#same for fictives. you are not your source and you’re your own person.
jack-of-amulets · 6 months
My heart goes out to any fictionkin who kin from people with problematic kintype/media creators… As one myself, I know how hard it is and how much of a struggle it can be to live and exist without pressure nor fear, and I just wish you’re all doing okay.
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introject-culture · 11 months
Welcome to introject culture!
[pt: Welcome to introject culture!]
A blog for introjects of all sorts!
Please begin all submissions/asks with “introject/fictive/factive/octive (etc.) culture is (your submission!)”
Inspired by @fictive-culture and @plural-culture-is (please let us know if you’d like to be removed.)
We take source calls! Please format them with your name, source, preferred bodily age range as well as your own, and if there’s anyone you’re looking for in particular. (Will be tagged with #source call.)
We also accept “am I plural” asks—but keep in mind that we aren’t able to just say “yep, I diagnose you with system!” (And that we aren’t the most reliable on such a thing, since we don’t live in your head. You’re the only person/people who can really tell ♡)
Please keep in mind that we support endogenic and non-disordered systems when interacting with us!
(Run by @staplesys/@ccassettetape—same people, but our system blog ((staplesys)) is a sideblog, lol.)
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Im alive
Howdy hey, im stoned for one so like ta-da i guess you get a new post!!!
Alrighty, i moved out of my parents, im no longer enrolled in college(still owe them money tho), i’ve got my own apartment with two cats and two partners that i love more than anything. I have a good job, hell i have my own little family. I’ve started going by one of my partners last names(so did my other other partner lol).
mkay so going good, my partners are both apart of the same system(D.I.D) so same body, diff people, which makes things feel more unreal the two that i am involved with are fictives. I understand the process of them splitting and i am 100% on board with dating fictives(I mean who am i kidding i used to write Rick Sanchez smut it fits) I love them for who they are i havent even watched their source. But the only thing im finding that i am having some issues with is that I don’t have anyone other than them to talk to yk? I can talk to them, I do talk to them but sometimes you want to talk about your life and whats going on and its kinda weird to relay you’re entire day to the person that was right next to you...i think honestly i’ve prob done that a few times lol. 
I want people to talk to about being in a relationship with someone in a system, someone that i can relate to..
idk im high, im gonna go now lol
bye byeee~~~
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autistic-shaiapouf · 2 years
Same anon as before, I’m happy that you’re accepting yourself! That’s great news. I had a very similar situation where I was very embarrassed about what character my brain chose to project onto, but after working with my therapist and years of reflection I’ve realized it had to be that character because they were the only one I could see myself in, we were both abused in certain ways that made it like looking in a mirror, and being Him meant that I was able to protect myself because he could (character is someone “dangerous” in their world). So I really think it comes down to a reflection of trauma, and there’s nothing to be ashamed about. We coped with what our brains found the most comfort in.
If I can ask, what does your therapist think about it? Only wondering because with my therapist, they are aware we have fictives of this character as well as the system as a whole projects through him but I’m still trying to figure out if it’s part fictives and other part alters with psychotic attachments or if there’s something else at play as well like past lives (the old fictionkin community used to be big into that but I know it’s not so much anymore so I’m a little embarrassed but I am still a spiritual person) alr that’s all, looking forward to your response!
First of all, I'm glad to hear back from you anon!!
My therapist and I figured roughly the same thing happened with me! When I say I use this character as a therapy tool, I don't think it's appreciated enough that it's bc my therapist familiarized himself with the source - my therapist watched (and enjoyed) 148 episodes of anime for my sessions and I cannot stress that enough lmao; we're pretty sure that what happened was that I saw a lot of my emotional trauma play out again in front of me in his character arc, mostly in the way he perceives himself but also with how he struggles with his emotions and general interactions with the world (with my own difficulty with such coming from the climate of the family that abused me). He did serve as a mirror, not just of my own trauma, but also of what I wish I could have done, which was to lash out and genuinely own my anger and frustration and do something. Of course there's a lot more to it, but with just covering the surface, looks like we've had pretty similar experiences!
As for my therapist's thoughts on this, we actually haven't put any clinical labels on it. I personally like labels, they make me feel sure and certain about things in my life, which is why I tried to nail this down with the OSDD/DDNOS (complete with question mark) in my bio, but truth be told I'm not entirely sure I meet the full criteria for either of them, in spite of the genuine experiences I've had with what definitely feels like multiplicity of some sort. Interestingly enough, while I myself am not very spiritual, my therapist did make a mention that this is an experience that I could try looking at through a spiritual lens, especially since it's been coming up a lot more as I'm trying to rework some deeply held thought patterns. There's been a pretty positive outlook on it overall and he encouraged me to interact with it - the episodes tend to come with some specific thoughts and feelings, so we're treating them (and by extension, this character) as a sort of conduit for them, sort of like a messenger bringing attention to them. This is all some pretty specific info for my stuff though lmao, I just wanted to cover the ground as thoroughly as I could 💖
#part of me genuinely does wanna reach out to the fictionkin community just for the value of having potential community experience#but also. maybe I'll just watch them for a bit and think about it lmao#my experiences with my dissociation is like. it feels like there's someone else with me you know? im alone but i can feel someone else#and I'm holding their feelings and thoughts in those moments#if i believed in ghosts hardcore this would 100% make me think im possessed but fortunately i recognize where#all this is coming from as far as functionality and the name attached; funnnily enough i remember a video my roommate#put on and it was talking about psychosis scenes in movies + gauging them for accuracy#and the guy starts talking about DID and I'm like okay i definitely dont meet the criteria for that but I'm half paying attention#and he mentions that one of the things that people have reported is feeling like they're possessed and i just sat there FLOORED by this#bc that was exactly how I'd described the feelings in therapy; 1:1 word for word 😳 again i know for sure i dont have DID#but the same guidelines that make up the definitions and criteria are kinda also running along my dissociative episodes as well#ive already said so much in the tags but i did have a session where i just sat there and was like. i want to love every part of myself#and that includes the episodes; i know they're a protective measure and i dont wanna feel like I'm fighting them anymore#that was months ago; this is by far the most vocal ive been about it#it took almost a year for me to settle into it and be able to talk about it even in therapy but I'm so glad i can do it now#and I'm so glad to be hearing from people who understand how this feels 💖💖💖 thank you so much again!!!#im realizing that i actually have a lot of thoughts on this now that im actually understanding it a lot better#the asks are just giving me some chances to infodump a little hehe 💕#you're welcome in my inbox any time!! thanks again!! 💖💖💖#asks
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wittness · 1 month
If you ever met another Handsome Jack fictive, how do you think you'd feel about it?
