciate is the versatility and application of studies that IB ingrains in their students. A combination of luck and talented teachers, my love for economics and business stems almost entirely from classroom discussions and case studies in Economics HL. I knew that business studies were for me as soon as I finished my first commentary.
Measure your pride not in how others judge your success, but in how you feel you have progressed: I think over the course of my two years in this program, I submitted over 4 drafts of my work to my Extended Essay mentor. While most students groan at the thought of a credit-less assignment, I could not be more excited to explore something I was interested in academically, not to mention having the motivation and opportunity to share it with others. At my graduation ceremony when I was asked to share the thing I was most proud of, I did not hesitate to say my Extended Essay. Does it suck to go from a B to a D? Absolutely. But that doesn’t discount the fact that I worked my ass off on that paper and I know that my mentor loved what I wrote. I gained a greater appreciate for literature and anthropology and honestly right now: that’s all I really need.
Don’t judge the dropouts: I will not be the first to admit that IB students sometimes have an elitist attitude when it comes to academics (especially compared to AP and regular program students). Sure, my program may be internationally-focused, but that’s no more than a few works in translation books in literature class or case studies in economics. At the end of the day, external markers control 100% of your grade (IAs are moderated, do not ever forget it) and if you’re like me, those same AP or regular program students you were putting down probably graduated with a higher average than you.
Your teachers are human too: One of my favorite things about IB is that everyone really is a team working together to have a greater success rate. It’s rarely you versus your teacher. I graduated knowing that my teachers did the best they could possibly do for me and it’s such a toss up what results in the end.
Keep your personal life on hold during the academic season: One of my biggest regrets for several reasons is that right around exams, I had a major falling out with my best friend and confidante of four years. It sucked, as most breakups do, but the worst part is that when I should have been focusing more on studying, I could barely get out of bed. Friendships are forever until nobody talks anymore and those grades that got you into university could have also resulted in making new friends.
Choose your friends diversely: So my strength is in languages and social sciences, but the way I designed my IB program focused heavily on the natural sciences and engineering. My closest friends and I were complete opposites which made up for great conversations and interesting perspectives. Through them, I gained a deep appreciation for science and mathematics. Even though these subjects may not be my favourites, I will always look to them with an open mind.
What advice would you share with high school students about your experience? I know that really hit home for me is the ability to reflect and journal. (Damn CAS for actually teaching me something useful in the end!)
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onmygrind101 · 7 years
10 years, 10 goals
his10 Years, 10 Goals
Tagged by: @arctic-biologist
Rules: list 10 goals you have for the next 10 years, write it down or save it somewhere you can find it again, then tag 10 people.
Finish university successfully and graduate with a Ph.D. or doctorate. 
Start working as a biologist or a researcher and contribute my life to science.
Get married to the love of my life and start my own family.
Travel to as many places as I can.
Live in Africa for a few years, like Kenya or Tanzania.
Go on more hiking in different places and do more adventurous stuff.
Get my own house and my own car with the money I earned myself.
Be in the best shape of my life, fit and healthy and looking young and fresh!
Adopt as many animals as I can basically don’t mind having my own little zoo at my house.
Get out my comfort zone and not be afraid to talk to people and be less socially awkward.
Tagging: @liaiblitystudies @problematicprocrastinator @stethoscopesandkaleidoscopes @taenzion-t @cardiacstvdies @studyyoassoff @nerdyravioli @ib-stvdies @hannybstudies
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marias-studyblr · 7 years
Maria do you know of any studiblrs that have an interest or are studying in sign language or languages in general? Please and thank you!!!!😊😊
@silver-studies - Silver, learning German Sign language, among 
@netflix-and-stu-dying blogs about teaching american sign language
@the-notegarden wants to learn British Sign Language in the future!
Sorry I literally couldn’t find anything else on sign language..
Languages in general:
@trying-for-100times - English, French, Spanish and Latin
@ppeachj - Silvia, currently studying korean and russian 
@polyglotwhore - many languages, search in the tag!
