#(well so am I. I am also a walking fat stereotype)
random-cryptid · 2 months
*crashes in here* ok ik i havent been here in a bajillion years and i am so sorry for that and unloading a small novel on you dgkdgkh
but i had the dumbest thought. imagine tryna teach the sanderson's modern stuff. cuz i just saw a selfship post that said something along the lines of studying with your fo (fictional other. like a significant other, but its a fictional character instead of an actual human sgshdh) and now all i can think about is attempting to teach winnie, mary, and sarah all the stuff ive learned over the years
im not sure who'd find which subjects the most interesting. i dont have any art textbooks but i do have some notes from art history and waaayyy too many art supplies and i'd be happy to teach mary and sarah about art history and how to use some of the things i have (assuming i remember how to use thems). i think winnie would be fascinated by science! theres some branches of it like chemistry that feel a lot like magic, but i.... dont have access to things like that nor the smarts to even attempt to do chem (i do have access to vids so theres that at least), so it'd be hard to teach her that. i do have some anatomy and biology books that i think she'd like, and i have so many space books and i am dying to share them with all three of them holy dhit.
as for history, i think all three of them would be fascinated by it. theres been so many things that have happened since they died the first time around as well as so much that happened before they were born or happened when they were young but on the other side of the world.
plus, maybe some of what im talking to them about would help stick in my own brain easier so thats a bonus!
I am SO SORRY I'm answering this right now, but the past few weeks have been hectic to say the least 😭 I started Swedish clases lol.
Anyway YES I AGREE Mary but Sarah especially would be so interested in art methinks. Actually I believe Sarah is interested in fashion in some way (I hc that she made her own clothes and helped make Winnie's gown). And YES Winnie is so woman in STEM to me 😩 however I failed Chemistry every single year of high school lol BUT I was top of my class on Biology 😎 and actually think Sarah and Mary would be interested in Biology, although for different reasons (one for cooking and the other well... torture 😅).
OH YEAH HISTORY THAT'S SO FUN I think maybe they have an interest in different eras, Mary is definitely more of a contemporary girl (the way she picks up modern slang??? Scary). Winnie might be obsessed with the British Royal Family ngl 😭 I wonder what she'll think of Princess Diana. Now Sarah I'm not sure what she would enjoy from History 🤔 I mean ig fashion history or something idk 😭😭😭
ALSO ACTUALLY I REMEMBER WATCHING AN ALCHEMY VIDEO and it's pretty much Chemistry so. I think Mary would enjoy Chemistry too but maybe a different branch. Medicinal Chemistry perhaps? While Winnie is more of a Environmental Chemistry girl (since she literally can shoot lightning from her fingers I wouldn't be surprised she wanted to make a contraption to... Idk shoot fire as hot as the fucking sun)
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linked-maze · 3 months
So I really like your Warrior, but I'm really uncomfortable with the way you frequently give the one fat character all the processed, high fat, high sugar food as favorites, or sketches of him being offered food. Is he meant to be drawn as someone with disordered eating? If so, okay, but a warning tag would be nice. If not, it's a pretty unpleasant stereotype and I'm not sure why you're leaning into it so hard.
well, im really sorry to hear that- first I get hate for making it look like Wars wants to lose weight and now I'm getting hate cuz he doesn’t? I just wanted him to be happy :( and show that he is allowed to do whatever he wants. I'm so sorry if those are stereotypes, but I'm just taking things I would do and putting them on him. so, I guess I'm just a big walking stereotype? and maybe I am- I'll try to do less of that then. ill happily put a warning! but I just feel a little uncomfortable putting eating disorder warnings on something that was meant to be something I do :( and was just a chill and hygge time. also I'll try to show other parts of warriors! just to show there is indeed more to him! Just you wait! XD
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blood-choke · 6 months
hiiii… i wanted to ask more about this particular val scene where mc and her talk about that portrait and mc is a bit stuck on the word husband and wants val to know theyre not a man. can i ask what inspired that type of convo? i wanted to know if it’s something you’ll touch up on again? is this underlying feelings mc had before their entombment… worried that val sees them as a man just because mc is masc? cause i know that’s kind of broader discussion in the lesbian community iirc….. was that why you wanted to incorporate it? this ask has so many questions LOL but basically i wanted to say i was intrigued and it did made me think more on those type of dynamics (thinking back to those resources you rb’d a while ago that go more into depth about diff things in the lesbian community)
oh boy get ready for another long-winded answer from me!
a lot of the feelings mc has about their gender are inspired by Leslie Feinberg's work (mainly Stone Butch Blues)
Feinberg was someone who lived & passed as a man for years of hir life, and wrote a lot about the complexities of hir gender and what it was like being a "gender outlaw."
there was actually a scene in particular from sbb that kinda put the kernel of an idea in my mind that led to this narrative of the mc feeling overshadowed by Standard and anxious about being perceived as a man. it's towards the end of the book when Jess (sbb's protagonist) meets Ruth (a trans woman that Jess falls in love with)
Jess offers to help Ruth carry groceries up to her apartment, and Ruth takes this the wrong way & is offended, partly because she thinks Jess is a man.
One Saturday afternoon I found her clutching two huge bags of groceries and fumbling with the downstairs front-door lock. I pulled out my key.
“Here, let me.” She didn’t say thank you. She hurried ahead of me on the stairs.
“Can I help you carry those?” I offered.
“Do I look weak to you?” she asked.
I stopped on the stairs. “No. Where I come from it’s just a sign of respect, that’s all.”
She continued up the stairs. “Well, where I come from,” she called out, “men don’t reward women for pretending to be helpless.” Once I heard her apartment door close I kicked the stair in anger and frustration.
later, after they get to know each other better, they have this interaction:
I laughed and picked at my salad. “Do you know if I’m a man or a woman?”
“No,” Ruth said. “That’s why I know so much about you.”
I sighed. “Did you think I was a man when you first met me?" She nodded. "Yes. At first I thought you were a straight man. Then I thought you were gay. It’s been a shock for me to realize that even I make assumptions about sex and gender that aren’t true. I thought I was liberated from all of that.”
I smiled. “I didn’t want you to think I was a man. I wanted you to see how much more complicated I am. I wanted you to like what you saw.”
i think the inspiration here is quite obvious, hahaha. i figure anyone that's read sbb can sense the similar through-line here in my work. though the conversation between mc and Valentina has a much different tone.
there's another scene later as well after something happens to Jess and she has to have her jaw wired shut. she's working at a new job and is unable to speak, and she's also passing as a man at this job. she overhears some of her female coworkers talking about her and they refer to her as a "creep" and speculate that she's always watching one of them. Jess overhears all of this and then walks out of the job, goes home and pulls the wires out of her mouth herself:
After I was sure I’d gotten the last piece of wire out of my gums, I rinsed my mouth with whiskey and then drank the rest of it so I could sleep without remembering how Marija’s words had stripped me of my humanity.
butches & gnc women still face this kind of dehumanization; compared or likened to men in a derogatory way, accused of being "heteropatriarchal," the predatory stereotype of the fat ugly lesbian, and on the other side they're also hypersexualized, especially online and in queer spaces. butchphobia is a specific kind of misogyny that hits from all sides, even from the people that are supposed to be a part of your community. and this attitude especially effects trans women and women of color, who are already experiencing all of these things due to transmisogyny and racism.
i also really wanted to use this to touch on the kind of gender essentialism that we see in a lot of these cis feminist discussions - to these women at this job, Jess had committed no real crime other than being quiet and being the “wrong” kind of man. something about this scene has always stuck with me and really bothered me, but it's hard to put into words; on one hand i can admit i have probably been one of those women who made some kind of similar remark about a man i barely knew, but i've also been someone on the receiving end, too, because of the way i look. the mc in blood choke is put into this box, but they can't fit in, as someone who has been on both sides and doesn't really understand where they belong because of it; how can she stand beside Valentina or Hana or Clear when they might see her as a perpetrator, someone who can't be trusted? how does this mindset harm both the women and the men of the council and everyone in between? how can we break this cycle?
one of the films i mentioned recently when talking about the character designs was The Same Difference, which is specifically about the Black lesbian community and the discrimination within that community based upon gender roles (though this is not something limited to just the Black lesbian community)
a lot of the women in that doc talk about the boxes they're put in as AG or stud lesbians - they can't have their hair long, they can't wear makeup, they can't do this or that, they have to be aggressive and hard or else they're not real studs. they discuss stud on stud (or butch4butch) and how other lesbians look down on those types of lesbians, as well as the disdain for bisexual women for "betraying" the community. it explores the way misogyny and the patriarchy still oppress these women and forces them into this restrictive gender role despite their refusal to adhere to the other role originally assigned to them, and the way racism specifically intersects and exacerbates it for Black lesbians. there's a stud that's an exotic dancer and wears a weave, and a lot of other studs have a problem with this because a weave is "a female thing." another section follows a pregnant stud, and how the community shuns her for that, because she "dresses like a man and acts like a man" so why is she getting pregnant when she should be "the man"?
mc doesn't remember how they felt before entombment, but waking up they feel this need to prove themselves - both in that they are hard and aggressive like a butch should be, but also in that they want to be this person for Valentina or Clear or Hana (or all of them) that is safe and comforting. but they aren't sure how to do that when the world perceives them as this one specific thing - as a husband, as Standard, as a man, specifically this man who hurt Valentina.
of course we've already seen this to not be true of the companions with the last chapter as the mc learns more and spends more time with everyone. but this is kind of the foundation of where this whole idea came from. it started with my novel & i chose vampires for that story & this one because there is a long history of lesbian vampirism (and also because it's sexy) but there's this "curse" that both Hana & Valerie talk about in their respective stories, the first one being the racism she's had to face, the transphobia, along with this alienation and perception of lesbians as predatory and conniving and aggressive, as vampires, which i just think really lends itself to expanding upon these issues lesbians & trans women face both in general and within the community.
anyways if you want to read more i suggest Stone Butch Blues, which you can get for free on Leslie Feinberg's website, as well as S/he, by Minnie Bruce Pratt, available on the internet archive, Gender Failure by Ivan E. Coyote & Rae Spoon also on the internet archive, and you can rent The Same Difference for $10 on vimeo.
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salamanderinspace · 4 months
I watched the first two seasons of House M.D.. Processing thoughts.
I used to watch them over and over when I was about 18, or 19. Those were the DVD days--no streaming yet, cable cost money, and I was living on my own and paying my own bills. So I watched the DVDs over and over, especially the middle episodes of the second season like "All In" and the Christmas one with the Munchausen's patient. And the one where Cameron does meth.
I'm trying to figure out my feelings about the show, as an adult. It's been awhile. I went through such a feminist journey in my 20s that I probably couldn't have stood to identify with a protagonist like Greg House. As a teen I used to think the things he says - especially the racist and chauvinist remarks - were just for shock value. By keeping conversations off script you can make people share things they otherwise wouldn't and save a lot of time, which is important if you're in pain. Pain causes impatience as well as irritability. I used to see House as a perfect representation of someone in pain.
That's before I even understood my experience as one of chronic pain. The way I grew up, the "walk it off" and "I'll give you something to cry about" sort of way, I had no idea I was experiencing physical pain even when it was severe. I'd completely sublimate it. I thought maybe House was like that. And he reminded me of my father, who I think was always in pain, whether he knew it or not. Genetic condition and all. He used to sublux his hips, but neither I nor him knew what that was or ever talked about it. It was just normal. A way of walking.
Anyway. It seems like the show is proposing that House has always said inappropriate or hostile things, even before his leg hurt. I'm trying to be listening more to the story that's being told and less to the version of one that made sense to me. It's a story of a guy who pushes people away. This is usually played as a sign of immaturity, because I guess 13 year old boys are scared to get close to anyone--but in my experience it's also a sign of maturity, to know yourself well enough to know that you'll be happier with people at arm's length. So--does the character believe in stereotypes about women and black people, or does he just say things that will make people leave? I don't know. I think we're seeing a character written by a couple different writers who each have subtly different takes about who House is and what he wants. That's evident at the end of the season, in "No Reason," when it seems like the writers are thinking out loud about how to grow a character like that. Where does he go from here?
The show tries to be progressive, often. Sometimes it fails. In the early 2000s it was disruptive to really harmful mythologies about fatness and queerness and mental illness and a dozen other things, mythologies which were believed as fact back then. Basically it's a show with empathy and progressive goals and storytelling, but with a coarse protagonist who is (IMO) a straight white man that's kind of an asshole. He says he doesn't vote. He's not a perfect hero. But he's believable. And he's likable. People who think fast and quip and always have an answer for things are always likable, somehow. Even when they're bullies. The bullying is actually what makes them likable. It's why I watch a lot of video essays I disagree with by leftists whose main passion is dunking on people / art they don't like. Some people are built to bully. It's like watching a dancer dance.
House and Wilson have such a hostile relationship in these first two seasons that they barely read as friends to me. Maybe that's the teenage boy version of intimacy. I can see that. Some of their arguing is expositional, though, as they're drafted into the writer's needs to convey two conflicting viewpoints about a problem. Neither one is always right. That's another interesting blip inbetween the character and the show--House believes in right and wrong, but the show believes in complexity and ambiguity.
Some of the episodes feel more formulaic and contrived than they used to when I was a kid. Everything is contrived to make House seem clever and smart and right. He's a good diagnostician. He has a calling. It drives him; he enjoys the mystery. This doesn't erase what harm he does by failing to connect with humans. It doesn't outweigh it, somehow--it doesn't have to. You have to start from a position that nobody owes the world anything, nobody owes the people around them any particular type of caution… we can owe each other kindness and respect but express that in a myriad of ways. House does it by being honest and dark and making that open space for pain. Wilson sometimes does the same thing when he talks to House.
