#idc what happened to your media or whatever people say
jack-of-amulets · 6 months
My heart goes out to any fictionkin who kin from people with problematic kintype/media creators… As one myself, I know how hard it is and how much of a struggle it can be to live and exist without pressure nor fear, and I just wish you’re all doing okay.
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hhighkey · 2 years
Hi gorgeous ♥ May I have a request for BF headcanons kny hashiras (Rengoku, Giyuu, and our flamboyant boi Tengen) in modern AU? (basically what they'd be like nowadays in the time of internet no constant danger of demons etc? :3) p.s. your headcanons are super cute love reading them ♥♥♥
AN// ah thank u!!! and hope u like it and sorry for the wait,, since they’re around college ages imma do it as college modern au
KNY Headcanons
With Rengoku, Tomioka, Tengen
f! reader
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Tomioka Giyuu
you two meet in a class as you’ve been paired up for a project
omg imagine him as an RA bye
would be the one who doesn’t give two fucks if kids have alc
but he basically doesn’t say a word to you besides what’s needed
he seems smart so whatever right?
he’s very to the point about the project but you don’t mind it
you’re definitely sad near the end because he’s cute
totally stares at you while working
like you can feel his eyes boring into you
it’s a friday night and you and your friends are going out to a bar for mug night
packed in there and you’re drunk
drunk enough to not realize the guy who’s flirting with you is actually a creep
but someone does notice
tomioka is there because tanjiro dragged him he’d rather stay in
and he knows the guy you’re talking to is trouble so decides to step in
basically your knight in shining armor, makes sure you get home, stays with you as you puke getting you water and advil
seeing him the next time is awkward for you
but it set things in motion!
you start inviting him to events, for food, to go out with you
he’ll just sit there as you and your friends go on about random things trying to tease him
he looks annoyed but secretly he’s happy
and tanjiro is happy someone else is getting him to do things
i see him as someone who plays a shit ton of video games in modern au! but rpg’s where guys aren’t screaming
just sits there adventuring in games like skyrim
definitely cooks
gets you into new shows he likes
probably gets you better studying habits
lol he’d be an engineering major though idc
just silent and brooding all the time but is like a puppy following in your shadow
you two always at the bar together
he’s always at girls nights they love him
but i feel like he’d be guilty of being the guy who doesn’t attach labels to the relationship because he’s just dumb
doesn’t realize he probably should have asked you out properly
it just happened- you spending the night or him coming over to watch your outfit hauls
he just assumed you two were exclusive as you started sleeping together
we hate boys like this
however when you’ve suddenly gone silent around him or won’t return texts- he’s panicking
tanjiro is appalled when he realizes the issue
“so you’ve never asked her to be your girlfriend?”
“no, i didn’t think i needed to after all this,”
so he marches his ass over to see you and beg for forgiveness
you’ll find it funny as he rambles about his feelings and was dumb to assume
gotta forgive him- he’s just dense
he’d be the boyfriend on insta or snap that only posts you
all his pictures have you in them
posts cute things in national gf day, your bday, anniversary
he’s the one people never expected to be so lovesick on social media (his friends bully him… especially sanemi)
definitely planning graduation and classes to a T so you two will be together after
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Rengoku Kyojuro
i have such a hard time pinning down what rengoku would be up to in college
like lowkey frat boy but maybe just in the business frat
definitely the student that sits at the front of the class and asks questions lol
mutual friends introduced you two and y’all just hit it off
how can you not love his endearing smile, bright eyes, unwavering confidence
very straight forward about his intentions with you
old school in the way that he courts you with proper dates before anything physical
you two have constant study dates just sitting in silence doing homework academic weapons
he encourages you in every way possible- when you don’t feel good enough because of school or friend drama
when you fail an exam he’ll do everything he can to help you for your next one and just calm you down, remind you it’ll be okay
cares for you when you’re sick
has actually gone to a class for you before just to take detailed notes
rubs your back every night before you go to bed
if you have a headache he massages your head to try to help
likes it when you play with his hair
watched youtube videos so he could learn how to braid hehe
lowkey goes to tengen for advice especially at the start
definitely is nervous around you no matter how long you two have been dating
is the first to say “i love you”
is always by your side
just cutely towers over you as he follows you around like a shadow
you two just getting blackout at bars laughing the whole way home as you stumble
he’d just be such a positive force in your life you’d never doubt how he felt about you
and he just has an unyielding oath to you and only you
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Tengen Uzui
graduate student!
but like… he’s one of your TA’s so here’s where the issues begin
you’re on your last semester before you get your bachelor’s degree and then start your masters
you needed credits so you took a basic conditioning class to get you to full time student level
when you walk in you’re just flabbergasted seeing him
he’s 6’6” and HUGE. just the sight of his arms makes your mouth drop open
now you’re realizing you’re one of the only girls in the class fuck
you’re pretty fit, taking yoga and pilates with friends so you figured this would be fine for you anyways… get you more comfortable going to the gym
but now you’re not too sure
which tengen notices the ratio going on in class and makes a mental note because last thing he wants is any girl feeling worried or uncomfortable he’ll protect his girl students to the death
you and the two other girls immediately form a group (and friendship aw) and you have the most experience of them which you use to help them when the guys obsessively steal tengen’s attention they all wanna look like him lol
which tengen notices for sure and appreciates as he can’t get to everyone during class
can’t help himself but want to get to know you
you are beautiful
fit, kind, willing to learn and try
talks about pilates with you because he does it occasionally
fast learner when it comes to using weights and workout machines he’s proud
he’s just so loud about working out and getting to know his students, wants everyone to have fun for sure. everyone knows his favorite word is flamboyant
one time you recommend him a nail police color and next class he’s wearing it
always complimenting your gym fits - he’s obsessed with your matching tops and bottoms and sports bras
the other girls are always joking he has a crush on you
which no way
but he smiles up a storm near you and always gravitates to see if you need help
the girls are def obsessed with the way he towers over you
lots of teasing
lots of smart remarks
it was on accident you two met outside the class. it was the mid semester bar crawl and you two run into each other while out with friends
rengoku is def like “is that your student you’re always talking about?” whoops
and of course your friends are all over that too
everyone ditches y’all so there you two are crammed in a booth in the corner of a bar with music blasting
both of you have had quite a bit to drink being on half the bars in your college town
so liquid courage is on both y’all’s side (or against it)
maybe it wasn’t very flamboyant of him but he presses his lips to yours after talking and getting so absorbed in each other
y’all are those people making out in the bar that people def notice and just roll their eyes
like imagine his strong arms around you that you get to grab onto
makes sure you get home safely after y’all hit up a few more bars, holding hands the whole time
next class is awkward
and so is the next one
you’re avoiding him and he’s not sure how much trouble he could get in
then you skip a class and you never skip classes
so he’s worried
and knows where you live so does the obvious flamboyant thing of showing up
and you’re very sick and surprised
so que tengen taking care of your sick ass because your roommates are at class
ends up with both you admitting your feelings
but like he’s your TA .. but just another student so who cares?
starts taking you on dates
teases you extra in class now
wants you to go to the gym with him outside of class
wants to take you shopping for cute clothes
definitely get mani pedis together
cute dates with yummy foods
always finds the most unique and extravagant places to take you
you never gotta drive anywhere with him he picks you up and drops you off wherever
he’d be so fun to be at the bar with (like imagine him and rengoku having a drinking contest lmao)
anyways y’all would be adorable and he’d be that proud mom at your graduation and then supporting you through your masters degree too
begs you to take another class he’s TAing lmao
BYE i wanna write a fic about this now omg someone tell me if they’d want that
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tonight-i-may-see · 6 months
🦋 🦴 🍅 🐚 🪲 ☁️🐝 hehehe
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately 
I've been thinking a lot about healing, the past...a lot of years HDJFNF have brought a lot of trauma for me and I've realised that healing sometimes doesn't mean fixing. Sometimes healing is accepting that it happened and moving on, or accepting that something is a part of you and moving on.
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
Usually whatever I'm watching, right now it's CM, but in terms of writing style not really? I kinda just do my own thing. Same with scriptwriting 🤷‍♂️
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
I really need to work on integrating dialogue into scenes better, a lot of my fics either barely have any or straight up don't and its kind of an issue
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
It depends I think, I like them if I know they're coming, like 'I've got a surprise for you' is great, but people just springing things on me (mostly if it's plans) can really really throw me off and upset me (shoutout to autism ‼️🗣🔥🫡)
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
(this is more than 50 but idc)
"Unconsciously, he seems to have shifted one of his legs closer to you. Spying an opportunity, your knees shuffle to either side of his foot and you pull him from your mouth- eliciting a choked grunt from Aaron- and start using your hand instead as you roll your hips to grind against the black leather of his lace up boots."
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
honestly it was a shot in the dark bc I thought it'd already be taken but it wasn't somehow, I wanted something cm related that still felt like a username, so I took out the 'in' in 'wheels up in 30' and boom
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
@hotchfiles you were one of the first people to start interacting with me when I was still on my old sideblog, and talking to you behind the scenes too has just been very fun, you're very kind and have been so welcoming :)
@de4dlyniightshade my pookie wookie super dookie...you aren't on here a lot but I'm so excited to play silly horse game with you tomorrow :3
@softhairedhotch honestly getting to dm with you and come up with oc and hotch shit and just talk to someone who's pretty similar to me has been the highlight of my day since we started <:) you're a really cool guy
@mandarinmoons you're always in my notifs and I get so excited seeing your name HEHE
@ssahotchnerr I'm tagging you bc you're honestly the person that inspired me to get back into writing and make the old sideblog in the first place, I wouldn't be here or know these people otherwise so thank you for always killing it in your writing <3
@ficmeoutofthisworld I was always so scared of interacting a lot w ppl but the way you've rbd and replied and dmd me in the few months I've been here has really brought me out of my shell <:) tysm <3
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fthistumblershit · 3 months
Sorry you’re so easily upset, but saying you’re an adult responsible for managing your own triggers and symptoms isn’t pseudo-psychology, it’s just a fact. I know personal responsibility is uncomfortable especially for ED sufferers but there will always be triggers. The philosophical and political affiliations of the community you immerse yourself in doesn’t preclude those individuals from saying things that you might personally find upsetting or triggering. You clearly have a lot of negative emotions to sort through and I’d advise you to step away from social media if you’re having difficulty managing them and are so upset and unbalanced by what strangers say to each other on tumblr. If you choose to relapse it’s on you, not someone who said something you found fatphobic.