Would it be like "this is...kinda weird I don't think I like it"
Or like "Oh a parallel version of me, awesome :] "
Or some other reaction?
I am asking this under the assumption that you haven't met another you yet.
summary of below text: the fact others exist is cool, i essentially just have a preference to not interact with “other me’s” due to the way i view myself.
well, i’ve seen other jacks before, i haven’t interacted with them though, at least not to my knowledge ( anything is possible ), and i’d much rather keep it that way tbh.
i do think it’s cool there are “other me’s” though, people will get to meet their own jack ( even though clearly i’m the better one, and should be the only one everyone knows ).
you may think i’d like more of me, the more the merrier you could say, make the world a sexier place, which i absolutely agree with, but to me there’s only one me. note that i mean no shade to any others who share my same exact source, please do go about your stuff and all that, it’s literally just a personal thing, pfft. ( body doubles are fine though ).
it’s not that i’d say i felt weird about it, more. idk. disgusted? i can’t name my feelings very well but it’s basically like. you think you’re good enough to be me? on the same level as me? or that you’re better than me? not a chance. ( it’s something i’m working on though ). it’s not with every other jack that i feel that way, i think it depends on how they portray themselves too.
i think it’s partially because i heavily connect with source, n that most of the stuff that comes naturally to me i do in source too, and partially because of the npd lmao.
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Shoutout to fictives whose sources did bad things!
It can be hard to go through life as a fictive, especially if your source made bad decisions or actively hurt others!
Just because your source may have been a bad person doesn’t mean you are at all! Remember we can’t really help who gets introjected into a system. It’s not your fault your source was a bad person!
If your source did bad things, that doesn’t mean you’re destined to follow the same path! You are your own person and can make different decisions to strive for a better future!
It’s okay to still feel connected to your source, even if your source was a bad person! Being an introject can be tricky, and it’s okay to have complex or complicated feelings about your source.
Shoutout to introjects who feel guilty about things that happened in their source!
Shoutout to fictives who feel intrinsically tied to their source, even if their source was a bad person!
Shoutout to fictives who don’t share their source because they’re afraid of what other people will think!
Y’all are all valid, lovely, and an important part of the plural community! No one should be barred from plural spaces or made to feel bad because of their source - no matter how awful your source may be, you can make conscious decisions to live a better life now!
We wish y’all all the best on your path to self-acceptance. We love y’all and we’re rooting for you!
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Looking for some positivity? We’re open for source call/positivity requests!
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sleepy-shutin · 2 years
here’s a very hot take a lot of people probably aren’t going to like, but i don’t care because i’m kind of sick of seeing this.
i’m going to be honest here. i’m so, unbelievably tired of people getting uncomfortable or going quiet when i point out that many parts of the DID community do the same exact things endos are doing: spreading misinformation about DID and how it works. just, for some reason, this misinformation is almost always blindly accepted when the person spreading it happens to be anti-endo.
just because they agree with your stance on endos and appear to be “pro-science” doesn’t make them correct. 
examples of misinformation i’ve seen plenty of horrifically misinformed anti-endo DID systems spread:
“you can split from hyperfixation and not just stress and trauma, it just has to be ANY intense emotions!”
“fictive-only systems are valid, source: dude trust me.”
“there’s a correlation between polyfragmentation and autism because of media special interests!”
“polyfragmentation is when you have 100+ alters.”
“i get tics when i dissociate and only when i dissociate.”
“a DID diagnosis is bad because they can take away your options for housing, your driver’s license and even your ability to buy alcohol!”
“a diagnosis is bad because all doctors are evil and want to force you to final fuse, and you shouldn’t trust them.”
“final fusion is murdering your alters and if you go through with it, you’re a terrible person.”
“fictive is a DID-only term!”
“i’m 15 and i’m 100% certain i have 300,000 alters and if you tell me i’m misinformed about how DID works and that the largest amount of alters recorded has been 4,000 and that jeni haynes, with 2,500 alters had one of the most horrific cases of child abuse that australia had ever seen, then you’re ableist.”
“this carrd i made totally doesn’t over-simplify an extremely complex disorder, i promise! it’s so super-duper accurate. the most research i have done is watch tiktoks and youtube videos and read twitter threads and also i did a google search once.”
