#idk how long it'll take
justficsiguess · 6 months
uh oh another long covid fantasy. this time yandere!batfam flavored.
so I imagine this happening after having lived with them for some time (aka you were kidnapped, but it wasn't recent) so you've mostly come to terms with being around them all the time. Maybe one of them got you sick unknowingly, maybe you're at a stage where they trust you enough to take you outside with them sometimes. Either way, you get covid.
They take care of you as well as they can (which is VERY well. they're rich and smart as fuck), but you simply... don't get better. Well, you do kind of, you test negative again, but you develop long covid.
Anyways, their already fucked up protector instincts go haywire. So much research gets done, doctors get bribed, they experiment in the batcave, they do everything they can trying to find a cure. In the meantime they're still taking care of you of course.
Making sure you don't hurt yourself, don't move too much, don't make your fatigue worse. Getting you everything you want. They relocate your room to the ground floor so you don't have to go upstairs to get to your room, but get an elevator/etc installed anyways, in case you do feel like going upstairs but are too weak.
Extra cuddles in your bed when you're napping and too weak to push Dick out of your bed. Tim quietly watching movies with you when you feel up for it. Jason reading to you. Damian walking around the garden with you if you feel good enough to walk, if not he'll push you around on a wheelchair so you can get some fresh air. Bruce making you sleep in his bed when he's worried you're not breathing right, so he can immediately hear if something sounds wrong.
Maybe at some point their research dies down, you're not in any immediate danger and they like taking care of you like this... I mean, you still used to complain and fight them a little even though you've been with them for so long, how bad could it be to have you a little bit more dependent on them than before? A bit more helpless? If you get better by yourself in a few weeks, or months, or years, so be it, they'll still have gotten some quality bonding time in. And if you don't get better? Well, I don't think they'd be as disappointed as they first thought they'd be...
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black-and-yellow · 10 months
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Working on something
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lovelaceisntdead · 9 months
Who told me it would be a good idea to carve the opening paragraph of hill house into a lino block. I know it was me but why did I do that.
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definitelynotrhi · 11 months
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birthday !! 🍊🌼
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achillean-knight · 4 months
Oh and, nothing related to what I hinted at when it came to the planned AU thing imma work on, but just something small.
Here's a wip of it :'>
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arabela25 · 1 year
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Carpe Diem, Joker Out | Slovenia, Eurovision Song Contest 2023
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mushroompollution · 5 days
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Field Research: what does love feel like?
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mimicmerchant · 2 months
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Finished my first cross stitch! For a friend with a love of dumb internet memes and an upcoming art-gallery-themed birthday party.
flower bouquet pattern (altered for the text)
Stupid libertarian police copy pasta
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god-u · 4 months
me when i'm fucking delusional
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overly-verbose · 7 days
A whole lot of the next Part is literally just;
Everyone else's brains: *the entirety of the Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney OST intensifies*
Meanwhile, SIkuna's brain: *the Wii theme song (occasionally interrupted by falling_metal_pipe_sound.mp3) starts playing*
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da-proti-toku-grem · 7 months
tumblr doesn't want to cooperate with me today and i'm tired of trying to crop a 36min video in tiny little clips, so I'll try to upload the whole video on youtube :)
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gifsbyivy · 4 months
hello, this is ivy (@planetoflove)! tumblr has shadowbanned my main account / taken away messaging functionalities so i'll be operating out of this blog for any commissions and gif pack posting in general. i'm not quite sure when it happened, but just to be on the safe side, if anything was sent in AFTER 1/25/2024, i probably didn't see it and i ask that you please resend it here. on a separate note, i still have commission slots available so please check out the info in the source link if interested! thank you all <3
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feral-and-or-horny · 8 months
Hey! Vis-a-vis your money post: I (and probably a lot of other dykes on here) would love to buy nudes from you if given the opportunity but more importantly, I don't think it's wrong to just ask for some cash, especially since you've provided a decently large amount of free erotic fiction on here without asking for anything. No shame in that!
