#idk I might start giffing regularly again
seasonalvibe88 · 2 years
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2022.10.12 | COLvsCHI
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im-no-jedi · 1 year
I’ve been pondering why writing has gotten so difficult for me over the past few months, and I think I can break it down into several factors at this point
the first (and potentially biggest reason) is definitely burnout. or I guess betrayal. idk what term to use. but TBB season 2 literally stomped out the drive and passion I previously had while writing MLWTBB. not only did I become consumed with new ideas from all the new content, but Plan 99 straight up crushed me to the point where it’s been hard to return to the series in general. I used to rewatch an episode of the show at least once or twice a week. I rewatched the first season at least 7-8 times. the show was my entire life, literally. and now… I can honestly say, I haven’t rewatched most of season 2. outside of the first five episodes, “Retrieval”, and “Pabu”, I haven’t rewatched any other episodes. I’ve rewatched certain scenes for gif purposes, but that’s it. quite sad, really. I’m disappointed in myself 😞
another reason is loss of a proofreader for my stories. not gonna get into it, but there's currently only (1) person in the entire world who I trust to proofread my work, and they basically wanted a break from the position. and that hurt me more than I thought it would. I had someone regularly reading my stories and giving me feedback, which I needed. not because I had a ton of errors (although sometimes that's true LOL), but because I had a regular reader. someone who was frequently commenting and discussing my stories with me. and I sorely need that. as far as I know, I don't have any regular readers. I've discussed elements of my stories with other friends but... it's not the same. it's like infodumping about a TV show to someone who's never seen it. sure, I'm getting the info out, but when the other person has seen the content too, it's a much more satisfying feeling. I very much desire both validation and interaction in regard to my stories. I've gotten a few nice comments on some of my work before, but... nothing regular. I don't have any "fans" or anything like that. and... it genuinely sucks 💔
which leads me into my next point. which is something I used to tell myself, and I need to start telling myself again. at the end of the day, nobody will ever be as big of a fan of my stories as myself. I originally wrote MLWTBB for me and me exclusively. I literally only started sharing it publicly because Skylar asked LOL. it's easily become one of the highest achievements of my life, and it's nowhere near finished yet. I realized I started becoming more self-conscious about how I write since posting the series publicly, and I can see it in how I currently write compared to back then. that needs to stop. I'm never gonna get anything finished with that mentality. so I seriously need to adjust my mentality about it. I need to go back to August 2021 when I first started writing it and tell myself "idc if anyone else in the world sees this, I'm writing this story for me". so while I strongly desire (and in some cases, need) the engagement and validation from others... nobody else's opinion matters more than my own. and I too often forget that...
so how do I fix all this? well, the last point is pretty self-explanatory. the solution for that is simply to just write. doesn't matter if the quality is "good enough", I just need to get these dadgum stories out of my head and into concrete words. I think that'll help with the first point as well. writing out more of my interpretations of the characters I hold so dear should help deter from any negative thoughts about the current state of the canon (and hold me off until season 3 comes LOL). as for the middle point, I don't think there's much I can do about that, at least when it comes to MLWTBB. however, I've been planning on opening writing requests for literally weeks now, and I think now might be the time to actually do it. that way, I can at least get that feeling of validation for my writing that I so desperately desire.
one other point I think I need to address is entirely on my part, and it's in relation to the engagement factor. I fully acknowledge that more often than not, engagement on fiction is a two-way street. several of my friends and followers are writers themselves, and I see all the content they put out. but to be perfectly honest, I'm more of a writer than a reader. I'm extremely picky about all the content I consume, which means I don't often have the capacity to engage with fanfiction, no matter who's written it. heck, Ham's had a story I've been meaning to read for months now, and I just haven't ever been able to bring myself to doing it. it's nothing personal!! whoever the author is has literally nothing to do with whether or not I engage with something!! I just honestly, really and truly, am not much of a reader. I enjoy rereading my own stuff... and that's about it. although, I've been gifted stories before, and OMG I treasure those so much. but I think that's because those stories were written for me, as a gift, and all gifts are precious to me. so I guess I need to accept the fact that I probably won't get much engagement on my work simply because I don't engage with others. and that's ok. I'm not hurting anyone by doing this (although if this is a problem for you, please let me know, I don't wanna unintentionally insult or hurt anyone 🥺). and maybe someday, I'll actually get the bug up my butt to finally read the things I promised to read haha
so! all this to say, an attempt will be made to relight the writing spark within me so I can continue my beloved MLWTBB and potentially write some fun stuff for the people who request something from me. I've actually already written a thing for a friend as a test for my upcoming requests, and I can't wait to share that one 😁
writers block be damned!! I'm going to write and continue to write until my brain stops functioning. deal with it, Palpatine 😤
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kingscanyon · 5 months
hey, sorry for disappearing again. 24 has been hitting me like a truck. i havent had time to myself or to write much of anything let alone make gifs :(. that being said though, new wyll set in the morning/early afternoon and new tav (maybe) below the cut ^-^
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idk their deal yet, they're just pretty idk. i downloaded a save file that had a human tav loaded up to a lot of key romance scenes for people that want to get clips and photos and i wanted to see all of the new kiss animations but i didnt want it to be calpurnia for.. reasons ig. idk lol. to ME they give dickhead sword for hire vibes. not really evil or anything just kind of rough around the edges IDK
also got these lys reactions from the post-araj scene with astarion and lemme tell u, when i find him, he is BONES, baby, bc look at herrr :( (also if u couldn't tell yet: i am obsessed w hearts' heads)
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and bc she is my number one son, here's purn <33
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i dont rlly have a definitive say of when i want to start regularly posting again bc i truly dont know, in case u didnt know im the only one in my household with a car and we also live in the middle of bumfuck NOWHERE, so im driving everywhere for everyone almost every single day of the week. im doing mentally/emotionally okay though, i just havent been able to be on tumblr specifically very much (or my pc.) i get done with the run-arounds for the day and i am lucky if i am able to catch wrestling or get a couple of ow games in or w/e. also admittedly it hasn't been just since march, i'd say late october was more like it. the time managment thing is what has gotten worse.
see yall soon, gifs will come at ya whenever i feel like they're not too uggo to post <33
ps. almost forgot abt kasdeya. i should never do That, she might bite me (i'd let her)
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also quick moodboard ft my actual son <3
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snekjin · 3 years
Why do you still support toews and kane?
I'm honestly surprised I've never received this question before and I appreciate that you worded it neutrally. I have the weirdest love/hate relationship with these two.
trigger warning for discussion of sa under the cut
I left up most of my initial reactions so if people really want to see how I felt you can go back through the archive and see it. At the time, I honestly thought I would never support the Blackhawks again and I imagine a lot of others here felt the same. I even said as much to people I know IRL.
Over time my anger ebbed and I looked at things a bit differently. A lot of people read the report, heard the comments that Toews and Kane made (I think before they had seen the interview with Kyle?) and pointed fingers. The truth that came out was the result of an investigation that took an entire team of people several months to interview over 100 people and some are reacting as if every detail in it was common knowledge to everybody who was near the Blackhawks organisation at that time.
We can be mad at them for their comments but a lot of people seem to assume that they:
a) knew a non-consensual act had occured
b) partook in/witnessed the bullying.
There is no concrete evidence that either of these are true given a) the different rumours that were floating around and b) the fact that Kyle spent most of his time in Rockford.
I don't mean to sound like I'm diminishing what happened to Kyle. I would love to know who bullied him and will happily castrate them myself (even if it's Kane or Toews).
To be honest my current interest in the pair of them is almost entirely based on the fictional narrative of them and not the real people. I know not everybody makes this distinction the same way.
This wasn't always the case. Before Toews' comments I would have said he was hands down my favourite player, I thought he was an amazing person. I loved how he cared about the environment and all those sorts of things. He was my phone wallpaper and I was so excited for him to come back and play again. And then he went and pissed all over it with that press conference.
When I first starting making gifs I went out of my way to not gif Jonny at all. I think when he got his first goal, I thought it would be weird to just pretend it didn't happen and then it sort of slid into doing a few more. Fast-forward to today when he's pretty regularly featured on this blog.
I shifted to being more of a Kane fan just because I'm more comfortable with the way he addressed the situation and the way he seems to have matured as a person (maybe he's still a piece of shit, who knows🤷)
I only got into the Hawks very recently (around June of last year, I think) so was very deep into the early hyperfixation stages at that time and wasn't quite ready to let them go if that makes any dumb sort of sense? If I had been around a few years and was kind of slowing down in the "fandom lifecycle" I might have just been happy to leave for good like others did.
But in the last few months especially I've interacted with so many people on here, had some fun discussions (and some not so fun discussions) so it's just nice to be part of this little world that we all created together idk.
If anybody is uncomfortable with any of the views expressed above you can unfollow me if you need to. And if you have any other questions or thoughts feel free to drop them in my inbox.
One day I will lose interest in 1988 like I lose interest in other fandoms and just go back to watching the sport without giving a shit about the private lives of the people on the ice. Maybe it will be when they retire or when one of them gets traded. Maybe it will be before then. But for now, I'll be here.
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jimimn · 3 years
s-spare colouring tutorial shivi 😔🤲 fdjg please can you do your 'usual' colouring for the tutorial pls thank u!!
Hi! I'm sorry this is so late I was just looking for a proper time to sit and answer 😔 let's go under the cut because it got long hehe <3
So I don't really think i have a unique style/usual colouring or anything rip 😭 I just mostly fool around with layers in PS until I like the outcome. But there are a few layers I use very regularly for my colouring. Those are exposure, levels, and selective colour. I cannot imagine colouring without these lol. Also I sometimes use my old colourings too (and tweak them according to the colours/lighting of the raw file) or add two colourings together or use different layers from two or three different colourings of mine to make a new one lol (but that's mostly when I have time)
For some raw footages I have a vision (?) sort of a thing for a colouring, like, I can imagine how I want it to look like before I start colouring it and I go from there. Like if there's a magenta lighting or a too yellow lighting in the raw footage, I try to eradicate the magenta and reduce the yellow and bring out reds and oranges and blues and browns. But that depends from person to person on their own choices and which kind of colouring one personally likes. 