I see you're taking the "you're hysterical" route right now.
1. I'm easily upset by unknown people not showing their face and telling me who I am, what I feel, and what I should do. Especially when they're condescending about it. It happens when you're a human being.
2. When I say it's "pseudo-psychology", I mean that there are many currents in nowadays psychology that have many different perspectives on how to deal with trauma, trauma-response, boundaries, and triggers. So, I'm not saying that being an adult who should be responsible for their triggers is not a fact (I said it myself); I'm saying your approach to psychological problems isn't a proven one nor the only one.
3. Honestly, the fact that you think that I, again a person you don't know, struggle with personal responsibility is absolutely beyond me. My sense of personal responsibility is none of your concern. I assure you I'm a functional adult which has achieved many important things in my life (at least I consider them so) that in other times I would have thought impossible. Really, you don't have to be this concerned about my mental health or my sense of adulthood. I'm doing fine. And that's according to professionals. Ofc, now you'll say I don't seem to be or that you don't believe me or whatever trick you might have up your sleeve. Idc.
3 and 4. I know they'll always be triggers because you never fully recover from an eating disorder, partly because we live in a very sick society that hates women and fatness. You really, really don't have to tell me that, thank you. I was in therapy for many years and not with an anon, but with actual professionals who knew me personally. I have never implied (but after all, this is my third language) that I expected the community I "immerse myself in" to be nice no matter what, or walk on eggshells with me, because that's absurd and frankly inconsiderate. If not right down abusive. What I meant was two things that maybe were easily confused with one another: that I was potentially triggered by the rudeness, as in name-calling, mocking, etc. used by some people on this website; and, separate from that, that I was shocked (not triggered) by the apparent ignorance and prejudice on radblr related to the intersection between female fatness (not EDs) and medical misogyny. So, to correct your point, No, I wasn't expecting radblr to be nice to poor me with their opinions on that subject. They can have all the opinions they want, but one can always express themselves in a civil manner when exposing them, especially when talking about very sensitive subjects.
5. This is just insulting, to be honest. Don't worry! I'm not triggered. I'm just stating my opinion. Again, you stranger on the Internet who don't know me and seems to be adamant on worrying about my health, I wouldn't know what to tell you about my negative emotions. I don't usually measure them. When someone makes me angry, I express my anger as healthily as I can, trying to be assertive but not aggressive. When I'm sad, I try to cope by being functional and dealing with my responsiblities (job, house chores, master's, family and friends) as best as I can and try not to dampen anyone's mood in the process. When I'm horny, I masturbate and feel much better afterwards. I'm unable to tell you how many negative or positive emotions I have on a daily basis; I can assure I also have very positive ones, like feeling loved or achieving new things in my professional and academic life. I'm not upset nor "unbalanced" (you meant to say "hysterical" but stopped at the last moment?) by what strangers say to each other on the Internet. I am upset (because I'm a human being) by insults, mockery, prejudice, etc. regarding someone's physical appearance or diet because it was worded aggresively and maliciously. If someone insults you and you're affected by it, it's your responsibility to manage it, but you have a right to feel it and defend yourself. On the other hand, if someone talks about weight, physical appearance, and dieting in a neutral or respectful manner, I don't feel triggered at all.
7. May I say, that your rhetoric is somewhat reminding me of DARVO tactics with all the gaslighting and guilt-tripping. "If you CHOOSE to relapse," something "YOU FOUND fatphobic." If I relapsed, it'd mostly be my responsibility, sure, but you don't choose to. In that moment, it's already out of your control. And, ONCE AGAIN, I haven't relapsed. I was talking about a potential trigger. I've fought with this for many years without a single relapse, but I know this illness well enough to recognise potential triggers. And again, these posts are appearing on my dash. I don't follow these people.
8. Last of all, why are you so invested in my mental health all of a sudden? Do you send anons to every recovered bulimic/anorexic on Tumblr? I understand my initial post might have striked controversy but a psychological profile seems a bit exaggerated. And, look, I'm sorry if my sarcasm strikes you as me being "unbalanced" or being "easily upset." But I think, unfortunately, we agree to disagree.
Now, I have work tomorrow and it's quite late here, so if you could leave me alone, I'd thank you immensely. Btw, I'll leave Tumblr whenever I see fit. It wouldn't be the first time, nor the last. But that's my choice and my reasons to stay in it.
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eastgaysian · 1 year
do you think that a lot of s4 critique (esp on tumblr) is coming from the tomgreg “field”? bc i mean - they all seem very disappointed with the way this season is playing out and, without meaning to be patronizing, i’d say unmet expectations like that can cloud (or at least colour) one’s general opinion on a piece of media immensely. we’ve all had it happen to us in some way at some point, so i get it but also…don’t shit in everyone’s müsli just bc a specific relationship didn’t happen in the way you’d envisioned :( alsooo tomshiv is much gayer than tomgreg could have ever hoped to be idc idc
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it's something i've been avoiding saying directly, because it feels slightly dickish, but We Can All See With Our Eyes that there is a correlation between people heavily invested in tomgreg and people who are expressing dissatisfaction with s4. it's also fairly obvious that i stopped giving a shit about tomgreg over the course of the year+ of getting harrassed and finally getting my blog terminated for expressing mild criticism wrt patterns of misogyny in fandom. which i think entitles me to a little bit of dickishness.
the thing is, you can have whatever opinion on a show you want for whatever reason you want. it's fine to say you're disappointed in the relative lack of tom and greg this season, because that's what you were personally invested in. your emotional response to the season is your emotional response. full stop. a big part of why i've been enjoying this season so much is because i started watching this show after my dad died, and it's very cathartic for me to watch such a realistic and thoughtful depiction of grief in all its messiness and complexity. i'm connecting to these characters more than ever because i've been there. that's personal! that's subjective! that's okay!
what irritates me is: a) being disingenuous about the reason you dislike the season, b) in a way that implies disliking the season is the 'correct' opinion to have, either on a moral basis or because this season is objectively and uniquely bad writing/directing/editing, c) to the extent that it creates a noxious and unpleasant fan environment to participate in.
i understand where the urge comes from to defensively say "no, it's not just about my businessman yaoi, there is actually a high-minded, intellectual reason for me to spend all my time bitching." because yeah, there are people who are delighted to go fuck you anyone who cared about tom and greg, you were watching the show wrong, and that's aggravating.
deliberately misrepresenting your opinion as something with a more "rational" basis doesn't make you any better off, because it's laughably obvious when that's what you're doing, and it undermines your initial position, which was not inherently invalid in the first place. it's fine to be sad that the thing you personally wanted to happen did not happen. you can say that. you can call people dicks for being rude about it. it's fine. it's literally okay. we are all just saying shit online.
but you are just not going to be able to convince me that season 4 is overall badly written, or that it suffers from unique mechanical issues that were not already present throughout the show. it's not going to happen! d*sha redscare was literally in s3! the fact is that in a season where logan dies in episode 3, and if anybody tries to say that was a bad writing decision you know they're pulling it out of their ass, it simply Is Not Possible for tom and greg (who barely had a relationship with logan and so has fuck all to do in the wake of his death) to spend 15 minutes an episode engaging in slapstick routines. is it an awkwardly truncated storyline? maybe! but succession is littered with those, and that's because it makes the choice to prioritize its main story, which in s4 is more focused and thoughtfully written than ever.
i won't even touch on the queerbait discourse because i do not think queerbait has ever been a useful term and the idea of trying to apply that kind of analysis to succession is too idiotic to even bother engaging with. the virgin representationcel vs the chad [i will not talk about my politics on tumblr but i am a trans fag of color deeply disillusioned with most of the discourse on 'representation']. representation win! the chair of fictional fox news cheated on his wife with her cousin #gayrights. Be serious.
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francy-sketches · 2 years
I hateeee how asoiaf has just become the "incest books lol" to so many people. what a dumb and reductive way to look at a series that has so much more like. of all the things you could say are the central themes of asoiaf incest in not one of them lmao.(yes obviously it's present, but not nearly as much as people make it out to be) And this isn't about people who havent read it and are just judging from the outside bc who gives a shit about them. But I see this mostly from fans and its just??? what the fuck did you read/watch lmao. I mean even hotd which centers around thee incest family isnt about the incest and you'd have to have negative media literacy to think it is.
