#idk I'd in the book it said its small or not
awweshuuks · 2 months
I low-key hate when people draw Johnny without a scar or it's itty bitty, he literally got PUNCHED in the CHEEK with a BIG SHARP RING, you can make it a smallish scar all u want but it HAS TO BE THERE PLEASE 🙏🙏🙏
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shepherds-of-haven · 7 months
Sorry if this has already been asked before, but have you ever thought about writing a sequel to SoH? I know you said it would be a stand-alone book, but I think a sequel where we explore different continents would be extremely cool. I just love these character so much and idk if I’m ready to say goodbye. I know we still have a bit left but still…
Hi there, this message has been sitting in a long queue of messages I've fallen behind on answering for a while now, but I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to send it! It ended up being extremely thought-provoking for me, and you may have single-handedly made me reconsider my stance on a Shepherds sequel! XD
I always planned on this entry being a standalone game, though I was toying with the idea of eventually writing a sequel that follows a separate cast of characters (aka different protagonist and companions, though with room for potential cameos with the old characters). Pretty much like how Dragon Age does it! I won't go into the potential plot details now, but I was thinking it might take place sometime between 10-15 years in the future, and it would follow "a new generation" of Shepherds in a different locale. I've sort of hazily cobbled together ideas for the story/main premise, but companions outside of the main protagonist have eluded me at the moment--I really need to focus on this game, its DLC, and my next book first, so I haven't given it too much thought!
However, your comment has unearthed some feelings I've been having about a potential sequel, too! It's hard for me to feel like I'd be ready to say goodbye to the cast, as well... It's so easy for me to write them because they've been in my head for so many years, and starting an adventure in the world of Blest with different and new characters admittedly feels a bit strange. It's like having to hang back a grade while all of your friends graduate high school and then looking around at the incoming freshman class like "welp, I guess you guys are my friends now! 😒" lol. I'm torn on the issue: I don't want to not challenge myself or refuse to move out of my comfort zone as a writer--in short, I don't want to be the kind of writer who recycles the same characters and material because doing something new is daunting to me, and I don't want you all to feel like I'm making endless sequels/trying to recapture old magic and should just move on to something new, either--but I do love my cast and I'm not sure yet if I should definitively say, "No, their chapter is done with this game and it's on to the next!", because I can see so many adventures happening to them even after this story is over!
The problem lies with endings--there are so many different endings planned for this game that I hesitate in treating any of them as the true or canonical one, but otherwise trying to account for all of them in a sequel feels quite impossible to accomplish when I wasn't planning on a continuation--along with other logistical concerns that I can't get into at the moment. Like, what if you end the game with all of the Shepherds except Halek dead? What if your friend ends the game with all of them alive, but the MC is dead? This game alone is already 1 million words, but a direct sequel would probably wrack up hundreds of thousands of variations based on all of these choices in its first chapter alone! 🤔
That's why I figure DLC is the happy medium here: you can expand on or create new content and adventures for the characters, but slot them into the timeline wherever you wish, like in between Chapter 7 and 8, etc. And episodic adventures might keep things small and streamlined enough that I can update them more consistently, rather than hacking away at one giant sequel game!
Aaaaaanyway... All this is to say: I have a lot to think about! Absolutely nothing has been decided yet (not even close), but these are just some of the things I've had rattling around in my head. Thank you again for your sweet and honest words: I'm glad you're so fond of these characters and would miss them. I would, too! But whatever ends up happening, I know this game won't be the last time we see them. :)
Thanks again!
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butmakeitgayblog · 4 months
First line fic game
Tagged by: everyone and yet I'm still stupidly late to the party 😔
rules: don't reblog the first one, make a new post! look at the first lines of the last ten (10) stories you published. look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any!
1. Medusa and The Blind Woman- She crashes in on an easterly wave. 
2. Teach Me - No thirty-nine-year old freshman should try to pull off a backpack. 
3. My Best Friend's Wedding - "Lexa! Sweetcheeks! It's Clarke. Obviously. Listen, um… I know it's been… oh, God, what? Two months? Three maybe? Something like that… But, I uh, I need you to call me. Actually call me. There's something I really need to talk to you about… And I miss you, of course. So much. I hope you're doing alright on your fancy book tour. Miss Big Shot… Alright, well. Call me. Day or night, I don’t care. I've got my ringer all the way up, so no excuses... 'Kay. I love you. Bye."
4. The Only Heaven I'll Be Sent To (Is when I'm alone with you) - "Pray for me, Clarke."
5. I'd Give Up Forever - “Dude, this is creepy.”
6. Sin From They Lips - "What is she doing here?"
7. With Pleasured Hands - “Don’t play with your food, darling.”
8. The Girl in the Corner - “I love your outfit,” Clarke said loudly, just enough to be heard over the music that blared throughout the large sorority house.
9. Serial Killer au (tbp) - "—has worry growing among residents as the body count continues to rise. Titus Monk of Polis, now identified as the latest victim in a string of killings that has rocked the community over the last six months, was found brutally murdered outside a rest area along I-95. Local authorities are urging any citizen with information—"
10. In Secret (hopefully to be posted tomorrow if the lord has any mercy left for me🤞) - The slanted light of the moon is barely enough to see the entrance of the small hut - a withered and unimposing thing set recessed into the side of a hilltop. A hang of willow leaves and gnarled pieces of windswept branches litter the dirt path leading up place, giving the little structure an air of being forgotten by time; abandoned to only the whisperings of its ghosts.
Idk who to tag because basically everyone's done it already 😅 but if you'd like to do it tag me!
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raevenlywrites · 2 months
Hey, I'm looking for your post about adhd-burnout and having activities that actually fulfill you instead of distracting. I'm going through some stuff and idk how to tell the difference. How do you do it?
If you could point me in the direction of said post that would help, because I don't remember the specifics (or even how long ago it was lol yay time blindness). But basically, if I'm remembering right, the idea is to do things that aren't just time killers. Like, scrolling on tumblr for hours is just filler. Maybe doing it for a breather between tasks helps give you a beat to rest, but spending all your down time on it doesn't pour back into you, it just passes time.
Things that fulfill you will look different from person to person, but its engaging in stuff that makes you fill like you really did something. So for me, instead of spending two hours rearranging my base camp in my silly dragon merge phone game (something that is very restful in small bursts between chores but is easy to get lost in and boom, the day is gone), I might spend 15-20 mins on my dragon game, and then pick up a book, or play with my tarot cards, or hop on discord and chat with some friends. Something that isn't just throwing my hours away down a time sink. it doesn't have to be Productive, but it does have to be Deliberate: something I chose to do on purpose.