So the colouring I’m showing here is my base colouring. Like I said, I don’t have a style or usual colouring but I do use a base colouring after which I add/remove layers according to the raw footage/how I want the colouring to look like. Again, I don’t always apply this because sometimes it doesn’t work for every kind of footage. And I tweak/add/remove a lot of layers according to the raw footage (which differs for every video) while im giffing so at the end of the video it might not look how my final gifs look like 😭😭😭😭 I am answering this and I’m slowly realizing that this “tutorial” will be of NO help to you because I just fool around in PS most of the times with layers I know/like to use. So its just something I’ve developed for myself over time? :( Idk im sorry if this will help you but here we go anyway (also im sorry for writing this huge essay)
Also about the vision (?) thing I was talking about earlier, to explain it better I have an example.
This was the shade of blue in the original video:
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After colouring this footage, my gif looked like this:
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But I knew I didn't want the background blue to be of that shade so with selective colour, under blue and cyan I reduced the magenta and increased yellow just a little bit to give me this:
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I'm so so sorry I wish I could've explained it or be able to help you better :( I'm not perfect at this but I've kinda sorta gotten a little hang of it and found my way around after struggling (read: having fun) with giffing for almost a year now asgdfghsj. All you gotta do is experiment a lot I guess. That's what I did.
I hope this helps you just a little bit atleast 😭😭
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leemarkies · 3 years
on today’s episode of my little bro’s interactions with me: he was sitting next to me while i was giffing and would watch skz code with me every time i went to it to look for clips to encode and one was running for quite a long time so i started humming; and at the moment where a lyric that basically translates to ily came, i turned to him and kinda platonically serenaded him HAHA he made a… very stoic face so i asked him what was wrong/if i sounded bad/he wouldn’t like me to do it again in the future and he just looked up at me and —with a very confused expression— said that ‘i like your singing! you just don’t do that a lot *vaguely gestures in the air* (which i assume might be the fact that i said i Iove him in a direct way, even if was through a song lyric haha) so i was surprised’ then cue his tiny face cracking into an encouraging smile and his eyes shining the same way as when he got the goggles he always wanted as a gift alsnkdkfk how are you? hope you’re well! i have been slightly busy with getting back into ccing a little regularly + revisions for exams which are like a week and three days away so i wasn’t able to get back to you right away… also i was thinking; if I expose myself/come off anon and we become mutuals, would you still use the watermelon emoji for me? i feel like you’re obliged to in way since it’s what i’ve been associated with but at the same time idk oh and do you listen to/keep up with somi? if you saw it, what did you think of dumb dumb? i really like it! her music keeps getting better imo (since i didn’t really like birthday but what you waiting for was infinitely better sounding to me & this one was just good at the first listen but two more listens and now it’s all that’s in my head skdkfkjf) - 🍉
that is ..,, by far the cutest thing i have ever read in my entire life 😭 your brother sounds so sweet and you’re such a wonderful older sibling 💞
i’m doing ok!! kinda stressing about school starting up soon so i’m in the same boat as you 😞 we’ll get through this together!! AND YES ABSOLUTELY you own the 🍉 emoji 😌 i’d rip it out of mark’s hands for you!
kind of !! i like to make an effort to keep up with the majority of kpop comebacks but i have yet to listen to her song although i knew it came out! wasn’t v hyped for it since (same as you) her last two songs were kinda meh imo BUT i’ll be sure to give it a listen and let you know! what did you think of it?
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raysofcrosby · 5 years
"𝘞𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦, 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘵 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳, 𝘴𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨. 𝘉𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨." ━ 𝐉𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐲 𝐇𝐚𝐧, 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐘𝐨𝐮
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series masterlist
requested: yes | no
warnings: nada.
word count: 5,562 [ wow i write too much lmao ]
authors note: ok i’m so so sorry this took so long to get out, but it’s finally here! this series was such a bad idea bc writing it is lowkey making me fall in love with tyler lmao. i’m so sorry (again) that this is so late [i think like 2 weeks? a week? idk but still] and i swear i’ll update regularly now lol. i hit some writers block writing this, so i hope it doesn’t suck too much. i hope you all enjoy and as always, i love hearing from you guys– your theories of how the series as a whole will end, your likes/dislikes, anything! tysm for taking the time out of your day to read, ily and i hope your thanksgiving table is full of your favorite foods and surrounded by your favorite people!!
You weren't sure what exactly woke you up first– the slight throbbing of your head or whatever the hell was touching your face. It couldn't have been 10 AM yet, Kennedy knew the rule you guys had when it came to the morning after a big party, so there was no way she was trying to wake you up now. You groaned and rolled over, tugging your blanket with you and forcing yourself to fall back asleep. Suddenly, a huff of air followed by something wet, pressed against your ear. "Kennedy cut it off" you mumbled, waving your hand in that general direction...only to touch something soft and furry. You opened an eye and looked over to see Cash sitting next to you wiggling his but against the blanket as if he was waiting for you to greet him. "Hi boy," you yawned, rolling over onto your back and patting your stomach. He immediately put two paws onto your chest and started to lick your face. "Okay, hi, I can't breathe,"
You laid there, trying your best to focus on your surroundings as you rubbed the top of Cash's head, which was now rested on your chest. In the first few moments, you were wondering why the hell one of Tyler's dogs was in your dorm room. When your eyes took in the fancy, less dorm-esque furniture around you, you realized that you were at Tyler's. Okay, so maybe Tyler was being a good friend and teammate and Big Rig called him for a ride. Everyone must have been so obnoxiously drunk that Tyler decided that instead of walking the three of you to the dorm, he'd just have you crash at his place. 
That thought seemed extremely logical until you remembered that sometime before everything started to blur, Big Rig and Kennedy had left the party. Okay, so maybe it was just you that stayed here, which made perfect sense. The boys were set to leave this morning to fly to Winnipeg for the beginning of their road series and you always took care of the dogs, so maybe Tyler just brought you here early. Tapping Cash on the nose, he stood up and jumped off of the bed you were lying in. You took a deep breath and yawned before throwing off your blankets and sitting up. He greeted you on the other side of the bed before walking into the bathroom.
Wait...Tyler's guest room didn't have an attached bathroom.
Slowly, you looked around the room again to notice that there were little things left out, throughout the room. Receipts, clothes hamper, suits still in their dry cleaning plastic. Holy shit. "Oh no," You stood up quickly, almost making yourself dizzy as it settled into your brain– you were in Tyler's room. "No, no, no no, I didn't," you rushed into the bathroom after Cash and came to a stop in front of the mirror. You were wearing a Dallas Stars dri-fit that sported Tyler's 91 on both sleeves and when you turned slightly, you could even see his last name labeled across the back. "Please tell me that I didn't."
You closed your eyes and grabbed onto the bottom of the shirt, lifting it slightly before peeking through one of your eyes to see that you still had on your black spandex from the night before. "Oh thank God," you sighed, leaning forward and resting your hands onto the marble bathroom counter. You looked back up at your reflection to see that your face was...surprisingly clean. You must have remembered to take your make-up off the night before. You could hear beeping coming in from the bedroom and you walked back to the bed to see your phone screen lit up with messages.
Picking up your phone, you unlock it and click on Kennedy's message to see a mix of some from the last night and just now.
"okay damn. 12 pm and you haven't texted me back or open any of my snaps. did the dick appointment with tyler kill you?"
"dick too bomb?"
"okay but seriously are you alive rn or should i send 911?"
Your eyes widened with every message you read. It wasn't possible, you were still dressed...granted, in Tyler's shirt and your bandeau was gone...oh no. You scrolled up to the last message you had sent her to see that it was a picture of Tyler's back as he was walking towards his closet, taken from an angle that would only be possible if you were sitting on the edge of his bed. It wouldn't be that bad if you hadn't sent a text along with it that said– "dick me down daddyyyyyy 🥰🤪🤤
You felt a chill travel down your spine as your sent Kennedy and thumbs up and a 'we'll talk later' message before locking your phone again. Okay, so maybe it was possible, that you and Tyler did have sex last night. But, and you felt extremely bad for thinking this, but...wouldn't you at least remember it? You almost considered asking him that very same question but decided that maybe a more, subtle and less offensive approach would be best. You sighed, rubbing your eyes as you walked out of the bedroom, already planning the awkward conversation you'd have with Tyler. But at least you wouldn't have to have it until he came back from his road trip.
As you walked down the stairs, the closest you got to the bottom of the steps you could hear some music coming from the kitchen. You slowed down, wary of who else could be in the house as you quietly walked through the living room and peeked around the wall to see Tyler. You ducked back behind the wall, shaking your head to yourself before checking your phone again. It was almost 12:30 and instead of being on a plane...Tyler was dancing in front of a stove, shirtless. 
You peeked back around the corner as the song señorita played from the small Bluetooth speaker on the counter. He was completely oblivious to your presence, which only allowed you to admire his bareback. Pale as he may be, you couldn't help but almost drool at the definition in his back muscles as he worked whatever he was cooking on the stove. Your eyes traveled down to the band of his sweatpants and you titled your head to the side. He was right, he had some serious buns of steel.
"Okay no, get a grip Y/N. Stop being a creep," you mumble to yourself, taking a deep breath before stepping out from around the corner. You walked over to a stool at the counter and sat on it, resting your elbows on to the counter as Tyler was still oblivious to your presence. "Nice moves Seguin."
He whipped around so fast that he almost slipped on the kitchen floor. His eyes widened until he saw it was you and then he relaxed, though he was still holding up his spatula as if he was going to use it as a weapon. "Holy shit," he exhaled, pointing the spatula at you. "Warn a guy next time, eh? You're just in time by the way."
He grabbed a plate from his left and turned back around. "For what? You to hit me to death with," you gasped, bringing a hand over your heart, "a kitchen utensil?"
"Ha Ha," he said sarcastically as he turned back around and placed the plate down in front of you. "Your toast might be a bit cold considering you slept like a dead person, but the omelette is warm, so bon apétite."
You picked up the fork he placed down next to the plate and looked at the food as he went back to the stove. Not only could you get used to the view, but you could also get used to Tyler cooking meals for you. He turned off the stove and turned back, placing his plate on the counter and staying across from you. "Sorry, I don't know what you eat, so I just made what your brother normally eats. I'm assuming you have similar tastes."