That's a good point, I just always feel weird about asking for money without offering something in return. I'm totally comfortable selling nudes, and I'd even consider taking commissions for my writing if anyone's interested. (Also my cashapp and venmo are in my pinned post if anyone's feeling randomly generous, lol)
Loosely related, part of what I need money for is my Halloween costume, so I can also promise pictures of me dressed as a slutty nun as soon as I'm able to buy what I need
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risingsunresistance · 3 months
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big fan of whatever is happening on alpha rn
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feelingsaph · 2 years
Dream, being the embodiment of all things fictional, is probably the source of all kinds of fictional diseases. But these diseases aren’t something he created consciously like his dreams and nightmares. They’re his feelings taking form. I wouldn’t be surprised his powers would amp up those feelings and manifest them into something potentially devastating. And because these diseases are a manifestation of his emotions taking over his powers, he can’t just wave it away like he would with his other creations.
An example of a fictional disease he created is Hanahaki (花吐き病). Hanahaki is a disease caused by unrequited love. Flowers bloom in the victim’s lungs and heart, suffocating them and making them cough out petals. There are only two ends for someone with hanahaki: their affections are returned, therefore curing them, or they die from coughing out the flowers and blood or suffocation.
Not a very subtle illness, huh?
Now hear me out;
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After 133 years of not seeing his friend, ending their last meeting on terrible terms, and missing the last appointment (through no fault of his own but his friend couldn’t have known that), Morpheus approaches The New Inn with his heart pounding in his ears. Their old date rendezvous spot has been demolished, leaving only this unfamiliar place. There’s a chance Hob might not be here. Would Hob really be waiting for him in here? Worse, does he still want to see him after last time?
Luckily, the sight of Hob sitting at the corner stopped Morpheus from psyching himself out of there. And when Hob looked up to him with the warm smile he always gives him after all this time, Morpheus’s heart can’t help but flutter. And it’s not just from the relief that Hob still considers him his friend.
All is right with the world. Their talk may have been 33 years overdue, but with Hob’s ever-present sunny disposition and years worth of updates to give, Morpheus finds himself relaxing and smiling more than usual. No, he didn’t grin, and if Hob thought he did, well he’s wrong—
“… And I’ve been seeing someone for the last year or so.”
Morpheus freezes. “Oh?”
“Yeah, her name is Audrey,” Hob chuckles fondly, “She’s the first person I’ve been with since Peg, and who knows how long that’s been. I think you’d like her—“
Of course he’s with someone. It’d be selfish of Morpheus to wish otherwise. After all, they’re just friends, right? It took all of 633 years for Morpheus to finally accept Hob’s friendship, and he wouldn’t want to ruin it now by adding his… whatever this is, into their newly amended relationship. Besides, they’ve got all of eternity to spend together, right? Even though it might never be in that context since Hob has never shown interest in being with him, or other men for that matter…
Oh no.
The intrusive thoughts rushing forward following the sharp pang in his chest causes Morpheus to cough into his hands rather violently. Hob stops his ramble for a second and gives him a concerned look.
“Dream? Are you alright? I’ll get you some water.” Hob slides out of his seat and heads to the bartender before Morpheus could stop him.
Morpheus clears his throat and observes what’s in the palm of his hand. A moonflower petal. Wonder what that could be about…
Now, Dream probably won’t die from this disease because he’s Endless, but I imagine it would be inconvenient as hell to be choking on whole flowers while he’s trying to act natural in front of his ‘friend’.
Or what if, instead of Dream experiencing hanahaki himself, his subjects are the ones getting infected by it and slowly dying like the castle retainers were in Beauty and the Beast unless he deals with his feelings?
There’s a lot to think about here.
EDIT 1: Shout-out to @hellfridge for turning me to Midnight in Bloom by @aeon-of-neon , a hanahaki Dreamling fic with its own sexy twist. Thank you @hellfridge! Guess I know what I'll be reading tonight 😆
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imminent-danger-came · 11 months
Here's a clip comp of all the times MK repeats the things the people around him say! Or at least all of the times I've noticed!
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