I'm sorry if this completely doesn't answer your question at all; if you can find the post and send it to me, I'd be happy to give an answer informed by it, but this is the best I can do with what I currently have
(edit: or just tell me more about what you remember if you cant find it, just give me a little more to go on)
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glasyasbutch · 1 month
playlist: calart
the het rights gripped me and morgan and bekah so hard and wouldn't let go until we did this
link to playlist on spotify
explanations below the cut
1. Storybook Love by Mark Knopfler (The Princess Bride OST)
She said "Don't you know storybook loves always have a happy ending?" / Then he swooped her up just like in the books and on his stallion they rode away / My love is like a storybook story but it's as real as the feelings I feel
Fairytale: Both
2. I've Just Seen A Face by Jim Sturgees
l have never known the like of this / I've been alone and I have missed things and kept out of sight / For other girls were never quite like this / I am fallin', yes I am fallin' / And she keeps callin' me back again
At First Sight: Arthur
idk what to tell you man. morgan's writing the calart first meeting as i type this. he calls her "my angel" like 3 paragraphs in.
3. Enchanted by Taylor Swift
This night is sparklin', don't you let it go / I'm wonderstruck, blushin' all the way home / I'll spend forever wonderin' if you knew/ This night is flawless, don't you let it go / I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone / I'll spend forever wonderin' if you knew / I was enchanted to meet you
At First Sight: Callie
We spent. a lot of time. talking about the welcome home ball when the party gets Callie back to Iagora Edlynne and how she spent the WHOLE night dancing with Arthur and NO one else, asking him to bring TWO drinks from the drinks table for the both of them, taking her glove OFF to touch him while they chatted. Basically everything she could do to tell him she was madly in love with him, but trapped within the confines of polite society and courtship mandates.
And of course, it flew entirely over small town country boy Arthur's head. This song is for Callie begging Arthur to realize how much she loves him in a language he can't possibly speak.
4. Blue Eyed Girl by The Arcadian Wild
There’s wisdom in the way you speak and I see “I love you” in your eyes / Oh, I wouldn’t mind staying up, talking to you all night / ‘Cause you’re telling me everything about the books you read / Blue eyed girl let your hair hang down / Let the colors of your soul spill out for everyone to see
Realizing They Fell: Arthur
There's something so special about seeing Callie get to step out of her tower, out of her kingdom, for the first time, and that she chose to do it with her hand in his.
5. First Day of My Life by Honor Hunter
And so I thought I'd let you know that these things take forever, I especially am slow / But I realize that I need you and I wondered if I could come home / Mhm, mhm / Remember the time you drove all night just to meet me in the morning? / And I thought it was strange, you said everything changed / You felt as if you'd just woke up
Realizing They Fell: Callie
We established that, shortly after the Welcome Home ball, the OG party set out again. Without Callie. And after a few weeks Arthur was still wet cat moping SO bad the rest of them said. Good god we gotta take this man to elf country for closure. And at the same time. Callie had been pining SO endlessly she told her parents "actually I need to leave with him. sorry. you aren't going to stop me."
So Callie put out a Sending to Arthur along the lines of "Hello, I've decided I would like to join you all, if you'll have me. Meet me at [location]" and Arthur, who was literally walking into the palace to talk to her and happened to be below her bedroom window, screamed up "GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and then they ran to meet each other on the stairs and they kissed and it was perfect and.
Anyways all that to say the selected lyrics ARE that sending moment.
6. Wildflowers by Tom Petty
Run away, go find a lover, run away, let your heart be your guide / You deserve the deepest of cover, you belong in that home by and by / You belong among the wildflowers, you belong somewhere close to me / Far away from your trouble and worry, you belong somewhere you feel free
Adventuring: Arthur
We've shot a lot of shit about how the OG party meant "freedom" to every person in it, in a different way. For Callie, it was freedom from expectation, and the freedom to have something that was hers and not the Kingdom's for the first time in her life. So you know. "You belong somewhere you feel free". wahhh.
7. Like Ships Need the Sea by Emily Hearn
Finally, you gave me the hope I'd awaited /Finally, you gave me your heart /Gladly I gave you the love you'd awaited / Gladly I gave you my heart
Adventuring: Callie
from Callie's perspective, loving Arthur was also learning what she truly did and didn't care about re: nobility and duty. Whether her family approves or not this is what she wants and she's going to have him.
8. Andante Cantabile by Brian Crain
Contentment: Both
bekah thought it was pretty. i agreed. morgan doesn't get to weigh in on the instrumentals.
9. Bella (Reprise) by Native Culture
Oh Bella, you waited for me / Oh Bella, I am yours the way I always longed to be / No more dreaming at a distance that is far too much to bear / I'm abandoning my whole life just to breathe in your same air / Cause you've been standing on the shoreline, now I'll finally meet you there
(Re)Union: Both
A late addition to the playlist courtesy of Bekah. The original Bella is on the calart secondary playlist, but this one gets a spot HERE because it's so much more cinematic.
You remember the "Callie and Arthur part ways after her welcome home ball and spend weeks pining for each other and then when they both can't bear it anymore, Callie sends to Arthur to ask him to please come back for her and he's Already standing outside her bedroom window waiting to tell her he couldn't go one step further without her at his side and they run to meet each other on the stairway and it's the world's best kiss?" scene I mentioned earlier? This plays over that and then it plays AGAIN over their wedding day montage and ends with their first kiss as husband and wife as they get to start their lives together all over again, and. Yeah. Yeah.
10. Kiss Me by Sixpence None The Richer
Kiss me out of the bearded barley / Nightly, beside the green, green grass /Swing, swing, swing the spinning step / You wear those shoes and I will wear that dress, oh
We'll Be In Love...: Callie
They fell in love adventuring!!! It's just sweet outdoors imagery idk idk idk!!!!!!! And also . this song and the next one opening on fields of barley imagery. idk idk idk!!!!!!!!!!!
11. Fields of Gold by Sting
Will you stay with me? Will you be my love? / Among the fields of barley / We'll forget the sun in his jealous sky / As we lie in fields of gold
We'll Be In Love...: Arthur
The outdoorsy imagery again!!! the barley!!!! Also the way this song tips into kids and growing old at the end, really bridging into the next part of the playlist about the "ever after" that follows "happily".
12. Band of Gold by Grey Havens
I'm never getting over you, no, I never will be over you / Yes, I threw away the key that bound my heart to yours / To the bottom of the sea, I don't need it anymore /There's no turning back for us, there's only moving forward
...For As Long As We Have: Callie
Callie got a whole lecture from her parents before she ever set out with the OG party about what it would Mean to give herself to Arthur. To a Human Man. When she's an Elf. She knows. She doesn't care. She'd rather lose him in love than out of it.
