#idk I think doing that is really cool and I want to collect some more found media to do more of that I'm really really fond
e1dritchqueer · 1 year
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[Image ID: a pixelated close up drawing of a anthropomorphic dog girl clavicle up colored in light purple with pink edge light. The girl has tired eyes, long wavy hair, floppy ears, thick eyebrows, and a slightly visible adam's apple. She wears a collar and a loose shit. The background is a pixelated photo of a tree branch behind a twilight sky /end id]
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Daily Log
Trying out (probably just temporarily) making short daily-ish notes about things, in an attempt to see if it helps me be more reflective or productive lol.
Activities: Badly carved an eye into an avocado pit with a nail cuticle tool thing. trying to think of better designs to carve into avocado pits. I don't really have the right tools, maybe should order some carving tools. I hate buying things online eeeeee..
Worked on translating a poem into Avirrekava (my constructed language for one of my fantasy species) so I can paint it onto a tapestry sort of thing I'm making, kind of in the style of medieval illuminated manuscripts? I do not have paintbrushes small enough.
Spent a lot of time thinking more about the story with an investigator tracking a doctor who's doing strange experiments and they eventually become friends(ish) after trying to kill each other a few times, lol (set in my fantasy world though, so magic is involved, etc. It's just interesting to think about testing the limitations of magic and what type of experimentation people would do, especially if you own a hospital or morgue or other scenario where you have access to bodies, or good cover for hiding them, etc. Plus worldbuilding religions in the world, what their ideas of morality would be, what an "investigator" or police force would even look like in that setting, etc. Two jhevona main characters in a city full of elves and the in-world politics of that, class war and royals, pretentious scholar communities and how they'd operate, actual magic combat between two advanced magic users and what that would look like (mixing illusions or higher level spells with minor brute force tactics, evasion, enchantments, shapeshifting, etc.) etc. etc. ).
Organized some of my plants, but still need to replant some fully. Succulents grow SO fast, I think I'll run out of room. Also one has burnt to a crisp during the heat wave last week.. my son.. ToT.
Edited a few costume photos then gave up because my camera is evil and I always have that thing where it looks really cool in the mirror but then the final photos suck, which demotivates me to even do anything with them/feels like a waste.
Still chronic health issue sick stinky as usual, plus it's still warm inside from the heat a few days ago so being hot makes joint pain worse... evil.. no energy. fell asleep on the floor for like 30 minutes.
Tried a new oreo flavor and ranked it on my comprehensive oreo ranking list. Mediocre as usual, but I'm too far in to give up now gghj.. I have to just try them all. A fool's labor.
Notable sights: found one 6 leaf clover, two 5 leaf clovers, and eleven 4 leaf clovers. Saw a rabbit, 3 cats in windows, and 4 ducks. Also at some point I was squishing gum in my hand and pulling it apart and when stretched out it would make these really cool spindly spider web patterns. The sky later in the day was hazy pink, purple, and blue pastel sunset.
Goals moving forward: Wake up on time even if I feel sick when I wake up!!! Focus on more immediate projects, don't get distracted. Actually make room for investing in social time and replying to people even with minimal energy reserves. Stay consistent with physical therapy exercises. Plant nasturtiums. Finish and upload videos, email doctors, edit pictures, post the poll adventure thing that has been sitting in a draft for weeks.
Notable foods: None today, but I have asparagus for later which is exciting... my new favorite vegetable whilst on the stinky Nutritionist Prescribed Special Limited Diet
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#I don't know the point of posting this publicly#maybe just makes it feel more like I'm doing somehting or easier to hold myself accountable making a public declarations#of my goals and progress or etc. lol#Weird blog content I think but then also this IS like.. my personal blog so#. technically I can do whatever. It's just an atypical format of personal post ghgj#ALSO the finding so many clovers thing is cool because just last week I also found one 6 leaf clover and a few 5 leaves and a#ton of 4 leaves. I hadn't found a 6 leaf clover in a few years until literally the past few weeks Iv'e found two of them#The most I've ever gotten is a 7 leaf. Maybe just one?? possibly two but I think just one of them.#so I guess the ultimate goal would be 8 leaf. if that's even plausible.#I don't know what to do with them all though. I put them usually in the book with the rest of my pressed flowers and then#move them into a container once they're dried out. I could make more flower arrangement type things (like gluing dried flowers#to a page in a pattern) out of them like I have a few times. Or use them with the wax seal stamps or something#but I have so many.. IF i OWNED AN ACTUal house or somehting it'd be cool to do like.. a Wall#a clover wall where I just post them up everytime I've collected some. and see if I can fill the whole wall over time#One day ... if I can ever be successful at the Game Of Resources And Capitalism enough to have a modest little#home in like.. Scotland or canada or something... I can finally paint walls and do interesting things#REALLY have always wanted to have a cloud mural on the cieling of a room or etc.#aNYWAY....#any other Clover Hunters out there.. tell me what you've found. the mythical 8 leaf?? or anything idk.#avocado pit carving tips. tell me what you thought about the Black Out Cake oreo flavor. etc. etc. hgjhghjb#daily log
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auroralwriting · 18 days
hi! here’s a little fic idea or something to maybe toy around with: spencer with a blair waldorf-esque partner (maybe just a similar upbringing?? idk) but yeah, maybe like the insecurity that comes from growing up like that. or like the softness in finally opening yourself up to love where you had to make yourself cold before. idk.
spencer reid x fem!reader
an exposing gala finally reveals your hidden wealth to your team, and to spencer
word count: 2.4k / warnings: pure fluff, negative self thoughts, spencer is a sweetie and rossi is supportive dad, no use of y/n, bombshell/rich girl reader
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The luxurious life you lived was one you kept hush-hush, private, and behind closed doors for all who wanted to peek in. You knew it was obvious that you came from some money. You went to Yale and got your masters from Harvard. Sometimes, you wore more expensive clothing, like classic Louboutin heels or Dior sweaters.
You kept all of your money and lifestyle private for the simple fact that you didn't want to be treated differently at work. Your teammates, friends, were your favorite people. They were all very humble, sometimes minus Rossi, and so incredibly kind. You didn't want them to assume that Mommy and Daddy bought you this job. That you didn't deserve your position in the FBI.
However, when Rossi invited the team to an expensive gala where you knew people would recognize you, you realized you were absolutely doomed.
"I have no clue what to wear to things like these!" Penelope cried out in faux agony. You and the rest of the girls were shopping in the mall, not a fashion mall, but a regular one, for clothes to wear to the gala. "I don't dress up fancily ever!"
JJ smiled calmingly, "Pen, you'll look gorgeous in anything you wear."
Your brain began to work overtime, fashion knowledge bustling in your brain at a million miles an hour. "Pink," You said. Your voice was always on the cool side, your demeanor stoic like Hotch. You were the fun one, though, and knew how and when to let loose. You liked to think of yourself as highly mature and collected. "A blush pink, not rose. Rose will wash you out."
Penelope blinked in surprise, "Really?"
"Absolutely." You nodded in confirmation.
"Ooh," Emily clasped her hands together, "Do me!"
It took you no less than a second to reply. "Dark red, burgundy, maroon. You suit a darker feminine look." You turned to JJ, raising an eyebrow. "Have you ever considered emerald green?"
JJ paused for a moment, "No, I haven't."
"You should. It would bring out your eyes." You replied with the smallest hint of a smile.
"How do you know all this?" Penelope asked, highly intrigued. "Are you some fashion goddess?"
You felt yourself fully smile, a small chuckle escaping your lips. "I've just always been really good with color-analysis, I guess." It wasn't a lie, color analysis went into profiling, and it came with growing up rich as fu-
"What are you going to wear?" Emily curiously asked, setting her hand in her head.
"I have a few ideas." You nonchalantly replied. "I think I have some dresses at home that will work."
Leading up to the gala, you found yourself feeling anxious anytime someone brought it up, which was all the time. Yes, you knew it was excitement, but it made you nervous to rationalize whether your friends would hate your or not after this. You tried to play it cool, nodding along to the conversations, but one comment really bothered you.
"God, I cannot wait to eye all those rich girls," Derek dreamily sighed, thinking about how much flirting he was going to participate in. "I hear the aristocrat-girls know how to push your buttons."
You knew Derek didn't mean it to be insulting, he was just joking, but it caused you feel a pang in your heart.
As the others continued to talk, you felt eyes boring holes into your body. It was Spencer, probably your closest friend on the team, and the guy you were hopelessly in love with. You'd never admitted it to anyone, the fear of rejection buried deep in your bones. You didn't want to lose him as a friend above anything else.
"Hey," Spencer softly whispered, taking in the look that had settled on your face. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, Spence." You nodded, allowing yourself to give him a sweet smile, the one that he knew was reserved for him and him only.
Spencer gave you a suspicious look. "You know Derek didn't mean it like that," He offered, reaching out to squeeze your arm.
"I know," you nodded. "Really, Spence. I'm okay."
The loss of your usual glimmer in your eyes had vanished before Spencer's eyes. He knew you better than that. Something was definitely up.
Even if he was your best friend, he found it hard to gather a good read on you sometimes. No one had ever been to your apartment, knew where you lived, met any of your family, absolutely nothing personal. You went to everyone else's places, met their families, it made Spencer's brain wrap around itself trying to figure you out. You were so open with him, yet so closed off at the same time. It was like you were hiding some deep, dark secret that you didn't want to hurt him. Nonetheless, he trusted your judgement, never prying too hard. He was too in love with you to even consider hurting you.
The night of the gala finally approached. You sat in front of your vanity, finishing up your hair and makeup. Reluctantly, you gave Rossi your address to come get you. He had hired out a limo to take the team to the gala.
As you walked outside, the cool chill of the air was a huge contrast to the heat inside, reminding you of how brutal Virginia autumn's could be. As you opened the door, you let out a sigh of relief when you saw it was just Rossi.
"I had a feeling you didn't want anyone to know where you lived," He remarked, a knowing look on his face. "From one to another, I know when someone has expensive taste. You, my dear, struck me as an aristocrat from day one."
"Does anyone else know?" You asked softly, biting your lip.
Rossi let out a huff of air, "Of course not. But you should tell them, preferably tonight."
"What if they think differently of me?" Your voice felt small, and you noticed the way Rossi looked at you with comfort. It was obvious that this was an unusual way to see you, but deep down, you were a sensitive, caring soul who played the part of the cold, badass agent too well.
"I can assure you, they won't." Rossi squeezed your hand for a moment, allowing you to buckle yourself in.
One by one, the team began arriving. They all looked amazing, of course, but the one that stuck out to you was Spencer in his classic black and white tux. Of course, his eyes couldn’t leave you, either. Mentally, you made a note of this eye-checking out, or eye-fucking, as Derek so gracefully called it.
Penelope was the last to arrive, and she gasped when she saw you. “That’s Prada!” She pointed, her mouth agape.
“My mom gifted it to me on my twenty-first birthday,” You explained, feeling relief when the team played it off as a very generous gift.
The gala was gorgeous, white, gold, and black filling your eyes. Of course, you’d definitely seen better, but it was your first gala in a few years. It was refreshing to see. The team, on the other hand, looked amazed at it all.
“This is the most amazingly spectacular thing I’ll ever witness in my life.” Penelope gaped.
“It really is gorgeous,” JJ nodded in agreement.
Even Hotch was staring wide eyed at the hall. “Hey,” Derek asked. “Why do you not look at all surprised or even any other feeling besides neutral at this? That cold?” Derek teased, unknowing of your true feelings.
Before you could answer, you heard a gasp from behind you. Your name was emphasized. You turned around to see a woman, her early forties, and the worst fucking haircut— Maggie Lowdry.
“My dear! It’s been far too long since you’ve been to a gala. Had us all worried sick you’d vanished, or far worse.” Maggie gave you an elegant hug that you reciprocated.
“I’ve been very busy with work,” You replied with a wide smile. “Maggie, this is my team. My team also includes Agent David Rossi.”
Maggie went wide eyed, “David Rossi! What are the odds Miss Heiress and my favorite author know each other, let alone are co-workers!”