Also it's fucking insane how being uncomfortable with incest shipping gets you ridiculed in this fandom lmao. like I'm not here to be the morality police ship whatever the fuck you want idc. but dont be surprised when it makes people uncomfortable??? "ummm if you dont like incest why are you reading the incest books/watching the incest show??? weirdo" I dont fucking know man maybe all the other 348593 interesting things it's about. just a guess. And these are the same people who go on about "well just bc you write something fucked up doest mean you agree with it" which. yes! true!! then why do you uncritically endorse targ incest blood purity 😭 do you think maybe that's one of the things grrm wrote that he doesnt agree with? of course not, hotd is a cautionary tale about the dangers of not doing incest and what happens when you let your pure valyrian blood be contaminated by gross peasant genes from outside your family ^_^ obviously ^_^ and anyone who's not into your incest ships is a bigot <3 "but it's normal in their world!1!11!!!" no its not lol. and even if it was. marrying children is also normal in their world what's your point
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inazuma-fulgur · 8 months
Read the damn article before you pretend this is me just auding Trump in getting reelected
Democrats are stopping their own candidate from getting elected ny refusing to put up someone other than Biden/someone equally unfit and racist
The thing is, the difference between Trump and Biden is their fanbase, their image. Apart from a few Bandaids and otherwise empty promises Biden does indeed continue the same politics as Trump or let's things running undisturbed.
So whether you vote blue no matter who or whatever I don't give a fuck.
But what I do give a fuck about it liberals pretending voting Biden is the end all be all of progressive politics and mandatory to prevent 'the Bad™' from happening going forward. Because it isn't stopping anything as far as we can tell from media coverage
In fact, voting third party is an option, nit voting is an option, doing anything is an option. It's probably worth more to give a random houseless person five bucks than vote Biden.
This annoys me greatly because I don't just see USians say this, I see activists and casuals from other countries with similarly corrupt issues spread the same misinformation about the US. And also about their own countries, act the same way.
Having spend a lot of time within my own countries, Germany, activist spaces and being involved I can tell you with certainty that many people have similar attitudes towards our own government. Campaigning and running ads for political parties involved in funding wars, defending police and police murders, etc.
You might have heard about 'der hohe Repräsentant' (lit. the high Representative' but likely not. Because topics like that largely go ignored by not just the media and our fucked up politicians but our fucked up activists and progressives as well.
Leftists here largely hate Palestine, deem any critique of Israel antisemitic.
Heck even small things, like our progressive parties even try to make healthcare and education worse, push for more cars over public transit. Shit like that
And then hearing people pretend they're a solution on their own, that just voting for them is sufficient. I can't. And they'll attack you for criticizing these parties, which even a supporter who believes in a lesser evil should do, has to do.
Because if you don't critique them and discourage critique (often disingenuously framed as helping the opposing parties, the myth of leftists infighting aiding the right more than the left. A liberal lie I might say), you expose yourself for how you don't send letters, don't go to protests, are in no way involved in anything. You just want their hateful and dangerous politics to continue because they protect your cozy life in a rich white 'western' country.
I think that sucks and I want you to rethink your positions. Because I believe with some tiny bit of introspection you'll realize that this is a messed up thing for you to advocate for.
Again, for the people in the back, if you genuinely believe in the lesser evil that's fine idc even if I don't, but you can't assure yourself you've done enough and you should at the very least stop people from leveraging necessary criticism against politicians.
If you keep defending Biden I'll keep thinking you consider murdering brown* people abroad and invading and destroying their countries a necessary evil to stop... *checks notes* stop Trump from starting wars and enacting racist policies?
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michygranger23 · 9 months
Hello everyone!!
Wanting to start this by saying Happy New Year!! (some of you may already be on 2024 already, I'm still a few hours behind fhxyicyi)
So! I know I haven't been very active recently this past couple of months, and I apologize for that!! Irl has been very very busy, and adding that to me planning the content that I want to post to my account was already time consuming, BUT!! I have some few announcements for 2024 that hopefully you guys will like!!
For one, at the end of January I'm going to start college!!
Hopefully this will help me out with improving with my art and my speed of doing it too!!
Second, remember those Disney AU's I've been talking about? Yeah well, I'm going to make a fic collection about them :D!!
My goal is to make long fics with pos! Discduo in different Disney movie scenarios that I've already talk about here and put them all in a collection!! And this would include me making art for the fics too!! I want to make art of my own fics and include them in it and also just to draw the scenes that happen in them as a way to promote them in my social media!
So I want to leave a poll (at the end of this post) to see which fic you want to see first! (All of the options will be done at their own time, and I already know which one to do first, but I want to see your opinion too!) (In the meantime that I write the fics, I'm still gonna make their Tumblr posts to talk about them from the previous poll! Just not with spoilers ;D)
You can also suggest me other Disney movies to turn them into discduo fics too in the hashtags/reblogs!
Third, yes I'm still continuing the discduo Vampire fic dw hehe, I've just been very busy irl but I will update it with the third chapter this next days!!
Fourth, in a couple of days I want to make another poll to see if you guys want to see a fully fledged fic for my discduo Spider-Man AU!! I started the AU by just improvising the story as Tumblr posts but I want to see if you guys would be interested in reading a full fic or if it stays as just Tumblr posts!
Bonus to the previous point, I'm still gonna make fanart for the AU with the options of that poll I did some time ago about the designs for the Spider people!
Fifth, I'm going to start making art for the Canon DSMP too!! I'm very late to the party with that but idc since art doesn't have an expire date lol and I also want to make my designs for the characters since I've been itching to do that for a while now!
Sixth, my main fandom is DSMP and Discduo, but I also like other medias and have my own OC's too, it's even stated in my introduction post, but I haven't follow my word through that so I want to change that! I will start posting about my other interests here with reblogs from other accounts, fanart of my own, etc. (My content will mainly be about DSMP with Multi-Fandom and OC content at the side in resume jgchichi)
Seventh, going alongside point five, I'm gonna start making fanart for the Life Series/Hermitcraft!! I've loved the Life Series since last year and I started watching recently Hermitcraft, so I want to make my own fanart of those too!!
In conclusion, I just want to start posting again since I miss it and posting whatever I want and what I'm most passionate about.
And that's it!! Thank you all so much for the love and support this year and hopefully you are all aboard to the ride I will make in this year!
Happy New Year and 2024 everyone :D!!
(Remember that you can suggest me other Disney movies you want to see in the fic collection!)
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moonspower · 1 year
What I love about your potrayal of Vi is that you never applied "Cruelty made me angry" / "Cruelty made me soft" & instead cruelty made him confused. It seems more realistic from that perspective because theres no moralty behind his trauma like you said. Life hurt him & now he's busy trying to sort it out.
✨ anonymous. meme. still accepting!
because!!!!! most people arent super villains and neither are they angels sent from god that go one way or another. thinking otherwise is some modern media ass thinkin and im sry but my brain isnt wired for that kind of black and white thinking........... we're all so complex and we have our own ways of coping and just living our lives............. to apply those conditions to processing trauma is some goofy goofster shit, idc what anyone says
virote does awful things to people and to some people he's the nicest being theyve ever met. like no shit. he's mentally ill, he cant help what he does sometimes
i think in pushing this ' well!!! traumatized people who r nice all the time r superior ' shit that i see so often just perpetuates the narrative / trope of the perfect victim and that kind of thinking legit hurts people outside of fiction because it was brought over from real life in the first place
vi just became confused, lost, and sick of himself because of cruelty. trauma responses arent just external. theyre internal too and theyre devastating to experience, it leaks into how he interacts w. people. and theres no point in trying to slice it in a way that's easy 2 digest in good vs evil.
people get hurt
and whatever happens after that, happens
and sometimes what happens is that they're driven to evil, committing awful actions, etc etc. but realistically that's such a small amount of folks.......................... people are allowed to be messy and shitty but also kind and good when theyre hurt. all at once. all at the same time. that's range and being in touch with humanity, bih. anyway ty!!!
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globodamorte · 2 years
...is jeongdo planting memories in seongbin's head. hear me out.
ok first of all I literally almost threw up reading this episode. the music was a cool touch but the way jeongdo was pressing seongbin like "I need to humiliate him" "he's thinking he's better than us bc were being slandered by the media" (which btw way to make your personal feelings seep into the investigation asshole. the media is slandering y'all bc y'all are incompetent pigs. like. sometimes I thought I was going too far with jeongdo's obsession with seongbin but this confirms it for me. he's making it personal. he's making it about himself) "I need to come up with something doesn't matter if I'm wrong" "you were scared of being just like your mother" idk felt so icky to me. literally how dare you talk about his mother like that. how dare you bring up his abuse and purposefully trigger him.
"uuuhh but investigation tactics" if purposefully triggering trauma in people is investigation tactics then they're are abusive end of story lmao fuck off. there's ways to interrogate people without traumatizing them.
we know seongbin said "I don't think I would do that". this highly indicates he doesn't remember killing anyone.
God fucking dammit I can't write properly I'm just so disappointed. I hate this lmao
anyway wtf was I saying. yeah he doesn't remember much and so the pressure of a policeman saying "we know what happened even though you don't" can fr just. make seongbin accept those "memories" as the truth. jeongdo may be literally gaslighting seongbin into believing that he did it.
like. idk how relatable this is. but yk that feeling when you don't know if something that seemed to have happened in your childhood actually happened or if it was a dream? also sometimes when I'm asked to recall something I don't remember, often I'll think "I can imagine/see myself doing this" but I'll still not know for certain. does that make sense? now imagine this feeling while being under severe mental distress
what I mean is seongbin is not in the right state of mind to be able to say for certain that he's remembering things. also jeongdo kept pressing and triggering him of course he'll not be stable enough to think properly. his mom just died too and the pigs that tased him are shit talking her.
I'm seriously so upset I might cry. bashi I'm gonna grab your foot when you're asleep.