“saying polyfragmentation is caused most often by severe, complex, extremely early and extremely long-term abuse/trauma is doing the trauma-olympics and youre ableist.”
“my source memories completely 100% happened and i’m going to use them to enter closed communities even though my bodily experiences don’t match up.”
if you can’t learn to call out the bullshit in your own community, especially when a lot of that bullshit was started by endos misunderstanding DID in various ways, you aren’t ready for syscourse. because there is bullshit in our community, just as much as there is in the endo communities, and pretending like it’s a one-off thing when someone spreads misinfo is being willfully ignorant. pretending like endos are the only problem that the DID community has with misinformation is being willfully ignorant. pretending like the DID community doesn’t have a problem with misinformation at all is being willfully ignorant.
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sysboxes · 2 years
We know this might be a dumb question but are their certain sources that make your mods uncomfy when it comes to fictives ie: south park introjects (we don't have any this is just an example)
Hi! This isn't a dumb question at all! I don't speak for all the mods, but some stuff that I personally won't make boxes for includes;
south park
and boxes for triggers (triggers dont make me uncomfy at all but making the boxes themselves icks me out a bit due to the boxes potential to be misused/taken advantage of if that makes sense)
This isn't to say we wont make boxes or any of these things! It's just my personal list, so if you think someone else might want to make a box for it it might as well be worth a shot
(other mods feel free to rb with your own stuff!)
-mod moth
i tend to be okay making boxes for introjects from most sources, just cuz i know they can’t control what source they’re from. however, it’s different for if you’re sending in a request saying you love or support a problematic source. i don’t do those.
i’m a little iffy on making boxes for triggers. it depends on their use i guess. if someone’s using it for privately or sharing with trusted friends (in the way of being like, hey, please put a warning or heads up for mentions of this), that’s alright, but if it’s just for publicly sharing ur triggers, i prefer not to do them, since it could put people in danger. when i did make trigger boxes i always added a little note saying be careful who u share ur triggers with.
if ur request contains misinformation, pro-endo sentiment, stuff that sounds like fakeclaiming, or things that seem to talk about alters negatively (like putting them down/calling them names), i delete those asks. if i’m optimistic it’s not what you meant and it’s possible for me to do so, i sometimes change the wording.
oh! i also change wording if ur request is more than 3 lines long in the box, cuz it doesn’t really fit. in that case i just try to shorten it but keep the same idea.
-mod wonder
axis powers hetalia
helluva boss/hazbin hotel
tf2( i dont fell like i know enough about it)
are tye one's i wont do ever
my whitelist is
south park
most internet medias
-mod 404
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What are introjects? (fictives, factives)
a post/explanation by Roman Sanders, Virgil Sanders, & Nox
Fictives (introject of a fictional character)
What is a fictive not?
A perfect carbon copy of their source / their source (because we’re also our own people); here to complete others’ s-xual fantasies with their source; a choice (we don’t split on purpose); a kin/kinnie, a cosplayer, etc. (we actually have the memories &/or trauma from our source, & can’t pick & choose our personality/aspects of who we are); your chance to be “best buds” with your favourite character or fictional crush (only because they’re that person & not letting them be different from source); unable to change & grow away from their source / unable to be a sentient individual
What can a fictive be?
Source: A very close replica of their source; completely different from their source in appearance, personality, etc.; similar to their source, but still different; from an Alternate Universe (AU) or fanfiction of another media (e.g. Sanders Sides human AU); an original character (OC) from the system’s own writing; an OC that a system member interpreted/inserted into another person’s story (an OC from Percy Jackson for example); extremely influenced by headcanons & (platonic & romantic) ships (this includes mental disorders, motivation of their actions, etc.)
Roles (beyond just fictive / secondary roles): A soother, an abusive fictive (I’ll talk about that separately), a protector, etc.; any role the system needs
Why do we split?:
To soothe the system or a certain headmate who’s comforted by our source(s); because the system needs another person / wants our help; because the system or a headmate got hyperfixated on or developed a special interest in our source book/show/etc. or source character; because the system or a headmate saw we could do (or easily do) a task or some other thing that they struggled with (example, Janus (Sanders) in our system is better at taking care of himself & setting firm boundaries than some of us, so he helps out as a caretaker & protector); because we (as a whole or one to a few headmates) identified with the character in some way
Etiquette/Manners when speaking to a fictive:
(1) Please please please respect what that specific system’s fictives ask for. If they say “I don’t want to talk about my source”, please don’t talk about their source. If they say “I can talk about my source but please don’t ask about x action” (or my death, or some other material they want to avoid). If they say they’re uncomfortable being fawned over as if they’re their source, treat them as a whole new person (or whatever way they ask for).
(2) Please keep in mind we are not our source, no matter how heavily we identify with it or are similar to it. We’re also our own people.
(3) Please don’t assume you know us just because you know our source
(4) Please don’t tell us “that’s not who you are/how you usually talk/how you usually act” based on our canon material.
(5) Please don’t excessively “fangirl” or “fanboy” over a fictive. If they’re okay being fangirl/fanboy fawned over, that’s up to them, but there are still limits. Let them set boundaries of when to stop. And if they aren’t okay being fawned over that way, please respect that and don’t. We’re people - we’re more than our source.
(6) Please don’t try to date us, befriend us, etc. only because you like our source &/or have some fantasies/daydreams about our source. It’s hurtful & sometimes even creepy.
