an1muuarts · 2 months
what was komaeda like during his school years at hpa?
bc there are contradicting stuff in the series
in sdr2, it was because of the stress of the killing game that caused him to be active in causing mayhem, like convincing ppl to kill in ch1 and 2
in island mode, he's pretty harmless, he just says some out of pocket stuff from time to time
but in makoto's secret file, komaeda was "constantly getting into trouble, so much so that it concerned the headmaster"
and idk if he's just being weird, or he just straight up doing criminal stuff in hpa
(if the former was true, i find it ao funny bc in the short story, the board of directors, four old men, shuddered at the mere thought of this guy)
returning back to topic, i wonder what kind of environment hpa actually is. bc it is described as the most peaceful and hopeful time before junko came along. we never actually saw what its actually like inside
if its a really stressful environment, almost matching the stress of the killing games, then it would make sense that komaeda would start shit up; otherwise it doesnt
in the dr3 anime, it really seems like its a very laid back school, where the stress only came from the examinations that come from time to time. other than that, the students just do their own thing in the meantime, i dont think they even hold classes
well, i dont think the dr3 anime is canon, cuz its not written by the dr team nor kodaka
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scribbles97 · 11 months
Left Behind - Where We Left Off
Oh look... after two years I've fixed that big old cliff hanger that I left lying around!
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Thank you to those that have missed me and welcomed me back into the fandom after being absent for so long, the biggest of hugs to all of you... I hope I don't end up leaving you all on another cliff hanger!
For those that I haven't met yet, Hi!
I was here in the TAG fandom right at the very beginning and somewhere around the time the series finished I thought it'd be fun to imagine an AU in which Lucy was alive and well... this monstrosity of a fic is the outcome of that.
Looks like I was pretty rubbish at posting the last few chapters on here so check Ao3 for the fic in its entirety.
For those that don't want to re-read the entirety of what's already there... have a little recap under the cut.
Beware, there be spoilers ahead!
So... where were we?
Part One of this fic was basically about losing Jeff. That's right folks we hit off from the day the Zero-X blows up and Jeff vanishes.
This leaves Lucy, her brother Lee, and Val Casey as the main leads of International Rescue as we know it.
In this universe Lucy demanded that IR could not be run by their family alone and spearheaded what we call the IR academny, from where Scott is about to graduate. Kayo and Penelope are also about to graduate, but in a much quieter private ceremony for our two espoinage specialists. Both of these ladies have their fathers present and playing a big part in both International Rescue and Tracy Industries.
As for the rest of the family, John is working for NASA and about to shoot off into space. Virgil and Gordon are about to join the IR academy (which momma bear Lucy is absolutely having mixed feelings about). And Alan is being the kid that he should rightfully be at such a young age.
Part Two sees us skip forward four years.
We start to see a little more of IR as we know it here, though Virgil and Gordon are very much still learning, and Alan is barely getting away with being allowed to play on the simulators.
Lucy is afraid because of whisperings of Gaat (The Hood) returning and what this might mean for the safety of her family and IR as a world-wide organisation.
What nobody expects is that new camera angle from the Zero-X, leading to the suggestion that Jeff could still be alive.
Gaat tricks Lucy into thinking he has a new ship capable of the same flight, it's aboard this ship where she meets an engineer known as Michael and promises to free him from Gaat's grip. They then discover that Gaat has found his way onto the Island and is threatening the whole family (think Legacy).
Then the ship goes boom.
Part 3 starts out with the aftermath of Lucy being on a ship that exploded. She's in a coma and all of her boys are a little bit lost as to what to do now.
Scott takes over the business and the running of their IR team with John leaving Nasa to take his rightful place aboard TB5. Lee does an excellent vanishing act when it's decided to return Lucy to the island, and we haven't heard from him since.
We also discover that Lucy and Hugh Creighton-Ward might have been more than just friends at some point in the last four years.
Part 4 Lucy wakes up! Then promptly wonders what her place is in the family now that Scott and Hugh have taken so much of her role on for her. Their main concern is seeing her get stronger before they consider letting her take over some of the reins again.