@colonelstudy - French (fluent), English (fluent), Mandarin (beginner), Swedish (novice)
@chloestudiessometimes - English (native), learning Japanese and Korean
@the-notegarden - actively learning Japanese, and trying to maintain my level in Swedish
@ib-stvdies - studies French, Finnish, and Dutch, Romanian, Welsh, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Japanese and Latin independently
@sapiophilic - studying Spanish, Catalan and English speaker, learning German, French, Norwegian and Japanese
@notglot - learning German and French
@learnjp -  Sarah, 3rd year of university studying Asian Studies and majoring in Japanese
@study-san - language student
@morgai-study - Katya, learns russian and korean
@miharusblog - studies korean
@mysmall-langblr - learning Swedish, English, Finnish, French, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Latin, Korean and Japanese
@emyrthenerd - Emyr, fluent in English and Welsh, studying Danish and French
I’m sure there are plenty plenty more! Please language students tag yourselves so I can add you!
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minecraftpoet · 7 years
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Hey, friends!
My name is Ella, and I’ve been loitering around the studyblr community for a while now, but this is my first time setting up a real blog of my own. I’m super excited to be here in such a wonderful community!
About me:
Name: Ella Age: fifteen (almost sixteen!) Class: Year 10 (co’ 2019) Location: Australia House: Ravenclaw MBTI: INTJ
Classes I’m taking:
Because in Australia most of your subjects are compulsory until Year 11, I am doing mostly compulsory courses. They are:
- English - Mathematics 5.3 - History - Geography - Science - PDHPE
My two chosen subjects (electives) are:
- French - Music
Hobbies/Stuff I Enjoy
- Listening to and playing music (I play piano, euphonium, trumpet, and vocals) - Reading - Taekwondo - Harry Potter!  - Brooklyn 99 
Why I am starting a studyblr
I’m hoping that starting a studyblr will help me keep on track with a consistent approach to studying and learning. I’m hoping to move schools to a more selective senior campus at the end of this year, and I’ll need to keep my grades up and learn how to be an independent learner for that to happen. Longer term, I would like to study a Bachelors degree in Social Work and gain an academic scholarship to university. I’m hoping that learning to become more disciplined and independent will help with all these things. 
Some Studyblr’s that I love!
@elkstudies @emmastudies @theravenclawstudyblr @kankenstudies @howtomusicmajor @gloomstudy @stvdybuddies @studytherin @ib-stvdies @soymilkstudies @ravenclaw-inspo @medkip
If you’d like, you can like or reblog this and I’ll give you a follow.
See you around! Ella
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allureblr · 7 years
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hello! my name is gladys, i’m 18th years old and i’m from Indonesia.
about me : INFJ. slytherin. gemini. high school graduate
i am a new studyblog and i’m hoping i can make a lot of friends in this community, this is a side blog so if you follow me i will follow you back on my main account @petitecheriee
i am currently living in Portugal to study their beautiful language, so if you’re Portuguese or if you’re familiar with the language please message me so we can be friends and teach each other something 😊 (even if you’re not familiar with the language, please message me too if you wanna talk)
some studyblr that i love :
@ib-stvdies @languageek @gayforlangs @blackteaandlanguages @eintsein @katsdesk @study-languages @studyign @emmastudies
feel free to reblog this, i’ll give you a follow 😊
have a nice day/night💕
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Song tag🎶
I was tagged by @ibthereforeicry (love your url!!) to do a song tag! You are supposed to name the songs you currently love and tag ten people! 
1. Tomorrow Never Came by Lana Del Rey ft. Sean Ono Lennon
2. 13 Beaches - Yes LANA AGAIN
3. Neptune by The Sleeping at Last
4. Liability by Lorde
5. Cherry by Lana Del Rey (I swear, all I listen to is Lust for Life on repeat..)
6. Loft Music by The Weeknd
7. K by Cigarettes After Sex
8. Angela by dvsn
9. Blessed by Daniel Caesar
I am tagging @thechemistrynerd @taenzion-t @studyinginspacetime @rivkahstudies @ib-stvdies @studuology @jessastudies @onmygrind101 @caliberstudies @haleyibstudies 
And of course anyone willing to do it!