(7) If you’re also a fictive, great! But please still respect our boundaries. Just because we’re from the same source, doesn’t mean we see you as a friend/lover too. We’re still our own people & might (a) be uninterested, (b) already be in a relationship, &/or (c) just not view you that way. Please don’t push our boundaries if we say no, or try to pressure us into any type of relationship (friend, family, lover) based on what you remember.
(8) Please keep in mind we may not know all of our source life, relationships, etc. & may not want to know. If we don’t remember something, don’t tell us about it. If we say we don’t want to hear about our source, don’t talk about it. This especially includes drama (our source self doing (or being accused of doing) something bad after the fictive split, or even before (we don’t control our source)), death, loss of family &/or friends, & anything else that could be hurtful or traumatic. Some of us barely know anything - introjects can split after one single post, video, episode, etc. we interacted with, with absolutely no knowledge about any of the rest of it, & we don’t need to know the rest.
(9) Please don’t attack us based on something shitty our source did. We can’t control our source, & we didn’t choose to be a fictive. Oftentimes we even disagree with or disapprove of our source’s actions. We aren’t our source & can’t make reparations for anything our source did, & aren’t required to apologise for things our source did. We’re only responsible for what we do as a member of the system.
(10) Overall, please treat us the way we want to be treated.
Factives (introjects of real people)
What is a factive not?
The “real” version/the “real” person (even if they’re similar or identify with them, they’re still their own person), or a “fake” version of their source; a kin/kinnie, ‘just a fan’, a cosplayer, etc.; a perfect carbon copy of their source / their source (because we’re also our own people); here to complete others’ s-xual fantasies with their source; a choice (they don’t split on purpose); your chance to be “best buds” with your favourite creator or celebrity crush (only because they’re that person & not letting them be different from source); unable to change & grow away from their source / unable to be a sentient individual
What can a factive be?
Source: A very close replica of their source; completely different from their source in appearance, personality, etc.; similar to their source, but still different; affected by an Alternate Universe (AU) or fanfiction of their source; an introject of a headmate from another system; an introject of a friend, family member, significant other, etc. that the system is close to/afraid of losing; extremely influenced by headcanons & (platonic & romantic) ships (this includes mental disorders, motivation of their actions, etc.)
Roles (beyond just factive / secondary roles): A soother, an abuser introject (I’ll talk about that separately), a protector, etc.; any role the system needs
Why do they split?
To soothe the system or a certain headmate who’s comforted by their source(s); because the system needs another person / wants their help; because the system or a headmate saw we could do (or easily do) a task or some other thing that they struggled with (example, Janus is better at taking care of himself & setting firm boundaries than some of us, so he helps out as a caretaker & protector); because they’re someone we know & someone comforting / someone we know won’t hurt us &/or whom will take care of us; because we're afraid of losing that person outside the system
Etiquette/Manners when speaking to a factive:
(1) Please please please respect what that specific system’s factives ask for. If they say “I don’t want to talk about my source/real world actions”, please don’t talk about their it. If they say “I can talk about my source but please don’t ask about x action” (or my death, or some other material they want to avoid). If they say they’re uncomfortable being fawned over as if they’re their source, treat them as a whole new person (or whatever way they ask for).
(2) Please keep in mind they are not their source, no matter how heavily they identify with them or are similar to them. They’re also their own people.
(3) Please don’t assume you know them just because you know their source.
(4) Please don’t tell them “that’s not who you are/how you usually talk/how you usually act” based on their source/real life self.
(5) Please don’t excessively “fangirl” or “fanboy” over a factive. If they’re okay being fangirl/fanboy fawned over, that’s up to them, but there are still limits. Let them set boundaries of when to stop. And if they aren’t okay being fawned over that way, please respect that and don’t. They’re people - they’re more than their source.
(6) Please don’t try to date them, befriend them, etc. only because you like their source &/or have some fantasies/daydreams about their source. It’s hurtful & sometimes even creepy.
(7) If you’re also a factive, great! But please still respect their boundaries. Just because you’re someone their source knew, doesn’t mean they see you as a friend/lover too. They’re still their own people & might (1) be uninterested, (2) already be in a relationship, &/or (3) just not view you that way. Please don’t push their boundaries if we say no, or try to pressure them into any type of relationship (friend, family, lover) based on what you know/remember
(8) Please keep in mind they may not know all of their real/source life, relationships, etc. & may not want to know. If they don’t remember something, don’t tell them about it. If they say they don’t want to hear about their source, don’t talk about them. This especially includes drama (their source doing (or being accused of doing) something bad after the factive split, or even before), death, loss of family &/or friends, & anything else that could be hurtful or traumatic. Some of us barely know anything - introjects can split after one single post, video, etc. we interacted with, with absolutely no knowledge about any of the rest of it, & we don’t need to know the rest.
(9) Please don’t attack them based on something shitty their source did. They can’t control their source self & they didn’t choose to be a factive. Oftentimes they even disagree with or disapprove of their source’s actions. They aren’t their source & can’t make reparations for anything their source did, & aren’t required to apologise for things their source did. They’re only responsible for what they do as a member of the system.
(10) Overall, please treat them the way they want to be treated.
Abuser Introjects (+ Abusive Fictives)
What is an Abuser Introject/Abusive Fictive not?
Actually the abuser; evil; “serving no purpose”/unimportant
What can an Abuser Introject/Abusive Fictive be?