"That we do," you smiled, picking up a piece of toast and nodding at him. "Thanks, this is great."
"Cool, enjoy," he just nodded and went back to focusing on his breakfast.
An awkward silence settled between the two of you, the only sounds being your forks clanking against your plates or the dogs' paws moving across the floor. He didn't bother to look back up at you since you thanked him for the breakfast and you couldn't help but wonder why he's not the least bit bothered that you woke up in his bed. You grew up with two manly, hocking playing brothers, so based on experience, you knew that the odds of him hiding his panic was probably slim. Unless that was the reason why he wasn't even bothered to start a conversation with you? What if you did have sex with him last night and him making breakfast for you was his way as trying to brush it off? Cause that's a thing, right? Hookups get breakfast the next morning? God, you felt so out of tune with hook-up culture these days since you'd been chained down in a shitty, toxic relationship for the last few years.
You cleared your throat, pushing around a cut off part of your omelette. "So um..."
He looked up at you, holding his fork in front of his mouth. "Yeah?" He brought the fork into his mouth, chewing the bite of his omelette he had cut off.
His eyes went wide as he coughed, nearly choking on his food. He hit his chest a few times before turning away from you and taking a long sip of water and looking back at you, still panicked. "I'm sorry, what?"
You took a deep breath, letting the fork rest on your plate. "Did we have sex...last night?"
He downed some more water, shaking his head. "No, we didn't." Before you could get your follow up question to leave your lips, he cut you off. "I slept in the theatre."
"Oh," was all you could say as you looked down at your plate, turning as red as one of the tomatoes in a bowl on his counter. "Well uh, this is awkward."
And disappointing, but you knew you probably shouldn't say that.
He slid your glass of water closer to you, nodding down at it. "Do you even remember anything from last night?"
"I remember the party and doucheface Cole cheating on me," you crossed your arms on the counter and shrugged your shoulders. "But the last thing I remember is getting into your car and everything after is a blur."
"I kind of figured it would be, you were off in la-la land the entire car ride, and then when we got here," he pursed his lips and raised his eyebrows. "The drinks hit you like a truck."
You groaned and rested your head onto the counter, enjoying the cool marble against your forehead. "I don't even want to know what I did."
"Well, you tripped in the garage, broke your jack daniels' pants and then told me that my dogs love you more than me, which is probably true," he laughed, taking your plate away from you and walking to the sink. "And then you tried to do God knows what and run into my living room and when I threatened to carry you upstairs, you ogled my body and said 'yes please'"
You shot your head up and grabbed the paper towels off of the rack near you, raising them. "No I didn't....ogle your body."
He shrugged his shoulders, "alright, whatever you say, drunky. Anyway, we went upstairs, I grabbed you some clothes...well, a shirt and then you uh," You could see a red tint start to form on his cheeks.
"Okay, okay you can stop," you waved your hands in front of him, shaking your head. "I don't need to know any more. But I will ask one question, why aren't you on a plane to Winnipeg?"
"Game got rescheduled. The weather up there is pretty shitty, so we don't leave for Calgary until Tuesday." He put the dishes into the dishwasher before coming back onto the counter and resting his elbows down. "So, are you going to tell me what happened last night?"
"What do you mean? You just told me?"
"No, I told you what happened last night when I got to you. I have no idea what happened before you called me."
You took a deep breath and shrugged your shoulders, clasping your hands together and smiling at him. "I mean, what else is there to say besides the fact that my boyfriend...ex-boyfriend, of two years has been cheating on me for three months?"
Tyler went to reply, but you cut him off. "Not to mention, that dress I wore to your Halloween party? The one Cole spilled a drink on and then blew up on me for ruining it? Yeah, it turns out that it was her dress," You scoffed, feeling the urge to cry become stronger. "No wonder he was so worried about it. But don't worry, she said her dad's dry-cleaner was able to get the stain out."
"You know what the worst part about all of that is?" You looked at him, eyes brimmed with tears. "She's so nice that I can't even hate her. Cole's a manipulator and I think I feel more upset at the fact that she was fooled, rather than him cheating on me. Does that mean something's wrong with me? The fact that I can't bring myself to dislike the 'other woman'? I mean, aren't I supposed to hate her?"
Tyler just stared at you, his mouth opened slightly as he looked away. You couldn't help but laugh because he just looked absolutely clueless about what he was supposed to do. "No, don't worry about it," you sniffled and wiped your cheeks of the slight evidence of tears and smiled at him. "You may have two sisters, but just like Jamie and Jordie, you're a tad bit clueless on what to say in this situation."
"I mean, yeah I don't know what to say because I'm not sad that you dumped him. Am I pissed that he cheated on you? Hell yeah, because I've told you once and I'll tell you again...you deserve so much better than that." He stood up and walked out of the kitchen, coming to a stop at the stool beside you. "I'm just sorry that he hurt you like that and I hope that I never see his bench-warming ass again or–"
"You'll put him in an ER bed, yeah yeah I've heard it before." You sighed, looking up from the counter and at Tyler, giving him an appreciative smile. "Just don't let him touch your pretty face."
"You think my face is–"
"I mean that is how you get all of your endorsements."
He rolled his eyes and shoved you as he walked into the living room. "I'll have you know, I get my endorsements from my killer body, more than my face."
I believe that, you thought, only to clear your throat and step out of the stool.
"So what are your plans for the day? I can give you a ride back to campus now if you'd like."
You sighed, leaning against the back of the couch belonging to the cushion Tyler was sitting on. "Well, I was planning on slaving away in the library all day, just to go over notes and stuff, but now...." You chewed the inside of your cheek slightly, avoiding Tyler's gaze. "Now I just kind of want to lower the risk of ever running into them on campus, but I also know that I can't just hide away in my dorm room forever."
Moments of silence passed between the two of you before Tyler stood up and walked out of the living room. When he came back, he had a shirt tossed over a shoulder, he changed into gym shorts and was smiling. "Grab the dogs for me?"
"What?" He walked out of the room again as he put on his shirt. "Why?"
"Because...just because."
You walked towards the front door where the dogs' leashes were kept. "Can you at least clue me in?"
He came around the corner from the kitchen with all three dogs following behind him and a big smile on his face. "We're going for a run."
"A RUN?!" The question came out a lot louder than you intended it to, followed by a confused look. "I can't go for a run."
"Exercising helps a hangover, Y/N. Trust me, you'll be fine."
"No, it's not that. It's just I..." you crossed your arms and sighed. "I don't have a sports bra and I doubt my bandeau would do any good if I could even find it."
Tyler instinctively looked at the shirt before clearing his throat and looking away. "Oh yeah, about that," he disappeared down the hall again, coming back with your bandeau in hand. "You kind of threw it on the floor last night before uh–" he coughed, nodding his head. "Never mind. But, I washed it with a laundry load this morning, so it's clean." He handed it to you and once again, you felt embarrassed. "So, no run, maybe just a walk instead?"
You nodded, holding onto the bandeau tightly. "Yeah, a walk sounds great. Just let me put this on and we can go."
He nodded and grabbed all three leashes from you before turning towards the dogs. You walked into the bathroom downstairs and shut the door behind you. Looking down at your former missing bandeau and remembering about what Tyler said, you couldn't help but think.
Why the hell did you throw your bandeau onto the ground and what was he going to say before changing the subject?
Tyler was right, exercising did help you feel better. Sure, it wasn't the exercise he originally planned– but both the nice, strangely cool air, and being with Tyler and the dogs...helped a lot. You walked around the neighborhood a few times, even stopping at the small dog park and letting the dogs run around for a while. It was here while taking a quick break, Tyler suggested that you could hang out with him and the dogs for a little while longer, just to make sure that yours odds of running into either Cole or Paisley were extremely slim. You definitely weren't opposed to the idea and had to make sure that you gave a convincing performance of you contemplating whether or not it was a good idea. Though in reality, you wanted to say yes the moment the idea was spoken into existence.
When you guys got back to his house, the cool air had disappeared and Tyler suggested that you guys go hang out by the pool. You reluctantly, and after plenty of reassurance that it was washed, wore a bathing suit from Tyler's 'Lost and Found' and swam with the dogs while Tyler made you guys his 'special drink.' It took all of the power in you to refrain from laughing when he brought out a pack of white claws– though you did call him a basic white girl, to which he didn't even bother to argue. Any sense of awkwardness that once existed from earlier in the day, was completely gone by the time Tyler cannonballed into the pool. Whenever you guys were in the water, you were either playing keep-away with the dogs' toys or busy splashing or dunking the other under the water. You were the first one to initiate getting out of the pool and moving over to his jacuzzi, but it only took a few seconds for Tyler to follow you over– after he put the dogs away in the wet room so they weren't running wild before they could be hosed down.
The two of you sat in there and talked for what felt like hours, about anything and everything. He seemed really interested in your schoolwork, asking you about the courses you'd taken the last four years, what got you into the career choice. The conversation went from school to Toronto, your shared dream travel destinations, your childhoods, and as cheesy as it sounds, your fears and dreams. It was all so...personal, like two friends just passing the time, and you loved it. You weren't sure how long the two of you had been out there talking, but when you did notice that time had passed, the sun was starting to set and you were starving. Tyler ordered pizza for dinner and helped you hose off the dogs. He struggled to get Cash to cooperate until you distracted him by scratching his ears. At that point, Tyler probably sprayed you more with the hose than Cash, but you got your revenge when it came time to hose down Gerry. The young dog wanted to do anything BUT get hosed down, which resulted in Tyler having to chase him down, carry him out of the pool and hold him still, which is how you got your revenge.
After the dogs were hosed off, Tyler put them away into their designated room until they dried off. He offered for you to take the first shower, and before you could protest, saying that you had no clothes, Tyler replied 'I've got it covered.' You finished up your shower to see that he had laid out some sweatpants and another Stars 'Seguin' t-shirt out on his bed with a note that said 'don't worry, the sweats aren't from the L&F– they're Cassidy's.'