You cringed at her words, sucking in a breath. Rossi chuckled, responding for you. “Not that low, for the area. Please, let me grab you a refreshment.”
Rossi gave you a knowing look, guiding Maggie away. Closing your eyes, you slowly turned around. “Look-”
“You’re rich?” Emily asked, interrupting you.
“Yes, but-”
“For how long?” Derek interjected.
“My whole life, I guess. It’s-”
“What do your parents do?” JJ inquired.
“They both own their own finance companies. This isn’t-”
Spencer’s words cut the deepest, “Why didn’t you tell us?”
Covering your mouth, you shook your head, refusing to let tears well to the surface. The look on your face surprised the team. They hadn’t expected you to be so touchy about this.
“I’m sorry, I need air.” You quickly walked away and back outside to catch your breath.
“She’s sensitive,” Hotch began to profile you meticulously. “She puts on a cold front to trick us into thinking she’s someone completely different. In reality, we know she isn’t cold from how often she jokes or laughs and smiles. We know she’s hiding something, maybe a bad past. If we looked closer, we would have realized that this is why she never let us come over, or hardly went shopping with the girls.” Hotch paused for a moment, “She’s scared we’ll treat her differently.”
Emily frowns at his words, "We would never treat her differently because of her background."
"Or because she's rich," JJ added.
Hotch shook his head, "We're all lower-to-middle class. Maybe she thought we would resent her, or potentially believe we assume her parents bought her everything."
"A common stereotype for children of aristocrats is imposter syndrome," Spencer began. "Is that what.. is.."
"Reid, maybe you should go check on her." Derek insisted. "You're her favorite, anyway."
Biting his tongue at Derek's words, Spencer silently agreed as he followed in your previous footsteps. When he exited the building, he saw you sitting on the stone steps, staring into the city.
Spencer softly spoke your name, causing you to look up at him. No matter how hard you tried, Spencer noticed the redness in your eyes. "Can I sit?" Spencer softly asked, gesturing beside you. When you didn't respond, Spencer took that as an opening. He slowly sat next to you, his eyes never once leaving you. "We aren't mad at you."
"Do you think any differently of me?" Your voice was softer than Spencer ever thought he'd heard it before. You'd been with the buero for eight months, twenty six days, and thirteen hours. Even if he knew you well enough, he knew you'd done a damn good job of keeping your own secret.
"Yes," Spencer honestly answered, causing you to look at him wide-eyed as he continued. "I think you're much more sensitive and sweet than you let on to be. Sometimes, we could see the real you if we looked hard enough." You felt your heart beat die down at his words. "I think you're scared that we won't like you anymore because, what, you're rich?"
Your brows furrowed, "Is that not it?"
"Of course not," Spencer chuckled, grabbing your soft, manicured hands. "It doesn't matter if you're the President or anything less than,"
"I thought you guys would hate me," You chuckled at yourself, taking in Spencer's words. You'd been silly this whole time.
Spencer gave you a sympathetic look, "How could we ever hate you?" His thumbs rubbed the top of your hands, just in front of your knuckles. "Plus, I think we all already thought you came from a little money, that or you had incredible debt."
You laughed at his words, causing Spencer to smile brightly. "Maybe some things gave it away."
"Maybe," Spencer warmly agreed, the smile on your face making his heart soar. "Honestly, I know I only feel much better about you,"
"Yeah?" You breathed out.
"Yeah," Spencer confirmed with a nod. "I feel like I'm really starting to understand you. I really think I'm gonna love this you." He paused, taking a deep, supporting breath in. "But, I already do, so maybe that means it'll only get stronger."
Your breath hitched in your throat as your lips slightly parted in surprise. "You- You love me?"
Spencer awkwardly smiled, "Yeah, I love you."
"I love you, too." You admitted, a warmth spreading across your cheeks. "I have since, like, they day I met you."
"I fell in love with you two months and three days after I met you." Spencer replied. He took note of your confused face and decided to help clear up what he meant. "Remember that case where you nearly got set on fire to grab one of the Hutchenson kids from their house fire?"
The memory came back to you in an instant, "That's when you fell in love with me? When I was coughing and covered in ash?"
"When you risked your life to save a child, even after the fact sending her to the first ambulance that arrived despite the fact that you couldn't breathe." Spencer corrected as you shook your head.
"I cannot believe that's when you fell in love with me." You admitted with a small laugh.
Spencer gave you his dorky half-smile, "If it helps, I'm falling in love with you all over again right now." He tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ears, "So you get a do-over."
After a moment of the two of you just simply existing together, relishing in the presence of your love, you decided it was time to go back inside. "We need to go back inside soon. Or, I do. My presence is expected."
"Of course, I can't hog you all to myself, can I?" Spencer teased as he helped you stand up.
"You can have me all to yourself anytime there isn't a gala," Spencer's cheeks grew red at your words as you internally cheered. "Plus, now I have a boyfriend to introduce?"
Spencer nodded quickly, "Yes, you do."
"Good," You smiled, slowly turning around to walk back inside. "I hope you know how to dance too, by the way. The waltz is common at these types of galas."
"Wait, what? No, no, I can't dance- hey, wait up!"
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babiebom · 7 months
Sebastian NSFW Alphabet
A/N: the actual love of my life is next, be prepared for the others to either come over the next couple of weeks or the next couple of days depending on how fast I do them.
Tw: nsfw content(sex, kinks, cum, ome mention of piss yk the usual) cursing
Stardew Masterlist NSFW Alphabet Masterlist
C- Cum (anything to do with cum,basically)
If you asked him to his face he’d just say that he’s okay with whatever you want but in truth he wants to ruin you completely. I think he would be very awkward and unwilling to admit that he wants to cum inside you and on you. Like he wants to go until you’re covered and filled with his cum. It’s probably a possessive thing.
E- Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
I think I’ve talked about this before? Like he’s either a virgin or he’s had one or two people that he’s slept with before. I do think he and Abigail have hooked up at least once but stopped at some point because something happened. But I do lean more towards him being a virgin right now
He doesn’t really know what he’s doing but he learns quickly and never shows that he’s clumsy with it. Acts like he’s just learning what you like in order to pretend that he’s cool calm and collected. Inside he’s freaking out because he doesn’t know what he’s doing and is VERY worried you’re not enjoying yourself.
G- Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? Etc)
He would want to be funny and relaxed in the moment, but he is quite serious because he’s kinda insecure, and wants everything to be good so he can’t really relax and be a little funny until you’re far into the relationship.
H-Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
His pubic hair is dark like his hair(I know people think he’s a redhead like his mom but I do like that his hair is dark.) he will let it get messy if he’s single but once he starts dating he trims it VERY low. Like he’s not bald but is very short in order to make everyone comfortable.
I-Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
I don’t think he’s very romantic unless you ask him to make more of an effort. I don’t think he’s entitled or even open with asking for sex, but you can tell when he wants to do the do. He’s more like….idk how to describe it. It’s just he’s like more touchy and cuddly when he’s horny? If you ask him to be more romantic he’ll do the candle thing probably or something nerdy but cute.
J- Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
One of the horniest men to ever exist ngl. Dude probably jacks off at least once a day. Let’s face it, he’s an antisocial emo, who sits in his room all day because he doesn’t want to leave it and to further that point he even has a job that requires him to not leave it. Seb has so much alone time and so many naughty thoughts that he has to rub one out in order to even concentrate properly. Luckily no one really bothers him so he has only been caught probably once and as a teenager.
K- Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Lord Jesus this man has too many to count so I might go top five. He likes role playing and dressing up for SURE. Wear that maid costume, or if you’re particularly dominant out HIM in a maid costume. Let him wear his Wizard cosplay like dude is DOWN. Bdsm. Literally(I say this word way too much)as a whole he likes bondage, he likes sadism and masochism(he will let you choose) he’s into dominant and submissive roles(again he will let you choose) it’s just FUN for him. He likes choking, and probably has a body worship kink (both ways), and overstimulation. Used to edge himself on accident and it became a thing for him
L-Location (favorite places to do the do)
In his room, or near the lake. He likes it most on his bed because after it smells like you, and he’s always dreamed of fucking a significant other in his bed during one of his jerk off sessions, and literally having you in his bed is a dream come true. Also on the couch in his room, because it’s kinda depraved. Like you two were so wrapped up in each other that you couldn’t make it to the bed that’s a couple of feet away.
He likes the lake because it gives off the exhibition vibe while honestly being kinda private. Like he’s usually the only one by the lake at a certain time (unless Demetrius comes and ruins the vibes for him even if he’s usually on the other side of the lake) and living on the mountain top means that no one is really around to snitch on him. Like his mother is too wrapped up in her husband and his sister is too wrapped up in her experiments and robots to even notice that he’s railing you by the lakeside.
M- Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
I feel like I’ve said this for EVERY character so I’m gonna try to reword it from just *you*
His mind gets him going. Like he’s always thinking of something dirty, even if he’s doing something completely innocent. Like he can be working and all of a sudden his mind is wandering because his work is so boring that it can’t help but fill the boredom with things he finds fun. Like video games and fucking you until the both of you are on the verge of passing out.
N- No (something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
Like the last letter, I feel like i say it a lot for each character but like anything that’s too gross. Like I think this man might go pretty far. Would probably even try piss stuff once if you really wanted it. So like anything that’s farther than that is a no.
O- Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Would say his preference is giving but in reality it’s receiving. He loves giving head, don’t get me wrong. But he will never turn down you giving him head EVER. There’s just something about how the comepletely falls apart when your mouth is on him. He could cry from how thankful he is that you’re willing to do this for him.
Giving head I would say he’s decent and get better every time. He strives for greatness(lmao like he’s an elite employee) when it comes to getting you to cum. He will always try new techniques in order to get you cumming quicker each time. He wants you to feel the best he can make you feel.
Q- Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc)
LOVES THEM. COMPLETELY!!!! Wants to be in you all day every day, and if quickies are the way to do it before he can have you all to himself, well, guess you’re gonna have a lot of quickies throughout the day. Oh well!
R-Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks?)
Like I mentioned earlier, Seb has a bit of an exhibitionist kink, it’s more that he wants to show off that he gets to fuck YOU. Like look at my hot significant other, rather than showing off his skills or himself. He doesn’t really want people to watch at all(unless it’s like Sam who he’s cool with watching) but like he does wish that people knew that he somehow bagged the hottest person alive(you). So he’ll fuck you in semi public. Like at the lakeside in the middle of the night, or in his room when he knows everyone is awake
And yes he is always game to experiment. If it’s going to make the experience better for both of you, his thought process is: why not? Willing to try almost everything once.
T- Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I think he probably owned like a vibrating cock ring or a pocket pussy or a tenga egg or something while he was single. Now that he has you he rarely uses those things anymore unless you want him to incorporate it into sex.
Will buy toys for you, and if you buy toys for him he won’t object. Likes using them during sex, even if he doesn’t think y’all need them.
U- Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Likes to tease a decent amount, especially the more confident he gets. Will tease and laugh at you(in a mean but good way) if you’re begging or crying or something. Gives in if you beg just right though. He’s a menace not evil.
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fatesundress · 20 days
⭑ settle soft and as pure as snow. tom riddle x reader
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summary. he’s tender the way snow is. devout as a prayer that it will clear come spring.
tags. gn reader, ooc tom to 99% of the world but man do i love the 1% to whom it isn't, short little blurb, fear of death / discussions of mortality, fluff, hurt/comfort if you squint but mostly comfort, just. lovers! being lovers! kind of a sequel to your kitchen table in that it's as much an analysis of tom's fears and desires as it is an x reader, i needed this so i wrote it idk what to tell you okay
note. in my long absence i hit 1k followers (!!!???) and while i've struggled to write anything substantial, i really enjoyed this and wanted to share something to somewhat express my gratitude :') have some healed tom (inspired by hozier) and as always, my requests are open in case something sparks inspiration. in the meantime, thanks for everything!!
word count. 791
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He’s so suited to this. Beautifully, frustratingly so — born in its longest nights and shaded in its sundry tones; its stellular blues and soft, powdery whites — Tom Riddle is December made mortal. (An offensive turn of phrase, you’re sure, but he’s suited to mortality too.) You think he used to charm his cheeks not to flush but relented the effort at some point, some years ago with you, because the cold splashes them pink to his ears now, snow dotting his tousled hair. He has the integrity still to deny your caps and earmuffs with a signature scowl, but — one day.