13. If We Were Vampires by Chester See
Maybe time running out is a gift, I'll work hard 'til the end of my shift / And give you every second I can find and hope it isn't me who's left behind / It's knowing that this can't go on forever / Likely one of us will have to spend some days alone / Maybe we'll get forty years together / But one day I'll be gone or one day you'll be gone
...For As Long As We Have: Arthur
from bekah: "can i put if we were vampires on it makes me want to die. IMAGINE ARTHUR SINGING THIS"
14. Ezra by Becca Vanderbeck
And honey, how I wonder what this life for you will be / Will it take you to the mountains? Will it take you to the sea? / Whether high upon the tallest peak or way down in the deep / Forever my baby, my baby you will be
To Theo: Callie
15. Fight the Dragons by Norbert Leo Butz (Big Fish OST)
'Cause there's one more adventure waiting 'round another bend/ Where I fight the dragons and I storm the castles and I win a battle or two / But then a feeling comes like fifty thousand drums / All banging, "Bring my stories home to you"
To Theo: Arthur
I sent this to Bekah possibly before theo even had a name. It's soooooo. Theo looked up to Arthur and his heroics SO much as a kid. Walked around with a nerf sword replica of Arthur's broadsword constantly. Wore the Bannett Armor t-shirt threadbare. Played with the Arthur action figure until all the paint rubbed off.
And this is just ... Arthur loved that Theo loved it. Nothing could make him prouder. His boy! Following in his footsteps! That's all he's ever wanted really! Bonus points for fighting a dragon being how he and callie met.
16. The Tree by The Family Crest
And I'll be yours for all time / In time, you wrapped your roots around me, and how I found you in the weeds / You were the sea, and I was the soil, here in the earth, our roots they did coil / Entwined, now our hearts form a life, form a legacy
Legacy: Both (Callie?)
sent on discord at 6:14 am: "it's not a lot of Coherent thoughts but just like . the tree imagery as something that lives for hundreds or thousands of years if it's kept safe, and Callie with all the lifespan shit, and Arthur as the soil and the weeds and the things that are important but get grown away from in time and ALSO!!!! all the focus on memory and legacy and history for them both as Heroes TM but also as . literally royal lineage. and ALSO ALSO memory and history and legacy bc WITHIN CALLIES LIFESPAN they (Arthur and Theo) are Going to become memorials to her"
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stareggie · 5 months
People I want to get to know :)
@miss-star-dust @deadhoneybee you've both tagged me, thank u <3
Last song: About You by The 1975. Idk how to explain what this song does to me but its harmony is fucking mind-blowing.
Favourite colour: See I've always said that it's sky blue but I've been eyeing crimson and emerald for a while so I rlly don't know bruh
Last film/show: Succession. I adore that show with everything I have and I think everyone should watch it. I've also been rewatching Euphoria but more as a background noise for when I write.
Sweet/savoury/spicy: I'm picky with my sweets so I'd say spicy bc u can absolutely never EVER go wrong with spicy when it comes to me.
Last thing I googled: Timothee Chalament on set, it was for my fic lmfao
Last book: depends on what u count as a book. I read ATYD, ATYD Sirius' pov and Crimson Rivers in the last month, I've also read HP POA for new year's bc obviously and I'm currently getting myself through The Lies of Locke Lamora, it's fucking amazing!
Relationship status: ... it's very complicated ??
Current obsession: generally, the marauders. Specifically, my fic Speed, camera, action ! It's all I think about every single fucking day. Also my job in the film industry bc I can safely say I'm the luckiest son of a bitch in the world that I get to do what I do.
Looking forward to: Short-term, I'm going on a small vacation (3 days) from this Sunday till Wednesday, longterm, there is literally so much bro but I'd say getting to shoot a series/film in 2024 which I hope to God will happen so this is kinda me speaking it into existence :)
Tags (ofc no pressure guys): @jegulusstarss @daydream-of-a-wallflower @gayliketheancients @mokkkki @elysiren @reallyremylupin @mi-reille <33
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silawastaken · 4 months
HELLO, ITS CHRIXYTY FROM AO3!!!! i decided to make a tumblr account just so i can interact with you on here :3 why? because i can. dont question me. i do strange things sometimes. (a lot of the time) but dont we all?
(i was serious when i said i would stop hovering like a ghost and start interacting. you better expect a LOT of comments from me from now on BECAUSE I JUST NEED TO SHOW MY APPRECIATION.)
like im not even joking no fic has ever made my heart pound every second i read it before...like literally nothing could be happening and my heart is pounding at 150 bpm like damn its so good you might give me a heart attack frfr.
chuuyas so dense but i can kinda get his point of view :( UGH the slow burn is just making me anticipate the moment he finds out dazai's his soulmate even more...(betting chuuya will punch dazai out of anger because he realises dazai did all those things to himself...and then he'll feel the pain from the punch and be 100% certain and will start bawling cause idk emotion overload?? i can imagine it but yea im yapping a lot haha)
also it makes me happy when authors refer to the canon universe in their fics somewhere like when dazai called his friends his "little detective agency" like its a small detail but it just makes me happy.
okay im SERIOUSLY yapping way too much but i needed to get all this out somewhere. my bsf is getting sick of me talking so much grrrrr >:(
(permission to one day when this fic is finished print it all out and bind it?? so i can forever keep it as like a memento and pass it down to future generations so they too can appreciate this amazing piece of literature??)
wow i wrote a lot. if only i could write this much for my fic in such a short time during writer's block.
WAITWAITWAITWAIT. I NORMALLY TRY TO ANSWER THESE TOPIC BY TOPIC BUT BINDING. MY. FIC???? HELL YES YOU HAVE PERMISSION WHAT THE HELL??? THAT'S SO COOL??? if i ask very nicely would you make me one too..? I'd pay postage and everything 🙏🙏 i wish i had the patience to bind fics into books but it requires so much time and patience that I don't have 😭
My only thing I would want to say is that I plan on revising some of the earlier chapters where it doesn't quite flow the way the rest of the chapters do, so if I finish it before I've done that (which probably won't happen, but just in case), I would recommend waiting a little!
ANYWAY. making an entire tumblr acc just to interact with me here? ...that's dedication man🫡 I already said it but I appreciate EVERY comment i get so i will be waiting with baited breath after every chapter!!
Glad you're loving the angst tho, I'm having a lot of the time throwing dazai and chuuya into a washing machine full of stones every chapter. great character building.
The reveals are gonna be so fun I can't wait to write them honestly. I'm so excited!!! Still got ages to go tho, so strap in it's gonna be a while.
Do not feel bad about writing a lot cause I loved reading this and responding and once again YOU HAVE FULL PERMISSION TO BIND IT ONCE IT'S DONE.