Any worry you had about you taking too long to shower was swept away during the time that you waited downstairs for Tyler to get done. In the time that he was upstairs, the pizza was delivered, the dogs were dried and fed, and you had gone through his DVR list and found a pleasant surprise– he had at least five Hallmark Christmas movies recorded. When he came downstairs, he was a little scared of the knowing smile on your face and when you asked why he had Hallmark Christmas movies recorded, he blushed and rubbed the back of his neck saying that he was thinking about giving them a try...since you gave them such a glowing recommendation. You guys hung out on the couch, sharing a blanket and just eating your pizza and watching Hallmark Christmas movies, most of which you've already seen.
After you finished the second movie, it was almost 9:30 and you definitely needed to get back home to your dorm. You told Tyler you could just order an uber back, not wanting to bother him anymore– but he insisted that he take you back to the dorm– and that offer sent the butterflies throughout your body. You never wanted the car ride to end, but with Tyler living as close as he did, you knew that eventually, it had to. This entire day was just, perfect. It was everything that you needed for what felt like a long time, and you couldn't help but be amazed that it happened with Tyler.
"I already told you, you really don't have to walk me to my dorm," you sighed, crossing your arms as you held onto your lanyard.
Tyler tugged on his hood, making sure it wouldn't fall off. "And I'm telling you, again, to suck it up because I'm doing it."
You laughed and rolled your eyes as you walked down the hallway and to your door. "You need to work on your arguments, they suck."
He just gave you a sarcastic smile as you opened the door and walked inside. "SHUT THE DOOR!"
Your eyes went wide as you saw Big Rig almost fall off of the bed while trying to grab the blanket. "OH MY GOD."
"Sorry, dude!" Tyler said, grabbing your elbow and pulling you back into the hallway, closing the door behind you. "So...that just happened."
"Oh my God," you said, bringing your hands to your temples. "Were they just?"
"Going at it? In the middle of coitus? Participating in sexual relations? Having sexua–"
You covered his mouth, giving him a glare. "You can stop now, I know what they were doing."
His laughter vibrated your hand and you pulled it away as he nodded at the door. "I guess we should give them some time to clean up?"
You knocked on the door, standing close to it. "Text me when the two of you are decent, please." Turning back to Tyler you smiled, "Walk you to your car?"
"I'd be honored."
As you made the walk out of the building and to the parking lot, you took notice of how the silence between you was comfortable and nothing like the awkward silence from this morning. Tyler had his hands buried in his sweatshirt pockets, whistling to señorita and walking at your pace.
"This seems a little opposite of how it was supposed to go, doesn't it?" He laughed, looking at you.
"Well, consider me your bodyguard so you don't get ambushed by fans, yeah?"
  He took the time to check you out, his stare making your stomach feel all warm inside. "Nah, you're too scrawny to protect me," he reached out and grabbed your bicep. "Your arms have no muscle."
"Uh, rude!" You scoffed, slapping his hand away as he laughed. "I'm sorry not all of us can freely eat a million carbs and still look like you."
"I'll take that as you appreciate my good physique." He laughed, letting the silence settle back in as you reached his car.
You could hear his keys rattling in his sweatshirt pocket as the two of you stood by the drivers' door. You brought your hands into the long sleeve shirt before crossing your arms and rocking back on your heels. "Thanks for last night, you really didn't have to do that."
"Will you stop apologizing, Y/N?" He said, shaking his head. "I'd help you no matter what the situation."
"Cause I'm Jamie's sister?"
The question came out before you could even speak and the tone hid a bit of harshness in it. You didn't know what you meant by the question. Whether you wanted it to be a neutral one or one where for a split second, you despised the fact that he was your brother's best friend, and that that small fact could be in the way of any potential relationship between the two of you.
Tyler shook his head. "No. Because you're important to me."
The fact that his answer, at least to you, seemed to be leaning in the exact direction that you wanted it to, made you happy. You sighed, leaning against his car. "Thank you for today, too, Tyler. I needed that, like...really needed it."
"I had a lot of fun and the dogs love you," he smiled kicking his shoe out towards you and nudging against your leg. "You'll have to go for walks with us more often, I swear they behave better when you're around."
"I can do that. So you really had fun today? Even with the Christmas movies?"
His smile overtook his face as he looked down, rolling his head back before looking at you again. "I guess they're not that bad."
"Oh come on, you loved ‘Christmas Under Wraps!’"
"I still stand by what I said. It was very obvious from the beginning that Garland was the North Pole and that his dad was Santa!"
You laughed and rolled your eyes as your phone vibrated in your pocket. You took it out to see a text from Kennedy saying that she and Big Rig were dressed. You sighed, putting the phone away and looking back at Tyler. "Kennedy says they're decent now, thank God. I don't think I'll ever be able to get that image of his bare ass out of my head."
Tyler just laughed before standing up. "I'll walk you back to your dorm and–"
You reached out and touched his chest, stopping him from walking any further. "Nope, you've got to get home to our puppers and give them the attention that they apparently so desperately need."
He looked at you with a look that you've only seen whenever he was flirting with someone in a bar– it was his flirty look, followed by his famous smirk. "Our puppers?"
"I take care of them when you're gone, so yes. Our puppers, now go!" You pushed him back slightly as he unlocked his car and opened the door. You turned around and walked up onto the curb, starting to walk back to your dorm.
"Y/N, wait!"
You stopped and turned around to see that he was jogging the short distance to you. He looked nervous and you just reached out with your foot and nudged his leg. "Feel free to speak before the sun rises, Seguin."
He took a deep breath as he chewed on the inside of his cheek as if he was going back and forth with himself in his thoughts. Instinctively, you reached out and touched his arm, scared that something might be wrong. "Tyler, what's wrong?"
He looked down at your hand and when you started to let it fall, he held onto it, intertwining his fingers with yours. "I mean it," he said, letting out a hard breath. "when I said that you're important to me...I meant it."
His face gave off the impression that there was more that he needed to say, but wasn't sure on how to say it– but you couldn't hear anything even if he was able to say it. Your heart was beating against your chest so hard that you're sure Tyler could hear it. When he said it the first time, you weren't all that sure of what he meant– you only hoped that it meant what you thought it could. But this time, the way he said it...you knew, and that was enough to send your nerves into a spiral. Before your mind could even begin to come up with a response, Tyler leaned in and pressed his lips softly against yours.
In what felt like minutes, but was really only a few milliseconds– you took in the way of how soft his lips felt. Forcing yourself to memorize how his beard scratched your own skin and the smell of his cologne. In case this was all a fluke and it never happened again, you needed to be able to save those tiny details in the back of your mind. When his hands came up to cup your face, that's when it settled in– this was real. 
Tyler was kissing you, this wasn't a dream. 
You grabbed onto his sweatshirt, closing the distance between your bodies and trying to pull him closer than was physically possible. You've wanted this for what felt like, and could possibly be, years. And now it was happening and you never wanted it to end. The moment you made the move to take the kiss from PG to at least some good PG-13 action, Tyler pulled away.
You didn't want to open your eyes, scared that if you did, Tyler would probably be looking at you with some sort of regrettable expression– and seeing that would probably break you. Because even though he made the first move, you were unsure of whether or not it was something he wanted to do. You opened your eyes anyway to see Tyler standing there with wide eyes, but a small smile– as if he was surprised himself that he had kissed you. He reached down and held onto your hand again, squeezing it. "I had a lot of fun."
Just as soon as he had squeezed your hand, he let it go, turned back and jogged to his car. He wasted no time getting inside and turning it on and before you could even wave goodbye, he was already making his way out of the parking lot.
You stood there for a few seconds, watching him disappear from view and still in shock from what just happened. He had actually made a move. Weeks of back and forth and he had finally done what Kennedy and Big Rig said he probably wanted to do. It wasn't an extravagant kiss in any way. It was a simple, yet perfect kiss that set your body on fire.
You laughed to yourself, running your tongue along your teeth before shaking your head and walking back to your dorm.  There were a lot of things that you knew about Tyler. Some you'd learned years ago, some you learned through the press, and some that you had just learned today. Of all of the things that you knew, your favorite had to have been the one you found out just moments ago.
That with a kiss so frustratingly innocent and perfect, one that still left a lingering feeling of his lips against your own– he managed to set fire to your entire body...and left you wanting so much more.
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scandalsavagefanfic · 5 years
idk if i agree with you. Lobdell created Isabel and made it so that Jason really cared about her and brought her back after Tynion made it so they'd split for good. imo if Lobdell has it his way Jason and Isabel will end up lasting a while and probably just had jartemis for a couple issues to please the fans. i could be wrong, but he actually seems to be giving her a personality and making her a character that will end up staying and i've actually grown to like her over these 2 issues + preview
You are all welcome (and even encouraged) to disagree with me. Any predictions I make are obviously just my guesses. I think they’re based on a pretty solid understanding of the impermanence of everything in comics. But they are ultimately just suspicions and no matter how confident I am with them, I’m never exactly surprised when I’m ‘wrong’ either. I generally rank my predictions as, especially in comics, there’s so many different narrative directions things can go that it’d be silly to be convinced that this thing I think is going to happen is the only possible outcome. I just usually only share my top one or two expectations. 
And… also… what I suspect will happen is often very different from what I want to happen. I don’t expect Lobdell to ever bring Rose into the Outlaws–regardless of whether he can use her or not–unless DC makes him (no matter how obvious it is). He got rid of Biz and Artemis the second he was allowed to because they aren’t his creations and he doesn’t get money from their usage.
But regarding the rest of you comment…
Isabel is definitely Lobdell’s baby and I think you’re right, if Lobdell gets his way they’ll last a while*. But 1) Lobdell doesn’t necessarily get his way. He wanted to keep Jason and Artemis platonic (a decision I wholeheartedly agreed with). But his bosses disagreed and he lost, 2) Even though it seems like Lobdell will write RH forever, he won’t. I’m not much of a gambler, but I’d bet a whole $5 that, if Isabel lasts until the new writer (which is a bet I would absolutely not take, even if Lobdell only writes RH for another year I’d be surprised if editorial allowed her to last that long**), she’ll be one of the first things to go, 3) Giving a character personality and purpose is… default settings? writing 101? bare minimum? Plenty of well developed comics characters die, switch sides, disappear… Just because Isabel is… being written? is a recurring character? doesn’t mean she gets to stick around indefinitely.