Scott is quite happy to go on regular business meetings as it gives him an excuse to meet up with Tia, his off-island security that may also be turning into something more.
Speaking of which, Virgil and Kayo are also up to something and have a hilariously cute moment in telling Lucy as much.
Alan is also up to something, being the baby of the family and far too young to actually join the academy yet, he's trying hard to find a way to be involved in IR.
More importantly though, thanks to Eos, we find that Jeff is alive!
Part 5 is the most recent part posted... honestly? If you're not going to re-read the whole thing I'd at least read from here as a refresher.
Scott finally talks to people about his hopes and fears, but then his entire world comes crashing down around him is the most summary I can really say without spoiling what happens next. Val starts to question Lucy if they've done the right thing bringing the boys into IR, and Lucy starts to question her own relationships.
But Jeff is alive and there's a whole lot of figuring out how to get him home.
So... that's the fic in summary so far. Honestly, if you have the time and energy please please re-read the whole thing to refresh your memory. I did just that the other week and it opened my eyes as to how much there is that I left myself open to fix so you might find some interesting threads if you look hard enough!
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wiproaringreading · 2 years
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that-wizard-oki · 2 years
what if i wrote a fanfic about Malistaire post-Morganthe’s banishment. Would you all read that because i’m writing it as i type this lmao
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breeatlarge-blog · 7 years
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As a former IB-centric studyblr (see Exhibit A here), I think that it is fair to say that I am a pretty strong IB advocate. There was nothing I loved more than pushing drafts of my Extended Essay at my mentor, complaining about CAS reflections and pretending to understand the complexities of TOK. But as May rolled around and my confidence in my abilities began to roll into July, I was in for the shocked of my life: instead of passing the program with my predicted academic achievement of 34/45, I just passed the program entirely, finishing with a score of 28/45. I was pretty shocked to say the least. As a toast to my astonishing academic feat, fake philosophy TOK and CAS social statuses on ManageBac: here’s 6 things I learned from almost failing IB, one point for every one that I lost in final exams.
Your grades do not define who you are: 80% exams and 20% moderated internal assessments? Where is the value in that classwork, discussion and studying? Is it all down the drain from here? Chemistry maybe. (Just a joking art-business student here.) Something that I really learned to appreciate is the versatility and application of studies that IB ingrains in their students. A combination of luck and talented teachers, my love for economics and business stems almost entirely from classroom discussions and case studies in Economics HL. I knew that business studies were for me as soon as I finished my first commentary.
Measure your pride not in how others judge your success, but in how you feel you have progressed: I think over the course of my two years in this program, I submitted over 4 drafts of my work to my Extended Essay mentor. While most students groan at the thought of a credit-less assignment, I could not be more excited to explore something I was interested in academically, not to mention having the motivation and opportunity to share it with others. At my graduation ceremony when I was asked to share the thing I was most proud of, I did not hesitate to say my Extended Essay. Does it suck to go from a B to a D? Absolutely. But that doesn’t discount the fact that I worked my ass off on that paper and I know that my mentor loved what I wrote. I gained a greater appreciate for literature and anthropology and honestly right now: that’s all I really need.
Don’t judge the dropouts: I will not be the first to admit that IB students sometimes have an elitist attitude when it comes to academics (especially compared to AP and regular program students). Sure, my program may be internationally-focused, but that’s no more than a few works in translation books in literature class or case studies in economics. At the end of the day, external markers control 100% of your grade (IAs are moderated, do not ever forget it) and if you’re like me, those same AP or regular program students you were putting down probably graduated with a higher average than you.
Your teachers are human too: One of my favorite things about IB is that everyone really is a team working together to have a greater success rate. It’s rarely you versus your teacher. I graduated knowing that my teachers did the best they could possibly do for me and it’s such a toss up what results in the end.