The thing is, you relate to House as an 18 year old with bad social skills, and then you grow up and see that the writers mean for him to have great social skills. He actually knows exactly what he's doing. It's like a super power. He just doesn't feel warm and fuzzy about other humans the way most humans do. And that's relatable too, because nobody feels warm and fuzzy all the time, even where they're supposed to. Sometimes somebody thanks you and you feel nothing. Sometimes people are scared of you and they should be.
I haven't rewatched the later seasons as much so I'll check in after watching on.
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Sometimes making small changes have a BIG impact on your success and mindset. This is something I had to work HARD to realize and make happen for me. And these small changes take time to actually manifest change. But my life now compared to how it was two years ago? It was worth every act of discipline, every tear, every earlier morning. Two years ago I was extremely depressed, focused on my weight, failing classes constantly, just in a terrible spot. And then I started making changes because I didn't want to be like that anymore. And these changes don't cure things, but they can help change your mindset a little. A big driver in my depression was my anxiety and OCD, so helping those helped that as well. I still have depression, anxiety, OCD, all of that, but I can manage it now better than ever and I'm getting better each week. I've been passing my classes now. I got myself out of bad situations and cut ties to people who weren't good for me.
But this all started by making me make my bed every morning. That was the first small step. Just pull the covers back up to the pillows. I don't even make it look nice. Just covered. Get up, brush my teeth, then make the bed.
One thing I started doing was writing a sentence or two a day about that day. Make a to-do list for the week and then every day just write something. Now I keep a journal and I have fun with it! When I first started, it was awful and sometimes reading the things I used to write breaks my heart. But I also saw my gradual growth and change as well as my days started getting better and my thoughts were getting better as well.
For every bad thing I'd say about myself, I'd say something neutral or even positive. For example, if I looked in the mirror and say I'm fat, I'd have to find something I'm neutral or positive about and omg this was EXTREMELY hard for me. Because usually what follows a neutral comment like "I have long hair" would be a negative comment about it and you sit there and fight with yourself. But just yesterday I went shopping and I thought I looked AMAZING. The fights with yourself and the tears and frustration are 100% worth that feeling of finally actually seeing yourself and being like damn look at that hotty.
Eating at least 2 meals a day with snacks in between was a major game changer. I eat breakfast now every day and usually a late lunch and have snacks. And as someone who is recovering from an ED, it feels like a lot of food, but my body needs it. If a child were hungry, I would give them a snack. So why not myself? And by eating more, I have become more stable mentally and happier. I still don't eat as much as I should which is apparent by my major mood swings, but i am doing so much better and my life has improved significantly since. Honestly, making sure I eat at least 2 meals a day has probably made the largest impact for me all across the board. I study better, I maintain relationships better, I sleep better, etc.
Moving every day helps me so much too. My depression gets bad when I stay inside for long periods of time so going out for a walk every day or to the beach or something has helped me more than I'd like to admit. I know this is so stereotypical. Get up and stretch. Get sun. But it helped me so much. Sometimes the walk is just to my mailbox. Sometimes it's a 6 mile walk on the beach. I never push myself though. I'm not going to force myself to spend precious energy on a long, hot walk. And I don't go for runs or bike rides or anything like that because I don't enjoy them. So don't force yourself to do things that you don't like and don't overexert yourself. That's counterproductive tbh.
And on a monthly basis, I buy myself flowers and make a bouquet, deep clean the house, get photos printed, and go out for dessert. You have to give yourself little treats! Treats are very important and give you something to be excited and work for!
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Not every OC of mine is black. I have Sybil (who is white), Penelope and Jin (who are Chinese-American), Leiko (who is Japanese/coded), Khadija (who is MENA), Marion Nettles (who is white), Niya (who is MENA), Padma (Indonesian, though she is a retired oc), and Jeremiah (who is White, and the most WASPy of all my OCS); as well as Bea and Caldera (who are literally anthros)
I don't have friends outside tumblr, yes it bothers me but I'm not obsessed with making friends. Besides I am working to be comfortable being alone than any people pleasing. Plus I have a job so ofc I have to interact with people duh
I have a father, and I'm grateful my parents marriage lasts long especially since my family on both sides has a history of divorce/adultery/sudden death.
I guess I am a rude bitch because being too nice gets people to walk all over you; and I for one like enforcing boundaries and saying stuff i want to on my own blog
Yes most of my OCs are "nigger bitches" because if white people can make their OCs the way they want to, me, a black woman making black women fancharacters and Self inserts, is not going to hurt that. We don't see a lot of black women in non stereotypical roles so I work hard to bring humanity and compelling traits and storylines. That goes for all my ocs
It's obvious you are mad because I remarked on the irony of Kevin Samuels for dying of the same disease he claimed fat women would die from; as well as tricking scores of other vulnerable black men into following his ill advice. Besides the man died penniless yet also made fun of poor black people.
It's also obvious your mad because people actually care about my OCs and self inserts. Because unlike a lot of hack writers out there I care about my characters and the source material they're for. It's all in good spirit, even if I want better diversity and variety, it's still for fun and I'm glad people enjoy reading up on their lore.
Bringing me to this next point: you anons really want to be like the bullies you wish you were in school. Attacking random strangers for expressing opinions you can simply disagree with and move on. No you hurl racial slurs because you are that insecure. We all know you wouldn't say that to a cashier at Starbucks less you wanna get coffee thrown in your face.
So, it's very clear Anon, if you have the ability to read anyways, you're speaking out of place of jealousy. Jealous that people ask about my ocs, jealous that people interact with my posts. Jealous that, GRITS DOESN'T CARE. That's right. Tumblr isn't a popularity contest. It is a lawless land, and you just walked right into my domain. :]
Welcome to hell baby, you'll see plenty more shitty Nigger OCs.
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kdream-factory · 2 years
VERIVERY taking care of you while you’re on your period
[WARNINGS: none]
Dongheon is no. 1 caretaker for you. He would exactly know what to do. He enjoys just staying home so I think he would be prepared for making those days as ‘pleasant’ as possible for you. He stays in bed with you if you want to cuddle or he will just leave you alone in the bedroom if you want that instead. He’d help you shower and change bedsheets for you when you sweat extraordinary much due to you laying under 3 blankets out of freezing. Would bring you a glass of water when you wake up at 4 am because you are dehydrated. Is the best nanny. Has no problem with helping you walk to the bathroom as you try to literally crawl there from all the pain. Would even kneel next to you while you take one of those period shits and just need to hold his hand for support. 11/10 (Oh how I would need exactly that lmao)
This guy- damn he makes you feel alive at those times. Brings you fruits and vegetables when you are expecting it the least than you thought you would need it. Makes sure you eat your breakfast and has an extra cabinet for your period food, may it be dry food for when you can’t eat without feeling like throwing up or extra fat food for when you can’t stop eating. Tugs you into the blanket while he opens the window for you to get fresh air. Somehow he would be a master in making you look healthy. At least your skin color doesn’t look like your basement’s walls when he takes care of you.
Your best enotional support. You take a break from the outside world? No problem. He will be your source of entertainment. Does skin care with you and insists on you leaning back and letting him do all the work. Puts on a cartoon like Rick and Morty or anything thats easy to watch while not really having to processing too much of information. Whatever he does he makes time fly and it doesn’t feel like your period lasted that long. Will also insist on you taking a very big nap for resting to recharge energy.
A stereotypical house wife 😅 cleans up after you, makes sure your bedsheets are neatly made for you to have a 5 star hotel feeling as well as cook anything you want. I see him as that type of person who tries to make you go for a walk with him for you to get some air and to stimulate your body circulation. I can’t but think that you would have to tell him again and again that it’s just too exhausting to go for a walk or to eat something specific to the point of you yelling at him. He wouldn’t be mad about it. Just a little upset but not because of you but he’d be upset about himself. Would be so frustrated if he couldn’t help you properly so he needs some reassurance that him just being by your side can be enough too sometimes.
He grew up with two sisters so I think he’d be used to everything and anything. Nothing can take him by surprise. Would deal with blood stains on the sheets or pants, buys you your favorite snack, is easygoing about buying you pads and tampons and wouldn’t come back from grocery shopping without bringing you a gift; flowers, a book, a new game for you two to play on the Nintendo, a movie, honestly anything that would help you keeping distracted from the pain.
Ohhhh our boy would be so sweet and touchy. He would give you massages, wrap you in a blanket or two, hold you close, rock you back and forth in your burrito blanket for you to fall asleep, lots of kisses on the forehead and strokes your cheeks a lot it would be so incredibly soothing. Him being next to you would be balm for the soul. He’d even dim the lights for your sensitive eyes and put on spa music and scented candles XD Whispers sweet words into your ears and tells you he is there for you and that he won’t go away. (I’m having heart eyes rn aaaah)
Kangmin wouldn’t necessarily know what to do but instead always asks if he could do something for you. He is like a minion you could order around. A bit helpless the first few times but once he has settled with a routine he is the best at it. Asks the Hyungs to cook something for you. Gives you his neck pillow and it’s the sweetest thing like- all in all he tries to share stuff that makes him feel better. Would let you wear his boyer shorts when its that time of the month because they are just so much more comfortable. All smiley smiley when he sees you relax after he made you a heating pad. ———————————————————————For everyone struggling with period pain, I feel you. I hope this makes you feel better. 🫶🏻🤲🏻❣️ ~ Niwi
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firespirited · 2 years
I have a lot of thoughts on The Sandman but first off a quick heads up: this isn’t “Good Omens but make it goth”. There are bunch of episodes that are light and a bunch that really are not. Please check the trigger warnings as netflix provides none and you will be blindsided if you expect just gore with no violence against women and children.
readmore for length. Quick reminder that I only critique in depth the things that really matter. A middling piece of media gets a meh, a bad gets “here’s what’s naf”, what’s really good and potentially great with a capital G gets the full dissection:
So I’m one of the few people who loves an anthology: any format, any genre! And I think The Sandman would have worked better as a series of stories tied to Dream (despite the original comic having Dream have a growth journey - yes I know it’s not deviating from the OG) I understand most people prefer a character arc, especially when being introduced to a new universe but for me Gaiman’s stories work best as individual stories loosely tied together by a common thread and pack a punch when they come together as facets of a whole (here’s where I stop myself from a full american gods S1 review LOL). I would have much preferred that approach rather than Dream’s journey punctuated by story episodes. As it stands, dude’s a compelling actor, it’s just that the story appears to lag between the time that’s important and relevant to show Dream’s PTSD/long term issues (and the scope of his existence) and the urgency of what’s happening in other episodes. You basically have two timelines playing out: one for contemplation and one for action and when they’re both at the forefront they clash. Binge watching makes your brain want to choose a speed and stick to it. Trust that this actually works better as episodes and let yourself digest each one with a rewatch even if you binged to please the algorithm.
Another thing that was jarring was how much this is a British show with british actors but set in America, someone would pull out a gun or go to get “gas” and wait weren’t we in London, this car has two brits and a rottweiler in it 😂 where am I? I was regularly confused about when and where we were... and the binge watching format didn’t help.
Skip if you already know that an anti woke review is a symptom of systemic toxic conservatism: I'd like to talk plainly about the reason this show distresses many of the reviewers complaining about “diversity”. They aren’t exposed to that many dark skin black men and women in natural hairstyles, not many brown or asian middle to upper class people, they’re not used to normal bisexuality and gender non conformity on their tv screen because we have deliberately created a very watered down, whitewashed, boxed in version of diversity these past decades designed to tick boxes without being threatening: the black female character is usually lightskinned with eurocentric features, the lesbians are all white high femme middle class, bisexuals basically have a special ‘danger slutty’ way of walking and talking that it might as well be tattooed on their forehead, androgynous characters are lone outliers and ***everyone stays in their lane*** so layered and fluid characters feel like big boundaries are being crossed.
What they’re not willing to say in those angry reviews is: the masc dark skinned black man in a suit was an executive with those dreadlocks and also a former fitness coach who felt fat, was open to bisexuality and not good at sex according to his wife, and they love eachother even though they don’t like eachother anymore. And that’s way too much layering for what’s usually a 2D stereotype. And that’s only one of so many characters. They think the only way someone like that would exist is if they were made up... because they live in segregated neighbourhoods, go to segregated colleges and segregated jobs with hairstyle and grooming requirements where Jada Smith is asking for it by not wearing a wig at a fancy “proper” event like the Oscars... or maybe they have blinkers on everytime they take the train I don’t know. Then they’re also surprised when those “different” people like to live together and be friends together. Go figure.
At this point I assume no-one speaking AAVE is using the word woke anymore because maga/gammon people have taken it and turned it into the new “PC culture” if not an outright signifier of racism and very narrow sexual tolerance. I would very much like an extension that auto blocks any review or article that uses the word woke because it’s always trash, useless sewage clogging up the internet tubes and making places like IMDB or amazon reviews un-usable to the general public. It’s spam that makes comments sections, social media and reviews not just pointless but sickening to wade into. We’re stuck in our bubbles because venturing out of curated moderated spaces is now a firehose of foxnews/terfy outrage because there’s money to be made from outrage and people happy to make these once neutral places into hate swamps. There’s no polarization on both sides: there’s people who want to exist in peace and pitchfork holding mobs who want them dead. It’s exhausting.