It’s a walk through the night for no particular reason, with no particular direction. There’s moorland past the trail that winds around your shared abode, tall and dense and magical. It satiates something in him. The unknown. The need for it.
Sometimes he gets restless and doesn’t tell you, only stares furtively from the northernmost window, fingers conjuring spirals of ice on the sill absentmindedly. You take his hand and kiss the cool digits one by one. To remind him of intention.
It’s the decay, you presume. A little voice always tugs him that way, but it gets louder this time of year. With everything shedded, rotted, buried and slumbering, Tom endures watching the cycle he hates most echo into spring. Rebirth, yes, but not how he pictures it. What he knows in the steepest dusks is that one winter will come where he will not wake up again with the flowers, where you might vow to tend whatever garden someday blooms over his grave, a name etched into the stone that none but you will remember. Many winters after that, when you follow him into death and the house is mildewed and lichen clusters his favourite window, the grave will wear until even that is gone to time.
It terrifies him.
So you walk. Intention. Your hand is in his.
The magic of a simple charm warms you somewhat, but you enjoy the subtle sting of cold. You can feel it because you’re alive. It’s the same life that strung you to him in a way that can’t be severed, and now you make new trails in pathless woods and wonder at constellations, spiles broaching syrup into buckets from the trees. You collect them for potions. You invent new ones together, and tease him over a coughing fit in cauldron smoke that immortality is more than living forever.
He kisses you quiet, but he’ll listen later. There’s so much time.
You wonder if it suits you, too — winter — by the way he tends to you when it comes. Doting. You would never have imagined considering him having such a virtue when you met him, but he’s… tender, the way snow is.  Devout as a prayer that it will clear come spring. Stinging, soft, ephemeral. You weather him. But how he keeps you warm when the night drags on, and talk of constellations turns to talk of grief, he shelters you.
When your back is bare and you’re laid away from him, he traces the skin like he’s never seen it before. It’s a wonder, you think, to learn the mechanisms of touch like a foreign language. Perhaps it would feel the same for the first thousand times. How many winters did he trace the cool tile of his bedroom wall just like this, with skinny fingers scraping at the mortar on another empty birthday? There are questions even now you think to ask but don’t. He offers the answers mostly as he’s reminded of them: that a clearing in the moors evokes a memory of a bad field trip, a mantelpiece of tchotchkes echo a stolen box in a burning wardrobe, that most things, at times, feel fleetingly disparate, ready to be returned to their right place. Tea will go without sugar again as he will go without you.
Nonsense. This is yours, you tell him, the word sewn between you.
His pink cheeks are all the colour you see in the dark. The tree sap is sweet and light. You write a letter to a potioneer in New Guinea to draft, and turn left instead of right the next night, a new forest discovered within the first. Your New Year’s Eve is a swell of light in birthday candles, laughing into his cheek at some bad joke until the sound is smothered by a kiss he breaks too soon by laughing too. It’s a sound you can’t invent or imagine, words failing you even when you find them for everything else he is. 
Spring comes one unsuspecting morning, twice and twenty times, greys strewn in the black of his hair. You smile with crow’s feet into winter again.
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taglist. @lyis @indimoss @poddzi @esolean @d1anna @maripositanoctruna @mentally-in-northern-italy @ronniemaximoff1234 @moobell55 @jaerang @ramayantika @saltwaterbythesea @acube07 @togenabi @adazito @kitcat334 @blaurghhh @shutupfinn @jaymeeshayden @lilu842 @leaosee @garfunkelworld @definitely-not-captain-america @multiplefandomstan @mangoesareorange
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kozachenko · 8 months
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I swear to god, Zanmu has just been on my mind recently, she's taking over my fucking brain please send help
Artist's Note:
Why is it that everytime I do a drawing of Zanmu I always make the canvas size fucking huge and it ends up being a living nightmare to fucking export. I swear to god I had to go from 1200 DPI to 600 to 350.
Exporting hell aside, I loved working on this piece. With Zanmu's design, I wanted to combine all the design details that I love and have seen in other people's drawings of Zanmu and give them my own personal touches. First of all, her sleeves were inspired by @amemenojaku's design for Zanmu, and I absolutley love that detail because not only does it make her feel more regal, it also can be a callback to Satori and old hell, and also gives me the idea that Satori's fashion sense was inspired by Zanmu because IRL a lot of historical fashion was inspired by what the nobles were wearing at the time, and since Satori was around since when Old Hell used to be Hell, she probably took some wardrobe inspo from her (or it could be my headcanon that Satori could've been Zanmu's royal advisor or she was in her court or something but that theory is kinda grasping at strings from other headcanons I have, but that's for a different post). Also, the eye makeup she has was inspired by @jothelion's drawings of Zanmu, and like, I fucking love that detail because it just adds so much like omg I just love it sm.
And now for the design details I put in. I gave Zanmu tassel earrings because I think they'd look great on her. I also really like to exaggerate her hair and really try to make it look wild, as well as having little grey hairs here and there. I also try to add some wrinkles to the corners of her eyes, but TBH I don't know how visible that detail is, since the image is pretty fucking big. I also really exaggerated the tassles/strings on her outfit, since I really wanted to play around with the potential flow they could have. Also, big fan of giving Zanmu longer sleeves and pants. IDK why but I just like how it flows better. Also big fan of making her taller, idk why a lot of fanart makes her short. Also, I placed her horns closer to the front of her head as I just think placing horns in that position looks cool.
Also, if you're wondering about the halo, I took some inspiration from a few of Caravaggio's paintings where he often depicts saints with this very thin halo around the top of their heads. I just liked that detail a lot so I thought I'd include it.
Fun fact, I was originally gonna make the four skeletons Chiyari, Biten, Enoko, and Hisami but I didn't like the prospect of having to draw four more characters, so I chose to replace them with skeletons (if you wanna get silly with it, Zanmu got Hisami to kidnap Aya, set up some skeletons with bones from her bone collection and told her to take a picture of her).
I kinda gave up on Zanmu's feet and the one skeleton's hands (as if drawing hands normally is hard enough but NOPE, HAD TO MAKE IT LIVING HELL FOR MYSELF BY MAKING IT A SKELETON) and the quality of the image may suffer because of how much I had to fucking compress it (Zanmu's presence alone was enough to make the computer lose all of it's desire and motivation to export the drawing of her lmao), but I have been hacking at this piece for a while now, plus I need to learn when to call it quits when it comes to drawings). Also as I was fixing up the hands there was one spot where I forgot to clean up with the sketch and I can't fucking unsee that now and it's going to fucking bother me until I fix it but fixing it requires going back and putting my computer through hell so yeah.
So yeah, that's about all I have to say with this drawing, it was fun but also a nightmare lol
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moonferry · 4 months
*rubbing hands together like a gremlin* you guys want some stardew headcanons thst have been rotating in my mind like a gas station hotdog? no? well here they are anyway.
* leah has a sketchbook full of candids of people from town. if you choose to romance leah, she has a LOT of sketches of the farmer
* sebastian is trans masculine/nonbinary and uses he/they pronouns
* leah is actually robin's younger sister & moved to pelican town because robin had mentioned how peaceful it was
* sandy is trans feminine (she's also soo wife)
* abby would've absolutely loved among us
* maru secretly has a crush on penny
* jas makes shane play dress up. he acts annoyed but enjoys spending time with jas
* clint is an avid reddit user . do with that what you will.
* i think abby majored in political studies or graphic design
* harvey has a tooth gap and freckles
* elliott has DEFINITELY recreated the fork-hairbrush scene from the little mermaid
* harvey is allergic to cats but he powers through for the farmer
* abby DEFINITELY uses tumblr
* harvey has a little plane nightlight. not because he's scared of the dark but because he thinks it's cool. if you romance him, he puts it in the child(ren)'s bedroom.
* elliott wears hair curlers to bed.
* penny has a collection of drawings that jas and vince made for her. she puts them on her fridge.
* sam is an android user (and yes, it's purely because people kept calling him "samsung")
* wlw haley. that is all.
* haley takes pictures and sometimes lets leah borrow them/use them as a painting reference
* sebby with top scars. ooogh.
* maru has a cluster of freckles on her shoulder shaped like the little dipper.
* abby dyes her hair & once did all rainbow and cosplayed rainbow dash.
* the farmer and haley often call and have late night gossip sessions
* sam's phone wallpaper is a really zoomed in or a 0.5 photo of the farmer / whoever is his partner
* sebastian types in all lower case
* sam types in all caps.
* i think it would be really funny if seb just had sam in his phone as Samson (that grammar and everything) just because it's so unlike his usual typing and he does it to piss sam off
* it's no secret that sam is very forgetful, however i think this helped him become friends with penny. penny is very organized and has every important date (ie birthdays) memorized. --- she NEVER forgets a birthday. --- one day, penny heard sam repeating a phrase to himself so he wouldn't forget what he needed to do. penny encouraged him to write it down and even showed him how to write on a rubber band. sam adopted this and everytime he sees penny he'll smile widely and hold up his wrist (which will have anywhere from 6-10 rubber bands at the time. poor boy).
that's all for now. i may add more later idk. let me know if y'all want me to rack my brain for more of these
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wonbriiize · 10 months
pairing; wonbin x reader
genre; fluff, comfort (in a way)
warnings; none
note; idk what to think about this but i hope y’all will like it anyway !!
all at once
in which you convince your boyfriend wonbin to make bracelets with you and he ends up making one specifically for you…
“i can‘t believe you’re making me do this,” wonbin sighs while he sits down on the floor, next to you.
“oh, don’t act like you don’t love this,” you grin, taking out your beads, and everything else you need to make bracelets, from the bag you brought with you.
“you know what i love?” wonbin smirks, suddenly pulling you closer to him.
“hmm.. no, i don‘t think i do?” you tease him, smirking against his lips.
wonbin plants a kiss on your lips and you fight off every desire to take this any further because wonbin’s roommates are all at home and you don’t want them to just burst into the room out of nowhere.
“let’s get to work,” you let go of wonbin and start collecting out the beads that you want to use for your bracelet.
wonbin does the same, but he’s struggling to find colors that he wants to use. for him, this isn’t just making any bracelet. he wants to make one for you. and it needs to be perfect, because in wonbin’s eyes, you deserve nothing but the best.
you wonder why it’s taking him so long to search out the beads, but your worries get brushed off once shotaro enters the room and sits down on the floor.
“i want to make a bracelet too,” he says, not really asking you for permission to use your beads, but you don’t mind. out of all the roommates wonbin has, shotaro is your favorite.
wonbin doesn’t even notice shotaro coming into the room, he’s too busy thinking about the bracelet that he’s making for you. he‘s putting all his focus into it. wonbin doesn’t even get mad when shotaro makes you laugh so hard that you almost start tearing up (because he is the only one who’s allowed to make you laugh like this), no, he’s too invested in the bracelet. right now, he’s deciding what he should use to make it more special. more meaningful.
“shotaro, your bracelet looks so cool,” you say, admiring his work. even though shotaro just started it, he’s halfway done already.
“yours doesn’t look that bad either,” he grins.
“can you two stop flirting? i‘m trying to concentrate,” wonbin glares at shotaro and you which makes you both laugh.
“hey, look who finally acknowledged my existence,” shotaro throws a bead at wonbin’s head, which just annoys him even more.
“if you keep flirting with my girlfriend, my fist will also acknowledge your existence.”
your heart jumps at the mention of ‘girlfriend’. wonbin and you have been dating for a long time, but everytime he calls you his girlfriend it still feels like the first time. it makes you feel so happy, excited, loved… it makes you feel so many things all at once.
wonbin makes you feel so many things. no matter what he does or say.