Keep your personal life on hold during the academic season: One of my biggest regrets for several reasons is that right around exams, I had a major falling out with my best friend and confidante of four years. It sucked, as most breakups do, but the worst part is that when I should have been focusing more on studying, I could barely get out of bed. Friendships are forever until nobody talks anymore and those grades that got you into university could have also resulted in making new friends.
Choose your friends diversely: So my strength is in languages and social sciences, but the way I designed my IB program focused heavily on the natural sciences and engineering. My closest friends and I were complete opposites which made up for great conversations and interesting perspectives. Through them, I gained a deep appreciation for science and mathematics. Even though these subjects may not be my favourites, I will always look to them with an open mind.
What advice would you share with high school students about your experience? I know that really hit home for me is the ability to reflect and journal. (Damn CAS for actually teaching me something useful in the end!)
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shoutaaizawas · 4 years
robert sheehan saying ‘bonsoir’ is on repeat in my head
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themadnerdwithahat · 4 years
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CARMICHAEL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For some reason I’m the most excited about the fish
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Watch the Heavens update
“His laugh sounded like a dying seal. 
Klaus thought it was the most beautiful thing he had ever heard.”
(I hope y’all are ready for the overwhelming gayness of this chapter. Klaus is in LOVE goddamn it.)
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clockwork-fayz · 3 years
Macey’s Best Picture Nominee Reviews 2021
No one reads these but I post anyways 
Trial of the Chicago 7: How I love a good courtroom drama. I loved watching it, but they reallllly took some liberties with the real story.  Solid movie but...so much was fictionalized. 7/10 
Mank: Cool aesthetic, made me sleepy. Historical accuracy was a little rough there in the middle 6/10 
Nomadland: Was there some cool shots? Yes. But it was so boring, I spaced out so much. Like I can’t express how bored I was. 3/10  
The Sound of Metal: Such a great concept! I don’t like the whole hearing vs cochlear implant in irl either but we won’t get into that. It was an 8/10 but due to how nothing really wrapped up at the ending and personally I like nice little ribbons it gets a 7/10 
The Father: Look up premises before watching movies, it helps with understanding. I cried many tears, Anthony Hopkins was amazing. 8/10 . 
Minari: I’m not a fan of artsy films, I’m just not entertained. David and Grandma together is the reason this movie get a higher score 6/10 
Judas and the Black Messiah: I mean...I don’t want to say I liked it because it’s not a happy story, it really makes you sick that so much has not changed since then. Also they fail to mention that the snitch guy was 17 in real life. A literal child. That FBI guy sucked. 9/10 
Promising Young Woman: At first I was like oh she’s a badass. Then I was like Bo Burnham?!? And then I was like wait I don’t like her tactics. Then I was like nevermind that’s okay. Then I was like Bo Burnham. Then I was like WHAT A BADASS. 9/10. 
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kazbrekkersnipple · 3 years
I decided to rewatch Umbrella Academny
And they already changed the credits from Ellen to Elliot Page! Yay. 
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eurolifeau · 4 years
Episode twenty three: Rhythm Inside (Scene 03)
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Friday 18:24, nº63 English St. Michael knocks at the door and Ester opens. She smiles when she sees Michael. ESTER: You're early. MICHAEL: Any inconvenients? I can go for a coffee... ESTER: No. Come in. Michael comes in, and as Ester closes the door behind her, he kisses her. MICHAEL: One month is a really long time. Ester laughs. ESTER: But now you're here. Michael smiles. ESTER: How's Mariam? MICHAEL: She's great. She loves her new theatre academny. ESTER: Should I be offended? MICHAEL: Not at al! You were the one who inspired her. Ester smiles and kisses him. ESTER: I haven't finished getting ready yet. Could you wait for a couple of minutes? MICHAEL: Yet? But you look amazing! Ester smiles and rolls her eyes. ESTER: Don't be so arse-licking! MICHAEL: I'm not. I'm just being honest. ESTER: You're not. Now if you let me go... MICHAEL: What if I don't? ESTER: Then we would lose our reservation at Fabrizio's. MICHAEL: Bet. Ester laughs as she tries to let herself go from Michael arms, but she fails. Suddenly, they hear some keys trying to open the front door and they get paralysed when they see Eliot and another guy entering. Eliot and his mother look at each other, confused and embarrased. ESTER: Oh, hey Eliot. I didn't expect you this early. ELIOT: Yeah, I had... stuff... There is an awkward silence in which Michael and Miki look at each other. Ester clears her throat and starts speaking again. ESTER: Do you remember Michael? He came back for the weekend. ELIOT: Nice to see you, Michael. (half-paralyzed) Mum, this is Miki. ESTER: Oh, It's lovely to meet you. I'm Ester. Ester and Miki shake hands awkwardly. ELIOT: Mom, I've got a very uncomfortable question, and sorry Michael, but why is Loïc Delvaux my brother? Ester is paralized. ESTER: Your what? Everyone looks at each other, and Miki shrughs.