Also, I can’t help but note that even you said you think she’ll last “a while” which is acknowledging that she’s unlikely to last forever. That’s pretty much all I said. Is that it won’t last (I don’t expect it to last more than 10 issues but concede that it could last for a year give or take). And that if we’re lucky they’ll split fairly amicably and be able to rekindle later when someone who agrees with Lobdell that Isabel is Jason’s Lois writes the book or someone who wants to use the past relationship for emotional fodder.
That’s what I mean by impermanence. The side characters are on a conveyor belt that runs through a revolving door. Even the best established legacy romances cycle out.
Dick really cared about Babs. Dick really cared about Kori. 
Tim really cares about Steph.
Bruce really cares about Selina. And Talia. 
Clark and Lois are the closest to a permanent couple in superhero comics and even they get periodic breaks to put them with different people.
Such is the nature of indefinite serialized narratives that don’t have generational progression.
*The longer Jason/Isabel last, the more likely it is that she is seen as Jason’s Lois and Lobdell can get royalties when future writers inevitably use her, which is probably why Essence is coming back, to double down on love interests who will act as some kind of foil for each other. Before Lobdell Jason had no love interests so he’s gonna make sure that the best established ones are his. Most writers favor their own characters. But few are as insistent about it as Lobdell. So, yes, I agree with you that he’ll try to keep her around as long as possible. It seems we differ on how long editorial will let her stick around. Because…
**Romantic relationships in comics are viewed as weights holding the characters down. That might seem stupid. And that’s because it inherently is. The only way that logic holds up is if it’s standing on the shoulders of another stupid principle so deeply rooted in the foundations of modern comics that it regularly makes me think about quitting the medium altogether. The divine edict to maintain the status quo at all costs. Romantic relationships grow stale, annoying, frustrating when the characters aren’t allowed to grow. If Batman and Catwoman are forced to remain static caricatures of people, they can only have so many arguments about their different ideologies before it feels like we’re stuck watching a bad gif for too long. When DC feels like we’ve hit that point, Batman and Catwoman break up and suddenly Talia is trying to be a good guy and the process starts over again.
Hoo boy, that was much longer than I meant it to be.
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btsandvmin · 6 years
Collection of asks - BTSandVMIN
Some of the asks I answer I personally feel are worth saving, for me personally, and perhaps for you as well. But I don’t want to put them all in my Masterpost since there are so many and I am sure the list will grow. So I am putting the ones I feel might have something worth reading in one place. 
Thank you all for asking me interesting questions and liking my posts. Asks are written more in the moment than my usual posts, so they might be less accurate as it’s all mostly from the top of my head. The newest ones will actually be on top, and then they will get older going down the list. I’ll update it regularly as I answer more asks. :)
Jimin was so clearly in need of cuddles from Tae as soon as they saw each other
Odd if none of them shared what they did during vacations
It just feels scripted, just like when they're talking abt what each other did during their vacations
100 days of winter bear and jiminie wears something that makes him look like a baby bear
About BV4, do you think it’s weird that Taehyung only found out about what Jimin did during his vacation on the day Jimin was back?
Dionysus stage as battle of gods and V=Apollo(God of Sun) and JM=Artemis(God of Moon) and their dance and wearing twin earrings(as the gods r twins) and I just remembered your whole vmin sun and moon theory
Is Tae Jm's mirror in bighits's fictional world?
Do you know what is the full video of this youtube video "BTS Jimin chose V ? VMin Moment?
When BV: Malta was airing, Jimin would post pictures of each episode on Twitter and stopped on the episode that Taehyung arrives
I'm like a hardcore Km shipper (romantically) since 2016 but i have to agree every song Tae has written connects with Jm
We don't see vmin together often... so yeah jikook could be more real then vmin
I'm trying to find tweets that vmin send to each other on their birthday but I can't find the one that jimin send for tae in 2017 did he send one? 
The new run bts episode was really filmed in May?
Did Jimin released Promise on Tae's birthday?
I am working on a Vmin analysis which is currently 24 pages just in text. O___o
He calls JM "My Baby" but the subtitles put in by BH say "Good Boy" Why would they change the translation. 
Shipping sometimes seems pointless. Especially when "moments" between one ship can easily be spotted with another. 
I can't believe that some fans thought that vmin were not friends anymore because a game!
It's so cute how Jimin and V talked about arguing with each other over small things because they are close friends
I think people who unfollow you are Multishippers who believe in other ship
Is it kind of weird that vmin has never went on a trip by themselves? 
Seeing all the vmin interactions of this last concert, do you think this might be a reason why BH will not give us vmin duet?
I would love to read ur vmin story
Concerning the nightmare before Christmas thing
The Disney birthday project turned up to be false
Jimin thinks V is "mi bb' What does the question mean?
I don't think we'll get a Vmin song
BTS, 191009_ ICN INT' Airport Departure) at 40 seconds
Where do you write fics? I really want to read your fics...
It's interesting to see the way the bh editors work
Where is the vmin break up mini movie video from?
Do you ship Jimin or Tae with k pop girls?
The members trying to break off a vmin moment on cam?
Is it true that bts don't live together?
What do you think about the concept photos? (PERSONA)
What other vmin blogs do you follow or check regularly?
In an usa interview where jimin was kinda leaning on the male interviewer for a few seconds and suddenly tae was looking kinda tense
Did you catch up on everything for bts or/and vmin before the BS&T era?
You should see @vlovers19 blog
I'm sorry if you think I offended you or judged you
Do you know that Tae hold hands with other member even Suga or they all hold hands with each other so it's not only a VMIN thing
About bon voyage 3 and them not sharing rooms and the car
4 oclock is supposedly dedicated to jimin, why Tae waits for him in the park if they live together?
Imagine my surprise when i saw vk/ook,ji/kook were the most popular. I tried to understand but i still don’t get why
Do you think vmins lack of or th reduced amount of skinship comes from the fact that they are same aged friends? 
Other ships (kpopidols) that you like?
Part of me wanted Taehyung to be in Paris too
The boys being apart of the lgbt community that's unrelated to their relationship
If someone in BTS is gay he will try to date girls or maybe marry a girl in the end?
If vmin are really together and if they were to come out, how do you think they would do that?
I feel like they use the word "friend" instead of, idk, "boyfriend”
You saw the hk concert right?
Unknown nickname in his thank you note for “Dark and Wild”
When did Vmin started dating?
Bv3, I ain't getting over it.
I feel like vmin have been sexually involved for a very long time 
Any thoughts abt Tae's three rings on his right hand and always not wearing one on his ring finger?
In bts festa profile 2015 when jimin wrote tae's profile he drew a character that reminds him of taehyung
Did u see the second trailer for bring the soul documentary series? 
In one of your asks you said jk wasn't having a great time in 2017
Are you gonna make a post about vmin sharing rooms?
What would be your top 5 favorite vmin moments? 💜
Run episode to Jm and JK "Are You Guys dating ?"
Barely getting any vmin content
Sometimes i cant help but feel really weird about vmin and feel insecure
Maybe you should just ignore all the asks about other ships
Sharing a car as proof
Docskim not being allowed to release the behind story of Lie
Getting it out of the way… (about various other ships and “proof“)
What are the moments that seems most like "proof" to you? 
Have you seen the Vlive remember party?
At the end of the day, it mostly comes down to personal interpretations and preferences
Do you know why T/ae and J/imin toxic stans really hate each other?
Is it being "delusional" for some vmin fans to think scenery, promise and 4 o' clock are related to vmin?
When will u start answering anons again i really miss ur insight and wise words 
I feel like jimin is forcing himself the affection he is showing is mostly forced
Do you have twitter?
The Rkive Vmin moment when JM ‘refused’ Tae’s cuddle
They were often looking behind cameras and it really shows like in episodes 59&60
Do you think there's a big reason that vm don't do Vlives together anymore
Vmin shippers spreading misinformation in aid of our ship?
Can I use one of your gifs? (I don’t make my own gifs, sorry)
Did you see what Tae said? ie I miss you even after being apart for 10 seconds
When one is clingy, the other will try to act as if it's bothering him
My friend is convinced Ji/kook is real
About namjoon's vlive, "it's a broadcast"
Oof is it just me or the sexual tension was through the roof between vmin in that vlive?
Tae says "our armys are watching this so... " so uhm was that..?
Where does the soulmate thing comes from with vmin?
Taehyung is more open both physically and showing affection wise with every member except Jimin
Have you seen the moments from today's concert? Fukuoka
They can do whatever they want people will say they're such good bros and won't look into it
Holding each other's hands is probably the least platonic thing that they keep doing
Do you know any good vmin analysis youtube account/videos?
why do you think jk and taehyung might not be straight?
Guys, I love vmin so much!
I really like your analysis!! a lot of good points. Can I add a couple things I noticed?
How long do you think vmin have been dating?
u really think vm is real?
Vmin are really bold these days
We get to see them bicker 
The video jimin posted where he's sending hearts to Tae
Feel conflicted about the rise in popularity
I’m a bit worried about the attention Vmin is getting recently
U answered my jik ask so well
Tae being bold because he's bursting with affection
Jimin admitted he was jealous
About the families (+kimchi ep. mini analysis)
About vmin/ji/ook/tae/kook
The whole maknae line
Never seemed to be in the same team
When people "ship" them?
Showing their bond more
About Jikook
About vmin being the less popular ship
Flustered vmin
Yeontan vlive
About the airport moment
Do you think that vmin live together?
About vmin rising in popularity
Do you have a link for that moment during New Year's 2016?