“wohooo, how scary,” shotaro grins even more.
he knows wonbin would never actually hurt him, they’re best friends. he just likes to tease him from time to time so he can loosen up.
“if you’re done with your bracelet can you leave?” wonbin points to the door and shotaro rolls his eyes. “no, i‘m not done yet.”
“i think you are,” wonbin raises up his eyebrows.
“i‘m literally not,” shotaro looks confused, not understanding why wonbin is pushing this so much.
“you can finish it up somewhere else.”
“but the beads-”
“god, shotaro, just leave so i can have some privacy with my girlfriend!!”
this conversation between the two of them makes you laugh. seeing wonbin and shotaro bickering with each other is your happiness.
“you could have just asked nicely instead of forcing me,” shotaro pouts, standing up.
now wonbin feels bad.
“dinner is on me,” he says and shotaro starts grinning. “i wasn’t actually sad, i just knew you’d say this if you’d think i am.”
with that, shotaro happily jumps out of the room, leaving wonbin shaking his head with a big smile on his face.
“i hate him.”
“you love him. but not as much as me i hope,” you slip closer to wonbin and wrap your arms around him.
“there‘s no one i love as much as you,” wonbin leans in to kiss you, but he stops right before his lips land on yours. your heart sinks a bit, you were really anticipating the kiss.
“what’s wrong?”
“before i kiss you, i want to give you this,” wonbin pulls out the bracelet that he has been working on the whole time.
“it’s for you.”
your jaw drops a little and you’re shocked at how beautiful the bracelet is. you can tell that wonbin put in a lot of thought while making it because in the middle of the bracelet, he put in a bead which represents an inside joke that the two of you have.
“you didn’t have to do this,” you say, feeling sad because you didn’t make one for wonbin.
he softly grabs after your wrist and puts the bracelet on.
“i wanted to.”
then he looks up to you again, his eyes scanning your lips.
“and now i want to do this.”
seconds later, his lips intertwine with yours. you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him as close to you as possible.
at this very moment, you don’t care about wonbin’s roommates being at home and the high possibility of them suddenly coming into the room.
no, all you care about is wonbin.. and the beautiful bracelet he made specifically for you.
and once again, wonbin does it ; he makes you feel so many things.. all at once. all indescribable. all beautiful.
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kisses4tom · 3 months
Sooo, since we got Uncle Billy do we now get GirlDad!Tom ?? I’ve looked high and low for a Tom X Reader family story😂😭 your writing is amazing <3
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YAYY FINALLY SOMEONE REQUESTED THIS!! 😭 I've been dying to write something like this since I have already made an uncle tommy hc! and thank you so much ml 💕
I think we can ALL collectively agree that Tom would be the BEST girl dad, right? 🌚 so the baby will be a little girl!
also I'm gonna make this a teen pregnancy (18), so from the very start up til now!
when he finds out he would probably freeze for a moment before finally reacting (gotta soak it in yk)
he would be happy but shocked and confused at the same time
scared not to be present enough because of tour and the band
he would always kiss and touch your stomach
he'd cry when hearing the baby's heartbeat to the doctor 🥹🫶🏻
"I want the baby to be healthy, but if I had to guess I think it's a boy" (he 100% wants a girl)
idk I feel like he would call the baby "kleine Prinzessin" (little princess) or "kleiner Soldat" (little soldier) !!
when you go into labor he tries to keep his cool but deep down he's in full panic mode
the first time he met/held her it was like love at first sight for him even if he didn't quite know how to act since he never really had any past experiences with babies
he's very careful and gentle with her
always holding her
he would attack her with tickles to hear her little laugh
kiss attacks also
playing with her all the time
he wouldn't essentially spoil her (that's uncle Billy's job 😉) but he definitely gets her most things because he can't say no to that little face!
likes holding and showing her around: "look who's that in the mirror? it's you!"
definitely hiding her from the media
yet he LOVES talking about her in interviews!
though very very VERY rarely he would bring her out on stage and hold her like mf simba when she was about 1/2
his heart is always full whenever she's around
he would kneel down to talk to her‼️😩
always pushing her stroller or carrying her on his shoulders
don't ask me why but he'd get into play fights with her at the dinner table 😭 (especially when she's still learning to talk so she's speaking gibberish 😭)
he loves to take her baths and put fun toys in the tub
finds her extremely adorable in everything she wears
he'd give her his yellow dog plushie‼️😭 currently sobbing
I feel like he would try his best to let the baby's first word be "papa" 😭
when she's older he would start being more himself (so talk about things freely and make dirty jokes all the time)
he's not a regular dad, he's a cool dad! 😏 (please get the reference 😭)
he'd give her the talk 🫢🐝
he would pick her up in weird ways and make her laugh (like upside down etc lmfao 💀)
would let her do his hair but not his make-up
like I said in my uncle Tommy hc, i feel like he would love to play with the toy kitchen for some reason idk 💀
he'd go down the slide with her 😭
at lunch/dinner he would always sit next to her
looooves when she's at their concerts and would ask Bill to dedicate her a song (especially her favorite)
he'd definitely write her a song too
he would make her try to eat a lemon 😭🍋
it's important to him that she has a good bond with her uncle Bill and the boys too! (uncle Georg and uncle Gustav 🥹)
"Y/n she looks more like me than you, gotta be honest"
he would give her what he didn't have growing up (if you read Bill's book, like I have, you'll know)
he wouldn't let anybody hurt or say anything wrong about her
hype man fr
high-key a very chill and permissive dad
he would make sure she knows her worth and to always be herself, without listening to what others say
always saying that she's the better copy of him
since he had her young, people (maybe even teachers at parent teacher conferences) mistake him for her brother and it's needless to say that he's very flattered while his daughter is just like 😐
they have a great bond
LITTLE FUN FACT‼️ Tom said in his podcast that if he ever has a daughter then his dream is to name her Nala like in the lion king movie 🤭😭 crying rivers rn part 2
your daughter tags along on tours, especially because it's very important for Tom and she loves it (idk if I already said this but oh well lmfaoo)
I have a feeling almost all her friends have a crush on Tom (i know i would 😋)
Tom is such a basic dad istg, he does bbq every sunday
if y'all ever become parents a second time then he would definitely have a happier reaction than the first one, yet he would be scared to take care of two little creatures~
his fans always ask about her during meet and greets and give her little presents, which he appreciates a lot
your daughter is pretty much popular in the entire fanbase you guys have and is considered a "lucky charm" from the band
Tom would give her the longest and most comforting hugs known to mankind
he'd make her a memory book with Bill 😭
and he'd give her some old goodies of his!
like some of his old clothes, hats, glasses etc..
overall he's the best dad and UGHHFHSJENF I cry just thinking about him not having any biological children :(
i hope you enjoyed this !! 💕 (also i apologize for any spelling mistakes but your girl over here is too lazy to re-read 🤪 love y'aaaallll)
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highvern · 7 months
Ateez in Different NSFW Careers
Pairing: ot8
Genre: smut, 21+
Warnings: lots of sex, masturbating, porn, domination/submission, fetishes, lmk if i missed anything egregious
Note: this is an idea for a miniseries but idk and thought id put it out there to see if people are interested (dont bring up the ateez mixtape series, im working on it!) thank you @wingsofimagery @yessa-vie for listening to this brain rot
read more here
onlyfans creator, solos of him masturbating or nudes. weirdly artistic? like camera angles on point, edited to perfection, color graded. rarely, if ever, collabs with others. occasionally posts erotic photography of one unidentifiable woman. his subscribers aren't sure what to make of it but pictures of them together are some of his best work. daylights as a photographer and has some of his work in small galleries across the city.
amatuer porn star, makes homemade couple porn or something with a close female friend. domestic/bf vibes in every video. v soft with each other even when they're having rough sex. people assume they're actually dating bc of the insane chemistry even though they never show their faces. its his fun dirty little secret no one in the office knows.
boyfriend for hire. specializes in "turn your brain off for the night, i'll handle it." rent him to be your date to an event or just for a night on the town. doesn't always sleep with his client (his discretion) but usually cuddles and will spend the night. just trying to pay off his student loans since being an analyst pays shit. big yunho bc he has a big... u kno? and loves hearing the women he sleeps with rave about it. has had several repeat customers and older women that recommend him to their friends.
audio erotica. just aside hobby for him. tbh 9/10 times forgets to record or that he even has the account. started bc a girl he was seeing freshman year of college told him she wanted a video with the sound on and he didn't know what that meant but she liked his voice enough to let the completely black screen slide. posts sporadically but always makes waves when he does. people have offered him money for custom audios and he always turns them down.
fetish model. shibari, leather, latex. you name it, he's most likely modeled it. has portrait of himself (unrecongnizable, facing away just his back criss crossed with ropes, hands bound at the base of his spine) hanging in his apartment. his friends think its weird since they know he's the one in the picture but most of the girls he brings home just think he's into some freaky stuff. started bc he would nude model for the art classes at his college when he needed fast money for weed. people assume he likes really kinky sex bc of his job but he prefers vanilla sex most of the time bc his job is so kink heavy. works as a fitness instructor as his 9-5, and had a few people recognize him but most are cool and leave him alone
nsfw twitter creator. videos, pictures, sliding into dms. mingi does it all and enjoys the comments of people thirsting over him even if he's one dick among thousands. for his day job he works in a sex store and flirts with the exotic dancers who come in to buy their costumes (turned down every single time, there's even a pool for how quickly he'll strike out). the one girl that flirted back still lives in his brain rent free bc all she did was smile and he folded like origami. now when she comes in mingi has to remind himself not to drool.
cam boy brat, sugars on the side. likes being degraded by his audience when he's bad. lover of milfs, and has a sugar mommy he sees once a month. loves being wined and dined by her and then loved on at her fancy apartment uptown. started doing both in college to pay rent, now works at a dance studio and keeps it up bc the extra cash is nice. enamored with taking pictures during sex. has a collection of polaroids with his current FWB that he cherishes more than anything (always carries one in his phone case). toyed with the idea of having her come on his streams but he doesn't want to share. he should probably look into that more.
dungeon dom (IDK), the kind thats a look don't touch dom. if you need a session to work through your stress, go to him. sexy spanking, punishment spanking, therapy spanking. he's got the knowledge and know how. has a strange collection of vintage dvds and magazines. rare stuff that he treats like art rather than smut. jongho i never want to speak on your name im sorry
Taglist: @tomodachiii @cvpidyunho @miniseokminnies @ddaengpotate @arycutie @gaebestie @primoppang @gyuguys @mine-gyu @doremifasire @missminhoe @toplinehyunjin @crvs4vldtn @prettygyuuu
© highvern. copying/reuploading/translating my work anywhere is strictly prohibited.
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realcube · 2 months
NEED you to write more for kiyoomi i am BEGGING
synopsis ☀ you're at the beach with sakusa and play a little prank on him!
tags/tws ☀ omi being sassy smh, mentions of drowning, sappyyyy, timeskip but sfw, maybe ooc idk & fluff
wc ☀ 1.4k
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you ask sakusa to go to the beach with you and he agrees. it's that simple.
had atsumu or hinata witnessed that, they'd likely think you used some sort of black magic on him or a mind control spell. and in a way, you do have him in an — almost supernatural — trance. he's utterly bewitched by you.
so if going to beach is what it took to see even a glimpse of that pretty smile of yours, it was infinitely worth. although, as one may imagine, he's not a big fan of the beach. sand clinging to body, blistering heat beating down on him, limited space packed with sweaty bodies, amateaur volleyball; it's all just very unpleasant.
but he finds a way to deal with it. he rolls out his towel and umbrella, to protect him from the sun, and settles down with a good book. though he's only partially reading it, he's mostly watching you frolic through the water and mess around with the damp sand. you were so playful and fun, it enchanted him. occasionally you'd run back up to where he is to plant a kiss on his cheek or ask him to reapply sunscreen on your back, that was his favourite part.
you understood sakusa's adversity to the ocean — there's definitely some gross stuff in there — but you just loved swimming too much. gliding through the cool water, the seaweed tickling your skin and waves crashing gently against you. it's a once-in-a-year experience that you had to enjoy, but if sakusa didn't want to do it with you, that was alright, it was already sweet enough that he agreed to come with you. although he never outright said he didn't want to swim, you got that impression from the fact he was wearing an unbuttoned white shirt and matching trousers.
eventually, the sun began to cast an orange glow as it slowly set over the horizon, and many people had packed their things and left by now, so you figure it's about time you and sakusa do the same. as you're walking back towards him, you feel your ring slip off your finger a bit, but you promptly push it back on.
that is, until you have an idea.
a harmless prank, really. you take your ring off and slip it under the material of your top, then you rush over to sakusa with a frantic expression, to which he looks up with immediate concern.