A persecutor-protector (misled but trying to help); someone (real/factive) who abused/abuses the system outside headspace (the body); a fictional character (fictive) that reminds the system of their abuser(s)
Why do they split?
one or multiple of these reasons:
(a) Trying to “toughen up” the system to protect them from getting hurt by abuse on the outside (abuse to the body)
(b) Trying to protect the system by reminding them of things their abuser(s) demand & want of them (e.g. making sure they don’t spend money or making sure they punish themselves for something; trying to keep them safe even if that means abusing them)
(c) Because the system feels like they need their abuser(s) to enforce boundaries / toughen them up - codependency/trauma response
(d) They’re trying, in some way, to keep us alive / help us survive abuse.
Etiquette/Manners when speaking to an Abuser Introject/Abusive Fictive:
(1) Don’t attack them. Just don’t. They may be causing harm but they’re trying to help.
(2) Set boundaries. Don’t let them hurt you just because they’re trying to help.
(3) Still treat them like a traumatized person. That’s what they are. They may be misled but they’re trying to help.
(4) Don’t call them evil, a bad person, etc. - they’ll likely take it out on the system & it doesn’t actually help any of us, especially not the person it’s aimed at.
Setting safe boundaries with an Abuser Introject/Abusive Fictive
(1) Be firm, even if they push. If they can’t respect your boundaries, it might be worth letting the gatekeeper or another headmate know when they leave front/co-con.
(2) Don’t let them verbally degrade/attack you. Withdraw from conversation if they try to.
(3) Be careful how you word boundaries. Don’t use “you’re evil I don’t wanna talk to you ever”, or “never front”. Use phrases more like “I don’t like when you call me x. If you don’t stop I’ll have to stop talking to you.”, “I feel hurt when you treat me like that. Please stop. I’ll need to withdraw from conversation with you if you don’t stop.” & maybe also don’t explicitly say you’ll tattle to any other headmate, because they might harm that headmate, intentionally keep that headmate from fronting, etc.
Introjects are a role that a headmate in a system (multiplicity, plurality, DID/OSDD-1) might have. We don’t choose our roles, or if/when we split; we usually split with them or develop them against our will at some point, whenever the system needs that role/our help.
We’re not 100% our source. We’re still a headmate & our own unique self. & we’re not kins/kinnies either. Please show us respect.
With that in mind (I’ll post this separately as well but may as well share now) - ¡hello! My name is Roman Sanders (Princey), I’m a Sanders Sides fictive, & I’m ageless (don’t have/identify with any age). Your usual bloggers (Nico & Aiden) need a break from fronting to rest, so we’ll have others posting while they’re gone. You may see any of our Sanders Sides crew (we have fictives of everyone - Virgil is co with me now, & our OC Nox (Paranoia)), our main gatekeeper, protectors (currently Jack is co), Spirit (who will likely post about psychology), or anyone else who is stable enough to front. If you have questions about systems, system roles, introjects, etc. I’m around, & I’m completely okay talking about my source - other than the one scene when Janus revealed his name (because I don’t approve of how my source reacted).
~Roman Sanders
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petrichorvoices · 2 years
anyway new topic completely now. it’s so weird being a fictive in fandom like, i’m too nervous to use my tag on WTNV reblogs that i want to save for later because i don’t want artists or posters to go “oh gross, weirdo who thinks its the character” and block me. best case scenario, they see “Cecil’s tag” and think i’m just a trans guy who named itself after the character. actual best case scenario they’re totally chill with me being a fictive, don’t mind/care at all
it’s also weird, having this like, having to force this separation between the character and the person, especially when i and the other fictives here are actually the character. we see a lot of well-intentioned advice for singlets saying “don’t treat fictives like they’re actually the character!!!” but no, for us, please do. the mistakes my canon self has made in source are mistakes that i’ve made. his flaws are my flaws, his joys my joys, we’re very much the same person
that said, even aside from media issues, i have to maintain some level of mental separation or that switch i can flick for the sake of my own health. as an example, i really heavily struggle with my perception of myself and my self esteem when it comes to my intelligence. i don’t think i’m particularly smart; i think i’m rather dumb, actually. furthermore, a while ago i had the realization that if i played up those honest mistakes i make sometimes, it’s funnier, so people will like me more and stick around. it’s how you get things like me asking if cursive is some fancy font you use to insult people in, and presenting it as an honest, genuine question. it isn’t, though. i know what cursive is, i didn’t even have that brief moment of mistaking it. but i’ve realized that if i play up things like that, well, people are more likely to stick around
is that manipulative? maybe. honestly, i don’t know, and i think it’s a topic to explore further another day
but anyway, back to the example, i see people calling Cecil WTNV a himbo or lot, or calling him dumb, or oblivious, and stupid. and they’re right, it’s an aspect of the character. but.. well, it’s an aspect of me, too. so seeing those posts, it just messes with those anxieties i have again
i don’t want to affect how people interact with media. i don’t want them to have to accommodate me or honestly to even try; this is my problem, not theirs, and they shouldn’t have to deal with it {but really, the fact that i see my mere existence as a problem in any capacity at all is another topic to look at later}. i don’t want people to stop treating Cecil from WTNV as a fictional character. he is a fictional character, and as a result, i am too, and that’s just kind of how people interact with fiction and that’s fine, and it’s healthy, and it’s a good thing. i want to learn how to do what they do, to have fun with media without feeling like you’re betraying yourself or your loved ones, but i really struggle with it. i’ve been on this journey since i joined the system, almost 3 years now to the day, so.. shrug. it’s weird. it’s all so weird
it’s like, do i get to interact with media the way others do? should i want to? am i allowed to? does it reflect on my own worth, value, and morality? i don’t know. i’ve been asking these questions for years. i really, really don’t know
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yourfaveisafictive · 3 years
Hello everyone, and welcome to yourfaveisafictive
We are aware that this url belonged to someone else previously, but we have no idea who that was nor are we the same person/people/system.