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maryaam2209 · 4 years
artificial academy 2 download latest 2020
Counterfeit Academy 2 is a PC game made by Japanese engineer Illusion and delivered in 2014. It is, at its center, a hentai game. Sex, sex all over the place! However, you really need to work for it. You start off by making a school, the class year, and the class number. At that point you set up the clubs lastly make up the class list. You can fill the program with either premade students(one of whom will go about as an educator) OR hop into the games character creator and make your own.
Easiest way to download artificial academy 2
Also, brace yourself for what I'm about to tell you, the character creator is stunning. Or on the other hand, rather, it gives you a ton of alternatives as far as hair and personalty traits(A part of which might possibly be from mods.). I™ve invested more energy in the character producer tweaking characters than I have really playing the game. Furthermore, the game doesn™t restrict you to hetero characters either. You can make gay/lesbian characters and you can make characters that are bi yet inclining hetero, or bi however inclining homo. Truly, these are on the whole choices you can choose.
📷 Steps to download artificial academy 2
Fake Academy 2 is a PC game made by Japanese engineer Illusion and delivered in 2014. It is, at its center, a hentai game. Sex, sex all over the place! In any case, you really need to work for it. You start off by making a school, the class year, and the class number. At that point you set up the clubs lastly make up the class list. You can fill the list with either premade students(one of whom will go about as an instructor) OR hop into the games character producer and make your own. Click here to download  artificial academny from healthy links
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studiessweet · 7 years
Tag : 10 years, 10 goals
I was tagged by @medicando Thank you!
Rules: list 10 goals you have for the next 10 years, write it down or save it somewhere you can find it again, then tag 10 people.
1 - Have my college graduation and work hard for my job
2 - Travel about 5 differents countries
3 - Be proud of myself
4 - Have 2 childrens and get married
5 - Write a book
6 - Building a large greenhouse
7 - Offer a villa by the see to my parents
8 - be fluent in english
9 - Better health than now
10 - Doing an humanitarian mission
@academiix @zeestudies @logicspirit @academnis @anitaetlesfleurs @fitlawblr @my-little-studyblr @organizeandstudy @calmingstudies @ravenclwstudies
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acharya123himal · 4 years
Over a 100 from Dailekh confirmed positive for coronavirus infection on Thursday
Over a 100 from Dailekh confirmed positive for coronavirus infection on Thursday
KATHMANDU: Over a hundred people in Dailekh have been diagnosed with Covid-19 as their samples drawn for PCR testing have come out positive.
The samples tested at Karnali Academny of Health Sciences Lab confirmed that 105 people from across Dailekh had contracted the infection.
Of the infected five are female, including a five-year-old girl. Likewise, 100 males, including a four-year-old…
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ofloyalty · 5 years
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❝  𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞'𝐬 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐟𝐮𝐧 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬...  ❞  
NAME: sandralynn faeth NICKNAME:  n/a GENDER: female AGE: 122 SEXUALITY: bisexual LOCATION: elmville, solace
EYES: green HAIR: dark auburn HEIGHT: 5′6″ SPECIAL FEAUTURES: elf ears! i guess not special for elves but i love them.  CLOTHING STYLE: mom jeans, jean jackets, slowly pulling out older punk clothes, hiking boots. FACECLAIM: tbd. 