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mvrtaiswriting · 2 years
i have a song request! mary on a cross with giorno? specifically the part where it goes “your beauty never ever scared me” bc he is so so pretty but others might find it intimidating bc of his position. maybe for a plot it could be something like reader and giorno running away bc of the lyric “if you choose to run away with me.” idk, just an idea! do what you wish with this💕💕
Giorno Giovanna | Your beauty never scared me.
this has been sitting in my inbox / drafts for the longest time - it's embarrassing really. but it's finally here and i really wish it'll match your expectations, hoping that it would also grant me an apology! it's been ages since i last wrote for jojo's characters so i also need to apologise if this feels rusty! enjoy!!!
word count: 996
trigger warnings: slight mentions of lust, guns, usual jojo violence. (pls do come forward if i am missing something).
please feel free to like, reblog and leave a comment - i'd very much appreciate it. / click here for more of my works.
"I am not expecting you to understand." Giorno said in his usual firm voice, not taking his eyes away from his luggage which was frenetically being stuffed with clothes, and books, and weapons - and anything he could take with him.
If you were small enough to fit in there, if it was simply up to him - you'd be in the luggage too. Not because he perceived you as object, nor because he didn't respect you enough; he'd simply take you with him in this crazy ride. He could bear leaving everything behind, but you. Yet, he knows better than asking you to run-away with him. After sabotaging the entire gang organisation the two of you were both part of to avenge his teammates, Giorno knew that they'd be looking for him under every rock - he knew that they'd be unleashing the worst weapons against him in an attempt to kill him. He was undoubtedly strong, and definitely feared - but there was no way he could escape this. He had to go; he never wanted to become a gang member in the fist place.
"Maybe if you cared to explain.." was your stingy answer, as you observe his frenetic movements.
Giorno remained silent, a long sigh escaping his lips was the only answer he was able to give. He knew you were just as strong and just as used to the criminal life - but becoming fugitives would be way more than dangerous than that. He figured he preferred knowing you were alive and well then selfishly keeping you by his side and risking your life. He already put you in danger several times in the past, all because of his stupid plans - but at least his crew mates were still there to protect you, if needed. Now that they're all gone, he didn't want to tempt fate again. Not with your life.
"It was a pleasure, really." he finally said, zipping his luggage close and finally daring to look at you.
His blue eyes finally looking at you again sent a shiver down your spine, causing you to fix your posture in an attempt to overcome the sensation.
"Excuse me?" you said, realising that was his way to say goodbye to you. Raising an eyebrow, you walked closer to him and slammed your hand on the top of your luggage. Was he really going away without telling you anything? Did he really close it off like that, as if you were just another stupid, meaningless member of the organisation?
"Don't. Just pretend you never met me at all." he said with grinned teeth, his words hurting him more than anyone else.
Hearing this words made your soul shake, like the light of a candle when a soft wind blows - it won't be enough to turn it off, but its flame would become flebile, and weak. You could have sworn you could feel your blood running through your veins and directly pumping your muscles as adrenaline slowly built up in your muscles, triggering your fight or flight response. A part of you would have probably punched him - honestly. But what were you experiencing was deeper than that, a sentiment more clever than violence but that hurt just as much as a well-assigned punch would.
It was heartbreak. You couldn't believe Giorno really pronounced those words - erasing everything the two of you have experienced together: grief, love, lust, fear, excitement. As if nothing ever mattered to him, as if all those sleepless nights entangled in his bed and talking about the deepest part of your mind were nothing but a fun hobby that was nice until it lasted.
"Those games won't work with me, Giorno. You have no right to cut me out of your life like this -" you replied through grinned teeth, keeping your tone low to avoid alerting anyone who might be outside of Giorno's room.
Giorno's eyes pierced right through you once again as his expression softens, finally coming closer to you and gently placing an hand on your cheeks - in an attempt to show you just how much you meant to him. He knew just how much his touch reassured you, even though he was the one who needed it the most. Ready to move his hand away from your face, Giorno stopped your hand from reaching his.
"I am going away." was the only thing he said, his eyes still locked on yours.
"I'm coming with you then." you were quick to reply, knowing exactly what he meant.
Giorno shook his head rapidly, a sarcastic smile on his lips as he took a step back from you.
"No. I need to go but you don't. They'll do everything they can to get my head and hang it on their walls." he said coldly. "Let me say goodbye to you whilst you're still safe and well. I can't bear losing someone else. Let me say goodbye whilst you're still alive." he added as his eyes glimmered, a thin veil of teardrop making the blue of his iris seem like tidal waters.
Although it hurt to see him like this, you couldn't help but smile. Seeing so vulnerable was rare, and you treasured those little insights into his heart so much. You smiled, acknowledging once again just how much Giorno underestimated what you felt for him; he was so clever, yet so naive sometimes.
"Oh honey.." you said, caressing his lips with your thumb. "Danger is part of your charm and your beauty never ever scared me." you smiled again, winking at him and leaving a soft kiss on his plumped, pink lips. Reciprocating the kiss, Giorno pulled you closer to him and held you tight in his embrace, letting his carnal desires take control of his actions and breathing you in completely.
"Are you sure?" he asked, biting your bottom lip, trying to catch his breath after your long kiss.
"When are we leaving?" you replied.
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random-cryptid · 4 months
*crashes in here* ok ik i havent been here in a bajillion years and i am so sorry for that and unloading a small novel on you dgkdgkh
but i had the dumbest thought. imagine tryna teach the sanderson's modern stuff. cuz i just saw a selfship post that said something along the lines of studying with your fo (fictional other. like a significant other, but its a fictional character instead of an actual human sgshdh) and now all i can think about is attempting to teach winnie, mary, and sarah all the stuff ive learned over the years
im not sure who'd find which subjects the most interesting. i dont have any art textbooks but i do have some notes from art history and waaayyy too many art supplies and i'd be happy to teach mary and sarah about art history and how to use some of the things i have (assuming i remember how to use thems). i think winnie would be fascinated by science! theres some branches of it like chemistry that feel a lot like magic, but i.... dont have access to things like that nor the smarts to even attempt to do chem (i do have access to vids so theres that at least), so it'd be hard to teach her that. i do have some anatomy and biology books that i think she'd like, and i have so many space books and i am dying to share them with all three of them holy dhit.
as for history, i think all three of them would be fascinated by it. theres been so many things that have happened since they died the first time around as well as so much that happened before they were born or happened when they were young but on the other side of the world.
plus, maybe some of what im talking to them about would help stick in my own brain easier so thats a bonus!
I am SO SORRY I'm answering this right now, but the past few weeks have been hectic to say the least 😭 I started Swedish clases lol.
Anyway YES I AGREE Mary but Sarah especially would be so interested in art methinks. Actually I believe Sarah is interested in fashion in some way (I hc that she made her own clothes and helped make Winnie's gown). And YES Winnie is so woman in STEM to me 😩 however I failed Chemistry every single year of high school lol BUT I was top of my class on Biology 😎 and actually think Sarah and Mary would be interested in Biology, although for different reasons (one for cooking and the other well... torture 😅).