" 'omi! i think i lost my ring in the ocean and i'm not sure what to do! i swear i had it on me when i came over here the las—"
sakusa hastily places his book down and stands up, resting a hand upon your wet shoulder and quickly interjecting, "don't worry, (y/n). we'll find it."
you nod while clutching your hand, your look downwards, which he assumes is out of shame but really you are trying to hide the evil smirk creeping onto your face.
"do you think it may be in the sand?" he asks, collecting the towel off of the ground to wrap up your poor, trembling figure.
you shake your head, "no, it probably slipped off while i was swimming."
sakusa sighs out of his nose. that is exactly what he didn't want to hear. "alright, honey." without another word, he relucantly starts making his way over to the shore, with you following suit.
just as he reaches it, he bites his lip, standing right before where the sea meets the sand, watching intently as the water spills forward against his toes. you stand behind him, snug in the towel, and prompt, "are we gonna look?"
he looks at you over his shoulder, with a dull glint in his eyes. the ocean is just so disgusting, filled with all sorts of creatures, and he loathed getting wet, it was such an annoyance. but seeing your sweet face, knowing your longing for something, what kind of husband would he be if he didn't at least try to help? he'd do anything to stop you from being sad. though he did momentarily consider perhaps just buying another ring.
without any further delay, sakusa puffed out his chest and rolled up his trousers to his knees and hesitantly stepped into the ocean, cringing at the feeling of sand between his toes. the contaminated water making contact with his pristine white trousers also killed him a little, but it's all worth it for you, to see that smile.
speaking off which, once he was knees-deep, he turned around to look and furrowed his brows when he noticed you hadn't entered yet, "(y/n). aren't you going to look with me?"
you shake your head, wearing a cheesy grin on your face that only confuses him more. "it's okay, kiyoomi. i was only kidding about my ring being lost. look, here it is." you pull it out from it's hiding place and slip it back onto your finger, "i just wanted to see if you would get into the water and help me look for it."
sakusa sighed, again. ususally something like this would piss him off, but you only amused him. "of course i would, (y/n). i'd do anything for you, i thought you knew that."
you blush a tad at your husband's kind words, then motion for him to come out of the water. "you're the best, omi. but you can get out of the water now."
he blinks, looking down at his feet sunk into the sand, "this isn't as bad as i thought. maybe next time we c—"
"no, seriously, omi, get out!—" you try to leap forward and grab his hand to pull him out but it's too late. the big wave you had seen rushing towards you came with such speed and ferocity that it knocked sakusa right off his feet, leading to him falling back into the water.
thankfully, you are able to grab his arm in time to help him upright again, so he isn't submerged for too long. and although some may say you just saved his life, he doesn't look awfully impressed with you after he gasps for air and wipes the salt water away from his eyes, with a single seaweed draped over his shoulder like a very ugly shawl.
fully soaked now, he grits, "let's just go."
rather unbothered by the tide, considering you were already wet from swimming, you nod sympathetically and lock arms with your boyfriend, guiding him back to your stuff while trying your best not to burst out laughing, "good idea."
he huffs and tosses a strand of dripping hair away from his face, "seems like i'm the only one who has those anymore."
"you've been spending too much time with atsumu. his attitude has really rubbed off on you." you titter, gathering all your stuff, "or maybe that wave knocked all the sense out of you."
"that might be true. the ocean does make people stupider, clearly." sakusa raises his eyebrows, watching you take all the stuff while stands with his arms crossed.
"oh wow, maybe i should've left you out there for longer. maybe instead of my ring, you could've found yourself some manners." you throw the blanket at him, since he isn't holding anything, which he catches frantically.
"you're ring wasn't even there to begin with." he turns around to look at the ocean, catch off-guard by how gorgeous it look in the sunset.
"and neither were your manners!" you retort, glancing at him to see his reaction, only to find him staring off into the distance. you follow his gaze and gasp slightly at the ethereal sight.
it's sobering, watching the golden sun lower over the ocean, casting a hue pink and orange over the sparkling water. the perfect end to the perfect day. it made you wonder if you'd ever see something so beautiful ever again, though that's not a thought you shared with sakusa, as he knew he'd wake up next to you tomorrow.
he gulped and turned to you, and you beamed at him, instantly leaping into his arms. he stumbled a little but quickly found his balance and held you against him, close.
"thank you for coming with me today, 'omi. i had so much fun."
he smiled against your damp hair, and kisses your jaw, "you don't need to thank me. going anywhere with you is always my pleasure." his hands run down your arm until they find yours, and they graze the back of your fingers, brushing over your glittering ring, "because you're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
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prettiestlovergirl · 6 months
hiii!! i love how u write theo and i was wondering if u could do another oral fixation!reader x cold!theo nott (it doesn’t have to be smut ofc, pls do whatever makes u comfortable, even if that means you don’t write this at all!!)
have a great night!
🎀 anon (if that’s not already taken ofc!)
oh, my love, i am sososo happy you asked me for this! idk why i have so much fun with cold! theo but i DO and the fact that you also love him makes me giddy hehe.
this is basically like a continuation of the last one! just a different nickname. (🎀 anon is all yours, babe!) i'm too lazy to add it to everything, bambola means doll! hope this lived up to your expectations. enjoy, my lovely! 𓆩♡𓆪
tw: MDNI; fem!reader; oral fixation! reader; princess! reader; jealousy; light hairpulling; fingering; unprotected sex (wrap it b4 you tap it); sarcastic banter; ends with some fluff; italian! theodore nott
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currently, slytherin house was throwing a massive party in the common room. you guys had won in your game against ravenclaw, so of course you were all celebrating with loud music and an abundance of alcohol.
theo was looking for you. the two of you hadn't gotten a moment alone since the library incident he couldn't stop replaying on a loop in his mind.
wanting you was a bad idea. you were from two different worlds, you were polar opposites, but fuck did he need to have you again more than air.
even in a room full of people, his eyes always found you first. unfortunately (for the other guy) you were in the middle of a dance with some guy from the year above you two.
your face was flushed from dancing, your eyes sparkling with joy and laughter as the guy spun you around. your hair was in a ponytail, and he had the sudden urge to wrap it around his fist and tug you to him.
all it would take is one little tug and you would be all his for the taking, the douchebag with his hands on you didn't stand a fucking chance against him.
theo remained cool and composed, but his eyes? his eyes gave everything away. they showed the jealousy sparking deep within him, one misplaced hand away from starting a fire.
you must have been able to feel the heat of his stare on your skin, because you turned your head around and were instantly met with theo's dark gaze.
your breath hitched and the previous smile on your face was wiped as theo approached, instantly wrapping his arms around you. he made a point to place his hand just above douchebags.
"bambola, you didn't tell me you made a new friend." theo mused, his cool and collected smile masking the jealousy, rage, and sudden desire to snap and beat the shit out of this guy for even looking at you, let alone touching you.
"hey, man, who the fuck are you?" douchebag scoffed, his arms still on you as bodies continued to sway and party around you. "someone who's going to kick your pathetic ass if you don't get out of here in the next five seconds."
douchebag looked like he wanted to argue, but the murderous glint in theo's eyes and the fact that he started lifting his fingers in a countdown finally scared him away.
"what the hell was that?!" you huffed, stepping away from his grasp and placing your hands on your hips. "i really like ethan!" you hissed, noticing the muscle tick in his jaw as you said his name.
"you can do better, bambola. he scared too easy, he's not worth your time." theo said coolly, slight smirk on his face as you rolled your eyes. "oh, because you're better? please-"
"you really think you would have enjoyed yourself with him, bella? you think he would have made your eyes roll the way i did? think his fingers would compare to mine? i can still hear your pretty little whimpers, darling."
a shiver ripped through your body at his words, lips parting in surprise at hearing the normally so calm and proper theodore nott speak such filthy words with ease.
"you've got five minutes to meet me by the stairs, bambola... or i've throw you over my shoulder and drag you up myself." he purred in your ear, his voice low and dark and raspy with desire.
of course, you followed theo out almost immediately. you would have been a fool not to follow him, especially with the way you couldn't help but replay the scene of you two in library every time you closed your eyes.
anticipation fluttered beneath your skin as you and theo walked up the stairs to the boy's dormitory. there was an aching pressure between your thighs as you walked, his hand on the small of your back burning so hot he was practically branding you.
you couldn't take your eyes off him the moment you stepped into the room. you hadn't uttered a word the whole way up, but you didn't have to: you both knew exactly what was going to happen tonight.
theo leaned back against the canopy of his bed, arms crossed as his eyes burned into you. "come here." he finally commanded; voice soft as he rolled the sleeves of his shirt up his forearms.
you did as told, walking step by step until your bodies nearly collided. "fuck, bambola. you don't know what you do to me." he murmured before finally crashing his lips down onto yours in a rough, deliberate kiss.
his hand fisted your hair, holding you tightly as his teeth tugged at your bottom lip. he shifted a bit, sinking down onto his mattress and helping you straddle him with ease.
he pulled away after a moment, watching the way your chest heaved as you attempted to catch your breath before he left a trail of hot, fiery kisses down the side of your neck.
you could feel his cock digging into your skin through his boxers, drawing a soft whine out of you as you started to gently grind down against him.
he groaned against your neck, his hand sliding up your inner thigh until it reached your soaked panties. he pressed his palm firmly against your pussy, making you moan out in surprise and need.
"fuck, you're so wet." he groaned, dipping his hand into your panties and pushing two fingers inside your puffy walls. your eyes squeezed shut as you moaned, forehead leaning against his as you relished in the agonizingly delicious stretch.
"theo..." you gasped, mouth falling open as he buried his fingers to the hilt and immediately pressed his thumb against your swollen clit. "fuck, your roommates are gonna come up and see us." you whimpered, sweating beading on your forehead.
"no, they won't, bella." theo hummed, his voice maddeningly calm compared to your breathy whimpers. he brought his free hand up to your lips, pushing his thumb into your open mouth, effectively keeping you from asking more questions.
you rolled your hips down against him, desperate for more as he continued to slowly drag his thumb over your clit while his fingers rubbed against your walls. "need you to fuck me, please." you begged, coating his thumb in your saliva.
"ask me again." he demanded, voice still calm and collected as your tongue swirled around his thumb. "fuck me, theo. i need you to fuck me." you pleaded, opening your eyes to look right at him as he pulled his fingers out of you.
he flipped your positions, pushing you back against the mattress. his fingers made quick work of your clothes, stripping you completely bare for him. he ran his tongue over his lower lip, mouth going dry as he admired just how fucking gorgeous you were.
his gaze was almost predatory as he admired you before leaning down, kissing his way to your chest and taking a nipple into his mouth. he licked and tugged and teased while you squirmed and whimpered underneath him.
one hand gripped your hip tightly, it was definitely going to leave a fresh bruise on your skin but you didn't care. his other hand went down to quickly rid himself of his pants and boxers before lining himself up with you.