Ok I’ve talked about the two pacings and use of time, the usa/uk confusion and the good character layering. I’d like to talk about the use of space and scope relating to emotions and I’m having trouble finding the right words. It’s not that the CGI is bad, it’s some very good CGI. It’s just at times the scale felt wrong Hell felt like a wasteland and then a dense trek, then the throne room was clean and cramped but also way too spacious. At times it was very obvious they were filming on a small backdrop made to look big with echo-y sound but the characters lack of interaction with the scenery meant it never felt real. Stuff like that. Just off. The first two episodes are near impeccable: the wind and humidity matches the space, the creatures are real looking. It’s later on that it’s starts to feel mismatched. At the end of ep3 the london addict’s flat felt too roomy, it had clutter but not the dirt and decay, it was a strange quality dropoff.
Then you’ve got what’s supposed to be a big emotional climax for Rose that’s done with a series of dreamscapes being merged and collapsed in CGI and it’s utterly hollow compared to the raw emotion she felt earlier in a small room watching someone fall apart. Her, and our, tether is to the people she loves and the huge set pieces take away from that. I think it’s just not something that translates the emotional core well and actually would pack a far stronger wallop with 6 people sat on folding chairs in a small blank room taking to eachother about the emotional impact of feeling violated that their dreams and nightmares are visible to eachother and blurring with reality.
It’s hard to watch when you know these are character actors who can pull off that kind of riveting raw acting. A CGI hurricane in a vast field does not convey the mental devastation of feeling exposed nor of losing grip on reality. It makes the internal visceral ache into an external visual metaphor that doesn’t hurt. CGI could have been used in a more intimate setting: all of the symbology could have been projected onto people trying to hold on to eachother.
It’s a very interesting contrast with the diner episode which does the same thing with no massive spectacle required, the transgression of saying thoughts is enough to be violent - far before any actual violence happens. These people we’ve come to love being laid emotionally bare with some visual effects and mostly words would have broken me into tiny pieces.
What i’m trying to say is that we dream and feel big but these things are inside: I felt that kid crinkle the little yellow post-it in his hand far stronger than anything in the vivid and horrifying dreams. For me and those I know well, mental illness and half waking nightmares manifest in all sorts of small gestures and sounds of distress, self soothing and self harm, it’s a claustrophobic experience which doesn’t take away from the large impact.
Not really sure how to explain how some story locations and pacing and tone felt too small and others too big for what they were trying to make us feel. The medium of tv and episodes is right, the length of the episodes is right, the actors are very good, the costuming excellent, this is very high quality storytelling, the emotional core is there and yet it’s sometimes at a distance because it wasn’t always given the correct beat and focus at the right time between other beats. If that makes any sense at all.
There is a special cramped uglyness to the comics that makes it scratchy and gnawing: something they’ve managed to capture with the actors closeups but not necessarily with the storyboarding of these visually larger ideas.
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katalinaize · 2 years
High School
So I look forward to playing this pack especially with the addition of bubble tea and more things for teens to do and be a bit more human I feel, I've also been missing prom from Sims 3 well School dance and well it's different from what I went through in high school here in Australia this is all American inspired high school which I'm foreign too, you see Australia we didn't have clubs or stereotypes and Instead of a School dance I had Leavers Dinner instead as far as School dance related I had Ball in College but high school it was leavers dinner I also was bullied by a kid because he was bigger then me this isn't a metaphor he was a big boy body was bigger then my high school self for less polite words he was chubby or fat and thought that made him bigger and better then healthy weighted me and he used that as a reason to bully me and once I hit college I was a bit mean but not everyday like that bully from high school and I was bullied extensively in primary that where alot of bullying on me happen atimes it felt like the whole school was out to get me next came high school wasn't as bad but the things he would say along with his minions weren't very nice if it wasn't some flaw in my apprencence it was certain aspects of my personality or how I laughed or something he would find it and bully me for it, High School crushes is a sore spot for me but I've experience it because when I told the guy he ran off screaming like a girl and told others who picked on me for admitting my feelings to him he was what American high school would dubbed as the popular boy that every girl wants but girls like me were something he would use as to poke fun about and embarrass me about it was entertainment for him in the most messed up ways and then my Leavers Dinner a piece of paper which had the letters of our first and last name down the side so with each letter someone could write something nice to us he wrote this whole I'm sorry for everything I did to your a nice girl etc that's was cool and all and then as I'm walking in town he tried to approach me be nice etc wanting to talk etc and he ask me about feelings and was lathering it on me with complements I told him I did like him but he ran off screaming like a girl and that I was over him the moment he rejected me he left me alone after that with all this our high schools had those influences but the clubs or stereotypes weren't in groups at least from my experience as the high school I went too was a Christian private School similar things happen that I Imagine would in a public high school just we had Christianity ever present and well I didn't get the choice of subjects as we were given what was called PACES no choice of subjects I didn't get that til College and College you would see the cliqs of people but they weren't labelled as popular/cool kids, Geeks or Nerds, the Whiz Kids etc I also didn't have the whole cheerleaders and jocks but if you were to see them and who they interacted with along with what people said they were like to tell which is what but labels were never used but you would get the odd oh don't associated with such and such because there weird or goth etc but I am looking forward to the new experiences this brings and I Hella love the buy/build items alot I would use myself so I think I might teenafy some of my Sims and join in on this experience I'm excited getting it tonight 🥰
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
chile i'm so glad i came across your blog, the amount of "i'm not going to assume they're dating" or "we can only draw certain conclusions but i can't say for sure" "we don't know their sexuality, BUT" type blogs i follow is getting kinda wack lmao. while i appreciate their perspective and nuanced takes i need to strike a balance. like let's get a lil delulu every once in a while. 💀
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lol the im-not-a-shipper-but-call-jikook-boyfriends-every-other-post blogs are the funniest to me. the shipping hierarchy, so to speak is so weird. maybe just because im not a "shipping real people is bad" person i don't see the big deal. gonna get called delulu anyway, might as well go full out. they is gay/queer and they're fucking. i'm so sorry.
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*also can we touch on the fact that shipping in this type of fandom (kpop) is kind of inevitable and unavoidable??! these boys are the other people we see them with day in and day out, interacting with each other and no one else. i feel like it's natural to ship when there's no other people around to break up everything, idk maybe someone can articulate this better than me. and people who are made to feel stupid for thinking that 2 members could actually be dating is so dumb. like is it really out of the realm of possibility that two people (jikook, cause all them other ships are....😬) who spent almost every waking minute together for like 8 years could fall in love. really?
It's the delulu hat for me
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I guess for me being queer, I feel it's gaslighting for these people to be saying things like that. As silly as it is, it inadvertently deny and invalidate the existence and queerness of gay individuals and so I struggle with it.
This is the consequences of straight people in gay people business. They like defining gay parameters for us and it's like who asked you?? I feel people who say things like that are just plain ignorant or tone deaf or willfully homophobic.
I don't think everyone in BTS is gay but it makes me feel safe to see half the community assume them to be and celebrate them in that way. They are not cussing at them and threatening to leave the fandom or cancel them for this assumption and that is huge inspiration to me.
Those parts of the fandom are a safe space to be in as a queer army.
When people assume a person's queer sexuality they are simply admitting to themselves at the very least that LGBTQ EXISTS. This is important to me because I grew up in a community where LGBTQ didn't even exist in the collective consciousness of the people and EVERYONE IS AUTOMATICALLY ASSUMED TO BE STRAIGHT AND EXPECTED TO BE.
People read people's sexuality all the time and have done so since time immemorial and a lot of the time when they have had a sexuality read it's in the lines of straight, cis, rich, poor, superior or inferior. And that is a problem for some of us too because that discrepancy in the assumptions is as a result of homophobia and heteronormativity.
That whole don't assume a person's queer sexuality debacle sounds to me like a boujee way of denormalizing and preventing the normalization of queerness disguised under care, disguised under intelligence and disguised under wokeness. Especially when straightness is the default setting in this giant blue bulb.
We need to radicalize that. We need to change the cis straight default setting and if you are perpetuating this narrative you really aren't helping the situation. SIT DOWN.
I'm rarely assumed to be queer in certain circles and while that makes me feel comfortable within those circles it often times make it hard for me to admit my queerness openly in those circles too because I fear I will lose that comfort and respect and love and privileges that comes with being percieved straight in those spaces.
When I started my blog, I noticed some people assumed I was white and would use certain black descriptors as slurs when describing other people to me. I quickly had to switch the formal way in which I wrote to a much casual tone so my blackness would show through. Don't get it twisted. She black. She blackidy black black.
Then on the other hand, I was hesitant to let my queerness be known too because being black, I was marginalized as it is- you is black, or sound black💀 you know how it is- it's that intersectionality of oppression at play. Double double homicide.
When certain people realized I was black POC minority, their attitude towards me changed. I had those who didn't so much understand what black language is or perhaps wasn't used to being in black spaces and were uncomfortable with my blackness- these would take offense at me saying certain things in certain ways. Like chilee relax Karen, all I said was these motherfukkers gay as shit and they gay. Why you acting like I called them twinks or sommin. Right there, I'm cancelled for calling Jikook motherfuckers. They get sirens and everything😭😭😭😭😭😭
Same vein, I struggle destraightening myself or correcting people who assume I'm straight because I fear they will treat me differently if they knew I wasn't.
Straight privilege exists in the same way as white or even pretty privilege may exist and because these exist there's that automatic conception of queer, poc, ugly, fat disemfranschismet to run along side it.
People treat you differently based on how they perceive you. That's a fact. And for queer people, perceiving us as straight is the only way we get to be treated as human by the masses. And a lot of us embrace that- straight until proven gay am I right 🤣🤣🤣🤣
It's the duper's delight for me. Untill you catch me with a 5'8 melanin skinned silk pressed auntie on my left nipple good luck proving I'm gay.
It can be fun, I akekeke when some people around me are totally oblivious to the fact and even sometimes defend my straightness with their dying breath when nasty friends throw them shades or try to out me unprovoked.
A lot of us don't want to admit we are gay because we don't want to be disenfranchised.
I speak for myself when I say this.
But 'Don't assume someone's sexuality' is a double edged censorship used for and against queer people. It seemly offers protection on the surface of it for queer people but underneath it promotes heteronormativity and standardizes straightness and it is also used to promote closet culture, under the disguise of care and concern for the autonomy of queer people but that is a fallacy because our autonomy has never mattered to anyone since the dawn of homophobia.
And I don't know where this interpretation comes from. Why do people not want to assume queer people's sexuality but it's ok to assume straight people's???
It feels like a hijacked movement to me.
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Don't assume all people are straight. It's ok to assume some people are queer because queer people exists too.
It is wrong however to assume queerness based on how a person talks, walks, dresses or even on their body type. That is stereotyping. And stereotyping is wrong.
When it comes to Jikook, Jimin is often stereotyped as gay more so than Jungkook because they have different body structures. Jungkook is stereotyped too solely because of the way his wrists hang, or based on moments he's femininity shines through.
But I don't think shippers stereotype Jikook in that way at all. I dont think shippers believe Jikook are dating eachother simply because Jungkook applied setting powder to his face that one time. They assume they are gay only because they believe those two to be dating eachother. That is not stereotyping. If those two were heterosexuals I don't think people will accuse their shippers of stereotyping.
It's one thing to assume Kai is gay because he looks skinny and dances well. It's another to assume he is gay because in a relationship with Gdragon. And if people can't tell the difference between the two, they should get some education and stop talking about things they know nothing about or only know because they stumbled across user69 on Twitter. They are not helping.
Untill people get offended when people assume others are straight, that rhetoric doesn't matter in its inequality. If you ask me, everyone is gay until proven straight.
Yet how many people will take offense at that?
Assuming people can be gay is not delulu.
It's ok to assume people can be gay. It's wrong to stereotype them as gay. If you can't assume they are gay, don't assume they are straight and don't assume at all. Run with this sis.
Wait, they don't ship Jikook but they call Jikook boyfriends???????👀👀👀👀👀
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The fake woke syndrome will kill people in this fandom with these mentally confused thought crisis bunch💀💀💀💀
Jikook themselves are shippers💀
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to-hell-and-beyond · 3 years
“Sugar to Salt”
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Eli “Hawk” Moskowitz x Reader
Requested: Yes : No
Request: Hi, I love your work! Could you do 15 from the misc. list for Hawk? Thank you in advance!! -Anon
I’m not really that good at comebacks so this is be trying. Lol
Summary: Your the sweet girl, but that also makes you the prefect for stuck up brats to try to hurt your feelings. Good thing that you won’t take up any the crap she says.
Words: 1046
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If you went around and asked all the students at Valley High, who the sweetest person in the entire school was, they would say Y/n L/n. You were alway so kind to students, teachers, and just everyone in general. That’s why it was so funny once you started to date the all famous Hawk. You had liked him back when he was Eli, but his new found confidence of being Hawk had been the push you both needed to start your relationship. He asked you out and the rest was history.
You didn’t do Karate, heck you hated gym class! You would always try to convince the coach to let you sit out and not participate. Of course it didn’t work, but it was worth the try. So there was no way in the entire world you could fight right? Well that’s what your boyfriend Hawk thought before the day had started…
It was a bad day. You couldn't get any sleep last night and almost anything got on your nerves. This didn't really happen often where you were so annoyed at the world, but here you were. Hawk knew, he understood that sometimes you have bad days no one can be positive 24/7. That’s one of the reasons you loved him, he had such a kind heart.
You were the sweet girl, but you shouldn’t be messed with. You will fight for your rights and for people you care about. Guess Yasmine should have thought about it before she made you her next victim.