I'm also so pissed at jeongdo fr IDC anymore. fucking pig I hope he chokes on mud
everyone in this webtoon is an unreliable narrator. so I can safely say that no, we can't be sure those "memories" are even real they could just be jeongdo's re-imagining of the murder
I hope maybe Dr. ju intervenes somehow. as the psychiatrist I hope she can do something. isn't this a thing like in trials? where you can object bc they're inducing the person to think/answer in a specific way? maybe she'll intervene bc his testimony won't be reliable idk whatever
I don't know what to say. this doesn't feel satisfying. the puzzle pieces seem to be falling into place but I keep thinking "this can't be it... it's too easy"
I can only hold on to the hope that I'm right on my meta analysis of the series as a whole and boy if I am right... oh boy...
but on the other hand I literally can't help but think that something's wrong. and idk maybe it's because I keep thinking there's No Way they'll go through this cliched overused and most of all offensive and ableist route. but what if they do? what then lol I'm seriously so sad
I can't even joke about how if there's a twist and it's not seongbin then I'll suck bashi so silly and sloppy like i feel defeated. they're torturing me they don't deserve my tornado blowjob... not now at least. even if bashi defeats the ableist allegations they won't defeat the psychological torturer ones 😔
to the one person who reads these. I'm so sorry this is so messy
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dellovestorant · 1 month
so you're basically like a cult lh but in terms of a george fan who hates on merc/toto kinda like cult lh whenever their fave driver doesnt get the love and attention he deserves
I was going to say I'm not getting into this with you via anonymous asks, you want to argue get off anon and DM me, but I wrote everything below so you get my opinions here anyways 😘
Just go take a look through how Mercedes AMG Motorsport posts vs how Mercedes AMG Petronas F1 Team posts.
One doesn't deferrentiate posts between social media platforms and their posts targets both fanbases at all times. And there's no mistakes. Ever. But frankly if you take a look at it throughout the season Lewis and George get pretty much the same amount of attention by Merc socials. Mercedes socials, team and personnel wise on LinkedIn is another story I'm not touching rn. Lewis gets plenty of love, it's the comments that are like "where's lewis, post lewis' on EVERY POST OF GEORGE that gets on everyone's nerves. Most George fans aren't commenting on Lewis appreciation posts or Lewis stats post being like "we don't care post George". We just generally ignore it. Oh and don't get me started with the fact some people don't want to comment of Mercedes' posts anymore because they get attacked if they say anything remotely positive about George. There are certain George fans that go overboard sometimes on twitter but at least we're not picking arguments with fans in comments of social media posts because someone said they liked a driver and what a driver did in a race or quali.
Now the treatment of Frederik Vesti is worse than however Merc socials 'treat' George or Lewis and that's something I'm not letting go. They can post Mick all the time why tf do we get a Fred post every 2 months unless he's doing an event for them. (The charity karting thing and goodward so far this year). Heck we've gotten more Valterri Bottas content than we have Fred.
and we don't talk about the Hungary debrief. Tf are they going on about a race happening like 5 years ago for half the video for.
And also I don't like Toto whatever he does. He praises George, and the question is wtf does he want now. When he praises Lewis, the question is still wtf does he want now. The man is shady af and if you don't realise that, that's your opinion and frankly idc I will continue to spread the anti-toto wolff agenda.
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anxiously-scared · 5 months
saying that people should stop writing dark fics is so silly to me. like... okay. have you never heard of blocking tags/writers? do you really think someone writing about dark content wants this shit to happen irl? yes fiction can affect reality and it can affect the people who read it to think differently but like. never to such a large effect that x person who reads y fanfic about incest suddenly wants to rape their family. genuinely if you think thats what happens when someone reads fanfics i am genuinely worried about your media literacy
if you dont want to read it block that person or the specific tags. period. im sorry if you came across something disturbing. i know how it feels and it really sucks but this is a public space. you are not alone here. the only thing we can really ask the authour is to properly tag their works.
saying someone needs to stop writing x is censorship. how is this different from homophobic parents calling the libraries/schools for having queer media? where would you even draw the line for dark content? sure you can say 'oh incest is bad and also rape' or something. but what if a fic has siblings that are a little too close, without knowing it can be seen as romantic? many such cases or whatfuckingever idc im too lazy to go on lol
sorry this whole discourse sounds exactly like that whole outrage over 'killer games make our kids more violent❗❗❗😡😡😡😡😡😡😡' which makes it a little hard to take seriously
'but kids are on here' this is a much much deeper problem. put them back in penguin club where they belong!!
uhm uhm i also think no piece of media should be outright banned, ever. even if i want nothing more than to burn the entire piece i will still advocate for it to be published in some way. it can be published annotated to say whats wrong with it or whatever
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tineteenieworld3 · 2 years
TW talking about smut, I hate this convo cause I just don’t think it’s a great thing to write/read but I think this needs to be said
Can’t believe people are talking about smut again oh my god. No one is saying anything about witch hunts or whatever else makes people feel like they’re the victim or something. No, don’t harass people, they’re gonna do what they want and it’s better to ignore it, but here is what I will say:
The reason people have an issue with it, me at least, is because these actors are children. I do not care that they’re legally adults as of like yesterday or some shit, Noah especially, we have seen them grow up from the age of 10. In the show they’re kids, but yes they are still very very young and I see them as kids because I still consider myself a kid too and I’m the same age as most of them. Do whatever you want, that’s how it always goes, but just shut up about it. I’m sorry I don’t intend to be rude, but these are kids. I am talking about the actors right now, those are the people you’re imagining doing these things, they are kids and we have only ever absorbed media of them while they were kids and also playing kids. They’ve never ever been adults in our eyes, they still aren’t playing adults. Why? Cause they’re not old enough. Like I’m just stating a fact here, these are not people in their mid 20s or something. Barely legal shouldn’t count as an adult.
This conversion is frustrating. I will say this again, do whatever you want, I’ll just block you or just don’t talk about it. I try not to talk about this most of the time. But to justify it by saying the actors are adults is ridiculous. Noah is 18 and Finn is just recently 20. Stop acting like you’re the victim when people call you out. Read it or write it Idc, but I’ve seen so many people come on here and act like they’re in the right about this conversation.
Noah or Finn were not introduced to us just recently or when they were already adults. They aren’t 25 year olds playing teens. They are kids and have only been presented to us as kids. I will never budge on that. Not saying people should get harassed or that this conversation should continue to happen, but you are not the victim of bullying because people call you out on your shit.
Once again, I mean actually call out, not just be like *insert name* reads smut, attack!! Cause that’s just dumb and we gain nothing from that other than a whole mess. But if you’re going to make a statement to defend yourself, just remember people have every right to call you out when you say weird shit.
Noah and Finn aren’t full blown adults, stop using that as an argument. Noah is 18 years old. That is a teenager. Do whatever the hell you want but don’t lie to yourself. There’s just so many better things to write about, I just don’t see the need.
Noah and Finn are kids, their characters are kids, and they’ve only ever been presented to us as kids. That is just an important thing to remember when going online and acting like you’re a victim of bullying when people say that writing smut about these two characters is a little weird. Same goes for every single ship between the younger kids, it’s not just byler.
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wonwoonlight · 3 years
my way to you / jeon wonwoo | chapter 12
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➝ Wonwoo x fem!Reader
➝ rich!AU // heir & heiress!AU // best friends to lovers // idiots to lovers lol // fluff // a lil drama bc why not // somewhat angsty // clicheeeee <3
➝ series warning: OC is Dense with a capital D, so many cliches but idc, implied sexual activities (but no actual smut scenes), eventual suggestive scenes, theyre both idiots, food, insecurity and self doubts, somewhat toxic parents, someone fainted like once, not always proofread am sorry ;-; that’s probably it? tell me if there’s more!
➝ A/N: we're here!!! the longest chapter of them all haha. but hopefully, this chapter manages to ease your /ahem/ concern from the previous chapters 🙈🙈 i didn't expect you guys would feel that strongly on chapter 11 so the amount feedbacks was surprising 😂 anyhow, enjoy! dont hesitate to drop by my ask and share your thoughts after<3
series masterlist
series playlist; but for the later part of the chapter (you'll know😉), especially 'If You Lovingly Call My Name'
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“Hey, Cheol,” you softly call for your bodyguard, telling him to sit down next to you by the stool in your kitchen. “What do you think would happen if... I go missing for a few days?”
An alarm goes off through his entire body, but the sentimental look in your eyes tells him this is more than you simply wishing to run away. This is more than whatever he has accidentally witnessed tonight.
This is you, finally having had enough that you think it’s the only way to breathe even a little.
“I… don’t think it’s wise, Miss Yoon.”
You weakly chuckle at his answer, let alone at the formal way he’s addressing you, eyes zoned in the empty glass in front of you. He sees a single tear falling across your face, one that you don’t bother to wipe and another follows right afer.
“I think it wouldn’t really matter.”
Seungcheol stays silent at this even though he wants to convince you otherwise, well aware that you still have more to say.
“All I do is make problems. You, of all people, know this. And I do them purposely too most of the time,” you start, gripping the glass in your fingers as a weak laugh escapes your lips. The sound of your chuckle saddens him, if anything, and it’s taking him everything to not just cross the professional boundary and wipe the tears falling down your face. “Maybe if… if I go somewhere for a while it’d be better for everyone.”
“Miss Yoon...” he calls you in worry.
He’s always known you’re a little lonely inside, and despite your outgoing personality and your tendency to be reckless, they’re never ill-meaning. He’s suspected you just want attention and your parents never really look at you unless you’re out making troubles.
As far as he knows, there are only a handful of people who genuinely care for you, most of them he can name himself: Chaeyoung, Jeonghan, Shua, and perhaps that Soonyoung kid, too.
Seungcheol had been wary of you at first, because being the security detail for the daughter of a wealthy family mostly means he simply has to follow them shopping and partying, making sure they’re safe from any possible threat which includes the media.