"look at me, bambola." he said roughly, waiting until your eyes were back on his. you nearly gasped when you saw him, the theodore nott in front of you was someone you could hardly recognize.
his usually perfect hair was tussled, his sweat making it stick to his forehead, and his eyes were pools of black and desire. "please." you begged, your voice hoarse with desire.
he kept direct eye contact with you as he finally pushed inside of you, inch by torturous fucking inch. it was sweaty and intimate and you'd never wanted this moment to end.
as he bottomed out, your mouth finally opened in a tortured moan. he lifted two fingers back into your mouth as he started to move slowly. you happily swirled your tongue around his fingers, thankful for the feeling as he started to pull back out.
he pulled out all the way until it was just the tip of his cock still inside before thrusting back inside of you. he thrusted deeper, faster, harder, and you wrapped your legs up around his waist to pull him closer.
after that, you could no longer form any thought that wasn't about how good his cock felt pounding into your desperate, soaked pussy. your tongue swirled around his fingers as you moaned and bucked your hips up to meet his thrusts.
tears streamed down your cheeks as he fucked into you, lips pressing kisses and bites all over your chest while your nails dug into his back. "look at you, bambola. already weeping from how good my cock is fucking your sweet little pussy."
your eyes rolled into the back of your head, the filthy words coming from him practically tipping you over the edge. "fuck, fuck, theo, 'm gonna cum, fuck!" you cried, toes curling as your orgasm crashed into you like a wave.
his controlled, deliberate thrusts quickly grew erratic. he let out a hiss as your nails scraped his skin, his teeth sinking into your shoulder as he fucked into you. he pulled out a few moments later, coating your stomach in his cum.
you laid there while he got a rag to quickly clean you up, letting you stay collapsed and boneless against his sheets. theo being theo, he had to at least put your things in a pile before eventually laying beside you.
your eyes were closed, but you could feel his eyes staring at you intently. you finally opened one eye, staring at him as you yawned. "what?" you asked, biting your kiss-swollen lip.
"nothing, nothing it's just... i think this might be the longest i've ever heard you go without talking." he teased, a smirk on his face as his shoulders shook with laughter.
you wanted to be mad, you really did, but it was so impossibly hard to be mad when you heard him laugh. he was always so composed, so stoic. any time you could crack through his persona was a success in your eyes.
"mean!" you laughed, reaching up to smack his chest. he grabbed your arm before you could hit him and he tugged you in close. he pressed a soft, gentle kiss on the chunk of skin he'd bitten earlier before covering you with a sheet.
"you're mine, bambola, and now that i have you? i'm not letting you go any time soon."
ᵈⁱᵛⁱᵈᵉʳ ᵐᵃᵈᵉ ᵇʸ @ᵐᵘʳᵘᶠᶠⁱⁿ
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Nick Valentines x GN reader
Pure fluff for y'all, with a touch of angst at the end. I know theres like zero demand for fallout 4 fanfic but I made a poll idk how nany months ago asking if I should make some Nick Valentine fanfic and I got a couole of yes and exactly one follower from that poll. So this goes out to the small anount of people who said yes and that one follower I got from it, theres nore Nick fanfic to come I've just haven't gotten around to it yet but I promise I'll post some every so often.
Like always minors don't interact!
He loves playing with your hair when he thinks your asleep. Sense he doesn't sleep he'll join you in bed when he needs a break from going over files and lay down with you so he can olay with your hair.
It started with him sitting on the edge of the bed looking at the wall as he thought about his most current case but when you started to stir in your sleep, having a bad dream, he laid down next to you and held you in his arms whispering sweet things to you until you calmed dow.
He found himself enjoying having you in his arms. Thus started a routine of him slipping into bed with you every so often to take a break.
Normally he would take a smoke break when you slept but he found himself craving a cuddle more than a smoke lately.
Soon every so often turned into every night of him crawlling into bed with you and getting up before you woke.
One night he had been loat in thought about something and hadn't noticed you waking up until he heared your tired voice ask him what he was doing.
"What? Oh sorry didn't mean to wake ya." He said pulling his hand away.
He was surprised when you asked him to keep playing with your hair. More than happy to oblige he started playing with it again.
It soothed you back to sleep in his arms snuggling into his chest as you slept soundly.
The next night when you got into bed you patted the spot next to you with an expectant look.
"You want me to join you or somethin?" Nick would ask looking to the bed then to you. Nodding you head you gavw him a big smile.
Who could say bo to that?
Nick was now "going to bed" with you every time you were. Really it was him laying in bed playing with your hair as he talked avout whatever case he had currently going on until you fell asleep.
He wouldn't admit it, at least not out loud but he adored this nightly routine the two of you had going on though he never hid the smile on his face every time he saw you getting ready for bed or how fast he was to crawl into bed with you to cuddle.
Nick always played it off cool as if it wasn't the favorite part of his day or anything.
If you asked he would probably say aomething like. "Just doing my job to keep those pesky nightmares away." Or "only making sure you don't stop breaming in your sleep. You humans are rather fragile after all."
Acts as if he isn't often the first one in bed waiting for you.
Before he atarted cuddlibg you every night he would work straight through the night till morning. He wouldn't even realized you had gone to bed till you walked oast him yawning telling him good morning.
Now though? He reminds you every night at 9pm sharp that you need to go to bed.
He'll play it off as your human and need to get a healthy amount of sleep as he actively take his coat and tie off to get comfortable.
If you buy him a pair of pajamas to wear he'll laugh avout it and say he doesn't need them.
He's wearing them the very next day.
If you gad gotten them before he started cuddling you every bight he would just give you a weird look for the thoughtless gift and put it in his empty dresser to collect dust or to be used by guests staying the night. He didn't sleep why would he need pajamas?
Now though? Might own three different pairs
You bet they match with your pajamas.
If anyone else sees him in his pajamas he'll puff out his chest as he puts his hands on his hips. "What? You never seen a synth in lounge wear before? Beat it, it's time for bed."
Nick takes bed time very seriously.
He's big spoon. It feels weird for him to be little spoon
Wont fight you if you want to try big spooning for once but he wasn't really into it
Nick much more prefers having you in his arms. It helps ground him and reminds him that you truly are here now with him and bot some memory from the past seeping into his present.
That and how can he play with your hair all night if he's not facing you silly?
He will lean in every so often and place a soft kiss on your forward as he whispers a soft "I love ya." As to bot wake you.
If he ever lost you he would lay in the bed alone holding onto your pajamas as he tried to think back on all those nights he spent laying in bed with you. He would stop after a few weeks as it hurt too much but after a few years when he had time to heal he would start doing it again so he could feel like you were there again. Nick didn't know how much he missed this, how much he missed you.
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dangopango00 · 8 months
Abyss Razor x gn reader
Prompt: yall r madly in love he has a crush on youuu (boyfail situationship hcs more like tbh)
A/N: sorry if this is rambly i cant live like this i keep rereading the same 4 or 5 posts over and over again ive been waiting for like a year and im getting teased with the tip PLEASEEE WRITE HIM 😭😭🤞 i cant ever escape the ‘nobodys fave but mine’ curse help
Ily losermen
Ily high ponytail men
Ily abyss razor
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more utc
- Im gonna jump he is so kewt. Idek what to say im just ill
- You’d probably often compliment his eyes and you have this image that hes so calm and collected— which he is! But! Not with you! So every conversation with you is him just fighting for his life trying to look cool and not implode at the same time
- ^^^ THIS is one thing. But what really gets him falling for you is when you get a bit closer and have a talk with him, telling him in no uncertain terms that he’ll always have someone to return to if others are cruel because you won’t be leaving him
- Gives you things VERY often, usually little things because hed die if he had to directly give you a gift and then have to explain why, so he shows his affection in little ways like letting you have his best pencils and pens if you need it (lets you keep it too)
- oh he absolutely loses it if he sees you continue to use his pen hes so touched that you’re taking good care of what he gives you it shows that it means a lot to you and that he means a lot to you
- The only actual gift he gives you during this stage are things he has an excuse for like origami (idk why but i feel like he makes cool ass origami) he can just say he made too many so hes giving them away yet you and maybe Abel are the only ones who received some…
- He wants so badly to be useful to you he gets so flustered and happy just hearing you say thanks when he answers your question about the assignment or when he lends you his materials
- Immediately stiffens when you make any sort of contact. Dont stop though, he can count the times hes been hugged on one hand
- Speaking of his touch starvation, he’d let you play with his hair and looks forward to it tbh he’d just rather not initiate anything it’s too much for his heart
- If you have him take down his hair and play with it (like braid it or try different hairstyles) he’d feel so content; ofc he’s nervous but at the same time he just feels so at peace as if it’s only you two in the world and all the people who have ever wronged him never existed in the first place
- He’s a little bit delulu, i fear
- He gets so nervous texting and calling you bc what if you tell him ily. No that could never happen. Wait but what if it did— do you see his dilemma?
- He’s a chronic overthinker and in a way its a bit sweet because he used to worry about you randomly saying you didn’t want to be friends with him but now he wouldn’t even consider that possibility; it just no longer enters his mind
- He’d also find himself drifting off, losing himself in thought and end up daydreaming about if you two were in a relationship
- It’s very innocent, it’s just you two being cute and going places together while holding hands and such until it drifts even further to imagining you two kissing
- His face is on fire and he has to stop thinking NOW but hes in too deep hes imagining kissing ice cream off the side of your mouth and other cliches like that it’s so over
- Abel wondering wth is wrong with his right hand; all he said was that he was going to make mother happy by doing his homework today meanwhile Abyss can no longer be normal
- The kissing is just his guilty pleasure but Abyss constantly imagines holding hands with you like if you walk too close to him his hands will get clammy and his fingertips will get cold because he wants to hold your hand but is scared to initiate it
- God forbid you actually hold his hand even for a second while he’s having his entire internal monologue. He will die. You killed him. How could you?
- He won’t let go though like. Ever . Handholding is his favorite thing 5ever and as soon as he gets a taste he’s hooked
- He likes handholding so much that if you held his hand enough times then one time he’d accidentally grab your hand and initiate for once (immediately gets flustered after but it counts)
- Really really REALLY likes when u trace over his magic lines. Ruins his life everytime and he just melts in your touch; subconsciously leans in and his face softens and EVERYTHING
- Ok i wasn’t gonna say it bc itd probably involve sm sneaking but: Sleepovers. IM JUST SAYING 🤞🤞🤞 I feel like this is where most of the softer moments happen tbh like your roommate being out and you two have a sleepover
- I think this is where the playing with his hair and tracing the lines on his face would happen if not this then when you’re bored in class
- Not a fan of PDA even if ur not dating so he does play with your hair but usually during the sleepovers if you’ll allow him (not quite trying new hairstyles like you do but letting it fall through his fingers, running his hands through it or just rubbing the ends with his fingers to feel how soft it is)
- If you are bald he would slightly hold the back of your head and rub your temples with his thumb to help you relax
- Idk ik i just went on about how hes a loser but I feel like when it comes to affection relating to hair or like anything not affectionate in a cliche sense he doesn’t really pay attention and does it without thinking; only realizes its too affectionate if you point it out (please do not, he feels very comfortable right now. He will stop and never do it again if you point it out)
- You have a lot of deep talks and give him encouraging words during sleepovers tbh it just gives you both time to just… enjoy each other uninterrupted
- Sometimes instinctually distances himself from you because you make his heart do somersaults and his head feels like it’ll explode around you though he doesn’t last long, he needs you with him everyday atp 😭
- Although the above is true, sometimes he gets clingy ish (just by your side all the time) and protective over you even knowing you aren’t his
A/N: a ridonkulous amount of these r based on things ive done erm. Ok. Ig next thing i should write is him with an equally loser gf i def fit the bill LOL
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solarwoniii · 1 year
heyyy!! just wondering if i could request “zb1 legal line reaction to catching their s/o masturbating” hehehehheheehehe if not all goodzz 💗💗
reaction to catching you touching yourself ! zb1 legal line
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smut, crack, some fluff ! includes jiwoong, zhanghao, hanbin, matthew, taerae and ricky
contains ; dacryphilia, punishments, i think thats all? lmk if i missed any T^T
jiwoong ;
would laugh at you but not in a cute funny quirky silly way
that low kind of dominant chuckle that makes you realise.
you fucked up.