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studi-bee · 7 years
The 20 Questions Tag!
thanks so much for tagging me @juliarosedott​!!!
Name: abegael

Nickname: bee

Zodiac sign: aries
Height: 160
Orientation: gay
Country: i’m from the us but i live in germany
Favorite fruit: watermelon!!!! i eat so much watermelon
Favorite season: autumn! i really love when the trees turn colors
Favorite book: alice in wonderland
Favorite flower: any delicate wildflower tbh
Favorite scent: cotton/laundry detergent or vanilla
Favorite color: yellow
Favorite animal: foxes!!!
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: tea
Average hours of sleep: 8-9
Cats or dogs: dogs but i also love cats
Number of blankets you sleep with: depends how cold it is, i just pile on more blankets as the weather gets colder
Dream trip: southern asia
Blog created on: august 13, 2016
Number of followers: 261 (thank you guys!)
most everyone i know on here has already been tagged, so i’m going to tag some studyblrs i’d like to know better! @studious-kiddo, @srslystudying-wu, @nic-biostudies, @aestudyque, @studyblrstuffs, @ib-stvdies, @ttealeaves, @lernend, 
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rivkahstudies · 6 years
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6.18.2018 8:00 AM | lots of prep needed--I’m attending my Boston U orientation this week~
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rivkahstudies · 6 years
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6.27.2018 4:15 PM | It feels so good to study Spanish again. I will have a complete digital vocabulary list up within 48 hours xoxo
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rivkahstudies · 6 years
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6.25.2018 12:30 PM | Sunny day, sunny spread!
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92 Statements Tag
Tagged by: the lovely @thechemistrynerd <— check her out, she is super nice!
RULES: Answer the following 92 statements and tag 20 people afterward!
1. Drink: Water.
2. Phone call: Facetime with my brother.
3. Text message: My best friend.
4. Song you listened to: „This love is over” by Ray LaMontagne.
5. Time you cried: Yesterday.
6. Dated someone twice: Nope.
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: No.
8. Been cheated on: No.
9. Lost someone special: Yeah, sadly, lost many important someones in the last year or so.
10. Been depressed: When I was younger but it’s back again.
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: Nope.
12. Dusty rose! (#c4789e)
13. Pastel purple! like (#bcaade)
14. #00a6ae
15. Made new friends: Yes.
16. Fallen out of love: I don’t think so.
17. Laughed until you cried: : Yes.
18. Found out someone was talking about you: I guess??
19. Met someone who changed you: Yep.
20. Found out who your friends are: Not really.
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: Nah.
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them, I think?
23. Do you have any pets: No, my rabbit passed away a couple months ago..
24. Do you want to change your name: No, somehow I really like it :)
25. What did you do for your last birthday?: Spent it with my closest friends, talking about life and politics, it was so hot outside!!
26. What time did you wake up: Today 8 something, but normally 9:20.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: Turning in my bed, couldn’t fall asleep :(
28. Name something you can’t wait for: To be 18 and be able to travel on my own - also Ed’s concert in August 2018!
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: This morning.
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: I guess like my outsider character.
31. What are you listening to right now: Sweet by Cigarettes After Sex
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: When my mom yells at me for not doing something and I am like : „But you didn’t tell me to do anything!” and she is like : „YES, I told you”. Like mom, I know you didn’t, I hate when people say I did or said or heard something that I didn’t.