OH YEAH HISTORY THAT'S SO FUN I think maybe they have an interest in different eras, Mary is definitely more of a contemporary girl (the way she picks up modern slang??? Scary). Winnie might be obsessed with the British Royal Family ngl 😭 I wonder what she'll think of Princess Diana. Now Sarah I'm not sure what she would enjoy from History 🤔 I mean ig fashion history or something idk 😭😭😭
ALSO ACTUALLY I REMEMBER WATCHING AN ALCHEMY VIDEO and it's pretty much Chemistry so. I think Mary would enjoy Chemistry too but maybe a different branch. Medicinal Chemistry perhaps? While Winnie is more of a Environmental Chemistry girl (since she literally can shoot lightning from her fingers I wouldn't be surprised she wanted to make a contraption to... Idk shoot fire as hot as the fucking sun)
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purplesurveys · 3 months
What's the most worthwhile thing you've done in the last year? I've mentioned it to death at this point, but traveling to Thailand with my friends and seeing Yoongi in concert before he went off to military service. It was the first accessible tour BTS had (the previous ones were all in the US), and my friends and I needed it to happen for us.
What foods make you want to gag? I have a strong stomach when it comes to food and typically have no problem with textures, smells, all that stuff...my biggest issue is not liking fruits, but they're not necessarily something I gag over. I just don't like how they taste.
Do you consider yourself to be organized? Like what I've said before, I'm a messy kind of organized so idk where that falls under. I can be careless when placing things but I always remember where everything is.
Have you ever made out with someone? Yes.
What time do you get sleepy? Usually around 1 or 2 AM.
What music do you listen to? I nearly exclusively listen to K-pop these days.
How old were you when you started to walk? I would guess a little over 1 year old, since I have home videos from my 1st birthday party and those clips would show that I was still struggling to keep myself up. Kinda surprising and I would consider that delayed, since I have cousins who were able to walk at like 10-11 months old.
Which member of your family do you get along with the best? My sister. We have the same sense of humor and we generally have an excellent silent understanding of each other's moods.
What cheers you up when you're sad? My dogs, BTS, and wrestling. But I'm also generous towards myself - if I'm in a really down mood, I don't force myself to cheer up anymore.
What do you sleep in? My designated lounge clothes, which is really just a collection of thin, short, and airy pieces. Can't be all covered up in this tropical climate.
Have you ever tanned topless? I wouldn't want to do that. Even if you tell me I'd have an island to myself, I think I'd still be too shy to go topless.
Wear jewelry? I used to have a necklace constantly on, but I took it off a few months ago. It's sitting on my drawer for now.
What's something you've been told you're good at? Writing. And planning, in the sense of crafting PR pitches - which tbh is just an offshoot of writing as every presentation deck needs a strong and compelling narrative.
How much can you eat? Not a lot in one go; I have a very small appetite and rarely finish a full meal, unless I'm at home.
What's the furthest away you've ever traveled? Just around Southeast and East Asia.
Are you a cat or dog person? Dog!
Have you ever done drugs? Only once.
What does your room look like? It's certainly a lot homier and cozier than it used to be - a year ago we had some renovations done and upgraded my bed to a loft-style one, which was able to save a ton of space. That meant I could add some more stuff in my room that would help make it a comfier spot, so right now I have a loft bed with my work station under it, and dedicated shelves for all my K-pop merch. I also have a makeshift couch where I can hang if I don't feel like climbing up to my bed.
Recommend a really amazing book. I'd just recommend the last one I read since I don't read frequently - Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982.
Recommend a really amazing song. Wild Flower by RM or First Love by Suga. Amygdala by Suga is also good.
Recommend a really amazing movie. Steve Jobs.
Who's your favorite actor/actress? Kate Winslet and Audrey Hepburn.
Have you ever run away from home? No.
Do you exercise ever? The lack of exercise I do I make up for by walking as much as I can and as far as I can. I recently learned that I have low blood pressure, so that has explained a lot for me as far as why I seem to hate exercising so much.
Do you like your hair, the way it is and the colour? It has its good days but admittedly it's something I've been neglecting. It's way overdue for a new dye job and a major trim.
Do you have any friends named Baloo? Or is he just in the Junglebook? I don't know anyone named Baloo.
Are you a Disney movie fan? I'm not a superfan by any means, but I have my share of Disney movies that I really love.
Do you eat seafood? Yes. I had a ton of it just earlier.
When was the last time you cried? Couple of days ago, but they were good tears.
Do you have good working habits? I like to think so. I've slowed down in the last year or so and while that might give off the impression that I'm not as good as I used to be, the fact of the matter is I overworked myself to death when I was just starting out, and have simply learned how to strike the balance between setting boundaries while still performing at the quality I should be delivering.
So where the hell do you want to go in life? I just want to continue being responsible with my savings while not forgetting to enjoy life. I don't want to push myself on a leash, but I don't want to go out of bounds with my means either.
Contentment. It's a cliché answer but it's what I'm perfectly okay going for.
What are your boundaries? The only boundaries I can think of now are all work-related, but I'm glad to say I've been learning to keep those walls up and to not be a slave for my job.
What are some of the funniest things you can think of? I recently remembered the existence of the WWE musical chairs segment, and that was a treat to unlock from my memory hahaha.
What are two quirky little things about you? Thinking of 'quirky' things kinda makes me feel self-conscious, and it might be better asking someone else. What's quirky for me might just be otherwise normal without me knowing hahaha.
Are you claustrophobic? Nah not really, I don't have a lot of problem with being in cramped spaces or super crowded spots. If anything it just makes me annoyed hahaha.
Do you like getting wasted? I like getting a good amount of tipsy in that I become more extroverted and energized than usual, but I've graduated from blackout drunkenness. Not something I'd want to experience again.
List three things that you look for in a friend. Low-maintenance, on a similar wavelength humor- and vibe-wise, is talkative and likes to share stories and ask questions.
Do you prefer Angels and Airwaves or Rhianna? Rihanna.
What religion are you, if any? I haven't identified with any religion in nearly 15 years, although I was baptized as Roman Catholic and technically that's what I am.
If your house was on fire (and your family escaped), what would you save? If family already includes the dogs, I'd simply go for my phone before making my way out.
Do you have any sash belts? No.
What do you have on right now? Include everything, nail polish, makeup, etc BB cream, hair serum, t-shirt, culottes, a hair tie, glasses.
Does caffeine make you hyper? It keeps me awake and focused, but not hyper.
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szyszkasosnowa · 5 months
Bookshelf wrapped
A list of books I've read in 2023 for statistical and archival purposes and also because I like to catalog things (and tumblr let me down by not having a year in review this year).
If any of my followers would feel inspired to do a similar thing please tag me, I'd love to see what you've read!
Służące do wszystkiego, Joanna Kuciel-Frydryszak. I love reading the first-hands accounts of history, esp from regular/lower class people. So it's worth to read just for it. There was something lacking for it to be a really good reportage tbh.