OCCUPATION: solesian ranger WEALTH: moderate  EDUCATION: graduate of aguefort adventuring academny  SKILLS: survival skills, outdoor skills, bow and arrow proficiency, spellcasting FAMILY: gilear faeth (ex-husband), fig faeth (daughter) gortholax the insatiable ( ex partner, fig’s bio dad), jawbone o’shaugnassey. (boyfriend)
growing up, sandralynn was fairly sheltered. her parents never let her go out and do much. but she still kept things civil and was able to tolerate and get along with them. while in high school however, is where she really started to come into herself. she was very rebellious to many of her parents wishes, even dropping out of aguefort her senior year.
the few years sandralynn was no longer in school, she went off to explore spyre as best she could with what little resources she had. eventually, she ended up back in elmville to return to aguefort. after initally abandoning her first adventuring party, sandralynn was brought on to a new party during her last year.
there she fell for one of her fellow adventurers, who just so happened to be married at the time. they did not treat her well and eventually she was thrown from the adventuring party. the members being much more older and having more status than her smeared her name. she was no longer able to get work as an adventurer.
before officially joining the solesian rangers, sandralynn went out once more, visiting fallienel on her adventures this time. there she met gilear faeth. she didn’t have any intentions of settling down but still gilear followed her back to solace. he was a comforting choice, and he did a good job at balancing the wild in her. though, as much as she didn’t want to settle, it seemed like she would bel able to with gliear, if she were to settle with anyone she could with him.
sandralynn married gilear, and things were going very well. he wasn’t the one she ever thought she’d end up with but she was happy. then her life took a twist. one day while working she met gortholax the insatiable as he was attempting to escape solace. while she did her job stopping him at the border, she also ended up sleeping with him... a few times. he didn’t attempt to leave for awhile, and the two actually went out a few times to the black pit. the whole thing lasted about two weeks before he was eventually caught.
9 months later, figerouth faeth was born. she knew that the baby wasn’t gilear’s but she wasn’t going to let him find out. she knew it would break is heart. sandralynn did her best to keep fig’s real father from her from as long as possible. as a child fig only exhibited signs of being born of two elves, and and sandralynn prayed that none of the devil in her would show up.
just before her freshman year however fig’s horns started growing in. as gliear and fig found out the truth, her turned apart. she and gilear separated, and fig became extremely hostile with her, as she refused to tell her who her father was.
as fig’s freshman year went on she started living with gilear. it was very hard on sandralynn and she began sleeping around and drinking again, going back to unhealthy and bad habits to keep her from thinking of her failures of a mother and wife. eventually fig found out who her father was and he was suddenly back in her life. however as the year went on, sandralynn met jawbone, the school guidance counselor and started dating him.
sophmore year she moved in with jawbone in a huge manor where many of the bad kids stay. sandralynn was invited to go adventuring with fig to the forest of the nightmare king to retrieve the nightmare king’s crown.
VERSE 1 ( MAIN/CANON ): corollates with the above bio. basically any and all canon interactions. either during season 1 or season 2. 
interactions / visage / aesthetic / character study / headcanons / photos 
sandralynn is currently a request muse only! 
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fayteorchid · 5 years
Review: Book: Dickensen Academy- Christine Grabowski
Review: Book: Dickensen Academy- Christine Grabowski
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Title: Dickensen Academy
Series: Standalone
Author’s Name: Christine Grabowski
Publisher: The WIld Rose Press, Inc
Genre: Children’s Fantasy
Page Count: 350 Pages
ISBN: 9781509221240
Author or Book Website: https://www.christinegrabowski.com/
Link to Amazon purchase page: Dickensen Academny
Link to Goodreads: Dickensen AcademyDickensen Academy
Release Date: N/A
How I Got the Book: Review Copy
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