But you’ve been more than that; though you do go shopping and partying from time to time, you’re never arrogant and he wouldn’t have thought you’re from a wealthy family if not for the way you dress and the facilities your parents throw your way. You’d force him and Mr. Lee to eat with you when you can, and sometimes he’d have to trail you through the night market looking for snacks while you pretend to buy too much so he’d eat something too.
You’ve always treated him like an older brother, something that none of his former clients ever do. On top of this, you remind him of his sister back home–which means he takes his job in making sure you’re safe even more seriously than he usually does.
And then there’s Jeon Wonwoo.
Seungcheol has only worked with you for one short year, but it’s crystal clear in his eyes how head over heels Wonwoo is for you. If there’s anyone that he’s sure would be devastated because of you missing, it’s him.
He doesn’t know if you actually don’t know about his feelings or if you’re just pretending not to notice, but Wonwoo probably cares about you more than he does himself, and even Choi Seungcheol, an outsider, knows that.
“If I tell you I want to go away,” you start again, your voice small but determined. Seungcheol knows that your mind is made no matter what he says. “Will you… come with me? I know I can’t possibly go by myself, and you’d get in trouble for letting me go away.”
Seungcheol has never seen you so small, and even though he technically works for your father and not for you, he knows his consciousness wouldn’t let him be if he doesn’t come with you. With everything that’s been going on, he figures you need time by yourself and at least you still consider bringing him with you instead of making a show of going missing out of nowhere.
“I won’t tell anyone,” he says instead, accepting that if he somehow gets fired for this, at least he knows he’s helping you when you need it most.
Wonwoo’s losing his mind, and it’s only after he sits down on the car that he finally sees a missed call from your father. He closes his eyes in contempt as he calls him back, breath heavy and fingers balled into fist as he listens to his words.
We don’t want to attract the media. He has said. Our private investigation team is looking for her and we’d appreciate it if you can help us find my daughter without letting it known to the public that she’s missing.
Your father has sounded distraught at least, but Wonwoo really can’t be bothered to be glad about that when you’re literally missing and he didn’t have any idea since a few minutes ago.
And they say you’ve presumably been missing since that party?
Fuck. If only he didn’t think of letting you be that night, who knows if you’ll still be in your place now?
He goes straight to your place after your father asks him to do so, having the decency of not breaking into your place and simply requests Wonwoo to do it on his behalf because he knows if there’s anyone who you’d trust with the pass to your condo, it’s Jeon Wonwoo.
It’s such a weird time to respect your privacy, but it’s only possible because he has asked for the CCTV record of the last you were seen and it’s clear that you went out of your condo by yourself, about thirty minutes after Seungcheol left, somewhere around dusk.
There was no reason to break into your condo just to see if you’re simply locking yourself in or if you’re really missing.
See if… if there’s anything there that might give us a lead of where she is.
And it’s when he’s arrived at your place that he loses the entirety of his sanity because it’s empty and he can tell that you haven’t been here for days. It’s then that the situation finally hits him.
You’re missing.
You’re really missing because there are dishes on your dishwasher that you haven’t put away, and you always nag Wonwoo about it everytime he doesn’t put back cleaned dishes to its shelf because it drives you crazy to see them sitting on the drying rack.
He sees an empty lowball glass on your kitchen island, another sign that you can’t possibly be here for the last few days because you don’t like things laying around.
He tries his best to calm down, and he spends a good fifteen minutes breathing in and out before he rakes his brain to see if there’s any place that you might leave to. You could be anywhere, though he knows some of the locations he’s thinking of wouldn’t be your choice for sanctuary.
You’re still in Korea though, that much is a fact, because your father has made sure that you haven’t left the country and he’s currently tracing domestic airlines and KTX for information just in case you book a ticket to get out of the city.
They can’t trace you by signal, because you left your phone at home and Wonwoo almost cries in frustration when it rings from your bedroom. He knows you have another one, one that only he and Shua knows of, but he’s afraid you’ll turn that one off too if he tries to call. He did try to send you a message, but it won’t deliver and he can only guess you turned it off even if you have it with you.
Seungcheol is unreachable too for some reason, but Wonwoo has been leaving messages just in case he'd reply.
He’s busy making calls to his staff, telling them to contact places that you frequently visit just in case any of their people have seen you there at some point in the last three days.
It’s about two hours later, his head is pounding and he’s still in your place just in case you’ll return home, when his phone pings with notification and Wonwoo’s immediately runs out of the house.
1 New Message from Choi Seungcheol
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Seungcheol is worried.
You haven’t spoken since the both of you have arrived in this place, which was about three days ago.
The only time you talk to him is when he asks if you want to eat, which, most of the time, you say no to. He still makes sure that you’re eating a proper meal at least once a day though, and he’s glad that you still have it in you to know that you do need at least that much.
He’s unsure too if he’s here as your guard or as a friend. Either way, there’s very little he can do about your situation.
At first, he thinks you simply need the time and place to be by yourself, away from that life and anyone that might remind you of it. But he has never expected you’d close up and just… not do anything. You’re either in your room doing God knows what or you’re on the porch staring into nothing.
He has never seen you with your phone either, and he’s sure of this because you leave it on the coffee table since the day you arrived there and you’ve never touched it again. He doesn’t think it’s even turned on.
You’re so… empty.
Seungcheol has never been one to poke into people’s business, but the situation is getting gradually concerning that he can’t help but feel like he needs to interfere. He’s promised you that he won’t tell anyone, but if this keeps going on…
He keeps on seeing his sister in you, and he knows he wouldn’t want her to go through this alone if he can help. He takes this job as a bodyguard because it’s in his nature to want to be able to protect people. Right now, doing nothing would only mean the opposite of that.
It hurts to see you this way, so after a few days pass and you don’t seem like you’re going to get any better, Seungcheol decides it’s time to do something and he knows there’s only one person he can trust and will be able to help.
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You sigh as the sun sets once again. The day seems to be moving both too fast and too slow at this place and you're not sure yet if it's a good thing or not. You don’t even realize you’ve been there for days.
You're currently in the lake house you personally own, one that your parents don't know you have because you purchased it for that very reason: to escape from them when the time calls for it. It’s only a little far off Seoul, near enough that you’re not exactly out of the city, but not too far away that you need to drive for hours.
The last time you came here to do exactly that was just a few months ago, and, frankly, you didn't expect to be returning here this quickly. You didn't even stay for that long that time, you just slept over for the night and pretended like nothing happened the next day.
You can't do that now.
Not when your parents' words and Wonwoo's mom's won't stop ringing in your head.
Are you that bad of a person?
You know you're not exactly an angel, but did you do something so wrong to deserve being called nothing but trouble? To be told that you should be ashamed?
It hurts even more because Wonwoo’s mom is a gentle soul, one that only complains once in a while and rarely has anything bad to say about other people. So to hear those words from her…
You exhale as you reach for the tissue to wipe your tears, already used to this after having gone through it for the past few days. It's a little exaggerating, but it feels like crying is the only thing you've been doing the past few days.
You hate this side of you, you really do. Because you're the type of person who's rarely bothered about practically anything, but you fall way too deep into a pit of negativity once you are.
You either care too much or not at all--there's no in between.
Seungcheol knocks on the door, and you hear the sound of the door opening a little before you glance at the clock to see it's time for dinner. You don't particularly feel like eating, even more after a crying episode. So you tell him you'll just eat later and he can eat first before he can even utter the question.
He doesn't say anything, but you hear the door softly closing behind you so you assume Seungcheol has, for once, easily accepted your unwillingness to eat dinner without asking one more time to see if you'll change your mind.
"How many meals have you skipped, exactly?"
The familiar voice startles you that you actually sit up and turn at once. You look at Wonwoo in shock, mouth a little ajar and failing to form actual words.
Wonwoo doesn't seem to care though, because, the next thing you know, he's made his way to you and you're pulled into his embrace.
He's shaking for some reason, and you haven't really registered what's happening but it's clear how worried Wonwoo is from the way he's holding you. You can feel the desperation from his grip, and it's Wonwoo’s muffled voice that snaps you back to reality.
"Do you know how worried I was--" he breathes heavily, his arms tightening around you as if afraid you'll disappear into thin air. "How can you leave just like that?"
“Why would you leave just like that?” he says once again, his voice shaky.
“I’m… I’m sorry,” you finally manage to say, fingers gripping the material of his shirt. He’s still in his work attire, you realize at last, and you feel bad for most likely making him leave his work for you. “How--how did you know I'm here?”
He pulls away at your question, his hands cupping your face and his eyes go through so much emotions in the span of seconds that you’re not sure what he’s thinking about. “Is that really important now? Why… why did you even leave?”
You flinch at your name, always feeling like you mess up big time everytime he calls you by your name instead of the usual nicknames he uses to call you.
“Sorry, I just… I… need time to think by myself.”
“And you couldn’t have told me?” He doesn’t sound angry, which only makes you feel worse. He sounds confused and helpless--as if not getting why you’d do such thing.
And he really doesn’t; because you always tell him everytime you want to be alone, tell him that you’re not going to be reachable and that he shouldn’t worry.
“Is it because of the fight the other day?”
But this? Apparently you’ve been gone for the last three days and he only finds out literally this morning, which makes his brain go haywire that he’s practically dysfunctional after that even though he tries his best to keep it together.
Why would you go MIA for days? And you didn’t inform anyone--not him, not your cousins, not Chaeyoung. At least you’re sensible enough to bring Seungcheol with you, but all sorts of scenarios went through his mind for the whole day and none of them was able to comfort him in the slightest way.
“No…” you say with a small voice, a pitiful attempt to defend yourself. You were so upset that day, so angry and overrun with emotion that Wonwoo fell victim to it. You know it’s also because you’ve been conflicted about your feelings for him and it’s on you that you choose to avoid him instead of facing him head on and figure it out from there.