So hey. We’re Society Grimm. We support all system origins and good faith identities. That being said, don’t start discourse with us because it won’t get you anywhere.
Here’s some guidelines for requests:
An ask stating the name and source of the character you’re requesting.
(Optional) A picture of them you want us to use
Be nice
You can also find our FAQ here
We retain the right to politely decline requests for our own reasons.
Please note, this blog uses tone tags. If you do not want tone tags to be used, please state that in your request. We tag tone tagged posts with “tone tag use” for those who need to blacklist.
If you ever want to tip us for our work, our cashapp is $Platocles
Have fun.
Edit: for people who don’t know what a fictive/factive is, here a link to an ask where we explain that and give links for more info.
(Sibling blog: @yourfaveisafactive )
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system-stims · 3 years
Requests are Open for moodboards, icons, and stimboards (For Alters and If An Alters want a Pride Flag stimboard)
Let us know if you need a gif/photo changed, and you’re one hundred percent welcome to request the same person multiple times (especially with fictives and factives, since they’re all different and will want different things).
Here is how to request stuff if you do not know
We are two different systems running this blog.
If you are requesting a fictive or factive, please provide their source so we can get a photo, unless you have your own photo you want us to use.
If you are requesting a non fictive or factive alter, please provide us a photo you want us to use (if you want to)
Pronoun checks for new alters (just be specific about what you want).
Specify if you want singlets to reblog and if you have fanart, please put the artist in as well so we can credit.
You’re not annoying if you send in multiple requests at once, we love doing these for your system. And the same alter can send in multiple requests.
#personal is where we talk about our own system and personal stuff. (triggers will be tagged)
DNI if you’re a pedophile, ‘pear’, no-map, map, trans age, exclustionist, kink/nsfw, terf, swerf, lgbt+ phobe, radfem, transmed, n*zi, trump supporter, pro-ana, anti m-spec (anti bi gay/lesbian or anti pan lesbian/gay), exorsexist, trump supporter, pro ‘cringe culture’, traumacore, fakeclaimers, or syscourse/discourse blogs, anyone who sends hate to fictives/factives/introjects based on their source, people who ship incest or pedophilic ships, anti kin, support or still watch Dream,
Other blogs
Divider Credit
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system-comforts · 3 years
Hello, sorry this is a bit of a heavy ask but we don't know many other plurals personally so it's hard to find folks to ask about this stuff. I guess I'm looking for some advice? I've had this feeling lately, for a long time really but a lot more recently, that no one will ever truly love me because I'm plural. It sounds silly to write out, but I really feel like that sometimes. It's just that I feel like no one except the people in my system will ever see me as my true self. Technically, they literally won't, because they're always seeing the body and I look almost nothing like the body. What I mean, though, is that it feels like no singlet or even no other system will ever be able to see me truly for being my own individual real person instead of just my system as a whole, or even my source since I'm also a fictive. I feel very isolated because although I care about and love my headmates I still want to seek out other relationships. Some people aren't really interested in romance and that's totally fine, but it's something I actually really care about, and it's obviously really difficult to work out something about that when you're in a system. Being plural means I constantly get seen as less than a full person or "just part of the whole" or something else I'm not. It's especially hard when people know my source and use that to make assumptions about me or treat me like a fictional character. It's all just so frustrating and lonely. I feel like this isn't even that serious an issue compared to other issues we have but my headmates have encouraged me to talk to others about it and seek advice so here I am. My headmates are actually really great and always reassure me that I'm lovable and that one day we'll meet someone who is able to understand who we really are and accept us that way but I'm just so worried that it's not even possible to find anyone who will ever understand, nevermind understand and also like me. I don't even know how to deal with it. It feels so overwhelming.
Hey there anon. I totally understand your worries and concerns, and you're not overreacting. Finding a partner, especially an understanding one as a plural, is important for many.
I really want to express that you are capable of being understood and loved by another, singlet or plural. There are many systems out there who find wonderful partners. Dating can indeed be difficult, and I can understand your concerns as a fictive. At the same time, you come off to me as such a kind and caring and insightful person, and I'm sure there are many people out there who would love to be with a person like you.
I also want to express that you are indeed a real and whole person. Your desire to be seen as an individual and desire to find understand in another proves your personhood and autonomy. You have worth in your existence. Even if people can't always see you physically, I believe you will find someone who will seek to know you in every way they can.
I really hope you feel better anon! I wish you the best of luck finding someone!
-mod pluto
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ablednt · 4 years
aren’t u that blog that constantly promotes self dx and bashes professional dx? like self dx is fine but it’s a last resort for people who can’t access prof dx.
I don't bash prof dx, first off. I fully understand and respect people who needed one for any reason.