“Oh hey Y/n.” You tried around to face Yasmine. You hated this girl to say the least. No, you didn’t think that girl vs girl was ok, especially in a world we live in with stereotypes but you hated her. She alway gets on your nerves. That blond hair, cheeky smile and the way she always seemed to get her hair in your face when she did a hair flip.
“Hello Yasmine.” You said as politely as you could, not wanting to erupt on her. 
“See you got a ride on Hawk’s new motorcycle, he did a good job on it didn’t he?” She asked with a super high pitched voice. You really, really wanted to smack her in the face at that very point in time.
“Yah sure did.” You said with a voce laced with boredom. You tried to make it clear to her that you didn’t want to talk.
“Too bad you could never sit on it with that fat ass you have.” She laughed sounding super annoying. You had always been a target of bullying, your friendly nature seemed to give bullys a free invitation to mess with you. Usually you could care less about the comments Yasmine made about your body but it was getting on your nerves.
“Everything ok here?” You turned around to see Hawk. He had been parking his motorcycle and catching up with his Cobra Kai friends as you had made your way into the school. He was the definition of protective and the last thing you needed was him to come to here and fight Yasmine.
“It’s fine.” You said with a tired voice as you gave him a shy smile and put a hand on his chest to keep him from doing anything.
“Yah me and Y/n we're just catching up. You know, I’m having a party at my house this Friday, you both are totally invited. Well...I guess you actually have to act like a teen, so sorry Y/n.” A few people around her laughed as her voice rang around the halls. You glared at her and pressed your hand on Hawk’s chest from doing anything. Of course her words hurt you, but you wanted to deal with it yourself in your own way.
“That’s to bad Yasmine. Guess even though the host of the party acts like a five year old with abandonment issues, she still has to come even though she breaks the rules she just set.” A few people around you gasped as you looked straight at Yasmine. She had a look of shock before getting herself tougher.
“You think you're so funny don't you? Well guess what, if the entire school had to choose between me or you, I would win. Because you are a loser meanwhile I am a queen. You will never be me or even come close to the mere perfection that I am.” She smiled as you gave a low chuckle.
“You’re right, I will never be like you. Because, A. I’m 10x nicer, B.Surprise, surprise I actually have a boyfriend while you always seem to be single, C. I don’t look like a fricken barbie doll.” She grunted and moved to go pull your hair. You dogged her out tripped her making her fall. You will never guess where she landed...The garbage can. You flipped her off before walking away.
“I will never underestimate you again.” Hawk told you as he whispered it in your ear. You giggled at his response before turning around so you could talk to your boyfriend.
“Those extra P.E sessions really paid off.” You told him as you both smirked. He may or may not have taught you some basic self defense that you had used when fighting Yasmine.
“Well will you look at that, you used to be sugar but now your salt.” You both laughed at the inside joke as you walked all the way down the hallway to your chemistry class.
“Are you ok though actually? I heard her say some pretty mean stuff.” You said as he gave you his worried face. He won't always open to expressing his feelings towards you but it warms your heart that he cared.
“I’m ok.” You kissed his cheek tenderly before giving me one of your award winning smiles. The day hadn't started out perfect but he had definitely helped it. You knew that no matter what that he loved you as much as you loved him. And besides, Yasimines opinion really didn’t matter to you. She would just live rich with her parents' money and fail at the simplest of tasks while the rest of you strived. That was just how life was.
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hwangsies · 3 years
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(definition: galvanising (adj): to be affected by something as if by electricity)
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pairing: slytherin!hyunjin x slytherin!reader
summary: hyunjin convinces you to break into professor longbottoms greenhouse with him at night, however he didn’t expect you to snoop around and get intoxicated by a plant that doubles as a strong aphrodisiac.
warnings: light angst, bad attempt at lining this up with the generation of harry and co’s children lol, somewhat involuntairy intoxication?, hyunjin is cocky, long flashback again(shocker!) smut as in: implied oral (f receiving), fingering 
6.2 k words,
enjoy <3
(read part 2 here)
"Psst" you furrow your brows as you concentrate harder on the essay you’re writing for your herbology class.
"Pssst" you hear from your right again as you shake your head.
"what??" You snap your head to the right to meet victoires green-turqoise eyes before she flicks a piece of paper at you.
'Open' she mouths to you before giggling inaudibly.
You roll your eyes at what your gryffindor best friend might've just wasted 1 good minute of your time on.
Normally you arent this persistent on getting things done instantly, but you know herbology isn’t something you’re talented at.
If there was a word to describe the opposite of a green thumb, you would use it to describe your talents in herbology.
Every plant you try to be nice to (ranging from harmless to deadly), has either died, attacked you or did nothing good for your grade.
So, already slightly pissed off, you open the neatly folded piece of paper.
Her handwriting is awful, and because she hexed it, the font dances around so it takes you a second to decypher what she had written.
Hwang keeps looking at you like you're his next meal, babe!
Once you read it, a scribbled version of the heart eye emoji appears below the words, slowly opening its mouth to have little drops of animated drool rolling down the paper.
You feel the blood rushing up your neck as you look up, across the long table you were sitting at and to the one next to it, where yours and hyunjins eyes meet.
His lower lip is trapped by his teeth, when he realises you are looking back at him, he releases the rosy flesh and chases it with his tongue before trying , yet failing, to hold back a grin.
You look at victoire next to you.
She grinns widely and whispers, almost completely inaudibly "attagirl"
At which you hastily shake your head and stick your tounge out at her before quickly gathering your things and leaving the big hall with victoires quiet snickering still in earshot.
If she only knew, you think to yourself as you rush down the hallway , pressing your books tighter to your chest.
~flashback to three days ago~
You groaned and let your forhead fall onto your herbology book.
'I hate this' you muttered to yourself in a , what you felt like, never ending loop.
"I feel that" you got startled and whipped your head up as a yelp slipped past your lips.
Hyunjin grinned at you before draping a cloak over the chair and taking a seat across from you at a small table in the slytherin common room; his own books in his hand.
You chuckled embarrasedly as you ran your hand through your hair, trying to make you look somewhat presentable for the handsome boy.
"Dont worry, i dont judge you" he smiled and plopped his books on the table as well "stuck on herbology too, huh?" He peeked over.
"Yea, professor longbottom is going to behead me" you joked "i dont get it, how am i supposed to write an essay about my experiences with magical plants when all i ever get them to do is...die, or nothing at all" you shook your head in defeat.
He giggled cutely as he gathered his chin-length blonde hair in a low pony.
You couldn’t help but stare at him, the way the yellowish lights of the doungeons illuminated his features was too perfect.
The feline eyes ,the blunt nose and his thick lips. In combination with his sharp jawline and dark eyebrows, it was easy to be intimmidated by his looks.
You kind of had a thing for him for a while now, but then again so had almost every girl in your year. Him and his best friend james were by far the most good looking guys in your year.
The difference between hyunjin and his best fried however was that his friend knew he looked good and liked it to be known and acknowledged.
Hyunjin was open-minded and sweet, aslo a little shy from time to time, but he also had his cocky moments, especially with girls.
So they weren’t that different, both being players and heartbreakers to a certain extent.
They were popular due to their success in each of their quidditch teams, hyunjin being the seeker for slytherin and james for gryffindor, following in the footsteps of his famous father.
They started out as rivals but became inseperable over time, successfully breaking the stereotype that gryffindors and slytherins couldnt be friends.
Nowadays the only things they’d get competitive about was quidditch and girls.
Even though hyunjin and you were in the same house and year, you didnt have that much to do with each other.
Due to him being more popular and, well, more talented in everything he did; but also because your friendgroups rarely overlapped.
There was this one time in the 5th year where you two were close to becoming friends.
He had asked you for help with his little cousin who had started dating someone you used to be friends with, around that time you noticed that you liked him for the first time.
In the end, his cousin broke up with said boy and you somehow lost sight of each other again.
And so the crush on him kind of faded into the background, it wasnt something you were always thinking about, but you knew it was there when you spoke to him or when he was too close.
But the stories that you heard from other girls kept you from imagining more with him.
"I dont even know what the last plant was that he showed us in class, i always feel like sleeping" he said laughingly, before opening his book and opening his pot of ink as well.
You chuckled softly in response.
You watched him for a few seconds, reading his book, scratching the back of his head and furrowing his brows while his lips pushed fowards in a pout so cute, you would be insane if you didnt want to kiss it away.
After what felt like an eternity, you looked at the clock to see it was already past 11.
Since it was a friday and you didnt have class the next day, you didn't jump into bed immediately.
"This is bullshit" hyunjin muttered and looked up "what the hell do i know about what this plant looks like, i dont even know how to pronounce the name" he groaned, slightly frustrated.
He pointed to the name written in his book and showed it to you “look”
"Oh, i think i've seen this name on a pot in professor longbottoms greenhouse" you recalled.
"Yea?" You nodded at him.
"Okay" he closed his books and stood up "lets go"
"Huh?" You looked up at him confusedly.
"Lets pay the greenhouse a little visit" he grinned.
"Have you gone mad? No way, do you know in how much trouble we could get into?" You asked rethorically.
"Chill, james lent me this" he held up a dark brown cloak.
"What is that?" You asked, just as unbelieving as before.
"His dads invisibility cloak" he answered quickly "come on, we'll stay there 10 minutes tops, i just want to see what that plant looks like"
"Okay, well have fun doing that, alone" you retorted.
"Noo, y/n i need you to show me to the plant, you know where it is" he pouted.
"Please" he was definetly using his charms, which is why you felt so stupid when you sighed an ‘okay’ after he begged a few more times.
You closed your books and got up as well, hyunjin quickly draping the cloak over the both of you.
"You go in the front, you're smaller" he commented.
"Allright" you muttered and moved in front of him.
"We have to be quiet when we go outside, or the fat lady is gonna snitch on us" you felt his breath over your ear.
"okay" you said shortly, getting nervous over the fact that he was this close behind you.
Once out of the commonroom you walked up the stairs managing to do so without tripping over each other and blowing your cover.
Once you arrived on the ground floor, you headed for the back door, which brought you to the garden and the greenhouses.
The moment you reached out your hand for the door handle, it got pushed open slowly.
Hyunjin pulled you back instantly and pressed himself with his back against the stone wall as he gripped your waist with one hand and held the other over your mouth because somehow he sensed how close you were to yelp out.
What he didn't know was how he made the situation worse for you because your back was pressed against his firmly built chest and your lower back against a certain bulge.
"shh" he breathed against your ear, so quietly you almost didn't hear it.
Mr filch groaned as he stumbled inside and fumbled at the doors lock, the door itself still wide open.
You felt hyunjin push against your waist slightly from behind to get you moving, so you complied.
Quickly rushing outside, you got startled at the loud bang of the heavy door falling close behind you two.
He removed his surprisingly soft hands away from your face, his body however didn't move an inch.
You slightly turned around to him in disbelief.
"now what?" you started freaking out, because how were you going to get back inside?
"what?" he asked back.
"how in the hell are we going to get inside again smartass? He locked the door" you gestured with your hand.
"alohomora?" he answered cockily, at which you flicked his forehead.
"you've been here for 7 years and don't know that that doesn't work on the main doors?" you asked infuriated.
"okay, chill. I know some other ways" he said calmly, still rubbing his forehead.
"what do you mean chill?? What other way-" he cut you off.
"just trust me alright?" you couldn't see him well but his eyes still sparkled in the dark.
So you just sighed.
"come on" he carefully pushed you forwards by your waist; you were pretty sure he would remove them after a few seconds but they stayed there until you entered the greenhouse.
He quickly discarded the cloak and threw it onto the big wooden table in the middle of the spacious house, next to a big book on 'advanced herbology'.
"lumos" you said, making the tip of your wand light up; hyunjin mimicing the same thing.
"now, where did you see this plant?" he asked you.
"uh, I think it was over there in the corner" you pointed to the other side of the house.
"okay" he mumbled and made his way over there.
You looked around yourself and looked at some of the plants, when you heard a thump of some sort.
You whipped your head around to look for hyunjin, you spotted him rubbing his forehead.
"nothing happened" he raised his hands playfully.
You sighed in relief "hurry up, and try not to kill yourself"
"why?" you could hear his grin "cause you'd miss me?" he snickered.
"no, because I’d wanna do that myself if we get caught" you retorted, at which he chuckled.
"ah, got it" he said, holding his wand closer to the plant in the far right corner of the house to get a good look at it.
Turning around, a shimmering dark green flower caught your eye, it shined as if it was reflecting the light from your wand.
You took a few steps towards the window sill, the mysterious flower was standing on, in an equally green pot, on which in a deeper green the words 'galvanising green' were engraved on.
It was sparkling, yet there was a glass dome over the flower; which was weird because no other plant had anything of that sort placed over them.
You thought it was so pretty: the way it sparkled, some sparkles leaning more into a teal color, others more in a deep grass green.The stigma, which was protruding out of the petals was pulsating in a dark ocean green, it was as if it hypnotized you. inviting you to free it and take a closer look.
Slowly you lifted up the dome.
"okay lets go" you heard hyunjin speak somewhere in the distance, but it was uninteresting because the flower was drawing you in and nothing else mattered.
"y/n what are you doing" he seemingly came closer, making his way through all the pots and plants standing around.
After placing the small dome on the window sill, next to said flower; you got closer to it with your face.
"y/n!" hyunjin sounded stern "you don't know what that is, stop it"
Still, you took a whiff of the sprakling plant and it felt like a punch against your chest as it flooded through your lungs, throwing you back instantly.
You gasped for breath as you stumbled backwards, right into hyunjins embrace as he leaped fowards to catch you from falling.