Platonic/bro label on vmin
More than friendship between vmin
My reply - Making Vmin videos
Thank you! A small reply
About my bias
Opinions above people
Tumblr media
Once again, THANK YOU ALL so much for loving Vmin so much and for coming to me with your lovely messages. <3
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hiliqht · 6 years
hello! can i ask you how do you have motivation to organize/run so many blogs and create things for every single one of them? i only have four and i feel like unmotivated all the time... i even used to love giffing stage performances but now i just feel so bahh idk... i still get notes and followers and that was what it used to motivate me for months, but these days i feel so unmotivated ;; i just wanted to know how do you do it? ; ;
hi! i’m flattered that you think i do a good job at running and creating for all billion of my blogs but that’s actually not the case for me either^^ 
even though i have a lot of blogs i’d say i generally only manage to keep 4-5 of them at tops alive at a time and currently this is the only blog where i post gifsets semi-regularly (this shifts often depending on what i care about the most at the time) 
there are times i feel unmotivated and stop giffing altogether for a while too so i’d advise you to not pressure yourself into thinking you have to gif constantly and be really active on all your blogs all the time. i’m the most active when there’s something i’m passionate/excited about at the time so it’s okay to take a break if you’re feeling burnt out/bored and only gif what you really want to gif for a while (when you do that chances are the notes/followers you get in return won’t mean as much anyway) and/or try finding new interests that might motivate you to gif/be active on a blog again. 
in my case even though this might sound bad the false sense of feeling “needed” (+getting feedback) motivates me i guess? so if i’m giffing for a small fandom for example (or an interactive one) and i feel like people are actually appreciating the sets i make (even if they’re barely getting 100 notes) and i feel like i’m helping whoever it is i’m giffing/blogging about gain some recognition i’m generally more eager to continue. (even though most of the time i just gif because giffing is my only hobby and making sets helps me feel somewhat productive) 
for your case, i feel like you should start by figuring out what’s making you feel unmotivated right now because if you’re simply burnt out taking time off or dropping some of the blogs might help, if you don’t feel too excited about what you’re giffing/the fandoms you’re in & giffing for finding something new that’s exciting for you and giffing/blogging about those things might help, if you’re bored of your usual giffing style or sets experimenting with new things (changing the type of sets you make/colorings/learning new tricks from tutorials) might start making you feel motivated again. 
at the end of the day don’t let this whole thing stress you out too much (easier said than done i know) the more pressure you put on yourself the harder it will be for you to find enjoyment in giffing/running blogs again, these things don’t necessarily have to make you feel fulfilled all the time but they also shouldn’t make you feel the exact opposite either. 💕
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koreinkorein · 6 years
I'm still trying though and seeing your art regularly again is amazing! Twitter might be kinda scary but I'm just there for good art and fun gifs so I'll be fine. It's a shame tumblr is going down but personally I hope it gives room for a new platform that might be better in the end. I hope you're doing great and that you're receiving the appreciation and kindness that you deserve no matter the platform. And just generally having a good time really
pt2whoops i didnt put this together as im on mobile (shocker) but aw :’))) thank youuu yes its insane to be back to drawing again??? i think after dnp and yoi i kind of had a whole hiatus and i started to finally draw again and it just feels so right :’) i can never shake off the feeling of drawing like i love it so much and yes!! actually ive been thinking of trying a go at pitching my idea for an art social media site?? which idk honestly i hope to god will happen?? but ahhh thank u dear anon :’) youre too sweet and im so sad tumblr is literally going down in flames but im so happy to have found so many people who appreciate my art as much as you do!!! 💗💗💗💗💗💗 def hmu on twitter!!!!
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revelingrexan · 4 years
Tags and stuuuufff
‘Eyo! Making a quick start to listing tags for my own reference, but making the post public so anyone can use ‘em to navigate my blogs. <3 (Adding links a bit at a time, too.) It’s late rn, so this’ll start (very) incomplete and I’ll add more in the future.
Also, some tags may not currently have any posts associated with them because the associated post is currently on queue, and I wanted to make a special tag for it and similar posts I may make or reblog in the future.
Sorted alphabetically. Tags may get removed or combined if I ever decide I’ve just got way too many and can’t reasonably keep track of them.
(Quick note to self: DON’T use bullet points for this extended list. They look clustered and gross with my blog theme, and using a double enter to space them out just spaces them out too much.)
* arthropod friends (reblogs) - Bugs and such! Good cuties. Or at least neato creatures. (More should be public in this tag eventually; there’s only two right now. My reblog queue stretches a couple months haha.) I’m actually a total insect/arthropod noob/newb so there may be some mis-categorized animals.
* art tips (reblogs) - Yeeup. Art tuts.
* ask answered - Peeps answer something I asked.
* beaitufl (main blog) (reblogs) - No typos here. Posts that are beautiful in a meme-like manner. I pronounce it “bay-aw-i-tuff-ull.” One of my fave tags tbh
* body horror or gore (reblogs) - As it says. NOT a trigger warning tag, though; it’s just for me, the posts that I think look especially cool with these themes. So, there may be some posts not tagged as such ‘cause, yes, I like them (I wouldn’t reblog them otherwise), but they don’t match the aesthetic I like with gore or body horror.
* christmas (reblogs) - Yeh
* cool art (reblogs)
* cool design (reblogs)
* cool fax (reblogs) - Cool facts.
* cussing (reblogs) - My only “warning” tag of any sort (at the moment?). I grew up in a weird family that was INCREDIBLY strict about swearing but lax on gore and violence and stuff, and I know other families that are similar, too, so this tag appeases myself, made for hypothetical younger-me and similar peeps looking at my blogs. But I use it way less than I should so
* cute (reblogs)
* cute buggies (reblogs) - Added much later than “cute” because gOOOSH @onenicebugperday is too wonderful and wholesome and also there are lots of cute insects anyway but I know a lot of people don’t find bugs cute so aaaaaaa
* [fandom] notable - Currently just have one “villainous notable” post (in my reblog queue while I’m making this post, iirc) but I’ll probably add more. Things that I think are especially neat or head canon-worthy.
-- villainous notable (reblogs) -- dracula notable
* faves (reblogs) - Self-explanatory <3
* funny (reblogs) - For tagging memes or funny fandom posts for fandoms I don’t post for often. If I post regularly for a fandom, the jokes and stuff won’t be labeled ‘cause I’d like the “funny” tag to be enjoyable to anyone, no matter their fandoms.
* halloween (reblogs)
* hand slipped (reblogs) - When someone says basically “whoops my hand slipped” on an art post because I love that energy. Posts with similar energy can get tagged with this, too, if I remember to do so.
* history (reblogs) - Old timey things and history-learning things. Only remembered this tag fairly recently so there’s not much on it.
* i answer
* keeper (reblogs) - Catch-all “I wanna find this later ‘cause it’s got cool or good info” post. Doesn’t fit with “reminder” ‘cause it’s not necessarily a reminder for myself on how to think or act or consider the world. Very possible there will still be quite a few posts with both “keeper” and “reminder” tags, to raise the chance I see the respective posts again. (I think I have one in my queue while making this post. Or I just like the idea and am adding it to the list for the future. Who knows lol)
* mood (reblogs) - Combined “relatable” and “relate” into this one tag. Yee.
* note (main blog) (reblogs) - I intend to have this tag usually be empty. Or at least not have much in it. It’s a “to-do” tag of sorts, but I’m casual about it and don’t worry if I don’t get to something. Might separate from “redraw possibility,” but who knows.
* note 2 (main blog) (reblogs) - For redraws or things I may want to animate in the future and similar. For sure not holding myself to anything, though. I just would like “note” to stay mostly empty. Removed “redraw possibility” as a tag and combined it with this.
* note done :3 (reblogs) - Finished a note task! I’m happy when I’m able to see I actually did stuff, like see task lists with things crossed off, so this is my equivalent. I’ve done at least a few more than what’s here ‘cause this was a tag I thought of probably a year+ after adding the “note” tags.
* oh so they like like them (reblogs) - All ship stuff or stuff with people being together non-platonically. This is new (as of June 2021), so I gotta go back and tag stuff. Probably won’t find everything but that’s a’ight.
* oh that’s gay (reblogs) - GAE <3
* reblog (main blog) - For this blog since I don’t reblog much here anymore, other than gifs. Idk why I have it, exactly, but I like having it.
* reminder (main blog) (reblogs) - Reminders of things like “Hey, self, remember to not be a jerk,” “Oh crap, yeah, remember the world’s messed up about this,” or other similar things. (Different from “keeper”; “keeper” is more of a “misc. but notable” tag)
* sneks (reblogs) - snaaakes <3
* typos and stuff (reblogs) - Just to point out when I make mistakes, specifically mistakes I didn’t notice while submitting. I describe myself as a “recovering perfectionist,” so this is a silly “Heyo, reminder that mistakes get made. It’s all right <3” tag. (Usually there’s at least one mistake or aspect I’m unhappy with on each upload, but those are such a common part of life, they don’t need to be noted lol)
* villanos / villainous (main blog) (reblogs) - That exact tag, not #villainous or #villanos, but specifically “#villanos / villainous”: bilingual posts or posts where I translate Spanish Villainous content to English. (There might be some bilingual posts by other people tho :3)
Easter egg tags I only want to use impulsively and not with any particular organization:
* love love love (reblogs)
0 notes
peachyhyvck · 7 years
a-z nsfw: moon taeil
warning: absolute filth (YOU’VE BEEN WARNED)
author’s note: so, I've seen a handful of these floating around, and I decided to make my own, cause why not! (I got this template from @chantenyongs but I wasn’t able to find the original creator to give proper credit to... I'm sorry!) I’m pretty sure I’m gonna do it for the entirety of nct (legal members only, of course) and I'll prolly just go in age order? alrighty, without further ado! (K, I just finished and I went a little overboard with this lmao oops)
Tumblr media
that stare at the very end of the gif; hot damn
A = Aftercare
I don't know if it’s just because he’s the oldest, but it’s very evident that Taeil has taken this sort of “mother figure” towards the rest of the boys. They’ve even admitted that Taeil is the best one to turn to in regard to any personal problems they may be having. And for that very reason, I strongly believe that this angel would be tending to your every need (and then some) after y’all finish “doin’ the do.” It doesn't matter if the two of you spent hours partaking in rough, kinky sex, or if you simply made love for 20 minutes. Either way, his first instinct is to ask you how you’re feeling; followed by questions regarding showering, eating, and the possibility of another round KIDDING!