Fire and Blood, George R.R. Martin. Really nice if you're an asoiafhead. Can't really recommend to someone who hadn't read asoiaf before. Also I wish GRRM would focus on finishing the saga instead of starting new projects. But can't really blame him for pursuing side stories.
Into Thin Air, Jon Krakauer. Keep thinking about that redditor guy who said this book inspired him to try and prepare to climb Mount Everest in one year. Maybe reddit pisses on poor even more than tumblr.
Dune Messiah, Frank Herbert. I must say that of (5) Dune books I've read so far, this has the higher amount of what I consider Dune's fatal flaws. Mostly unnecessarily convoluted dialogues that end up being borderline incomprehensible. It also underutilizes very interesting characters, like Scytale and Mohiam. I would give extra points for Paul's ending, but then I've read Children of Dune.
The True Deceiver, Tove Jansson. Just fine. Even better if you like winter.
Children of Dune, Frank Herbert. Way better than Messiah, can't hold a candle to the original Dune. I feel like some stuff was retconned in this part, concerning Alia's and the twins' abilities. Esp. Alia's arc could use more foundation set in the previous parts.
God-Emperor of Dune, Frank Herbert. Still not as good as the original Dune, but what a beautiful wild ride. So many cool ideas and characters, including the answer to the question 'would you love me if I were a worm', Idk why the people say it's not adaptable to the screen, I know exactly how I would direct the movie. I wasn't born a nepo baby so you will probably never see this, sadly.
Uncle Vanya, Anton Chekhov. I saw a really good performance before reading the play so it probably influenced my rating. Good read for ugly girls who pull no bitches.
The Last Question, Isaac Asimov. Clever.
Girl, interrupted, Susanna Kaysen. Good read for mentally ill and probably ugly girls.
Other voices, other rooms, Truman Capote. Loved how the climate was painted, and I'd say the way it was written, but I've read the translation. So I liked the translator's way with words I guess.
Dracula, Bram Stoker. Jonathan's diary at the beginning is crazy, scary and overall amazing, but sadly it's the highest point of the novel and the rest doesn't live up to the hype. It's still good and it nice to compare how some motives evolved in the popculture.
Chłopki. Opowieść o naszych babkach, Joanna Kuciel-Frydryszak. Again, I absolutely loved the primary sources used in this book. And it's in fact rare to see some memoirs by the women of the lowest of low classes. But other then the sources, Idk.
Heretics of Dune, Frank Herbert. The issues of Messiah are back. Can we let go of Duncan at last. Honored Matres as a concept are questionable/laughable. I wanted to ask on Dune subreddit if anyone else thinks Teg and Patrin were gay for each other but they removed my ask, so I'm just gonna believe this on my own.
The Crucible, Arthur Miller. Very good. I have some issues with the character of Abigail and how she compares to the historical Abigail though.
Things fall apart, Chinua Achebe. Crazy good. I kept changing my mind on what I like the most about the book as I read it. In the end I think what I liked the most was giving a perspective of the people who didn't fit with the traditional society.
Śniła się sowa, Ewa Ostrowska. Raw, disgusting, unsettling portrayal of a small, closed off countryside society, and its violence. As small, closed off countryside societies are one of my biggest fears, I loved (?? appreciated) this book.
Owoc żywota twego, Ewa Ostrowska. As above, but even more disgusting and unsettling. Dead Dove Do Not Eat, but if you're fully ready for what awaits you, it's a good read.
Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad. Actually good.
Kiss of the Spider Woman, Manuel Puig. Very cool idea for the book structure (dialogue-only, two inmates try to pass time, one recounts to the other the movies he had seen). But the story itself isn't bad also.
Dungeon Meshi, Ryouko Kui. Beautiful! Heartwrenching! Heals your depression! Elf twinks! Extremely thought out worldbuilding and a consistent, planned out story. Love to see it.
I don't include the manga I've read that are ongoing (or I hadn't finished them).
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batboyblog · 1 year
Hi! I don't know if you remember me, but I'm the anon from a couple weeks ago who just found out their grandma was jewish. I didn't know at first if I should get you a follow up, but your attention and kindness are still so dear to me, I decided it wouldn't hurt, at least (plus you called me friend, which is a win in my book)
So, I didn't talk to my grandma at first - my mother and aunts did. It was a very charged conversation, everyone was sore after a few days, but afterwards Grandma called everyone in the family to talk. She told us the broad strokes of the story, which was also very intense. She said she won't expect any of us to take this stuff to heart and start being Jewish, as she put it, but that she was happy with what we could share. She's kind like that. I know she's scared, I don't think she could not be, but she's been patient. I've taken opportunities to talk to her in small increments about it. I am really very open about learning about it, if not from a religious standpoint at the very least from a cultural one. She shared her secret for babka with me, as I asked her to. I learned it was her father's mother who taught her sister when he was young. It feels surreal to know this, a lifetime and an ocean away. But I'm happy she got to share this. I'm not the greatest baker, but I'm excited to try and bake it.
It's about to be Purim, right? A couple days away? My aunt is thinking of suggesting grandma that we celebrate it. I don't think we'd know what to do much, since grandma hasn't celebrated it in like, 80 years, but maybe she'd like that. Or maybe it's too soon. We'll see!
Anyways, I just thought I'd let you know. It may not have been much to you, but your words have really mattered to me. Thank you!
(also to whoever linked the song 'we are a miracle' in the notes of one of my asks, thanks for the song. I cried listening to it! I'm still very hesitant to say I'm Jewish, since I'm so removed, but to have even 1/1000th of connection to this history is honestly an honor.)
first off, of course I remember! its one of the more interesting things I've heard through this blog!
I'm glad you reached out I've been wondering ever since our last back and forth.
I'm also very glad you've been able to talk to your grandma and get a little family history and baking
yes Purim is coming up, it starts on the 6th, Jewish days start at sun down so a Jewish day would be night fall the 6th to nightfall the 7th, with the 7th being Purim (or the 14th of Adar in the Jewish calendar) you should totally ask her
IDK what Jewish community life is like where you live, if you live somewhere with LOTS of Jewish life or not. But I was thinking about after our last talk you should ask your grandma if she'd like to speak to a Rabbi, clearly these things do still mean something to her. I don't really know again how much Jewish life there is around you as far as options, and I also don't really know what your grandma would be comfortable with. Any ways she might find it comforting and easier to have one on one chats with a Rabbi rather than trying to dive into finding holiday services to go to.
one thing you might do for Purim, is the traditional cookie of the holiday, hamantash I mean who doesn't like a plate of cookies?
any ways if you live somewhere without a lot of Jewish resources, feel free to message me and we can brain storm ways to connect your grandma with resources. And feel free to message me any ways
also, this is a hard conversation, but you know, this is the end of her life, and while at the time I found it very hard to have the conversation with both my grandparents during their lives, after they passed a few years ago I found knowing what they wanted done as far as the funeral and stuff very comforting I felt very much like I was helping them. Sorry I know it's a very hard thing to talk about but... before it's too late your family should ask, does she want a rabbi? a Jewish funeral? a Star on her grave stone? her Hebrew name?