"shit" he slowly sat you down on the ground and got in front of you "fuck y/n" he patted your cheek lightly when you coughed.
He looked up at the plant and quickly got up, placing the small glass dome over it again, holding his cloak covered hand over his nose and mouth.
"galvanising green?" he muttered, reading the inscription on the pot before looking back at you sitting on the ground and holding your chest.
Crouching down to you, he held a hand onto your forehead "are you okay?"
You cleared your throat a few times "uh-mh- yea I think so"
He nodded, carefully holding up his wand to look at your face a little better; your cheeks were a little rosy but other than that you looked normal.
"normally we should go to professor longbottom if something like this happens, but he would kill us right now" he chuckled worrily before his gaze fell onto the big book on the table in the middle of the house.
"I'll just check out the plant to be sure okay?" he said, you nodded, smiling embarrassedly.
He got up and quickly got his hands on the thick 'advanced herbology' book, opening the heavy sides and turning the pages.
"I don't even know why I did that" you spoke softly.
"its okay" he said genuinely.
"no, I'm serious, it was as if it controlled me or something" you kept going.
"hmm" he hummed, clearly to busy looking for said plant in the huge book and not listening.
"phhuuuh" you breathed out after a minute of silence and started fanning yourself.
"is it getting hot in here?" you inquired.
"green...green" you heard hyunjin mutter "there it is!" he said.
Tracing his finger under the lines he was reading, his eyes widened.
"fuck" he mumbled to himself and looked over to you, you were plucking at your shirt to get more air onto your body.
"hyunjin" you gasped "im so hot" your breathing getting shallower.
"okay, uhm okay fuck" he repeated himself and reread the little part of the page again and again.
The Galvanising Green plant is a type of flower, first analyzed in 1987, this plant is very rare in Europe.
Its effect on humans is easy to depict. For women it is a strong aphrodisiac where as for men just a small amount of the pollen can lead to severe headaches and diarrhea.
Part of him was glad that he didn't have to go through headaches and diarrhea, but a different part of him would've preferred it; because now he had to handle an extremely horny version of you?
As if the normal you wasn't enough to make him feel some type of way.
He read a little further than that before coming to your help again.
"jinnie" you mewled as you started to take off your slytherin coat.
"stop" he held it up your shoulder "listen" he placed one hand on your cheek as he brought his wand up to your face.
Your pupils were blown and your cheeks were now completely flushed.That, and your continuous ragged heavy breathing told him that you definitely inhaled more than enough pollen to trigger this response from your body.
"what?" you breathed.
"it's a really strong aphrodisiac, that's why you're feeling like this" he tired to stay calm.
"huh?" your eyes widened "oh shit" you let your head fall back.
"how do I make it go away?" you asked breathlessly, grabbing onto his bicep.
"the book says you have to work it out of your system otherwise your body will go into a shock state because of all the pollen and hormones it produces" he tried explaining to you.
"huh?" you sounded again.
"come here, get up. We'll go inside first" you complied.
"what do you mean 'work it out of my system'??" you asked him as you left the greenhouse on shaky legs, hyunjin wrapping an arm around your waist to keep you from falling.
"well" he blushed as he looked down at the invisibility cloak, he had grabbed in the last second, draped over his arm "are you seeing someone at the moment?"
"uh-n-no?" one of your feet gave out for a millisecond but hyunjin caught you before halting you in your steps.
"was that a question or an answer?" he locked eyes with you as he draped the cloak over the both of you.
"a-mh- answer" you stuttered.
"okay uhm" he kept his eyes trained on the secret path back into the castle, james had told him about.
"I'll bring you to your chambers and you'll have to do it alone then" he mumbled.
"alone? What? Do what?" you breathed heavily, suddenly you felt a rush of warmth in your nether regions at which you whimpered.
"you have to..." he cleared his throat "well... work it out of your system" his eyes widened and his head snapped towards you when you moaned.
"y/n? you okay?" you had buried your face in his shoulder.
"shit" he mumbled "here we go" he pointed to a wooden door "just a minute and we'll be inside okay?"
"hmm" you whined.
You walked through said door into a tunnel you'd never seen before; normally you would've scolded him as to why he knew these kind of things but you had other problems right now.
Not a minute later hyunjin tapped onto the wall, which indicated the end of the tunnel, with his wand in a weird pattern.
But somehow it worked and another door appeared, leading the two of you into a small broom closet.
"you have to be quiet now" he whispered, you nodded your head as good as you could and bit your lower lip.
Leaving the broom closet, you stepped into the hallway of the seventh floor of Hogwarts.
"hyunjin, you cant just leave me alone" you whispered desperately when the same tingling warmth returned.
The pollen of the plant overtaking your brain so much that you didnt even care as to how that weird door brought you into a broomcloset that connected to hogwarts again.
"shh" he shushed you before speaking as well "y/n I don't know how else to help you"
That was a lie, of course he knew what he could do.
But that would be unethical; he didn't want to take advantage of you like that.
"you have to help me" you clawed at his coat "please" you whimpered and it went straight into his pants, which he felt guilty about.
Suddenly a door appeared a few meters in front of you, just a second after he'd spotted it, he heard footsteps from behind.
"shit shit, fucking shit" he ushered you to walk faster before quickly opening the door and rushing inside.
When he looked at the door from the inside, it disappeared; leaving only the brick wall.You had already ripped the invisibility cloak off the both of you.
Looking around this mysterious room, he spotted a luxurious king sized bed with nightstands on each side and dimmed lights; that's when he knew where you two were.
"no fucking way" he mumbled, having never before seen the room of requirement.
"hyunjin" his thoughts got interrupted by you dragging him at his coat and stopping right with your back to the bed.
"please help me" you looked up at him with big teary eyes, he could hear your heartbeat, that's how affected you were by the plant.
You discarded your coat, before pushing his down his shoulders as well.
"y/n no" he said, but his coat already laid on the ground.
He caught your wrists when you reached for his belt "y/n you cant think straight, you don't really want this"
"yes I do" you stomped your foot on the ground "I really do" you said quieter as you came closer.
"please jinnie" you freed your wrists from his grip and peeled off your plain black tshirt you always wore under the coat “this is your fault to begin with!”
His eyes stuck to your lacy black bra as you undid the button of your jeans and pushed them down your legs.
He felt his cock stir in his pants when your matching cotton panties were revealed and you stepped out of your jeans, kicking them to the side.
You took advantage of his slow reflexes and looped your arms around his neck "please" you whispered before attaching your lips to the skin under his jaw.
He swallowed hard "fuck y/n" his hands grabbed your waist, making you push yourself against him more flush.
"okay okay" he sighed in defeat, you looked up at him "I'll help you, but we're not going to have sex!"
"hyunj-" you started again.
"y/n I'm serious I don't want to take advantage of you" you swallowed and nodded, eyes big.
"okay" he ducked down a little and plucked you up from the ground by the backs of your thighs.
You squealed in excitement.
"Kiss me" you pleaded after he laid you on your back and slotted himself in between your legs.
His lips were slightly parted as he looked down at you, eyes scanning over your features.
"Okay" he whispered before pressing his lips to your.You instantly moaned into his mouth when his togue pressed against yours.
The next thing you did would've never happened if that plant hadn’t make you hornier than 10000 bunnies.
You took one of his hands and brought it down to cup over your core, mumbling a whiny 'please'.
Hyunjin hissed through his teeth when he felt how soaked your panties were.
He palmed your throbbing cunt roughly, shooting a spark of pleasure up your spine aa he encouraged you to rutt your hips against his hand.
"Oh my- hyunjin" you yelped out after he had discarded your panties and slipped a finger into you.
“okay?” he asked when feeling how tight you were, at which you nodded agressively.It was almost embarrassing how excessively aroused you were ; hyunjin however didnt have alot on his mind in that moment.
All he could focus on was how pretty your flushed cheeks were and how lost you were in the pleasure he was providing you.
His thumb found your aching clit and drew circles over it while pumping his middle finger into you.
"thats it baby, you like that?" He asked a little hesistantly, not sure how you felt about dirty talk, but seeing your chest arch up and hearing your whimpers only spurred him on.
"Hmmmh" you whined "fuck-oh" he looked down at you in awe when your pretty lips shaped into an o form.
"Fuck i'd love to taste you right now, so desperate hm?" He hummed into your ear, it sending straight into your core.
Your back arched off the bed and you clawed at his soft black shirt when his lips found your neck.
"Yes-yes fuck hyunjin-" you cried out when he started sucking at a particular sensitive spot, coming apart shortly after with yelps of his name, clenching around his finger furiously.
"Better?" He asked after a minute, looking down at you, you chest was heaving and a light sheen of sweat covered your body.
"A little" you said quietly.
"Need more?" He asked like the gentleman he was, gently letting his finger slide out of you.
You nodded poutingly as you ran your nails through his hair at the back of his head.
"What you said about tasting me..." you looked up at him shyly "w-would you?"
His eyes widened, would he?
He wanted to, really badly.
So, he heard himself stutter a "yeah" as you unclasped your bra.
The low moan that slipped past your lips when he sucked one of your nipples into his mouth made his cock stir in his boxers.
"you're so sexy" he mumbled against your stomach before suckling at the skin just over your belly button.
"take off your shirt" you pleaded, to which he grinningly complied
You moaned when you felt a new heatwave wash over you at the shight fo his toned torso; gasping when the blonde haired boy reinserted his finger into you.
"arh yes fuck" you groaned, grasping his hair when he started leaving wet kisses on the junction of your legs.
Feeling your arousal being at a height as if you didn't just get off again, you whimpered, realising he was teasing you as he switched between thighs.
"please don't tease jinnie" you pouted, he grinned at the nickname, he loved it but would never admit it.
"mmh- what do you want me to do?" he grinned up at you, his fingers moving too slow inside of you for your liking.
"use your mouth" you begged "please" he almost felt guilty for how much he liked hearing you beg for him.
"how could I say no to that pretty pout" he teasingly nipped at your thigh making you squeal.
-end of flashback-
Just as you speak the password to the fat lady and the door opens, you hear running behind you and a voice "hey! l/n"
Of course you recognize the voice, so you sigh and turn around "hwang" you say, plastering a fake smile on your face.
"you've been avoiding me" he grins as he catches up and steps into the slytherin dungeons at the same time.
"hmm have i?" you mumble, not looking at him directly.
"yea, even though you so clearly couldn't get enough of me two nights ago" he bites his lip and raises his brows cockily when you stop and look up at him.
"listen, I was drugged by a fucking plant okay?" you argue "and you even promised me to never bring it up again, so what the fuck do you want?" you ask.
"never bring it up with anyone else babe, I thought we could talk about how much fun we had together?" he reaches for your waist, at which you slap his hand.
"would you not?" you whisper "there are people here" he just chuckles at the way you blushed slightly.
"okay, I'll make it easy for you hwang, what do you want?" you stem you free hand on your hip sassily.
He breathes in as his eyes wander over your face before his lips curl into a smile and he reaches for you hand "come with me?"
You huff but don’t fight his hand enclosing yours "where?"
"somewhere we can talk in private" he states calmly.
So you follow him out once more, you should've known where this was going but only really realise it when he pulls you in a broom closet.
Books still pressed against your chest with one arm, you hiss "what the fuck? I thought you wanted to talk"
"chill miss goody shoes" he giggles before his eyes fall onto your books "gimme those" he mumbles, taking them from you and plopping them on the ground behind him.
"hyunjin!" you exclaim, mad that your books were getting dust all over them.
He just snickers before coming closer.
You involuntarily press your back against the wall because he’s closing in on your personal space.
"what do you want?" you ask him for the nth time, a little quieter this time.His hands find your hips as he wedges a strong thigh in between your legs.
"I missed you" he says quietly, the lighting in there is bad but you can see that his eyes are fixed on your lips.
"huh?" your breath was shaky.
He grins before leaning in slowly, giving you the opportunity to stop him, and when you don't, he presses his lips against yours.
You kiss him back without thinking, your hands finding their home in his long hair when he gently rolls his tongue against yours.
The grunt that comes from him shoots straight into your pants, you feel how he presses his body into yours; the thigh between your legs getting pressed into your sensitive core.
Moaning against his lips at the new friction; he pulls at your bottom lip with his teeth before moving down your jaw with his lips.
You let out a shaky breath when he reached that one spot on your neck, directly under your jaw.He smiles against your skin before sucking on the soft spot at which another moan leaves your lips.Growing desperate, you start rocking your core against his thigh more obviously.
Hyunjin releases the soft skin from in between his lips, grabbing your jaw with one hand as he looks down at you ministrations.
"need something, pretty girl?" he grins, the nickname has you keening; the friction provided by his thigh being nice but nowhere near enough to get you off.
"please" you just mumble before he kisses your lips again.
Together, you undo the buttons of your cloak before he unzips your jeans and slips his hand into your panties.
"w-wait, hold up girl, you're telling me you haven't had sex yet?" victoires gaze bores holes into the side of your face as she sits down across from you on your bed.
There was no way you couldn't have told her about this whole situation you had gotten yourself in.
"no!" you snap your head towards your best friend "we just did a lot of other stuff" you cross your legs to sit more comfortably.
"but I don't plan on sleeping with him anyway" you shrug your shoulders.
"why?" your best friend grins "I thought you were sick of being a nerd and a virgin"
"bitch" you tsked and smacked her calve that was closest to you "you're a nerd as well"
"yea" she snickers "but im not a virgin because I don't feel the need to only do it with someone I'm in love with"
"hmpf" you let yourself fall back onto your back "whats so bad about that though?" you ask more quietly.