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of their’s and their partner’s)
Okay but I remember reading somewhere that he said his favorite body part of his was his abs, so.... I’m just gonna leave that one as it is lmao. As for you, he’s in love borderline obsessed with your neck/jaw. Whenever you guys are alone, he likes to cup your face and rub little circles into your jawline right before he kisses you; slowly making his way down to - you guessed it -  your neck. During steamier moments, he loves attacking your neck area; loving how you squirm underneath him. He doesn't even try to hide the smirk on his face as the whimpers pour out of your mouth while continues to go to town on your neck. When he’s finished, he sits back and takes a good 15 seconds to praise himself on the dozens of blue-ish/green bruises scattered all over your neck and jawline.
C = Cum
In all honesty, I think Taeil likes to keep it plain and simple and cum inside of you. Not only does it save you a mess that neither of you really wants to clean, but he enjoys the intimacy of it. When he feels himself about to fall off the edge, he loves to hold your body flush against his, and bury his face in your neck as he lets himself go inside of you.
D = Dirty secret (A dirty secret of theirs)
This is more of a secret the both of you share, rather than just him, but if any of the boys found out it would end the two of you. You’d both be too mortified to show your faces ever again... I mean, who wouldn't be embarrassed if their friends found out that they took part in their sex life? The entire thing actually started out as an accident. One day while you were at the dorms, you unintentionally got a little too close to Yuta while the two of you were watching a scary movie together. Taeil watched from the other room, fuming as you clung onto one another; burying your faces into each others chests. That night, Taeil decided to show you who you really belonged too, and after agreeing that that was by far the best sex the two of you had ever had, the whole “using the members to tease Taeil” thing became a regular occurrence!
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
As far as actual physical experience goes, I don't think Taeil has much of any. He spent years of his life as a trainee, with presumably little to no time to maintain any kind of relationship; so I think its safe to say he’s still a virgin. But I do think he knows a lot about sex in general, and knows just how to please a woman. Given the opportunity, I think he’d do a pretty damn good job!
F = Favorite position
Taeil prefers good ol’ missionary. Referring back to the answers I've already given, this position not only gives him free rein to mark up your neck as much as he pleases, but it also allows him to pull your body against his and bury his face into your neck while he cums.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Honestly, I think it all depends on his state of mind. If he’s stress free, or as stress free as you can be as an idol, and in a good place, I think sex would be bubbly and lighthearted! But if he’s being overworked, and the pressure is weighing down on his shoulders, I feel like he’d be more serious, and focus all his attention on fucking his troubles away.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they)
Tbh I think he’s pretty good at keeping himself well groomed. As long as there’s nobody to shave for, I don't think he’d go through all the hassle. He probably trims it regularly to keep it under control, but as soon as he gets into a relationship, I can see him starting to actually shave... Cause I mean, ya never know when you’re gonna get lucky, am I right??? 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)
“Doyoung-ah, I’m romantic” I'm sorry that’s the first thing that popped into my head as soon as I read the question lmao. But in all honesty, I truly think Taeil is a very romantic person! During mainstream, casual sex, I see him as the “people pleaser” type. He’s always putting you before himself. He's one of those people that actually gets off on your pleasure! He doesn't even think about coming before you have.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation)
I’d say Taeil masturbates on a regular basis; sometimes more than usual when he’s got a little extra tension built up in him. But he’s kinda weird in regard to said topic... Even though y’all have done much worse in the bedroom, he still gets oddly shy when it comes to masturbating? He checks at least three time to make sure he locked the door before even thinking about dropping his pants. Even the thought of you catching him in the act has him losing his hard on faster than he got it... idk man, I guess everyone needs their alone time, right?
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again - Taeil is one hella freaky dude. As far as kinks go, I think he’s into the following:
Dominance: Referring back to the “dirty secret,” you can bet your ass Taeil is gonna be the one in charge in the bedroom! He takes much pride in the way you listen to each and every one of his commands. Even when he “gives you control” for the night, you and him both know damn well that you’re never really in control... Even when you top, he’s got a firm grasp on your hips; controlling both your speed and your movements.
Marking (giving & receiving): Also referring back to his favorite body part of yours, Taeil has a slight obsession with leaving as many hickeys on you as he can. He loves the way your body, (neck in particular), looks after he’s left his mark on you; in the form of little purple blotches. He also secretly loves it when you return the favor; as long as its below the neckline, and out of sight for anyone to see! He likes to bitch and complain about the hickeys on his chest and scratch marks covering his back the morning after, but when he's all alone, he’ll stand in the mirror shirtless, and admire the work of art you left on his skin.
Dirty talk (giving & receiving): At first glance, Taeil might seem like a shy and reserved kind of guy, but in the bedroom he’s far from! He’s actually quite blunt. He likes to whisper crude remarks in your ear in-between pants and moans; leaving you speechless and blushing like crazy. But Taeil can’t even put into words what it does to him when you return the vulgar comments. It sends a chill down his spine hearing such dirty words spill from your precious mouth, and he has to stop himself from coming right then and there.
Teasing (giving): This little shit... Taeil is the biggest damn tease! One of his favorite things to do is make you beg for whatever it is he’s withholding from you. He’s relentless, too. If you’re feeling stubborn and refuse to give into his desire to hear you beg, then oh well. I guess you’ll have to go without, because no matter how willful you may be, he’s even more headstrong; and he is not giving you want you want until he hears you beg for it!
Orgasm control (giving): This one goes hand in hand with the teasing. More often than not, Taeil is going to make you work for your orgasms! Right when he realizes you’re on the brink of euphoria, he’ll slow down any and all movements to an agonizing, torturous pace, with a cocky smirk plastered on his face. He’ll then proceed to taunt you, asking if you “really deserve it” in an ever so condescending tone. Sometimes ya just wanna slap him.
Loud sex: If you ask me, Taeil is one of, if not the loudest in bed. He lets himself bask in the pleasure, not giving two fucks about how loud he may be in the process. But he’s always making an effort not to get too loud; as he wants to be able to hear you crying out from the pleasure. And if you’re thinking of slapping a hand over your mouth, or biting your lip to forcibly quiet yourself down, don't; because Taeil won't be having any of that.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Honestly, this freak dude would be fine taking you anywhere, as long as theres a locked door; meaning absolutely no chance of getting caught. Being the oldest, there’s this sense of responsibility he carries, and he can't help but try to be the best role model possible to his younger brothers. Getting caught having sex by one of the other members is one of the worst things that could happen, according to him.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going, etc)
As previously stated, seeing you “flirting” with his friends is a sure way to get him all riled up and ready to fuck your brains out. But a very close second to that would be stress. Taeil is the type of person to literally fuck his stress away. If he’s being overworked and pushed too hard, his emotions get all out of whack, which tends to makes him extremely horny. And I’m not talking “cute, bubbly, vanilla sex” horny - no. I’m talking “fucking you into your mattress so hard you can’t walk tomorrow” horny. But I mean hey, who’s complaining? He’s relieving himself of some unwanted stress while you get dicked the fuck down... It’s a win-win situation!
N = NO (Something they wouldn't do; turn offs)
Like I said, Taeil wouldn’t do anything to risk getting caught in the act by any of the other members. Meaning absolutely no sex if theres not a lock on the door. Just the thought of that is bone chilling to him. Other than that, Taeil strikes me as the kind of guy to “try anything once,” so I think with him, experimenting would be a major key in letting you know what things he enjoys and what things  he doesn't.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Honestly, with Taeil, its dead even. Of course he loves getting his dick sucked, (what guy doesn't), but he loves pleasuring you just as much. Watching you squirm underneath him while your faces scrunches in pleasure, hands desperately grabbing at his hair as you whimper his name followed by moans and groans of pure satisfaction is a thing of beauty to him. He wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world. As far as skills go, this boy definitely knows how to use his mouth; thats for sure! Hell, he probably knows your own body better than you do!
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc)
Like I've been saying throughout this entire post, his pace, attitude, and everything alike depends 100% on what kind of mood he’s in. But more often than not, be prepared for rough sex, because thats exactly what Taeil will be giving to you!
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc)
Hell yeah, Taeil’s down for a quickie! But, (for the 50th time), only if its behind the security of a locked door! Whether it be fast one in a LOCKED bedroom at the dorms, or a quick fuck in a LOCKED supply closet backstage before a show, he’s all up for it! He just, and this bares repeating, DOESN’T WANT TO GET CAUGHT!
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc)
Taeil’s as game as they come. Like I mentioned, he’s the kinda guy to try something at least once before deciding whether or not he likes it. A big part of your sex life is experimenting with different kinds of positions, kinks, toys, etc. As far as risks go, Taeil is pretty mild. Since getting caught is a huge no-no, don't expect to try anything spontaneously perilous.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last, etc)
I’d say Taeil’s stamina is a little above average. On average, he can go two, sometimes three rounds if he’s feeling up to it. Sex as a whole usually lasts about an hour or so, (give or take a little), but a lot of it foreplay, rather than actual sex. Still good, nonetheless!
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
It definitely depends on the toy! I can see Taeil loving things like handcuffs, blindfolds, and pretty much anything that has to do with sensory depravation; aiding him in the teasing aspect of things. But I don't see him being too fond of toys such as vibrators. He prides himself in knowing just what you like and being able to pleasure you in unthinkable ways, so bringing in a toy that’ll potentially take his place isn't really ideal to him. He also isn't too keen on you using any of said toys on him. In his eyes, it only takes away from the domineering persona that he worked so hard to build.
U = Unfair (How much do they like to tease?)
HE TEASES YOU TO NO EXTENT! Sometimes, if he's feeling extra cruel, he’ll see just how far he can take the teasing; until you absolutely can't take it anymore. If that means you’re left with tears pricking at the corners of your eyes, then so be it. His dominant nature mixed with his love for teasing and hearing you beg makes for some harsh and persistent torment. Which is still undoubtably enjoyable.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc)
Again, if you ask me, Taeil is the loudest of all in the bedroom. He is very much a moaner! Most of the sounds he elicits are going to be loud, angelic moans. He’s also a bit of a groaner/grunter; especially if he’s fucking you for all you’re worth. I can definitely see him being the type to cry out when he cums, too. The most beautiful, sinful, melodious sound your ears have ever been blessed with.
W = Wild Card (Create a random headcannon for the character of your choice)
“Now, baby girl,” Taeil says, ignoring your distraught whimpers as yet another orgasm slips through your fingers, “what have I told you about flirting with my friends just to tease me?” he asks in a low, raspy tone while dragging a single digit tauntingly around your core; purposely avoiding the place you desperately needed him the most.