You regret yelling at him immediately after the words are out your mouth, the crestfallen look on his face as you call for Seungcheol to escort him out is still fresh in your mind. How dare you do that to him?
“I… um… I… Sorry, I know you’re busy and… yeah.”
“Stop lying to me,” he pleads, and you know he’s overwhelmed with his own emotion, that he’s upset and he’s worried. But you’re not sure how to tell him what’s bothering you when most of them roots back to him. His grip on you is desperate, and you can easily detect the frustration in his eyes. “Please don’t… don’t lie to me. When has it ever mattered that I’m busy?”
His tone hurts, and perhaps it’s also the fact that you’ve been holding it by yourself, that you know you need Wonwoo with you but you’re too wrapped up with your own feelings that you’d rather suffer by yourself; that you’ve been imagining yourself in the comfort of his arm that you’re denying yourself of, but the dam that you’ve been holding together finally breaks free the moment you hear those words from him.
Wonwoo panics when you suddenly sob into his shoulder, his arms circling your figure once again in comfort. He doesn’t quite get what you’re saying, but you’re shaking your head and your fingers are gripping clothes and the whole thing hurts.
He has never seen you this vulnerable, has never witnessed you break down so hard that you can’t even string words together and you can only cry and cry.
He doesn’t hesitate to remind you that he’s there, to firmly hold on to you, to tell you that he’s there and it’s okay even if you’re unable to say everything at once. Wonwoo feels your grip tightening and he's sure you’ll leave a mark on his shirt, but he doesn’t really care and he just wishes that there’s any way to make you feel better.
It’s quite some time until your sob turns into hiccups, and you’re looking down on your lap when you finally pull away from him. He hates seeing you this way, so small and so unsure like you feel bad for crying in front of him.
Wonwoo gently cups your face so you’ll meet his eyes, and he kind of regrets it because your eyes are red and there are traces of tears on your face. You look so vulnerable, so exhausted that it breaks his heart more than it already is.
He tries to say something--anything that might be able to comfort you, but now that he’s looking at you like this, he doesn’t know if there’d be words that would be able to comfort you at this point.
You’re looking at him uneasily; like you have something in your mind that you want to talk about but, at the same time, you’re holding yourself back from saying whatever it is that you want to say out loud.
“You don’t have to explain right now if you’re not ready,” he gently reminds you, his thumb caressing the side of your face. He sees you close your eyes and lean into his touch and, for a moment, it almost feels like you didn’t spend more than a week not talking to each other, like the fight didn’t happen--like it’s just one of your bad days and he’s just here to be there for you.
But then you open your eyes and there’s a glint that he’s never seen before. Wonwoo doesn’t know how long do you two spend just looking at each other; it might be seconds, it might be minutes--or it might be hours for all he knows, but he can’t quite tell what it is about the silence enveloping you both this time that feels different.
Is it because you haven’t spoken to each other during those times? Or is it because you literally broke down in front of him just a few minutes ago? Whatever it is, it’s unfamiliar and Wonwoo is having a hard time reading you at this very moment.
You won’t move your eyes from his, and what he can easily tell is that you’re thinking real hard right now. You’re hesitating to do something and it takes everything in him not to just ask because he’s still unsure how to approach you like this.
After what feels like forever has passed, Wonwoo’s about to open his mouth and ask what’s bothering you when you move forward and press your lips against his. It’s barely even a kiss, because you pull away after one second and you look just as surprised as he is. But before either of you can think too much, Wonwoo refuses to waste a second to lean forward and kisses you properly this time.
His lips feel warm against yours, and even though you don’t feel fireworks or butterflies in your stomach, you feel your body buzzing with warmth that feels like home. Like you’ve found something that you didn’t know you were looking for.
One of his hands moves to your waist, the other firmly on the back of your neck as he deepens the kiss when he feels your hands on his shoulders, bodies pressed against each other like you can’t afford to physically be apart.
Your head is spinning, but, for once, you like it and you don’t wish it to end. Wonwoo pulls away to breathe, and it’s not one second later that his lips start wandering to your jaw and then the side of your neck. It’s the sound of your whine that gets him pulling away the second time, his heavy breath hitting your neck as he plants his forehead against your shoulder.
He tenses when he feels your fingers combing his hair and gently pushing his head closer to your neck, as if urging him to continue. “Don’t--I… I won’t be able to stop.”
Wonwoo pulls away when you don’t say anything, only to find you looking like you’re lost in a daze and he can only guess that he’s sprouting the same look; your breath is uneven, your lips are a little swollen, and it blows his mind that you’re looking like this because of him. You don’t say anything when he stares into your eyes, simply returns his gaze even though your face is already flushing from the intensity of it.
“I don’t remember asking you to stop,” you whisper at last, drunk in emotion.
So Wonwoo doesn’t.
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Wonwoo wakes up later than usual, and it’s when he realizes he’s holding someone by his side that his consciousness jolts awake.
His eyes immediately soften at the sight of you, your fingers weakly gripping the side of his shirt and another tucked under your head as you’re still deep in sleep. It feels surreal, and he’s still convinced that it’s all a dream until you stir and scoot closer to him.
You hum in your sleep, and Wonwoo finds himself pulling you even closer until he can feel your breath against his neck.
It’s probably 8 in the morning, but his phone isn’t blasting yet with notifications so he can only imagine that Chan is already doing damage control before any damage could even occur. He holds back a proud huff at the thought of the younger guy, his fingers absentmindedly combing through your hair as he thinks about giving him the raise he deserves for putting up with all the canceled schedules and whatnot for the past few weeks.
Wonwoo doesn’t know how long he stays like that, with you plastered against him and his fingers waving through your hair, basking in the soft sound of your breath. After some time, he feels your fingers tighten and he looks down to find you waking up, blinking continuously like you’re trying to grasp the situation you’re in.
“Won?” Your sleepy voice greets him not long after, and he simply hums as he smiles down at you when you look up at him.
“Slept well?”
“Mhm,” you nod, your hand that was gripping his shirt moves to hug him instead. “You?”
He chuckles and drops a kiss on top of your head, still convinced that this is a long dream that’s too good to be true. “Never better. How are you feeling?”
You groan at the question, and Wonwoo laughs when you turn away from him but quickly pulls you back to his chest and kisses your exposed shoulder in the process. You shudder at the sudden warmth of his lips, a contrast to how cold the room is, and Wonwoo grins when he sees goosebumps across your arm.
“I told you to put on a long sleeved pajama, didn’t I?”
“Are you gonna nag me first thing in the morning?” you snicker, though you can’t help but smile so widely that your cheeks hurt.
“Really though,” he asks, his lips grazing your shoulder still. “How are you feeling?”
You huff before you turn around, and you feel so stupid for never realizing how beautiful Wonwoo is, especially with the sunlight hitting him just right like now. Perhaps it’s just your eyes filtered with infatuation, but you’re pretty sure you’ve never seen Wonwoo quite as beautiful as he looks like right now; with his hair all over the place and eyes so full of love that you could burst.
“We’ll talk about it later?” you ask quietly, not really wanting to talk about it as soon as you wake up. Wonwoo nods in understanding, hugs you tighter for a moment before pulling away then tells you to wash up and get ready for breakfast. “Are we going out?”
“Do you feel like going out?”
“Not really, no,” you bite your lip, mind still heavy with thoughts that have been weighing you down for days now.
At least you don’t have to think about your feelings towards the man in front of you anymore even though you’ll still have to talk about it–there’s no use in denying it after the event yesterday.
You half expected him to want to talk about it last night, but you don’t think you’d ever forget the way he simply told you to stay put as he went to the bathroom and ran the bath for you, how he helped you to the bathtub, told you to relax, and placed a chaste kiss on your lips before he left, telling you to call for him if you need help after you’re done.
And when you had stepped out of the bathroom, Wonwoo’s all washed up too, probably took a shower in the other bathroom, sitting on your bed with a comfy sweater and pajama pants that you suspect to be Seungcheol’s.
He looked up with a soft smile and patted the seat next to him. You naturally curled into his embrace, and Wonwoo didn’t even bring up the whole thing as he talked about everything that wasn’t related to whatever problem that had been bothering you; about your last holiday together to Athens, about the puppy that basically lives in Shua’s studio even though no one knows whose it is, about the possible locations you should go to for your next trip, and so on.
You didn’t even remember falling asleep even though it’s the best sleep you’ve had in months.
“Are you listening to me?” His voice snaps you back to reality, an amused smile greets you when your eyes focus back to him. Wonwoo chuckles at your dazed look, and he bites his lips hard to stop himself from kissing you right there and then.
“Go shower, okay? I’ll prepare breakfast,” he says instead and pulls you to get up with him. Wonwoo pushes you to the bathroom before he gets ready himself using the empty bedroom next to yours.
He finishes before you do, so Wonwoo goes through the fridge to see if there’s any ingredients he can use to make breakfast for you. He finds nothing but bread though, which should be okay because you can’t eat a heavy meal for breakfast anyway.
He’s minding his own business, stirring his warm tea as he waits for the toaster to ping when he feels you hugging him from behind.
If he’s being honest, Wonwoo isn’t sure what to make of this side of you. You’ve always been touchy with people around you, leaning your head on someone’s shoulder, linking your arms with the other person’s, a kiss on the cheek as a greeting, and the list goes on. He guesses it might have to do with the fact that your parents have never been physically affectionate towards you, not even when you were a kid, so you take care of the lack of physical affection elsewhere.