"nothing" she lays down next to you "I'm just kidding...but does he know?" you shake your head.
"no, I feel like he'd just call me a prude or miss goody shoes if I told him" you mumble.
"well then he's definitely not the right one to do it with" victoire comments, you just nod.
The next morning you’re sitting in the big hall, chatting with victoire as usual, as breakfast was being served.
Suddenly you felt a woosh of air on your right as someone sat down in a hurry.
"hey l/n" you glace to your right to see hyunjin "hey weasley" he nods at victoire opposite from you and him.
When you look over at you best friend you see that james had sat himself next to her, grinning just as big as the blonde boy next to you.
"uh hi?" victoire speaks for the both of you.
"listen up, we graduate in a few weeks and graduation ball is soon as well..." hyunjin starts, still grinning from ear to ear.
You frown, victoire mimicing your expression, both of your gazed flickering between the two boys.
"..so??" she gestures with her toast in hand.
"so...how bout it?" james continues "let’s go to the ball together" he turns to victore before gesturing to you and hyunjin "and those two"
You giggle when seeing victoires face scrunch up in disgust before she flicks james forehead.
"eww potter, I'm not going to the ball with you, that'd almost be like incest. Plus I'm trying to get laid afterwards" you laugh at james shocked expression to your best friends words.
"what do you mean incest babe? Just because we've known each other for so long doesn't mean..." he keeps on rambling to your best friend as she stands up and turns to you.
"excuse me" she exhales annoedly, you chuckle and nod before she walks away, james at her heels, still talking.
"so what about us?" you flinch a little, almost having forgot about hyunjin next to you.
"uhh, I don't know" you say, looking down at your plate.
"why not?" he nides your arm with his elbow "we like each other" he scooches closer "we have fun together" lifting his hand and softly tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear as he speaks.
You move away from him "yea about that, I think we should stop" you quickly say before getting up to make your way out of the hall as well.
"hey" he catches up with you quickly "why? did I do something wrong?" you roll your eyes as you keep walking.
"I didn't tell anyone about us! I swear! A- and I think y-you know, you're hot, I'm hot; I think we'd look really good toge-"
"can’t you accept a no?" you suddenly stop in your tracks, frowning annoyedly as you tell him off.
"woah- hey I just wanna know why you hate me all over sudden" he looks hurt.
"I don't hate you hyunjin" you sighed "but I also don't like you; you play with girls like they're dolls and when you had your fun you throw them away and I don't want to be thrown away, no matter by who" you breathe in.
"okay okay" he holds up his hands in defense "first of all, everything I had with 'all of these girls' you are talking about" he quotes you, gesturing air quotation marks "was two- sided! They knew what they were getting into, I never lead a single one of them on"
"mhm I'm sure that's why they like you so much now" you speak sarcastically while crossing your arms infront of your chest.
"you're making it seem like I slept with the whole school y/n!... I didn't! just to be clear..." you roll your eyes again.
"Its not my fault when-"
"when what?" you feel yourself get angry "when they fall in love with you?? because you're sooo irresistible??"
"is it so hard for you to believe that I'm not that interested in you? Is your ego that big?" you caught yourself before you got too loud, staring into each others eyes for a few seconds.
When he doesn't react to your statement you turn on your heels, ready to walk away again.
"I kinda hoped you were actually" you stop, turning around to him again when he continues "because I actually like you"
"so that's what you call not leading someone on, yea?" you ask rhetorically.
"I'm not leading you on y/n I'm serious" he walks up to you again.
"you're only interested in me because you haven't actually fucked me yet, hyunjin" you deadpan and walk away for good this time.
"girl" victoire exclaims as she walks into your chambers, you look up from the homework you’re doing on your bed a few days later.
“how do you always get in here?” you ask, reffering to the fat lady being very strict with non-house members in the chambers.
“the fat lady loves me!” she shrugs her shoulders, plopping down on your bed.
"alright, what is it?" you look back down to finish writing your sentence.
"I just saw hwang in the hallway, he looked beat" she huffs "and with beat I mean way way  worse than the last few days" she eyes you scribbling something onto your paper.
"hm" you respond.
"what did you do to him?" she asks.
"what do you mean? I protected myself from being just another girl on his list" you continue writing.
"are you sure?" victoire persists "I mean whenever you sat next to each other in class, even after the plant incident...he seemed genuinely happy with you next to him"
"well, sucks for him I guess" you mumble, not looking up, instead turning some pages in your book.
You did feel sorry in hindsight, you shouldn't have talked to him like that. He had always shown you respect and you didn't reciprocate it.
It is just really hard to believe that he'd actually be interested in you, since he was well...kinda perfect at everything and you were just very mediocre at everything.
He is so good looking, and even though he calls you hot and pretty you yourself don't really believe it.
Like,... what do you have that he can’t find in a prettier girl?- "y/n?" victoire speaks up.
"huh??" your head snaps up at her.
"I said... are you sure that you didn't just push him away because you're scared of the fact that you may like him back?" 
(a/n: i was inspired by this jungkook fic i read on here like a year ago but i couldn’t find it for the life of me, all i remember is that it was called ‘golden hour’ so if anyone knows what im talking about please tell me so that i can give proper credit! thank u!...also i know the fat lady originally guards the gryffindor common room but i couldnt think of anything else loolll...)
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 years
MvA assorted headcanons
So many years together has made the core monsters inseperable. If something affects one member, it affects the group.
All. The. Monsters. Are. Family.
It takes Susan a while to understand inside jokes and past incidents because of being the most recent addition.
There are Other anomalous creatures kept in Area 5X, but they are either non-sentient and/or are too dangerous to be kept around the more human-friendly monster group.
Area 5X is so gotdang big because they were expecting a lot more kaijus like Insecto to crop up. Sadly not many have surfaced to justify the space.
There’s a hangar in Area 5X full of wrecked UFOs. Some are spacecraft wreckage while others are stuff like weird meteors (Susan’s is in there), and at least one alien creature that got crystallised upon entering Earth’s atmosphere.
There’s significant difference in staff employed at different points throughout the past 50 years. There are far more women on the Area 5X worksheet than back in the 50s, and the guards are generally more sympathetic towards the monsters. Many modern staff members have been reprimanded or let go for failing to uphold secrecy, or for unnecessary cruelty towards the monsters.
Budget cuts were a legitmate concern up until the Battle of Golden Gate Bridge. The facility was far more barebones and sterile before the government had to formally recognise Area 5X’s importance. There have been a lot of redecorating at the facilty since the fat checks started coming in.
Putting individual characters under read due to length.
Enjoys many hobbies considered stereotypically feminine; baking, sewing, cosmetics, etc...
Grandparents and extended family are farmers or are atleast connected to the business. Modesto is the agricultural centre of California after all. Her parents were the first of their generation to go against the mold and seek out white-collar careers.
Studied cosmetology in school and was working at a beauty salon to save up for her and Derek’s wedding.
Is very athletic and grew up doing a number of physical extracurriculars like cheerleading, dodgeball, and roller-derby.
Grew up being teased for being the shortest kid in her class/family. They still tease her for it.
Greatly fears causing collateral damage and/or harm to others through her size.
Has issues with anxiety, worsened only by her new job as “savior of earth”. She wishes for a confidant to tell her worries to.
Married life with Derek was doomed to fail. Susan had a plan in place for what came after the marriage, and focusing 100% on Derek’s career was not it. There’s also the line from Derek’s mother about Susan being “the weatherman’s wife”, implying that she was to be the homemaker and not have a career of her own. It’s possible that Susan was planning to settle down and have kids with Derek, but the lack of control she had in moving to Fresno implied that more was going on.
Is currently “taking a break” from love and dating, despite gaining many new admirers.
Tries her best to return to Modesto to visit her family and friends whenever possible, though work often keeps her away for weeks at a time.
If she retains her height-shifting abilities as in the series; Susan goes through really bad “growing” pains.
Was frozen in his relative late-teens during a cold snap. Got shifted around until he ended up somewhere in Greenland before being discovered by modern humans. Post-thaw he went a bit wild, swimming frantically back south to try and find his old enviroment.
Was one of many scrappy youngsters in his troop, with a number of adoptive parents. The strongest ruled the troop, and Link was fairly weak in comparision to the leaders. He had gotten into a fight the day of his freezing (over something silly in hindsight) and swam away to sulk. When he didn’t return after the cold snap - the troop accepted that he had likely died out on his own.
Likes to freak out humans by making up weird biology facts about his species and ones he’s fought against - like joking about laying eggs or having his tail dettach and regrow like a lizard. However there’s some things he has to ask about, because he doesn’t have medical knowledge or words to describe something.
A lot of his macho behavior came from imitating the guards who kept watch on him. 1950s violent military alpha males aren't a very good role model for someone who doesnt know what societal norms are yet. Link was a lot more insufferable back in the day but chilled out as he began interacting with other walks of life.
Has a high paternal instinct and immediately becomes softer around kids and smaller animals.
Has body language similar to a cat/alligator. Slaps his tail when angry or in deep thought. And yes; Link purrs/rumbles when happy.
Loves monster movies - especially the ones where the monsters “win”. He cried when he saw “Beauty and the Beast” and then immediately booed loudly when the Beast turned human.
Does Not Trust doctors or scientists due to bad past experiences. Will only go to Dr Cockroach and Monger if he ever gets hurt/ill. Gets stressed fast if he has to be in a waiting room or doctors office.
Link had no idea what gender indentities or orientations were until recently - he did come from a pre-human civilization that really didnt mind/care about the schemantics. It took him some time to wrap his head around it. He identifies himself as bisexual after much thought and many hours alone on the computer.
Don't press him about his body. He's built different from humans and cis people. He will punch anyone who doesnt respect his or anyone elses identity.
Has been in love before. It didn’t end well.
Will occasionally wear clothes, but finds it a challenge to find anything that fits him. Will give any shoes he finds to Dr Cockroach and BOB to eat.
The best driver/pilot out of all the monsters.
Dr Cockroach:
True name is Jaques-Yves Herbert. Prefers to just go by "Dr Cockroach" because he dislikes the association with his birth family.
Picks up human languages very easily, although not as quickly as he can understand animals.
Parents were a mixed scientist couple. His father was an aggressive “Strong British Man” that would beat him son down for not following orders or for not meeting his standards for a man. Dr C turned down both chances to attend his parents funerals.
This man isn’t straight. He probably uses old-fashioned slang when asked about romance such as; “I am Uranian” or “I wear a green carnation”. It took Susan a few times to realise what he meant, as she is used to a more open minded enviroment.
Got the idea of transforming into a cockroach from reading Franz Kafkas “The Metamorphosis” as a child. He sympathized with Gregor’s abusive situation, and began considering the possibilties of how one could survive better as a creature like a cockroach.
Studied in biology and entomology in the Uk before moving to the states to follow engineering. Obtained his degree in Dance as a “side gig” in University.
Has been barred from free access to the coffee maker/machine due to overnighters. Once stayed awake so long that he forgot the letter “R”.
Owned a terrarium of Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches throughout college. He mourned each of them when his roommate’s iguana got into the tank.
Was a "beatnik" back in the day and still kinda is. Embraces and encourages modern counterculture as he himself was not given such acceptance in his youth. He has however shamefully eaten his old Lenny Bruce album.
Hasn’t actually aged physically since his transformation. He attributes this to the fact that certain athropods can’t age physically beyond maturity. Link is very jealous.
Has obtained more degrees while in captivity, as Monger allowed him access to research and learning materials. He has however had his allowances revoked for previous escape attempts/doomsday devices.
Does still enjoy human food, but the cockroach instinct of "eat detritus" tends to overrule his eating choices. Can’t cook either.
Ironically a terrible driver. The damages from previous drives has made Monger restrict him from operating even a razor scooter.
Pretty much considers himself human. Was created by them, raised by one (Monger), and talks like one. Gets sad when he's reminded that no other humans are blue blobs like him.
Absorbed some dna from the scientists present at his "birth", leading to his eye, speech, and omnivorous diet.
Doesnt actually need to breathe (as he can just absorb oxygen through his mass) but the fact that humans Do means that BOB thinks he has to as well.
Shares some physical characteristics with tomatoes/nightshade plants, as he is technically half tomato. He refuses to eat tomatos for this very reason, considering it cannibalism.
Attracts garden pests looking for a tomato plant. This unwittingly makes BOB a pretty good bug zapper.
Still retains his "mental broadcast" ability from "BOB's Big Break" although at a more subtle level. He tends to parrot the things he accidentally "eavesdropped" on.
Is empathetic, and can tell when others aren't doing ok emotionally. Will flop down on someone who’s really sad to comfort them. No brain, only heart.
Best cook out of the monsters. If he doesn’t forget what he’s making at least.
"Whats a gender? Can I eat it?"
Core body is that of a Japanese Silkmoth, although she ended up being spliced with other animals present on the island during her initial mutation; namely ants and ground squirrels.
Eats over a literal ton of mulberry leaves per day. Also enjoys oranges.
Secretly wishes to be more humanoid.
Was only able to pupate and transform due to physical trauma. It seems that her transformation was like a “power-up” that required her to be in geniune distress for it to activate.
First language is Japanese. She learned it from the intial recovery team, and later developed an understanding of English from years in Area 5X.
Goes into torpor in cold weather. Pretty much impossible to wake her up for missions during Winter, as she needs to “rev up” before becoming mobile.
Still very much Link’s best friend. Still enjoys sports, chicks, and beer.
Full name is; Warren Rex Monger.