I wish you, and your family the best of luck (and happiness) with all this and to repeat my ask box and messages are always open for all questions, thoughts, updates etc
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citrusreadstoa · 2 years
Reading The Dark Prophecy: Chapter 25 (SPOILERS)
"Big birds are evil / They charge me with razor legs" Are the ostriches back? :D?
"Frenzied young women threw their strophiae at me." Holy fuck, that's an ancient type of bra. This is still a kids' book?
"six combat ostriches" The big birds.
"The demigods of Commodus's Imperial Household" They're like Meg, basically? I wonder if any effort will be made to free them or turn them to their side. "And, predictably, an entire section of the stands was filled with wild centaurs." Fifteen bucks they're not even working for or with the Triumvirate. They're just here for the show. Are they Party Ponies or just centaurs? "They blew their vuvuzelas" VUVUZELA (n.): a long horn blown by fans at soccer matches in South Africa Google also notes that the name is trademarked in the UK. I think they are Party Ponies due to the party supplies mentioned. Guess they're chaotic neutral. They'll go anywhere a bloodbath is promised, no matter if it's the good or bad side. I can get behind that lifestyle.
"glimpse of a golden-brown racing suit." Again, what kind of race is this going to be? I see no cars or chariots or horses. Best I can guess is they're going to race on the ostriches, but idk if they can handle the weight of a person and still run. Wasn't there a war fought against them once in Australia? No, that was emus. Are ostriches just as vicious?
"This was exactly the sort of welcome I'd been longing for." Yayyyyy. Clap clap clap. Meg. What have you led yourself and Apollo into? You did not need to check this out. You could've just left! Wait a minute, was the audience just sitting there hoping these two would show up? What was their plan B if they didn't? Nah, Commodus doesn't strike me as the type to have a plan B.
"I wondered if she might have betrayed me once again" Yeah, I thought that for a second too, but it would've been ridiculous to stage all those fights with Lit and the sea serpent just to get them here. She didn't do this on purpose.
"This is just the dress rehearsal" This is the dress rehearsal??? If this is the rehearsal, then the real event is going to be a waking nightmare! Does Commodus... does he have eyes? Can he SEE the monstrosity that is before him? I guess his advisors were too scared to tell him to tone it down a notch. Or maybe they did and they're six feet under now.
"You're next. But Meg couldn't have known about that... could she?" Yeah, no. That's a coincidence.
"My throat made the sound of a vuvuzela." Sorry, I couldn't keep a straight face at that. Anyway, I bet the Dark Oracle told him something vague and he immediately interpreted that as I should rename the city and set up the worlds biggest eyesore. "Not me personally." Whoever he sent definitely just told him what he wanted to hear 'cause if they said anything else, they'd be beheaded.
"revealing a one-piece racing suit of Nemean Lion hide" Hey, it respawned! "Indy-Colt-500-Double-A Gladiatorial Championship" Four words or less. Any respectable sporting event should be named with four words or less. The only comprehensible words in that title were "Gladiatorial Championship." Try "Commodianapolis Gladiatorial Championship" or "National Gladiatorial Championship" or even "Ultimate Gladiatorial Championship" instead. Literally anything else.
"Three Formula One race cars" Oh, this is a car race. Huh. I was kinda hoping for superstrength ostriches.
Exotic animals, gladiators, race cars, reverb country music, and monstrous audience members in a football stadium... This is the sporting event equivalent of a crackfic. Even the name of the event... Commodus, you've made a real-life crackfic. What do you have to say for yourself? No, I don't want to hear it.
"I raced after her, the Throne of Mnemosyne" NO, he still has the chair on his back! "a new death haiku" Ayo the title! "Basketballs ex machina." Literally.
"[Meg] grabbed one's neck and swung onto its back" Hey, so they can at least hold a small human. "her plan: kill Commodus." Can they still be killed? Idk how far along the Triumviratees have come with the god-emperor thing. I'd hate for them to get so close to taking down 1/3 only to find out they don't have the necessary whatever-it-is-you-need-to-kill-a-god-emperor.
"Southbound Pachyderm." PACHYDERM (n.): a very large mammal with thick skin, especially an elephant, rhinoceros, or hippopotamus
"I smashed him in the face with my combat ukulele." So that's what the combat part is. It doubles as a club. Nice.
"a late-night road trip in search of vindaloo" VINDALOO (n.): a highly spiced hot Indian curry You could probably find that at a restaurant, but I guess regular old mortal vindaloo isn't going to do it for you gods, huh? Istg Apollo goes on journeys in search of the most ridiculous things you could probably get to with a fifteen-minute car ride.
"Can you save him before he bursts into flames?" So we know it's not Leo.
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howljenky · 1 year
I actually don't know you, I just came across your blog from my notes, so I have no prior info: in your description you said to talk to you about your comic - mind telling us a little bit about it? Whatever you want to share / are excited about / proud of etc! And again, I don't know anything about it so I'd love to hear truly anything :)
Hope your day is going nice, and if it isn't I hope it'll start to go nice from now on!
Hi ty for the ask thats rlly sweet :3
Rn I'm in my last year of art uni and I've been working on a small comic book for the past few months, tho im actually really shy to Post my art so thats y theres like nothing ab it anywhere yet. It a little romance story mainly focusing on a lesbian bar and a relationship between my ocs Robin and Vic! Its rlly slow paced but im trying to write it in a way that allows me to speak of workplace inequality, bar culture, butchfem culture, friendship and loss and community and being lonely and getting used to not being lonely anymore.
Tbh its been so hard to develop it since its like my first work that of this size (it has like 32 pages) and rn i have done 12 pages out of it that consists in the meetup of the two characters and the relationship building between them, and I gotta start thinkin from now How i want to post this up on the internet and where, cuz i rlly would want ppl to see it but idk what would b the best way to go ab it... so if someone that read till here has some tips or smth feel free to tell! I would love a little help on that part
Here s also a little illustration ive done for them two, it was mainly done just to get into the feeling and enviroment and atmosphere of the comic + a planner page ive done just to get their personalities and bodies familiar with myself! I really have come to really care ab these two ocs in the past 4 months or so in which ive developed them tru sketches and writing tbh so im rlly nervous and excited to share them here.