he'd pull up a chair beside the bed and insist for you to continue in that same scary tone ur mum talks in when u forget to wash the dishes 😰😰😰😨😨
and then he'll force you to make yourself cum until you're crying while he sat there and watched because you're not allowed to stop until he says.
then he'll finally touch you.
with his fingertips.
just to fuck with you more because he's a petty little bitch
edging you until you're shaking, eyes rolling back, body arching
and then, and only then will you get to cum.
zhanghao ;
finds it cute that you think you're so big and strong now
puts ur ass in its place so fast 🫣🫣
love bites all over you
your body is his canvas and his marks are his art 😵😶
actually, this timing is perfect
he'd been waiting for you to misbehave so he could try out the new vibrator he got for you
edges you again and again, just to rip away your orgasm and have you crying
when you finally cum you both know damn well it's not over 💀 keeps the vibrator in that exact spot and refuses to move it until you cum another three times.
i'm sorry i just think mean dom hao is extremely accurate and attractive
hanbin ;
i think he would genuinely laugh at you 💀
and you would try to be mad at him for laughing at you but his stupid laugh is unfortunately extremely contagious 😭😔
when he's done laughing at you he'll come and help you
i think it would be all giggly and fluffy and cute though
and then you would cuddle naked (i feel like hanbin wld enjoy this so much during aftercare esp idk) and gossip LMFAO
matthew ;
quickly closes the door behind him before anyone else can see what he's seeing
'd-do u want me to . . .' 'o-oh ok'
he's flustered but he will help you feel good 😭
turns into a cute little mutual masturbation session after u notice the boner building up in his pants from the sight of u T^T
when you both finish he'll clean you up and then be a little cutie patootie
'uhmmm there was this disney movie i really wanted to watch with you so could we maybe do that now ? 👉👈'
taerae ;
just smiles and locks the door behind him when he realises what you're doing
'do you need my help baby?'
he'll sit beside you and replace your hand with his
helps you reach the best orgasm of your life with his skilled fingers
idk i genuinely don't think he would get mad
but he'll remind you that you can always come to him if you're feeling needy.
so many kisses
he'll give you more than his fingers after as well if you still want more ;))
ricky ;
when he walks in i think he'd get flustered but he'd quickly cover it up because being seen like that by you hurts his precious ego
AGAIN LOW DOMINANT CHUCKLE he takes after jiwoong because he aspires to one day be that cool and strong but u already know he's a cute little softie
'if you wanted me to treat you like a little whore you could've just said so, baby.'
gets you up on all fours and spanks your pussy until it's swollen and dripping.
then he'll mark your body up and take photos of you for his little collection 😨
eats you out (prolly makes u sit on his face too bc he's a little freak)
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gavisuntiedboot · 1 year
Can you do Gavi as a Dom w a degrading k!nk where he gets really frustrated and snaps after she's acting like a brat/teasing him at a black tie event (srry this is SO specific :'))
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A/N: Holy month is over, back to the depths of depravity. Also, do y'all have a group chat where you just together and come to a consensus for request ideas?? Like my inbox is 40% "PLEASE GAVI DOM", 40% "PLEASE GAVI SUB", 15% "UPDATE UR FUCKING SERIES", and 5% everything else.
warnings: very rough smut. Idk how else to describe it just be warned !!
Black Satin
"Don't be nervous, mi amor. All you need to do is smile for some pictures and clap when the speeches end."
You rested your hand gentle on Gavi's thigh, his leg bouncing as he stared outside of the car window at the city passing by. You had grown used to this life - walking red carpets, smiling for cameras, being confident yet humble as interviewers begged the question of who you were wearing. It was just a part of your job. But Pablo, on the other hand, was not accustomed to these events, nor did he really enjoy them. The spotlight was something that caused him a great deal of stress, as he was always nervous about messing up or looking foolish, especially compared to your cool and collected self.
He snapped his gaze away from the window at the sound of your voice, moving from the window to your hand resting on his thigh. He released his lip from between his teeth, taking a deep but shaky breath.
"Not nervous. Just... thinking of what I'm going to say."
You looked in Gavi's eyes with love as you hand moved up slightly, rubbing soothing circles into his thigh. The muscle tensed beneath your fingertips, and he rested his hand on top of yours.
"What are you doing?" He asked, slight suspicion in his voice, but his tone still calm and even. Crossing your legs, you leaning in closer to Gavi, legs touching and your chest pressed against his bicep. He shivered from the feeling of your breath against his ear, whispering softly as to not occupy too much of the driver's attention.
"What do you think I'm doing?" You inched your hand further up his thigh, feeling his grip on your skin tighten. "Or rather, what do you want me to do?"
You weren't normally like this. Private life, in your opinion, should be kept private. PDA, public teasing, risky touches - they weren't something that you often partook in. You preferred to stay classy in public, shy glances and the occasional hand-hold, and leave your more crazy, freaky brat personal to the bedroom. But today, you were missing Gavi's touch more fiercely, a fire burning just beneath the surface of your skin that only Pablo could extinguish. And it made you care less than normal - prevented you from caring at all.
Gavi almost went into medical shock upon discovering your bedroom personality. You were not the most loud or explicit person in your day-to-day, but when he undressed you for the first time, planning to lay you against his mattress, wondering if you would be confident enough to let a moan or two pass between your lips, he found his own back pressed to the pillows. Before he knew it, there was a hand in his hair and another around his neck. Pressed against the headboard, Gavi's thoughts raced: what had possessed you? Your teeth found purchase in his bottom lip, heat pooling in your stomach as you heard Pablo moan at the feeling.
"Come on, Pablito. Show me how good I make you feel."
Since that day, Pablo had been in top cardiac shape to keep up with your high sex drive and wild bedroom personality. Most days he would walk into the locker room with dark purple bruises on his lower stomach and V-line, subtle scratch marks littering his throat and collar bones. The boys had not believed his shy confession that they were caused by you. They couldn't have been. How could the sweet, soft-spoken thing that bit her lip on the sidelines during stressful games cause this much damage?
The proof was here before him, sitting in the seat beside him, a demon draped in black satin, hand caressing his thigh higher and higher while batting perfectly mascara-ed lashes and feigning innocence. Gavi's expression hardened, and he shot you a stern look while you still played dumb. Your lips were close enough to capture between his own, showing you exactly what he thought of your little antics, but he wouldn't give you the satisfaction of making him lose his cool in front of the driver.
As much as you were a surprising brat, Gavi was an even more surprising dom. Unlike on the field, he had a surprisingly long and patient countenance when with you, but when you finally pushed him too far, there was no such thing as mercy. He would edge you for hours, making you recite all the reasons you didn't deserve his touch. He was not afraid to be forceful with you, leaving your skin red and welted as you tried to count through the sobs and heavy breaths, fearful he would make you start over. But Gavi always, without fail, brought you to the highest of highs, leaving you screaming his name repeatedly, the only word still present in the puddle that was your brain.
He turned his head, lips pressed against the shell of your ear, as he whispered back.
"I want you to behave." His eyes met yours once again, displeasure settling into his features. He did not want to discipline you in public, but would if he needed to.
"But what if i don't want to?" You purred in return, moving your hand up to his crotch. Before you could grab him, he gripped your wrist tight and swiftly removed it.
"Not tonight. I'm not playing around with you. If there way any day to be a good girl, it's today. Or else."
The red carpet went off without a hitch. You stood on Gavi's arm, smiling brightly and waving as he stood sternly, arm around your waist, wishing the photographers would be done quicker. As the two of you ventured inside, you collided with Alejandro, chests pressed against each other. You rested your hands against the chiseled muscle to stabilize yourself, giving him a perfect view of your cleavage.
"So sorry, Ale. I'll try and be more careful." You said, voice soft as you batted your eyelashes, hands unmoving. Gavi called your name, and you broke your contact with Ale and sauntered over to your boyfriend, who once again returned a protective arm around your waist.
"You think letting my team mate have a free strip tease is behaving?" He asked, voice low and head turned so the cameras couldn't catch the movements of his lips.
"If you want me to behave, we could go to the bathroom right now. I'd behave real well." You giggled out, breasts pressed against his clothed bicep.
"You're acting like a bitch in heat. You need to stop being greedy and wait. Unless you want to get on your knees here on the marble flooring." He said, grip almost painful but not quite. You were getting him riled up - you knew that much was certain. But you wanted to see how far you could take it.
The two of you mingled with several people in the room, you dripping off of Gavi's arm like a crown jewel, him the soldier sworn to protect it. As he engrossed himself in a conversation with his teammates, you slipped off his arm, wandering around looking for another waitress carrying a tray full of champagne. You were quickly approached by several other men, all of them trying to get you to give them the time of day now that your scary dog of a boyfriend wasn't nearby. You laughed as you ignored their advances, but that didn't stop Gavi from pressing up behind you upon finding you in the crowd.
"Ready for dinner?" He asked, voice practically dripping with malice. You followed him to the table, and he refused to release you from his grip, fearful you would scamper off to cause more chaos. Pulling out your chair, he helped you sit, before leaning in and muttering "You're going to fucking get it when we get home," quiet enough for no one else to hear, but loud enough to have you push your thighs together in anticipation. He then sat across from you, believing it the best move after your stunt in the car. He was already plotting how he was going to punish you at the end of the evening, deciding between too little or too much.
Dinner was worse than Gavi could have anticipated. You slipped off your stiletto, slowly drawing your foot up Gavi's leg and resting it atop his bulge, half hard and waiting for more attention. You moved your leg slowly, palming him as he tried to enjoy his second course. The players immediately beside him took some notice of his heavier breathing, but made no comment, enjoying their respective conversations. As the plates were cleared away, Pablo stood abruptly, excusing himself to go to the restroom. You made a move to follow, but he turned to look at you, eyes conveying pure wrath, making you stay in your seat.
With Gavi gone, you turned your attention elsewhere - mainly to the other Pablo sat beside you. Torre filled out his suit jacket nicely, arms snug in the material as he rested his elbows on the table, laughing lightly at the comments made by the other boys. You bit to yourself, something akin to pure evil coursing through your veins as you watched the subtle flexes of muscle under restricting black fabric. A hand on a bicep, an innocent smile.
"Pablo, have you been lifting more weights recently? You look amazing." Followed by a firm grasp of his bicep and a wink - nothing more.
This was the line that got you in a world of trouble.
It was whispered among the guests, jested amongst the boys, and circulated in secretive group chats. Gavi's girl was all up on another Pablo, telling him how good he looked, snowballing (as rumors often do) into reports that she had leaned against him, bare thigh an invitation for his advances. Gavi had broken. He was no longer trying to hide the malintent in his eyes: he was going to make you pay.
Nothing could have prepared you for what came next. You expected Pablo to turn cold, ignore you after you flirted with his namesake, but the opposite was true. He stayed at your side, hand firm around your waist as you two mingled with the other guests after dinner. He never let you out of his sight, even walking to the car with you in his grasp.
It started the second the sleek black vehicle pulled out of the parking lot. You were staring out the window, all but giddy. You had finally found the confidence to be a brat in public, and you knew it was about to yield results. He place a hand on your shoulder, drawing your attention, and slowly moved it up to your jaw, thumb playing with your lower lip.
"Enjoy yourself this evening, princesa?"
The deepness in his voice when he got angry was unparalleled by any sound on this earth. Sure you had seen him aggravated in games, when his voice got louder and higher, swearing at other players. But this was a different realm. He spoke slowly and clearly, voice audible but soft. If his usual state was fire and sparks, then this was lava, magma, flowing slowly yet burning even hotter than its flashy counterpart.
You nodded slowly, making a move to lick at his thumb, maybe capture it in your teeth and continue your teasing game. Gavi was rather private, after all, and would never discipline you in front of the poor unsuspecting driver. Or so you thought. No sooner had your tongue made contact with the pad of his finger did you feel the impact on your cheek. The sting and slight burn of the smack had your eyes watering and thighs pushed together. You looked back at Pablo, whose eyes were still dark and lips in their natural downturn.
"I don't know what's gotten into you, thinking you can just act however you like, but you should know better."