Is very protective of the monsters and will defend them to the death.
Pretty much raised BOB (as seen when BOB was a baby blob in “Night of the Living Carrots”), and considers him his “freaky gelatinous son”.
Has a reputation of being a “control-freak” due to his aggressive overseeing of the monsters’ containment. This toughness is partly because of incidents that occured without his knowledge. Lets just say some scientists have been wedgied/fired for running experiments on the monsters without Monger’s approval.
Has a very “Ron Swanson” emotional response and view of the world. Crying is acceptable only at funerals and at the Grand Canyon (if he hadn’t lost his tear ducts in the war).
Has been married multiple times. Will not confirm or deny if he is currently seeing anyone.
Invisible Man/TiM:
Legit got out but no one at Area 5X is sure how. He suffered a geniune medical emergency and disappeared after surgery. The other monsters were informed that he died from complications to deter them from getting escape ideas.
Is able to be detected in Infrared light. Dr Cockroach managed to rig up goggles to view TiM in case of injury and to foil pranks.
Was a scientist working on an invisibility potion for the military and used himself as a guinea pig. Hasn’t actually been able to replicate his results since - thinks the effect may have been caused by a genetic abnormality.
Dr Cockroach and him are massive rivals. Both actually met eachother pre-transformation through a CalTech expedition. This makes the pair one of few people that have seen the others human face.
Is 100% naked. Was forced to wear clothing once this was discovered.
A massive prankster and a cynic. Him and Link were a force to be reckoned with.
Has revisted the facility multiple times and has started a number of ghost stories.
Any additions are welcome! I proably have alot more to dump about. Might make one of the alien characters from the series
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mikaze-discord · 3 years
Class S: Love letters
This is the Class S+ Cecil love letters!! 
Please enjoy under the cut
From Riri:
Maybe it was his midnight-blue hair, or perhaps it was his ocean eyes, but the very moment I laid my eyes upon him my mind immediately thought, “Wow, he’s very good looking… charming... I really like his vibe.” That was the first reason why he piqued my interest, rather, the initial reason why I fancied him. My eyes were drawn to him and the fact that Kay bombarded me with a truckload of his pictures didn’t help at all, I just fell deeper into the hole. But as if that wasn’t enough, she started spamming me with utapri songs and I fell in love immediately. They are all such good singers but there’s one of them who sticks out to me the most, as expected, it’s Tokiya. His voice has this intricate and refined softness that seemed to caress my ears and touch my soul. He has such a sweet (and might I add a handsome) voice, kudos to Miyano Mamoru for that.
So I started watching the anime and through that, I got to know him better. At first, he seems cold with an air of loneliness and uneasiness dawning on him. But as the series progresses, I discovered that he’s a good-natured, warm, and dedicated person who loves singing and music with all his heart and all. He’s hardworking, dedicating everything to his craft. He has pride in it, so when he was told that his singing has no ‘heart’ it affected him a lot. That caused a lot of distress in his system, and the fact that his company is pushing him to pursue other things than being a singer added to that. His passion for his craft is burning, a fire that no one could put out. That’s one of the things that I love about him. He’s dedicated to everything he does. He’s a perfectionist but he’s also a caring person who cares a lot about the starish members. He’s genuinely a good person but that doesn’t mean he’s perfect. He strives for improvement and development all the time. He helps the members whenever they need. Most importantly, his attitude towards his passion is respectable and admirable.
I might’ve said a lot of things but I guess that only means I love a lot of things about him. He’s such a beautiful soul that inspires me to be more dedicated to my passion, to make my dreams come true no matter what it takes. His path towards his dream was rough, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows but that’s life, isn’t it? Despite that, he kept walking towards his dream. He’s admirable, respectable, and irresistibly loveable. That being said, I love all the things that made his character; that made Tokiya Ichinose be the kind of character that he is right now.
PS. Miyano Mamoru played a big part too. His insane talent gave life to Tokiya’s character.
From @poorlydrawnutapri:
When I first watched the Utapri anime like 6 years ago, having a best boy didn't cross my mind. At first, I was just most interested in Tokiya out of all the boys because I just thought he looked cool. I liked how mysterious he seemed and also, his hair, probably just because it was blue tbh. Either way, good design.
However, what really got me attached to him wasn't his looks. I then liked Tokiya's serious personality. I like how he starts off cold and stoic but how throughout the games and anime, he slowly softens up. I didn't just like his personality, I could also relate to his perfectionism and hard-working side, even when he exhausts himself, which is something I admit I also have. I continue to relate to him now after all this time, and that's why he's such a good character to me.
Besides that, his songs are nice to listen to and he has just a very pleasant voice. It's nice just to go listen to his voice after a long day. In a way, liking Tokiya also got me into the whole Utapri franchise: made some friends, made a couple of good memes, all that kinda stuff.
Also, I feel like it's a crime not to mention this so: he thicc. Like, dang, no wonder the guy only eats salads because all the fats he eats goes straight to that ass of his. (I am sorry that you had to read that.)
Overall, I just think he's neat. To me, he's relatable and has a nice character development. Tokiya is and will continue to be my best boy. :)
From @incorrect-jinguji-ren:
Ren Jinguji, the 5th member of Starish is without any shame my favorite character of the Uta no prince sama series. Though often disregarded Ren is and always will be my most favorite and I firmly believe that he has one of the most, if not the most depth in his character. I love Ren a lot however because of his surface charismatic attitude he is usually labeled as a “playboy” or a “lothario”. This is not correct and it should never define him, as he actually is one of the most gentle and compassionate characters of the series. Ren has a very deep surface characterization and personality that is never usually recognized unless you truly take the time to understand WHY Ren acts the way he does, and WHY he makes the choices that he makes. My favorite part about loving characters is being able to accept them for their demons and embrace what others would see as the “imperfections” in them. That Is the best way to truly love them. I love Ren because of his motives, choices, and most of all his passionate loving heart. Although the pain he hides and the personality of who he really is, is hidden under a mask of charisma, he never loses himself deep within.
He’s misunderstood, but he’s beautiful. He’s so deep, from the everlasting devotion to loving his passed on mother, to always cherishing memories and the past bond he had with his childhood best friend Masato, to going against what his brother wants of him because he wants to fight to have a choice and to be passionate about something that he wants to love, because HE wants to love it. Ren didn’t have the love that a lot of people had at such a young age, he made a path for himself and along the way succumbed to the human faults that we all falter from within the hardest times in our life or even dicult events. He almost gave up, just as I know many of us had almost done before, as I know and can relate to, and still do now.
But he dusted himself o and picked up where he left o, making himself happy from once the feeling of being a hollow shell with no reason why he even existed to realizing that the most important thing in the world to him was cherishing the people who made him see the world in colors and seeking the choices that had been stripped from him at such a young age. He broke free from the chains of his family, his past, and his regrets to spread a beautiful pair of rose wings, his own wings to fly. And I hope he always flies. I will always love him, and wish nothing but the best for him whatever that be.
From @chips-and-vodka:
Ren Jinguji- the sexy, charming and flirty member of the STARISH boys. The youngest of the Jinguji family, a troubled child who grew up without a mother. A person who possesses many charms and is blessed with the gift of beauty. A red rose he was, beautiful yet his thorns are to be avoided. Beneath his passionate and seductive mannerisms there is a boy that craves genuine affection, from the one he truly adores and cherishes.
Ren Jinguji to me initially was one with a beautiful, attractive deep baritone, who is voiced by none other than the legend- Suwabe Junichi himself. The voice is an accurate fit of how this stereotype of a charming bishie should be, youthful and sensitive, and at times warm and seductive. His portrayal brings out the appeal of the character, the emotions and thoughts a troubled young adult such as the ‘useless third son’ lived through. Many would see him as a romantic one, one who showers those around him with attention and passion. Within however lives a rebellious soul who distrusts many, but still somehow desires that ray of sunshine that brightens his lonely soul.
Ren Jinguji is one that deserves real love, someone who appreciates him for who he is.
From Jules:
Why do I like Syo, huh? Well, there are a lot of reasons! Some of them are more personal ones. First of all, Syo has always been my best boy, since UtaPri (the anime) exists. So ten long years now.
His fashion style is the first thing I noticed and it immediately intrigued me. I remember that my first thought, after seeing him in season one, was “Woah, he looks really cool!” even though Syo was just in his school uniform! I think what also made me interested in him was his energetic persona. The way he looked up to Ryuya Hyuga and wanted to follow in his footsteps was really sweet to me as well. Syo’s enthusiasm and positive attitude actually encouraged me to become stronger in a way too, if I’m being honest. I, personally, have always found his songs motivating and they made me feel better. I really came to love Syo in his episode in season one. When he talked about his childhood and how weak he was, I really felt with him. From that moment on I cheered him on and Syo definitely became my favorite character. My interest never wavered over the next seasons either.
I also have personal reasons why I love him so much. I just feel very connected and relate to him a lot, y’know? We have quite a few things in common. Syo and I have the same eye color, we have both played the violin since we were little, and were born weak and with pretty much the same health and heart issues. I like to say that Syo “saved” me, which is true. There is also the fact that the blonde and I are both on the shorter side (and regularly get teased for it), too! Though, I’m even a little shorter than him.
But to be more positive again, there is just so much more to him than meets the eye at first! Syo is more than just the stereotypical short sporty character. He really cares for his friends and wants the best for them. Syo’s friendship with every STARISH member is different but still close. He’s also protective of the ones around him. Syo really cares about his little twin brother too, which can be seen in the games and the few times he talked about him in the anime. Syo’s big heart easily balances out his, sometimes, tsundere behavior and I love him for that. This blonde idol is just a great guy and deserves all the love he’s getting and more.
Seriously, stan Syo Kurusu, guys!
From Vic:
Syo Kurusu is my favourite idol within the utapri games and any other form of media pertaining to the franchise. He is my favourite idol because of several factors, one of which being that his voice actor is Hiro Shimono, who voices Zenitsu from Demon slayer and Lucifer from “Devil is a part timer”. Syo is a very outgoing character and is talented in many aspects athletically. Born with a heart disease, he continues to persevere throughout the myriads of life’s problems in front of him.
He’s extremely outgoing and is proficient in the martial art of Karate and desires to strengthen his body more than what it is currently. He is best friends with Natsuki and can communicate with each other proficiently. Syo is my favourite character within the franchise because of his resolve, perseverance and great chemistry with Natsuki and his teammates. Hiro Shimono did the character justice by making his voice one of young, adventurous and energetic. With that said, Syo is a character I truly enjoy within the franchise and wish to see more of him.
From Anon:
Greetings, princes and princesses, and welcome to a world of princes, questionably talking cats, and magic! I’m of course talking about Cecil Aijima, our foreign prince of UtaPri! So, why do I like Cecil Aijima? It’s borderline ridiculous, but it’s because of Cecil’s birthday. More specifically, Cecil’s Birthday Cruise card. But, I should start at the beginning.
Back when I first watched the anime, I thought Cecil was a little bit of a brat towards literally everyone, and one of my least favorites at the time. After watching through the rest of the anime though, I started to like him a lot more than I did before. To me, he had matured a lot after season 2, and never turned back to that bratty self. And so, when playing SL, he might not have been my favorite, but I didn’t hate him. Then, that one fateful day, I decided to pull in his birthday gacha. To my surprise, I had gotten the card in my first pull! Then the story dragged me into the Cecil Appreciation Group. I thought the story was incredibly cute. Then I got more Cecil cards so I could read more stories. Then the cycle repeated itself again. And now, well, if I’m writing this, I think you know what happened to me afterwards. I’ll be here, doing my best for him.
From Eden: 
The boy with childish like demeanor but continues to have a heart of gold for his friends and wonderful composer.
I remember first watching Utapri in middle school and questioning. "Well shit- this is my life now..." and I didn't really have a favorite character at the time. I was always bouncing between characters like Syo, Otoya, even the teachers. However it was season 2 that made me realize who my true favorite was. Despite his at first cocky nature when he was first introduced, Cecil to me was amazing! His singing was magical, his origins even more fascinating. You wouldn't think Utapri would turn that down the magic route but it somehow did.
As the seasons went on, and as I got more into the series, he just became more of a love to me. His kindness and child-like nature and curiosity, he felt different than the other characters.
I love the other characters, yes but him?
Something about him just felt right! He not only seems to be a protector for those he cares about but also feels like he would be the best person to be around. Always wanting to do anything new and exciting just to peak his curiosity and to learn more. Ever since then, he has always been my favorite. The one and only Annapolis Prince, Aijima Cecil.
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teaboot · 4 years
Hey I just wanted to ask you something I don't know if its personal so maybe I'll start with me, my psychiatrist told me that I have asperger's syndrome and like my mom keeps asking me like what does that means because I think she sees people with autism as stupid and I'm at the top of my class so she feels like it's a mistake, I personally go mute for months sometimes except for like oral tests, and idk I forget about having a body and so I hit onto walls when I'm focused on something but *
"...*is not so exaggerated like I'm pretty functional I just forget that there are walls and doors and that I can't just transport me to the other room or so,I mean I feel like I'm just trying to find what my "weird or autistic" traits are to justify the diagnosis,I didn't asked my psychiatrist to elaborate on that and so I was wondering, what would you say that your autistic traits are?Also just in case,I know that autistic people can be hella smart and I think that you are really wise I admire you"
Thank you so much, that's very sweet of you to say!
Honestly, I'm sort of in a similar situation- My parents' reaction was to say, "you're too smart to be autistic" or, "Everyone of ~your intelligence~ is a little weird in the head, anyways", and then. Expect me to live up to all the positive stereotypes without ever getting bogged down by the negative realities?