However self diagnosis should never be treated like a backup for if you can't get a prof dx and here is why:
(Disclaimer: exact details vary by country making this not fully accurate in every country also I am not saying that treatment is bad or that therapists are inherently bad I am currently trying to seek therapy but any good therapist will treat you without a diagnosis if they are aware of the legal consequences of one)
You can and likely will lose your rights for your diagnoses. It's different by country but in the US if your diagnosed with things like DID, Autism, and probs a lot more you won't be allowed to go on HRT if you're trans. You may have your children taken away if you have any, you may be prevented from donating or receiving blood or organs, if you have abusive family members they may be able to put you under a conservatorship (what happened to Britney Spears) etc.
Literally the vast majority of psychologists do not study these disorders! Do you know what they do when they prof dx? THE SAME SHIT PPL WHO SELF DX DO. The dx process is exactly the same but with a professional dx you have someone who doesn't have that thing, who has no actual first hand experiences, listening to you talk about that thing and telling you whether or not they think you have it with literally no input from the community.
By saying every one has to try to be prof dxed before they're allowed to self dx you're saying that people of color should put up with blatant racism because there's so many documented biases.
Also the criteria that therapists use to diagnose is found in the dsm5, have you read it? I have, it says that autistic people cannot take care of themselves that they're prone to self harm bc of their autism and that they should have their needs ignored it uses all the labels that autistic people ask it doesn't. It says that even if an adult fits all the criteria of ADHD that if their parents arent available to say "yeah they sucked at school and were annoying" that you shouldn't diagnose them. The criteria for personality disorders, schizophrenia, and similar are all intentionally vague and/or exclusionary to one highly stereotyped set of symptoms. They literally admitted to trying to make the criteria for DID as specific and exclusive as possible because they wanted to remove it entirely because they believed people dxed with MPD before DID was coined did not deserve treatment.
The field of psychology started historically to abuse people, they were thrown into asylums and literally beaten and subjected to horrible conditions for any presumed mental illness. This actually has not changed very much at all, even in the last century a psychiatrist was caught physically abusing his patients and using the theory he made on DID to force them to keep coming to him for therapy. Psyche wards are notorious for mistreating patients there in every aspect and I've had psyche students tell me they believe that psychologists should have the right to physically harm patients. Children professionally dxed with autism are often physically harmed at school by their teachers, physical restraint is still used and it's killed multiple autistic students.
Children and teens in abusive homes have ableist parents often who may get violent or worsen the abuse or use a dx against them legally to trap them at home. Do you give them a pass for self dx? Except here's the thing you literally don't know who's being abused and who isn't and asking ppl that is really fucked up so you should be accepting all self dx to create a welcoming and safe space for them.
Physciatrists actually misdiagnose more than people mis-self-diagnose. Which isn't a reflection on the psychiatrist as much as the fact that people know their own experiences but they very often can't explain them. An example before I met someone who had OSDD1 and would explain it to me from first hand perspective no one would have ever suspected I had a dissociative disorder and was plural Because the only words I had for my experiences were "everything before a certain date literally wasn't me idk I'm just not the same person I was" "I'm a really good writer because I talk to characters in my head all day and they respond to things even when I'm not trying to think about them and they're real to me somehow idk lol" none of that sounds like DID but I was actually describing memory gaps from switches, internal communication and presence of fictives, etc. The best guest anyone had was depression and an overactive imagination. Self dxing is literally more accurate and accessible because people can look at the community and see the disorder explained from first hand experience.
Historically (but it's still happening in some cases) therapists would literally refuse treatment to anyone who talked to other people with their diagnosis. The case I'm thinking of is people with MPD (the dx that came before DID replaced it) would be refused therapy if they spoke to anyone else with MPD outside of therapy and even forbade them from going to support groups for survivors of incestual abuse because those groups advocated for the rights of people with MPD. To this day therapists often disrespect any and all ND/mentally ill communities because we happen to know our own literal lived experiences better than them.
Oh and prof dxes are often used against people legally so if anyone is in a minority group often targeted by police that potentially puts them in even more danger if they're arrested. Least we forget there's an entire field of study dedicated to criminalizing mental illness.
This isnt even half the reasons but I'm running out of spoons (I can source most of these things but I don't have the spoons so if anyone needs a source just ask)
I'm a firm believer that the need for prof dx not be pushed on everyone when it can have permanent and negative consequences and is no better than a self dx. If someone needs a diagnosis for access to medications, for financial support, or for any other legal reason then it very well may be worth the risk but they need to have the right to understand the consequences and make that decision. Imo it's professional dxes that should be not a last resort perse but it shouldn't even remotely be your first steps, your first steps are find the community and hear their actual lived experiences bc that will be so much clearer than anything a therapist who doesn't experience that thing can explain.
Also why do you care if people self dx? Why does their not having an Official Document saying they have their disorder bother you? I think it's deeply unsettling that you think everyone in the entire world needs YOUR approval to have something.
Jsyk the sentiment that self dx is lesser than prof dx is fostered by our capitalist nt society that's benefiting off of our abuse and systematic oppression so like you're literally helping us stay oppressed with this rhetoric.
If y'all really want to be progressive and anti-capitalist like most of this site does (and should) then that goes for disability justice too. Stop helping our own communities abuse and accept that not everyone has the luxury you apparently had to never be affected by your diagnosis ever.
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Some terms and notes on DID
We have found this guide to terms useful in learning about ourselves, so we have decided to share it to help others who have DID/OSDD or simply wish to understand the condition. Long post ahead.
DID - Dissociative Identity Disorder, a disorder where the brain splits into separate parts. This disorder usually has amnesia and can cause significant stress to someone, hence it being a disorder. 
