#idk I’m lonely?
littledoggyboy · 2 months
Does anyone wanna see a picture of my cat sitting in a bag? Dm me
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eat-rock · 2 years
“nobody understands me” but not in the “edgy suffering from teenager syndrome mad at mom” kind of way, but the “lonely isolating young adult realization that the specific combination of mental illnesses and past experiences i’ve had have resulted in a pattern of behaviors that are often misinterpreted and misconstrued by others” type of way
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Duty Over Heart drabble
Price wakes up at 5:30 even when he’s on leave. It’s been ingrained in him after years of service even when both of you tried to sleep in.
He tries to stay in bed for longer but his restless legs get to him and all he does is press a soft kiss to your head before he leaves for the bathroom.
At home his routine is a lot more involved. He trims his beard and (tries) to take a longer shower before he moisturizes his face (because you asked him to).
He drinks coffee in the morning despite you making the joke that since his British he should drink tea. He doesn’t make it sweet and he drinks it slow; by the time his done with his first cup there’s light peaking into the sky and you’re already up.
“Morning,” you mumble, your voice groggy as you shuffle over to him.
“Morning, hun.” He gave you a soft smile and presses a chaste kiss to your lips when you lean down.
You don’t say anything else as you crawl onto his lap and snuggle close to him, drinking in his warmth as he holds you close.
“Gonna fall asleep on me again, hm?” His voice is barely above a whisper as he rests his chin against your head.
“Five minutes.” You say and you mean it, but you never follow through.
You always doze off in his arms but he doesn’t care, not in the slightest. Not when you nuzzle against him and cling onto him, and not when he gets to watch the sunrise with you in his arms.
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beatlesmenrock · 27 days
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It’s getting better, since you’ve been mine!
( blood version under )
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dxrktopaz · 8 months
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pls shower with me i hate doing it alone
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nuppu-nuppu · 6 months
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I don’t know how to draw traditionally anymore ;;
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podcast-hemocytoblast · 9 months
I think something that often gets overlooked about the Lonely is that it isn’t just the fear of being rejected, abandoned, and unloved.
It is that, but it’s also the heavy sense of dread that settles in your bones when you realize that whatever danger you’re in, you have to deal with it on your own. It’s the realization that no one is around to hear you scream and that no one is coming to save you. It’s the feeling of calling emergency services (911, 119, etc.) and asking the operator when help is coming, only to be told that no one is coming, because they’re all tied up on other calls right now, so it may be another hour or so before anyone gets to you. It’s the visceral terror you feel when you finally realize that the help you need is never going to come, or if it does, they won’t be there until it’s already too late for you. It’s realizing that you’ll never see your loved ones again, and wondering if anyone will ever find your body, if anyone is going to care that you’re gone, if anyone is ever going to find out what happened to you, if anyone is even going to realize that you’re dead.
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ropebuny · 7 months
I want a dad so bad I’m going to cry and throw a tantrum. I don’t want to be an adult, I want to stop thinking and be taken care of like a kid & feel safe and cared for again
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cyanbeetle · 2 days
It is generally kind of disheartening to try and have any sort of conversation about race on this website that leaves room for actual emotion instead of, like, an explicit, straightforward explanation of a concept intended for white audiences to listen and learn from. Even those conversations are hard. I guess it’s because tumblr has a predominantly white userbase but seeing themes of race, culture, disconnection, and assimilation go over so many peoples heads or be confidently misinterpreted as themes of gender, sexuality, or neurodivergence over and over can feel really isolating and discouraging. I get that a lot of people just don’t have the personal experience to connect to those themes, but failing to recognize that they exist in a work entirely makes me kind of sad as a creator, and is a lot of the reason I don’t post on here so much anymore
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basiatlu · 5 months
How abour 1c for ritunia (Rita skeeter x petunia Evans)? For the pose meme
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“Your kind has caused me enough trouble! Now leave at once!!”
“Of course! Any other insightful quotes to entertain our readers with?”
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itsnotmourn · 6 months
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kinda criminal that carmen’s bangles/bracelets weren’t present but i will take it
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kaithefirst0127 · 6 months
this is ripaxel in my heart don’t care if it’s not accurate it’s accurate to MEE!! MEEE!!!!
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footnoteinhistory · 2 months
Is there a way to not make the days surrounding your birthday feel like this
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nuppu-nuppu · 1 year
Ignore if you don’t want to read about me being stupid once again
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kairithemang0 · 22 days
I sometimes wonder if Curt and Owen just wanted a normal relationship. I mean, their relationship is anything but normal. They’re both spies, that’s the obvious one. Either one of them could die on any random mission and the other would need to more on and accept it. I do think they would have wanted something that was more ordinary, where they didn’t need to worry all the time. About them dying, but also getting caught. They can’t just be together, it needs to be secret and kept to themselves. Clearly Curt is sick of his mom asking when he’s getting a girlfriend, he can’t tell her that he has someone because of fear of everything that comes after that.
And now I’m just thinking about all the stuff they’d do if they weren’t held back from doing it. Moving in together and not being questioned about it, seeing each other whenever they wanted to, doing all that sappy couple shit. Of course, their locations don’t help with this either. I don’t think either of them would be willing to move to either of their countries, even if they were free too.
Jesus, the world is against these poor silly guys, isn’t it? :(
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starfiresky · 3 months
Feeling downcast?
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I have some more important blessings and reminders for you:
1. The Wayfinder trio was reunited! ⭐️
2. Situations look better when you’re less tired. Remember to get some sleep! 😴
3. The Traverse Town theme exists ☺️
4. Keep going ❤️
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