This might not be very helpful at all of me to say, but as an adult who grew up in a rather unpleasant environment, there really isn't much help for a number of things except getting old and independant enough to move out, and then just accepting that their perception of reality isn't open to negotiation. You can try debating it, or meeting them on common ground with scientific basis, but in my case....
....well. There's just some things I now know not to talk about at family gatherings.
I'm sorry, I know that's probably not very helpful or heartening to hear. 
As for my personal grab bag of symptoms? I tend to hyperfocus on personal projects. When I'm really invested in an art piece, I often forget to eat or sleep or drink, and the only way I've learned to snap out of that is that if my hands are shaking or I'm falling over a lot, I probably need to eat something and lay down for a while, because otherwise- and yeah, not the healthiest motivator- otherwise I might start fucking up my hard work.
I also get overwhelmed by overlapping noises- if two people are talking at once, even if one is on a radio or TV show, I can't hear either of them and it stresses the shit out of me. White noise, like in malls or assemblies, also tends to burn my energy pretty fast.
Things like leaf blowers, people whistling indoors, and emergency sirens are physically painful. Repetitive noises like a bouncing rubber ball, sniffling, dogs licking things, and low-frequency vibrations from massage chairs, earthquakes, distant bass music, and some fluorescent lighting systems are impossible to ignore, which ranges from irritating to distressing, depending on my headspace du jour.
I hate bland food with a passion. It tends to make me nauseaus. I like lots of spice, lots of sugar, lots of sour and hot and acidic. I love strong flavours, and if I'm cooking for friends and family I often have to remind myself to tone down the seasonings for them.
Some textures make me genuinely ill, too- most types of meat, fat, and other animal bits result in.... Bad times for all. Polyester towels suck ass. Microfiber cloth. Thick cotton knit material. Any fabric covering my forearms. Thin, elastic denim. Vinyl. Polar fleece.
On the flip side, I looooove woven cotton blankets. Cotton sheets, cotton bedding- cold, heavy duvets are good, too. Acrylic, so long as it doesn't get damp. I have.... Perhaps a little bit of a problem here, as I do... Maybe, possibly, get a little impulsive with buying rugs, throws, and blankets when I come across one that feels right.
All my cups and bowls are handmade out of clay. I'm OK with smooth ceramics, but stoneware feels happy in my hands. I think of it as a treat, like packing a bit of chocolate with my lunch, or eating a whole bag of popcorn by myself. Again, I.... May go a little overboard when I come across A nice-feeling piece of dishware.
Basically, from what I understand, a lot of folks on the spectrum are under and over stimulated by various sensory inputs.
Me, I gravitate towards taste, inertia, tactile sensation, temperature, and dark lighting, while I find myself avoiding, limiting, or minimizing sound, light, color, oral texture, and smell.
As for more stereotyped behaviors, I find organizing things such as legal documents, filing cabinets, paint swatches, hardware, coins, stones, or colors to be very soothing and almost meditative. I go through special interests fairly often, and have been 'into' things like animals, insects, natural history, and art since before I could walk. I can't explain why they're such alluring subjects, they just make me happy.
I didn't realize until recently that I do stim, as well- I rock, sway, growl, swish water around, hang upside-down, rotate my thumbs, rub fabric, twirl coins, and flex my hands. I also (rarely) seem compelled to jump up and down in circles very fast when I'm particularly excited, or flap my arms against my sides like a penguin.
When I'm overstimulated, I go.... I'm not sure if you could call it 'nonverbal'. I get the feeling I COULD speak, it's just.... Overwhelmingly difficult. Usually I find a dark space or a corner away from people, put a coat or something over my head, cover my ears, close my eyes... Sometimes deliberate eye contact is hard, or I can't say more than one or two words at a time, or I find myself relying more on a hum or a grunt to communicate that I'm listening.
It... Probably all sounds weird to a neurotypical who may be reading, but I'm perfectly happy with myself as I am. I wouldn't change it if I could, except perhaps to minimize some of the more irritating things.
Mostly, my biggest peeve is being treated like a cool new pet or accessory. "Oh, this is my person with Autism- they're great at cleaning, you should get one!"- yeah, that can fuck right off. I'm right here, I can hear you, I'm a person. A little respect goes a long way.
But, whoops, here I've gone on a ramble- you want the best advice I have, though? Become comfortable with the person you are. Accept and seek out what things bring you happiness. Don't get hung up on the negatives. Love your experience, if you can, and don't worry about validating anything- you are who you are, and the words we use to explain ourselves fall so, so short when faced with the complexity of our individual existence.
The way I see it, the day before your diagnosis is the same as today, you just have one more tool to understand yourself with. The decision of how and if you choose to explain this to those around you is entirely yours to decide! 
I know this kind of went off the rail of your question. My answers are a little limited. I hope I could help anyways! Good luck!!
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ok J&H Fandom, let’s talk:
“Popular” blog @thatsmyhyde​ is a prominent creator in the J&H Fandom. But here’s where the problem shows up: 
the content they make is concerning at least, and full of red flags at worst. 
DISCLAIMER: This is all information I have gathered through their tumblr blog - I am not aware of what other things they may be posting on other social medias or their written work.  ANOTHER DISCLAIMER: Please be polite, I am a minor, and am just creating this post to ward off / warn other minors from following this person. If you are an adult interacting with this post and blog, be mindful of your actions and be responsible
Trigger warnings for: discussions of homophobia, discussions of p//phillia, fat-shaming, fat-phobia (?), etc. Just be on general edge for this post, we’re talking about a lot of weird stuff
I will be linking their posts as I am not going to take screenshots of their art.
This is not a comprehensive list of all the things they’ve done - these are the ones I could think of and was able to adress. If you have anything additional you want to add to this post (such as concerning things they may do on other social media), feel free to reblog and add on the things you need to say, just please don’t be dumb. 
Let’s start with the premise: Henry Jekyll creates an alter ego, Edward Hyde. They begin a relationship - an emotional and physical one. Their AU features Jekyde (A popular ship in the fandom, the name stands for Jekyll x Hyde), people have various views on this ship. 
So far so fine, right? Here are the problems:
1. Their Henry Jekyll is an awful person. Now, let’s start by saying that of course you can have bad people in your works, those are, after-all: villains. The problem is,Henry Jekyll is a harmful walking gay sterotype, and an outlet for Biscuit’s obvious fat fetish. But their relationship isn’t just toxic it’s romanticised in how toxic it is.
a. The harmful stereotype - Their Henry Jekyll has a “thing” for younger men, even though he is in his middle-ages, and Hyde looks like a young child. (Age gap relationships are their own thing - they come with their own burdens, and this is not the post to discuss them. This topic will lead into the Edward  Hyde section of this post.) But, it was a known homophobic scare-mongering tactic of straight parents to accuse everyone who is gay that they are ‘out to prey on your youths’. This is a stereotype that stigmatized the LGBT community, and still harmfully affects them to this day. 
b. The fat fetish: Jekyll is frequently seen with cake (as seen here, here, and here)  or being self-loathing, to the point of suicide. (click the link here to acess a list of suicide and other crisis hotlines! you matter to me!). Now, the self-loathing could be a symptom of depression or other mental illness, so I am not going to talk about it, as a person with mental illnesses.  But the self-loathing in addition to him being fat is not good. Media is drowning in the “self-loathing fat person” and as someone who isn’t thin i’m tired of seeing this. 
- The fetish aspect comes in him constantly being referred to “Chonky”, a term usually used for overweight/obese cats and being drawn obsessed with cake. It fetishises his weight and dehumanises him into something people call their animals. Also, here’s more of Jekyll eating food and being embarassed by it, though this time because it’s seen as “servant’s food”. 
- Biscuit admits to liking them “Big and chunky” in posts like this. 
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[Photo id: A string of texts that says: tantok, frankenstein, twink lore, dorian slipped through the cracks and got himself sketched by yours truly the other day because he brought lord henry along, he and the slime didn’t have to fight to the death because they’ve both got their own chonky old toxic henries to focus on, but this blog still ain’t big enough for the two of ‘em. end id]
- They also talk about how they ‘prefer’ to draw fat (chonky) people. Image attatched above. the thing that should be noticed is that they say ‘chonky old toxic henries’ . they, once again, are making fat people a fetish. 
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[Photo id: Anonymous asks: are you gonna make a victor design tho biscuit responds: Oh, man, anon, I hate to disappoint but.....probably not. Aside from my non-humanoids and hellspwans (slime gremlins, corpse creatures, and etcetera), I’m extremely uninterested in drawing young thin men. I really need middle-aged chonk to hold my attention. If poor Victor Frankenstein had only been 40-something and round when he made his great creation, then he’d definitely get a design from yours truly. As it is though, he’s not holding my attention enough to want to. end id] 
Biscuit once again talks about how he doesn’t want to draw ‘thin men’, because he is only interested in older ‘round’ people. He, is, once again, bringing to light his fetish for fat people. 
2. Edward Hyde is basically a child - Edward Hyde is drawn in boy’s school clothes, is taken in and raised like a child after Jekyll’s death, and is constantly cooed over by the creator, even earning a nickname of ‘slime’ from them. In addition, he also has ‘family photos’ taken with Utterson, has his toenails kept, is the height of a child, and teeths. This, paired with the fact that he is in a toxic, abusive, relationship with a man in his middle ages is concerning and should not be romanticised. 
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[Photo id: the text reads: In his first year of existence, Hyde lost teeth and regrew them in a mildly similar fashion to a kid losing baby teeth - except it wasn’t all of his teeth (Just the canines and some random molars) and they weren’t replaced with a larger set, just with teeth exactly the same as the ones that had been lost. No one knows what was up with this. the teeth are still in Jekyll’s study in a little jar. end id]
a. Hyde is treated like a child after Jekyll’s death. Hyde teething is concerning because that’s something infants do. He also clings to utterson like a child. The idea that he gets taken in by Utterson, whisked away to an estate out in the country, despite both of them having romantic feelings for Jekyll is. how do I put this: WEIRD. (seriously, imagine your father/father-figure dating ur significant other / having a crush on them before you two got together and after). 
b. Hyde dresses like a child, whilst being sexually active and wearing lingerie. Now, on their own, these traits aren’t a problem - but together? They are very much a problem.  
- Hyde dressing as a child is concerning because he is also treated like a child at certain points in their “lore”. After Jekyll’s death, Hyde becomes a singular entity, and is taken away by Utterson. To care for, like a child. This post sums it up well: he wears both children’s clothes and lingerie. 
- Hyde has a very strange appearance - if you compare it to his early design (which was less cartoony and looked more like a man in his twenties), Hyde’s current design is concerning. Why does he have the height of a child? Why does he have eyes that take up a grand part of his face? Now, one could argue that ‘he is not human’ - but if he is treated like a human, whilst wearing children’s/youthful clothes, teeths, and his general enchanment with the world - he appears as human (and looks eerily similar to a child), which is why him being sexually active, wearing lingerie, and being friendly with prostitutes (one that gave him underwear and other articles of clothing)  is concerning. 
- That said, Utterson is directly talked about being��‘adopted into gremlin fatherhood’ (paraphrasing). 
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[Photo id: the text reads: 59. Jekyll is irresitibly attracted to everything about Hyde, but if he could somehow be forced to list hte most attractive physical attributes of Edward Hyde in his opinion, aside from Hyde’s youthful appearance in general it would be his eyes, his overbite (Jekyll perceived the way Hyde’s-) the screenshot cuts of the rest of the paragraph. end id] 
- Jekyll has a ‘thing’ for younger men. This is to the point that the most attractive part about Hyde is that he is young. (or looks like it), Hyde looking very young is concerning because that would make their verison of Doctor Jekyll a p*dophille . This is something the artist has either not recognized, realised, or simply does not acknowledge. 
3. The toxic relationship (and how it’s romanticised) - The relationship in this ‘AU’ is: love comes first, toxic nature comes second. If you scroll through the blog you may see some reference of ‘Henry Jekyll is such a toxic person teehee’ and a lot of them kissing, being together, smiling, or enjoying life. Now, obviously, an artist - if they do not want to - should not draw characters being toxic to each other. But it is concerning when the above points come into a factor, that the toxic nature of their relationship comes second to the highs of their relationship, at least on their blog. 
Here is one of the only examples I’ve seen of Biscuit talk about the relationship in a detailed negative light. 
4. The fandom - Whilst Biscuit says it’s ok for minors to interact with his blog (in that blog he says that he tags nsfw - which is true.) he does not regularly mention that his jekyde is toxic - not in a concerete way. He romanticises it (despite acknowledging it’s flaws), and the only way it may or may not be (i would not know) acknowledged is his fic: which is mature and not meant for minors. He does not tag his posts with regular triggers for things like: alcohol, drugs, mental illnesses, or abuse (any variants). They’re not even in his blog’s description! If Biscuit had acknowledged it in his blog, something along the lines of: “Hey! This blog has <content warnings> be warned when interacting! But no, he does not. 
- A lot of the people who draw things, or generally interact with Biscuit are minors. Being exposed to such a thing may be harmful to my peers, and I am worried. To minors who are fans of Biscuit: if you’ve made it this far, thank you, I know you’re mature and responsible, but being exposed to content creators like Biscuit could lead you down a dangerous path of having this kind of thing normalised to you. Be careful with the content you consume, please! And thank you for making it this far, I’m sure you’re a lovely person :)!
Thank you for taking the time to read this! Stay safe, tell the people you love that you love them. 
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