Another smack, which caused you to push your thighs even closer together, a gasp of pleasure exiting your lips. The second sound of skin to skin contact had the driver looking in his mirror nervously. He contemplated putting up the partition or intervening if you were hurt. Gavi let out a loud "tch", grabbing you by the jaw and turning your head.
"Look what you've done now. Worrying this poor man whose job is just to drive us, not to deal with your bad behavior. I think you need to show him you're sorry."
The driver heard a soft "I'm sorry" leave your lips, and he opened his mouth to reassure Gavi that it was okay, he had dealt with celebrity clients before, but he was beat to it.
"Oh no, princesa. You need to apologize properly. You think some empty words from your little whore mouth are going to make this better? No, no. Come here."
Hands were on you instantly, lifting you into Pablo's lap. He sat you on his lap, holding your thighs open with his knees. Your hands shot out to cover the barely-there thong that was the only modesty you had left as you were put on display.
"Move your panties to the side. You want to be a slut? Go all the way. Let him see."
The driver was speechless, eyes completely off the road as he watched you slowly and shakily move the black strip of fabric, revealing your shiny core. It was a good thing that it was late and there weren't too many cars.
"P-Pablo, I'm so-"
"Shut the fuck up. These are the consequences of your own actions, baby girl. You have no one to blame but yourself. You were so eager to put on a show for everything with a penis, so go ahead. You're going to fuck yourself with your fingers, nice and slow so mister can watch while driving."
Your mouth opened and closed like a fish. You had thought your antics would get you some rougher man-handling, a little bit of overstimulation - nothing like what was happening now. Your cheeks burned with embarrassment, hole clenching around nothing and still on display to this hired driver.
"Pablo please I'm too shy."
"Oh no, you don't get to be shy when it suits you. You wanted to be bold and bratty today. Lets see how far it gets you. Two fingers in, now. Or I'll edge you until you see your fucking maker."
Meeting the eyes of the driver in the mirror once more, you moved your fingers to your clit, circling it gently. This earned you a swat at your soaked pussy from Gavi, who told you to follow the instructions to a tee. Collecting your slick, you pushed your middle and ring finger in, unable to hold back a moan as you finally filled yourself, relief flowing throughout your system. The driver was speeding now, eager to get to a place where he could park and watch you in earnest.
"Slower, princesa. Give this man a proper show to apologize for being a whore in his car."
Your fingers slowed, and you pumped them into yourself deep and hard. Pablo massaged your thighs, sucking deep purple marks into your neck that were just shy from drawing blood. Your mind was swimming, unable to focus on anything except the feeling of Gavi's lips and the stretch of your fingers.
You were on edge when Pablo grabbed your wrist and instructed you to stop. Opening your eyes, you realized you had arrived at his house, the car no longer speeding down the dark roads. Your eyes watered - you had been so close. The driver was bright red, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. Gavi moved you off his lap, pulling out his wallet and handing 50 euros to the scarlet man.
"That's half of what I usually tip, but I think you've gotten more than enough compensation tonight."
The car sat in the drive way for a few minutes as you were ushered into the house, one hand around your shoulders and the other unlocking the doors. Once you two were in the bedroom, you heard your next instruction.
You played with the side zipper of your dress, looking up at Gavi through long lashes.
"What if I don't want to?"
His hand was on your throat in a second, pulling you in so that he could look you in the eyes, the hooded gaze caused by lust and anger turning you on more than you thought possible. He pushed you downwards, your knees hitting the floor, as his hand found new purchase in your hair while the other undid his trousers.
"I'm tired of hearing you talk back. You want to use your mouth? Here."
His cock was roughly shoved between your lips, grazing your teeth slightly, but Pablo didn't seem to care. There was no gentle touches or even a chance for you to move. He held your head still, pushing you as far against him as you would go, hearing you cry out and feeling you gag around him, before pulling out and watching you cough and sniffle from the lack of air. He repeated this motion, abusing the back of your throat. Each time he pulled you around his cock again, he pushed you further, until finally the tip of your nose brushed his abdomen. He held you there, head thrown back in bliss as he felt your throat contract around him, your cries and whimpers only making the experience better.
The burn in your throat was vicious, but it was nothing compared to the fire in your lungs from the lack of air. Black spots were forming on the edge of your vision when Pablo finally pulled you off of him, and you choked out a sob, taking in as much oxygen as you could. He loomed over you, unbuttoning his shirt, cock still hanging glistening and red. He undid his cuffs as well, rolling the sleeves, leaving the white material to billow around his toned chest.
You looked at him with blurry, tear-filled eyes. This is what you had been begging for: Gavi so dominant it was almost cruel, but you loved every single second. You crawled over to him, grasping at the material of his trousers, using him as a support for you to stand when he pushed you back to the floor.
"Stay down there, princesa. I'm not done with your punishment."
You were a puddle on the floor, a mess of tears and saliva and arousal, eager to to anything possible to get off.
"Please Pablo please please please touch me. Want you so bad please I need it."
Your sentences were borderline incoherent as you groveled at his feet, so desperate for his touch you thought you would burst into flames. He walked past you, taking a seat on the edge of the large bed. He beckoned you over, and once again you crawled over to him in the dress you had refused to shed.
"You need it? Of course. How can a cum dump like you live if she's not getting her pussy stretched out? Pathetic. You don't deserve it now, baby, not after the way you acted. So ungrateful and impatient. If you had waited until we got home, you could have had my tongue, my fingers, my cock. Now?" He moved one foot, still clad in leather dress shoes, towards you.
"Get yourself off on my fucking shoe. That's all you deserve, slut."
You had lost all sense and ability to think. Hiking up your skirt, you removed your miniscule thong completely and swiftly sat on top of Gavi's foot, moaning out instantly just from the contact. You rocked yourself back and forth, embarrassingly slick, while you muttered thanks under your breath.
"Look at you, making a mess all over me. You just can't control yourself, can you? You just have to keep getting fucked, over and over - you're never satisfied. Such a hungry little cunt you have there." He said as he flexed his foot, making you gasp out loud at the increased pressure. You kept going, gibberish and Pablo's name falling from your lips.
"Go on, slut. Keep going. Cum just like that - getting yourself off on my fucking shoe."
And you did. You went faster, riding with reckless abandon, no care for how deeply humiliating it was to be cumming this way. But you chased your high, crying out when it crashed over you, and you fell against Gavi, clinging to his leg for stability. You continued to rut against him, riding out your high to the fullest. Coming down from the bliss, your shimmering eyes turned towards Gavi.
“Thank you, Pablo.”
Hand careering your jaw, Pablo held your face gently.
“Aw, my pretty little thing. How cute that you think you’re done.”
You knew you should have just taken off that God forsaken dress when he told you to. But of course not - you had to continue to talk back and see how far you could push it.
Pablo had pulled you off the ground, pushing you against the bed and unzipping the dress. He would usually rip it in half, eager to touch you, but he was in no rush. He moved you slowly in your post-orgasmic state, bringing your hands behind your back and tying them together with the gathered fabric. After landing a harsh smack in your ass, he walked out of the room, leaving you bound and face down on the mattress. You wanted to cry out for him, but feared invoking any more of Pablo’s wrath.
He came back in with his torture device: a Hitachi wand. You all but screamed when the wand hit your still puffy clit. The vibrations were intense, sending shock waves through you that were equal parts pleasure and pain.
“Pablo, s’too much. Please I can’t.”
A laugh was heard behind you, drowning out the buzzing sound for a moment. He grabbed you by your bound hands, pulling you up to sit against him. You were grateful for the few seconds of relief from the Hitachi. You were now rested against Gavi’s chest, his skin and shirt a contrast to your sweaty back. He pushed your thighs open with one hand, resuming the assault on your abused cunt.
“Oh sweet thing, yes you can. You’re a good little slut aren’t you? Want to make your papi happy don’t you? Gonna do what I say, pretty girl?”
You were in pain. The pleasure was short circuiting your mind. You wanted to say no, it was enough, you had learned your lesson. But your lips betrayed you.
“Yes, yes so good. I’m good. I’ll be good for you. All for you.”
Pablo brought his free hand up to caress your breast, playing with your sensitive nipples. Your second orgasm came quickly, and Gavi pulled the toy away, pushing you back onto your stomach on the mattress once again. You waited to feel the fabric on your wrists loosen, but it never came. Instead, you felt Pablo pull your hips up so that he could access your poor pussy. You didn’t even have a second to protest before a wet stripe was licked up your slit.
“Papi please no more I can’t!” You were properly crying at this point, breathing hard and tears flowing without pause. The overstimulation was too much. Spots started to form on your vision, and you had no thoughts in your brain other than the feeling of Gavi’s tongue against you.
“When will you learn that this isn’t about you, little girl? This is about me. You’ve been whetting my appetite all day, and now you’re telling me not to eat?”
Three sharp smacks to your ass.
“Absolutely not. I’ll feast until I’m fucking full. I don’t care if you pass out - I’m going to be satisfied.”
And he kept his promise. He wrapped his lips around your clit and sucked like he was trying to obtain your soul. He alternated to running his tongue all around you, driving you to the absolute brink of insanity.
“Papi.. papi I - cumming, again, I-“
“Don’t you dare.”
You couldn’t believe what was happening to you. Gavi was eating you like you were the last morsel on earth, and you weren’t allowed to cum. You began moving your hips, trying to increase the friction against Gavi’s face. You were transcending, ready to cum for a third time and finally ascend to a different plane.
“Please Pablo.”
“Pablo? Me? Or your new fuck buddy?” He asked, shoving two fingers into your soaked hole, causing you to scream. Fuck the neighbors. Fuck everything that wasn’t Gavi bringing you to paradise.
“You, you you papi you I want you- fuck! Please.”
“Who does this whore cunt belong to?”
“You papi!”
“Who else can fuck you this good?”
“No one! Only you. Please, papi, harder.”
Grabbing you by the hair, he pulled you off the mattress. Drool spilled from your lips, tears staining your cheeks as you whimpered in need. He looked you dead in the eye, taking in your fucked out and over stimulated look.
“That’s fucking right. Tell me baby: what are you willing to do for papi’s cock?”
You were so far gone, you just started speaking, words barely making any sense.
“Anything. Any-hnm Anything you want papi. I’ll do anything. I’m yours to fuck and throw around whenever you want. Want you so bad. Please. I don’t deserve it but please give me your cock.”
Pulling you into him, Pablo placed a searing kiss to your lips.
“That’s a good fucking girl.”
Placing you on his cock, he bounced you on his lap, your hands still restrained as you got pounded into. Your body burned and aches from the exertion, but you were drinking in every moment. You buried your face in Pablo’s neck, whimpering and moaning, as he brought a hand around to play with your clit. You were cumming after the first three flicks of your clit, crying out and slumping into Gavi further.
“Come one, princesa, I’m almost there. You’ve done so well for me. So fucking perfect. Love you so much baby. Make me cum.”
You clenched around him at the words, and he spilled inside you, finally slowing and releasing you from his bruising grip. You were marked all over, laying face down as the exhaustion crept in. A minute after Gavi untied your hands, you drifted to sleep, naked with his seed dripping out of you slowly.
The following morning, you awoke cuddled into Gavi’s bare chest, his fingers caressing your hair gently. Your legs were sore, making you groan slightly. You felt Pablo’s lips pressed to your forehead.
“Good morning, princesa. Sleep well?”
“Like a corpse.”
You both giggled lightly just staring at each other lovingly, enjoying the morning afterglow. Pablo’s phone rang, and he answered the line.
“Hello? Yes, speaking…. Wait what? But.. yeah okay. No problem. Charge it to my card on file. Take care.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Car company from yesterday. Driver apparently ran three reds on our way home.”
A/N: GUYYYYSSSSS I SUBMIT MY THESIS TONIGHTTTTTTTT IM SO EXCITED!!! I’ll keep y’all posted on when I actually do it. So close to grad I’m scared but excited. Anyways, like, comment, reblog, give feedback - the works. Love ya!! <<33
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