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Im rambling now tho, more in tags, ty anon <3
#honestly ive been trying to set up a patreon but im sooo scared of actually posting my art somewhere for some reason#i feel like the only safe thing would b fanart to post but i hadnt had time for fanart in ages bcos of this comic + other assignments!#but alas my exams are around june tru july so i believe that i will post this comic fully around july or august!#i just have to think of the best way to do it#ive been thinkin of just postin it fully om patreon but idk if thats rlly the best idea#but its certainly a place where it allows me to post the sketches and plannings too so idk!#comic artists help me...#howljenky art#howljenky's#artists on tumblr#comic book#graphic novel#oh also im really excited ab this comic bcos even if its a modern storytelling#ive really been pulling strings to make it looks really fantasy-like tru architecture and enviroment#but also itll contain a sort of daydream scene where the characters r rewritten as being a prince and a knight#and yea i mean prince not princess bcos i really also want to play a bit with gender presentation in this!#vic is very feminine but i feel like she would play a lot with gender presentation if her environment would allow her to!#which it will later in the comic where she goes tru a bit if character development#anyways im rlly excited :3 i need to get over my fear of posting#and i put the phrase to talk with me ab my comic expecting nobody to really actually ask and now ive become shy...#but ty for asking nonetheless it feels great talkin ab it and i hope that till i post it in august or smth#i could mayhaps make a bit of an audience? i have like just a few followers tho so maybe not but its good to dream ab being supported KSKSK
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wooahaes · 2 years
Since you just finished lonely hearts club, what was your favorite part/scene/dialogue (feel free to choose whichever!) to write?
overall i think writing pining wonwoo was a pure joy for me <3 literally i just really love writing men like... hardcore pining, tbh. literally i wrote enouement so i could write some jihoonie pining for his bestie, and lonely hearts was me wanting wonwoo to pine <3
im gonna stick the rest of this under a readmore since ig its spoilery?
i think to try and get into more specifics... i think i always liked writing mc interacting with junghoon? in particular their interaction in part 4 at the diner hehe just the flat "oh my god i cannot believe this bitch--" while mc is straight up asking wonwoo out. and in that vein, wonwoo's friends hyping up him in the same part (and teasing him in the next--honestly, any part where wonwoo is "down bad" is something i enjoyed lol)
the lil tidbit about "gaming before marriage" is in my personal fave bits of dialogue from this fic. its def a lil stupid, but it still makes me happy lmao even if no one else feels the same way.
and in that same part (6): the part where wonwoo wears mc's sweater!! i always see fics where the mc wears the guys clothes and idk i just think the reverse can be cute too <3 its partially bc im a chubby gal but like. cmon i wanna see a cute guy wear MY hoodie.
also idk if anyone caught it but i liked the small detail i put in jiyoung going to the library throughout lmao its a subtle nod toward her relationship with hyunwoo!! she was 100% studying those times but like. gotta visit the bf a lil, yknow.
i think for entire parts in particular.... i think 7 is probably high up on my personal ranking. i like the entire fic, sure, but i think the slow realization and hardcore denial of mc's feelings toward wonwoo was fun to write. just the small gestures of him genuinely caring and making sure she's close to him while mc is realizing that she fell for him
i think the small part where mingyu meets junghoon (part 10) and has the "do you want your best friend to be happy? me too." is somewhere up there. i just think the friendships are important here too and both ww + mc having their best friends essentially work together to make sure their friends get their happy ending.
OOH OOH in the same part: wonwoo looking for the books.
someone actually pointed the line but: "They said falling was the best part of love. If it was, then the impact of hitting the ground was the worst." was a general line that i really fuckin loved writing. its not dialogue, but i still really like it. i think i'd maybe word it differently in another draft, but it fully gets across the feeling i wanted to so im happy with it for now.
this is getting long but sfdkjhdsf theres my lil collection of highlights!! i think theres def more stuff i enjoyed (writing mc/sunny was definitely one of them!! i loved being able to write a chubby mc who wasnt fully defined by her weight) but i can get into those later if anyones curious lmao
thank u for the ask!! <3
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poetandwolf · 4 months
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just my studio/office where I spend most of my time.
I can not stress this enough, to any younger followers or people who don't have the safe space.
It will happen.
It took me until I was 36 to create it. I lived at home until I was 29 (a mix of The Economy, the Grand autism-mo, CPTSD, and being the caretaker of my elderly grandma- which was a blessing honestly you all would have loved her.. She accepted me and was the first one I came out to. Like The Best Human Ever.) from idk 29-33 I lived in a hole in the wall apartment in Florida. Now while the apartment was nice compared to the crime ridden cesspool that was my hometown. It was... Florida. lol. In my home town no one gives a shit if you're GLBT or transition just as long as you like everyone else- stay in your lane. Florida was very different. Florida was painfully passive aggressive and fake.. and.. I quote;
" Its kind of funny for a while, then annoying, then depressing, finally it gets terrifying because you start wondering if these people are rubbing off on you. Its like a giant frenzy of aspiration and lies." - David Grohl.
I came back home to Maryland, and rented with my dad for a few years. I spent a good hunk of my 30s just painstakingly saving every penny I could- not doing things, just having that One Goal. My own ass house. No cons, no bullshit shinny things, no movies. Just... That. And I Did It. And it's Nice. I did almost get my own house as soon as I came back, but because I was still a Florida resident on the books, and it would take a month or two to get the things switched over- that deal fell through. And I had to wait for one with in my budget, and with the things we needed (had to have a garage, cuz, well. Other Job requires it.)
But a mere few weeks after my near fatal 'I shouldn't be alive you have Something Looking Out For You' as the ER dr said Accident. I get spammed with calls and text from my Dad and brother " someone is going to call you about a house. Say you're making an offer." Now, lol. The first they they tell you after your brain gets concussed to never make a huge financial decision. But- House. They text me the address- I check online and it looks cute, it's got enough space. It's prefect and right in the middle of this small little town. I say yes when the realtor calls. They quickly get me in for a tour before work. It's Prefect. It's Home. I'd show vids but my nephew's in it so, hahah. I can't.
I took all these classes, I panicked and got scared and was using One Hand the entire time because my other hand was in cast from the wreak. And they needed this and that and OH ONE MORE THING. And I had to find 'proof' why I made less in 2019 than I did in 2018 because of the Boobectomy and had to disclose "Oh...I transitioned from female to male and wanted chest surgery.." and it happened.
Finally. It was mine.
I sat there with Al's encouragement signing all the papers and was given the keys. I spent the first night in this house on my shitty futon from Florida in the "room with the fridge in it" watching ATLA on a old labtop because the power company was supposed to come by and I had to be there. Spent the first week repainting a room I'd be sleeping in. This whole ass house was the EPITOME of 'Blue'. And I hated the color and wanted greys.
Then we moved in. It took a lot of work, repairing things, freaking out. And it was all over 3 years ago..
it's just my dogs, and Aub/Al- be it spiritual spooky or some weird ass version of DID which compartmentalized into 'not disordered' as my shrinks would put it. It's just US.. By all accounts, a f/o relationship. We're happy. It's nice stumbling about the place planning meals and deep cleaning and doing all that boring domestic shit together. Knowing - this is our home.
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