There was a dull ache in your shoulders as you wiggled your wrists, wincing at the chaffing of the handcuffs that currently bound your hands together. You slowly looked up to find Taeil already staring at you; making you feel completely powerless under his intense gaze. His eyes were a darker shade than usual, and his face held a stern expression that sent waves of both excitement and nervousness coursing through your body at the thought of what was to come.
“I asked you a question!” he bellowed out as he suddenly pinched your clit between his thumb and pointer finger; eliciting a high pitched yelp from you, as you helplessly tugged on your restraints.
“I’M SORRY I’M S-SORRY-” you cried out, trying to the best of your ability to shimmy your way higher up on the bed, and away from the harsh hold he had on your sex.
“Really? Cause you didn't seem too sorry when you were throwing yourself on Johnny earlier today?” he asked rhetorically as he cocked his head to the side and sent you a bone chilling glare.
“I-I...” you stuttered, unable to think of a suitable response for his accusation.
“That’s what I thought,” he replied in a curt manner, before thrusting his hips forwards; filling you up without the slightest warning.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what's going on in those pants; picture or words)
Hmm I think Taeil is average in length; maybe around 5 inches? But he definitely makes up for it in girth because DAMN that boy is THICK !!!
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Since a big part of his sex drive comes from stress, and I’d imagine he’s pretty stressed out most, if not all of the time, I'd say his sex drive is fairly high.
Z = ZZZ (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
This all depends on how rough he was with you. The rougher he is, the more thoughtful and considerate the aftercare will be. This boy doesn't even THINK about laying down to go to sleep before making sure you’re alright; and that he didn't go to far, or get too aggressive with you. He might be all dominant, rough and condescending during sex, but afterwards, he’s back to the sweet, harmless, caring and gentle Taeil you know and love!
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picturethefrasers · 7 years
I would personally love for each of the mods to introduce themselves! I know two of the three of you pretty well, but I think it would be great to hear from each of you about how you came to the fandom/ art in general, what your main blog is, and anything else you'd like to share! Mwah!!
Hi Bonnie! There are in fact 4 of us participating in the blog - we have little intros about ourselves in our mods page but we can expand a bit more on that :)
Christine - @rogermackenzie - I actually don’t post a lot of outlander >pencil on paper project about a character’s hair - art tag
Silver - @ofbrochtuarach - I have a roleplay blog for Jamie, but no active “personal” blog. I came to the Outlander because it was in my Netflix suggestions, and a French youtuber had mentionned it and it sounded cool ^^ I was already drawing fanart then, though not regularly, often inspired from roleplay or fanfiction. I suck at getting inspired to I’m counting on you guys! As to how I started arting… 10 years ago, in Latin class, the girl sitting next to me gave me some useful tips, and I haven’t stopped drawing since!
Fiona - @outlanderedandoverhere - I joined tumblr after lurking for months on blogs like gotham’s, as I had been a lover of the books for most of my adult life. Initially very sceptical that a TV show could do justice to C and J, but had been thoroughly seduced by the time we reached the ‘well I suppose that means you’re coming with me scene ( damn you show Jamie and your sorcery), eventually opening my own blog because I wanted to contribute to the discussions! And then of course, came the DollFrasers…. As to the art, well I have been creative all my life, but had fallen out of just drawing for about twenty years, and then it may have even been a wee post of yours, Bonnie, where I think you waxed lyrical about fanart and how important it was and how we should all be more appreciative of it, that absolutely resonated with me and made something click inside my brain, and I suddenly decided I had to start drawing again. So thank you 😊 for that. This may be all your fault 😬
Ty - @wheelslain - I’m the black sheep of the mod group, because I’m not active in the Outlander fandom at all, technically speaking. I have seen the show, but I have no personal or RP blog that’s in any way related to it. I am a big fan of it, though, so I suppose I might be of some use on here (hopefully). I blame Silver for my involvement on this blog, because me being here is entirely her doing. Art-wise, I’ve been drawing for… god, don’t ask. 13 years sounds about right, mostly fanart for various things, along with a few pet projects of mine. It’s about time I put that to good use with a few prompts, so here I am~
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greycity · 8 years
get to know me
tagged by @taehyeong :) i didn’t do the last one you tagged me in sooo
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to know better
nicknames: krease, krispy
gender: female
star sign: virgo
height: 5′3 / 160cm ish (that 5in difference rip)
time right now: 7:40 pm (update: it’s like 9 now)
last thing i googled: 'sky wallpaper’ for apes 
favourite bands: bts, nct, svt, pentagon, rv, mamamoo, blackpink, day6, nell, urban zakapa, epik high [band?] (i make it seem like all i listen to is korean music lol)
favourite solo artists: lee hi, dean, taeyeon, anda, baek yerin, sam kim, hayley kiyoko, troye sivan, and a bunch of rappers
song stuck in my head: ‘bite’ got stuck when i typed troye sivan
last movie i watched: i too watched home alone 2 on our way back from vegas
last tv show i watched: i think it was the 100 but i stopped watching after like episode 2 
when did you create your blog: my archive is a lie i made this in 2012
what stuff do you post: bts, kpop, aesthetics, random personal stuff
when did you blog reach its peak: idk if it has? but i guess run era (2015)? that’s when i started to step up my gif/gfx game lol
do you have any other blogs: the only one i’m kinda active on is @lalistle
do you get asks regularly: nah, occasionally
why did you choose your url: i fell in love with ‘intro: hyyh’ the day it came out and immediately changed my url, also he used to say that suga stood for shooting guard idk
following: 330
posts: 10,841
hogwarts house: slytherin
pokemon team: mystic cause of peer pressure tbh
favourite colors: green, purple, grey
average hours of sleep: 3-5 hrs (better than the one hour i used to get)
lucky numbers: 14
favourite characters: totoro! also bmo and stitch
what are you wearing right now: a grey tshirt and adidas shorts
how many blankets do you sleep with: just one
dream job: disc jockey i guess some kinda designer like i used to want to become an architect and then it was video game designer
dream trip: ever since we were freshmen my friends and i talked about touring asia after we graduate and idk if that’s ever gonna happen but it’d be really nice if we had the chance to :’) on my own tho i just wanna go back to korea again (i might be able to study there so that’s cool !!)
tagging: @mewchim, @comfyjimin, @whyparkjimin, @jminies, @rammyeon, @pvnkyoongi, @changkyuh, @dotmilk, @niehauscosima, @ojjeon, @pjkook, @somnolensce, @suga-cane
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tardisthunder · 3 years
i have been tagged ☀️
THANK YOU FOR TAGGING ME @didthedevilturnup 💜💜💜
why did you choose your url?
because i was obsessed with doctor who at some point and i particularly loved the tardis. of course, i always loved the doctor and the companions, but i also love the tardis, being the stubborn lil time-machine she is.
truthfully, i had other names before, but i dont remember them.
any side-blogs? (if you have them, name them and why you have them)
yeah i have two side-blogs. i am not gonna name them though. one is basically a blog where i save longer text posts/resources to look up/read more about later. the other blog is empty anyway, it was a blog where i could basically … blog lmao. i have always loved having a blog, i loved writing about things, choosing pictures etc about my daily life. the last time i had a serious blog, none of my friends was reading it though so, you know, what’s the point. but that second blog was originally meant for that and i cant bring myself to delete it.
how long have you been on tumblr?
since, idk 2008/2009. i was on here pretty early but i deleted all my posts back in … oh god, i dont wanna go look but i wanna say 2014? and then i started posting with a queue and tags, which i have since abandoned again lmao. it’s such a hassle to add tags on mobile, so most of the time, i am too lazy to do it.
do you have a queue tag?
yes, it was #stardust queue. i used it when i was taking tumblr a lot more serious and tagged everything lmao. i spent so much time on tumblr a couple years ago, it was everything for me and i was upset when i went a day without being on it because i didnt want to miss out on anything. it was a weird time in my life.
now i am just here whenever i have time and when i want to. but i dont have the urge to be on here every day.
why did you start your blog in the first place?
i wanted to connect with people who have the same interest as me. didnt really work.
why did you choose your icon/pfp?
i used to switch them quite a lot, depending on what i was obsessed with at the time. i think now it’s gonna be jenna for forever. i admired her a lot in doctor who, i still keep track of what other series/movies she appears in and i have gotten used to her as my icon, so she’s gonna stay.
why did you choose your header?
my header on mobile is mountains with a pink sky. i wanted something rather neutral that fits with the icon, but something non-fandom.
what’s your post with the most notes?
i dont know, i dont do posts a lot. i cant make gifs or anything so i dont upload a lot of stuff.
how many people do you follow?
i just checked and i follow over 1594 blogs, which uuuuhhhhhh … is a lot. truthfully, there is a couple of blog-names i remember having followed eons ago and i do like to check up on them, not in like a creepy way but in a “hope you’re alright”-way. so i would not unfollow them, couple irl-friends on here who i am not gonna unfollow either.
and i just dont really care that much anymore? i used to go through my blogs quite regularly to sort out inactive ones and unfollow the ones where i am not that interested in the fandom anymore, but now the blogs i follow are an accumulation of everything i have ever loved and i dont mind.
i will only unfollow if you annoy me for some reason and i remember your name, which is rare.
have you ever made a shitpost?
how often do you use tumblr?
every 2nd or third day when i am bored while i am watching tv, i dont know.
did you have a fight/argument with a blog once? who won?
i dont think so.
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this post’?
i scroll over them, i hate being guilt-tripped into needing to reblog something.
do you like tag games?
i LOVE tag games so please tag me in everything. i love doing these!!!
 so please tag me, it might take me a day or two to do it though but i will!!
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i dont know. if you are though, yay!!
do you have a crush on a mutual?
i dont think so.
last song i listened to
bts - friends.
my phone bg and lockscreen
lockscreen is a beautiful pic of yoongi and my phone bg is a pic of hobi peeking in from the side saying “i’m proud of you”. if i put them in here, they're huge, so i am not gonna do that. maybe i will add them later, idk.
DO YOU LIKE TAGGAMES??? lmk and i will tag you!
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