34. Most visited websites: Tumblr, Twitter, Youtube.
35. Mole/s: Okay so - on the upper part of my right breast (TMI), on the inside of my thigh. Then like one on my face.
36. Mark/s: My knees and my elbows (childhood danger) and on my wrist.
37. Childhood dream: To be a teacher… (I could never)
38. Hair color: Brown.
39. Long or short hair: Well, like medium, I guess. Short compared to before but still not really that short.
40. Do you have a crush on someone: Perhaps.
41. What do you like about yourself: My shady attitude and my determination.
42. Piercings: None!
43. Blood type: ARH-
44. Nickname: Jula, Li, Lia, L.
45. Relationship status: ….
46. Zodiac: Leo
47. Pronouns: She/Her.
48. Favorite TV Show: CRIMINAL MINDS!!!!
49. Tattoos: None. :(
50. Right or left hand: Right
51. Surgery: Nope.
52. Hair dyed in different color: No, but had once.
53. Sport: HA HA.
54. Favorite accessory: My diamond heart necklace from gran.
55. Vacation: I love Canary Islands, but also love Italy so much!
56. Pair of trainers: I rock Converse.
57. Eating: Nothing now!
58. Drinking: Water still.
59. I’m about to: Choose which notebook I should use for chemistry and which one for Russian.. I am conflicted..
61. Waiting for: Death is the ultimate destination..
62. Want: Pass IB and get into a good uni somewhere..
63. Get married: Someday maybe.
64. Career: Biotechnologist? Maybe something with Neurology? I have no idea, but brain truly fascinates me.
65. Hugs or kisses: Hugs.
66. Lips or eyes: Eyes, I guess, but pretty lips are ugh.
67. Shorter or taller: Taller.
68. Older or younger: OLDER.
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: I have no idea.
71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive.
72. Hook up or relationship: Ha ha, sorry no, thanks.
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: NOBODY GOING TO MESS WIth MY LIFE at any point.
74. Kissed a stranger: No.
75. Drank hard liquor: No.
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: Yes, once my contact lense and I was like rubbing my fingertip over my eyeball for so long to find it and then I was like „Oh maybe you lost it”, but the damage was done already - my eye was red af.
77. Turned someone down: I guess yes.
78. Had sex on the first date: Nah.
79. Broken someone’s heart: I don’t think so.
80. Had your heart broken: Yep.
81. Been arrested: I am a typical introvert, always at home. My possibilities are limited here.
82. Cried when someone died: Yeah..
83. Fallen for a friend: I don’t even know.
84. Yourself: Yes, I think I do.
85. Miracles: Hmm, don’t think so.
86. Love at first sight: Like, attraction to someone based on their appearance? Not really but like if I talk to somebody and they get me - that’s love at first conversation for me.
87. Santa Claus: :(
88. Kiss on the first date: Nothing wrong with that.
90. Current best friend name: Susannah - Zuzanna - Zuza in Polish!
91. Eye color: It’s all mixed - I have blue and orangey iris.
92. Favorite movie: NO IDEA. I mean I don’t watch that many movies..
Tagging: @ib-stvdies @rivkahstudies @ibstudiblr @nahstudies @onmygrind101 @curiostudy and everybody who wants to do this!!
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studi-bee · 7 years
20 questions tag
thanks for tagging me, @kate-and-her-studies !!!
answer 20 questions then tag 20 followers you would like to get to know better!
name: abegael
nickname: bee or abee
height: 163cm
zodiac sign: aries
orientation: gay
nationality: american
favorite fruit: watermelon !!
favorite season: Spring (I like them all though)
favourite flower: i just like any small wildflowers, especially yellow ones! but i also really like snapdragons and sunflowers
favourite scent: cotton/laundry detergent or vanilla
favourite food: grilled veggie sandwich ? idk i just like vegetables
favorite colour: yellow
favorite animal: foxes 100%
tea, coffee or hot chocolate: tea
average sleep time: 8-9 hours
favorite fictional character: sirius, dumbledore, or pearl from su i can’t decide
cat or dog person: dog person, but i love cats too! i just lean towards dogs because i’ve always lived with them
dream trip: road trip for a month going to big cities but also hiking and camping far from any towns
dream job: teaching in a country where they need teachers, or raising money for schools where they need supplies
why I created this blog: studyblrs were just really inspiring to me and i wanted to be a part of that
tags: @srslystudying-wu @juliasacads @nic-biostudies @studylustre @fuckstudyblr @sootudying @kaitlynstudymain @goghstudies @s-tudyism @kweenkhan @thestudyharder @studyingdaisies @bionctes @aqua-studies @ib-stvdies @hunny-studies @pristinesmom @styloueh @silenceonthesoul @patriotstudies
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