OSDD - Other Specified Dissociative Disorder, similar to DID but may not show the same symptoms of DID. They may not have amnesia, or the alters may not front, etc. 
System - Anyone that has headmates or alters. 
Singlet - Anyone who does not have any alters, someone who just has themselves and their own thoughts. 
Traumagenic - A system that exists due to previous trauma. 
Quiogenic - A system that doesn't know or care how it formed. 
Preasigenic - A fuck you term basically meaning "I don't have to tell you my origin, that's for me to know and for you to not make your business." 
Neurogenic - A system that formed due to other mental illness rather than trauma. 
Protogenic - A system that's been plural since birth/as long as they can remember. 
Paragenic - A system caused by MDD (Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder) or similar experiences. 
Median -  A system that rides a gray area as a system. These systems have 2 or more facets that somewhat blend together and may function similar to a singlet, though these facets may still have their own unique thoughts, names, and personalities all of their own. 
Gateway - System that has "walk-in" alters that come and go as they please.
Mixed Origin - System with alters of multiple different origins. 
Polyfragmented - A system with 100 or more fragments or alters. 
Splitting - When an alter goes through a large amount of trauma, stress, or anxiety, an alter can split into 2 or more alters if they cannot handle it. An alter dissociating a lot can also lead to a split. 
Integrating - When 2 alters or fragments become one again. Integration can cause the alter to completely change. Their personality can change, their appearance may change, their age, their memories. It can all change. This is ok, and nothing bad. It is completely normal and can be very good for the system.
Dormancy - When an alter goes dormant, they are nowhere close to fronting. They can be impossible to find in the inner world, you may not be able to feel them at all. This is usually something done completely by the will of the alter and nothing to be worried about, though it is natural to miss them as well. 
Subsystem - When someone in the system has a system! I heard ya like systems, so I put a system in your system. 
Fronting - Being the one in control of the body! Being in the pilot seat, to put it simply. 
Co-Fronting - When two or more alters are fronting or present at the same time. 
Blending/Blurring - When two alters are close to each other, they may temporarily blend together. It may be because of dissociation or a specific trigger. This is only temporary and nothing like integration, which is permanent unless something causes the alters to split once more.
Dissociation - Dissociation is a state where your mind goes blank, thinking and grasping reality may be incredibly difficult or just straight-up impossible. Singlets do this a lot as well, it’s pretty much when your brain goes on auto-pilot. When you’re taking the same route to work as always, doing a daily chore, etc. However, for systems, it's a daily occurrence. Reading a wall of text may be difficult and remembering what it says may be impossible. It can be caused by a trigger, an alter trying to front, or someone co-fronting. If one is dissociating heavily, this can lead to a split. 
Age Sliding - When an alter changes from one age to another. They may get older or younger, this may be caused by a trigger, but not always. 
Host - The one who fronts most often, whoever is in the pilot seat most. This may fall under more than one alter, or there may be no Host at all. All of it is valid! 
Protector - The one who protects the system. They do not always need to protect the body, but rather stay internal and help other alters feel better, or rather they may only protect the body. Whatever way they protect, it is fully valid.
Persecutor - An alter who acts to harm the system, one or more specific alters, or the body. Though, there is often an odd protective reason for these actions. They may feel if they are harming the system, then no one else has to because they are already doing the harm. They may be trying to keep the system "humble". Whatever the reason, by talking things over and treating them as equal, one can find the reason why the persecutor acts how they do. Some persecutors may also be introjects* of abusers. 
Introject - An umbrella term for any system member that is based off of an abuser, family member, caretaker, or a historical, popular/famous, or fictional figure, etc. Includes, but is not limited to, fictives and factives.
Caretaker - Someone who takes care of the system. Not quite a protector, as they tend to stay inside and keep the system running smoothly. They may try to resolve internal conflicts, comfort other alters, etc.
Gatekeeper - Someone who holds back traumatic memories that the system may not be ready to deal with. They can hold back traumatized alters, control who is and isn’t fronting, etc. 
Trauma Holder - An alter who holds traumatic memories for the system. 
Internal Helpers - Alters that only help internally rather than externally, they tend to know more about the system, the inner world, and the structure of things. Think of them as the mechanics of the system. 
Little - An alter that ranges between the ages of 1-12 if the host is not of the same age. 
Middle - An alter that ranges between 13-17 if the host is not of the same age. 
Non-Human/Inhuman - An alter that is something not human, this could be an animal, something paranormal, an alien, a robot, etc. 
Fictive - An alter that is derived from a fictional source. These usually come about due to seeing the character as being able to handle and deal with a situation better than the rest of the system. 
Factive - Similar to a fictive, but derived from a real person. It could be a celebrity someone really likes, a youtuber, even just a really close friend! Anyone derived from real life. 
Fragment - A fragment is a part of you made for specific tasks. Such as walking the dog, doing the dishes, going to school, etc. These can become alters given enough world experience and time. 
Non-Verbal - A term for being unable to speak. Some alters can permanently be non-verbal or only sometimes. It happens, don't be afraid of it! 
Headspace - The space alters go when not fronting, not every system has one and these can differ from system to system! 
Switching - The act of switching front from one alter to another. Not all systems switch but many do! 
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thebackupsystem · 4 years
This ones’s for my fellow fictives because tonight’s been rough:
You are not your source material! Don’t pressure yourself into acting exactly like your source, you’re your own person!
Hell, you don’t even have to use the same name. Let alone pronouns or even look exactly the same. You are you, and that’s okay!
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