But this… he can’t explain it, but it’s different. Perhaps he’s just blinded by his own affection too, at the thought that, most likely, you really do return his feelings, so he’s making things up in his head. But your hold feels different since last night, and, if he’s going to take it a notch higher, even the way you look at him now makes his heart flutter inside.
“Hungry yet?” He decides to break the silence. You tighten your arms at the question and Wonwoo feels you shaking your head against his back, whispering a little ‘not really’ though you’ll gladly eat anyway. It’s been quite some time since you actually feel like eating even though you’re not exactly hungry.
The both of you settle on the living room instead of the dinner table, one of his arms around your waist, your legs thrown over his lap and your head resting against his shoulder. You’re nibbling on your toast as Wonwoo looks around, wondering where Seungcheol might be.
“He probably went out for a run,” you say even before he asks, eyes staring into spaces like you’re in a trance. “Or for whatever it is he does for exercise.”
“Yeah?” he muses, kissing your head. He can’t stop doing that, he feels like, there’s just this sudden urge to keep on placing his lips upon you everytime you’re close to him and, fortunately for him, you’re always nearby. “Is that what he’s been doing?”
“He doesn’t… really need to protect me here,” you wince a little, feeling bad for the guy. You move away from him a little to put your half eaten meal back to its plate on the coffee table, and then settles back down on his lap as you play with the material of his hoodie. “Or, well, I guess he has to make sure I wouldn’t run away for real. But he already knows I just… umm… need space for myself and I promised I have no plans to step out of the house at all.”
You feel his arm twitch around you, and the slight change in the air tells you that the talk is coming. You take a deep breath and brace yourself to start talking about it, heart beating a little louder because, truthfully, you’re afraid. What if Wonwoo finally realizes how heavy of a luggage you are? What if he decides that he doesn’t want to stick around anymore after this? What if–
“Stop thinking so much,” he mumbles against your hair, and despite the fact that you know Wonwoo has always been able to read you like an open book, it still surprises you from time to time. “You don’t have to tell me now if you’re not ready.”
“No, I…” you hesitate, head full of all sorts of things that you can already feel a headache coming. You’re nervous to talk about it, but you know that Wonwoo deserves to know and you owe him that much after ignoring and avoiding him for so long. He’s your best friend before anything, for God's sake, most likely one of the best people in your life and you’re treating him like that just because you’re confused? “I want to… tell you about it. Just…”
“I’m not going anywhere,” he reminds you, and you can feel his gaze even though you’re not even looking at him, your eyes casted down to his side, catching a glimpse of his hand awkwardly sitting near his thigh. You reach for his hand and play with his fingers, something that you only do when you’re extremely nervous–a habit that he’s always found endearing though he never says it out loud. “You can take your time.”
So you do.
You spend about fifteen minutes gathering your thoughts, absentmindedly meddling with his fingers and finding comfort in the pattern of his breath. And then you need another fifteen to gather your courage and start to talk about what’s happened.
You’re not sure where to begin, but one of the best things about Jeon Wonwoo is that he listens. Even when you’re messy and all over the place, your words barely make sense and you’re jumping through timelines, he listens.
He stays silent as you tell him about everything; about how your feelings have been all over the place, how they’re overwhelming you and you don’t know how to deal with them, about your parents and the things they told you that day. You feel his other hand holds you tighter, your heart softens at the automatic way he turns protective.
“Like I said, they told me I should be ashamed of myself for… yeah.” Your voice gets gradually smaller as you continue on, and before Wonwoo can ask, you continue because you’re guilty and there’s this need to come clean with him. “I didn’t… I didn’t sleep with him, Won.”
You wince at your own words, feeling extremely stupid now that you’re here, on his lap, talking about the night you tried to prove yourself that you don’t see Wonwoo that way only to find the universe making a joke out of you.
Wonwoo doesn’t say anything, but it’s true what people say about guilty conscience–you just wish to clarify that it’s not what it seemed like.
“I promise I didn’t. We…” you close your eyes and take a deep breath, and despite the jealousy burning in his chest as he recalls the situation, Wonwoo caresses the skin underneath your shirt comfortingly, telling you in his silent way that you don’t need to feel bad about it. “I… We… We were already at the hotel but… But you’re just… on my mind and I…”
You’re tearing up, and Wonwoo gently shushes you to calm you down, the familiar touch of his hand pushes you to his neck and you close your eyes for a good five seconds, his scent relaxing you, before you release a deep breath and continue.
You tell him honestly about how it came to be, your talk with Shua and the denial that followed, how you left Chaeyoung in the club because you’re way too busy fighting with yourself–how you’re in denial and you felt the need to prove that Chaeyoung’s wrong only to prove yourself wrong.
(You’re pretty sure she’d be screaming at you if not for the fact that she also knew your parents paid you a visit the morning after. You made sure to make Seungcheol send her a bouquet of white roses as an apology, something that Chaeyoung instantly knew to be your way of telling her you’re truly sorry but you’re not in a good mental space to meet anyone just yet.)
His heart beats a little faster at the implication of your words, but he knows you’re not done and it’s not the time to talk about it just yet. He encourages you to continue, you’re still playing with his fingers and his other hand is rubbing your back in comfort.
Now that you’re buried in his neck and you don’t have to see his eyes, you figure it’s time to tell him about Jennie too. At first, Wonwoo keeps his silence when you tell him that your six years old self was afraid that she’d take you away from him. That, at first, it was just that until awkwardness seeped in and it stacks up throughout the years so you just don’t know how to talk to her at all now.
You take another deep breath when you eventually tell him about what it is about her that has always made you feel like you need to keep a distance from the girl; how seeing her hurts because she feels like a reflection that you can only see from afar. Like a bad dream that’s scary because it’s a little too real.
That your heart longs to be treated like her parents treat her. That, to you, it means that you’re the reason why your parents treat you like an object. Because if it’s possible for Jennie, someone whose stand in this society is practically the same as you, to be treated like a precious child, then there’s probably something wrong with you for your parents to not treat you that way.
Wonwoo goes still under you, even his fingers that you’re holding tense a bit, and when you look up to meet his eyes, his eyes are full of pain and his mouth are a little ajar, as if unsure what to say at the revelation.
He’s not sure why, but the fact that you’re not crying hurts him even more. You sound resigned, like you’re sure that you’re the problem and not your parents, like you’ve accepted that it’s all on you. He’s about to say something, but he sees the telltale of you hesitating so he stops himself and waits yet again.
And, as if it doesn’t hurt him enough already, you tell him that you heard what his mom said the other day at the party. This time, Wonwoo doesn’t wait to cut you off and reassure you that he doesn’t think you’re any problem at all, that his mom has got it wrong and she was just being nosy because one of his distant cousins have just announced their engagement though it still doesn’t excuse her words.
He even apologizes, but you tell him that he doesn’t need to and that she’s probably right.
“No, no.” He shifts to look you in the eyes, and the small smile in your face feels like a slap in the face because he’s never seen you this refrained, so resigned and even a little empty. You’re his best friend, the dearest person in his life, the only person who stubbornly breaks through his wall when no one else bothers to even try, the one who nags him to do his dishes manually even though he literally has a helper and a dishwasher in the case that Mrs. Shin is unable to come, the one who drags him out of his shell when needs it most even though, often times, he doesn’t even know he needs it.
You don’t only brighten his bad days; you light up his life and Wonwoo has never seen your light so dull–so soulless that it breaks his heart. Have you been carrying these thoughts by yourself?
“I love you.” is the only thing that he manages to say. You snap your gaze to him in shock, not expecting it at all–sure, with last night happening and the nature of your relationship, it’s pretty clear that he returns your feelings, but to hear Wonwoo say those words out loud— “And… I know it wouldn’t help your situation, but I feel like you need to hear that… I love you, and even though I might not be able to change how your parents make you feel, I want you to know that there’s always someone who thinks you’re the most important person in the world, someone who can’t be without you. Do you know how dysfunctional I was when I heard you’re missing?”
You blush under his intense gaze, cheeks warming up despite the way you’re disoriented just a few seconds ago, because, frankly, you’ve never expected to hear Wonwoo verbally tell you about how he feels. Wonwoo has never been one to explicitly express his feelings, and even though he’s better at sharing them with you than with any other person, it’s still not something that he often does. Just every once in a while when he feels like he’s almost at his limit and he knows he’s going to burst else.
His finger gently lifts your chin so you’ll look at him, and it’s just so easy to drown in his eyes and lose yourself in them that you find yourself staring back at him without saying anything, heartbeats loud in your ears and blood rushes to your face.
Has Wonwoo always had this effect on you?
You have no idea, but you’re not exactly complaining even though the feelings are annoying because you’re pretty sure your heart is about to burst just about any moment if Wonwoo stares at you just a few seconds too long.
“You matter, okay?” This is the most Wonwoo has ever said when he’s comforting you. It’s foreign, but it eases your heart in ways that you can’t understand. He’d usually just pull you into his embrace and hold you tight there until you move to pull away, his fingers rub comforting circles on your back and he never gets tired of reminding you that he’s going to be there until whenever it gets better.
You’re not complaining though, whatever way he thinks is the best way to comfort you, you’re just glad you have Wonwoo back by your side.
“I can’t–don’t–want to imagine a life where I don’t have you with me and I hope that means something to you. I know you’ve heard this a lot, but you’re a lot more than what your parents made you think you are. And when you feel like you’re not worth it, please remember that I’m literally proof that you’re wrong.”
You’re openly sobbing now, arms tight around his neck as your tears trailing down his skin. The position is uncomfortable, but Wonwoo readily pulls you tighter against him and your body is fully pressed against him as you cry at his words.
“I don’t–I don’t deserve you, you know that?” you hiccup through your sentence, and then you cry harder when Wonwoo shakes his head and gives you a small smile like you’re a child who doesn’t know what you’re talking about. He leans forward to kiss your forehead, whispering that it’s not your call to make and that he wants you with him.
He’s exceptionally eloquent in expressing his feelings today, even he’s surprised that he’s able to tell you all these things out loud; things that he’s always kept deep in his heart and thought would forever be locked there without seeing the lights of day.
But perhaps seeing you so lost and empty helps.
Wonwoo tends to be quiet. It’s something that everyone has come to accept, and no one bothers him to speak more just for the sake of it. But Wonwoo has never thought it to be a problem because you understand him even if he doesn’t say anything. You know what to do and what to say when no one else does because Wonwoo himself finds it bothersome to say anything.
But here you are at this moment, feeling worthless like you could just disappear off the earth at that second and so sure that no one would care.
How could he stay silent when you’re like that?
“You’re literally the reason why I’m still standing on my feet,” he chuckles a little at his own words, his cheek pressed against the top of your head. “I’d probably be a hermit if not for you.”
You laugh despite your tears, and you thank him when he hands you a tissue then wipe your face with it. Your vision is still blurry, as you’re still crying even though the sob has died down now. You don’t mind though, because even though your feelings are all over the place and you’re not even sure why you’re crying, you know it’s not because you’re upset.
It’s quite the opposite, actually. And it’s funny how Wonwoo rarely says anything but the moment the dam breaks and he’s letting out all these words he’s been keeping to himself, your feelings are thrown all over the place and suddenly you’re feeling everything at once.
You have never understood when people say Wonwoo is cold. Wonwoo has always been warm to you, his arms always feel like home and you can’t possibly find a place more comfortable than with Wonwoo by your side.
It’s really a mystery to you how Wonwoo manages to hold you even tighter, but you really don’t care because the only thing that you care about right now is you’re with him.
You’re home–and that’s the only thing you could ask for.
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©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved. I don’t allow any reposting, translation, and any other kind of redistribution of this fic. Please tell me if you’re aware of anyone doing this without my permission.
A/N: hehehehhhh they're finally together😭😭
taglist: @hoe4wonwoo@dnylwoo@yslshua@twogyuu@najaemin138@blueixnie@boowanie@pwettytae@itsveronicaxxx@aphrodyteeth@leechanniee@jeoonghann@sdoulc@kyeomjjigae@ru-lin@listxn@yngreid@vynnz@lilactangerine@justasoftstan@amymoonl@02psh@lovelywoo@pusangmamon@yoontaedotin@soonchanshua@fanfic24@nothingbutadeadesceane@nollixtrml@sweetheart-gs@rjsmochii@dowoonwoodealer@babyjagihoney
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star-scrambled · 2 years
so with sonic and knuckles basicaly being brothers in the movie, how you feeling?
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I think everyone really wants an answer out of me as the person who ruthlessly crowded the movie sonknux tag for months, so here you go! I said I’d comply with whatever happened, and now I am, and I’m having fun with that ADORABLE ending 🥺 idc!!! and idc in the sense that i’m happy either way!!!
The thing that has been ticking me off though is how I’ve yet to actually see a definitive confirmation of their relationship at the end, less so at official sources (as far as I’m aware) and more so at the people who decide to take rude jabs at eachother’s opinions as they inform me. I’m not going to trust someone saying “this is why they’re not siblings at all” when they’re actively judging people who got that from the ending and are creating good comforting content in their own space. I don’t endorse anyone doing that honestly, I thought it was common sense to respect eachother and lay off if you see something you don’t like.
On a more personal reflective note: It’s a strange thing to witness this happen, but it’s kind of funny to me too??? Like, how common is it for your ship to have One Canon of Dozens that seems to push for a relationship more familial 28 years after the characters’ original debut AND in arguably what’s become the most well known media with them, and what do you do about that? I personally have a deep soft spot for the found family message of the movie, and honest to god the fics people have made in the past few days alone about it have driven me to tears SO OFTEN because of how adorable and sweet it all is, but like......in terms of my art content, what is Movie Sonic and Movie Knuckles if not regular Sonic and Knuckles with extra fur and new shoes? I’m still drawing the exact same characters, and so far indulging in both the media where the ship is rocky and where the ship is completely justified feels...REALLY fucking weird. Like. Is that Okay. Am I completely closed off from enjoying this because I dug myself a hole for two years that’s too deep to jump out of and start over again? Or can I make this work somehow?
My only hope is that, if it is confirmed ten fold that they are undeniably siblings and not just awkward found family friends to besties (how I see the ending and onward so far, purely /p), people take the effort to check the dates of my pre-movie fan works before sending asks about it. I wouldn’t even consider myself a spokesperson for the ship anymore, if I’m being honest, again because of the weird behaviour and different views and interpretations I have of them compared to most anyway. Sonuckles/Sonknux will always have me in its grasps, and I’m obviously not changing how I create non-movie ship, but I’d rather make even more fun with what I got than waste my energy and cause unnecessary problems for myself trying to resist it.
I hope this is what you wanted to hear??? Like I’ve posted before, if anyone unbias can actually tell me what’s going on with them, PLEASE lmk!!! 👍 but either way team sonic fans STAY WINNING BABYYYYYYYYYY AAAUUYEGUSGGHGHHHHG SOBS
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yoitscro · 3 years
The most troubling thing about the Sarah Z situation is that everything felt like damage control, tactical intimidation, and knee-jerked censorship. Right off the cuff of Hussie’s patreon message*.
(*Does anyone ever notice how Hussie only talks to the fandom when some kind of trouble eventually boils over, usually pointing a finger in one direction, versus addressing things earlier or addressing things period? Such as him having the power to speak against the actual anti queer jargon toward his employees prior to them leaving when things got worse? Or him mentioning the concerns of HS2 that people only found out through word of mouth and were reasonably upset about, such as them getting rid of the content warnings, or the fact that Hiveswap Act 2 was released without credits?
Would certainly make me less irritated if I didn’t know that that message is probably going to be one of his only few that he chooses to write and not mention other things, such as the returned antagonism toward fans. 
But this is also the same guy who continues to write passive aggressive messages in his comic and game scripts that calls everyone else a loser for still being mad about the racism and ableism. (Seriously, Psycholonials is just a vague post in game form and it’s chaotic as fuck to do things like using riots (racially prominent a year ago) in the toned environment of 2020 as goofy plot points. I thought we were suppose to do BETTER after Skaia Net.)
Idc if he’s not apart of WP anymore. Even then, he certainly left a lot of baggage for other people to handle. It’s incredibly irresponsible.
Those journals have existed forever. Whether right or wrong, they have. They’ve gone unaddressed despite being known for existing. A big name youtuber giving an auditory version that doesn’t take up all the video probably shouldn’t have been the reason that fans finally got some kind of answer, and it’s blatantly transparent that it was to protect the IP from having it’s name tarnished. As if Homestuck doesn’t already have issues that it refuses to acknowledge after a decade that everyone else has talked about.
I can imagine that some kind of NDA was keeping them from talking about Hiveswap to their kickstarter backers, but the convenience of that expiring once Sarah said something gives me an inkling that the people who’ve actually stuck around to support Homestuck could’ve heard sooner. Not to mention that before this big blowout, people just wanted to know that the game was being worked on period. There was actually no NDA preventing that communication.
People wonder why there’s such a rift between WP and the homestuck community, and it’s stuff like that. The fact that Hussie only comes down to address damage when it piles up to a breaking point, rather than earlier. The fact that if you have one criticism, friends or associates of the people who write their favorite characters will maul you in the name of whatever marginalized group they happen isolate you from.
And at the end of it all, it’s almost like some big, surface level moral, because no one cared 3 days after Sarah’s video. Everyone treated it like usual youtube commentary essays about troubling developments and moved on.
Instead, now, still, everyone cares about the fact that an opinion video about Homestuck was getting legal threats during 4/13. After years of a troubled relationship with it’s fandom, this was the last thing they needed to do. I’m trying to wrap my head around what the favorable outcome was here; to look GOOD?
I can’t even imagine what this stunt looks like to other studios and IP groups. I wonder if Homestuck is secretly blacklisted at this point because so much bad behavior has been normalized instead of having a healthy blend between criticism and sympathy.
BC again, a transphobic bigot sending death threats bc homestuck “isn’t what it use to be”, and responding to that rightfully, isn’t the same as someone thinking that more jarring post-canon content and execution of things like toblerone wishes suck some, and figureheads deciding to insult minors, stir character drama, and call other bulk criticisms from the queer community homophobic or transphobic. That in fact loses support, money, and causes infighting, actually.
I’ve never seen a fandom decline in stable activity as hard as 2019-2020 Homestuck.
This is the part where I say that my caliginous crush from wanting to see this IP improve itself flares up from time to time, but is starting to die down knowing that, unless there’s a massive overhaul on how things are run, things aren’t changing...seriously. There are things HS can do even without Viz Media’s overbearing presence, but it doesn’t want to. Starting a feud on your holiday wasn’t one of those things to do, maybe, actually.
I think it’s telling that it’s actually bad enough that I usually refrain from talking as much as I am now, because some part of me knows that some ex WP member, or a friend of one, is reading this and potentially sharing it in whatever snotty chat to once more emphasize how evil of a person I am for saying what everyone else is thinking, lmao.
I think that if anyone wants to pride themselves in not being “terminally online” and in fandom, they should refrain from putting their hands on a story that’s literally embedded and literally about it’s fandom. Go join a private discord instead, or try a different franchise. Maybe have some self awareness. Just a thought.
Anyways, the trust is tainted. The fallout has been followed by quiet, and the current members are reshaping the ground of this community before the weeds eventually rear their heads again.
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